Comparing Voting Strategies in Blood on the Clocktower
Comparing Voting Strategies in Blood on the Clocktower
Comparing Voting Strategies in Blood on the Clocktower
Spring 2023
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.
Recommended Citation
Graham, Marty, "Comparing Voting Strategies in Blood on the Clocktower" (2023). Senior Projects Spring
2023. 279.
Martin Graham
I want to thank my advisors Sven Anderson and Keri-Ann Norton for all their support over the
years and with this final project in particular. I would also like to thank my squash coach Craig
Thorpe-Clarke for the unwavering support he has shown me throughout my time at Bard
This project models a social deduction game called “Blood on the Clocktower.”
Simulated players act according to two different algorithms, and the results are recorded across
four different variables. The results show that the two algorithms, while constrained to affecting
one specific mechanic within the game, produce statistically different results. This model has the
potential to be used in simulating group dynamics and modeling the efficacy of certain game
Table of Contents
Table of Contents..........................................................................................................................................1
Project Overview.......................................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction.................................................................................................................................................. 3
What is Blood on the Clocktower?................................................................................................... 3
Abilities Overview............................................................................................................................ 6
Structure............................................................................................................................................ 6
The Storyteller...................................................................................................................................7
Outside Sources and Context............................................................................................................ 8
Methods......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Voting Dynamics.............................................................................................................................10
Implementing Certain Aspects of Clocktower................................................................................ 11
Implemented Characters and their Abilities....................................................................................11
Graphs and Relationships................................................................................................................13
Code review and justification......................................................................................................... 13
Results......................................................................................................................................................... 19
Overview/Intro................................................................................................................................ 19
Charts.............................................................................................................................................. 20
Final Discussion.......................................................................................................................................... 26
Next Steps....................................................................................................................................................27
Further Graph Implementation........................................................................................................27
Bayesian Probability....................................................................................................................... 27
A Complete Character Sheet (more characters)..............................................................................28
A Comprehensive Selection Algorithm for Imp and Other Characters.......................................... 28
Player Personalities: Playstyles and Memory................................................................................. 29
A Trust Mechanic............................................................................................................................29
Nominating and Voting................................................................................................................... 30
Bibliography............................................................................................................................................... 31
Project Overview
games will be filled with simulated players undertaking simulated actions. This will be
accomplished by programming each character and their corresponding ability. Characters are
different from players. A character is a game element, while a player is a person. Players are
assigned characters and will undergo actions based on their character. In this model, there is little
practical difference between a player and a character. Players are assigned a character at the
beginning of the game and remain unchanged for the entire game. At certain points throughout
the game, players will vote to “execute” another player. My program will simulate two different
voting algorithms of a Clocktower game. The first algorithm, Random, uses a random voting
mechanic. This means that when players vote to execute other players, they do so randomly. My
second algorithm, Grouped, creates voting groups that influence the behavior of players within
those groups. Players will only vote for those that are outside of their own voting group until
Institute. Based in Sydney, Australia, the company was founded in 2019 in order to produce their
flagship game, Blood on the Clocktower. With funding from a successful Patreon campaign,
Clocktower began shipping in May, 2022 with three scripts included in the box (The
Pandemonium Institute, 2019, [4]). Like many social deception games, Clocktower is built
around the interactions of the players. A set of mechanics that vary in complexity provide the
structure for players to deduce, lie, and engage with each other. My program takes one of the
simpler scripts, Trouble Brewing, and simulates a game with a selection of those characters.
Blood on the Clocktower plays similarly to Werewolf, Mafia, or Town of Salem. These
and other social deduction games use minimal physical elements, often relying on the social
interactions of players to move the game along. In Clocktower, a group of players sit in a circle
and are assigned characters at random. There is an evil team and a good team. The evil team is at
a numerical disadvantage, but start the game knowing who is on their team. Each member of the
good team only knows his or her own character and so needs to determine who is good and who
is evil. Every player is told their own character, but must determine everybody else’s character
through abilities or communication. Playing as both good and evil involves pretending to be
other characters and trying to determine the veracity of the other players’ claims. It is a game of
knowing when to withhold and when to share information. There is a logical deduction
component that works alongside social reading and group dynamic manipulation.
Blood on the Clocktower is a game that is particularly hard to translate into a digital
medium. It’s composed of elements like, choosing, voting, talking, and randomness that all
would be feasible to program and study, but in their totality, increase the complexity of modeling
a game exponentially. While Clocktower has a collection of mechanics that are programmable
together and separately, the human element is much more difficult to simulate. The interaction
between players is what makes a real game both unique and stimulating, and these interactions
suffuse nearly every other aspect of Clocktower. My program takes one concrete mechanic of the
game, voting, and examines a specific type of communication style that naturally occurs between
real players.
When new players play Clocktower, they have a tendency to vote in a specific way. They
are quick to trust a select few other players, and they often don’t grasp certain complexities
inherent in the voting mechanic. My program simulates a near zero communication situation
where players’ only simulated communication is the creation of voting blocs that stay static
through most of the game. I use a Random voting algorithm to compare against the results of the
Grouped data. This represents a first step in simulating complicated human behavior using a
structured game system. The next steps for modeling human behavior would involve the
exchange of information between players, and how the information ecosystem interacts with the
Each player is assigned a character. There are four different types of character:
Townsfolk, Outsiders, Minions, and Demons. Townsfolk are on the good team and have useful
abilities. Outsiders are on the good team but have abilities that hinder their teammates. Minions
are evil and exist to help their Demon. The Demon is the main member of the evil team
responsible for winning, usually by killing a player every night. At any point in the game, if there
are two players alive and one of them is the Demon, evil wins. The Demon has “decimated” the
town. If the Townsfolk execute and kill the Demon, the good team wins.
Figure 1 shows that in a seven player game, there are five townsfolk, zero outsiders, one
minion, and one demon. This means that in my simulation, there are zero outsiders. The number
of outsiders does have an outsized impact on games, and so the lack of outsiders in my
simulation is noteworthy. However, outsider count by itself has no mechanical relation to the
voting mechanics.
When players die, they remain in the game. They are still their characters, but without an
ability and with reduced voting capability. They may only vote once more for the entire game. A
“dead” player and an “alive” player are both still in the game.
Abilities Overview
Abilities vary. Nearly every ability interacts with information in a different way. Some
receive information directly by learning that a certain character is in the game, and that it is one
of two players: e.g. Chef, Librarian, and Investigator. Some abilities require specific
circumstances to occur before they receive information: e.g. Undertaker and Ravenkeeper.
Others interact with the Imp and so can disrupt the evil team: e.g. Slayer, Soldier, and Mayor. All
of these abilities produce information for players directly and indirectly so that they can
determine the characters of other players. When a player dies, they remain in the game in every
aspect except that they lose their ability and certain voting power. The player continues to find
the demon for the good team, or disrupt the Townsfolk for the bad team, but no longer have a
There is a day/night cycle. During the “day” players will talk amongst themselves
privately before reconvening to talk as a group in public discussion. The players will nominate
each other and vote to execute a player. This is the main method for killing the Demon. After a
successful execution, “night” will fall (everyone will close their eyes) so that various character
abilities may be used. Days always end with a vote. If a player receives enough votes, they are
executed. Once there is an execution, the day ends immediately. Otherwise, the day ends with no
deaths. During the night, abilities are used. After the night, everyone opens their eyes for the next
day of talking and the cycle continues until either the Demon is executed, or the Demon is one of
two alive players. Each game always starts with an initial night where the Storyteller gives
The Storyteller
There is a player called the Storyteller who runs the game for the rest of the players. A
good comparison would be the dungeon-master in Dungeons and Dragons, but without the
narrative or role-playing aspects. They are not on either team but instead try to keep the game
balanced and fun. The Storyteller chooses which characters are in the game from a larger list
called a script. From the beginning of a game, the Storyteller balances the game by including
some characters and not others, so that each game has a unique combination of abilities. These
characters are then randomly assigned to the players. The Storyteller holds a “grimoire” filled
with notes and reminders for the current game. During the night, while consulting the grimoire,
the Storyteller will wake up characters so that they can use their abilities. These abilities are
implemented by the Storyteller. During the day, the Storyteller will keep track of the state of the
game so that they can determine which team is winning. The Storyteller will also run the voting
All Clocktower characters mentioned and programmed in this project are part of the
Trouble Brewing script. This set of characters is the simplest. Characters and players are either
good or evil, the abilities are relatively straightforward, and there is a single Demon, the Imp,
that has a low impact ability. Different scripts don’t change the structure of the game; they
merely change the characters that each person is assigned. My project won’t explore the
primed the FOF state by referring to the counterpart of each player negatively or positively, as an
“opponent” or “partner” respectively. The researchers found that trustworthiness with a “partner”
was more than twice that of an “opponent” and that trust dwindles over time regardless
(Burnham et al., 2000, [1]). My Grouped algorithm simulates a version of these results. Players
are grouped together at the start of the game to simulate a friend-trust dynamic and will vote for
the opposing groups. When a certain threshold is reached, specifically when there are only three
remaining alive players, the voting groups dissolve and players will vote for another player
Researchers Lee & Chang applied a model to 296 online game players’ data to determine
the impact of trust on players’ teamwork. They found that trust affects teamwork when players
are more experienced through affective commitment than low experience (Lee & Chang, 2013,
[2]). My model was going to implement a trust mechanic that remained between games. Certain
players would trust and make decisions that would be influenced by their multi-game experience.
Researchers Sarkadi et al. programmed agents using a Theory of Mind system when
interacting with other agents. Their goal was to study machine deception and used a
al., 2019, [3]). My program has no actual or simulated intelligence behind its agents at the
moment. However, my program aims to be the first step towards agents that “trust” and
“deceive” other agents. Clocktower is a game with mechanics that change drastically depending
on how players interact, so the ability of players to be able to interact with each other deceptively
Researcher Shane Tilton used two social deception games, “Are You a Werewolf?” and
communications course at a university. There was a focus on the power structures that emerge in
small groups. Social deduction games are useful for gathering data due to their combination of
play, interaction, and digestibility (Tilton, 2019, [5]). As this study shows, games are useful in
that they are designed to be teachable, while creating structured environments that are ideal for
data gathering. Studying situations built around these games, like my program aims to do,
My program will be used to analyze how voting patterns affect the outcomes and length
of games. I will compare the results of a Random voting algorithm with a Grouped voting
algorithm. My results will be comparing two different voting methods, and will be simulating a
particular type of player and their voting habits. New players and their voting habits can be
varied, but my data focuses on comparing a new player who votes at random, and a new player
who sticks to voting with their group. This will show how much of a difference these two voting
styles have on the game across multiple variables. From their length, to who wins more often,
games are significantly impacted by these voting patterns. New players may instinctively group
themselves in circles of trust, but whether or not this is an effective strategy for winning games
Voting Dynamics
During the day, every player whose character is alive will vote to execute another player.
When there are only three players left, all dead players will “use up” their vote token to vote.
Nominations are not implemented. Instead, players will start the game sorted into one of three
voting groups. Each group will vote for the same player and will not vote for a player in their
own group. This is meant to simulate networks of trust in a real Clocktower game. In a real
game, players will often form groups of one to three players with whom they share information
and voting power. This comes about via a confirmation chain, wherein someone’s ability yields
information that indicates another player is trustworthy, or by social reading. When a player
trusts another based only on their interactions, then a social trust is formed. These bonds are
usually more tenuous, but have a dramatic impact on the game. The Demon’s best strategy for
surviving is to create social trust in combination with a mechanical confirmation (whether real or
distinct groups that trust each other, and a lone player who trusts no one else.
The existence of these voting groups is modeled off of how new players might play the
game. New players often trust the first few players they encounter. They also don’t adhere to any
established strategy when voting. My Random and Grouped algorithms are a basic
scope. Many characters’ abilities are not fully implemented. I have a day/night cycle, but I have
collapsed the nomination, voting, and execution mechanics into just voting and execution. In a
normal game of Clocktower, who nominates who and how everyone votes is a large part of the
game. Nominating and voting normally yields a large amount of information, but my simulation
simplifies the process into a single vote where every player participates.
There are seven characters in my program. I picked these seven out of the twenty-two
possible characters in the Trouble Brewing script, because I wanted to represent a balanced game
with every kind of character ability. Game balance is a subjective term, and there is dramatic
variation in how effective each player utilizes their ability. These characters do showcase all the
The different kinds of abilities all fall into categories for when they operate. There are
starting game characters who receive information at the start of the game. There are nightly
characters who receive information every night. There are conditional characters who receive
information or operate their ability when certain conditions are met. Each of the seven characters
The day/night cycle is implemented so that characters perform their actions at a specific
time. During night one, the Chef and the Poisoner use their ability. During subsequent nights, the
Imp, Poisoner, Empath, and Monk use their abilities. If the Ravenkeeper or Soldier are targeted
by the Imp, their abilities function. The Imp’s ability to kill a player is implemented. However,
the Imp’s special ability to target themselves and turn an alive minion into the Imp is not. The
The Imp wakes every night (except the first) and chooses a player who then dies.
The Poisoner is on the evil team and wakes every night. They choose a player. That player’s
ability malfunctions. This means that players who receive information will receive information
that is false. Players with abilities will lose their abilities. Poisoning lasts one night cycle.
The Chef is on the good team and wakes on night one and learns how many pairs of evil players
there are. If there are two evil players in a game sitting next to each other, the Chef would learn a
The Empath is on the good team and wakes every night to learn how many of their neighbors are
The Soldier is safe from the Demon (Imp) at night. If the Imp targets the Soldier to be killed
The Monk protects another player from the Demon (Imp) at night. If the Imp targets a player that
When the Ravenkeeper is killed at night, they choose a player and learn their character.
Graphs are data structures consisting of vertices connected via edges. Edges can be
weighted, changed, or directed in specific ways. Graphs are used to show relationships between
entities in social networks. In my program a graph is created to represent the physical seating
arrangement of the players. Players are vertices with edges connected to two other players who
“sit” next to them. Both the Chef and the Empath use this graph to determine their ability
information. By iterating over the graph and checking alignment of the players, the Chef’s ability
produces the number of evil players who are connected by an edge. The Empath checks their
The bulk of my program is written in a class called Game. The Game class creates a
single simulated game. This game is populated with players via my Player"" class.
Within Game, I use a method called init to initialize a Clocktower game. The method
init creates an array list of Players, Player names, and character types. Three array lists
are lined up so that the nth index of each array list corresponds to the nth index of the other array
lists. A Player object is added to an array list, pList, with a corresponding name and
character type. For example, a new Player is created with the name Tina and the character
type IMP. Tina the IMP is added to pList and a new Player receives the next name and
character type. There are seven players in my game which means there are seven player names
and seven character types. In addition to setting various starting game variables, init also runs
random. Three players go into group A, three go into group B, and the remaining player goes
into group C. This is accomplished by iterating through a randomly sorted array of indices.
These indices correspond to players’ static positions in their starting array list.
Throughout my code, I refer to players via a player’s index. This int is associated with a
The central looping method that runs each game is called cycle. A boolean called
gameOver keeps a while loop running within cycle until gameOver is false. When the game
is over, gameOver becomes false, and cycle stops running. The main methods within cycle
are tick, updateAlivePlayers, groupVote, the player act and player vote methods,
The method tick deals with the game cycle’s day/night cycle. An int called time can
value. At the end of a cycle, if time is equal to 2, time gets set to 0. At the beginning of a
cycle, time is increased by 1 so that the cycle repeats night, day, night day.
The method updateAlivePlayers updates the alive players array list by removing
through the player array list, and adding a player to pListAlive if they are alive. Any players
The method groupVote is used to determine which player each group will vote to
Each Player object contains, among other things, the act and vote methods. Within
cycle, if it is night, players will act. If it is day, players will vote. Each player runs act and
vote, regardless if they are alive. If they are dead, they don’t actually act and only vote once
more when there are three alive players. The act method is a method in the Player class. If it
is night, the act method will check if the given player’s character name is equal to any of the
seven characters. These character names are represented as strings. When a player is assigned a
character name, they “become” that character, and that character’s code runs when that player
All seven characters have coded abilities, but the Imp’s nightly ability is the most
important. Every night, the Imp chooses another player to kill. When the Imp “kills” another
player, that target player has a boolean called IMP_killed that toggles to true. If the target
player is a Soldier or is Monk protected, then nothing happens; IMP_killed remains false.
Both the Soldier and the Monk protect against Imp kills during the night.
Every player contains a set of booleans that allow players to interact with each other. If
player A selects player B, then player B will switch their specific boolean to indicate a specific
boolean will switch to true. If the Imp subsequently chooses the Soldier, the
POISONER_poisoned boolean is checked and if it’s true, the Soldier is not protected from the
When the vote method is run, if it is daytime, the player votes. The voting process uses
either a Random selection algorithm, or randomly selects a target player based on which group
the voting player is within. These two methods of voting are referred to as Random and Grouped.
All alive players vote for another player by changing the target player’s voteCount variable. If
a dead player votes, they lose the ability to do so in the future. Each player has a boolean called
voteToken that must be true in order for that player to vote. If a player is dead, their
voteToken changes to false after they vote. Currently, dead players will only vote when there
are three alive players during the day. As it is the final day before one team wins, dead players
will always use their single-use vote, rather than “waste” it and refrain from voting.
Back in the cycle method, the nightResolve and dayResolve methods run. If it
is night, then nightResolve iterates through each player. If a player’s IMP_killed boolean
If it is day, dayResolve iterates over every player and runs the method
more than the variable plurality. In the init method, plurality is set to an int equal to
half of the alive players rounded up. If a player’s voteCount equals or exceeds plurality,
plurality is set to the voteCount and that player is “put on the block.” This means the
player will be executed if no other player gets enough votes. I use a variable called
onTheBlock that is set to whichever player has a plurality of votes. After iterating through
each alive player, the method execute is run to kill whichever player has the most votes.
After the night and day resolves, updateAlivePlayers runs again to update the
alive player array list after executions or night deaths. The method gameOverCheck checks if
the Imp is killed or if there are only two players alive. If there are two alive players, the
determineWinner method is run and the gameOver boolean is set to true. If there are more
than three players alive, determineWinner checks if the Imp is currently on the block. This
determines if the Imp was executed during that same day, and if they were, then gameOver is
The method determineWinner iterates through the alive player array list. If the Imp
is present, evilWin is set to true. If evilWin is true, then the evil team wins and if false, then
abilities carry over until the next night, every boolean that indicates an ability for every player is
reset to false. In addition, onTheBlock reverts to its default Player object (that has no
interaction with any other Player objects), and if time is equal to two (day), then time is set
to zero. When tick runs at the beginning of cycle, time will increase to one (night).
When a player interacts with another player, this usually occurs via a method called
method generates a random int that corresponds to an index in the array list pAliveList, but
will never generate the index of the parameter player. There are a few different versions of this
method for generating random indices for specific circumstances, but all the versions produce an
int that represents an index which represents a player. This was done to avoid object pointer
location of all the players. Each player neighbors two other players in a circle and so is
represented by a vertex with two edges. This graph is used for the Empath’s ability to determine
how many evil players the Empath neighbors. It is also used for the Chef’s ability to determine
called, and cycle is called. A variable within Game called randomAlg is set to true or false
depending if the voting algorithm should be Random or Grouped, respectively. A total of 1,000
games are run. The final winner, night number, alive player count, and protection value are
outputted. The final winner indicates which team won the game. The night number indicates
which night the game ended on; if it ended during the day, the subsequent night number is
recorded. The alive player count shows how many alive players were alive at the end of the
game. If there was a successful protection from an Imp kill, via the Soldier or the Monk, the
protection value becomes true and is false if all Imp kills succeeded.
My program ran 1,000 times, simulating 1,000 games. I tracked four variables for two
different algorithms. The first algorithm implements random voting each day. The second
implements grouped voting each day. For each of these algorithms, I tracked the following
Number of Nights
The night number when a team won. If a team won during the day, the subsequent night is
Alive Players
Whether the Imp tried to kill someone during the night. True means that the Imp failed to kill
during at least one night, andfalse means there were no successful protections
Figure 2: The number of games that the evil team and good team won using both the Random
The proportion of games in which evil won was compared for the Random and Grouped
conditions (Figure 2). A t-test for proportions rejects the null hypothesis that the two are equal
(t=4.181; p=3.027e-1)).
As shown in Figure 2 the Random and Grouped algorithm produced a different ratio of
good and evil team wins. This could be because the good team’s only way to kill the Imp is to
execute them. Random voting results in fewer executions in the early game, because it’s less
likely that a player would get four or more votes. In the Grouped data, there are more consistent
executions, and therefore there are more chances for the Imp to be executed. The difference in
execution frequency and consistency might be a cause for the different percentage of good and
Figure 3: The number of games that ended on a particular night between the Random algorithm
The number of games in which a certain night was reached by the end of the game was
compared for the Random and Grouped conditions (Figure 3). A t-test for proportions rejects the
null hypothesis that the two are equal (t=4.181; p=3.027e-5). This means that there is a
statistically significant difference between the two data sets (Random and Grouped). The
Grouped algorithm also has a larger kurtosis than the Random algorithm.
The game ended on the fourth night more often with Grouped voting both compared to
the Random games and the other Grouped games. This is probably because of the amount of
starting players interacting with the amount of players that die every day and every night. If there
are seven starting players, one is executed during the day and one is killed at night. By day two,
there are five players alive. Repeating the cycle yields three players alive on day three. On this
day, either the Imp is executed and the night number is equal to four, or night four is reached and
the Imp kills someone, ending the game with an evil win. The difference between the two data
sets is substantial and indicates that the game ends earlier on average with the Grouped
algorithm. This consistent one execution per day and one kill per night formula would result in
such a skew for the Grouped data versus the Random. With the Random data, each player is
voting randomly. This results in fewer players in the beginning of the game gaining enough votes
to reach a plurality. As the plurality needed to execute gets lower, due to the amount of alive
players shrinking, the number of successful executions would increase on average. Just missing
one or two executions in the early game would cause the difference in distribution that we see in
Figure 3.
Figure 4: Number of Alive Players at the end of a game using the Random and Grouped
algorithms, respectively.
The proportion of games in which evil won was compared for the Random and Grouped
conditions (Figure 4). A t-test for proportions rejects the null hypothesis that the two are equal
(t=7.264; p=5.353e-13).
The vast majority of games for both Random and Grouped datasets end with two players
alive. This mirrors many real games of Clocktower and lines up with the data on who wins each
game. Figure 2 shows that each team is within a 20% win rate of the other. In particular, Figure 2
shows that in the Random voting dataset, the evil team wins more than the good team. For the
evil team to win, there must be two players alive at the end of the game, and so Figure 4
Additionally, Figure 4 shows that the Grouped dataset results in more games ending with
more than two players than the Random dataset. This correlates with Figure 2 where the Grouped
dataset had more games ending at earlier nights than the Random dataset. For a game to end with
six players alive, there must be a successful execution on day one, and the execution must
succeed on the Imp. The Grouped algorithm results in more consistent day one and two
executions which would explain the slightly higher percent of games ending with so many alive
In Figure 5, the t-test number is 7.642 and the p-value is 3.274e-14. This means the two
The Random and Grouped datasets change how the voting algorithm works during the
day. Protection happens at night. In theory, voting and protection have no relationship, however
the data heavily suggests the opposite. Changing the voting patterns of the players somehow
influences the amount of protection in a game. In the Grouped games, there was significantly
less protection. This means that the Imp tried to kill the Soldier less, or that the Monk protected
an Imp killed player and so that player didn’t die. One reason why this relationship might exist is
the higher number of executions in the Grouped dataset. More executions means more
opportunities for the good team to kill the Soldier or the Monk, which would hinder protections.
Final Discussion
Statistically, there is a significant difference between the Random and Grouped voting
algorithms. This is unsurprising. In a game of only seven players, each death represents
significant progress towards the Imp killing most of the town, or the townsfolk executing the
Imp. By grouping the players into triplets, it ensures that by day two, the number of votes needed
This data is useful, because it demonstrates the significant impact a simple algorithm can
have on a social simulation. By changing the voting structure slightly, every recorded aspect of
the game was altered. The winningest team was swapped, and the time it took for games to be
completed noticeably changed. My program is very limited in scope, but it demonstrates the data
Next Steps
My entire program could be implemented as a graph. Players would be vertices and edge
weights would determine the order of abilities and/or type of relationships. A few graphs with
their own unique set of edges would easily represent all the information that is conveyed
between players and all the character abilities. Graphs, if created properly, could function with a
more modular program. New characters, player counts, and research variables could be added to
the program without hard-coded sections needing to be manually changed to accommodate them.
Bayesian Probability
Actions in my program are nearly completely random. The biggest and simplest change
to make my model more realistic would be to add Bayesian probability. Players would have
probabilities associated with certain actions like voting, targeting, trusting, etc., and these
probabilities would change throughout the game. Certain actions would result in changes in these
probabilities so that if one player does something that another character finds “untrustworthy,”
then that player could update their trust variable accordingly. With this updated trust variable, the
probability that that player targets the untrustworthy player might increase, for example. Players
could form “beliefs” based on these numbers, and these beliefs would then influence their
actions. Bayesian probability would make my model more realistic at simulating more
human-like decisions.
In the Trouble Brewing script, there are twenty-two characters. While I implemented the
main and only Demon, the Imp, there are still three other minions, many more townsfolk, and
four outsiders that do not exist in my program. Not only would I need to add these to a future
version of my program, but I would also need to standardize the character code. I would need to
write cleaner code that works in a vacuum. The characters would be implemented as modules so
that new characters from other scripts could be added, and they could interact with each other
without hard coding their interactions. In addition, each character’s ability could be broken down
into a set of preexisting rules. By mixing and matching a basic set of these rules, every existing
character could be created from scratch, and new or custom characters could be created that have
Currently, every character is limited in their selection to a random player that is (usually)
not themselves. In a real game of Clocktower, selecting players with their abilities is a huge part
of how player’s interact with the game and each other. While I’ll touch on “reasoning” for the
selections separately, at the very least, I could analyze common strategies and simplify and
translate them into an algorithm. This would be on a character-by-character basis and so would
not be very efficient. Another possibility would be to use strategy archetypes, eg. characters
always target players who they don’t trust or who they haven’t talked to that day. Basic strategy
Players and characters are currently interchangeable in my code. I assign players a certain
character, and the combination is locked in for the entire game. In a real game, players and
characters are almost wholly separate. Players often play a certain way based on their characters,
but pretending to be another character is one of the biggest elements of the deception of this
social deception game. Players can be given certain core playstyles. These core behaviors are
then mapped onto whichever character they happen to be playing as. This would create a huge
Adding memory would also increase the complexity. In a real game, players have
conscious and unconscious biases that they build up over time. Some players naturally trust other
players for reasons that have nothing to do with the current game. If certain players succeed as
evil, other players might be slower to trust them in future games. A memory mechanic could be
implemented as a weight that affects certain probability stats. The probability of various actions
could be set depending on character type, player play style, and/or other factors like seating
arrangement, and memory could be a final weight to influence certain relationships between
A Trust Mechanic
While the inclusion of memory between games would be a useful thing to model, trust
would be a foundational aspect of the Clocktower model. Trust would be the main statistic
behind many of the “decisions” players make. Groups that form via trust will invariably alter the
outcome of each game, and so a simulated trust mechanic would be one of the most important
inclusions to my model.
The simplest way I can implement better voting would be to have the evil team not vote
for each other. In my semi-random game state, this one change would increase the amount of evil
wins drastically. The immediate next steps would be to create repercussions for when evil
players vote against their groups. When they vote against the grain to save each other, there
would be a higher probability that they would be executed next. This would simulate real players
Nominations would be low priority. It would require a substantial coding investment for
little practical change. The most important aspect of executions is the player being executed and
not the players putting them on the block. However, simulated players who “nominate” (in
whatever form) other players could be used in algorithms as targets for future nominations, or to
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