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Abstract: This study will highlight students’ ability in using drama for learning English to enhance their language
competence. It also elaborates both the benefits and potential disadvantages of applying drama in the classroom. This
study applies descriptive qualitative methodology where interviews, classroom observation and test or proficiency
examination are used to gain the data. Information from interview, observation and examination are considered as primer
data. The results of the study shows that the use of drama increasing participants' language abilities, particularly ability to
communicate as kind of interaction, discussion and producing a better language competence and the most important
things is to motivate students to be more interesting and active in the learning process. Students’ responsibility and
courage to do their duties emerge during this study is an outcome also.
Keywords: analysis, students’ ability, drama
Communication in English is a part of language competence which is important to be mastered by
senior high school students. The ability to speak English becomes necessary for students due to their future
expectation. From this kind of future perspective,being able to speak English not only as a necessity but
rather as an important thing and a must for students. Job vacancy requires this kind of language ability
particularly opportunity to work in theinternationalcompanies.
Learning to communicate in English for senior high school students, is aimed tomake students be able
toexpress meanings in transactional and interpersonallanguages in their daily life. Transactionalconversation
is conducted forinformation exchange such as interviews, role plays and debate. The students
mustparticipate more actively in the speaking instruction process in order to achieve their goal of learning
process. The students need to participate more in class room discussions and the learning process. There are
some problems arise when the teachers conduct their process of teaching.
However, thestudents’ problem in speaking English can be overcome by applying anappropriate
technique. One of the techniques that can be applied in teachingspeaking is using drama technique. In
addition, drama technique allows students to learn and practicing speaking English more through drama
scripts. There are many studies already done to prove this kind of approach of using dramatechnique in
language teaching. The results show that the using drama technique in teaching English improves language
competence especially for speaking skill.Dealing with this kind of statement, this study will outline the using
of drama technique to enhance students’ competence for communication. Drama is a literary genre (kind)
that uses motion to express human life. Through staged roles and dialogues, drama portrays the realism of
life, character, and human behavior. Conflicts and emotions in stories and storylines in dramas are intended
for theatrical performances. In brief, through drama we can obviously see that drama need not only personal
ability expression but also external factor like stages, script as performance.
Regarding with drama, Wessel's (1989) asserts that drama and its style serve as a perfect stimulus for
engaging in various speaking activities with a focus on fluency, pronunciation (stress & intonation), and
articulation. However, majority of students try and struggling with their language competence barrier when
perform drama in the classroom. Without a lot of time, they will not able to perform drama in proper
way.Limitation of time, becoming an obstacle in eyes of the students to grasp the message within the text.
Generally, they will not prepare themselves and loss their self-confidence to pronounce or speaking in
fluently way.
Futher, Miccoli (2001) also sharing her experience in this same concern where she develops her
students' speech skills in a Brazilian university using theatrical or drama approaches. She uses a variety of
techniques, including warm-up exercises, get-to-know-you activities, dialogues, and role plays. Later, she
found that pupils' speaking abilities were also strengthened in addition to their English language skills. It is
evident that fun activities offered by drama techniques successfully removing the students' anxiety of
speaking in front of friends who speak the targeted language.
Indeed, language competence in speaking is one of the fundamental elements of communication, it is
seen as a very important talent. Developing our competence in speaking abilities through conversation,
sharing information and memorizing text become an important thing in this time. Every profession such as;
an architect, engineer, businessman, scientist, and teacher need this kind of competence in order to participate
actively in communication and advancing their knowledge.
This study applies descriptive qualitative research. Qualitative research according to Hendryadi, et.
al, (2019:218) is “a process naturalistic inquiry that seeks an in-depth understanding of social phenomena
experience”. Qualitative research emphasizes quality not quantity and data that collected not from
questionnaires but from interviews, observations direct and other related official documents. Qualitative
research is also emphasizing the terms of process rather than the results obtained. It does not mean that the
result will be omitted by the researcher. Otherwise, the result of the study will highlight or display all the
The primary data gathering instruments in qualitative research are "the researcher alone or with the
support of individuals" (Moleong: 2007). Based on this opinion, the researcher's responsibilities in this
qualitative research are as follows: planners, data gatherers, analysts, as well as the research's original
creators. This study is conducted at SMA N 1 Poso Pesisir Selatan, Jl. Angkasa Patiwunga, Kecamatan Poso
Pesisir Selatan, Kabupaten Poso, Sulawesi Tengah.
The data collections process are by observations and interviews with students , and the total number
of students who became the subjects of data collection were 27 students who were in grade 12 social studies.
The speaking performance exam served as the study's primary research tool. The purpose of the
speaking exam was to assess the students pronouncing abilities. Here, the goal was to monitor the
development of the students speaking abilities. The researcher recorded the students language competence in
speaking using a recording phone. actions and conversation were used in their theater performances. The
researcher made use of a file for gathering information about the students progress through data collection.
The study's findings regarding speaking ability in terms of pronunciation Hermer (2007) provided evaluation
standards to understand pupils' speaking abilities using drama.
The topic of drama in here concerning with students’ problems about their school fees
Yuda : Den, how are you?
Denny : I’m well buddy, what about you?
Yuda : I'm good. Anyway, you Rizaz pretty well right?
Rizaz : yup, I'm alright.
Denny : Yud, why are you today? Why not go to school but nobody send a letter tells that you
were sick?
Yuda : I actually I was not sick Den.
Denny : so why you did not went to school
Rizaz : so, why is Yud?
Yuda : I'm not good wrote.
Denny : Just tell me exactly?
Yuda : I skipped a day before I was called by headmaster. He told me about paying of school
Denny : So, you still have arrears?
Yuda : Yes, Den. I'm so confused. My parents wrote to eat mediocre, but still have to take
care of my tuition. I do not know, maybe I want to quit school wrote.
Rizaz : Den,. Education is very important. What about your future when you're out of school.
Analyzing Students’ Ability in Using Drama to Enhance Language Competence (Toedje, Moningkey)
Sintuwu Maroso Journal of English Teaching 3
Denny : Yes I know that. You need go to school because education will be key to your future.
Yuda : I know, but you also know that the condition of my family is not good.
Rizaz : I know, but I cannot help you Yud. Sorry!
Denny : Well, tomorrow I’ll give you the money for the payment of the cost of your school
dependents. How much do you need?
Yuda : 350,000, Den you serious? I do not want to bother you?
Denny : Yeah, I’m serious. I'm your friend, I'm your friend, friends cares about the conditionof
his friend, so if you're in trouble so I helped, I could ask my parents.
Rizaz : yes Den, you’re right. So he can continue his study
Yuda : I do not know what I can say any more.
Denny : Okay, let's say your problem is over Yud. Seems it’s time to go, let's get to class.
Rizaz : Ok
Yuda : yeah, let's go to class.
The following table present the students’ score at the first practice:
Based on the table 2 showed that out of 27 students, there were 8 student got very good score
(29,63%), 9 students got good score(33,33%), 8 students got fairly good socre( 29,63%) , and 2 students got
Fairly Poor score (7,41%). The following table present the students score at the second practice.
Based on the table 4 showed that out of 27 students, there were 2 students got excellent
score(7.41%), 12 student got very good score (44,44%),10 students got good score(37.04%), 1 student got
Fairly good score (3.7) and 2 students got very Poor score(7,41%).
Analyzing Students’ Ability in Using Drama to Enhance Language Competence (Toedje, Moningkey)
Sintuwu Maroso Journal of English Teaching 5
The following table presents the comparison of the result of the students’ score between the first
practice and second practice.
Table 5. The Students Scrore at the First Practice and the Second Practive
No Students’ Name First Practice Second Practice
1 AJS 76 86
2 CKR 86 86
3 DAN 86 96
4 ERNT 76 86
5 EENS 66 76
6 FDSS 75 86
7 FSW 66 76
8 FZR 76 76
9 GFT 88 89
10 HIT 86 86
11 IGFP 76 86
12 IGSA 66 76
13 INS 66 76
14 JMFP 86 86
15 JBN 66 66
16 KKK 56 76
17 MS 76 -
18 MAP 76 96
19 MAR 86 86
20 MP 66 76
21 NMJD 86 86
22 NPWP 56 76
23 NGW 86 86
24 NFNW 76 -
25 R 76 76
26 RA 76 76
27 WMN 66 86
Based on the table 5, students' scores have increased their speaking ability in playing drama in class
with the following results: AJS from 76 to 86, CKR got the same score (86), DAN from 86 to 96, ERNT
from 76 to 86, EENS from 66 to 76, FDSS from 75 to 86, PSW from 66 to 76, FZR got the same score (76),
GFT from 88 to 89, HIT got the same score (86), IGFP got the same score from 76 to 86, IGSA got from 66
to 76, INS got the same score from 66 to 76, JMFP got the same score (86), JBN got the same score (66),
KKK got from 56 to 76, MS and MAP get a score of 76 in one meet in, MAR got the same score from 76 to
96, MP got the same score (86), NMJD got the same score from 66 to 76, NPWP got the same score (86),
NGW got the same score from 56 to 76, NFNWgot the same score (86), R got the same score (76), RA got
the same score (76) and WMN from 66 to 86.
Furthermore, based on the findings above, briefly we can conclude that playing drama in increasing
students' speaking skills are quite effective. This is supported by the frequency of Tahir (2014) the
researcher's statement concludes that the use of drama in learning is effective for improve students' speaking
skills. The attractiveness of students in learning to speak through drama is very high and students are
motivated to learn to speak through drama learn to improve their speaking skills. This study's primary goal
was to ascertain whether the Using drama to teach speaking could increase students communication skills
whether you have good pronunciation skills. The outcome demonstrated that the employment of drama
improves students' pronunciation skills when speaking.
On the other hand, the students get motivation to be confident to speak in drama due to the students
were not working alone. They worked as a team that help, encouraged and motivated each other. Drama
performs something different in the classroom that encouraged the students to learn. It made the students be
more active in the classroom. The problem of the students in pronunciation could be overcome by drill their
pronunciation continuously. Drama technique could positively encourage the students to speak English.
Based on the result of analysis and conclusion, it is concluded that the Drama technique can improves the
students’ speaking in SMA Negeri 1 Poso Pesisir Selatan. Based on the research can be concluded that
students are very interested and motivated in playing drama in class and there are several obstacles they face
Analyzing Students’ Ability in Using Drama to Enhance Language Competence (Toedje, Moningkey)
6 Sintuwu Maroso Journal of English Teaching
in learning English at school, namely the fear of making mistakes in pronunciation and observations that
dialect from an area quite affects students' speaking ability when playing drama in class and other problems
namely there are some students who do have a lack of vocabulary so that some words are difficult for them to
pronounce because they rarely hear.when applying drama there are some problems that researcher found
that is undisciplined in time chaotic atmosphere, the usage of the drama required quite a lot of time to be
done so that it sometimes exceeded the lesson time limit. As a result, this can change the time on an existing
schedule, which affects time management. Moreover, when the students were in the process of drama
preparation, the class momentarily turned into chaotic as they are bothered with the noise of conversation
rehearsals. Another problem is that students’ occasionally forgot the conversation in target language so that
they used their mother tongue to create a complete dialogue. The common problem that arises on
implementing drama is that some students may react negatively to participate when process research.
The using of drama in the learning process particularly in teaching English improving students’
language competence in speaking. Table of comparison score displays and outlining the data from the first
and the second table of presentation. However, during the learning process of applying Drama, teacher
should remember that his or her job is also to encourage students’ motivation by providing interesting
material in order to trigger and stimulating them. The using drama is not only effective for improving
students’ language competence in speaking skills but also increasing their participation more active.
Teaching English using drama provides a new experience that motivates and helps students practice their
English skills.
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Charles Setiawan Toedje is a lecturer at Sintuwu Maroso University, Faculty of Teacher and Training
Education for English Language Education study program. He interests in Literature, Cultural Studies and
Language Acquisition and its phenomenon.
Analyzing Students’ Ability in Using Drama to Enhance Language Competence (Toedje, Moningkey)
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Desmon Moningkey earned his bachelor degree in English Language Education study program of Sintuwu
Maroso University in 2022
Analyzing Students’ Ability in Using Drama to Enhance Language Competence (Toedje, Moningkey)