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AU Vetta Credit Card Brochure

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First step to never-ending
happiness :~ · ~~r~~;a~~:a, benei ts v, hen you red eem you r Reward
Po ints ea rr>ed aga nst p lethora o f exc ,t, ng op ti o n s li ke
8 Welcome Offer .
?2.000 vouchers on min. B0.000 retail spends
done within 60 days of card setup. Choose your • "•iO:J f- :, - - ' ':":r~~ge ;;
vouchers from a bouqu et of to p brands. • F gr: . . c•e- ::::.:: ~;:: C'"'d m..,ch more

TC: BIG BAIAAi boo~ how Uber make m trlp

~i~~~~&-\; J/~;;~~~: ; , '.~'a~do;:ddee~aptson of

Bata, lifestyle - - llbigbasket

~J ;o~~u5,/rI~r~r;c~; a_i.~:r. er; 0 , :ue 1:ransact 1ons done
be t\-.een ( ..: QQ c,..;: ( 3 0C0 a:ros s al fue stat ions 1n
1 the coun:r:~ n-,,::, ~~5 0 o,......
f;I ~c~; ; : :tt;=~d~rr~~~~pent on Utility bill payments.
• 4 Reward Points per ~00 spent on Grocery & Departmental
store spends.
• 2 Reward Pomts per ~00 spent for retail spends
across all other categories.
ldernifil:a:ioo of Grocery, Deoartrnental stores and Utility bill payment
a,•.iagor,es r:. oone basos MCCs (Merchant category Codes) defined by VISA.
Comprehe nsive Protection
We have got Air Accident Cover ~sci Lakhs.
you covered Card Liability Cover
Not only during good times, but In event of loss of your Cred it Card o r Card Important Note:
rough times too, your AU Bank Skimming/Counte rfeit.
Yetta Credit Card will always ( 1 !1 1111\111\1 11 1,,1111 \ •rilht

stand by you . Credit Shield up to ~2 Lakhs. \l'l ll 1l,' I 111•·LJ1 1 •t•t 1 1111· 1 ••t11,•,·h11l1t,, 1
h1 ·I It,
• Purchase Protection up to ~25,000 p t•t jll l1th1, ! ',, 111
1• '1 lt ,lt· r ,•t l1 11,,t,11 11111 ,1
• Other Travel related covers f l,111!1l 111, 111 11 1111!,i
In event of baggage loss. baggage delay,
delay in flight. loss of passport and plane
hijack, report the event immediately on our
; /; ,~'. '!/, 1
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;: 'i\ll\ I~' •
•.sl ~\~l, I :\ ' l \l ; 1, 1111 11

call centre number. <I~::, i' \,l. 11,: 1::', 11 ::'., I l',1/:r:,••,·I ':,, \ ,.1'. \, 1

t ll , 11 1< 11' 11 J1, \, 11 1l tll t 11,,11!'[1 I

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lo Complimentary Device
Protection Plan
.ti_ Dedicated Concierge Services Your new device deserves the best protect1on1
Customize your travel, entertainment and
leisure experiences with our Global Concierge Your latest gadgets purchased w ith AU Ban k Credit Ca rd s are
Assistance. Be it booking of your travel or covered with a complimenta ry protecti on cover. Thi s is o u r li t t le
arranging a golf session or planning a perfect welcome gift to you .
anniversary dinner. leave it to us and relax .
Be limitless and never let the fear of hehy repai r charge s
Call us on our 24X7 number at 1800 210 0298 or damage come bet ween you and your fa vorite elec tro ni c
(toll free) or 022-42320298 devices ever again.

Salient Features
• Get complimentary screen damage protection fo r mobil e
~ Priority Customer Service . .
a Mail us your queries on a dedicated email td phones and tablets purchased using the AU Bank Credi t Ca rd s.
for you at creditcard.priority@aubank.tn
• Get complimentary 1-year extended w arranty cover o n w h ite
or call us at 1800 1200 1500
goods purchased using the AU Bank Credit Cards.

Visit Credit Cards section of our website for detailed process to

avail it and conditions applicable.
TMC mrcrc Tiffi □acnzrrmwm
Making every mileston e Pause to reap your rewards
count You are al ways o n the move, bu t you do need to indu lge
We will celebrate every bit of the way with you rself from t ime to ti me. Your AU Bank Vetta Credit
you, paving your path with gifts galore. Card will help you gift yourse lf th ings that you desire as
well as help you take some well -deserved breaks

Monthly Jackpot
Zomato Pro 1-year membership on ~50,000
reta il spends in any calendar month,
1 .:e.,,.
Birthday Gift
1,000 Bonus Reward Points on doing a retai l
I •
Complimentary Lounge Access
EnJOY co'""l:: ....... e- :ar., lounge acc ess w 1th1n an d
outs ide ,'e cc.r:, a: 1.000+ airport lounges
applicable once in every card anniversary year. transaction on your birthday. l Como mer :ar., _o,..-;;e access p er calendar
q uane--. us rg ::i, c -- : ., Jass
1Compl rre~:ar,, _oa~ge access per calendar
quan er. ,,., :.-, r ro1a .,sng ,our VISA ca rd
~ Quarterly Milestone Benefits
Your ao d -o, cc--d"o .::-? .. s may also enioy
500 Bonus Reward Points on <'50,000 retail t hese bene fits
spends per calendar quarter, and additional
1.000 Bonus Rew ard Points on reaching <I
lakh retail spends per calendar quarter.
Vi-~~~:~1~~!~~~7 ~~,il~~~s~~~,n~ fe~i;,ess

q uarcer. w 1th ;n .no a us ng your VISA card Bene fit

1s applic able :or aoo -o., C3rdnolders as well
~ Yearly Milestone Benefits .
<1.000 vouchers on min. <-2.50 lakh retail
spends in a card anniversary year. Choose
you r vouchers from a bouquet of top brands

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