Janitorial Service bid document
Janitorial Service bid document
Janitorial Service bid document
February 2018
Invitation for Bids 2-3
1. Issue of Bidding Documents 4
2. Submission of Bids 4
3. Closing / Opening of Bids 5
4. Documents & Details to accompany Bid 5
5. Bid Security 6
6. Minimum Validity period of Bids 6
7. Schedule of Prices 6-7
8. Evaluation of Bids & Intimation of Acceptance 7
11. Standards 8
Scope of supply, scope of work
and standards Annexure “A” 14-15
3. All bidders shall be registered with the Registrar of Companies, under the specialty
having the experience given below.
4. The Pre-Bid meeting will be held on 27.02.2018 at the Premises & Engineering
Services Function, CPSTL, Oil Installation ,Kolonnawa
5. Bids shall be valid up to 77 days from the date of opening of the Bid.
7. Bid Security shall be valid up to 105 days from the date of opening of the Bid and
beyond any extension subsequently requested.
9. Sealed Bids may be dispatched either by registered post or hand delivered to The
Chairman, Department Procurement Committee, Procurement Function, Ceylon
Petroleum Storage Terminals Limited, Oil Installation, Kolonnawa to receive before
closing time.
10. Bidders or their authorized representatives are requested to be present at the Bid
Page | 2 Janitorial Services 2018 – Package, 2 CPSTL Kolonnawa
11. Bidders should note that all personnel who engage with janitorial work at CPSTL Oil
Installation, Kolonnawa premises must possess valid police clearance certificates and
produce those to Security Function of CPSTL to obtain entry passes.
12. For further details or clarifications, Bidders may contact Manager Procurement,
Procurement Function, CPSTL, Oil Installation, Kolonnawa. Tel. No. 011-2572156 or
Manager (Premises and Engineering Services) Premises and Engineering Services
Function, CPSTL, Oil Installation, Kolonnawa. Tel. No. 011-2572157.
The Chairman,
Department Procurement Committee,
C/o Manager Procurement,
Procurement Function,
Ceylon Petroleum Storage Terminals Limited,
Oil Installation, Kolonnawa.
The bidder shall supply the janitorial services including supply of janitors, necessary
equipment and consumables (chemicals) as per the Terms and conditions Scope listed in
Annexure “A” and work listed in schedule of prices Annexue “B”
Bidding documents could be obtained on any working day between 0900 hrs. to 1500
hrs. up to Wednesday 07th March 2018 from the Office of the Manager
(Procurement), Procurement Function, 01st Floor, New Building , Ceylon Petroleum
Storage Terminals Limited, Oil Installation, Kolonnawa.
• Instructions to Bidders
• Scope of Supply, Scope of Work & Standards Annexure “A”
• Schedule of Prices Annexure “B”
• Form of Bid Security Annexure “C”
• Form of Performance Security Annexure “D”
• Form of Bid Annexure “E”
• Form of Agreement Annexure “F”
• National Minimum Wage of Workers Act,No.3 of 2016 Annexure “G”
Bidders should quote their prices in the annexed “Schedule of Prices” and forward
same in duplicate. The Original & Duplicate copy of the Bid should be placed in
separate envelopes marked “ORIGINAL” & “DUPLICATE”. Both envelopes should
be enclosed in one securely sealed cover marked “Bid for the Supply of Janitorial
Services to CPSTL – Package 2 Oil Installation, Kolonnawa” on the top left-hand
corner, and addressed to the Chairman, Department Procurement Committee,
Procurement Function, 01st Floor, New Building, Ceylon Petroleum Storage
Terminals Limited, Oil Installation, Kolonnawa.
Bids enclosed, sealed marked & addressed as aforesaid, should be sent under
registered cover to reach the Chairman, Department Procurement Committee, not later
than 1400 hrs. on 08th March 2018 or could be deposited in the Tender Box provided
for this purpose at the Office of Manager (Procurement), Procurement Function, 01st
Floor, New Building, Ceylon Petroleum Storage Terminals Limited, Oil Installation,
Bids will be closed at 1400 hrs on 08.03.2018 and opened immediately thereafter at
Procurement Function, 01st Floor, New Building Ceylon Petroleum Storage Terminals
Limited, Oil Installation, Kolonnawa.
Bids received after the closing time will not be opened and will be returned to the
Bidders or their duly authorized representative/s may be present at the opening of
A. Section -1
1. Available Certificates (Performance, Quality, Standards, Award & Rating)
2. Bid validity undertaking Letter
3. Form of Bid – Annexure “E”-duly completed
4. Bid Security – in the format as per Annexure “C”
5. Schedule of Prices – Annexure “B” (including Summary of Schedule of
Prices) duly completed and signed.
B. Section -2
1. Name & the profile of the Bidder.
2. Documentary proof for recent supply of Janitorial Services to customers in
similar magnitude with contact details.
3. Copy of Business Registration.
4. Service certificates of the services provided by the bidder for last five years
with contact details of the client companies.
5. Particulars of services presently undertaken by the bidder company with
Period of contract and client company details.
6. No of employees attached to the bidder company with respective designations.
7. Proof documents for payment of EPF and ETF contribution to the company
8. List of chemicals used with brand names.(Chemical shall be Harpic, Britol or
9. List of equipment used.
10. Any other information the bidder deemed to include.
11. Audited financial statements for last three years. (2016,2015,2014)
(Every Bidder will be required to initial each page of the Bid Document including
the details and documents submitted along with the bid)
Bid Security shall be in the form of a Bank Draft or a Bank Guarantee issued by a
Commercial Bank Operating in Sri Lanka, with the authority of a License issued by
the Monitory Board (Central Bank ) of Sri Lanka. and payable to the Ceylon
Petroleum Storage Terminals Limited, equivalent in value to Sri Lankan Rupees One
Hundraed Thousand (Rs. 100,000.00). The bid Security shall be valid until 20st
June 2018 and should be in accordance with the specimen in Annexure “C”
Failure to submit the Bid Security at the time or before the closing of the bids and in
accordance with the said requirements will result in the bid being rejected.
Bid Security of the unsuccessful bidders will be returned to them only after award of
the tender to the successful bidder.
All Bids should be accompanied by a bid validity undertaking Letter that bid will be
valid until 23rd May 2018 Bidders should however, clearly indicate the maximum
period that their offer would be valid. A bid valid for a shorter period shall be rejected
by the Department Procurement Committee as non – responsive.
All the prices indicated in the schedule of price, Annexure “B” shall be firm & shall
not be subject to any price variation within period of validity stated above.
On acceptance of the offer, prior to expiry of the period of validity of bid, the validity
period should be extended for purposes required documentation if necessary.
Bids that do not comply with the above requirements will be rejected.
a. Bidders shall provide the prices for each category of services according to the
prescribed forms of Schedule of Prices marked “Annexure –B” indicating separate
prices for supply of janitors for each category, supervision, EPF & ETF
contribution chemicals, tools & equipment and overheads & Profits. Salaries and
wages of supervisors and janitors shall comply the prevailing Government
circulars(Annexure “G”) for minimum salaries and wages. Hourly overtime
charges for the supervisors and janitors shall be specified separately. PLEASE
b. VAT and any other taxes should not be included in the rates and those to be
mentioned separate as given in the schedule of prices. Bidders VAT registration
number to be mentioned.
c. Bid not in the prescribed format and in the manner required are liable for rejection.
a. The Ceylon Petroleum Storage Terminals Limited, with the approval of the Chairman,
Department Procurement Committee, may seek in writing, clarifications or additional
information from any Bidder regarding Services except for Prices. In the absence of
any response from the Bidder, within the specified period, the Department
Procurement Committee reserves the right to make its own decision.
b. The Department Procurement Committee of CPSTL will not be bound to make the
award to the Bidder submitting the lowest bid.
c. The Department Procurement Committee of CPSTL reserves the right to reject any or
all Bids, or any part thereof, without adducing any reasons. The Department
Procurement Committee may accept any or all Items of the bids and reserves the right
to increase or decrease the quantities of the scope contracted for, at prices indicated in
the Schedule of Prices.
d. The notice of acceptance of Bid will be sent by Registered Post to the successful
Bidder to the address given by him in the Bid Document. Intimation of the acceptance
of the Bid may alternatively, be made by Fax / e- Mail and such intimation should be
considered as sufficient notice of acceptance.
e. CPSTL will carry out the detailed evaluation as per the act for NATIONAL
MINIMUM WAGE OF WORKERS ACT, No.3 OF 2016. (Please refer Annexure –
f. All offers received will be examined to determine the eligibility of bidder’s responded
and substantial responsiveness of bids received. A substantially responsive bid is one,
which conforms to the terms, conditions and specifications of the Bidding Document.
Incomplete bids will be rejected.
a. The successful Bidder, on being notified by the Ceylon Petroleum Storage Terminals
Limited of the acceptance of his Bid shall within fourteen (14) days of such
notification, furnish at his own expense a Performance Security through a recognized
Commercial Bank in Sri Lanka, with the authority of a license issued by the Monitory
Board (Central Bank)of SriLanka.. for a sum equivalent or more than 10% of the
total contract value of the accepted Bid. The Performance Security shall be in
accordance and in the form given in Annexure “D” and valid till twenty eight
(28)day s beyond the intended completion of the tender for the Supply of Janitorial
services to CPSTL Oil Installation ,Kolonnawa.
b. The successful Bidder, in the event of his failure to furnish the Performance Security
as required, shall be liable for any losses, costs, expenses and damages which the
Ceylon Petroleum Storage Terminals Limited, may sustain in consequence of such
failure, and the Bid Security be forfeited.
The Bidders may specify the standards, which they intend to adhere need to include in
the Bid.
a). Payment will be made within Thirty (30) days after providing the janitorial services
on monthly basis considering the services provided under each category of services
listed in schedule of prices, Annexure “B”.
b). Payment will be made only for the number of janitors provided based on the prices
in each category listed in schedule of prices.
c). Payment will be made only for the performance of each category of work. Payments
for chemicals and tools & equipment shall be done in proportionate to the number of
janitors supplied.
d). A penalty of Rs.1000.00 will be imposed per janitor per day for absenteeism of
deployed janitors.
e). Payment for holiday working (on public holidays and Sundays) shall be made on
approved over time rates for actual time worked and will be effected from the
provisional sum of Rs.50,000.00.
The Bidder shall not assign or sublet without the written authority of the Chairman /
Department Procurement Committee of CPSTL, his obligations to supply the services
of Janitorial work as per tender and agreed for. If any part of his obligation has been
assigned or sublet with written authority, he will nevertheless be held responsible for
the due performance of the part assigned or sublet.
This contract and the rights and the liabilities of the parties hereunder shall be
governed by and interpreted according to the laws of the Democratic Socialist
Republic of Sri Lanka, and any disputes arising therein shall be subject to the
exclusive jurisdiction of the High Court of the western province exercising civil
(commercial) jurisdiction at Colombo or the District Court of Colombo in the said
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.
b. If for any reason in the opinion of the Ceylon Petroleum Storage Terminals Limited
the successful Bidder becomes incapable or unable to supply the service offered in his
Bid, the Ceylon Petroleum Storage Terminals Limited shall have the right to obtain
such services from other sources without being liable in any manner what so ever, to
the successful Bidder.
d. If the successful Bidder, fails to complete the scope as specified within contract
period his Performance Security will be forfeited.
Manager (Procurement)
Procurement Function
01st Floor
New Building
Ceylon Petroleum Storage Terminals Limited
Oil Installation
1. Definitions
Employer: Ceylon Petroleum Storage Terminals Limited,
Oil Installation, Kolonnawa.
Representative :The Employer’s representative is Manager (Premises and
Engineering Services) or his authorized representative,
Premises and Engineering Services Function, Ceylon
Petroleum Storage Terminals Limit, Oil Installation,
2. Duties and Powers The approval of the Employer is required before the Engineer
of Engineer can execute his duties in accordance with or as defined by the
limits of ordering a variation if the value of such variation is
likely to exceed 10% of the sum stated in the letter of
4. The Law The law in which the contract is to be subjected is that of the
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka as in effect from
time to time.
5. Stamp Duty The total cost of stamp duty on the contract agreement is
payable by the Contractor.
11. Insurance for The contractor shall obtain an insurance cover for his workmen
Workmen for the period for time for completion against any accidents or
injury. The contractor shall indemnify the employer from any
claims or compensation with respect to contractors workmen.
13. Fixed Price This contract is fixed Price for cost of Labour, Consumables
Contract Material & Equipment supplied for services.
15. Force Major Except as regards as act of God, War, Strike, Invasion, Civil
War, Rebellion, Revolution, Insurrection, Earthquake or
Plagues, the bidder shall undertake all risks and liabilities of
whatsoever kind arising out of incidentals connected with the
17. Entry Passes Selected contractor shall obtain the entry permission and
shall follow the security regulations of the Ceylon Petroleum
Storage Terminals Limited (CPSTL). It is very important to
produce police clearance certificate to obtain security gate pass.
19. EPF and ETF The successful bidder shall pay EPF and ETF for the
employees involved in janitorial service and previous proof
documents to be furnished along with the bid. It is a
compulsory requirement.
20. Working Time The contractor shall provide the janitorial services by deploying
the employees from 7.00 a.m. to 16.00 p.m.(including 01
hour for lunch) for 512 days per week.
21. Provisional Sum A Provisional sum of Rupees 50,000.00 has been included in
the schedule of prices for payment of janitorial work carried out
during holidays.
1) The successful service providing company (company) shall supply the agreed number
of male and female janitors and supervisors (employees) on full time basis especially
during office hours.
2) The Company shall provide the services as per the agreement based on the effected
schedule of prices attached to purchase order and payment shall be effected only for
the number of janitors supplied.
3) The absenteeism shall be kept minimum and the successful company shall
provide replacement employees and it is a compulsory requirement. However the
company shall agree to a penalty of Rs.1000.00 per employee per day for
absenteeism. Payment shall be made only for the work performed under each category
of work and CPSTL reserves authority to deduct payments due for non attended
5) The consumables used for Janitorial activities shall be branded items which are
commonly used in the market.( Harpic, Britol or Lysol) Bulk purchases without
brand names are not allowed .The company shall maintain adequate stocks of
consumables for proper implementation of janitorial activities .Prior approvals to be
obtained for all the consumables to be used. Dilution of chemicals is not permitted.
6) Equipment such as vacuum cleaners, blowers etc. to be supplied by the company and
there shall be adequate number of equipment for attending janitorial work in all the
offices and premises in Kolonnawa oil installation .The company shall provide
services of equipments without failure and shall replace defective equipments with
immediate effect.
Page | 12 Janitorial Services 2018 – Package, 2 CPSTL
7) Maximum age limit shall be 55 years and all employees of the company shall be in
good health without any disabilities and diseases. The employees shall be adequately
fit enough to perform their duties. All the employees shall be checked by the CPSTL
Medical Officer and the employees who are recommended only be allowed for work.
9) CPSTL remains right to terminate the contract within one month notice.
10) The contact will be awarded to the successful bidder initially for a period of 03
months as probationary.
1.1.1 CPSTL shall assist the contractor in identifying areas of buildings and outdoor
areas where janitorial services are to be provided.
1.1.2 CPSTL shall release areas such as buildings, access roads and yards etc. for
attending janitorial services with minimum disturbance to the operational
activities of CPSTL.
1.1.3 Utilities Electricity for equipments, Water for cleaning and drinking will be supplied from
the CPSTL.
Please indicate your total monthly charge according to the undermentioned schedule.
Note: 1.Provide charges for work categories 1 to 20 including monthly wages (without EPF and ETF
contribution) for given no.of Janitors.
2. Supervision charges shall be given separate (under item 22)
3. Amount for EPF & ETF Contribution for janitors and supervisors shall be given separate
(under item 21)
4. Overheads and profits shall be given separate (Under item 25)
5. All Charges given shall be for a one month period
Rs. Cts.
Toilet Cleaning
Mopping of Cement Floor Areas
General Sweeping / Cleaning of Whole Inside of premises building
Female - 01 No. Sub Total
Rs. Cts.
Toilet Cleaning
Mopping of Cement Floor Areas & Cleaning of Carpeted Areas
General Sweeping / Cleaning of Whole Premises
Cleaning of Carpet Area
General Sweeping / Cleaning of Whole Premises of building
Female - 01 No. Male - 01 No. Sub Total
Rs. Cts.
Toilet Cleaning
Mopping of Cement Floor Areas
General Sweeping / Cleaning of Whole Premises of building
Female - 01 No. Male - 01 No. Sub Total
Rs. Cts.
General Sweeping / Cleaning of Whole yard including front of
Distribution and Transport Office
Male - 03 Nos. Sub Total
Rs. Cts.
General Sweeping / Cleaning of Whole yard including front of
Stores Office
Male - 01 No. Sub Total
Rs. Cts.
Toilet Cleaning
Cleaning of Carpeted Area
Mopping of Cement Floor Areas & Cleaning of Carpeted Area
General Sweeping / Cleaning of Whole Premises of building
General Sweeping / Cleaning of paved yard in front of office
Female - 02 Nos. Male - 02 Nos. Sub Total
Rs. Cts.
Toilet Cleaning
Mopping of Cement Floor Areas
General Sweeeping / Cleaning of Whole Premises of building
Female - 01 No. Male - 01 No. Sub Total
Rs. Cts.
Toilet Cleaning
Mopping of Cement Floor Areas
Cleaning of Carpet Area
General Sweeping / Cleaning of Whole Premises of building
Female - 01 No. Male - 01 No. Sub Total
Rs. Cts.
Toilet Cleaning
Mopping of Cement Floor Areas
General Sweeping / Cleaning of Whole Premises of building
Male -01 No. Sub Total
Rs. Cts.
Toilet Cleaning
Mopping of Cement Floor Areas
Cleaning of Tile Floor Area
General Sweeping / Cleaning of Whole Premises of building
Sweeping & cleaning the Drains around the building
General Sweeping / Cleaning of paved yard (part)
Female - 02 Nos,Male - 02 Nos. Sub Total
Rs. Cts.
Toilet Cleaning
Mopping of Cement Floor Areas
Cleaning of Tile Floor Area
General Sweeping / Cleaning of Whole Premises of building
Male - 01 No. Sub Total
Main Roads from main barrier to back gate via fire &
safty building, chairman office and cross road near welfare shop
Rs. Cts.
Sweeping & removing dust, sand
All balance works including gully cleaning
Female - 01 No. Male - 03 Nos. Sub Total
Rs. Cts.
Cleaning & Sweeping Garden Area
Cleaning & sweeping of drains and buildings
Male - 02 Nos. Sub Total
Amount (Rs.)
19. Chemicals
Total price for chemicals(Harpic,Britol,Lysol) ……………………..
To :
Ceylon Petroleum Storage Terminals Limited
C/o Procurement Manager
1st Floor, New Building
Oil Installation
Dear Sir,
Whereas the Authority has invited the Bidder and other persons to complete tenders in similar terms
for the execution of …………………………………….………………………………………and
works associated (hereinafter called “the Tender”) in accordance with such invitation, the Bond shall
provide security to the Authority that the Bidder will honor certain obligations to be undertaken by
him in the Tender in accordance with the following conditions.
(a) that it shall remain in full force and effect until the earliest of
(i) ……………….., or any prolongation of such date above notified to the Authority by
the Bidder and the Surety in writing:
(ii) In the event of the Tender by the Authority, the date upon which the Tender provides
a performance security to the Authority in accordance with
the terms of the contract thereby made between them, or
(iii) In the event of acceptance of the Authority of a tender for the work from a third party
the date upon which such third party provides the relevant performance security.
(b) Subject to this Bond being in full force and effect, the Surety shall pay the full
amount specified in this Bond upon receipt of first written demand from the Authority
stating that
(ii) the Bidder has failed to provide a performance security to the Authority
in accordance with the terms of the contract between them upon acceptance of
the Tender.
No alteration in the terms of the Tender, nor any forbearance or forgiveness in or in respect of any
matter or thing concerning the Tender on the part of the Authority, nor any objection from the Bidder
shall in any way release the Surety from any liability under this Bond.
The benefit of this Bond shall not be assignable by the Authority and upon its ceasing to be in full
force and effect the Authority shall return the same to the Bidder.
To :
Ceylon Petroleum Storage Terminals Limited
C/o Procurement Manager
1st Floor, New Building
Oil Installation
Dear Sir,
……….. (name and address of contractor) hereinafter called “the contractor” has undertaken , in
pursuance of contract no……………………………………………………………..dated…………….
to executes………………………………………………………………......(name of contract)
hereinafter called “the contract”
And whereas it has been stipulated by you in the said Contract that the Contractor shall furnish you
with a Bank Guarantee by a recognized Bank for the sum specified therein as security for compliance
with his obligations in accordance with the Contract.
Now therefore we hereby affirm that we are the Guarantor and responsible to you, on behalf of the
Contractor, up to a total of …………………………………………………………………(amount of
Guarantee)………………………………………………………………(amount in words), such sum
being payable in the type and proportions of currencies in which the Contract price is payable, and we
undertake to pay you, upon your first written demand and without cavil or argument , any sum or
sums within the limits of ………………………………………………………………..(Amount of
Guarantee) as aforesaid without your needing to prove or to show ground or reasons for your demand
for the sum specified therein.
We hereby waive the necessity of your demanding the said debt from the contractor before presenting
us with the demand.
We further agree that no change or addition to or other medication of terms of the contract or of the
works to be performed there under or of any of the contract document which may be made between
you and the Contractor shall in any way release us from any liability under this Guarantee, and we
Hereby waive notice or any such change, addition or modification
Date :………………………………………………………..
Witness :……………………………………………………….
The Chairman,
Department Procurement Committee,
Oil Installation, Procurement Function,
01stFloor, New Building,
A-1 Having familiarized ourselves with the formal request for instruction to Bidders and
Conditions of contract for Supply of Janitorial Services to CPSTL – Package ii,
Oil Installation, Kolonnawa, we offer to complete the whole of said services in
conformity with the said document.
A-2 Unless and until a formal Agreement is prepared and executed this Bid together with
your written acceptance thereof shall constitute a binding contract with us.
A-3 We understand you are not bound to accept the lowest or any Bid you may receive.
A-4 The Bid we are offering is complete and fulfills the requirements discussed in the Bid
A-5 We agree to abide the National Minimum Wage of Workers Act, No. 3 of 2016.
A-6 We agree to abide by this Bid until……………...Bid Conditions and prices quoted
shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of
the period.
A-7 We agree to be bound by the Bid, Bid Conditions and Performance Guarantee.
A-8 We affirm that the said services will be provided within ………………………..
(……..) months after we receive notice acceptance of our Bid from the CPSTL.
A-9 We offer the lump sum fixed price of Sri Lankan Rupees ……………………………..
(in figures)
(In words) for execution, of ………………………………………………………. as
detailed out in this Bid document and details of the lump sum price is as given in the
schedule of prices. We agree that it is open to the Procurement Committee to reject
this offer or to accept.
Dated this ……………………. day of …………………………2018.
Signature ……………………………………………………………………………….
In the capacity of
Name :
Address :
Company Stamp
1. In this agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are
respectively assigned to them in the Conditions of Contract and Contractor’s Scope of
Work hereinafter referred to.
2. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as an
integral part of this contract agreement.
• Letter of acceptance dated [insert the date of the letter of acceptance]
• The bid dated [insert the date of the bid]
• The scope ,standards and specifications of the bid
• The terms & conditions of the bid
• The completed schedules of the bid
• The supplier's proposals and original Price Schedule
3. In consideration of the payments to be made by the CPSTL to the Contractor as
hereinafter mentioned, the Contractor hereby covenants with the CPSTL to execute
Signature :. .................................................
Address :. .................................................
Signature :. .................................................
Address :. .................................................