How to Apply
How to Apply
How to Apply
screening discipline.
Candidates have to fill up the Online Application form provided on this website.
Candidates need to register through “Click here for New Registration‟ link by providing
essential information like name, salutation (Gender), mobile number., e-mail ID
(Registered email ID of candidate is the default User ID for online exam
registration portal), OCES screening discipline, etc. It may be noted that the details
provided at this stage cannot be modified later on, and hence the candidates are
advised to be careful in entering the details.
Upon successful preliminary registration, the Candidates have to verify the registered
mobile & registered mobile email ID. The registered mobile no. will be verified using
OTP sent to registered mobile no. after clicking the “Verify button” provided against
Mobile no. on verification page. Similarly registered email ID will be verified using
activation link sent to registered email ID after clicking the “Verify button” provided
against Email ID on verification page.
Once the candidate’s account is activated, he/she can subsequently log in multiple
times through “Candidate's Login‟ link to fill in the Online Application form.
While filling the form, the candidates are required to upload their recent passport
sized photograph (4.5 x 3.5cm) in JPG/JPEG format (of size between 20- 50 kb) and
a scanned copy of their signature (2 x 4.5 cm, in JPG/JPEG format with size not
exceeding 20 kb but greater than 10 kb).
Candidates availing the application fees exemption should provide the detail of valid
ID card/category/ PWD certificates as per their eligibility and also upload the valid supporting
After filling in all the required details, the candidates who are required to pay the
Application Fee (₹ 500 plus applicable bank charges) may make Online payment using
net banking / debit card / credit card. On clicking on the "Make Payment" button in
the payment page, the candidate is directed to the SBI Payment Gateway through
which they can pay the application fee using any of the payment modes listed above.
If the payment is successful, the candidates can proceed to final submission stage and
complete their application. The candidates must make the payment of Application
Fee, if applicable, only once and no requests for refund of Application Fee will be
entertained from any candidate.
Finally, the candidates need to submit the filled form. Please note that no
modifications / alterations would be permitted in the application form after final
submission. Hence the candidates are advised to verify the correctness and
adequacy of the information filled by them before the final submission. It is to be
noted that only applications where 'Final Submission' process has been completed
before the last date will be considered valid applications.
Candidates have the following options available:
i. "Final Submission"- On clicking this button, the details of the candidate are
submitted and a Registration Number is generated for the candidate.
ii. If the candidate wishes to do some modification before final submission, he I she
is advised to click the "Home" link provided on the top of the page. However, it
must be noted that the candidate must click the "Final Submission" button
after the modification.
A unique Registration Number will be generated for every candidate who has
completed the Final Submission process, which must be used for all future
The candidates who wish to apply for screening on the basis of GATE-2024 score are
required to fill in their GATE details after declaration of the GATE results, whereas
those who w i s h to apply on the basis of a GATE-2022 or GATE-2023 Score must upload
their GATE Score during the Application Process. Applicants with a GATE-2024 Score
must register and fill in all details relevant to the admission process, prior to the declaration
of GATE-2024 results, and on or before the last date of online application/ registration
(please visit the for latest updates) for the same. No new
applications, on the basis of a GATE score or otherwise, will be accepted after the last date
of online application/ registration. Once the GATE 2024 results are declared, the link will be
provided to registered email ID of these candidates, who opted for screening on the basis of
GATE-2024 also during online application, to upload their GATE-2024 Score Card and GATE
marks on this portal for a limited period of time. Candidates are requested to see the
“Important Events/ dates” part online application portal ( for
latest update of Important dates.
Note: Candidates need not send any documents such as proof of age, proof
of category, proof of application fee payment, supporting documentary proof
for availing fee exemption of plication etc., or hard copy of application.
BARC – OCES/DGFS -2024 Flow chart & Instructions for Registration
Preliminary Stage
Applicant Login
Candidate Home
Basic/Personal Information
Screening Information
Document uploading
Final Submission
Step 2: Activation:
Upon successful preliminary registration, the login credential details would be sent to
the registered mobile & registered email ID and application process will proceed to
verification page to verify the email and mobile no. provided during preliminary
The registered mobile no. will be verified using OTP sent to registered mobile no. after
clicking the “Verify button” provided against Mobile no. on verification page. Similarly
registered email ID will be verified using activation link sent to registered email ID after
clicking the “click here” which will lead to the verification page where you have e to
click the “Procced” button for next steps
Step 3: Basic/ Personal Information:
After activation of application, the candidate can login through ‘Application Login’ with
the registered User ID and password. After logging in, the candidate should fill his
Personal details like: Date of Birth, Parent’s details, details of valid ID
card/category/PWD certificates to avail the fee exemption, Addresses, etc.
Step 4: Academic Qualification Information:
In this section, the candidate has to enter his/her Academic details like: SSC (10 ), HSC
(12 )/Diploma, UG degree details, relevant qualifying degree & its details.
Step 5: Screening Information:
After completion of Academic Information, the candidate can proceed to the next stage
where he/she can choose one or more than one of the screening channels { i.e., Online
examination and/or or GATE or/ and CGPA score of CBS/ NISER (if applicable)} through
which he/she would prefer to be considered for screening. A candidate can opt for
one, any two or all three screening channels.
At this stage, the candidate, who opted Online examination (CBT) as the screening
mode, may furnish his online Examination City choices for to appear in Online
examination (CBT). If the candidate has chosen GATE as the screening channel, he/she
has to enter the GATE score and upload his/her Score card in the case of candidates
applying with a GATE-2022 and/or GATE-2023 score. Candidates applying on the basis of
a GATE-2024 score are required to upload their GATE score by March 24, 2023.
1. If the candidate enters his/her GATE score wrongly, he/she may not be shortlisted
based on GATE screening channel. In GATE score column, the candidate has to
enter his/her GATE Score out of 1000.
2. In case of eligible candidates applying on the basis of CGPA score of CBS/ NISER,
this option of being screened in based on CGPA can be exercised only once.
Such candidates should first submit their application for the OCES/DGFS-2023
programme on the Online Application Portal and subsequently forward their
details through the Directors/ competent authority of their institutes to
Head, HRDD, BARC Training School Complex, BARC, HBNI Building, Mumbai.
400094 before 5th Aril 2024.
Step 6: Documents to be uploaded:
Latest Photo ( Size- 4.5 x 3.5cm, format- JPG/JPEG, file size- 20- 50 kb) &
Signature ( Size- 2.0 x 4.5cm, format- JPG/JPEG, file size- 10- 20 kb) are to be
uploaded in JPEG or JPG format . GATE Score card, if applicable, is also to be uploaded
in the pdf or JPG/JPEG format.
Step 7: Preview and Submission:
The preview will be displayed to cross check the correctness of entered data in
previous stages. If required, details can be changed / edited. The candidate should
make sure that all the information entered in the previous stages / preview are correct,
as no modification in application can be made after making Final Submission.
Step 8: Payment:
Candidates who are required to make an Application Fee Payment, if applicable, can
pay the fees through the URL given in the Payment Stage. Payment can be done only
through SBI Payment Gateway. There is no refund for candidates who make multiple
Candidates, who are exempted from paying fees and have opted to avail the same
must submit the details of Valid ID proof / relevant certificate in Step no-3: Basic/
Personal Information and then only they can directly proceed to the Final Submission.
Step 9 Generation of Registration No.
Once all the above stages including the successful payment of application fee, if
applicable are completed, the registration no. will be generated and informed through
SMS on the registered mobile. Details of Registration no will also be sent to candidate
to registered email. Candidates will be able to view and print their application also.