MATERIALS AND METHODS standard clinical practice.2 The needle was inserted
Ten pelves of female cadavers without signs of pelvic transvaginally through the pelvic floor approximately
surgery were dissected. The dissections were com- 8 mm medial to the ischial spine to a depth of 1 cm.
pleted in a timeframe of 3 months, September to No anesthetic fluid was injected. After dissection, the
November 2005. The women were all postmeno- seven measurements shown in Figure 1 were taken
pausal. The cadavers were preserved by injection into (results are presented as median and 95% confidence
the femoral artery of embalming fluid, which con- intervals).
sisted of a mixture of formaldehyde, ethanol, glycerin, To further help characterize the anatomical rela-
phenol, K2SO4, Na2SO4, NaHCO3, NaNO3, and tionship of the LAN and the pudendal nerve, we also
Na2SO3. All pelves were transected midsagittally. The studied (immuno-)histochemically stained sections of
distal rectum was carefully detached from the pelvic human fetal pelves. The fetuses were obtained after
floor to expose the sacral plexus, the pudendal nerve, legal abortion, and the study was approved by the
and the levator ani nerve. The pudendal nerve was medical-ethical committee of the Leiden University
also dissected by a gluteal approach. The topograph- Medical Center. Two female fetal pelves (female, 14
ical relationship between the pudendal nerve and the and 19 weeks of gestation) were stained for the
levator ani nerve in the area of the ischial spine was presence of striated muscle tissue, using a monoclonal
systematically studied. A mock transvaginal “puden- antibody directed against myosin heavy chain (clone
dal blockade” was positioned in the specimens by an A4.1025; Upstate Cell Signaling Solutions, Char-
experienced clinician (C.P.M.) following guidelines of lottesville, VA), and for the presence of nerve tissue,
Fig. 1. Schematic overview of the measurements taken in the female pelves. A. Superior view into the lesser pelvis. B.
Enlarged view of frame in panel. 1, the shortest distance from the levator ani nerve (LAN) to the midsagittal plane at the level
of the ischial spine; 2, the shortest distance from the LAN to the tip of the coccyx measured perpendicular to the midsagittal
plane; 3, the shortest distance from the point of entry of the main branch of the LAN into the levator ani muscle to the
midsagittal plane; 4, the shortest distance from the ischial spine to the LAN, measured perpendicular to the midsagittal
plane; 5, the shortest distance between the pudendal nerve and the LAN at the level of the ischial spine; 6, the shortest
distance between the LAN and the point of penetration of the needle through the levator ani muscle during a mock
transvaginal pudendal nerve blockade; 7, the shortest distance between the point of entry of the main branch of the LAN
into the levator ani muscle and to the point where the LAN passes the ischial spine. C, coccyx; CM, coccygeal muscle; IS,
ischial spine; LAM, levator ani muscle; OIM, obturator internus muscle; PM, piriformis muscle; PN, pudendal nerve; PS,
pubic symphysis; R, rectum; S, sacrum; S1, S2, S3, sacral nerve trunks 1–3; U, urethra; V, vagina; X, point of needle
penetration through the levator ani muscle during mock pudendal nerve blockade. The interrupted lines represent the
pudendal nerve inferior to the coccygeal and levator ani muscle. Note that the distance between the point of needle
injection and the ischial spine is approximately 8 mm.
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Fig. 3. Topographical relation between the levator ani nerves and pudendal nerves. Immunohistochemically stained
transverse sections of a 19-week-old female pelvis just caudal to the ischial spine. Note that parts of the pelvic bone became
detached during the staining procedure. A. Overview of striated muscles, with the arrowheads showing the ventral and
dorsal borders of the levator ani muscle (bar⫽1 mm). B. Magnification of frame in panel A, showing the dorsal part of the
levator ani muscle (bar⫽0.2 mm). C. Serial section stained for neural tissue and showing the branches of the levator ani
nerve (arrowheads) and the pudendal nerve (arrows) (bar⫽0.2 mm). I, Ischium; LAM, levator ani muscle; OIM, obturator
internus muscle; R, rectum; U, urethra; V, vagina.
Wallner. Levator Ani Nerve. Obstet Gynecol 2006.
Fig. 4. The levator ani nerve (LAN), innervating the levator ani muscle on its visceral side. A. Transverse section (stained with
hematoxylin-azophloxin) of an 11-week-old male fetus showing the LAN (arrowheads) on the visceral side of the levator ani
muscle (bar⫽0.2 mm). B. Frontal view of three-dimensional reconstruction of the levator ani and pudendal nerves and
levator ani muscle of a 14-week-old female fetus. Note the close topographical relationship of the LAN (arrowhead) and the
pudendal nerve (arrow) at the level of the ischial spine (asterisk) (bar⫽1 mm). EAS, external anal sphincter; LAM, levator ani
muscle; R, rectum; S, sacrum; SN, sciatic nerve; SP, sacral plexus.
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9. Pierce LM, Reyes M, Thor KB, Dolber PC, Bremer RE, Kuehl
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