Numerical solution of Stefan problem with variable space grid method based on
mixed finite element/finite difference approach
Milos Ivanovic, Marina Svicevic, Svetislav Savovic,
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Milos Ivanovic, Marina Svicevic, Svetislav Savovic, (2017) "Numerical solution of Stefan problem with
variable space grid method based on mixed finite element/finite difference approach", International
Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, Vol. 27 Issue: 12, pp.2682-2695, https://
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27,12 Numerical solution of Stefan
problem with variable space grid
method based on mixed finite
2682 element/finite difference approach
Received 8 November 2016 Milos Ivanovic and Marina Svicevic
Revised 15 January 2017
17 February 2017
Department of Mathematics and Informatics, University of Kragujevac,
Accepted 3 March 2017 Kragujevac, Serbia, and
Svetislav Savovic
Department of Mathematics and Informatics, University of Kragujevac,
Downloaded by At 09:51 28 November 2017 (PT)
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to improve the accuracy and stability of the existing solutions to 1D
Stefan problem with time-dependent Dirichlet boundary conditions. The accuracy improvement should come
with respect to both temperature distribution and moving boundary location.
Design/methodology/approach – The variable space grid method based on mixed finite element/finite
difference approach is applied on 1D Stefan problem with time-dependent Dirichlet boundary conditions
describing melting process. The authors obtain the position of the moving boundary between two phases
using finite differences, whereas finite element method is used to determine temperature distribution. In each
time step, the positions of finite element nodes are updated according to the moving boundary, whereas the
authors map the nodal temperatures with respect to the new mesh using interpolation techniques.
Findings – The authors found that computational results obtained by proposed approach exhibit good
agreement with the exact solution. Moreover, the results for temperature distribution, moving boundary
location and moving boundary speed are more accurate than those obtained by variable space grid method
based on pure finite differences.
Originality/value – The authors’ approach clearly differs from the previous solutions in terms of
methodology. While pure finite difference variable space grid method produces stable solution, the mixed
finite element/finite difference variable space grid scheme is significantly more accurate, especially in case of
high alpha. Slightly modified scheme has a potential to be applied to 2D and 3D Stefan problems.
Keywords Finite element method, Stefan problem, Finite difference variable space grid method,
Paper type Research paper
1. Introduction
Stefan problems involving heat conduction in conjunction with the change of phase are of
great interest in numerous important areas of science, engineering and industry. Such a
process covers a wide range of applications in which the phase changes from liquid, solid or
International Journal of Numerical
Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow
vapor states. The moving boundary problems occur in many areas such as the metal, glass,
Vol. 27 No. 12, 2017
pp. 2682-2695
plastic and oil industries, space vehicle design, preservation of foodstuffs, chemical and
© Emerald Publishing Limited diffusion processes. The material is assumed to undergo a phase change with a moving
DOI 10.1108/HFF-11-2016-0443 boundary whose position is unknown and has to be determined as a part of the analysis.
Across the phase boundary, the heat flux is not continuous, and the heat equation is Numerical
replaced by a flux condition that relates the velocity of the phase boundary and the jump of solution of
heat flux across the phase front.
Because moving boundary problems require solving the heat equation in an unknown
Stefan problem
region that has also to be determined as a part of the solution, they are inherently the non-
linear. Hill (1987) reports that due to non-linearity of the moving boundary problems, they
can be solved analytically for only a limited number of special cases. Due to difficulties in
obtaining analytical solutions, numerical techniques, first proposed by Goodman (1958), are 2683
far more common. Numerical techniques are specially known to have difficulties with time-
dependent boundary conditions, and very small time steps are often needed for accurate
solutions. Different numerical methods and their use for different types of problems
are systematized by Minkowycz et al. (2006). Esen and Kutluay (2004), Mennig and Özis ik
(1985), Furzeland (1980), Rizwan-uddin (1999), Savovic and Caldwell (2003), Singh et al.
(2011), Vitorino et al. (2010), Irawan et al. (2013) and Reutskiy (2011) report various solutions
of Stefan problems and include linear, exponential and periodical variation of the surface
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of ice (x = 0), various types of flux functions could act. In this paper, we used the same
boundary condition as Savovic and Caldwell (2009), so the temperature at x = 0 increases
exponentially with time. We also assume that the temperature of the entire solid phase
remains at the melting point. Therefore, the problem is to determine temperature
distribution in the liquid phase at time t0, where x < s(t0) and the location of the free
boundary s(t0). At later time t1 > t0, the moving boundary s(t) moves to the right and
occupies the position s(t1) > s(t0) = s0 (Figure 1). The part of the thin block of ice from
position s(t0) to position s(t1) has been melted over the time interval (t0, t1).
The temperature distribution u(x, t) in the liquid phase region 0 # x # s(t) is given by the
heat equation:
@u @2u
¼a 2 (1)
@t @x
where a is a physical parameter combining density, specific heat and thermal conductivity.
The location of the moving boundary is given by equation known as Stefan condition:
1 ds @u
¼ ; x ¼ sðtÞ; t>0 (3)
a dt @x
Figure 1.
Ice melting
sð0Þ ¼ 0 (4) Numerical
The exact solution for this specific problem is known:
solution of
Stefan problem
uðx; tÞ ¼ eatx
sðtÞ ¼ at
As stated above, to determine s(t), we used FDVSG scheme, and for obtaining u(x, t), we used 2685
the finite element method. It should be noted that we consider a generic solid melting to
liquid (depending on the value of a), not just the ice-water case. The following section
describes our approach in more detail.
phase. Our novel procedure consists of solving equation (1) using finite element method
while keeping the FDVSG given by Savovic and Caldwell (2009) as a solution to equation (3).
We designate our combined approach proposed in this paper as MFE/FDVSG method.
This is the weak formulation of equation (1). The problem is to determine the function u
such that equation (6) holds for every v. The value of the function can
Pbe written as a sum of
the nodal values and the interpolation functions at given point u ¼ f j uj . Furthermore, in
place of weighting function introduced in equation (6), the interpolation function f i can be
adopted, where i ¼ 1; K, K being the number of finite element nodes. We get:
Ci;j þ Ki;j uj ¼ Fi (7)
Ci;j ¼ f i f j dV (8)
@f i @f j
Ki;j ¼ a dV (9)
V @x @x
Fi ¼ a f dS (10)
S dx i
HFF In the case that the given element is located in the domain interior, due to the orientation of the
27,12 surface vector, the expression Fi is annulled by the corresponding integral of the adjacent
elements. For the boundary elements, according to the conditions, the value of the given
integral is also zero. As the model implies fixed values on both ends given by equation (2), we
pose these Dirichlet boundary conditions by applying standard penalty method.
¼ þ OðDx2 Þ (11)
@x x¼sðtÞ 2Dx
According to equation (11), the Stefan condition equation (3) at x = s(t) can be written as:
smþ1 ¼ sm 3uðsm Þ 4u ðsm hm Þ þ u ðsm 2hm Þ ;
2hm (12)
m ¼ 0; 1; 2; . . .
where m denotes time-step count, D t time-step value and hm ð DxÞ ¼ sNðtÞ nominal space
step. The quantities designated as uðsm Þ; u ðsm hm Þ and u ðsm 2hm Þ are temperatures at
sm, sm–hm and sm–2hm, in time step m, respectively. It should be noted that these
temperatures usually do not correspond to the nodal values (hence, bar notation). The reason
for that is the addition of an extra node in the new mesh (in time step m þ 1), exactly at the
position of the previous liquid-ice boundary (at sm). We expect the inclusion of this
additional node to improve accuracy. However, an extra node requires interpolation for
determining temperatures u ðsm hm Þ and u ðsm 2hm Þ. The interpolation is also required
for the transition from the old mesh with nominal step hm to the new mesh with nominal
step hmþ1 ¼ smþ1N . For both purposes we used Akima scheme proposed by Franke (1982),
which provided a slight improvement over classic cubic spline interpolation defined by
McKinley and Levine (1998).
The procedure of the transition between time steps is shown in Figure 2. It should be noted
that mesh consists of N nodes only in the first time step; in all subsequent steps, there are
actually N þ 1 nodes. Of course, if the projection of the node to the previous time step falls
within ice phase, we take temperature as 1, as shown at the far right side of Figure 2. Using this
approach, we have all necessary building blocks to form equation (7) for the time step m þ 1.
in which suffixes t, i, and x have to be kept constant during differentiation process and omitted
for clarity in further text. Upon substituting equations (1) and (14) into equation (13), we obtain:
@u xi ds @u @ u 2
¼ þa 2; 0 # x # sðtÞ; t > 0 (15)
@t s dt @x @x
kxi;m s_ m ka
ui;mþ1 ¼ ui;m þ ðuiþ1;m ui1;m Þ þ 2 uiþ1;m 2ui;m þ ui1;m (16)
2hm sm hm
where ui;m uðxi;m Þ; s_ m ¼ ðsmþ1 sm Þ=Dt; xi;m ¼ ihm ; tm ¼ t0 þ mk, hm is the space grid
size D x at mth time step, k : Dt is the time step, and t0 is the time at which the numerical
process is initialized.
We obtain the position of the moving boundary using identical formula (12), as in the
case of MFE/FDVSG method, whereas updated grid size becomes hmþ1 = smþ1/N. Further
details on FDVSG approach can be found in Savovic and Caldwell (2009).
Figure 2.
Procedure of
updating solution
from the previous
time step including
HFF First of all, we compare our computational results for heat distribution with the exact
27,12 solution for a = 2 and a = 10 and also with those obtained by Savovic and Caldwell (2009),
who used pure FDVSG. The parameter values are identical as in Savovic and Caldwell
(2009). Nominal mesh density is fixed to ten nodes for both MFE/FDVSG and FDVSG
schemes. The initial time is t0 = 0.01, which, according to equation (5), corresponds to the
initial position of the moving boundary. In the case of a = 2, the boundary starts at s(t0) =
2688 0.02, whereas in the case of a = 10, the boundary starts at s(t0) = 0.1. The position of the
boundary between ice and water, together with the temperature distribution, is observed in
0.1 0 0 0
0.1 0.00002496 0.00003222
0.2 0.00003333 0.00003587
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a=2 a = 10
Table II.
t FDVSG error MFE/FDVSG error FDVSG error MFE/FDVSG error
The accuracy of
FDVSG and MFE/ 0.1 5.8152E-06 5.2901E-06 2.0061E-04 1.6277E-04
FDVSG methods at 0.3 3.5864E-05 2.7875E-05 1.8041E-02 5.7222E-03
various times (t) 0.5 1.3531E-04 1.0180E-04 4.0452E-01 1.0177E-01
the interval t0 = 0.01 till tmax = 0.5. We also took identical time-step values used by Savovic Numerical
and Caldwell (2009), D t = 1.0E06 for a = 2 and D t = 2.0E–06 for a = 10. This choice of the solution of
time-step value guarantee stability of differential scheme used by the pure FDVSG method.
In Table I, we compare temperature the distributions for various time points in the case of
Stefan problem
a = 10.
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Figure 3.
The accuracy of
FDVSG methods for
(a) a = 2 and for
(b) a = 10
HFF Because Table I is insufficient for the exact comparison of the two numerical methods, we
27,12 considered the root mean square error defined by:
u N
u1 X 2
Error ¼ t umethod
i uexact
i (17)
N i¼1
where N is the total number of observed points. Equation (17) was taken as the error
function, representing accuracy evaluation of the method. As the error value decreases, a
method gives better heat distribution over a given time interval.
Table II and Figure 3 represent accuracy of the two methods for three time instants. It
can be noted that for earlier times, the FDVSG method provides solution on par with the
MFE/FDVSG, but with increasing time, the MFE/FDVSG gives better stability and better
match the exact solution, especially for a = 10.
The accuracy of the temperature distribution for the MFE/FDVSG method for a = 2 is
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significantly better than the accuracy of the results achieved for a = 10, as shown in
Figure 3. Because a values for almost all technically applicable materials are less than 5, it
can be assumed that both methods are sufficiently accurate for most practical applications.
Therefore, in all further tests, the value of parameter a will be fixed to the value of 2.
The second accuracy test was the time step value sensitivity. Due to the stability
requirements of the FDVSG method, we used value Dt = 1.0E–06 for all FDVSG runs. In
Table III.
Error of MFE/ Dt Error MFE/FDVSG Error FDVSG
FDVSG and FDVSG 1.0E-03 1.6189E-04 –
method for various 1.0E-04 1.2982E-04 –
time step values at 1.0E-05 1.3180E-04 –
t = 0.5 s 1.0E-06 1.3228E-04 1.3531E-04
0.02 0.0399652 0.0399999 3.480E-05 5.160E-08 0.04
0.05 0.0999859 0.0999991 1.410E-05 8.141E-07 0.1
0.1 0.1999999 0.1999936 1.000E-07 6.377E-06 0.2
0.2 0.3999930 0.3999509 7.000E-06 4.907E-05 0.4
0.3 0.5999228 0.5998399 7.720E-05 1.600E-04 0.6
0.4 0.7999311 0.7996321 6.890E-05 3.679E-04 0.8
Table IV. 0.5 0.9998902 0.9993009 1.098E-04 6.990E-04 1
Position of moving
boundary and its ds/dt
velocity obtained 0.02 2.0017569 1.9999920 1.756E-03 7.967E-06 2.0
0.05 2.0002564 1.99995148 2.564E-04 4.852E-05
0.1 1.9999762 1.9998113 2.378E-05 1.887E-04
and FDVSG methods 0.2 1.9996765 1.9992818 3.234E-04 7.182E-04
compared to the 0.3 1.9993043 1.9984515 6.956E-04 1.548E-03
exact solution for 0.4 1.9988485 1.9973471 1.151E-03 2.653E-03
a=2 0.5 1.9983220 1.9959886 1.677E-03 4.011E-03
contrast, as can be seen from Table III, the MFE/FDVSG method remains stable, even with a Numerical
significantly higher time step value. solution of
The third test was about determining the location and speed of the moving boundary
through time, based on equation (3). Although the same equation is used for both numerical
Stefan problem
schemes, we expect better results than those reported by Savovic and Caldwell (2009), due to
a more accurate temperature distribution achieved using finite element method. The results
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Figure 4.
(a) The absolute error
of the boundary
position and (b) the
absolute error of the
boundary speed
HFF that confirm this assumption are presented in Table IV and Figure 4. The MFE/FDVSG is
27,12 clearly more accurate than the pure FDVSG, which is especially visible considering higher
time points, with accumulated errors.
Finally, we performed the fourth test, which considers variable time step value and
variable finite element mesh density, only for the MFE/FDVSG method. The tests were
carried out with four time step values taken as a geometric sequence (D t) and the nominal
2692 number of finite elements 10, 20, 50 and 100 (N), using equation (17) as the error descriptor.
The obtained results are presented in Table V and Figure 5. It should be noted that in
Figure 5, we single out and show only italic items from Table V, where the stability for
certain N is reached (no significant improvement with further time step decrease). The
Dt 1.0E-03
Downloaded by At 09:51 28 November 2017 (PT)
N 10 20 50 100
Error 1.6189E-04 1.4839E-04 1.7269E-04 1.9599E-04
Dt 1.0E-04
N 10 20 50 100
Error 1.2982E-04 2.3488E-05 1.4841E-05 1.5383E-05
Dt 1.0E-05
Table V. N 10 20 50 100
The accuracy of the Error 1.3180E-04 2.0955E-05 2.7023E-06 1.2072E-06
MFE/FDVSG method Dt 1.0E-06
for various time step N 10 20 50 100
Error 1.3228E-04 2.1220E-05 2.7437E-06 9.4844E-07
values and nominal
number of elements Note: The italic cells designate points where there’s no significant improvement with further time step
(extra node present) decrease for certain N
Figure 5.
The accuracy of the
MFE/FDVSG method
for time/space step
denoted as Dt
N (italic Note: For the sake of comparison, we also include the case when
cells in Table V)
no extra node is introduced
Figure 5 also considers the case when no extra node is introduced. It is clear that the addition Numerical
of the extra node improves the accuracy for over two orders of the magnitude. solution of
Stefan problem
6. Conclusions
We report the implementation of the variable space grid method based on mixed finite
element/finite difference approach. The MFE/FDVSG method itself represents a variation of
the finite difference FDVSG scheme proposed by Savovic and Caldwell (2009). The 2693
difference between FDVSG and MFE/FDVSG scheme consists in using the finite element
method with remeshing, instead of pure finite difference approach, for the purpose of
solving the heat equation. The method is applied to 1D Stefan problem with the time-
dependent Dirichlet boundary conditions describing melting process. The novel MFE/
FDVSG exhibits very good agreement with exact solution and a clear benefit in terms of
accuracy and stability over pure finite difference FDVSG method described in Savovic and
Caldwell (2009). The benefit is especially visible in the case of a = 10. The proposed method
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is also significantly less sensible to the time-step value choice. All presented results
encourage us to apply proposed approach to the problems and cases where analytical
solutions are not available. Moreover, slightly modified scheme has a potential to be applied
for 2D and even 3D Stefan problems, with the inclusion of the automatic mesh generation
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Corresponding author
Milos Ivanovic can be contacted at: mivanovic@kg.ac.rs
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