AU Vetta Credit Card Brochure
AU Vetta Credit Card Brochure
AU Vetta Credit Card Brochure
stand by you . Credit Shield up to ~2 Lakhs. \l'l ll 1l,' I 111•·LJ1 1 •t•t 1 1111· 1 ••t11,•,·h11l1t,, 1
h1 ·I It,
• Purchase Protection up to ~25,000 p t•t jll l1th1, ! ',, 111
1• '1 lt ,lt· r ,•t l1 11,,t,11 11111 ,1
• Other Travel related covers f l,111!1l 111, 111 11 1111!,i
In event of baggage loss. baggage delay,
delay in flight. loss of passport and plane
hijack, report the event immediately on our
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•.sl ~\~l, I :\ ' l \l ; 1, 1111 11
call centre number. <I~::, i' \,l. 11,: 1::', 11 ::'., I l',1/:r:,••,·I ':,, \ ,.1'. \, 1
lo Complimentary Device
Protection Plan
.ti_ Dedicated Concierge Services Your new device deserves the best protect1on1
Customize your travel, entertainment and
leisure experiences with our Global Concierge Your latest gadgets purchased w ith AU Ban k Credit Ca rd s are
Assistance. Be it booking of your travel or covered with a complimenta ry protecti on cover. Thi s is o u r li t t le
arranging a golf session or planning a perfect welcome gift to you .
anniversary dinner. leave it to us and relax .
Be limitless and never let the fear of hehy repai r charge s
Call us on our 24X7 number at 1800 210 0298 or damage come bet ween you and your fa vorite elec tro ni c
(toll free) or 022-42320298 devices ever again.
Salient Features
• Get complimentary screen damage protection fo r mobil e
~ Priority Customer Service . .
a Mail us your queries on a dedicated email td phones and tablets purchased using the AU Bank Credi t Ca rd s.
for you at
• Get complimentary 1-year extended w arranty cover o n w h ite
or call us at 1800 1200 1500
goods purchased using the AU Bank Credit Cards.
Monthly Jackpot
Zomato Pro 1-year membership on ~50,000
reta il spends in any calendar month,
1 .:e.,,.
Birthday Gift
1,000 Bonus Reward Points on doing a retai l
I •
Complimentary Lounge Access
EnJOY co'""l:: ....... e- :ar., lounge acc ess w 1th1n an d
outs ide ,'e cc.r:, a: 1.000+ airport lounges
applicable once in every card anniversary year. transaction on your birthday. l Como mer :ar., _o,..-;;e access p er calendar
q uane--. us rg ::i, c -- : ., Jass
1Compl rre~:ar,, _oa~ge access per calendar
quan er. ,,., :.-, r ro1a .,sng ,our VISA ca rd
~ Quarterly Milestone Benefits
Your ao d -o, cc--d"o .::-? .. s may also enioy
500 Bonus Reward Points on <'50,000 retail t hese bene fits
spends per calendar quarter, and additional
1.000 Bonus Rew ard Points on reaching <I
lakh retail spends per calendar quarter.
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