(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
CP N-02 Request For Information Summary
As of 17 Sep 2024
1 Architectural (A) 91
3 Construction (CN) 1
6 Electrical (E.) 28
7 Mechanical (M) 14
9 Sanitary (SN) 15
10 Drainage (RD) 22
11 Plumbing (PL) 2
Grand Total: 999
North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item Discipline Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
1 Architectural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000001 Confirmation of New ROW at San Fernando Station Confirmation of New ROW at San Fernando Station and along Viaduct (P593- MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3021 Rev.31
and along Viaduct (P593-P600) P600)
It was observed that there are no Floor Drains allocated on the Fire Exits 1-4
3 Architectural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000003 Missing Floor Drains on Fire Exits 1-4 Concourse Level Concourse Level at San Fernando Station. Since our External Wall is Perforated MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3406, MCRP-DWG-SFD-SN-6106
at San Fernando Station GFRC Panels, chance of Rainwater penetrations is high and will cause possible
water ponding.
4 Architectural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000004 Discrepancies of Architectural Details of Pedestals at It was observed that there are discrepancies of details for Pedestal at GF San MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3401, MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3531,
GF San Fernando Station Fernando Station. MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3533
5 Architectural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000005 Support Details of Gutter Trench on Station Plaza 1 Please provide support details of Gutter Trench on Station Plaza 1 and Concourse MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3402, MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3404,
and Concourse Levels Levels at San Fernando Station. MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3411, MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3501
6 Architectural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000006 Confirmation of Floor Hatch Allocations on Station Please confirm Floor Hatch allocations on Station Plaza Level. Thus, below grade MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3402, MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3411,
Plaza Level at San Fernando Station will be backfilled materials and any floor access will be not functional. MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3572, MCRP-SFD-ST-4121, 4212 and 4213
It was observed that there are discrepancies of the Insulation Material along the
8 Architectural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000008 Confirmation of Insulation Material along the Precast Precast Concrete Panels. MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3503, MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3412
Concrete Panels at San Fernando Station As per MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3503: “NON-COMBUSTIBLE POLYURETHANE FOAM
10 Architectural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000010 Confirmation of Floor Finishes on AFC UPS and AFC As seen on the MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3501, AFC UPS and AFC Room marked as MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3501, MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3405
Room at San Fernando Station F04-A (300 mm High Raised Access Floor System with 600 x 600 mm Panels)
11 Architectural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000011 TMRS Specification in SFD Station – Alternative Coating Proposal Approval for the Alternative TiO2 Coating of Fabric Material No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
12 Architectural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000012 Details of Door Type – D8, Louver with Fire Damper at As per MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3561, it was observed that a Fire Damper was MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3561, MCRP-DWG-SFD-ME-5511~14
San Fernando Station incorporated within the Louver of Door Type-D8. Upon verifying to Mechanical
Drawings and Specifications, there was no details for this provision.
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item Discipline Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
14 Architectural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000014 Detail of Wall Type (W0-B-2) for Blower Room 103 at Upon reviewing SFD-AR-3403 it was noticed that there is a Wall Type W0-B-2 at MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3403,
San Fernando Station the Ground level particularly the Blower Room 103. Thus, when checking for MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3503~3504
details at STA-AR-3503~3504 there was no information regarding the wall type.
We refer to the Wall Type on Fire & Domestic Water Tank, Blower Rooms, and
15 Architectural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000015 Detail of Wall Finishes on Fire and Domestic Water Public Toilets. As per MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3403, perimeter wall type code of MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3403, MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3503
Tank and Blower Rooms at San Fernando Station W01-A (see Figure 1) and having a detail of Precast Concrete Wall Panels Paint
Finish as per MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3503 (see Figure 2).
Upon reviewing the Reflected Ceiling Plans on the Architectural Drawings of each MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3707 rev.30, MCRP-DWG-STA-EL-5400 rev.30
of the Ancillary Buildings, we have noticed a difference on the Lighting Layout MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3702 rev.30, MCRP-DWG-SFD-EL-5920 rev.30
16 Architectural Ancillary Buildings NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000016 Confirmation of Lighting Layout on Ground Floor at compared from its respective Electrical Drawings. Please see below typical MCRP-DWG-BP-AR-3101 & 3104 rev.30, MCRP-DWG-BP-EL-5252 rev.30
Ancillary Buildings lighting layout on Architectural Drawings (Figure 1) against Electrical Drawings MCRP-DWG-PSS-AR-3101 rev.30, MCRP-DWG-PSS-EL-5252 & 5253 rev.30
(Figure 2) MCRP-DWG-SIG-AR-3101 rev.30, MCRP-DWG-SIG-EL-5252 rev.30
Confirmation of Trench Drain and Oil Separator on Upon comparing the Architectural Plans and Sanitary Plans of Garbage Building,
17 Architectural Garbage Building NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000017 it was observed that there are Trench Drain and Oil Separator shown on Sanitary MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3705, MCRP-DWG-STA-SN-8021
Garbage Building at San Fernando Station
(see Figure 1) but not reflected on the Architectural (see Figure 2)
Upon reviewing the Roof Plans on the Architectural Drawings of each of the
Ancillary Building, we have noticed a difference on the Quantity and layout of MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3702, MCRP-DWG-STA-SN-6111
18 Architectural Ancillary Buildings NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000018 Confirmation of Layout of Roof Drains at Ancillary Roof Drains compared from its respective Sanitary Drawings. Please see below MCRP-DWG-BP-AR-3101, MCRP-DWG-BP-AR-3104
Buildings typical Roof layout on Architectural Drawings (Figure 1) against Sanitary MCRP-DWG-BP-SN-6111, MCRP-DWG-BP-SN-6112
Drawings (Figure 2) MCRP-DWG-PSS-AR-3101, MCRP-DWG-PSS-SN-6111
Upon reviewing the Architectural Drawings of the Battery Post Building IFC Cad
Files, we have noticed that the SIZE of Columns is 600 x 600mm. Hence, as per MCRP-DWG-BP-AR-3101 Rev.30,
19 Architectural Battery Post NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000019 Confirmation of Column Size at Battery Post Buildings latest Structural IFC Drawings issued thru NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000166 MCRP-DWG-BP-AR-3104 Rev.30,
Type A and B – Battery Post, it was stated on the COLUMN Reinforcement Schedules MCRP-RFI-BP2-ST-4311
700x700mm (C1 for BP2-1 to BP2-3) and 750x750mm (C2 for BP2-4) respectively.
Upon reviewing the IFC Architectural Drawings of Battery Post Building BP2-4, we
have noticed that there are 12 Nos. structural columns along gridlines
X01-X06/Y01 and X01-X06/Y02. While as per latest IFC Structural Drawings
issued thru NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000166 – Battery Post Type B, there
20 Architectural Battery Post NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000020 Confirmation of Structural Columns Layout at Battery are 18 Nos. structural columns along gridlines X01-X06/Y01, X01-X06/Y02 and MCRP-DWG-BP-AR-3104 rev.30,
Post Building BP2-4 (Type B) X01-X06/Y03. MCRP-RFI-BP2-ST-4102 rev.01
In addition, looking on the Architectural Drawing – Ground Floor Plan, the 1-pc
window (W/2) along Gridline X01/Y01-Y02 will be obstructed by a structural
column in case the latest IFC structural drawings will govern.
Upon reviewing the Ceiling Finish Type C05-A and Clear Height of Distribution
Board Room, Blower Room, Fire and Domestic Water Tank Room at San MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3431 Rev.32,
Fernando Station, we have noticed some discrepancies, as follows: MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3505 Rev.30,
21 Architectural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000021 Confirmation of Ceiling Finish Type C05-A and Height As per MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3431 Rev. 32 “Reflected Ceiling Plan”, Distribution MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3413 Rev.31,
Clearance at San Fernando Station Board Room, Blower Room and Fire/Domestic Water Tank Room having Ceiling MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3421 Rev.30,
Finish Type C05-A and clear height of 4000mm, 3000mm and 5200mm MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3422 Rev. 30
accordingly (see Figure 1) and as shown on the tabulation, Hatch Type is Code 05
– Exposed Structure with 100 mm Insulation (see Figure 2)
Upon reviewing the Ceiling Finish Type C07-A and Clear Height of Station Plaza 1,
we have noticed discrepancies on height clearance and details, as follows: MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3431 Rev.32,
22 Architectural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000022 Confirmation of C07-A and Height Clearance of Station As per MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3431 Rev. 32 “Reflected Ceiling Plan”, Station Plaza 1 MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3421 Rev.30,
Plaza 1 at SFD having Ceiling Finish Type C07-A and clear height of 2800mm (see Figure 1) and MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3411 Rev.30,
as shown detail per MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3505 Rev. 30, C07-A having Aluminum MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3505 Rev.30
Louvers with Hot Dip Galvanized Steel Support (see Figure 2)
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item Discipline Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
29 Architectural Battery Post NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000029 Detail of Wall Openings for Outdoor Equipments at We would like to clarify the response on NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000029 No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
Battery Posts BP2-1 to BP2-4 Rev.A,
As we review the Architectural Plans of Garbage Building, we have noticed that
30 Architectural Garbage Building NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000030 Detail of Fire Detection and Alarm System at Garbage there were series of FDAS equipments on the given Legend & Symbols but not MCRP-DWG-STA-FS-9021 Rev.30,
Building reflected on its Ceiling Plan (see Figure 1). While considering on its Fire MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3705 Rev.30
Protection Layout, only 2pcs Fire Extinguisher are shown (see Figure 2)
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item Discipline Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
We would like to clarify the difference of Fencing Detail provided between the MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3703 Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-BP-AR-3501 Rev.B,
35 Architectural Ancillary Buildings NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000035 Fencing Detail at Ancillary Buildings NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000035 Rev.A and NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A- MCRP-DWG-SIG-AR-3501 Rev.B, MCRP-DWG-PSS-AR-3501 Rev.C
000068 Rev.A. See below tabulation.
We would like to clarify the Detail of W03 – Wall Finishes, for BFR Ante Room, MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3033 Rev.30,
Staff’s Male & Female Toilets and Station Manager’s Room. MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3503 Rev.30,
37 Architectural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000037 Clarification of W03 Wall Details at San Fernando As shown on Figure 1 and Figure 2 snapshots on Detailed Plans, ideally the MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3404 Rev.31,
Station thickness of wall with W03 is 108mm, but upon comparing from the Details MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3405 Rev.31,
provided on MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3503 Rev.30 (See Figure 3), the plan thickness MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3406 Rev.31
is not achievable.
MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3503 Rev.30,
We would like to request further Detail of W10 – Wall Finishes, W10 as detailed MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3510 Rev.30,
40 Architectural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000040 Clarification of W10 Wall Details at San Fernando on MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3503 Rev.30, Aluminum Expanded Metal with Steel MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3535 Rev.30,
Station Framing and Fluororesin Paint Finish (See Figure 1). And corresponds on TS 500 MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3401 Rev.30,
Section 506 (See Figure 2). MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3403 Rev.30
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item Discipline Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
We would like to clarify the Detail of W07 – Wall Finishes: As per TS500 Section MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3033 Rev.30,
541 Drywall Board System, W07 Wall Type describes as T=4mm Fiber Reinforced MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3503 Rev.30,
44 Architectural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000044 Clarification of W07 Wall Details at San Fernando Resin Mortar Fluororesin Paint Finish on 12mm + 12mm Calcium Silicate Panels MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3404 Rev.31,
Station including 100x50x2.3mm Steel Channel Stud and furring with insulation in-fill MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3405 Rev.31,
(See Figure 1) MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3406 Rev.31
We would like to clarify the classification of Pay Items for Wall Finishes W03,
47 Architectural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000047 Clarification of Wall Finishes with Tiles at San W04, W05 and W12. MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3503 - 3504 Rev.30
Fernando Station As below tabulated, showing the Wall Finish Types with their corresponding Pay
Item Nos.
Upon superimposing the above ceiling utilities on Concourse, we have identified MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3421 Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3422 Rev.30,
48 Architectural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000048 Combined Services on Concourse at San Fernando some clashing to the below portion of Viaduct Segment. As shown on detailed MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3423 Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3431 Rev.32,
Station elevation, we are having a 400mm gap from the Ceiling Finishes upto the below MCRP-DWG-SFD-EL-5203 Rev.31, MCRP-DWG-SFD-ME-5611 Rev.30,
Viaduct Segment (See Figure 1). MCRP-DWG-SFD-ME-5641 Rev.30,
As the Engineer provided details of the Emergency Stop Switch (ESS) at Platform
and SCR Room emailed last August 26, 2022 (See Figure 1), we have observed
49 Architectural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000049 Confirmation of Latest IFC Architectural Drawings of that the attached drawing used does not corresponds to the IFC Drawing MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3102 Rev. 31,
San Fernando Station currently on hand. Attached on mail notes MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3102 as Revision MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3404 to 3406 Rev. 31
C dated May 2022 while the latest IFC Drawing available is Revision 31 dated
March 2021.
We would like to clarify the Parapet Wall Details on roof deck at Ancillary
Buildings. As commented on the DRCs of Substations SS15 and SS17 with MCRP-DWG-SS15-ST-4201 Rev.B, MCRP-DWG-SS17-ST-4201 Rev.B,
reference DRC-A-000004 Rev.A and DRC-A-000003 Rev.B respectively, new MCRP-DWG-PSS-AR-3102 Rev.C, MCRP-DWG-PSS-AR-3108 Rev.A,
50 Architectural Ancillary Buildings NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000050 Clarification of Parapet Wall Details on Roof Deck at Parapet Wall detail will have a minimum height of 555 mm from Roof Deck MCRP-DWG-BP2-ST-4201 Rev.B, MCRP-DWG-BP-AR-3102 Rev.B,
Ancillary Buildings Structural Slab and maximum height of 630mm considering the 1.5% slope of the MCRP-DWG-BP-AR-3105 Rev.B, MCRP-DWG-ISER2-ST-4201 Rev.B,
mortar topping and as noted to be adopted for all Ancillary Buildings. (See Figure MCRP-DWG-ISER3-ST-4201 Rev.B, MCRP-DWG-SIG-AR-3102 Rev.B,
1). MCRP-DWG-SIG-AR-3105 Rev.A, MCRP-DWG-SIG-AR-3501 Rev.B
51 Architectural Battery Post NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000051 Building Coordinates at Battery Post BP2-1 to BP2-3 As commented on the NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000051 Rev.B, Staircases MCRP-DWG-S/A-AR-3051 Rev.D,
should have 1.4-meter width (See Figure 1). MCRP-RFI-BP2-ST-4311 Rev.01
Upon reviewing the co-relation of Building and Maintenance Road Alignment, we
have noticed that the Access Steel Gate at Substation SS16, once opened, will
52 Architectural NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000052 Substation SS16 Access Steel Gate obstruct access along the Maintenance Road. In addition, the ramp down MCRP-DWG-VIA02-RD-2036 Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-A/S1-AR/3031 Rev.D
requirement from the SS16 perimeter to the road will be insufficient, exposed
and making road’s clear width to be reduced.
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item Discipline Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
We have noticed a discrepancy between the Battery Post BP2-4 IFC Structural
and Architectural Drawings, as follows: MCRP-DWG-BP-AR-3104 Rev.B,
55 Architectural Battery Post NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000055 Building Coordinates at Battery Post BP2-4 1. Columns Orientation differs from Structural to Architectural (See Figure 1 and MCRP-DWG-S/A-AR-3051 Rev.D,
2 respectively). Figure 1 Columns Orientation as per IFC Structural Drawings – MCRP-DWG-BP2-ST-4102 Rev.A
center of columns are located on the intersection of X and Y axis/gridlines.
We would like to request the confirmation of the recent discussion during the
ADJV-GCR Architectural Coordination Meeting held last February 15, 2024,
regarding the Paint Application on Starter Column. As discussed, Starter Column
embedded in concrete will be Primer painted and the exposed portion with 3-
59 Architectural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000059 Paint System on Structural Steel Members at San Coat Paint System will be extended into the initial 300mm depth of concrete MCRP-DWG-STA-ST-4003_Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-STA-ST-4031_Rev.30,
Fernando Station encasement (See Figure 1). Thus as of the moment, we are considering the MCRP-DWG-STA-ST-4032_Rev.30
works as per the response in NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000059 Rev.C (See
Figure 2). So that we can properly inform our subcontractor on how to proceed
the works.
As commented on the following DRC Nos. A-000012 and A-000011 for BP2-3 and MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3702_Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-BP-AR-3101_Rev.B,
BP2-4 respectively, windows will be omitted to consider safety and security as it MCRP-DWG-BP-AR-3104_Rev.B, MCRP-DWG-BP-AR-3601_Rev.B,
60 Architectural Ancillary Buildings NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000060 Omission of Windows at Ancillary Buildings also noting this will be applicable to SIG/COM/ELECTRIC HSE Building, Signaling MCRP-DWG-SIG-AR-3101_Rev.B, MCRP-DWG-SIG-AR-3104_Rev.A,
House ISER2 & ISER3, Substations SS14-SS17 and the remaining BP2-1 and BP2-2 MCRP-DWG-SIG-AR-3601_Rev.B, MCRP-DWG-PSS-AR-3101_Rev.C,
(See Figure 1). MCRP-DWG-PSS-AR-3107_Rev.A, MCRP-DWG-PSS-AR-3601_Rev.C
61 Architectural Ancillary Buildings NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000061 Trench Layout at Ancillary Buildings As commented on NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000061 Rev.A, request as per NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000061 Rev.A, B and C
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item Discipline Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
We would like to clarify the layering sequence of Honed Granite Floor Tile Floor
Finish (F06). As per the IFC-STA Architectural Drawing detailed on MCRP-DWG-
STA-AR-3501 Rev.31 (See Figure 1), this consists of 3 layers – Levelling Mortar
65 Architectural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000065 Detail of Honed Granite Floor Tile Floor Finish (F06) at Bed 14mm, Adhesive 6mm, Honed Granite Floor Tile 30mm. However, on MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3407 Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3408 Rev.30
San Fernando Station standard actual installation of Granite Floor Tiles, it only has 2 layers – Mortar MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3409 Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3501 Rev.31
Bed 20mm, Granite Floor Tile 30mm (See Figure 2). If following the specified on
IFC-STA Architectural detail, ADJV’s concern is that the 14mm Levelling Mortar
Bed has higher possibility of failing/having cracks/having hollow sound.
We would like to clarify the Steel Door Details as specified on the IFC Drawings. MCRP-DWG-PSS-BP-3601_Rev.C, MCRP-DWG-SIG-AR-3601_Rev.C,
70 Architectural Ancillary Buildings NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000070 Steel Door Details at Ancillary Buildings MCRP-DWG-PSS-BP-3601_Rev.C, MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3702_Rev.B,
1. Fire Rating and Door Type – see tabulation.
We would like clarify on Architectural IFC Sigcom building floor finished is Cinder
concrete ;However According to MEP IFC drawing MCRP-DWG-STA-ME-
71 Architectural Sig/Com NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000071 Floor Finish at Sig/Com/Railway Electrical House 5609_[30] airconditioning is under floor.Kindly see below figure 1 and 2 as MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3702_[B]; MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3703_[B];
reference. Figure 1. Showing drawing from MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3702 Rev.B and MCRP-DWG-STA-ME-5609_[30]
MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3703Rev.B San Fernando-Sig/Com/Railway Elec House Plan
and Section.
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item Discipline Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
We would like to request for clarification regarding Station plaza Cable trench
Stainless steel cover; If the scope is under NS01 or ADJV additional works.
According to NSCR-GCR-NS01-N02-MTG-IM-000020 interface meeting and
78 Architectural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000079 Cable Trench Stainless Steel Cover at San Fernando NS01/CPn02 workshop meeting; Trench cover for Ancillary building and San MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3501Rev.05; MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3501_[D]
Station fernando station is under NS01 (please refer to figure 1&2). Also refering to
contract drawing MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3501 trench detail was not shown;
however on latest IFC drawing trench detail was already included(please refer to
figure 3)
As discussed during the NS-01-ADJV Interface Meeting last March 12, 2024. NS-
01 have informed ADJV that the Trench and Wall Opening Layouts at the
Substations (SS14-SS17) and Signaling House (ISER2/ISER3) have been updated.
79 Architectural Ancillary Buildings NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000080 Confirmation of E&M Trench and Wall Opening As agreed, NS-01 will provide the updates for Substations SS14 & SS17 and No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
Layouts at SS15, SS16 and ISER3 Signaling House ISER2 thru ADJV’s RFI - NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000076
Rev.A issued last February 12, 2024.
Hence, this RFI is issued to ask the Trench and Wall Opening Layouts Updates for
Substations SS15 & SS16 and Signaling House ISER3.
We would like to request for clarification on fire house cabinet on type ID-1
column at San Fernando Station; According to Architectural and Fire protection
80 Architectural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000081 Clarification on surface mounted Firehose cabinet IFC drawing as shown on figure 2 & 3. Installation height from finish floor line to MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3501Rev.05; MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3501_[D]
design at San Fernando Station bottom of fire hose cabinet is 900mm. However upon checking with our Station
Material & Finishes Report (as shown in figure 1) fire hose cabinet has been
modified and is flushed from finish floor line.
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item Discipline Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
We would like to request for confirmation on wall details along type D1 door
82 Architectural Ancillary Buildings NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000083 Clarification on Blockworks Detail at Substation inside substation meeting room. As shown on figure 1 as reference for figure 2 No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
Ancillary Building wall detail. Latest submission for blockworks is status NONO already however
site is requesting for additional detail for site reference during inspection.
As we have commenced the inter-coordination and Design Analysis with the San
Fernando Station’s subcontractor for the Tensile Membrane Roof Structure
(TMRS), some items were discussed for the enhancement of the PTFE Structure. MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3411_Rev.B, MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3412_Rev.31,
83 Architectural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000084 PTFE Roofing Details at San Fernando Station One of these is to remove the valley cables as shown on the IFC Architectural MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3413_Rev.31, MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3421_Rev.B,
Drawings (See Figures 1 and 2). This will improve significantly the aesthetics, MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3422_Rev.B, MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3423_Rev.B,
function, serviceability and lifespan of the inverted conical PTFE membrane MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3501 to 3503_Rev.30
We would like to request for clarification on steel doors at San fernando Station. MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3563_[C]; MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3564_[C];
84 Architectural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000085 Clarification on Schedule of Steel Door at San Based on below references; We have observed that finishes and details on these MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3565_[C]; MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3566_[30];
Fernando Station doors did not match with Station material & finshes report vs IFC door sched vs MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3567_A; MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3051_30;
IFC fire compartmentation plan and IFC section/blow up detail drawing. MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3052_E
As coordinated the issue on the Precast Concrete Wall Panels along the Fire Exit
86 Architectural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000087 Precast Concrete Wall Details on Fire Exit Stair Nos. 1-4 Stair Nos. 1-4 during the previous ADJV-GCR Architectural Coordination Meeting. MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3404 Rev.F, MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3406 Rev.F,
at San Fernando Station We have highlighted the clashing of the PC Wall against the Steel Structure of MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3517 to 3518 Rev.30
the Fire Exit Stair Nos. 1-4 (See Figure 1/Plan and Figure 2/Typical Section).
In reference to GCR/ADJV/EEI Platform check meeting dated last May 10,2024; It MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3002_[B]; MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3201_[31;
88 Architectural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000089 Clarification on Exposed Structural Steel at San was coordinated the we have observe protruding structural steel on the MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3202_[C]; MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3102_[F];
Fernando Station Facade southeast and northwest elevation as shown on figure 1 as per structural IFC but MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4131_[B]; MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4141_[30]
upon checking with architectural IFC these protruding steel was not shown.
89 Architectural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000090 W01 Precast Concrete Wall Details at San Fernando We would like to clarify the required Surface Finish of the Precast Concrete Wall MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3503_Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3403_[D];
Station Panels at San Fernando Station. Referring to TS406.2.5 Fabrication Item 3.C, it MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3503_[30]; MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3412_[31];
was categorized into 3 (See Figure 1). MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3413_[31]; MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3641_[30]
91 Architectural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-A-000092 Noise Reduction Coefficient Details at San Fernando NS01 have issued an RFI with reference number NSCR-MACC-NS01-IMN02-RFI-T- No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
Station 000001 Rev.B, requesting the Noise Reduction Coeffiecient of the listed below
finishing materials. See Figure 1.
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item Discipline Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
1) In the attached drawing cross section does not specify the materials to be use MCRP-DWG-VIA02-RD-2003, MCRP-DWG-VIA02-RD-2004,
1 Civil All At-Grade Works NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-CE-000001 Details In The Edge of the Maintenance Road in the red box as shown. MCRP-DWG-VIA02-RD-2005, MCRP-DWG-VIA02-RD-2006,
Figure 1. Section views in MCRP-DWG-VIA02-RD-2003 to 2007A (IFC Drawing) MCRP-DWG-VIA02-RD-2007 and MCRP-DWG-VIA02-RD-2007A
2 Civil All At-Grade Works NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-CE-000002 Substructure Drainage Connection Detail The Contractor would like to ask for connection detail between vertical PVC dia. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0401, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0402
200mm drainage pipe and drainage channel concrete cover. MCRP-SK-VIA00-DR-0503, MCRP-SK-VIA00-DR-0504
3 Civil All Pier Heads NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-CE-000003 Pier Types for Bird Wire As per our understanding, Bird Wire shall be applying only in Pier Type 1 and MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0402
Type 2. For this matter, may we clarify if our understanding is correct.
As per our Drawing reference no. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1651, for the Concrete
Block Masonry in the staircase. Only Height of 3000mm is shown in the Figure 1.
4 Civil All Emergency Staircase NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-CE-000004 Concrete Block Masonry But the length is not shown in the said figure. Also, exact coordinates are not MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1651
given. In this case may we request the length of concrete block masonry and the
exact coordinates.
1) As per our BOQ only Aggregate Subbase Course in Station and Substation will
be used.
5 Civil San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-CE-000005 Hard Core Materials in San Fernando Station at Bottom 2) But in the drawing reference no. MCRP-SFD-ST-4306 as shown in the red box, MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4306
of Pile Cap there is a 200mm thick hard core materials. In this matter may we clarify what
materials to be used.
1) As per Drawing 1, only the Finished Road Level are given, see red box below.
And as per Drawing 2, the finished ground levels are instructed at drainage
locations. However, there is no instruction at piers and other locations. For this
6 Civil All At-Grade Works NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-CE-000006 Finish Ground Elevation and Level of 30m width Right matter may we request the elevation of the finished ground level for whole MCRP-DWG-VIA02-RD-2015 to 2038, 2003 to 2007A,
of Way Limit MCRP CP N-02 project area. MCRP-DWG-VIA02-DR-0059 to 0104 and MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0080 to 0090
2) And may we ask for clarification in our understanding as shown in the Drawing
3 and Drawing 4 if the finished ground level is same level for the limit of our
project Right of Way except the area with maintenance road and drainage.
As per Technical Specification 206.7.6 Tests for Modulus of Elasticity, and Creep
9 Civil Creep and Shrinkage Tests NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-CE-000009 An Inquiry on Creep and Shrinkage Tests and Shrinkage Coefficients, Creep and Shrinkage Tests is required for use in No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
adjusting the design values and the related calculations of structural deflection
and geometry control.
Based on NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-CE-000002 Engineer’s Response, the
drainage outlet channel (originally connected onto the pile cap) is now
disconnected to pile cap and should be of separate structure. In this regards, the
Request for Additional Information about Drainage Contractor kindly request the Engineer an additional information for the
10 Civil All Underground Works NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-CE-000010 following: MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1355 & 1356 (Rev.30)
Outlet Channel
1. Plan view showing pile cap, column, PVC pipe and concrete drainage channel.
2. Sections showing column, PVC pipe and new concrete drainage channel.
3. Elevation of concrete drainage channel.
4. Clarify the distance of the PVC pipe from the pier on the below figure.
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item Discipline Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
There are some items in the Specifications that requires the Contractor to
provide detailed design of secondary elements. (e.g., PTFE, Escalators and
13 Civil San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-CE-000013 Request for Analysis Modelling and Design Report of Elevators, etc.). No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
San Fernando Station With regards to this, may we request the Analysis Model and Design
Report/Calculations to serve as guidance and leverage.
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item Discipline Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
1. It is understood that a steel box girder will be installed above the Old San
Fernando Station (as shown below). In this regard, the Contractor would like to
1 Civil San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-CN-000001 Protection Plan of Old San Fernando Station ask if the protection plan should consider the case in which the steel box girder No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
will unfortunately fall to the old station during lifting operation.
2. If the mentioned case above will not be considered, the Contractor would like
to ask for the maximum weight/load the Protection Plan should carry.
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item Discipline Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
According to the results of Crosshole Sonic Logging Test and the High Strain
Integrity Test carried out at P510-01, it’s clear that the said pile has some
1 Civil P510 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-GT-000001 Request for Information on Pile Design defects. With respect to this issue, the Contractor wants to refer the pile design MCRP-CAL-VIA-ST-012_R3, MCRP-CAL-VIA-ST-014_R3
to come up with a remedial plan as soon as possible. Thus, the Contractor would
like to ask if the Engineer can send pile design report to the Contractor.
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
The Pier Schedule in drawing No. MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST shows the Pier Type and
Pier Reinforcement Type. However, Rebar details of Pile for Pier type and MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0105, MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0109,
6 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000006 Request for Rebar Details of Pile reinforcement type of the Pier Numbers shown in the below table have been MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0110
omitted in the IFC Drawings.
1. Please let us know the size of the bearing plinth and it is kindly requested to
provide the reinforcement details for the bearing plinth. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0781 [Bearing Type1 Details]
8 Structural NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000008 Bearing Detail 2. It is understood that there are six types of bearings shown in BOQ for MCRP-DWG-BR105-ST-0101 and 105
Extradosed Bridge (from S1to S6), please provide us the type information for the MCRP-DWG-BR105-ST-0501 and 502
Extradosed Bridge Bearings.
The Contractor has received the Engineer’s Response to the RFI of the OCS pole
provision location (NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFRFI-QA-000008).
Geometry and Rebar for OCS Pole in Precast 1) There is a discrepancy between IFC drawings and ‘Pole and Guy Foundation
9 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000009 Segmental Bridge Diagram at Viaduct in the Engineer’s Response’ about thickness and shape of MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1301, 1302, 0901
slab at the location of OCS pole. Please let us know which drawing should be
Details of Block Outs or Sleeve Passing Through the The Contractor has received the Engineer's Response to the RFI of the OCS pole
10 Structural NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000010 Segement provision location (NSCR-ADJV-N0S-CSFRFI-QA-000008). No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
Vertical height of the top blister is state as 540mm. But as shown in Figure 1, if
the angle of 17 degrees and distance from the CJ (100+175) are applied, ADJV
obtains 571.8 mm.
11 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000011 Blister Dimension Please clarify the dimensions of the top blister in T2, and provide the dimensions MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0992 rev30.
from the external edge of the segment (A in Figure 1) so that ADJV don’t have
mistakes on them.
Figure 1. Top blister dimension in MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0992 rev30.
1. Dual track span For the temporary bottom blister on dual track segments, the
position shown on drawing MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0821 rev30 is centered in most
of the segments, and the segments that have the manhole has the block
deviated. There is no dimension for the blister position on the segments with the
15 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000015 Location of Temporary Blister blister centered (no manhole). ADJV want to place the blister centered always in MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0821
the segment length for the segments without manhole. Please clarify whether
the Contractor can consider the blister centered always in the segment length
for the segements without manhole, and exact position of the blister for the
segements with the manhole.
The shear keys are defined with different spacing in drawings MCRP-DWG-VIA00-
ST-0802 rev30 and in drawing MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0804 rev30. Also the
bottome shearkey is drawn without demolding angle.
16 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000016 Shear Key Spacing and Demoulding Angle 1) Please let us know which of them the Contractor shall be followed. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0802, 0804
2) ADJV proposes to provide such angle or enlarge the shear key to avoid
breakages during demolding operations like Figure 3. Please let us know whether
this proposal is applicable.
The web thickness in T1 and T1M is different (350mm and 500mm), so a step on
the inner face of the segment will happen.
For the process of the matchcasting, the formwork needs to have some cm of
overlap with the already casted segment and this overlap needs to be in an area
long enough for the proper work of the mould (have
17 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000017 Transition between T1 and T1M Segments solid support) In order to make the inner formwork workable and the matchcast MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0062
process between T1 and T1M solid, the Contractor may need to make the
transition(500-350) towards the T1M by 80mm, allowing the inner
formwork to overlap and stand on a correct surface on the T1. Please refer to
the below sketches and attached drawing for the better understanding.
1. There are discrepancies between the Top of rail level of STA 60+857.5 shown
in DWG-BR105-ST-0011 and DWG-VIA02-ST-0108, which are 25.15m and
25.194mm respectively. It is kindly requested to clarify which one is correct
18 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000018 Top of Rail Level at Sta. 60+857.5 information. MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0108; MCRP-DWG-BR105-ST-0011
2. It is kindly requested to clarify which information has the priority, if there are
discrepancies between pier schedule and general arrangement drawings as
mentioned above.
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
According to Draft Design Criteria Report May 2019 in as shown in Table 7.13,
the Site Factor, Fpga at Zero-Period on Acceleration Spectrum for Level 1 Seismic
Peak Ground Acceleration and Response Spectral Event is 1.64. Upon checking DPWH Guide Specification LRFD BSDS as shown on No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
25 Structural NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000025 Acceleration Coefficients Table 3.5.3-1 and by using interpolation, Site Factor Fpga should be 1.56. Please
clarify the correct value.
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
The Contractor is now preparing for the camber calculation based on the
requirement written in the Specification and Drawings. Please be noted that it is
P458 TO P462 kindly requested to provide the design report or the modelling file of the MCRP-DWG-BR105-ST-0005 [Camber and Prestressing]
P467 TO P470 Assumption to Calculate the Camber for Balanced balanced cantilever and extradosed bridge, in order for us to minimise the MCRP-DWG-BC01-ST-2005 [General Notes for Construction Sequence]
29 Structural P431 TO P434 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSF-RFI-ST-000027 Cantilever and Extradosed Brdige clarification and review period. If the Engineer mind providing such information, MCRP-DWG-BC03-ST-4005 [General Notes for Construction Sequence]
P660 TO P663 it is kindly requested to provide further details as shown in followings, but not
In reference
limited to, to Technical Specifications Clause 207.2.3, Tie Wire shall be No. 16
gauged annealed wire. However it was realized that gauged 16 is quiet hard to
use, workers needs to exert further effort and gives discomfort and ultimately
less productivity. It was then we introduced the use of gauged 18 as trial.
Stability in the reinforcement had been analyzed and proven no difference. Work
productivity has improved. Consultant/Engineer of the project was satisfied and
30 Structural Tie Wires NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000028 Tie Wires Comparison and Usage got an approval for its usage. Therefore in MCP2 project, we intend the usage of No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
gauged 18 galvanized tie wire. As referred to ASSHTO M32/ASTM A-82 General
requirements Clause 3.1 Note 1 (These sizes represent the most commonly used
item in both welded wire fabric abnd wire usage. Othere sizes can be used.) In
any case,
In Pile CapWe the contractor
Reinforcement are willing
Drawings, to demonstrate
there to the Engineer
are some ambiguous lengthsthe
development of or this process.
lap as shown in the below figures. Please provide each length
Development Length or Lap Length in Pile Cap for the marked parts in the below figures. (Length of lap between B4-N40 and
31 Structural Pile Cap Reinforcement NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSF-RFI-ST-000028 Reinforcement MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0341, 0342, 0343, 0344, 0345
B1-N40, length of development for B4-N40 and B1-N40, length of lap or
development between side face bars)
1. P-595 This pier is used to connect 10.3 precast segment brdige and CIS50-9
and there should be four elastomeric bearings for CIS50-9 as shown in DWG-
CIS50-ST-0080. However P595 is shown to be type 1 shown in DWG-VIA00-ST-
32 Structural P595 & P597 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000029 Bearing Arrangements at P595 and P597 0423, which means one more bearing is required to be there. In addition to this, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0422, 0423,0447,0448
L10 dimension is shown to be in P595, but not shown in the bearing
Information on water flow like volume of water flow, water level and flow
2. P-597at
velocity This pier is used
waterways areto connect for
necessary twothe
precast segment spans
to select and and BR110
box with P598, consequently
methods like temporary6 bearings at increasing
bridge, temporary chainage
pipe culvert,side
P437 & P438 4 bearing
etc. Pleasetoletconnect
us know CIS50-3 between
information on P597
flowP596. Please
including theconfirm
it is
P468 &P469 correct
level, understanding
maximum volumethat the arragement
of water should beflow
flow and maximum reversed namely
velocity 6 bearing
for the below
33 Structural P583 & P584 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSF-RFI-ST-000029 Flow Information of Waterways waterways. No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
P705 & P706 - Masaluso River (between Pier P-437 and P-438)
P765 & P766 - Pambaling River (between Pier P-468 and P-469)
- Sand Fernando River (between Pier P-583 and P-584)
As shown
- Creek on NSCR-GCR-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-CN-000014_N-02,
between Pier P-705 and P-706 Engineer’s response
on the OCS pole location,
- Sarion-Malpitic we realized
Creek (between Pier that
and will be 3 segments of type T1M
to have the provision of the OCS pole/backstay. This may result in the
preparation of a special provision of the mould for these 3 segments. In addition,
34 Structural P518, P591 & P597 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000030 Relocation of OCS Pole the presence of top blister on T1M segment may create a technical difficulty to NSCR-GCR-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-CN-000014_N-02
the formwork design and operation, especially for the inner formwork due to the
inclusion of the rib. To avoid these, we
proposed to shift the following OCS pole location to fall either on T1 or A1 type
1. The Contractor understands the Engineer’s intention to omit the cable troughs
on Viaduct. Please kindly carify that the cable troughs on the single track box
girder in front of San Fernando station, extradosed bridge, balanced cantilever MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1500; MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1501;
NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000030 bridge, cast in-situ box girders and steel box are also removed, namely there will MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1502; MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1521;
35 Structural Viaduct Segments _LEGACY Omission of Cable Troughs on Viaduct
not be cable troughs anymore in CP N-02. If not, please kindly provide the MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1551; MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1552
drawings showing the location of cable troughs on the plan view.
2. It is kindly requested to clarify that the deck widening shown in MCRP-DWG-
VIA00-ST-1500 is still valid, since there will be enough space for electronic point
machine, shunting signal and impedance
As shown on NSCR-GCR-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-CN-000013_N-02, there are some cases
where only one side of the segment is required for an OCS pole. This can be
found in 6.1m and 10.3m wide segments, as shown below.
Rib Location When OCS Backstay is Required on One NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000031, In such case, the contractor would like
36 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000031 Side of Segment Only No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
to ask for clarification if the rib is needed only on where the OCS pole is located
including the inner part of the segment or both sides including the inner part of
the segment.
1. Please provide the specification for the 38.5 THK. rubber strip
2. Please provide the specification for the glue to be used between the rubber
NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000031 trip and steel pin.
37 Structural Viaduct Segments _LEGACY Seismic Restrainer Installation 3. Please let the Contractor know that the hole located in the bottom slab for the MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1401
seismic restrainer can be made larger than D4 length, so that the void will be
grouted up after installation of seismic restrainer pin and rubber strip.
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
With respect to termination depth of bores, In TS Depth of Bores, it is
specified “the bores shall be taken below the proposed founding level to a depth
of at least 3 times the diameter of the pile. In case the soil at that level is found
to be unsuitable or of doubtful bearing capacity, the depth of investigation
NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000032 below the proposed founding level, shall be extended till firm and stable soil or
39 Structural Bored Pile _LEGACY Termination Depth of Bores rock is met with.” No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
However, termination depth of bore is not clear in case unsuitable soil at the
level is found. Thus, the Contractor would like to ask the Engineer to clarify
where the termination depth is. Please give the Contractor an instruction how
Design of Typical Type P-7 Pier Steel Inspection The
longContractor would
the bore shall like to askfrom
be extended the Engineer
(1) to (2).to provide Type P-7 Pier steel
40 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000033 Platform inspection platform calculations (including applied loads and design of MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0502 to MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0506
anchoring). This is for the analysis of possible anchoring options.
According to Technical Specification 204.3.8, the Access Tubes (Sonic Tubes) shall
be at least 38.1mm inside diameter. On the other hand, the Drawing No. MCRP-
DWG-VIA-ST-0320 mentions the Sonic Tubes shall be 50mm ID. In respect with
48 Structural Viaduct Bored Piles NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000037 Sonic Tube Inside Diameter Sonic Pipe internal diameter, ASTM D6760 specifies the tubes typically have an MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0320
internal diameter from 38 to 50mm. As for the Contractor’s and Subcontractors
experience, the 38.1mm is enough to perform Sonic Logging Crosshole Test
because the probes has 28mm diameter.
It is noticed that in the viaduct pier type P7 inspection steel platform, the
dia.20mm and 500mm deep adhesive anchors are proposed as fixing method.
NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000037 There are 8 main anchor plates EP1 per support and 10 number of dia.20mm
49 Structural Pier Head _LEGACY P7 Steel Platform Fixing Method MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0501 to MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0506
adhesive anchors in each end plate EP1 thus giving total 80pcs of drill anchors
per support.
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(NSCR-EX) Project
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Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
The pile caps, piers and pier heads concrete strength stated in MCRP-DWG-
VIA00-ST-0402 and TS200 Table 206.4-1 is 40MPa.
NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000039 On the MCRP-DWG-BC03-ST-4033 and 4022 drawings it is stated that 50MPa MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0402, MCRP-DWG-BC03-ST-4033,
53 Structural Bridge 104 _LEGACY Concrete Strength for BR104 Main Piers MCRP-DWG-BC03-ST-4022
concrete shall be used for BR104 main piers. Please clarify which concrete
requirement the Contractor should follow.
Contractor would like to ask for the details of opening of maintenance access
55 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000041 Maintenance Access Opening Reinforcement Details cover of Type A and Type B. MCRPDWG-VIA00-DR-0302
58 Structural All Emergency Staircase NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000044 Pier Location for Staircase request the exact coordinates of Pier in the staircase. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1651-1653
Difference is mainly the height we add and slope for unmoulding. The changes
59 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000045 Change in Top Blister Dimensions on the section of the blister will not structurally affecting the segment MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0991 and 0992 rev30.
As shown on section 2 of MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1132, distance of T8 from the
Distance of T8 from the Centre on Box Girder Typical center is 790. But, upon checking of the Plan in AutoCAD file, it shows that the
60 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000046 Plan (10.3m wide) distance is 792. Regarding this discrepancy, the Contractor would like to clarify MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1132
for the correct dimension.
All Piers with seismic retrainer Please let us know which value is correct. It seems that the value shown in L1
63 Structural pin NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000049 Seismic Restrainer Length column is 300mm longer than the summed value MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1401
Based on the drawing No. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1901, still not clear in which MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1901 Rev.31; MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0400;
64 Structural All Piers NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000050 Lightning Arrester Detail pier lightning arrester is required to be installed. The contractor needs a list of MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0401; MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1001;
piers in order to coordinate with CP NS-01 E&M Contractor. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1021
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
65 Structural P660 to P663 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000051 Saddle System for Extradosed Bridge Saddle test and type MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1081
1) As per drawing below there is a gap between GL and Slab on grade, But the
Materials to be use between GL and Slab on grade for gap does not specify what material to be use. MCRP-DWG-BP2-4201, MCRP-DWG-SS14-ST-4201,
66 Structural Ancillary Buildings NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000052 SFD Station, SIGCOM, ELECTRIC HOUSE, Battery Post 2) For this matter may we request the details and materials to be used in the said MCRP-DWG-SS15-ST-4201, MCRP-DWG-SS16-ST-4201,
and Substation gap. MCRP-DWG-SS17-ST-4201 and MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4506
As per our previous response to RFI-ST-000030, the concrete cable troughs are
67 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000053 Omission of Cable Troughs on Viaduct removed in all sections, including the sections shown in DWG No. MCRP-DWG- DWG No. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0065 [31]
VIA00-ST-0065 [31].
Change of Splice Method for Piles of Station and An Inquiry on Change of Splice Method for Piles of San-Fernando Station and MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4301, MCR-DWG-SS15-ST-4301, MCRP-DWG-ISER2-ST-4301,
68 Structural Ancillary Building Bored Pile NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000054 Buildings Buildings MCRP-DWGCP2-ST-4301
An Inquiry on Use of Concrete Spacer for Pile of Station and Buildings instead of MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4301, MCR-DWG-SS15-ST-4301,
69 Structural Station and Buildings NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000055 Use of Concrete Spacer for Pile of Station and Buildings the Flat Bar. MCRP-DWG-ISER2-ST-4301, MCRP-DWG-CP2-ST-4301
70 Structural Viaduct Pile caps NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000056 Modification of Rebar B7 in Pile Caps Modification of rebar B7 in pile caps MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0341 to MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0345
P458 TO P462
P467 TO P470 Response to NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000018, MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-
71 Structural P431 TO P434 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000057 Bearing Heights of BC and ED Bearing Heights of BC and ED 0101,0102, 0107,0108 MCRP-DWG-BC01-ST-2001, 2021, 2031 MCRP-DWG-
P660 TO P663 BC03-ST-4001, 4021, 4033 MCRP-DWG-BR105-ST-0401, 0101, 0151
P458 TO P462
P467 TO P470 Design Criteria for Extradosed Bridge and Balanced
72 Structural P431 TO P434 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000058 Cantilever Bridge Design Criteria for Extradosed Bridge and Balanced Cantilever bridge MCRP-DWG-BR105-ST-0005
P660 TO P663
It is noticed that length 31744mm of the MT02 approach structure shown on the
73 Structural MT02 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000059 MT02 Approach Ramp Length Clarification MCRP-DWG-CIS70-ST-0004 vary to the length 46647mm shown on the MCRP- MCRP-DWG-CIS70-ST-0004, MCRP-DWG-CIS70-ST-0092
In TS200 chapter 207.2.3 it is stated that 1.6mm diameter (gauge 16) tie wire
should be used. The Contractor would like to ask if tie wire diameters 1.4mm
74 Structural All Structures NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000060 Tie Wire Diameter (gauge 17) and 1.2mm (gauge 18) could be used in substructure works (pile caps, No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
piers, pier heads, portal frame, staircases, MT02 abutment and MT02 approach
P458 TO P462
P467 TO P470
75 Structural P431 TO P434 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000061 Conflict in Concrete Cover of Pile Cap (BC01) Conflict in Concrete Cover of Pile Cap (BC01) MCRP-DWG-BC01-ST-2012, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0341
P660 TO P663
Conflict in Concrete Cover of Pile Cap, Pier and Pier
76 Structural P467 to P469 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000062 Head (BC03, BR104) Concrete Cover of Pile Cap, Pier and Pier Head (BC03, BR104) MCRP-DWG-BC03-ST-4012, 4049, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0341
Detailed Hydraulic Analysis Information for Pambaling Detailed Hydraulic Analysis Information for Pambaling River and Melgido
83 Structural NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000069 River and Melgido (Masaluso) River (Masaluso) River MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0012 and 0016, MCRP-DWG-BC03-ST-0014
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
1) Provision of the widening dimension (width) for spans 594-595 and 611-612.
89 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000075 Widening Clarification 2) Confirmation that the OCS bottom rib under the flange is not affecting the MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0150-151
The Contractor would like to update the attached documents in RFI “NSCR-ADJV-
N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000076” since, there are typographical error in Y-
90 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000076 Tendon Profile Location / Precast Segmental Bridge coordinates of the T5 in segment 4-8 (refer to figure 1 and 2). Please see No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
attached sample drawing for more information about the tendon profile.
The Contractor would like to update the attached documents in RFI “NSCR-ADJV-
CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000076” since, there are typographical error in Y-coordinates of
91 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000076 Tendon Profile Location / Precast Segmental Bridge the T5 in No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
segment 4-8 (refer to figure 1 and 2). Please see attached sample drawing for
more information
about the tendon profile.
The Contractor would like to propose some changes in the shape of the MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1041, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1051, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-
100 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000085 Modification of Rebar Shape in T1, T1M, T2 and T3 reinforcement in some positions. 1061 rev30.
Proposal to Change the Geometry of Bottom The Contractor would like to propose to adjust the geometry of Bottom
101 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000086 Permanent Blister for T2 & T3 Permanent Blister of segments T2 and T3 MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0992
Stripping Slope of Recess to Bottom Tendons for A1, The Contractor would like to propose adding a slope on the concrete recess to MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0901, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0921, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-
102 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000087 A2 and A3 Segments bottom tendon 0941
103 Structural Viaduct Elastomeric Bearing NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000088 Elastomeric Bearing Translation Translation of the elastomeric bearings. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-781 & 782 Rev30 and 31
An Inquiry on Rebar Array & Alignment for 1500mm & 1200mm Dia. for Station
104 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000089 Station Pile Rebar Arrangement Bored Piles MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4301
Modification of the Geometry of Bottom Permanent The Contractor would like to modify the geometry of the bottom blister on
105 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000090 Blister for T1 segment T1 (Segment number 4 and 13) MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0991 rev 30
106 Structural P660 to P663 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000091 Prestressing Tendon for Extradosed Bridge (BR105) Change of prestressing tendon for BR105 MCRP-DWG-BR105-ST-0005
The Contactor’s understanding pile cap levels are determined on site and agreed MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0011~0020;
107 Structural Bridge BR116 (BC01) NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000092 Request for Design Report of Substructure of Bridges with the Engineer. In addition, estimated ground level is below top of pile cap at MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0089~0091;
some locations as shown in Figure 1. MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0101~0103;
In reference to The Engineer’s response to NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-
Proposal for Inspection Platform to Consider Pre- 000037. The Contractor take note of The Engineer’s comments. So, The
108 Structural NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000093 Installed Anchor Bolt Contractor shall follow the original design without our modification as this is not No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
a Contractor design element of the works.
In the TS200 section 207.2.3 it is stated that finely annealed mild steel wire
should be used for tie wire. The Contractor would like to ask if galvanized iron
109 Structural All Structures NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000094 Tie Wire Type wire (GI wire) could be used as tie wire in substructure structural works (pile cap, No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
pier column and pier cap) and staircases works?
110 Structural Viaduct parapet Wall NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000095 Detailed Design of Parapet Wall Detailed Design of Parapet Wall MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1271
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
Please let us know tests shown in TS231.4.3, namely [Fixing Capacity Test] and
113 Structural Extradosed Bridge NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000098 Fatigue Test Cost for Saddle [Fretting Fatigue Test] are included in Provisional Sum Item PS-5 [Fatigue Test for No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
Stay Cable Saddle System for Extradosed Bridge] as described in following.
114 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000099 Request for Drawing Number VIA00-ST-1003 Request for missing drawing number VIA00-ST-1003. No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
Proposed Reinforcement Detail in Transition Between
115 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000100 T1 and T1M Segments Proposed Reinforcement Detail in Transition Between T1 and T1M segments MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1051 rev 30, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1041 rev 30
The Contractor notice that in joint T1 and T1M segment, Shear key on T1M is not
in contact with T1 segment because of the thickness differences. Please refer to
figure 1 and 2. In this case, T1M has a bigger shear key than T1 and this may
116 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000101 Proposed Shearkey Size in T1M Segment create loses of concrete though shearkey T1M while casting the T1. For this MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0802 rev 30
reason The Contractor would like to ask The Engineer if it is acceptable to
replace the T1M dimension(shear key) to T1 dimension (shear key).
117 Structural Viaduct Pier Column NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000102 Pier Column Reinforcement Pier Column Reinforcement NSCR-DWG-VIA00-ST-0603
Due to this The Contractor’s understanding is if the length should be 95 mm, the
type of Ferrule should be FE12095GH. Please clarify whether the Contractor’s
118 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000103 Request for Clarification in Type of Ferrule in Drainage understanding is correct. If not, please let us know the correct part number and MRCP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1351
dimension of the ferrule as per the Reid construction system product catalogue.
Emergency Staircase
119 Structural and Battery Post NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000104 Coordinates of Emergency Staircase and Battery Post Coordinates of Emergency Staircase and Battery Post MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1651
Please be noted that the Contractor already finalized the procurement process
of the seismic restrainer based on the Engineer’s drawing. The early responses
126 Structural BR104 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000111 Permanent Structure Check (BR104) will be much helpful for the Contractor to finalize the seismic restrainer MCRP-DWG-BC03-ST-4043 (Rev30)
procurement process.
The contractor would like to use the same mould of bulkhead for T1, T1M and
A1. However, T1 (refer to figure 1) and T1M/A1(refer to figure 2) has a difference
Proposed Top and Bottom Web Shear Key Geometry of 150mm web thickness. Hence, the Contractor will provide supplement mould
127 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000112 at Joint T1M/A1 and T1M/T1M MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0802 rev30
with thickness of 150mm together with T1(350mm) bulkhead mould to meet the
web thickness of T1M/A1.
Clarifications about Engineer’s Response (#2) for RFI Clarifications about Engineer’s Response (#2) for RFI Re: Pier Column MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0601, 0621, 0625, 645, 0651, 0660, 661, 0671, 0680, 0690
128 Structural Viaduct Pier Column NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000113 Re: Pier Column Reinforcement Reinforcement MCRP-DWG-BR105-ST-0153 MCRP-DWG-BC01-ST-2041, 2045 MCRP-DWG-BC03-
ST-4041, 4045, 4048, 4050
Proposal to move Segment Widening in Pier no. P592- The Contractor would like to porpose to move the small portion of widening that
129 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000114 P593 covers the segment 4,so the widening will start on sgement 5 MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0150 TO 151
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
Due to possible difficulty in installation and fixing of tie reinforcement bar with
shape code IZ and HH as shown in Figure 1, the Contractor would like to propose
modification of these shape codes to make an angle of 90 degree hook at one
130 Structural NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000115 Modification of Shape Code IZ and HH end instead of 135 degree and 180 degree hook, respectively. See Figure 2. The MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1101
rebar arrangement will be alternately installed. May we ask from your good
office your approval for this modification.
The Contractor would like to clarify the dimension of the temporary hole on top
of the segment. In Drawings MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0902, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-
Clarification of Temporary Hole Diameter on top of 922, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-942 are reflected that the hole should be 380 mm MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0902, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-922,
131 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000116 Segment A1, A2 and A3 diameter (refer to figure 1) whereas in Drawing MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1401 is MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-942, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1401
reflected that the hole diameter (top and bottom) depends on the seismic
restrainer type “D4” (refer to figure2).
Please clarify which one the Contractor shall follow of technical specification or
A Discrepancy of Quantity of High Strain Integrity Test bill of quantity. Further to an above query, the Contractor cannot find any pile
132 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000117 for San-Fernando Station tests for SIG/COM and Genset Buildings in the Bill of Quantity. Please clarify it No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
The Contractor notice some discrepancy regarding the total height of the flap
133 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000118 Clarification for Total Height of Flap Gate 1 and 2 gate 1 and 2. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-DR-0451, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-DR-0452
Request for Revised Detailed Drawing of Outfall The Contractor notice some discrepancy regarding the height of the headwall in
137 Structural Drainage system NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000122 (Double Barrel) RCBC outfall MCRP-DWG-VIA00-DR-0408, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-DR-0421
Request for Revised Detailed Drawing of Outfall (Triple The Contractor notice some discrepancy regarding the height of the headwall in
138 Structural Drainage system NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000123 Barrel) RCBC outfall MCRP-DWG-VIA00-DR-0409, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-DR-0421
In order to improve the assembly of reinforcing bars in pile cap, the Contractor
would like to include additional 28mm.Ø rebar chair support device spaced at
every 1.5 meter in both directions. These supporting devices will secure the top MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0341 to 0345
141 Structural Pile Cap NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000126 Rebar Chair Support for Top Bars in Pile Cap rebars’ position as to maintain the necessary concrete covering. Also, these are MCRP-DWG-BR105-ST-0032, -0042
meant to be a part of the permanent structure and got embedded in the MCRP-DWG-BC03-ST-4013
concrete. See Figure 1. May we ask from your good office your approval for this
additional support.
142 Structural Ancillary Building NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000127 Coordinates of Emergency Staircase and Battery Post Coordinates of Emergency Staircase and Battery Post MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1651
Clarification on Clashes Between Rebars and Tendon Contractor noticed that Top slab reinforcement bar detail of the segment is
143 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000128 at BR105 missing where the Contractor cannot confirm the clashes between bars and MCRP-DWG-BR105-ST-0451 to 0452
Clarification in Rebar Diameter to be Inserted on The Contractor’s understanding is that the diameter of rebar suitable to cross
144 Structural Viaduct Drainage system NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000129 Drainage should be 10 mm or less. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1351
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
Contractor would like to ask the Engineer if the spiral bar can be change into
hoop ring and be assembled from the top of the bottom bar up to the height of MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0321, 0322, 0323, 0324;
Proposal for Changing Bored Pile’s Spiral Bar into Hoop 750 mm. The 20mmØ hoop ring will be installed staggered and spaced at 75mm MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0341, 0342, 0343, 0344, 0345;
148 Structural Viaduct Bored Piles NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000133 Ring in Pile Cap and shall be spliced by laps. The minimum length of lap splice shall be 40- bar MCRP-DWG-BC01-ST-2012 MCRP-DWG-BC03-ST-4012, 401
However, upon checking the IFC Drawings for bored pile reinforcement details,
pile detail for Pier Type P6 is missing. In this regard, the Contractor would like to
149 Structural Bored Pile NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000134 Request for Bored Pile Reinforcement Details request to the Engineer the bored pile reinforcement detail drawing for Pier MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0106, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0321
Type P6 and kindly clarify the pier reinforcement type of each pier mentioned
Clarification on the Different Holes in the PrecastAs per IFC drawings in segmental, there are several holes with different purpose
151 Structural Viaduct Segment NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000136 Segmental like drainage, lifting holes, and temporary bottom blister in segmental. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0996,0971,0961,0952,0942,0922,0902 rev 30
As per the Engineer’s response to the RFI “NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-
000106”, the Contractor understand that the pipe inserted on the segment is HD
uPVC 63/53 (outside/inside diameter). However, the Contractor could not find a
Modification of HD uPVC Pipe used in Lightning supplier that has the 63/53 pipe here in the Philippines. So, the Contractor
152 Structural Lightning Arrester NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000137 Arrester would like to propose to use the equivalent pipe in external diameter but with No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
smaller wall thickness (the biggest available in market). The proposed pipe is
63/56 mm (outside/inside diameter), refer to figure 1. The Contractor would like
to ask the Engineer if the size of the HD uPVC pipe is acceptable and proceed
153 Structural P457 to P460 and P631 to P634 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000138 BR111 and BR116 Transition Pier Concrete Upstand BR111
with theand BR116 Transition Pier Concrete Upstand
procurement. MCRP-DWG-BC01-ST-2021
Confirmation of Wall Footing Tag at SIG COM ELECTRIC 1. Please confirm F1A2 or F1A Wall Footing Tag to be use as per MCRP-DWG-
Genset Building Confirmation of NO Parapet Wall on Roof Level at Confirmation of NO Parapet Wall on Roof Level at GENSET BUILDING and ISER
155 Structural and ISER Nos. 2 and 3 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000140 GENSET BUILDING and ISER Nos. 2 and 3 Nos. 2 and 3 MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4611, MCRP-DWG-SIG-3501
As per the IFC drawing “MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0801 rev 30”, the initial segment
in a span to be casted is the second. The Contractor would like to propose two
156 Structural Viaduct Segment NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000141 Initial Segment (First Casting Segment) options of span configuration on starting segment (please see figure 1 and 2) MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0801 Rev 30
using short line method.
Details of Cantilever Slab on Roof Level at BATTERY Please provide Details of Cantilever Slab on Roof Level at BATTERY POST No. 2
157 Structural Battery Post NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000142 POST No. 2 (BP2-1 to BP2-4) (BP2-1 to BP2-4). MCRP-DWG-BP2-ST-4101, MCRP-DWG-BP2-ST-4201
162 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000147 Details of Construction, SAWN and Expansion Joints Details of Construction, SAWN and Expansion Joints MCRP-DWG-STA-ST-4002, MCRP-DWG-STA-ST-4026
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
Contractor propose to provide 250mm diameter of PVC pipe for the 3 cases
Geometry of the Recess for the Seismic Restrainer mentioned. This is the same case as the approved RFI “NSCRADJV-N02-CSFSTN-
164 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000149 Installation (Top Slab of Segment) RFI-ST-000031” for the bottom recess, the opening could be bigger and grouted MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1401 rev 30,
later. The Contractor would like to ask the Engineer if the proposal is acceptable
165 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000150 Confirmation of FGL and FFL at Garbage Building Confirmation of FGL and FFL at Garbage Building MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4661, MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4201
The Contractor would like to clarify the position of the lightning arrester inside
Request for Clarification of Lightning Arrester Position the segment. There is a mismatching between the Drawing MCRP-DWG-VIA00-
166 Structural Viaduct Segment NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000151 in Segment ST-1901 and RFI response “NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000106”. In said RFI, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1901 Rev.32
it is mentioned that position of the lightning arrester is placed in EAST SIDE.
Followings are our understanding for the construction tolerance for the Precast
segmental bridges, Balanced Cantilever Bridge and Extradosed bridge based on
168 Structural All Bridges NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000153 Construction Tolerance for the Superstructure Works TS 206.18.1. Please advise us whether or not it is correct and clear No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
The Contractor would like to ask the Engineer if tie rods embedded in the
169 Structural Formworks NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000154 Use of Tie Rod for Formworks System concrete is acceptable. No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
Concrete Pouring Sequence of Pile Cap Footings and As per MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4306 - Construction Joint is indicated and noting a
173 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000158 Girders at San Fernando Station concrete pouring at 2-stages. Can we have a monolithic concrete pouring MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4306
instead? This will eliminate lateral construction joints.
Contractor would like to modify the rebar shape in the Shear Connector, please
refer to figure 2. Only the shape of the rebar will change the diameter will still be
176 Structural Viaduct Pile Caps NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000161 Modification of Rebar Shape in Shear Connector N16. The Contractor would like to ask the Engineer if the modification of rebar is MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1002, 1021, 1022, 1041, 1051, 1061
Contractor would like to propose to modify the shape of the stirrup T23-HT
Request for Change Shape of Stirrup T23-HT in OCS intended for the OCS pole as shown in figure 1. Only the shape of the rebar will
179 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000164 Pole change the diameter will still be N16 (refer to figure 2). The Contractor would MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1302
like to ask the Engineer if the modification of rebar is acceptable.
26 of 118 836605949.xlsx
North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
Relocation of Steel Columns on top of Foundation Relocation of Steel Columns on top of Foundation Girders at San Fernando
180 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000165 Girders at San Fernando Station Station MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4306, MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4401
181 Structural NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000166 Battery Post Type of Battery Post, Structural Drawing Details and Correct Coordinates. MCRP-DWG-SA-AR-3051
Details of SB30M and SB50 Structural Steel Members Details of SB30M and SB50 Structural Steel Members at Roof Level San Fernando
182 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000167 at Roof Level San Fernando Station Station MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4151
183 Structural P457 to P460 and P631 to P634 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000168 Location of Inspection Platform in BC03 and BC01 Location of Inspection platform in BC03 and BC01 MCRP-DWG-BC01-ST-2105
185 Structural Viaduct Pier Column NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000170 Seismic Restrainer Length Embedded Length into the Deck of the Seismic Restrainer. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1401
Segmental Reinforcement Modification and Request for Change of Shape Code VV. Clarification of T03 Position. Clashing of
189 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000174 Clarification Clashing of Rebar and Tendons T03 with Tendon Location. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1002, 1022, 1041, 1051, 1061
This is in reference with the recess (Holes) for Seismic Restrainer in the Pier Head
Proposal to use PVC Pipe or Equivalent for the RECESS as shown on the IFC drawing (MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1401. And based on the
190 Structural Pier Column NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000175 (Hole) for Seismic Restrainer (Pier Column) TS216.10.4 (Boring Seismic Restrainer Holes and Installation) indicates the recess MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1401, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0672
(Holes) for Seismic Restrainer shall be “bored” true to the specified diameter.
Clarification for Splices between Spiral Bars in Pier Contractor would like to ask clarification from your good office about the
191 Structural P631 to P634 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000176 Column allowed lap splicing method that shall be adapted during construction – whether MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0690 MCRP-DWG-BC03-ST-4048
tied by tie wire or can be welded.
Request for Information in Bar Mark T24 OCS Pole Slab The Contractor would like to clarify the Engineer the location of the Bar Mark
192 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000177 Reinforcement Detail T24. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1302
193 Structural Drainage system NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000178 Request for Missing Drawing in Drainage The Contractor would like to ask for the missing drawing of this realigned canal. MCRP-DWG-VIA02-DR-0072
The Contractor would like to change the following dowels, the reason for this
194 Structural Viaduct parapet Wall NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000179 Request for Change Shape in Dowels for Parapet Wall changes is later on we need to meet the proper elevation for the parapet wall as MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1002, 1022, 1041, 1051, 1061
per actual situation
The Contractor would like to clarify two things regarding seismic restrainer holes.
1. The seismic restrainer holes detail (cloud in red) shown on Plan-P1 Pier of
195 Structural Viaduct Pier Column NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000180 Seismic Restrainer Holes MCRP-DWG-VIA00- 0401 Rev. 31 (Pier head concrete details) is different from MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0401 rev.31, MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-1401
the Section 2 shown on MCRP-DWGVIA00-1401. In this matter, the Contractor
would like to ask for clarification.
Information about Seismic Restrainer Upstand on Contractor would like to ask clarification to the Engineer about the dimension MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0400, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0471 MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-
196 Structural CIS Bridge NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000181 CIS50 Bridge Pier Type P5D details of the seismic restrainer upstand for pier type P5D and its quantity as we 0645, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0801, MCRP-DWG-CIS50-ST-0012
need to install several seismic restrainers for this CIS50 bridge pier type
Information about Seismic Restrainer Upstand on Pier Contractor would like to ask clarification to the Engineer about the dimension MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0400, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0421 MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-
197 Structural Viaduct Pier Column NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000182 Type P3 details of the seismic restrainer upstand for pier type P3 0801, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0621
Note 2 on the drawing MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0402 states that the minimum
198 Structural Formworks NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000183 Substructure Formwork Removal Requirement required concrete compressive strength for inclined surfaces of the pier shall be MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0402
15MPa at the time of stripping.
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
Reinforcement detail for Blockout (600Ømm Soffit The Contrcator would like to ask the Engineer to please provide revised IFC Reference Documents MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1051 and 1061, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-
200 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000185 Access Opening) in Segmental drawing for the blockouts of 600Ømm soffit access opening in T1M,T2 and T3 ST-0952,0961,0971
Reinforcement Detail of Rib when OCS Backstay is The Contractor would like to ask the Engineer to provide connection detail of the
201 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000186 required on one side of Segment reinforcement of the rib to the web in segment. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1302
The Contractor’s understanding the Ø50 mm drainage hole are located only in
Request for Clarification in Drainage Hole Ø50 mm in A1,A2,A3,T2, and T3 as per IFC drawing. However, drawing number “MCRP-
202 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000187 Segments DWG-VIA00-ST-0996” in figure 2 the Ø50 mm drainage hole is reflected in T1M MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-099
203 Structural Viaduct Pier Column NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000188 Seismic Restrainer Seismic Restrainer MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0014, 0011, 0012, , MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0061
Clarification on Track Slab Width and Location of the
204 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000189 Shear Connector Clarification on Track Slab Width and Location of the Shear Connector MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0061
In reference to the IFC drawing “MCRP-DWG-BC01-ST-2302 and MCRP-DWG-
BC01-ST2302“the bolt has an angle direction for BC01 and BC03 inspection
platform (refer to figure 1). The Contractor would like to propose to install the
205 Structural P457 to P460 and P631 to P634 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000190 Proposed Position of Anchor Bolt in BC01 and BC03 bolt in horizontal direction with additional plate please refer to figure 2. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0061 to 0062,
Dimensions of the plate will be specified on the shop drawing when Engineer
approved the proposal. The Contractor would like to ask the Engineer if the
proposed direction is acceptable. 2. The Contractor would like to ask the
Confirmation of FG11 Dimension on Support at San As per MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4111 and 4312, Foundation Girder Schedule, FG11 is
206 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000191 Fernando Station 2600 on Left and Right Support (see Figure-1) but upon measuring on CAD file, it MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4111, MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4312
shows 2200 (see Figure-2).
The Contractor would like ask confirmation and approval to waive the testing
207 Structural NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000192 Post Tensioning System Testing Requirements from Engineer based on the above detailed explanation. No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
Request for Confirmation Anti Bursting Reinforcement Request for Confirmation Anti Bursting Reinforcement in Permanent Blister and
208 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000193 in Permanent Blister Segment Type A. No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
The Contractor would like to propose the following location of drainage down
pipe in different span length for precast segment. Please refer to figure 1,2,3,4,
Proposed Drainage Location of Precast Segments in and 5. For negative longitudinal grade, the arrangement is mirrored as per IFC
209 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000194 Different Span Length MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1351
drawing. The Contractor would like to ask the Engineer if the proposal is
The Contractor would like to use double stacking method for storage purpose in
pre casting yard. Please refer to the attached calculation for the checking of the
210 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000195 Double Stacking Method for Storage Purposes support on top and bottom of the precast segment to avoid cracking and No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
bending of the top slab in layer 1. The Contractor would like to ask the Engineer
if this storage with stacking method is acceptable.
The Contractor would like to clarify the orientation of N10 bar going thru the
213 Structural Drainage system NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000198 Change of Orientation of N10 Bar in Drainage Ferrule drainage ferrules. As per IFC Drawings, the bar should go thru the 200 PVC pipe MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1351
as shown in Figure 1 below.
214 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000199 Clarification of Quantity for T01 and T02 Rebars Clarification of quantity for T01 and T02 rebars MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1041, 1051
As per response in NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000014, the access manhole
is located only on one side of the span, where there are no obstacles on the
215 Structural NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000200 Location of Accelerator ground that interfere with the accelerator. The Contractor would like to ask for No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
the specific locations of the accelerator in order to know in which segment the
access manhole should be place.
Contractor would like to clarify in which specific segments (chainage to chainage)
216 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000201 Location of Soffit Ferrules within the Station it is needed to install. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0951, 0952, 0971
Proposal to change Bar Shape TB01, TB02 and TB03 in Proposal to change Bar Shape TB01, TB02 and TB03 in Temporary Blister
217 Structural NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000202 Temporary Blister Reinforcement Detail Reinforcement Detail MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1091, 1101
As per IFC drawing “MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1081” the position for PB04 and PB05
Request for change Location of Rebar PB04 & PB05 is shown in figure 1. The Contractor would like to change the location of the legs
218 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000203 (Permanent Blister) in bar Marks PB04 and PB05, as shown in figure 2. The Contractor would like to MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1081
ask the Engineer if the proposal is acceptable.
28 of 118 836605949.xlsx
North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
Querries on Shear Connector Arrangement for Tangent Track and Curved Track
221 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000206 Shear Connector Arrangement Drawing No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
Discrepancy in Size of Spiral Rebar Between RFI and The Contractor would like to insist that using 16mm spiral rebar diameter with
224 Structural Portal Pier NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000209 IFC Drawing 75mm pitch is more reasonable than using 20mm spiral rebar MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0324
Propose Bar Mark Shape of T02 in Top and Bottom Contractor would like to propose the following arrangement of the T02 rebar
225 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000210 Permanent Blister for T1,T1M,T2,T3 Segments that will only clash on the PT duct MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1081,1082,1041,1051,1061
Pier Head and Pier Column The Contractor would like to clarify if these general notes also apply to the Pier MCRP-DWG-BR105-ST-0032, MCRP-DWG-BR105-ST-0042,MCRP-DWG-BR105-ST-
226 Structural (BR105) NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000211 Clarification on Steel Grade to be used in Pier Head Column and Pier Head of BR105 (Extradosed Bridge). 0103, MCRP DWG-BR105-ST-0153
and Pier Column (BR105)
227 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000212 Clarification of A31 Bar Diameter in A1 Segment The Contractor would like to ask the Engineer what bar diameter governs. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-DR-1001,1002
Proposed to move Ferrules Location in T1 and T3
228 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000213 Segments Proposed to move Ferrules Location in T1 and T3 Segments MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0952,0971 Rev30
P-695, P-695A and P-697 Bored Pile Diameter and Pile MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0323 Rev. 30, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0341 (Rev.31) and
229 Structural P-695, P-695A and P-697 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000214 Cap Dimension P-695, P-695A and P-697 Bored Pile Diameter and Pile Cap Dimension MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0421 Rev. 31
Regarding the Engineer’s response/queries to the RFI with ref. NSCR-ADJV-N02-
230 Structural BR104 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000215 Permanent Structure Check (BR104) CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000135, please refer below for the Contractor’s answers. No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
231 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000216 Request to Change Shape Bar Mark T02 The Contractor would like to propose straight bar (S) for T02. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1041, 1051, 1061
Request to Remove Bar Mark T03 in Bottom
232 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000217 Permanent Blister Request to Remove Bar Mark T03 in Bottom Permanent Blister MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1041, 1051, 1061
Viaduct Pile cap, Pier and BR105 Pile cap, Pier and Pierhead Grade of Steel
236 Structural Pierhead NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000221 Reinforcement BR105 Pile cap, Pier and Pierhead Grade of Steel Reinforcement MCRP-DWG-BR105-ST-0032 & 0042
Proposed Reinforcement Detail for Block Out Proposed Reinforcement Detail for Block Out (600Ømm Soffit Access Opening) in
237 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000222 (600Ømm Soffit Access Opening) in Segmental Segmental MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0952
238 Structural P-612 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000223 Request to Relocate OCS Pole for P-612 Request to Relocate OCS Pole for P-612 No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
Request to Change Shape of Bar Mark PB03 & PB09 in
239 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000224 Permanent Blister Request to Change Shape of Bar Mark PB03 & PB09 in Permanent Blister MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1081, 1082
29 of 118 836605949.xlsx
North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
Confirmation of Ground Floor Structural and Finish Confirmation of Ground Floor Structural and Finish Floor Level (SFL and FFL) at
248 Structural Battery Post/ Ancillary Building NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000233 Floor Level (SFL and FFL) at Battery Post BP BP2-1 to Battery Post BP BP2-1 to BP2-4 MCRP-DWG-BP-AR-3102, 3103, 3105, 3106, 3501
Confirmation of Ground Floor Structural and Finish Confirmation of Ground Floor Structural and Finish Floor Level (SFL and FFL) at MCRP-DWG-SS14-ST-4201, MCRP-DWG-SS15-ST-4201, MCRP-DWG-SS16-ST-
249 Structural Ancillary Building NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000234 Floor Level (SFL and FFL) at Substations SS14 to SS17 Substations SS14 to SS17 4201, MCRP-DWG-SS17-ST-4201, MCRP-DWG-PSS-AR-3102, 3103, 3501
Verification of Unidentified Rebar on Bottom Slab on Verification of Unidentified Rebar on Bottom Slab on Balance Cantilever Bridge
254 Structural Balance Cantilever NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000239 Balance Cantilever Bridge Reinforcement IFC Drawing Reinforcement IFC Drawing MCRP-DWG-BC03-ST-4085
255 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000240 Clarification on Quantity of Bar Mark T04 The contractor would like to clarify the quantity of Bar Mark T04. MCRP-DWG-BC03-ST-4081
256 Structural Viaduct Pier Heads NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000241 Seismic Restrainer Type Seismic Restrainer Type 4055 MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0015 Rev.31
The Contractor would like to propose to adapt bundled bars in order to prevent MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0321, -0322, -0323, -0324 MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0341, -
257 Structural Viaduct Pile Cap NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000242 Bundled Bars at Soffit of Pile Cap in Bored Pile Section clashing and to meet the required quantity. 0342, -0343, -0344, -0345
258 Structural Drainage system NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000243 Drainage Downpipe(200mm) Location in Piers Drainage Downpipe(200mm) Location in Piers MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0401,0421,0471,0491,0501,1351
Minimum Distance between Top Slab Drainage The Contractor would like to ask the Engineer if the minimum spacing can be less
259 Structural Drainage system NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000244 (200mmØ) than 5000mm. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1351
Request to Clarify OCS Pole and Block out Location in Contrator wants to clarify several mismatching found between table and
260 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000245 Precast Segments drawings, both included in the document. No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
261 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000246 P-596 to P-597 Deck Discrepancy P-596 to P-597 Deck Discrepancy MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0030, MCRP-DWG-CIS50-ST-0011, 0012
The Contractor would like to confirm if lightning arrester would still be required
262 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000247 Lightning Arrester in San Fernando Station in the piers and viaducts within the San Fernando Station (P-661 to P-605). MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0030, 0031, 0032 MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3202
Clarification about the Hook Orientation of Pier Starter MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0341, 0342, 0343, 0344, 0345 MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0601,
263 Structural Viaduct Pier Column NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000248 Bar inside the Pile Cap Clarification about the Hook Orientation of Pier Starter Bar inside the Pile Cap. 0621, 0625, 0645, 0651, 0660, 0671, 0680, 0690 MCRP-DWG-BC01-ST-2041,
2045 MCRP-DWG-BC03-ST-4041, 4045, 4050
264 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000249 Lightning Arrester for P-597 and P-609 Lightning Arrester for P-597 and P-609 CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000106
Clarifications for B37 on Bottom Slab and Longitudinal MCRP-DWG-CIS40-ST-0031, MCRP-DWG-CIS40-ST-0032 MCRP-DWG-CIS50-ST-
265 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000250 Rebar Clarifications for B37 on Bottom Slab and Longitudinal Rebar 0031, MCRP-DWG-CIS50-ST-0032 MCRP-DWG-CIS70-ST-0031, MCRP-DWG-
Confirmation of Clear Width of Stair/Hallway at ISER2 As per MCRP-DWG-ISER2-ST-4101, MCRP-DWG-ISER3-ST-4101 – clear width of MCRP-DWG-ISER2-ST-4101, MCRP-DWG-ISER3-ST-4101, MCRP-DWG-SIG-AR-
266 Structural ISER-2 & ISER-3 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000251 and ISER3 Stair/Hallway is 2100mm. 3101,
In reference to NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000148, the suggested
Details of Preformed Compressible Material at San compressible material (polystyrene), will not confer a compressive characteristic
267 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000252 Fernando Station between the backfill soil layers (2-meters depth) and the steel columns No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
On the IFC Drawing No. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1001, there is discrepancy on
268 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000253 Clarification on Quantity of Bar Mark A46 quantities of Bar Mark A46 for Type A1 between each side which has same MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1001
length of area.
The Contractor wants to clarify some details in BR110 (P-597 to P-599SB)
superstructure and substructure as discussed in the following items below.
1. As mentioned in RFI response in NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000134 and
Clarifications for BR110 (P-597 to P-599SB) NSCR-GCR-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-CE-000001, P-599SB has a Pier Type of P6. Upon MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0491, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0922,
269 Structural P597 to P599SB NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000254 Superstructure and Substructure checking concrete details of Pier Type P6 on MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0491 (refer to MCRP-DWG-BR110-ST-0022, MCRP-DWG-BR110-ST-0041
Figure 1), Table 1 shows “P-599” and not “P-595SB”. Please confirm the correct
2. As per Section 2 of MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0922 (refer to Figure 2), the distance
between bearings of 6.3m wide box girder is 2.4m (1200mm +1200mm). On the
other hand, Plan of MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0491 (refer
30 of 118 836605949.xlsx
North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
As per IFC Drawing No. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1001, bar mark A99 for Type A1 is
hereby reflected on the top slab. However, referring to IFC Drawing No. MCRP-
270 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000255 Clarification on Bar Mark A99 DWG-VIA00-ST-1002, the said bar mark is not shown. Also, for Type A2 and A3, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1001, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1002,
Bar Mark A99 shown on Top Slab of IFC Drawing No. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1021 MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1021, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1022
but not reflected on IFC Drawing No. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1022.
Reason for RFI: On the IFC Drawing No. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1021, Bar Marks
272 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000257 Identification of Duplicated Bar Marks A28 and A29 A28 and A29 are duplicated. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1021
The Contractor would like to propose to slightly change the orientation of edge
P-598NB Bearing Layout and Box Girder Edge of girders at Pier P-598NB. To be similar with the general procedure of the
274 Structural P598 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000259 Orientation Precast Segmental box girder, the edge of girders in P-598NB are proposed to be MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0030
perpendicular to the alignment.
1. In reference to the RFI no. NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000109 the
Engineer’s response ”20mm x 20mm chamfers are applicable only to all exposed
sharp corners of concrete structures above ground”.
Clarification on Chamfer Details in Pier Column and The Contractor would like to confirm the following chamfer for typical piers:
275 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000260 Pier Head a) 20mm x 20 mm chamfer will apply on all the sides of top pier head except the MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0501
vertical corner of the seismic upstand (refer to highlighted RED color in figure 1).
b) 150mm x 150 mm chamfer on vertical corner of the pier head (refer to
highlighted ORANGE color in figure 1).
c) 500mm x 500 mm chamfer on pier column.
The Contractor would like to clarify with regards to the orientation of the hooks
Clarification on the Orientation of Hooks Upon upon installing the Bar Mark T05 in the segment as follows:
277 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000262 Staggering of Bar Mark T05 -For segment T1M: Since BM T05 is in bundle, the hooks of the said BM will be MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1041, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1051
On the IFC Drawing No. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1001, there is discrepancy on
278 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000263 Clarification on Quantity of Bar Mark A02 quantities of Bar Mark A02 for Type A1 between each side which has same MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1001
length of area.
279 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000264 Modification of Bar Marks A04 and A09 Contractor would like to request to modify on Bar Marks A04 and A09 MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1001
The length of exposed main rebars of Emergency Staircase haven’t been seen in
280 Structural Emergency Staircase NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000265 Length of Exposed Main Rebars of Emergency MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1653 MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1653
Staircase Bored Piles
The Contractor would like to propose to slightly change the orientation of edge
P-597 and P-609 Bearing Layout and Box Girder Edge of girders at Pier P-597. To be similar with the general procedure of the Precast
281 Structural P597 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000266 Orientation Segmental box girder, the edge of girders (CIS50-3 and 6.3m wide PSM) at MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0030
northbound side of P-597 are proposed to be perpendicular to the alignment.
The Contractor would like to modify the shape of Bar Mark A50 and A47 for Type
282 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000267 Modification of Bar Marks A50 and A47 A1 segment. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1001
In Technical Specification the texture of the deck slab and finishes for formed
concrete for exposed surfaces will be specified in the contract documents.
Texture of Deck Slab and Finishes for Formed Concrete However, the Contractor does not have clear information of the concrete
283 Structural CIS40, CIS50 & CIS70 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000268 of CIS No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
finishes and texturing for exposed surface from Drawing series CP N-02
ST_CIS40, CP N-02 ST_CIS50, CP N-02 ST_CIS70.
As per MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0031 (refer to Figure 1), Pier P-596 has CIS50-9 on MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0031, MCRP-DWG-CIS50-ST-0013,
284 Structural P596 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000269 P-596 Pierhead Concrete and Reinforcement Details decreasing side and CIS50-3 on increasing side. CIS50-9 and CIS50-3 have depths MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0471, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0648
of 2400mm and 3000mm respectively.
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(NSCR-EX) Project
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Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
The Contractor propose to modify the spacing of rebars on segments with block
Modification on Spacing of Rebars in Segments’ Top outs such as drainage, access manholes, etc. This is to avoid excessive cutting of
285 Structural Drainage system NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000270 and Bottom Slab rebars and to expedite the rebar installation works. Spacing of rebars will varies No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
between 110 mm to 200 mm.
Referring to RFI 000202, the proposal to change the bar shape of Bar Mark TB03
286 Structural NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000271 Modification of the Height of Bar Mark TB03 from shape FZ to shape T was accepted. In line with this, the Contractor would No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
like to modify the height of these rebars.
As agreed in the interface meeting, E&M Contractor CP NS-01 shall supply and
carry out electrical conductor system works, while the Contractor shall supply
and install PVC ducts for the lightning arrester. As per RFI no. NSCR-ADJV-N02-
CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000106, the Engineer’s response in Note 2, “all conduits and
288 Structural Lightning Arrester NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000273 Draw String for the Lightning Arrester ducts to be provided with suitable draw strings”. The Contractor wants to clarify No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
if we are the one who will supply the draw strings to be installed together with
the PVC ducts. If yes, please provide detailed specifications and drawings for
procurement process
and installation.
In reference to the RFI response “NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000194”, the
Contractor understand that drainage hole in top slab will only be needed where
there is a Ø200mm downpipe drainage. However, to pour concrete to the
bottom slab of the segment the concrete hose should go thru the top slab
Considering Drainage Hole for all T Segments (T1, T2, (please refer to figure 1). So, the Contractor would like to propose to consider
289 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000274 T3 & T1M) MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1041,1051,1061
this hole in all T segments (T1, T2, T3 & T1M). The additional reinforcement will
also be considered (refer to figure 2). If the bottom slab is casted, the segments
that is not required to have top drainage hole will be casted together with the
top slab.
In TSContractor
206.18-1 iswould like tothat
mentioned ask the
the Engineer
maximumif tolerance
this proposal is acceptable.
for the position of a
Shear Key is ±6mm. However, it has been encountered that, in one of the mould,
there is one shear key that the outer face is moved 10mm (Figure 2). Contractor
would like to ask the Engineer if this tolerance for position shear key could be
acceptable based on the following reasons.
290 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000275 Request for Position of Shear Key Tolerance 1. The main function of the shear keys is to facilitate fitting of the segment MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0802, 0804
during erection. Since short-line casting method is applied for fabrication,
perfect match-cast face can be achieved even 10mm of shifting of shear key.
2. The second function of the shear keys is to transfer shear load. Except 10mm
of shifting of shear key, total number, dimension and angle of shear key will be
maintained so that the shear capacity of web can be achievable.
On the IFC Drawing No. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1001, there is a discrepancy on
the details of Bar Mark A07 which denotes on Plan – Bottom Slab that its Bar
291 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000276 Clarification on Bar Shape of Bar Mark A07 Shape is VV while on the IFC Drawing No. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1002, Section 2 MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST- 1001, 1002
shows that the said Bar Mark is a straight bar.
Furthermore, on the Engineer’s response on NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-
000273, the Contractor would like to ask for more details regarding draw strings
Details of Draw Strings (G.I. Tie Wire #12) for Lightning (G.I. Tie wires #12) for lightning arrester cables.
292 Structural Lightning Arrester NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000277 Arrester Cables 1. Length of extension of draw string (G.I. Tie wires #12) from the end of PVC No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
pipe (on top of pier head and on top of pile cap).
2. Details of accessory to connect the draw string (G.I. Tie wires #12) to the
lightning arrester cable.
As per MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0036, two spans (P-646 to P-648) have both fixed
restrainer type (clouded with blue in Figure 1). On the other hand, the
Contractor understands that each span should have one movable and one fixed
restrainer type. Hence, one of the restrainers in each span mentioned should be
293 Structural P647 to P649 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000278 Seismic Restrainer Type of Piers P-647 to P-649 change to Movable type. If the assumption above is correct, the Contractor MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0036
would like to propose to change the seismic restrainer types on Piers P-647 to P-
649 as marked with red in Figure 1. The reason for this is to minimize the
translation by moving the M-M type of seismic restrainer to Pier P-649 which has
shorter span of 35m on both sides. Please advise us if the proposal is acceptable.
If yes, please specify the girder nominal gap.
An Inquiry on Using Hydraulic Hammer for Carrying As per ASTM D4945 “Standard Test Method for High-Strain Dynamic Test of
294 Structural NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000279 Out PDA Test Deep Foundations”, single acting Hydraulic Hammer (Pile Driving Hammer) can No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
be used for High-Strain Dynamic Test
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
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Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
Referring to RFI No. ST-000262, the hooks of Bar Mark T05 should be all in the
upper part which would make an congestion in the Top Slab. Due to this, the
Contractor proposed to modify the shape of Bar Mark T05 as follows, NSCR-
299 Structural NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000284 Modification of Bar Mark T05 ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000284 Instead of having hooks at the corner, we will No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
have splicing as the figure shown. Splicing of hooks inside the bundle should be
In order to improve the steel rebar assembly, the Contractor would like to
propose some changes in the shape of the reinforcements in Segment Type A1,
same as proposed in RFI No. ST-00085.
301 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000286 Modification of Rebars in Segment Type A1 1. The Bar Marks A01 and A05 on the bottom slab of Segment Type A1 are MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1001, 1002
proposed to change by combining into a single stirrup with staggered
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(NSCR-EX) Project
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Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
The Contractor notice that for A1 segment the reinforcement for the chamfer is
missing (refer to figure 1 below). In this matter, the Contractor would like to ask
Reinforcement for Chamfer in Diaphragm Segment if this understanding is correct. Consequently, the Contractor would like to
307 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000291 Type A1 propose reinforcement for the chamfer (refer to figure 2 below). The Contractor MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1002
would like to ask the Engineer if the proposal is acceptable before implementing
in the shop drawing.
In the IFC Drawing No. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1001 Plan – Top Slab, Bar Mark A17
Modification on Shape of Bar Marks A17 and A12 in is to be placed along the red arrow shown on below figure 1. Referring to the
309 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000293 Flat Portion of Slab for Type A1 Segment same figure, the contractor proposed to modify shape of the Bar Marks A17 and MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1001, 1002
A12 on the area.
Clarification for Emergency Staircase ES-6 Bored Pile Based on IFC Drawing MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1659, Emergency Staircase ES-6
310 Structural ES-6 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000294 Quantity composed of 6 units of 1000mm dia. bored piles. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1659
In the Segment Type A1, the contractor would like to modify the shape of Bar
312 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000296 Modification of Bar Marks A11 and A27 Marks A11 and A27. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1001, 1002
1. HDPE with Helical (or Spiral) Rib The Contractor would like to clarify whether
the outer HDPE pipe should be provided with helical rib as shown in following
figure or the smooth surface HDPE or any other surface type of HDPE the
313 Structural NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000297 Stay Cable Sheathing Details Engineer want the Contractor to follow. No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
2. Sheath Colouring It is written that “The colour of HDPE shall be as instructed
by the Engineer”. Please instruct the Contractor that which colour of HDPE
should be applied to BR105.
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
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Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
Contractor would like to clarify to the Engineer the following points regarding
Clarification for Final Location Lightning Arrester in location of lightning arrester in segments:
319 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000303 Segments 1. Ligtning arrester should be placed in last segment of the Span (, as reflected in DWG-VIA00-ST-1901 Rev. 32
Drawing MRCP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1901 Rev. 32 included in RFI - 151
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Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
1. The Contractor notice that table for development length is not provided in the
IFC drawing for BR105-Extradosed bridge. The Contractor would like to ask the
Engineer to provide table for development length.
2. As per IFC dwg “MCRP-DWG-BR105-ST-0452” in note 1, laps not shown should
Longitudinal Reinforcement Lap Spliced in be staggered (refer to figure 2). The Contractor would like to propose
331 Structural Bridge 105 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000315 Superstructure (Extradosed Bridge - BR105) MCRP-DWG-BR105-ST-0451 and 0452
longitudinal reinforcement for superstructure only to increase by factor 1.3 the
laps length that will be provided by the Engineer instead of arranging it
staggered. The Contractor would like to ask the Engineer if the proposal is
The contractor would like to propose the change of shape in Bar Mark A08 from
shape QZ to shape S, refer to figures below. (NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-
332 Structural NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000316 Modification on Shape of Bar Mark A08 000316). This would help to install easily the other bars which will not be No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
obstructed by the hook of Bar Mark A08 as shown below.
The Contractor’s understanding is that Bar Mark T19 would possibly clashed with
the trumplate as shown below, NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000319.
335 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000319 Modification of the shape of Bar Mark T19 in OCS Pole Figure 1. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1302: To avoid this clashing, the Contractor MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1302
proposes to modify shape of Bar Marks T19-02 and T19-03, as reflected on
Figure 3 below, from staight bars (shape S) to shape J.
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(NSCR-EX) Project
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Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
Same as stated on RFI No. ST-000286, the hooks of Bar Mark A29 make an
congestion in the Top Slab. Due to this, the Contractor proposed to modify the
341 Structural NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000325 Modification of Bar Mark A29 shape of the said Bar Mark as follows, Instead of having hooks at the corner, we No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
will have splicing as the figure shown. Splicing of hooks inside the bundle should
be staggered.
Information Requested:
1. FGL (Finished Ground Level), Pile Cap Level (Pile cut-off Level) and Earthwork
Drawings (Cross Section and Longitudinal Section Drawings) for Pile Caps with MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0080 ~ 0091, 0101 ~ 0112,
Finished Ground Level, Earthwork Drawings and consideration of actual (surveyed) Ground Elevation. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0061, 0401, 0421, 0424, 0460,
342 Structural P506 to P825 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000326 Revised Drawings of Pile Cap, Drainage and 2. FGL (FGE), Earthwork Drawings (Cross Section and Longitudinal Section 0471, 0472, 0491, 0501 & 0510,
Maintenance Road between P-506 to P-825 Drawings) for Drainage and all revised Drainage Drawings with consideration of MCRP-DWG-VIA02-RD-2003 ~ 2007A, 2015 ~ 2049,
actual (surveyed) Ground Elevation and existing Road Elevation. MCRP-DWG-VIA02-DR-0059 ~ 3013
3. Finished Road Level, Earthwork Drawings (Cross section and Longitudinal
Section Drawings) for maintenance road and all revised maintenance drawings
with consideration
Contractor of actual
would like (surveyed)
to clarify differentGround
queriesElevation and existing
in permanent blister: Road
1. After checking the response in RFI-000021, our understanding is that in point 1
there is a typo error and should be: The segment type of segment number 4 and
13 is Type BB2M, as it is clarify in point 4. Please confirm.
343 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000327 Request for Clarification in Type of Permanent Blister 2. In drawing MRCP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0991, as reflected in picture below, it seems MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-821 Rev.30, 991
that: - When the thickness of the wall is 500 mm, the permanent blister type
should be BB2
- When the thickness of the wall is 350 mm, the permanent blister type should
be BB2M, therefore segments T1(5) and T1(6) should be also BB2M. Please
confirm if the Contractor’s understanding is correct or not.
The Contractor would like to weld a temporary attachment on the vertical
reinforcement of the pier to hold the reinforcements firmly while the pile cap
concrete pouring is on-going (refer to Figure 1 and Figure 2).
344 Structural NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000328 Welding of Vertical Reinforcements of Piers To ensure that it will have no adverse effect, weldable reinforcement will be No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
used, and the temporary attachment will be removed after the pile cap
hardened. Please let us know if this is acceptable.
The contractor is requesting confirmation on the following matters:
1) In MCRP-DWG-CIS50-ST-0012 table 2, the bottom width of the bottom flange
is not matching with the sum of the openings and diaphragm wall thickness as
seen in MCRP-DWG-CIS50-ST-0015 table 4, creating a discrepancy of 60mm. To
345 Structural CIS50 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000329 Orientation of the Openings in Diaphragm of CIS50 avoid this discrepancy, it is assumed that the Owt as seen in table 4 will be taken MCRP-DWG-CIS50-ST-0011, 0012, 0014, 0015
as a skewed dimension, and from this point the walls will be perpendicular to the
centerline of the pier head. The Iwt, will also be taken perpendicular to the
centerline of the pier head. Kindly confirm non objection with the orientation of
the wall openings in the diaphragms which are perpendicular to the center line
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(NSCR-EX) Project
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Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
Refernce is made to RFI dated 21st July 2021 with Ref. NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-
It is kindly requested that the Engineer could provide following information in
Design Report of Precast Segmental Construction order for the Contractor to expedite the submission of the proposal that the pile
349 Structural Swampy Area NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000333 Section in Swampy Area cap level in swampy area is proposed to be changed. No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
1. Design Report for the Pile
✓ The Contractor would like to understand the design concept of the piles.
✓ The Contractor would like to understand the boundary condition of the piles.
✓ The Contractor would like to understand how the Designer establishe the
modeling of these section.
The Contractor would like to ask for 4 matters regarding the deck widening.
1. As per response in “NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSF-RFI-QA-000004 Locations of Deck
Widening”, the table below are the locations of the deck widening. Please
confirm if this is still the latest version. If not, please provide. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1500 Rev. 31
350 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000334 Deck Widening 2. As shown on MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1500 Rev. 31, the outline of the deck MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1501 Rev. 31
widening in plan view is trapezoidal in shape (refer to blue line on Figure 2).
However, on MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1501 Rev. 31, the outline of deck widening is
in rectangular shape (refer to blue lines on Figure 3), which is not matching with
the previous drawing. Please clarify what outline should be used.
During the demoulding of segment the Contractor notice the spalling of the
Modification of Top Permanent Blister Geometry TB1 concrete in top blister. Due to this the Contractor would like to add a chamfer of
351 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000335 in 10.3m width 80x10mm as shown in figure 2 and 3. The Contractor would like to ask the MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0991
Engineer if the proposal is acceptable.
Contractor would like to clarify the quantity of Bar Mark A28 which is only 2
352 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000336 Clarification on the Quantity of Bar Mark A28 numbers per side but in our understanding, it should be 7 numbers on each side MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST- 1001, 1002
to avoid possible spalls on the time of demolding the segment.
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(NSCR-EX) Project
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Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
The Contractor would like to clarify of the following in drainage details IFC
Rev.12 provided by the Engineer:
Clarification on Drainage Detail in IFC Rev.12 1. The Contractor notice that as per figure 1 the drainage still on top of the pile MCRP-DWG-BC01-ST-2021, MCRP-DWG-BC03-ST-4021,
358 Structural BC01&BC03 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000342 (BC01&BC03) cap while in figure 2 drainage and pile cap has a gap in between depending on MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1355
the soil cover of the pile cap. Please confirm if our understanding is correct and
provide revised IFC drawing.
The Contractor would like to clarify of the following in drainage details IFC
Rev.12 provided by the Engineer:
1. As per IFC “MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0402 rev. 31” the dimension of the drainage
359 Structural Drainage system NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000343 Clarification on Drainage Detail in IFC Rev.12 (VIA00) provided in 650x500mm (refer to figure 1) while on IFC “MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST- MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0402,0421,0460,0471,0473,0491, 1355,1356
1355 rev. 30” the dimension is 800x650mm & 800x600mm depending on the soil
cover of pile cap (refer to figure 2). The Contractor would like to cask the
Engineer which dimension will govern and provide revised IFC drawing.
In the latest revision, rev. 31, the recess detail is not included, however it was
shown in the previous revision, rev. 30. Kindly confirm that the recess of 6mm on MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-781 REV 30
363 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000347 Clarification on Bearing Plinth Recess Requirement top of the pier head is not required but chipping will be done on top of the pier MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-781 REV 31
head to ensure the concrete bond.
After hacking of the excess concrete in Pier no. 782, an unintended bent of
364 Structural NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000348 Bored Pile Main Rebar Orientation above Cut-off Level bored
The Contractor
pile mainwould
rebarslike to suggest
above the “Guidelines
cut-off level for theinextent
can be observed of 02.
Pile No. the No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
damage permissible to the shear keys on PSM” to the Engineer based on the
following reasons.
1. Generally, the margin of safety allows a small percentage of the keys to be
broken referring the “Construction Practice Handbook for concrete segmental
and cable-supported bridges 3rd edition, cl.17.11-4” which was issued by
Guidelines for the Extent of the Damage Permissible to “American Segmental Bridge Institute” in June 2019. Note that the shear keys
365 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000349 the Shear Keys on PSM are just for the construction stage, and the minimum proposed below is very MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0802, 0804
2. Furthermore, it is not recommended that shear keys are repaired prior to
erection, since any repair of the match-casted surface can lead to fitting
problems and usually to severe spalling upon erection work.
3. Therefore, the Contractor suggest establishing the guidelines for acceptable
key breakage and make the repair after erection.
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Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
Anchors Embedded in Pier P-526 and P-712 Pile Cap The Contractor would like to ask non-objection for embedments on pile cap for
378 Structural P-526 and P-712 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000362 for Launching Gantry Shoring the shoring support system in P526 and P572 No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
Clarification on the RFI-ST-000237 Response regarding The contractor would like to confirm if Bar Marks T20 and T21 are additional
382 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000366 OCS Pole Reinforcement Details on Segment Type A1 bars or belong to deck reinforcements. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1302
Request for Confirmation Dimension Shear Key in The Contractor will add shear key as per the Engineer’s response to ensure
383 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000367 Segment Type T2 alignment of the slab. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0802
The contractor would like to ask for utilization of 25mmx25mm angle bar for
384 Structural Viaduct Pier Head NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000368 Use of 25mmx25mm Angle Bar Chamfer on Pier Heads chamfer on pier heads. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0501
385 Structural Viaduct Pier Head NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000369 P5d Pier Head Reinforcements The Contractor wants to clarify the reinforcement detail of P24 and P50 MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0447, 0645 Rev. 1
Variation Proposal for Reinforcing Mesh on Bearing
386 Structural Viaduct Pier Head NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000370 Plinths Variation Proposal for Reinforcing Mesh on Bearing Plinths MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0672
387 Structural Viaduct Pier Head NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000371 Spacing of Top Bars of Pier Head Type P2 The Contractor to clarify the spacing of the top bars of pier head type P2 MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0821, 0951, 0952, 0991
388 Structural Drainage system NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000372 Detailed Drainage Design and Calculation Detailed Drainage Design and Calculation No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
Bar Details in between Bar Mark B1 for Pile Cap Type
389 Structural Viaduct Pile Cap NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000373 P5D Bar Details in between Bar Mark B1 for Pile Cap Type P5D MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0345_Rev.31
Request for the Design Reports of San Fernando Request for the Design Reports of San Fernando Station, Sig/Com/Electric HSE
390 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000374 Station, Sig/Com/Electric HSE and Substructure Design and Substructure Design of Pier Types P3, P6, and P5D MCRP-CAL-VIA-ST-0012_R3
of Pier Types P3, P6, and P5D
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(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
Modification on the Shape of Bar Mark A48 in Due to the different dimensions of seismic restrainers, the Contractor would like
397 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000381 Segment Type A1 to modify the shape of Bar Mark A48 from HT to 2 nos of LH. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1002
398 Structural Viaduct Pier Heads NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000382 GZ Proposed Bar Shape Detail with Coupler GZ Proposed Bar Shape Detail with Coupler Connection MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1101, 0601
GZ Proposed Bar Shape Detail with Coupler
399 Structural Viaduct Pier Heads NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000382 Connection GZ Proposed Bar Shape Detail with Coupler Connection MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1101, 0601
Clarification of Ground Floor Structural and Finish Clarification of Ground Floor Structural and Finish Floor Levels (SFL and FFL) at MCRP-RFI-BP2-ST-4201 Rev.01, MCRP-RFI-BP2-ST-4202 Rev.01, MCRP-DWG-BP-
400 Structural Ancillary Building NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000383 Floor Levels (SFL and FFL) at Battery Post BP2-1 to BP2- Battery Post BP2-1 to BP2-4 AR 3102, 3103, 3105, 3106, 3501, MCRP-DWG-BP2-ST-4301
Distance Between Piles of P5D on Piers P-596, P-597
401 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000384 and P-598 Distance Between Piles of P5D on Piers P-596, P-597 and P-598 MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0030
Clarification in 6.3m and 5.1 m Wide Tendon Layout The Contractor would like the Engineer to clarify the correct location of the
413 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000396 (PSM) tendon's curve MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1137 Rev. 31
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Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
Signaling House (ISER2) and Substation (SS14) Signaling House (ISER2) and Substation (SS14) Buildings’ Bored Pile Founding
418 Structural Ancillary Building NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000401 Buildings’ Bored Pile Founding Level, Service Load Level, Service Load Design Capacity and GRD Levels MCRP-DWG-SS14-ST-4301_Rev.30 MCRP-DWG-ISER2-ST-4301_Rev.30
Design Capacity and GRD Levels
Clarification of Distance Between Piles of P5D Portal MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0303_Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0027_Rev.30,
419 Structural Viaduct Bored Piles NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000402 Piers P-570, P-571, P-573 and P-609 Distance Between Piles of P5D Portal Piers P-570, P-571, P-573 and P-609 MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0028_Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0032_Rev.30
According to NSCR-GCR-N02-ZWD-LTR-EM-000002-N-02; OCS MAST POSITIONS
420 Structural OCS Pole NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000403 OCS Location at Span S610 (Revised) Rev. 15, there is an OCS mast located at 58+919.075, see location No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
boxed in below figure.
421 Structural Viaduct CIS NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000404 Clarifications on Rebar Details for CIS50 and CIS40 Clarifications on rebar details for CIS50 and CIS40 MCRP-DWG-CIS40-ST-0031, MCRP-DWG-CIS40-ST-0032
422 Structural Viaduct CIS NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000405 Modification on Rebar Details for CIS50 and CIS40 Modification on rebar details for CIS50 and CIS40 MCRP-DWG-CIS50-ST-0031, -0032
According to the "NSCR-GCR-N02-ZWD-LTR-EM-000002 OCS MAST POSITIONS
(Revised) Rev. 15", the internal diameter of pipe sleeves should be 200mm (refer
Modification of HDPE Pipe Size used in Blockout for figure 1). However, the Contractor could not find a supplier that has internal
423 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000406 Cables diameter of 200mm, so we would like to propose PVC pipe with an outside No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
diameter of 200mm and an inside diameter of 184mm. The Contractor would
like to know if the proposal is acceptable in this case.
In accordance with the RFI-ST-000345 response, the Contractor would like to use
a height of 500 mm from the deck to the tip of the guideline pipe (V1) as
424 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000407 Proposed Vertical Height of the Guide Pipe recommended by the supplier. The Contractor would like to ask the Engineer if MCRP-DWG-BR105-ST-0420
the proposed vertical length is acceptable.
Clarification on Discrepancies of Rebars in Segment Contractor would like to clarify the quantities of Bar Marks A30, A08, A05, A07,
425 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000408 Type A2 and A3 A11 and A26, and Shape of Bar Mark A20. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1021, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1022
Clarification of Verified Pile Length Information Clarification of Verified Pile Length Information Provided in NSCR-GCR-N02- MCRP-CAL-VIA-ST-0012 Rev 3, MCRP-CAL-VIA-ST-0189-Rev1,
428 Structural Viaduct Bored Piles NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000411 Provided in NSCR-GCR-N02-CSFSTN-LTR-CN-000046 CSFSTN-LTR-CN-000046 MCRP-DWG-VIA02-DR-0005
Changes in the Dimensions of the Seismic Restrainer MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1002, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1022,
429 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000412 Holes in the Top and Bottom Slabs Dimensions of the Seismic Restrainer Holes in the Top and Bottom Slabs MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1201,
430 Structural Buildings NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000413 Clarification of Steel Reinforcement at All Buildings Clarification of Steel Reinforcement at All Buildings MCRP-DWG-STA-ST-4002 Rev.30
Contractor would like to ask the Engineer if this actual arrangement will be
431 Structural Viaduct Pier Column NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000414 Arrangement of Bar Marks P9 and P10 in Pier Column acceptable MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0604_30
Details for Realigned Canal between P-541 to P-558 The Contactor requires additional information to produce realigned canal MCRP-DWG-VIA02-DR-0072 to 0074, MCRP-DWG-VIA02-DR-0005,
434 Structural Drainage System NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000417 (Sta. 56+215 to Sta. 56+878) drawings based on MCRP-DWG-VIA00-DR-0414 and MCRP-DWG-VIA02-DR-0072 MCRP-DWG-VIA00-DR-0414, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-DR-0407
to 0074.
The RFI is raised to request the Engineer to provide with alignment drawing for
436 Structural Drainage System NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000419 Revised Alignment Drawing for Drainage drainage, in which clashes between drainage and pile cap are resolved. MCRP-DWG-VIA02-DR-0059 to 0104
Request Updated MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0101 to The Contractor would like to request the Engineer to provide an updated MCRP-
437 Structural Viaduct Pier NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000420 MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0112 Pier Schedule DWG-VIA02-ST-0101 to MCRP-DWGVIA02-ST-0112 pier schedule that includes MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0101 to MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0112
information not described in NSCR-GCR-N02-CSFSTN-LTR-CN-000046.
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
Since the storage area of precast segment in precast yard is limited, the
Contractor would like to propose transporting the casted segment with a
concrete strength of 26 MPa to the designated pier area for erection.
438 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000421 Storage and Transport for Casted Precast Segment The said segment will only be stored and will not be erected until it reaches a MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0901
compressive strength of 50 MPa. Please confirm whether the proposal is
acceptable or not.
The Contractor would like to use approved curing compound for horizontal side
of structures (pile cap, column and pier head) and use water curing for the
439 Structural NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000422 Use of Curing Compound vertical side after removal of steel forms until seven days after concrete pouring. No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
Please confirm if the proposal is acceptable.
The Contractor updated the proposal of Design Basis and Pile Layout with
Replacement Piles taking into consideration the RFI Response in NSCR-ADJV-
N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000424 Rev. A. For clarity, the Contractor will not utilize the
Proposed Design Basis and Pile Layout with bored piles that yielded failed results after conducting further investigation like
441 Structural P-510 to P-521 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000424 Supplementary Piles from P-510 to P-521 tomography and PDA tests. These failed piles shall be replaced accordingly. In No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
this regard, the Contractor would like to ask the Engineer to review the amended
Design Basis and Pile Layout with Replacement Piles. (Please refer to the
attached document.)
The Contractor is now working on the remediation for the pile cap and defected
piles with supplementary pile(s) within piers P-510 to P-521. In line with the
Remediation Analysis Model using Software Equivalent preparation of the design calculation and analysis of the remediation design,
442 Structural P-510 to P-521 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000425 to Midas Civil model analysis is needed. The Contractor would like to prepare remediation No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
model analysis using software equivalent to Midas Civil. Please let us know if the
proposal is acceptable.
In line with the above findings, the Contractor would like to ask the Engineer to
Clarification of Bearing Capacity and Length of Piles in review the Contractor’s bearing capacity calculations and so, to prevent any
444 Structural Bored Pile NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000427 Swampy Area possible unfavorable scenario regarding pile bearing capacity (pile length). (For No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
detailed calculation done by the Contractor, please refer to the attachment).
Concrete Compressive Strength for Drainage In this case, may we ask your good office for clarification on which Concrete
445 Structural Drainage System NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000428 Structures (Viaduct and Station) Compressive Strength will govern. No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
In order to resolve this issue, the Contractor must glue and stress each segment
446 Structural Viaduct Segment NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000429 Temporary Stressing Method within 42minutes, which is thought to be impossible with considering the site No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
condition and will be one of the big risks. Please advise us.
Change of Diameter Size of Shear Connectors in Track As per IFC Drawings, the diameter size of the shear connector is 16mm. Refer to
448 Structural Viaduct Segment NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000431 Slab on All Segment Types figures below. The contractor would like to use for the said connector, either No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
diameter 16mm per IFC or 20mm depending on actual site condition.
Location of Plastic Hinge and Confinement Region for The spacing of 100mm is applicable to the whole height of confinement region
450 Structural Pier Type P5D NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000433 Clarification of Shear Bars Spacing of Pier Type P5D (HC) plus the depth of 200mm below from the top of pile cap, as shown in the MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0645_Rev.31
drawing numbers mentioned in this RFI.
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
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Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
Details to prevent water ponding in girders. In the case of bridge approaches and
ramps where the girders are sloping/ inclined. It is anticipated that water will
pond in the low area on top of the girder. This is due to the 150 mm x 160 mm
451 Structural Viaduct Segment NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000434 Clarification on Water Ponding on Inclined Deck Slab stepup concrete block that run across the end of the girder. This water when it MCRP-DWG-VIA0-ST-0063
dries will accumulate mud and other debris that may cause hazard during
construction and operation period.
In IFC drawing, protective concrete layer is required to apply at top slab of the
bridge (refer to figure 1). Considering situation where block-out is present,
452 Structural Viaduct Segment NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000435 HDPE Pipe Length used in Blockout for Cables length of pipe will increase. Contractor’s understanding is the pipe should extend MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0064
in full depth diagonally and vertically as shown in figure 2 and 3 respectively.
Please confirm if the Contractor’s understanding is correct or not.
Clarifications on Geometry of Pier Head P599SB Type MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0491 REV 31, MCRP-DWG-BR110-ST-0022 REV 30;
454 Structural P599SB NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000437 P6 Clarifications on Geometry of pier head P599SB type P6 MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0106 REV 30
455 Structural P599SB NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000438 Plinth for Pot Bearings of BR110 (P597 and P599SB) Plinth for Pot bearings of BR110 MCRP-DWG-BR110-ST-0043 Rev 30
During the stressing works, to achieve the jacking force shown in the Employer’s
drawing with ref. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1133 and 1138, the applied force by the
stressing jack can be slightly greater than the required jacking force (75% of
Nominal Ultimate Tensile Strength). However, the applied force must not be
456 Structural NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000439 Maximum Applicable Stressing Force higher than the yielding stress shown in the mill certificate of the strands and MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1133 and 1138
controlled. Please let us know whether it is acceptable by the Engineer, if the
maximum applied stressing force is controlled less than 85% of Nominal Ultimate
Tensile Strength or Yielding stress of the strand, which is smaller.
To increase the bonding stress between the grout pad and the deck soffit, it is
understood that the contact surface shall be roughened as shown in following
457 Structural Bearing Pad NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000440 Roughened Surface for Upper Grout Pad figure 1. To do this, it is kindly requested to accept the Contractor’s proposal that No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
the check plate will be installed in the mould, consequently the roughened
surface will be formed after casting.
MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0491 REV 31, -0651 REV 30 and -0652 REV 30;
458 Structural Viaduct Pier Heads NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000441 Clarifications on Reinforcements of Pier Head Type P6 Clarifications on Reinforcements of Pier head Type P6 MCRP-DWG-BR110-ST-0022 REV 30; MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0106 REV 30;
459 Structural P468 & P469 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000442 Reinforcement Details for P-468 and P-469 Column Reinforcement Details for P-468 and P-469 Column MCRP-DWG-BC03-ST-4048, 4049
Detail of Beam Rigid Joint Connections on Structural Detail of Beam Rigid Joint Connections on Structural Steel at San Fernando
461 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000444 Steel at San Fernando Station Station MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4411
Detail of Girder connection to Girder Joint Location on Detail of Girder connection to Girder Joint Location on Structural Steel at San
463 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000446 Structural Steel at San Fernando Station Fernando Station MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4131, 4141, 4151
Detail of Splice Connection for BH1200x500x25x40 on Detail of Splice Connection for BH1200x500x25x40 on Structural Steel at San
464 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000447 Structural Steel at San Fernando Station Fernando Station MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4151, 4402
Detail of Cross Brace RSG21 on Structural Steel at San 1. Please provide the thickness of stiffener plate.
465 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000448 Fernando Station 2. The Diaphragm and the connector plate of cross brace RSG21 will collide. To MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4151
remove the diaphragm, Please confirm or provide further details
Clarifications on Quantities of Bar Marks A36, A37 and
466 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000449 A31 on Segment Type A1 Quantities of Bar Marks A36, A37 and A31 on Segment Type A1 MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1001, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1002
The Engineer specified the location of the cable openings Type A to I in segments
(refer to figure 1). As per the notes the pipe sleeve group location can be
Tolerance of Location of HDPE Pipe used in Blockout adjusted by up to 100mm while keeping the intervals unchanged. However,
467 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000450 for Cables there is a chance that individually the pipes will move slightly during casting and No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
the intervals between pipes will change. Due to this, the contractor would like to
ask the Engineer if a tolerance (individual pipe) of ± 25mm is acceptable.
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
Clarification of Expansion Joint Clearance at Concourse Clarification of Expansion Joint Clearance at Concourse on Structural Steel at San MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4131 Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4422 Rev.30,
468 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000451 on Structural Steel at San Fernando Station Fernando Station MCRP-DWGSFD-ST-4421 Rev.30
Detail of Unmarked Material at Concourse on As shown on MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4422, Expansion Joint Details, it shows a
469 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000452 Structural Steel at San Fernando Station material on top of CSG25 which is unmarked/no indicated material profile (See MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4422
Figure 1)
Confirmation of SB60M Orientation on Concourse With reference to NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000453 Rev.A, please provide
470 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000453 Structural Steel at San Fernando Station thickness of the following: MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4131
1. ACP9, 2. ACP27, 3. ACP29
Detail of Connection of Beam to Tapered Girder on Detail of Connection of Beam to Tapered Girder on Platform Structural Steel at MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4141 Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4211 to 4215 Rev.30,
471 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000454 Platform Structural Steel at San Fernando Station San Fernando Station MCRPDWG-SFD-ST-4411 Rev.30
Detail of SC11 Column on Concourse Structural Steel at
472 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000455 San Fernando Station Detail of SC11 Column on Concourse Structural Steel at San Fernando Station MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4131
It is understood that the grout can be injected from any point if the profile
475 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000458 Grouting Inlet Location change in the tendon is not significant, which should be less than 0.5m (It is not No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
necessary to install injection tube if the height variation is less than 0.5m).
The losses of prestress force had been estimated considering the loss due to
Approximate Elongation of Tendons in Precast friction (due to curvature and wobble of tendon) in post-tensioned tendon only.
476 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000459 Segment The losses due to elastic deformation of concrete is negligible (less than 0.5mm MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1121, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1133
in each tendon).
Detail of Girder Splice Connections on Concourse
477 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000460 Structural Steel at San Fernando Station Detail of Girder Splice Connections on Structural Steel at San Fernando Station MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4131 Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4402 Rev.30
Modification on Upper Grout Pad of Bearings for CIS Confirmation for Modification on Upper Grout Pad of Bearings for CIS and BC MCRP-DWG-CIS40-ST-0080, MCRP-DWG-CIS50-ST-0080,
481 Structural Viaduct Pier Heads NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000464 and BC Bridges Bridges MCRP-DWG-CIS70-ST-0080 MCRP-DWG-BC01-ST-2050,
Detail of Beam SB50 on Platform Structural Steel at
482 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000465 San Fernando Station Detail of Beam SB50 on Platform Structural Steel at San Fernando Station MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4141 Rev.30
Detail of Connection for Beams SB60 and SB40 on Detail of Connection for Beams SB60 and SB40 on Platform Structural Steel at MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4141 Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4411 Rev.30,
483 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000466 Platform Structural Steel at San Fernando San Fernando MCRP-DWGSFD-ST-4422 Rev.30
Detail Elevation of Ancillary Buildings against Viaduct We have observed clashes between the Battery Post BP2-1 to BP2-4 and ISER3 to
484 Structural Ancillary Buildings NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000467 Structures the Viaduct Structure/s. The Parapet Wall/Roof Slab of the building structures No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
will collide on the bottom part of the Precast Segments.
Detail of Connection of SB100A to SB100A & PSG2A on Detail of Connection of SB100A to SB100A & PSG2A on Platform Structural Steel
487 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000470 Platform Structural Steel at San Fernando Station at San Fernando Station MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4141 Rev.30
Detail of Connection of SB100A to SB100A & PSG2A on In reference to the responded RFI – NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-00470 Rev.A,
488 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000470 Platform Structural Steel at San Fernando Station SB100A and PSG2A are one block at shop. TO be welded and assembled at shop. MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4141 Rev.30
However, delivery will be difficult due to its fabricated size (See Figure 1).
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
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Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
Detail of Connection for CSG3 BH-1300x400x25x40 Detail of Connection for CSG3 BH-1300x400x25x40 SN490B on Concourse
490 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000472 SN490B on Concourse Structural Steel at San Fernando Structural Steel at San Fernando Station MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4131 Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4402 Rev.30
In our specification, the tolerance for the seismic restrainer installation is not
491 Structural Seismic Restrainer NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000473 Tolerance for Seismic Restrainer Installation clearly mentioned. The Contractor would like to suggest the tolerance as follows No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
to get the approval from the Engineer.
However, the Contractor is considering the scenario that the plate of the PT bars
Column Main Bar Arrangement for P-468 and P-469 at might clash with P2 bundled bars in both sides (shaded in blue) as indicated in
498 Structural P468 - P469 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000480 PT Bar Locations Figure 3 below. Thus, this RFI is raised to ask non-objection to lower these bars MCRP-DWG-BC03-ST-4048, 4049
to the same the level as P2b in figure 1 at each PT bar location.
Detail of Material Specification for SPL-3 on Structural Detail of Material Specification for SPL-3 on Structural Steel at San Fernando
499 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000481 Steel at San Fernando Station Station MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4402 Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4411 Rev.30
A. Reference to MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4411 Rev.30, Intended for the connection
detail of the steel beam A36. NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000481 Rev.B
Please confirm if SN400B material specification as stated above is to apply to the
Detail of Material Specification for SPL-3 on Structural following plates:
500 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000481 Steel at San Fernando Station 1. Gusset Plate (GPL) – SN 400B MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4402 Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4411 Rev.30
2. Splice Plate (SPL) – SN400B
3. Stiffener – SN400B
B. However, please consider the response to RFI No. NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-
RFI-ST-000481 Rev.A and follow the higher grade when A36 beam is connected
TheSN490B girder.
Contractor would like to propose a two stage casting method for pier head
501 Structural Viaduct Pier Heads NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000482 Proposal for Two Stage Casting in Pier Head as stated below. (Please refer to Figure 1). No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
The Contractor informed the Engineer that in his checking of the project have
Request for a New Design Approach for the Seismic detected an inconsistency on the definition of the seismic restrainer pin between
502 Structural Seismic Restrainer NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000483 Restrainer the original design report and the original IFC drawings as those revised on 19th No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
May 2022 through the Letter NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-LTR-CO-00104.
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
It is understood that there are discrepancies among the concrete strength shown
505 Structural Bridges NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000486 Concrete Strength for the Deck in specification and BOQ. Please refer to following table showing the value of the No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
minimum concrete strength.
Connection Detail of Stair Railings on Structural Steel
506 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000487 at San Fernando Station Connection Detail of Stair Railings on Structural Steel at San Fernando Station MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3512 Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3571 Rev.30
Detail of Stairs Fire Exit 5 and 6 on Structural Steel at MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3521 Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3522 Rev.30,
509 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000490 San Fernando Station Detail of Stairs Fire Exit 5 and 6 on Structural Steel at San Fernando Station MCRP-DWGSFD-ST-4444 Rev.30
The Contractor is aware that a 14mm deep drip groove must be provided on
Clarification on Drip Grove in Precast Segmental Box both sides of the segment. The Contractors noticed that when the segment has
510 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000491 Girder an OCS pole, the drip groove along the rib is not shown in the drawing (refer to MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0062
figure 1).
Clarification on Pier Head Reinforcements of BR104
511 Structural P467 to P470 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000492 Transition Piers Clarification on Pier head reinforcements of BR104 Transition Piers MCRP-DWG-BC03-ST-4041, -4042; MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0651;
Clarification of Stair Widths for Fire Exit 5 and 6 on Clarification of Stair Width for Fire Exit 5 and 6 on Structural Steel at San MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4444 Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3521 Rev.30,
512 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000493 Structural Steel at San Fernando Station Fernando Station MCRP-DWGSTA-AR-3552 Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3401/3403 Rev.30,
MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3051 Rev.30
Inconsistency in the width of the stairs. Please confirm which will govern 1.
Clarification of Stair Widths on Structural Steel at San MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4442 Rev.30 shows 2380 mm 2. MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3512 MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3512 Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4442 Rev.30,
513 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000494 Fernando Station Rev.30 shows 80+2131+80 = 2291 mm 3. MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3052 Rev.30 MCRP-DWGSFD-AR-3052 Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3406 Rev.31
shows 2000 mm 4. MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3406 Rev.31 shows 2000 mm
Connection Detail of SB60M to SC11 on Structural
514 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000495 Steel at San Fernando Station Connection Detail of SB60M to SC11 on Structural Steel at San Fernando Station MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4216 Rev.30,
In line with this, there is a confusion regarding when the segment has OCS Pole.
Clarification on Quantity of Bar Mark A37 on Segment If we refer to IFC Drawing No. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1302, there is no MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1001, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1002,
515 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000496 Type A1 reinforcements for parapet wall illustrated on mid section of OCS Pole. Refer to MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1302
Figure 3 below.
516 Structural NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000497 FAT for ECF Strand Factory Acceptance Details. No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
The Contractor would like to request approval from the Engineers for the
517 Structural NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000498 Temporary Bottom Prestress Bar Jacking Force adjusted jacking force shown in figure 2. For detailed calculation, see attached " No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
Attachment 1.pdf"
With reference to NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000296, modification of Bar
Mark A27 was accepted as hooks clashes wth PT ducts. But apparently, hooks
518 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000499 Re-Modification of Bar Mark A27 for Segment Type A1 congested at the bottom part of the segment which makes the reinforcement No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
takes time to be installed. Refer to Figure 1 below.
Clarifications on Bar Marks A11, A12, and A29 in Quantity and Arrangement of Bar Marks A11, A12, and A29 in Segment Type A2
519 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000500 Segment Type A2 and A3 and A3 MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1022
Clarification on Seismic Restrainer Dimension and RFI is raised by the Contractor to confirm non-objection on the proposed MCRP-DWG-BC03-ST-4021, 4035, -4055;
520 Structural NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000501 Upstand Height of Balanced Cantilever Bridges adjustment in the height of the seismic MCRP-DWG-BC01-ST-2021, -2031, -2050;
upstand and seismic restrainer dimensions. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1401
1. Reference to MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4131 Rev.30, Note No. 9 and MCRP-DWG-
Beam Splice and Joint Connection Details on Structural SFD-ST-4151 Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4131 Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4151 Rev.30,
521 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000502 Steel at San Fernando Note No. 7 (See Figure 1a and 1b), please confirm that this also applies to Beams MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4216 Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4402 Rev.30
on Concourse and Roof Levels
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
Details of Fire Exit Stair 1 & 2, 3 & 4 on Structural Steel As specified on IFC – MC 13x50 stair stringer at Fire Exit Stair 1 to 4, the material MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4443 Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3571 Rev.30,
523 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000504 at San Fernando is not readily available and we would like to propose having Built-Up Channel. MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3517 Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3518 Rev.30,
Please refer to below tabulation. MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4131 Rev.30
According to the RFI response “NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000083” item 2,
shear connector for all bridges type should be N16 with 450mm spacing. N16- MCRP-DWG-BC01-ST-2077, MCRP-DWG-BC01-ST-2081,
524 Structural BC01,BC03, and BR105 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000505 Shear Connector for BC01,BC03, and BR105 450 will be used by the Contractor for BC01,BC03, and BR105 (Extradosed MCRP-DWG-BC03-ST-4077, MCRP-DWG-BC03-ST-4081
The Contractor is requested to prepare and submit IFC Drawings affected by the
Format of IFC Drawings of the Realignment in San realignment in San Fernando Station through NSCR-GCR-N02-CSFSTN-DRC-CN-
525 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000506 Fernando Station 000160 (especially in Item 11), which are DRC to ‘NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-PPT- No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
CN-000002 Proposal to Rectify the Piles Deviations at San Fernando Station’.
Confirmation on Bearing Locations of BR104 Main Pier RFI is raised by the Contractor to confirm the correct location of the bearings in
528 Structural BR104 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000510 Segment the Main pier segment. MCRP-DWG-BC03-ST-4062, 4034, 4055
Regarding indications of C01 and C02 in MCRP-DWG-SS14-ST-4101 Rev.B and MCRP-DWG-SS14-ST-4101 Rev.B,
529 Structural Substation-14 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000511 Clarification of Coordinates at Substation SS14 MCRP-DWG-S/A2-AR-3031 Rev.E, there is a discrepancy. MCRP-DWG-S/A2-AR-3031 Rev.E
1. The Engineer provided IFC drawings in Rev.16, the Contractor notice that in
Clarification on Drip Groove Removal in Precast some of the revised IFC drawings had the DRIP GROOVE deleted (figure 1) while MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0062 Rev.B
530 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000512 Segmental other revised IFC, such as under the Notes, still did refer to the drip groove MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0062 Rev.30
(figure 2). MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0921 Rev.B
Proposed Location of Ø50mm Drainage Hole in Precast In RFI "NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000238" the Contractor proposed
535 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000517 Segmental location of 200mmØ pvc pipe when the width of the pier head (BD) is 4000mm MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0901 Rev. B
and 3500mm as shown in figure 1.
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
We would like to clarify the C01 and C02 coordinates indicated on the latest MCRP-DWG-SS15-ST-4101 Rev.B, MCRP-DWG-SS16-ST-4101 Rev.B,
Clarification of Coordinates at Substations SS15 to Structural IFC Drawing of Substations SS15 to SS17. As shown, C01 and C02 are MCRP-DWG-SS17-ST-4101 Rev.B, MCRP-DWG-S/A3-AR-3031 Rev.D,
536 Structural Substation-15 to 17 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000518 SS17 pointing on at the center of Bored Pile X01/Y02 and X08/Y01 respectively with MCRP-DWG-A/S1-AR-3031 Rev.D, MCRP-DWG-A/S2-AR-3031 Rev.D
given coordinates accordingly (See Figure 1 – Typical to SS15, SS16 and SS17)
Establishing the Substation SS17 with regards to its Finished Grade Level (FGL)
537 Structural Substation-17 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000519 Finished Grade Level (FGL) at Substation SS17 against the Viaduct Structure and Main Drainage Line elevations (See Figure 1) MCRP-DWG-SS17-ST-4201 Rev.B
RFI is raised by the Contractor following instructions from the Engineer, to solve
Modification on Seismic Upstand Heights for Pier the problem of the maximum gap between the seismic upstand and the precaset
539 Structural Viaduct Pier Heads NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000521 Heads with 1.1% Slope segment (PSM) soffit. It is proposed to modify the seismic upstand heights for MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1401
the pier heads having a slope of 1.1% and above.
RFI is raised by the Contractor to get the approval for the procedure of the
elstomeric bearing installation. It is our understanding that our elastomeric
540 Structural Elastomeric Bearing NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000522 Elastomeric Bearing Installation Procedure bearing does not have any anchorbolts, consequently the Contractor hereby MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0782
propose the procedure of the bearing installation as follows.
Clarifications on Quantities of Bar Marks A24, and A99 With reference to IFC Drawing nos. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1021 and MCRP-DWG-
543 Structural Viaduct Pier Heads NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000525 in Segment Type A2 and A3 VIA00-ST-1022, Bar Mark A24 has no indicated number of bars or spacing given. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1021, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1022
Please clarify number of A24 to be use. Refer to Figures below.
1. Please provide Substations SS15 and SS16 Indoor and Outdoor Concrete
Plinths layout and dimensions. MCRP-DWG-S/A-AR-3051 Rev.D, MCRP-DWG-S/A2-AR-3031 Rev.E,
545 Structural Ancillary Buildings NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000527 Concrete Plinth Details at Ancillary Buildings 2. For Elevation, thickness, and Steel Reinforcements, to adopt the typical MCRP-DWG-S/A3-AR-3031 Rev.D, MCRP-DWG-A/S1-AR-3031 Rev.D,
structural detail for SS14 and SS17 (See below Figure 1). Please confirm. MCRP-DWG-A/S2-AR-3031 Rev.D, MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3707 Rev.30
The RFI is raised to ask further clarification to the response provided by the
Engineer in NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000528 Rev.A.
The Contractor found out there is a discrepancy on the verified pile cut-off level MCRP-DWG-BP2-ST-4201_Rev.B
Clarification of Battery Post (BP2-1, BP2-2, BP2-3 & and pile founding level for battery post buildings in NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI- MCRP-DWG-BP2-ST-4202_Rev.A
546 Structural Battery Post NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000528 BP2-4) Buildings' Bored Pile and Pile Cap Elevation ST-000416 (see Table 1) and latest issued revised IFC drawings with reference to MCRP-DWG-BP2-ST-4301_Rev.C
letter NSCR-GCR-N02-ZWD-DWG-CE-000006 rev A, N-02; Issuance of Drawings
Issued for Construction, Revision 16 “IFC Drawings Rev 16” (see Table 2).
1. The noise barrier at the inner side of the precast segmental box girder in San
Fernando station has been removed, per IFC drawing "MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-
0085 Rev. 30" section 6. (refer to red box in figure 1). However, the noise barrier
547 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000529 Clarification for Noise Barrier within Station at the inner side are reflected in section 5 of MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0084 Rev. 30. MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0031 Rev. 30, MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0032 Rev. 30
(refer to figure 2). The Contractor would like to request from the Engineer the MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0084 Rev. 30, MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0085 Rev. 30
exact location where the noise barrier will be removed within the Span P-597 to
The Contractor received information from the Engineer regarding the location of MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0951 Rev.B, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0952 Rev.B,
548 Structural PSM, BCM and CIS Viaducts NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000530 Clarification of the Ferrule Location in the Soffit the ferrule in the soffit as shown in figure 1. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0961 Rev.B
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
RFI is raised to the Engineer to confirm non objection to the following proposed
1. With reference to NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-DWG-CE-007175 (revised drawings
to be submitted separately, see attachment for advance reference), changes
Column Rebars Affected by the Increase of Seismic Pin were made in the design of the steel pin resulting to bigger pin diameter and
549 Structural Pier Columns NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000531 Dimension in Swampy Area No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
deeper seismic pin recess, however these changes were not yet considered
when the column reinforcements for pier P473 was installed. Due to this change,
8pcs of the column reinforcements will be protruding the seismic pin area as
shown in figure 1.
The Contractor received an extension to the IFC drawing revision 16 this Jan. 9,
2023 where several seismic restrainer types were changed. In summary, 57 piers
with seismic pin type 2 were changed into type 1, and 1 seismic pin type 3 was
551 Structural Pier Heads & Segment NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000533 Clarification on IFC Rev. 16 Extension changed to type 1. It is to be noted that 13 of the affected pier heads have been No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
cast following the previous seismic pin dimensions, while 24 A1 segments are
affected by this change.
In line with the Contractors proposal to raise the elevation of the the pile caps at
the swampy area (Piers P429 to P499, except BR104 and BR116), the dimensions
of the seismic restrainer was recalculated, with reference to NSCR-ADJV-N02-
CSFSTN-RPT-D-000028 design calculation with workflow number WF-007741,
Proposal for the Modification of Seismic Restrainer at thus obtaining new dimensions for types 1s, 2s and 3s. This proposal was
552 Structural Seismic Restrainer NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000534 Swampy Area No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
submitted through shop drawing NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-DWG-CE-007157 to
007175 with workflow number WF-007730. Currently, the said shop drawing is in
Rev B has a NONOC C status while the design calculation is in Rev C and has a
NONOC C status.
RFI is raised by the Contractor to clarify the following information from the IFC
1) Similar with pier heads type P5d, the transverse reinforcements P15, P18, P20
and P22, are the outermost bars of the rebar cage for P3; these bars will then
553 Structural Viaduct Pier Head NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000535 Clarifications on Reinforcements of Pier Head Type P3 enclose side bars P11, P12, P25 and P26. As per section 2 of IFC drawings, these MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0621REV B to -0626 REV C
side bars P11 and P25 have an HZ shape while P12 and P26 have an IZ shape,
however all are not hooked in any vertical bar.
a. Kindly confirm this is the correct arrangement of the reinforcements and
correct shape of side bars P11, P12, P25 and P26.
RFI is raised by the Contractor to the Engineer to confirm the geometry of the
seismic upstands of pier head type P3 as well as the quantity and arrangement of
its seismic pin reinforcements as follows:
Seismic Upstand Geometry and Reinforcement for Pier 1. For Pier head P595, the superstructure is precast segment (PSM) on the
554 Structural P595 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000536 Head P3 MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0421~ 0423, -0621~0622, -0625~0626
decreasing chainage and cast-in-situ (CIS) deck.
a) Kindly confirm that the seismic upstand for the increasing chainage can
terminate at the pier head centerline as shown in figure 1.
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
We have noticed discrepancies for the concrete compressive strength between MCRP-DWG-STA-ST-4001_Rev.30;
Concrete Compressive Strength at San Fernando the Technical Specifications, IFC Drawings and in BOQ. As described in Technical MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4111, 4121, 4131,4141_Rev.30;
558 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000540 Station Specifications TS200 Section 206, concrete is differentiated in five (5) classes (See MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4541_Rev.30; MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4641_Rev.30;
Figure 1 and 2). MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4661_Rev.30
MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4306_Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4532_Rev.30,
MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4636_Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4661_Rev.30,
San Fernando Station and Confirmation of Hard Core as Crushed Gravel at San Based on IFC Drawings, all Pile Caps and Foundation Girders are situated on MCRP-DWG-BP2-ST-4306_Rev.B, MCRP-DWG-ISER2-ST-4306_Rev.30,
559 Structural Ancillary Buildings NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000541 Fernando Station and Ancillary Buildings 100mm Lean Concrete + 200mm Hard Core (See Figure 1) MCRP-DWG-ISER3-ST-4306_Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-SS14-ST-4306_Rev.30,
MCRP-DWG-SS15-ST-4306_Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-SS16-ST-4306_Rev.30,
As we prepare the shop drawings for Structural Steel Columns, we would like to MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4111, 4121, 4131, 4141, 4151_Rev.30;
560 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000542 Steel Columns Profile at San Fernando Station verify if possible, to have additional column splice above the Ground Floor Level MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4401_Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4431_Rev.30,
of Station Plaza 1 and 2 (See Figure 1 and 2 respectively). MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4432_Rev.30; MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3401-3403_Rev.30
RFI is raised to ask for reconsideration on the Contractor’s proposal to cut the
Repair of P-477 Column Concrete Surface Due to hooks in order to push the reinforcements to its correct position stick together
564 Structural P477 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000546 Honeycomb with Exposed Rebar with the vertical reinforcement. The items #3 and #4 are hereby discussed No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
further in this RFI.
Clarification for Seismic Restrainer Pin Reinforcement RFI is raised to compile and summarize all the concerns for seismic restrainer pin
565 Structural Pier Heads NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000547 for Pier Heads with Step, D2' (for Pier Heads Type P5d reinforcements on pier heads with a step, D2’. The types of pier head affected MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0645 RevC, MCRP-DWG--VIA00-ST-0652 Rev B
and P6) are P5d, P6 and transition piers of the balanced cantilever bridges.
RFI is raised by the Contractor to the Engineer to confirm if the Seismic Pin and
Clarification on Seismic Pin and Upstand Upstand Reinforcement for Balanced Cantilever transition pier heads for BR111
566 Structural BR111 and BR116 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000548 Reinforcement for Balanced Cantilever Transition Pier and BR116 whould be similar to the attached IFC drawing on the NSCR-ADJV- No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
Heads (BR111 and BR116) N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000537 response. The following figures are as per the RFI
response attachment.
Spacing of the Vertical Reinforcement of Pier P-480 & Confirmation on the solution applied on site for the spacing of the vertical
567 Structural P480 - P481 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000549 P-481 reinforcement of the column on pier P-480 and P-481. No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
1. Tendon no T05~T08
It has been noted that the location of the dead/stressing end of the tendon has
Proposal for the Stressing Sequence of Precast been indicated in the relevant shop drawings (ex, Figure 1) and approved based MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1131_rev30
568 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000550 Segmental Construction on IFC drawings (referred to as drawing number MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-
Fire Exit Staircase 1-6 Foundation Detail at San As seen on MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4443_Rev.30 and MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-
569 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000551 Fernando Station 4444_Rev.30, showing the Fire Exit Staircase 1-6 steel structure. It is noticeable MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4443_Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4444_Rev.30
that the staircase is having a foundation (See Figure 1).
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
RFI is raised to ask for clarification on the tolerance to apply to the 1.5m
diameter constructed piles on San Fernando Station affected by the Alignment
Clarification on the Tolerance to Apply to the Adjustment. After checking what is written in the project’s specifications for the No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
574 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000556 Constructed Piles on San Fernando Station tolerance of the bored pile, there are two possible values of maximum deviation
of the center of the pile to consider:
The contractor checked segment 11 (refer to figure 1) and compared the size of
the pot bearing to the approved shop drawing NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-DWG-CE-
Modification of Pot bearing and Stiffener in P599SB of 003016 Rev.02 (refer to figure 2). While conducting the checking, the contractor
575 Structural P599SB NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000557 BR110(Steel Box Girder) MCRP-DWG-BR110-ST-0022 and 0062 Rev.30
The a clash
Contractor between
would therequest
like to verticalanstiffener
on loadat condition
support P599SB
during and
the top stressing.
tendon plate boltsTo foravoid
the bearing.
a clash between the stressing jack and the front
support and expedite the erection schedule, the Contractor submitted a
stressing sequence for the precast segments which was approved by The
Engineer(NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-TDC-D-000009 – Deck Analysis with Different
Load Condition on the Erected Span during the Stressing Sequence).
576 Structural Stressing of Tendon NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000558 Stressing of Tendon In case of 2 and 3, T5, T1~T3 and T5 will be stressed after the launching of LG No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
respectively. At this point, the rear and front supports are active, while the rear
leg and launching support are inactive. It means that LG will not carry any
segments load and the load due to LG will be transferred through the activated
front and rear support. The load applied on the erected segments is only the
In referenceoftosegments.Since
the responded the curvature of erected segments due to the self-
weight see
please is small,
below it detailed
will not affect
of elongation
Anchor Boltvalue of tendon
for your to be stressed.
1. Intended for Steel Column.
Length of Anchor Bolts for Column and Elevator Shaft 2. Intended for Elevator Shaft. MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4131, MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4473_Rev.30,
577 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000559 on Structural Steel at San Fernando Station MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4401_Rev.30
3. Further, please also confirm the thread length (See above illustrations):
a. 146 mm (Column)
b. 191 mm (Elevator Shaft)
RFI is raised by the Contractor to the Engineer to confirm non objection on the
proposed arrangement of rebars of the OCS in order to avoid clashes with the
Modification on OCS Reinforcements Arrangement on tendon ducts of the top slab of pier segment.
581 Structural Balanced Cantilever Bridges NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000563 Balanced Cantilever Bridges No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
The following clashes between tendon ducts and OCS bars (T22, T19 and T27)
are detected:
The Contractor shall decide how to complete the construction works (i.e.
handover conditions to the owner and/or other contractor(s)) after thorough
consultation and coordination with the parties involved in "Third River Upstream
flood control project (by DPWH)", with due compliance with GS126 to carry out
582 Structural P468 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000564 Scabbard Levee Protection at BC03 Main Pier P468 necessary interface with the relevant parties, and submit such records to the MCRP-DWG-BC03-ST-4201 to 4202
Engineer. The CNOs (dated September 15, 2021 & August 09, 2022, both issued
by the DPWH to the Contractor) state, as a condition, "4. These structures shall
be removed as soon as the project is finished. bottom and all salvageable
materials shall be disposed off.” These structures are most commonly
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
Location of Lightning Arresters for Balanced Cantilever RFI is raised by the Contractor to the Engineer to confirm non objection on the
585 Structural Balanced Cantilever Bridges NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000569 Bridges proposed location of the lightning arresters at BC01 bridges (BR111 and BR116). No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
RFI is raised to ask for confirmation of the proposed conclusions of the analysis
report to solve the deviation detected after chipping on the as-cast pile No. 3 of
Deviation Positioning Bored Pile No 3 Pile Cap P-594 pile cap P-594. After checking the as-built coordinates of the indicated piles on
586 Structural P-594 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000570 affected by Alignment Adjustment No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
pier P-594, a maximum deviation of 13 cm has been detected on pile No. 3 of
the total 6 of this pier.
RFI is raised to ask for confirmation on the attained conclusions of the analysis
report to evaluate the deviation detected after chipping on the casted pile No. 2
Deviation in the Location of Bored Pile No. 2 of the Pile of pile cap P-606NB. After checking the as-built coordinates of the indicated piles
588 Structural P-606NB NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000573 Cap P-606NB affected by the Alignment Adjustment on pier P-606NB, a maximum deviation of 16 cm has been detected on pile No. 2 No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
out of the total 4 piles of this pier.
Proposed Construction Method of Scabbard Levee The Contractor would like to propose casting of scabbard levee protection as one
589 Structural P468 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000574 Protection at BC03 Main Pier P468 time cast-in-place with H=3.450m. Please refer to the sample drawing for further No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
Bar Mark B7 Shear Link Modification for Pier P-468 Thus, this RFI is raised by the Contractor to confirm the non-objection of the
590 Structural P-468 and P-469 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000575 and P-469 Pile Cap proposal. No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
The Contractor proposed shortening the bearing stiffener in P599 in RFI NSCR-
ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000557 due to clashing of the bearing's top plate bolt
and the stiffener as shown in figure 1. The Engineer has no objections to the
591 Structural P599 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000576 Bearing Stiffener in P599 of BR110 (Steel Box Girder) proposal but requests a design calculation for the bearing stiffener and welding MCRP-DWG-BR110-ST-0063 Rev 30
strength as shown in figure 2. The Contractor attached (Bearing stiffener Check
V.0.xlsx) a calculation to the Contractor's proposal for further approval by the
593 Structural P-468 and P-469 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000578 P5 and P6 Rebar Details for P-468 and P-469 Column Proposal to Modify Bar Mark P5 for P-468 and P-469 Column. No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
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(NSCR-EX) Project
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Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
We would like to clarify the Material Specification of the Shear Beam Connector
attached on the Base portion the of Steel Column (See Figure 1).
Material Specification of Shear Beam Connector on Please confirm and/or provide further details on how the Contractor would
598 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000583 Steel Structure at San Fernando Station proceed. MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4431_Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-STA-ST-4003_Rev.30
1. W14x145 to use SN490B or A36?
2. L100x100x16 to use SN490B or A36?
RFI is raised by the Contractor to the Engineer to confirm the total quantity and
location of the OCS foundations in the BR104. As per NSCR-GCR-NS01-ZWE-RPT-
601 Structural BR104 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000586 Confirmation on OCS Pole Locations at BR104 EM-000002 Rev 15 tabulation, there is only 7 each side, similar as shown in the No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
elevation view.
Proposed Modification of Bar Mark B2 for Portal Pier
602 Structural Viaduct Portal Piers NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000587 P5D Pile Cap Proposed Modification of Bar Mark B2 for Portal Pier P5D Pile Cap MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0345_Rev.31, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1101_Rev.30
Addition of Couplers and Modification of Hooks for Bar Addition of Couplers and Modification of Hooks for Bar Mark P11 for Type P3
603 Structural Viaduct Pier Heads NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000588 Mark P11 for Type P3 Piers – Pier Head Piers – Pier Head. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0621 REV B to -0626 REV C
Hyperbeam HY 1000X250X16X36 Profile on Structural Hyperbeam HY 1000X250X16X36 Profile on Structural Steel at San Fernando
604 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000589 Steel at San Fernando Station Station MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4402_Rev.30
Results of the Testing Done on Bored Pile P-469-06 – No objection to the results of the combined report done by our consultant GPI
606 Structural P469 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000591 Combined Report from GPI about the testing and the analysis done on bored pile P-469-06. No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
Pier Type P3 - P595 Pier Head - Modification of Hooks Modification of hooks & Introduction of Lap Splices for longitudinal horizontal
608 Structural P595 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000593 and Introduction of Lap Splices for Bars P31, P32, P37, links with bar marks P31, P32, P37, and P38 for Pier P595 and similar piers MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0621_Rev. B to -0626_Rev. C
and P38
Proposed Pedestal at Pile Cap Top Level for P-469
609 Structural P469 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000594 Column For the construction of the pedestal, the Contractor will be using 16mm dia horiz MCRP-DWG-BC03-ST-4049
As stated on TS200 Section 207.2.3 “Tying wire for steel reinforcement shall be
1.6mm diameter (Gauge #16) finely annealed mild steel wire, complying with
AASHTO M32/ASTM A-82 or equivalent.” As referred from the previous RFIs, it
San Fernando Station and Acillary was proven that the usage of tie wires gauge/s #17 and #18 provided more
610 Structural Buildings NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000595 Tie Wires Usage at Station and Ancillary Buildings No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
productivity with less exerted efforts. Hence, the contractor would like to ask if
tie wire diameters 1.4mm Gauge #17 and 1.2mm Gauge #18 can be used on
Station and Ancillary Buildings.
Contractor is hereby proposing to increase the top level of pile cap by 95mm or
equivalent to 2.595m new pile cap height. While the other locations will have a
611 Structural P469 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000596 Proposal to Increase the P-469 Pile Cap Top Elevation covering more than the required, the Contractor will introduce a wire mesh of MCRP-DWG-BC03-ST-4049
16mm diameter spaced every 200mm o.c. both ways for anti-crack purpose
613 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000598 Stressing Sequence for Precast Segmental Box Girder Stressing Sequence for Precast Segmental Box Girder No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
615 Structural P469 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000600 Scabbard Levee Protection – Pier Location Exact Pier Location of Scabbard levee protectction No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
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We would like to inform you that the Escalator Supplier highlighted its additional
beams requirement on Platform Level for ESC 3 to 10.
Additional Beams on Platform Level due Escalator Nos. *** Typical to Escalators 3 to 10. Figure 1 Referring to Escalator Side Elevation by
3 to 10 at San Fernando Station SCHINDLER, from Concourse to Platform Level. As seen, there would be an MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4141 Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4151 Rev.30,
619 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000604 MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3607 Rev.30
additional beam near the X05 on Platform Level to support the Escalator.
Indicated load reaction as follows:
1. Beam at Platform Level – 107 kN (min.) to 114 kN (max.)
The Contractor would like to start with preparing a camber calculation report
and a structural safety check report for all CIS bridges covered by Package 2. CIS
40,50, and 70 → camber calculation report will be provided by the Contractor MCRP-DWG-CIS40-ST-0100 rev. 30,
CIS 40, and 50 → Launching Gantries will pass above these bridges, and a
620 Structural CIS Bridges NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000605 Request for Design Calculation Report for CIS Bridges structural safety check report will be provided by the Contractor. Figure 1: List of MCRP-DWG-CIS50-ST-0100 rev. 30,
MCRP-DWG-CIS70-ST-0140 rev. 30
CIS bridges in Packcage 2. The Engineer is asked to provide design calculations
along with the modeling file for reference only to help the Contractor minimize
the review period.
For BR116 Main Pier P-458 and P-459, 50mm dia. post-tensioning (PT) bars shall
need to be installed in
Column Main Bar Arrangement for P-458 and P-459 at four (4) locations into the pier head as embedded 1200mm length for the
621 Structural P459 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000606 PT Bar Locations MCRP-DWG-BC01-ST-2045~2047
temporary fixing system for pier
As agreed and confirmed to offset the splice connection of SB100 from 800mm
to 1050mm, see Figure 1, extracted from NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000607
Additional Beams on Concourse Level due to Escalator Rev.B. However, due to this adjustment of the splice location, the allocated cut
622 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000607 Nos. 1 & 2 at San Fernando Station MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4131 Rev.B, MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3606 Rev.30
size length 8100mm of material HY1000x400x19x32 is not enough to cut the
affected 10pcs of hyperbeams.
According to the Notes found in IFC drawing reference MCRP-DWG-CIS70-ST-
0102 Rev.30, the nominal cover to reinforcement nearest to the concrete
surface of the abutment shall be 40mm unless specified otherwise. See Figure 1.
Figure 1: MCRP-DWG-CIS70-ST-0102 Rev.30 NOTES. The 36mm vertical rebar for
Clarification of Concrete Cover and Access Hole for the 600mm thick abutment wall appeared to be enclosed by the pile cap main MCRP-DWG-CIS70-ST-0101 Rev 30,
623 Structural CIS70 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000608 MT02 Abutment rebars, yielding more than 40mm of concrete covering as required, according to MCRP-DWG-CIS70-ST-0102 Rev 30,
SECTION A of the same drawing reference, as shown in Figure 2. MCRP-DWG-CIS70-ST--0103 Rev.30
1. Contractor’s understanding is that for the abutment wall vertical rebars
closest to the pile cap edge shall be placed outside the pile cap main
reinforcement in order to maintain the required covering otherwise, please
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(NSCR-EX) Project
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Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
In order to aid in the installation of the main reinforcement for pier heads, the
Contractor would like to introduce additional chair bars to address lack of
adjacent or nearby vertical supports for said main reinforcement. As per initial
Addition of Supporting Chair Reinforcement for Pier simulation, no severe congestion and clashing between bars is observed. The MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0601 to -0602, -0621 to -0622,
627 Structural Pier Head NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000612 Heads additional chair reinforcement will secure the position of main reinforcement. -0625 to -0626, -0645, -0648 to -0652, -0655 to -0656
Due to interlocking with the main bars, these chairs would also be part of the
permanent rebar cage contained in the concrete. The main supporting chair will
have the shape as shown in Fig.1a similar to the pile cap chair bars, with
additional diagonal bracing as required (for certain chairs carrying more bars)
Part A. Due to the 2.40m-wide trailer bed of the rebar fabricators’ transport
vehicles, some of the bars of the portal piers type P5d will not be loaded
628 Structural Portal Piers NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000613 Modification of Bar Shapes for Portal Piers Type P5d properly and safely. Thus, the Contractor would like to propose the following bar MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0648 to -0650
shape changes so that said bars be loaded onto the 2.40m-wide trailer bed:
The contractor is proposing Fosroc Conbextra GP anchor bond grout product for
the joint connection of scabbard levee segment as highlighted below:
Proposed Fosroc Conbextra GP Anchor Bond Grout of Figure 1: Joint Detail of Scabbard Levee: As per MCRP-DWG-BC03-ST-4201,
631 Structural P469 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000616 Scabbard Levee Protection at Pier P-469 concrete compressive strength minimum requirement for the scabbard levee MCRP-DWG-BC03-ST-4201; MCRP-DWG-BC03-ST-4202
shall be 40MPa:
Figure 2: Scabbard Levee concrete compressive strength requirement.
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(NSCR-EX) Project
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Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
Welding of the overlapping rebars on the Scabbard During the fabrication of the scabbard levee protector precast panel, it was
636 Structural Scabbard Levee Protector NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000621 levee protector joint areas observed by the site team that part of the starter bars in a pair of precast panels No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
at the joint area that would have lapping have shorter splice lengths.
It was observed at site that after as built of piles in Pier P-600SB, that bored pile
637 Structural P600SB NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000622 Deviation of Constructed Bored Piles for P600SB label P600SB-06 was 159mm center to center movement from design No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
The RFI is raised by the Contractor to ask clarification of BR105 pile cap rebar
1. According to MCRP-DWG-BR05-ST-0021 SECTION A-A, BR105 bored piles have
2x2x25-V1-DB36, however in MCRP-DWG-BR05-ST-0021 PILE HEAD PLAN MCRP-DWG-BR105-ST-0021_Rev.32, MCRP-DWG-BR105-ST-0042_Rev.31, MCRP-
638 Structural Bridge 105 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000623 Clarification of BR105 Pile Cap Rebar Details DWG-BR105-ST-0043_Rev.30
DETAIL, bored pile appeared to have 2x2x30 main bars. (See Figure1).
Contractor’s understanding, the former shall govern. Please confirm.
A. Bored Pile Details MCRP-DWG-BR105-ST-0021
B. Pile Head Plan Detail MCRP-DWG-BR105-ST-0033 & 0043
Due to the proposed implementation of 3-stage casting for BR104 MD (Pier
Segment) excluding the parapet, with the construction joints defined in Fig .1
(red), the Contractor would like to propose the introduction of splices for the
BR104 Pier Segment - Modification of Bars B27, B28, vertical bars in the diaphragm (B27, B28, B30, B34) and the vertical bars in the
639 Structural Bridge 104 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000624 B30, B34, B35, and B05 web (B05). Alongside the introduction of lap splices, the Contractor would also MCRP-DWG-BC03-ST-4076, -4077
like to propose the modification of the hooks and overall shape of B27, B34, B35,
and B05 for more convenient constructability, with the changes described in the
succeeding sections.
This RFI is raised to clarify the final purpose of the Scabbard levee protection. In
reference to NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000564 Scabbard Levee Protection
at BC03 Main Pier P468, the contractor proposed to build this element as a
monolithic piece of cast in situ concrete to avoid the water inclusions between
the joints of the prefabricated pieces reflected on the IFC drawings. In the
641 Structural P468 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000626 Scabbard Levee Protection Water Stop response to this RFI, the engineer indicated that “The Sayacan System (Scabbard No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
Levee Protection) should behave as 4 layers of 1 m concrete must be connected
flexibly”. And that the element should “flexibly follow the deformation of the
embankment by using rubber pads and anchor pins between the members.” In
the attached report to this RFI response, the engineer states that the Sayacan
System should be flexible to absorb the deformation of the embankment,
As we have received the DRC-ST-000065 Rev.C for the structural shop drawing of
Steel Column at San Fernando Station. We were a bit confused regarding the
Splice Welding Scheme Proposal on Steel Beams at San reminder stated on Item No. 7 (See Figure 1). The Splice Welding Scheme used
642 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000627 Fernando Station on the preparation of shop drawing was based on RFI-ST-000627_Rev.B (See MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4402_Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4411_Rev.30
Figure 2), this RFI_Rev.B pertains to the welding spliced scheme of beam
connectors on Columns, selected beams on Concourse and Roof Levels.
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Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
Bar Mark P50-1 refers to the bars labeled here as per response from NSCR-ADJV-
N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000369 Rev. A, which was required to be placed based on
Clarification of Necessity for P50-1 Additional Upstand this RFI: Based on response no. 2 below from NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-
643 Structural Pier Head NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000628 Reinforcement for Portal and Transition Pier Heads 000547, said bar mark does not need to be placed. The typical section through MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0645, -0650, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0602
the seismic restrainer recess in MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0645 (See Fig. 1) is
consistent with this response from the RFI.
The RFI is issued to clarify the load transfer condition from LG to the temporary
bearings for PSM(W=10.3,L=40.0m). Based on the note no 2 and 3 in IFC dwg no
MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1132, the span can be self- supported under dead load
after completion of stressing tendons 1 to 8 on both sides, and the load of LG
Load Transfer Condition for PSM (W=10.3m, L=40.0m) can be applied after stressing of all tendons. The contractor had issued NSCR-
645 Structural Launching Gantry NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000630 from LG to Temporary Bearing ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-TDC-D-000009 Rev 1 to propose the stressing sequence for No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
the self-supporting and LG load application on PSM and the report was approved
by the Engineer.
The Contractor would like to clarify/propose the stressing sequence of tendon
considering the actual construction process.
Part A. Confirmation of “Class C” Splice The Contractor would like to verify that
“Class C” Splice mentioned in the response/s below to NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-
BR104 Main Piers – Additional Reinforcement for Pier RFI-ST-000632 (Fig. 1a) refers to a splice length of 1.7Ld as per Chapter 12 of ACI-
647 Structural Bridge 104 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000632 Heads 318-83 (Fig.1b), since in the latest version of ACI-318-19 only Class A and B MCRP-DWG-BC03-ST-4048, -4049
splices are specified. Class C splices were removed in ACI-318-89, as per the
excerpt from ACI-318-05.
Discrepancy in Column Tie Bar Diameter for Pier P3 According to drawing reference no. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0623 Rev.30 Section 3
648 Structural Vuaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000633 Type 2 for pier reinforcement type P3 Type 2, the bar diameter for bar marks P5, P6, P7, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0623, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0625
P8, P9 and P10 is 20mm
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Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
This RFI is raised to clarify the water stop details of the Scabbard levee to be
installed on P-469. In reference to NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000626
652 Structural P469 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000637 Scabbard Levee Protection Water Stop Details Scabbard Levee Protection Water Stop, the Engineer ask for a proposal of a No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
suitable water-sealing material such as rubber or steel to treat the cool joints of
the scabbard levee rings.
The Contractor would like to ask for confirmation from the Engineer if the
arrangement of layers of bar marks P24 and P50 shown in Fig. 3 is viable,
(1) quantity of bars in Table 2 of DWG No. MCRP-DWG-BC01-ST-2045 (Fig. 1a)
653 Structural Bridge 116 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000639 BR116 Main Piers - Clarification for Bar Mark P50 (2) arrangement of P24 and P50 as per Section 4 of DWG No. MCRP-DWG-BC01- MCRP-DWG-BC01-ST-2045, -2046
ST-2046. Please note that in Table 2, only 11 layers of P24 are given, plus the
additional 2 in the seismic upstand/plinth as per response to NSCR-ADJV-N02-
CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000639_Rev.A (Fig. 1b), giving a total of 13 layers.
Finally, in the approved method statement for the post-tensioning and tendon
grouting works for the viaduct precast with ref. NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-MST-
CN-000017, it is written that “The tendons must be protected by soluble oil
every 15 days.” As a general procedure all the strands delivered from factory to
Permissible Interval between Stressing and Grouting the site have been applied a soluble oil cover to protect the strand with
657 Structural Stressing and Grouting Works NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000643 Works No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
wrapping. And at the site, just before threading of the strands into the ducts, the
contractor is applying again another treatment with soluble oil. Based on the
previous considerations the contractor would like to ask for non-objection from
the Engineer of the following criteria:
Referring to the sketch and information below for as built position of Bored pile
BP1 on Pier P600NB, it was observed during as built that the pile deviated from
660 Structural P603NB NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000646 Deviated Pile P603NB BP1 theoretical position by a total of 153mm. The other piles were recorded to be No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
within tolerance from 17mm to 88mm < 100mm limit.
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(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
1. Pile cap thickness is 2.7m for piers P-660 and P-663 and 3.7m for piers P-661
and P-662, according to MCRP-DWG-BR105-ST-0041 Rev.30 and MCRP-DWG-
BR105-ST-0031 Rev.30, respectively. Furthermore, the IFC references indicated
BR105 Bored Pile Cut-Off Level and Vertical Bar Lap that the distance from the bottom of the pile cap to the pile cut-off level is
661 Structural Bridge 105 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000647 Splice Connection 100mm. According to NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000411 response #5, No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
updated table of verified pile length for P-660 to P-663 is provided, as shown
below figure 1.
Given the values in the table, the calculated distance between the bottom of the
pile cap and the pile cut-off level is 75mm or that is, final pile cutoff level – (top
level of pile cap – thickness of pile cap).
P5d Piers - Modification of Bar Mark P15 Closed Hoops As per Sections 3, 4, 5, and 6 of MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0648 and Sections 7, 8,
662 Structural Pier Head NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000648 for Portal Beams and 9 of MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0649, Bar Mark P15 is shown to have a closed MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0648, -0649
hoop shape.
Due to the P15 bars being fabricated shorter than the intended length,
particularly the overall vertical dimension ”H” as indicated in Fig. 1a, the bars are
suspended in such a way that the bottom legs / bends of P15 are not in contact
P600NB (Type P2) - Additional Spliced Bend Extension with the P31 bars (refer to Fig. 2 for the actual site photograph).
663 Structural P600NB NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000649 for P15 Bars ***Please note that is intended that the bottom legs of P15 should be directly MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0601
above P31 at the bottom, shown in perspective in Fig. 1b and elevation in Fig. 1c
(P15 – yellow, P31 group – magenta) similar to the rest of the single-column pier
types (P1, P2).
We would like to inform you of the typical Typo Error at the Shop Drawings of
Substations SS15, SS16 and SS17 on the Foundation Girder – Web Bar. As
Confirmation of Foundation Girder Web Bar at indicated on the submitted shop drawings, using 16mm diameter (See Figure 1) MCRP-DWG-SS15-ST-4311 Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-SS16-ST-4311 Rev.30,
666 Structural Ancillary Building NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000652 Substations SS15, SS16 and SS17 MCRP-DWGSS17-ST-4311 Rev.30
instead of 12mm diameter/as per IFC-DWG-SS15/SS16/SS17-ST-4311 Rev.30
(See Figure 2).
Proposed Alternative Steel Materials for Column SC11, Proposed Alternative Steel Materials for Column SC11, Beam Shear Connectors, MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4401 Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4431 Rev.30,
667 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000653 Beam Shear Connectors, Elevator Shafts and Fire Exit Elevator Shafts and Fire Exit Stairs Stringer at San Fernando Station. MCRP-DWGSFD-ST-4471 Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4472 Rev.30,
Stairs Stringer at San Fernando Station MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4473 Rev.30, MCRPDWG-SFD-ST-4443 Rev.30
The Contractor believe that the 5mm plate around the sleeve(the rib) will be
Seismic Restrainer Installation and Formwork for the enough to ensure the bond of the segment concrete and the galvanized sleeve
668 Structural BC01 and BC03 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000654 segments of BC01 and BC03 as shown in figure 2 and will not affect the structural integrity of the bridge. No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
Please confirm non objection on the proposal.
The RFI response of the Engineer in item 1 is to use the 4db inside bend
Clarification of the Inside Bend Diameter of the Shear diameter of the shear connector as shown in Figure 1 below. The Contractor
669 Structural Shear Connector NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000655 Connector then made a sample of the shear connector with a Minimum inside bend radius No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
= (4*16)/2 =32mm and 150mm width using the bending machine.
P5d Piers - Clarification for Column Shear Bars Inside Clarification of required distribution range for Column Shear Bars inside the
670 Structural Viaduct Portal Piers NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000656 the Portal Beams Portal Beams MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0645, -0648 to -0650
The Dimension of Upper Grout Pad at Pier P522 - Non-objection to the casted dimension of the upper grout pad at “P522-
671 Structural P522 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000657 Increasing Direction increasing direction”. No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
As observed by GCR Site Team, the top and bottom main bars of FG1 along the Y-
677 Structural Substation SS14 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000663 Main Rebar Arrangements on FG1 at Substation SS14 axis were cranked on the intersections (See Figure 1, actual site condition). No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
The Contractor received IFC Revision 18 for information. After reviewing the
revised IFC, the Contractor notices that the installation of the Bird Wire along the
679 Structural Bird Wire NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000665 Confirmation of the Bird Wire Installation perimeter at the pier head has been deleted, as shown in figure 2. However, in MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0402 Rev C, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0402 Rev D,
the IFC drawing for BC01 and BC03, the same note is indicated that bird wire MCRP-DWG-BC01-ST-2022 Rev 30, MCRP-DWG-BC03-ST-4022 Rev 30
must be installed, as shown in figures 3 and 4.
BR104 Main Piers - Pier Head - Proposed Modification Clarification and / or Modification of Required Distribution for Bar Marks P24
680 Structural P467 to P470 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000666 of Distribution of Bars P24 and P50 and P50 for the pier heads of main supports P-468 / P-469 of BR104 MCRP-DWG-BC03-ST-4048, MCRP-DWG-BC03-ST-4049
Adjustment of Friction Coefficient for Precast The Contractor is writing to raise an RFI (Request for Information) to seek the
683 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000669 Segmental Box Girder Tendon Stressing Engineer’s confirmation regarding the proposed adjustment of the friction No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
coefficient for the stressing of the tendon in the precast segmental box girder.
BR104 Main Piers - Column - Proposed Cutting and Re- Proposed Cutting and Re-Splicing of Column Main Bars For Proper Placement of
687 Structural BR 104 Main Piers - Column NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000673 Splicing of Column Main Bars For Proper Placement of Pot Bearing Dowels No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
Pot Bearing Dowels
Introduction of Crack-Control Reinforcement Around Confirmation for the placement of additional reinforcement around the seismic
688 Structural BR 104 Main Pier NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000674 the Seismic Pin Recesses in the Pier Heads of Balanced pin recesses for the pier heads (main piers) of balanced cantilever bridges MCRP-DWG-BC03-ST-4048, -4049, MCRP-DWG-BC03-ST-2045, -2046
Cantilever Bridges
The Contractor would like to ask for approval of the actual site condition in
689 Structural P-604 NB NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000675 Deviation of Constructed Bored Piles for P604NB P604NB-03 and P604NB-04 bored pile and that no additional corrective No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
measures on the mentioned pier are required.
Anchors Embedded on P-605SB and P-608 Pile Cap for The Contractor wants to confirm no objections for provisions of embedment for
690 Structural P-605SB and P-608 Pile Cap NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000676 Launching Gantry Shoring the shoring support system on P-605SB and P-608 pile cap. No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
691 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000677 Shear Connector Embedment of shear connector using Hilti chemical anchor No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
Application of Re-Usable Steel Grout Cap for Top The Contractor proposes to use temporary grout caps in the tendon anchorage
692 Structural Balance Cantilever NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000678 Tendon of Balanced Cantilever at the top slab (specifically for cantilever tendon) MCRP-DWG-BC01-ST-2091 Rev. 30,
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
BR104 Pier Segment - Clarification for Reinforcement Clarification for Reinforcement Distribution Range and Quantity of Bar Marks
695 Structural BR104 Pier Segment NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000681 Distribution Range and Quantity of Bar Marks B21, B21, B31, B19b and B24 MCRP-DWG-BC03-ST-4076, -4077
B31, B19b and B24
BR105 Transition Pier (P-660 and Confirmation of Bored Pile Center and Pile Cap Corner Confirmation of Bored Pile Center and Pile Cap Corner Coordinates for BR105
696 Structural P-663) NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000682 Coordinates for BR105 Transition Piers (P-660 and P- Transition Piers (P-660 and P-663) MCRP-DWG-BR105-ST-000661
Pier Type P6 - Pier Head - Modification of Bars P62 P68
697 Structural Viaduct Pier Head NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000683 and P60 Pier Type P6 - Pier Head - Modification of Bars P62 P68 and P60 MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0651, -0652
Transversal Relocation of the Bored Pile P-437-02 to Transversal Relocation of the Bored Pile P-437-02 to Avoid an Existing
698 Structural P-437 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000684 Avoid an Existing Obstruction Obstruction MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0012 Rev.31
P-597, P-609, P-598, P-599SB Adjustment of Setting-Out Distances for Bearings on Adjustment of Setting-Out Distances for Bearings on Pier Heads P-597 & P-609,
699 Structural (Pier Heads) NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000685 Pier Heads P-598, P-599SB MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0447 Rev. 30, -0448 Rev. 31, -0491 Rev. D
1. Proposed modication of Main Column Rebar and Ties/within the Pile Cap 2.
700 Structural Ancillary Building NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000686 Main Column Rebar and Ties Arrangement at ISER2 Proposed modification of Column Ties within the Pile Cap Area MCRP-DWG-ISER2-ST-4101_Rev.B, MCRP-DWG-ISER2-ST-4311_Rev.30
The Contractor would like to propose one more option to prepare in case of
segment no.1 cannot be casted due to the site issue such as the setting of
Additional Option for First Casting Segment in Precast mould. In such case the Contractor would cast the last segment(ex, segment
701 Structural Precast Segmental Box Girder NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000687 Segmental Box Girder No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
no.16 in span of 40m length) instead of the segment no.1. Please refer to the
below table.
Pier Type P6 - Pier Head - Modification of Bar Mark Pier Type P6 - Pier Head - Modification of Bar Mark P21 at Location of Pot
704 Structural P599SB NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000690 P21 at Location of Pot Bearing Dowels' Recesses Bearing Dowels' Recesses MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0652
The contractor would like to ask for confirmation of approval and non-objection
706 Structural P603SB-BP03 Bored Pile NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000692 Deviation of Constructed Bored Piles for P603SB. of actual site condition of P603SB-BP03 bored pile and that no additional No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
corrective measures on mentioned pier are required.
The contractor would like to ask for confirmation of approval and non-objection
707 Structural P602NB-03 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000693 Deviation of Constructed Bored Piles for P602NB of actual site condition of P602NB-03 bored pile and that no additional No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
corrective measures on mentioned pier are required.
BR104 Trans Piers – P468 Pier BR104 Main Piers – P468 Pier Head - Proposed The Contractor would thus like to propose the welding of P50Yd with a weld
708 Structural Head NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000694 Welding of P50 Bars That Are Clashing With Column length of 200mm and throat of 12mm. No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
Main Bars
Bark Mark TB05 in Segment 5 to 12 for 5.1m and 6.3m The Contractor would like to propose to modify the diameter of bar mark TB05
709 Structural Precast Segmental Box Girder NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000695 Precast Segmental Box Girder within temporary blister. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1093 Rev 30, NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000202
The Contractor would like to propose the following modified bars, with
quantities PER PLINTH: 1) 5 sets of 4-BP03x-N20-L-125, arranged to form a
closed stirrup. Lap Length is 550mm as per Reinforcement Development Length
Table for N20mm bars (550mm is 27.5 times the bar diameter). These bars are to
BR104 Trans Piers – P467 Pier BR104 Trans Piers – P467 Pier Head - Proposed complement the existing BP bars shown in Fig. 3a, and to be placed in between
710 Structural Head NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000696 Modification of Bearing Plinths at Decreasing Chainage the existing BP bars. Note that 1.30 multiplier for LD is not applied due to the No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
(PSM Side) constricted space, and since the original bars will still be part of the assembly,
they would still contribute to the overall capacity of the bearing plinths. 2) 5-
BC03x-N12-LL-150, to complement the existing BC bars shown in Fig. 3a. Bottom
of these bars shall be resting directly above the first pour construction joint.
711 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000697 Detail of Steel Floor Decking at San Fernando Station Detail of Steel Floor Decking at San Fernando Station MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4416_Rev.B
Clarification on BR105 Column Main Bar Termination Clarification on BR105 Column Main Bar Termination on Pier Head (P-660 to P-
712 Structural Viaduct Pier Head P660 to P663 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000698 on Pier Head (P-660 to P-663) 663) MCRP-DWG-BR105-ST-0103 Rev.32, 0104 Rev.31, 0153 Rev.32
Modification of Bark Mark A22 and A16 for Segment The Contractor would like to suggest that the A22-03, which is a single rebar, be
713 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000699 Type A2 and A3 (5.1m and 6.3m Wide Box) divided into two parts MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1021, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1022
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
The contractor would like to ask for confirmation of approval and non-objection
714 Structural P601SB-01 Bored Pile NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000700 Deviation of Constructed Bored Piles for P-601SB of actual site condition of P601SB-01 bored pile and that no additional corrective No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
measures on mentioned pier are required
The Contractor would like to propose the following reinforcement detail for the
Cast-in-Situ Concrete to Tendon Anchorage cast-in-situ recess: 1. Reinforcement for the cast in situ concrete to tendon
715 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000701 Reinforcement Detail Segment Type A2 and A3 (5.1m anchorage will be installed during the casting of MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0922 Rev 30, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0941 Rev C
and 6.3m Wide Box) the A2/A3 segment at the precast yard 2. After stressing work on site, the
contractor will re-bend the rebar to create horizontal bar and weld the rebars.
Pier Type P3 – Proposed Modification of P11, P12 and Pier Type P3 – Proposed Modification of P11, P12 and Clarification for Bars P30, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0421, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0621 to -0622,
720 Structural Viaduct Pier Heads and Columns NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000706 Clarification for Bars P30, P19, P21 Reinforcement P19, P21 Reinforcement MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0625 to -0626
The contractor would like to ask for confirmation of approval and non objection
721 Structural P601NB-BP01 to BP04 bored pile NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000707 Deviation of Constructed Bored Piles for P601NB of actual site condition of P601NB-BP01 to BP04 bored pile and that no MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0106 REV. B
additional corrective measures on mentioned pier are required.
BR104 - BC03 Shape Modification of Bar Mark T02a, Shape Modification of Bar Mark T02a & T02b for Single and Double Blisters for
722 Structural BR104 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000708 T02b for Single Blister (SB) and Double Blister (DB) BR104 MCRP-DWG-BC03-ST-4102
Clashing Between Fire Exit Stair No. 6 and Stair / ESC Clashing Between Fire Exit Stair No. 6 and Stair / ESC No. 8 at San Fernando MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3406_Rev.E, MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3511_Rev.B,
729 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000715 No. 8 at San Fernando Station Station MCRP-DWG STA-AR-3607_Rev.30
The contractor would like to ask for confirmation of approval and non-objection
730 Structural P-599 Bored Pile NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000716 Deviation of Constructed Bored Piles for P599 of actual site condition of all P599 bored piles and that no additional corrective No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
measures on mentioned pier are required.
731 Structural P-439 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000717 Bored Pile Bearing Capacity P439-04 Bored Pile Bearing Capacity P439-04 No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
Detailed Drawing and Specification of Removable Request for the detailed drawing and specification of removable grate on
732 Structural Drainage system NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000718 Grate on Drainage drainage to find alternative supplier MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-1351_REV.B
733 Structural Ancillary Building NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000719 Rebar Detail of Stairs at Ancillary Buildings Rebar Detail of Stairs at Ancillary Buildings MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4462 Rev.30
The Contractor proposes instead of using bar shape ‘HH’ for both 20mm-
diameter tie bars, the first 1.0m height from the top of pilecap will utilize a
combination of shape code ‘H’ with lapping length equivalent to 1.0m. By doing
734 Structural P-598 Pier Column (SB) NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000720 Proposed Column Tie Bar Arrangement in P-598 (SB) so, its is expected that the main bar’s arrangement on the chamfered area will MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0646_Rev.30
be adjusted enough to accommodate the installation of remaining tie bars with
the original shape code ‘HH’ for bar marks P5 and P6.
Clarification of Hook Requirement for Pile Cap Type A2 Clarification of Hook Requirement for Pile Cap Type A2 Between RFI Response
735 Structural Viaduct Pile Caps NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000721 Between RFI Response and Latest IFC Drawing and Latest IFC Drawing MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0341_Rev.D
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
As ADJV is constructing the concrete perimeter wall fence along the sides of
ISER2. For the ease of construction and due to unavailability of Gate and Fence’s
736 Structural ISER2 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000722 Fence Wall Steel Reinforcement near ISER2 Pilecap Steel Works Subcontractor, we would like to propose installing blockouts on the No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
fence steel post’s anchor bolt/s areas, (See Figure 1 & 2) and re-orientation of
fence steel posts (See Figure 3).
Update of Slab On Grade Steel Reinforcement at Proposed this rebar to be re-oriented wherein the hook will be placed slightly
737 Structural Ancillary Building NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000723 Ancillary Buildings slanted instead of vertically, using the same delivered materials MCRP-DWG-STA-ST-4025 Rev.30
738 Structural NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000724 Noise Barrier Anchorage Proposal for anchorage of noise barriers to deck railings No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
Proposed New Location for the Lightning Arrester’s Proposed New Location for the Lightning Arrester’s Hole Provision in 5.1m Wide
739 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000725 Hole Provision in 5.1m Wide Box Typical Segment D16 Box Typical Segment D16 within San Fernando Station No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
within San Fernando Station
Bottom Slab Drainage Hole Relocation from Pier P- ADJV proposes the relocation of the 315mm ∅ drainage downpipe for bottom
740 Structural P597NB, P598NB and P599NB NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000726 597NB to P-599NB of Precast Segment D1 slab of the following spans :1. Span P597NB to P598NB 2 Span P598NB to No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
741 Structural BR116 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000727 Proposed Relocation of OCS Pole at BR116 Proposed Relocation of OCS Pole at BR116 No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
742 Structural BR110 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000728 Confirmation on OCS Pole Locations at BR110 Confirmation on OCS Pole Locations at BR110 No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
BR110 Concrete Deck - Modification of Concrete MCRP-DWG-BR110-ST-0031 to -0081 (Rev.30), MCRP-DWG-BR110-ST-0083 to -
743 Structural BR110 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000729 Geometry and Reinforcement BR110 Concrete Deck - Modification of Concrete Geometry and Reinforcement 0084 (Rev.30)
Bottom Slab Drainage Hole Relocation from Pier P- Approval of Bottom Slab Drainage Hole Relocation from Pier P-597NB to P-
744 Structural P-597NB to P-599NB NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000730 597NB to P-599NB of Precast Segment D1 599NB of Precast Segment D1 No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
Construction Method for Protective Concrete Layer on Construction Method for Protective Concrete Layer on the Top Slab to mitigate
749 Structural Viaduct Segments NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000735 the Top Slab or control cracks. No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
New Location of Balanced Cantilever Bridge (BR116) Agreement on the New Location of Balanced Cantilever Bridge (BR116) OCS
752 Structural BR116 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000738 OCS Poles in Between Piers P-457 and P-460 Poles in Between Piers P-457 and P-460. No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
BR104 – BC03 Proposed Removal of Drainage Hole at Proposed Removal of 200-mm Top Slab Drainage Hole at BR104 Main Span
753 Structural BR104 – BC03 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000739 Main Span Closure Segment (LS9) Closure Segment due to Conflict with the New Backstay Location. No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
Please confirm acceptance of the proposal to lift the parapets (noise barrier) at
754 Structural Noise Barrier NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000740 Noise Barrier Lifting and Transporting stage 1 (15MPa) and stage 2 (26MPa). No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
In order to complete the stirrups and to satisfy the spacing of stirrups for Portal
Beams (P5d Type Piers), some of the stirrups need to be cut at the locations of
P5d Piers - Clarification For Lap Length of Stirrups P15 seismic restrainer recesses (Fig. 1a). For convenience in installation, these cut
756 Structural Portal Beams NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000742 for Portal Beams MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0648 and -0649_[C], MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0650_[B]
stirrups are also composed of 2 pieces that are lapped at the bottom to act as a
single piece of reinforcement, with the following options (Fig. 1b and Fig. 1c):
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
For the ease of construction, considering that the Foundation Beams whose
having 700 to 1500mm Depth will be constructed upon concrete casting of the
Foundation Girders (3000mm Depth). We would like to update the Structural
Rebar Splicing Scheme Details of Foundation Beams at Shop Drawing of Rebar Detail of Beam at Foundation and introduce a Rebar
757 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000743 San Fernando Station MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4111_Rev.A, MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4321_Rev.30
Splicing Scheme that will provide a sufficient space to proceed the backfilling and
laying of 200mm Hard Core + 100mm Lean Concrete for the Foundation Beams
(See Figure 1)
P-663 and P-664 315mm Bottom Slab Drainage Downpipe Hole Approval of the 315mm Bottom Slab Drainage Downpipe Hole Relocation of
758 Structural Viaduct Segment NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000744 Relocation of Span 663 in between Piers P-663 and P- Span 663 in between Piers P-663 and P-664 to Precast Segment D13. MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0038_Rev.30
664 to Precast Segment D13
Pier Type P3 – Proposed Modification of P11 Approval for modification of P11 arrangement, removal of P12 for LOWER (1st to MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0421, MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0621 to -0622,
759 Structural Pier Head NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000745 Arrangement 3rd) layers only. MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0625 to -0626,
Proposed Pad Eyes on the Steel Starter Columns at San We would like to Proposed installing Pad Eyes on the Steel Starter Columns for
760 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000746 Fernando Station lifting purpose during tranportation and site erection. This Pad Eyes will be No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
installed on shop.
During the as-built survey conducted at Pier P603, it was observed that two
bored piles have deviated beyond the maximum allowable horizontal tolerance
761 Structural P603 Bored Pile NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000747 Deviation of Constructed Bored Piles for P603 of 100mm, as specified in TS 200, Clause 204.4.11 -Bored Piles Construction No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
Approval of Column Main Bar Arrangement for BR105 Transition Pier below
Galvanized Steel Pin.
Column Main Bar Arrangement for BR105 Transition According to MCRP-DWG-BR105-ST-0102_Rev.32, two nos. of 500mm diameter MCRP-DWG-BR105-ST-0005_Rev.32
764 Structural BR105 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000750 Pier below Galvanized Steel Pin by 1000mm deep void must be cast into the BR105 transition piers P-660 and P- MCRP-DWG-BR105-ST-0102_Rev.32, 0103_Rev.32
663 in order to install a galvanized steel pin in the pier head. See Figure 2.
The Contractor is raising an RFI (Request for Information) to seek the Engineer’s
confirmation of adding 20mm chamfer for all Noise Barrier types as shown in
Figure 2 below.
766 Structural Noise Barrier NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000752 Proposed 20mm Chamfer for Noise Barrier Types As per internal mock-up done on site (figure 1), this solution will prevent damage No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
on concrete edges. The contractor would like to request non-objection to this
During the as-built survey conducted at San Fernando Station Foundation, it was
observed that two bored piles SF-48 & SF-49 have deviated beyond the
Deviation of Constructed Bored Piles for Station maximum allowable horizontal tolerance of 100mm, as specified in TS 200,
767 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000753 Foundation (SF-48 & SF-49) Clause 204.4.11 - Bored Piles Construction Tolerances. The other piles were No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
recorded to be within the tolerance 100mm limit. See figure 1 below for bored
pile deviation as-built reference.
Proposed Construction Joint on Foundation Girders at Due to unforeseen circumstances at Signaling House ISER2, we would like to
768 Structural ISER2 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000754 ISER2 propose a Construction Joints on the Foundation Girders (See Figure 1). The MCRP-DWG-ISER2-ST-4101 Rev.B
proposed CJs are located 5000mm from GL Y02 to Y01.
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
During the as-built survey conducted at San Fernando Station Foundation, it was
observed that two bored piles SF-18 & SF-19 have suffered an uplift on the rebar
Deviation of Constructed Bored Piles for Station cage during casting beyond the maximum allowable tolerance of 150mm, as
770 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000756 Foundation (SF-18 & SF-19) No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
specified in TS 200, Clause 204.4.11 - Bored Piles Construction Tolerances. See
Table 1 below with the values as per actual survey data:
During the as-built survey conducted at San Fernando Station Foundation, it was
observed that two bored piles SF-BP15 & SF-BP16 have deviated beyond the
Deviation of Constructed Bored Piles for Station maximum allowable horizontal tolerance of 100mm, as specified in TS 200,
771 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000757 Foundation (SF-BP15 & SF-BP16) Clause 204.4.11 - Bored Piles Construction Tolerances. The other piles were No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
recorded to be within the tolerance 100mm limit. See figure 1 below for bored
pile deviation as-built reference.
During the as-built survey conducted at San Fernando Station Foundation, it was
observed that two bored piles SF-BP39 (GRID X08/Y01-Y02) & SF-BP40 (GRID
X09/Y01-Y02) have deviated beyond the maximum allowable horizontal
Deviation of Constructed Bored Piles for Station tolerance of 100mm, as specified in TS 200, Clause 204.4.11 - Bored Piles
772 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000758 Foundation (SF-BP39 & SF-BP40) No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
Construction Tolerances. The other piles were recorded to be within the
tolerance 100mm limit. See figure 1 below for bored pile deviation as-built
We would like to inquire the Reaction Loads nominated on the steel structure by MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3411_Rev.B, MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3412_Rev.31,
the structural engineer. Through this requested details and option. MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3413_Rev.31, MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3421_Rev.B,
773 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000759 PTFE Design Details at San Fernando Station Please provide the Reaction Loads summary used by the structural engineer for MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3422_Rev.B, MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3423_Rev.B,
the Membrane-Steel Structure interface. MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3501 to 3503_Rev.30
During the as-built survey conducted at San Fernando Station Foundation, it was
observed that three out of our bored piles at SF-P03, SF-P04, SF-P05 & SF-P06
Deviation of Constructed Bored Piles for Station have deviated beyond the maximum allowable horizontal tolerance of 100mm, No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
777 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000763 Foundation (SF-P03, SF-P04, SF-P05 and SF-P06) as specified in TS 200, Clause 204.4.11 - Bored Piles Construction Tolerances. See
table and figure 1 below for bored pile deviation as-built reference.
During the as-built survey conducted at San Fernando Station Foundation, it was
observed that two bored piles SF-P55, SF-P56, SF-P57 & SF-P58 have deviated
Deviation of Constructed Bored Piles for Station beyond the maximum allowable horizontal tolerance of 100mm, as specified in No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
778 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000764 Foundation (SF-P55, SF-P56, SF-P57 and SF-P58) TS 200, Clause 204.4.11 - Bored Piles Construction Tolerances. See table and
figure 1 below for bored pile deviation as-built reference.
Details of Bearing Devices on Structural Steel at San This RFI is issued to request the Engineer’s confirmation of ADJV’s Interpretation MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4421 & 4422_Rev.30,
779 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000765 Fernando Station on the Response of NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000765 Rev.A is correct. MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4481 to 4483_Rev.30
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
Proposed Alternative Geometry of Noise Barrier at BC In reference to RFI NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000734 & 000737 regarding
783 Structural OCS Foundation NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000769 and CIS Bridge OCS Foundation New OCS Foundation Design in Balanced Cantilever and Cast-In-Situ Bridges, No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
Engineer’s response is to maintain the OCS foundation height of 1000mm.
As discussed thru the workshop awhile ago, we have noticed that some portions
Clarification of Rebar Arrangement on Foundation of Foundation Girders are open and without stirrups. Please see Figures 1, 2 and MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4111_Rev.A, MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4311_Rev.30,
784 Structural OCS Foundation NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000770 Girders at San Fernando Station 3. MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4312_Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4313_Rev.30,
May we request your re-confirmation as instructed upon for Figures 1 to 3. MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4321_Rev.30
As we have observed the Assembly of Column and the Stub-out Beams for the
Fire Exit Stair Nos. 1 to 4 along GL X01-X02/Y02-Y01 and X18-X19/Y02-Y01, the
Proposed On-Site Welding of Fire Exit Stair Nos. 1 to 4 total width will be 5.2 meters which is not of transportable size when welded on
787 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000773 Stub-Out Beams on Columns at San Fernando Station shop. See Figure 1. MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4402
Please confirm and/or provide further details: 1. That the proposed on-site
welding of the stub-out beams for Fire Exit Stair Nos. 1 to 4 is acceptable
We would like to Proposed installing Pad Eyes on the Steel Girders and Beams
Proposed Pad Eyes on the Steel Girder and Beams at for lifting purpose during tranportation and site erection. This Pad Eyes will be
789 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000775 San Fernando Station installed on shop and will be applied for Girders and Beams from Concourse to No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
Roof Levels. Please refer to the attached Drawings for further details.
Clarification on the Value of RL'A' Top of Column for P- According to IFC Drawing reference MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0110 Rev.30, the
790 Structural P-746 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000776 746 value of RL’A’(m) Top of Column (m) for pier P-746 is 31.775 and as shown in MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0110 Rev.30 and Rev. B
below Table 1.
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Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
As the readily available Commercial Size for L8x8x12 (A36) is maximum 6 meters
only. However, the required dimensions on the roof level ranges from 7570mm
Proposed Splicing for L8x8x12 (A36) on Roof Level at to 8300mm and this cannot be fabricated on one assembly. To meet the plan
794 Structural San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000780 San Fernando Station MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4151 Rev.30
and to maximize utilization of materials, we would like to propose weld splicing
as, See Figure 1:
796 Structural P-695 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000782 P-695 Pier Head Proposed Shifting of Seismic Upstand Confirmation for shifting of location of seismic upstand MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0422_[31], MCRP-DWG-VIA00-ST-0423_[C]
Modification of Compressive Strength of Concrete for An RFI has been issued to propose increasing the compressive strength of
797 Structural Cast-In-Situ (CIS) Bridges NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000783 Cast-In-Situ (CIS) Bridges concrete from 40MPa to 50MPa for Cast-In-Situ (CIS) Bridges. This enhancement No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
aims to ensure uniformity between CIS and other superstructures.
This RFI is being issued to request the Engineer for a reconfirmation of the
provided resolutions:
1. The increased of the 2-sided Pit Walls from 250mm to 330mm on Elevator
Elevator Nos. 3 to 6 Pit Walls on Concourse at San Nos. 3 to 6 (Per Figures 2 and 3). MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4131_Rev.B, MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4451_Rev.30,
798 Structural Elevator Nos. 3 to 6 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000784 Fernando Station 2. The 300mm movement of Elevator Nos. 4 and 6 to GL X17 and as well of the MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3404_Rev.G, MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3406_Rev.G,
Beam SB50 on Concourse & Platform Levels, Total 4 Nos (Per Figures 4b & 4c)
3. The after offset dimensions of First Aid Room and Staff Toilet (F) against the
Due Nos.
to the 4 and
6’x20’ 6 respectively
available as 2324mm
commercial size forissteel
acceptable (Per
plate, the Figure 4d/After)
elevator shafts 1
Proposed Weld Splicing on Elevator Shaft 1 to 6 to 6 columns are not enough to built-up weld in one whole piece. For this MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4471_Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4472_Rev.30,
799 Structural Elevator Shaft 1 to 6 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000785 Columns & Beams at San Fernando Station instance, we would like to propose a welding splicing on the Elevator Shafts 1 to MCRP-DWG-SFD-ST-4473_Rev.30
6 Columns HSS8x8x0.5.
During the as-built survey conducted at Pier P604 center Bored piles, it was
observed that three bored piles have deviated beyond the maximum allowable
800 Structural P604C NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000786 Deviation of Constructed Bored Piles for P604C horizontal tolerance of 100mm, as specified in TS 200, Clause 204.4.11 - Bored No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
Piles Construction Tolerances.
BR105 Main Pier Clarifications and Modifications for A. Clarification for Groove Geometry MCRP-DWG-BR105-ST-0151_[32], MCRP-DWG-BR105-ST-0153_[32],
802 Structural BR105 NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-ST-000788 Concrete Geometry B. Proposed Merging of Upstand and Bearing Plinths MCRP-DWG-BR105-ST-0154_[31], MCRP-DWG-VIA02-ST-0108_[C]
C. Clarification of Chamfer Locations
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
Electrical - Confirmation of Automatic Transfer Switch Confirmation of Automatic Transfer Switch Panel, the Details and the Location of
2 Electrical San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-E-000002 (ATS) Panel the Panel MCRP-DWG-SFD-EL-5011
Detailed Location of Emergency Call Control Panel for As per MCRP-DWG-SFD-EL-5710, showing the Toilet Emergency Call System MCRP-DWG-SFD-EL-5710, MCRP-DWG-SFD-EL-5711,
3 Electrical San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-E-000003 Toilet Emergency Call System at San Fernando Station Schematic Diagram having a centralized Control Panel MCRP-DWG-SFD-EL-5715, MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3406
Details of Cable Containment for Low Voltage In lieu of the RFI No. NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-E-000001. Referring to MCRP-
4 Electrical San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-E-000004 Switchgear at San Fernando Station DWG-SFD-EL-5011: Electrical – Low Voltage Power Single Line Diagram. MCRP-DWG-SFD-EL-5203, MCRP-DWG-SFD-EL-5011
Details of Conduit & Cable on Branch Circuit Panels at As we reviewed the Load Schedule for Drawings MCRP-DWG-SFD-EL-5501 ~
6 Electrical San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-E-000006 San Fernando Station MCRP-DWG-SFD-EL-5506: The conduit schedule and type of cables are not MCRP-DWG-SFD-EL-5501 ~ MCRP-DWG-SFD-EL-5506
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
ADJV MCRP-02 would like to clarify if the supply and installation of Generator Set
Supply and Installation of Generator Set at San including all necessary electrical and mechanical connections, complete with
12 Electrical San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-E-000012 Fernando Station Fuel Tank, Testing and Commissioning on the Genset Building will be under our MCRP-DWG-SFD-EL-5011
scope of works?
Lightning Protection Copper Wire Down Conductor at As per the IFC Drawing No. MCRP-PSS-EL-5282, related to the Lightning
14 Electrical Ancillary Buildings NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-E-000014 Substation SS17 including all Auxiliary Buildings Protection Layout Roof to Ground level, the copper wire down conductor MCRP-PSS-EL-5282
showing is concealed in concrete column. (See below photo – Figure 1).
Lightning Protection Copper Wire Down Conductor at As an additional note on the commented NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-E-000014
15 Electrical Ancillary Buildings NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-E-000014 Substation SS17 including all Auxiliary Buildings Rev.A, “For the Conduits, contractor may propose PVC Conduit as an alternative MCRP-PSS-EL-5282
as discussed” (See Figure 1).
Clarification of Lightning Protection Bare Copper Wire Referring to IFC drawing MCRP-DWG-BP-EL-5281, for Lightning Protection Layout
16 Electrical Battery Post NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-E-000015 Down Conductor at Battery Post BP2-1 to BP2-4 Roof Level (Type A and B), the size of bare copper wire down conductor is MCRP-DWG-BP-EL-5281
30mm2 and 70mm2 accordingly. (See Figure 1).
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
Discrepancy between IFC Access Control System In reference to IFC Electrical drawings MCRP-DWG-SFD-EL-5825 Rev.C for San
26 Electrical San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-E-000025 Diagram and in Electrical Specification at San Fernando Fernando Station – Electrical – Acess Control System Schematic Diagram, it is MCRP-DWG-SFD-EL-5825 Rev.C, MCRP-DWG-SFD-EL-5801 Rev.31
Station shown in hightlighted yellow color the PDU to Control PC Access which part of
the Acess Control System Schematic Diagram see (Figure 1).
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
Clarification on FAT for Gantry Crane and Ancillaries as included in Item
1 Mechanical NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-M-000001 Clarification on FAT for Gantry Crane and Ancillaries of the Bidding Documents Part II, Section 6, Part III A No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
As we review the requirements for the Mechanical Air Conditioning and MCRP-DWG-BP-ME-5611,
Piston Damper (PD) and Motorized Fire Damper (MFD) Ventilation Installation Layout at Ancillary Buildings. We have noticed that the MCRP-DWG-SIG-ME-5608,
4 Mechanical Ancillary Buildings NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-M-000004 Details at Ancillary Buildings Technical Specs of Piston Damper (PD) and Motorized Fire Damper (MFD) are MCRP-DWG-SIG-ME-5611,
missing on the Equipment Schedule. MCRP-DWG-PSS-ME-5608,
Detailed Enclosure Support for Condensing Units at As per drawing no. MCRP-DWG-SFD-ME-5514 for Mechanical -Typical Details,
6 Mechanical San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-M-000006 San Fernando Station the support detail showing for double outdoor unit overlap installation is not MCRP-DWG-SFD-ME-5514 and MCRP-DWG-SFD-ME-5641
applicable to install the condensing units in Concourse Level. (See below photo).
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Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
Power Supply Provision for Additional 2 Wall Mounted Please confirm and/or provide further details: MCRP-DWG-BP-ME-5608 Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-SFD-ME-5661 Rev.C
14 Mechanical Battery Post NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-M-000014 AC Split Unit at Battery Post (Type A & B) 1. Kindly provide the power supply provision for the additional 2 A/C wall MCRP-DWG-SFD-ME-5631 Rev.30.
mounted units.
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North - South Commuter Railway Extension
(NSCR-EX) Project
General Consultant
Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
Provision of Firewater tank drain outlet and Fire Pump accessories and the
1 Fire Protection San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-FP-000001 Firewater Pump System control line MCRP-DWG-SFD-FS-6621_Rev.30
Mismatched Firewater Pump Skid Location and With reference to IFC Dwg # MCRP-DWG-SFD-FS-6621 (Figure 1) the location and MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3453,
3 Fire Protection San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-FP-000003 Orientation orientation of the firewater pumping station is not matching to MCRP-DWG-SFD- MCRP-DWG-SFD-FS-6608,
FS-6608 (Figure 2) & MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3453 (Figure 3) MCRP-DWG-SFD-FS-6621
Confirmation of Fire and Jockey Pumps Capacity at San We would like to clarify the Fire and Jockey Pumps Capacity to be utilized at San
7 Fire Protection San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-FP-000007 Fernando Station Fernando Station. We have observed discrepancies between the IFC Drawings MCRP-DWG-SFD-FS-6631_REV.30
and Specifications (See below tabulation).
Clarification of Novec-1230 Fire Suppression System at As we reviewed the Layout and Equipment Schedule of Fire System FASS (NOVEC MCRP- DWG-PSS-FS-6601 Rev. 30,
8 Fire Protection Substations NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-FP-000008 Substations SS14-SS17 1230) in Substations SS14-SS17 (See below Figures 1.a and 1.b). MCRP- DWG-PSS-FS-6608 Rev. 30,
MCRP- DWG-PSS-FS-6611 Rev. 30
In reference to IFC Architectural drawings MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3101 Rev.D, it is
Confirmation of Fire Hydrate Provision at San shown in (Figure 1) the 3 Fire Hydrate location highlighted in yellow color. MCRP-DWG-SFD-FS-6608 Rev.30,
9 Fire Protection San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-FP-000009 Fernando Station However, in IFC Fire System drawings MCRP-DWG-SFD-FS-6608 Rev.30 see MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR-3101 Rev.D
(Figure 2); there’s no connection and provision for external Fire Hydrate.
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Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
Station - Storm Drain and Waste Downspout Fixing and 1. Station – Storm Drain and Waste Downspout Fixing and Support Details.
3 Sanitary San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-SN-000003 Support Details As per Sanitary IFC Dwg # MCRP-DWG-SFD-SN-6104, The storm drain and waste MCRP-DWG-SFD-SN-6104, MCRP-DWG-STA-AR-3531
pipe downspout to be fixed along with the column as shown Figure 1.
A. Wastewater Discharge; Referring to MCRP-DWG-SFD-SN-6101 & 6104_Rev.30 MCRP-DWG-SFD-SN-6101 Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-SFD-SN-6102 Rev.30,
San Fernando Station Waste and Storm Water (see Figure 1 & 2) - it shows that the wastewater discharge line from the station MCRP-DWG-SFD-SN-6104 Rev.31, MCRP-DWG-SFD-SN-6104 Rev.30,
6 Sanitary San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-SN-000006 Discharging Network building is going to a Civil Drainage network, but there is no given details of this MCRP-DWG-SFD-SN-6106 Rev.30, MCRP-DWG-SFD-DR-2300 Rev.30,
drainage structure such as its soze, elevation, orientation, exact location, etc.
Referring to MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR- 3404, 3405 & 3406, The Trench Gutter was
Detail of Drainage Line for Trench Gutter on Concourse shown along the concourse level (Figure 1,2 & 3), while in the Sanitary IFC Dwg# MCRP-DWG-SFD-AR- 3404, 3405 & 3406;
8 Sanitary San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-SN-000008 at San Fernando Station MCRP-DWG-SFD-SN- 6106, there is no trench gutter has been shown and no MCRP-DWG-SFD-SN- 6106
provision of piping line to drain the water.
Confirmation of Downspout Material Type at San We would like to clarify the Downspout Material Type for Rain Water to be MCRP-DWG-SFD-SN-6104_Rev.31, MCRP-DWG-SFD-SN-6106_Rev.B
9 Sanitary San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-SN-000009 Fernando Station utilized at San Fernando Station. We have observed discrepancies between the MCRP-DWG-SFD-SN-6108_Rev.30
IFC Drawings and Specifications (See below tabulation).
In reference to RFI - NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-SN-000010_Rev.B with regards
Confirmation and Approval of Additional Lifting Station to the additional lifting station on the Wastewater Treatment Plant, the Engineer
10 Sanitary San Fernando Station NSCR-ADJV-N02-CSFSTN-RFI-SN-000010 and Machine Room Requirement for Wastewater confirms as ”Presentation with DOTr have been done on the 5th April 2024, No IFC Drawing reference seen on RFI
Treatment Plant at San Fernando Station Please wait for DOTr reply” (See Figure 1).
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Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
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Item (Civil/MEP/Archi) Pier Location/Structure Document No. (RFI) Doc. Title Description Relevant Drawing (IFC)
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Container Name: AREA Container Name: TYPE (Document Type) Min. Characters 1
SSBP2 Battery Post No. 2 BOQ Bill of Quantities AF Automated Fare Collection
1 19 November 2024
2 20 November 2024
3 20 November 2024
4 20 November 2024
5 26 November 2024
6 26 November 2024
10 02 December 2024
11 02 December 2024
12 02 December 2024
13 04 December 2024
14 04 December 2024
15 04 December 2024
18 06 December 2024
19 06 December 2024
16 09 December 2024
17 09 December 2024
20 10December 2024
21 11December 2024
22 13December 2024
23 16December 2024
24 16December 2024
25 17December 2024
26 17December 2024
27 17December 2024
28 18December 2024
29 18December 2024
30 18December 2024
31 06 Jan. 2025
32 07 Jan. 2025
33 07 Jan. 2025
WIR N0. & Particular
Laydown of Crushed Stone & Verifcation of Crushed Stone top level for X18-X19/Y01-Y02 Beam
Pre-pour inspection of lean concrete & verification of LC top level for X18-X19/YO1-YO2 beams
Pouring inspection of LC for X18-X19/Y01-Y02 Beams
Post Pour and As-Built of LC for X18-X19/Y01-Y02 Beams
SFDO steel structure: (H)steel weld, blasting primer, intermediate and top coat,(H) final paint
SFDO steel structure: (H) final paint
LeanConcrete (Ancillary Building) ISER2
SFDO Stn-Compressible Materials
Application of cement slurry, install wood protection& pvc pipe cover for dowel rebars GL X12-
(H) Final Paint Inspection (STRUCTURAL STEEMBRS) prior to delivery X01-X14/Y01-Y02
sfdo steel structure
San fernando foundation
sfdo concrete structure
sfdo concrete structure
sfdo- compressible materials
Inspector received time from
Inspection Date & Time & location Requested
Assigned DC
Date Time Location GCR Engr
20 Nov.2024 13:00 16:35hrs
23 Nov.2024 09:00 San Fernando Stn Zone 1
X18-X19 / Y01-Y02
25 Nov.2024 11:00
26 Nov.2024 09:00
22 Nov.2024 4:45pm
EEI Fabn shop Brgy Sta
maria Bauan Batangas
22 Nov.2024 4:45pm
27-28 nov.'24
03-06 dec'24 10:00am 4:11pm
02-02 dec'24
EEI Fabn shop Brgy Sta
29 nov'24 10:00 AM
maria Bauan Batangas
Mark Elly
Mark Elly
bernard sfdo
elly batangas, eei
elly batangas, eei
fy = 36000 ø= 0.9
Ɩ =(inch) g=(inch) Ɩ =(inch) g=(inch) Ɩ =(inch) g=(inch) Ɩ =(inch)
Angles Thickness
5 3 6 4 7 5 8
b(inch)= 1 b(inch)= 1 b(inch)= 1 b(inch)=
5/16 0.31250 øNn = 263.67 øNn = 197.75 øNn = 158.2 øNn =
3/8 0.37500 øNn = 379.69 øNn = 284.77 øNn = 227.81 øNn =
7/16 0.43750 øNn = 516.8 øNn = 387.6 øNn = 310.08 øNn =
1/2 0.50000 øNn = 675 øNn = 506.25 øNn = 405 øNn =
9/16 0.56250 øNn = 854.3 øNn = 640.72 øNn = 512.58 øNn =
5/8 0.62500 øNn = 1054.69 øNn = 791.02 øNn = 632.81 øNn =
Nu Nu ≤ øNn
g Nu ≤ øPc
Hilti Tension Capacity &
Tension Govern by
Concrete Failure w/c
ever is greater
Fullcrum e
CMU 5" Laying & Plastered Finish
Elastic Deformation
A material's temporary change in shape that returns to its original state when the applied stress
is removed. This happens when the stress is proportional to the strain, and the deformation is
rate independent.
Hooks Law
Plastic Deformation
A material's permanent distortion that occurs when the applied stress exceeds the material's
yield strength. This happens when the material undergoes tensile, compressive, bending, or
torsion stresses
ateral Translation
Frame Distortion
ds the material's
sive, bending, or
GS 120
GS 120.6
Loc'n: KM 58+600
Date Activity # Workers
24-Nov Saturday
25-Nov Sunday
27-Nov Zone1
1. Foundation beam rebar installation
2. Post pour concrete repair works
Zone 4
1. Rebar installation x15-x16/y2
2. Formworks installation x14-x15/y1
Zone 5
1. Concrete casting x4-x5 (first lift)
2. Rebar installation x6-x7
List & No. of Equipment Weather Condition
Y-01 20
27-Nov 27-Nov
28-Nov 28-Nov
23:56 28-Nov 23:56 28-Nov
Structure: Intermediate Signalling House-2
Loc'n: bet km 64+610 - km 64+650
Date Activity No. of Workers
24-Nov Saturday
25-Nov Sunday
26-Nov rebar installation of foundation girder along GL X01-X04/Y01 7
27-Nov rebar installation of foundation girder along GL X01-X04/Y02 7
28-Nov ISER2-rebar installation of foundation girder along GL X01-X04/Y01 ISER2-7pax
List & No. of Equipment
SS14-installation of timber supports for beam and slab soffit.
d slab soffit.
Structure: Signalling, Communication Building, Genset Housing
Location: Next to San Fernando Station
Current Status
Date Activity # Wrkers # Equipment
19-Nov 45 BP for
20-Nov SIG/COM building
21-Nov Completed.
22-Nov 4 BP for Genset
23-Nov House not yet-
24-Nov ROW issue
26-Nov No Activity
27-Nov No Activity
Date Activity No. of Workers
24-Nov Saturday
25-Nov Sunday
26-Nov installation of timber supports for beam and slab soffit. 12
27-Nov installation of timber supports for beam and slab soffit. 12
28-Nov installation of timber supports for beam and slab soffit. 10
List & No. of Equipment
Structure: SUB-STATION 17
Location: Between km 66+620 & km 66+660
Date Activity No. of Workers List & No. of Equipment
19-Nov No Activity
20-Nov No Activity
21-Nov No Activity
22-Nov No Activity
23-Nov No Activity
24-Nov Saturday
25-Nov Sunday
26-Nov No Activity
27-Nov No Activity
Reply/Commens from Contractor Current Status/ Progress
from Joven Rivera from Regie M. Guinto
Never Started -
Structure: SUBSTATION 16
Loc'n: BET. KM 61+950 & KM 61+990
Date Activity No. of Workers List & No. of Equipment
19-Nov No Activity- ROW Issue
20-Nov No Activity- ROW Issue
21-Nov No Activity- ROW Issue
22-Nov No Activity- ROW Issue
23-Nov No Activity- ROW Issue
24-Nov Saturday
25-Nov Sunday
26-Nov No Activity- ROW Issue
27-Nov No Activity- ROW Issue
Never started -
Structure: Intermediate Signalling House-3
Loc'n: bet km 64+610 - km 64+650
Date Activity No. of Workers
23-Nov No Activity - ROW issue
24-Nov Saturday
25-Nov Sunday
26-Nov No Activity - ROW issue
27-Nov No Activity - ROW issue
List & No. of Equipment Status
Work never