02-12-2024 to 08-12-2024

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Physiology Time Table

1 to
Date & Day 9 AM to 10 AM 10 to 11 AM 11 to 12 AM 12 to 1 PM 2 2 to 3 PM 3 to 4 PM 4 to 5 PM

Interactive Lecture on Interactive Observation of DOAP: Estimation of

mode of muscle Lecture on Gradation of stimuli Hemoglobin (PY2.11)
contraction and anaemias using computer (Batch A)
gradation of muscular (PY2.5) assisted learning (All faculties)
activity (AJ) (PY3.12) (HL)
(PY3.9) (LT) (JK) (VI with Pathology)
(MC) (VI with (DR)
(LT) Pathology, HI Small Group Discussion
(VI with Medicine) with (SGD) on classification and
Monday Biochemistry) properties of nerve fibers,
(02-12- neuromuscular junction
2024) (PY3.2, PY3.4, PY3.5)
(Batch B)
(All faculties)

2024) DOAP: Estimation of
Hemoglobin (PY2.11)
(Batch B)
(All faculties)
(VI with Pathology)

Small Group Discussion

(SGD) on classification and
properties of nerve fibers,
neuromuscular junction
(PY3.2, PY3.4, PY3.5)
(Batch C)
(All faculties)

Interactive Lecture on Interactive Lecture Demonstration of

anaemias on energy source Strength-duration
(PY2.5) and muscle curve
(AJ) metabolism (PY3.9) (PY3.2)
(LT) (MC) (DC) DOAP: Estimation of total
(VI with Pathology, HI (LT) (DR) White Blood Cell count
with Biochemistry) (HI with (PY2.11)
Biochemistry) (Batch C)
(All faculties)
(VI with Pathology)
2024) Small Group Discussion
(SGD) on excitation-
contraction coupling and
walk-along theory
(Batch D)
(All faculties)

Thursday Interactive Lecture on

(05-12- Functional anatomy of
2024) Respiratory tract
DOAP: Estimation of total
White Blood Cell count
(Batch D)
(All faculties)
(VI with Pathology)

Small Group Discussion

(SGD) on excitation-
contraction coupling and
walk-along theory
(Batch E)
(All faculties)

Interactive Interactive lecture Demonstration on Small Group Discussion

Lecture on on granulopoiesis calculation of Blood (SGD) on excitation-
Jaundice (PY2.6) Indices contraction coupling and
(PY2.5) (AJ) (PY2.11) walk-along theory
(MP) (LT) (RK) (PY3.7)
(LT) (DR) (Batch A)
(VI with (VI with Pathology) (All faculties)
Pathology, HI (DR)
Friday Biochemistry)

DOAP: Estimation of total

White Blood Cell count
(Batch E)
(All faculties)
(VI with Pathology)



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