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COMPILATION OF THE GLORIOUS QURN Al-Qurn is the book of Allah. Al-Qurn was sent to Te Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) so as to teach its preaching to the mankind and purify. This holy book is a guide and a mercy for every person in every period. Al-Qurn was not revealed in one occasion but Qurnic verses were revealed in a period of 23years, each verse having relation wit some incidents or other. 93 chapters of Al-Qurn Were revealed in Mecca and the remaining 21 chapters were revealed in Madin. These 114 chapters are of different natures and they deal with various kinds of matters. The final revelation was received a few months before the death of prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) in te year 10 Hijri. Te chapters which were revealed in Mecca are called as Makki surs; the chapters which were revealed in Madeena are called as Madani surs. Te Makki surs deal with . (i) Tawheed (Oneness of Allah). (ii) Prohibition of Idol Worship (ii) Proof For the Prophet hood. (iii) The Last Day (iv) Glad Tidings for Good Deeds (v) Warning For Bad Deeds. The Madani surs deal with. The Shariath (Islamic Rules And Regulations), Prayer, Zakt, Fasting, Haj, Social Moralities, Punishment, as well as information fo the military campaigns. The companions of the prophet (s.a.w) used to memeorise the Qurnic verses whenever they were revealed. Some sahabbs put some of te qurnic verses inwriting during the life time of the prophet but all the Qurnic verses were written together in the form of a single book only after the death of the prophet (s.a.w) when may number of te memorizers of the Al-Qurn Martyred (became Shaheeds ) in a military campaign called AL- YAMMA the Muslims worried a lot and Umar (R.A) feared the vanishing of Al-Qurn with the death of its memorizers. Therefore he suggested Caliph Aboo- Bakr (R.A) to arrange for writing together and compiling the entire Qur;n Calip Aboo Bakr (R.A) replied How can I order for the compilation of Al-Qurn. When te prophet has neither done it nor he entrusted with us this responsibility. But Umar (R.A) was repeatedly convincing Aboo Bakr (R.A.)till Allah made Aboo Bakr (R.A) realize the necessity of compiling Al-Qurn. Then they asked one sahbi called Zaid Bin Thbit (R.A.) to do this job. He was the one who read Al-Qurn in the presence of prophet (s.a.w).They Certainly you are a young and an intelligent man; we have full confidence in you . you to keep writing the Qurnin revelation, and they asked im to compile te Qurnic verses.

He replied How can you do something which the prophet (s.a.w) has not done Aboo Bakr (R.A) continued convincing him till Allah made him realize the importance of compiling the Qurnic verses. Finally Zaid Bin Thbit (R.A) started compiling the Qurnic Ashari. Writing the Qurnic yats together is not an innovative ( . )actually, various Qurnic yats were collected together and brought in the written form in the order directed by te propet Muhammad (s.a.w) in is lilfe period itself. The Qurnic copy compiled by the senior sahbis, with the suggestion of Umar (R.A) and Aboo-Bkr (R.A) was kept with Aboo Bakr himself. After Aboo Bakr (R.A) the Qurnic copies were handed over to Umar (R.A) and after him te copies were wit Hafza-Bin Umar one of the wives of the prophet (s.a.w) When the Islmic state expanded, there was a need for providing all the parts of the Islamic state the copies of Al-Qurn. Hence Uthmn (R.A) asked Zaid Bin Hrth (R.A) to make the copies of the Qurn from the original copy which was kept Hafs (R.A). thus seven copies were made and sent to Mecca, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Basr, Koofa and Husband one copy was kept in Madeena. Before Islm, Arabs were much influenced with the language style, beautiful arranged verses, fluency and eloquence of the Arabic language . the Arabs used to gather in public for saying and listening to poems. But when Qurn was revealed they were attracted towards Qurn and ultimately Islm, many poets stopped saying the poems of their own, after embracing Islm. Instead, they enjoyed the Qurnic verses. The involvement in Qurn necessitated the learning of different branches of Arabic grammar so as to understand, enjoy and be benefited from Qurn. It is not sufficient just to read Qurn or to touch it for barakat but we should think over its meaning and mould our life according to the instruction of Qurn, so that we can be successful in the hereafter.

SAYYIDUNA ALEE BIN ABEE TLIB (R.A) The caliph Alee Bin Abee Tlib (R.A) , a cousin of the prophet (s.a.w) was born 21 years before hijrat and was brought up by the prophet (s.a.w). he was under the personal care of (s.a.w) attained his youth, his heart being filled with love for the prophet (s.a.w) left Mecca for Hijrat to Madeena, Ali risked his life. He took part in all the military expeditions except the Tabook expedition. The prophet (s.a.w) left him with his family in Madeena during the Tabook expedition. When prophet (s.a.w) breathed is last, some people viewed that Ali owned the caliph because of his close relationship to the prophet (s.a.w). but when Aboo Bakr (R.A) was made caliph, Ali performed baiat and accepted is caliphate. After Aboo Bakr (R.A) death Umar

(R.A.) AND Uthman (R.A) became the caliph. He was killed by Ibn Mujlim IN TE YEAR 40 Hijri, inside the Koofa mosque. He held a high position in the Tafseer field Abu Tufail (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) narrated that he heard Alee (R.A) saying in a public sermon, Ask me anything you want to know about the book of Allah ; By Allah, I know about all the verses of Alllah, I know wen eac verse was revealed in the night or in the day time? In te ground or in the mountain?

SAYYIDUNA ABDULLH BIN ABBAS (R.A) Abdullah Bin Abbas (R.A) WAS A COUSIN OF THE PROPHET Muhammad (s.a.w). he was well known for his deep knowledge in Quran and hadeeth studies. He was born 3 years before hijrath, when te new born baby Abdullh was brought to te prophet (s.a.w) prayed Allah for him, Oh, Allah make him well versed in Islamic principles & teach him interpretation of facts and wisdom. He was admitted as the most authenticated scholar for issuing fatwass. He has narrated 1660 Hadeets. His Hadeeth narrations are reported by te authenticated adeet scholars. He was 13 years old when te prophet (s.a.w) breathed is last. Umer (R.A) praised him as the prettiest and the best character among the Muslim youth and te most scholarly in the Quranic knowledge . Imam Bukhari, quoted the scholarly nature of Abdullah Bin Abbas (R.A) under the Tafseer of surah nasr. The idea given by Abdullah Bin Abbas, was much appreciated by Umar (R.A). Abdullah Bin Abbas had in im the in born Arabian brilliance and eloquence. He was well aquatinted wit te occasions went e divided Quranic verses were revealed. Ibn Madood (R.A) certified him as The best interpreter of Q uran . ibm Umar (R.A) certified him as The one who is counted with the Qurnic verses most accurately.

SAYYIDUNA ABDULLH BIN MASOOD His full name is Aboo Abdur Rahman Abdullah Bin Masood. He embraced Islam in its early days. He was the first one to recite Al- Qurn openly. E migrated both to Abyssinia and Madeena. He took part in Badr, Uhad and other expeditions. He was the one who took steps for killing Aboo jahl, during the Badr expedition. The prophet (s.a.w) certified for his entering the paradise. He was very firm in sticking to the rules and was very much engaged in the sevices of prophet (s.a.w). e used to provide the prophet (s.a.w) miswk, fetching g water of taking wudoo,

keep ready his sandals and wear the prophet (s.a.w) the sandal himself, when the prophet got ready to walk and remove it when e wanted to be seated. He used to walk infront of the prophet (s.a.w) when e would move, and hide is body when he would bat and wake him up when needed. These services made people think that he has one of the closest relations of the prophet (s.aw). He was the most in sighted among the sahabis in his youth, the leading personality in te outstanding of Quran and islmic principles. Koofa as a teacher and a minister along with -to Al (A.R)Umar He was sent by te calip Y Bin Ammar wrote to the (A.R)Umar ,Koofa While sending then to Al .a governer ,sir Koofa that those two persons were among the noblest of the sah people of al bis and thherfore .eeded to be respected and obeyedthey n returned to Madeena and lived in the (A.R)Massood Bin In his last ddays Abdullah

.Hijri year
THE HADEETH AND HADEETH SCHOLARS Al Hadeeth denotes the sayings of the prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) is actions and decisions. Hadeeth holds the status next to the book of Allah. This statement is supported by the Qurnic verses (Oh, The prophet ! Say : if you love Allah then follow me, so that Allah will you and (forgive for you ) your sins. In another verse Allah says The prophet will not pronounce anything of is own : indeed it is what has been revealed (by Allah ). Thus, we realized that following the sunnat ways, sayings and deeds of the prophet (s.aw.) is compulsory. Hadeeth is such a source which directs the mankind towards worshipping Allah, fulfilling the duties to the creature and understanding the book of Allah clearly. Even though, Hadeeth were quoted orally in the earlier days ,they have been compiled in writing from in the mid of the 2nd century hijiri. The sahbis were muc afraid of te Islmic teachings beings polluted wit false narration. Hence they avoided writing Hadeeth together. When needed, those sahbic who were acquainted with the Hadeeths were consulted and thus hadeeth was followed in day to day life. Later after the period of the sahbis, the need for keeping the Hadeet narrations in writing was felt by the Islmic scholars. Most probably, it was Umar Bin Abdul Azeez (R.A), who initiated this task.

It is mentioned in a Hadeeth book called Al- Muatta. That Umar Bin Azeez wrote letter to the Hadeeth scholar. Aboo Bakr Muhammad asking him to keep in writing the Hadeeth narrations and sunna of the prophet (s.a.w) and stress the need of such a work, due to the fear of vanishing of te Hadeeth narrations with the death of Hadeeth scholars. Accordingly, a lot of Hadeeth narrations were scrutinized and kept in writing. Later during the Abbsid period in themed of 2nd Hijri, Hadeeth literature developed like fields of knowledge. Islmic scholars who visited Mecca for performing Haj started working hard to learn the Hadeeth narrations available tere so as to preach the people of their places. Slowly different projects were initiated in the field of Hadeeth literature; some of them differentiated the saheeh (correct ) hadeeths from the weak. It was only in that period that Hadeeth literature developed a lot and as a result the size authenticated hadeeth books, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. al- jmi as saheeh OF imam al 0- bukhari AL- JMI AL- MUSLIM of IMAM AL MUSLIM AT- TIRMIDHI SUNAN AN- NASAI IBNU MJA Came into existence. These six Hadeeth books are considered source of reference for Islmic principles next to Al Qurn. Later Musnad Ahmad was also added to the hadeeth literature, the religious scholars consider Saheeh al Bukhari and Saeed - Al Muslim the most authenticated over te rest . We pray Allah to grant us the Tawfeeq to follow the books of Allah and Hadeeth of the prophet and struggle for the propagation of the same nook and corner of the world.

AS SAHEEH AL MUSLIM The author of t book jmi Al Muslim is Abdul Husain Muslim Bin Al Hajjaj Al Qashri. He was born in 202 Hijri. He traveled to Hijz,, Iraq , Syria and Egypt for learning Hadeeth. He used to visit Baghdad frequently for this cause. He learnt a lot of Hadeeth from Al Imam Bukhari remained with him and authenticated his narrations. He has quoted from Ibn Hanbal and Ibn Rahawaii and compiled his saheeh which consist 300 thousand Hadeeths. Then he settled in Neessapoor being engaged in business till he breathed his last and met his lord.

First : Those Hadeeeths which were narrated by those wo were perfect is their memory power. Second : Those Hadeeth which were narrated by those who were next to the first in memory power. Third : Those Hadeets which were narrated by those who were weak in the memory power a those who were not recognized for narrating HHadeeths. It is said that the number of repeated Hadeeths he has narrated is 2628 and those which occur and only are 4000 in number.

AL- IMAM AHMAD IBN MUHAMMAD IBN HANBAL Imam Ahmed bin hanbal , His full name is Imam Ahmad bin mohammad bin hanbal Ash shaibani Al markazi. He was born in city of marwi in the year of 164 A.H. After his birth is mother migrated to Baghdad from marwi. He was very interested in collects of Hadeeth Since his childhood. He learnt the Hadeeth from the great scholar of his period and the great learners learnt Hadeeth from Imam Ahmad bin hanbal like Imam bukhari and Muslim. He got te jurisdical Knowledge from Bagdad and he was the student of Imam Shafi in Jurisdiction. He was humble from Allah and never had pride in any matter and with his humility, he was a dignified and a good personality and his death took place in the year of 241..A.H.

AL IMAM MALIK BIN ANAS RAHIMAUMULLAH Imam Malik bin Ana, his origin was yeman. One of is for grand fathers Abu min was a companion of Prophet (s.a.w) He was born in the year of 93 A.H at Al- Madeenah Al- Munawwarah. He was a great scholar in Hadeeth, because he compiled Al muath , and he was a Imam in Jurisdiction because his school of Thought was attributed with his name , and the people agreed on his superiority and his leadership in hadeeth and in Jurisdiction.

His reliance in juridical decision was on book of Allah then of life style that is sayings of Prophet (s.a.w). he did not emigrate from madeena to other places. He passed away from this world in the year of 173A.H.

AL IMAM AL- SHAFEE RAHIMAHULLAH Imam Shafee (R.A). His full name is Mohammed bin Idrees Ash shafee Al quraishi. He was born in the year of 150 A.H. at the city of ghuzza as an orphan. Then his mother shifted to Makkah. He had memorized Al- Quran in his childhood , then he went out towards the people of Huzail in desert of the Arabia. They were most benefited the eloquence from them and he memorized most of their words and their poetries. Imam shafee gained information in Makkah from the leader of kaba and traveled to AlMadeena and he traveled to Iraq thrice and traveled to Egypt in the year of 197A.H. for obtaining knowledge from various scholars. Finally he started to spread his knowledge among the people of Egypt and his death took place in the year of 204 A.H at Egypt.

poem No : 1 knowledge, Deed and Wealth

1. knowledge is beauty and a matter of honour for its possessor. Therefore, search for it , so that you will be guided towards (gifted with) different branches of knowledge and character.

2.knowledge is the most glorified thing, a man can attain. The one who has no knowledge in him, is not a man at all

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3. Oh, my brother ! learn the knolwdge and act according to it; because knowledge is a mater of beauty for the one who acts with the knowledge he has.

4. The knowledge lifts a house. Which has no pillar. Ignorance demolishes a dignified and aonourable house.

5. A person collects wealth; but, later he becomes deprived of tat wealth. Even if the collected wealth is a little, it brings disgrace and war (fight).

6.The one who gathers knowledge is happy wit it forever. And there is no fear for loss or looting of the knowledge.

7.Oh, the gatherer of knowledge! What a best treasure, you have gathered ! dont equal it with pearl or gold..

8.Beware that no man is born as a scholar. The possessor of knowledge is not at all like an ignorant.

9.It is through knowledge and intelligence & not with wealth and gold, that the status of a youth rises higher, even in the absence of any effort for it.

10.The brother (possessor ) of knowledge is ever living even after his death and even when his limbs become decayed under the soil .

11. The ignorant man is almost a dead body, even if he walks over thhe earth; in fact , he is lifeless, if it is considered among the living..

12. Oh, my brother ! You cant attain the knowledge except with six things. I am describing you, in detail, those six things.

13.(Those six things are ) intelligence, greediness for knowledge , working hard, maturity, company of a teacher and (all these things ) for a long period.

14.My knowledge will be with me to benefit me were ever I go. My heart is its container; and its container is not the interior of a box.

15.If I am at amy home, the knowledge is there with me : if I am in te market, the knowledge is there (with me ) in the market .

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