Audit Sampling
Audit Sampling
Audit Sampling
AUDITINGLecture 7- Audit Sampling
Audit Sampling Defined
The stratification.
Objectives of Audit Sampling
(b) Control risk – the risk that the internal controls may fail to prevent
or correct such material errors.
(c) Detection risk – the risk that the auditor’s substantive tests may fail
to detect any remaining material errors.
Having selected the sample items the auditor should carry out the pre-
determined audit tests for each item. If this is not possible for particular
items, alternative procedures, which provide equivalent evidence, should
be carried out on the same selected items.
If it is not possible to carry out alternative procedures on those items the
auditor should consider the effect on his conclusions of assuming the
items to be in error.
The auditor may eventually have to accept that the test was inconclusive
if sufficient evidence cannot be found, in which case he will seek
alternative audit evidence from other tests.
z Stage 4 – Evaluating the results of the
Having tested the items in the sample, the auditor should perform the
following steps to evaluate the results of his tests:
Analysis of errors or deviations
In assessing any errors or deviations discovered, the auditor may
conclude that many have a common and potentially significant
feature, in which case he may decide to identify all item in the
population which possess that common feature, thereby producing
a sub-population on which he may carry out further tests.
He should then perform separate evaluations for each sub-
Projection of errors
The auditor should estimate the expected error or deviation rate in the
whole population by projecting the results of the sample to the population
from which it was selected.
This is undertaken to obtain a broad view of the scale of the possible error
or deviation rate for comparison with tolerable error and is not meant to
imply that the precise amount or rate of error in the whole population is
Accordingly projected errors should be used with great caution.
z Assessing the risk of an incorrect conclusion
• The auditor can bring his judgement • Personal bias in the selection of samples or
and expertise into play. Some auditors its size.
seem to have a sixth sense • There is no real logic to the selection of the
sample or its size.
• No special knowledge of statistics is • The sample selection can be slanted to the
required auditors’ needs e.g. selection of items near
the year-end to help with cut off evaluation.
• No time is spent on playing with • The conclusions reached on the evidence
mathematics. All the audit time is spent from samples is usually vague – a feeling of
on auditing. ‘it seems OK’ or of vague disquiet.
z Statistical Sampling
In the example, XY Co. Ltd. would be selected since 1,402 lies in their balance and
RS Acne would also be chosen as 1,402 and 3,842 lies in their balance. Note that the
larger balances have a greater chance of being selected.
This is protective for the auditor but it has been pointed out that balances that contain
errors of understatement will have a reduced chance of detection.
At the end of the process, evaluate the result with might be a conclusion that the
auditor is 95% confident that the debtors are not overstated by more than $x. $x is the
materiality factor chosen.
If the conclusion is that the auditor finds that the debtors appear to be overstated by
more than $x then he may take a larger sample and/or investigate the debtors more
z Disadvantages of Monetary Unit Sampling