Recommendation Form

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MBA/MS Program Recommendation Form

Section 1: Applicant Information

First Name: ________________________ Last Name: ________________________

UNT Student ID#: ________________________ Email: ________________________

Leave Student ID blank if you have not received it

Master Program seeking admission: Major ________________________ MS MBA

Term/Year of Entry: Fall Spring Summer _________ (year)

Optional Waiver of Rights: Under the provision of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974,
students are given the right to inspect their records, including letters of recommendation. In order to encourage
candor on the part of the individual completing this form, the student may choose to waive the right of access to
this recommendation form. If you wish to waive the right to examine this recommendation form, and any
attached letter submitted with it, please sign below. If left unsigned, you will have access to the form upon
acceptance to the UNT College of Business.

Applicant Signature: ______________________________ Date: ____________________

Section 2: Recommender Information

First Name: ________________________ Last Name: ________________________

Current Organization: ________________________ Current Position/Title ________________________

Address: ___________________________________ Phone Number: ________________________

Context of Relationship: ________________________

How long have you known the applicant? ________________________

Section 3: Recommendation
In this section, you will find 9 competencies. Please rate the applicant for each competency that corresponds to
the behavior that you have seen the applicant most consistently exhibit.

Superior/ Excellent Good Average Poor Unable to

100-90% 80-89% 60-79% 0-59% Judge

Intellectual Ability
Analytical Ability
Creativity & Imagination
Written Communication
Oral Communication
Professional Impression & Poise
Leadership Potential
Collaboration with others

Is there anything about your ratings on which you would like to comment?

Do not recommend this applicant

Overall, I…
Recommend this applicant, with reservations

Recommend this applicant

Enthusiastically recommend this applicant

Recommender Signature: ______________________________ Date: ____________________

Please email or mail this completed form to: Submit Form

Mailing Address:
G. Brint Ryan College of Business
Graduate Programs Office, BLB 201
1155 Union Circle #311160
Denton, Texas 76203-5017

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