Birauta Boq

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Government of Nepal

Ministry of Water Supply

Department of Water Supply and Sewerage Management
Federal Water Supply and Sewerage Management Project
Pokhara, Kaski

A Detail Design & Estimate Report

Belghari Chorepatan Birauta Water Supply and
Sanitation Project

Pokhara Municiapality- 17


Submitted By:
Global Hi- Tech Engineering Pvt. Ltd,
Pokhara, Kaski


y and
Nepal Government
Ministry of Water Supply
Department of Water Supply and Sewerage Management
Federa Water Supply and Sewerage Management Project
Pokhara, Kaski

Summary of Cost
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
Scheme-1 Scheme 2
Belghari Chorepatan Birauata
S.No. Particulars No. Rate
Amount Amount Amount
Qty Qty Qty
Rs1 Rs Rs1

A Community Education Awareness

1 Pre-construction Training no 1 000.00 1 1 000.00 1 1 000.00 2.00 2 000.00

2 Appraisal & Comm. Preparation no 2 000.00 1 2 000.00 1 2 000.00 2.00 4 000.00

3 VMWs Training no 3 000.00 1 3 000.00 1 3 000.00 2.00 6 000.00

4 Pre-handover Training no 1 500.00 1 1 500.00 1 1 500.00 2.00 3 000.00

5 Sanitation awareness programme 1 000.00 1 1 000.00 1 1 000.00 2.00 2 000.00

Sum Total (A) 8 500.00 8 500.00 17 000.00

B Water Supply & Sanitation

B1 Civil Works
1 RCC weir intake no 8 16 095.98 1 8 16 095.98 1 8 16 095.98 2.00 16 32 191.96

2 Sump Well Proposed no 13 64 516.39 1 13 64 516.39 0 0.00 1.00 13 64 516.39

3 Plain Sedimentation Tank no 8 04 227.95 1 8 04 227.95 0.00 1.00 8 04 227.95

4 Roughing filter no 8 43 413.96 1 8 43 413.96 0.00 1.00 8 43 413.96

100 cum Overhead Tank with required 63 63 974.08 1 63 63 974.08 0.00 1.00 63 63 974.08
5 fittings no

6 75 cum RCC Reservoir tank for Pumping no 26 47 132.93 1 26 47 132.93 0.00 1.00 26 47 132.93

7 Boring 8/10" no 30 90 887.65 2 61 81 775.29 2.00 61 81 775.29

8 Air Valve Chamber/Washout Valve no 18 765.25 3.00 56 295.74 35.00 6 56 783.58 38.00 7 13 079.32

9 Valve Chamber no 37 293.04 10.00 3 72 930.44 21.00 7 83 153.93 31.00 11 56 084.38

10 House Connection no 6 500.37 450.00 29 25 167.40 351.00 22 81 630.57 801.00 52 06 797.97

11 Protection Works no 9 01 382.02 1.00 9 01 382.02 0.00 1.00 9 01 382.02

B2 Pump Supply and Installation Works no 10 65 120.00 1.00 10 65 120.00 0.00 1.00 10 65 120.00

6 Pipeline works ( E/W and jointing ) 0.00 0.00 0.00

6.1 Transmission km 0.50 - 2.50 1,520,929.61 3.00 15 20 929.61

6.2 Distribution km 1.39 845,171.54 5.56 3,385,530.82 6.94 42 30 702.36

7 Laying and jointing km 1.89 108,468.60 8.05 3,115,025.80 9.94 32 23 494.40

0.10 100% 7 035.30 100% 7 035.30 100% 14 070.61

8 Transportation of Pipes,fittings and tools
Sub-Total (B1) 191 20 932.34 187 47 960.90 0.00 378 68 893.23

B2 Materials & Equipments 0.00

1 Pipes procurement km 1.89 1,019,759.19 8.05 13,151,128.00 8.05 141 70 887.19

2 Tools & Plants no 53 684.67 1.00 53,684.67 1.00 53,684.67 2.00 1 07 369.34

3 Fitings no 100% 370,093.30 ls 370,093.30 100% 7 40 186.60

Sub-Total (B2) 14 43 537.16 135 74 905.97 0.00 150 18 443.13

Total B (B1+B2) 205 64 469.50 323 22 866.87 0.00 528 87 336.36

Total (B) 205 64 469.50 463 21 550.81 0.00 528 87 336.36


C Civil Works With 13% VAT of B 232 37 850.53 523 43 352.41 0.00 597 62 690.09

D Contingencies & Overhead 0.00

Contengies 4% of C 9 29 514.02 20 93 734.10 0.00 23 90 507.60

Price Adjustment Contengies 10% of C 23 23 785.05 52 34 335.24 0.00 59 76 269.01

Phusical Contengies 10 % of C 23 23 785.05 52 34 335.24 0.00 59 76 269.01

Total D 55 77 084.13 125 62 404.58 0.00 143 43 045.62

Total Cost of Scheme (A+C+D) 288 23 434.66 649 05 756.99 0.00 741 22 735.71

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Summary of Cost
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
Scheme-1 Scheme 2
Belghari Chorepatan Birauata
S.No. Particulars No. Rate
Amount Amount Amount
Qty Qty Qty
Rs1 Rs Rs1
Total Cost of the Project : 937 29 191.65

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Nepal Government
Ministry of Water Supply
Department of Water Supply and Sewerage Management
Federa Water Supply and Sewerage Management Project
Pokhara, Kaski

Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

1 Name of project Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
Scheme -1
2 Name of Scheme Belghari
Birauta WSP
Name of Municipality, Wards and
3 Metropolitan -17
Locality covered
4 Type of scheme pumping
S.N. Parameters Unit Value
A. Household/Population
1 Households(survey year: 2019) No. 99 351
2 Population (survey year: 2019) No. 495 1755
3 Households(base year: 2021) No. 99 359
4 Population (base year: 2021) No. 495 1795
5 Households(design year: 2041) No. 145 490
6 Population (design year: 2041) No. 725 2450
7 No of institution No. 1 2
8 Design period Yrs. 20 20
9 Annual growth rate % 1.35 1.35
B. Source Information
1 Name of source
Sprimg Sprimg
2 Type of source & number Type/No.
Source/Stream Source/Stream
3 Tapped discharge source Lps 2 12
4 Approximate distance from project site km 0.55 0.5
4 Water quality of source Good Good
C. Water Provision & Demand
1 Provision for domestic use (design) L/day 64500 228680
Provision for institutional demand
L/day 1200 2400
( design)
3 Total water demand (design year) L/day 65700 231080
D. Project Components
Total length of transmission line km 0.25 2.496
Actual length of distribution pipe line km 1.387 5.556
Number of private connection provided
No. 99 351
(base year)
RCC Weir Intake no 1.00 0.00
Capacity and number of distribution
m³/no 100cumOverhead

Sump well/ Boring 1 Sump well-1 Boring-2

RCC Reservoir
RCC Reservoir tank 1
75 cum
Pump (16m^3/hr at 75m head) no 2
Total Number of DC, IC, VC & AVC No. 5.00
E. Project Cost Data
1 Total estimated cost NRs. 28,823,434.66 64,905,756.99
Average per capita cost at base year
2 NRs. 58,229.16 36,159.20
Average per capita cost at design year
3 NRs. 39,756.46 26,492.15
rauta WSP






Sump well-1,
RCC Reservoir
75 cum

S.N. Description Unit

Part A: Provisional Sum

Insurances for the loss of damage to works, plant, material, equipment, property and personal
1 injury or death and as stipulated in contract Data and as per related clause of specification.
2 Submission of complition reoprt with as build drawing. PS
Diversions of utilities and provision of temporary services. Provide payments to other stautory
undertakers for diverting electricity, telecommunication, watersupply, traffic control and PS
3 vehicular access and other services.
4 Maintanance cost for Damageing existing structures as approved by the Engineer PS
5 Requird apparatus and Equipments for laboratory as approved by the Engineer. PS
6 Concret Cube Test/ soil tests as approved by the Engineer. PS
7 Environmental Mitigation works PS

Part B: Civil Works

1 Removing top soil for site preparation m²
2 Earthwork in excavation for foundation work in hard soil m³
4 Earthwork in excavation for foundation work in b.m. soil m³
6 Earth work in backfilling with hard soil m³
8 Earthwork in backfilling with boulder mixed soil for pipeline/foundation trench m³
21 Dry stone soling work in foundation m³
22 Flat brick soling m2
23 Boulder packing m³
24 Stone soling with sand packing m³
25 Boulder packing(150 mm sizes) m³
26 Gravel packing(25-40
Preparation and Placingmm)
of 12-18 mm dia. Gravel Filter Media as per m³
27 specification m³
28 Preparation and Placing of 8-12 mm dia. Gravel Filter Media as per specification m³
29 Preparation and Placing of 4-8 mm dia. Gravel Filter Media as per specification m³
32 RR Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar m³
33 RR Stone masonry in 1:6 c-s mortar m³
35 Plain cement concrete (1:3:6) for foundation work m³
36 Plain cement concrete (1:1½:3) for RCC work m³
37 Plain cement concrete (1:2:4) for RCC work m³
38 Plain cement concrete (1:2:4) for substructure m³
39 Centering and shuttering for walls, vertical surfaces and simple slabs m²
40 Centering and shuttering for dome and arches m²
41 Steel reinforcement for RCC work kg
46 12.5 mm thick 1:3 c-s plaster m²

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

47 3 mm thick 1:1 c-s punning m²
48 12.5 mm thick 1:4 c-s plaster m²
49 12.5 mm thick 1:3 c-s plaster with 2% water proof compound m²
50 20 mm thick 1:3 c-s plaster m²
51 20 mm thick 1:4 c-s plaster m²
52 Two (first & second) coats of bitumen painting m²
53 Two (first & second) coats of snowcem painting m²
54 Two coats of Enamel paint m²
55 Laying of one layer tarfelt over lean concrete m²
58 Barbed wire fencing (Type A) m
59 Entrance gate (for TypeA) no
62 Filling of gabion box with stones m³
63 Standard gabion box(size:3×1×0.5 m) no
65 GI water stopper 150 mm wide, 20 SWG m

Fittings of Private Connection

1 PVC saddle as appropriate no
2 HDPE Pipe (25 mm Dia) m
3 GI pipe 1/2" no
4 Water Meter no
5 Elbow 1/2" no
6 Socket 1/2" no
7 Nipple 1/2" no
8 Ferrule 1/2" no
9 Brass Union 1/2 " no
10 Tap Brass 1/2" no
3 32 mmØ GI pipe ladder 45 cm width, 4.1 m long no
5 Water Level indicator job
9 Supply and installation of standard manhole cover (75×75 cm²) set
10 Supply and installation of standard manhole cover (60×60 cm²) set
11 Supply and installation of standard manhole cover (45×45 cm²) set
12 Supply and installation of standard manhole cover (60 cm dia) set
16 Installation of pipes & fittings for RCC tank (>30 m3) job
20 Installation of pipes & fittings for AVC job
Installation of 100 mm GI pipes perforated upper with fittings job
21 Installation of pipes & fittings for VC (for pipe line upto 125 mm) job
23 Installation of 2 inch dia. Pipe pieces and fittings for inlet, oulet and w/o complete as per
drawings and specifications job
28 Site levelling work job
30 Cost of water for construction and curing m³
31 Dewatering work job
Laying of Pipes and Fittings
Laying and joining of 40,50 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld joints m

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

1 Laying and joining of 63, 75, 90 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld joints m
2 Laying and joining of 110, 125 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld joints m
3 Laying and joining of 140, 160, 180 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld joints m
4 Laying and joining of 200, 225, 250 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld joints m
Transportation of Pipes,fittings and tools
1 Shovel no
2 Pick no
3 Hoe no
4 Crowbar 1" * 5" no
5 Sledge Hammer 10 lbs no
6 Stone Chisel 1" * 6" no
7 Stone Chisel 1" * 12" no
8 Tool Box no
9 Heating Plate (4" dia.) no
10 Heating Plate (6" dia.) m
11 Heating Plate (10" dia.) no
12 Teflon Cover (12 x 12 cm bag) no
13 Thermocrome india made no
14 Blow Torch no
15 Pipe Wrench 14" no
16 Pipe Wrench 18" no
17 Hacksaw Frame no
18 Hacksaw Blade
19 Adjustable Spanner 18"
20 Iron Pan (medium size)
21 Building Trowel
22 Pointing Trowel
23 Iron Brush
24 Die Set 1/2" - 1" with teeth
25 Die Set 11/2" - 2" with teeth
26 Spare Die Teeth (1/2 - 2 " ) no
27 Die Teeth Oil with cane no
28 Measuring Tape 30 m no
29 Pipe cutter 2" no
30 pipe Vice set

Procurement of Pipes HDPE pipes

### 10 kgf/cm2 m
### 10.0 kgf/cm2 m
### 6 kgf/cm2 m
### 6 kgf/cm2 m

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

### 6.0 kgf/cm2 m
### 6 kgf/cm2 m
### 6 kgf/cm2 m
### 6.0 kgf/cm2 m
### 6 kgf/cm2 m
Fittings Cost
1 Endcap 3" no
2 Brass Union 3" no
3 Strainer 11/2" no
4 Strainer 3 " no
5 Strainer 4" no
6 Strainer 8" no
7 GI Tee 1 1/2 " no
8 GI Tee 3 " no
9 GI Tee 4 " no
10 GI Tee 8 " no
11 90 mm GI Tee no
12 GI-pipe 1 1/2" m
13 GI-pipe 3" m
14 GI-pipe 4" m
15 GI-pipe 8" m
16 GI Union 1 1/2" no
17 GI Union 3" no
18 GI Union 4" no
19 GI Union 8" no
20 GI-Nipple 1 1/2" no
21 GI-Nipple 2 " no
22 GI-Nipple 3 " no
23 GI-Nipple 4" no
24 GI-Nipple 8 " no
25 Gate Valve 1 1/2" no
26 Gate Valve 3" no
27 Gate Valve 4" no
28 Gate Valve 8" no
29 Flange set (GI-HDP) 4 " no
30 Flange set (GI-HDP) 3 " no
31 Flange set (GI-HDP) 8 " no
32 Flange set (GI-HDP) 1 1/2 " no
33 3" GI-GI flange no
34 GI -Elbow 1 1/2" no
35 GI -Elbow 3" no
36 GI -Elbow 4" no

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

37 GI -Elbow 8" no
38 90 mm HDPE elbow no
39 GI Socket 4" no
40 GI Socket 1 1/2 " no
41 GI Socket 3" mm no
42 GI Socket 8 " no
43 GI-Reducer 2"* 3" no
44 Reducer GI( 3"*4") no
45 Reducer GI( 8") no
46 GI-Unequal T(2 "* "*1/2") no
47 GI-Unequal T(4"* "*3") no
48 GI-Unequal T(2 "* "*8") no
49 3" Sluice valve no
Total without VAT:

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

RCC Weir Plain Roughing
Tank-5m3 Tank-200 m3
Intake Sedimentation tank filter
Unit Rate
1 no 1 no 1 no 1 no 1 no



106.72 26.25 29.75 25.00 180.90

858.76 36.28 307.26
1,092.35 35.39 45.96 41.68
432.81 17.31 73.46
412.21 9.74 4.82
7,240.03 2.37 17.88
1,037.50 6.92 6.92
7,240.03 -
12,621.88 3.62 4.14
2,121.06 12.72
4,652.33 4.49
8,642.83 4.80
10,242.71 4.80
13,748.83 2.40
15,855.45 4.07 3.58 2.02 4.96
15,514.93 2.51 2.77 0.84 12.87
20,414.80 13.21 9.73 8.25 3.80 44.16
18,887.36 0.93 13.35
735.61 41.88 101.65 68.40 40.22 212.97
1,658.55 74.29
113.68 1,435.54 1,778.18 1,457.78 668.30 6630.53
408.99 19.29 167.55

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

240.72 18.00 64.04 85.62 19.29 167.55
401.36 28.87 201.99
424.04 133.14 129.71
546.89 62.76
530.67 12.00 26.40
112.41 7.36 58.79
148.26 14.49 140.45
283.06 67.89 57.68
632.34 18.09 20.69
9,027.33 69.00
22,820.07 1.00
6,053.07 24.00
3,999.93 16.00
261.63 109.14

7732.68 1.00 1.00
1500 1.00
3,748.32 2.00
2,967.42 2.00
2,205.84 2.00 2.00
5,500.00 1.00 1.00
4,000.00 2.00

2,000.00 1.00 1.00

5000 1.00 1.00
1000 6.00 70.00
10,000.00 1.00


Estimated by Checked by Approved by




Estimated by Checked by Approved by



Estimated by Checked by Approved by

without VAT:(Excluding Ps item and distribution works)

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Excavation work of Pipe laying and
AVC VC Tools
transmission line jointing

3 no 10 no Err:509

6.75 40
3.3 Err:509

1.20 3.315


1.638 16.1

### ###
0.96 6.375


Estimated by Checked by Approved by




Estimated by Checked by Approved by



Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Estimated by Checked by Approved by
Estimated by Checked by Approved by
Pipe Procurement Private connection Total fittings Total Quantity

450 no




Estimated by Checked by Approved by


450.00 450.000
2250 2250.000
1350 1350.000
450 450.000
1350 1350.000
900 900.000
1350 1350.000
450 450.000
450 450.000
450 450.000



Estimated by Checked by Approved by


Err:509 Err:509

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

0 0.000
0 0.000
0 0.000
2 2.000
2 2.000
1 1.000
2 2.000
1 1.000
Err:509 Err:509
1 1.000
2 2.000
2 2.000
Err:509 Err:509
5 5.000
6 6.000
6.9 6.900
10.4 10.400
Err:509 Err:509
4 4.000
1 1.000
3 3.000
Err:509 Err:509
6 6.000
4 4.000
22 22.000
11 11.000
7 7.000
1 1.000
1 1.000
2 2.000
Err:509 Err:509
2 2.000
10 10.000
1 1.000
1 1.000
8 8.000
3 3.000
12 12.000
6 6.000

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Err:509 Err:509
5 5.000
3 3.000
2 2.000
1 1.000
Err:509 Err:509
2 2.000
1 1.000
Err:509 Err:509
1 1.000
1 1.000
Err:509 Err:509
15 15.000

Estimated by Checked by Approved by




32 939.39
3 19 695.29
39 288.73
1 79 237.72
14 359.00
5 430.02
97 945.79
26 986.90
20 891.66
41 485.58
49 165.01
32 997.19
2 31 885.96
2 64 950.55
2 94 568.27
16 15 738.66
2 69 657.61
31 764.68
3 47 545.81
1 23 213.68
13 73 007.39
76 414.13

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

85 334.32
92 659.67
1 11 458.91
34 323.32
20 377.73
7 436.47
22 972.01
35 543.84
24 522.15
6 22 885.77
22 820.07
1 45 273.68
63 998.88
28 554.02

1 26 000.00
2 84 850.00
6 75 000.00
81 000.00
47 700.00
67 500.00
4 50 000.00
76 950.00
2 02 500.00
15 465.36
1 500.00
7 496.64
35 609.04
7 635.60
8 823.36
11 000.00
1 200.00
8 000.00
5 000.00

4 000.00
10 000.00
76 000.00
10 000.00

1 650.66

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

39 900.30
11 902.66

4 500.00
3 600.00
5 000.00
2 950.00
1 400.00
1 910.00
1 340.00
7 544.00
2 063.00
1 872.00
1 075.00
2 657.00
3 914.00
2 722.00
1 500.00
2 504.00
3 550.00

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

2 480.00
14 888.00
1 452.00
6 580.00
5 874.00
3 366.00
6 120.00
8 415.00
3 360.00
8 452.50
19 104.80
2 808.00
2 879.00
17 385.00
3 740.00
5 830.00
25 410.00
3 367.00
17 440.00
62 786.00
6 922.00
23 960.00
8 968.00
1 317.00
17 496.00
1 092.00
17 760.00
15 300.00

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

7 400.00
5 016.00
2 032.00
3 387.00
2 011.00
2 011.00
30 000.00
Err:509 Err:509 Total with VAT:

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Name of the Project : Upallo Water Supply and Sanitation Project,Paiyu Rural Municipality
Type of the Project : Drinking Water Maintenance Project
VDC/municipality Paiyu Rural Municipality-4,6,Parbat
location of project Parbat

SN Description Unit No. District rate Total Amount

Inlet Main line is of (75 mm-HDPE pipe) , so adopt following fittings of 21/2" mm size
1 Brass Union 21/2" mm no 1 4525 4525
2 GI Pipe 21/2 " mm m 4.4 1082 4760.8
3 GI -Elbow 21/2" mm no 2 952 1904
4 GI Socket 21/2" mm no 1 653 653
Outlet 1 Main line is of (40mm-HDPE pipe) , so adopt following fittings of 11/2 " mm size
1 Strainer 2 " no 1 1948 1948
2 GI Pipe 1 1/4 " m 2 447 894
3 GI -Elbow 1 1/4 " no 1 257 257
4 GI-Union 1 1/4 " no 1 565 565
5 GI-Nipple 1 1/4 " no 4 122 488
6 Gate Valve 1 1/4" no 1 2416 2416
7 GI-Unequal T(1 1/4"*1 1/4 "*1/2") no 1 2011 2011
8 Flange set (GI-HDP) 1 1/4 " no 1 1092 1092
9 GI-Nipple 1 1/4 " no 3 122 366
10 GI -Elbow 1 1/4 " no 2 257 514
11 GI Pipe 1 1/4 " m 4 447 1788
12 GI-Union 1 1/4 " no 1 565 565
13 GI Socket 1 1/4 " no 1 180 180
14 GI Tee 1 1/4 " no 1 210 210
15 Reducer GI( 2"*1 1/4") no 1 1250 1250

Outlet 2 Main line is of (40mm-HDPE pipe) , so adopt following fittings of 11/2 " mm size
1 Strainer 2 " no 1 1948 1948
2 GI Pipe 1 1/4 " m 2 447 894
3 GI -Elbow 1 1/4 " no 1 257 257
4 GI-Union 1 1/4 " no 1 565 565
5 GI-Nipple 1 1/4 " no 4 122 488
6 Gate Valve 1 1/4" no 1 2416 2416
7 GI-Unequal T(1 1/4"*1 1/4 "*1/2") no 1 2011 2011
8 Flange set (GI-HDP) 1 1/4 " no 1 1092 1092
9 GI-Nipple 1 1/4 " no 3 122 366
10 GI -Elbow 1 1/4 " no 2 257 514
11 GI Pipe 1 1/4 " m 4 447 1788
12 GI-Union 1 1/4 " no 1 565 565
13 GI Socket 1 1/4 " no 1 180 180
14 GI Tee 1 1/4 " no 1 210 210
15 Reducer GI( 2"*1 1/4") no 1 1250 1250

Outlet 3 Main line is of (32mm-HDPE pipe) , so adopt following fittings of 11/4 " mm size
1 Strainer 2 " no 1 1948 1948
2 GI Pipe 1 " m 2 410 820
3 GI -Elbow 1 " no 1 156 156
4 GI-Union 1 " no 1 362 362
5 GI-Nipple 1 " no 4 260 1040
6 Gate Valve 1 1/4" no 1 1619 1619
7 GI-Unequal T(1 "*1 "*1/2") no 1 2011 2011
8 Flange set (GI-HDP) 1 " no 1 864 864
9 GI-Nipple 1 " no 3 98 294
10 GI -Elbow 1 " no 2 156 312
11 GI Pipe 1 " m 4 410 1640
12 GI-Union 1 " no 1 362 362
13 GI Socket 1 " no 1 111 111
14 GI Tee 1 " no 1 210 210
15 Reducer GI( 2"*1 ") no 1 1250 1250

Wash out and Min. or one size higher than inlet pipe
Overflow 0
1 GI Pipe 2 " m 4.4 906 3986.4
2 GI -Elbow 2 " no 3 548 1644
3 GI-Union 2 " no 1 702 702
4 GI-Nipple 2 " no 4 204 816
5 Gate Valve 2 " no 1 5090 5090
6 GI Tee 2 " no 1 790 790
7 Flange set (GI-HDP) 2 " no 1 1955 1955
8 GI Socket 2 " no 1 360 360
Sub-Total 69273.20
Transportation Cost 6927.32
Total 76200.52
SN Description Unit No. rate Total amount
Intake 1
Outlet Outlet pipe 75 mm, so adopt 21/2" fitting
1 Endcap 2 1/2" no 2 920 1840
2 Strainer 3" no 2 3290 6580
3 GI-Tee 2 1/2" no 1 1245 1245
4 GI-Reducer 3"* 2 1/2" no 1 2010 2010
5 GI-pipe 2 1/2" m 2 1082 2164
6 GI Union 2 1/2" no 1 2137 2137
7 GI-Nipple 21/2" no 1 260 260
8 Gate Valve 2 1/2" no 1 9996 9996
9 GI-pipe 2 1/2" m 0.5 1082 541
10 Brass Union 21/2" no 1 4525 4525
Wash out and 21/2" GI pipe m 2 1082
Overflow 2164
Sub-Total 33462.00
Transportation Cost 3346.20
Total 36808.20
SN Description Unit No. District rate Total Amount

Inlet Inlet pipe is of 75mm ,so adopt 2 1/2" fitting

1 Brass Union 21/2" no 1 4525 4525
2 GI-pipe 21/2" m 1 1082 1082
3 GI -Elbow 21/2" no 2 952 1904
4 GI-Nipple 21/2" no 2 1082 2164
Outlet Outlet pipe is 75mm ,so adopt 2 1/2" fitting
1 Brass Union 21/2" no 1 4525 4525
2 GI-pipe 21/2" m 2.5 1082 2705
3 GI -Elbow 21/2" no 3 952 2856
4 GI-Nipple 21/2" no 1 1082 1082
5 Gate Valve 21/2" no 1 9996 9996
6 GI-Tee 21/2" no 1 1245 1245
7 Strainer 3" no 1 3290 3290
8 Reducer 3"*21/2" no 1 1250 1250
Sub-Total 36624.00
Transportation Cost 3662.40
Total 40286.40

Washout Valve Inlet and outlet pipe is 75 mm, so

1 adopt 2 1/2"
1 Gate Valve 2 1/2" no 1 9996 9996
2 Nipple 2 1/2" no 2 260 520
3 Flange (GI-HDP) Set 2 1/2" no 2 2107 4214
4 GI Pipe 2 1/2" m 2 1082 2164
Sub-Total 16894.00
Transportation Cost 1689.40
Sub Total 18583.40

Description no Cost
Total Cost of RVT Fitting 1 76200.52
CC Cost 1 40286.40
Intake 1 36808.20
Washout Valve 2 37166.8
Ferrocement Storage Tank
2 m³ Capacity
Diameter, d = 1.5 m Tank wall height, h = 1.4 m
Dome height, = 0.3 m For Scheme # no: 1 2 95 605.06

S.N. Description No. Radius Breadth Height Qty. Unit Rate Amount

1 Site Clearance(L= d+2*2.0m,B=d+1m) 6.00 4.00 24.00 m² 106.72 2 561.28

2 Earthwork in excavation for foundation in
Valve Chamber 1.70 1.50 1.30 3.32
Storage tank π 1.55 1.55 - 1.30 9.81
(Q = p x R² x h, R = d/2+0.05+0.75
Total 13.13 m³ 1092.35 14 339.26
3 Earthwork in back filling with
in storage tank : total trench (p*R2*h') π 1.55 1.55 - 0.80 6.04 m³
Deduct tank portion (p*r2*h'): r=d/2+.05 π 0.80 0.80 - 0.80 -1.61 m³
Net backfilling work 4.43 m³ 412.21 1 825.94
4 Stone soling work
Valve Chamber 1.70 1.50 0.15 0.38
Storage tank π 1.05 1.05 - 0.20 0.69
(Q = p x r² x h, r = d/2+0.05+0.25
deduction for overlapping with VC portion 1.70 0.40 0.20 -0.14
Total 0.94 m³ 7240.03 6 799.99
5 Stone masonry in 1:6 c-s mortar
Valve Chamber 5.00 0.35 1.15 2.01 m³ 14936.89 30 060.49
6 Plain cement concrete (1:2:4)
Cover slab of valve chamber 1.70 1.50 0.10 0.255
Deduction for manhole opening π 0.30 0.30 - 0.05 -0.014
(Q = p x r² x h, r = 0.30)
Manhole Cover of tank π 0.30 0.30 - 0.05 0.014
Pipe embeddment block 2 1.00 0.35 0.20 0.140
Total 0.395 m³ 17081.86 6 747.33
7 Plain Cement Concrete (1:1.5:3)
for tank base(Q = p x r² x h, r = d/2+0.05+0.10 π 0.90 0.90 - 0.125 0.318 m³ 18609.30 5 919.36

8 Steel reinforcement
for VC slab cover 8 mmf bars @ 15 cm c/c both ways
Longer span 11 1.70 @ 0.395 kg/m 7.39
Shorter span 12 1.50 @ 0.395 kg/m 7.11
Deduction for manhole opening 8 0.60 @ 0.395 kg/m -1.90
Total 12.60 kg 113.68 1 432.37
9 Shuttering works for RCC
- Cover slab bottom 1.00 0.80 0.80
Side 6.40 - 0.10 0.64
Deduction for manhole opening π 0.30 0.30 -0.283
Total 1.16 m² 735.61 851.29
10 HDPE formwork for ferrocement
- Wall portion (Q = 2 x p x r x h, r = d/2+.025) 2π 0.78 - 1.40 6.82
- Roof portion 2π 1.15 0.30 2.17
Q = 2 x p x R x h, R = ((d+.05)² +4h²)/8h,h=dome height
- Deduction for manhole opening Q=pxr², r=0.30 π 0.30 0.30 -0.28
Total form work 8.70 m² 438.98 3 820.96

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

RT size: 2.00 m³
S.N. Description No. Radius Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount

11 Bar binding work including chicken wire mesh,

MS bar, GI wire, etc. as per HDPE form work 8.70 m² 1025.33 8 924.65

12 12.5 mm thick 1:2 cement-sand plaster

4 layers for ferrocement
- Wall portion (Q = 4x2 p x r x h, r = d/2+.025) 4×2π 0.78 1.40 27.27
- Roof portion 4×2π 1.15 0.300 8.68
Q = 2 x p x R x h, R = ((d+.05)² +4h²)/8h,h=dome height
- Deduction for manhole opening 4×2π 0.30 0.30 -1.13
(Q = 4 x p x r², r = 0.60/2 = 0.30)
Total plaster 34.82 m² 458.87 15 976.34
13 12.5 mm thick 1:3 cement-sand plaster
sand mortar for
- Floor portion of storage tank π 0.75 0.75 1.77 m² 408.99 722.74
(Q = p x r², r = d/2)

14 12.5 mm thick 1:4 cement-sand plaster

- Floor portion of valve chamber 1.00 0.80 0.80
- inner wall of valve chamber 3.60 1.15 4.14
Total plaster 4.94 m² 401.36 1 982.72

15 3 mm thick 1:1 cement sand punning

- Floor portion of storage tank(Q = p x r², r = d/2) π 0.75 0.75 1.77
- Wall portion of storage tank (Q = 2 x p x r x h) 2π 0.75 1.40 6.60
Total punning 8.36 m² 240.72 2 013.50
16 Bitumen paint on the buried surface of storage tank
(Q = 2 x p x r x h, r = d/2+0.05) 2π 0.80 1.00 5.03 m² 112.41 565.03

Plastic emulsion paint on exposed surface of storage

17 tank
- Wall portion 2π 0.80 0.40 2.01
(Q = 2 x p x r x h, r = d/2+0.05)
- Roof portion 2π 1.22 0.30 2.29
(Q = 2xpxRxh, R = (D²+4h²)/8h, D = d+0.10, h= dome height)
Total 4.30 m² 148.26 638.11

18 600 mmf circular metal manhole cover for ferrocement 2 set 2205.84 4 411.68

19 Installation of Pipes & fittings 1.00 job 700.00 700.00

Fencing work with fencing jali with 10gauge wire

and masonry foundation wall fixing in 40*40*6 mm
20 angle post 1 18.00 18.00 m 9027.33 1 62 491.94

21 Entrancce gate with stone masonry pillars 1 1.00 No 22820.07 22 820.07

Total Amount without VAT 2 95 605.06

Add Value Added Tax @ 0% 0.00
Total cost of reservoir tank with fencing and gate Rs. 2 95 605.06

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Ferrocement Storage Tank
3 m³ Capacity
Diameter, d = 2.0 m Tank wall height, h = 1.2 m
Dome height, = 0.4 m For Scheme # no: 1 3 13 256.56

S.N. Description No. Radius Breadth Height Qty. Unit Rate Amount

1 Site Clearance(L= d+2*2.0m,B=d+1m) 6.00 4.00 24.00 m² 106.72 2 561.28

2 Earthwork in excavation for foundation in 0.00
Valve Chamber 1.70 1.50 1.30 3.32 0.00
Storage tank π 1.80 1.80 - 1.10 11.20 0.00
(Q = p x R² x h, R = d/2+0.05+0.75 0.00
Total 14.51 m³ 1092.35 15 851.79
3 Earthwork in back filling with 0.00
in storage tank : total trench (p*R2*h') π 1.80 1.80 - 0.60 6.11 m³ 0.00
Deduct tank portion (p*r2*h'): r=d/2+.05 π 1.05 1.05 - 0.60 -2.08 m³ 0.00
Net backfilling work 4.03 m³ 412.21 1 660.83
4 Stone soling work 0.00
Valve Chamber 1.70 1.50 0.15 0.38 0.00
Storage tank π 1.30 1.30 - 0.20 1.06 0.00
(Q = p x r² x h, r = d/2+0.05+0.25 0.00
deduction for overlapping with VC portion 1.70 0.40 0.20 -0.14 0.00
Total 1.31 m³ 7240.03 9 472.55
5 Stone masonry in 1:6 c-s mortar 0.00
Valve Chamber 5.00 0.35 1.15 2.01 m³ 14936.89 30 060.49
6 Plain cement concrete (1:2:4) 0.00
Cover slab of valve chamber 1.70 1.50 0.10 0.255 0.00
Deduction for manhole opening π 0.30 0.30 - 0.05 -0.014 0.00
(Q = p x r² x h, r = 0.30) 0.00
Manhole Cover of tank π 0.30 0.30 - 0.05 0.014 0.00
Pipe embeddment block 2 1.00 0.35 0.20 0.140 0.00
Total 0.395 m³ 17081.86 6 747.33
7 Plain Cement Concrete (1:1.5:3) 0.00
for tank base(Q = p x r² x h, r = d/2+0.05+0.10 π 1.15 1.15 - 0.125 0.519 m³ 18609.30 9 664.64
8 Steel reinforcement 0.00
for VC slab cover 8 mmf bars @ 15 cm c/c both ways 0.00
Longer span 11 1.70 @ 0.395 kg/m 7.39 0.00
Shorter span 12 1.50 @ 0.395 kg/m 7.11 0.00
Deduction for manhole opening 8 0.60 @ 0.395 kg/m -1.90 0.00
Total 12.60 kg 113.68 1 432.37
9 Shuttering works for RCC 0.00
- Cover slab bottom 1.00 0.80 0.80 0.00
Side 6.40 - 0.10 0.64 0.00
Deduction for manhole opening π 0.30 0.30 -0.283 0.00
Total 1.16 m² 735.61 851.29
10 HDPE formwork for ferrocement 0.00
- Wall portion (Q = 2 x p x r x h, r = d/2+.025) 2π 1.03 - 1.20 7.73 0.00
- Roof portion 2π 1.51 0.40 3.80 0.00
Q = 2 x p x R x h, R = ((d+.05)² +4h²)/8h,h=dome height 0.00
- Deduction for manhole opening Q=pxr², r=0.30 π 0.30 0.30 -0.28 0.00
Total form work 11.25 m² 438.98 4 938.03

RT size: 3.00 m³
S.N. Description No. Radius Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount

11 Bar binding work including chicken wire mesh,

MS bar, GI wire, etc. as per HDPE form work 11.25 m² 1025.33 11 533.80

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

12 12.5 mm thick 1:2 cement-sand plaster 0.00
4 layers for ferrocement 0.00
- Wall portion (Q = 4x2 p x r x h, r = d/2+.025) 4×2π 1.03 1.20 30.91 0.00
- Roof portion 4×2π 1.51 0.400 15.21 0.00
Q = 2 x p x R x h, R = ((d+.05)² +4h²)/8h,h=dome height 0.00
- Deduction for manhole opening 4×2π 0.30 0.30 -1.13 0.00
(Q = 4 x p x r², r = 0.60/2 = 0.30) 0.00
Total plaster 45.00 m² 458.87 20 647.07
13 12.5 mm thick 1:3 cement-sand plaster 0.00
sand mortar for 0.00
- Floor portion of storage tank π 1.00 1.00 3.14 m² 408.99 1 284.88
(Q = p x r², r = d/2) 0.00
14 12.5 mm thick 1:4 cement-sand plaster 0.00
- Floor portion of valve chamber 1.00 0.80 0.80 0.00
- inner wall of valve chamber 3.60 1.15 4.14 0.00
Total plaster 4.94 m² 401.36 1 982.72
15 3 mm thick 1:1 cement sand punning 0.00
- Floor portion of storage tank(Q = p x r², r = d/2) π 1.00 1.00 3.14 0.00
- Wall portion of storage tank (Q = 2 x p x r x h) 2π 1.00 1.20 7.54 0.00
Total punning 10.68 m² 240.72 2 571.23
16 Bitumen paint on the buried surface of storage tank 0.00
(Q = 2 x p x r x h, r = d/2+0.05) 2π 1.05 0.80 5.28 m² 112.41 593.29
Plastic emulsion paint on exposed surface of storage
17 tank 0.00
- Wall portion 2π 1.05 0.40 2.64 0.00
(Q = 2 x p x r x h, r = d/2+0.05) 0.00
- Roof portion 2π 1.58 0.40 3.97 0.00
(Q = 2xpxRxh, R = (D²+4h²)/8h, D = d+0.10, h= dome height) 0.00
Total 6.61 m² 148.26 979.29
18 600 mmf circular metal manhole cover for ferrocement 2 set 2205.84 4 411.68
19 Installation of Pipes & fittings 1.00 job 700.00 700.00
Fencing work with fencing jali with 10gauge wire
and masonry foundation wall fixing in 40*40*6 mm
20 angle post 1 18.00 18.00 m 9027.33 1 62 491.94
21 Entrancce gate with stone masonry pillars 1 1.00 No 22820.07 22 820.07

Total Amount without VAT 3 13 256.56

Add Value Added Tax @ 0% 0.00
Total cost of reservoir tank with fencing and gate Rs. 3 13 256.56

Ferrocement Storage Tank

4 m³ Capacity
Diameter, d = 2.0 m Tank wall height, h = 1.5 m
Dome height, = 0.4 m For Scheme # no: 7.3 3 24 474.29

S.N. Description No. Radius Breadth Height Qty. Unit Rate Amount

1 Site Clearance(L= d+2*2.0m,B=d+1m) 6.00 4.00 24.00 m² 106.72 2 561.28

2 Earthwork in excavation for foundation in 0.00
Valve Chamber 1.70 1.50 1.30 3.32 0.00
Storage tank π 1.80 1.80 - 1.40 14.25 0.00
(Q = p x R² x h, R = d/2+0.05+0.75 0.00
Total 17.57 m³ 1092.35 19 187.42
3 Earthwork in back filling with 0.00
in storage tank : total trench (p*R2*h') π 1.80 1.80 - 0.90 9.16 m³ 0.00
Deduct tank portion (p*r2*h'): r=d/2+.05 π 1.05 1.05 - 0.90 -3.12 m³ 0.00

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Net backfilling work 6.04 m³ 412.21 2 491.25
4 Stone soling work 0.00
Valve Chamber 1.70 1.50 0.15 0.38 0.00
Storage tank π 1.30 1.30 - 0.20 1.06 0.00
(Q = p x r² x h, r = d/2+0.05+0.25 0.00
deduction for overlapping with VC portion 1.70 0.40 0.20 -0.14 0.00
Total 1.31 m³ 7240.03 9 472.55
5 Stone masonry in 1:6 c-s mortar 0.00
Valve Chamber 5.00 0.35 1.15 2.01 m³ 14936.89 30 060.49
6 Plain cement concrete (1:2:4) 0.00
Cover slab of valve chamber 1.70 1.50 0.10 0.255 0.00
Deduction for manhole opening π 0.30 0.30 - 0.05 -0.014 0.00
(Q = p x r² x h, r = 0.30) 0.00
Manhole Cover of tank π 0.30 0.30 - 0.05 0.014 0.00
Pipe embeddment block 2 1.00 0.35 0.20 0.140 0.00
Total 0.395 m³ 17081.86 6 747.33
7 Plain Cement Concrete (1:1.5:3) 0.00
for tank base(Q = p x r² x h, r = d/2+0.05+0.10 π 1.15 1.15 - 0.125 0.519 m³ 18609.30 9 664.64
8 Steel reinforcement 0.00
for VC slab cover 8 mmf bars @ 15 cm c/c both ways 0.00
Longer span 11 1.70 @ 0.395 kg/m 7.39 0.00
Shorter span 12 1.50 @ 0.395 kg/m 7.11 0.00
Deduction for manhole opening 8 0.60 @ 0.395 kg/m -1.90 0.00
Total 12.60 kg 113.68 1 432.37
9 Shuttering works for RCC 0.00
- Cover slab bottom 1.00 0.80 0.80 0.00
Side 6.40 - 0.10 0.64 0.00
Deduction for manhole opening π 0.30 0.30 -0.283 0.00
Total 1.16 m² 735.61 851.29
10 HDPE formwork for ferrocement 0.00
- Wall portion (Q = 2 x p x r x h, r = d/2+.025) 2π 1.03 - 1.50 9.66 0.00
- Roof portion 2π 1.51 0.40 3.80 0.00
Q = 2 x p x R x h, R = ((d+.05)² +4h²)/8h,h=dome height 0.00
- Deduction for manhole opening Q=pxr², r=0.30 π 0.30 0.30 -0.28 0.00
Total form work 13.18 m² 438.98 5 786.17

RT size: 4.00 m³
S.N. Description No. Radius Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount

11 Bar binding work including chicken wire mesh,

MS bar, GI wire, etc. as per HDPE form work 13.18 m² 1025.33 13 514.82
12 12.5 mm thick 1:2 cement-sand plaster 0.00
4 layers for ferrocement 0.00
- Wall portion (Q = 4x2 p x r x h, r = d/2+.025) 4×2π 1.03 1.50 38.64 0.00
- Roof portion 4×2π 1.51 0.400 15.21 0.00
Q = 2 x p x R x h, R = ((d+.05)² +4h²)/8h,h=dome height 0.00
- Deduction for manhole opening 4×2π 0.30 0.30 -1.13 0.00
(Q = 4 x p x r², r = 0.60/2 = 0.30) 0.00
Total plaster 52.72 m² 458.87 24 193.36
13 12.5 mm thick 1:3 cement-sand plaster 0.00
sand mortar for 0.00
- Floor portion of storage tank π 1.00 1.00 3.14 m² 408.99 1 284.88
(Q = p x r², r = d/2) 0.00
14 12.5 mm thick 1:4 cement-sand plaster 0.00
- Floor portion of valve chamber 1.00 0.80 0.80 0.00
- inner wall of valve chamber 3.60 1.15 4.14 0.00
Total plaster 4.94 m² 401.36 1 982.72
15 3 mm thick 1:1 cement sand punning 0.00

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

- Floor portion of storage tank(Q = p x r², r = d/2) π 1.00 1.00 3.14 0.00
- Wall portion of storage tank (Q = 2 x p x r x h) 2π 1.00 1.50 9.42 0.00
Total punning 12.57 m² 240.72 3 024.98
16 Bitumen paint on the buried surface of storage tank 0.00
(Q = 2 x p x r x h, r = d/2+0.05) 2π 1.05 1.10 7.26 m² 112.41 815.77
Plastic emulsion paint on exposed surface of storage
17 tank 0.00
- Wall portion 2π 1.05 0.40 2.64 0.00
(Q = 2 x p x r x h, r = d/2+0.05) 0.00
- Roof portion 2π 1.58 0.40 3.97 0.00
(Q = 2xpxRxh, R = (D²+4h²)/8h, D = d+0.10, h= dome height) 0.00
Total 6.61 m² 148.26 979.29
18 600 mmf circular metal manhole cover for ferrocement 2 set 2205.84 4 411.68
19 Installation of Pipes & fittings 1.00 job 700.00 700.00
Fencing work with fencing jali with 10gauge wire
and masonry foundation wall fixing in 40*40*6 mm
20 angle post 1 18.00 18.00 m 9027.33 1 62 491.94
21 Entrancce gate with stone masonry pillars 1 1.00 No 22820.07 22 820.07

Total Amount without VAT 3 24 474.29

Add Value Added Tax @ 0% 0.00
Total cost of reservoir tank with fencing and gate Rs. 3 24 474.29

Ferrocement Storage Tank

5 m³ Capacity
Diameter, d = 2.5 m Tank wall height, h = 1.3 m
Dome height, = 0.4 m For Scheme # no: 6.2 3 72 319.72

S.N. Description No. Radius Breadth Height Qty. Unit Rate Amount

1 Site Clearance(L= d+2*2.0m,B=d+1m) 7.00 5.00 35.00 m² 106.72 3 735.20

2 Earthwork in excavation for foundation in 0.00
Valve Chamber 1.70 1.50 1.30 3.32 0.00
Storage tank π 2.05 2.05 - 1.20 15.84 0.00
(Q = p x R² x h, R = d/2+0.05+0.75 0.00
Total 19.16 m³ 1092.35 20 927.30
3 Earthwork in back filling with 0.00
in storage tank : total trench (p*R2*h') π 2.05 2.05 - 0.70 9.24 m³ 0.00
Deduct tank portion (p*r2*h'): r=d/2+.05 π 1.30 1.30 - 0.70 -3.72 m³ 0.00
Net backfilling work 5.53 m³ 412.21 2 277.57
4 Stone soling work 0.00
Valve Chamber 1.70 1.50 0.15 0.38 0.00
Storage tank π 1.55 1.55 - 0.20 1.51 0.00
(Q = p x r² x h, r = d/2+0.05+0.25 0.00
deduction for overlapping with VC portion 1.70 0.40 0.20 -0.14 0.00
Total 1.76 m³ 7240.03 12 713.75
5 Stone masonry in 1:6 c-s mortar 0.00
Valve Chamber 5.00 0.35 1.15 2.01 m³ 14936.89 30 060.49
6 Plain cement concrete (1:2:4) 0.00
Cover slab of valve chamber 1.70 1.50 0.10 0.255 0.00
Deduction for manhole opening π 0.30 0.30 - 0.05 -0.014 0.00
(Q = p x r² x h, r = 0.30) 0.00
Manhole Cover of tank π 0.30 0.30 - 0.05 0.014 0.00
Pipe embeddment block 2 1.00 0.35 0.20 0.140 0.00

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Total 0.395 m³ 17081.86 6 747.33
7 Plain Cement Concrete (1:1.5:3) 0.00
for tank base(Q = p x r² x h, r = d/2+0.05+0.10 π 1.40 1.40 - 0.125 0.770 m³ 18609.30 14 323.40
8 Steel reinforcement 0.00
for VC slab cover 8 mmf bars @ 15 cm c/c both ways 0.00
Longer span 11 1.70 @ 0.395 kg/m 7.39 0.00
Shorter span 12 1.50 @ 0.395 kg/m 7.11 0.00
Deduction for manhole opening 8 0.60 @ 0.395 kg/m -1.90 0.00
Total 12.60 kg 113.68 1 432.37
9 Shuttering works for RCC 0.00
- Cover slab bottom 1.00 0.80 0.80 0.00
Side 6.40 - 0.10 0.64 0.00
Deduction for manhole opening π 0.30 0.30 -0.283 0.00
Total 1.16 m² 735.61 851.29
10 HDPE formwork for ferrocement 0.00
- Wall portion (Q = 2 x p x r x h, r = d/2+.025) 2π 1.28 - 1.30 10.41 0.00
- Roof portion 2π 2.23 0.40 5.61 0.00
Q = 2 x p x R x h, R = ((d+.05)² +4h²)/8h,h=dome height 0.00
- Deduction for manhole opening Q=pxr², r=0.30 π 0.30 0.30 -0.28 0.00
Total form work 15.74 m² 438.98 6 910.13

RT size: 5.00 m³
S.N. Description No. Radius Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount

11 Bar binding work including chicken wire mesh,

MS bar, GI wire, etc. as per HDPE form work 15.74 m² 1025.33 16 140.07
12 12.5 mm thick 1:2 cement-sand plaster 0.00
4 layers for ferrocement 0.00
- Wall portion (Q = 4x2 p x r x h, r = d/2+.025) 4×2π 1.28 1.30 41.66 0.00
- Roof portion 4×2π 2.23 0.400 22.44 0.00
Q = 2 x p x R x h, R = ((d+.05)² +4h²)/8h,h=dome height 0.00
- Deduction for manhole opening 4×2π 0.30 0.30 -1.13 0.00
(Q = 4 x p x r², r = 0.60/2 = 0.30) 0.00
Total plaster 62.97 m² 458.87 28 892.92
13 12.5 mm thick 1:3 cement-sand plaster 0.00
sand mortar for 0.00
- Floor portion of storage tank π 1.25 1.25 4.91 m² 408.99 2 007.62
(Q = p x r², r = d/2) 0.00
14 12.5 mm thick 1:4 cement-sand plaster 0.00
- Floor portion of valve chamber 1.00 0.80 0.80 0.00
- inner wall of valve chamber 3.60 1.15 4.14 0.00
Total plaster 4.94 m² 401.36 1 982.72
15 3 mm thick 1:1 cement sand punning 0.00
- Floor portion of storage tank(Q = p x r², r = d/2) π 1.25 1.25 4.91 0.00
- Wall portion of storage tank (Q = 2 x p x r x h) 2π 1.25 1.30 10.21 0.00
Total punning 15.12 m² 240.72 3 639.43
16 Bitumen paint on the buried surface of storage tank 0.00
(Q = 2 x p x r x h, r = d/2+0.05) 2π 1.30 0.90 7.35 m² 112.41 826.36
Plastic emulsion paint on exposed surface of storage
17 tank 0.00
- Wall portion 2π 1.30 0.40 3.27 0.00
(Q = 2 x p x r x h, r = d/2+0.05) 0.00
- Roof portion 2π 2.31 0.40 5.81 0.00
(Q = 2xpxRxh, R = (D²+4h²)/8h, D = d+0.10, h= dome height) 0.00
Total 9.08 m² 148.26 1 346.08
18 600 mmf circular metal manhole cover for ferrocement 2 set 2205.84 4 411.68

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

19 Installation of Pipes & fittings 1.00 job 700.00 700.00
Fencing work with fencing jali with 10gauge wire
and masonry foundation wall fixing in 40*40*6 mm
20 angle post 1 21.00 21.00 m 9027.33 1 89 573.93
21 Entrancce gate with stone masonry pillars 1 1.00 No 22820.07 22 820.07

Total Amount without VAT 3 72 319.72

Add Value Added Tax @ 0% 0.00
Total cost of reservoir tank with fencing and gate Rs. 3 72 319.72

Ferrocement Storage Tank

6 m³ Capacity
Diameter, d = 2.5 m Tank wall height, h = 1.5 m
Dome height, = 0.4 m For Scheme # no: 2,5 3 81 703.54

S.N. Description No. Radius Breadth Height Qty. Unit Rate Amount

1 Site Clearance(L= d+2*2.0m,B=d+1m) 7.00 5.00 35.00 m² 106.72 3 735.20

2 Earthwork in excavation for foundation in 0.00
Valve Chamber 1.70 1.50 1.30 3.32 0.00
Storage tank π 2.05 2.05 - 1.40 18.48 0.00
(Q = p x R² x h, R = d/2+0.05+0.75 0.00
Total 21.80 m³ 1092.35 23 811.66
3 Earthwork in back filling with 0.00
in storage tank : total trench (p*R2*h') π 2.05 2.05 - 0.90 11.88 m³ 0.00
Deduct tank portion (p*r2*h'): r=d/2+.05 π 1.30 1.30 - 0.90 -4.78 m³ 0.00
Net backfilling work 7.10 m³ 412.21 2 928.31
4 Stone soling work 0.00
Valve Chamber 1.70 1.50 0.15 0.38 0.00
Storage tank π 1.55 1.55 - 0.20 1.51 0.00
(Q = p x r² x h, r = d/2+0.05+0.25 0.00
deduction for overlapping with VC portion 1.70 0.40 0.20 -0.14 0.00
Total 1.76 m³ 7240.03 12 713.75
5 Stone masonry in 1:6 c-s mortar 0.00
Valve Chamber 5.00 0.35 1.15 2.01 m³ 14936.89 30 060.49
6 Plain cement concrete (1:2:4) 0.00
Cover slab of valve chamber 1.70 1.50 0.10 0.255 0.00
Deduction for manhole opening π 0.30 0.30 - 0.05 -0.014 0.00
(Q = p x r² x h, r = 0.30) 0.00
Manhole Cover of tank π 0.30 0.30 - 0.05 0.014 0.00
Pipe embeddment block 2 1.00 0.35 0.20 0.140 0.00
Total 0.395 m³ 17081.86 6 747.33
7 Plain Cement Concrete (1:1.5:3) 0.00
for tank base(Q = p x r² x h, r = d/2+0.05+0.10 π 1.40 1.40 - 0.125 0.770 m³ 18609.30 14 323.40
8 Steel reinforcement 0.00
for VC slab cover 8 mmf bars @ 15 cm c/c both ways 0.00
Longer span 11 1.70 @ 0.395 kg/m 7.39 0.00
Shorter span 12 1.50 @ 0.395 kg/m 7.11 0.00
Deduction for manhole opening 8 0.60 @ 0.395 kg/m -1.90 0.00
Total 12.60 kg 113.68 1 432.37
9 Shuttering works for RCC 0.00
- Cover slab bottom 1.00 0.80 0.80 0.00
Side 6.40 - 0.10 0.64 0.00
Deduction for manhole opening π 0.30 0.30 -0.283 0.00
Total 1.16 m² 735.61 851.29
10 HDPE formwork for ferrocement 0.00

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

- Wall portion (Q = 2 x p x r x h, r = d/2+.025) 2π 1.28 - 1.50 12.02 0.00
- Roof portion 2π 2.23 0.40 5.61 0.00
Q = 2 x p x R x h, R = ((d+.05)² +4h²)/8h,h=dome height 0.00
- Deduction for manhole opening Q=pxr², r=0.30 π 0.30 0.30 -0.28 0.00
Total form work 17.34 m² 438.98 7 613.47

RT size: 6.00 m³
S.N. Description No. Radius Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount

11 Bar binding work including chicken wire mesh,

MS bar, GI wire, etc. as per HDPE form work 17.34 m² 1025.33 17 782.87
12 12.5 mm thick 1:2 cement-sand plaster 0.00
4 layers for ferrocement 0.00
- Wall portion (Q = 4x2 p x r x h, r = d/2+.025) 4×2π 1.28 1.50 48.07 0.00
- Roof portion 4×2π 2.23 0.400 22.44 0.00
Q = 2 x p x R x h, R = ((d+.05)² +4h²)/8h,h=dome height 0.00
- Deduction for manhole opening 4×2π 0.30 0.30 -1.13 0.00
(Q = 4 x p x r², r = 0.60/2 = 0.30) 0.00
Total plaster 69.37 m² 458.87 31 833.75
13 12.5 mm thick 1:3 cement-sand plaster 0.00
sand mortar for 0.00
- Floor portion of storage tank π 1.25 1.25 4.91 m² 408.99 2 007.62
(Q = p x r², r = d/2) 0.00
14 12.5 mm thick 1:4 cement-sand plaster 0.00
- Floor portion of valve chamber 1.00 0.80 0.80 0.00
- inner wall of valve chamber 3.60 1.15 4.14 0.00
Total plaster 4.94 m² 401.36 1 982.72
15 3 mm thick 1:1 cement sand punning 0.00
- Floor portion of storage tank(Q = p x r², r = d/2) π 1.25 1.25 4.91 0.00
- Wall portion of storage tank (Q = 2 x p x r x h) 2π 1.25 1.50 11.78 0.00
Total punning 16.69 m² 240.72 4 017.55
16 Bitumen paint on the buried surface of storage tank 0.00
(Q = 2 x p x r x h, r = d/2+0.05) 2π 1.30 1.10 8.98 m² 112.41 1 010.00
Plastic emulsion paint on exposed surface of storage
17 tank 0.00
- Wall portion 2π 1.30 0.40 3.27 0.00
(Q = 2 x p x r x h, r = d/2+0.05) 0.00
- Roof portion 2π 2.31 0.40 5.81 0.00
(Q = 2xpxRxh, R = (D²+4h²)/8h, D = d+0.10, h= dome height) 0.00
Total 9.08 m² 148.26 1 346.08
18 600 mmf circular metal manhole cover for ferrocement 2 set 2205.84 4 411.68
19 Installation of Pipes & fittings 1.00 job 700.00 700.00
Fencing work with fencing jali with 10gauge wire
and masonry foundation wall fixing in 40*40*6 mm
20 angle post 1 21.00 21.00 m 9027.33 1 89 573.93
21 Entrancce gate with stone masonry pillars 1 1.00 No 22820.07 22 820.07

Total Amount without VAT 3 81 703.54

Add Value Added Tax @ 0% 0.00
Total cost of reservoir tank with fencing and gate Rs. 3 81 703.54

Ferrocement Storage Tank

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

8 m³ Capacity
Diameter, d = 2.5 m Tank wall height, h = 1.85 m
Dome height, = 0.4 m For Scheme # no: 4,5,7.1,7.2 3 98 125.22

S.N. Description No. Radius Breadth Height Qty. Unit Rate Amount

1 Site Clearance(L= d+2*2.0m,B=d+1m) 7.00 5.00 35.00 m² 106.72 3 735.20

2 Earthwork in excavation for foundation in 0.00
Valve Chamber 1.70 1.50 1.30 3.32 0.00
Storage tank π 2.05 2.05 - 1.75 23.10 0.00
(Q = p x R² x h, R = d/2+0.05+0.75 0.00
Total 26.42 m³ 1092.35 28 859.29
3 Earthwork in back filling with 0.00
in storage tank : total trench (p*R2*h') π 2.05 2.05 - 1.25 16.50 m³ 0.00
Deduct tank portion (p*r2*h'): r=d/2+.05 π 1.30 1.30 - 1.25 -6.64 m³ 0.00
Net backfilling work 9.87 m³ 412.21 4 067.10
4 Stone soling work 0.00
Valve Chamber 1.70 1.50 0.15 0.38 0.00
Storage tank π 1.55 1.55 - 0.20 1.51 0.00
(Q = p x r² x h, r = d/2+0.05+0.25 0.00
deduction for overlapping with VC portion 1.70 0.40 0.20 -0.14 0.00
Total 1.76 m³ 7240.03 12 713.75
5 Stone masonry in 1:6 c-s mortar 0.00
Valve Chamber 5.00 0.35 1.15 2.01 m³ 14936.89 30 060.49
6 Plain cement concrete (1:2:4) 0.00
Cover slab of valve chamber 1.70 1.50 0.10 0.255 0.00
Deduction for manhole opening π 0.30 0.30 - 0.05 -0.014 0.00
(Q = p x r² x h, r = 0.30) 0.00
Manhole Cover of tank π 0.30 0.30 - 0.05 0.014 0.00
Pipe embeddment block 2 1.00 0.35 0.20 0.140 0.00
Total 0.395 m³ 17081.86 6 747.33
7 Plain Cement Concrete (1:1.5:3) 0.00
for tank base(Q = p x r² x h, r = d/2+0.05+0.10 π 1.40 1.40 - 0.125 0.770 m³ 18609.30 14 323.40
8 Steel reinforcement 0.00
for VC slab cover 8 mmf bars @ 15 cm c/c both ways 0.00
Longer span 11 1.70 @ 0.395 kg/m 7.39 0.00
Shorter span 12 1.50 @ 0.395 kg/m 7.11 0.00
Deduction for manhole opening 8 0.60 @ 0.395 kg/m -1.90 0.00
Total 12.60 kg 113.68 1 432.37
9 Shuttering works for RCC 0.00
- Cover slab bottom 1.00 0.80 0.80 0.00
Side 6.40 - 0.10 0.64 0.00
Deduction for manhole opening π 0.30 0.30 -0.283 0.00
Total 1.16 m² 735.61 851.29
10 HDPE formwork for ferrocement 0.00
- Wall portion (Q = 2 x p x r x h, r = d/2+.025) 2π 1.28 - 1.85 14.82 0.00
- Roof portion 2π 2.23 0.40 5.61 0.00
Q = 2 x p x R x h, R = ((d+.05)² +4h²)/8h,h=dome height 0.00
- Deduction for manhole opening Q=pxr², r=0.30 π 0.30 0.30 -0.28 0.00
Total form work 20.15 m² 438.98 8 844.32

RT size: 8.00 m³
S.N. Description No. Radius Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount

11 Bar binding work including chicken wire mesh,

MS bar, GI wire, etc. as per HDPE form work 20.15 m² 1025.33 20 657.76
12 12.5 mm thick 1:2 cement-sand plaster 0.00
4 layers for ferrocement 0.00
- Wall portion (Q = 4x2 p x r x h, r = d/2+.025) 4×2π 1.28 1.85 59.28 0.00
- Roof portion 4×2π 2.23 0.400 22.44 0.00

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Q = 2 x p x R x h, R = ((d+.05)² +4h²)/8h,h=dome height 0.00
- Deduction for manhole opening 4×2π 0.30 0.30 -1.13 0.00
(Q = 4 x p x r², r = 0.60/2 = 0.30) 0.00
Total plaster 80.59 m² 458.87 36 980.20
13 12.5 mm thick 1:3 cement-sand plaster 0.00
sand mortar for 0.00
- Floor portion of storage tank π 1.25 1.25 4.91 m² 408.99 2 007.62
(Q = p x r², r = d/2) 0.00
14 12.5 mm thick 1:4 cement-sand plaster 0.00
- Floor portion of valve chamber 1.00 0.80 0.80 0.00
- inner wall of valve chamber 3.60 1.15 4.14 0.00
Total plaster 4.94 m² 401.36 1 982.72
15 3 mm thick 1:1 cement sand punning 0.00
- Floor portion of storage tank(Q = p x r², r = d/2) π 1.25 1.25 4.91 0.00
- Wall portion of storage tank (Q = 2 x p x r x h) 2π 1.25 1.85 14.53 0.00
Total punning 19.44 m² 240.72 4 679.26
16 Bitumen paint on the buried surface of storage tank 0.00
(Q = 2 x p x r x h, r = d/2+0.05) 2π 1.30 1.45 11.84 m² 112.41 1 331.36
Plastic emulsion paint on exposed surface of storage
17 tank 0.00
- Wall portion 2π 1.30 0.40 3.27 0.00
(Q = 2 x p x r x h, r = d/2+0.05) 0.00
- Roof portion 2π 2.31 0.40 5.81 0.00
(Q = 2xpxRxh, R = (D²+4h²)/8h, D = d+0.10, h= dome height) 0.00
Total 9.08 m² 148.26 1 346.08
18 600 mmf circular metal manhole cover for ferrocement 2 set 2205.84 4 411.68
19 Installation of Pipes & fittings 1.00 job 700.00 700.00
Fencing work with fencing jali with 10gauge wire
and masonry foundation wall fixing in 40*40*6 mm
20 angle post 1 21.00 21.00 m 9027.33 1 89 573.93
21 Entrancce gate with stone masonry pillars 1 1.00 No 22820.07 22 820.07

Total Amount without VAT 3 98 125.22

Add Value Added Tax @ 0% 0.00
Total cost of reservoir tank with fencing and gate Rs. 3 98 125.22

Ferrocement Storage Tank

10 m³ Capacity
Diameter, d = 3.0 m Tank wall height, h = 1.65 m
Dome height, = 0.5 m For Scheme # no: 1,3,6.1 4 50 956.83

S.N. Description No. Radius Breadth Height Qty. Unit Rate Amount

1 Site Clearance(L= d+2*2.0m,B=d+1m) 7.00 5.00 35.00 m² 106.72 3 735.20

2 Earthwork in excavation for foundation in 0.00
Valve Chamber 1.70 1.50 1.30 3.32 0.00
Storage tank π 2.30 2.30 - 1.55 25.76 0.00
(Q = p x R² x h, R = d/2+0.05+0.75 0.00
Total 29.07 m³ 1092.35 31 759.52
3 Earthwork in back filling with 0.00
in storage tank : total trench (p*R2*h') π 2.30 2.30 - 1.05 17.45 m³ 0.00
Deduct tank portion (p*r2*h'): r=d/2+.05 π 1.55 1.55 - 1.05 -7.93 m³ 0.00
Net backfilling work 9.52 m³ 412.21 3 926.27
4 Stone soling work 0.00
Valve Chamber 1.70 1.50 0.15 0.38 0.00
Storage tank π 1.80 1.80 - 0.20 2.04 0.00
(Q = p x r² x h, r = d/2+0.05+0.25 0.00

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

deduction for overlapping with VC portion 1.70 0.40 0.20 -0.14 0.00
Total 2.28 m³ 7240.03 16 523.57
5 Stone masonry in 1:6 c-s mortar 0.00
Valve Chamber 5.00 0.35 1.15 2.01 m³ 14936.89 30 060.49
6 Plain cement concrete (1:2:4) 0.00
Cover slab of valve chamber 1.70 1.50 0.10 0.255 0.00
Deduction for manhole opening π 0.30 0.30 - 0.05 -0.014 0.00
(Q = p x r² x h, r = 0.30) 0.00
Manhole Cover of tank π 0.30 0.30 - 0.05 0.014 0.00
Pipe embeddment block 2 1.00 0.35 0.20 0.140 0.00
Total 0.395 m³ 17081.86 6 747.33
7 Plain Cement Concrete (1:1.5:3) 0.00
for tank base(Q = p x r² x h, r = d/2+0.05+0.10 π 1.65 1.65 - 0.125 1.069 m³ 18609.30 19 895.64
8 Steel reinforcement 0.00
for VC slab cover 8 mmf bars @ 15 cm c/c both ways 0.00
Longer span 11 1.70 @ 0.395 kg/m 7.39 0.00
Shorter span 12 1.50 @ 0.395 kg/m 7.11 0.00
Deduction for manhole opening 8 0.60 @ 0.395 kg/m -1.90 0.00
Total 12.60 kg 113.68 1 432.37
9 Shuttering works for RCC 0.00
- Cover slab bottom 1.00 0.80 0.80 0.00
Side 6.40 - 0.10 0.64 0.00
Deduction for manhole opening π 0.30 0.30 -0.283 0.00
Total 1.16 m² 735.61 851.29
10 HDPE formwork for ferrocement 0.00
- Wall portion (Q = 2 x p x r x h, r = d/2+.025) 2π 1.53 - 1.65 15.81 0.00
- Roof portion 2π 2.58 0.50 8.09 0.00
Q = 2 x p x R x h, R = ((d+.05)² +4h²)/8h,h=dome height 0.00
- Deduction for manhole opening Q=pxr², r=0.30 π 0.30 0.30 -0.28 0.00
Total form work 23.62 m² 438.98 10 368.22

RT size: 10.00 m³
S.N. Description No. Radius Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount

11 Bar binding work including chicken wire mesh,

MS bar, GI wire, etc. as per HDPE form work 23.62 m² 1025.33 24 217.15
12 12.5 mm thick 1:2 cement-sand plaster 0.00
4 layers for ferrocement 0.00
- Wall portion (Q = 4x2 p x r x h, r = d/2+.025) 4×2π 1.53 1.65 63.24 0.00
- Roof portion 4×2π 2.58 0.500 32.37 0.00
Q = 2 x p x R x h, R = ((d+.05)² +4h²)/8h,h=dome height 0.00
- Deduction for manhole opening 4×2π 0.30 0.30 -1.13 0.00
(Q = 4 x p x r², r = 0.60/2 = 0.30) 0.00
Total plaster 94.48 m² 458.87 43 351.99
13 12.5 mm thick 1:3 cement-sand plaster 0.00
sand mortar for 0.00
- Floor portion of storage tank π 1.50 1.50 7.07 m² 408.99 2 890.98
(Q = p x r², r = d/2) 0.00
14 12.5 mm thick 1:4 cement-sand plaster 0.00
- Floor portion of valve chamber 1.00 0.80 0.80 0.00
- inner wall of valve chamber 3.60 1.15 4.14 0.00
Total plaster 4.94 m² 401.36 1 982.72
15 3 mm thick 1:1 cement sand punning 0.00
- Floor portion of storage tank(Q = p x r², r = d/2) π 1.50 1.50 7.07 0.00
- Wall portion of storage tank (Q = 2 x p x r x h) 2π 1.50 1.65 15.55 0.00
Total punning 22.62 m² 240.72 5 444.96
16 Bitumen paint on the buried surface of storage tank 0.00
(Q = 2 x p x r x h, r = d/2+0.05) 2π 1.55 1.25 12.17 m² 112.41 1 368.44

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Plastic emulsion paint on exposed surface of storage
17 tank 0.00
- Wall portion 2π 1.55 0.40 3.90 0.00
(Q = 2 x p x r x h, r = d/2+0.05) 0.00
- Roof portion 2π 2.65 0.50 8.33 0.00
(Q = 2xpxRxh, R = (D²+4h²)/8h, D = d+0.10, h= dome height) 0.00
Total 12.23 m² 148.26 1 813.02
18 600 mmf circular metal manhole cover for ferrocement 2 set 2205.84 4 411.68
19 Installation of Pipes & fittings 1.00 job 700.00 700.00
Fencing work with fencing jali with 10gauge wire
and masonry foundation wall fixing in 40*40*6 mm
20 angle post 1 24.00 24.00 m 9027.33 2 16 655.92
21 Entrancce gate with stone masonry pillars 1 1.00 No 22820.07 22 820.07

Total Amount without VAT 4 50 956.83

Add Value Added Tax @ 0% 0.00
Total cost of reservoir tank with fencing and gate Rs. 4 50 956.83

Ferrocement Storage Tank

12 m³ Capacity
Diameter, d = 3.0 m Tank wall height, h = 1.9 m
Dome height, = 0.5 m For Scheme # no: 4 65 175.50

S.N. Description No. Radius Breadth Height Qty. Unit Rate Amount

1 Site Clearance(L= d+2*2.0m,B=d+1m) 7.00 5.00 35.00 m² 106.72 3 735.20

2 Earthwork in excavation for foundation in 0.00
Valve Chamber 1.70 1.50 1.30 3.32 0.00
Storage tank π 2.30 2.30 - 1.80 29.91 0.00
(Q = p x R² x h, R = d/2+0.05+0.75 0.00
Total 33.23 m³ 1092.35 36 297.97
3 Earthwork in back filling with 0.00
in storage tank : total trench (p*R2*h') π 2.30 2.30 - 1.30 21.60 m³ 0.00
Deduct tank portion (p*r2*h'): r=d/2+.05 π 1.55 1.55 - 1.30 -9.81 m³ 0.00
Net backfilling work 11.79 m³ 412.21 4 861.09
4 Stone soling work 0.00
Valve Chamber 1.70 1.50 0.15 0.38 0.00
Storage tank π 1.80 1.80 - 0.20 2.04 0.00
(Q = p x r² x h, r = d/2+0.05+0.25 0.00
deduction for overlapping with VC portion 1.70 0.40 0.20 -0.14 0.00
Total 2.28 m³ 7240.03 16 523.57
5 Stone masonry in 1:6 c-s mortar 0.00
Valve Chamber 5.00 0.35 1.15 2.01 m³ 14936.89 30 060.49
6 Plain cement concrete (1:2:4) 0.00
Cover slab of valve chamber 1.70 1.50 0.10 0.255 0.00
Deduction for manhole opening π 0.30 0.30 - 0.05 -0.014 0.00
(Q = p x r² x h, r = 0.30) 0.00
Manhole Cover of tank π 0.30 0.30 - 0.05 0.014 0.00
Pipe embeddment block 2 1.00 0.35 0.20 0.140 0.00
Total 0.395 m³ 17081.86 6 747.33
7 Plain Cement Concrete (1:1.5:3) 0.00
for tank base(Q = p x r² x h, r = d/2+0.05+0.10 π 1.65 1.65 - 0.125 1.069 m³ 18609.30 19 895.64
8 Steel reinforcement 0.00
for VC slab cover 8 mmf bars @ 15 cm c/c both ways 0.00
Longer span 11 1.70 @ 0.395 kg/m 7.39 0.00
Shorter span 12 1.50 @ 0.395 kg/m 7.11 0.00
Deduction for manhole opening 8 0.60 @ 0.395 kg/m -1.90 0.00
Total 12.60 kg 113.68 1 432.37
9 Shuttering works for RCC 0.00

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

- Cover slab bottom 1.00 0.80 0.80 0.00
Side 6.40 - 0.10 0.64 0.00
Deduction for manhole opening π 0.30 0.30 -0.283 0.00
Total 1.16 m² 735.61 851.29
10 HDPE formwork for ferrocement 0.00
- Wall portion (Q = 2 x p x r x h, r = d/2+.025) 2π 1.53 - 1.90 18.21 0.00
- Roof portion 2π 2.58 0.50 8.09 0.00
Q = 2 x p x R x h, R = ((d+.05)² +4h²)/8h,h=dome height 0.00
- Deduction for manhole opening Q=pxr², r=0.30 π 0.30 0.30 -0.28 0.00
Total form work 26.01 m² 438.98 11 419.78

RT size: 12.00 m³
S.N. Description No. Radius Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount

11 Bar binding work including chicken wire mesh,

MS bar, GI wire, etc. as per HDPE form work 26.01 m² 1025.33 26 673.29
12 12.5 mm thick 1:2 cement-sand plaster 0.00
4 layers for ferrocement 0.00
- Wall portion (Q = 4x2 p x r x h, r = d/2+.025) 4×2π 1.53 1.90 72.82 0.00
- Roof portion 4×2π 2.58 0.500 32.37 0.00
Q = 2 x p x R x h, R = ((d+.05)² +4h²)/8h,h=dome height 0.00
- Deduction for manhole opening 4×2π 0.30 0.30 -1.13 0.00
(Q = 4 x p x r², r = 0.60/2 = 0.30) 0.00
Total plaster 104.06 m² 458.87 47 748.82
13 12.5 mm thick 1:3 cement-sand plaster 0.00
sand mortar for 0.00
- Floor portion of storage tank π 1.50 1.50 7.07 m² 408.99 2 890.98
(Q = p x r², r = d/2) 0.00
14 12.5 mm thick 1:4 cement-sand plaster 0.00
- Floor portion of valve chamber 1.00 0.80 0.80 0.00
- inner wall of valve chamber 3.60 1.15 4.14 0.00
Total plaster 4.94 m² 401.36 1 982.72
15 3 mm thick 1:1 cement sand punning 0.00
- Floor portion of storage tank(Q = p x r², r = d/2) π 1.50 1.50 7.07 0.00
- Wall portion of storage tank (Q = 2 x p x r x h) 2π 1.50 1.90 17.91 0.00
Total punning 24.98 m² 240.72 6 012.14
16 Bitumen paint on the buried surface of storage tank 0.00
(Q = 2 x p x r x h, r = d/2+0.05) 2π 1.55 1.50 14.61 m² 112.41 1 642.13
Plastic emulsion paint on exposed surface of storage
17 tank 0.00
- Wall portion 2π 1.55 0.40 3.90 0.00
(Q = 2 x p x r x h, r = d/2+0.05) 0.00
- Roof portion 2π 2.65 0.50 8.33 0.00
(Q = 2xpxRxh, R = (D²+4h²)/8h, D = d+0.10, h= dome height) 0.00
Total 12.23 m² 148.26 1 813.02
18 600 mmf circular metal manhole cover for ferrocement 2 set 2205.84 4 411.68
19 Installation of Pipes & fittings 1.00 job 700.00 700.00
Fencing work with fencing jali with 10gauge wire
and masonry foundation wall fixing in 40*40*6 mm
20 angle post 1 24.00 24.00 m 9027.33 2 16 655.92
21 Entrancce gate with stone masonry pillars 1 1.00 No 22820.07 22 820.07

Total Amount without VAT 4 65 175.50

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Add Value Added Tax @ 0% 0.00
Total cost of reservoir tank with fencing and gate Rs. 4 65 175.50

Ferrocement Storage Tank

16 m³ Capacity
Diameter, d = 3.5 m Tank wall height, h = 1.9 m
Dome height, = 0.6 m For Scheme # no: 4,7.2 5 08 265.29

S.N. Description No. Radius Breadth Height Qty. Unit Rate Amount

1 Site Clearance(L= d+2*2.0m,B=d+1m) 8.00 6.00 48.00 m² 106.72 5 122.56

2 Earthwork in excavation for foundation in 0.00
Valve Chamber 1.70 1.50 1.30 3.32 0.00
Storage tank π 2.55 2.55 - 1.80 36.77 0.00
(Q = p x R² x h, R = d/2+0.05+0.75 0.00
Total 40.09 m³ 1092.35 43 787.69
3 Earthwork in back filling with 0.00
in storage tank : total trench (p*R2*h') π 2.55 2.55 - 1.30 26.56 m³ 0.00
Deduct tank portion (p*r2*h'): r=d/2+.05 π 1.80 1.80 - 1.30 -13.23 m³ 0.00
Net backfilling work 13.32 m³ 412.21 5 492.40
4 Stone soling work 0.00
Valve Chamber 1.70 1.50 0.15 0.38 0.00
Storage tank π 2.05 2.05 - 0.20 2.64 0.00
(Q = p x r² x h, r = d/2+0.05+0.25 0.00
deduction for overlapping with VC portion 1.70 0.40 0.20 -0.14 0.00
Total 2.89 m³ 7240.03 20 902.03
5 Stone masonry in 1:6 c-s mortar 0.00
Valve Chamber 5.00 0.35 1.15 2.01 m³ 14936.89 30 060.49
6 Plain cement concrete (1:2:4) 0.00
Cover slab of valve chamber 1.70 1.50 0.10 0.255 0.00
Deduction for manhole opening π 0.30 0.30 - 0.05 -0.014 0.00
(Q = p x r² x h, r = 0.30) 0.00
Manhole Cover of tank π 0.30 0.30 - 0.05 0.014 0.00
Pipe embeddment block 2 1.00 0.35 0.20 0.140 0.00
Total 0.395 m³ 17081.86 6 747.33
7 Plain Cement Concrete (1:1.5:3) 0.00
for tank base(Q = p x r² x h, r = d/2+0.05+0.10 π 1.90 1.90 - 0.125 1.418 m³ 18609.30 26 381.36
8 Steel reinforcement 0.00
for VC slab cover 8 mmf bars @ 15 cm c/c both ways 0.00
Longer span 11 1.70 @ 0.395 kg/m 7.39 0.00
Shorter span 12 1.50 @ 0.395 kg/m 7.11 0.00
Deduction for manhole opening 8 0.60 @ 0.395 kg/m -1.90 0.00
Total 12.60 kg 113.68 1 432.37
9 Shuttering works for RCC 0.00
- Cover slab bottom 1.00 0.80 0.80 0.00
Side 6.40 - 0.10 0.64 0.00
Deduction for manhole opening π 0.30 0.30 -0.283 0.00
Total 1.16 m² 735.61 851.29
10 HDPE formwork for ferrocement 0.00
- Wall portion (Q = 2 x p x r x h, r = d/2+.025) 2π 1.78 - 1.90 21.19 0.00
- Roof portion 2π 2.93 0.60 11.03 0.00
Q = 2 x p x R x h, R = ((d+.05)² +4h²)/8h,h=dome height 0.00
- Deduction for manhole opening Q=pxr², r=0.30 π 0.30 0.30 -0.28 0.00
Total form work 31.94 m² 438.98 14 019.38

RT size: 16.00 m³
S.N. Description No. Radius Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount

11 Bar binding work including chicken wire mesh,

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

MS bar, GI wire, etc. as per HDPE form work 31.94 m² 1025.33 32 745.20
12 12.5 mm thick 1:2 cement-sand plaster 0.00
4 layers for ferrocement 0.00
- Wall portion (Q = 4x2 p x r x h, r = d/2+.025) 4×2π 1.78 1.90 84.76 0.00
- Roof portion 4×2π 2.93 0.600 44.12 0.00
Q = 2 x p x R x h, R = ((d+.05)² +4h²)/8h,h=dome height 0.00
- Deduction for manhole opening 4×2π 0.30 0.30 -1.13 0.00
(Q = 4 x p x r², r = 0.60/2 = 0.30) 0.00
Total plaster 127.75 m² 458.87 58 618.35
13 12.5 mm thick 1:3 cement-sand plaster 0.00
sand mortar for 0.00
- Floor portion of storage tank π 1.75 1.75 9.62 m² 408.99 3 934.94
(Q = p x r², r = d/2) 0.00
14 12.5 mm thick 1:4 cement-sand plaster 0.00
- Floor portion of valve chamber 1.00 0.80 0.80 0.00
- inner wall of valve chamber 3.60 1.15 4.14 0.00
Total plaster 4.94 m² 401.36 1 982.72
15 3 mm thick 1:1 cement sand punning 0.00
- Floor portion of storage tank(Q = p x r², r = d/2) π 1.75 1.75 9.62 0.00
- Wall portion of storage tank (Q = 2 x p x r x h) 2π 1.75 1.90 20.89 0.00
Total punning 30.51 m² 240.72 7 345.02
16 Bitumen paint on the buried surface of storage tank 0.00
(Q = 2 x p x r x h, r = d/2+0.05) 2π 1.80 1.50 16.96 m² 112.41 1 906.99
Plastic emulsion paint on exposed surface of storage
17 tank 0.00
- Wall portion 2π 1.80 0.40 4.52 0.00
(Q = 2 x p x r x h, r = d/2+0.05) 0.00
- Roof portion 2π 3.00 0.60 11.31 0.00
(Q = 2xpxRxh, R = (D²+4h²)/8h, D = d+0.10, h= dome height) 0.00
Total 15.83 m² 148.26 2 347.49
18 600 mmf circular metal manhole cover for ferrocement 2 set 2205.84 4 411.68
19 Installation of Pipes & fittings 1.00 job 700.00 700.00
Fencing work with fencing jali with 10gauge wire
and masonry foundation wall fixing in 40*40*6 mm
20 angle post 1 24.00 24.00 m 9027.33 2 16 655.92
21 Entrancce gate with stone masonry pillars 1 1.00 No 22820.07 22 820.07

Total Amount without VAT 5 08 265.29

Add Value Added Tax @ 0% 0.00
Total cost of reservoir tank with fencing and gate Rs. 5 08 265.29

Ferrocement Storage Tank

20 m³ Capacity
Diameter, d = 4.0 m Tank wall height, h = 1.8 m
Dome height, = 0.7 m For Scheme # no: 4,7.2 5 46 240.52

S.N. Description No. Radius Breadth Height Qty. Unit Rate Amount

1 Site Clearance(L= d+2*2.0m,B=d+1m) 8.00 6.00 48.00 m² 106.72 5 122.56

2 Earthwork in excavation for foundation in 0.00
Valve Chamber 1.70 1.50 1.30 3.32 0.00
Storage tank π 2.80 2.80 - 1.70 41.87 0.00
(Q = p x R² x h, R = d/2+0.05+0.75 0.00
Total 45.19 m³ 1092.35 49 359.09

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

3 Earthwork in back filling with 0.00
in storage tank : total trench (p*R2*h') π 2.80 2.80 - 1.20 29.56 m³ 0.00
Deduct tank portion (p*r2*h'): r=d/2+.05 π 2.05 2.05 - 1.20 -15.84 m³ 0.00
Net backfilling work 13.71 m³ 412.21 5 652.66
4 Stone soling work 0.00
Valve Chamber 1.70 1.50 0.15 0.38 0.00
Storage tank π 2.30 2.30 - 0.20 3.32 0.00
(Q = p x r² x h, r = d/2+0.05+0.25 0.00
deduction for overlapping with VC portion 1.70 0.40 0.20 -0.14 0.00
Total 3.57 m³ 7240.03 25 849.12
5 Stone masonry in 1:6 c-s mortar 0.00
Valve Chamber 5.00 0.35 1.15 2.01 m³ 14936.89 30 060.49
6 Plain cement concrete (1:2:4) 0.00
Cover slab of valve chamber 1.70 1.50 0.10 0.255 0.00
Deduction for manhole opening π 0.30 0.30 - 0.05 -0.014 0.00
(Q = p x r² x h, r = 0.30) 0.00
Manhole Cover of tank π 0.30 0.30 - 0.05 0.014 0.00
Pipe embeddment block 2 1.00 0.35 0.20 0.140 0.00
Total 0.395 m³ 17081.86 6 747.33
7 Plain Cement Concrete (1:1.5:3) 0.00
for tank base(Q = p x r² x h, r = d/2+0.05+0.10 π 2.15 2.15 - 0.125 1.815 m³ 18609.30 33 780.56
8 Steel reinforcement 0.00
for VC slab cover 8 mmf bars @ 15 cm c/c both ways 0.00
Longer span 11 1.70 @ 0.395 kg/m 7.39 0.00
Shorter span 12 1.50 @ 0.395 kg/m 7.11 0.00
Deduction for manhole opening 8 0.60 @ 0.395 kg/m -1.90 0.00
Total 12.60 kg 113.68 1 432.37
9 Shuttering works for RCC 0.00
- Cover slab bottom 1.00 0.80 0.80 0.00
Side 6.40 - 0.10 0.64 0.00
Deduction for manhole opening π 0.30 0.30 -0.283 0.00
Total 1.16 m² 735.61 851.29
10 HDPE formwork for ferrocement 0.00
- Wall portion (Q = 2 x p x r x h, r = d/2+.025) 2π 2.03 - 1.80 22.90 0.00
- Roof portion 2π 3.28 0.70 14.42 0.00
Q = 2 x p x R x h, R = ((d+.05)² +4h²)/8h,h=dome height 0.00
- Deduction for manhole opening Q=pxr², r=0.30 π 0.30 0.30 -0.28 0.00
Total form work 37.04 m² 438.98 16 260.41

RT size: 20.00 m³
S.N. Description No. Radius Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount

11 Bar binding work including chicken wire mesh,

MS bar, GI wire, etc. as per HDPE form work 37.04 m² 1025.33 37 979.60
12 12.5 mm thick 1:2 cement-sand plaster 0.00
4 layers for ferrocement 0.00
- Wall portion (Q = 4x2 p x r x h, r = d/2+.025) 4×2π 2.03 1.80 91.61 0.00
- Roof portion 4×2π 3.28 0.700 57.69 0.00
Q = 2 x p x R x h, R = ((d+.05)² +4h²)/8h,h=dome height 0.00
- Deduction for manhole opening 4×2π 0.30 0.30 -1.13 0.00
(Q = 4 x p x r², r = 0.60/2 = 0.30) 0.00
Total plaster 148.17 m² 458.87 67 988.64
13 12.5 mm thick 1:3 cement-sand plaster 0.00
sand mortar for 0.00
- Floor portion of storage tank π 2.00 2.00 12.57 m² 408.99 5 139.52
(Q = p x r², r = d/2) 0.00
14 12.5 mm thick 1:4 cement-sand plaster 0.00
- Floor portion of valve chamber 1.00 0.80 0.80 0.00

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

- inner wall of valve chamber 3.60 1.15 4.14 0.00
Total plaster 4.94 m² 401.36 1 982.72
15 3 mm thick 1:1 cement sand punning 0.00
- Floor portion of storage tank(Q = p x r², r = d/2) π 2.00 2.00 12.57 0.00
- Wall portion of storage tank (Q = 2 x p x r x h) 2π 2.00 1.80 22.62 0.00
Total punning 35.19 m² 240.72 8 469.93
16 Bitumen paint on the buried surface of storage tank 0.00
(Q = 2 x p x r x h, r = d/2+0.05) 2π 2.05 1.40 18.03 m² 112.41 2 027.06
Plastic emulsion paint on exposed surface of storage
17 tank 0.00
- Wall portion 2π 2.05 0.40 5.15 0.00
(Q = 2 x p x r x h, r = d/2+0.05) 0.00
- Roof portion 2π 3.35 0.70 14.74 0.00
(Q = 2xpxRxh, R = (D²+4h²)/8h, D = d+0.10, h= dome height) 0.00
Total 19.89 m² 148.26 2 949.50
18 600 mmf circular metal manhole cover for ferrocement 2 set 2205.84 4 411.68
19 Installation of Pipes & fittings 1.00 job 700.00 700.00
Fencing work with fencing jali with 10gauge wire
and masonry foundation wall fixing in 40*40*6 mm
20 angle post 1 24.00 24.00 m 9027.33 2 16 655.92
21 Entrancce gate with stone masonry pillars 1 1.00 No 22820.07 22 820.07

Total Amount without VAT 5 46 240.52

Add Value Added Tax @ 0% 0.00
Total cost of reservoir tank with fencing and gate Rs. 5 46 240.52

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Estimated by Checked by Approved by
BOQ Of Fitting

1 Brass Union 1 " no 11 810 8910

1 Brass Union 1 1/2" no 1 1608 1608
1 Brass Union 1 1/4" no 9 1090 9810
10 Brass Union 11/2" no 1 1608 1608
1 Brass Union 2" no 1 2248 2248
1 Brass Union 3/4" no 2 540 1080
1 Endcap 2 " no 6 589 3534
8 Flange set (GI-HDP) 1 " no 1 864 864
8 Flange set (GI-HDP) 11/4 " no 2 1092 2184
8 Flange set (GI-HDP) 2 " no 3 1955 5865
7 Flange set (GI-HDP) 21/2 " no 3 2107 6321
5 Float Valve 2" no 1 5240 5240
5 Gate Valve 1 " no 5 1744 8720
8 Gate Valve 1 1/2" no 2 3367 6734
6 Gate Valve 1 1/4 " no 7 2624 18368
5 Gate Valve 1" no 1 1744 1744
6 Gate Valve 11/4 " no 1 2624 2624
5 Gate Valve 2 " no 3 5500 16500
5 Gate Valve 21/2 " no 3 11451 34353
5 Gate Valve 3/4" no 2 2624 5248
3 GI -Elbow 1 " no 16 156 2496
3 GI -Elbow 1 1/2" no 3 364 1092
3 GI -Elbow 1 1/4" no 14 257 3598
3 GI -Elbow 1" no 11 156 1716
3 GI -Elbow 11/4 " no 11 257 2827
2 GI -Elbow 2 " no 11 548 6028
2 GI -Elbow 21/2 " no 9 952 8568
3 GI -Elbow 3/4" no 5 90 450
2 GI Pipe 1 " m 6 373 2238
2 GI Pipe 1 " mm m 8.8 373 3282.4
2 GI Pipe 1 1/4 " mm m 16.4 486 7970.4
2 GI Pipe 2 " m 16.4 770 12628
1 GI Pipe 21/2 " m 13.2 984 12988.8
2 GI Pipe 3/4 " mm m 4.4 244 1073.6
13 GI Socket 1 " no 3 111 333
4 GI Socket 1 1/4" mm no 3 180 540
8 GI Socket 2 " no 4 360 1440
8 GI Socket 21/2 " no 6 653 3918
4 GI Socket 3/4" mm no 1 83 83
14 GI Tee 1 " no 1 210 210
14 GI Tee 11/4 " no 2 350 700
6 GI Tee 2 " no 3 790 2370
6 GI Tee 21/2 " no 3 1245 3735
6 GI Union 1 " no 1 362 362
6 GI Union 1 1/2" no 1 702 702
6 GI Union 1 1/4" no 1 565 565
4 GI-Nipple 1 " no 10 105 1050
4 GI-Nipple 1 1/2" no 1 145 145
4 GI-Nipple 1 1/4" no 4 135 540
4 GI-Nipple 1" no 10 105 1050
7 GI-Nipple 11/2" no 1 145 145
5 GI-Nipple 11/4 " no 19 135 2565
4 GI-Nipple 2 " no 20 220 4400
4 GI-Nipple 21/2 " no 12 285 3420
4 GI-Nipple 3/4" no 2 68 136
2 GI-pipe 1 " m 10 373 3730
5 GI-pipe 1 1/2" m 5 560 2800
2 GI-pipe 1 1/4" m 12.5 486 6075
2 GI-pipe 1" m 6.5 373 2424.5
2 GI-pipe 11/4" m 2 486 972
2 GI-pipe 2" m 1 770 770
2 GI-pipe 3/4" m 5 244 1220
4 GI-Reducer 11/2"* 1 " no 1 2010 2010
4 GI-Reducer 2"* 1 1/2" no 1 2010 2010
4 GI-Reducer 2"* 1 1/4" no 1 2010 2010
6 GI-Tee 1 " no 4 210 840
3 GI-Tee 1 1/2" no 2 483 966
6 GI-Tee 1 1/4" no 5 350 1750
6 GI-Tee 3/4" no 2 144 288
6 GI-Tee 1" no 1 210 210
7 GI-Unequal T(1"*1 "*1/2") no 1 1250 1250
7 GI-Unequal T(11/4"*11/4 "*1/2") no 1 2011 2011
7 GI-Unequal T(11/4"*11/4 "*1/2") no 1 2011 2011
7 GI-Unequal T(2 "*2 "*1/2") no 2 2011 4022
12 GI-Union 1 " no 2 362 724
12 GI-Union 11/4 " no 4 565 2260
12 GI-Union 2 " no 5 1044 5220
3 GI-Union 21/2 " no 3 2137 6411
8 Reducer 1 1/4"*1" no 1 1120 1120
8 Reducer 1"*3/4" no 2 603 1206
8 Reducer 11/2"*1 " no 2 1120 2240
8 Reducer 11/2"*1" no 1 910 910
8 Reducer 2"*1 1/2" no 1 1210 1210
8 Reducer 2"*1 1/4" no 3 1200 3600
8 Reducer 2"*3/4" no 1 603 603
15 Reducer GI( 11/4"*1") no 1 1250 1250
15 Reducer GI( 2"*11/4") no 2 1250 2500
15 Reducer GI( 3"*2") no 2 1250 2500
7 Strainer 1 1/4" no 1 949 949
7 Strainer 1" no 1 603 603
7 Strainer 1" no 1 603 603
7 Strainer 11/2" no 5 1452 7260
1 Strainer 11/4" no 1 949 949
2 Strainer 2" no 11 1948 21428
1 Strainer 3 " no 2 3290 6580

Distribution Chamber
( Without VC )
Inner size of chamber = 2.35 x 1.00 Total height = 1.00
2 chambers Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount

1 Removing top soil for site preparation 3 2 6 m² 106.72 640.32

2 Earthwork in excavation
1 3.25 1.90 1.00 6.18 m³ 858.76 5 302.84

3 Boulder soling 1 3.25 1.90 0.15 0.93 m³ 7240.03 6 706.08

4 Plain Cement Concrete (1:2:4)
in foundation 1 3.25 1.90 0.10 0.618
Pipe embeddment block 6 0.45 0.20 0.20 0.108
Cover slab 1 3.25 1.90 0.08 0.494
-Manhole cover 2 0.60 0.60 0.05 -0.113
Total 1.106 m³ 17081.86 18 899.42
5 Stone masonry work in 1:4 c-s mortar
CC portion 1 8.50 0.45 1.00 3.83
Partition wall 1 1.00 0.35 1.00 0.35
Deduct - for PCC blocks 6 0.45 0.20 0.20 -0.11
Total 4.07 m³ 15855.45 64 484.12
6 Centering & Shuttering Works
Bottom of cover slab - CC portion 1 2.00 1.00 2.00
-Outer edge of cover slab 1 10.30 - 0.08 0.82
Total form work 2.82 m² 735.61 2 074.42

7 Steel reinforcement
8 mm ø @ 150 mm c/c bothways 20 1.90 @ 0.395 kg/m 15.01
14 3.25 @ 0.395 kg/m 17.97
Deduct for manhole 16 0.60 @ 0.395 kg/m -3.79
Total reinforcement 29.19 kg 113.68 3 318.38

8 12.5 mm thick 1:4 c-s plaster

floor of CC 1 2.00 1.00 2.00
Inner sides of Walls of CC 2 2.00 - 1.00 4.00
2 1.00 - 1.00 2.00
Side of partition wall 2 1.00 1.00 2.00
Outer Portion of all walls above GL 1 10.30 - 0.30 3.09
Total 13.09 m² 401.36 5 253.80
9 3 mm thick 1:1 c-s punning
as per plaster 13.09
Deduct for outer portion -3.09
Total 10.00 m² 240.72 2 407.20
10 Standard manhole cover 60×60 cm ø with
metal frame 2 2 set 2967.42 5 934.84

11 Installation of pipes and fittings 1 job 1000.00 1 000.00

12 Cost of water for construction and curing 1 m³ 1000.00 1 000.00
Subtotal 1 17 021.42
Add Value Added Tax @ 13.00% 15 212.78
Total Amount 1 32 234.20
RCC Weir Intake
Total length of weir wall = 12.00 m Length of wing wall - 1, Lw1 = 1.50 m
width of weir walls = 0.45 m Length of wing wall - 2, Lw2 = 1.50 m
width of wing walls = 0.30 m Length of wing walls to downstream, Ld = 1.00 m
Catchment PCC width = Lw Sin45°
Height of weir = 1.20 m Foundation depth = 1.15 m
Thickness foundation PCC = 0.10 m
S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount
1 Earthwork in excavation in boulder mixed soil
weir wall 1 11.15 0.45 1.15 5.77
wing wall -1 1 1.35 0.30 1.15 0.47
wing wall -2 1 1.35 0.30 1.15 0.47
catchment portion 1 11.15 1.06 1.15 13.59
0.5 2.12 1.06 1.15 1.29
downstream portion 1 12.00 1.00 1.15 13.80
Total 35.39 m³ 1,092.35 38 657.15
2 Plain Cement Concrete (1:1.5:3) for RCC work
For foundation concrete:
Catchment 1 11.15 1.06 0.15 1.773
0.5 2.12 1.06 0.15 0.169
weir wall base 1 12.00 0.45 0.15 0.810
wing wall -1 1 1.35 0.30 0.15 0.061
wing wall -2 1 1.35 0.30 0.15 0.061
downstream portion 1 12.00 1.00 0.15 1.800
For weir wall 1 12.00 0.45 1.20 6.480
wing wall -1 1 1.29 0.30 1.50 0.580
wing wall -2 1 1.29 0.30 1.50 0.580
Downstream wall 2 1.00 0.30 1.50 0.900
deduct pipe area 2×π/4 0.30 0.10 0.10 -0.005
Total 13.208 m³ 20,414.80 2 69 630.47
3 Centering & shuttering work for PCC/RCC
weir wall 1.00 11.15 1.20 13.38
1.00 11.40 1.20 13.68
2.00 0.30 1.20 0.72
wing wall -1 2.00 1.35 1.50 4.05
wing wall -2 2.00 1.35 1.50 4.05
downstream walls 4.00 1.00 1.50 6.00
Total 41.88 m² 735.61 30 808.65
4 Steel reinforcement
for base slab
catchment portion : 10 mmØ bars @150 mm c/c both direction
bottom bars - main: 8 12.21 @ 0.617 kg/m 60.28
distribution 81 1.06 @ 0.617 kg/m 52.98
top bars - main: 8 12.21 @ 0.617 kg/m 60.28
distribution 81 1.06 @ 0.617 kg/m 52.98
weir wall base and downstream portion : 10 mmØ bars @150 mm c/c both direction
main: 10 12.00 @ 0.617 kg/m 74.04
distribution 81 1.30 @ 0.617 kg/m 64.97
weir wall:16 mmØ bars @150 mm c/c for vertical direction
vertical bars- inner and outer 162 2.00 @ 1.578 kg/m 511.27
wing walls:12 mmØ bars @150 mm c/c vertical direction
vertical bars- inner and outer 40 2.30 @ 0.888 kg/m 81.70
downstream walls:12 mmØ bars @150 mm c/c vertical direction
vertical bars- inner and outer 32 2.30 @ 0.888 kg/m 65.36
horizontal bars:12 mmØ bars @150 mm c/c both inner bars
weir wall 18 12.00 @ 0.888 kg/m 191.81
wing walls: 22 1.29 @ 0.888 kg/m 25.16
22 1.29 @ 0.888 kg/m 25.16
down stream walls 22 1.00 @ 0.888 kg/m 19.54
22 1.00 @ 0.888 kg/m 19.54
subtotal: 1305.04
RCC Weir Intake
Total length of weir wall = 12.00 m Length of wing wall - 1, Lw1 = 1.50 m
width of weir walls = 0.45 m Length of wing wall - 2, Lw2 = 1.50 m
width of wing walls = 0.30 m Length of wing walls to downstream, Ld = 1.00 m
Catchment PCC width = Lw Sin45°
Height of weir = 1.20 m Foundation depth = 1.15 m
Thickness foundation PCC = 0.10 m
S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount
add 10% for splice length 130.50
Total reinforcement 1435.54 kg 113.68 1 63 192.31
RCC Weir Intake
Total length of weir wall = 12.00 m Length of wing wall - 1, Lw1 = 1.50 m
width of weir walls = 0.45 m Length of wing wall - 2, Lw2 = 1.50 m
width of wing walls = 0.30 m Length of wing walls to downstream, Ld = 1.00 m
Catchment PCC width = Lw Sin45°
Height of weir = 1.20 m Foundation depth = 1.15 m
Thickness foundation PCC = 0.10 m
S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount
5 20 mm thick 1:3 c-s plaster
Catchment 1 11.15 1.06 11.82
1.0 2.12 1.06 2.25
inside of weir wall 1.00 11.15 - 1.20 13.38
outside of weir wall 1.00 11.40 1.20 13.68
2.00 0.30 1.20 0.72
inside of wing walls 1.00 3.00 1.50 4.50
outside of wing walls 1.00 1.20 1.50 1.80
1.00 1.20 1.50 1.80
inside of downstream walls 2.00 1.00 1.50 3.00
outside of downstream walls 2.00 1.00 1.50 3.00
top of weir wall 1.00 12.00 0.45 5.40
top of wing walls 1.00 1.35 0.30 0.41
1.00 1.35 0.30 0.41
top of downstream walls 2.00 1.00 0.30 0.60
Total plastering work 62.76 m² 546.89 34 323.32

6 3 mm thick 1:1c-s punnig

inside of weir and wing walls 15.00 1.20 18.00 m² 240.72 4 332.96

7 Boulder packing (of 150 mm sizes) 1.00 14.12 1.06 0.85 12.72 m³ 2,121.06 26 986.90

8 Gravel packing (size 25-40 mm) 1.00 14.12 1.06 0.30 4.49 m³ 4,652.33 20 891.66

9 Dewatering work 1.00 job 10,000.00 10 000.00

10 Supply and fixing of standard gabion box (3×1×0.5 m)

for tranversely placed over the toe of weir 4.00
for longitudinally placed over the first layer 12.00
Total gabion mat: 16.00 no 3,999.93 63998.88

11 Filling of gabion box with stone 24.00 m³ 6,053.07 145273.68

12 Installation of 100 mm GI pipes perforated upper with fittings 2.00 job 4,000.00 8 000.00
Subtotal 8 16 095.98
Value Added Tax @ 13.00 % 1 06 092.48
Total Amount with VAT Rs. 9 22 188.46
Cost and detailed quantity estimate
Infiltration Gallery/Sumpwell
Inner diameter of infiltration gallery = 2.00 m Height above GL = 1.00 m
Thickness of ring = 0.15 m Width of protection work = 1.20 m
Total depth of gallery below GL = 7.00 m
Diameter of gravel packing = 3.00 m
Sump Well Construction
Length/ Rate
S.N. Description No Radius Breadth Hieght Quantity Unit Amount (NRs.)
radius (NRs.)
E/W in Excavation for BMS wet,
1 10 m lead and lift 4 m depth of π 1.15 1.15 1.00 4.15 m³ 2411.40 10018.781381514
excavation 1 m
E/W in Excavation for BMS wet,
2 10 m lead and lift 4 m depth of π 1.15 1.15 1.00 4.15 m³ 2473.24 10275.6928137363
excavation 2 m
E/W in Excavation for BMS wet,
3 10 m lead and lift 4 m depth of π 1.15 1.15 1.00 4.15 m³ 2541.94 10561.128725229
excavation 3 m
E/W in Excavation for BMS wet,
4 10 m lead and lift 4 m depth of π 1.15 1.15 1.00 4.15 m³ 2610.64 10846.5646367217
excavation 4 m
E/W in Excavation for BMS Wet,
5 π 1.15 1.15 1.00 4.15 m³ 2885.44 11988.3082826924
up to 5 m Depth
E/W in Excavation for BMS Wet,
6 π 1.15 1.15 1.00 4.15 m³ 2954.14 12273.744194185
up to 6 m Depth
E/W in Excavation for BMS Wet,
7 π 1.15 1.15 1.00 4.15 m³ 3091.55 12844.6160171704
up to 7 m Depth
E/W in Excavation for BMS Wet,
8 π 1.15 1.15 1.00 4.15 m³ 3228.95 13415.4878401557
up to 8 m Depth
E/W in Excavation for BMS Wet,
9 π 1.15 1.15 1.00 4.15 m³ 3366.35 13986.3596631411
up to 9 m Depth
E/W in Excavation for BMS Wet,
10 π 1.15 1.15 1.00 4.15 m³ 3503.75 14557.2314861264
up to 10 m Depth
Breaking and lifting of stone during
11 -- assuming 25% cost of total excavation cost 10.39 job 3091.55 32111.5919773795
excavating the well
PCC(1:1½:3) works for precast
12 27 6.75 0.15 0.30 8.21 m³ 20414.80 167536.616406593
RCC rings
Shuttering work for precasting of
--- inner portion 27 6.28 0.30 50.89
--- outer portion 27 7.23 0.30 58.53
Bottom 27 6.75 0.15 27.36
Total shuttering work 136.78 m² 735.61 100614.595289409

14 Steel reinforcement( 8 mmØ bars)

for inner and outer rings(3 for each

162 7.35 @ 0.395 kg/m 470.61

for inner and outer distribution bars:

1840 0.82 @ 0.395 kg/m 595.98
2 legged stirrups (@ 150 mmc/c

Total reinforcement 1066.59 kg 113.68 121249.451564112

Stacking and placing of rings in
15 1.00 Job 10000.00 10000
well properly
Well protection work
Earthwork in excavation for
16 1.00 14.77 1.20 0.90 15.95 m³ 1092.35 17419.4042996154
foundation work in b.m. soil
17 Stone Soling 1.00 14.77 1.20 0.20 3.54 m³ 7240.03 25656.6138674202
Plain cement concrete (1:2:4) for
18 1.00 14.77 1.20 0.10 1.77 m³ 17081.86 30266.6346795062
19 Stone masonry in 1:3 C/M 1.00 14.77 0.60 1.90 16.83 m³ 16377.13 275670.553597994
Earthwork in backfilling with boulder
20 mixed soil for pipeline/foundation 1.00 11.00 0.6 1.60 10.56 m³ 412.21 4351.18624999379
Laying of one layer of 500 G of
21 1.00 11.00 0.60 6.60 m² 60.00 395.840674352314
polythene sheet
Dewatering during the excavation in
22 1 Job 50000.00 50000
the well
Cost and detailed quantity estimate
Infiltration Gallery/Sumpwell
Inner diameter of infiltration gallery = 2.00 m Height above GL = 1.00 m
Thickness of ring = 0.15 m Width of protection work = 1.20 m
Total depth of gallery below GL = 7.00 m
Diameter of gravel packing = 3.00 m
Sump Well Construction
Length/ Rate
S.N. Description No Radius Breadth Hieght Quantity Unit Amount (NRs.)
radius (NRs.)
Lowering of the ring in the well
including transportation and
23 1 Job 50000.00 50000
establishment of all necessary tolls
and equipment

Supply & installation of 50 mm dia

medium duty perforated GI pipe up
24 20 3.00 60 m 1800.00 108000
to 5 ring 2 in each ring, with pointed
shoes to drive into the ground

20 mm thick MS plate to support

25 2 set 5000.00 10000
the entire weight of the pump set
Barbed wire fancing (type A) with
26 1 24.0 m 9027.33 216655.92
MS Angle post
27 Grill Gate for fence 1 1 no 22820.07 22820.07
Cleaning and Development of well,
28 72 hours continious pumping 1 Job 1000.00 1000
disposing water more than design
Total 1364516.39
Vat @ 13% 177387.13
Grand Total 1541903.52

the well
Pipe Protection work
L B H No
Size of pillars- Type I 0.45 0.45 1 32 Upto 1 m height
Type II 0.7 0.7 1.5 16 Upto 1.5 m height
Type III 0.9 0.9 2 16 Upto 2 m height
Size of anchor blocks 0.3 0.3 0.3 108
Size of pipe 100 mmØ
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount
1 Earthwork in excavation in b.m. soil
for type I pillars 32.0 0.45 0.45 0.5 3.24
for type II pillars 16.0 0.7 0.7 0.5 3.92
for type III pillars 16.0 0.9 0.9 0.5 6.48
for anchor blocks 108.0 0.3 0.3 0.5 4.86
Total earth work 18.50 m³ 1092.35 20 208.48

2 Dry stone soling in foundation

for type I pillars 32 0.45 0.45 0.15 0.97
for type II pillars 16 0.70 0.70 0.15 1.18
for type III pillars 16 0.90 0.90 0.15 1.94
for anchor blocks 108 0.30 0.30 0.15 1.46
Total soling work 5.55 m³ 7240.03 40 182.17

3 Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar

for type I pillars 32.0 0.45 0.45 1.35 8.748
for type II pillars 16.0 0.83 0.42 1.85 10.249
for type III pillars 16.0 1.01 0.50 2.35 19.035
Total masonry work 38.03 m³ 15855.45 6 03 014.47

4 PCC in (1:2:4) work

top of masonry pillars 64.0 0.45 0.45 0.2 2.592
For anchor blocks 108.0 0.3 0.3 0.35 3.402
Total 5.994 m³ 17081.86 1 02 388.67
5 Form work for concreting in simple slab and structure
for concrete 64.0 1.80 0.20 23.04 m² 735.61 16 948.45

6 Steel reinforcement
10 mm dia bars for ancharage of pipe 128.0 0.76 @ 0.617 kg/m 60.35
10 mm dia distribution bars 256.0 0.45 @ 0.617 kg/m 71.08
Total 131.43 kg 113.68 14 940.96

Subtotal 7 97 683.20
Add Value Added Tax @ 13.00% 1 03 698.82
Total Amount with VAT Rs. 9 01 382.02
Protection work
At collection site and intermediate RT sites
Gabion work 20 no
Retaining wall 30 m
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount
1 Earthwork in excavation in b.m. soil
for retaining wall 1.0 30 1.5 0.9 40.50
For gabion work 1.0 20 2 0.9 36.00
Total earth work 76.50 m³ 1092.35 83 564.78

2 Dry stone soling in foundation

for retaining wall 1 30.00 1.50 0.20 9.00

Total soling work 9.00 m³ 7240.03 65 160.27

4 PCC in (1:2:4) work
for foundation of retaining wall 1.0 30 1.5 0.15 6.750
for top of retaining wall 1.0 30 0.6 0.15 2.700
Total 9.450 m³ 17081.86 1 61 423.58

3 Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar

for retaining wall: rectangular section 1.0 30.00 0.60 3.00 54.000
triangular section 0.5 30.00 0.90 3.00 40.500
Total masonry work 94.50 m³ 15855.45 14 98 340.03

5 Form work for concreting in simple slab and structure

top of wall 2.0 30.00 0.15 9.00 m² 735.61 6 620.49

6 Standard gabion box(size:2×1×1 m)

at different RT sites 20.0 20.00
20.00 no 4021.57 80 431.40

7 Filling of gabion box with stones 40.00 m³ 6053.07 2 42 122.80

Subtotal 21 37 663.34
Add Value Added Tax @ 13.00% 2 77 896.23
Total Amount with VAT Rs. 24 15 559.57

Total cost of protection work Rs. 3316941.59

Reinforcement Cement Concrete Square Tank
75 m3 capacity

S.N. Description of items Qty. Unit Rate Amount

1 Removing top soil for site preparation 90.25 m² 106.72 9631.48

Earthwork in excavation for foundation work in
2 hard soil 138.57 m³ 858.76 119000.95
3 Earth work in backfilling with hard soil 70.02 m³ 432.81 30305.36
4 Dry stone soling work in foundation 11.97 m³ 7240.03 86677.64
5 RR Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar 3.39 m³ 15855.45 53797.54

6 Plain cement concrete (1:3:6) for foundation work 5.63 m³ 15514.93 87271.48
7 Plain cement concrete (1:1½:3) for RCC work 25.49 m³ 20414.80 520314.56
8 Plain cement concrete (1:2:4) for RCC work 6.35 m³ 18887.36 119988.80
9 Centering and shuttering for walls, vertical surfaces 176.14 m² 735.61 129568.14
10 Steel reinforcement for RCC work 7010.02 kg 113.68 796899.22
11 12.5 mm thick 1:3 c-s plaster 104.43 m² 408.99 42710.90
12 3 mm thick 1:1 c-s punning 104.43 m² 240.72 25138.43
13 12.5 mm thick 1:4 c-s plaster 124.28 m² 401.36 49881.82
14 Two (first & second) coats of bitumen painting 35.88 m² 112.41 4033.27
15 Two (first & second) coats of snowcem painting 75.21 m² 148.26 11150.63
16 GI water stopper 150 mm wide, 20 SWG 64.32 m 261.63 16828.04

17 25 mmØ GI pipe ladder 45 cm width 2.6 m long 1.00 no 5724.12 5724.12

Supply and installation of standard manhole cover
18 (75×75 cm²) 2.000 set 3748.32 7496.64
19 Installation of pipes & fittings for RCC tank (>30 m 1.000 job 5500.00 5500.00
20 Site levelling work 1.000 job 5000.00 5000.00
21 Barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 51.000 m 9027.33 460393.83
22 Entrance gate in barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 1.000 No 22820.07 22820.07
23 Cost of water for construction and curing 37.00 m³ 1000.00 37 000.00
Subtotal: 2647132.93
Value Added Tax 13.00 % 344127.28
Total cost of Reservoir tank with fencing and gate 2991260.21
Reinforcement Cement Concrete Square Tank
75 m3 capacity

Inner side of tank = 6.50 m × = 6.50 m

Thickness of wall = 0.20 m
Total tank height = 2.30 m
Thickness of cover slab = 0.120 m

S.N. Description of Items No. Length Breadth Height Qty.

1 Removing top soil for site preparation (L= d+4 m,B=d+4 m) 1 9.50 9.50 90.25
2 Earthwork in excavation for foundation in
levelling 0.5 9.50 9.50 1.00 45.13
Storage tank(L.L.H, L = L+2.t+1.00) 1 7.90 7.90 1.30 81.13
Valve Chamber 1 1.90 1.90 1.50 5.42
Washout pipe trench 1 10.00 0.60 1.15 6.90
Total earth work 138.57
3 Earthwork in back filling with
for working space of storage tank 1 55.20 1.00 1.30 71.76
Washout pipe trench 1 10.00 0.60 1.15 6.90
Deduct soling and PCC/RCC portion 1 57.60 0.30 0.50 -8.64
Net backfilling work 70.02
4 Stone soling work
Storage tank 1 7.50 7.50 0.20 11.25
Valve Chamber 1 1.90 1.90 0.20 0.72
Total soling work 11.97
5 Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar
Valve Chamber 1 5.80 0.45 1.30 3.39
6 PCC (1:3:6) in foundation
- tank foundation 1 7.50 7.50 0.10 5.63

7 PCC (1:1½:3) for RCC work

for tank base slab 1 7.50 7.50 0.20 11.25
- for wall portion 1 26.8 0.20 2.30 12.33
- for inner haunch portion 0.5 26.8 0.20 0.20 0.54
-for maintaining floor slope( slope 1:100) 0.5 6.50 6.5 0.07 1.37
Total PCC for RCC works 25.487
8 PCC (1:2:4) for RCC work
- T-beam 1 6.500 0.23 0.23 0.33
cover slab 1 6.9 6.9 0.12 5.71
cover slab of VC 1 1.9 1.9 0.10 0.36
- deduct for manhole 2 0.6 0.6 0.07 -0.05
Total PCC works 6.353
9 Shuttering works for RCC for vertical walls
- inner portion 1 26.00 2.30 59.80
- outer portion 1 27.6 2.30 63.48
cover slab 1 6.5 6.5 42.25
-T-beam sides 2 6.5 0.23 2.93
Outer edge of slab 1 27.6 0.12 3.31
bottom of cover slab of VC 1 1.9 1.9 3.61
edge of cover slab 1 7.6 0.10 0.76
Total shuttering works 176.14

10 Steel reinforcement
-Base slab
Bottom main bars 12 @ 150 mm C/C -2 directions 2 7.50 51 no 0.888 kg/m 679.18
top main bars 16 @ 95 mm C/C -2 directions 2 7.50 80 no 1.578 kg/m 1892.76
total reinforcement in base slab 2571.94
S.N. Description of Items No. Length Breadth Height Qty.
Vertical walls
vertical bars- inner :12 mmØ @ 150 c/c 179 3.53 @ 0.888 kg/m 559.15
vertical bars- outer :12 mmØ @ 150 c/c 187 3.53 @ 0.888 kg/m 584.18
Inner hor. bars of 16 mmØ bars 90 mm c/c upto 1 m height 12 37.30 @ 1.578 kg/m 713.00
Inner hr. bars of 16 mmØ bars 110 mm c/c for next 1.3 m heigh 13 37.300 @ 1.578 kg/m 754.63
Outer hor. bars of 16 mmØ bars 125 mm c/c upto 1 m height 9 27.400 @ 1.578 kg/m 389.22
Outer hor.bars of 16 mmØ bars 160 mm c/c for next 1.3 m heig 9 27.400 @ 1.578 kg/m 394.62
Haunch bars 10 Ø at 200 mm c/c 135 1.48 @ 0.617 kg/m 123.35
total reinforcement in wall 3518.15
Cover slab
T-beam- main bar 16 mmØ 10 7.1 @ 1.578 kg/m 112.06
2 legged strirrups 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 47 1.04 @ 0.395 kg/m 19.29
main bars 10 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 36 7.10 @ 0.617 kg/m 124.32
main bars at flange 10 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 36 2.23 @ 0.617 kg/m 39.05
top main bars at edges 10 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 36 0.99 @ 0.617 kg/m 17.33
36 0.99 @ 0.617 kg/m 17.33
distribution bars 10 mmØ @ 200 mm c/c 34 6.70 @ 0.617 kg/m 138.38
for T-beam flange 11 6.7 @ 0.617 kg/m 46.06
for edge reinforcement 6 6.7 @ 0.617 kg/m 24.58
6 6.7 @ 0.617 kg/m 24.58
for cover slab of VC - 10 mmØ bars @ 150 mm c/c 14 1.9 @ 0.617 kg/m 16.01
14 1.9 @ 0.617 kg/m 16.01
total reinforcement in cover slab 594.999
Deduct for manhole 2 nos: 24 0.600 @ 0.617 kg/m -8.88
total reinforcement 6676.21
add 5% for splice length etc. 333.81
Total reinforcement work 7010.02
11 12.5 mm thick 1:3 cement-sand plaster
-floor of tank 1 6.50 6.50 42.25
- fillet portion 1 26.80 0.28 7.58
- inner wall portion 1 26.00 2.10 54.60
Total plaster work 104.43
12 3 mm thick 1:1 cement sand punning as per plaster work in item no 13 104.43

13 12.5 mm thick 1:4 cement-sand plaster

-outer wall portion 1 27.60 2.42 66.79
Top of slab 1 6.90 6.90 47.61
inner side of VC 1 7.60 1.30 9.88
Total 124.28
14 Two coats of bitumen paint on the buried surface of storage tank
-outer wall portion(buried portion) 1 27.60 1.30 35.88
15 Two coats of snowcem paint on exposed surface of storage tank
- Wall portion(exposed portion) 1 27.60 1.00 27.60
Top of slab 1 6.90 6.90 47.61
Total 75.21
16 GI water stopper 150 mm wide, 20 SWG
at 2 sections of concrete joint(20% overlap) 2 32.16 64.32
17 25 mmØ GI pipe ladder 45 cm width 2.6 m long 1.00
18 Supply and installation of standard manhole cover set 75×75 cm size 2.00
19 Installation of pipes & fittings for RCC tank 1.00
20 Site levelling work 1.00
21 Barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 4 12.50 51.00
22 Entrance gate in barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 1 1.00
Total cost of Reservoir tank with fencing and gate




Abstract of Cost
Component: Plain Sedimentation Tank

S.N. Description of Works No. Quantity Unit Unit Rate Total Amount
1 Site Clearence 1 26.25 m2 106.72 2,801.40
2 Earth Work in Excavation in
Foundation in Boulder Mixed Soil 1 45.96 m3 1092.35 50,204.41
3 Earth Filling in Foundation 1 9.74 m3 412.21 4,014.93
4 Flat Brick Soling 1 6.92 m2 1037.50 7,179.50
5 Stone Soling with sand packing on
Base of Foundation, 1 3.62 m3 12621.88 45,691.21
6 Laying of P.C.C. 1:3:6 on Base of
Foundation 1 2.51 m3 15514.93 38,942.47
7 Laying of One Layer Tarfelt Over
Lean Concrete 1 18.09 m2 632.34 11,439.03
8 P.C.C (1: 1.5:3) Works for R.C.C 1 9.73 m3 20414.80 198,636.00
9 Centring and Shuttering Works for
P.C.C. and R.C.C Works 1 101.65 m2 735.61 74,774.76
10 Reiforcement Works with Deformed
bars Bars Including supplying,
Cutting, Bending and Placing in
Position 1 1778.18 kg 113.68 202,143.50
11 Stone Masonry Work in 1:4
Cement Sand mortar 1 4.07 m2 15855.45 64,531.68
12 12.5 mm Thick Cement Sand Plaster
in 1:3 Mortar with 2% Water Proof
Compound 1 133.14 m2 424.04 56,456.69
13 20 mm Thick Cement Sand Plaster in
1:4 Mortar in Base Slab 1 12.00 m2 530.67 6,368.04
14 3 mm Thick Punning in 1: 1 Cement
Sand Mortar 1 64.04 m2 240.72 15,415.71
15 Two Coat of Enamel Paint of
Appropriate Colour on Exposed
Surface of Tank 1 67.89 m2 283.06 19,216.94
16 Installation of 2 inch dia. Pipe
Pieces and Fittings for Inlet, Outlet and
W/O Complete as per Drawing and
Specification 1 lump sum 2,000.00
17 Standard Manhole Cover (60cm dia)
including M.S. Angle of 1.5" in
Size including Fixing all Complete as
per Drawing and Specification 1 2.00 No. 2205.84 4,411.68
Total 804,227.95
Component: Horizontal Roughing Filter

S.N. Description of Works No. Quantity Unit Unit Rate Total Amount

1 Site Clearance 1 29.75 m2 106.72 3,174.92

2 Earthwork Excavation in bm Soil 1 41.68 m3 1,092.35 45,529.15
3 Earth Filling works 1 4.82 m3 412.21 1,986.85
4 Flat Brick Soling 1 6.92 m2 1,037.50 7,179.50
5 Stone Soling work with sand packing 1 4.14 m3 12,621.88 52,254.58
6 P.C.C. works (1:3:6) 1 2.77 m3 15,514.93 42,976.36
7 Laying of One Layer Tarfelt 1 20.69 m2 632.34 13,083.11
8 P.C.C (1: 1.5:3) Works for R.C.C 1 8.25 m3 20,414.80 168,422.10
9 Centring and Shuttering Works 1 68.40 m2 735.61 50,315.72
10 Reiforcement Works with steel bars 1 1457.78 kg 113.68 165,720.43
11 Stone Masonry Work in 1:4 c/s mortar 1 3.58 m3 15,855.45 56,762.51

12.5 mm Thick Cement Sand Plaster in 1:3

12 1 129.71 m2 424.04 55,002.23
c/s mortar with 2% Water Proof Compound

20 mm Thick Cement Sand Plaster in 1:4 c/s

13 1 26.40 m2 530.67 14,009.69
14 3 mm Thick Punning in 1: 1 c/s mortar 1 85.62 m2 240.72 20,610.45
15 Enamel Painting work ( two coats ) 1 57.68 m2 283.06 16,326.90
Preparation and Placing of 12-18 mm dia.
16 1 4.80 m3 8,642.83 41,485.58
Gravel Filter Media as per specification
Preparation and Placing of 8-12 mm dia.
17 1 4.80 m3 10,242.71 49,165.01
Gravel Filter Media as per specification
Preparation and Placing of 4-8 mm dia.
18 1 2.40 m3 13,748.83 32,997.19
Gravel Filter Media as per specification

Installation of 2 inch dia. Pipe and Fittings

19 for Inlet, Outlet and W/O Complete as per 1 1.00 Job 2,000.00 2,000.00
Drawing and Specification

Standard Manhole Cover (60cm dia)

including M.S. Angle of 1.5" in size
20 1 2.00 Nos. 2,205.84 4,411.68
including fixing all complete as per drawing
and specification
Total 843,413.96
Plain Sedimentation Tank and Roughing filter

Length Breadth Height

S.N. Description of Works No Quantity Units
(m) (m) (m)

Component: Plain Sedimentation Tank

1 Site Clearence 1 7.50 3.50 26.25 m2

2 Earth Work in Excavation in BMS
Levelling work 1.0 7.50 3.50 0.30 7.88
Foundation in Boulder Mixed Soil
PS 1.0 7.00 3.00 1.48 31.08
Inlet VC 1.0 2.16 2.16 0.75 3.50
Outlet VC 1.0 2.16 2.16 0.75 3.50
Total 45.96 m3
3 Earth Filling in Foundation
Long wall 2.0 7.00 0.30 1.46 6.13
short wall 2.0 3.00 0.30 1.46 2.63
Inlet VC 1.0 2.16 0.30 0.75 0.49
Outlet VC 1.0 2.16 0.30 0.75 0.49
Total = 9.74 m3

4 Flat Brick Soling

Inlet VC 1.0 1.86 1.86 3.46
Outlet VC 1.0 1.86 1.86 3.46
Total 6.92 m2

5 Stone Soling with sand packing on

Base of Foundation, PS 1.0 6.70 2.70 0.20 3.62
Total 3.62 m3

6 Laying of P.C.C. 1:3:6 on Base of

Foundation PS 1.0 6.70 2.70 0.10 1.81
Inlet VC 1.0 1.86 1.86 0.10 0.35
Outlet VC 1.0 1.86 1.86 0.10 0.35
Total 2.51 m3
7 Laying of One Layer Tarfelt Over
Lean Concrete PS 1.0 6.70 2.70 18.09
Total 18.09 m3
8 P.C.C (1: 1.5:3) Works for R.C.C
Base Slab 1.0 6.70 2.70 0.18 3.26
Long Wall 2.0 6.30 0.15 2.20 4.16
Short Wall 2.0 2.00 0.15 2.20 1.32
Channel base 2.0 2.30 0.350 0.075 0.12
height 2.0 2.30 0.075 0.225 0.08
sides 4.0 0.275 0.075 0.225 0.02
Scum through collector base 1.0 2.00 0.35 0.075 0.05
height 1.0 2.00 0.075 0.225 0.03
Baffle1.0 2.00 0.075 1.40 0.21
Baffle slab 1.0 2.00 0.40 0.08 0.06
Slab cover of Inlet VC 1.0 1.56 1.56 0.10 0.24
Slab cover of Outlet VC 1.0 1.56 1.56 0.10 0.24
Deduct manhole opening -2 0.28 0.10 -0.06
Total 9.73 m3

9 Centring and Shuttering Works for

P.C.C. and R.C.C Works, PST
Base Slab and PCC
Long wall 2 6.70 0.28 3.75
Short Wall 2 2.70 0.28 1.51
Outer part of Long Wall 2 6.30 2.20 27.72
Inner part of Long Wall 2 6.00 2.20 26.40
Outer part of Short Wall 2 2.30 2.20 10.12
Inner part of Short Wall 2 2.00 2.20 8.80
base 2 2.30 0.35 1.61
outer sides 4 3.00 0.30 3.60
inner sides 4 2.70 0.225 2.43
Scum collector 1 0.950 2.00 1.90
Slab cover of Inlet VC 1 1.56 1.56 2.43
sides of slab cover 2 3.12 0.10 0.62
Slab cover of Outlet VC 1 1.56 1.56 2.43
sides of slab cover 2 3.12 0.10 0.62
PCC sides Inlet VC 2 3.72 0.10 0.74
PCC sides outlet VC 2 3.72 0.10 0.74
Baffle bottom 1 2.00 0.40 0.80
Baffle wall 2 2.00 1.40 5.60
Baffle wall bottom 1 2.00 0.075 0.15
void sides 2 1.00 0.075 0.15
void side 1 1.30 0.075 0.10
Deduct manhole opening -2 0.28 -0.57
Total 101.65 m2
10 Reiforcement Works with steel bars Including,
supplying, Cutting, Bending and Placing in Position
Base Slab
Main bar 12 mm dia at 125mm c/c Hor top 54 2.77 0.88 kg/m 131.89
Dist bar 10 mm dia at 200mm c/c Hor top 15 6.77 0.61 kg/m 62.18
Main bar 12 mm dia at 125 mm c/c Hor bot 54 2.77 0.88 kg/m 131.89
Dist bar 10 mm dia at 200 mm c/c Hor bot 15 6.77 0.61 kg/m 62.18
Haunch Bar
Haunch bar 12 mm dia at 200mm c/c diag 66 1.20 0.88 kg/m 69.83
Haunch bar 12 mm dia at 200mm c/c diag 26 1.20 0.88 kg/m 27.51
485.48 kg
Long Walls
Main bar inner face 12 mm dia 150mm c/c ver 84 3.04 0.88 kg/m 224.78
Dist bar inner face 10 mm dia at 300 mm c/c Hor 18 7.25 0.61 kg/m 79.91
Main bar outer face 12 mm dia 250mm c/c ver 50 3.04 0.88 kg/m 133.80
Dist bar 10 mm dia at 300 mm c/c Hor OF 18 7.45 0.61 kg/m 82.11
520.60 kg
Short Wall
Main bar inner 12 mm dia 250 mm c/c Hor IF 20 7.49 0.88 kg/m 132.08
Dist bar 10 mm dia 300 mm c/c ver IF 16 2.92 0.61 kg/m 28.56
Main bar outer 12mm dia 250mm c/c Hor OF 20 7.69 0.88 kg/m 135.61
Dist bar 10 mm dia at 300 mm c/c Hor OF 18 2.92 0.61 kg/m 32.13
328.38 kg
Main bar both face up to 1m ht 12mm dia 225 mm
c/c ver 46 1.94 0.88 kg/m 78.68 kg

Main bar 10 mm @ 150 mm c/c 34 1.43 0.61 kg/m 29.75
Distribution bar 10 mm @ 75 mm c/c 40 2.25 0.61 kg/m 55.11
Scum collector
10 mm @ 150 mm c/c 15 0.98 0.61 kg/m 8.95
10 mm @ 75 mm c/c 20 3.20 0.61 kg/m 39.19
Baffle wall
Baffle slab - 10 mm @ 150 mm c/c 15 2.351 0.61 kg/m 21.59
10 mm @ 75 mm c/c 18 2.00 0.61 kg/m 22.04
Baffle slab - 10 mm @ 150 mm c/c 15 2.803 0.61 kg/m 25.74
10 mm @ 75 mm c/c 40 3.20 0.61 kg/m 78.37
280.74 kg
Slab of Valve Chamber
Inlet VC Long side 12 1.536 0.61 kg/m 11.29
Short side 12 1.536 0.61 kg/m 11.29
Outlet VC Long side 12 1.536 0.61 kg/m 11.29
Short side 12 1.536 0.61 kg/m 11.29
Sub total = 45.16
Corner bars 12 mm dia @ 200 mm c/c 16 2.82 0.88 kg/m 39.71
Sub Total 1778.75 kg
Deduct manhole 2 0.28 0.57
Net Reinforcement Total 1778.18 kg

11 Brick Masonry Work in 1:4 Cement Sand

Inlet VC Long Wall 2 1.56 0.23 2.30 1.65
Short wall 2 1.10 0.23 2.30 1.16
Outlet VC Long Wall 2 1.56 0.23 1.025 0.74
Short wall 2 1.10 0.23 1.025 0.52
Total 4.07
12 12.5 mm Thick Cement Sand Plaster
in 1:3 Mortar with 2% Water Proof Compound
Outer part of Long Wall 2 6.30 2.20 27.72
Inner part of Long Wall 2 6.00 2.20 26.40
Outer part of Short Wall 2 2.30 2.20 10.12
Inner part of Short Wall 2 2.00 2.20 8.80
Long wall 2 6.30 0.15 1.89
short wall 2 2.00 0.15 0.60
Inlet and outlet Channel
lower Base 2 2.30 0.350 1.61
outside face 2 3.00 0.350 2.10
upper base 2 2.85 0.500 2.85
sides of inside slab 2 2.70 0.275 1.49
top 2 2.85 0.075 0.43
Scum collector
1 1.65 0.725 1.20
1 1.65 0.575 0.95
Baffle Wall
Baffle bottom 1 2.00 0.400 0.80
Baffle wall 2 2.00 1.40 5.60
Baffle wall bottom 1 2.00 0.075 0.15
void sides 1 1.00 0.075 0.08
void side 1 1.30 0.075 0.10
Baffle top 1 2.00 0.400 0.80
void deduction -1 0.70 0.300 -0.21
-2 0.40 0.300 -0.24
Valve chambers
Outlet Outer perimeter of Wall 2 3.12 0.85 5.30
Inner perimeter of Wall 2 2.20 1.03 4.51
bottom 1 1.10 1.10 1.21
Inlet Outer part of Wall 2 3.12 2.13 13.26
Inner part of Wall 2 2.20 2.30 10.12
bottom 1 1.10 1.10 1.21
Slab cover of Inlet VC 1 1.56 1.56 2.43
Slab cover of Outlet VC 1 1.56 1.56 2.43
Deduct manhole 2 0.28 0.57
Total 133.14 m2

13 20 mm Thick Cement Sand Plaster in

1:4 Mortar in Base Slab
base slab 1.0 6.00 2.00 12.00
Total 12.00 m2

14 3 mm Thick Punning in 1: 1 Cement Sand Mortar

inner plastered surfaces of PST 50.12 m2
Channel 4.34
Scum collector 2.15
Scum collector side 1 2.30 0.15 0.35
baffle wall 7.08
Total 64.04 m2

15 Two Coat of Enamel Paint of on Exposed

Surface of Tank
Outer plastered surfaces of PST 67.89
Total 67.89 m2

16 Installation of 2 inch dia. Pipe

Pieces and Fittings for Inlet, Outlet and W/O
Complete as per Drawing
and Specification lumpsum L.S.

17 Standard Manhole Cover (60cm dia)

including M.S. Angle of 1.5" in
Size including Fixing all Complete as
per Drawing and Specification 2 2.00 Nos.

Component: Horizontal Roughing Filter

1 Site Clearance 1 8.50 3.50 29.75 m2

2 Earth Work in Excavation in

Levelling work 1 8.08 2.96 0.50 11.96
Foundation in Boulder Mixed Soil 1 8.08 2.96 0.95 22.72
Inlet valve chamber 1 2.16 2.16 0.75 3.50
Outlet valve cmaber 1 2.16 2.16 0.75 3.50
Total 41.68 m3
3 Earth Filling in Foundation in Boulder
Mixed Soil , long wall 2 8.08 0.15 0.95 2.30
Short wall 2 2.96 0.15 0.95 0.84
Inlet valve chamber , -long wall 2 1.86 0.15 0.75 0.42
short wall 2 1.86 0.15 0.75 0.42
Outlet valve chamber, -long wall 2 1.86 0.15 0.75 0.42
short wall 2 1.86 0.15 0.75 0.42
Total 4.82 m3

4 Flat Brick Soling works

Inlet VC 1 1.86 1.86 3.46
Outlet VC 1 1.86 1.86 3.46
Total 6.92 m3

5 Stone Soling with sand packing on

Base of Foundation , HRF 1 7.78 2.66 0.20 4.14
Total 4.14 m3
6 Laying of P.C.C. 1:3:6 on Base of
Foundation HRF 1 7.78 2.66 0.10 2.07
Inlet VC 1 1.86 1.86 0.10 0.35
Outlet VC 1 1.86 1.86 0.10 0.35
Total 2.77 m3
7 Laying of One Layer Tarfelt Over
Lean Concrete HRF 1 7.78 2.66 20.69 m2

8 P.C.C (1: 1.5:3) Works for R.C.C

HRF Base Slab 1 7.78 2.66 0.15 3.10
Outer Long Wall 2 7.38 0.13 1.30 2.49
Short Wall Outer 2 2.00 0.13 1.30 0.68
Slotted Wall 4 2.00 0.13 1.30 1.35
Inlet and Outlet Channel
base 2 2.26 0.350 0.075 0.12
side wall 2 2.81 0.075 0.225 0.09
Inlet Valve Chamber cover Slab 1 1.56 1.56 0.10 0.24
Outlet Valve Chamber cover Slab 1 1.56 1.56 0.10 0.24
Sub Total 8.31 m3
manhole opening 2 0.28 0.10 0.06
Sub Total 0.06
Total 8.25 m3
9 Centring and Shuttering Works for
P.C.C. and R.C.C Works
HRF Base Slab Long side 2 7.78 0.25 3.89
short side 2 2.66 0.25 1.33
Long Wall Outer 2 7.38 1.30 19.19
Short Wall Outer 2 2.26 1.30 5.88
Short Wall inner 10 2.00 1.30 26.00
Inlet and Outlet Channel
outer base 2 2.26 0.350 1.58
outer face 2 2.96 0.30 1.78
inside face 2 2.66 0.225 1.20
Inlet and Outlet VC
Inlet and Outlet VC PCC sides 2 7.44 0.10 1.49
Bottom of Cover slab 2 1.56 1.560 4.87
sides of cover slab 2 6.24 0.10 1.25
Sub Total 68.46 m2
Deduction manhole opening 2 0.28 0.10 0.06
Total 68.40 m2
10 Reinforcement Works with steel bars
including Supplying,Cutting,
Bending and Placing in Position
Base Slab
Main bar 12 mm dia at 250 mm c/c Hor. on top face 32 2.73 0.88 kg/m 77.03
Dist bar 12 mm dia at 250 mm c/c Hor. on top face 12 7.85 0.88 kg/m 83.06
Main bar 12 mm dia at 250 mm c/c Horizontally on 32 2.73 0.88 kg/m 77.03
Dist barface
12 mm dia at 250 mm c/c Horizontally on 12 7.85 0.88 kg/m 83.06
bottom face
Haunch Bar
Haunch bar 12 mm dia at 200 mm c/c diag. long 76 1.20 0.88 kg/m 80.41
Haunch bar 12 mm dia at 200 mm c/c diag. short 121 1.20 0.88 kg/m 128.02
Sub Total 528.61 kg
Outer Long Walls
Main bar 12 mm Ø at 250 mm c/c hor. on IF 14 8.59 0.88 kg/m 105.97
Dist bar 10 mm Ø at 300 mm c/c ver. on IF 50 1.98 0.61 kg/m 60.46
Main bar 12 mm Ø 250 mm c/c hor. On OF 14 8.80 0.88 kg/m 108.57
Dist bar 10 mm Ø at 300 mm c/c Ver. On OF 52 1.98 0.61 kg/m 62.88
Sub Total 337.88 kg
Outer Short Wall
Main bar 12 mm Ø at 250 mm c/c ver. on IF 20 2.10 0.88 kg/m 36.94
Dist bar 10 mm Ø at 300 mm c/c hor. on IF 12 2.15 0.61 kg/m 15.76
Main bar 12 mm Ø at 250 mm c/c ver. on OF 20 2.10 0.88 kg/m 36.94
Dist bar 10 mm Ø at 300 mm c/c hor. on OF 12 2.36 0.61 kg/m 17.30
Inner short walls
Main bar 12 mm Ø at 250 mm c/c Hor. on BF 56 3.44 0.88 kg/m 169.85
Dist bar 10 mm Ø at 300 mm c/c ver. on BF 64 1.98 0.61 kg/m 77.39
Sub Total 354.18 kg
Corner bars 12 mm dia @ 200 mm c/c 16 2.10 0.88 kg/m 29.55
Inlet and Outlet Channel
Main bar 10 mm @ 150 mm c/c 68 1.41 0.61 kg/m 58.71
Distribution bar 10 mm @ 75 mm c/c 72 2.365 0.61 kg/m 104.26
Slab of Valve Chamber
Inlet VC Long side 12 1.536 0.61 kg/m 11.29
Short side 12 1.536 0.61 kg/m 11.29
Outlet VC one number Long side 12 1.536 0.61 kg/m 11.29
Short side 12 1.536 0.61 kg/m 11.29
Sub Total 237.68
Sub Total 1458.35 kg
Deduct manhole 2 0.28 0.57
Net Reinforcement 1457.78 kg

11 Brick Masonry Work in 1:4 C/S mortar

Inlet VC
Long Wall 2 1.56 0.23 1.900 1.36
Short wall 2 1.10 0.23 1.900 0.96
Outlet VC
Long Wall 2 1.56 0.23 1.025 0.74
Short wall 2 1.10 0.23 1.025 0.52
Total 3.58 m3
12 12.5 mm Thick Cement Sand Plaster in
1:3 Mortar with 2% Water Proof Compound
Long Walls-outer side 2 7.38 1.30 19.19
Short Wall Outer 2 2.26 1.30 5.88
Short Wall inner 20 2.00 1.30 52.00
Top of walls- long 3 7.38 0.13 2.88
Top of walls- short 6 2.00 0.13 1.56
Inlet and Outlet Channel
outer base 2 2.26 0.350 1.58
outer side wall 2 2.96 0.30 1.78
inner side wall 2 2.66 0.225 1.20
inner base 2 2.11 0.275 1.16
Inlet and outlet channel top 2 2.81 0.075 0.42
Valve Chamber
PCC base 2 1.10 1.10
Slab cover of Inlet VC 2 1.56 1.56 4.87
Slab cover of Outlet VC 2 1.56 1.56 4.87
cover slab sides Inlet and outlet VCs 2 6.24 0.10 1.25
Inlet VC outside wall 1 6.24 1.90 11.86
Inlet VC inside wall 1 4.40 1.90 8.36
Outlet VC outside wall 1 6.24 1.025 6.40
Outlet VC inside wall 1 4.40 1.025 4.51
Sub Total 129.77 m2
Deduction manhole opening 2 0.28 0.10 0.06
Total 129.71 m2
13 20 mm Thick Cement Sand Plaster in
1:4 Mortar in Base Slab
Inlet and Outlet Chamber 4 2.00 0.80 6.40
Compartment 1 2 2.00 2.00 8.00
Compartment 2 2 2.00 2.00 8.00
Compartment 3 2 1.00 2.00 4.00
Total 26.40 m2
14 3 mm Thick Punning in 1: 1 Cement Sand Mortar
Inner plastered surfaces and top of walls 85.62 m2

15 Two Coat of Enamel Paint of on Exposed

Surface of Tank
Outer plastered surfaces 57.68 m2

16 Preparation and Placing of 12-18 mm

dia. Gravel Filter Media as per Specification 2 2.00 1.00 1.20 4.80 m3

17 Preparation and Placing of 8-12 mm

dia. Gravel Filter Media as per Specification 2 2.00 1.00 1.20 4.80 m3
18 Preparation and Placing of 4-8 mm
dia. Gravel Filter Media as per Specification 2 1.00 1.00 1.20 2.40 m3

19 Installation of 2 inch dia. Pipe Pipe Pieces and

Fittings for Inlet, Outlet and W/O Complete
as per Drawing and Specification 1 1.00 Job

20 Standard Manhole Cover (60cm dia) including

M.S. Angle of 1.5" in Size including Fixing
all Complete as per Drawing and Specification 2 2.00 Nos.

Component: Chain mesh Fencing With Compound Wall

1 Site Clearance L.S.

2 Earthwork in excavation For Foundation
For Pillar 16 0.35 0.35 0.55 1.08 m³
For Steel Post 10 0.35 0.35 0.55 0.67 m³
1.75 m³
3 Brick Soling
For Pillar 16 0.35 0.35 0.05 0.10
For Steel Post 10 0.35 0.35 0.05 0.06
0.16 m³
4 Stone masonry in (1:6) cement mortar for Pillar
for pillar at gate 2 0.35 0.35 3.00 0.74
For Pillar 16 0.35 0.35 0.70 1.37
For Steel Post Above Ground 1 18.40 0.23 0.70 2.96
5.07 m³
5 Cement Plastering in (1:3) for 16 0.70 - 0.70 7.84
for pillar at gate 2 1.40 3.00 8.40
Wall Above Ground 2 18.40 - 0.70 25.76
42.00 m2
6 Pcc (1:3:6) for Steel Post
For Steel Pillar 16 0.35 0.35 0.70 1.37
1.37 m³
7 M.S. 40 X 40 X6 Angle Bar, 2.5 m Long
16 0.08 0.006 2.50 0.02 kg/m
157.00 kg

8 10 SWG 3"X3"X6 feet heigth hex. Wire mesh for compound wall
1 24.00 24.00 No.
9 Enamel Painting Angle 16 0.35 - 2.50 14.00 m²
Over Head Tank ( 100 m3)


S.No Quantity Unit Rate(Rs) Amount(Rs)

NO Length Breadth Height

RCC Overhead Tank (100cum )Construction
A Provisional sum
1 a) Insurance premium for the work, Plant and Materials damage
for contract work for all risk including Riot, Strike, Damage,
Malicious damage and Terrorism for contract work for project 1.00 ps 10,000.00 10,000.00
Period 18 month
2 b) Lab Test (For Construction work and Materials) 1 1.00 ps 10,000.00 10,000.00
B Civil works 0.00
1.00 Site cleareance 1 11 11 121.00 m2 106.72 12,913.12
0.00 0.00
2.00 Earthwork excavation in Hard soil 0.00 0.00
Earthwork excavation upto 1.5 m for raft footing foundation
including 0.5 +0.5 = 1.0 m extra wide for working space 0.00 0.00
width of raft footing = 2.0 m
Excavation in Hard soil 1 21.99 3.00 2.50 164.93 m3 858.76 141,635.29
3.00 Backfilling work in Hard soil 0.00 0.00

Deduction of sectional area of foundation structure below

G/L from total earthwork excavation = (2.00 * 0.555) + (0.50 -1 21.99 Area = 2.01 -44.20 0.00
* 0.50) + (0.45 * 1.445) = 2.01 m 2
Net backfilling quantity = 164.93 -44.21 = 120.73 m 3
1 120.73 m 3
432.81 52,253.19
Stone soling (Hard core) without sand (Water Tank area 0.00
4.00 below PCC)
Water Tank area below PCC 1 22.0 2 0.15 6.60 m3 7,240.03 47,784.20
0 0.00

m3 12,621.88 30,544.95
5.00 Sand filling work including watering compaction with Hand 1 21.99 2.00 0.055 2.42
0.00 0.00
6.00 Lean concrete PCC (M15) in foundation 0.00
Water Tank area below footing 1 21.99 2.00 0.10 4.40 0.00
Sub-total of PCC (M15) 4.40 m3 15,514.93 68,265.69
0.00 0.00
7.00 PCC for RCC M20 (1:1.5:3) 0.00
7.10 PCC up to 4 m height 0.00
- Raft slab for foundation 1 21.99 2.00 0.25 11.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
- Raft beam /Circular girder for foundation 1 21.99 0.50 0.50 5.50 0.00
0.00 0.00
- Foundation of staircase 0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
- Landing beam for staircase 2 0.90 0.35 (0.17+.07)/2 0.08 0.00
0.00 0.00
- Platform / landing slab for staircase 2 (1.34+0.60)/2 0.90 0.18 0.31 0.00
- Steps ( T = 200 mm, R = 200 mm) of staircase 24 0.90 0.27 0.15 0.88 0.00
0.00 0.00
- Waist slab 2 3.55 0.90 0.18 1.15 0.00
- Columns 6 5.45 0.45 0.45 6.63 0.00
0.00 0.00
- Bracing beam 1 21.99 0.35 0.50 3.85 0.00
Sub-total 29.40 m3 19,535.56 574,345.46
7.20 PCC from 4 m to 8 m height 0.00
- Landing beam for staircase 2 0.90 0.35 (0.17+.07)/2 0.08 0.00
- Platform / landing slab for staircase 2 (1.34+0.60)/2 0.90 0.18 0.31 0.00
- Steps of staircase 24 0.90 0.27 0.15 0.88 0.00
- Waist slab 2 3.55 0.90 0.18 1.15 0.00
- Columns 6 4.00 0.45 0.45 4.86 0.00
- Bracing beam 1 21.99 0.35 0.50 3.85 0.00
Sub-total 11.13 m3 19,535.56 217,430.78
7.30 PCC from 8 m to 12 m height 0.00
- Landing beam for staircase 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
- Platform / landing slab for staircase 0 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.00 0.00
- Steps of staircase 24 0.90 0.27 0.15 0.88 0.00
- Waist slab 2 3.55 0.90 0.18 1.15 0.00
- Columns 6 4.00 0.45 0.45 4.86 0.00
- Bracing beam 1 21.99 0.35 0.50 3.85 0.00
Sub-total 10.74 m 3
19,535.56 209,811.91
7.40 PCC from 12 m to 16 m height 0.00
- Landing beam for staircase 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
- Platform / landing slab for staircase 0 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.00 0.00
- Steps of staircase 24 0.90 0.27 0.15 0.88 0.00
- Waist slab 2 3.55 0.90 0.18 1.15 0.00
- Columns 6 4.00 0.45 0.45 4.86 0.00
- Bracing beam 1 21.99 0.35 0.50 3.85 0.00
Sub-total 10.74 m 3
19,535.56 209,811.91
7.50 PCC from 16 m to 20 m height 0.00
- Landing beam at balcony lavel 2 0.90 0.35 (0.17+.07)/2 0.08 0.00
Over Head Tank ( 100 m3)


S.No Quantity Unit Rate(Rs) Amount(Rs)

NO Length Breadth Height

Platform / landing slab for staircase 1 (1.34+0.60)/2 0.90 0.18 0.16 0.00
- Steps of staircase 24 0.90 0.27 0.15 0.88 0.00
- Waist slab 2 3.55 0.90 0.18 1.15 0.00
- Columns 6 4.00 0.45 0.45 4.86 0.00
Bottom ring beam 1 21.99 0.40 0.32 2.81 0.00
- Tank floor circular slab 1.00 Area = 40.15 0.28 11.24 0.00
Cantilever slab around the cylindrical tank excluding cutted 1.00 21.79 0.90 0.12 2.35 0.00
part of slab for staircase
Sub-total 23.53 m3 0.00
7.60 PCC from 20 m to 22 m height withoutsilica admixtures 0.00
RCC post (100 x 150 mm) for railing at the edge of 0.19 0.00
- cantilever slab 16 0.13 0.10 0.90
Above Top dome 6 0.13 0.10 0.90 0.07 0.00

0.34 0.00
RCC post (100 x 100 mm) for railing at the edge of Staircase 29 0.13 0.10 0.90
Cylindrical wall (Inner dia. = 6.85 m) 1 21.99 0.15 2.00 6.60 0.00
Sub-total 7.20 m3 0.00

7.60 PCC from 22 m to 24.725 m height with 3% Silica admixture
- Cylindrical wall (Inner dia. = 6.85 m) 1.00 21.99 0.15 0.80 2.64 0.00
- Top dome 1.00 Area = 48.44 0.125 6.06 0.00
- Top ring beam (200 x 200 mm) 1.00 22.15 0.20 0.20 0.89 0.00
Sub-total 9.59 m3 0.00
8.00 Steel Reinforcement works 14,743.83 kg 113.68 1,676,078.59
9.00 Formwork 0.00
9.10 Foundation 0.00
- Raft slab for foundation 2.00 21.99 0.25 11.00 0.00
- Raft beam /Circular girder for foundation 2.00 21.99 0.50 21.99 0.00
- Lean concrete PCC (M15) in foundation 0.00 0.00
Water Tank area below footing 2.00 21.99 0.10 4.40 0.00
Staircase footing 0.00 0.00
Sub-total of formwork 37.39 m2 1,658.55 62,013.18
9.20 Staircase flight including platform 0.00
9.2.1 Formwork up to 4 m height 0.00
- Landing beam for staircase 2 0.90 0.59 1.06 0.00
End of beam for closing 2 0.35 0.07 0.05 0.00
0.00 0.00
- Platform / landing slab for staircase 2 (1.34+0.60)/2 0.90 1.75 0.00
Edge of landing slab 2 1.34 0.18 0.48 0.00
- Steps of staircase 24 0.90 0.15 3.24 0.00
- Waist slab 2 3.55 0.90 6.39 0.00
Edge of waist slab 4 3.55 0.18 2.56 0.00
Sub-total of formwork 15.53 m2 1,658.55 25,757.28
9.2.2 Formwork from 4 m to 8 m height 0.00
- Landing beam for staircase 2.00 0.90 0.59 1.06 0.00
End of beam for closing 2.00 0.35 0.07 0.05 0.00
- Platform / landing slab for staircase 2 (1.34+0.60)/2 0.90 1.75 0.00
Edge of landing slab 2 1.34 0.18 0.48 0.00
- Steps of staircase 24.00 0.90 0.15 3.24 0.00
- Waist slab 2.00 3.55 0.90 6.39 0.00
- Edge of waist slab 4.00 3.55 0.18 2.56 0.00
Sub-total of formwork 15.53 m2 1,658.55 25,757.28
9.2.3 Formwork from 8 m to 12 m height 0.00
- Landing beam for staircase 2.00 0.90 0.59 1.06 0.00
End of beam for closing 2.00 0.35 0.07 0.05 0.00
Platform / landing slab for staircase 1.00 (1.34+0.60)/2 0.90 0.87 0.00
Edge of landing slab 1.00 1.34 0.18 0.24 0.00
- Steps of staircase 24.00 0.90 0.15 3.24 0.00
- Waist slab 2.00 3.55 0.90 6.39 0.00
Edge of waist slab 4.00 3.55 0.18 2.56 0.00
Sub-total of formwork 14.41 m2 1,658.55 23,899.71
9.2.4 Formwork from 12 m to 16 m height 0.00
- Landing beam for staircase 2.00 0.90 0.59 1.06 0.00
End of beam for closing 2.00 0.35 0.07 0.05 0.00
Platform / landing slab for staircase 1.00 (1.34+0.60)/2 0.90 0.87 0.00
Edge of landing slab 1.00 1.34 0.18 0.24 0.00
- Steps of staircase 24.00 0.90 0.15 3.24 0.00
- Waist slab 2.00 3.55 0.90 6.39 0.00
Edge of waist slab 4.00 3.55 0.18 2.56 0.00
Sub-total of formwork 14.41 m 2 1,658.55 23,899.71
9.2.5 Formwork from 16 m to 20 m height 0.00
- Landing beam for staircase 2.00 0.90 0.59 1.06 0.00
End of beam for closing 2.00 0.35 0.07 0.05 0.00
Platform / landing slab for staircase 1.00 (1.34+0.60)/2 0.90 0.87 0.00
Over Head Tank ( 100 m3)


S.No Quantity Unit Rate(Rs) Amount(Rs)

NO Length Breadth Height

Edge of landing slab 1.00 1.34 0.18 0.24 0.00
- Steps of staircase 24.00 0.90 0.15 3.24 0.00
- Waist slab 2.00 3.55 0.90 6.39 0.00
Edge of waist slab 4.00 3.55 0.18 2.56 0.00
Sub-total of formwork 14.41 m2 0.00
9.30 Column 0.00
- Columns 6.00 13.445 1.80 145.21 0.00
- RCC post for railing at cantilever slab 16.00 0.46 0.90 6.62 0.00
RCC post for railing at Top Dome slab 6.00 0.46 0.90 2.48 0.00
RCC post for railing at Staircase 29.00 0.46 0.90 12.01 0.00
Sub-total of formwork 166.32 0.00
Total formwork 166.32 m2 1,658.55 275,850.04
9.40 Beam 0.00
9.4.1 Formwork to 4 m height 0.00
- Bracing beam 1.00 21.99 1.35 29.69 m2 1,658.55 49,242.35
9.4.2 Formwork from 4 m to 8 m height 0.00 0.00
- Bracing beam 1.00 21.99 1.35 29.69 m2 1,658.55 49,242.35
9.4.2 Formwork from 8 m to 12 m height 0.00 0.00
- Bracing beam 1.00 21.99 1.35 29.69 m2 1,658.55 49,242.35
9.4.2 Formwork from 12 m to 16 m height 0.00 0.00
- Bracing beam 1.00 21.99 1.35 29.69 m2 1,658.55 49,242.35
9.50 Wall & vertical structures 0.00
Formwork from 16 m to 20 m & above height 0.00
- Cylindrical wall 2.00 21.99 2.80 123.15 0.00
- Tank floor circular slab with cantilever balcony 1 Area = 62.91 62.92 0.00
Cutted part of slab for deduction from balcony where no 0.00
- staircase (straight length = 3.50 m ) -1 3.50 0.90 -3.15
- Edge of cantilever balcony slab 1 28.12 0.08 2.25 0.00
Total formwork 185.17 m2 1,658.55 307,113.70
9.60 Dome portion 0.00
- Top ring beam 1.00 22.78 0.20 4.56 0.00
Inner side face of ring beam 1.00 21.52 0.20 4.31 0.00
- Top dome 1.00 spherical surface area = 48.45 0.00
Sub-total of formwork 57.32 0.00
Total formwork 57.32 m2 1,658.55 95,068.09
12.5 mm thick cement plaster on wall (1:4) without silica 0.00
10.00 Admixture
10.10 Cement plaster up to 4 m height 0.00
- Landing beam for staircase 2.00 0.90 0.59 1.06 0.00
End of beam for closing 2.00 0.35 0.07 0.05 0.00
0.00 0.00
- Landing of staircase at top & botom 4.00 (1.34+0.60)/2 0.90 3.49 0.00
Edge of landing slab 2.00 1.34 0.18 0.48 0.00
2.00 0.90 0.18 0.32 0.00
- Steps of staircase 24.00 0.90 0.27 5.83 0.00
25.00 0.90 0.15 3.38 0.00
0.00 0.00
- Waist slab 2.00 3.55 0.90 6.39 0.00
Both edge of waist slab 4.00 3.55 0.18 2.56 0.00
0.00 0.00
- Columns (450 x 450 mm) 6.00 4.00 1.80 43.20 0.00
0.00 0.00
- Bracing beam(350 x 500 mm) 1.00 21.99 1.70 37.38 0.00
Sub-total 104.14 m2 401.36 41,797.63
10.20 Cement plaster from 4 m to 8 m height 0.00
- Landing beam for staircase 2.00 0.90 0.59 1.06 0.00
End of beam for closing 2.00 0.35 0.07 0.05 0.00
0.00 0.00
- Landing of staircase at top & botom 4.00 (1.34+0.60)/2 0.90 3.49 0.00
Edge of landing slab 2.00 1.34 0.18 0.48 0.00
2.00 0.90 0.18 0.32 0.00
- Steps of staircase 24.00 0.90 0.27 5.83 0.00
25.00 0.90 0.15 3.38 0.00
0.00 0.00
- Waist slab 2.00 3.55 0.90 6.39 0.00
Both edge of waist slab 4.00 3.55 0.18 2.56 0.00
0.00 0.00
- Columns (450 x 450 mm) 6.00 4.00 1.80 43.20 0.00
0.00 0.00
- Bracing beam(350 x 500 mm) 1.00 21.99 1.70 37.38 0.00
Sub-total 104.14 401.36 41,797.63
10.30 Cement plaster from 8 m to 12 m height 0.00
- Landing beam for staircase 2.00 0.90 0.59 1.06 0.00
Over Head Tank ( 100 m3)


S.No Quantity Unit Rate(Rs) Amount(Rs)

NO Length Breadth Height

End of beam for closing 2.00 0.35 0.07 0.05 0.00
0.00 0.00
- Landing of staircase at top & botom 4.00 (1.34+0.60)/2 0.90 3.49 0.00
Edge of landing slab 2.00 1.34 0.18 0.48 0.00
2.00 0.90 0.18 0.32 0.00
Steps of staircase 24.00 0.90 0.27 5.83 0.00
- 25.00 0.90 0.15 3.38 0.00
0.00 0.00
Waist slab 2.00 3.55 0.90 6.39 0.00
- Both edge of waist slab 4.00 3.55 0.18 2.56 0.00
0.00 0.00
Columns (450 x 450 mm) 6.00 4.00 1.80 43.20 0.00
0.00 0.00
- Bracing beam(350 x 500 mm) 1.00 21.99 1.70 37.38 0.00
0.00 0.00
Sub-total 104.14 401.36 41,797.63
10.40 Cement plaster from 12 m to 16 m height 0.00
Landing beam for staircase 0.00
- End of beam for closing 2.00 0.90 0.59 1.06 0.00
2.00 0.35 0.07 0.05 0.00
Landing of staircase at top & botom 0.00 0.00
- Edge of landing slab 4.00 (1.34+0.60)/2 0.90 3.49 0.00
2.00 1.34 0.18 0.48 0.00
Steps of staircase 2.00 0.90 0.18 0.32 0.00
24.00 0.90 0.27 5.83 0.00
- 25.00 0.90 0.15 3.38 0.00
Waist slab 0.00 0.00
Both edge of waist slab 2.00 3.55 0.90 6.39 0.00
- 4.00 3.55 0.18 2.56 0.00
Columns (450 x 450 mm) 0.00 0.00
6.00 4.00 1.80 43.20 0.00
Bracing beam(350 x 500 mm) 0.00 0.00
- 1.00 21.99 1.70 37.38 0.00
Sub-total 104.14 401.36 41,797.63
10.40 Cement plaster from 16 m & above height 0.00
- Top dome (top & bottom surfaces) 2.00 surface area = 48.45 96.90 0.00
- Top ring beam 1.00 22.78 0.20 4.56 0.00
- RCC post for railing at cantilever slab 16.00 0.46 0.90 6.62 0.00
RCC post for railing at Top dome slab 6.00 0.46 0.90 2.48 0.00
RCC post for railing at Staircase 29.00 0.46 0.90 12.01 0.00
top of RCC post 51.00 0.13 0.10 0.66 0.00
Sub-total 123.23 0.00
Total quantity of cement plaster 682.19 m2 401.36 273,803.78
12.5 mm thick cement plaster on wall (1:3) with 3% Silica 0.00
11.00 Admixture
Inner side of beam face 1 21.52 0.20 4.30 0.00
Tank floor circular slab (top & bottom surfaces) 2.00 Area = 36.85 73.70 0.00
Cylindrical wall inner & outer surface 2.00 21.99 2.80 123.15 0.00
Total 201.15 m2 0.00
12.00 Cement punning Floor work (1:1) 0.00
Cylindrical watar tank wall (inner surface) 1.00 21.52 3.00 64.56 0.00
Tank floor circular slab (inner surface) 1.00 Area = 36.85 36.85 0.00
Sub-total of cement punning 101.41 m2 424.04 43,001.90
40-50 mm thick cement concrete (gravel 6 mm down) mix 0.00
13.00 M20 laid over concrete floor base
Tank floor circular slab (inner surface) 1.00 Area = 36.85 36.85 m2 281.85 10,386.17
Two coats of Weather coat paint with primer (Qty as Plaster 283.06 220,960.88
14.00 - Plaster inside of tank wall) 1.00 780.62 m2
15.00 Scaffolding Work 1 1.00 Job 10,000.00 10,000.00
16.00 32 mm dia GI railing 0.00
- Railing on cantilever balcony 2.00 24.70 49.40 0.00
Railing on Top of Dome 2.00 5.50 11.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
Railing on staircase (longitudinal both sides) from base up to 0.00 0.00
- top , Nos. = 2*2
2.00 53.60 107.20 0.00
Sub-total of 32 mm dia. GI railing 167.60 Rm 4,319.84 724,005.18
Supply and installation of inspection ladders from balcony to
the top of dome and inner ladder from top of dome to 2 300.00 kg 140.77 42,231.00
17.00 bottom of dome
Over Head Tank ( 100 m3)


S.No Quantity Unit Rate(Rs) Amount(Rs)

NO Length Breadth Height

Supply and fixing of 750 mm *750mm Rectangular Iron
angle framed manhole cover including all fittings in spherical 1 1.00 set 3,058.78 3,058.78
18.00 dome of tank
19.00 Fixing Mosquito proof net with Wooden beads 4.00 0.45 0.45 0.81 m 2
485.96 393.63
Two coat readymade enamel paint over one coat of primer 5.25 0.00
20.00 all around the railing pipe and inspec. Iron Ladder 2.00 0.75 3.50
Railing pipe 1.00 167.60 0.10 16.84 0.00 0.00
Total of Emamel painting on railing 22.09 m2 485.96 10,734.86

21.00 Supply & Installation of electric bulb on the top of tankd dom 1.00 job 10,000.00 10,000.00
including electrification work all complete
22.00 Supply & Installation ofwater level indicator all complete 1 1.00 no 10,000.00 10,000.00
23.00 Floor finishing & Surface drainage work 0.00
a E/W excavation in foundation hard soil 0.00
For floor finishing 1.00 4.57 4.57 0.35 22.95 0.00
For Surface Drainage 1.00 30.77 0.66 0.65 13.20 0.00
For Chamber 1.00 1.15 1.15 1.00 1.32 0.00
Near Entrance gate area out of Drain 1.00 3.10 2.40 0.25 1.86 0.00
Total Quantity 39.33 m3 858.76 33,775.03
b Stone soling work without sand 0.00
For floor finishing 1.00 4.57 4.57 0.20 13.12 0.00
For Surface Drainage 1.00 30.77 0.66 0.15 3.05 0.00
For Chamber 1.00 1.15 1.15 0.15 0.20 0.00
Near Entrance gate area out of Drain 1.00 3.10 2.40 0.15 1.12 0.00
Total Quantity 17.49 m3 7,240.03 126,628.12
c PCC (1:2:4) works 0.00
For floor finishing 1.00 4.57 4.57 0.15 9.84 0.00
For Surface Drainage 1.00 30.77 0.66 0.10 2.03 0.00
For Chamber 1.00 1.15 1.15 0.10 0.13 0.00
Near Entrance gate area out of Drain 1.00 3.10 2.40 0.10 0.74 0.00
Total Quantity 12.74 m3 17,081.86 217,622.90
d 1st Class brick work in 1:4 c/s morter 0.00
For Surface Drainage 2.00 30.77 0.23 0.40 5.54 0.00
For Chamber 1.00 3.68 0.23 0.75 0.63 0.00
Total Quantity 6.17 m3 16,377.13 101,046.89
e 20mm thick Cement Plaster in 1:4 C/S morter 0.00
For floor finishing 1.00 4.57 4.57 65.58 0.00
For Surface Drainage 0.00 0.00
inside of wall 2.00 30.77 0.40 24.62 0.00
Top of wall 2.00 30.77 0.23 13.85 0.00
Bottom of drain 1.00 30.77 0.20 6.15 0.00
For Chamber 0.00 0.00
Inner side wall 1.00 2.76 0.75 2.07 0.00
Floor 1.00 0.69 0.69 0.48 0.00
Top of wall 1.00 3.68 0.23 0.85 0.00
Near Entrance gate area out of Drain 1.00 3.10 2.40 7.44 0.00
Total Quantity 121.04 m2 401.36 48,580.61
f 3 mm thick cement punning in (1:1 ) c/m 0.00
For Surface Drainage 0.00
inside of wall 2.00 30.77 0.40 24.62 0.00
Top of wall 2.00 30.77 0.23 13.85 0.00
Bottom of drain 1.00 30.77 0.20 6.15 0.00
For Chamber 0.00 0.00
Inner side wall 1.00 2.76 0.75 2.07 0.00
Floor 1.00 0.69 0.69 0.48 0.00
Top of wall 1.00 3.68 0.23 0.85 0.00
Inner side wall 1.00 3.10 2.40 7.44 0.00
Total Quantity 55.46 m 2
240.72 13,350.33

23 Supply of DI pipes, fittings and accessories as per drawing

and specification;-a) Inlet fittings (i) DN 150 DI Tail Piece 1
1.00 No 4,300.00 4,300.00
ii) DN 150 DI Pipe(Class k-9) 24.00 24 Rm 7,000.00 168,000.00
iii) DN 150 DI Bell mouth 1.00 1 No 7,500.00 7,500.00
iv) DN 150 DI Duck Foot bend 90 degree Double Flanged 1.00 1 No 16,500.00 16,500.00
v) DN 150 DI Mechanical coupling with Rubber ring 1.00 1 No 15,000.00 15,000.00
vi)DN 150 DI bend with Double Flanged 1.00 1 No 13,500.00 13,500.00
b) Washout fittings (i) DN 150 DI Tail Piece 1.00 1 No 4,300.00 4,300.00
ii) DN 150 DI Pipe(Class k-9) 20.00 20 No 7,000.00 140,000.00
iii) DN 150 DI Bell mouth 1.00 1 Rm 7,500.00 7,500.00
iv) DN 150 DI Duck Foot bend 90 degree Double Flanged 1.00 1 No 16,500.00 16,500.00
v) DN 150 DI Sluice Valve 1.00 1 No 30,000.00 30,000.00
vi) DN 150 DI Mechanical coupling with Rubber ring 1.00 1 No 15,000.00 15,000.00
vii)DN 150 DI bend with Double Flanged 1.00 1 No 13,500.00 13,500.00
c) Overflow Fittings (i) DN 150 DI Tail Piece 1.00 1 No 4,300.00 4,300.00
ii) DN 150 DI Pipe(Class k-9) 24.00 24 No 7,000.00 168,000.00
iii) DN 150 DI Bell mouth 1.00 1 No 7,500.00 7,500.00
iv) DN 150 DI Duck Foot bend 90 degree Double Flanged 1.00 1 Rm 16,500.00 16,500.00
v) DN 150 DI Mechanical coupling with Rubber ring 1.00 1 No 15,000.00 15,000.00
vi)DN 150 DI bend with Double Flanged 1.00 1 No 13,500.00 13,500.00
d) Outlet Fittings (i) DN 200 DI Tail Piece 1.00 1 No 4,300.00 4,300.00
ii) DN 150 DI Pipe(Class k-9) 20.00 20 No 7,000.00 140,000.00
Over Head Tank ( 100 m3)


S.No Quantity Unit Rate(Rs) Amount(Rs)

NO Length Breadth Height

iii) DN 150 DI Bell mouth 1.00 1 No 7,500.00 7,500.00
iv) DN 150 DI Duck Foot bend 90 degree Double Flanged 1.00 1 No 16,500.00 16,500.00
v) DN 150 DI Sluice Valve 1.00 1 Rm 30,000.00 30,000.00
vi) DN 150 DI Mechanical coupling with Rubber ring 1.00 1 No 13,500.00 13,500.00
vii) DN 150 DI Bulk Water Meter 1.00 1 No 48,000.00 48,000.00
viii)DN 150 DI bend with Double Flanged 1.00 1 No 13,500.00 13,500.00
24 Jointing and fitting of inlet, outlet,washout and overflow pipe ,bell
mouth,duck foots etc. 1
1.00 No 40,000.00 40,000.00
25 Supply and Installation of Electric balb on the top of Tank dom
including Electrification work all complete 1
1.00 No 20,000.00 20,000.00
26 Supply and Installation of water level indicator all complete
1.00 No 10,000.00 10,000.00
27 Supply and installation of Iron angle framed Grill Gate at
staircase on 3rd bracing (Size 0.90*1.80 m) 1
1.00 No 10,000.00 10,000.00
28 Provide safety equipment for the engineer & mason & labours at
each of the site office of the types and number specified for the
period of the contract as per specification 1

1.00 No 10,000.00 10,000.00

29 Leak proof test and disinfection of reservoir all complete
1.00 No 10,000.00 10,000.00
Total Price (Without VAT and PS) (B) 6,363,974.08
Required data from design sheet

Leveling height = 1.00 m

Exposed height = 1.00 m
Stone soling = 0.20 m
PCC(1:3:6) in base = 0.10 m
PCC(1:1.5:3) in base slab = 0.15 m
Offset of base slab = 0.30 m

Length of edge for -ve re X:. = 0.58 m

Length of edge for -ve re Y: = 0.58 m
Haunch(inner) = 0.200 m × = 0.200 m
Haunch bars 10 mmØ 200 mm c/c
Reinforcement in base slab
Bottom(both ways) 10 mmØ 150 mm c/c
Top(both ways) 10 mmØ 180 mm c/c
Reinforcement in Wall
Curtailment ist height for both reinforcement = 1.000 m
Inner bars 10 mmØ 170 mm c/c for 1.00 m
Inner bars 10 mmØ 190 mm c/c for 0.80 m
Outer bars 10 mmØ 170 mm c/c for 1.00 m
Outer bars 10 mmØ 190 mm c/c for 0.80 m
verical -inner 10 mmØ 170 mm c/c
Verical -outer 10 mmØ 170 mm c/c
cantilever reinforcement
verical -inner 8 mmØ 200 mm c/c for 1.00 m

Reinforcement in slab
main bars(+ve and -ve)-x 8 mmØ 150 mm c/c
main bars(+ve and -ve)-y 8 mmØ 150 mm c/c
Distribution bars for -ve rein.: 8 mmØ 150 mm c/c

Reinforcement in cover slab of VC

bottom and top bars-x+y direct 8 mmØ 150 mm c/c
Reinforcement Cement Concrete Square Tank
5 m3 capacity

Inner side of tank = 2.00 m × = 2.00 m

Thickness of wall = 0.15 m
Total tank height = 1.80 m
Thickness of cover slab = 0.120 m

S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Qty. Unit

1 Removing top soil for site preparation (L= d+4 m,B=d+4 m) 1 5.00 5.00 25.00 m²
2 Earthwork in excavation for foundation in
levelling 0.5 5.00 5.00 1.50 18.75
Storage tank(L.L.H, L = L+2.t+1.00) 1 3.30 3.30 0.80 8.71
Valve Chamber 1 1.90 1.80 1.00 3.42
Washout pipe trench 1 10.00 0.60 0.90 5.40
Total earth work 36.28 m³
3 Earthwork in back filling with
for working space of storage tank 1 18.40 1.00 0.80 14.72
Washout pipe trench 1 10.00 0.60 0.90 5.40
Deduct soling and PCC/RCC portion 1 20.80 0.30 0.45 -2.81
Net backfilling work 17.31 m³
4 Stone soling work
Storage tank 1 2.90 2.90 0.20 1.68
Valve Chamber 1 1.90 1.80 0.20 0.68
Total soling work 2.37 m³
5 Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar
Valve Chamber 1 5.60 0.45 0.80 2.02 m³
6 PCC (1:3:6) in foundation
- tank foundation 1 2.90 2.90 0.10 0.84 m³

7 PCC (1:1½:3) for RCC work

for tank base slab 1 2.90 2.90 0.15 1.26
- for wall portion 1 8.6 0.15 1.80 2.32
- for inner haunch portion 0.5 8.8 0.20 0.20 0.18
-for maintaining floor slope( slope 1:100) 0.5 2.00 2 0.02 0.04
Total PCC for RCC works 3.800 m³
8 PCC (1:2:4) for RCC work
cover slab 1 2.3 2.3 0.12 0.63
cover slab of VC 1 1.9 1.8 0.10 0.34
- deduct for manhole 2 0.6 0.6 0.07 -0.05
Total PCC works 0.926 m³
9 Shuttering works for RCC for vertical walls
- inner portion 1 8.00 1.80 14.40
- outer portion 1 9.2 1.80 16.56
cover slab 1 2 2 4.00
Outer edge of slab 1 9.2 0.12 1.10
bottom of cover slab of VC 1 1.9 1.8 3.42
edge of cover slab 1 7.4 0.10 0.74
Total shuttering works 40.22 m²

10 Steel reinforcement
-Base slab
Bottom main bars 10 @ 150 mm C/C -2 directions 2 2.9 20 no 0.617 kg/m 72.71
S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Qty. Unit
top main bars 10 @ 180 mm C/C -2 directions 2 2.90 17 no 0.617 kg/m 61.19
total reinforcement in base slab 133.90
Vertical walls
vertical bars- inner :10 mmØ @ 170 c/c 52 2.78 @ 0.617 kg/m 89.37
vertical bars- outer :10 mmØ @ 170 c/c 57 2.78 @ 0.617 kg/m 97.42
Inner hor. bars of 10 mmØ bars 170 mm c/c upto 1 m height 7 16.50 @ 0.617 kg/m 70.01
Inner hr. bars of 10 mmØ bars 190 mm c/c for next 0.8 m heigh 5 16.50 @ 0.617 kg/m 53.01
Outer hor. bars of 10 mmØ bars 170 mm c/c upto 1 m height 7 9.00 @ 0.617 kg/m 38.19
Outer hor.bars of 10 mmØ bars 190 mm c/c for next 0.8 m heigh 5 9.00 @ 0.617 kg/m 28.91
Haunch bars 10 Ø at 200 mm c/c 45 1.48 @ 0.617 kg/m 41.12
total reinforcement in wall 418.03
Roof slab of tank
main bars - X: 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 16 2.40 @ 0.395 kg/m 12.12
main bars - Y: 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 16 2.40 @ 0.395 kg/m 12.12
top main bars at edges X: 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 16 2.40 @ 0.395 kg/m 12.12
top main bars at edges Y: 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 16 2.40 @ 0.395 kg/m 12.12
Reinforcement in cover slab of VC
bottom and top main bars -X dir: 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 2× 14 1.8 @ 0.395 kg/m 19.41
bottom and top main bars -Y dir: 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 2× 13 1.9 @ 0.395 kg/m 19.49
total reinforcement in cover slab 87.39
Deduct for manhole 1 nos: 12 0.600 @ 0.395 kg/m -2.84
total reinforcement 636.48
add 5% for splice length etc. 31.82
Total reinforcement work 668.30 kg
11 12.5 mm thick 1:3 cement-sand plaster
-floor of tank 1 2.00 2.00 4.00
- fillet portion 1 8.80 0.28 2.49
- inner wall portion 1 8.00 1.60 12.80
Total plaster work 19.29 m²
12 3 mm thick 1:1 cement sand punning as per plaster work in item no 13 19.29 m²

13 12.5 mm thick 1:4 cement-sand plaster

-outer wall portion 1 9.20 1.92 17.66
Top of slab 1 2.30 2.30 5.29
inner side of VC 1 7.40 0.80 5.92
Total 28.87 m²
14 Two coats of bitumen paint on the buried surface of storage tank
-outer wall portion(buried portion) 1 9.20 0.80 7.36 m²
15 Two coats of snowcem paint on exposed surface of storage tank
- Wall portion(exposed portion) 1 9.20 1.00 9.20
Top of slab 1 2.30 2.30 5.29
Total 14.49 m²
16 25 mmØ GI pipe ladder 45 cm width 2.2 m long 1.00 no
17 Supply and installation of standard man hole cover (60×60 cm²) 2.00 set
18 Installation of pipes & fittings for RCC tank 1.00 job
19 Site levelling work 1.00 job
20 Barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 4 4.50 18.00 m
21 Entrance gate in barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 1 1.00 No
Total cost of Reservoir tank with fencing and gate
Reinforcement Cement Concrete Square Tank
5 m3 capacity

S.N. Description of items Qty. Unit Rate Amount

1 Removing top soil for site preparation 25.00 m² 106.72 2668.00

Earthwork in excavation for foundation work in
2 hard soil 36.28 m³ 858.76 31157.53

3 Earth work in backfilling with hard soil 17.31 m³ 432.81 7492.81

4 Dry stone soling work in foundation 2.37 m³ 7240.03 17129.91

5 RR Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar 2.02 m³ 15855.45 31964.59

6 Plain cement concrete (1:3:6) for foundation work 0.84 m³ 15514.93 13048.06

7 Plain cement concrete (1:1½:3) for RCC work 3.80 m³ 20414.80 77566.03

8 Plain cement concrete (1:2:4) for RCC work 0.93 m³ 18887.36 17497.25
Centering and shuttering for walls, vertical
9 surfaces and simple slabs 40.22 m² 735.61 29589.18

10 Steel reinforcement for RCC work 668.30 kg 113.68 75972.37

11 12.5 mm thick 1:3 c-s plaster 19.29 m² 408.99 7889.01

12 3 mm thick 1:1 c-s punning 19.29 m² 240.72 4643.25

13 12.5 mm thick 1:4 c-s plaster 28.87 m² 401.36 11588.87

14 Two (first & second) coats of bitumen painting 7.36 m² 112.41 827.34

15 Two (first & second) coats of snowcem painting 14.49 m² 148.26 2148.29

16 25 mmØ GI pipe ladder 45 cm width, 2.2 m long 1.00 no 4319.84 4319.84

Supply and installation of standard manhole cover
17 (60×60 cm²) 2.000 set 2967.42 5934.84
Installation of pipes & fittings for RCC tank (<=30
18 m3) 1.000 job 3000.00 3000.00

19 Site levelling work 1.000 job 5000.00 5000.00

Cost of water for construction and curing 6.00 m³ 1000.00 6 000.00

Subtotal: 355437.17
Reinforcement Cement Concrete
200 m3 capacity
Height of stagnant water = 0.15 m

Adopt inner diameter, d = 9.45 m Total tank height = 3.00 m

Thickness of wall = 0.20 m Effective Volume = 199.89 m³
Dome rise, h = 1.65 m
200 m³ RCC tank
S.N. Description No. Radius dius Breadth Height Qty. Unit
1 Removing top soil (L= d+4 m,B=d+4 m) 13.45 13.45 180.90 m²
2 Earthwork in excavation for foundation in
- for leveling 0.5 10.95 10.95 0.50 29.98
Storage tank(π r²h, r = d/2+t+1.00) π 5.93 5.93 - 1.90 209.55
π 5.23 5.23 - 0.60 51.46
Valve Chamber 1 1.90 1.90 2.10 7.58
Washout pipe trench 10.00 0.60 1.45 8.70
Total earth work 307.26 m³
3 Earthwork in back filling with
in storage tank : total trench (πr²h) π 5.93 5.93 - 1.90 209.55
Washout pipe trench 10.00 0.60 1.45 8.70
Deduct tank portion (πr²h'): r=d/2+t π 4.93 4.93 - 1.90 -144.78
Net backfilling work 73.46 m³
4 Stone soling work
Storage tank(π r²h, r = d/2+t+0.30) π 5.23 5.23 - 0.20 17.15
Valve Chamber 1 1.90 1.90 0.20 0.72
Total soling work 17.88 m³
5 Stone masonry in 1:6 c-s mortar
Valve Chamber 5.80 0.45 1.90 4.96 m³
6 PCC (1:3:6) in foundation
- tank foundation(π r²h, r = d/2+t+0.30) π 5.23 5.23 0.15 12.865 m³

7 PCC (1:1½:3) for RCC work

for tank base slab(π r²h, r = d/2+t+0.30) π 5.23 5.23 - 0.25 21.442
- for wall portion(2π r't, r'=d/2+t/2) 2π 4.825 0.20 3.00 18.190
- for inner haunch portion 2π/2 4.63 0.20 0.20 0.581
- for outer fillet portion 2π/2 5.03 0.20 0.20 0.631
-for maintaining floor slope( slope 1:100) π/2 4.73 4.73 0.09 3.314
Total PCC works 44.158 m³
8 PCC (1:2:4) for RCC dome work
- ring beam 2π 5.13 0.4 0.4 5.150
- conical dome
V=p .L.h1.t.tan¢ : L = √[h1²+(D/2)²] π 5.17 4.88 0.10 7.910
Parapet at the edge of ring beam ( for water collection) 2π 5.08 0.1 0.1 0.319
- Deduction for
-Manhole cover for tank and VC 1 0.75 0.75 0.05 -0.028
Total 13.351 m³
9 Shuttering works for RCC for vertical walls
- inner portion 2π 4.725 3.00 89.06
- outer portion 2π 4.925 3.00 92.83
-Ringbeam -inner and outer 2×2π 4.925 0.40 24.76
-soffit 2π 5.025 0.2 6.31
Total shuttering works 212.97 m²

10 Shuttering works for RCC for dome portion

A=p.L.h1.tan¢ : L = √[h1²+(D/2)²] π 5.00 4.73 74.290 m²
11 Steel reinforcement
200 m³ RCC tank
S.N. Description No. Radius dius Breadth Height Qty. Unit
-Base slab
Bottom main bars 12 @ 180 mm C/C -2 directions 2.00 59.00 10.45 ×0.8 @ 0.888 kg/m 875.81
top main bars 12 @ 150 mm C/C -2 directions 2.00 71.00 10.45 ×0.8 @ 0.888 kg/m 1053.94
Circumferential reinforcement for 1.5 m outer width
Bottom main bars 10 @ 180 mm C/C -2 layers 2π 9.00 8.95 ×1.1 @ 0.617 kg/m 343.24
Distribution bars 10 @ 200 mm C/C -2 layers 2.00 165.00 1.5 '@ 0.617 kg/m 305.19
total reinforcement in foundation 2578.18
Vertical walls
vertical bars- inner :12 mmØ @ 150 c/c 200 4.40 @ 0.888 kg/m 781.28
vertical bars- outer :12 mmØ @ 150 c/c 206 5.10 @ 0.888 kg/m 932.74
Inner rings of 12 mmØ bars 125 mm c/c upto 1 m height 2π 9 nos 4.768 ×1.1 @ 0.888 kg/m 263.31
Inner rings of 12 mmØ bars 170 mm c/c upto 2 m height 2π 13 nos 4.768 ×1.1 @ 0.888 kg/m 380.34
Outer rings of 12 mmØ bars 125 mm c/c upto 1 m height 2π 9.00 4.882 ×1.1 @ 0.888 kg/m 269.61
Outer rings of 12 mmØ bars 170 mm c/c upto 2 m height 2π 13.00 4.882 ×1.1 @ 0.888 kg/m 389.44

total reinforcement in wall 3016.71

conical Dome
Ring beam- main bar 12 mmØ 8 30.94 @ 0.888 kg/m 219.79
stirrups - 2 legged 8 mmØ @150 mm c/c 214 1.55 @ 0.395 kg/m 130.63
meridional bars 10 mmØ @ 180 mm c/c
for whole length 19 5.16 @ 0.617 kg/m 60.45
for 7/8 length 19 4.59 @ 0.617 kg/m 53.77
for 3/4 length 37 4.02 @ 0.617 kg/m 91.70
for 1/2 length 74 2.88 @ 0.617 kg/m 131.40
distribution bars assuming average value
distribution bars 10 mmØ @ 180 mm c/c 30 15.32 1.1 @ 0.617 kg/m 308.56
distribution bar - 10 mmØ 2 nos 2 31.89 @ 0.617 kg/m 39.35
total reinforcement in dome 1035.63 kg
Total reinforcement work 6630.53 kg
12 12.5 mm thick 1:3 cement-sand plaster
-floor of tank π 4.53 4.53 64.33
- fillet portion 2π 4.63 0.28 8.22
- inner wall portion 2π 4.73 3.20 95.00
Total plaster work 167.55 m²
13 3 mm thick 1:1 cement sand punning as per plaster work in item no 13 167.55 m²

14 12.5 mm thick 1:4 cement-sand plaster

-outer wall portion 2π 4.93 2.80 86.65
-outer fillet portion 2π 5.03 0.28 8.93
-beam soffit 2π 5.03 0.20 6.31
-beam outer face 2π 5.13 0.40 12.88
-beam upper face 2π 5.077 0.10 3.08
-outer surface of dome
A=p.L.h.tan¢ : L = √[h²+(D/2)²] π 5.33 5.028 84.14
Total plaster 201.99
15 Bitumen paint on the buried surface of storage tank
-outer wall portion(buried portion) 2π 4.93 1.90 58.79 m²
16 Snowcem paint on exposed surface of storage tank
- Wall portion(exposed portion) 2π 4.93 1.10 34.04
-beam soffit 2π 5.03 0.20 6.31
-beam outer face 2π 5.13 0.40 12.88
-beam upper face 2π 5.077 0.10 3.08
-outer surface of dome
A=p.L.h.tan¢ : L = √[h²+(D/2)²] π 5.33 5.028 84.14

17 GI water stopper 150mm wide, 20 SWG
at three sections of concrete joint(20% overlap) 3×2π×1.2 4.83 109.14 m
18 32 mmØ GI pipe ladder 45 cm width 4.1 m long for the inspection of the tank inside 1.00 no
19 Water Level indicator 1.00 no
20 Standard Manhole cover set 75×75 cm size 2.00 set
21 Installation of Pipes & fittings 1.00 job
200 m³ RCC tank
S.N. Description No. Radius dius Breadth Height Qty. Unit
22 Site development works 1.00 job
23 Barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 4 17.00 69.00 m
24 Entrancce gate in barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 1 1.00 No
Abstract of Cost
Reinforced Cement Concrete Underground Circular Tank
Capacity of reservoir : 200 m³

Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

S.N. Description Qty. Unit Unit Rate Amount(Rs.)

Removing top soil for site preparation 180.9025 m² 106.72 19 305.91
2 Earthwork in excavation for foundation work in
hard soil 307.263481 m³ 858.76 2 63 865.59
Earth work in backfilling with hard soil 73.46 m³ 432.81 31 795.92
Dry stone soling work in foundation 17.8754886 m³ 7240.03 1 29 419.07
RR Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar 4.959 m³ 15855.45 78 627.18
Plain cement concrete (1:3:6) for foundation work 12.8651164 m³ 15514.93 1 99 601.38
Plain cement concrete (1:1½:3) for RCC work 44.1583584 m³ 20414.80 9 01 484.05
Plain cement concrete (1:2:4) for RCC work 13.3507467 m³ 18887.36 2 52 160.36
9 Centering and shuttering for walls, vertical
surfaces and simple slabs 212.968566 m² 735.61 1 56 661.81
Centering and shuttering for dome and arches 74.29 m² 1658.55 1 23 213.68
Steel reinforcement for RCC work 6630.52579 kg 113.68 7 53 758.17
12.5 mm thick 1:3 c-s plaster 167.547168 m² 408.99 68 525.12
3 mm thick 1:1 c-s punning 167.547168 m² 240.72 40 331.95
12.5 mm thick 1:4 c-s plaster 201.990242 m² 401.36 81 070.80
Two (first & second) coats of bitumen painting 58.7949065 m² 112.41 6 609.14
Two (first & second) coats of snowcem painting 140.45 m² 148.26 20 823.72
GI water stopper 150 mm wide, 20 SWG 109.138929 m 261.63 28 554.02
18 32 mmØ GI pipe ladder 45 cm width, 4.1 m long
1 no 7732.68 7 732.68
Water Level indicator 1 job 1500.00 1 500.00
20 Supply and installation of standard manhole cover
(75×75 cm²) 2 set 3748.32 7 496.64
Installation of pipes & fittings for RCC tank (>30 m3) 1 job 5500.00 5 500.00
Site levelling work 1 job 5000.00 5 000.00
Barbed wire fencing Type A 69 m 9027.33 6 22 885.77
Entrance gate in barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 1 no 22820.07 22 820.07
Cost of water for construction and curing 70 m³ 1000.00 70 000.00
Subtotal 38 98 743.03

Add Value Added Tax @ 13% 5 06 836.59

Total Amount Rs. 44 05 579.62

Details of Bar Shedule of OHT 100 m3
Rapto auto Engineering Association Water Supply Project(4th & final bill)

Descreption of Dia. of Bar bar Total No. Weight/M Total Weight
S.N. Member Position ( mm) Length of Bar eter of Bar (Kg)
Top Bars 16 8.13 12 1.58 154.14
Bottom Bars 20 8.33 12 2.469 246.80
Raft Beam / Circular
1 Side Bars 10 7.83 18 0.617 86.96
Stirrups 10 2.46 183 0.617 277.76
sub total 765.66
Bottom Main Bars 12 2.20 122 0.889 238.61
2 Raft Slab Bottom Dist. Bars 10 11.496 20 0.617 141.86
sub total 380.47
Long Bars 16 25.5 12 1.58 483.48
1st Stirrups 8 1.4 180 0.395 99.54
3 Columns 2nd Stirrups 8 1.4 180 0.395 99.54
3rd Stirrups 8 1.2 180 0.395 85.32
sub total( for one Column) 767.88
for 6 no of column 4607.28

4 Bracing Beam Top Bars 25 8.5 12 3.858 393.52

Top Bars 20 8.3 3 2.469 61.48
Bottom Bars 25 8.5 12 3.858 393.52
Bottom Bars 20 8.3 3 2.469 61.48
Side Bars 12 7.9 6 0.889 42.14
Vertical Stirrups 8 1.6 60 0.395 37.92
Vertical Stirrups 8 1.6 120 0.395 75.84
Cross bar (crank) 12 1.5 24 0.889 32.00
sub total( one No. of bracing beam ) 1097.90
for 4nos of bracing beam 4391.60
5 Bottom Ring Beam Top Bars 20 8.33 15 2.469 308.50
Bottom Bars 16 8.13 3 1.58 38.54
Bottom Bars 20 8.33 6 2.469 123.40
Side Bars 10 7.83 12 0.617 57.97
Stirrups 10 1.96 163 0.617 197.12
sub total 725.53

Cantilever Slab
6 Top main Bars
around the Tank 8 1.35 157 0.395 83.72
Distribution Bars 8 11.295 20 0.395 89.23
Vertical Bars 10 1.535 112 0.617 106.07
Stirrups 8 0.55 308 0.395 66.91
sub total 345.93
7 Tank Floor Circular Bottom Bars
Slab 16 4.325 76 1.58 519.35
Top main Bars 16 1.93 102 1.58 311.04
Top Distribution Bars 10 9.768 33 0.617 198.89
sub total 1029.28
Details of Bar Shedule of OHT 100 m3
Rapto auto Engineering Association Water Supply Project(4th & final bill)

Descreption of Dia. of Bar bar Total No. Weight/M Total Weight
S.N. Member Position ( mm) Length of Bar eter of Bar (Kg)
8 Cylinderical wall Circum bar(17) 10 11.496 36 0.617 255.35
Circum bar(17) 10 11.496 28 0.617 198.60
Vertical bar(18) bar 10 3.38 220 0.617 458.80
sub total 912.75
9 Top ring beam Ring Beam (14) 12 8.087 12 0.889 86.27
Ring Beam (15) 8 0.75 113 0.395 33.48
sub total 119.75
10 Top Dome Bottom Bars(1) 8 3.971 180 0.395 282.34
Bottom Bars(2) 8 12.102 29 0.395 138.63
Top bar(3) 8 1 108 0.395 42.66
Top bar(4) 8 11.1 12 0.395 52.61
Ventilator (5) 8 1.6 4 0.395 2.53
Manhole(6) 8 1.4 8 0.395 4.42
Ventilator (7) 8 1 27 0.395 10.67
Ventilator (8) 8 5.341 6 0.395 12.66
Ventilator (9) 10 2.542 4 0.617 6.27
Ventilator (10) 8 0.65 14 0.395 3.59
Ventilator (11) 12 1.68 16 0.889 23.90
Ventilator (12) 8 0.55 24 0.395 5.21
Ventilator (13) 8 0.5 16 0.395 3.16
sub total 588.65
11 Main bar of waist
(foundation to 1st
flight) 12 7.111 6 0.889 37.93
Distribution bar (48) 8 0.710 29 0.395 8.13
Distribution bar (48) 8 0.710 37 0.395 10.38
Distribution bar (48) 8 0.710 23 0.395 6.45
Footing(49) 12 3.023 5 0.889 13.44
Footing(50) 12 1.905 5 0.889 8.47
Bottom Bar(51) 12 2.458 6 0.889 13.11
Top Bar at Landing(52) 10 1.100 5 0.617 3.39
Distribution Bar at
Bottom(53) 12 1.000 6 0.889 5.33
Distribution bar on
steps(54) 8 0.906 95 0.395 34.00
Nosing bar on steps(55)
10 0.71 19 0.617 8.32
Top bar onLanding (56) 20 2.36 4 2.469 23.31
Top bar onLanding (56) 20 2.36 2 2.469 11.65
Stirrupa at Landing(57) 8 1.26 8 0.395 3.98
sub total 187.89
Staircase ( 1st flight
12 Main bar at bottom(58)
to 2nd flight ) 12 6.969 6 0.889 37.17
Distribution bar (48) 8 0.71 29 0.395 8.13
Details of Bar Shedule of OHT 100 m3
Rapto auto Engineering Association Water Supply Project(4th & final bill)

Descreption of Dia. of Bar bar Total No. Weight/M Total Weight
S.N. Member Position ( mm) Length of Bar eter of Bar (Kg)
Distribution bar 1st upto
2nd (48) 8 0.71 33 0.395 9.25
Distribution bar at
top(48) 8 0.71 27 0.395 7.57
Top bar at Landing(52) 10 1.1 5 0.617 3.39
Bottom bar at
Landing(51) 12 2.457 6 0.889 13.11
Top bar at 1st
Landing(59) 12 1.9 6 0.889 10.13
Top bar at 1st
Landing(60) 10 0.73 5 0.617 2.25
Distribution bar on
stapes (54) 8 0.906 95 0.395 34.00
Nossing bar(55) 10 0.71 19 0.617 8.32
Top Bar at 2nd Landing
(56) 20 2.36 4 2.469 23.31
Bottom Bar at 2nd
Landing (56) 20 2.36 2 2.469 11.65
Stirrups Landing (57) 8 1.26 8 0.395 3.98
sub total 172.26
Total from 1st step to top flight)-4.0nos of flight 689.04
Grand Total weight(kg) 14743.83
Procurement of Pipes
Scheme 1
Scheme 1
Design Quantiy Total weight
S.No. Pipe size and series Unit Quantity weight Rate Amount
(kg/m) (kg)

1 HDPE pipes
Transmission line:
80 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 227 249.7 8.85 2209.85 887.25 2 21 546.33

Sum(T) 227 249.7 8.85 2209.85 2 21 546.33

Distribution line:
2 25mmØ 12.5 kgf/cm2 m 7425 8167.5 0.173 1412.98 44.98 3 67 374.15
4 32 mmØ 10 kgf/cm2 m 248 272.8 0.234 63.84 60.84 16 597.15
40 mmØ 10 kgf/cm2 m 179 196.9 0.312 61.43 81.12 15 972.53
8 40 mmØ 12.5 kgf/cm2 m 22 24.2 0.434 10.50 112.84 2 730.73
10 50 mmØ 10 kgf/cm2 m 55 60.5 0.365 22.08 94.90 5 741.45
12 50 mmØ 12.5 kgf/cm2 m 110 121 0.673 81.43 174.98 21 172.58
14 63 mmØ 6 kgf/cm2 m 50 55 0.568 31.24 147.68 8 122.40
15 63 mmØ 10 kgf/cm2 m 127 139.7 0.882 123.22 229.32 32 036.00
75mm 10 kgf/cm2 m 99 108.9 1.782 194.06 463.32 50 455.55
22 90 mmØ 6 kgf/cm2 m 22 24.2 1.148 27.78 298.48 7 223.22
23 90 mmØ 10 kgf/cm2 m 344 378.4 1.787 676.20 464.62 1 75 812.21
26 110 mmØ 6 kgf/cm2 m 131 144.1 1.688 243.24 438.88 63 242.61
Subtotal(T+D) 1387 9693.2 2948.00 Rs. 3 99 106.43
Grand Total (T+D) 1387 9693.2 2948.00 3 99 106.43
Total cost of HDPE pipes Rs. 3 99 106.43

2 GI pipes

Subtotal: 12040 29579 13263.70 6 20 652.76

Total cost of GI pipes 6 20 652.76
Total cost of HDPE and GI pipes 13427.00 39272.20 16211.70 Rs. 1,019,759.19
Procurement of Pipes
Birauta WSP
Design Quantiy Total weight
S.No. Pipe size and series Unit Quantity weight Rate Amount
(kg/m) (kg)
1 HDPE pipes
2 GI pipes
6 Inch
Mahatgauda- Dobilla rm 2496 2486 6205056
5 Inch
Krishna mandir to taksi chowk rm 300
sangam chowk rm 300
power house- lumanti 200
Sushant Tol 600
Total 1400 1816 2542400
4 Inch
Mahatgauda tol rm 500
Bar Chautari- simaltuda
Upallo Rato paira ( tinkune rm 300
chowk- museum) 200
Museum Marg 200
Sushant Tol 600
Total 1800 1614 2905200
3 Inch
Sushant Tol 200
Sitpaila- Lumatnti Mahatgauda 396
simaltudao sant's plotting 400
North of Eye hospital 360
Biruwa marg 200

Upallo Rato paira ( tinkune

chowk- museum) 200
Total 1756 812 1425872
1/2 Inch GI Pipe 600 121 72600
Subtotal: 6652 0 0.00 131 51 128.00
Total cost of GI pipes 131 51 128.00
Total cost of HDPE and GI pipes 6652.00 Rs. 13,151,128.00
Earthwork In Excavation & Backfilling for Pipeline Works
Scheme 1 Scheme no : 1
Sn Description Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount

A Transmission line
E/W in excavation in boulder mixed soil 100 0.45 0.90 40.50 1,092.35 44 240.18
E/W in backfilling with boulder mixed soil 100 0.45 0.90 40.50 412.21 16 694.51
Sub-total 100 60 934.69

Total cost of transmission pipe line works 1.00 Rs. 60 934.69

B Distribution line
E/W in excavation in boulder mixed soil 1387 0.45 0.90 561.74 m³ 1,092.35 6 13 616.69
E/W in backfilling with boulder mixed soil 1387 0.45 0.90 561.74 m³ 412.21 2 31 554.85
Sub-total 1387 Rs. 8 45 171.54

Total cost of distribution pipeline works Rs. 8 45 171.54

Total cost of pipeline works 1.00 1487.00 Rs. 9 06 106.23
Transportation Cost of Pipes and fittings
Total Scheme
S.No. Description of items Quantity Unit Rate Amount

scheme-1 Transportation Cost of Pipes and fittings from store to site 5157.85 kg1 1.24 6395.73
Total transportation cost Rs 6 395.73

Scheme no : 2
Sn Description Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount
A Transmission line
E/W in excavation in boulder mixed soil 2496 0.45 0.90 1010.88 1,092.35 11 04 234.77
E/W in backfilling with boulder mixed soil 2496 0.45 0.90 1010.88 412.21 4 16 694.84
Sub-total 2496 15 20 929.61

Total cost of transmission pipe line works 1.00 Rs. 15 20 929.61

B Distribution line
E/W in excavation in boulder mixed soil 5556 0.45 0.90 2250.18 m³ 1,092.35 24 57 984.12
E/W in backfilling with boulder mixed soil 5556 0.45 0.90 2250.18 m³ 412.21 9 27 546.70
Sub-total 5556 Rs. 33 85 530.82

Total cost of distribution pipeline works Rs. 33 85 530.82

Total cost of pipeline works 1.00 8052.00 Rs. 49 06 460.43
Laying & Jointing Of HDPE and GI Pipes

Unit Scheme 1 Scheme -2

Sn Items Unit
Rate Qty Amount Qty Amount

A HDPE Pipes
Laying and joining of 16, 20, 25 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld joints
1 m 3.08 0 0.00
Laying and joining of 32 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld joints
2 m 3.76 248 932.48
Laying and joining of 40, 50 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld joints
3 m 4.51 366 1 650.66
Laying and joining of 63, 75, 90 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld joints
4 m 62.15 642 39 900.30
Laying and joining of 110, 125 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld joints
5 m 90.86 131 11 902.66
Laying and joining of 140, 160, 180 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld joints
6 m 124.31 0.00
Laying and joining of 200, 225, 250 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld joints
7 m 183.01 0.00
Total A 54 386.10

B GI Pipes

Laying and joining of 15, 20 mmØ GI pipe with socket joints m 71.91 0.00 600 43 146.00

Laying and joining of 25, 32 mmØ GI pipe with socket joints m 100.37 0.00 0.00

Laying and joining of 40, 50 mmØ GI pipe with socket joints m 136.33 0.00 0.00

Laying and joining of 65, 80 mmØ GI pipe with socket joints m 176.33 0.00 1756 3 09 635.48

Laying and joining of 100 mmØ GI pipe with socket joints m 216.33 250 54 082.50 0.00

Laying and joining of 125 mmØ GI pipe with socket joints m 247.54 0.00 1400 3 46 556.00

Laying and joining of 40, 50 mmØ GI pipe with arc weld joints m 195.19 0.00 0.00

Laying and joining of 65, 80 mmØ GI pipe with arc weld joints m 313.28 0.00 0.00

Laying and joining of 100 mmØ GI pipe with arc weld joints m 434.24 0.00 1800 7 81 632.00

Laying and joining of 125mmØ GI pipe with arc weld joints m 542.23 0.00 0.00

Laying and joining of 150 mmØ GI pipe with arc weld joints m 654.67 0.00 2496 16 34 056.32

Laying and joining of 200 mmØ GI pipe with arc weld joints m 821.01 0.00 0.00

Total B 250 54 082.50 8052 31 15 025.80

Total (A+B) 1637.0 108468.6 8052.0 3115025.8

Air Valve Chamber
S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount
1 Removing top soil for site preparation 1.50 1.50 2.25 m² 106.72 240.12
2 Earthwork in excavation in boulder mixed hard soil
1 1.00 1.00 1.10 1.10 m³ 1092.35 1 201.59

3 Dry stone filling 1 1.00 1.00 0.40 0.40 m³ 7240.03 2 896.01

4 Stone masonry in 1:6 c-s mortar 1 2.60 0.35 0.60 0.55 m³ 14936.89 8 155.54
5 Plain cement concrete (1:2:4)
Slab cover 1 1.00 1.00 0.08 0.080
Deduction for manhole opening π 0.23 0.23 0.08 -0.013
Manhole cover π 0.23 0.23 0.05 0.008
Total 0.075 m³ 17081.86 1 281.38
6 Centering & shuttering work for RCC 1 4.00 - 0.08 0.32 m² 735.61 235.40
7 Selected material filling (stone Packin 1 1.00 1.00 0.25 0.25 m³ 7240.03 1 810.01

8 Standard manhole cover 45×45 cm with metal frame 1 no. 2545.2 2 545.20
9 Installation of pipes & fittings 1.00 job 400 400.00

Subtotal 18 765.25
Add Value Added Tax @ 13.00% 2 439.48
Total Amount with VAT Rs. 21 204.73

Valve Chamber
Inner dimension 1.00 m x 0.6 m
S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount
1 Removing top soil for site preparation 2.00 2.00 4.00 m² 106.72 426.88
2 Earthwork in excavation in hard soil
1 1.70 1.30 1.30 2.87 m³ 858.76 2 467.22

3 Dry stone soling 1 1.70 1.30 0.15 0.33 m³ 7240.03 2 400.07

4 Stone masonry in 1:6 c-s mortar 4.60 0.35 1.00 1.61 m³ 14936.89 24 048.39

5 Plain cement concrete (1:2:4)

Cover slab 1 1.70 1.30 0.100 0.220
Deduction for manhole 0.60 0.60 0.100 -0.113
Manhole cover 0.60 0.60 0.05 0.057
Total 0.163 m³ 17081.86 2 792.05
6 Steel reinforcement
8 mm ø at 150 mm spacing bothways
Longer span 12 1.30 @ 0.395 kg/m 6.16
Shorter span 10 1.70 @ 0.395 kg/m 6.72
Deduction for manhole opening 12 0.45 @ 0.395 kg/m -2.13
Total 10.75 kg 113.68 1 222.06
7 Centering & shuttering work for RCC
Cover slab bottom 1 1.00 0.60 - 0.60
Sides 1 6.00 - 0.10 0.60
Deduction for manhole opening 1 0.75 0.75 - -0.56
0.64 m² 735.61 468.95

8 Standard manhole cover 60*60 cm with metal frame 1 no. 2967.42 2 967.42
9 Installation of pipes & fittings 1.00 job 500.00 500.00

Subtotal 37 293.04
Add Value Added Tax @ 13.00% 4 848.10
Total Amount with VAT Rs. 42 141.14
Break Pressure Chamber
( Without valve chamber )

Inner size of BPT portion: 1.00 x 1.00 Total height= 1.00

S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount

1 Removing top soil for site preparation 2.50 2.50 6.25 m² 106.72 667.00
2 Earthwork in excavation in hard soil
1 1.90 1.90 0.90 3.25 m³ 1092.35 3 549.05

3 Dry stone soling 1 1.90 1.90 0.15 0.54 m³ 7240.03 3 920.48

4 Plain cement concrete (1:2:4)
in foundation 1 1.90 1.90 0.10 0.361
Pipe embeddment block 4 0.45 0.20 0.20 0.072
Cover slab 1 1.90 1.90 0.10 0.361
-Manhole cover 1 0.60 0.60 0.05 -0.018
Total 0.776 m³ 17081.86 13 255.52
5 Stone masonry work in 1:4 c-s mortar
1 5.80 0.45 1.00 2.61
Deduct for pipe embeddment block 4 0.45 0.20 0.20 -0.07
Total 2.54 m³ 15855.45 40 241.13
6 Centering & shuttering works
Bottom of cover slab 1 1.00 1.00 1.00
-Outer edge of cover slab 1 7.60 0.10 0.76
Total 1.76 m² 735.61 1 294.67

7 Steel reinforcement (for cover slab)

8 mm ø @ 150 mm c/c bothways 14 1.90 @ 0.395 kg/m 10.51
14 1.90 @ 0.395 kg/m 10.51
Deduct for man hole 8 0.60 @ 0.395 kg/m -1.90
Total 19.12 kg 113.68 2 173.33

8 12.5 mm thick 1:4 c-s plaster

floor 1 1.00 1.00 1.00
Inner sides of walls 2 1.00 - 1.00 2.00
2 1.00 - 1.00 2.00
Outer portion of all walls above GL 1 7.60 - 0.35 2.66
Total 7.66 m² 401.36 3 074.42
9 3 mm thick 1:1 c-s punning
-Inner side of BPT 5.00 m² 240.72 1 203.60

10 Standard manhole cover 60×60 cmØ with metal frame 1 set 2967.42 2 967.42

11 Installation of pipes and fittings 1 job 600.00 600.00

Subtotal 72 946.62
Add Value Added Tax @ 13.00% 9 483.06
Total Amount with VAT Rs. 82 429.68
Collection Chamber
Inner size of chamber = 3.00 x 1.00 Total height = 1.00

S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount

1 Site clearance 3 2 6 m² 106.72 640.32

2 Earthwork in excavation for fondation work in hard soil
1 3.90 1.90 1.00 7.41 m³ 1092.35 8 094.31

3 Dry stone soling 1 3.90 1.90 0.15 1.11 m³ 7240.03 8 047.29

4 Plain Cement Concrete (1:2:4)
in foundation 1 3.90 1.90 0.10 0.741
Pipe embeddment block 5 0.45 0.20 0.20 0.090
top of baffle wall 1 1.00 0.35 0.10 0.035
Cover slab 1 3.90 1.90 0.10 0.741
-Manhole cover 2 0.60 0.60 0.05 -0.036
Total 1.571 m³ 17081.86 26 835.60
5 Stone masonry work in 1:4 c-s mortar
CC portion 1 9.80 0.45 1.00 4.41
baffle wall 1 1.00 0.35 0.60 0.21
Deduct - for PCC blocks 5 0.45 0.20 0.20 -0.09
Total 4.53 m³ 15855.45 71 825.19
6 Centering & shuttering work for PCC/RCC
Bottom of cover slab - CC portion 1 2.65 1.00 2.65
-Outer edge of cover slab 1 11.60 - 0.10 1.16
Total form work 3.81 m² 735.61 2 802.67

7 Steel reinforcement
8 mm ø @ 150 mm c/c bothways 19 1.90 @ 0.395 kg/m 14.26
14 2.70 @ 0.395 kg/m 14.93
Total reinforcement 29.19 kg 113.68 3 318.38

8 12.5 mm thick 1:4 c-s plaster

floor of CC 1 2.65 1.00 2.65
Inner sides of Walls of CC 2 2.65 - 1.00 5.30
2 1.00 - 1.00 2.00
Side of baffle wall 2 1.00 0.70 1.40
top of baffle wall 1 1.00 0.35 0.35
Outer portion of all walls above GL 1 11.60 - 0.30 3.48
Total 15.18 m² 401.36 6 092.64
9 3 mm thick 1:1 c-s punning
as per plaster 15.18
Deduct for outer portion -3.48
Total 11.70 m² 240.72 2 816.42
10 Supply and installation of standard
man hole cover - 600×600 mm²
2 2 set 2967.42 5 934.84

11 Installation of pipes and fittings 1 job 1000.00 1 000.00

Subtotal 1 37 407.66

Total Amount Rs. 1 37 407.66

Abstract of Cost
Air Valve Chamber
(2 Chambered without valve)

S.N. Description of items Qty. Unit Rate Amount

1 Removing top soil for site preparation 2.25 m² 106.72 240.12

Earthwork in excavation for foundation work in
2 hard soil 1.10 m³ 1092.35 1201.59
3 Dry stone soling work in foundation 0.40 m³ 7240.03 2896.01
4 RR Stone masonry in 1:6 c-s mortar 0.546 m³ 14936.890 8155.54

5 Plain cement concrete (1:2:4) for substructure 0.075 m³ 17081.860 1281.38

Centering and shuttering for walls, vertical
6 surfaces and simple slabs 0.32 m² 735.61 235.40
Supply and installation of standard manhole
7 cover (45×45 cm²) 1.00 no. 2545.20 2545.20
8 Boulder packing 0.25 m³ 7240.03 1810.01
9 Installation of pipes & fittings for AVC 1.00 job 400.00 400.00
Subtotal 18 765.25
Value Added Tax @ 13% 2 439.48
Total Amount Rs. 21 204.73

Valve Chamber
S.N. Description of items Qty. Unit Rate Amount

1 Removing top soil for site preparation 4.00 m² 106.72 426.88

Earthwork in excavation for foundation work in
2 hard soil 2.87 m³ 858.76 2467.22
3 Dry stone soling work in foundation 0.33 m³ 7240.03 2400.07
4 RR Stone masonry in 1:6 c-s mortar 1.610 m³ 14936.890 24048.39

5 Plain cement concrete (1:2:4) for substructure 0.163 m³ 17081.860 2792.05

Centering and shuttering for walls, vertical
6 surfaces and simple slabs 0.64 m² 735.61 468.95
7 Steel reinforcement for RCC work 10.75 kg 113.68 1222.06
Supply and installation of standard manhole
8 cover (60×60 cm²) 1.00 no. 2967.42 2967.42
Installation of pipes & fittings for VC (for pipe
9 line upto 125 mm) 1.00 job 500.00 500.00
Subtotal 37 293.04
Value Added Tax @ 13% 4 848.10
Total Amount Rs. 42 141.14
Break Pressure Tank (Masonry)
S.N. Description of items Qty. Unit Rate Amount

1 Removing top soil for site preparation 6.25 m² 106.72 667.00

Earthwork in excavation for foundation work in
2 hard soil 3.25 m³ 1092.35 3549.05
3 Dry stone soling work in foundation 0.54 m³ 7240.03 3920.48
4 RR Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar 2.538 m³ 15855.450 40241.13

5 Plain cement concrete (1:2:4) for substructure 0.776 m³ 17081.860 13255.52

Centering and shuttering for walls, vertical
6 surfaces and simple slabs 1.76 m² 735.61 1294.67
7 Steel reinforcement for RCC work 19.12 kg 113.68 2173.33
8 3 mm thick 1:1 c-s punning 5.00 m² 240.72 1203.60
9 12.5 mm thick 1:4 c-s plaster 7.66 m² 401.36 3074.42
Supply and installation of standard manhole
10 cover (60×60 cm²) 1.000 set 2967.420 2967.42

11 Installation of pipes & fittings for masonry BPT 1.000 job 600.000 600.00
Subtotal 72 946.62
Value Added Tax @ 13% 9 483.06
Total Amount Rs. 82 429.68

Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rates Amount

Earth works for pipe laying

1 5 0.4 0.6 1.20 m³ 1,092.35 1 310.82

E/W in excavation in Boulder soil
1 5 0.4 0.6 1.20 m³ 412.21 494.65
E/W in backfilling in Boulder Soil
1 805.47
Sub Total
Quantity of Pipe and fittings

PVC saddle as appropriate

1 1 1 no 280 280.00

HDPE Pipe (25mm Dia) 1 5 5 m 44.98 224.90

1 3 3 m 211.00 633.00
GI pipe 1/2"
1 1 1 no 1500 1 500.00
Water Meter
1 3 3 no 60 180.00
Elbow 1/2"
1 2 2 no 53 106.00
Socket 1/2"
1 3 3 no 50 150.00
Nipple 1/2"
1 1 1 no 1000 1 000.00
Ferrule 1/2"
1 1 1 no 171 171.00
Brass Union 1/2 "
1 1 1 no 450 450.00
Tap Brass 1/2"
4 694.90
Sub Total
6 500.37
Barbed Wire Fencing & Gate
Barbed Wire Fencing
Total length of fencing = 24 m
S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount
1 Earthwork in excavation
1 24.00 0.45 0.50 5.40 m³ 1,092.35 5 898.69
2 Dry stone soling 1 24.00 0.45 0.15 1.62 m³ 7,240.03 11 728.85
3 PCC (1:2:4) for foundation 1 24.00 0.45 0.100 1.08 m³ 17,081.86 18 448.41
4 Stone masonry in 1:4 c/m
Up to GL 1 24.00 0.35 0.25 2.10
1 24.00 0.35 0.50 4.20
Deduction anchor P.C.C -17 0.35 0.35 0.50 -1.04
5.26 m³ 17,081.86 89 850.58
5 MS angle post(40*40*6mm size and 2.1m
long) 17 2.10 @ 3.50 kg/m 124.95 kg 113.68 14 204.32
6 PCC (1:2:4) for anchor blocks
17 0.35 0.35 0.50 1.04
1 24.00 0.35 0.10 0.84
1.88 m³ 17,081.86 32 113.90
7 20mm 1:4 c - s plaster
Top of wall 1 24.00 0.35 8.40
Both side wall 2 24.00 0.60 28.80
37.20 m² 530.67 19 740.92
8 Plastic emulsion paint
Top of wall 1 24.00 0.35 8.40
Both side wall 2 24.00 0.60 28.80
37.20 m² 148.26 5 515.27
Fencing Jali with 10 gauge wire and 60*60
mm hole size including fixing,transporation
9 all complete
1 24.00 1.50 36.00 m² 500.00 18 000.00

10 Enamel painting on MS angle 17 1.50 0.16 4.08 m² 283.06 1 154.88

Total Amount ( Without VAT ) Rs. 2 16 655.82

Rate per metre ( Without VAT ) Rs. 9 027.33
Entrance Gate
S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rates Amount

1 Earthwork in excavation in foundation

2 0.45 0.45 0.60 0.24 m³ 1,092.35 265.44
2 Stone soling 2 0.45 0.45 0.15 0.06 m³ 7,240.03 439.83
3 Stone masonry in 1:6 c-s mortar for support pillars
In foundation 2 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.18
Above Ground 2 0.45 0.45 2.10 0.85
Deduct for holdfast PCC blocks 3 0.45 0.45 0.20 -0.12
Total 0.91 m³ 14,936.89 13 633.65
4 PCC (1:2:4) for holdfast blocks 3 0.45 0.45 0.20 0.122
on top of pillar 2 0.45 0.45 0.10 0.041
Total 0.162 m³ 17,081.86 2 767.26
5 20mm 1:4 c - s plaster in plaster 8 0.45 - 1.60 5.76
-On top 2 0.45 0.45 - 0.41
Total 6.17 m² 530.67 3 271.58
6 Mild Steel angle ( 25 x 25 x 3 mm Size ) framed gate with Iron Grill shutter 1.00 no 2,038.95 2 038.95
7 (0.95
Enamelx 1.5 m size) all complete including fixing1
Painting 0.95 - 1.50 1.43 m² 283.06 403.36
Total Amount ( Without VAT ) Rs. 22 820.07
Pump supply and installation

Name of Project : Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount

1 Transportation of submersible pumpand motor from store to site 3 job 2000 6 000.00
Installation of submersible pump
with necessary welding, fittings
and panel board, wiring of pump
2 house, etc. all complete 3 job 20000 60 000.00

KSB submersible pump: 3

phase, 400 V, 50 Hz, 2900 RPM
with discharge 16m³/hr at 75 m
dynamic head Proposed model:
CORA18C/20;UMAI 100 5.5/22 2 set 285560 5 71 120.00
Control panel board : 3 phase,
fully automatic star-delta, 15.0
4 2 set 118000 2 36 000.00
5 4mm squared 3-core copper submersible flat cable 240 m 800 1 92 000.00
Subtotal Rs. 10 65 120.00
Value Added Tax @ 13.00 % 1 38 465.60
Total Amount with VAT Rs. 12 03 585.60
Grand total of pump supply and installation cost 10 65 120.00
Fittings Cost
S.N Item Unit Rate Qty Amount
1 Endcap 3" no 1240 2 2480
2 Brass Union 3" no 7444 2 14888
3 Strainer 11/2" no 1452 1 1452
4 Strainer 3 " no 3290 2 6580
5 Strainer 4" no 5874 1 5874
7 GI Tee 1 1/2 " no 483 1 483
8 GI Tee 3 " no 1683 2 3366
9 GI Tee 4 " no 3060 2 6120
11 90 mm GI Tee no 1683 5 8415
12 GI-pipe 1 1/2" m 560 6 3360
13 GI-pipe 3" m 1225 6.9 8452.5
14 GI-pipe 4" m 1837 10.4 19104.8
16 GI Union 1 1/2" no 702 4 2808
17 GI Union 3" no 2879 1 2879
18 GI Union 4" no 5795 3 17385
20 GI-Nipple 1 1/2" no 145 6 870
21 GI-Nipple 2 " no 220 4 880
22 GI-Nipple 3 " no 170 22 3740
23 GI-Nipple 4" no 530 11 5830
24 GI-Nipple 8 " no 3630 7 25410
25 Gate Valve 1 1/2" no 3367 1 3367
26 Gate Valve 3" no 17440 1 17440
27 Gate Valve 4" no 31393 2 62786
29 Flange set (GI-HDP) 4 " no 3461 2 6922
30 Flange set (GI-HDP) 3 " no 2396 10 23960
31 Flange set (GI-HDP) 8 " no 8968 1 8968
32 Flange set (GI-HDP) 1 1/2 " no 1317 1 1317
33 3" GI-GI flange no 2187 8 17496
34 GI -Elbow 1 1/2" no 364 3 1092
35 GI -Elbow 3" no 1480 12 17760
36 GI -Elbow 4" no 2550 6 15300
38 90 mm HDPE elbow no 1480 5 7400
39 GI Socket 4" no 1672 3 5016
40 GI Socket 1 1/2 " no 243 2 486
41 GI Socket 3" mm no 965 1 965
43 GI-Reducer 2"* 3" no 1016 2 2032
44 Reducer GI( 3"*4") no 3387 1 3387
46 GI-Unequal T(2 "* "*1/2") no 2011 1 2011
47 GI-Unequal T(4"* "*3") no 2011 1 2011
49 3" Sluice valve 2000 15 30000

Total 370093.3
Name of the Project : Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
Type of the Project : Water Supply Project
VDC/municipality Pokhara Metropolitan -17 Kaski
location of project Kaski

SN Description Unit No. District rate Total Amount Remark

Outlet Outlet pipe 90mm, adopt 3" fitting 8 0m
1 Endcap 3 " no 2 1240 2480
2 Strainer 3" no 2 3290 6580
3 GI-Tee 3" no 1 1683 1683
4 GI-Reducer 2"* 3" no 1 1016 1016
5 GI-pipe 3" m 2 1225 2450
6 GI Union 3" no 1 2879 2879
7 GI-Nipple 3" no 1 170 170
8 Gate Valve 3" no 1 17440 17440
9 GI-pipe 3" m 0.5 1225 612.5
10 Brass Union 3" no 1 7444 7444

Wash out and Provide HDPE at

4" GI pipe m 2 1837
Overflow 3674 appropiate height
Total for Intake 46428.50
Inlet Main line is of (90 mm-HDPE pipe) , so adopt following fittings of 3" size
1 Brass Union 3" no 1 7444 7444
2 GI Pipe 3 " m 4.4 1225 5390
3 GI -Elbow 3" no 2 1480 2960
4 GI Socket 3" no 1 965 965
Outlet 1 Main line is of (90mm-HDPE pipe) , so adopt following fittings of 3" mm size
1 Strainer 1 1/2 " no 1 1452 1452
2 GI Pipe 1 1/2 " m 2 560 1120
3 GI -Elbow 1 1/2 " no 1 364 364
4 GI-Union 1 1/2 " no 1 702 702
5 GI-Nipple 1 1/ 2 " no 4 145 580
6 Gate Valve 1 1/2 " no 1 3367 3367
7 GI-Unequal T(2 "* "*1/2") no 1 2011 2011
8 Flange set (GI-HDP) 1 1/2 " no 1 1317 1317
9 GI-Nipple 2 " no 3 220 660
10 GI -Elbow 1 1/2 " no 2 364 728
11 GI Pipe 1 1/2 " m 4 560 2240
12 GI-Union 1 1/2 " no 1 702 702
13 GI Socket 1 1/2 " no 1 243 243
14 GI Tee 1 1/2 " no 1 483 483
15 Reducer GI( 3"*2") no 1 1016 1016

Wash out and Min. or one size higher than inlet pipe
1 GI Pipe 4 " m 4.4 1837 8082.8
2 GI -Elbow 4 " no 3 2550 7650
3 GI-Union 4 " no 1 5795 5795
4 GI-Nipple 4 " no 4 530 2120
5 Gate Valve 4 " no 1 31393 31393
6 GI Tee 4 " no 1 3060 3060
7 Flange set (GI-HDP) 4 " no 1 3461 3461
Name of the Project : Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
Type of the Project : Water Supply Project
VDC/municipality Pokhara Metropolitan -17 Kaski
location of project Kaski

SN Description Unit No. District rate Total Amount Remark

8 GI Socket 4 " no 1 1672 1672
9 GI Socket 4 " no 1 1672 1672

Total 98649.80

Outlet 2 Main line is of (110mm-HDPE pipe) , so adopt following fittings of 4" mm size
1 Strainer 4 " no 1 5874 5874
2 GI Pipe 4 " m 2 1837 3674
3 GI -Elbow 4 " no 1 2550 2550
4 GI-Union 4 " no 1 5795 5795
5 GI-Nipple 4 " no 4 530 2120
6 Gate Valve 4 " no 1 31393 31393
7 GI-Unequal T(4"* "*3") no 1 2011 2011
8 Flange set (GI-HDP) 4 " no 1 3461 3461
9 GI-Nipple 4 " no 3 530 1590
10 GI -Elbow 4 " no 2 2550 5100
11 GI Pipe 4 " m 4 1837 7348
12 GI-Union 4 " no 1 5795 5795
13 GI Socket 4 " no 1 1672 1672
14 GI Tee 4 " no 1 3060 3060
15 Reducer GI( 3"*4") no 1 3387 3387
Sub Total 84830

Outlet 3 Main line is of (90mm-HDPE pipe) , so adopt following fittings of 3" mm size
1 Strainer 1 1/2 " no 1 1452 1452
2 GI Pipe 1 1/2 " m 2 560 1120
3 GI -Elbow 1 1/2 " no 1 364 364
4 GI-Union 1 1/2 " no 1 702 702
5 GI-Nipple 1 1/ 2 " no 4 145 580
6 Gate Valve 1 1/2 " no 1 3367 3367
7 GI-Unequal T(2 "* "*1/2") no 1 2011 2011
8 Flange set (GI-HDP) 1 1/2 " no 1 1317 1317
9 GI-Nipple 2 " no 3 220 660
10 GI -Elbow 1 1/2 " no 2 364 728
11 GI Pipe 1 1/2 " m 4 560 2240
12 GI-Union 1 1/2 " no 1 702 702
13 GI Socket 1 1/2 " no 1 243 243
14 GI Tee 1 1/2 " no 1 483 483
15 Reducer GI( 3"*2") no 1 1016 1016

Sedimentation Tank
Inlet Inlet pipe is 90mm ,so adopt 3" fitting
1 3" GI HDPE flange no 6 2396 14376
2 3" GI nipple 4" long no 12 170 2040
Name of the Project : Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
Type of the Project : Water Supply Project
VDC/municipality Pokhara Metropolitan -17 Kaski
location of project Kaski

SN Description Unit No. District rate Total Amount Remark

3 3" sluice valve no 5 2000 10000
4 3" GI elbow no 6 1480 8880
5 90 mm HDPE elbow no 5 1480 7400
6 90 mm GI Tee no 2 1683 3366
7 3" GI-GI flange no 4 2187 8748

Total for Sedimentation Tank 54810.00

Roughiing Filter
Inlet Inlet pipe is of 90 mm ,so adopt 3" fitting
1 3" GI HDP flange no 4 2396 9584
2 3" GI nipple m 10 170 1700
3 3" sluice valve no 10 2000 20000
4 3" GI elbow no 4 1480 5920
5 3" GI-GI flange no 4 2187 8748
1 90 mm GI Tee no 3 1683 5049

Total for Roughing Filter 51001.00

For GI pipe : costing and transportation
per m Rate per m Thickness Weight/m Galvanisati
15 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) 1.284 170.00 2.6 120
20 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) 1.658 178.50 2.6 152
25 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) 2.53 271.95 3.2 230
32 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) 3.279 420.00 3.2 300
40 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) 3.788 406.35 3.2 345
50 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) 5.319 558.60 3.6 473
65 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) 6.349 712.95 3.6 605
80 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) 8.85 887.25 4 752
100 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) 12.99 1328.25 4.5 1125
125 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) 16.95 1736.70 4.85 1868.27
150 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) 20.00 2100.00 4.85 2260
200 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) 33.2 3213.00 6 3457.8

15 mmØ GI pipe (heavy duty) 1.513 168.00 3.2 143

20 mmØ GI pipe (heavy duty) 1.969 210.00 3.2 178
25 mmØ GI pipe (heavy duty) 3.077 318.00 4 270
32 mmØ GI pipe (heavy duty) 3.968 420.00 4 345
40 mmØ GI pipe (heavy duty) 4.587 469.00 4 398
50 mmØ GI pipe (heavy duty) 6.369 690.00 4.5 585
65 mmØ GI pipe (heavy duty) 8.197 863.00 4.5 730
80 mmØ GI pipe (heavy duty) 10.417 1016.00 4.8 862
100 mmØ GI pipe (heavy duty) 15.436 1538.00 5.4 1325
125 mmØ GI pipe (heavy duty) 18.52 1979.00 5.4 2130.05
150 mmØ GI pipe (heavy duty) 22.22 2240.00 5.4 2410.67
200 mmØ GI pipe (heavy duty) 43.5 3570.00 8 3719.58
100 mmØ high tensile steel pipe 22.22 3531.00 6.02 2410.67

Data relating to HDPE pipes density of HDPE: 959 kg/m³

Code External Dia Pressure rati Weight/m Inner dia(bo

32 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 38 32 mmØ 6 kg/cm² 0.226 26.90
40 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 46 40 mmØ 6 kg/cm² 0.350 33.70
50 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 56 50 mmØ 6 kg/cm² 0.542 42.20
63 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 69 63 mmØ 6 kg/cm² 0.850 53.30
75 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 81 75 mmØ 6 kg/cm² 1.191 63.60
90 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 96 90 mmØ 6 kg/cm² 1.718 76.30
110 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 116 110 mmØ 6 kg/cm² 2.545 93.40
125 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 131 125 mmØ 6 kg/cm² 3.293 106.10
140 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 146 140 mmØ 6 kg/cm² 4.150 118.70
160 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 166 160 mmØ 6 kg/cm² 5.355 136.00
180 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 186 180 mmØ 6 kg/cm² 6.800 152.90
200 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 206 200 mmØ 6 kg/cm² 8.391 169.90
225 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 231 225 mmØ 6 kg/cm² 10.544 191.40
250 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 256 250 mmØ 6 kg/cm² 13.041 212.60
280 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 286 280 mmØ 6 kg/cm² 16.327 238.20
315 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 321 315 mmØ 6 kg/cm² 20.694 267.90
355 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 361 355 mmØ 6 kg/cm² 26.243 302.00
400 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 406 400 mmØ 6 kg/cm² 33.309 340.30
450 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 456 450 mmØ 6 kg/cm² 42.065 383.00
500 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 506 500 mmØ 6 kg/cm² 51.900 425.60

If density of plastic pipe is known and per m weight is given,

Formula for inner diameter of pipe:
density, ρ 910 kg/m³
Weight per metre 2.87 kg/m
Outer diameter of pipe, Do 90 mm
Inner diameter of pipe, Di.
Di, 63.9 mm
Weight of ASTM pipe
Inner diameter of pipe, Di. 100 mm 125 150 90
Thickness, t 6.02 mm 6.557 7.11 5.74
Weight/m = π(Di+t)×t×7850/1e6 15.74 kg/m 21.27 27.55 13.55
3531 4782 6207 3205

Barbed Wire Fencing & Gate

Barbed Wire Fencing ( Type - B)
Total length of fencing = 24 m
S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity

1 Earthwork in excavation in hard soil

17 0.30 0.30 0.60 0.92

2 Dry stone soling 17 0.30 0.30 0.10 0.15

2 PCC (1:3:6) 17 0.20 0.20 0.50 0.340

- deduction for RCC post 17 0.10 0.10 0.50 -0.085
Net PCC 0.255
3 Barbed wire fencing on pre-cast RCC post
- Barbed wire fencing - 7 7 24.00 168.000
- diagonals 34 1.92 65.280
Total 233.280

4 PCC (1:2:4) for RCC post 17 2.10 0.10 0.10 0.357

5 - Mild steel reinforcement

10 mm ø bar, 4 nos 2.2 68 2.20 0.616 kg/m 92.15
- Stirrup - 6 mm ø bar, 2 187 0.24 0.22 kg/m 9.87
- Anchor hooks - 6 mm ø bar bent into shape to held barbed wire
119 0.20 0.220 kg/m 5.24

6 Centering and shuttering 17 0.30 2.10 10.710

Barbed Wire Fencing ( Type - A)- standard
Total length of fencing = 24 m
S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity
1 Earthwork in excavation
17 0.35 0.35 0.60 1.25

2 Dry stone soling 17 0.35 0.35 0.10 0.21

3 PCC (1:2:4) for anchor b 17 0.35 0.35 0.50 1.04

MS angle
4 post(40*40*6mm size
and 2.1 m long) 17 2.10 @ 3.50 kg/m 124.95

5 Stone masonry in 1:6 c-s

mortar 17 0.35 0.35 0.50 1.04

6 Barbed wire fencing

- horizontal ( 7 layers) 7 24.00 168.00
- Diagonals 32 1.82 58.23
Total 226.23

7 Enamel painting on MS a 17 1.50 0.16 4.08

For ladders

15 1.284
20 1.658
25 2.53
32 3.279
40 3.788
50 5.319
65 6.349
80 8.85
100 12.99
125 16.95
150 20
200 33.2
Design of Ferrocement Tank inner
RT Total tank diameter of fencing Effective
Hulas size(m³) Dome Height(m) height(m) Tank(m) length(m) storage
192 1 0.3 0.9 1.5 18 ###
244 2 0.3 1.4 1.5 18 ###
373 3 0.4 1.2 2 18 ###
486 4 0.4 1.5 2 18 ###
560 5 0.4 1.3 2.5 21 ###
770 6 0.4 1.5 2.5 21 ###
984 7 0.4 1.65 2.5 21 ###
1225 8 0.4 1.85 2.5 21 ###
1837 9 0.5 1.5 3 21 ###
2408.00 10 0.5 1.65 3 24 ###
2914 12 0.5 1.9 3 24 ###
3953 14 0.6 1.7 3.5 24 ###
16 0.6 1.9 3.5 24 ###
227 18 0.7 1.65 4 24 ###
286 20 0.7 1.8 4 24 ###
434 22 0.7 1.9 4.1 24 ###

HDPE: 959 kg/m³ Data relating to PPR pipes

Compensating weight factor for transpotation CODE

2.5 Thickness Unit weigth
2.5 15 2.77 1.27
2.5 40 3.68 4.05
2.5 90 5.74 13.57
2.5 200 8.18 42.55
2.5 400 12.7 123.31


25 200 100
3.38 8.18 6.02
2.37 42 15.74 2.972897
680 23.33724





Information about Electrical transmission
Unit weight of :
Steel tubular pole (size 11 Mt) 175 kg upto 2.5 kW
Steel tubular pole (size 10 Mt) 160 kg
Steel tubular pole (size 9 Mt) 147 kg
Steel tubular pole (size 8 Mt) 101 kg

Transformer,11/0.4KV,100 KVA 750 kg

Transformer,11/0.4KV,50 KVA 510 kg
Transformer,11/0.4KV,25 KVA 310 kg

8 M Wooden Pole 150 kg

9 M Wooden Pole 160 kg
PSC Pole 400 kg
Aluminium conductor with steel reinforcement wire
0.03 sq. inch ACSR conductor 128 kg/km
0.05 sq. inch ACSR conductor 214 kg/km
Stay set 10 kg/set
D-iron/Sackles, etc. 12 kg/pole
Pin Insulator with Spindle 1.97 kg/no
Disk Insulator with Tension Clamp 6.36 kg/no
ACSR: Aluminium conductor with steel reinforcement

ting to PPR pipes

Bore Weight/metre
25 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe 16.6 0.266
40 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe 29 0.575
50 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe 33.4 1.04
75 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe 50 2.34
110 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe 73.4 5.01
Thickness (mm) Unit weigtht(kg/m)
3.73 1.62
5.08 5.41
8.08 18.64
12.7 64.64
21.44 203.54
3 Core submersible flat cable:
upto 25 m length 50m
upto 2.5 kW 2.5 mm²
2.5-10 kW 4 mm² 6 mm
10-20 kW 6 mm² 10
20-30 kW 10 mm² 16
45-30 kW 16 mm² 25
>45 kW 25 mm² 35
Project Name : Lamachaur WSP

Description of work : RCC Intake

Quantity and Cost Estimate

S.No Description of work No Radius Length m

1 Dewatering and Site clearance 1

2 E/W inexcavation in Foundation in BMS
intake 1 2.50

3 Pcc work 1:2:4 for Rcc

intake base 1 2.40
RCC wall 1 4.85
slab 1 2.40
Reduction for manhole 1 0.60
Reinforcement Cement Concrete Square Tank
50 m3 capacity

Description of items Qty. Unit Rate Amount
1 Removing top soil for site preparation 68.89 m² 106.72 7351.94
2 Earthwork in excavation for foundation work in
hard soil 139.56 m³ 1092.35 152450.55
3 Earth work in backfilling with hard soil 58.98 m³ 412.21 24312.15
4 Dry stone soling work in foundation 8.66 m³ 7240.03 62698.66
5 RR Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar 3.39 m³ 15855.45 53797.54
6 Plain cement concrete (1:3:6) for foundation work
3.97 m³ 15514.93 61578.76
7 Plain cement concrete (1:1½:3) for RCC work 19.24 m³ 20414.80 392829.44
8 Plain cement concrete (1:2:4) for RCC work 4.48 m³ 18887.36 84572.17
9 Centering and shuttering for walls, vertical
surfaces and simple slabs 138.78 m² 735.61 102088.69
10 Steel reinforcement for RCC work 3994.56 kg 113.68 454101.13
11 12.5 mm thick 1:3 c-s plaster 78.83 m² 408.99 32241.72
12 3 mm thick 1:1 c-s punning 78.83 m² 240.72 18976.57
13 12.5 mm thick 1:4 c-s plaster 97.55 m² 401.36 39151.06
14 Two (first & second) coats of bitumen painting 29.64 m² 112.41 3331.83
15 Two (first & second) coats of snowcem painting
55.29 m² 148.26 8197.30
16 GI water stopper 150 mm wide, 20 SWG 52.80 m 261.63 13814.06
17 25 mmØ GI pipe ladder 45 cm width, 2.8 m long 1.00 no 5724.12 5724.12
18 Supply and installation of standard manhole cover
(75×75 cm²) 2.000 set 3748.32 7496.64
19 Installation of pipes & fittings for RCC tank (>30
m3) 1.000 job 5500.00 5500.00
20 Site levelling work 1.000 job 5000.00 5000.00
21 Barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 45.000 m 9027.33 406229.85
22 Entrance gate in barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 1.000 No 22820.07 22820.07
23 Cost of water for construction and curing 28.00 m³ 1000.00 28 000.00
Subtotal: 1992264.25

Total cost of Reservoir tank with fencing and gate 1992264.25

Reinforcement Cement Concrete Square Tank
50 m3 capacity

Inner side of tank = 5.30 m × = 5.30 m

Thickness of wall = 0.20 m
Total tank height = 2.30 m
Thickness of cover slab = 0.120 m
SN Description No. Length Breadth Height Qty. Unit
1 Removing top soil for site preparation (L= d+4 m,B=d+4 m)
1 8.30 8.30 68.89 m²
2 Earthwork in excavation for foundation in
levelling 0.5 8.30 8.30 2.00 68.89
Storage tank(L.L.H, L = L+2.t+1.00) 1 6.70 6.70 1.30 58.36
Valve Chamber 1 1.90 1.90 1.50 5.42
Washout pipe trench 1 10.00 0.60 1.15 6.90
Total earth work 139.56 m³
3 Earthwork in back filling with
for working space of storage tank 1 45.60 1.00 1.30 59.28
Washout pipe trench 1 10.00 0.60 1.15 6.90
Deduct soling and PCC/RCC portion 1 48.00 0.30 0.50 -7.20
Net backfilling work 58.98 m³
4 Stone soling work
Storage tank 1 6.30 6.30 0.20 7.94
Valve Chamber 1 1.90 1.90 0.20 0.72
Total soling work 8.66 m³
5 Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar
Valve Chamber 1 5.80 0.45 1.30 3.39 m³
6 PCC (1:3:6) in foundation
- tank foundation 1 6.30 6.30 0.10 3.97 m³

7 PCC (1:1½:3) for RCC work

for tank base slab 1 6.30 6.30 0.20 7.94
- for wall portion 1 22 0.20 2.30 10.12
- for inner haunch portion 0.5 22 0.20 0.20 0.44
-for maintaining floor slope( slope 1:100) 0.5 5.30 5.3 0.05 0.74
Total PCC for RCC works 19.242 m³
8 PCC (1:2:4) for RCC work
- T-beam 1 5.300 0.23 0.23 0.27
cover slab 1 5.7 5.7 0.12 3.90
cover slab of VC 1 1.9 1.9 0.10 0.36
- deduct for manhole 2 0.6 0.6 0.07 -0.05
Total PCC works 4.478 m³
9 Shuttering works for RCC for vertical walls
- inner portion 1 21.20 2.30 48.76
- outer portion 1 22.8 2.30 52.44
cover slab 1 5.3 5.3 28.09
-T-beam sides 2 5.3 0.23 2.39
Outer edge of slab 1 22.8 0.12 2.74
bottom of cover slab of VC 1 1.9 1.9 3.61
edge of cover slab 1 7.6 0.10 0.76
Total shuttering works 138.78 m²
12 Steel reinforcement
-Base slab
Bottom main bars 12 @ 180 mm C/C -2 directions 2 6.4 36no 0.888 kg/m 409.10
Reinforcement Cement Concrete Square Tank
50 m3 capacity

Inner side of tank = 5.30 m × = 5.30 m

Thickness of wall = 0.20 m
Total tank height = 2.30 m
Thickness of cover slab = 0.120 m
SN Description No. Length Breadth Height Qty. Unit
top main bars 12 @ 125 mm C/C -2 directions 2 6.40 51no 0.888 kg/m 584.11
total reinforcement in base slab 993.22
Reinforcement Cement Concrete Square Tank
50 m3 capacity

Inner side of tank = 5.30 m × = 5.30 m

Thickness of wall = 0.20 m
Total tank height = 2.30 m
Thickness of cover slab = 0.120 m
SN Description No. Length Breadth Height Qty. Unit
Vertical walls
vertical bars- inner :12 mmØ @ 150 c/c 147 3.22 @ 0.888 kg/m 419.28
vertical bars- outer :12 mmØ @ 150 c/c 155 3.22 @ 0.888 kg/m 442.16
Inner hor. bars of 16 mmØ bars 125 mm c/c upto 1 m height
9 30.00 @ 1.578 kg/m 426.15
Inner hr. bars of 16 mmØ bars 150 mm c/c for next 1.3 m
height 10 30.000 @ 1.578 kg/m 457.72
Outer hor. bars of 16 mmØ bars 150 mm c/c upto 1 m height
8 22.600 @ 1.578 kg/m 273.47
Outer hor.bars of 16 mmØ bars 190 mm c/c for next 1.3 m
height 8 22.600 @ 1.578 kg/m 279.73
Haunch bars 10 Ø at 200 mm c/c 111 1.48 @ 0.617 kg/m 101.42
total reinforcement in wall 2399.93
Cover slab
T-beam- main bar 16 mmØ 7 5.9 @ 1.578 kg/m 65.19
2 legged strirrups 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 39 1.04 @ 0.395 kg/m 16.00
main bars 10 mmØ @ 160 mm c/c 30 5.90 @ 0.617 kg/m 85.85
main bars at flange 10 mmØ @ 160 mm c/c 30 2.06 @ 0.617 kg/m 29.97
top main bars at edges 10 mmØ @ 160 mm c/c 30 0.89 @ 0.617 kg/m 12.95
30 0.89 @ 0.617 kg/m 12.95
distribution bars 10 mmØ @ 200 mm c/c 28 5.50 @ 0.617 kg/m 93.25
for T-beam flange 10 5.5 @ 0.617 kg/m 34.93
for edge reinforcement 5 5.5 @ 0.617 kg/m 18.48
5 5.5 @ 0.617 kg/m 18.48
for cover slab of VC - 10 mmØ bars @ 150 mm c/c 14 1.9 @ 0.617 kg/m 16.01
14 1.9 @ 0.617 kg/m 16.01
total reinforcement in cover slab 420.068
Deduct for manhole 2 nos: 24 0.600 @ 0.617 kg/m -8.88
total reinforcement 3804.34
add 5% for splice length etc. 190.22
Total reinforcement work 3994.56 kg
13 12.5 mm thick 1:3 cement-sand plaster
-floor of tank 1 5.30 5.30 28.09
- fillet portion 1 22.00 0.28 6.22
- inner wall portion 1 21.20 2.10 44.52
Total plaster work 78.83 m²
14 3 mm thick 1:1 cement sand punning as per plaster work in item no 13 78.83 m²
15 12.5 mm thick 1:4 cement-sand plaster
-outer wall portion 1 22.80 2.42 55.18
Top of slab 1 5.70 5.70 32.49
inner side of VC 1 7.60 1.30 9.88
Total 97.55 m²
16 Two coats of bitumen paint on the buried surface of storage
-outer wall portion(buried portion) 1 22.80 1.30 29.64 m²
17 Two coats of snowcem paint on exposed surface of storage
- Wall portion(exposed portion) 1 22.80 1.00 22.80
Top of slab 1 5.70 5.70 32.49
Total 55.29 m²
18 GI water stopper 150 mm wide, 20 SWG
at 2 sections of concrete joint(20% overlap) 2 26.40 52.80 m
Reinforcement Cement Concrete Square Tank
50 m3 capacity

Inner side of tank = 5.30 m × = 5.30 m

Thickness of wall = 0.20 m
Total tank height = 2.30 m
Thickness of cover slab = 0.120 m
SN Description No. Length Breadth Height Qty. Unit
19 25 mmØ GI pipe ladder 45 cm width 2.8 m long 1.00 no
22 Supply and installation of standard manhole cover set 75×75
cm size 2.00 set
23 Installation of pipes & fittings for RCC tank 1.00 job
24 Site levelling work 1.00 job
25 Barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 4 11.30 45.00 m
26 Entrance gate in barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 1 1.00 No
Total cost of Reservoir tank with fencing
and gate
Public Stand Post
Type II
For pump stations Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount
1 Removing top soil for site preparation 3.00 2.50 7.50 m2 106.72 800.40
2 Earthwork in excavation for foundation in hard soil
Wall foundation 1 1.85 0.75 0.65 0.90
Platform Portion 1 2.20 1.85 0.30 1.22
Total 2.12 m³ 858.76 1 823.04
3 Boulder soling
Wall foundation 1 1.85 0.75 0.15 0.21
Platform portion 1 1.85 1.45 0.15 0.40
Total 0.61 m³ 7240.03 4 420.04

4 Plain cement concrete in (1:2:4)

Foundation 1 1.85 0.75 0.05 0.069
Platform 1 1.85 1.45 0.10 0.268
Platform border 1 4.55 0.10 0.10 0.046
Over dwarf wall 2 0.70 0.45 0.05 0.032
Over rear wall 1 1.85 0.30 0.05 0.028
Capping 1 0.45 0.45 0.30 0.061
Total 0.503 m³ 17081.86 8 594.31
5 Stone masonry in 1:6 c-s mortar
Standpost wall 1 1.85 0.75 0.95 1.32
Standpost 1 0.45 0.45 0.75 0.15
Rear walls 1 1.85 0.30 0.55 0.31
Total 1.78 m³ 14936.89 26 516.71
6 20 mm thick cement plaster in 1:4 c-s mortar
Plan area 1 2.20 1.85 4.07
Front and back elevation 2 1.85 - 1.10 4.07
top of standpost 4 0.45 - 0.45 0.81
Side wall 2 0.75 - 1.10 1.65
Platform border - inside 1 4.35 0.10 0.44
- outside 1 4.75 0.10 0.48
Total 11.51 m² 530.67 6 108.01
7 Centering & shuttering work for PCC
Platform border 2 4.55 - 0.10 0.91
Dwarf wall 2 0.70 - 0.05 0.07
2 0.45 - 0.05 0.05
Rear wall 1 1.85 - 0.05 0.09
2 0.70 - 0.05 0.07
2 0.30 - 0.05 0.03
Standpost capping 4 0.45 - 0.30 0.54
Total 1.76 m² 735.61 1 294.67
8 Bar mesh at splashing point 8 0.35 0.62 kg/m 1.74 kg 113.68 197.35
9 Installation of pipes & fittings 1.00 job 500.00 500.00

Subtotal 50 254.53
Add Value Added Tax @ 13.00% 6 533.09
Total Amount with VAT Rs. 56 787.62
SN Description Unit Quantity Rate Amount

1 Shovel pc 6 750.00 4500

2 Pick pc 6 600.00 3600
3 Hoe pc 10 500.00 5000
4 Crowbar 1" * 5" pc 2 1475.00 2950
5 Sledge Hammer 10 lbs pc 1 1400.00 1400
6 Stone Chisel 1" * 6" pc 1 390.00 390
7 Stone Chisel 1" * 12" pc 1 495.00 495
8 Tool Box pc 1 1910.00 1910
9 Heating Plate (4" dia.) pc 1 1340.00 1340
10 Heating Plate (6" dia.) pc 0 2350.00 0
11 Heating Plate (10" dia.) pc 6783.00 0
12 Teflon Cover (12 x 12 cm bag) pc 2 3772.00 7544
13 Thermocrome india made pc 1 2063.00 2063
14 Blow Torch pc 1 1872.00 1872
15 Pipe Wrench 14" pc 1 635.00 635
16 Pipe Wrench 18" pc 1 1075.00 1075
17 Hacksaw Frame pc 2 150.00 300
18 Hacksaw Blade dz 5 90.00 450
19 Adjustable Spanner 18" pc 1 381.99 381.99
20 Iron Pan (medium size) pc 2 211.86 423.72
21 Building Trowel pc 1 138.03 138.03
22 Pointing Trowel pc 1 228.98 228.98
23 Iron Brush pc 1 90.95 90.95
24 Die Set 1/2" - 1" with teeth set 1 2657.00 2657
25 Die Set 11/2" - 2" with teeth set 1 3914.00 3914
26 Spare Die Teeth (1/2 - 2 " ) set 1 2722.00 2722
27 Die Teeth Oil with cane ltr 1 50.00 50
28 Measuring Tape 30 m pc 1 1500.00 1500
29 Pipe cutter 2" pc 1 2504.00 2504
30 pipe Vice no 1 3550.00 3550
Sub Total 53684.67
Procurement of Pipes
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

Total weight
S.No. Pipe size and series Unit Quantity weight Rate Amount
(kg/m) (kg)
1 HDPE pipes

Transmission line:
50 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 484 0.542 262.33 140.92 68 205.28
63 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 1711 0.85 1454.35 221 3 78 131.00
90 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 528 1.718 907.10 446.68 2 35 847.04
90 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 726 2.568 1864.37 667.68 4 84 735.68
125 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 424 3.293 1396.23 856.18 3 63 020.32
125 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 820 4.962 4068.84 1290.12 10 57 898.40
140 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 6 4.15 24.90 1079 6 474.00

Distribution line:
25 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 2508 0.202 506.62 52.52 1 31 720.16
32 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 1265 0.226 285.89 58.76 74 331.40
32 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 853 0.334 284.90 86.84 74 074.52
40 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 952 0.35 333.20 91 86 632.00
40 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 622 0.514 319.71 133.64 83 124.08
50 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 1078 0.542 584.28 140.92 1 51 911.76
50 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 220 0.796 175.12 206.96 45 531.20
63 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 578 0.85 491.30 221 1 27 738.00
63 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 594 1.269 753.79 329.94 1 95 984.36
75 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 462 1.191 550.24 309.66 1 43 062.92
75 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 462 1.782 823.28 463.32 2 14 053.84
90 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 913 1.718 1568.53 446.68 4 07 818.84
90 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 363 2.568 932.18 667.68 2 42 367.84
110 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 242 2.545 615.89 661.7 1 60 131.40
125 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 187 3.293 615.79 856.18 1 60 105.66
140 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 99 4.15 410.85 1079 1 06 821.00
180 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 121 6.8 822.80 1768 2 13 928.00

For drain pipe in structures

63 mmØ 4 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 15 0.585 8.78 152.1 2 281.50
75 mmØ 4 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 30 0.846 25.38 219.96 6 598.80
90 mmØ 4 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 30 1.22 36.60 317.2 9 516.00
110 mmØ 4 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 30 1.703 51.09 442.78 13 283.40
140 mmØ 4 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 20 2.901 58.02 754.26 15 085.20

Subtotal 16343 20232.36 Rs. 52 60 413.60

Contractor's Overhead @ 15.00 % 7 89 062.04
Total 60 49 475.64
Value added Tax @ 13.00 % 7 86 431.83
Total cost of HDPE pipes Rs. 68 35 907.47
Transmission line:
63 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe m 924 1.41 1302.84 775.5 7 16 562.00
75 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe m 264 2.01 530.64 1105.5 2 91 852.00
110 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe m 1738 4.3 7473.40 2365 41 10 370.00
Procurement of Pipes
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

Total weight
S.No. Pipe size and series Unit Quantity weight Rate Amount
(kg/m) (kg)
Distribution line:
25 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe m 1771 0.23 407.33 126.5 2 24 031.50
25 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe m 1238 0.266 329.31 146.3 1 81 119.40
32 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe m 1238 0.37 458.06 203.5 2 51 933.00
32 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe m 677 0.434 293.82 238.7 1 61 599.90
40 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe m 468 0.575 269.10 316.25 1 48 005.00
40 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe m 66 0.671 44.29 369.05 24 357.30
50 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe m 721 0.896 646.02 492.8 3 55 308.80
50 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe m 374 1.04 388.96 572 2 13 928.00
63 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe m 1524 1.41 2148.84 775.5 11 81 862.00
63 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe m 677 1.65 1117.05 907.5 6 14 377.50
75 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe m 429 2.01 862.29 1105.5 4 74 259.50

Subtotal 12109.00 16 271.94 89 49 565.90

Contractor's Overhead @ 15.00 % 13 42 434.89
Total 102 92 000.79
Value added Tax @ 13.00 % 13 37 960.10
Total cost of PPR pipes Rs. 116 29 960.89
2 GI pipes and steel pipes
for transmission lines
80 mmØ GI pipe (heavy duty) m 55 10.417 572.94 1016 55 880.00
100 mmØ GI pipe (heavy duty) m 1012 15.436 15621.23 1538 15 56 456.00
100 mmØ high tensile steel pipe m 886 22.22 19686.92 3531 31 28 466.00

for fittings:
15 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 978 1.284 1255.75 170 1 66 260.00
20 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 30 1.658 49.74 178.5 5 355.00
25 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 18 2.53 45.54 271.95 4 895.10
32 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 18 3.279 59.02 420 7 560.00
40 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 60 3.788 227.28 406.35 24 381.00
50 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 54 5.319 287.23 558.6 30 164.40
65 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 30 6.349 190.47 712.95 21 388.50
80 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 36 8.85 318.60 887.25 31 941.00
100 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 42 12.99 545.58 1328.25 55 786.50
125 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 24 16.95 406.80 1736.7 41 680.80

Subtotal: 51 30 214.30
Contractor's Overhead @ 15.00 % 7 69 532.15
Subtotal 3243 39267.097 58 99 746.45
Value added Tax @ 13.00 % 7 66 967.04
Total cost of GI pipes 66 66 713.48
Total cost of HDPE, PPR and GI pipes 31695.00 75771.40 Rs. 25,132,581.84
Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT : #REF!
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words Amount (NRs.) Remark
Part A: Provisional Sum
Insurances for the loss of damage to works, plant,
material, equipment, property and personal injury or death
and as stipulated in contract Data and as per related clause
1 of specification. 1.000 PS 1400000.00 Fourteen Lakh Rs. Only 1,400,000.000

2 Submission of complition reoprt with as build drawing. 8.000 PS 50000.00 Fifty Thoosand Rs. Only 400,000.000

Diversions of utilities and provision of temporary

services. Provide payments to other stautory undertakers
for diverting electricity, telecommunication, watersupply,
3 traffic control and vehicular access and other services. 1.000 PS 500000.00 Five Lakh Rs. Only 500,000.000
Maintanance cost for Damageing existing structures as
4 approved by the Engineer 1.000 PS 1000000.00 Ten Lakh Rs. Only 1,000,000.000
Requird apparatus and Equipments for laboratory as
5 approved by the Engineer. 1.000 PS 1000000.00 Ten Lakh Rs. Only 1,000,000.000

6 Concret Cube Test/ soil tests as approved by the Engineer. 1.000 PS 250000.00 Two Lakh Fifty Thousan Rs. Only 250,000.000
7 Environmental Mitigation works 1.000 PS 1500000.00 Fifteen Lakh Rs. Only 1,500,000.000
Part B: Civil Works
Removal of top soil and stacking at the location as
specified by the Engineer and as per Clause 2.1 and other
clause of the Specification
1 308.653 m² 106.72 32 939.39
Earthwork excavation in all kind of soil for foundation
trenches, pits, raft etc. including dressing of sides,
ramming of bottom, dewatering & lift upto 2 m, stacking
of excavated materials at least 4 m clear from the edge of
excavation all complete as per drawing & instruction of
engineer by the Engineer and as per Clause 2.2 and other
clause of the Specification.
2 372.275 m³ 858.76 3 19 695.29

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT : #REF!
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words Amount (NRs.) Remark
Excavation in pipeline work all types of soil (other than
rock) from ground level to underside of the pipeline and
disposal of surplus materials to the specified site as
directed by the Engineer and including dewatering and as
per Clause 2.2 and other clause of the Specification.
3 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Excavation in for foundation in boulder mixed soil upto 2
m from ground level and disposal of surplus materials to
the specified site as directed by the Engineer and
including dewatering and as per Clause 2.2 and other
clause of the Specification.
4 Err:509 m³ 1092.35 Err:509
Excavation in wet boulder mixed soil for well with 10 m
lead and 4 m lift and depth of excavation 1 m at a depth
upto 2 m and disposal of surplus materials to the specified
5 site as directed by the engineer and including dewatering Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
and as filling work2.2
per Clause with allother
and typesclause
of soilofinthe
20cm thick
layer by layer with water sprinkling, compaction with
ramming and site clearance for foundation and other
trenches as per Clause 2.2,3 and other clause of the
Specification and as directed by the Engineer.
6 90.776 m³ 432.81 39 288.73
Earth filling work with all types of soil in 20cm thick
layer by layer with water sprinkling, compaction with
ramming and site clearance for pipeline and other trenches
as per Clause 2.2,3 and other clause of the Specification
and as directed by the Engineer.
7 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Earth filling work with in boulder mixed soil in 20 cm
thick layer by layer with water sprinkling ,site clearance
and compaction as per Clause 2.2,3 and other clause of
the Specification and as directed by the Engineer.
8 Err:509 m³ 412.21 Err:509

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT : #REF!
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words Amount (NRs.) Remark
Excavation in for pipeline or other trenches in boulder
mixed soil upto 2 m from ground level and disposal of
surplus materials to the specified site as directed by the
Engineer and including dewatering and as per Clause 2.2
and other clause of the Specification.
9 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Excavation in wet boulder mixed soil for well with 10 m
lead and 4 m lift and depth of excavation 1 m and disposal
of surplus materials to the specified site as directed by the
engineer and including dewatering and as per Clause 2.2
and other clause of the specification
10 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Excavation in wet boulder mixed soil for well with 10 m
lead and 4 m lift and depth of excavation 1 m at a depth
upto 2 m and disposal of surplus materials to the specified
site as directed by the engineer and including dewatering
and as per Clause 2.2 and other clause of the specification
11 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Excavation in wet boulder mixed soil for well with 10 m
lead and 4 m lift and depth of excavation 1 m at a depth
upto 3 m and disposal of surplus materials to the specified
site as directed by the engineer and including dewatering
and as per Clause 2.2 and other clause of the specification
12 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Excavation in wet boulder mixed soil for well with 10 m
lead and 4 m lift and depth of excavation 1 m at a depth
upto 4 m and disposal of surplus materials to the specified
site as directed by the engineer and including dewatering
and as per Clause 2.2 and other clause of the specification
13 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT : #REF!
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words Amount (NRs.) Remark
Excavation in wet boulder mixed soil for well with 10 m
lead and 5 m lift and depth of excavation 1 m at a depth
upto 5 m and disposal of surplus materials to the specified
site as directed by the engineer and including dewatering
and as per Clause 2.2 and other clause of the specification
14 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Excavation in wet boulder mixed soil for well with 10 m
lead and 6 m lift and depth of excavation 1 m at a depth
upto 6 m and disposal of surplus materials to the specified
site as directed by the engineer and including dewatering
and as per Clause 2.2 and other clause of the specification
15 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Excavation in wet boulder mixed soil for well with 10 m
lead and 7 m lift and depth of excavation 1 m at a depth
upto 7 m and disposal of surplus materials to the specified
site as directed by the engineer and including dewatering
and as per Clause 2.2 and other clause of the specification
16 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Excavation in wet boulder mixed soil for well with 10 m
lead and 8 m lift and depth of excavation 1 m at a depth
upto 8 m and disposal of surplus materials to the specified
site as directed by the engineer and including dewatering
and as per Clause 2.2 and other clause of the specification
17 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Excavation in wet boulder mixed soil for well with 10 m
lead and 9 m lift and depth of excavation 1 m at a depth
upto 9 m and disposal of surplus materials to the specified
site as directed by the engineer and including dewatering
and as per Clause 2.2 and other clause of the specification
18 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT : #REF!
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words Amount (NRs.) Remark
Excavation in wet boulder mixed soil for well with 10 m
lead and 10 m lift and depth of excavation 1 m at a depth
upto 10 m and disposal of surplus materials to the
specified site as directed by the engineer and including
dewatering and as per Clause 2.2 and other clause of the
19 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Breaking and lifting of stones during excavating the well
with 6 m lift and 10 m lead as specified or directed by the
20 engineer. Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Dry stone soling in foundation with 30 m lead and upto 5
m depth and for flooring work as per Clause 2.5.8 and
other clause of the Specification and as per directed by the
21 Engineer. 24.756 m³ 7240.03 1 79 237.72
Dry boulder packing in the specified trench with 30 m
lead and upto 5 m depth and for flooring work as per
Clause 2.5.8 and other clause of the Specification and as
22 per directed by the Engineer. 0.750 m³ 7240.03 5 430.02
Dry stone masonry work as per Clause and
other clause of the Specification and as per directed by the
23 Engineer. Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Random rubble masonry work up to the super structure
from foundation in cement sand mortar (1:3) including
supply of materials, scaffolding, curing as per
specification as per Clause 2.5.5 and other related clause
of the Specification and as directed by the
24 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Random rubble masonry work up to the super structure
from foundation in cement sand mortar (1:4) including
supply of materials, scaffolding, curing as per
specification as per Clause 2.5.5 and other related clause
of the Specification and as directed by the
25 14.625 m³ 15855.45 2 31 885.96

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT : #REF!
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words Amount (NRs.) Remark
Random rubble masonry work up to the super structure
from foundation in cement sand mortar (1:6) including
supply of materials, scaffolding, curing as per
specification as per Clause 2.5.5 and other related clause
of the Specification and as directed by the
26 17.738 m³ 14936.89 2 64 950.55
Concrete work M10 for PCC work in sub-structure as per
shape and size as shown in drawings including form work
as per Clause 2.3 and other related clause of the
27 specification and as directed by the Engineer 18.986 m³ 15514.93 2 94 568.27
Concrete work M20 for RCC work as per shape and size
shown in drawings and as per Clause 2.3 and other
related clause of the Specification and as directed by the
28 Engineer. 79.145 m³ 20414.80 16 15 738.66
Concrete work M15 for RCC work in super structures as
per shape and size as shown in drawings including form
work as directed by the Engineer and as per specification
and as per Clause 2.3 and other related clause of the
29 14.277 m³ 18887.36 2 69 657.61
Concrete work M15 for PCC work in sub-structure as per
shape and size as shown in drawings including form work
as per Clause 2.3 and other related clause of the
30 specification and as directed by the Engineer 1.860 m³ 17081.86 31 764.68
Preparation of wooden shuttering works for different
simple slab, simple vertical surfaces and RCC structure as
per shape and size shown in drawings as per Clause 2.3
and other related clause of the Specification and as
directed by Engineer
31 472.459 m² 735.61 3 47 545.81
Preparation of wooden shuttering works for arch,dome, per shape and size shown in drawings as per Clause
2.3 and other related clause of the Specification and as
32 directed by Engineer 74.290 m² 1658.55 1 23 213.68

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT : #REF!
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words Amount (NRs.) Remark
Supply, cutting, Bending, Laying in position and binding
of tor-steel bars for RCC work as drawings and as per
Clause 2.3 and other related clause of the Specification
33 and as directed by Engineer 12077.827 kg 113.68 13 73 007.39
Supply and fixing of 100 x 75 mm Sal-wood door,
window and ventilation frames(chaukhats) size shown in
drawing including all fixture and accessories and as per
Clause 2.9 and other related clause of the Specification
and as directed by Engineer
34 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Supply and fixing of 38 x 75 mm thick Sal wood paneled
door & window shutter for given door size shown in
drawing including all fixture and accessories and as per
Clause 2.9 and other related clause of the Specification
and as directed by the Engineer.
35 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Preparation of 38mm thick wooden shuttering with 26 G
plain sheet on one side for ferrocement per shape
and size shown in drawings as per Clause 2.3 and other
related clause of the Specification and as directed by
36 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Supply and Installation of fly proof net fixing ( in
37 ventilation) as Directed by the Engineer. Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
12.5 mm thick cement sand plaster work of ratio 1:3 in
wall, ceiling as shown in shown in drawing and as per
Clause 2.6 and other related clause of the Specification
38 and as directed by Engineer 186.836 m² 408.99 76 414.13
3 mm thick Cement sand punning work of ratio 1:1 in
plastered wall and floor as shown in drawing and as per
Clause 2.7 and other related clause of the Specification
39 and as directed by Engineer 354.496 m² 240.72 85 334.32

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT : #REF!
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words Amount (NRs.) Remark
12.5 mm thick Cement sand plaster work of ratio 1:4 in
wall and floor as shown in shown in drawing and as per
Clause 2.6 and other related clause of the Specification
40 and as directed by Engineer 230.864 m² 401.36 92 659.67
20 mm thick Cement sand plaster work of ratio 1:4 in wall
and floor as shown in shown in drawing and as per Clause
2.6 and other related clause of the Specification and as
41 directed by Engineer 62.761 m² 546.89 34 323.32
Laying base course and two coats of bitumin paint as per
Clause 2.7 and other related Clause of the Specification
42 and as directed by the Engineer 66.155 m² 112.41 7 436.47
Laying base course and two coats of snowcem paint as per
Clause 2.7 and other related Clause of the Specification
43 and as directed by the Engineer 154.944 m² 148.26 22 972.01
Laying primer course and two coats of enamel paint as per
Clause 2.7 and other related Clause of the Specification
44 and as directed by the Engineer 125.570 m² 283.06 35 543.84
Supply and preparation and placing of MS angle (ISA
40×40×6 mm) for barbed wire fencing work as shown in
drawing and as per Clause 2.8 and other related clause of
the Specification and as directed by Engineer
45 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Supply and preparation, placing and tightnening of barbed
wire fencing work as shown in drawing and as per Clause
2.8.8 and other related clause of the Specification and as
46 directed by Engineer Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Supply and installation of grill work for given door and
window size shown in drawing including all fixture and
accessories and as per Clause 2.8 and other related clause
of the specification and as directed by the Engineer
47 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT : #REF!
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words Amount (NRs.) Remark
Supply and installation of gabion boxes in specified
places including cutting, weaving, including
transportation all complete as per drawings and as per
Clause and other related clause of the
Specification and as directed by the Engineer, (mesh size
100×120, selvage wire 7 SWG and mesh wire 10 SWG),
box size 2×1×1)
48 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Filling of gabion box with stone as per clause 2.2 and
related clause of the specification and as directed by the
49 Engineer. 24.000 m³ 6053.07 1 45 273.68
Supply and installation of mild steel angle (25 ×
25×x 3 mm Size) framed gate with Iron Grill shutter
(0.95 × 1.5 m size) all complete including all fixing
as per related clause of the specification or as
directed by the Engineer
50 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Supply and installation of GI water stopper 150 mm wide,
51 20 SWG as directed by the Engineer 109.139 m 261.63 28 554.02
Supply of GI pipe ladder of side rails 25 mmØ GI
pipe (Medium), strungs of 15 mmØ GI (Medium)
pipe, width of 45 cm width and 2.8 m long as per the
drawings and related clause of specification or as
directed by the Engineer
52 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Supply of GI pipe ladder of side rails 32 mmØ GI
pipe (Medium), strungs of 15 mmØ GI (Medium)
pipe, width of 45 cm width and 3 m long as per the
drawings and related clause of specification or as
directed by the Engineer
53 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT : #REF!
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words Amount (NRs.) Remark
Supply of GI pipe ladder of side rails 32 mmØ GI
pipe (Medium), strungs of 15 mmØ GI (Medium)
pipe, width of 45 cm width and 4.1 m long as per the
drawings and related clause of specification or as
directed by the Engineer
54 2.000 no 7732.68 15 465.36
Supply of GI pipe ladder of side rails 32 mmØ GI
pipe (Medium), strungs of 15 mmØ GI (Medium)
pipe, width of 45 cm width and 3.5 m long as per the
drawings and related clause of specification or as
directed by the Engineer
55 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Providing and fixing of Water Level indicator complet
56 work and as directed by the Engineer 1.000 job 1500.00 1 500.00
Supply and Installation of connection pipe for latrine
flushing ( 110 mmØ 2.5 kg/cm² HDP) as specified or
57 directed by the Engineer. Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Supply of 200 litres tank with necessary fittings as
per clause 3.3 and related clause of the specification
and as directed by the Engineer.
58 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Supply and installation of water seal pan as per clause 6.6
and related clause of the specification and as directed by
59 the Engineer. Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Supply and Installation of MS angle standard manhole
cover 75×75 cm as per related clause of the specification
60 and as directed by the Engineer. 2.000 set 3748.32 7 496.64
Supply and Installation of MS angle standard manhole
cover 60×60 cm as per related clause of the specification
61 and as directed by the Engineer. 12.000 set 2967.42 35 609.04

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT : #REF!
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words Amount (NRs.) Remark
Supply and Installation of MS angle standard manhole
cover 45×45 cm as per related clause of the specification
62 and as directed by the Engineer. 3.000 set 2545.20 7 635.60
Preparation of casing pipe by cutting/welding/fitting as
per clause 3.3 and related clause of the specification and
63 as directed by the Engineer. Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
64 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Installation of pipes and fitings for collection chamber for
outlet, inlet washout and overflow as per clause 3 and
related clause of the specification and as directed by the
65 Engineer. Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Preparation and Installation of pipes and fitings for RCC
reservoirs size greater than 30 m³ for outlet, inlet washout
and overflow as per clause 3 and related clause of the
specification and as directed by the Engineer.
66 2.000 job 5500.00 11 000.00
Preparation and Installation of pipes and fitings for RCC
reservoirs size upto 30 m³ for outlet, inlet washout and
overflow as per clause 3 and related clause of the
specification and as directed by the Engineer.
67 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Preparation andInstallation of pipes and fitings for
distribution chamber for outlet, inlet washout and
overflow as per clause 3 and related clause of the
68 specification and as directed by the Engineer. Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Preparation andInstallation of pipes and fitings for break
pressure chamber for outlet, inlet washout and overflow as
per clause 3 and related clause of the specification and as
69 directed by the Engineer. Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT : #REF!
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words Amount (NRs.) Remark
Preparation andInstallation of pipes and fitings for air
release valve chamber for outlet, inlet washout and
overflow as per clause 3 and related clause of the
70 specification and as directed by the Engineer. 3.000 job 400.00 1 200.00
Preparation andInstallation of pipes and fitings for valve
chamber for outlet, inlet washout and overflow as per
clause 3 and related clause of the specification and as
71 directed by the Engineer. 10.000 job 500.00 5 000.00
Preparation andInstallation of pipes and fitings for tap
stand post as per clause 3 and related clause of the
72 specification and as directed by the Engineer. Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Installation of 8" casing pipe in well as per clause 3 and
related clause of the specification and as directed by the
73 Engineer. Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Preparation andInstallation of pipes and fitings for stream
weir intake for outlet, inlet washout as per clause 3 and
related clause of the specification and as directed by the
74 Engineer. Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Providing complete electrification and sanitation work for
office building as related clause of the specification and as
75 directed by the Engineer Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Providing complete electrification work for pump
operation house as related clause of the specification and
76 as directed by the Engineer Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Site levelling work for reservoir site as per clause 2.2 and
related clause of specification and as directed by the
77 Engineer. 2.000 job 5000.00 10 000.00
Lowering of the ring in the well including transportation
and establishment of all necessary tolls and equipment as
78 Directed by the Engineer. Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT : #REF!
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words Amount (NRs.) Remark
Supply of water for construction and curing of RCC
works for reservoirs and DC as per directed by the
79 76.000 m³ 1000.00 76 000.00 Err:509
Dewatering work for the construction of simple weir
80 intake as directed by the Engineer 1.000 job 10000.00 10 000.00
Dewatering during the excavation in the well as Directed
81 by the Engineer. Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Transportation of pipes, fittings and tools from
market/roadhead to the laying site including
stacking, piling
82 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Transportation 8" casing pipe for pump casing from
83 store to site Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
84 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
85 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Supply and fixing of 20 mm thick MS plate to
support the entire weight of the pump set as directed
by the Engineer.
86 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Cleaning and Development of well, 72 hours
continious pumping disposing water more than
design as directed by the Engineer.
87 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Laying of one layer of 500 G of polythene sheet for
the foundation work as directed by the Engineer
88 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Laying and joining of 16, 20, 25 mmØ HDPE pipe
with butt-weld joints as per Clause 3 and other
related clause of the specification and as directed by
the Engineer.
89 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT : #REF!
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words Amount (NRs.) Remark
Laying and joining of 32 mmØ HDPE pipe with
butt-weld joints as per clause 3 and other related
clause of the specification and as directd by the
90 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Laying and joining of 40, 50 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-
weld joints as per clause 3 and other related clause of the
specification and as directd by the Engineer
91 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Laying and joining of 63, 75, 90 mmØ HDPE pipe with
butt-weld joints as per clause 3 and other related clause of
the specification and as directd by the Engineer
92 642.000 m 62.15 39 900.30
Laying and joining of 110, 125 mmØ HDPE pipe with
butt-weld joints as per clause 3 and other related clause of
the specification and as directd by the Engineer
93 131.000 m 90.86 11 902.66
Laying and joining of 140, 160, 180 mmØ HDPE pipe
with butt-weld joints as per clause 3 and other related
clause of the specification and as directd by the Engineer
94 0.000 m 124.31 0.00
Laying and joining of 200, 225, 250 mmØ HDPE pipe
with butt-weld joints as per clause 3 and other related
clause of the specification and as directd by the Engineer
95 0.000 m 183.01 0.00
Laying and joining of 20, 25 mmØ PPR pipe with fusion-
weld socket joints as per clause 3 and other related clause
of the specification and as directd by the Engineer
96 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT : #REF!
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words Amount (NRs.) Remark
Laying and joining of 40, 50 mmØ PPR pipe with fusion-
weld socket joints as per clause 3 and other related clause
of the specification and as directd by the Engineer
97 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Laying and joining of 63, 75, 90 mmØ PPR pipe with
fusion-weld socket joints as per clause 3 and other related
clause of the specification and as directd by the Engineer
98 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Laying and joining of 32 mmØ PPR pipe with fusion-
weld socket joints as per clause 3 and other related clause
of the specification and as directd by the Engineer
99 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Laying and joining of 110 mmØ PPR pipe with fusion-
weld socket joints as per clause 3 and other related clause
of the specification and as directd by the Engineer
100 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Laying and joining of 40, 50 mmØ GI pipe with arc weld
joints as per clause 3 and other related clause of the
101 specification and as directed by the Engineer Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Laying and joining of 65, 80 mmØ GI pipe with arc weld
joints as per clause 3 and other related clause of the
102 specification and as directed by the Engineer Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
103 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Laying and joining of 100 mmØ GI pipe with arc weld
joints as per clause 3 and other related clause of the
104 specification and as directed by the Engineer Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509
Laying and joining of 100 mmØ GI pipe with socket
joints as per clause 3 and other related clause of the
specification and as directed by the Engineer
105 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT : #REF!
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words Amount (NRs.) Remark
Laying and joining of 125 mmØ GI pipe with socket
joints as per clause 3 and other related clause of the
specification and as directed by the Engineer
106 Err:509 ### Err:509 Err:509 Err:509
Supply of 0.03 sq.inch ACSR Conductor Err:504 ### Err:504
107 (confirming to IS 398 (Part 2): 1996 Err:504
Supply of 0.05 sq.inch ACSR Conductor Err:504 ### Err:504
(confirming to IS 398 (Part 2): 1996 or equivalent)
108 Err:504
109 Supply of standard 120 sq. mm cable socket Err:504 ### Err:504 Err:504
Supply of ABC Conductor 95 Sqmm (confirming to Err:504 ### Err:504
110 BS 7870 or equivalent) Err:504
111 Supply of standard Cross Angle (size 2390 mm) Err:504 ### Err:504 Err:504
Supply of standard Cross arm HT (size 1200mm) Err:504 ### Err:504
112 Err:504
113 Supply of standard Cross arm HT (size 300mm) Err:504 ### Err:504 Err:504
114 Supply of standard Dead end Clamp Err:504 ### Err:504 Err:504
Supply of Disc insulator (voltage 11kv) (Confirming Err:504 ### Err:504
115 to IS 10136: 1982 or equivalent) Err:504
Supply of standard Drop out fuse set (Voltage Err:504 ### Err:504
116 11KV) Err:504
Supply of Earthing set (confirming to IS 3043:1987 Err:504 ### Err:504
117 or equivalent) Err:504

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT : #REF!
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words Amount (NRs.) Remark
Erection of 11 m steel Tubular poles, excavation of Err:504 ### Err:504
footing, making pole vertical and placing in footing
ramming back, filling of soil for strengthening
fitting accessories (Channels and angles) all
118 Err:504
Erection of 9 m steel Tubular folding poles, Err:504 ### Err:504
excavation of footing, making pole vertical and
placing in footing ramming back, filling of soil for
strengthening fitting accessories all complete
119 Err:504
120 Supply of standard Flat Braching 720 mm Err:504 ### Err:504 Err:504
Supply of Gay insulator (Stay insulator for HT/LT) Err:504 ### Err:504
121 (confirming to IS 5300 or equivalent) Err:504
Installation of 11/0.4kV 100kVA Err:504 ### Err:504
DistributionTransformer with DO, Lightning
arrester and earthing set all complete
122 Err:504
Installation of stay set including pit excavation and Err:504 ### Err:504
backfilling, stay wire and stay insulator fitting
123 Err:504
Supply of Lightening arrestor (Voltage 11 KV) Err:504 ### Err:504
124 (Confirming to IS 3070 Part 3 or equivalent) Err:504
Supply of standard Err:504 ### Err:504
125 (size100X50X6)2500 mm long Err:504
Supply of standard (size75X40X6)500 Err:504 ### Err:504
126 mm long Err:504
127 Supply of standard MCCB 100 A Err:504 ### Err:504 Err:504
128 Supply of standard Nut&Bolts (size specified) Err:504 ### Err:504 Err:504
129 Supply of standard Pin Insulator (voltage 11kv) Err:504 ### Err:504 Err:504

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT : #REF!
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words Amount (NRs.) Remark
130 Supply of standard Pole clamp Err:504 ### Err:504 Err:504
Supply of standard Shakle insulator 500 volt with D- Err:504 ### Err:504
131 iron with not bolt Err:504
132 Supply of standard Stay set Err:504 ### Err:504 Err:504
133 Supply of standard Stay Wire Err:504 ### Err:504 Err:504
Supply of standard Steel tubular pole (size 11 Mt) Err:504 ### Err:504
134 Err:504
135 Supply of standard Steel tubular pole (size 9 Mt) Err:504 ### Err:504 Err:504
Stringing of 0.03 sq. inch ACSR conductor with Err:504 ### Err:504
136 proper tension (LT+ HT) Err:504
Stringing of 0.05 sq. inch ACSR conductor with Err:504 ### Err:504
137 proper tension for HT Err:504
Supply of Transformer,11/0.4KV,100 KVA Err:504 ### Err:504
138 (Conforming to IS 2026 or equivalent) Err:504
Supply of Transformer,11/0.4KV,25 KVA Err:504 ### Err:504
139 (Conforming to IS 2026 or equivalent) Err:504
Supply of Transformer,11/0.4KV,50 KVA Err:504 ### Err:504
140 (Conforming to IS 2026 or equivalent) Err:504
Transportation of conductor and other materials Err:504 ### Err:504
141 from market to Site Err:504
142 Transportation of poles from market to Site Err:504 ### Err:504 Err:504
Transportation of transformer from market to site Err:504 ### Err:504
143 Err:504
Supply of 2.5 mm squared 3-core copper Err:504 m 400.00
submersible flat cable (Confirming to IS 694 :2010
or equivalent)
144 Err:504

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT : #REF!
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words Amount (NRs.) Remark
Supply of 4 mm squared 3-core copper submersible Err:504 m Err:509
flat cable (Confirming to IS 694 :2010 or
145 Err:504
Supply of 6 mm squared 3-core copper submersible Err:504 m 800.00
flat cable (Confirming to IS 694 :2010 or
146 Err:504
Supply of standard Control panel board : 3 phase, Err:504 set #REF!
DIRECT ON LINE (DOL) Control Panel, 1.1 kW
147 Err:504
Supply of standard Control panel board : 3 phase, Err:504 - #REF!
DIRECT ON LINE (DOL) Control Panel, 2.2 kW
148 Err:504
Supply of standard Control panel board : 3 phase, Err:504 set 49,000.00
DIRECT ON LINE (DOL) Control Panel, 3.0 kW
149 Err:504
Supply of standard Control panel board : 3 phase, Err:504 set Err:509
DIRECT ON LINE (DOL) Control Panel, 5.5 kW
150 Err:504
Supply of standard Control panel board : 3 phase, Err:504 set 94,000.00
151 fully automatic star-delta, 11 kW Err:504
Supply of standard Control panel board : 3 phase, Err:504 set 105,500.00
152 fully automatic star-delta, 13 kW Err:504
Supply of standard Control panel board : 3 phase, Err:504 set 118,000.00
153 fully automatic star-delta, 15.0 kW Err:504
Supply of standard Control panel board : 3 phase, Err:504 set 92,000.00
154 fully automatic star-delta, 9.3 kW Err:504

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT : #REF!
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words Amount (NRs.) Remark
Installation of submersible pump with necessary Err:504 job Err:509
welding, fittings and panel board, wiring of pump
house, etc. all complete
155 Err:504
Supply of standard submersible pump: 3 phase, 400 5 set 315,900.00
V, 50 Hz, 2900 RPM with discharge 16 m³/hr at 307
m dynamic head (proposed model: UPF 60/23,
UMA I 150, 13/22, 11 Kw or equivalent)

156 15 79 500.00
Supply of standard submersible pump: 3 phase, 400 Err:504 set 259,380.00
V, 50 Hz, 2900 RPM with discharge 18 m³/hr at 165
m dynamic head (proposed model: UQD 212/17,
UMA G 150, 16/21, 13 Kw or equivalent)

157 Err:504
Supply of standard submersible pump: 3 phase, 400 Err:504 set #REF!
V, 50 Hz, 2900 RPM with discharge 7 m³/hr at 72 m
dynamic head (proposed model: CORA 7C/15,
UMA I 150, 2.2/22, 2.2 kW or equivalent)

158 Err:504
KSB submersible pump: 3 phase, 400 V, 50 Hz, 4 set 119,240.00
2900 RPM with discharge 20 m³/hour at 25 m
dynamic head (proposed model: CORA 18C/9,
UMA I 100, 3/22, 3.0 kW or equivalent
159 4 76 960.00
Supply of standard submersible pump: 3 phase, 400 Err:504 set 286,220.00
V, 50 Hz, 2900 RPM with discharge 6 m³/hr at 270
m dynamic head (proposed model: UQD 112/36,
UMA I 150, 9/22, 9.3 kW or equivalent)

160 Err:504

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT : #REF!
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words Amount (NRs.) Remark
Supply of standard submersible pump: 3 phase, 400 Err:504 set #REF!
V, 50 Hz, 2900 RPM with discharge 7 m³/hour at 34
m dynamic head (proposed model: CORA 7C/7,
UMA I 100, 1.1/22, 1.1 kW
or equivalent

161 Err:504
Supply of standard submersible pump: 3 phase, 400 Err:504 set 285,560.00
V, 50 Hz, 2900 RPM with discharge 14 m³/hr at 238
m dynamic head (proposed model: UQD 182/26,
UMA G150, 21/21, 15 kW or equivalent)

162 Err:504
Supply of standard submersible pump: 3 phase, 400 Err:504 set Err:509
V, 50 Hz, 2900 RPM with discharge 30 m³/hr at 41
m dynamic head (proposed model: BPD 273/5A,
5.5kW or equivalent)
163 Err:504
Transportation of submersible pumpand motor from Err:504 job 2,000.00
164 store to site Err:504
Installation Materials with all hardwire component 6 set 65,000.00
with pump support stands as per necessary
165 3 90 000.00
166 Mounting Frame for 140 wp 0 no 4,000.00 0.00
167 Mounting Frame for 190 wp 197 no 4,500.00 8 86 500.00
Supply and Installation of Earthing set (all complete 30 no 75,000.00
168 work) 22 50 000.00
169 Supply of Power controller (CU200….) 4 no 55,000.00 2 20 000.00
Supply of Pump SQF 7-4 pumpset, 3.5 m³/hr at 30 1 no 250,000.00
170 m head 2 50 000.00

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT : #REF!
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words Amount (NRs.) Remark
171 Supply of Armoured Copper Cable 6 6600 m 560.00 36 96 000.00
172 Supply of standard Panel 140 Wp 0 no 18,900.00 0.00
173 Supply of standard Panel 190 Wp 197 no 25,650.00 50 53 050.00
Supply of standard Power controller (CU200….) 26 no 55,000.00
174 14 30 000.00
Supply of standard solar Pump discharge 1.2 m³/hr 7 set 250,000.00 Supply of Pump SQF 1.2-3, 1.2 m³/hr at 170 m head
at 170 m dynamic head (proposed model Grundfos
SQF 1.2-3 or euivalent)
175 17 50 000.00
Supply of standard solar Pump discharge 1.2 m³/hr 10 no 250,000.00
at 190 m dynamic head (proposed model Grundfos
SQF 1.2-3 or euivalent)
176 25 00 000.00
Supply of standard solar Pump discharge 1.3 m³/hr 7 set 250,000.00
at 130 m dynamic head (proposed model Grundfos
SQF 1.2-3 or euivalent)
177 17 50 000.00
Supply of standard solar Pump discharge 2.2 m³/hr 2 set 250,000.00
at 30 m dynamic head (proposed model Grundfos
SQF 2.5-2 or euivalent)
178 5 00 000.00
Supply of standard solar Pump discharge 2.8 m³/hr 3 set 250,000.00
at 25 m dynamic head (proposed model Grundfos
SQF 2.5-2 or euivalent)
179 7 50 000.00
Transportation & Installation for solar panel for 1 job 60,000.00
180 scheme # 7 60 000.00
Transportation & Installation for solar panel for 1 job 80,000.00
181 Scheme # 1 80 000.00 Err:504

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT : #REF!
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words Amount (NRs.) Remark
Supply of various type of HDPE
PIPES(Confirming to NS-40 or equivalent) in
different diameter as per Clause 3.3 and other
related clause of the Specification,
manufacturer's instruction and as directed by the
182.1 20 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe #REF! m 40.07 #REF!
182.2 25 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 13364.000 m 60.40 8 07 185.60
182.3 32 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 4292.000 m 99.87 4 28 642.04
182.4 32 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 4466.000 m 67.57 3 01 767.62
182.5 40 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 2817.000 m 153.69 4 32 944.73
182.6 40 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 3976.000 m 104.65 4 16 088.40
182.7 50 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 4301.000 m 238.00 10 23 638.00
182.8 50 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 5171.000 m 162.06 8 38 012.26
182.9 63 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 4337.000 m 379.43 16 45 587.91
182.10 63 mmØ 4 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 150.000 m 174.92 26 238.00
182.11 63 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 6994.000 m 254.15 17 77 525.10
182.12 75 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 3295.000 m 532.82 17 55 641.90
182.13 75 mmØ 4 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 75.000 m 252.95 18 971.25
182.14 75 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 4081.000 m 356.11 14 53 284.91
182.15 90 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 3328.000 m 767.83 25 55 338.24
182.16 90 mmØ 4 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 95.000 m 364.78 34 654.10
182.17 90 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 1798.000 m 513.68 9 23 596.64
182.18 110 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 2079.000 m 1136.50 23 62 783.50
182.19 110 mmØ 4 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 165.000 m 509.20 84 018.00
182.20 110 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 2971.000 m 760.96 22 60 812.16
182.21 125 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 792.000 m 1483.64 11 75 042.88

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT : #REF!
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words Amount (NRs.) Remark
182.22 125 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 363.000 m 984.61 3 57 413.43
182.23 140 mmØ 4 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 25.000 m 867.40 21 685.00
182.24 140 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 209.000 m 1240.85 2 59 337.65
182.25 160 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 176.000 m 2415.62 4 25 149.12
182.26 160 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 407.000 m 1601.15 6 51 668.05
182.27 180 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 627.000 m 3066.54 19 22 720.58
182.28 200 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 132.000 m 3743.48 4 94 139.36
182.29 200 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 33.000 m 2508.91 82 794.03
182.30 225 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 2501.000 m 4788.19 1 19 75 263.19
182.31 225 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 160.000 m 3152.66 5 04 425.60
Supply of various type of PPR (Confirming to
DIN 8077 or equivalent) as per Clause 3.3 and
other related clause of the Specification,
manufacturer's instruction and as directed by the
20 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe
183.1 606.000 m 93.61 56 727.66
25 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe
183.2 5588.000 m 145.48 8 12 942.24
183.3 25 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe 3663.000 m 168.25 6 16 299.75
32 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe
183.4 1153.000 m 234.03 2 69 836.59
183.5 32 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe 2239.000 m 274.51 6 14 627.89
40 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe
183.6 3278.000 m 363.69 11 92 175.82
183.7 40 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe 2246.000 m 424.41 9 53 224.86

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT : #REF!
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words Amount (NRs.) Remark
50 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe
183.8 3829.000 m 566.72 21 69 970.88
183.9 50 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe 2263.000 m 657.80 14 88 601.40
63 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe
183.10 2453.000 m 891.83 21 87 658.99
183.11 63 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe 1487.000 m 1043.63 15 51 877.81
75 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe
183.12 99.000 m 1271.33 1 25 861.67
183.13 75 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe 1027.000 m 1480.05 15 20 011.35
90 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe
183.14 1980.000 m 1815.28 35 94 254.40
183.15 90 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe 638.000 m 2125.20 13 55 877.60
110 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe
183.16 913.000 m 2719.75 24 83 131.75
110 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe
183.17 425.000 0 3168.83 13 46 752.75
Supply of various type of GALVANISED GI
PIPES(Confirming to NS-199 or equivalent) both
end threaded, one end socketted as per Clause 3.3
and other related clause of the Specification,
manufacturer's instruction and as directed by the
184.1 15 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) 2586.000 m 195.50 5 05 563.00
184.2 20 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) 228.000 m 205.28 46 803.84
184.3 25 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) 216.000 m 312.74 67 551.84
184.4 32 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) 174.000 m 483.00 84 042.00
184.5 40 mmØ GI pipe (heavy duty) 286.000 m 539.35 1 54 254.10

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT : #REF!
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words Amount (NRs.) Remark
184.6 40 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) 509.000 m 467.30 2 37 855.70
184.7 50 mmØ GI pipe (heavy duty) 638.000 m 793.50 5 06 253.00
184.8 50 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) 1793.000 m 642.39 11 51 805.27
184.9 65 mmØ GI pipe (heavy duty) 1265.000 m 992.45 12 55 449.25
184.10 65 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) 1993.000 m 819.89 16 34 040.77
184.11 80 mmØ GI pipe (Heavy duty) 990.000 m 1168.40 11 56 716.00
184.12 80 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) 756.000 m 1020.34 7 71 377.04
184.13 100 mmØ GI pipe (heavy duty) 409.000 m 1768.70 7 23 398.30
184.14 100 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) 940.000 m 1527.49 14 35 840.60
184.15 125 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) 389.000 m 1997.21 7 76 914.69 #REF!
Supply and installation of different type of
fittings with necessary accessories in different
site including earthwork and minor civil works,
transportation and portering all complete works
as per drawing, clause 3.3 and other fitting
specifications or instruction((confirming NS-
302/IS1879, IS1239 Part 2:2011, IS 4846:2000,
and, other related Standards or equivalent)

Carbon steel bend 50 mmØ - 120° internal angle
185.1 #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
Carbon steel bend 65 mmØ - 120° internal angle
185.2 #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
Carbon steel bend 80 mmØ - 120° internal angle
185.3 #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.4 Carbon steel equal Tee (50 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.5 Carbon steel equal Tee (65 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT : #REF!
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words Amount (NRs.) Remark
185.6 Carbon steel equal Tee (80 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.7 Carbon steel equal Tee(100 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
Carbon steel flange set (100 mmØ), heavy duty,
185.8 more than 9 threads #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
Carbon steel flange set (50 mmØ), heavy duty, more
185.9 than 9 threads #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
Carbon steel flange set (65 mmØ), heavy duty, more
185.10 than 9 threads #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
Carbon steel flange set (80 mmØ), heavy duty, more
185.11 than 9 threads #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.12 Carbon steel Nipple (100 mmØ) - 6" long #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.13 Carbon steel Nipple (50 mmØ) - 6" long #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.14 Carbon steel Nipple (65 mmØ) - 6" long #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.15 Carbon steel Nipple (80 mmØ) - 6" long #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.16 Carbon steel Reducer Socket (100 × 50 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.17 Carbon steel Reducer Socket (100 × 65 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.18 Carbon steel Reducer Socket (50×40 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.19 Carbon steel Reducer Socket (65×50 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.20 Carbon steel Reducer Socket (65x50 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.21 Carbon steel Reducer Socket (80 × 50 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
Carbon steelI bend 100 mmØ - 120° internal angle
185.22 #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.23 Forged steel gate valve 100 mmØ #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.24 Forged steel gate valve 50 mmØ #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.25 Forged steel gate valve 65 mmØ #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.26 Forged steel gate valve 80 mmØ #REF! ### #REF! #REF!

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT : #REF!
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words Amount (NRs.) Remark
Forged steel nonreturn valve 100 mmØ vertical
185.27 mounting, Shakti or eqv. #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
Forged steel nonreturn valve 50 mmØ vertical
185.28 mounting, Shakti or eqv. #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
Forged steel nonreturn valve 65 mmØ vertical
185.29 mounting, Shakti or eqv. #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
Forged steel nonreturn valve 80 mmØ vertical
185.30 mounting, Shakti or eqv. #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.31 GI Blind flange set (200 mmØ) with 8 nut bolts #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.32 MS pipe 200 mmØ heavy duty (8 mm+ thick) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.33 Pressure gauge( upto 400 m head)- 3" size #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.34 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.35 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.36 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.37 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.38 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.39 CI Sluice Valve (125 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.40 CI Sluice valve (150 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.41 CI Sluice valve (200 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.42 DI-HDPE flange set (125×140 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.43 DI-HDPE flange set (150×160 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.44 DI-HDPE flange set (200×225 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.45 DI-HDPE flange set (80×90 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.46 Double flanged concentric taper (150×125 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.47 Double flanged concentric taper (150×80 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.48 Double flanged concentric taper (200×150 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT : #REF!
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words Amount (NRs.) Remark
Double flanged DI pipe piece (125 mmØ), 0.4 m
185.49 long #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
Double flanged DI pipe piece (150 mmØ), 0.4 m
185.50 long #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
Double flanged DI pipe piece (150 mmØ), 1 m long
185.51 #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
Double flanged DI pipe piece (200 mmØ), 0.4 m
185.52 long #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
Double flanged DI pipe piece (200 mmØ), 1 m long
185.53 #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
Double flanged DI pipe piece (80 mmØ), 0.4 m long
185.54 #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.55 Flanged DI Equal Tee (200×200 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.56 Flanged DI Unequal Tee (150×80 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.57 Flanged DI Unequal Tee (200×80 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.58 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.59 GI Blind flange set (125 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.60 GI Blind flange set (65 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.61 GI Blind flange set (80 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.62 GI Elbow (100 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.63 GI Elbow (125 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.64 GI Elbow (15 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.65 GI Elbow (20 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.66 GI Elbow (25 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.67 GI Elbow (32 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.68 GI Elbow (40 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.69 GI Elbow (50 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT : #REF!
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words Amount (NRs.) Remark
185.70 GI Elbow (65 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.71 GI Elbow (80 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.72 GI Equal Tee (100 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.73 GI Equal Tee (125 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.74 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.75 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.76 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.77 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.78 GI Equal Tee (65 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.79 GI Equal Tee (80 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.80 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.81 GI Nipple (100 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.82 GI Nipple (125 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.83 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.84 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.85 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.86 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.87 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.88 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.89 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.90 GI pipe (40 mmØ) piece -1.5 m long #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.91 GI pipe piece (100 mmØ), 0.45 m long #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.92 GI pipe piece (100 mmØ), 0.75 m long #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.93 GI pipe piece (100 mmØ), 1 m long #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.94 GI pipe piece (100 mmØ), 2 m long #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.95 GI pipe piece (65 mmØ), 0.45 m long #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.96 GI pipe piece (65 mmØ), 2 m long #REF! ### #REF! #REF!

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT : #REF!
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words Amount (NRs.) Remark
185.97 GI Plug (20 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.98 GI plug (25 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.99 GI Plug (40 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.100 GI Plug (50 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.101 GI Reducer Socket (100x25 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.102 GI Reducer Socket (100x40 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.103 GI Reducer Socket (100x65 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.104 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.105 GI Reducer Socket (125x100 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.106 GI Reducer Socket (150x125 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.107 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.108 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.109 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.110 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.111 GI Reducer Socket (65x25 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.112 GI Reducer Socket (65x40 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.113 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.114 GI Reducer Socket (80x20 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.115 GI Reducer Socket (80x25 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.116 GI Reducer socket (80x32 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.117 GI Reducer Socket (80x40 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.118 GI Reducer Socket (80x50 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.119 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.120 GI Socket 20 mmØ #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.121 GI socket 25 mmØ #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.122 GI Socket 40 mmØ #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.123 GI Socket 50 mmØ #REF! ### #REF! #REF!

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT : #REF!
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words Amount (NRs.) Remark
185.124 GI Strainer (100 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.125 GI Strainer (125 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.126 GI Strainer (150 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.127 GI strainer (200 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.128 GI Strainer (32 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.129 GI Strainer (40 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.130 GI Strainer (50 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.131 GI Strainer (65 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.132 GI Strainer (80 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.133 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.134 GI Unequal Tee (100x20 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.135 GI Unequal Tee (100x40 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.136 GI Unequal Tee (100x50 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.137 GI Unequal Tee (100x65 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.138 GI Unequal Tee (100x80 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.139 GI Unequal Tee (125x100 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.140 GI Unequal Tee (125x15 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.141 GI Unequal Tee (125x20 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.142 GI Unequal Tee (125x25 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.143 GI Unequal Tee (125x50 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.144 GI Unequal Tee (125x80 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.145 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.146 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.147 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.148 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.149 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.150 GI Unequal Tee (32x25 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT : #REF!
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words Amount (NRs.) Remark
185.151 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.152 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.153 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.154 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.155 GI Unequal Tee (50x20 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.156 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.157 GI Unequal Tee (50x40 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.158 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.159 GI Unequal Tee (65x20 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.160 GI Unequal Tee (65x25 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.161 GI Unequal Tee (65x40 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.162 GI Unequal Tee (65x50 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.163 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.164 GI Unequal Tee (80x20 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.165 GI Unequal Tee (80x25 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.166 GI Unequal Tee (80x40 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.167 GI Unequal Tee (80x50 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.168 GI Unequal Tee (80x65 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.169 GI Union (15 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.170 GI Union (20 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.171 GI Union (25 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.172 GI Union (32 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.173 GI Union (40 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.174 GI Union (50 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.175 GI Union (65 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.176 GI Union (80 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.177 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT : #REF!
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words Amount (NRs.) Remark
185.178 GI-GI flange set (125 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.179 GI-GI Flange set (150 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.180 GI-GI Flange set (200 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.181 GI-GI flange set (40 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.182 GI-GI flange set (50 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.183 GI-GI flange set (65 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.184 GI-GI flange set (80 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.185 GI-HDP flange set (100x110 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.186 GI-HDP flange set (100x125 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.187 GI-HDP flange set (125x140 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.188 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.189 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.190 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.191 GM ferrule cock (15 mmØ) 1908.000 no 1730.75 33 02 271.00
185.192 Water meter (15 mmØ) 1908.000 no 2530.00 48 27 240.00
185.193 HDPE saddle clamp of different sizes 1908.000 set 460.00 8 77 680.00
185.194 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.195 GM Gate Valve (20 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.196 GM Gate Valve (25 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.197 GM Gate Valve (32 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.198 GM Gate Valve (40 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.199 GM Gate Valve (50 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.200 GM Gate Valve (65 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.201 GM Gate Valve (80 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.202 GM Globe Valve (100 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.203 GM Globe Valve (20 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.204 GM Globe Valve (25 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT : #REF!
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words Amount (NRs.) Remark
185.205 GM Globe Valve (32 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.206 GM Globe Valve (40 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.207 GM Globe Valve (50 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.208 GM Globe Valve (65 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.209 GM Globe Valve (80 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.210 PPR female socket (100x110 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.211 PPR female socket (50x63 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.212 PPR female socket (65x75 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.213 PPR female socket (80x90 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.214 PPR female union (20x25 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.215 PPR female union (25x32 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.216 PPR female union (32x40 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.217 PPR female union (40x50 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.218 PPR Reducer socket (110x90 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.219 PPR Reducer socket (32x25 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.220 PPR Reducer socket (40x25 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.221 PPR Reducer socket (40x32 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.222 PPR Reducer socket (50x25 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.223 PPR Reducer socket (50x32 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.224 PPR Reducer socket (50x40 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.225 PPR Reducer socket (63x40 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.226 PPR Reducer socket (63x50 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.227 PPR Reducer socket (75x40 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.228 PPR Reducer socket (75x63 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.229 PPR Reducer socket (90x50 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.230 PPR Reducer socket (90x63 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.231 PPR Reducer socket (90x75 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT : #REF!
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words Amount (NRs.) Remark
185.232 PPR socket (110 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.233 PPR socket (20 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.234 PPR socket (25 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.235 PPR socket (32 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.236 PPR socket (40 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.237 PPR socket (50 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.238 PPR socket (63 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.239 PPR socket (75 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF!
185.240 PPR socket (90 mmØ) #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!

Sub-total #REF!

Value Added Tax(VAT) @ 13% #REF!

Grand Total #REF!

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal

Name of Project : Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
S.N. Description of Items Amount (NRs.) Remarks
A. Civil works
1 Infiltration gallery Err:509
2 Simple Weir Intake without VAT:(Excluding Ps
3 Collection Chamber Err:509
4 RCC-reservoir-150 m3 Err:509
5 RCC-reservoir-100 m3 0.00
6 RCC-reservoir-70 m3 Err:509
7 RCC-reservoir-65 m3 Err:509
8 RCC-reservoir-60 m3 Err:509
9 RCC-reservoir-50 m3 Err:509
10 RCC-reservoir-40 m3 Err:509
11 RCC-reservoir-30 m3 Err:509
12 RCC-reservoir-25 m3 Err:509
13 RCC-reservoir-20 m3 Err:509
14 RCC-reservoir-16 m3 Err:509
15 RCC-reservoir-12 m3 Err:509
16 RCC-reservoir-10 m3 Err:509
17 RCC-reservoir-6 m3 Err:509
18 RCC-DC-2 cham Err:509 All fencing work of
RTs and RCC Dcs are
19 BPT- Masonry Err:509
included in Fencing
20 AVC 0.00 and E.Gate
21 VC 0.00
22 Disinfectionc chamber Err:509
23 Pump operation house Err:509
24 Pump casing well Err:509
25 Site Development for Solar work Err:509
26 PSP Err:509
27 WUA office Err:509
28 Protection work Err:509
29 Protection work Err:509
30 Latrine-single Err:509
31 Latrine-double Err:509
Fencing Type (A) for RTs/DCs, WUA office, site dev,
32 inf-gal Err:509
33 Entrance gate for Type A fencing (inf-gal) Err:509
34 Pipeline work of transmission distribution 0.00
35 Pipeline work of distribution line Err:509
36 Transportation of pipes and fittings Err:509
Subtotal: Err:509
B. Electromechanical works
Electrical transmission line, supply and installation
pumps, solar panels, etc. Err:504
C. Supply of Pipes
1 For all schemes #REF!

Subtotal: #REF!
D. Fittins supply
1 For all schemes #REF!
2 House connection (GON part) #REF!
Subtotal: #REF!

Total cost of BOQ items #REF!

VAT @13% #REF!
Grand Total #REF!
Page 1 of 580 [BOQ of Galdasirbu Hadhade WSSP]

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT :
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fitt
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words
1 Removal of top soil and stacking at the location as
specified by the Engineer and as per Clause 2.1 and other
clause of the Specification 308.653 m² 106.72
2 Earthwork in excavation for foundation work in hard
soil 372.275 m³ 858.76
3 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
4 Earthwork in excavation for foundation work in b.m.
soil Err:509 m³ 1092.35
5 Err:509

Err:509 ### Err:509

6 Earth work in backfilling with hard soil 90.776 m³ 432.81
7 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
8 Earthwork in backfilling with boulder mixed soil for
pipeline/foundation trench Err:509 m³ 412.21
9 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
10 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
11 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
12 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
13 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
14 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
15 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal __________________Total of This page

Page 2 of 580 [BOQ of Galdasirbu Hadhade WSSP]

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT :
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fitt
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words
16 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
17 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
18 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
19 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
20 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
21 Dry stone soling work in foundation 24.756 m³ 7240.03
22 Boulder packing 0.750 m³ 7240.03
23 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
24 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
25 RR Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar 14.625 m³ 15855.45
26 RR Stone masonry in 1:6 c-s mortar 17.738 m³ 14936.89
27 Plain cement concrete (1:3:6) for foundation work
18.986 m³ 15514.93
28 Plain cement concrete (1:1½:3) for RCC work 79.145 m³ 20414.80
29 Plain cement concrete (1:2:4) for RCC work 14.277 m³ 18887.36
30 Plain cement concrete (1:2:4) for substructure 1.860 m³ 17081.86
31 Centering and shuttering for walls, vertical surfaces
and simple slabs 472.459 m² 735.61
32 Centering and shuttering for dome and arches 74.290 m² 1658.55
33 Steel reinforcement for RCC work 12077.827 kg 113.68
34 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
35 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal __________________Total of This page

Page 3 of 580 [BOQ of Galdasirbu Hadhade WSSP]

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT :
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fitt
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words
36 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
37 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
38 12.5 mm thick 1:3 c-s plaster 186.836 m² 408.99
39 3 mm thick 1:1 c-s punning 354.496 m² 240.72
40 12.5 mm thick 1:4 c-s plaster 230.864 m² 401.36
41 20 mm thick 1:3 c-s plaster 62.761 m² 546.89
42 Two (first & second) coats of bitumen painting 66.155 m² 112.41
43 Two (first & second) coats of snowcem painting
154.944 m² 148.26
44 Two coats of Enamel paint 125.570 m² 283.06
45 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
46 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
47 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
48 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
49 Filling of gabion box with stones 24.000 m³ 6053.07
50 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
51 GI water stopper 150 mm wide, 20 SWG 109.139 m 261.63
52 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
53 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
54 32 mmØ GI pipe ladder 45 cm width, 4.1 m long 2.000 no 7732.68
55 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
56 Water Level indicator 1.000 job 1500.00

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Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT :
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fitt
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words
57 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
58 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
59 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
60 Supply and installation of standard manhole cover
(75×75 cm²) 2.000 set 3748.32
61 Supply and installation of standard manhole cover
(60×60 cm²) 12.000 set 2967.42
62 Supply and installation of standard manhole cover
(45×45 cm²) 3.000 set 2545.20
63 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
64 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
65 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
66 Installation of pipes & fittings for RCC tank (>30
m3) 2.000 job 5500.00
67 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
68 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
69 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
70 Installation of pipes & fittings for AVC 3.000 job 400.00
71 Installation of pipes & fittings for VC (for pipe line
upto 125 mm) 10.000 job 500.00
72 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
73 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509

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Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT :
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fitt
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words
74 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
75 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
76 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
77 Site levelling work 2.000 job 5000.00
78 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
79 Cost of water for construction and curing 76.000 m³ 1000.00
80 Dewatering work 1.000 job 10000.00
81 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
82 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
83 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
84 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
85 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
86 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
87 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
88 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
89 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
90 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
91 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
92 Laying and joining of 63, 75, 90 mmØ HDPE pipe
with butt-weld joints 642.000 m 62.15
93 Laying and joining of 110, 125 mmØ HDPE pipe
with butt-weld joints 131.000 m 90.86

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Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT :
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fitt
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words
94 Laying and joining of 140, 160, 180 mmØ HDPE
pipe with butt-weld joints 0.000 m 124.31
95 Laying and joining of 200, 225, 250 mmØ HDPE
pipe with butt-weld joints 0.000 m 183.01
96 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
97 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
98 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
99 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
100 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
101 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
102 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
103 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
104 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
105 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
106 Err:509 Err:509 ### Err:509
107 0.03 sq.inch ACSR Conductor Err:504 ### Err:504
108 0.05 sq.inch ACSR Conductor Err:504 ### Err:504
109 120 sq. mm cable socket Err:504 ### Err:504
110 ABC Conductor 95 Sqmm Err:504 ### Err:504
111 Cross Angle (size 2390 mm) Err:504 ### Err:504
112 Cross arm HT (size 1200mm) Err:504 ### Err:504

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Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT :
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fitt
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words
113 Cross arm HT (size 300mm) Err:504 ### Err:504
114 Dead end Clamp Err:504 ### Err:504
115 Disc insulator (voltage 11kv) Err:504 ### Err:504
116 Drop out fuse set (Voltage 11KV) Err:504 ### Err:504
117 Earthing set Err:504 ### Err:504
118 Erection of 11 m steel Tubular poles, excavation of Err:504 ### Err:504
footing, making pole vertical and placing in footing
ramming back, filling of soil for strengthening
fitting accessories (Channels and angles) all

119 Erection of 9 m steel Tubular folding poles, Err:504 ### Err:504

excavation of footing, making pole vertical and
placing in footing ramming back, filling of soil for
strengthening fitting accessories all complete

120 Flat Braching 720 mm Err:504 ### Err:504

121 Gay insulator (Stay insulator for HT/LT) Err:504 ### Err:504
122 Installation of 11/0.4kV 100kVA Err:504 ### Err:504
DistributionTransformer with DO, Lightning
arrester and earthing set all complete
123 Installation of stay set including pit excavation and Err:504 ### Err:504
backfilling, stay wire and stay insulator fitting

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Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT :
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fitt
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words
124 Lightening arrestor (Voltage 11 KV) Err:504 ### Err:504
125 (size100X50X6)2500 mm long Err:504 ### Err:504
126 (size75X40X6)500 mm long Err:504 ### Err:504
127 MCCB 100 A Err:504 ### Err:504
128 Nut&Bolts (size) Err:504 ### Err:504
129 Pin Insulator (voltage 11kv) Err:504 ### Err:504
130 Pole clamp Err:504 ### Err:504
131 Shakle insulator 500 volt with D-iron with not bolt Err:504 ### Err:504

132 Stay set Err:504 ### Err:504

133 Stay Wire Err:504 ### Err:504
134 Steel tubular pole (size 11 Mt) Err:504 ### Err:504
135 Steel tubular pole (size 9 Mt) Err:504 ### Err:504
136 Stringing of 0.03 sq. inch ACSR conductor with Err:504 ### Err:504
proper tension (LT+ HT)
137 Stringing of 0.05 sq. inch ACSR conductor with Err:504 ### Err:504
proper tension for HT
138 Transformer,11/0.4KV,100 KVA Err:504 ### Err:504
139 Transformer,11/0.4KV,25 KVA Err:504 ### Err:504
140 Transformer,11/0.4KV,50 KVA Err:504 ### Err:504
141 Transportation of conductor and other materials Err:504 ### Err:504
from market to Site

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Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT :
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fitt
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words
142 Transportation of poles from market to Site Err:504 ### Err:504
143 Transportation of transformer from market to site Err:504 ### Err:504

144 2.5 mm squared 3-core copper submersible flat Err:504 m 400.00

145 4 mm squared 3-core copper submersible flat cable Err:504 m Err:509

146 6 mm squared 3-core copper submersible flat cable Err:504 m 800.00

147 Control panel board : 3 phase, DIRECT ON LINE Err:504 set #REF!
(DOL) Control Panel, 1.1 kW
148 Control panel board : 3 phase, DIRECT ON LINE Err:504 - #REF!
(DOL) Control Panel, 2.2 kW
149 Control panel board : 3 phase, DIRECT ON LINE Err:504 set 49,000.00
(DOL) Control Panel, 3.0 kW
150 Control panel board : 3 phase, DIRECT ON LINE Err:504 set Err:509
(DOL) Control Panel, 5.5 kW
151 Control panel board : 3 phase, fully automatic star- Err:504 set 94,000.00
delta, 11 kW
152 Control panel board : 3 phase, fully automatic star- Err:504 set 105,500.00
delta, 13 kW

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Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT :
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fitt
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words
153 Control panel board : 3 phase, fully automatic star- Err:504 set 118,000.00
delta, 15.0 kW
154 Control panel board : 3 phase, fully automatic star- Err:504 set 92,000.00
delta, 9.3 kW
155 Installation of submersible pump with necessary Err:504 job Err:509
welding, fittings and panel board, wiring of pump
house, etc. all complete
156 KSB submersible pump: 3 phase, 400 V, 50 Hz, 5 set 315,900.00
2900 RPM with discharge 16 m³/hr at 307 m
dynamic head (proposed model: UPF 60/23, UMA I
150, 13/22, 11 Kw or equivalent)

157 KSB submersible pump: 3 phase, 400 V, 50 Hz, Err:504 set 259,380.00
2900 RPM with discharge 18 m³/hr at 165 m
dynamic head (proposed model: UQD 212/17, UMA
G 150, 16/21, 13 Kw or equivalent)

158 KSB submersible pump: 3 phase, 400 V, 50 Hz, Err:504 set #REF!
2900 RPM with discharge 7 m³/hr at 72 m dynamic
head (proposed model: CORA 7C/15, UMA I 150,
2.2/22, 2.2 kW or equivalent)

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Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT :
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fitt
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words
159 KSB submersible pump: 3 phase, 400 V, 50 Hz, 4 set 119,240.00
2900 RPM with discharge 20 m³/hour at 25 m
dynamic head (proposed model: CORA 18C/9,
UMA I 100, 3/22, 3.0 kW or equivalent

160 KSB submersible pump: 3 phase, 400 V, 50 Hz, Err:504 set 286,220.00
2900 RPM with discharge 6 m³/hr at 270 m dynamic
head (proposed model: UQD 112/36, UMA I 150,
9/22, 9.3 kW or equivalent)

161 KSB submersible pump: 3 phase, 400 V, 50 Hz, Err:504 set #REF!
2900 RPM with discharge 7 m³/hour at 34 m
dynamic head (proposed model: CORA 7C/7, UMA
I 100, 1.1/22, 1.1 kW or equivalent

162 KSB submersible pump: 3 phase, 400 V, 50 Hz, Err:504 set 285,560.00
2900 RPM with discharge 14 m³/hr at 238 m
dynamic head (proposed model: UQD 182/26, UMA
G150, 21/21, 15 kW or equivalent)

163 KSB submersible pump: 3 phase, 400 V, 50 Hz, Err:504 set Err:509
2900 RPM with discharge 30 m³/hr at 41 m dynamic
head (proposed model: BPD 273/5A, 5.5kW or

164 Transportation of submersible pumpand motor from Err:504 job 2,000.00

store to site

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Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT :
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fitt
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words
165 Installation Materials with all hardwire component 6 set 65,000.00
with pump support stands as per necessary

166 Mounting Frame for 140 wp 0 no 4,000.00

167 Mounting Frame for 190 wp 197 no 4,500.00
168 Supply and Installation of Earthing set (all complete 30 no 75,000.00
169 Supply of Power controller (CU200….) 4 no 55,000.00
170 Supply of Pump SQF 7-4 pumpset, 3.5 m³/hr at 30 1 no 250,000.00
m head
171 Supply of Armoured Copper Cable 6 6600 m 560.00
172 Supply of Panel 140 Wp 0 no 18,900.00
173 Supply of Panel 190 Wp 197 no 25,650.00
174 Supply of Power controller (CU200….) 26 no 55,000.00
175 Supply of Pump SQF 1.2-3, 1.2 m³/hr at 170 m head 7 set 250,000.00

176 Supply of Pump SQF 1.2-3, 1.2 m³/hr at 190 m head 10 no 250,000.00

177 Supply of Pump SQF 1.2-3, 1.3 m³/hr at 130 m head 7 set 250,000.00

178 Supply of Pump SQF 2.5-2, 2.2 m³/hr at 30 m head 2 set 250,000.00

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Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT :
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fitt
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words
179 Supply of Pump SQF 2.5-2, 2.8 m³/hr at 25 m head 3 set 250,000.00

180 Transportation & Installation for solar panel for 1 job 60,000.00
scheme # 7
181 Transportation & Installation for solar panel for 1 job 80,000.00
Scheme # 1


180 20 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe #REF! m 40.07
181 25 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 13364.000 m 60.40
182 32 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 4292.000 m 99.87
183 32 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 4466.000 m 67.57
184 40 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 2817.000 m 153.69
185 40 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 3976.000 m 104.65
186 50 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 4301.000 m 238.00
187 50 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 5171.000 m 162.06
188 63 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 4337.000 m 379.43
189 63 mmØ 4 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 150.000 m 174.92
190 63 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 6994.000 m 254.15
191 75 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 3295.000 m 532.82
192 75 mmØ 4 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 75.000 m 252.95
193 75 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 4081.000 m 356.11

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Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT :
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fitt
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words
194 90 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 3328.000 m 767.83
195 90 mmØ 4 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 95.000 m 364.78
196 90 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 1798.000 m 513.68
197 110 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 2079.000 m 1136.50
198 110 mmØ 4 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 165.000 m 509.20
199 110 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 2971.000 m 760.96
200 125 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 792.000 m 1483.64
201 125 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 363.000 m 984.61
202 140 mmØ 4 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 25.000 m 867.40
203 140 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 209.000 m 1240.85
204 160 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 176.000 m 2415.62
205 160 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 407.000 m 1601.15
206 180 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 627.000 m 3066.54
207 200 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 132.000 m 3743.48
208 200 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 33.000 m 2508.91
209 225 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 2501.000 m 4788.19
210 225 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 160.000 m 3152.66
211 20 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe
606.000 m 93.61
212 25 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe
5588.000 m 145.48
213 25 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe 3663.000 m 168.25

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Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT :
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fitt
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words
214 32 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe
1153.000 m 234.03
215 32 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe 2239.000 m 274.51
216 40 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe
3278.000 m 363.69
217 40 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe 2246.000 m 424.41
218 50 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe
3829.000 m 566.72
219 50 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe 2263.000 m 657.80
220 63 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe
2453.000 m 891.83
221 63 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe 1487.000 m 1043.63
222 75 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe
99.000 m 1271.33
223 75 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe 1027.000 m 1480.05
224 90 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe
1980.000 m 1815.28
225 90 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe 638.000 m 2125.20
226 110 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe
913.000 m 2719.75
227 110 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe
425.000 0 3168.83

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Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT :
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fitt
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words
228 15 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) 2586.000 m 195.50
229 20 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) 228.000 m 205.28
230 25 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) 216.000 m 312.74
231 32 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) 174.000 m 483.00
232 40 mmØ GI pipe (heavy duty) 286.000 m 539.35
233 40 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) 509.000 m 467.30
234 50 mmØ GI pipe (heavy duty) 638.000 m 793.50
235 50 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) 1793.000 m 642.39
236 65 mmØ GI pipe (heavy duty) 1265.000 m 992.45
237 65 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) 1993.000 m 819.89
238 80 mmØ GI pipe (Heavy duty) 990.000 m 1168.40
239 80 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) 756.000 m 1020.34
240 100 mmØ GI pipe (heavy duty) 409.000 m 1768.70
241 100 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) 940.000 m 1527.49
242 125 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) 389.000 m 1997.21
1 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
2 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
3 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
4 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
5 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
6 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!

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Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT :
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fitt
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words
7 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
8 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
9 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
10 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
11 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
12 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
13 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
14 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
15 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
16 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
17 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
18 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
19 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
20 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
21 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
22 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
23 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
24 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
25 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
26 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
27 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
28 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!

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Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT :
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fitt
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words
29 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
30 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
31 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
32 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
33 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
34 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
35 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
36 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
37 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
38 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
39 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
40 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
41 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
42 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
43 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
44 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
45 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
46 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
47 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
48 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
49 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
50 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal __________________Total of This page

Page 19 of 580 [BOQ of Galdasirbu Hadhade WSSP]

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT :
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fitt
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words
51 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
52 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
53 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
54 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
55 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
56 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
57 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
58 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
59 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
60 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
61 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
62 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
63 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
64 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
65 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
66 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
67 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
68 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
69 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
70 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
71 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
72 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal __________________Total of This page

Page 20 of 580 [BOQ of Galdasirbu Hadhade WSSP]

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT :
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fitt
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words
73 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
74 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
75 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
76 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
77 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
78 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
79 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
80 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
81 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
82 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
83 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
84 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
85 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
86 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
87 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
88 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
89 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
90 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
91 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
92 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
93 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
94 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal __________________Total of This page

Page 21 of 580 [BOQ of Galdasirbu Hadhade WSSP]

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT :
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fitt
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words
95 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
96 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
97 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
98 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
99 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
100 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
101 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
102 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
103 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
104 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
105 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
106 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
107 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
108 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
109 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
110 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
111 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
112 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
113 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
114 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
115 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
116 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal __________________Total of This page

Page 22 of 580 [BOQ of Galdasirbu Hadhade WSSP]

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT :
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fitt
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words
117 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
118 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
119 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
120 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
121 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
122 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
123 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
124 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
125 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
126 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
127 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
128 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
129 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
130 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
131 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
132 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
133 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
134 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
135 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
136 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
137 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
138 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal __________________Total of This page

Page 23 of 580 [BOQ of Galdasirbu Hadhade WSSP]

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT :
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fitt
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words
139 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
140 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
141 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
142 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
143 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
144 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
145 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
146 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
147 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
148 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
149 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
150 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
151 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
152 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
153 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
154 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
155 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
156 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
157 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
158 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
159 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
160 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal __________________Total of This page

Page 24 of 580 [BOQ of Galdasirbu Hadhade WSSP]

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT :
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fitt
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words
161 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
162 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
163 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
164 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
165 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
166 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
167 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
168 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
169 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
170 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
171 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
172 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
173 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
174 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
175 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
176 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
177 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
178 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
179 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
180 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
181 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
182 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal __________________Total of This page

Page 25 of 580 [BOQ of Galdasirbu Hadhade WSSP]

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT :
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fitt
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words
183 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
184 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
185 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
186 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
187 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
188 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
189 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
190 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
191 GM ferrule cock (15 mmØ) 1908.000 no 1730.75
192 Water meter (15 mmØ) 1908.000 no 2530.00
193 HDPE saddle clamp of different sizes 1908.000 set 460.00
194 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
195 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
196 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
197 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
198 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
199 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
200 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
201 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
202 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
203 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
204 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal __________________Total of This page

Page 26 of 580 [BOQ of Galdasirbu Hadhade WSSP]

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT :
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fitt
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words
205 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
206 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
207 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
208 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
209 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
210 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
211 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
212 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
213 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
214 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
215 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
216 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
217 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
218 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
219 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
220 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
221 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
222 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
223 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
224 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
225 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
226 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal __________________Total of This page

Page 27 of 580 [BOQ of Galdasirbu Hadhade WSSP]

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
Departmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Water Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
Name of Project :- Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Total estimated cost without VAT :
Name of Works :- Construction RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fitt
Total Rate (NRs.)
SN Description of Items Quantity Unit In Figures In Words
227 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
228 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
229 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
230 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
231 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
232 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
233 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
234 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
235 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
236 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
237 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
238 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
239 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!
240 #REF! #REF! ### #REF!


Value Added Tax(VAT) @ 13%

Grand Total

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal __________________Total of This page

Page 28 of 580 [BOQ of Galdasirbu Hadhade WSSP]

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
artmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.

Amount (NRs.) Remark

32 939.39

3 19 695.29


39 288.73


Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal __________________Total of This page

Page 29 of 580 [BOQ of Galdasirbu Hadhade WSSP]

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
artmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.

Amount (NRs.) Remark

1 79 237.72
5 430.02
2 31 885.96
2 64 950.55

2 94 568.27
16 15 738.66
2 69 657.61
31 764.68

3 47 545.81
1 23 213.68
13 73 007.39

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal __________________Total of This page

Page 30 of 580 [BOQ of Galdasirbu Hadhade WSSP]

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
artmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.

Amount (NRs.) Remark

76 414.13
85 334.32
92 659.67
34 323.32
7 436.47

22 972.01
35 543.84
1 45 273.68
28 554.02
15 465.36
1 500.00

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal __________________Total of This page

Page 31 of 580 [BOQ of Galdasirbu Hadhade WSSP]

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
artmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.

Amount (NRs.) Remark


7 496.64

35 609.04

7 635.60

11 000.00
1 200.00

5 000.00

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal __________________Total of This page

Page 32 of 580 [BOQ of Galdasirbu Hadhade WSSP]

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
artmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.

Amount (NRs.) Remark

10 000.00
76 000.00 Err:509
10 000.00

39 900.30

11 902.66

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal __________________Total of This page

Page 33 of 580 [BOQ of Galdasirbu Hadhade WSSP]

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
artmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.

Amount (NRs.) Remark


Err:509 Err:509


Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal __________________Total of This page

Page 34 of 580 [BOQ of Galdasirbu Hadhade WSSP]

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
artmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.

Amount (NRs.) Remark






Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal __________________Total of This page

Page 35 of 580 [BOQ of Galdasirbu Hadhade WSSP]

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
artmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.

Amount (NRs.) Remark






Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal __________________Total of This page

Page 36 of 580 [BOQ of Galdasirbu Hadhade WSSP]

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
artmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.

Amount (NRs.) Remark












Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal __________________Total of This page

Page 37 of 580 [BOQ of Galdasirbu Hadhade WSSP]

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
artmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.

Amount (NRs.) Remark




15 79 500.00



Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal __________________Total of This page

Page 38 of 580 [BOQ of Galdasirbu Hadhade WSSP]

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
artmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.

Amount (NRs.) Remark

4 76 960.00






Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal __________________Total of This page

Page 39 of 580 [BOQ of Galdasirbu Hadhade WSSP]

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
artmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.

Amount (NRs.) Remark

3 90 000.00
8 86 500.00

22 50 000.00
2 20 000.00

2 50 000.00
36 96 000.00
50 53 050.00
14 30 000.00

17 50 000.00

25 00 000.00

17 50 000.00

5 00 000.00

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal __________________Total of This page

Page 40 of 580 [BOQ of Galdasirbu Hadhade WSSP]

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
artmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.

Amount (NRs.) Remark

7 50 000.00

60 000.00

80 000.00 Err:504

8 07 185.60
4 28 642.04
3 01 767.62
4 32 944.73
4 16 088.40
10 23 638.00
8 38 012.26
16 45 587.91
26 238.00
17 77 525.10
17 55 641.90
18 971.25
14 53 284.91

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal __________________Total of This page

Page 41 of 580 [BOQ of Galdasirbu Hadhade WSSP]

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
artmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.

Amount (NRs.) Remark

25 55 338.24
34 654.10
9 23 596.64
23 62 783.50
84 018.00
22 60 812.16
11 75 042.88
3 57 413.43
21 685.00
2 59 337.65
4 25 149.12
6 51 668.05
19 22 720.58
4 94 139.36
82 794.03
1 19 75 263.19
5 04 425.60

56 727.66

8 12 942.24
6 16 299.75

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal __________________Total of This page

Page 42 of 580 [BOQ of Galdasirbu Hadhade WSSP]

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
artmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.

Amount (NRs.) Remark

2 69 836.59
6 14 627.89

11 92 175.82
9 53 224.86

21 69 970.88
14 88 601.40

21 87 658.99
15 51 877.81

1 25 861.67
15 20 011.35

35 94 254.40
13 55 877.60

24 83 131.75

13 46 752.75

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal __________________Total of This page

Page 43 of 580 [BOQ of Galdasirbu Hadhade WSSP]

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
artmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.

Amount (NRs.) Remark

5 05 563.00
46 803.84
67 551.84
84 042.00
1 54 254.10
2 37 855.70
5 06 253.00
11 51 805.27
12 55 449.25
16 34 040.77
11 56 716.00
7 71 377.04
7 23 398.30
14 35 840.60
7 76 914.69 #REF!


Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal __________________Total of This page

Page 44 of 580 [BOQ of Galdasirbu Hadhade WSSP]

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
artmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.

Amount (NRs.) Remark


Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal __________________Total of This page

Page 45 of 580 [BOQ of Galdasirbu Hadhade WSSP]

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
artmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.

Amount (NRs.) Remark


Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal __________________Total of This page

Page 46 of 580 [BOQ of Galdasirbu Hadhade WSSP]

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
artmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.

Amount (NRs.) Remark


Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal __________________Total of This page

Page 47 of 580 [BOQ of Galdasirbu Hadhade WSSP]

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
artmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.

Amount (NRs.) Remark


Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal __________________Total of This page

Page 48 of 580 [BOQ of Galdasirbu Hadhade WSSP]

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
artmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.

Amount (NRs.) Remark


Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal __________________Total of This page

Page 49 of 580 [BOQ of Galdasirbu Hadhade WSSP]

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
artmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.

Amount (NRs.) Remark


Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal __________________Total of This page

Page 50 of 580 [BOQ of Galdasirbu Hadhade WSSP]

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
artmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.

Amount (NRs.) Remark


Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal __________________Total of This page

Page 51 of 580 [BOQ of Galdasirbu Hadhade WSSP]

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
artmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.

Amount (NRs.) Remark


Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal __________________Total of This page

Page 52 of 580 [BOQ of Galdasirbu Hadhade WSSP]

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
artmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.

Amount (NRs.) Remark

33 02 271.00
48 27 240.00
8 77 680.00

Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal __________________Total of This page

Page 53 of 580 [BOQ of Galdasirbu Hadhade WSSP]

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
artmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.

Amount (NRs.) Remark


Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal __________________Total of This page

Page 54 of 580 [BOQ of Galdasirbu Hadhade WSSP]

Government of Nepal
Ministry of Water Supply and Sanitation
artmant of Water Supply and Sewerage
Supply and Sanitation Division Office
Birendranagar, Surkhet
RTs, DCs, BPTs, VCs, pipeline works, electromechanical works, supply of pipes and fittings, etc.

Amount (NRs.) Remark




Bidder's Name, Signature, Address and Seal __________________Total of This page

Procurement of Pipes
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

Transmission connection Total:
S.No. Pipe size and series Unit
line (GON part) Rate Amount Remarks

1 HDPE pipes
20 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pip m 88 #REF! #REF! 40.07 #REF! for tap connection
25 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pip m 13364 13364 60.40 8 07 185.60
32 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pip m 4292 4292 99.87 4 28 642.04
32 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 4466 4466 67.57 3 01 767.62
40 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pip m 2817 2817 153.69 4 32 944.73
40 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 3976 3976 104.65 4 16 088.40
50 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pip m 4301 4301 238.00 10 23 638.00
50 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 5171 5171 162.06 8 38 012.26
63 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pip m 4337 4337 379.43 16 45 587.91
63 mmØ 4 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 150 150 174.92 26 238.00
63 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 6994 6994 254.15 17 77 525.10
75 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pip m 3295 3295 532.82 17 55 641.90
75 mmØ 4 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 75 75 252.95 18 971.25
75 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 4081 4081 356.11 14 53 284.91
90 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pip m 3328 3328 767.83 25 55 338.24
90 mmØ 4 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 95 95 364.78 34 654.10
90 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 1798 1798 513.68 9 23 596.64
110 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pi m 2079 2079 1136.50 23 62 783.50
110 mmØ 4 kg/cm² HDPE pip m 165 165 509.20 84 018.00
110 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pip m 2971 2971 760.96 22 60 812.16
125 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pi m 792 792 1483.64 11 75 042.88
125 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pip m 363 363 984.61 3 57 413.43
140 mmØ 4 kg/cm² HDPE pip m 25 25 867.40 21 685.00
140 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pip m 209 209 1240.85 2 59 337.65
160 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pi m 176 176 2415.62 4 25 149.12
160 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pip m 407 407 1601.15 6 51 668.05
180 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pi m 627 627 3066.54 19 22 720.58
200 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pi m 132 132 3743.48 4 94 139.36
200 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pip m 33 33 2508.91 82 794.03
225 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pi m 2501 2501 4788.19 119 75 263.19
225 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pip m 160 160 3152.66 5 04 425.60

PPR pipes
20 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, S m 606 606 93.61 56 727.66
25 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, S m 5588 5588 145.48 8 12 942.24
25 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, S m 3663 3663 168.25 6 16 299.75
32 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, S m 1153 1153 234.03 2 69 836.59
32 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, S m 2239 2239 274.51 6 14 627.89
40 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, S m 3278 3278 363.69 11 92 175.82
40 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, S m 2246 2246 424.41 9 53 224.86
50 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, S m 3829 3829 566.72 21 69 970.88
50 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, S m 2263 2263 657.8 14 88 601.40
63 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, S m 2453 2453 891.83 21 87 658.99
63 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, S m 1487 1487 1043.63 15 51 877.81
75 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, S m 99 99 1271.33 1 25 861.67
75 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, S m 1027 1027 1480.05 15 20 011.35
90 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, S m 1980 1980 1815.28 35 94 254.40
90 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, S m 638 638 2125.2 13 55 877.60
110 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, m 913 913 2719.75 24 83 131.75
110 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 425 425 3168.83 13 46 752.75

2 GI pipes
15 mmØ GI pipe (medium dut m 2586 2586 195.5 5 05 563.00
20 mmØ GI pipe (medium dut m 228 228 205.28 46 803.84
25 mmØ GI pipe (medium dut m 216 216 312.74 67 551.84
32 mmØ GI pipe (medium dut m 174 174 483 84 042.00
40 mmØ GI pipe (heavy duty) m 286 286 539.35 1 54 254.10
40 mmØ GI pipe (medium dut m 509 509 467.3 2 37 855.70
50 mmØ GI pipe (heavy duty) m 638 638 793.5 5 06 253.00
50 mmØ GI pipe (medium dut m 1793 1793 642.39 11 51 805.27
65 mmØ GI pipe (heavy duty) m 1265 1265 992.45 12 55 449.25
65 mmØ GI pipe (medium dut m 1993 1993 819.89 16 34 040.77
80 mmØ GI pipe (Heavy duty m 990 990 1168.4 11 56 716.00
80 mmØ GI pipe (medium dut m 756 756 1020.34 7 71 377.04
100 mmØ GI pipe (heavy duty m 409 409 1768.7 7 23 398.30
100 mmØ GI pipe (medium du m 940 940 1527.49 14 35 840.60

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Procurement of Pipes
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

Transmission connection Total:
S.No. Pipe size and series Unit
line (GON part) Rate Amount Remarks

125 mmØ GI pipe (medium du m 389 389 1997.21 7 76 914.69

120327 #REF! #REF!

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Break Down of GoN and User Contribution for Tap Connection

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Financial Analysis and Affordability
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
Scheme # 7:
Name of project Bheriganga Arid Zone Water Supply Project
1 Total Investment Rs #REF!
2 Total Household/population
i Households Nos #REF!
ii Population Nos #REF!
3 O& M expenses required per year
a Personnel Expenses (Manpower Cost)
Salary (Rs)
S. No. Category No of person
Per Month Per Year
Engineer (for 0.5 months) 0.5 60000 30,000.00
1 WSST/plumber 20000 -
2 Pump Operator 1 20000 260,000.00
3 Office Assistant cum Accountant/meter 20000 -
4 Supervisor/manager (for 3 month, part 30000 -
5 Treatment plant operator 20000 -
6 Meter Reader 20000 -
7 VMW/part time worker 20000 -
8 Chaukidar/Helper 15000 -
Sub Total (a) 290,000.00
b Electromechanical cost
S. No. Item Initial Cost of Rate of Depreciation per Cost per year, Rs
Item, Rs year, Rs.
1 Depreciation Cost of Pump 1989500.00 20% 0f Initial cost 49,737.50
2 Depreciation Cost of solar panel 1263114.00 10% of initial cost 6,315.57
3 Unforseen cost 10% of total cost of Item no 1 &2 5,605.31
4 Maintenance of electromechanical 10% of total cost of Item no 1 , 2 & 3 6,165.84
Sub total (c) 67,824.21
c O/M, Repair and Maintenance cost
S. No. Description Project Cost Rs. Cost per year Rs
1 Maintenance and repair of the system @ 1.0% of total #REF! #REF!
project cost per year
2 Miscelleneous cost ( stationary, rent, allownaces etc.) #REF! #REF!
@0.25% of project cost per year

Sub total (d) #REF!

Total (a+b+c+d) #REF!
additional 5% of Total (a+b+c+d) for bad debt #REF!
Total(3) #REF!
4 Tariff required for O& M
i Per household per year (3/2i) Rs #REF!
ii Per household per month Rs #REF!
5 Average household cash income
i per month as per household survey (NLSS 2011) Rs 3,564.00
ii per year (5i*12) Rs 42,768.00
6 Affordability (5i/4iix100) % #REF!
Operation and Maintenance Cost
(For Management by User)
Total water production (at base year) = 275700 L/day
Scheme # 8: Total water production (at design year) = 341480 L/day
a) Cost of electricity
Capcity and time of pump-run per station:
No of Power consumed Time of
Capcity of pump pumps to Total capacity Time of run per day at base run
(kW) be run at a (kW) at base year (hr) year at design
time (kW-H:Unit) year (hr)
Inflitration G 5.5 1 5.5 9.19 50.545 11.38
Station-1 15 2 30 9.85 295.5 12.20

Total: 35.5 19.04 346.045

Total energy consumption = 126306.43 unit/year

Charge of electricity per unit : 5.20 Rs 6 56 793.41 Rs/year

Demand charge per kW/month 155.00 Rs 66 030.00 Rs/year
Transformer loss @ 3% 19 703.80 Rs/year
Total cost of electricity per year 7 42 527.21 Rs

b) Cost of pump operator/Maintennance worker

No of man-
Salary per month Cost per year
Man power required no month
At 1st station/treatment plant site
Supervisor/manager (part time) 1 30 000.00 3.00 90 000.00
Pump operator 1 20 000.00 13.00 2 60 000.00
Treatment plant operator 20 000.00 13.00 0.00
WSST 1 20 000.00 13.00 2 60 000.00
Chaukidar 15 000.00 13.00 0.00
Meter reader/Administrative/account keeper 1 20 000.00 13.00 2 60 000.00
Administrative/account keeper 20 000.00 13.00 0.00

Miscelleneous (part-time work):

Engineer 1 60 000.00 1.00 60 000.00
VMSW for service RVT operation 20 000.00 0.00
Total cost of manpower per year 9 30 000.00 Rs
c) Cost of repair/maintenance
It is assumed this cost will around 10 thousand per month:
hence cost of repair/maintenance per year: 1 20 000.00 Rs
d) depreciation cost of pumps, per year
Depreciation Cost of Pump (life: 8 years) @ 20% of initial cost #REF!
Depreciation Cost of Electrical (life: 20 years) @ 10% of initial cost #REF!
Subtotal: #REF!
Unforseen cost @ 10% of subtotal #REF!
Total: #REF!
Maintenance of electromechanical Equipments @ 10% of total #REF!
Total cost of depreciation, per year #REF!

Total cost of operation and maintenance (a+b+c+d):- #REF! Rs

#REF! #REF! Rs/year
Minimum charge for one household at base year per HH #REF! Rs/month
Cost of 1 m³ of water at base year period: #REF! Rs/m³
Which is a costlier project, but against the scarcity it is quite affordable to people of bheriganga
Also the cost of manpower may be decreased drastically if WSSDO trains the local human resources.
Operation and Maintenance Cost
(For Management by User)
Total water production (at base year) = 16575 L/day
Scheme # 7: Total water production (at design year) = 19500 L/day

A) Cost of pump operator/Maintennance worker

No of man-
Salary per month Cost per year
Man power required no month

Supervisor/manager (part time) 30 000.00 3.00 0.00

Pump operator 1 20 000.00 13.00 2 60 000.00
Treatment plant operator 20 000.00 13.00 0.00
WSST 20 000.00 13.00 0.00
Chaukidar 15 000.00 13.00 0.00
Meter reader/Administrative/account keeper 20 000.00 13.00 0.00
Administrative/account keeper 20 000.00 13.00 0.00

Miscelleneous (part-time work):

Engineer 0.5 60 000.00 1.00 30 000.00
VMSW for service RVT operation 20 000.00 0.00
Total cost of manpower per year 2 90 000.00 Rs
B) Cost of repair/maintenance
It is assumed this cost will around 5 thousand per month:
hence cost of repair/maintenance per year: 60 000.00 Rs
C) depreciation cost of pumps, per year
Depreciation Cost of Pump (life: 8 years) @ 20% of initial cost 49 737.50
Depreciation Cost of solar panel (life: 20 year@ 10% of initial cost 6 315.57
Subtotal: 56 053.07
Unforseen cost @ 10% of subtotal 5 605.31
Total: 61 658.38
Maintenance of electromechanical Equipments @ 10% of total 6 165.84
Total cost of depreciation, per year 67 824.21

Total cost of operation and maintenance (a+b+c+d):- 4 17 824.21 Rs

#REF! #REF! Rs/year
Minimum charge for one household at base year per month #REF! Rs/month
Cost of 1 m³ of water at base year period: 69.00 Rs/m³
Which is a costlier project, but against the scarcity it is quite affordable to people of Bheriganga-7
Also the cost of manpower may be decreased drastically if WSSDO trains the local human resources.
Operation and Maintenance Cost
(For Management by User)
Total water production (at base year) = 94930 L/day
Scheme # 6: Total water production (at design year) = 121450 L/day
a) Cost of electricity
Capcity and time of pump-run per station:
No of Power consumed Time of
Capcity of
pumps to Total capacity Time of run per day at base run
Station pump
be run at (kW) at base year (hr) year at design
a time (kW-H:Unit) year (hr)
Inflitration G 3 1 3 4.75 14.25 6.07
Station-1 11 2 22 5.93 130.46 7.59

Total: 25 10.68 144.71

Total energy consumption = 52819.15 unit/year

Charge of electricity per unit : 5.20 Rs 2 74 659.58 Rs/year

Demand charge per kW/month 155.00 Rs 46 500.00 Rs/year
Transformer loss @ 3% 8 239.79 Rs/year
Total cost of electricity per year 3 29 399.37 Rs

b) Cost of pump operator/Maintennance worker

Salary per No of man-
Cost per year
Man power required no month month
At 1st station/treatment plant site
Supervisor/manager (part time) 30 000.00 3.00 0.00
Pump operator 1 20 000.00 13.00 2 60 000.00
Treatment plant operator 20 000.00 13.00 0.00
WSST 1 20 000.00 13.00 2 60 000.00
Chaukidar 15 000.00 13.00 0.00
Meter reader/Administrative/account keeper 20 000.00 13.00 0.00
Administrative/account keeper 20 000.00 13.00 0.00

Miscelleneous (part-time work):

Engineer 1 60 000.00 1.00 60 000.00
VMSW for service RVT operation 20 000.00 0.00
Total cost of manpower per year 5 80 000.00 Rs
c) Cost of repair/maintenance
It is assumed this cost will around 5 thousand per month:
hence cost of repair/maintenance per year: 60 000.00 Rs
d) depreciation cost of pumps, per year
Depreciation Cost of Pump (life: 8 years) @ 20% of initial cost 75 353.50
Depreciation Cost of Electrical (life: 20 years)@ 10% of initial cost #REF!
Subtotal: #REF!
Unforseen cost @ 10% of subtotal #REF!
Total: #REF!
Maintenance of electromechanical Equipments @ 10% of total #REF!
Total cost of depreciation, per year #REF!

Total cost of operation and maintenance (a+b+c+d):- #REF! Rs

#REF! #REF! Rs/year
Minimum charge for one household at base year per HH #REF! Rs/month
Cost of 1 m³ of water at base year period: #REF! Rs/m³
Which is a costlier project, but against the scarcity it is quite affordable to people of bheriganga
Also the cost of manpower may be decreased drastically if WSSDO trains the local human resources.
Operation and Maintenance Cost
(For Management by User)
Total water production (at base year) = 131300 L/day
Scheme # 5: Total water production (at design year) = 163930 L/day
a) Cost of electricity
Capcity and time of pump-run per station:
No of Power consumed Time of
Capcity of
pumps to Total capacity Time of run per day at base run
Station pump
be run at (kW) at base year (hr) year at design
a time (kW-H:Unit) year (hr)
Inflitration Gall 3 1 3 6.57 19.71 8.20
Station-1 13 1 13 7.29 94.77 9.11

Total: 16 13.86 114.48

Total energy consumption = 41785.20 unit/year

Charge of electricity per unit : 5.20 Rs 2 17 283.04 Rs/year

Demand charge per kW/month 155.00 Rs 29 760.00 Rs/year
Transformer loss @ 3% 6 518.49 Rs/year
Total cost of electricity per year 2 53 561.53 Rs

b) Cost of pump operator/Maintennance worker

Salary per No of man-
Cost per year
Man power required no month month
At 1st station/treatment plant site
Supervisor/manager (part time) 30 000.00 3.00 0.00
Pump operator 1 20 000.00 13.00 2 60 000.00
Treatment plant operator 20 000.00 13.00 0.00
WSST 1 20 000.00 13.00 2 60 000.00
Chaukidar 15 000.00 13.00 0.00
Meter reader/Administrative/account keeper 20 000.00 13.00 0.00
Administrative/account keeper 20 000.00 13.00 0.00

Miscelleneous (part-time work):

Engineer 1 60 000.00 1.00 60 000.00
VMSW for service RVT operation 20 000.00 0.00
Total cost of manpower per year 5 80 000.00 Rs
c) Cost of repair/maintenance
It is assumed this cost will around 5 thousand per month:
hence cost of repair/maintenance per year: 60 000.00 Rs
d) depreciation cost of pumps, per year
Depreciation Cost of Pump (life: 8 years) @ 20% of initial cost 49 840.73
Depreciation Cost of Electrical (life: 20 years) @ 10% of initial cost #REF!
Subtotal: #REF!
Unforseen cost @ 10% of subtotal #REF!
Total: #REF!
Maintenance of electromechanical Equipments @ 10% of total #REF!
Total cost of depreciation, per year #REF!

Total cost of operation and maintenance (a+b+c+d):- #REF! Rs

#REF! #REF! Rs/year
Minimum charge for one household at base year per HH #REF! Rs/month
Cost of 1 m³ of water at base year period: #REF! Rs/m³
Which is a costlier project, but against the scarcity it is quite affordable to people of bheriganga
Also the cost of manpower may be decreased drastically if WSSDO trains the local human resources.
Operation and Maintenance Cost
(For Management by User)
Total water production (at base year) = 42900 L/day
Scheme # 3: Total water production (at design year) = 55250 L/day
a) Cost of electricity
Capcity and time of pump-run per station:
No of Power consumed
Capcity of Time of run
pumps to Total capacity Time of run per day at base
Station pump at design
be run at (kW) at base year (hr) year
(kW) year (hr)
a time (kW-H:Unit)
Inflitration Gallery 1.1 1 1.1 6.13 6.743 7.89
Station-1 9.3 1 9.3 7.15 66.495 9.21

Total: 10.4 13.28 73.238

Total energy consumption = 26731.87 unit/year

Charge of electricity per unit : 5.20 Rs 1 39 005.72 Rs/year

Demand charge per kW/month 155.00 Rs 19 344.00 Rs/year
Transformer loss @ 3% 4 170.17 Rs/year
Total cost of electricity per year 1 62 519.90 Rs

b) Cost of pump operator/Maintennance worker

Salary per No of man-
Cost per year
Man power required no month month
At 1st station/treatment plant site
Supervisor/manager (part time) 1 30 000.00 3.00 90 000.00
Pump operator 1 20 000.00 13.00 2 60 000.00
Treatment plant operator 20 000.00 13.00 0.00
WSST 20 000.00 13.00 0.00
Chaukidar 15 000.00 13.00 0.00
Meter reader/Administrative/account 1 20 000.00 13.00 2 60 000.00
Administrative/account keeper 20 000.00 13.00 0.00

Miscelleneous (part-time work):

Engineer 1 60 000.00 1.00 60 000.00
VMSW for service RVT operation 20 000.00 0.00
Total cost of manpower per year 6 70 000.00 Rs
c) Cost of repair/maintenance
It is assumed this cost will around 5 thousand per month:
hence cost of repair/maintenance per year: 60 000.00 Rs
d) depreciation cost of pumps, per year
Depreciation Cost of Pump (life: 8 years) @ 20% of initial cost 40 313.19
Depreciation Cost of Electrical (life: 20 years@ 10% of initial cost #REF!
Subtotal: #REF!
Unforseen cost @ 10% of subtotal #REF!
Total: #REF!
Maintenance of electromechanical Equipments @ 10% of total #REF!
Total cost of depreciation, per year #REF!

Total cost of operation and maintenance (a+b+c+d):- #REF! Rs

#REF! #REF! Rs/year
Minimum charge for one household at base year per HH #REF! Rs/month
Cost of 1 m³ of water at base year period: #REF! Rs/m³
Which is a costlier project, but against the scarcity it is quite affordable to people of bheriganga
Also the cost of manpower may be decreased drastically if WSSDO trains the local human resources.
Operation and Maintenance Cost
(For Management by User)
Total water production (at base year) = 72670 L/day
Total water production (at design year) = 93990 L/day
Scheme # 2:
b) Cost ofMaintennance worker
No of man-
Salary per month Cost per year
Man power required no month
Treatment plant operator 20 000.00 13.00 0.00
WSST 2 20 000.00 13.00 5 20 000.00
Chaukidar 15 000.00 13.00 0.00
Meter reader/Administrative/account keeper 20 000.00 13.00 0.00
Administrative/account keeper 20 000.00 13.00 0.00

Miscelleneous (part-time work):

Engineer 1 60 000.00 1.00 60 000.00
VMSW for service RVT operation 20 000.00 0.00
Total cost of manpower per year 5 80 000.00 Rs
c) Cost of repair/maintenance
It is assumed this cost will around 5 thousand per month:
hence cost of repair/maintenance per year: 60 000.00 Rs

Total cost of operation and maintenance (a+b+c+d):- 6 40 000.00 Rs

#REF! #REF! Rs/year
Minimum charge for one household at base year per HH #REF! Rs/month
Cost of 1 m³ of water at base year period: 24.00 Rs/m³
Which is a costlier project, but against the scarcity it is quite affordable to people of bheriganga-2
Also the cost of manpower may be decreased drastically if WSSDO trains the local human resources.
Operation and Maintenance Cost
(For Management by User)
Total water production (at base year) = 311330 L/day
Total water production (at design year) = 402675 L/day
Scheme # 1:
A) Cost of pump operator/Maintennance worker
No of man-
Salary per month Cost per year
Man power required no month

Supervisor/manager (part time) 30 000.00 3.00 0.00

Pump operator 1 20 000.00 13.00 2 60 000.00
Treatment plant operator 20 000.00 13.00 0.00
WSST 1 20 000.00 13.00 2 60 000.00
Chaukidar 15 000.00 13.00 0.00
Meter reader/Administrative/account keeper 20 000.00 13.00 0.00
Administrative/account keeper 20 000.00 13.00 0.00

Miscelleneous (part-time work):

Engineer 0.5 60 000.00 1.00 30 000.00
VMSW for service RVT operation 20 000.00 0.00
Total cost of manpower per year 5 50 000.00 Rs
B) Cost of repair/maintenance
It is assumed this cost will around 1 lakh per year:
hence cost of repair/maintenance per year: 1 00 000.00 Rs
C) depreciation cost of pumps, per year
Depreciation Cost of Pump (life: 8 years) @ 20% of initial cost 3 05 338.75
Depreciation Cost of solar panel (life: 20 year@ 10% of initial cost 35 282.56
Subtotal: 3 40 621.31
Unforseen cost @ 10% of subtotal 34 062.13
Total: 3 74 683.44
Maintenance of electromechanical Equipments @ 10% of total 37 468.34
Total cost of depreciation, per year 4 12 151.78

Total cost of operation and maintenance (a+b+c+d):- 10 62 151.78 Rs

#REF! #REF! Rs/year
Minimum charge for one household at base year per HH #REF! Rs/month
Cost of 1 m³ of water at base year period: 9.00 Rs/m³
Which is a costlier project, but against the scarcity it is quite affordable to the people of project area
Also the cost of manpower may be decreased drastically if WSSDO trains the local human resources.
Collection Chamber
Inner size of chamber = 3.00 x 1.00 Total height = 1.00

S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount

1 Removing top soil for site preparation 3 2 6 m² 106.72 640.32

2 Earthwork in excavation for fondation work in hard soil
1 3.90 1.90 1.00 7.41 m³ 858.76 6 363.41

3 Dry stone soling 1 3.90 1.90 0.15 1.11 m³ 7240.03 8 047.29

4 Plain Cement Concrete (1:2:4)
in foundation 1 3.90 1.90 0.10 0.741
Pipe embeddment block 5 0.45 0.20 0.20 0.090
top of baffle wall 1 1.00 0.35 0.10 0.035
Cover slab 1 3.90 1.90 0.10 0.741
-Manhole cover 2 0.60 0.60 0.05 -0.036
Total 1.571 m³ 17081.86 26 835.60
5 Stone masonry work in 1:4 c-s mortar
CC portion 1 9.80 0.45 1.00 4.41
baffle wall 1 1.00 0.35 0.60 0.21
Deduct - for PCC blocks 5 0.45 0.20 0.20 -0.09
Total 4.53 m³ 15855.45 71 825.19
6 Centering & shuttering work for PCC/RCC
Bottom of cover slab - CC portion 1 2.65 1.00 2.65
-Outer edge of cover slab 1 11.60 - 0.10 1.16
Total form work 3.81 m² 735.61 2 802.67

7 Steel reinforcement
8 mm ø @ 150 mm c/c bothways 19 1.90 @ 0.395 kg/m 14.26
14 2.70 @ 0.395 kg/m 14.93
Total reinforcement 29.19 kg 113.68 3 318.38

8 12.5 mm thick 1:4 c-s plaster

floor of CC 1 2.65 1.00 2.65
Inner sides of Walls of CC 2 2.65 - 1.00 5.30
2 1.00 - 1.00 2.00
Side of baffle wall 2 1.00 0.70 1.40
top of baffle wall 1 1.00 0.35 0.35
Outer portion of all walls above GL 1 11.60 - 0.30 3.48
Total 15.18 m² 401.36 6 092.64
9 3 mm thick 1:1 c-s punning
as per plaster 15.18
Deduct for outer portion -3.48
Total 11.70 m² 240.72 2 816.42
10 Supply and installation of standard
manhole cover (60×60 cm²)
2 2 set 2967.42 5 934.84

11 Installation of pipes & fittings for CC 1 job 1000.00 1 000.00

Subtotal 1 35 676.76
Add Value Added Tax @ 13.00% 17 637.98
Total Amount Rs. 1 53 314.74

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Cost of Electrical Transmission Work

Name of Project : Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

For ist station
S.N. Items Unit Rate Per Unit Electrificati Amount
A. Material Cost
For HT line
1 Steel tubular pole (size 11 Mt) Nos #REF! 3.00 #REF!
2 Gay insulator (Stay insulator for HT/LT) Nos #REF! 4.00 #REF!
3 Disc insulator (voltage 11kv) Nos #REF! 0.00 #REF!
4 Pin Insulator (voltage 11kv) Set #REF! 9.00 #REF!
5 Cross arm HT (size 1200mm) Set #REF! 3.00 #REF!
6 Cross arm HT (size 300mm) Set #REF! 3.00 #REF!
7 Cross Angle (size 2390 mm) Nos #REF! 0.00 #REF!
8 (size100X50X6)2500 mm long Nos #REF! 0.00 #REF!
9 Pole clamp Set #REF! 12.00 #REF!
10 Stay set Set #REF! 4.00 #REF!
11 Stay Wire Kg #REF! 24.00 #REF!
12 Nut&Bolts (size) Kg #REF! 2.14 #REF!
13 Dead end Clamp Nos #REF! 0.00 #REF!
14 Flat Braching 720 mm Nos #REF! 6.00 #REF!
15 0.05 sq.inch ACSR Conductor Km #REF! 0.45 #REF!
16 120 sq. mm cable socket Nos #REF! 3.43 #REF!
For LT line
1 Steel tubular pole (size 9 Mt) Nos #REF! 2.00 #REF!
2 Shakle insulator 500 volt with D-iron with
not bolt Set #REF! 8.00 #REF!
3 Gay insulator (Stay insulator for HT/LT) Nos #REF! 1.00 #REF!
4 Stay set Set #REF! 1.00 #REF!
5 Stay Wire Kg #REF! 5.00 #REF!
6 Nut&Bolts (size) Kg #REF! 1.00 #REF!
7 0.03 sq.inch ACSR Conductor Km #REF! 0.40 #REF!
For Transformer
1 Steel tubular pole (size 11 Mt) Nos #REF! 2.00 #REF!
2 Transformer,11/0.4KV,315 KVA Set #REF! 0.00 #REF!
3 Transformer,11/0.4KV,250 KVA Set #REF! 0.00 #REF!
4 Transformer,11/0.4KV,100 KVA Set #REF! 0.00 #REF!
5 Transformer,11/0.4KV,50 KVA Set #REF! 0.00 #REF!
6 Transformer,11/0.4KV,25 KVA Set #REF! 1.00 #REF!
7 Lightening arrestor (Voltage 11 KV) Nos #REF! 3.00 #REF!
8 Drop out fuse set (Voltage 11KV) Nos #REF! 3.00 #REF!
9 ABC Conductor 95 Sqmm Mt #REF! 30.00 #REF!
10 (size100X50X6)2500 mm long Set #REF! 4.00 #REF!
11 (size75X40X6)500 mm long Nos #REF! 4.00 #REF!
12 Disc insulator (voltage 11kv) Set #REF! 3.00 #REF!
13 Pole clamp Set #REF! 8.00 #REF!
14 Dead end Clamp Nos #REF! 3.00 #REF!
15 Earthing set Set #REF! 3.00 #REF!
16 MCCB 100 A Nos #REF! 2.00 #REF!
For ist station
S.N. Items Unit Rate Per Unit Electrificati Amount
B. Labour Charge
For HT line
Erection of 11 m steel Tubular poles,
excavation of footing, making pole vertical
and placing in footing ramming back, filling
of soil for strengthening fitting accessories
(Channels and angles) all complete Nos 10,292.50 3.00 30 877.50
2 Stringing of 0.05 sq. inch ACSR conductor
with proper tension for HT km 19,470.77 0.45 8 761.85
3 Installation of stay set including pit
excavation and backfilling, stay wire and stay
insulator fitting Nos 1,989.50 4.00 7 958.00
Transportation of poles from market to Site kg 2.31 525.00 1 212.75
5 Transportation of conductor and other
materials from market to Site kg 1.43 172.30 245.70
For LT line
Erection of 9 m steel Tubular folding poles,
excavation of footing, making pole vertical
and placing in footing ramming back, filling
of soil for strengthening fitting accessories all
complete Nos 10,292.50 2.00 20 585.00
2 Stringing of 0.03 sq. inch ACSR conductor
with proper tension (LT+ HT) Nos 18,358.88 0.40 7 343.55
3 Installation of stay set including pit
excavation and backfilling, stay wire and stay
insulator fitting Nos 1,989.50 1.00 1 989.50
Transportation of poles from market to Site kg 2.31 294.00 679.14
5 Transportation of conductor and other
materials from market to Site kg 1.43 85.20 121.50
For transformer
Installation of 11/0.4kV 100kVA
DistributionTransformer with DO, Lightning
arrester and earthing set all complete Nos 19,274.00 1.00 19 274.00
2 Transportation of transformer from market to
site kg 4.57 310.00 1 416.70
Subtotal #REF!
Value Added Tax @ 13.00 % #REF!
Total #REF!
Cost of Electrical Transmission Work

Name of Project : Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

For ist station
S.N. Items Unit Rate Per Unit Electrificati Amount
A. Material Cost
For HT line
1 Steel tubular pole (size 11 Mt) Nos #REF! 33.00 #REF!
2 Gay insulator (Stay insulator for HT/LT) Nos #REF! 4.00 #REF!
3 Disc insulator (voltage 11kv) Nos #REF! 30.00 #REF!
4 Pin Insulator (voltage 11kv) Set #REF! 69.00 #REF!
5 Cross arm HT (size 1200mm) Set #REF! 23.00 #REF!
6 Cross arm HT (size 300mm) Set #REF! 23.00 #REF!
7 Cross Angle (size 2390 mm) Nos #REF! 5.00 #REF!
8 (size100X50X6)2500 mm long Nos #REF! 10.00 #REF!
9 Pole clamp Set #REF! 102.00 #REF!
10 Stay set Set #REF! 4.00 #REF!
11 Stay Wire Kg #REF! 24.00 #REF!
12 Nut&Bolts (size) Kg #REF! 16.43 #REF!
13 Dead end Clamp Nos #REF! 30.00 #REF!
14 Flat Braching 720 mm Nos #REF! 56.00 #REF!
15 0.05 sq.inch ACSR Conductor Km #REF! 5.40 #REF!
16 120 sq. mm cable socket Nos #REF! 26.29 #REF!
For LT line
1 Steel tubular pole (size 9 Mt) Nos #REF! 2.00 #REF!
2 Shakle insulator 500 volt with D-iron with
not bolt Set #REF! 8.00 #REF!
3 Gay insulator (Stay insulator for HT/LT) Nos #REF! 1.00 #REF!
4 Stay set Set #REF! 1.00 #REF!
5 Stay Wire Kg #REF! 5.00 #REF!
6 Nut&Bolts (size) Kg #REF! 1.00 #REF!
7 0.03 sq.inch ACSR Conductor Km #REF! 0.40 #REF!
For Transformer
1 Steel tubular pole (size 11 Mt) Nos #REF! 2.00 #REF!
2 Transformer,11/0.4KV,315 KVA Set #REF! 0.00 #REF!
3 Transformer,11/0.4KV,250 KVA Set #REF! 0.00 #REF!
4 Transformer,11/0.4KV,100 KVA Set #REF! 0.00 #REF!
5 Transformer,11/0.4KV,50 KVA Set #REF! 1.00 #REF!
6 Transformer,11/0.4KV,25 KVA Set #REF! 0.00 #REF!
7 Lightening arrestor (Voltage 11 KV) Nos #REF! 3.00 #REF!
8 Drop out fuse set (Voltage 11KV) Nos #REF! 3.00 #REF!
9 ABC Conductor 95 Sqmm Mt #REF! 30.00 #REF!
10 (size100X50X6)2500 mm long Set #REF! 4.00 #REF!
11 (size75X40X6)500 mm long Nos #REF! 4.00 #REF!
12 Disc insulator (voltage 11kv) Set #REF! 3.00 #REF!
13 Pole clamp Set #REF! 8.00 #REF!
14 Dead end Clamp Nos #REF! 3.00 #REF!
15 Earthing set Set #REF! 3.00 #REF!
16 MCCB 100 A Nos #REF! 2.00 #REF!
For ist station
S.N. Items Unit Rate Per Unit Electrificati Amount
B. Labour Charge
For HT line
Erection of 11 m steel Tubular poles,
excavation of footing, making pole vertical
and placing in footing ramming back, filling
of soil for strengthening fitting accessories
(Channels and angles) all complete Nos 10,292.50 33.00 3 39 652.50
2 Stringing of 0.05 sq. inch ACSR conductor
with proper tension for HT km 19,470.77 5.40 1 05 142.16
3 Installation of stay set including pit
excavation and backfilling, stay wire and stay
insulator fitting Nos 1,989.50 4.00 7 958.00
Transportation of poles from market to Site kg 2.31 5,775.00 13 340.25
5 Transportation of conductor and other
materials from market to Site kg 1.43 1,591.60 2 269.62
For LT line
Erection of 9 m steel Tubular folding poles,
excavation of footing, making pole vertical
and placing in footing ramming back, filling
of soil for strengthening fitting accessories all
complete Nos 10,292.50 2.00 20 585.00
2 Stringing of 0.03 sq. inch ACSR conductor
with proper tension (LT+ HT) Nos 18,358.88 0.40 7 343.55
3 Installation of stay set including pit
excavation and backfilling, stay wire and stay
insulator fitting Nos 1,989.50 1.00 1 989.50
Transportation of poles from market to Site kg 2.31 294.00 679.14
5 Transportation of conductor and other
materials from market to Site kg 1.43 85.20 121.50
For transformer
Installation of 11/0.4kV 100kVA
DistributionTransformer with DO, Lightning
arrester and earthing set all complete Nos 19,274.00 1.00 19 274.00
2 Transportation of transformer from market to
site kg 4.57 510.00 2 330.70
Subtotal #REF!
Value Added Tax @ 13.00 % #REF!
Total #REF!
Cost of Electrical Transmission Work

Name of Project : Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

For ist station
S.N. Items Unit Rate Per Unit Electrification Amount
A. Material Cost
For HT line
1 Steel tubular pole (size 11 Mt) Nos #REF! 6.00 #REF!
2 Gay insulator (Stay insulator for HT/LT) Nos #REF! 4.00 #REF!
3 Disc insulator (voltage 11kv) Nos #REF! 6.00 #REF!
4 Pin Insulator (voltage 11kv) Set #REF! 12.00 #REF!
5 Cross arm HT (size 1200mm) Set #REF! 4.00 #REF!
6 Cross arm HT (size 300mm) Set #REF! 4.00 #REF!
7 Cross Angle (size 2390 mm) Nos #REF! 1.00 #REF!
8 (size100X50X6)2500 mm long Nos #REF! 2.00 #REF!
9 Pole clamp Set #REF! 18.00 #REF!
10 Stay set Set #REF! 4.00 #REF!
11 Stay Wire Kg #REF! 24.00 #REF!
12 Nut&Bolts (size) Kg #REF! 2.86 #REF!
13 Dead end Clamp Nos #REF! 6.00 #REF!
14 Flat Braching 720 mm Nos #REF! 10.00 #REF!
15 0.05 sq.inch ACSR Conductor Km #REF! 0.90 #REF!
16 120 sq. mm cable socket Nos #REF! 4.57 #REF!
For LT line
1 Steel tubular pole (size 9 Mt) Nos #REF! 2.00 #REF!
2 Shakle insulator 500 volt with D-iron with
not bolt Set #REF! 8.00 #REF!
3 Gay insulator (Stay insulator for HT/LT) Nos #REF! 1.00 #REF!
4 Stay set Set #REF! 1.00 #REF!
5 Stay Wire Kg #REF! 5.00 #REF!
6 Nut&Bolts (size) Kg #REF! 1.00 #REF!
7 0.03 sq.inch ACSR Conductor Km #REF! 0.40 #REF!
For Transformer
1 Steel tubular pole (size 11 Mt) Nos #REF! 2.00 #REF!
2 Transformer,11/0.4KV,315 KVA Set #REF! 0.00 #REF!
3 Transformer,11/0.4KV,250 KVA Set #REF! 0.00 #REF!
4 Transformer,11/0.4KV,100 KVA Set #REF! 1.00 #REF!
5 Transformer,11/0.4KV,50 KVA Set #REF! 0.00 #REF!
6 Transformer,11/0.4KV,25 KVA Set #REF! 0.00 #REF!
7 Lightening arrestor (Voltage 11 KV) Nos #REF! 3.00 #REF!
8 Drop out fuse set (Voltage 11KV) Nos #REF! 3.00 #REF!
9 ABC Conductor 95 Sqmm Mt #REF! 30.00 #REF!
10 (size100X50X6)2500 mm long Set #REF! 4.00 #REF!
11 (size75X40X6)500 mm long Nos #REF! 4.00 #REF!
12 Disc insulator (voltage 11kv) Set #REF! 3.00 #REF!
13 Pole clamp Set #REF! 8.00 #REF!
14 Dead end Clamp Nos #REF! 3.00 #REF!
15 Earthing set Set #REF! 3.00 #REF!
16 MCCB 100 A Nos #REF! 2.00 #REF!
For ist station
S.N. Items Unit Rate Per Unit Electrification Amount
B. Labour Charge
For HT line
Erection of 11 m steel Tubular poles,
excavation of footing, making pole vertical
and placing in footing ramming back, filling
of soil for strengthening fitting accessories
(Channels and angles) all complete Nos 10,292.50 6.00 61 755.00
2 Stringing of 0.05 sq. inch ACSR conductor
with proper tension for HT km 19,470.77 0.90 17 523.69
3 Installation of stay set including pit
excavation and backfilling, stay wire and stay
insulator fitting Nos 1,989.50 4.00 7 958.00
Transportation of poles from market to Site kg 2.31 1,050.00 2 425.50
5 Transportation of conductor and other
materials from market to Site kg 1.43 304.60 434.36
For LT line
Erection of 9 m steel Tubular folding poles,
excavation of footing, making pole vertical
and placing in footing ramming back, filling
of soil for strengthening fitting accessories all
complete Nos 10,292.50 2.00 20 585.00
2 Stringing of 0.03 sq. inch ACSR conductor
with proper tension (LT+ HT) Nos 18,358.88 0.40 7 343.55
3 Installation of stay set including pit
excavation and backfilling, stay wire and stay
insulator fitting Nos 1,989.50 1.00 1 989.50
Transportation of poles from market to Site kg 2.31 294.00 679.14
5 Transportation of conductor and other
materials from market to Site kg 1.43 85.20 121.50
For transformer
Installation of 11/0.4kV 100kVA
DistributionTransformer with DO, Lightning
arrester and earthing set all complete Nos 19,274.00 1.00 19 274.00
2 Transportation of transformer from market to
site kg 4.57 750.00 3 427.50
Subtotal #REF!
Value Added Tax @ 13.00 % #REF!
Total #REF!
Pump supply and installation

Name of Project : Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

For Infiltration galllery Scheme 6

S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount

1 Transportation of submersible
Installation of submersible pumppumpand motor from store to site 2 job 2000 4 000.00
with necessary welding, fittings
and panel board, wiring of pump
2 house, etc. all complete 2 job 20000 40 000.00

KSB submersible pump: 3

phase, 400 V, 50 Hz, 2900 RPM
3 with discharge 20 m³/hour at 25
m dynamic head (proposed
model: CORA 18C/9, UMA I 100
3/22 (3.0 kW) or equivalent 2 set 119240 2 38 480.00

Control panel board : 3 phase,

4 Panel, 3.0 kW 2 set 49000 98 000.00
5 4 mm squared 3-core copper submersible flat cable 100 m 600 60 000.00
Subtotal Rs. 4 40 480.00
Value Added Tax @ 13.00 % 57 262.40
Total Amount with VAT Rs. 4 97 742.40

For 1st station

S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount

1 Transportation of submersible pumpand motor from store to site 3 job 2000 6 000.00

Installation of submersible pump

with necessary welding, fittings
and panel board, wiring of pump
2 house, etc. all complete 3 job 20000 60 000.00

KSB submersible pump: 3

phase, 400 V, 50 Hz, 2900 RPM
3 with discharge 16 m³/hr at 307 m
dynamic head (proposed model:
UPF 60/23, UMA I 150, 13/22,
11 Kw or equivalent) 3 set 315900 9 47 700.00

Control panel board : 3 phase,

4 fully automatic star-delta, 11 kW 3 set 94000 2 82 000.00
5 6 mm squared 3-core copper submersible flat cable 300 m 800 2 40 000.00
Subtotal Rs. 15 35 700.00
Value Added Tax @ 13.00 % 1 99 641.00
Total Amount with VAT Rs. 17 35 341.00
Grand total of pump supply and installation cost 22 33 083.40

Total cost of pump transporttation and installation 1 24 300.00

Total cost of pumps and accessories 21 08 783.40
Total cost of pump fittings 905356.45
Total cost of pumps, its accessories, and fittings 3014139.85
Total cost of pump supply and installation 3138439.85
Pump supply and installation

Name of Project : Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

For Infiltration galllery Scheme 5

S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount

1 Transportation of submersible
Installation of submersible pumppumpand motor from store to site 2 job 2000 4 000.00
with necessary welding, fittings
and panel board, wiring of pump
2 house, etc. all complete 2 job 20000 40 000.00

KSB submersible pump: 3

phase, 400 V, 50 Hz, 2900 RPM
3 with discharge 20 m³/hour at 25
m dynamic head (proposed
model: CORA 18C/9, UMA I
100, 3/22, 3.0 kW or equivalent 2 set 119240 2 38 480.00
Control panel board : 3 phase,
4 Panel, 3.0 kW 2 set 49000 98 000.00
5 4 mm squared 3-core copper submersible flat cable 100 m 600 60 000.00
Subtotal Rs. 4 40 480.00
Value Added Tax @ 13.00 % 57 262.40
Total Amount with VAT Rs. 4 97 742.40

For 1st station

S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount

1 Transportation of submersible pumpand motor from store to site 2 job 2000 4 000.00
Installation of submersible pump
with necessary welding, fittings
and panel board, wiring of pump
2 house, etc. all complete 2 job 20000 40 000.00

KSB submersible pump: 3

phase, 400 V, 50 Hz, 2900 RPM
3 with discharge 18 m³/hr at 165 m
dynamic head (proposed model:
UQD 212/17, UMA G 150, 16/21,
13 Kw or equivalent) 2 set 259380 5 18 760.00
Control panel board : 3 phase,
4 fully automatic star-delta, 13 kW 2 set 105500 2 11 000.00
5 6 mm squared 3-core copper submersible flat cable 150 m 800 1 20 000.00
Subtotal Rs. 8 93 760.00
Value Added Tax @ 13.00 % 1 16 188.80
Total Amount with VAT Rs. 10 09 948.80
Grand total of pump supply and installation cost 15 07 691.20

Total cost of pump transporttation and installation 99 440.00

Total cost of pumps and accessories 14 08 251.20
Total cost of pump fittings 585377.97
Total cost of pumps, its accessories, and fittings 1993629.17
Total cost of pump supply and installation 2093069.17
Pump supply and installation

Name of Project : Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

For Infiltration galllery Scheme 3

S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount

1 Transportation of submersible pumpand motor from store to site 2 job 2000 4 000.00

Installation of submersible pump

with necessary welding, fittings
and panel board, wiring of pump
2 house, etc. all complete 2 job 20000 40 000.00

KSB submersible pump: 3 phase,

400 V, 50 Hz, 2900 RPM with
discharge 7 m³/hour at 34 m
3 dynamic head (proposed model:
CORA 7C/7, UMA I 100, 1.1/22,
1.1 kW
or equivalent 2 set 93500 1 87 000.00
Control panel board : 3 phase,
4 Panel, 1.1 kW 2 set 24500 49 000.00
2.5 mm squared 3-core copper
5 submersible flat cable 100 m 400 40 000.00
Subtotal Rs. 3 20 000.00
Value Added Tax @ 13.00 % 41 600.00
Total Amount with VAT Rs. 3 61 600.00

For 1st station

S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount

1 Transportation of submersible pumpand motor from store to site 2 job 2000 4 000.00
Installation of submersible pump
with necessary welding, fittings
and panel board, wiring of pump
2 house, etc. all complete 2 job 20000 40 000.00

KSB submersible pump: 3

3 phase, 400 V, 50 Hz, 2900 RPM
with discharge 6 m³/hr at 270 m
dynamic head (proposed model:
UQD 112/36, UMA I 150, 9/22,
9.3 kW or equivalent) 2 set 286220 5 72 440.00
Control panel board : 3 phase,
4 fully automatic star-delta, 9.3 kW 2 set 92000 1 84 000.00
5 6 mm squared 3-core copper submersible flat cable 100 m 800 80 000.00
Subtotal Rs. 8 80 440.00
Value Added Tax @ 13.00 % 1 14 457.20
Total Amount with VAT Rs. 9 94 897.20
Grand total of pump supply and installation cost 13 56 497.20

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Total cost of pump transporttation and installation 99 440.00
Total cost of pumps and accessories 12 57 057.20
Total cost of pump fittings 355470.43
Total cost of pumps, its accessories, and fittings 1612527.63
Total cost of pump supply and installation 1711967.63

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Abstract of costs
Pipeline Works
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Scheme 8
Sn Description Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount

A Transmission line
1 E/W in excavation in hard soil
for E/W for 100 mmØ GI pipe for undulation ground
300 0.60 0.60 108.00

for E/W lower size HDPE/PPR 436 0.45 0.90 176.58

Total 736 284.58 m³ 858.76 2 44 385.92
2 E/W in backfilling with hard soil
as per excavation 284.58 m³ 432.81 1 23 169.07
3 Laying & joining of pipes
Laying and joining of 40, 50 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld joints 175.00 m Err:502 Err:502
Laying and joining of 63, 75, 90 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld joints 261.00 m Err:502 Err:502
Laying and joining of 100 mmØ GI pipe with arc weld joints 642.00 m Err:502 Err:502
Sub-total 1078 Err:502
Value Added Tax @ 13.00 % Err:502
Total cost of transmission pipe line works Rs. Err:502
B Distribution line
1 E/W in excavation in hard soil
for E/W 75 mmØ size or higher size HDPE/PPR
8324 0.60 0.90 4494.96
for E/W lower size HDPE/PPR
10620 0.45 0.90 4301.10
Total 18944 8796.06 m³ 858.76 75 53 704.49
2 E/W in backfilling with hard soil
as per excavation 8796.06 m³ 432.81 38 07 022.73
3 Laying & jointing of pipes
Laying and joining of 16, 20, 25 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld joints 980 m Err:502 Err:502
Laying and joining of 32 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld joints 870 m Err:502 Err:502
Laying and joining of 40, 50 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld joints 1450 m Err:502 Err:502
Laying and joining of 63, 75, 90 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld joints 2740 m Err:502 Err:502
Laying and joining of 140, 160, 180 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld joints 1100 m Err:502 Err:502
Laying and joining of 200, 225, 250 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld joints 2569 m Err:502 Err:502

Laying and joining of 16, 20, 25 mmØ PPR pipe with socket fusion joints 2120 m Err:502 Err:502
Laying and joining of 32 mmØ PPR pipe with socket fusion joints 1040 m Err:502 Err:502
Laying and joining of 40, 50 PPR pipe with socket fusion joints 2555 m Err:502 Err:502
Laying and joining of 63, 75, 90 mmØ PPR pipe with socket fusion joints 2304 m Err:502 Err:502
Laying and joining of 110 mmØ PPR pipe with socket fusion joints 1216 m Err:502 Err:502

Laying and joining of 100 mmØ GI pipe with socket joints 410 m Err:502 Err:502
Laying and joining of 125 mmØ GI pipe with socket joints 315 m Err:502 Err:502

Sub-total 19669 Rs. Err:502

Value Added Tax @ 13.00 % Err:502
Total cost of distribution pipeline works Rs. Err:502
Total cost of pipeline works Rs. Err:502
Transportation Cost of Pipes and fittings
S.No. Description of items Quantity Unit Rate Amount

1 Cost of transportation of pipes from Surkhet to project site

102643.55 kg 1.24 1 27 278.00
Subtotal 1 27 278.00
Value Added Tax @ 13.00 % 16 546.14
Total transportation cost Rs 1 43 824.14
Abstract of costs
Pipeline Works
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Scheme 7
Sn Description Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount

A Transmission line
1 E/W in excavation in hard soil
for E/W lower size of GI pipe for undulation ground
200 0.45 0.60 54.00
Total 200 54.00 m³ 858.76 46 373.04
2 E/W in backfilling with hard soil
as per excavation 54.00 m³ 432.81 23 371.74
3 Laying & joining of pipes
Laying and joining of 40, 50 mmØ GI pipe with arc weld joints 530.00 m Err:502 Err:502

Sub-total 530 Err:502

Value Added Tax @ 13.00 % Err:502
Total cost of transmission pipe line works Rs. Err:502
B Distribution line
1 E/W in excavation in hard soil
for E/W 75 mmØ size or higher size HDPE/PPR
80 0.60 0.90 43.20
for E/W lower size HDPE/PPR
3460 0.45 0.90 1401.30
Total 3540 1444.50 m³ 858.76 12 40 478.82
2 E/W in backfilling with hard soil
as per excavation 1444.50 m³ 432.81 6 25 194.05
3 Laying & joining of pipes
Laying and joining of 16, 20, 25 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld joints 690.00 m Err:502 Err:502
Laying and joining of 32 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld joints 510.00 m Err:502 Err:502
Laying and joining of 40, 50 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld joints 570.00 m Err:502 Err:502
Laying and joining of 63, 75, 90 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld joints 650.00 m Err:502 Err:502
Laying and joining of 16, 20, 25 mmØ PPR pipe with socket fusion joints 310.00 m Err:502 Err:502
Laying and joining of 40, 50 PPR pipe with socket fusion joints 780.00 m Err:502 Err:502
Laying and joining of 63, 75, 90 mmØ PPR pipe with socket fusion joints 30.00 m Err:502 Err:502

Sub-total 3540 Rs. Err:502

Value Added Tax @ 13.00 % Err:502
Total cost of distribution pipeline works Rs. Err:502
Total cost of pipeline works Rs. Err:502
Transportation Cost of Pipes and fittings
S.No. Description of items Quantity Unit Rate Amount

1 Cost of transportation of pipes from Surkhet to project site

5137.93 kg 1.24 6 371.04
Subtotal 6 371.04
Value Added Tax @ 13.00 % 828.24
Total transportation cost Rs 7 199.28
Abstract of costs
Pipeline Works

Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Scheme 4

Sn Description Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount

A Transmission line
1 E/W in excavation in hard soil
for E/W for 65, 50 mmØ GI pipe for undulation ground
600 0.45 0.60 162.00
for E/W lower size of GI pipe for undulation ground

for E/W 75 mmØ size or higher size HDPE/PPR

0 0.60 0.90 0.00
for E/W lower size HDPE/PPR
0 0.45 0.90 0.00
Total 600 162.00 m³ 858.76 1 39 119.12
2 E/W in backfilling with hard soil
as per excavation 162.00 m³ 432.81 70 115.22
3 Laying & joining of pipes
Laying and joining of 40, 50 mmØ GI pipe with arc weld joints 200 m Err:502 Err:502
Laying and joining of 65, 80 mmØ GI pipe with arc weld joints 1300 m Err:502 Err:502

Sub-total 1500 Err:502

Value Added Tax @ 13.00 % Err:502
Total cost of transmission pipe line works Rs. Err:502
B Distribution line
1 E/W in excavation in hard soil
for E/W 75 mmØ size or higher size HDPE/PPR
757 0.60 0.90 408.78
for E/W lower size HDPE/PPR
4210 0.45 0.90 1705.05
Total 4967 2113.83 m³ 858.76 18 15 272.65
2 E/W in backfilling with hard soil
as per excavation 2113.83 m³ 432.81 9 14 886.76
3 Laying & jointing of pipes
Laying and joining of 16, 20, 25 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld joints 408 m Err:502 Err:502
Laying and joining of 32 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld joints 662 m Err:502 Err:502
Laying and joining of 40, 50 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld joints 424 m Err:502 Err:502
Laying and joining of 63, 75, 90 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld joints 1052 m Err:502 Err:502
Laying and joining of 110, 125 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld joints 30 m Err:502 Err:502
Laying and joining of 16, 20, 25 mmØ PPR pipe with socket fusion joints 720 m Err:502 Err:502
Laying and joining of 32 mmØ PPR pipe with socket fusion joints 448 m Err:502 Err:502
Laying and joining of 40, 50 PPR pipe with socket fusion joints 1043 m Err:502 Err:502
Laying and joining of 63, 75, 90 mmØ PPR pipe with socket fusion joints 180 m Err:502 Err:502

Sub-total 4967 Rs. Err:502

Value Added Tax @ 13.00 % Err:502
Total cost of distribution pipeline works Rs. Err:502
Total cost of pipeline works Rs. Err:502
Transportation Cost of Pipes and fittings
S.No. Description of items Quantity Unit Rate Amount

4 Cost of transportation of pipes from Surkhet to project site

16792.05 kg 1.24 20 822.14
Subtotal 20 822.14
Value Added Tax @ 13.00 % 2 706.88
Total transportation cost Rs 23 529.02
Procurement of Pipes
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
Scheme 8
Total weight
S.No. Pipe size and series Unit Quantity weight Rate Amount Remarks
(kg/m) (kg)
1 HDPE pipes
Transmission line:
50 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 193 0.796 153.63 206.96 39 943.28
63 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 165 0.850 140.25 221.00 36 465.00
63 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 122 1.269 154.82 329.94 40 252.68

Distribution line:
20 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 0.134 0.00 34.84 0.00 For tap connection
25 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 1078 0.202 217.76 52.52 56 616.56
32 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 957 0.334 319.64 86.84 83 105.88
40 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 743 0.514 381.90 133.64 99 294.52
50 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 853 0.796 678.99 206.96 1 76 536.88
63 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 231 0.85 196.35 221 51 051.00
63 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 523 1.269 663.69 329.94 1 72 558.62
75 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 726 1.782 1293.73 463.32 3 36 370.32
90 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 1535 2.568 3941.88 667.68 10 24 888.80
160 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 407 5.355 2179.49 1392.3 5 66 666.10
160 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 176 8.079 1421.90 2100.54 3 69 695.04
180 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 627 10.256 6430.51 2666.56 16 71 933.12
200 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 33 8.391 276.90 2181.66 71 994.78
200 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 132 12.52 1652.64 3255.2 4 29 686.40
225 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 160 10.544 1687.04 2741.44 4 38 630.40
225 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 2501 16.014 40051.01 4163.64 104 13 263.64

For drain pipe in structures

110 mmØ 4 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 15 1.703 25.55 442.78 6 641.70
140 mmØ 4 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 25 2.901 72.53 754.26 18 856.50

Subtotal 11202 61940.20 Rs. 161 04 451.22

Contractor's Overhead @ 15.00 % 24 15 667.68
Total 185 20 118.90
Value added Tax @ 13.00 % 24 07 615.46
Total cost of HDPE pipes Rs. 209 27 734.36
Distribution lines
25 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe m 319 0.23 73.37 126.5 40 353.50
25 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe m 2013 0.266 535.46 146.3 2 94 501.90
32 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe m 132 0.37 48.84 203.5 26 862.00
32 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe m 1012 0.434 439.21 238.7 2 41 564.40
40 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe m 198 0.575 113.85 316.25 62 617.50
40 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe m 820 0.671 550.22 369.05 3 02 621.00
50 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe m 418 0.896 374.53 492.8 2 05 990.40
50 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe m 1375 1.04 1430.00 572 7 86 500.00
63 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe m 1012 1.65 1669.80 907.5 9 18 390.00
75 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe m 99 2.01 198.99 1105.5 1 09 444.50
75 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe m 785 2.34 1836.90 1287 10 10 295.00
90 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe m 638 3.36 2143.68 1848 11 79 024.00
110 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe m 913 4.3 3925.90 2365 21 59 245.00
110 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe m 425 5.01 2129.25 2755.5 11 71 087.50

Subtotal 10159.00 15 469.99 85 08 496.70

Contractor's Overhead @ 15.00 % 12 76 274.51
Total 97 84 771.21
Value added Tax @ 13.00 % 12 72 020.26
Total cost of PPR pipes Rs. 110 56 791.46
Procurement of Pipes
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
Scheme 8
Total weight
S.No. Pipe size and series Unit Quantity weight Rate Amount Remarks
(kg/m) (kg)
2 GI pipes
for transmission lines
100 mmØ GI pipe (heavy duty) m 409 15.436 6313.32 1538 6 29 042.00
100 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 297 12.99 3858.03 1328.25 3 94 490.25
for distribution lines
100 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 451 12.99 5858.49 1328.25 5 99 040.75
125 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 347 16.95 5881.65 1736.7 6 02 634.90

for fittings:
15 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 1002 1.284 1286.57 170 1 70 340.00
20 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 36 1.658 59.69 178.5 6 426.00
25 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 30 2.53 75.90 271.95 8 158.50
32 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 30 3.279 98.37 420 12 600.00
40 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 36 3.788 136.37 406.35 14 628.60
50 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 24 5.319 127.66 558.6 13 406.40
65 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 6 6.349 38.09 712.95 4 277.70
80 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 30 8.85 265.50 887.25 26 617.50
100 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 48 12.99 623.52 1328.25 63 756.00
125 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 36 16.95 610.20 1736.7 62 521.20

Subtotal: 26 07 939.80
Contractor's Overhead @ 15.00 % 3 91 190.97
Subtotal 2782 25233.358 29 99 130.77
Value added Tax @ 13.00 % 3 89 887.00
Total cost of GI pipes 33 89 017.77
Total cost of HDPE, PPR and GI pipes 24143.00 102643.55 Rs. 35,373,543.59
Procurement of Pipes
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
Scheme 7
Unit Total
S.No. Pipe size and series Unit Quantity weight weight Rate Amount Remarks
(kg/m) (kg)
1 HDPE pipes

Distribution line:
20 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 0.134 0.00 34.84 0.00 for tap connection
25 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 759 0.202 153.32 52.52 39 862.68
32 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 396 0.226 89.50 58.76 23 268.96
32 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 165 0.334 55.11 86.84 14 328.60
40 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 396 0.35 138.60 91 36 036.00
50 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 231 0.542 125.20 140.92 32 552.52
63 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 330 0.85 280.50 221 72 930.00
63 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 297 1.269 376.89 329.94 97 992.18
90 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 88 1.718 151.18 446.68 39 307.84

For drain pipe in structures

63 mmØ 4 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 25 0.585 14.63 152.1 3 802.50
110 mmØ 4 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 15 1.703 25.55 442.78 6 641.70

Subtotal 2702 1410.47 Rs. 3 66 722.98

Contractor's Overhead @ 15.00 % 55 008.45
Total 4 21 731.43
Value added Tax @ 13.00 % 54 825.09
Total cost of HDPE pipes Rs. 4 76 556.51
Distribution lines
25 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe m 341 0.23 78.43 126.5 43 136.50
40 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe m 429 0.575 246.68 316.25 1 35 671.25
40 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe m 132 0.671 88.57 369.05 48 714.60
50 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe m 297 0.896 266.11 492.8 1 46 361.60
63 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe m 33 1.41 46.53 775.5 25 591.50

Subtotal 1232.00 726.32 3 99 475.45

Contractor's Overhead @ 15.00 % 59 921.32
Total 4 59 396.77
Value added Tax @ 13.00 % 59 721.58
Total cost of PPR pipes Rs. 5 19 118.35
2 GI pipes
for transmission lines
40 mmØ GI pipe (heavy duty) m 286 4.587 1311.88 469 1 34 134.00
40 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 297 3.788 1125.04 406.35 1 20 685.95

for fittings:
15 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 72 1.284 92.45 170 12 240.00
20 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 18 1.658 29.84 178.5 3 213.00
25 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 18 2.53 45.54 271.95 4 895.10
32 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 24 3.279 78.70 420 10 080.00
40 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 24 3.788 90.91 406.35 9 752.40
50 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 18 5.319 95.74 558.6 10 054.80
80 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 6 8.85 53.10 887.25 5 323.50
100 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 6 12.99 77.94 1328.25 7 969.50

Subtotal: 3 18 348.25
Contractor's Overhead @ 15.00 % 47 752.24
Subtotal 769 3001.14 3 66 100.49
Value added Tax @ 13.00 % 47 593.06
Total cost of GI pipes 4 13 693.55
Procurement of Pipes
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
Scheme 7
Unit Total
S.No. Pipe size and series Unit Quantity weight weight Rate Amount Remarks
(kg/m) (kg)
Total cost of HDPE, PPR and GI pipes 4703.00 5137.93 Rs. 1,409,368.41
Procurement of Pipes
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
Scheme 6
Total weight
S.No. Pipe size and series Unit Quantity weight Rate Amount Remarks
(kg/m) (kg)
1 HDPE pipes
Transmission line:
32 mmØ 6 k16 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 33 0.226 7.46 58.76 1 939.08
63 mmØ 6 k32 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 77 0.850 65.45 221.00 17 017.00
63 mmØ 10 63 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 88 1.269 111.67 329.94 29 034.72
75 mmØ 6 k63 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 759 1.191 903.97 309.66 2 35 031.94
90 mmØ 10 75 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 198 2.568 508.46 667.68 1 32 200.64
110 mmØ 6 90 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 1716 2.545 4367.22 661.70 11 35 477.20
110 mmØ 10
110 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 1122 3.801 4264.72 988.26 11 08 827.72

Distribution line:
20 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 0.134 0.00 34.84 0.00 For tap connection
25 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 4846 0.202 978.89 52.52 2 54 511.92
32 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 693 0.226 156.62 58.76 40 720.68
32 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 1342 0.334 448.23 86.84 1 16 539.28
40 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 1550 0.35 542.50 91 1 41 050.00
40 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 1287 0.514 661.52 133.64 1 71 994.68
50 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 1067 0.542 578.31 140.92 1 50 361.64
50 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 468 0.796 372.53 206.96 96 857.28
63 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 182 0.85 154.70 221 40 222.00
63 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 374 1.269 474.61 329.94 1 23 397.56
75 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 792 1.191 943.27 309.66 2 45 250.72
75 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 561 1.782 999.70 463.32 2 59 922.52
90 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 231 1.718 396.86 446.68 1 03 183.08
90 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 66 2.568 169.49 667.68 44 066.88
125 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 33 3.293 108.67 856.18 28 253.94

For drain pipe in structures

63 mmØ 4 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 70 0.585 40.95 152.1 10 647.00
75 mmØ 4 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 20 0.846 16.92 219.96 4 399.20
90 mmØ 4 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 15 1.22 18.30 317.2 4 758.00
110 mmØ 4 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 40 1.703 68.12 442.78 17 711.20

Subtotal 17630 17359.14 Rs. 45 13 375.88

Contractor's Overhead @ 15.00 % 6 77 006.38
Total 51 90 382.26
Value added Tax @ 13.00 % 6 74 749.69
Total cost of HDPE pipes Rs. 58 65 131.96
Procurement of Pipes
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
Scheme 6
Total weight
S.No. Pipe size and series Unit Quantity weight Rate Amount Remarks
(kg/m) (kg)
Transmission line:
63 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe m 297 1.41 418.77 775.5 2 30 323.50
63 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe m 264 1.65 435.60 907.5 2 39 580.00
90 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe m 1815 2.87 5209.05 1578.5 28 64 977.50

Distribution lines
25 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe 2640 0.23 607.20 126.5 3 33 960.00
25 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe 957 0.266 254.56 146.3 1 40 009.10
32 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe 693 0.37 256.41 203.5 1 41 025.50
32 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe 264 0.434 114.58 238.7 63 016.80
40 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe 1144 0.575 657.80 316.25 3 61 790.00
40 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe 407 0.671 273.10 369.05 1 50 203.35
50 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe 715 0.896 640.64 492.8 3 52 352.00
50 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe 462 1.04 480.48 572 2 64 264.00
63 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe 1133 1.41 1597.53 775.5 8 78 641.50

Subtotal 10791.00 10 945.72 60 20 143.25

Contractor's Overhead @ 15.00 % 9 03 021.49
Total 69 23 164.74
Value added Tax @ 13.00 % 9 00 011.42
Total cost of PPR pipes Rs. 78 23 176.15
3 GI pipes
for transmission lines
80 mmØ GI pipe (Heavy duty) m 660 10.417 6875.22 1016 6 70 560.00
80 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 187 8.85 1654.95 887.25 1 65 915.75

for fittings:
15 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 330 1.284 423.72 170 56 100.00
20 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 66 1.658 109.43 178.5 11 781.00
25 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 48 2.53 121.44 271.95 13 053.60
32 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 48 3.279 157.39 420 20 160.00
40 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 66 3.788 250.01 406.35 26 819.10
50 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 54 5.319 287.23 558.6 30 164.40
65 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 30 6.349 190.47 712.95 21 388.50
80 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 48 8.85 424.80 887.25 42 588.00
100 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 42 12.99 545.58 1328.25 55 786.50

Subtotal: 11 14 316.85
Contractor's Overhead @ 15.00 % 1 67 147.53
Subtotal 1579 11040.234 12 81 464.38
Value added Tax @ 13.00 % 1 66 590.37
Total cost of GI pipes 14 48 054.75
Total cost of HDPE, PPR and GI pipes 30000.00 39345.09 Rs. 15,136,362.86
Procurement of Pipes
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
Scheme 5
Total weight
S.No. Pipe size and series Unit Quantity weight Rate Amount Remarks
(kg/m) (kg)
1 HDPE pipes
Transmission line:
63 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 825 0.850 701.25 221.00 1 82 325.00
75 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 347 1.191 413.28 309.66 1 07 452.02
90 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 11 1.718 18.90 446.68 4 913.48

Distribution line:
20 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 0.134 0.00 34.84 0.00 For tap connectio
25 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 754 0.202 152.31 52.52 39 600.08
32 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 33 0.226 7.46 58.76 1 939.08
32 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 506 0.334 169.00 86.84 43 941.04
40 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 528 0.514 271.39 133.64 70 561.92
50 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 616 0.796 490.34 206.96 1 27 487.36
63 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 66 0.85 56.10 221 14 586.00
63 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 1056 1.269 1340.06 329.94 3 48 416.64
75 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 1287 1.782 2293.43 463.32 5 96 292.84
90 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 890 1.718 1529.02 446.68 3 97 545.20
90 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 1133 2.568 2909.54 667.68 7 56 481.44
110 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 248 2.545 631.16 661.7 1 64 101.60
110 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 660 3.801 2508.66 988.26 6 52 251.60
125 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 297 3.293 978.02 856.18 2 54 285.46
125 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 792 4.962 3929.90 1290.12 10 21 775.04
140 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 209 4.15 867.35 1079 2 25 511.00

For drain pipe in structures

110 mmØ 4 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 40 1.703 68.12 442.78 17 711.20

Subtotal 10298 19335.30 Rs. 50 27 178.00

Contractor's Overhead @ 15.00 % 7 54 076.70
Total 57 81 254.70
Value added Tax @ 13.00 % 7 51 563.11
Total cost of HDPE pipes Rs. 65 32 817.81

Distribution lines
32 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe m 33 0.37 12.21 203.5 6 715.50
40 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe m 132 0.575 75.90 316.25 41 745.00
50 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe m 132 0.896 118.27 492.8 65 049.60
63 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe m 297 1.41 418.77 775.5 2 30 323.50

Subtotal 594.00 625.15 3 43 833.60

Contractor's Overhead @ 15.00 % 51 575.04
Total 3 95 408.64
Value added Tax @ 13.00 % 51 403.12
Total cost of PPR pipes Rs. 4 46 811.76
Procurement of Pipes
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
Scheme 5
Total weight
S.No. Pipe size and series Unit Quantity weight Rate Amount Remarks
(kg/m) (kg)
3 GI pipes
for transmission lines
80 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 365 8.85 3230.25 887.25 3 23 846.25
80 mmØ GI pipe (heavy duty) m 330 10.417 3437.61 1016 3 35 280.00

for fittings:
15 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 432 1.284 554.69 170 73 440.00
20 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 6 1.658 9.95 178.5 1 071.00
25 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 6 2.53 15.18 271.95 1 631.70
32 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 6 3.279 19.67 420 2 520.00
40 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 6 3.788 22.73 406.35 2 438.10
50 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 30 5.319 159.57 558.6 16 758.00
65 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 24 6.349 152.38 712.95 17 110.80
80 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 54 8.85 477.90 887.25 47 911.50
100 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 48 12.99 623.52 1328.25 63 756.00
125 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 6 16.95 101.70 1736.7 10 420.20

Subtotal: 8 96 183.55
Contractor's Overhead @ 15.00 % 1 34 427.53
Subtotal 1313 8805.144 10 30 611.08
Value added Tax @ 13.00 % 1 33 979.44
Total cost of GI pipes 11 64 590.52
Total cost of HDPE, PPR and GI pipes 12205.00 28765.60 Rs. 8,144,220.10
Procurement of Pipes
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
Scheme 4
Total weight
S.No. Pipe size and series Unit Quantity weight Rate Amount Remarks
(kg/m) (kg)
1 HDPE pipes

Distribution line:
20 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 0.134 0.00 34.84 0.00 For tap connectio
25 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 449 0.202 90.70 52.52 23 581.48
32 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 198 0.226 44.75 58.76 11 634.48
32 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 530 0.334 177.02 86.84 46 025.20
40 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 66 0.35 23.10 91 6 006.00
50 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 400 0.796 318.40 206.96 82 784.00
63 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 132 0.85 112.20 221 29 172.00
63 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 226 1.269 286.79 329.94 74 566.44
75 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 409 1.191 487.12 309.66 1 26 650.94
75 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 83 1.782 147.91 463.32 38 455.56
90 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 110 1.718 188.98 446.68 49 134.80
90 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 198 2.568 508.46 667.68 1 32 200.64
110 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe 33 2.545 83.99 661.7 21 836.10

For drain pipe in structures

90 mmØ 4 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 20 1.22 24.40 317.2 6 344.00
110 mmØ 4 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 20 1.703 34.06 442.78 8 855.60

Subtotal 2874 2527.87 Rs. 6 57 247.24

Contractor's Overhead @ 15.00 % 98 587.09
Total 7 55 834.33
Value added Tax @ 13.00 % 98 258.46
Total cost of HDPE pipes Rs. 8 54 092.79
Distribution line:
25 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe m 561 0.23 129.03 126.5 70 966.50
25 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe m 231 0.266 61.45 146.3 33 795.30
32 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe m 262 0.37 96.94 203.5 53 317.00
32 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe m 231 0.434 100.25 238.7 55 139.70
40 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe m 297 0.575 170.78 316.25 93 926.25
40 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe m 218 0.671 146.28 369.05 80 452.90
50 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe m 462 0.896 413.95 492.8 2 27 673.60
50 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe m 171 1.04 177.84 572 97 812.00
63 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe m 198 1.41 279.18 775.5 1 53 549.00

Subtotal 2631.00 1 575.70 8 66 632.25

Contractor's Overhead @ 15.00 % 1 29 994.84
Total 9 96 627.09
Value added Tax @ 13.00 % 1 29 561.52
Total cost of PPR pipes Rs. 11 26 188.61
Procurement of Pipes
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
Scheme 4
Total weight
S.No. Pipe size and series Unit Quantity weight Rate Amount Remarks
(kg/m) (kg)
3 GI pipes
for transmission lines
50 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 220 5.319 1170.18 558.6 1 22 892.00
65 mmØ GI pipe (heavy duty) m 869 8.197 7123.19 863 7 49 947.00
65 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 561 6.349 3561.79 712.95 3 99 964.95

for fittings: m
15 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 108 1.284 138.67 170 18 360.00
20 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 6 1.658 9.95 178.5 1 071.00
25 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 18 2.53 45.54 271.95 4 895.10
32 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 6 3.279 19.67 420 2 520.00
40 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 12 3.788 45.46 406.35 4 876.20
50 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 30 5.319 159.57 558.6 16 758.00
65 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 24 6.349 152.38 712.95 17 110.80
80 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 12 8.85 106.20 887.25 10 647.00
100 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 12 12.99 155.88 1328.25 15 939.00

Subtotal: 13 64 981.05
Contractor's Overhead @ 15.00 % 2 04 747.16
Subtotal 1878 12688.478 15 69 728.21
Value added Tax @ 13.00 % 2 04 064.67
Total cost of GI pipes 17 73 792.87
Total cost of HDPE, PPR and GI pipes 7383.00 16792.05 Rs. 3,754,074.27
Procurement of Pipes
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
Scheme 3
Total weight
S.No. Pipe size and series Unit Quantity weight Rate Amount Remarks
(kg/m) (kg)
1 HDPE pipes

Distribution line:
20 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 0.134 0.00 34.84 0.00 For tap connection
25 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 512 0.202 103.42 52.52 26 890.24
32 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 396 0.226 89.50 58.76 23 268.96
32 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 121 0.334 40.41 86.84 10 507.64
40 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 198 0.35 69.30 91 18 018.00
50 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 55 0.542 29.81 140.92 7 750.60
50 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 484 0.796 385.26 206.96 1 00 168.64
63 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 869 0.85 738.65 221 1 92 049.00
63 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 33 1.269 41.88 329.94 10 888.02
75 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 341 1.191 406.13 309.66 1 05 594.06
90 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 132 1.718 226.78 446.68 58 961.76
90 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 198 2.568 508.46 667.68 1 32 200.64
110 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 809 2.545 2058.91 661.7 5 35 315.30
110 mmØ 10 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 297 3.801 1128.90 988.26 2 93 513.22
125 mmØ 6 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 33 3.293 108.67 856.18 28 253.94

For drain pipe in structures

63 mmØ 4 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 15 0.585 8.78 152.1 2 281.50
75 mmØ 4 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 25 0.846 21.15 219.96 5 499.00
110 mmØ 4 kg/cm² HDPE pipe m 15 1.703 25.55 442.78 6 641.70

Subtotal 4533 5991.55 Rs. 15 57 802.22

Contractor's Overhead @ 15.00 % 2 33 670.33
Total 17 91 472.55
Value added Tax @ 13.00 % 2 32 891.43
Total cost of HDPE pipes Rs. 20 24 363.98

Distribution lines
25 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe m 699 0.23 160.77 126.5 88 423.50
25 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe m 462 0.266 122.89 146.3 67 590.60
32 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe m 33 0.37 12.21 203.5 6 715.50
32 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe m 567 0.434 246.08 238.7 1 35 342.90
40 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe m 330 0.575 189.75 316.25 1 04 362.50
40 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe m 553 0.671 371.06 369.05 2 04 084.65
50 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe m 721 0.896 646.02 492.8 3 55 308.80
50 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe m 255 1.04 265.20 572 1 45 860.00
63 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe m 495 1.41 697.95 775.5 3 83 872.50
63 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe m 211 1.65 348.15 907.5 1 91 482.50
75 mmØ 20 kg/cm² ( PN 20, SDR 6 ) PPR pipe m 242 2.34 566.28 1287 3 11 454.00
90 mmØ 16 kg/cm² ( PN 16, SDR 7.4 ) PPR pipe m 165 2.87 473.55 1578.5 2 60 452.50

Subtotal 4733.00 4 099.91 22 54 949.95

Contractor's Overhead @ 15.00 % 3 38 242.49
Total 25 93 192.44
Value added Tax @ 13.00 % 3 37 115.02
Total cost of PPR pipes Rs. 29 30 307.46
3 GI pipes
for transmission lines
50 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 297 5.319 1579.74 558.6 1 65 904.20
50 mmØ GI pipe (heavy duty) m 638 6.369 4063.42 690 4 40 220.00

for fittings:
15 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 180 1.284 231.12 170 30 600.00
20 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 30 1.658 49.74 178.5 5 355.00
25 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 42 2.53 106.26 271.95 11 421.90
32 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 24 3.279 78.70 420 10 080.00
40 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 2 3.788 7.58 406.35 812.70
50 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 3 5.319 15.96 558.6 1 675.80

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Procurement of Pipes
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
Scheme 3
Total weight
S.No. Pipe size and series Unit Quantity weight Rate Amount Remarks
(kg/m) (kg)
65 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 12 6.349 76.19 712.95 8 555.40
80 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 12 8.85 106.20 887.25 10 647.00
100 mmØ GI pipe (medium duty) m 18 12.99 233.82 1328.25 23 908.50

Subtotal: 7 09 180.50
Contractor's Overhead @ 15.00 % 1 06 377.08
Subtotal 1258 6548.722 8 15 557.58
Value added Tax @ 13.00 % 1 06 022.48
Total cost of GI pipes 9 21 580.06
Total cost of HDPE, PPR and GI pipes 10524.00 16640.18 Rs. 5,876,251.50

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

HDPE Pipe Procurement

HDPE pipe rate (per kg excl. VAT & trans.) 260.00

Per meter Scheme 1
SN Pipe Design
kg Rs Kg Rs
1 0 0.00
1 25mmØ 0.173 7425 1284.525
2 32 mmØ 0.234 #REF! #REF! #REF!
3 40 mmØ 0.434 #REF! #REF! #REF!
4 50 mmØ 0.365 #REF! #REF! #REF!
5 50 mmØ 0.673 #REF! #REF! #REF!
6 63 mmØ 0.568 #REF! #REF! #REF!
7 63 mmØ 0.882 #REF! #REF! #REF!
8 90 mmØ 1.148 #REF! #REF! #REF!
9 90 mmØ 1.787 #REF! #REF! #REF!
6 110 mmØ 1.688 #REF! #REF! #REF!
7 0.000 #REF!
8 0.000 0.00
9 0.000 0.00
Sub-Total of HDPE pipe #REF! #REF! #REF!

Total of HDPE pipe #REF! #REF! #REF!

7 GM-90 1082.00 250 1225.000 305882.50

Sub-Total of GI pipe 250 1225.000 305882.50

Total of GI pipe 249.70 1225.00 305882.50

Grand total #REF! #REF! #REF!
Procurement of Fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

S.No. Description of Fittings Unit Quantity Amount
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) no 35 Err:504 Err:504
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) no 17 Err:504 Err:504
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) no 18 Err:504 Err:504
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) no 31 Err:504 Err:504
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ) no 7 Err:504 Err:504
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ) set 2 Err:504 Err:504
7 GI Blind flange set (65 mmØ) set 7 Err:504 Err:504
8 GI Blind flange set (80 mmØ) set 2 Err:504 Err:504
9 GI Elbow (100 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
10 GI Elbow (15 mmØ) no 9 Err:504 Err:504
11 GI Elbow (20 mmØ) no 9 Err:504 Err:504
12 GI Elbow (25 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
13 GI Elbow (40 mmØ) no 7 Err:504 Err:504
14 GI Elbow (50 mmØ) no 20 Err:504 Err:504
15 GI Elbow (65 mmØ) no 8 Err:504 Err:504
16 GI Elbow (80 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
Procurement of Fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

S.No. Description of Fittings Unit Quantity Amount
17 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
18 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
19 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
20 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
21 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
22 GI Nipple (100 mmØ) no 9 Err:504 Err:504
23 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) no 97 Err:504 Err:504
24 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) no 47 Err:504 Err:504
25 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) no 36 Err:504 Err:504
26 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) no 73 Err:504 Err:504
27 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) no 40 Err:504 Err:504
28 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) no 29 Err:504 Err:504
29 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) no 17 Err:504 Err:504
30 GI Plug (20 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
31 GI Plug (50 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
32 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
33 GI Reducer Socket (125x100 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
34 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
35 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
36 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
37 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mmØ) no 5 Err:504 Err:504
38 GI Reducer Socket (65x40 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
39 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mmØ) no 5 Err:504 Err:504
40 GI Reducer Socket (80x50 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
41 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
42 GI Socket 20 mmØ no 3 Err:504 Err:504
43 GI Socket 50 mmØ no 1 Err:504 Err:504
44 GI Strainer (100 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
45 GI Strainer (125 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
46 GI Strainer (32 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
47 GI Strainer (32 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
48 GI Strainer (50 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
49 GI Strainer (65 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
50 GI Strainer (80 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
51 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
52 GI Unequal Tee (100x20 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
53 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
54 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
55 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
Procurement of Fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

S.No. Description of Fittings Unit Quantity Amount
56 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
57 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
58 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
59 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
60 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
61 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
62 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
63 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
64 GI Unequal Tee (65x20 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
65 GI Unequal Tee (65x25 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
66 GI Unequal Tee (65x40 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
67 GI Unequal Tee (65x50 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
68 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
69 GI Unequal Tee (80x40 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
70 GI Unequal Tee (80x50 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
71 GI Union (15 mmØ) no 7 Err:504 Err:504
72 GI Union (20 mmØ) no 60 Err:504 Err:504
73 GI Union (25 mmØ) no 29 Err:504 Err:504
74 GI Union (32 mmØ) no 23 Err:504 Err:504
75 GI Union (40 mmØ) no 45 Err:504 Err:504
76 GI Union (50 mmØ) no 26 Err:504 Err:504
77 GI Union (65 mmØ) no 17 Err:504 Err:504
78 GI Union (80 mmØ) no 10 Err:504 Err:504
79 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ) set 5 Err:504 Err:504
80 GI-HDP flange set (100x125 mmØ) set 1 Err:504 Err:504
81 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mmØ) set 21 Err:504 Err:504
82 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mmØ) set 5 Err:504 Err:504
83 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mmØ) set 3 Err:504 Err:504
84 PPR female union (20x25 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
85 PPR female union (32x40 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
86 PPR female union (40x50 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
87 PPR Reducer socket (40x25 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
88 PPR Reducer socket (50x40 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
89 PPR socket (20 mmØ) no 133 Err:504 Err:504
90 PPR socket (25 mmØ) no 147 Err:504 Err:504
91 PPR socket (40 mmØ) no 72 Err:504 Err:504
92 PPR socket (50 mmØ) no 175 Err:504 Err:504
93 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
94 GM Gate Valve (20 mmØ) no 6 Err:504 Err:504
Procurement of Fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

S.No. Description of Fittings Unit Quantity Amount
95 GM Gate Valve (25 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
96 GM Gate Valve (32 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
97 GM Gate Valve (40 mmØ) no 7 Err:504 Err:504
98 GM Gate Valve (50 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
99 GM Gate Valve (65 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
100 GM Gate Valve (80 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
101 GM Globe Valve (20 mmØ) no 22 Err:504 Err:504
102 GM Globe Valve (25 mmØ) no 6 Err:504 Err:504
103 GM Globe Valve (32 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
104 GM Globe Valve (40 mmØ) no 7 Err:504 Err:504
105 GM Globe Valve (50 mmØ) no 7 Err:504 Err:504
106 GM Globe Valve (65 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
107 GM Globe Valve (80 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504

Subtotal 1 490.00 Rs. Err:504

Add contractor's Overhead @ 15.00 % Err:504
Total with OH Err:504
Add Value Added Tax @ 13.00 % Err:504
Total Amount with VAT Err:504

Total cost of fittings for structures Err:504

Procurement of Fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

S.No. Description of Fittings Unit Quantity Amount

Infiltration Gallery
1 Forged steel gate valve 50 mmØ no 2 30000.00 60 000.00
2 Forged steel nonreturn valve 50 mmØ vertical mounting, set 1 32000.00 32 000.00
3 Pressure gauge( upto 400 m head)- 3" size no 1 3200.00 3 200.00
4 Carbon steel equal Tee (50 mmØ) no 1 660.00 660.00
5 Carbon steel flange set (50 mmØ), heavy duty, more than set 7 1910.00 13 370.00
6 Carbon steel bend 50 mmØ - 120° internal angle set 1 1830.00 1 830.00
7 Carbon steel Nipple (50 mmØ) - 6" long no 8 500.00 4 000.00
8 Carbon steel Reducer Socket (50×40 mmØ) no 2 462.00 924.00

For RVTC-1 pumping main (First stage)

1 Forged steel gate valve 50 mmØ no 2 30000.00 60 000.00

2 Forged steel nonreturn valve 50 mmØ vertical mounting, set 1 32000.00 32 000.00
3 Pressure gauge( upto 400 m head)- 3" size no 1 3200.00 3 200.00
4 GI Blind flange set (200 mmØ) with 8 nut bolts set 2 6000.00 12 000.00
5 MS pipe 200 mmØ heavy duty (8 mm+ thick) m 6 5000.00 30 000.00
6 Carbon steel equal Tee (50 mmØ) no 1 660.00 660.00
7 Carbon steel flange set (50 mmØ), heavy duty, more than set 7 1910.00 13 370.00
8 Carbon steel bend 50 mmØ - 120° internal angle set 1 1830.00 1 830.00
9 Carbon steel Nipple (50 mmØ) - 6" long no 9 500.00 4 500.00

Subtotal Rs. 2 73 544.00

Add contractor's Overhead @ 15.00 % 41 031.60
Total with OH 3 14 575.60
Add Value Added Tax @ 13.00 % 40 894.83
Total Amount with VAT 3 55 470.43

Fittings for structures

S.No. Description of Fittings Unit Quantity Amount
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) no 18 Err:504 Err:504
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) no 31 Err:504 Err:504
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) no 17 Err:504 Err:504
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) no 31 Err:504 Err:504
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ) no 18 Err:504 Err:504
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ) set 1 Err:504 Err:504
7 GI Blind flange set (65 mmØ) set 2 Err:504 Err:504
8 GI Elbow (100 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
9 GI Elbow (15 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
10 GI Elbow (20 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
Procurement of Fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

S.No. Description of Fittings Unit Quantity Amount
11 GI Elbow (32 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
12 GI Elbow (40 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
13 GI Elbow (50 mmØ) no 6 Err:504 Err:504
14 GI Elbow (65 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
15 GI Equal Tee (100 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
16 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
Procurement of Fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

S.No. Description of Fittings Unit Quantity Amount
17 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
18 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
19 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ) no 5 Err:504 Err:504
20 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
21 GI Nipple (100 mmØ) no 20 Err:504 Err:504
22 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) no 41 Err:504 Err:504
23 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) no 47 Err:504 Err:504
24 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) no 38 Err:504 Err:504
25 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) no 57 Err:504 Err:504
26 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) no 53 Err:504 Err:504
27 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
28 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
29 GI Plug (20 mmØ) no 11 Err:504 Err:504
30 GI Plug (40 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
31 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
32 GI Reducer Socket (125x100 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
33 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
34 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
35 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
36 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
37 GI Socket 20 mmØ no 11 Err:504 Err:504
38 GI Socket 40 mmØ no 1 Err:504 Err:504
39 GI Strainer (125 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
40 GI Strainer (32 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
41 GI Strainer (65 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
42 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
43 GI Unequal Tee (100x40 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
44 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
45 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ) no 6 Err:504 Err:504
46 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
47 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
48 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
49 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
50 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
51 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
52 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
53 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
54 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
55 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
56 GI Union (15 mmØ) no 18 Err:504 Err:504
57 GI Union (20 mmØ) no 20 Err:504 Err:504
58 GI Union (25 mmØ) no 32 Err:504 Err:504
Procurement of Fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

S.No. Description of Fittings Unit Quantity Amount
59 GI Union (32 mmØ) no 25 Err:504 Err:504
60 GI Union (40 mmØ) no 35 Err:504 Err:504
61 GI Union (50 mmØ) no 35 Err:504 Err:504
62 GI Union (65 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
63 GI Union (80 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
64 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ) set 12 Err:504 Err:504
65 GI-GI flange set (50 mmØ) set 30 Err:504 Err:504
66 GI-HDP flange set (100x125 mmØ) set 6 Err:504 Err:504
67 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mmØ) set 28 Err:504 Err:504
68 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mmØ) set 3 Err:504 Err:504
69 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mmØ) set 6 Err:504 Err:504
70 PPR female socket (80x90 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
71 PPR female union (20x25 mmØ) no 11 Err:504 Err:504
72 PPR female union (25x32 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
73 PPR female union (32x40 mmØ) no 6 Err:504 Err:504
74 PPR female union (40x50 mmØ) no 5 Err:504 Err:504
75 PPR Reducer socket (32x25 mmØ) no 5 Err:504 Err:504
76 PPR Reducer socket (40x25 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
77 PPR Reducer socket (40x32 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
78 PPR Reducer socket (50x25 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
79 PPR Reducer socket (50x32 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
80 PPR Reducer socket (50x40 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
81 PPR Reducer socket (63x40 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
82 PPR Reducer socket (75x40 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
83 PPR Reducer socket (90x63 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
84 PPR socket (25 mmØ) no 255 Err:504 Err:504
85 PPR socket (32 mmØ) no 132 Err:504 Err:504
86 PPR socket (40 mmØ) no 194 Err:504 Err:504
87 PPR socket (50 mmØ) no 214 Err:504 Err:504
88 PPR socket (63 mmØ) no 155 Err:504 Err:504
89 PPR socket (75 mmØ) no 53 Err:504 Err:504
90 PPR socket (90 mmØ) no 36 Err:504 Err:504
91 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
92 GM Gate Valve (20 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
93 GM Gate Valve (25 mmØ) no 5 Err:504 Err:504
94 GM Gate Valve (32 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
95 GM Gate Valve (40 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
96 GM Gate Valve (50 mmØ) no 9 Err:504 Err:504
97 GM Globe Valve (100 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
98 GM Globe Valve (20 mmØ) no 7 Err:504 Err:504
99 GM Globe Valve (25 mmØ) no 6 Err:504 Err:504
100 GM Globe Valve (32 mmØ) no 5 Err:504 Err:504
Procurement of Fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

S.No. Description of Fittings Unit Quantity Amount
101 GM Globe Valve (40 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
102 GM Globe Valve (50 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
103 GM Globe Valve (65 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
104 GM Globe Valve (80 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504

Subtotal 1 885.00 Rs. Err:504

Add contractor's Overhead @ 15.00 % Err:504
Total with OH Err:504
Add Value Added Tax @ 13.00 % Err:504
Total Amount with VAT Err:504

Total cost of fittings for pump and structures Err:504

Procurement of Fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

S.No. Description of Fittings Unit Quantity Amount

Infiltration Gallery
1 Forged steel gate valve 50 mmØ no 2 30000.00 60 000.00
2 Forged steel nonreturn valve 50 mmØ vertical mounting, set 1 32000.00 32 000.00
3 Pressure gauge( upto 400 m head)- 3" size no 1 3200.00 3 200.00
4 Carbon steel equal Tee (50 mmØ) no 1 660.00 660.00
5 Carbon steel flange set (50 mmØ), heavy duty, more than set 7 1910.00 13 370.00
6 Carbon steel bend 50 mmØ - 120° internal angle set 1 1830.00 1 830.00
7 Carbon steel Nipple (50 mmØ) - 6" long no 8 500.00 4 000.00
8 Carbon steel Reducer Socket (50×40 mmØ) no 1 462.00 462.00

For First Stage

1 Forged steel gate valve 65 mmØ no 2 46400.00 92 800.00
2 Forged steel nonreturn valve 65 mmØ vertical mounting, set 1 51400.00 51 400.00
3 Pressure gauge( upto 400 m head)- 3" size no 1 3200.00 3 200.00
4 GI Blind flange set (200 mmØ) with 8 nut bolts set 2 6000.00 12 000.00
5 MS pipe 200 mmØ heavy duty (8 mm+ thick) m 6 5000.00 30 000.00
6 Carbon steel equal Tee (65 mmØ) no 1 1380.00 1 380.00
7 Carbon steel flange set (65 mmØ), heavy duty, more than set 7 2235.00 15 645.00
8 Carbon steel bend 65 mmØ - 120° internal angle set 1 4700.00 4 700.00
9 Carbon steel Nipple (65 mmØ) - 6" long no 8 700.00 5 600.00
10 Carbon steel Reducer Socket (65×50 mmØ) no 1 966.00 966.00

For Second Stage

1 Forged steel gate valve 50 mmØ no 2 30000.00 60 000.00

2 Forged steel nonreturn valve 50 mmØ vertical mounting, set 1 32000.00 32 000.00
3 Pressure gauge( upto 400 m head)- 3" size no 1 3200.00 3 200.00
4 GI Blind flange set (200 mmØ) with 8 nut bolts set 2 6000.00 12 000.00
5 MS pipe 200 mmØ heavy duty (8 mm+ thick) m 6 5000.00 30 000.00
6 Carbon steel equal Tee (50 mmØ) no 1 660.00 660.00
7 Carbon steel flange set (50 mmØ), heavy duty, more than set 7 1910.00 13 370.00
8 Carbon steel bend 50 mmØ - 120° internal angle set 1 1830.00 1 830.00
9 Carbon steel Nipple (50 mmØ) - 6" long no 8 500.00 4 000.00
10 Carbon steel Reducer Socket (50×40 mmØ) no 1 462.00 462.00

Subtotal Rs. 4 90 735.00

Add contractor's Overhead @ 15.00 % 73 610.25
Total with OH 5 64 345.25
Add Value Added Tax @ 13.00 % 73 364.88
Procurement of Fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

S.No. Description of Fittings Unit Quantity Amount
Total Amount with VAT 6 37 710.13

Fittings for structures

S.No. Description of Fittings Unit Quantity Amount
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) no 5 Err:504 Err:504
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) no 12 Err:504 Err:504
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) no 5 Err:504 Err:504
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) no 11 Err:504 Err:504
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ) no 5 Err:504 Err:504
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ) set 2 Err:504 Err:504
7 GI Blind flange set (80 mmØ) set 2 Err:504 Err:504
8 GI Elbow (100 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
9 GI Elbow (15 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
10 GI Elbow (50 mmØ) no 9 Err:504 Err:504
11 GI Elbow (65 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
12 GI Elbow (80 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
13 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
14 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
15 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
16 GI Equal Tee (65 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
17 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
Procurement of Fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

S.No. Description of Fittings Unit Quantity Amount
18 GI Nipple (100 mmØ) no 9 Err:504 Err:504
19 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) no 22 Err:504 Err:504
20 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) no 13 Err:504 Err:504
21 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) no 16 Err:504 Err:504
22 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) no 14 Err:504 Err:504
23 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) no 31 Err:504 Err:504
24 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) no 24 Err:504 Err:504
25 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
26 GI plug (20 mmØ) no 6 Err:504 Err:504
27 GI Reducer Socket (100x65 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
28 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
29 GI Reducer Socket (125x100 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
30 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
31 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
32 GI Reducer Socket (65x40 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
33 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
34 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
35 GI socket 20 mmØ no 6 Err:504 Err:504
36 GI Strainer (100 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
37 GI Strainer (125 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
38 GI Strainer (65 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
39 GI Strainer (80 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
40 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
41 GI Unequal Tee (100x50 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
42 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
43 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
44 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
45 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
46 GI Unequal Tee (50x20 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
47 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
48 GI Unequal Tee (65x25 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
49 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
50 GI Union (15 mmØ) no 5 Err:504 Err:504
51 GI Union (20 mmØ) no 9 Err:504 Err:504
52 GI Union (25 mmØ) no 10 Err:504 Err:504
53 GI Union (32 mmØ) no 11 Err:504 Err:504
54 GI Union (40 mmØ) no 8 Err:504 Err:504
55 GI Union (50 mmØ) no 18 Err:504 Err:504
56 GI Union (65 mmØ) no 15 Err:504 Err:504
Procurement of Fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

S.No. Description of Fittings Unit Quantity Amount
57 GI Union (80 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
58 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ) set 5 Err:504 Err:504
59 GI-GI flange set (65 mmØ) set 50 Err:504 Err:504
60 GI-GI flange set (50 mmØ) set 8 Err:504 Err:504
61 GI-HDP flange set (100x125 mmØ) set 1 Err:504 Err:504
62 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mmØ) set 12 Err:504 Err:504
63 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mmØ) set 10 Err:504 Err:504
64 PPR female socket (50x63 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
65 PPR female union (20x25 mmØ) no 7 Err:504 Err:504
66 PPR female union (25x32 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
67 PPR female union (32x40 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
68 PPR female union (40x50 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
69 PPR Reducer socket (32x25 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
70 PPR Reducer socket (40x25 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
71 PPR Reducer socket (40x32 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
72 PPR Reducer socket (50x40 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
73 PPR socket (25 mmØ) no 174 Err:504 Err:504
74 PPR socket (32 mmØ) no 108 Err:504 Err:504
75 PPR socket (40 mmØ) no 113 Err:504 Err:504
76 PPR socket (50 mmØ) no 139 Err:504 Err:504
77 PPR socket (63 mmØ) no 43 Err:504 Err:504
78 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
79 GM Gate Valve (25 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
80 GM Gate Valve (40 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
81 GM Gate Valve (50 mmØ) no 5 Err:504 Err:504
82 GM Gate Valve (65 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
83 GM Gate Valve (80 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
84 GM Globe Valve (20 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
85 GM Globe Valve (25 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
86 GM Globe Valve (32 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
87 GM Globe Valve (40 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
88 GM Globe Valve (50 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
89 GM Globe Valve (65 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504

Subtotal 1 034.00 Rs. Err:504

Add contractor's Overhead @ 15.00 % Err:504
Total with OH Err:504
Add Value Added Tax @ 13.00 % Err:504
Total Amount with VAT Err:504
Procurement of Fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

S.No. Description of Fittings Unit Quantity Amount
Total cost of fittings for pump and structures Err:504
Procurement of Fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

S.No. Description of Fittings Unit Quantity Amount

Infiltration Gallery
1 Forged steel gate valve 80 mmØ no 2 52800.00 1 05 600.00
2 Forged steel nonreturn valve 80 mmØ vertical mounting, set 1 59800.00 59 800.00
3 Pressure gauge( upto 400 m head)- 3" size no 1 3200.00 3 200.00
4 Carbon steel equal Tee (80 mmØ) no 1 1650.00 1 650.00
5 Carbon steel flange set (80 mmØ), heavy duty, more than set 7 2490.00 17 430.00
6 Carbon steel bend 80 mmØ - 120° internal angle set 1 7290.00 7 290.00
7 Carbon steel Nipple (80 mmØ) - 6" long no 8 970.00 7 760.00
8 Carbon steel Reducer Socket (80 × 50 mmØ) no 1 1502.00 1 502.00

First Lift

1 Forged steel gate valve 80 mmØ no 2 52800.00 1 05 600.00

2 Forged steel nonreturn valve 80 mmØ vertical mounting, set 1 59800.00 59 800.00
3 Pressure gauge( upto 400 m head)- 3" size no 1 3200.00 3 200.00
4 GI Blind flange set (200 mmØ) with 8 nut bolts set 2 6000.00 12 000.00
5 MS pipe 200 mmØ heavy duty (8 mm+ thick) m 6 5000.00 30 000.00
6 Carbon steel equal Tee (80 mmØ) no 1 1650.00 1 650.00
7 Carbon steel flange set (80 mmØ), heavy duty, more than set 7 2490.00 17 430.00
8 Carbon steel bend 80 mmØ - 120° internal angle set 1 7290.00 7 290.00
9 Carbon steel Nipple (80 mmØ) - 6" long no 8 970.00 7 760.00
10 Carbon steel Reducer Socket (80 × 50 mmØ) no 1 1502.00 1 502.00

Subtotal Rs. 4 50 464.00

Add contractor's Overhead @ 15.00 % 67 569.60
Total with OH 5 18 033.60
Add Value Added Tax @ 13.00 % 67 344.37
Total Amount with VAT 5 85 377.97

Fittings for structures

S.No. Description of Fittings Unit Quantity Amount
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ) no 8 Err:504 Err:504
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ) set 5 Err:504 Err:504
7 GI Elbow (100 mmØ) no 5 Err:504 Err:504
Procurement of Fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

S.No. Description of Fittings Unit Quantity Amount
8 GI Elbow (15 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
9 GI Elbow (65 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
10 GI Elbow (80 mmØ) no 12 Err:504 Err:504
11 GI Equal Tee (100 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
12 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ) no 5 Err:504 Err:504
13 GI Equal Tee (65 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
14 GI Equal Tee (80 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
15 GI Nipple (100 mmØ) no 25 Err:504 Err:504
16 GI Nipple (125 mmØ) no 6 Err:504 Err:504
17 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) no 12 Err:504 Err:504
18 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) no 10 Err:504 Err:504
Procurement of Fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

S.No. Description of Fittings Unit Quantity Amount
19 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
20 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) no 9 Err:504 Err:504
21 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) no 42 Err:504 Err:504
22 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) no 20 Err:504 Err:504
23 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) no 63 Err:504 Err:504
24 GI plug (25 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
25 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
26 GI Reducer Socket (125x100 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
27 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
28 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
29 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
30 GI socket 25 mmØ no 1 Err:504 Err:504
31 GI Strainer (100 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
32 GI Strainer (125 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
33 GI Strainer (80 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
34 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
35 GI Unequal Tee (100x65 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
36 GI Unequal Tee (125x80 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
37 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
38 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
39 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
40 GI Unequal Tee (50x20 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
41 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
42 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
43 GI Unequal Tee (65x50 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
44 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
45 GI Unequal Tee (80x20 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
46 GI Unequal Tee (80x25 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
47 GI Unequal Tee (80x40 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
48 GI Union (15 mmØ) no 8 Err:504 Err:504
49 GI Union (20 mmØ) no 8 Err:504 Err:504
50 GI Union (25 mmØ) no 6 Err:504 Err:504
51 GI Union (32 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
52 GI Union (40 mmØ) no 5 Err:504 Err:504
53 GI Union (50 mmØ) no 29 Err:504 Err:504
54 GI Union (65 mmØ) no 12 Err:504 Err:504
55 GI Union (80 mmØ) no 39 Err:504 Err:504
56 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ) set 18 Err:504 Err:504
57 GI-GI flange set (125 mmØ) set 3 Err:504 Err:504
Procurement of Fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

S.No. Description of Fittings Unit Quantity Amount
58 GI-GI flange set (80 mmØ) set 20 Err:504 Err:504
59 GI-HDP flange set (100x125 mmØ) set 18 Err:504 Err:504
60 GI-HDP flange set (125x140 mmØ) set 1 Err:504 Err:504
61 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mmØ) set 26 Err:504 Err:504
62 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mmØ) set 10 Err:504 Err:504
63 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mmØ) set 23 Err:504 Err:504
64 PPR female socket (50x63 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
65 PPR female union (25x32 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
66 PPR Reducer socket (40x32 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
67 PPR Reducer socket (50x40 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
68 PPR Reducer socket (63x50 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
69 PPR socket (32 mmØ) no 7 Err:504 Err:504
70 PPR socket (40 mmØ) no 29 Err:504 Err:504
71 PPR socket (50 mmØ) no 29 Err:504 Err:504
72 PPR socket (63 mmØ) no 65 Err:504 Err:504
73 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
74 GM Gate Valve (50 mmØ) no 5 Err:504 Err:504
75 GM Gate Valve (65 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
76 GM Gate Valve (80 mmØ) no 9 Err:504 Err:504
77 GM Globe Valve (100 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
78 GM Globe Valve (20 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
79 GM Globe Valve (25 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
80 GM Globe Valve (32 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
81 GM Globe Valve (40 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
82 GM Globe Valve (50 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
83 GM Globe Valve (65 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
84 GM Globe Valve (80 mmØ) no 6 Err:504 Err:504

Subtotal 699.00 Rs. Err:504

Add contractor's Overhead @ 15.00 % Err:504
Total with OH Err:504
Add Value Added Tax @ 13.00 % Err:504
Total Amount with VAT Err:504

Total cost of fittings for pump and structures Err:504

Procurement of Fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

S.No. Description of Fittings Unit Quantity Amount

Infiltration Gallery
1 Forged steel gate valve 80 mmØ no 2 52800.00 1 05 600.00
2 Forged steel nonreturn valve 80 mmØ vertical mounting, set 1 59800.00 59 800.00
3 Pressure gauge( upto 400 m head)- 3" size no 1 3200.00 3 200.00
4 Carbon steel equal Tee (80 mmØ) no 1 1650.00 1 650.00
5 Carbon steel flange set (80 mmØ), heavy duty, more than set 7 2490.00 17 430.00
6 Carbon steel bend 80 mmØ - 120° internal angle set 1 7290.00 7 290.00
7 Carbon steel Nipple (80 mmØ) - 6" long no 8 970.00 7 760.00
8 Carbon steel Reducer Socket (80 × 50 mmØ) no 1 1502.00 1 502.00

First Lift

1 Forged steel gate valve 80 mmØ no 4 52800.00 2 11 200.00

2 Forged steel nonreturn valve 80 mmØ vertical mounting, set 2 59800.00 1 19 600.00
3 Pressure gauge( upto 400 m head)- 3" size no 2 3200.00 6 400.00
4 GI Blind flange set (200 mmØ) with 8 nut bolts set 4 6000.00 24 000.00
5 MS pipe 200 mmØ heavy duty (8 mm+ thick) m 12 5000.00 60 000.00
6 Carbon steel equal Tee (80 mmØ) no 2 1650.00 3 300.00
7 Carbon steel flange set (80 mmØ), heavy duty, more than set 14 2490.00 34 860.00
8 Carbon steel bend 80 mmØ - 120° internal angle set 2 7290.00 14 580.00
9 Carbon steel Nipple (80 mmØ) - 6" long no 16 970.00 15 520.00
10 Carbon steel Reducer Socket (80 × 50 mmØ) no 2 1502.00 3 004.00

Subtotal Rs. 6 96 696.00

Add contractor's Overhead @ 15.00 % 1 04 504.40
Total with OH 8 01 200.40
Add Value Added Tax @ 13.00 % 1 04 156.05
Total Amount with VAT 9 05 356.45

Fittings for structures

S.No. Description of Fittings Unit Quantity Amount
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) no 49 Err:504 Err:504
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) no 32 Err:504 Err:504
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) no 32 Err:504 Err:504
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) no 34 Err:504 Err:504
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ) no 17 Err:504 Err:504
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ) set 4 Err:504 Err:504
7 GI Blind flange set (65 mmØ) set 3 Err:504 Err:504
Procurement of Fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

S.No. Description of Fittings Unit Quantity Amount
8 GI Blind flange set (80 mmØ) set 2 Err:504 Err:504
9 GI Elbow (100 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
10 GI Elbow (15 mmØ) no 16 Err:504 Err:504
11 GI Elbow (20 mmØ) no 9 Err:504 Err:504
12 GI Elbow (25 mmØ) no 9 Err:504 Err:504
13 GI Elbow (32 mmØ) no 6 Err:504 Err:504
14 GI Elbow (40 mmØ) no 11 Err:504 Err:504
Procurement of Fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

S.No. Description of Fittings Unit Quantity Amount
15 GI Elbow (50 mmØ) no 17 Err:504 Err:504
16 GI Elbow (65 mmØ) no 10 Err:504 Err:504
17 GI Elbow (80 mmØ) no 8 Err:504 Err:504
18 GI Equal Tee (100 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
19 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
20 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
21 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
22 GI Equal Tee (65 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
23 GI Equal Tee (80 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
24 GI Nipple (100 mmØ) no 24 Err:504 Err:504
25 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) no 126 Err:504 Err:504
26 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) no 61 Err:504 Err:504
27 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) no 88 Err:504 Err:504
28 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) no 88 Err:504 Err:504
29 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) no 46 Err:504 Err:504
30 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) no 43 Err:504 Err:504
31 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) no 44 Err:504 Err:504
32 GI Plug (20 mmØ) no 16 Err:504 Err:504
33 GI Plug (40 mmØ) no 5 Err:504 Err:504
34 GI Plug (50 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
35 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
36 GI Reducer Socket (125x100 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
37 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
38 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
39 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mmØ) no 9 Err:504 Err:504
40 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mmØ) no 9 Err:504 Err:504
41 GI Reducer Socket (65x25 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
42 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mmØ) no 6 Err:504 Err:504
43 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mmØ) no 5 Err:504 Err:504
44 GI Socket 20 mmØ no 16 Err:504 Err:504
45 GI Socket 40 mmØ no 5 Err:504 Err:504
46 GI Socket 50 mmØ no 4 Err:504 Err:504
47 GI Strainer (100 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
48 GI Strainer (125 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
49 GI Strainer (32 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
50 GI Strainer (32 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
51 GI Strainer (40 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
52 GI Strainer (50 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
53 GI Strainer (65 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
Procurement of Fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

S.No. Description of Fittings Unit Quantity Amount
54 GI Strainer (80 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
55 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
56 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ) no 5 Err:504 Err:504
57 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ) no 5 Err:504 Err:504
58 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
59 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ) no 5 Err:504 Err:504
60 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ) no 6 Err:504 Err:504
61 GI Unequal Tee (32x25 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
62 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ) no 8 Err:504 Err:504
63 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ) no 6 Err:504 Err:504
64 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
65 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
66 GI Unequal Tee (50x20 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
67 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
68 GI Unequal Tee (65x20 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
69 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
70 GI Unequal Tee (80x25 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
71 GI Unequal Tee (80x50 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
72 GI Unequal Tee (80x65 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
73 GI Union (15 mmØ) no 17 Err:504 Err:504
74 GI Union (20 mmØ) no 68 Err:504 Err:504
75 GI Union (25 mmØ) no 36 Err:504 Err:504
76 GI Union (32 mmØ) no 54 Err:504 Err:504
77 GI Union (40 mmØ) no 53 Err:504 Err:504
78 GI Union (50 mmØ) no 29 Err:504 Err:504
79 GI Union (65 mmØ) no 25 Err:504 Err:504
80 GI Union (80 mmØ) no 26 Err:504 Err:504
81 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ) set 16 Err:504 Err:504
82 GI-GI flange set (80 mmØ) set 30 Err:504 Err:504
83 GI-HDP flange set (100x125 mmØ) set 14 Err:504 Err:504
84 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mmØ) set 19 Err:504 Err:504
85 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mmØ) set 14 Err:504 Err:504
86 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mmØ) set 24 Err:504 Err:504
87 PPR female socket (50x63 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
88 PPR female socket (65x75 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
89 PPR female socket (80x90 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
90 PPR female union (20x25 mmØ) no 26 Err:504 Err:504
91 PPR female union (25x32 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
92 PPR female union (32x40 mmØ) no 6 Err:504 Err:504
Procurement of Fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

S.No. Description of Fittings Unit Quantity Amount
93 PPR female union (40x50 mmØ) no 6 Err:504 Err:504
94 PPR Reducer socket (32x25 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
95 PPR Reducer socket (40x25 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
96 PPR Reducer socket (40x32 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
97 PPR Reducer socket (50x25 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
98 PPR Reducer socket (50x40 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
99 PPR Reducer socket (90x75 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
100 PPR socket (25 mmØ) no 791 Err:504 Err:504
101 PPR socket (32 mmØ) no 211 Err:504 Err:504
102 PPR socket (40 mmØ) no 341 Err:504 Err:504
103 PPR socket (50 mmØ) no 259 Err:504 Err:504
104 PPR socket (63 mmØ) no 373 Err:504 Err:504
105 PPR socket (90 mmØ) no 399 Err:504 Err:504
106 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ) no 5 Err:504 Err:504
107 GM Gate Valve (20 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
108 GM Gate Valve (25 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
109 GM Gate Valve (32 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
110 GM Gate Valve (40 mmØ) no 6 Err:504 Err:504
111 GM Gate Valve (50 mmØ) no 9 Err:504 Err:504
112 GM Gate Valve (65 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
113 GM Gate Valve (80 mmØ) no 7 Err:504 Err:504
114 GM Globe Valve (20 mmØ) no 25 Err:504 Err:504
115 GM Globe Valve (25 mmØ) no 8 Err:504 Err:504
116 GM Globe Valve (32 mmØ) no 13 Err:504 Err:504
117 GM Globe Valve (40 mmØ) no 9 Err:504 Err:504
118 GM Globe Valve (50 mmØ) no 6 Err:504 Err:504
119 GM Globe Valve (65 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
120 GM Globe Valve (80 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504

Subtotal 3 933.00 Rs. Err:504

Add contractor's Overhead @ 15.00 % Err:504
Total with OH Err:504
Add Value Added Tax @ 13.00 % Err:504
Total Amount with VAT Err:504

Total cost of fittings for pump and structures Err:504

Procurement of Fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

S.No. Description of Fittings Unit Quantity Amount

Infiltration Gallery
1 Forged steel gate valve 100 mmØ no 2 75200.00 1 50 400.00
2 Forged steel nonreturn valve 100 mmØ vertical mounting,set 1 84200.00 84 200.00
3 Pressure gauge( upto 400 m head)- 3" size no 1 3200.00 3 200.00
4 Carbon steel equal Tee(100 mmØ) no 1 2145.00 2 145.00
5 Carbon steel flange set (100 mmØ), heavy duty, more tha set 7 3090.00 21 630.00
6 Carbon steelI bend 100 mmØ - 120° internal angle set 1 10330.00 10 330.00
7 Carbon steel Nipple (100 mmØ) - 6" long no 8 1200.00 9 600.00
8 Carbon steel Reducer Socket (100 × 50 mmØ) no 1 1502.00 1 502.00

First Lift
1 Forged steel gate valve 100 mmØ no 4 75200.00 3 00 800.00
2 Forged steel nonreturn valve 100 mmØ vertical mounting,set 2 84200.00 1 68 400.00
3 Pressure gauge( upto 400 m head)- 3" size no 2 3200.00 6 400.00
4 GI Blind flange set (200 mmØ) with 8 nut bolts set 4 6000.00 24 000.00
5 MS pipe 200 mmØ heavy duty (8 mm+ thick) m 12 5000.00 60 000.00
6 Carbon steel equal Tee(100 mmØ) no 2 2145.00 4 290.00
7 Carbon steel flange set (100 mmØ), heavy duty, more tha set 14 3090.00 43 260.00
8 Carbon steelI bend 100 mmØ - 120° internal angle set 2 10330.00 20 660.00
9 Carbon steel Nipple (100 mmØ) - 6" long no 16 1200.00 19 200.00
Carbon steel Reducer Socket (100 × 50 mmØ) no 2 1502.00 3 004.00

Subtotal Rs. 9 33 021.00

Add contractor's Overhead @ 15.00 % 1 39 953.15
Total with OH 10 72 974.15
Add Value Added Tax @ 13.00 % 1 39 486.64
Total Amount with VAT 12 12 460.79

Fittings for structures

S.No. Description of Fittings Unit Quantity Amount
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) no 30 Err:504 Err:504
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) no 24 Err:504 Err:504
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) no 24 Err:504 Err:504
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) no 28 Err:504 Err:504
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
6 CI Sluice Valve (125 mmØ) no 8 Err:504 Err:504
7 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ) set 1 Err:504 Err:504
8 GI Blind flange set (125 mmØ) set 2 Err:504 Err:504
Procurement of Fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

S.No. Description of Fittings Unit Quantity Amount
9 GI Elbow (100 mmØ) no 7 Err:504 Err:504
10 GI Elbow (125 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
11 GI Elbow (15 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
12 GI Elbow (40 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
13 GI Equal Tee (125 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
14 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
15 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
16 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
Procurement of Fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

S.No. Description of Fittings Unit Quantity Amount
17 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ) no 5 Err:504 Err:504
18 GI Nipple (100 mmØ) no 81 Err:504 Err:504
19 GI Nipple (125 mmØ) no 62 Err:504 Err:504
20 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) no 116 Err:504 Err:504
21 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) no 75 Err:504 Err:504
22 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) no 57 Err:504 Err:504
23 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) no 80 Err:504 Err:504
24 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) no 41 Err:504 Err:504
25 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) no 15 Err:504 Err:504
26 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) no 104 Err:504 Err:504
27 GI plug (20 mmØ) no 33 Err:504 Err:504
28 GI plug (25 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
29 GI socket 20 mmØ no 33 Err:504 Err:504
30 GI socket 25 mmØ no 2 Err:504 Err:504
31 GI Reducer Socket (100x25 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
32 GI Reducer Socket (100x40 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
33 GI Reducer Socket (125x100 mmØ) no 5 Err:504 Err:504
34 GI Reducer Socket (150x125 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
35 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
36 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
37 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
38 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
39 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
40 GI Reducer Socket (80x20 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
41 GI Reducer Socket (80x40 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
42 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
43 GI Strainer (125 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
44 GI Strainer (150 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
45 GI Strainer (65 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
46 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
47 GI Unequal Tee (100x20 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
48 GI Unequal Tee (100x40 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
49 GI Unequal Tee (100x50 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
50 GI Unequal Tee (100x80 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
51 GI Unequal Tee (125x100 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
52 GI Unequal Tee (125x15 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
53 GI Unequal Tee (125x20 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
54 GI Unequal Tee (125x25 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
55 GI Unequal Tee (125x50 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
Procurement of Fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

S.No. Description of Fittings Unit Quantity Amount
56 GI Unequal Tee (125x80 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
57 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ) no 7 Err:504 Err:504
58 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
59 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
60 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
61 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
62 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
63 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
64 GI Unequal Tee (50x40 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
65 GI Unequal Tee (80x20 mmØ) no 6 Err:504 Err:504
66 GI Unequal Tee (80x25 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
67 GI Unequal Tee (80x65 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
68 GI Union (15 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
69 GI Union (20 mmØ) no 56 Err:504 Err:504
70 GI Union (25 mmØ) no 44 Err:504 Err:504
71 GI Union (32 mmØ) no 39 Err:504 Err:504
72 GI Union (40 mmØ) no 50 Err:504 Err:504
73 GI Union (50 mmØ) no 28 Err:504 Err:504
74 GI Union (65 mmØ) no 9 Err:504 Err:504
75 GI Union (80 mmØ) no 64 Err:504 Err:504
76 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ) set 86 Err:504 Err:504
77 GI-GI flange set (125 mmØ) set 49 Err:504 Err:504
78 GI-HDP flange set (100x125 mmØ) set 22 Err:504 Err:504
79 GI-HDP flange set (125x140 mmØ) set 21 Err:504 Err:504
80 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mmØ) set 18 Err:504 Err:504
81 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mmØ) set 5 Err:504 Err:504
82 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mmØ) set 26 Err:504 Err:504
83 PPR female socket (100x110 mmØ) no 10 Err:504 Err:504
84 PPR female socket (50x63 mmØ) no 7 Err:504 Err:504
85 PPR female socket (65x75 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
86 PPR female socket (80x90 mmØ) no 9 Err:504 Err:504
87 PPR female union (20x25 mmØ) no 51 Err:504 Err:504
88 PPR female union (25x32 mmØ) no 11 Err:504 Err:504
89 PPR female union (32x40 mmØ) no 8 Err:504 Err:504
90 PPR female union (40x50 mmØ) no 12 Err:504 Err:504
91 PPR Reducer socket (110x90 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
92 PPR Reducer socket (32x25 mmØ) no 7 Err:504 Err:504
93 PPR Reducer socket (40x25 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
94 PPR Reducer socket (40x32 mmØ) no 6 Err:504 Err:504
Procurement of Fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

S.No. Description of Fittings Unit Quantity Amount
95 PPR Reducer socket (50x25 mmØ) no 5 Err:504 Err:504
96 PPR Reducer socket (50x32 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
97 PPR Reducer socket (50x40 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
98 PPR Reducer socket (63x40 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
99 PPR Reducer socket (63x50 mmØ) no 5 Err:504 Err:504
100 PPR Reducer socket (75x40 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
101 PPR Reducer socket (75x63 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
102 PPR Reducer socket (90x50 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
103 PPR Reducer socket (90x75 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
104 PPR socket (25 mmØ) no 513 Err:504 Err:504
105 PPR socket (32 mmØ) no 252 Err:504 Err:504
106 PPR socket (40 mmØ) no 224 Err:504 Err:504
107 PPR socket (50 mmØ) no 395 Err:504 Err:504
108 PPR socket (63 mmØ) no 223 Err:504 Err:504
109 PPR socket (75 mmØ) no 195 Err:504 Err:504
110 PPR socket (90 mmØ) no 141 Err:504 Err:504
111 PPR socket (110 mmØ) no 294 Err:504 Err:504
112 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
113 GM Gate Valve (25 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
114 GM Gate Valve (32 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
115 GM Gate Valve (40 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
116 GM Gate Valve (50 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
117 GM Globe Valve (100 mmØ) no 9 Err:504 Err:504
118 GM Globe Valve (20 mmØ) no 28 Err:504 Err:504
119 GM Globe Valve (25 mmØ) no 10 Err:504 Err:504
120 GM Globe Valve (32 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
121 GM Globe Valve (40 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
122 GM Globe Valve (50 mmØ) no 7 Err:504 Err:504
123 GM Globe Valve (65 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
124 GM Globe Valve (80 mmØ) no 14 Err:504 Err:504

Subtotal 3 927.00 Rs. Err:504

Add contractor's Overhead @ 15.00 % Err:504
Total with OH Err:504
Add Value Added Tax @ 13.00 % Err:504
Total Amount with VAT Err:504
Procurement of Fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

S.No. Description of Fittings Unit Quantity Amount
Miscellaneous Fittings for structures (with DI fittings)
S.No. Description of Fittings Unit Quantity Amount
1 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
2 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
3 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
4 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
5 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
6 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
7 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
8 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
9 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
10 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
11 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
12 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
13 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
14 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
15 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
16 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
17 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
18 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
19 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
20 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
21 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
22 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
23 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
24 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
25 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
26 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
27 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
28 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
29 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
30 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
31 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
32 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
33 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
34 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
35 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
36 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
37 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
38 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
39 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
Procurement of Fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

S.No. Description of Fittings Unit Quantity Amount
40 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
41 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
42 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
43 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
44 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
45 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
46 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
47 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
48 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
49 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
50 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
51 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
52 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
53 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
54 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
55 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
56 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
57 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
58 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!
59 #REF! ### #REF! #REF! #REF!

Subtotal #REF! Rs. #REF!

Add contractor's Overhead @ 15.00 % #REF!
Total with OH #REF!
Add Value Added Tax @ 13.00 % #REF!
Total Amount with VAT #REF!

Total cost of fittings for pump and structures Err:504

Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description Units AVC-01 AVC-02 AVC-03 AVC-04 AVC-05
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) no
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) no 2
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) no 2
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) no 2 2
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ) no 1 1 1 1 1
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ) set
7 GI Blind flange set (65 mmØ) set
8 GI Blind flange set (80 mmØ) set
9 GI Elbow (100 mmØ) no
10 GI Elbow (15 mmØ) no
11 GI Elbow (20 mmØ) no
12 GI Elbow (25 mmØ) no
13 GI Elbow (40 mmØ) no
14 GI Elbow (50 mmØ) no
15 GI Elbow (65 mmØ) no
16 GI Elbow (80 mmØ) no
17 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ) no
18 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ) no
19 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ) no
20 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ) no
21 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ) no
22 GI Nipple (100 mmØ) no
23 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) no
24 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) no
25 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) no
26 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) no
27 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) no
28 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) no
29 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) no
30 GI Plug (20 mmØ) no
31 GI Plug (50 mmØ) no
32 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m no
33 GI Reducer Socket (125x100 no
34 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mmno
35 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mmno
36 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mmno
37 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mmno
38 GI Reducer Socket (65x40 mmno
39 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mmno
40 GI Reducer Socket (80x50 mmno
41 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mmno
42 GI Socket 20 mmØ no
43 GI Socket 50 mmØ no
44 GI Strainer (100 mmØ) no
45 GI Strainer (125 mmØ) no
46 GI Strainer (32 mmØ) no
47 GI Strainer (32 mmØ) no
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description Units AVC-01 AVC-02 AVC-03 AVC-04 AVC-05
48 GI Strainer (50 mmØ) no
49 GI Strainer (65 mmØ) no
50 GI Strainer (80 mmØ) no
51 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØno
52 GI Unequal Tee (100x20 mmØno
53 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ) no
54 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ) no 1
55 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ) no
56 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ) no 1
57 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ) no
58 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ) no 1 1
59 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ) no
60 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ) no
61 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ) no 1
62 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ) no
63 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ) no
64 GI Unequal Tee (65x20 mmØ) no
65 GI Unequal Tee (65x25 mmØ) no
66 GI Unequal Tee (65x40 mmØ) no
67 GI Unequal Tee (65x50 mmØ) no
68 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ) no
69 GI Unequal Tee (80x40 mmØ) no
70 GI Unequal Tee (80x50 mmØ) no
71 GI Union (15 mmØ) no 1 1 1 1 1
72 GI Union (20 mmØ) no
73 GI Union (25 mmØ) no
74 GI Union (32 mmØ) no
75 GI Union (40 mmØ) no
76 GI Union (50 mmØ) no
77 GI Union (65 mmØ) no
78 GI Union (80 mmØ) no
79 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ) set
80 GI-HDP flange set (100x125 set
81 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm set 2
82 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm set
83 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm set
84 PPR female union (20x25 mm no
85 PPR female union (32x40 mm no
86 PPR female union (40x50 mm no
87 PPR Reducer socket (40x25 no
88 PPR Reducer socket (50x40 no
89 PPR socket (20 mmØ) no
90 PPR socket (25 mmØ) no
91 PPR socket (40 mmØ) no
92 PPR socket (50 mmØ) no
93 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ) no
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description AVC-06 AVC-07 BPT-01 DiC-01 DiC-02 DiC-03
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 1 1
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 1
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 2
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) 1 1
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ) 1 1
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ)
7 GI Blind flange set (65 mmØ) 1 2 2 2
8 GI Blind flange set (80 mmØ)
9 GI Elbow (100 mmØ)
10 GI Elbow (15 mmØ) 1 1 1 1
11 GI Elbow (20 mmØ)
12 GI Elbow (25 mmØ)
13 GI Elbow (40 mmØ) 3 1
14 GI Elbow (50 mmØ) 6 7 6
15 GI Elbow (65 mmØ) 1 3 2 2
16 GI Elbow (80 mmØ)
17 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ)
18 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ)
19 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ)
20 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ) 1 1 1
21 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ)
22 GI Nipple (100 mmØ)
23 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 3 3
24 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 3
25 GI Nipple (32 mmØ)
26 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) 1 3
27 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) 3 2 5 2
28 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) 3
29 GI Nipple (80 mmØ)
30 GI Plug (20 mmØ)
31 GI Plug (50 mmØ)
32 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m
33 GI Reducer Socket (125x100
34 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mm 1 1
35 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm 1
36 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm
37 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm 1
38 GI Reducer Socket (65x40 mm
39 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm 1 1
40 GI Reducer Socket (80x50 mm
41 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm 1
42 GI Socket 20 mmØ
43 GI Socket 50 mmØ
44 GI Strainer (100 mmØ)
45 GI Strainer (125 mmØ)
46 GI Strainer (32 mmØ) 1 1
47 GI Strainer (32 mmØ) 1
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description AVC-06 AVC-07 BPT-01 DiC-01 DiC-02 DiC-03
48 GI Strainer (50 mmØ) 1
49 GI Strainer (65 mmØ) 1 1
50 GI Strainer (80 mmØ) 1
51 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ
52 GI Unequal Tee (100x20 mmØ
53 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ) 1 1
54 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ) 1
55 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ)
56 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ) 1
57 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ)
58 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ) 1
59 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ)
60 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ)
61 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ) 1 1 1
62 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ)
63 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ) 1
64 GI Unequal Tee (65x20 mmØ)
65 GI Unequal Tee (65x25 mmØ)
66 GI Unequal Tee (65x40 mmØ)
67 GI Unequal Tee (65x50 mmØ)
68 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ)
69 GI Unequal Tee (80x40 mmØ)
70 GI Unequal Tee (80x50 mmØ)
71 GI Union (15 mmØ) 1 1
72 GI Union (20 mmØ) 2 2
73 GI Union (25 mmØ) 2
74 GI Union (32 mmØ)
75 GI Union (40 mmØ) 2
76 GI Union (50 mmØ) 2 2
77 GI Union (65 mmØ) 2
78 GI Union (80 mmØ)
79 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ)
80 GI-HDP flange set (100x125
81 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm 2 1 1 2 1
82 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm 1
83 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm
84 PPR female union (20x25 mm
85 PPR female union (32x40 mm
86 PPR female union (40x50 mm
87 PPR Reducer socket (40x25
88 PPR Reducer socket (50x40
89 PPR socket (20 mmØ)
90 PPR socket (25 mmØ)
91 PPR socket (40 mmØ)
92 PPR socket (50 mmØ)
93 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description INT-01 RCT-01 RCT-02 RCT-03 RCT-04 RCT-05
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 1 1 1
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 1
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ)
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) 1 1
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ)
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ) 1 1
7 GI Blind flange set (65 mmØ)
8 GI Blind flange set (80 mmØ) 1 1
9 GI Elbow (100 mmØ) 1 1
10 GI Elbow (15 mmØ) 1 1 1 1 1
11 GI Elbow (20 mmØ) 3 3 3
12 GI Elbow (25 mmØ) 3
13 GI Elbow (40 mmØ) 3
14 GI Elbow (50 mmØ) 1
15 GI Elbow (65 mmØ)
16 GI Elbow (80 mmØ) 1 1
17 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ)
18 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ)
19 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ)
20 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ)
21 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ)
22 GI Nipple (100 mmØ) 3
23 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 1 1 1
24 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 1
25 GI Nipple (32 mmØ)
26 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) 3 1
27 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) 2
28 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) 3 3
29 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) 3
30 GI Plug (20 mmØ)
31 GI Plug (50 mmØ) 1
32 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m 1
33 GI Reducer Socket (125x100 1
34 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mm
35 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm
36 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm
37 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm 1
38 GI Reducer Socket (65x40 mm
39 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm 1
40 GI Reducer Socket (80x50 mm
41 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm 1 1
42 GI Socket 20 mmØ
43 GI Socket 50 mmØ 1
44 GI Strainer (100 mmØ) 1
45 GI Strainer (125 mmØ) 1
46 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
47 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description INT-01 RCT-01 RCT-02 RCT-03 RCT-04 RCT-05
48 GI Strainer (50 mmØ) 1
49 GI Strainer (65 mmØ) 1
50 GI Strainer (80 mmØ) 1 1
51 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ 1
52 GI Unequal Tee (100x20 mmØ
53 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ)
54 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ)
55 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ)
56 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ)
57 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ)
58 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ) 1
59 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ)
60 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ)
61 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ)
62 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ)
63 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ) 1 1
64 GI Unequal Tee (65x20 mmØ)
65 GI Unequal Tee (65x25 mmØ)
66 GI Unequal Tee (65x40 mmØ)
67 GI Unequal Tee (65x50 mmØ)
68 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ) 1
69 GI Unequal Tee (80x40 mmØ)
70 GI Unequal Tee (80x50 mmØ)
71 GI Union (15 mmØ)
72 GI Union (20 mmØ)
73 GI Union (25 mmØ)
74 GI Union (32 mmØ)
75 GI Union (40 mmØ) 2
76 GI Union (50 mmØ) 2
77 GI Union (65 mmØ) 2 2
78 GI Union (80 mmØ) 2
79 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ) 2
80 GI-HDP flange set (100x125
81 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm 1
82 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm
83 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm
84 PPR female union (20x25 mm
85 PPR female union (32x40 mm
86 PPR female union (40x50 mm
87 PPR Reducer socket (40x25
88 PPR Reducer socket (50x40
89 PPR socket (20 mmØ)
90 PPR socket (25 mmØ)
91 PPR socket (40 mmØ)
92 PPR socket (50 mmØ)
93 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ) 1
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-04 VAC-05 VAC-06 VAC-07 VAC-08 VAC-09
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 1 1 1 2 1 2
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 1 1 1 2 1
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 1 1
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) 1
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ)
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ)
7 GI Blind flange set (65 mmØ)
8 GI Blind flange set (80 mmØ)
9 GI Elbow (100 mmØ)
10 GI Elbow (15 mmØ)
11 GI Elbow (20 mmØ)
12 GI Elbow (25 mmØ)
13 GI Elbow (40 mmØ)
14 GI Elbow (50 mmØ)
15 GI Elbow (65 mmØ)
16 GI Elbow (80 mmØ)
17 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ)
18 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ)
19 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ)
20 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ)
21 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ)
22 GI Nipple (100 mmØ)
23 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 3 3 3 5 3 5
24 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 3 2 6 8 6
25 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) 2 6
26 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) 6
27 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) 5
28 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) 6
29 GI Nipple (80 mmØ)
30 GI Plug (20 mmØ)
31 GI Plug (50 mmØ)
32 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m
33 GI Reducer Socket (125x100
34 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mm 1 1
35 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm 1
36 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm 1
37 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm
38 GI Reducer Socket (65x40 mm
39 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm 1
40 GI Reducer Socket (80x50 mm
41 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm
42 GI Socket 20 mmØ
43 GI Socket 50 mmØ
44 GI Strainer (100 mmØ)
45 GI Strainer (125 mmØ)
46 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
47 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-04 VAC-05 VAC-06 VAC-07 VAC-08 VAC-09
48 GI Strainer (50 mmØ)
49 GI Strainer (65 mmØ)
50 GI Strainer (80 mmØ)
51 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ
52 GI Unequal Tee (100x20 mmØ
53 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ)
54 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ)
55 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ) 1 1 1
56 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ)
57 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ) 1
58 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ)
59 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ) 1
60 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ)
61 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ)
62 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ)
63 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ)
64 GI Unequal Tee (65x20 mmØ) 1
65 GI Unequal Tee (65x25 mmØ) 1
66 GI Unequal Tee (65x40 mmØ)
67 GI Unequal Tee (65x50 mmØ) 1
68 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ)
69 GI Unequal Tee (80x40 mmØ)
70 GI Unequal Tee (80x50 mmØ)
71 GI Union (15 mmØ)
72 GI Union (20 mmØ) 2 2 2 4 2 4
73 GI Union (25 mmØ) 2 2 3 5 3
74 GI Union (32 mmØ) 2 3
75 GI Union (40 mmØ) 3
76 GI Union (50 mmØ) 4
77 GI Union (65 mmØ) 3
78 GI Union (80 mmØ)
79 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ)
80 GI-HDP flange set (100x125
81 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm 2
82 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm 1
83 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm
84 PPR female union (20x25 mm
85 PPR female union (32x40 mm
86 PPR female union (40x50 mm
87 PPR Reducer socket (40x25
88 PPR Reducer socket (50x40
89 PPR socket (20 mmØ)
90 PPR socket (25 mmØ)
91 PPR socket (40 mmØ)
92 PPR socket (50 mmØ)
93 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-10 VAC-11 VAC-12 VAC-13 VAC-14 VAC-15
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 3 1 1 1 1
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 2
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 2 1
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) 1 1 1
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ)
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ)
7 GI Blind flange set (65 mmØ)
8 GI Blind flange set (80 mmØ)
9 GI Elbow (100 mmØ)
10 GI Elbow (15 mmØ)
11 GI Elbow (20 mmØ)
12 GI Elbow (25 mmØ)
13 GI Elbow (40 mmØ)
14 GI Elbow (50 mmØ)
15 GI Elbow (65 mmØ)
16 GI Elbow (80 mmØ)
17 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ) 1
18 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ)
19 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ)
20 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ)
21 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ)
22 GI Nipple (100 mmØ)
23 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 11 3 3 3 3
24 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 8
25 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) 8 6
26 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) 3 2 2
27 GI Nipple (50 mmØ)
28 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) 2 6
29 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) 6
30 GI Plug (20 mmØ)
31 GI Plug (50 mmØ)
32 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m
33 GI Reducer Socket (125x100
34 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mm
35 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm
36 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm 1
37 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm
38 GI Reducer Socket (65x40 mm 1
39 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm
40 GI Reducer Socket (80x50 mm
41 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm 1
42 GI Socket 20 mmØ
43 GI Socket 50 mmØ
44 GI Strainer (100 mmØ)
45 GI Strainer (125 mmØ)
46 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
47 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-10 VAC-11 VAC-12 VAC-13 VAC-14 VAC-15
48 GI Strainer (50 mmØ)
49 GI Strainer (65 mmØ)
50 GI Strainer (80 mmØ)
51 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ
52 GI Unequal Tee (100x20 mmØ
53 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ)
54 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ)
55 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ) 1
56 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ)
57 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ) 1 1
58 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ)
59 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ)
60 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ)
61 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ)
62 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ)
63 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ)
64 GI Unequal Tee (65x20 mmØ) 1
65 GI Unequal Tee (65x25 mmØ)
66 GI Unequal Tee (65x40 mmØ)
67 GI Unequal Tee (65x50 mmØ)
68 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ)
69 GI Unequal Tee (80x40 mmØ) 1
70 GI Unequal Tee (80x50 mmØ)
71 GI Union (15 mmØ)
72 GI Union (20 mmØ) 7 2 2 2 2
73 GI Union (25 mmØ) 5
74 GI Union (32 mmØ) 5 3
75 GI Union (40 mmØ) 2 2 2
76 GI Union (50 mmØ)
77 GI Union (65 mmØ) 2 3
78 GI Union (80 mmØ) 3
79 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ)
80 GI-HDP flange set (100x125
81 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm
82 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm 1 1
83 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm 1
84 PPR female union (20x25 mm
85 PPR female union (32x40 mm
86 PPR female union (40x50 mm
87 PPR Reducer socket (40x25
88 PPR Reducer socket (50x40
89 PPR socket (20 mmØ)
90 PPR socket (25 mmØ)
91 PPR socket (40 mmØ)
92 PPR socket (50 mmØ)
93 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-16 VAC-17 VAC-18 VAC-19 VAC-20 VAC-21
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 1 3 1 3
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 1
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 1 1
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) 1 1 2 1
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ)
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ)
7 GI Blind flange set (65 mmØ)
8 GI Blind flange set (80 mmØ)
9 GI Elbow (100 mmØ)
10 GI Elbow (15 mmØ)
11 GI Elbow (20 mmØ)
12 GI Elbow (25 mmØ)
13 GI Elbow (40 mmØ)
14 GI Elbow (50 mmØ)
15 GI Elbow (65 mmØ)
16 GI Elbow (80 mmØ)
17 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ) 1 1
18 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ)
19 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ)
20 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ)
21 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ)
22 GI Nipple (100 mmØ)
23 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 3 11 3 11
24 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 3
25 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) 3 2
26 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) 6 6 8 6
27 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) 2 2
28 GI Nipple (65 mmØ)
29 GI Nipple (80 mmØ)
30 GI Plug (20 mmØ)
31 GI Plug (50 mmØ)
32 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m
33 GI Reducer Socket (125x100
34 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mm
35 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm
36 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm 1
37 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm 1 1
38 GI Reducer Socket (65x40 mm
39 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm
40 GI Reducer Socket (80x50 mm
41 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm
42 GI Socket 20 mmØ
43 GI Socket 50 mmØ
44 GI Strainer (100 mmØ)
45 GI Strainer (125 mmØ)
46 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
47 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-16 VAC-17 VAC-18 VAC-19 VAC-20 VAC-21
48 GI Strainer (50 mmØ)
49 GI Strainer (65 mmØ)
50 GI Strainer (80 mmØ)
51 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ
52 GI Unequal Tee (100x20 mmØ
53 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ)
54 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ)
55 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ)
56 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ)
57 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ)
58 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ)
59 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ) 1 1
60 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ) 1
61 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ)
62 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ)
63 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ)
64 GI Unequal Tee (65x20 mmØ)
65 GI Unequal Tee (65x25 mmØ)
66 GI Unequal Tee (65x40 mmØ)
67 GI Unequal Tee (65x50 mmØ)
68 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ)
69 GI Unequal Tee (80x40 mmØ)
70 GI Unequal Tee (80x50 mmØ)
71 GI Union (15 mmØ)
72 GI Union (20 mmØ) 2 7 2 7
73 GI Union (25 mmØ) 2
74 GI Union (32 mmØ) 2 2
75 GI Union (40 mmØ) 3 3 5 3
76 GI Union (50 mmØ) 2 2
77 GI Union (65 mmØ)
78 GI Union (80 mmØ)
79 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ)
80 GI-HDP flange set (100x125
81 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm 1 1
82 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm
83 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm
84 PPR female union (20x25 mm
85 PPR female union (32x40 mm
86 PPR female union (40x50 mm
87 PPR Reducer socket (40x25
88 PPR Reducer socket (50x40
89 PPR socket (20 mmØ)
90 PPR socket (25 mmØ)
91 PPR socket (40 mmØ)
92 PPR socket (50 mmØ)
93 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-23 VAC-25 VAC-26 VAC-27 VAC-28 WSV-01
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 1 1
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 1
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ)
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) 1 1 2
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ)
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ)
7 GI Blind flange set (65 mmØ)
8 GI Blind flange set (80 mmØ)
9 GI Elbow (100 mmØ)
10 GI Elbow (15 mmØ)
11 GI Elbow (20 mmØ)
12 GI Elbow (25 mmØ)
13 GI Elbow (40 mmØ)
14 GI Elbow (50 mmØ)
15 GI Elbow (65 mmØ)
16 GI Elbow (80 mmØ)
17 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ)
18 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ)
19 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ)
20 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ) 1
21 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ)
22 GI Nipple (100 mmØ) 6
23 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 3 3
24 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 3
25 GI Nipple (32 mmØ)
26 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) 3 2 8
27 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) 2 5 6 4
28 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) 6
29 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) 2 6
30 GI Plug (20 mmØ)
31 GI Plug (50 mmØ)
32 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m 1
33 GI Reducer Socket (125x100
34 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mm
35 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm
36 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm
37 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm 1
38 GI Reducer Socket (65x40 mm
39 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm 1
40 GI Reducer Socket (80x50 mm 1
41 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm
42 GI Socket 20 mmØ
43 GI Socket 50 mmØ
44 GI Strainer (100 mmØ)
45 GI Strainer (125 mmØ)
46 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
47 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-23 VAC-25 VAC-26 VAC-27 VAC-28 WSV-01
48 GI Strainer (50 mmØ)
49 GI Strainer (65 mmØ)
50 GI Strainer (80 mmØ)
51 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ
52 GI Unequal Tee (100x20 mmØ 1
53 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ)
54 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ)
55 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ)
56 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ)
57 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ)
58 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ)
59 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ) 1
60 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ)
61 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ)
62 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ) 1
63 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ)
64 GI Unequal Tee (65x20 mmØ)
65 GI Unequal Tee (65x25 mmØ)
66 GI Unequal Tee (65x40 mmØ) 1
67 GI Unequal Tee (65x50 mmØ)
68 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ)
69 GI Unequal Tee (80x40 mmØ)
70 GI Unequal Tee (80x50 mmØ) 1
71 GI Union (15 mmØ)
72 GI Union (20 mmØ) 2 2
73 GI Union (25 mmØ) 2
74 GI Union (32 mmØ)
75 GI Union (40 mmØ) 2 2 5
76 GI Union (50 mmØ) 2 4 3 3
77 GI Union (65 mmØ) 3
78 GI Union (80 mmØ) 2 3
79 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ) 3
80 GI-HDP flange set (100x125 1
81 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm 1 2 1 3
82 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm 1
83 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm 1 1
84 PPR female union (20x25 mm
85 PPR female union (32x40 mm
86 PPR female union (40x50 mm
87 PPR Reducer socket (40x25
88 PPR Reducer socket (50x40
89 PPR socket (20 mmØ)
90 PPR socket (25 mmØ)
91 PPR socket (40 mmØ)
92 PPR socket (50 mmØ)
93 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description WSV-02 WSV-03 WSV-04 WSV-05 WSV-06 WSV-07
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 3
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 3
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 3
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) 3 3 3
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ)
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ)
7 GI Blind flange set (65 mmØ)
8 GI Blind flange set (80 mmØ)
9 GI Elbow (100 mmØ)
10 GI Elbow (15 mmØ)
11 GI Elbow (20 mmØ)
12 GI Elbow (25 mmØ)
13 GI Elbow (40 mmØ)
14 GI Elbow (50 mmØ)
15 GI Elbow (65 mmØ)
16 GI Elbow (80 mmØ)
17 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ) 1
18 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ) 1
19 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ) 1
20 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ)
21 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ) 1 1 1
22 GI Nipple (100 mmØ)
23 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 4
24 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 4
25 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) 4
26 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) 4 4 4
27 GI Nipple (50 mmØ)
28 GI Nipple (65 mmØ)
29 GI Nipple (80 mmØ)
30 GI Plug (20 mmØ)
31 GI Plug (50 mmØ)
32 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m
33 GI Reducer Socket (125x100
34 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mm
35 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm
36 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm
37 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm
38 GI Reducer Socket (65x40 mm
39 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm
40 GI Reducer Socket (80x50 mm
41 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm
42 GI Socket 20 mmØ
43 GI Socket 50 mmØ
44 GI Strainer (100 mmØ)
45 GI Strainer (125 mmØ)
46 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
47 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description WSV-02 WSV-03 WSV-04 WSV-05 WSV-06 WSV-07
48 GI Strainer (50 mmØ)
49 GI Strainer (65 mmØ)
50 GI Strainer (80 mmØ)
51 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ
52 GI Unequal Tee (100x20 mmØ
53 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ)
54 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ)
55 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ)
56 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ)
57 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ)
58 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ)
59 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ)
60 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ)
61 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ)
62 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ)
63 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ)
64 GI Unequal Tee (65x20 mmØ)
65 GI Unequal Tee (65x25 mmØ)
66 GI Unequal Tee (65x40 mmØ)
67 GI Unequal Tee (65x50 mmØ)
68 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ)
69 GI Unequal Tee (80x40 mmØ)
70 GI Unequal Tee (80x50 mmØ)
71 GI Union (15 mmØ)
72 GI Union (20 mmØ) 3
73 GI Union (25 mmØ) 3
74 GI Union (32 mmØ) 3
75 GI Union (40 mmØ) 3 3 3
76 GI Union (50 mmØ)
77 GI Union (65 mmØ)
78 GI Union (80 mmØ)
79 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ)
80 GI-HDP flange set (100x125
81 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm
82 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm
83 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm
84 PPR female union (20x25 mm
85 PPR female union (32x40 mm
86 PPR female union (40x50 mm
87 PPR Reducer socket (40x25
88 PPR Reducer socket (50x40
89 PPR socket (20 mmØ)
90 PPR socket (25 mmØ)
91 PPR socket (40 mmØ)
92 PPR socket (50 mmØ)
93 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description WSV-08 TransmissionlDistribution l PPR line Extra TotalQty
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 2 35
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 17
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 3 1 18
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) 1 31
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ) 7
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ) 2
7 GI Blind flange set (65 mmØ) 7
8 GI Blind flange set (80 mmØ) 2
9 GI Elbow (100 mmØ) 2
10 GI Elbow (15 mmØ) 9
11 GI Elbow (20 mmØ) 9
12 GI Elbow (25 mmØ) 3
13 GI Elbow (40 mmØ) 7
14 GI Elbow (50 mmØ) 20
15 GI Elbow (65 mmØ) 8
16 GI Elbow (80 mmØ) 2
17 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ) 4
18 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ) 1
19 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ) 1 2
20 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ) 4
21 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ) 3
22 GI Nipple (100 mmØ) 9
23 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 5 97
24 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 47
25 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) 4 1 36
26 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) 1 73
27 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) 40
28 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) 29
29 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) 17
30 GI Plug (20 mmØ) 3 3
31 GI Plug (50 mmØ) 1
32 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m 2
33 GI Reducer Socket (125x100 1
34 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mm 4
35 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm 2
36 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm 3
37 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm 5
38 GI Reducer Socket (65x40 mm 1
39 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm 5
40 GI Reducer Socket (80x50 mm 1
41 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm 4
42 GI Socket 20 mmØ 3 3
43 GI Socket 50 mmØ 1
44 GI Strainer (100 mmØ) 1
45 GI Strainer (125 mmØ) 1
46 GI Strainer (32 mmØ) 2
47 GI Strainer (32 mmØ) 1
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description WSV-08 TransmissionlDistribution l PPR line Extra TotalQty
48 GI Strainer (50 mmØ) 2
49 GI Strainer (65 mmØ) 3
50 GI Strainer (80 mmØ) 3
51 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ 1
52 GI Unequal Tee (100x20 mmØ 1
53 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ) 2
54 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ) 2
55 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ) 4
56 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ) 2
57 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ) 3
58 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ) 4
59 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ) 4
60 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ) 1
61 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ) 4
62 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ) 1
63 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ) 3
64 GI Unequal Tee (65x20 mmØ) 2
65 GI Unequal Tee (65x25 mmØ) 1
66 GI Unequal Tee (65x40 mmØ) 1
67 GI Unequal Tee (65x50 mmØ) 1
68 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ) 1
69 GI Unequal Tee (80x40 mmØ) 1
70 GI Unequal Tee (80x50 mmØ) 1
71 GI Union (15 mmØ) 7
72 GI Union (20 mmØ) 60
73 GI Union (25 mmØ) 29
74 GI Union (32 mmØ) 3 23
75 GI Union (40 mmØ) 45
76 GI Union (50 mmØ) 26
77 GI Union (65 mmØ) 17
78 GI Union (80 mmØ) 10
79 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ) 5
80 GI-HDP flange set (100x125 1
81 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm 21
82 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm 5
83 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm 3
84 PPR female union (20x25 mm 3 3
85 PPR female union (32x40 mm 2 2
86 PPR female union (40x50 mm 1 1
87 PPR Reducer socket (40x25 1 1
88 PPR Reducer socket (50x40 1 1
89 PPR socket (20 mmØ) 133 133
90 PPR socket (25 mmØ) 147 147
91 PPR socket (40 mmØ) 72 72
92 PPR socket (50 mmØ) 175 175
93 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ) 1
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description Rate(Rs) Amount
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
7 GI Blind flange set (65 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
8 GI Blind flange set (80 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
9 GI Elbow (100 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
10 GI Elbow (15 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
11 GI Elbow (20 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
12 GI Elbow (25 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
13 GI Elbow (40 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
14 GI Elbow (50 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
15 GI Elbow (65 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
16 GI Elbow (80 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
17 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
18 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
19 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
20 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
21 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
22 GI Nipple (100 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
23 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
24 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
25 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
26 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
27 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
28 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
29 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
30 GI Plug (20 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
31 GI Plug (50 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
32 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m Err:504 Err:504
33 GI Reducer Socket (125x100 Err:504 Err:504
34 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mm Err:504 Err:504
35 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm Err:504 Err:504
36 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm Err:504 Err:504
37 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm Err:504 Err:504
38 GI Reducer Socket (65x40 mm Err:504 Err:504
39 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm Err:504 Err:504
40 GI Reducer Socket (80x50 mm Err:504 Err:504
41 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm Err:504 Err:504
42 GI Socket 20 mmØ Err:504 Err:504
43 GI Socket 50 mmØ Err:504 Err:504
44 GI Strainer (100 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
45 GI Strainer (125 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
46 GI Strainer (32 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
47 GI Strainer (32 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description Rate(Rs) Amount
48 GI Strainer (50 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
49 GI Strainer (65 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
50 GI Strainer (80 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
51 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ Err:504 Err:504
52 GI Unequal Tee (100x20 mmØ Err:504 Err:504
53 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
54 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
55 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
56 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
57 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
58 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
59 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
60 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
61 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
62 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
63 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
64 GI Unequal Tee (65x20 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
65 GI Unequal Tee (65x25 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
66 GI Unequal Tee (65x40 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
67 GI Unequal Tee (65x50 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
68 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
69 GI Unequal Tee (80x40 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
70 GI Unequal Tee (80x50 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
71 GI Union (15 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
72 GI Union (20 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
73 GI Union (25 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
74 GI Union (32 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
75 GI Union (40 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
76 GI Union (50 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
77 GI Union (65 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
78 GI Union (80 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
79 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
80 GI-HDP flange set (100x125 Err:504 Err:504
81 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm Err:504 Err:504
82 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm Err:504 Err:504
83 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm Err:504 Err:504
84 PPR female union (20x25 mm Err:504 Err:504
85 PPR female union (32x40 mm Err:504 Err:504
86 PPR female union (40x50 mm Err:504 Err:504
87 PPR Reducer socket (40x25 Err:504 Err:504
88 PPR Reducer socket (50x40 Err:504 Err:504
89 PPR socket (20 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
90 PPR socket (25 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
91 PPR socket (40 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
92 PPR socket (50 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
93 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description Units AVC-01 AVC-02 AVC-03 AVC-04 AVC-05
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) no 2
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) no
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) no
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) no 2 2 2
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ) no 1 1 1 1 1
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ) set
7 GI Blind flange set (65 mmØ) set
8 GI Elbow (100 mmØ) no
9 GI Elbow (15 mmØ) no
10 GI Elbow (20 mmØ) no
11 GI Elbow (32 mmØ) no
12 GI Elbow (40 mmØ) no
13 GI Elbow (50 mmØ) no
14 GI Elbow (65 mmØ) no
15 GI Equal Tee (100 mmØ) no
16 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ) no
17 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ) no
18 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ) no
19 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ) no
20 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ) no
21 GI Nipple (100 mmØ) no
22 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) no
23 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) no
24 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) no
25 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) no
26 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) no
27 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) no
28 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) no
GI Plug (20 mmØ) no
29 GI Plug (40 mmØ) no
30 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m no
31 GI Reducer Socket (125x100 no
32 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mmno
33 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mmno
34 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mmno
35 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mmno
36 GI Socket 20 mmØ no
37 GI Socket 40 mmØ no
38 GI Strainer (125 mmØ) no
39 GI Strainer (32 mmØ) no
40 GI Strainer (65 mmØ) no
41 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØno
42 GI Unequal Tee (100x40 mmØno
43 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ) no 1
44 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ) no
45 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ) no
46 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ) no
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description Units AVC-01 AVC-02 AVC-03 AVC-04 AVC-05
47 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ) no
48 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ) no 1 1 1
49 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ) no
50 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ) no
51 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ) no
52 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ) no
53 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ) no
54 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ) no 1
55 GI Union (15 mmØ) no 1 1 1 1 1
56 GI Union (20 mmØ) no
57 GI Union (25 mmØ) no
58 GI Union (32 mmØ) no
59 GI Union (40 mmØ) no
60 GI Union (50 mmØ) no
61 GI Union (65 mmØ) no
62 GI Union (80 mmØ) no
63 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ) set
GI-GI flange set (50 mmØ) set
64 GI-HDP flange set (100x125 set
65 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm set
66 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm set
67 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm set 2
68 PPR female socket (80x90 mmno
69 PPR female union (20x25 mm no
70 PPR female union (25x32 mm no
71 PPR female union (32x40 mm no
72 PPR female union (40x50 mm no
73 PPR Reducer socket (32x25 no
74 PPR Reducer socket (40x25 no
75 PPR Reducer socket (40x32 no
76 PPR Reducer socket (50x25 no
77 PPR Reducer socket (50x32 no
78 PPR Reducer socket (50x40 no
79 PPR Reducer socket (63x40 no
80 PPR Reducer socket (75x40 no
81 PPR Reducer socket (90x63 no
82 PPR socket (25 mmØ) no
83 PPR socket (32 mmØ) no
84 PPR socket (40 mmØ) no
85 PPR socket (50 mmØ) no
86 PPR socket (63 mmØ) no
87 PPR socket (75 mmØ) no
88 PPR socket (90 mmØ) no
89 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ) no
90 GM Gate Valve (20 mmØ) no
91 GM Gate Valve (25 mmØ) no
92 GM Gate Valve (32 mmØ) no
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description Units AVC-01 AVC-02 AVC-03 AVC-04 AVC-05
93 GM Gate Valve (40 mmØ) no
94 GM Gate Valve (50 mmØ) no
95 GM Globe Valve (100 mmØ) no
96 GM Globe Valve (20 mmØ) no
97 GM Globe Valve (25 mmØ) no
98 GM Globe Valve (32 mmØ) no
99 GM Globe Valve (40 mmØ) no
100 GM Globe Valve (50 mmØ) no
101 GM Globe Valve (65 mmØ) no
102 GM Globe Valve (80 mmØ) no
1 GI Pipe (100mm)-MC m
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description AVC-06 AVC-07 AVC-08 AVC-09 AVC-10 AVC-11
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 2
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 2
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 2
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) 2
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ) 1 1 1 1 1 1
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ)
7 GI Blind flange set (65 mmØ)
8 GI Elbow (100 mmØ)
9 GI Elbow (15 mmØ)
10 GI Elbow (20 mmØ)
11 GI Elbow (32 mmØ)
12 GI Elbow (40 mmØ)
13 GI Elbow (50 mmØ)
14 GI Elbow (65 mmØ)
15 GI Equal Tee (100 mmØ)
16 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ)
17 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ)
18 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ)
19 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ)
20 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ)
21 GI Nipple (100 mmØ)
22 GI Nipple (20 mmØ)
23 GI Nipple (25 mmØ)
24 GI Nipple (32 mmØ)
25 GI Nipple (40 mmØ)
26 GI Nipple (50 mmØ)
27 GI Nipple (65 mmØ)
28 GI Nipple (80 mmØ)
GI Plug (20 mmØ)
29 GI Plug (40 mmØ)
30 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m
31 GI Reducer Socket (125x100
32 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm
33 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm
34 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm
35 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm
36 GI Socket 20 mmØ
37 GI Socket 40 mmØ
38 GI Strainer (125 mmØ)
39 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
40 GI Strainer (65 mmØ)
41 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ 1
42 GI Unequal Tee (100x40 mmØ
43 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ) 1
44 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ) 1
45 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ)
46 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ) 1
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description AVC-06 AVC-07 AVC-08 AVC-09 AVC-10 AVC-11
47 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ)
48 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ) 1
49 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ)
50 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ)
51 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ) 1
52 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ)
53 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ)
54 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ)
55 GI Union (15 mmØ) 1 1 1 1 1 1
56 GI Union (20 mmØ)
57 GI Union (25 mmØ)
58 GI Union (32 mmØ)
59 GI Union (40 mmØ)
60 GI Union (50 mmØ)
61 GI Union (65 mmØ)
62 GI Union (80 mmØ)
63 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ)
GI-GI flange set (50 mmØ)
64 GI-HDP flange set (100x125 2
65 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm 2
66 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm
67 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm
68 PPR female socket (80x90 mm
69 PPR female union (20x25 mm
70 PPR female union (25x32 mm
71 PPR female union (32x40 mm
72 PPR female union (40x50 mm
73 PPR Reducer socket (32x25
74 PPR Reducer socket (40x25
75 PPR Reducer socket (40x32
76 PPR Reducer socket (50x25
77 PPR Reducer socket (50x32
78 PPR Reducer socket (50x40
79 PPR Reducer socket (63x40
80 PPR Reducer socket (75x40
81 PPR Reducer socket (90x63
82 PPR socket (25 mmØ)
83 PPR socket (32 mmØ)
84 PPR socket (40 mmØ)
85 PPR socket (50 mmØ)
86 PPR socket (63 mmØ)
87 PPR socket (75 mmØ)
88 PPR socket (90 mmØ)
89 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ)
90 GM Gate Valve (20 mmØ)
91 GM Gate Valve (25 mmØ)
92 GM Gate Valve (32 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description AVC-06 AVC-07 AVC-08 AVC-09 AVC-10 AVC-11
93 GM Gate Valve (40 mmØ)
94 GM Gate Valve (50 mmØ)
95 GM Globe Valve (100 mmØ)
96 GM Globe Valve (20 mmØ)
97 GM Globe Valve (25 mmØ)
98 GM Globe Valve (32 mmØ)
99 GM Globe Valve (40 mmØ)
100 GM Globe Valve (50 mmØ)
101 GM Globe Valve (65 mmØ)
102 GM Globe Valve (80 mmØ)
1 GI Pipe (100mm)-MC 2
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description AVC-12 AVC-13 AVC-14 AVC-15 AVC-16 AVC-17
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ)
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 2 2 2
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ)
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ)
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ) 1 1 1 1 1 1
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ)
7 GI Blind flange set (65 mmØ)
8 GI Elbow (100 mmØ)
9 GI Elbow (15 mmØ)
10 GI Elbow (20 mmØ)
11 GI Elbow (32 mmØ)
12 GI Elbow (40 mmØ)
13 GI Elbow (50 mmØ)
14 GI Elbow (65 mmØ)
15 GI Equal Tee (100 mmØ)
16 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ)
17 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ)
18 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ)
19 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ)
20 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ)
21 GI Nipple (100 mmØ)
22 GI Nipple (20 mmØ)
23 GI Nipple (25 mmØ)
24 GI Nipple (32 mmØ)
25 GI Nipple (40 mmØ)
26 GI Nipple (50 mmØ)
27 GI Nipple (65 mmØ)
28 GI Nipple (80 mmØ)
GI Plug (20 mmØ)
29 GI Plug (40 mmØ)
30 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m
31 GI Reducer Socket (125x100
32 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm
33 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm
34 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm
35 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm
36 GI Socket 20 mmØ
37 GI Socket 40 mmØ
38 GI Strainer (125 mmØ)
39 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
40 GI Strainer (65 mmØ)
41 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ
42 GI Unequal Tee (100x40 mmØ
43 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ)
44 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ) 1 1 1
45 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ)
46 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description AVC-12 AVC-13 AVC-14 AVC-15 AVC-16 AVC-17
47 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ)
48 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ)
49 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ)
50 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ)
51 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ) 1
52 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ)
53 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ) 1
54 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ) 1
55 GI Union (15 mmØ) 1 1 1 1 1 1
56 GI Union (20 mmØ)
57 GI Union (25 mmØ)
58 GI Union (32 mmØ)
59 GI Union (40 mmØ)
60 GI Union (50 mmØ)
61 GI Union (65 mmØ)
62 GI Union (80 mmØ)
63 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ)
GI-GI flange set (50 mmØ)
64 GI-HDP flange set (100x125
65 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm 2
66 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm 2
67 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm 2
68 PPR female socket (80x90 mm
69 PPR female union (20x25 mm
70 PPR female union (25x32 mm
71 PPR female union (32x40 mm
72 PPR female union (40x50 mm
73 PPR Reducer socket (32x25
74 PPR Reducer socket (40x25
75 PPR Reducer socket (40x32
76 PPR Reducer socket (50x25
77 PPR Reducer socket (50x32
78 PPR Reducer socket (50x40
79 PPR Reducer socket (63x40
80 PPR Reducer socket (75x40
81 PPR Reducer socket (90x63
82 PPR socket (25 mmØ)
83 PPR socket (32 mmØ)
84 PPR socket (40 mmØ)
85 PPR socket (50 mmØ)
86 PPR socket (63 mmØ)
87 PPR socket (75 mmØ)
88 PPR socket (90 mmØ)
89 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ)
90 GM Gate Valve (20 mmØ)
91 GM Gate Valve (25 mmØ)
92 GM Gate Valve (32 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description AVC-12 AVC-13 AVC-14 AVC-15 AVC-16 AVC-17
93 GM Gate Valve (40 mmØ)
94 GM Gate Valve (50 mmØ)
95 GM Globe Valve (100 mmØ)
96 GM Globe Valve (20 mmØ)
97 GM Globe Valve (25 mmØ)
98 GM Globe Valve (32 mmØ)
99 GM Globe Valve (40 mmØ)
100 GM Globe Valve (50 mmØ)
101 GM Globe Valve (65 mmØ)
102 GM Globe Valve (80 mmØ)
1 GI Pipe (100mm)-MC
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description AVC-18 BPT-01 BPT-02 INT-01 RCT-01 RCT-02
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 1
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 2 1
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 1
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ)
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ) 1
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ) 1
7 GI Blind flange set (65 mmØ) 1 1
8 GI Elbow (100 mmØ) 1
9 GI Elbow (15 mmØ) 1 1 1 1
10 GI Elbow (20 mmØ) 3
11 GI Elbow (32 mmØ) 3
12 GI Elbow (40 mmØ) 1
13 GI Elbow (50 mmØ) 3 3
14 GI Elbow (65 mmØ) 1 1
15 GI Equal Tee (100 mmØ)
16 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ)
17 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ)
18 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ)
19 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ)
20 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ)
21 GI Nipple (100 mmØ) 3
22 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 1
23 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 3
24 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) 1
25 GI Nipple (40 mmØ)
26 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) 3 2 4 1
27 GI Nipple (65 mmØ)
28 GI Nipple (80 mmØ)
GI Plug (20 mmØ)
29 GI Plug (40 mmØ) 1
30 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m
31 GI Reducer Socket (125x100 1
32 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm 1
33 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm
34 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm
35 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm 1 1 1
36 GI Socket 20 mmØ
37 GI Socket 40 mmØ 1
38 GI Strainer (125 mmØ) 1
39 GI Strainer (32 mmØ) 1
40 GI Strainer (65 mmØ) 1 1 1
41 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ 1
42 GI Unequal Tee (100x40 mmØ
43 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ)
44 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ) 1 1
45 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ)
46 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description AVC-18 BPT-01 BPT-02 INT-01 RCT-01 RCT-02
47 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ)
48 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ)
49 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ)
50 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ)
51 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ) 1 1
52 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ)
53 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ)
54 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ)
55 GI Union (15 mmØ) 1
56 GI Union (20 mmØ)
57 GI Union (25 mmØ) 2
58 GI Union (32 mmØ)
59 GI Union (40 mmØ)
60 GI Union (50 mmØ) 2 2 2
61 GI Union (65 mmØ)
62 GI Union (80 mmØ)
63 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ) 2
GI-GI flange set (50 mmØ)
64 GI-HDP flange set (100x125
65 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm 1 1 2 1
66 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm
67 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm
68 PPR female socket (80x90 mm
69 PPR female union (20x25 mm
70 PPR female union (25x32 mm
71 PPR female union (32x40 mm
72 PPR female union (40x50 mm
73 PPR Reducer socket (32x25
74 PPR Reducer socket (40x25
75 PPR Reducer socket (40x32
76 PPR Reducer socket (50x25
77 PPR Reducer socket (50x32
78 PPR Reducer socket (50x40
79 PPR Reducer socket (63x40
80 PPR Reducer socket (75x40
81 PPR Reducer socket (90x63
82 PPR socket (25 mmØ)
83 PPR socket (32 mmØ)
84 PPR socket (40 mmØ)
85 PPR socket (50 mmØ)
86 PPR socket (63 mmØ)
87 PPR socket (75 mmØ)
88 PPR socket (90 mmØ)
89 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ) 1
90 GM Gate Valve (20 mmØ) 1
91 GM Gate Valve (25 mmØ) 1
92 GM Gate Valve (32 mmØ) 1
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description AVC-18 BPT-01 BPT-02 INT-01 RCT-01 RCT-02
93 GM Gate Valve (40 mmØ)
94 GM Gate Valve (50 mmØ) 1 1 2 1
95 GM Globe Valve (100 mmØ)
96 GM Globe Valve (20 mmØ)
97 GM Globe Valve (25 mmØ)
98 GM Globe Valve (32 mmØ)
99 GM Globe Valve (40 mmØ)
100 GM Globe Valve (50 mmØ)
101 GM Globe Valve (65 mmØ)
102 GM Globe Valve (80 mmØ)
1 GI Pipe (100mm)-MC 4.45
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-01 VAC-02 VAC-03 VAC-04 VAC-05 VAC-06
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 1 1 1
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 1
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 1 2
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) 2 2 1 1
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ)
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ)
7 GI Blind flange set (65 mmØ)
8 GI Elbow (100 mmØ)
9 GI Elbow (15 mmØ)
10 GI Elbow (20 mmØ)
11 GI Elbow (32 mmØ)
12 GI Elbow (40 mmØ)
13 GI Elbow (50 mmØ)
14 GI Elbow (65 mmØ)
15 GI Equal Tee (100 mmØ) 1
16 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ)
17 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ)
18 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ)
19 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ)
20 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ)
21 GI Nipple (100 mmØ) 11 6
22 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 3 3 3
23 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 3
24 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) 2 8
25 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) 8 8 6 3
26 GI Nipple (50 mmØ)
27 GI Nipple (65 mmØ)
28 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) 2
GI Plug (20 mmØ)
29 GI Plug (40 mmØ)
30 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m 1
31 GI Reducer Socket (125x100
32 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm
33 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm 1
34 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm
35 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm
36 GI Socket 20 mmØ
37 GI Socket 40 mmØ
38 GI Strainer (125 mmØ)
39 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
40 GI Strainer (65 mmØ)
41 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ
42 GI Unequal Tee (100x40 mmØ 1
43 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ)
44 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ)
45 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ)
46 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-01 VAC-02 VAC-03 VAC-04 VAC-05 VAC-06
47 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ) 1
48 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ)
49 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ) 1 1
50 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ) 1
51 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ)
52 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ)
53 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ)
54 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ)
55 GI Union (15 mmØ)
56 GI Union (20 mmØ) 2 2 2
57 GI Union (25 mmØ) 2
58 GI Union (32 mmØ) 2 5
59 GI Union (40 mmØ) 5 5 3 2
60 GI Union (50 mmØ)
61 GI Union (65 mmØ)
62 GI Union (80 mmØ) 2
63 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ) 7 3
GI-GI flange set (50 mmØ)
64 GI-HDP flange set (100x125 3 1
65 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm
66 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm
67 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm 1
68 PPR female socket (80x90 mm
69 PPR female union (20x25 mm
70 PPR female union (25x32 mm
71 PPR female union (32x40 mm
72 PPR female union (40x50 mm
73 PPR Reducer socket (32x25
74 PPR Reducer socket (40x25
75 PPR Reducer socket (40x32
76 PPR Reducer socket (50x25
77 PPR Reducer socket (50x32
78 PPR Reducer socket (50x40
79 PPR Reducer socket (63x40
80 PPR Reducer socket (75x40
81 PPR Reducer socket (90x63
82 PPR socket (25 mmØ)
83 PPR socket (32 mmØ)
84 PPR socket (40 mmØ)
85 PPR socket (50 mmØ)
86 PPR socket (63 mmØ)
87 PPR socket (75 mmØ)
88 PPR socket (90 mmØ)
89 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ)
90 GM Gate Valve (20 mmØ)
91 GM Gate Valve (25 mmØ)
92 GM Gate Valve (32 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-01 VAC-02 VAC-03 VAC-04 VAC-05 VAC-06
93 GM Gate Valve (40 mmØ)
94 GM Gate Valve (50 mmØ)
95 GM Globe Valve (100 mmØ) 2
96 GM Globe Valve (20 mmØ) 1 1 1
97 GM Globe Valve (25 mmØ) 1
98 GM Globe Valve (32 mmØ) 1 1
99 GM Globe Valve (40 mmØ) 1 1 1
100 GM Globe Valve (50 mmØ)
101 GM Globe Valve (65 mmØ)
102 GM Globe Valve (80 mmØ) 1
1 GI Pipe (100mm)-MC 2.25 0.75
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-07 VAC-08 VAC-09 VAC-10 VAC-11 VAC-12
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 1 1 1
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 1 2 1
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 3 1
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) 2
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ)
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ)
7 GI Blind flange set (65 mmØ)
8 GI Elbow (100 mmØ)
9 GI Elbow (15 mmØ)
10 GI Elbow (20 mmØ)
11 GI Elbow (32 mmØ)
12 GI Elbow (40 mmØ)
13 GI Elbow (50 mmØ)
14 GI Elbow (65 mmØ)
15 GI Equal Tee (100 mmØ)
16 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ)
17 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ)
18 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ) 1
19 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ) 1
20 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ)
21 GI Nipple (100 mmØ)
22 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 3 3 3
23 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 3 8 6
24 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) 11 2
25 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) 8
26 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) 8 9
27 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) 2
28 GI Nipple (80 mmØ)
GI Plug (20 mmØ)
29 GI Plug (40 mmØ)
30 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m
31 GI Reducer Socket (125x100
32 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm 1
33 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm
34 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm
35 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm 1
36 GI Socket 20 mmØ
37 GI Socket 40 mmØ
38 GI Strainer (125 mmØ)
39 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
40 GI Strainer (65 mmØ)
41 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ
42 GI Unequal Tee (100x40 mmØ
43 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ)
44 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ)
45 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ) 1 1
46 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-07 VAC-08 VAC-09 VAC-10 VAC-11 VAC-12
47 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ)
48 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ)
49 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ) 1
50 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ)
51 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ)
52 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ) 1
53 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ)
54 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ)
55 GI Union (15 mmØ)
56 GI Union (20 mmØ) 2 2 2
57 GI Union (25 mmØ) 2 5 3
58 GI Union (32 mmØ) 7 2
59 GI Union (40 mmØ) 5
60 GI Union (50 mmØ) 5 5
61 GI Union (65 mmØ) 2
62 GI Union (80 mmØ)
63 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ)
GI-GI flange set (50 mmØ)
64 GI-HDP flange set (100x125
65 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm 2 2
66 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm 1
67 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm
68 PPR female socket (80x90 mm
69 PPR female union (20x25 mm
70 PPR female union (25x32 mm
71 PPR female union (32x40 mm
72 PPR female union (40x50 mm
73 PPR Reducer socket (32x25
74 PPR Reducer socket (40x25
75 PPR Reducer socket (40x32
76 PPR Reducer socket (50x25
77 PPR Reducer socket (50x32
78 PPR Reducer socket (50x40
79 PPR Reducer socket (63x40
80 PPR Reducer socket (75x40
81 PPR Reducer socket (90x63
82 PPR socket (25 mmØ)
83 PPR socket (32 mmØ)
84 PPR socket (40 mmØ)
85 PPR socket (50 mmØ)
86 PPR socket (63 mmØ)
87 PPR socket (75 mmØ)
88 PPR socket (90 mmØ)
89 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ)
90 GM Gate Valve (20 mmØ)
91 GM Gate Valve (25 mmØ)
92 GM Gate Valve (32 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-07 VAC-08 VAC-09 VAC-10 VAC-11 VAC-12
93 GM Gate Valve (40 mmØ)
94 GM Gate Valve (50 mmØ)
95 GM Globe Valve (100 mmØ)
96 GM Globe Valve (20 mmØ) 1 1 1
97 GM Globe Valve (25 mmØ) 1 1
98 GM Globe Valve (32 mmØ) 2 1
99 GM Globe Valve (40 mmØ) 1
100 GM Globe Valve (50 mmØ) 1 1
101 GM Globe Valve (65 mmØ) 1
102 GM Globe Valve (80 mmØ)
1 GI Pipe (100mm)-MC
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-13 VAC-14 VAC-15 WSV-01 WSV-02 WSV-03
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 1 3
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 1 1 1
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 1
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) 1 3 3
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ)
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ)
7 GI Blind flange set (65 mmØ)
8 GI Elbow (100 mmØ)
9 GI Elbow (15 mmØ)
10 GI Elbow (20 mmØ)
11 GI Elbow (32 mmØ)
12 GI Elbow (40 mmØ)
13 GI Elbow (50 mmØ)
14 GI Elbow (65 mmØ)
15 GI Equal Tee (100 mmØ)
16 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ) 1
17 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ)
18 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ)
19 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ)
20 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ) 1 1
21 GI Nipple (100 mmØ)
22 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 3 4
23 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 3 3 2
24 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) 6
25 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) 6 4 4
26 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) 2 8
27 GI Nipple (65 mmØ)
28 GI Nipple (80 mmØ)
GI Plug (20 mmØ)
29 GI Plug (40 mmØ)
30 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m
31 GI Reducer Socket (125x100
32 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm 1
33 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm
34 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm 1
35 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm
36 GI Socket 20 mmØ
37 GI Socket 40 mmØ
38 GI Strainer (125 mmØ)
39 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
40 GI Strainer (65 mmØ)
41 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ
42 GI Unequal Tee (100x40 mmØ
43 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ)
44 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ)
45 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ)
46 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-13 VAC-14 VAC-15 WSV-01 WSV-02 WSV-03
47 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ) 1
48 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ)
49 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ)
50 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ) 1
51 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ)
52 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ) 1
53 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ)
54 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ)
55 GI Union (15 mmØ)
56 GI Union (20 mmØ) 2 3
57 GI Union (25 mmØ) 2 2 2
58 GI Union (32 mmØ) 3
59 GI Union (40 mmØ) 3 3 3
60 GI Union (50 mmØ) 2 5
61 GI Union (65 mmØ)
62 GI Union (80 mmØ)
63 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ)
GI-GI flange set (50 mmØ)
64 GI-HDP flange set (100x125
65 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm 1 2
66 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm
67 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm
68 PPR female socket (80x90 mm
69 PPR female union (20x25 mm
70 PPR female union (25x32 mm
71 PPR female union (32x40 mm
72 PPR female union (40x50 mm
73 PPR Reducer socket (32x25
74 PPR Reducer socket (40x25
75 PPR Reducer socket (40x32
76 PPR Reducer socket (50x25
77 PPR Reducer socket (50x32
78 PPR Reducer socket (50x40
79 PPR Reducer socket (63x40
80 PPR Reducer socket (75x40
81 PPR Reducer socket (90x63
82 PPR socket (25 mmØ)
83 PPR socket (32 mmØ)
84 PPR socket (40 mmØ)
85 PPR socket (50 mmØ)
86 PPR socket (63 mmØ)
87 PPR socket (75 mmØ)
88 PPR socket (90 mmØ)
89 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ)
90 GM Gate Valve (20 mmØ) 1
91 GM Gate Valve (25 mmØ)
92 GM Gate Valve (32 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-13 VAC-14 VAC-15 WSV-01 WSV-02 WSV-03
93 GM Gate Valve (40 mmØ) 1 1
94 GM Gate Valve (50 mmØ)
95 GM Globe Valve (100 mmØ)
96 GM Globe Valve (20 mmØ) 1
97 GM Globe Valve (25 mmØ) 1 1 1
98 GM Globe Valve (32 mmØ)
99 GM Globe Valve (40 mmØ)
100 GM Globe Valve (50 mmØ) 1 1
101 GM Globe Valve (65 mmØ)
102 GM Globe Valve (80 mmØ)
1 GI Pipe (100mm)-MC
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description WSV-04 WSV-05 WSV-06 WSV-07 WSV-08 WSV-09
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ)
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 3
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 3
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) 3 3
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ)
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ)
7 GI Blind flange set (65 mmØ)
8 GI Elbow (100 mmØ)
9 GI Elbow (15 mmØ)
10 GI Elbow (20 mmØ)
11 GI Elbow (32 mmØ)
12 GI Elbow (40 mmØ)
13 GI Elbow (50 mmØ)
14 GI Elbow (65 mmØ)
15 GI Equal Tee (100 mmØ)
16 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ)
17 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ) 1
18 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ) 1
19 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ) 1 1
20 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ) 1 1
21 GI Nipple (100 mmØ)
22 GI Nipple (20 mmØ)
23 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 4
24 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) 4
25 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) 4 4
26 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) 4 4
27 GI Nipple (65 mmØ)
28 GI Nipple (80 mmØ)
GI Plug (20 mmØ)
29 GI Plug (40 mmØ)
30 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m
31 GI Reducer Socket (125x100
32 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm
33 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm
34 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm
35 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm
36 GI Socket 20 mmØ
37 GI Socket 40 mmØ
38 GI Strainer (125 mmØ)
39 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
40 GI Strainer (65 mmØ)
41 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ
42 GI Unequal Tee (100x40 mmØ
43 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ)
44 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ)
45 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ)
46 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description WSV-04 WSV-05 WSV-06 WSV-07 WSV-08 WSV-09
47 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ)
48 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ)
49 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ)
50 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ)
51 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ)
52 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ)
53 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ)
54 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ)
55 GI Union (15 mmØ)
56 GI Union (20 mmØ)
57 GI Union (25 mmØ) 3
58 GI Union (32 mmØ) 3
59 GI Union (40 mmØ) 3 3
60 GI Union (50 mmØ) 3 3
61 GI Union (65 mmØ)
62 GI Union (80 mmØ)
63 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ)
GI-GI flange set (50 mmØ)
64 GI-HDP flange set (100x125
65 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm 3 3
66 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm
67 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm
68 PPR female socket (80x90 mm
69 PPR female union (20x25 mm
70 PPR female union (25x32 mm
71 PPR female union (32x40 mm
72 PPR female union (40x50 mm
73 PPR Reducer socket (32x25
74 PPR Reducer socket (40x25
75 PPR Reducer socket (40x32
76 PPR Reducer socket (50x25
77 PPR Reducer socket (50x32
78 PPR Reducer socket (50x40
79 PPR Reducer socket (63x40
80 PPR Reducer socket (75x40
81 PPR Reducer socket (90x63
82 PPR socket (25 mmØ)
83 PPR socket (32 mmØ)
84 PPR socket (40 mmØ)
85 PPR socket (50 mmØ)
86 PPR socket (63 mmØ)
87 PPR socket (75 mmØ)
88 PPR socket (90 mmØ)
89 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ)
90 GM Gate Valve (20 mmØ)
91 GM Gate Valve (25 mmØ) 1
92 GM Gate Valve (32 mmØ) 1
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description WSV-04 WSV-05 WSV-06 WSV-07 WSV-08 WSV-09
93 GM Gate Valve (40 mmØ) 1 1
94 GM Gate Valve (50 mmØ) 1 1
95 GM Globe Valve (100 mmØ)
96 GM Globe Valve (20 mmØ)
97 GM Globe Valve (25 mmØ)
98 GM Globe Valve (32 mmØ)
99 GM Globe Valve (40 mmØ)
100 GM Globe Valve (50 mmØ)
101 GM Globe Valve (65 mmØ)
102 GM Globe Valve (80 mmØ)
1 GI Pipe (100mm)-MC
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description WSV-10 WSV-11 WSV-12 WSV-13 WSV-14 WSV-15
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ)
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 3 3 3
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 3
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ)
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ)
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ)
7 GI Blind flange set (65 mmØ)
8 GI Elbow (100 mmØ)
9 GI Elbow (15 mmØ)
10 GI Elbow (20 mmØ)
11 GI Elbow (32 mmØ)
12 GI Elbow (40 mmØ)
13 GI Elbow (50 mmØ)
14 GI Elbow (65 mmØ)
15 GI Equal Tee (100 mmØ)
16 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ)
17 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ) 1 1 1
18 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ) 1
19 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ) 1 1
20 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ)
21 GI Nipple (100 mmØ)
22 GI Nipple (20 mmØ)
23 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 4 4 4
24 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) 4
25 GI Nipple (40 mmØ)
26 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) 4 4
27 GI Nipple (65 mmØ)
28 GI Nipple (80 mmØ)
GI Plug (20 mmØ)
29 GI Plug (40 mmØ)
30 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m
31 GI Reducer Socket (125x100
32 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm
33 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm
34 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm
35 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm
36 GI Socket 20 mmØ
37 GI Socket 40 mmØ
38 GI Strainer (125 mmØ)
39 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
40 GI Strainer (65 mmØ)
41 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ
42 GI Unequal Tee (100x40 mmØ
43 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ)
44 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ)
45 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ)
46 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description WSV-10 WSV-11 WSV-12 WSV-13 WSV-14 WSV-15
47 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ)
48 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ)
49 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ)
50 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ)
51 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ)
52 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ)
53 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ)
54 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ)
55 GI Union (15 mmØ)
56 GI Union (20 mmØ)
57 GI Union (25 mmØ) 3 3 3
58 GI Union (32 mmØ) 3
59 GI Union (40 mmØ)
60 GI Union (50 mmØ) 3 3
61 GI Union (65 mmØ)
62 GI Union (80 mmØ)
63 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ)
GI-GI flange set (50 mmØ)
64 GI-HDP flange set (100x125
65 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm 3 3
66 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm
67 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm
68 PPR female socket (80x90 mm
69 PPR female union (20x25 mm
70 PPR female union (25x32 mm
71 PPR female union (32x40 mm
72 PPR female union (40x50 mm
73 PPR Reducer socket (32x25
74 PPR Reducer socket (40x25
75 PPR Reducer socket (40x32
76 PPR Reducer socket (50x25
77 PPR Reducer socket (50x32
78 PPR Reducer socket (50x40
79 PPR Reducer socket (63x40
80 PPR Reducer socket (75x40
81 PPR Reducer socket (90x63
82 PPR socket (25 mmØ)
83 PPR socket (32 mmØ)
84 PPR socket (40 mmØ)
85 PPR socket (50 mmØ)
86 PPR socket (63 mmØ)
87 PPR socket (75 mmØ)
88 PPR socket (90 mmØ)
89 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ)
90 GM Gate Valve (20 mmØ)
91 GM Gate Valve (25 mmØ) 1 1 1
92 GM Gate Valve (32 mmØ) 1
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description WSV-10 WSV-11 WSV-12 WSV-13 WSV-14 WSV-15
93 GM Gate Valve (40 mmØ)
94 GM Gate Valve (50 mmØ) 1 1
95 GM Globe Valve (100 mmØ)
96 GM Globe Valve (20 mmØ)
97 GM Globe Valve (25 mmØ)
98 GM Globe Valve (32 mmØ)
99 GM Globe Valve (40 mmØ)
100 GM Globe Valve (50 mmØ)
101 GM Globe Valve (65 mmØ)
102 GM Globe Valve (80 mmØ)
1 GI Pipe (100mm)-MC
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description WSV-16 TransmissionlDistribution l PPR line Extra TotalQty
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 3 18
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 31
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 17
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) 2 31
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ) 18
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ) 1
7 GI Blind flange set (65 mmØ) 2
8 GI Elbow (100 mmØ) 1
9 GI Elbow (15 mmØ) 4
10 GI Elbow (20 mmØ) 3
11 GI Elbow (32 mmØ) 3
12 GI Elbow (40 mmØ) 1
13 GI Elbow (50 mmØ) 6
14 GI Elbow (65 mmØ) 2
15 GI Equal Tee (100 mmØ) 1
16 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ) 1 2
17 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ) 4
18 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ) 3
19 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ) 5
20 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ) 4
21 GI Nipple (100 mmØ) 20
22 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 4 11 41
23 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 47
24 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) 38
25 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) 2 57
26 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) 53
27 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) 2
28 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) 1 3
GI Plug (20 mmØ) 11 11
29 GI Plug (40 mmØ) 1
30 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m 1
31 GI Reducer Socket (125x100 1
32 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm 3
33 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm 1
34 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm 1
35 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm 4
36 GI Socket 20 mmØ 11 11
37 GI Socket 40 mmØ 1
38 GI Strainer (125 mmØ) 1
39 GI Strainer (32 mmØ) 1
40 GI Strainer (65 mmØ) 3
41 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ 2
42 GI Unequal Tee (100x40 mmØ 1
43 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ) 2
44 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ) 6
45 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ) 2
46 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ) 1
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description WSV-16 TransmissionlDistribution l PPR line Extra TotalQty
47 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ) 2
48 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ) 4
49 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ) 3
50 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ) 2
51 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ) 4
52 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ) 2
53 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ) 1
54 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ) 2
55 GI Union (15 mmØ) 18
56 GI Union (20 mmØ) 3 20
57 GI Union (25 mmØ) 32
58 GI Union (32 mmØ) 25
59 GI Union (40 mmØ) 35
60 GI Union (50 mmØ) 35
61 GI Union (65 mmØ) 2
62 GI Union (80 mmØ) 2
63 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ) 12
GI-GI flange set (50 mmØ) 30 30
64 GI-HDP flange set (100x125 6
65 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm 28
66 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm 3
67 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm 1 6
68 PPR female socket (80x90 mm 2 2
69 PPR female union (20x25 mm 11 11
70 PPR female union (25x32 mm 2 2
71 PPR female union (32x40 mm 6 6
72 PPR female union (40x50 mm 5 5
73 PPR Reducer socket (32x25 5 5
74 PPR Reducer socket (40x25 2 2
75 PPR Reducer socket (40x32 4 4
76 PPR Reducer socket (50x25 3 3
77 PPR Reducer socket (50x32 1 1
78 PPR Reducer socket (50x40 1 1
79 PPR Reducer socket (63x40 1 1
80 PPR Reducer socket (75x40 1 1
81 PPR Reducer socket (90x63 1 1
82 PPR socket (25 mmØ) 255 255
83 PPR socket (32 mmØ) 132 132
84 PPR socket (40 mmØ) 194 194
85 PPR socket (50 mmØ) 214 214
86 PPR socket (63 mmØ) 155 155
87 PPR socket (75 mmØ) 53 53
88 PPR socket (90 mmØ) 36 36
89 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ) 1
90 GM Gate Valve (20 mmØ) 1 3
91 GM Gate Valve (25 mmØ) 5
92 GM Gate Valve (32 mmØ) 3
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description WSV-16 TransmissionlDistribution l PPR line Extra TotalQty
93 GM Gate Valve (40 mmØ) 4
94 GM Gate Valve (50 mmØ) 9
95 GM Globe Valve (100 mmØ) 2
96 GM Globe Valve (20 mmØ) 7
97 GM Globe Valve (25 mmØ) 6
98 GM Globe Valve (32 mmØ) 5
99 GM Globe Valve (40 mmØ) 4
100 GM Globe Valve (50 mmØ) 4
101 GM Globe Valve (65 mmØ) 1
102 GM Globe Valve (80 mmØ) 1
1 GI Pipe (100mm)-MC 8.55 18
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description Rate(Rs) Amount
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
7 GI Blind flange set (65 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
8 GI Elbow (100 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
9 GI Elbow (15 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
10 GI Elbow (20 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
11 GI Elbow (32 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
12 GI Elbow (40 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
13 GI Elbow (50 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
14 GI Elbow (65 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
15 GI Equal Tee (100 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
16 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
17 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
18 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
19 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
20 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
21 GI Nipple (100 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
22 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
23 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
24 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
25 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
26 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
27 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
28 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
GI Plug (20 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
29 GI Plug (40 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
30 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m Err:504 Err:504
31 GI Reducer Socket (125x100 Err:504 Err:504
32 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm Err:504 Err:504
33 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm Err:504 Err:504
34 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm Err:504 Err:504
35 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm Err:504 Err:504
36 GI Socket 20 mmØ Err:504 Err:504
37 GI Socket 40 mmØ Err:504 Err:504
38 GI Strainer (125 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
39 GI Strainer (32 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
40 GI Strainer (65 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
41 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ Err:504 Err:504
42 GI Unequal Tee (100x40 mmØ Err:504 Err:504
43 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
44 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
45 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
46 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description Rate(Rs) Amount
47 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
48 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
49 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
50 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
51 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
52 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
53 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
54 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
55 GI Union (15 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
56 GI Union (20 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
57 GI Union (25 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
58 GI Union (32 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
59 GI Union (40 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
60 GI Union (50 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
61 GI Union (65 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
62 GI Union (80 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
63 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
GI-GI flange set (50 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
64 GI-HDP flange set (100x125 Err:504 Err:504
65 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm Err:504 Err:504
66 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm Err:504 Err:504
67 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm Err:504 Err:504
68 PPR female socket (80x90 mm Err:504 Err:504
69 PPR female union (20x25 mm Err:504 Err:504
70 PPR female union (25x32 mm Err:504 Err:504
71 PPR female union (32x40 mm Err:504 Err:504
72 PPR female union (40x50 mm Err:504 Err:504
73 PPR Reducer socket (32x25 Err:504 Err:504
74 PPR Reducer socket (40x25 Err:504 Err:504
75 PPR Reducer socket (40x32 Err:504 Err:504
76 PPR Reducer socket (50x25 Err:504 Err:504
77 PPR Reducer socket (50x32 Err:504 Err:504
78 PPR Reducer socket (50x40 Err:504 Err:504
79 PPR Reducer socket (63x40 Err:504 Err:504
80 PPR Reducer socket (75x40 Err:504 Err:504
81 PPR Reducer socket (90x63 Err:504 Err:504
82 PPR socket (25 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
83 PPR socket (32 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
84 PPR socket (40 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
85 PPR socket (50 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
86 PPR socket (63 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
87 PPR socket (75 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
88 PPR socket (90 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
89 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
90 GM Gate Valve (20 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
91 GM Gate Valve (25 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
92 GM Gate Valve (32 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description Rate(Rs) Amount
93 GM Gate Valve (40 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
94 GM Gate Valve (50 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
95 GM Globe Valve (100 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
96 GM Globe Valve (20 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
97 GM Globe Valve (25 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
98 GM Globe Valve (32 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
99 GM Globe Valve (40 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
100 GM Globe Valve (50 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
101 GM Globe Valve (65 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
102 GM Globe Valve (80 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
Total: Err:504
1 GI Pipe (100mm)-MC 0
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description Units AVC-01 AVC-02 AVC-03 AVC-04 AVC-05
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) no
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) no 2 2
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) no
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) no 2 2
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ) no 1 1 1 1 1
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ) set
7 GI Blind flange set (80 mmØ) set
8 GI Elbow (100 mmØ) no
9 GI Elbow (15 mmØ) no
10 GI Elbow (50 mmØ) no
11 GI Elbow (65 mmØ) no
12 GI Elbow (80 mmØ) no
13 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ) no
14 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ) no
15 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ) no
16 GI Equal Tee (65 mmØ) no
17 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ) no
18 GI Nipple (100 mmØ) no
19 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) no
20 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) no
21 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) no
22 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) no
23 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) no
24 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) no
25 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) no
26 GI plug (20 mmØ) no
27 GI Reducer Socket (100x65 m no
28 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m no
29 GI Reducer Socket (125x100 no
30 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mmno
31 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mmno
32 GI Reducer Socket (65x40 mmno
33 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mmno
34 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mmno
35 GI socket 20 mmØ no
36 GI Strainer (100 mmØ) no
37 GI Strainer (125 mmØ) no
38 GI Strainer (65 mmØ) no
39 GI Strainer (80 mmØ) no
40 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØno
41 GI Unequal Tee (100x50 mmØno
42 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ) no 1 1
43 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ) no
44 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ) no 1 1
45 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ) no
46 GI Unequal Tee (50x20 mmØ) no
47 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ) no 1
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description Units AVC-01 AVC-02 AVC-03 AVC-04 AVC-05
48 GI Unequal Tee (65x25 mmØ) no
49 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ) no
50 GI Union (15 mmØ) no 1 1 1 1 1
51 GI Union (20 mmØ) no
52 GI Union (25 mmØ) no
53 GI Union (32 mmØ) no
54 GI Union (40 mmØ) no
55 GI Union (50 mmØ) no
56 GI Union (65 mmØ) no
57 GI Union (80 mmØ) no
58 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ) set
59 GI-GI flange set (65 mmØ) set
60 GI-GI flange set (50 mmØ) set
61 GI-HDP flange set (100x125 set
62 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm set
63 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm set 2
64 PPR female socket (50x63 mmno
65 PPR female union (20x25 mm no
66 PPR female union (25x32 mm no
67 PPR female union (32x40 mm no
68 PPR female union (40x50 mm no
69 PPR Reducer socket (32x25 no
70 PPR Reducer socket (40x25 no
71 PPR Reducer socket (40x32 no
72 PPR Reducer socket (50x40 no
73 PPR socket (25 mmØ) no
74 PPR socket (32 mmØ) no
75 PPR socket (40 mmØ) no
76 PPR socket (50 mmØ) no
77 PPR socket (63 mmØ) no
78 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ) no
79 GM Gate Valve (25 mmØ) no
80 GM Gate Valve (40 mmØ) no
81 GM Gate Valve (50 mmØ) no
82 GM Gate Valve (65 mmØ) no
83 GM Gate Valve (80 mmØ) no
84 GM Globe Valve (20 mmØ) no
85 GM Globe Valve (25 mmØ) no
86 GM Globe Valve (32 mmØ) no
87 GM Globe Valve (40 mmØ) no
88 GM Globe Valve (50 mmØ) no
89 GM Globe Valve (65 mmØ) no
1 GI Pipe (100mm)-MC m
2 GI Pipe (15mm)-MC m 1 1 1 1 1
3 GI Pipe (20mm)-MC m
4 GI Pipe (25mm)-MC m 2 2
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description Units AVC-01 AVC-02 AVC-03 AVC-04 AVC-05
5 GI Pipe (32mm)-MC m
6 GI Pipe (40mm)-MC m 2 2
7 GI Pipe (50mm)-MC m
8 GI Pipe (65mm)-MC m 2
9 GI Pipe (80mm)-MC m
10 HDPE Pipe(110mm)-4Kg/cm2m
11 HDPE Pipe(90mm)-4Kg/cm2 m
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description BPT-01 INT-01 RCT-01 RCT-02 RCT-03 VAC-01
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ)
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ)
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ)
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ)
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ)
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ) 1 1
7 GI Blind flange set (80 mmØ) 1 1
8 GI Elbow (100 mmØ) 1 1
9 GI Elbow (15 mmØ) 1 1 1 1
10 GI Elbow (50 mmØ) 3 3 3
11 GI Elbow (65 mmØ) 3
12 GI Elbow (80 mmØ) 1 1
13 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ)
14 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ)
15 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ)
16 GI Equal Tee (65 mmØ)
17 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ)
18 GI Nipple (100 mmØ) 3 6
19 GI Nipple (20 mmØ)
20 GI Nipple (25 mmØ)
21 GI Nipple (32 mmØ)
22 GI Nipple (40 mmØ)
23 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) 1 2 1 3 1 3
24 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) 3 1 2
25 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) 3
26 GI plug (20 mmØ)
27 GI Reducer Socket (100x65 m 1
28 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m 1
29 GI Reducer Socket (125x100 1
30 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mm
31 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm
32 GI Reducer Socket (65x40 mm
33 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm 1 1
34 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm 1
35 GI socket 20 mmØ
36 GI Strainer (100 mmØ) 1
37 GI Strainer (125 mmØ) 1
38 GI Strainer (65 mmØ) 1 1
39 GI Strainer (80 mmØ) 1
40 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ 1
41 GI Unequal Tee (100x50 mmØ 1
42 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ)
43 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ)
44 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ)
45 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ) 1
46 GI Unequal Tee (50x20 mmØ)
47 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ) 1
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description BPT-01 INT-01 RCT-01 RCT-02 RCT-03 VAC-01
48 GI Unequal Tee (65x25 mmØ)
49 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ) 1
50 GI Union (15 mmØ)
51 GI Union (20 mmØ)
52 GI Union (25 mmØ)
53 GI Union (32 mmØ)
54 GI Union (40 mmØ)
55 GI Union (50 mmØ) 2 2 2
56 GI Union (65 mmØ) 2 2
57 GI Union (80 mmØ) 2
58 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ) 2 3
59 GI-GI flange set (65 mmØ)
60 GI-GI flange set (50 mmØ)
61 GI-HDP flange set (100x125 1
62 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm 1 1 1 1 1 1
63 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm 1 1
64 PPR female socket (50x63 mm
65 PPR female union (20x25 mm
66 PPR female union (25x32 mm
67 PPR female union (32x40 mm
68 PPR female union (40x50 mm
69 PPR Reducer socket (32x25
70 PPR Reducer socket (40x25
71 PPR Reducer socket (40x32
72 PPR Reducer socket (50x40
73 PPR socket (25 mmØ)
74 PPR socket (32 mmØ)
75 PPR socket (40 mmØ)
76 PPR socket (50 mmØ)
77 PPR socket (63 mmØ)
78 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ) 1
79 GM Gate Valve (25 mmØ)
80 GM Gate Valve (40 mmØ)
81 GM Gate Valve (50 mmØ) 1 1 1 1 1
82 GM Gate Valve (65 mmØ) 1 1
83 GM Gate Valve (80 mmØ) 1
84 GM Globe Valve (20 mmØ)
85 GM Globe Valve (25 mmØ)
86 GM Globe Valve (32 mmØ)
87 GM Globe Valve (40 mmØ)
88 GM Globe Valve (50 mmØ) 1
89 GM Globe Valve (65 mmØ) 1
1 GI Pipe (100mm)-MC 1.75 4.45 0.75
2 GI Pipe (15mm)-MC 1.5 3 3 3
3 GI Pipe (20mm)-MC
4 GI Pipe (25mm)-MC
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description BPT-01 INT-01 RCT-01 RCT-02 RCT-03 VAC-01
5 GI Pipe (32mm)-MC
6 GI Pipe (40mm)-MC
7 GI Pipe (50mm)-MC 2.3 1.5 4.5 1.7 4.5 0.75
8 GI Pipe (65mm)-MC 1.7 4.5 0.75
9 GI Pipe (80mm)-MC 1.5 2.75 2.75
10 HDPE Pipe(110mm)-4Kg/cm2 5 5
11 HDPE Pipe(90mm)-4Kg/cm2 5 5
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-02 VAC-03 VAC-04 VAC-05 VAC-06 VAC-07
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 1 1
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 1
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 1 2 2
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) 1 1
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ)
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ)
7 GI Blind flange set (80 mmØ)
8 GI Elbow (100 mmØ)
9 GI Elbow (15 mmØ)
10 GI Elbow (50 mmØ)
11 GI Elbow (65 mmØ)
12 GI Elbow (80 mmØ)
13 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ)
14 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ)
15 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ) 1
16 GI Equal Tee (65 mmØ)
17 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ)
18 GI Nipple (100 mmØ)
19 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 3 3
20 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 3
21 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) 3 5 8
22 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) 2 6
23 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) 2 11 6
24 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) 6 2 6
25 GI Nipple (80 mmØ)
26 GI plug (20 mmØ)
27 GI Reducer Socket (100x65 m
28 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m
29 GI Reducer Socket (125x100
30 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mm
31 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm 1
32 GI Reducer Socket (65x40 mm 1
33 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm 1 1
34 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm
35 GI socket 20 mmØ
36 GI Strainer (100 mmØ)
37 GI Strainer (125 mmØ)
38 GI Strainer (65 mmØ)
39 GI Strainer (80 mmØ)
40 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ
41 GI Unequal Tee (100x50 mmØ
42 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ)
43 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ) 1
44 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ)
45 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ)
46 GI Unequal Tee (50x20 mmØ) 1
47 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-02 VAC-03 VAC-04 VAC-05 VAC-06 VAC-07
48 GI Unequal Tee (65x25 mmØ) 1
49 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ)
50 GI Union (15 mmØ)
51 GI Union (20 mmØ) 2 2
52 GI Union (25 mmØ) 2
53 GI Union (32 mmØ) 2 4 5
54 GI Union (40 mmØ) 2 3
55 GI Union (50 mmØ) 2 7 3
56 GI Union (65 mmØ) 3 2 3
57 GI Union (80 mmØ)
58 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ)
59 GI-GI flange set (65 mmØ)
60 GI-GI flange set (50 mmØ)
61 GI-HDP flange set (100x125
62 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm 1 3 1
63 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm 1 1 1
64 PPR female socket (50x63 mm
65 PPR female union (20x25 mm
66 PPR female union (25x32 mm
67 PPR female union (32x40 mm
68 PPR female union (40x50 mm
69 PPR Reducer socket (32x25
70 PPR Reducer socket (40x25
71 PPR Reducer socket (40x32
72 PPR Reducer socket (50x40
73 PPR socket (25 mmØ)
74 PPR socket (32 mmØ)
75 PPR socket (40 mmØ)
76 PPR socket (50 mmØ)
77 PPR socket (63 mmØ)
78 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ)
79 GM Gate Valve (25 mmØ)
80 GM Gate Valve (40 mmØ)
81 GM Gate Valve (50 mmØ)
82 GM Gate Valve (65 mmØ)
83 GM Gate Valve (80 mmØ)
84 GM Globe Valve (20 mmØ) 1 1
85 GM Globe Valve (25 mmØ) 1
86 GM Globe Valve (32 mmØ) 1 2 1
87 GM Globe Valve (40 mmØ) 1
88 GM Globe Valve (50 mmØ) 1 2
89 GM Globe Valve (65 mmØ) 1
1 GI Pipe (100mm)-MC
2 GI Pipe (15mm)-MC
3 GI Pipe (20mm)-MC 0.75 0.75
4 GI Pipe (25mm)-MC 0.75
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-02 VAC-03 VAC-04 VAC-05 VAC-06 VAC-07
5 GI Pipe (32mm)-MC 0.75 1.5 1.5
6 GI Pipe (40mm)-MC 0.75 0.75
7 GI Pipe (50mm)-MC 0.75 2.25 0.75
8 GI Pipe (65mm)-MC 0.75 0.75 0.75
9 GI Pipe (80mm)-MC
10 HDPE Pipe(110mm)-4Kg/cm2
11 HDPE Pipe(90mm)-4Kg/cm2
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-08 WSV-01 WSV-02 WSV-03 WSV-04 Transmissionl
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 2
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 1 3 3
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ)
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) 3
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ)
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ)
7 GI Blind flange set (80 mmØ)
8 GI Elbow (100 mmØ)
9 GI Elbow (15 mmØ)
10 GI Elbow (50 mmØ)
11 GI Elbow (65 mmØ)
12 GI Elbow (80 mmØ)
13 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ) 1
14 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ) 1 1
15 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ)
16 GI Equal Tee (65 mmØ) 1
17 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ) 1
18 GI Nipple (100 mmØ)
19 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 9
20 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 2 4 4
21 GI Nipple (32 mmØ)
22 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) 4
23 GI Nipple (50 mmØ)
24 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) 4
25 GI Nipple (80 mmØ)
26 GI plug (20 mmØ)
27 GI Reducer Socket (100x65 m
28 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m
29 GI Reducer Socket (125x100
30 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mm 1
31 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm
32 GI Reducer Socket (65x40 mm
33 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm
34 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm
35 GI socket 20 mmØ
36 GI Strainer (100 mmØ)
37 GI Strainer (125 mmØ)
38 GI Strainer (65 mmØ)
39 GI Strainer (80 mmØ)
40 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ
41 GI Unequal Tee (100x50 mmØ
42 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ)
43 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ)
44 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ)
45 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ)
46 GI Unequal Tee (50x20 mmØ)
47 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-08 WSV-01 WSV-02 WSV-03 WSV-04 Transmissionl
48 GI Unequal Tee (65x25 mmØ)
49 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ)
50 GI Union (15 mmØ)
51 GI Union (20 mmØ) 5
52 GI Union (25 mmØ) 2 3 3
53 GI Union (32 mmØ)
54 GI Union (40 mmØ) 3
55 GI Union (50 mmØ)
56 GI Union (65 mmØ) 3
57 GI Union (80 mmØ)
58 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ)
59 GI-GI flange set (65 mmØ) 50
60 GI-GI flange set (50 mmØ) 8
61 GI-HDP flange set (100x125
62 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm
63 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm 3
64 PPR female socket (50x63 mm
65 PPR female union (20x25 mm
66 PPR female union (25x32 mm
67 PPR female union (32x40 mm
68 PPR female union (40x50 mm
69 PPR Reducer socket (32x25
70 PPR Reducer socket (40x25
71 PPR Reducer socket (40x32
72 PPR Reducer socket (50x40
73 PPR socket (25 mmØ)
74 PPR socket (32 mmØ)
75 PPR socket (40 mmØ)
76 PPR socket (50 mmØ)
77 PPR socket (63 mmØ)
78 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ)
79 GM Gate Valve (25 mmØ) 1 1
80 GM Gate Valve (40 mmØ) 1
81 GM Gate Valve (50 mmØ)
82 GM Gate Valve (65 mmØ) 1
83 GM Gate Valve (80 mmØ)
84 GM Globe Valve (20 mmØ) 1
85 GM Globe Valve (25 mmØ) 1
86 GM Globe Valve (32 mmØ)
87 GM Globe Valve (40 mmØ)
88 GM Globe Valve (50 mmØ)
89 GM Globe Valve (65 mmØ)
1 GI Pipe (100mm)-MC
2 GI Pipe (15mm)-MC
3 GI Pipe (20mm)-MC 1.5
4 GI Pipe (25mm)-MC 0.75 2.25 2.25
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-08 WSV-01 WSV-02 WSV-03 WSV-04 Transmissionl
5 GI Pipe (32mm)-MC
6 GI Pipe (40mm)-MC 2.25
7 GI Pipe (50mm)-MC
8 GI Pipe (65mm)-MC 2.25
9 GI Pipe (80mm)-MC
10 HDPE Pipe(110mm)-4Kg/cm2
11 HDPE Pipe(90mm)-4Kg/cm2
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description Distribution l PPR line Extra TotalQty Rate(Rs) Amount
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 1 5 Err:504 Err:504
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 12 Err:504 Err:504
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 5 Err:504 Err:504
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) 2 11 Err:504 Err:504
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ) 5 Err:504 Err:504
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ) 2 Err:504 Err:504
7 GI Blind flange set (80 mmØ) 2 Err:504 Err:504
8 GI Elbow (100 mmØ) 2 Err:504 Err:504
9 GI Elbow (15 mmØ) 4 Err:504 Err:504
10 GI Elbow (50 mmØ) 9 Err:504 Err:504
11 GI Elbow (65 mmØ) 3 Err:504 Err:504
12 GI Elbow (80 mmØ) 2 Err:504 Err:504
13 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ) 1 Err:504 Err:504
14 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ) 2 Err:504 Err:504
15 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ) 1 Err:504 Err:504
16 GI Equal Tee (65 mmØ) 1 Err:504 Err:504
17 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ) 1 Err:504 Err:504
18 GI Nipple (100 mmØ) 9 Err:504 Err:504
19 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 7 22 Err:504 Err:504
20 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 13 Err:504 Err:504
21 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) 16 Err:504 Err:504
22 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) 2 14 Err:504 Err:504
23 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) 1 31 Err:504 Err:504
24 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) 24 Err:504 Err:504
25 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) 3 Err:504 Err:504
26 GI plug (20 mmØ) 6 6 Err:504 Err:504
27 GI Reducer Socket (100x65 m 1 Err:504 Err:504
28 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m 1 Err:504 Err:504
29 GI Reducer Socket (125x100 1 Err:504 Err:504
30 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mm 1 Err:504 Err:504
31 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm 1 Err:504 Err:504
32 GI Reducer Socket (65x40 mm 1 Err:504 Err:504
33 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm 4 Err:504 Err:504
34 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm 1 Err:504 Err:504
35 GI socket 20 mmØ 6 6 Err:504 Err:504
36 GI Strainer (100 mmØ) 1 Err:504 Err:504
37 GI Strainer (125 mmØ) 1 Err:504 Err:504
38 GI Strainer (65 mmØ) 2 Err:504 Err:504
39 GI Strainer (80 mmØ) 1 Err:504 Err:504
40 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ 1 Err:504 Err:504
41 GI Unequal Tee (100x50 mmØ 1 Err:504 Err:504
42 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ) 2 Err:504 Err:504
43 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ) 1 Err:504 Err:504
44 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ) 2 Err:504 Err:504
45 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ) 1 Err:504 Err:504
46 GI Unequal Tee (50x20 mmØ) 1 Err:504 Err:504
47 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ) 2 Err:504 Err:504
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description Distribution l PPR line Extra TotalQty Rate(Rs) Amount
48 GI Unequal Tee (65x25 mmØ) 1 Err:504 Err:504
49 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ) 1 Err:504 Err:504
50 GI Union (15 mmØ) 5 Err:504 Err:504
51 GI Union (20 mmØ) 9 Err:504 Err:504
52 GI Union (25 mmØ) 10 Err:504 Err:504
53 GI Union (32 mmØ) 11 Err:504 Err:504
54 GI Union (40 mmØ) 8 Err:504 Err:504
55 GI Union (50 mmØ) 18 Err:504 Err:504
56 GI Union (65 mmØ) 15 Err:504 Err:504
57 GI Union (80 mmØ) 2 Err:504 Err:504
58 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ) 5 Err:504 Err:504
59 GI-GI flange set (65 mmØ) 50 Err:504 Err:504
60 GI-GI flange set (50 mmØ) 8 Err:504 Err:504
61 GI-HDP flange set (100x125 1 Err:504 Err:504
62 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm 1 12 Err:504 Err:504
63 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm 10 Err:504 Err:504
64 PPR female socket (50x63 mm 2 2 Err:504 Err:504
65 PPR female union (20x25 mm 7 7 Err:504 Err:504
66 PPR female union (25x32 mm 1 1 Err:504 Err:504
67 PPR female union (32x40 mm 2 2 Err:504 Err:504
68 PPR female union (40x50 mm 2 2 Err:504 Err:504
69 PPR Reducer socket (32x25 4 4 Err:504 Err:504
70 PPR Reducer socket (40x25 1 1 Err:504 Err:504
71 PPR Reducer socket (40x32 2 2 Err:504 Err:504
72 PPR Reducer socket (50x40 2 2 Err:504 Err:504
73 PPR socket (25 mmØ) 174 174 Err:504 Err:504
74 PPR socket (32 mmØ) 108 108 Err:504 Err:504
75 PPR socket (40 mmØ) 113 113 Err:504 Err:504
76 PPR socket (50 mmØ) 139 139 Err:504 Err:504
77 PPR socket (63 mmØ) 43 43 Err:504 Err:504
78 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ) 1 Err:504 Err:504
79 GM Gate Valve (25 mmØ) 2 Err:504 Err:504
80 GM Gate Valve (40 mmØ) 1 Err:504 Err:504
81 GM Gate Valve (50 mmØ) 5 Err:504 Err:504
82 GM Gate Valve (65 mmØ) 3 Err:504 Err:504
83 GM Gate Valve (80 mmØ) 1 Err:504 Err:504
84 GM Globe Valve (20 mmØ) 3 Err:504 Err:504
85 GM Globe Valve (25 mmØ) 2 Err:504 Err:504
86 GM Globe Valve (32 mmØ) 4 Err:504 Err:504
87 GM Globe Valve (40 mmØ) 1 Err:504 Err:504
88 GM Globe Valve (50 mmØ) 4 Err:504 Err:504
89 GM Globe Valve (65 mmØ) 2 Err:504 Err:504
Total: Err:504
1 GI Pipe (100mm)-MC 5.05 12 0
2 GI Pipe (15mm)-MC 8.5 24 0
3 GI Pipe (20mm)-MC 3 6 0
4 GI Pipe (25mm)-MC 8 18 0
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description Distribution l PPR line Extra TotalQty Rate(Rs) Amount
5 GI Pipe (32mm)-MC 2.25 6 0
6 GI Pipe (40mm)-MC 4.25 12 0
7 GI Pipe (50mm)-MC 11 30 0
8 GI Pipe (65mm)-MC 10.55 24 0
9 GI Pipe (80mm)-MC 5 12 0
10 HDPE Pipe(110mm)-4Kg/cm2 10 20 0
11 HDPE Pipe(90mm)-4Kg/cm2 10 20 0
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description Units AVC-01 AVC-02 AVC-03 AVC-04 AVC-05
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) no
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) no
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) no 2
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) no
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ) no 1 1 1 1 1
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ) set
7 GI Elbow (100 mmØ) no
8 GI Elbow (15 mmØ) no
9 GI Elbow (65 mmØ) no
10 GI Elbow (80 mmØ) no
11 GI Equal Tee (100 mmØ) no
12 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ) no
13 GI Equal Tee (65 mmØ) no
14 GI Equal Tee (80 mmØ) no
15 GI Nipple (100 mmØ) no
16 GI Nipple (125 mmØ) no
17 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) no
18 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) no
19 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) no
20 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) no
21 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) no
22 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) no
23 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) no
24 GI plug (25 mmØ) no
25 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m no
26 GI Reducer Socket (125x100 no
27 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mmno
28 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mmno
29 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mmno
30 GI socket 25 mmØ no
31 GI Strainer (100 mmØ) no
32 GI Strainer (125 mmØ) no
33 GI Strainer (80 mmØ) no
34 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØno 1 1 1
35 GI Unequal Tee (100x65 mmØno
36 GI Unequal Tee (125x80 mmØno
37 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ) no 1
38 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ) no
39 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ) no
40 GI Unequal Tee (50x20 mmØ) no
41 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ) no
42 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ) no 1
43 GI Unequal Tee (65x50 mmØ) no
44 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ) no
45 GI Unequal Tee (80x20 mmØ) no
46 GI Unequal Tee (80x25 mmØ) no
47 GI Unequal Tee (80x40 mmØ) no
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description Units AVC-01 AVC-02 AVC-03 AVC-04 AVC-05
48 GI Union (15 mmØ) no 1 1 1 1 1
49 GI Union (20 mmØ) no
50 GI Union (25 mmØ) no
51 GI Union (32 mmØ) no
52 GI Union (40 mmØ) no
53 GI Union (50 mmØ) no
54 GI Union (65 mmØ) no
55 GI Union (80 mmØ) no
56 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ) set
57 GI-GI flange set (125 mmØ) set
58 GI-GI flange set (80 mmØ) set
59 GI-HDP flange set (100x125 set 2 2 2
60 GI-HDP flange set (125x140 set
61 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm set
62 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm set 2
63 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm set
64 PPR female socket (50x63 mmno
65 PPR female union (25x32 mm no
66 PPR Reducer socket (40x32 no
67 PPR Reducer socket (50x40 no
68 PPR Reducer socket (63x50 no
69 PPR socket (32 mmØ) no
70 PPR socket (40 mmØ) no
71 PPR socket (50 mmØ) no
72 PPR socket (63 mmØ) no
73 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ) no
74 GM Gate Valve (50 mmØ) no
75 GM Gate Valve (65 mmØ) no
76 GM Gate Valve (80 mmØ) no
77 GM Globe Valve (100 mmØ) no
78 GM Globe Valve (20 mmØ) no
79 GM Globe Valve (25 mmØ) no
80 GM Globe Valve (32 mmØ) no
81 GM Globe Valve (40 mmØ) no
82 GM Globe Valve (50 mmØ) no
83 GM Globe Valve (65 mmØ) no
84 GM Globe Valve (80 mmØ) no
85 Total:
86 GI Pipe (100mm)-MC m 2 2 2
87 GI Pipe (125mm)-MC m
88 GI Pipe (15mm)-MC m 1 1 1 1 1
89 GI Pipe (20mm)-MC m
90 GI Pipe (25mm)-MC m
91 GI Pipe (32mm)-MC m 2
92 GI Pipe (40mm)-MC m
93 GI Pipe (50mm)-MC m
94 GI Pipe (65mm)-MC m 2
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description Units AVC-01 AVC-02 AVC-03 AVC-04 AVC-05
95 GI Pipe (80mm)-MC m
96 HDPE Pipe(110mm)-4Kg/cm2m
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description AVC-06 AVC-07 AVC-08 DiC-01 INT-01 RCT-01
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ)
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ)
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ)
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ)
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ) 1 1 1
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ) 2 1
7 GI Elbow (100 mmØ) 2 1
8 GI Elbow (15 mmØ) 1 1
9 GI Elbow (65 mmØ) 1
10 GI Elbow (80 mmØ) 6 3
11 GI Equal Tee (100 mmØ)
12 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ)
13 GI Equal Tee (65 mmØ)
14 GI Equal Tee (80 mmØ) 1
15 GI Nipple (100 mmØ)
16 GI Nipple (125 mmØ)
17 GI Nipple (20 mmØ)
18 GI Nipple (25 mmØ)
19 GI Nipple (32 mmØ)
20 GI Nipple (40 mmØ)
21 GI Nipple (50 mmØ)
22 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) 6
23 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) 2 2 4
24 GI plug (25 mmØ)
25 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m 1 1
26 GI Reducer Socket (125x100
27 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm
28 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm
29 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm 2
30 GI socket 25 mmØ
31 GI Strainer (100 mmØ) 1 1
32 GI Strainer (125 mmØ)
33 GI Strainer (80 mmØ) 2
34 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ
35 GI Unequal Tee (100x65 mmØ
36 GI Unequal Tee (125x80 mmØ
37 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ)
38 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ)
39 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ) 1 1
40 GI Unequal Tee (50x20 mmØ)
41 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ)
42 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ) 2
43 GI Unequal Tee (65x50 mmØ)
44 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ) 1 1
45 GI Unequal Tee (80x20 mmØ)
46 GI Unequal Tee (80x25 mmØ)
47 GI Unequal Tee (80x40 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description AVC-06 AVC-07 AVC-08 DiC-01 INT-01 RCT-01
48 GI Union (15 mmØ) 1 1 1
49 GI Union (20 mmØ)
50 GI Union (25 mmØ)
51 GI Union (32 mmØ)
52 GI Union (40 mmØ)
53 GI Union (50 mmØ)
54 GI Union (65 mmØ) 4
55 GI Union (80 mmØ) 2 2
56 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ)
57 GI-GI flange set (125 mmØ)
58 GI-GI flange set (80 mmØ)
59 GI-HDP flange set (100x125
60 GI-HDP flange set (125x140
61 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm 2 2
62 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm 2
63 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm 2 1 1 1
64 PPR female socket (50x63 mm
65 PPR female union (25x32 mm
66 PPR Reducer socket (40x32
67 PPR Reducer socket (50x40
68 PPR Reducer socket (63x50
69 PPR socket (32 mmØ)
70 PPR socket (40 mmØ)
71 PPR socket (50 mmØ)
72 PPR socket (63 mmØ)
73 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ)
74 GM Gate Valve (50 mmØ)
75 GM Gate Valve (65 mmØ) 2
76 GM Gate Valve (80 mmØ) 2 1 2
77 GM Globe Valve (100 mmØ)
78 GM Globe Valve (20 mmØ)
79 GM Globe Valve (25 mmØ)
80 GM Globe Valve (32 mmØ)
81 GM Globe Valve (40 mmØ)
82 GM Globe Valve (50 mmØ)
83 GM Globe Valve (65 mmØ)
84 GM Globe Valve (80 mmØ)
85 Total:
86 GI Pipe (100mm)-MC 3.5 2.75
87 GI Pipe (125mm)-MC
88 GI Pipe (15mm)-MC 1 1 1 3 3
89 GI Pipe (20mm)-MC
90 GI Pipe (25mm)-MC
91 GI Pipe (32mm)-MC
92 GI Pipe (40mm)-MC
93 GI Pipe (50mm)-MC 2 2
94 GI Pipe (65mm)-MC 2.9
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description AVC-06 AVC-07 AVC-08 DiC-01 INT-01 RCT-01
95 GI Pipe (80mm)-MC 2 4.65 1.5 6.2
96 HDPE Pipe(110mm)-4Kg/cm2 5 5
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description RCT-02 RCT-03 VAC-01 VAC-02 VAC-03 VAC-04
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 1
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 1
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ)
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ)
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ)
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ) 1 1
7 GI Elbow (100 mmØ) 1 1
8 GI Elbow (15 mmØ) 1 1
9 GI Elbow (65 mmØ) 3
10 GI Elbow (80 mmØ) 3
11 GI Equal Tee (100 mmØ)
12 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ)
13 GI Equal Tee (65 mmØ)
14 GI Equal Tee (80 mmØ)
15 GI Nipple (100 mmØ) 3 8 2
16 GI Nipple (125 mmØ) 6
17 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 3
18 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 3
19 GI Nipple (32 mmØ)
20 GI Nipple (40 mmØ)
21 GI Nipple (50 mmØ)
22 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) 1 3
23 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) 4 3 8 8
24 GI plug (25 mmØ)
25 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m 1
26 GI Reducer Socket (125x100 1 1
27 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm
28 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm
29 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm
30 GI socket 25 mmØ
31 GI Strainer (100 mmØ) 1
32 GI Strainer (125 mmØ) 1
33 GI Strainer (80 mmØ)
34 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ 1
35 GI Unequal Tee (100x65 mmØ 1
36 GI Unequal Tee (125x80 mmØ 1
37 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ)
38 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ)
39 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ)
40 GI Unequal Tee (50x20 mmØ)
41 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ)
42 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ)
43 GI Unequal Tee (65x50 mmØ)
44 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ) 1
45 GI Unequal Tee (80x20 mmØ) 1
46 GI Unequal Tee (80x25 mmØ) 1
47 GI Unequal Tee (80x40 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description RCT-02 RCT-03 VAC-01 VAC-02 VAC-03 VAC-04
48 GI Union (15 mmØ)
49 GI Union (20 mmØ) 2
50 GI Union (25 mmØ) 2
51 GI Union (32 mmØ)
52 GI Union (40 mmØ)
53 GI Union (50 mmØ)
54 GI Union (65 mmØ) 2
55 GI Union (80 mmØ) 2 2 5 5
56 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ) 2 5 2
57 GI-GI flange set (125 mmØ) 3
58 GI-GI flange set (80 mmØ)
59 GI-HDP flange set (100x125 2 1
60 GI-HDP flange set (125x140 1
61 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm
62 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm 1 1
63 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm 1 1 2 2
64 PPR female socket (50x63 mm
65 PPR female union (25x32 mm
66 PPR Reducer socket (40x32
67 PPR Reducer socket (50x40
68 PPR Reducer socket (63x50
69 PPR socket (32 mmØ)
70 PPR socket (40 mmØ)
71 PPR socket (50 mmØ)
72 PPR socket (63 mmØ)
73 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ) 1
74 GM Gate Valve (50 mmØ)
75 GM Gate Valve (65 mmØ) 1
76 GM Gate Valve (80 mmØ) 2
77 GM Globe Valve (100 mmØ) 1 1
78 GM Globe Valve (20 mmØ) 1
79 GM Globe Valve (25 mmØ) 1
80 GM Globe Valve (32 mmØ)
81 GM Globe Valve (40 mmØ)
82 GM Globe Valve (50 mmØ)
83 GM Globe Valve (65 mmØ) 1
84 GM Globe Valve (80 mmØ) 1 1 1
85 Total:
86 GI Pipe (100mm)-MC 2.75 4.45 1.5 0.75
87 GI Pipe (125mm)-MC 0.75
88 GI Pipe (15mm)-MC 3 3
89 GI Pipe (20mm)-MC 0.75
90 GI Pipe (25mm)-MC 0.75
91 GI Pipe (32mm)-MC
92 GI Pipe (40mm)-MC
93 GI Pipe (50mm)-MC
94 GI Pipe (65mm)-MC 4.5 0.75
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description RCT-02 RCT-03 VAC-01 VAC-02 VAC-03 VAC-04
95 GI Pipe (80mm)-MC 6.2 0.75 1.5 1.5
96 HDPE Pipe(110mm)-4Kg/cm2 5 5
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-05 VAC-06 VAC-07 VAC-08 VAC-09 VAC-10
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 1 1
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 1 1
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 1
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) 1 1
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ)
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ)
7 GI Elbow (100 mmØ)
8 GI Elbow (15 mmØ)
9 GI Elbow (65 mmØ)
10 GI Elbow (80 mmØ)
11 GI Equal Tee (100 mmØ)
12 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ)
13 GI Equal Tee (65 mmØ)
14 GI Equal Tee (80 mmØ)
15 GI Nipple (100 mmØ)
16 GI Nipple (125 mmØ)
17 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 3 3
18 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 3 3
19 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) 2
20 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) 3 6
21 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) 5 8
22 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) 6
23 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) 8 8 8
24 GI plug (25 mmØ)
25 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m
26 GI Reducer Socket (125x100
27 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm 1
28 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm 1
29 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm
30 GI socket 25 mmØ
31 GI Strainer (100 mmØ)
32 GI Strainer (125 mmØ)
33 GI Strainer (80 mmØ)
34 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ
35 GI Unequal Tee (100x65 mmØ
36 GI Unequal Tee (125x80 mmØ
37 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ)
38 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ) 1
39 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ)
40 GI Unequal Tee (50x20 mmØ)
41 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ) 1
42 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ)
43 GI Unequal Tee (65x50 mmØ) 1
44 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ)
45 GI Unequal Tee (80x20 mmØ) 1
46 GI Unequal Tee (80x25 mmØ) 1
47 GI Unequal Tee (80x40 mmØ) 1
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-05 VAC-06 VAC-07 VAC-08 VAC-09 VAC-10
48 GI Union (15 mmØ)
49 GI Union (20 mmØ) 2 2
50 GI Union (25 mmØ) 2 2
51 GI Union (32 mmØ) 2
52 GI Union (40 mmØ) 2 3
53 GI Union (50 mmØ) 4 5
54 GI Union (65 mmØ) 3
55 GI Union (80 mmØ) 5 5 5
56 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ)
57 GI-GI flange set (125 mmØ)
58 GI-GI flange set (80 mmØ)
59 GI-HDP flange set (100x125
60 GI-HDP flange set (125x140
61 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm 2 2
62 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm 1
63 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm 2 2 2
64 PPR female socket (50x63 mm
65 PPR female union (25x32 mm
66 PPR Reducer socket (40x32
67 PPR Reducer socket (50x40
68 PPR Reducer socket (63x50
69 PPR socket (32 mmØ)
70 PPR socket (40 mmØ)
71 PPR socket (50 mmØ)
72 PPR socket (63 mmØ)
73 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ)
74 GM Gate Valve (50 mmØ)
75 GM Gate Valve (65 mmØ)
76 GM Gate Valve (80 mmØ)
77 GM Globe Valve (100 mmØ)
78 GM Globe Valve (20 mmØ) 1 1
79 GM Globe Valve (25 mmØ) 1 1
80 GM Globe Valve (32 mmØ) 1
81 GM Globe Valve (40 mmØ) 1
82 GM Globe Valve (50 mmØ) 2 1
83 GM Globe Valve (65 mmØ)
84 GM Globe Valve (80 mmØ) 1 1 1
85 Total:
86 GI Pipe (100mm)-MC
87 GI Pipe (125mm)-MC
88 GI Pipe (15mm)-MC
89 GI Pipe (20mm)-MC 0.75 0.75
90 GI Pipe (25mm)-MC 0.75 0.75
91 GI Pipe (32mm)-MC 0.75
92 GI Pipe (40mm)-MC 0.75 0.75
93 GI Pipe (50mm)-MC 1.5 1.5
94 GI Pipe (65mm)-MC 0.75
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-05 VAC-06 VAC-07 VAC-08 VAC-09 VAC-10
95 GI Pipe (80mm)-MC 1.5 1.5 1.5
96 HDPE Pipe(110mm)-4Kg/cm2
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-11 WSV-01 WSV-02 WSV-03 WSV-04 WSV-05
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 1
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ)
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ)
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ)
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ)
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ)
7 GI Elbow (100 mmØ)
8 GI Elbow (15 mmØ)
9 GI Elbow (65 mmØ)
10 GI Elbow (80 mmØ)
11 GI Equal Tee (100 mmØ) 1 1 1
12 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ) 1 1
13 GI Equal Tee (65 mmØ)
14 GI Equal Tee (80 mmØ)
15 GI Nipple (100 mmØ) 4 4 4
16 GI Nipple (125 mmØ)
17 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 3
18 GI Nipple (25 mmØ)
19 GI Nipple (32 mmØ)
20 GI Nipple (40 mmØ)
21 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) 8 4 4
22 GI Nipple (65 mmØ)
23 GI Nipple (80 mmØ)
24 GI plug (25 mmØ)
25 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m
26 GI Reducer Socket (125x100
27 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm
28 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm
29 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm
30 GI socket 25 mmØ
31 GI Strainer (100 mmØ)
32 GI Strainer (125 mmØ)
33 GI Strainer (80 mmØ)
34 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ
35 GI Unequal Tee (100x65 mmØ
36 GI Unequal Tee (125x80 mmØ
37 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ)
38 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ)
39 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ)
40 GI Unequal Tee (50x20 mmØ) 1
41 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ)
42 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ)
43 GI Unequal Tee (65x50 mmØ)
44 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ)
45 GI Unequal Tee (80x20 mmØ)
46 GI Unequal Tee (80x25 mmØ)
47 GI Unequal Tee (80x40 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-11 WSV-01 WSV-02 WSV-03 WSV-04 WSV-05
48 GI Union (15 mmØ)
49 GI Union (20 mmØ) 2
50 GI Union (25 mmØ)
51 GI Union (32 mmØ)
52 GI Union (40 mmØ)
53 GI Union (50 mmØ) 5 3 3
54 GI Union (65 mmØ)
55 GI Union (80 mmØ)
56 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ) 3 3 3
57 GI-GI flange set (125 mmØ)
58 GI-GI flange set (80 mmØ)
59 GI-HDP flange set (100x125 3 3 3
60 GI-HDP flange set (125x140
61 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm 2 3 3
62 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm
63 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm
64 PPR female socket (50x63 mm
65 PPR female union (25x32 mm
66 PPR Reducer socket (40x32
67 PPR Reducer socket (50x40
68 PPR Reducer socket (63x50
69 PPR socket (32 mmØ)
70 PPR socket (40 mmØ)
71 PPR socket (50 mmØ)
72 PPR socket (63 mmØ)
73 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ) 1 1 1
74 GM Gate Valve (50 mmØ) 1 1
75 GM Gate Valve (65 mmØ)
76 GM Gate Valve (80 mmØ)
77 GM Globe Valve (100 mmØ)
78 GM Globe Valve (20 mmØ) 1
79 GM Globe Valve (25 mmØ)
80 GM Globe Valve (32 mmØ)
81 GM Globe Valve (40 mmØ)
82 GM Globe Valve (50 mmØ) 1
83 GM Globe Valve (65 mmØ)
84 GM Globe Valve (80 mmØ)
85 Total:
86 GI Pipe (100mm)-MC 2.25 2.25 2.25
87 GI Pipe (125mm)-MC
88 GI Pipe (15mm)-MC
89 GI Pipe (20mm)-MC 0.75
90 GI Pipe (25mm)-MC
91 GI Pipe (32mm)-MC
92 GI Pipe (40mm)-MC
93 GI Pipe (50mm)-MC 1.5 2.25 2.25
94 GI Pipe (65mm)-MC
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-11 WSV-01 WSV-02 WSV-03 WSV-04 WSV-05
95 GI Pipe (80mm)-MC
96 HDPE Pipe(110mm)-4Kg/cm2
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description WSV-06 WSV-07 WSV-08 WSV-09 WSV-10 WSV-11
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ)
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ)
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ)
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ)
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ)
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ)
7 GI Elbow (100 mmØ)
8 GI Elbow (15 mmØ)
9 GI Elbow (65 mmØ)
10 GI Elbow (80 mmØ)
11 GI Equal Tee (100 mmØ)
12 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ) 1 1 1
13 GI Equal Tee (65 mmØ) 1
14 GI Equal Tee (80 mmØ) 1 1
15 GI Nipple (100 mmØ)
16 GI Nipple (125 mmØ)
17 GI Nipple (20 mmØ)
18 GI Nipple (25 mmØ)
19 GI Nipple (32 mmØ)
20 GI Nipple (40 mmØ)
21 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) 4 4 4
22 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) 4
23 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) 4 4
24 GI plug (25 mmØ)
25 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m
26 GI Reducer Socket (125x100
27 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm
28 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm
29 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm
30 GI socket 25 mmØ
31 GI Strainer (100 mmØ)
32 GI Strainer (125 mmØ)
33 GI Strainer (80 mmØ)
34 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ
35 GI Unequal Tee (100x65 mmØ
36 GI Unequal Tee (125x80 mmØ
37 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ)
38 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ)
39 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ)
40 GI Unequal Tee (50x20 mmØ)
41 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ)
42 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ)
43 GI Unequal Tee (65x50 mmØ)
44 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ)
45 GI Unequal Tee (80x20 mmØ)
46 GI Unequal Tee (80x25 mmØ)
47 GI Unequal Tee (80x40 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description WSV-06 WSV-07 WSV-08 WSV-09 WSV-10 WSV-11
48 GI Union (15 mmØ)
49 GI Union (20 mmØ)
50 GI Union (25 mmØ)
51 GI Union (32 mmØ)
52 GI Union (40 mmØ)
53 GI Union (50 mmØ) 3 3 3
54 GI Union (65 mmØ) 3
55 GI Union (80 mmØ) 3 3
56 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ)
57 GI-GI flange set (125 mmØ)
58 GI-GI flange set (80 mmØ)
59 GI-HDP flange set (100x125
60 GI-HDP flange set (125x140
61 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm 3 3 3
62 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm 3
63 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm 3 3
64 PPR female socket (50x63 mm
65 PPR female union (25x32 mm
66 PPR Reducer socket (40x32
67 PPR Reducer socket (50x40
68 PPR Reducer socket (63x50
69 PPR socket (32 mmØ)
70 PPR socket (40 mmØ)
71 PPR socket (50 mmØ)
72 PPR socket (63 mmØ)
73 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ)
74 GM Gate Valve (50 mmØ) 1 1 1
75 GM Gate Valve (65 mmØ) 1
76 GM Gate Valve (80 mmØ) 1 1
77 GM Globe Valve (100 mmØ)
78 GM Globe Valve (20 mmØ)
79 GM Globe Valve (25 mmØ)
80 GM Globe Valve (32 mmØ)
81 GM Globe Valve (40 mmØ)
82 GM Globe Valve (50 mmØ)
83 GM Globe Valve (65 mmØ)
84 GM Globe Valve (80 mmØ)
85 Total:
86 GI Pipe (100mm)-MC
87 GI Pipe (125mm)-MC
88 GI Pipe (15mm)-MC
89 GI Pipe (20mm)-MC
90 GI Pipe (25mm)-MC
91 GI Pipe (32mm)-MC
92 GI Pipe (40mm)-MC
93 GI Pipe (50mm)-MC 2.25 2.25 2.25
94 GI Pipe (65mm)-MC 2.25
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description WSV-06 WSV-07 WSV-08 WSV-09 WSV-10 WSV-11
95 GI Pipe (80mm)-MC 2.25 2.25
96 HDPE Pipe(110mm)-4Kg/cm2
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description TransmissionlDistribution l PPR line Extra TotalQty Rate(Rs)
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 4 Err:504
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 3 Err:504
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 3 Err:504
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) 2 Err:504
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ) 8 Err:504
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ) 5 Err:504
7 GI Elbow (100 mmØ) 5 Err:504
8 GI Elbow (15 mmØ) 4 Err:504
9 GI Elbow (65 mmØ) 4 Err:504
10 GI Elbow (80 mmØ) 12 Err:504
11 GI Equal Tee (100 mmØ) 3 Err:504
12 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ) 5 Err:504
13 GI Equal Tee (65 mmØ) 1 Err:504
14 GI Equal Tee (80 mmØ) 3 Err:504
15 GI Nipple (100 mmØ) 25 Err:504
16 GI Nipple (125 mmØ) 6 Err:504
17 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 12 Err:504
18 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 1 10 Err:504
19 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) 2 Err:504
20 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) 9 Err:504
21 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) 1 42 Err:504
22 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) 20 Err:504
23 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) 63 Err:504
24 GI plug (25 mmØ) 1 1 Err:504
25 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m 3 Err:504
26 GI Reducer Socket (125x100 2 Err:504
27 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm 1 Err:504
28 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm 1 Err:504
29 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm 2 Err:504
30 GI socket 25 mmØ 1 1 Err:504
31 GI Strainer (100 mmØ) 3 Err:504
32 GI Strainer (125 mmØ) 1 Err:504
33 GI Strainer (80 mmØ) 2 Err:504
34 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ 4 Err:504
35 GI Unequal Tee (100x65 mmØ 1 Err:504
36 GI Unequal Tee (125x80 mmØ 1 Err:504
37 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ) 1 Err:504
38 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ) 1 Err:504
39 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ) 2 Err:504
40 GI Unequal Tee (50x20 mmØ) 1 Err:504
41 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ) 1 Err:504
42 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ) 3 Err:504
43 GI Unequal Tee (65x50 mmØ) 1 Err:504
44 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ) 3 Err:504
45 GI Unequal Tee (80x20 mmØ) 2 Err:504
46 GI Unequal Tee (80x25 mmØ) 2 Err:504
47 GI Unequal Tee (80x40 mmØ) 1 Err:504
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description TransmissionlDistribution l PPR line Extra TotalQty Rate(Rs)
48 GI Union (15 mmØ) 8 Err:504
49 GI Union (20 mmØ) 8 Err:504
50 GI Union (25 mmØ) 6 Err:504
51 GI Union (32 mmØ) 2 Err:504
52 GI Union (40 mmØ) 5 Err:504
53 GI Union (50 mmØ) 29 Err:504
54 GI Union (65 mmØ) 12 Err:504
55 GI Union (80 mmØ) 39 Err:504
56 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ) 18 Err:504
57 GI-GI flange set (125 mmØ) 3 Err:504
58 GI-GI flange set (80 mmØ) 20 20 Err:504
59 GI-HDP flange set (100x125 18 Err:504
60 GI-HDP flange set (125x140 1 Err:504
61 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm 1 26 Err:504
62 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm 10 Err:504
63 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm 23 Err:504
64 PPR female socket (50x63 mm 1 1 Err:504
65 PPR female union (25x32 mm 1 1 Err:504
66 PPR Reducer socket (40x32 1 1 Err:504
67 PPR Reducer socket (50x40 1 1 Err:504
68 PPR Reducer socket (63x50 1 1 Err:504
69 PPR socket (32 mmØ) 7 7 Err:504
70 PPR socket (40 mmØ) 29 29 Err:504
71 PPR socket (50 mmØ) 29 29 Err:504
72 PPR socket (63 mmØ) 65 65 Err:504
73 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ) 4 Err:504
74 GM Gate Valve (50 mmØ) 5 Err:504
75 GM Gate Valve (65 mmØ) 4 Err:504
76 GM Gate Valve (80 mmØ) 9 Err:504
77 GM Globe Valve (100 mmØ) 2 Err:504
78 GM Globe Valve (20 mmØ) 4 Err:504
79 GM Globe Valve (25 mmØ) 3 Err:504
80 GM Globe Valve (32 mmØ) 1 Err:504
81 GM Globe Valve (40 mmØ) 1 Err:504
82 GM Globe Valve (50 mmØ) 4 Err:504
83 GM Globe Valve (65 mmØ) 1 Err:504
84 GM Globe Valve (80 mmØ) 6 Err:504
85 Total:
86 GI Pipe (100mm)-MC 19.55 48
87 GI Pipe (125mm)-MC 5.25 6
88 GI Pipe (15mm)-MC 10 30
89 GI Pipe (20mm)-MC 3 6
90 GI Pipe (25mm)-MC 3.75 6
91 GI Pipe (32mm)-MC 3.25 6
92 GI Pipe (40mm)-MC 4.5 6
93 GI Pipe (50mm)-MC 10.25 30
94 GI Pipe (65mm)-MC 10.85 24
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description TransmissionlDistribution l PPR line Extra TotalQty Rate(Rs)
95 GI Pipe (80mm)-MC 20.7 54
96 HDPE Pipe(110mm)-4Kg/cm2 20 40
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description Amount
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) Err:504
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) Err:504
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) Err:504
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) Err:504
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ) Err:504
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ) Err:504
7 GI Elbow (100 mmØ) Err:504
8 GI Elbow (15 mmØ) Err:504
9 GI Elbow (65 mmØ) Err:504
10 GI Elbow (80 mmØ) Err:504
11 GI Equal Tee (100 mmØ) Err:504
12 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ) Err:504
13 GI Equal Tee (65 mmØ) Err:504
14 GI Equal Tee (80 mmØ) Err:504
15 GI Nipple (100 mmØ) Err:504
16 GI Nipple (125 mmØ) Err:504
17 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) Err:504
18 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) Err:504
19 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) Err:504
20 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) Err:504
21 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) Err:504
22 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) Err:504
23 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) Err:504
24 GI plug (25 mmØ) Err:504
25 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m Err:504
26 GI Reducer Socket (125x100 Err:504
27 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm Err:504
28 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm Err:504
29 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm Err:504
30 GI socket 25 mmØ Err:504
31 GI Strainer (100 mmØ) Err:504
32 GI Strainer (125 mmØ) Err:504
33 GI Strainer (80 mmØ) Err:504
34 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ Err:504
35 GI Unequal Tee (100x65 mmØ Err:504
36 GI Unequal Tee (125x80 mmØ Err:504
37 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ) Err:504
38 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ) Err:504
39 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ) Err:504
40 GI Unequal Tee (50x20 mmØ) Err:504
41 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ) Err:504
42 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ) Err:504
43 GI Unequal Tee (65x50 mmØ) Err:504
44 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ) Err:504
45 GI Unequal Tee (80x20 mmØ) Err:504
46 GI Unequal Tee (80x25 mmØ) Err:504
47 GI Unequal Tee (80x40 mmØ) Err:504
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description Amount
48 GI Union (15 mmØ) Err:504
49 GI Union (20 mmØ) Err:504
50 GI Union (25 mmØ) Err:504
51 GI Union (32 mmØ) Err:504
52 GI Union (40 mmØ) Err:504
53 GI Union (50 mmØ) Err:504
54 GI Union (65 mmØ) Err:504
55 GI Union (80 mmØ) Err:504
56 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ) Err:504
57 GI-GI flange set (125 mmØ) Err:504
58 GI-GI flange set (80 mmØ) Err:504
59 GI-HDP flange set (100x125 Err:504
60 GI-HDP flange set (125x140 Err:504
61 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm Err:504
62 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm Err:504
63 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm Err:504
64 PPR female socket (50x63 mm Err:504
65 PPR female union (25x32 mm Err:504
66 PPR Reducer socket (40x32 Err:504
67 PPR Reducer socket (50x40 Err:504
68 PPR Reducer socket (63x50 Err:504
69 PPR socket (32 mmØ) Err:504
70 PPR socket (40 mmØ) Err:504
71 PPR socket (50 mmØ) Err:504
72 PPR socket (63 mmØ) Err:504
73 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ) Err:504
74 GM Gate Valve (50 mmØ) Err:504
75 GM Gate Valve (65 mmØ) Err:504
76 GM Gate Valve (80 mmØ) Err:504
77 GM Globe Valve (100 mmØ) Err:504
78 GM Globe Valve (20 mmØ) Err:504
79 GM Globe Valve (25 mmØ) Err:504
80 GM Globe Valve (32 mmØ) Err:504
81 GM Globe Valve (40 mmØ) Err:504
82 GM Globe Valve (50 mmØ) Err:504
83 GM Globe Valve (65 mmØ) Err:504
84 GM Globe Valve (80 mmØ) Err:504
85 Total: Err:504
86 GI Pipe (100mm)-MC 0
87 GI Pipe (125mm)-MC 0
88 GI Pipe (15mm)-MC 0
89 GI Pipe (20mm)-MC 0
90 GI Pipe (25mm)-MC 0
91 GI Pipe (32mm)-MC 0
92 GI Pipe (40mm)-MC 0
93 GI Pipe (50mm)-MC 0
94 GI Pipe (65mm)-MC 0
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description Amount
95 GI Pipe (80mm)-MC 0
96 HDPE Pipe(110mm)-4Kg/cm2 0
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description Units AVC-01 AVC-02 AVC-03 AVC-04 AVC-05
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) no 2
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) no
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) no
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) no
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ) no 1 1 1 1 1
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ) set
7 GI Blind flange set (65 mmØ) set
8 GI Blind flange set (80 mmØ) set
9 GI Elbow (100 mmØ) no
10 GI Elbow (15 mmØ) no
11 GI Elbow (20 mmØ) no
12 GI Elbow (25 mmØ) no
13 GI Elbow (32 mmØ) no
14 GI Elbow (40 mmØ) no
15 GI Elbow (50 mmØ) no
16 GI Elbow (65 mmØ) no
17 GI Elbow (80 mmØ) no
18 GI Equal Tee (100 mmØ) no
19 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ) no
20 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ) no
21 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ) no
22 GI Equal Tee (65 mmØ) no
23 GI Equal Tee (80 mmØ) no
24 GI Nipple (100 mmØ) no
25 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) no
26 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) no
27 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) no
28 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) no
29 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) no
30 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) no
31 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) no
32 GI Plug (20 mmØ) no
33 GI Plug (40 mmØ) no
34 GI Plug (50 mmØ) no
35 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m no
36 GI Reducer Socket (125x100 no
37 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mmno
38 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mmno
39 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mmno
40 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mmno
41 GI Reducer Socket (65x25 mmno
42 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mmno
43 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mmno
44 GI Socket 20 mmØ no
45 GI Socket 40 mmØ no
46 GI Socket 50 mmØ no
47 GI Strainer (100 mmØ) no
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description Units AVC-01 AVC-02 AVC-03 AVC-04 AVC-05
48 GI Strainer (125 mmØ) no
49 GI Strainer (32 mmØ) no
50 GI Strainer (32 mmØ) no
51 GI Strainer (40 mmØ) no
52 GI Strainer (50 mmØ) no
53 GI Strainer (65 mmØ) no
54 GI Strainer (80 mmØ) no
55 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØno 1 1
56 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ) no 1
57 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ) no
58 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ) no
59 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ) no
60 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ) no
61 GI Unequal Tee (32x25 mmØ) no
62 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ) no
63 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ) no
64 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ) no
65 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ) no
66 GI Unequal Tee (50x20 mmØ) no
67 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ) no
68 GI Unequal Tee (65x20 mmØ) no
69 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ) no 1 1
70 GI Unequal Tee (80x25 mmØ) no
71 GI Unequal Tee (80x50 mmØ) no
72 GI Unequal Tee (80x65 mmØ) no
73 GI Union (15 mmØ) no 1 1 1 1 1
74 GI Union (20 mmØ) no
75 GI Union (25 mmØ) no
76 GI Union (32 mmØ) no
77 GI Union (40 mmØ) no
78 GI Union (50 mmØ) no
79 GI Union (65 mmØ) no
80 GI Union (80 mmØ) no
81 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ) set
82 GI-GI flange set (80 mmØ) set
83 GI-HDP flange set (100x125 set 2 2
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description AVC-06 AVC-07 AVC-08 AVC-09 AVC-10 AVC-11
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 2
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 2 2
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 2
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) 2 2
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ) 1 1 1 1 1 1
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ)
7 GI Blind flange set (65 mmØ)
8 GI Blind flange set (80 mmØ)
9 GI Elbow (100 mmØ)
10 GI Elbow (15 mmØ)
11 GI Elbow (20 mmØ)
12 GI Elbow (25 mmØ)
13 GI Elbow (32 mmØ)
14 GI Elbow (40 mmØ)
15 GI Elbow (50 mmØ)
16 GI Elbow (65 mmØ)
17 GI Elbow (80 mmØ)
18 GI Equal Tee (100 mmØ)
19 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ)
20 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ)
21 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ)
22 GI Equal Tee (65 mmØ)
23 GI Equal Tee (80 mmØ)
24 GI Nipple (100 mmØ)
25 GI Nipple (20 mmØ)
26 GI Nipple (25 mmØ)
27 GI Nipple (32 mmØ)
28 GI Nipple (40 mmØ)
29 GI Nipple (50 mmØ)
30 GI Nipple (65 mmØ)
31 GI Nipple (80 mmØ)
32 GI Plug (20 mmØ)
33 GI Plug (40 mmØ)
34 GI Plug (50 mmØ)
35 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m
36 GI Reducer Socket (125x100
37 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mm
38 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm
39 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm
40 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm
41 GI Reducer Socket (65x25 mm
42 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm
43 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm
44 GI Socket 20 mmØ
45 GI Socket 40 mmØ
46 GI Socket 50 mmØ
47 GI Strainer (100 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description AVC-06 AVC-07 AVC-08 AVC-09 AVC-10 AVC-11
48 GI Strainer (125 mmØ)
49 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
50 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
51 GI Strainer (40 mmØ)
52 GI Strainer (50 mmØ)
53 GI Strainer (65 mmØ)
54 GI Strainer (80 mmØ)
55 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ
56 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ) 1
57 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ) 1 1
58 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ)
59 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ) 1
60 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ)
61 GI Unequal Tee (32x25 mmØ)
62 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ) 1 1
63 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ)
64 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ)
65 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ)
66 GI Unequal Tee (50x20 mmØ)
67 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ)
68 GI Unequal Tee (65x20 mmØ)
69 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ)
70 GI Unequal Tee (80x25 mmØ)
71 GI Unequal Tee (80x50 mmØ)
72 GI Unequal Tee (80x65 mmØ)
73 GI Union (15 mmØ) 1 1 1 1 1 1
74 GI Union (20 mmØ)
75 GI Union (25 mmØ)
76 GI Union (32 mmØ)
77 GI Union (40 mmØ)
78 GI Union (50 mmØ)
79 GI Union (65 mmØ)
80 GI Union (80 mmØ)
81 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ)
82 GI-GI flange set (80 mmØ)
83 GI-HDP flange set (100x125
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description AVC-12 AVC-13 AVC-14 AVC-15 AVC-16 AVC-17
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ)
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 2 2
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 2 2
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) 2 2
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ) 1 1 1 1 1 1
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ)
7 GI Blind flange set (65 mmØ)
8 GI Blind flange set (80 mmØ)
9 GI Elbow (100 mmØ)
10 GI Elbow (15 mmØ)
11 GI Elbow (20 mmØ)
12 GI Elbow (25 mmØ)
13 GI Elbow (32 mmØ)
14 GI Elbow (40 mmØ)
15 GI Elbow (50 mmØ)
16 GI Elbow (65 mmØ)
17 GI Elbow (80 mmØ)
18 GI Equal Tee (100 mmØ)
19 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ)
20 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ)
21 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ)
22 GI Equal Tee (65 mmØ)
23 GI Equal Tee (80 mmØ)
24 GI Nipple (100 mmØ)
25 GI Nipple (20 mmØ)
26 GI Nipple (25 mmØ)
27 GI Nipple (32 mmØ)
28 GI Nipple (40 mmØ)
29 GI Nipple (50 mmØ)
30 GI Nipple (65 mmØ)
31 GI Nipple (80 mmØ)
32 GI Plug (20 mmØ)
33 GI Plug (40 mmØ)
34 GI Plug (50 mmØ)
35 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m
36 GI Reducer Socket (125x100
37 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mm
38 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm
39 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm
40 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm
41 GI Reducer Socket (65x25 mm
42 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm
43 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm
44 GI Socket 20 mmØ
45 GI Socket 40 mmØ
46 GI Socket 50 mmØ
47 GI Strainer (100 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description AVC-12 AVC-13 AVC-14 AVC-15 AVC-16 AVC-17
48 GI Strainer (125 mmØ)
49 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
50 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
51 GI Strainer (40 mmØ)
52 GI Strainer (50 mmØ)
53 GI Strainer (65 mmØ)
54 GI Strainer (80 mmØ)
55 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ
56 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ)
57 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ) 1 1
58 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ)
59 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ) 1 1
60 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ)
61 GI Unequal Tee (32x25 mmØ)
62 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ) 1 1
63 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ)
64 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ)
65 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ)
66 GI Unequal Tee (50x20 mmØ)
67 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ)
68 GI Unequal Tee (65x20 mmØ)
69 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ)
70 GI Unequal Tee (80x25 mmØ)
71 GI Unequal Tee (80x50 mmØ)
72 GI Unequal Tee (80x65 mmØ)
73 GI Union (15 mmØ) 1 1 1 1 1 1
74 GI Union (20 mmØ)
75 GI Union (25 mmØ)
76 GI Union (32 mmØ)
77 GI Union (40 mmØ)
78 GI Union (50 mmØ)
79 GI Union (65 mmØ)
80 GI Union (80 mmØ)
81 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ)
82 GI-GI flange set (80 mmØ)
83 GI-HDP flange set (100x125
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description BPT-01 BPT-02 BPT-03 BPT-04 BPT-05 BPT-06
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 2 2 2
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ)
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 1 1
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) 1 1
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ)
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ) 1
7 GI Blind flange set (65 mmØ)
8 GI Blind flange set (80 mmØ)
9 GI Elbow (100 mmØ) 1
10 GI Elbow (15 mmØ) 1 1 1 1 1 1
11 GI Elbow (20 mmØ) 3 3 3
12 GI Elbow (25 mmØ)
13 GI Elbow (32 mmØ) 3 3
14 GI Elbow (40 mmØ) 1 1 1
15 GI Elbow (50 mmØ) 3 1 1
16 GI Elbow (65 mmØ)
17 GI Elbow (80 mmØ)
18 GI Equal Tee (100 mmØ)
19 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ)
20 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ)
21 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ)
22 GI Equal Tee (65 mmØ)
23 GI Equal Tee (80 mmØ)
24 GI Nipple (100 mmØ) 3
25 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 4 4 4
26 GI Nipple (25 mmØ)
27 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) 1 1
28 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) 3 3
29 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) 1
30 GI Nipple (65 mmØ)
31 GI Nipple (80 mmØ)
32 GI Plug (20 mmØ)
33 GI Plug (40 mmØ) 1 1 1
34 GI Plug (50 mmØ) 1 1
35 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m
36 GI Reducer Socket (125x100 1
37 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mm 1 1 1
38 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm
39 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm
40 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm 1 1
41 GI Reducer Socket (65x25 mm
42 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm
43 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm
44 GI Socket 20 mmØ
45 GI Socket 40 mmØ 1 1 1
46 GI Socket 50 mmØ 1 1
47 GI Strainer (100 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description BPT-01 BPT-02 BPT-03 BPT-04 BPT-05 BPT-06
48 GI Strainer (125 mmØ) 1
49 GI Strainer (32 mmØ) 1 1 1
50 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
51 GI Strainer (40 mmØ)
52 GI Strainer (50 mmØ) 1 1
53 GI Strainer (65 mmØ)
54 GI Strainer (80 mmØ)
55 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ 1
56 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ) 1 1 1
57 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ)
58 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ)
59 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ)
60 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ)
61 GI Unequal Tee (32x25 mmØ)
62 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ) 1 1
63 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ)
64 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ)
65 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ)
66 GI Unequal Tee (50x20 mmØ)
67 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ)
68 GI Unequal Tee (65x20 mmØ)
69 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ)
70 GI Unequal Tee (80x25 mmØ)
71 GI Unequal Tee (80x50 mmØ)
72 GI Unequal Tee (80x65 mmØ)
73 GI Union (15 mmØ)
74 GI Union (20 mmØ) 2 2 2
75 GI Union (25 mmØ)
76 GI Union (32 mmØ)
77 GI Union (40 mmØ) 2 2
78 GI Union (50 mmØ)
79 GI Union (65 mmØ)
80 GI Union (80 mmØ)
81 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ) 2
82 GI-GI flange set (80 mmØ)
83 GI-HDP flange set (100x125
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description BPT-07 BPT-08 BPT-09 BPT-10 BPT-11 DiC-01
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ)
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 1 1 1 1
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 1 1
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) 2 1 1
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ)
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ)
7 GI Blind flange set (65 mmØ) 1 2
8 GI Blind flange set (80 mmØ)
9 GI Elbow (100 mmØ)
10 GI Elbow (15 mmØ) 1 1 1 1 1 1
11 GI Elbow (20 mmØ)
12 GI Elbow (25 mmØ) 3 3 3
13 GI Elbow (32 mmØ)
14 GI Elbow (40 mmØ) 3 1 1 3
15 GI Elbow (50 mmØ) 1 1 7
16 GI Elbow (65 mmØ) 1 2
17 GI Elbow (80 mmØ)
18 GI Equal Tee (100 mmØ)
19 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ)
20 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ)
21 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ) 1
22 GI Equal Tee (65 mmØ)
23 GI Equal Tee (80 mmØ)
24 GI Nipple (100 mmØ)
25 GI Nipple (20 mmØ)
26 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 1 1 1 3
27 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) 3 3
28 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) 4 1 3
29 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) 3 5
30 GI Nipple (65 mmØ)
31 GI Nipple (80 mmØ)
32 GI Plug (20 mmØ)
33 GI Plug (40 mmØ) 1 1
34 GI Plug (50 mmØ) 1 1
35 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m
36 GI Reducer Socket (125x100
37 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mm
38 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm 1
39 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm 1 1
40 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm 1 1
41 GI Reducer Socket (65x25 mm
42 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm 1 1
43 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm
44 GI Socket 20 mmØ
45 GI Socket 40 mmØ 1 1
46 GI Socket 50 mmØ 1 1
47 GI Strainer (100 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description BPT-07 BPT-08 BPT-09 BPT-10 BPT-11 DiC-01
48 GI Strainer (125 mmØ)
49 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
50 GI Strainer (32 mmØ) 1
51 GI Strainer (40 mmØ) 1 1
52 GI Strainer (50 mmØ) 1 1
53 GI Strainer (65 mmØ) 1 1
54 GI Strainer (80 mmØ)
55 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ
56 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ)
57 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ) 1
58 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ)
59 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ) 1 1
60 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ)
61 GI Unequal Tee (32x25 mmØ)
62 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ) 1 1
63 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ)
64 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ)
65 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ) 1 1
66 GI Unequal Tee (50x20 mmØ)
67 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ)
68 GI Unequal Tee (65x20 mmØ)
69 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ)
70 GI Unequal Tee (80x25 mmØ)
71 GI Unequal Tee (80x50 mmØ)
72 GI Unequal Tee (80x65 mmØ)
73 GI Union (15 mmØ)
74 GI Union (20 mmØ)
75 GI Union (25 mmØ) 2
76 GI Union (32 mmØ) 2 2
77 GI Union (40 mmØ) 2 2
78 GI Union (50 mmØ) 2 2
79 GI Union (65 mmØ)
80 GI Union (80 mmØ)
81 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ)
82 GI-GI flange set (80 mmØ)
83 GI-HDP flange set (100x125
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description DiC-02 INT-01 RCT-01 RCT-02 RCT-04 VAC-03
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ)
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ)
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ)
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ)
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ)
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ) 1 1 1
7 GI Blind flange set (65 mmØ)
8 GI Blind flange set (80 mmØ) 2
9 GI Elbow (100 mmØ) 1 1 1
10 GI Elbow (15 mmØ) 1 1 1 1
11 GI Elbow (20 mmØ)
12 GI Elbow (25 mmØ)
13 GI Elbow (32 mmØ)
14 GI Elbow (40 mmØ)
15 GI Elbow (50 mmØ) 3
16 GI Elbow (65 mmØ) 7
17 GI Elbow (80 mmØ) 2 3 3
18 GI Equal Tee (100 mmØ)
19 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ)
20 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ)
21 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ)
22 GI Equal Tee (65 mmØ) 1
23 GI Equal Tee (80 mmØ)
24 GI Nipple (100 mmØ) 3
25 GI Nipple (20 mmØ)
26 GI Nipple (25 mmØ)
27 GI Nipple (32 mmØ)
28 GI Nipple (40 mmØ)
29 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) 3 3 1
30 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) 5 5
31 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) 2 4 1 6
32 GI Plug (20 mmØ)
33 GI Plug (40 mmØ)
34 GI Plug (50 mmØ)
35 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m 1 1
36 GI Reducer Socket (125x100 1
37 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mm
38 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm
39 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm
40 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm
41 GI Reducer Socket (65x25 mm
42 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm 1 1
43 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm 1 1
44 GI Socket 20 mmØ
45 GI Socket 40 mmØ
46 GI Socket 50 mmØ
47 GI Strainer (100 mmØ) 1 1
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description DiC-02 INT-01 RCT-01 RCT-02 RCT-04 VAC-03
48 GI Strainer (125 mmØ) 1
49 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
50 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
51 GI Strainer (40 mmØ)
52 GI Strainer (50 mmØ)
53 GI Strainer (65 mmØ) 1 1
54 GI Strainer (80 mmØ) 1
55 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ 1
56 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ)
57 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ)
58 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ)
59 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ)
60 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ)
61 GI Unequal Tee (32x25 mmØ)
62 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ)
63 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ)
64 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ)
65 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ) 1 1
66 GI Unequal Tee (50x20 mmØ)
67 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ) 1
68 GI Unequal Tee (65x20 mmØ)
69 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ) 1
70 GI Unequal Tee (80x25 mmØ)
71 GI Unequal Tee (80x50 mmØ)
72 GI Unequal Tee (80x65 mmØ) 1
73 GI Union (15 mmØ)
74 GI Union (20 mmØ)
75 GI Union (25 mmØ)
76 GI Union (32 mmØ)
77 GI Union (40 mmØ)
78 GI Union (50 mmØ) 2 2
79 GI Union (65 mmØ) 2 4
80 GI Union (80 mmØ) 2 2 3
81 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ) 2
82 GI-GI flange set (80 mmØ)
83 GI-HDP flange set (100x125
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-04 VAC-05 VAC-06 VAC-07 VAC-08 VAC-09
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 1 1 1 3
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 1 2
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 2 1 1
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) 1 1 1
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ)
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ)
7 GI Blind flange set (65 mmØ)
8 GI Blind flange set (80 mmØ)
9 GI Elbow (100 mmØ)
10 GI Elbow (15 mmØ)
11 GI Elbow (20 mmØ)
12 GI Elbow (25 mmØ)
13 GI Elbow (32 mmØ)
14 GI Elbow (40 mmØ)
15 GI Elbow (50 mmØ)
16 GI Elbow (65 mmØ)
17 GI Elbow (80 mmØ)
18 GI Equal Tee (100 mmØ)
19 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ) 1
20 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ)
21 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ)
22 GI Equal Tee (65 mmØ)
23 GI Equal Tee (80 mmØ)
24 GI Nipple (100 mmØ)
25 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 3 3 3 11
26 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 2 8
27 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) 5 6 3
28 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) 6 2 2
29 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) 6
30 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) 6
31 GI Nipple (80 mmØ)
32 GI Plug (20 mmØ)
33 GI Plug (40 mmØ)
34 GI Plug (50 mmØ)
35 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m
36 GI Reducer Socket (125x100
37 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mm
38 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm
39 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm 1 1
40 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm 1
41 GI Reducer Socket (65x25 mm 1
42 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm
43 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm
44 GI Socket 20 mmØ
45 GI Socket 40 mmØ
46 GI Socket 50 mmØ
47 GI Strainer (100 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-04 VAC-05 VAC-06 VAC-07 VAC-08 VAC-09
48 GI Strainer (125 mmØ)
49 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
50 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
51 GI Strainer (40 mmØ)
52 GI Strainer (50 mmØ)
53 GI Strainer (65 mmØ)
54 GI Strainer (80 mmØ)
55 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ
56 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ)
57 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ)
58 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ) 1
59 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ)
60 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ) 1
61 GI Unequal Tee (32x25 mmØ)
62 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ)
63 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ)
64 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ)
65 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ)
66 GI Unequal Tee (50x20 mmØ)
67 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ)
68 GI Unequal Tee (65x20 mmØ) 1
69 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ)
70 GI Unequal Tee (80x25 mmØ)
71 GI Unequal Tee (80x50 mmØ)
72 GI Unequal Tee (80x65 mmØ)
73 GI Union (15 mmØ)
74 GI Union (20 mmØ) 2 2 2 7
75 GI Union (25 mmØ) 2 5
76 GI Union (32 mmØ) 4 3 2
77 GI Union (40 mmØ) 3 2 2
78 GI Union (50 mmØ) 3
79 GI Union (65 mmØ) 3
80 GI Union (80 mmØ)
81 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ)
82 GI-GI flange set (80 mmØ)
83 GI-HDP flange set (100x125
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-10 VAC-11 VAC-12 VAC-13 VAC-14 VAC-15
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 1 1 1 1 1 2
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 1
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 2 1 1
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) 2 2 1 1
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ)
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ)
7 GI Blind flange set (65 mmØ)
8 GI Blind flange set (80 mmØ)
9 GI Elbow (100 mmØ)
10 GI Elbow (15 mmØ)
11 GI Elbow (20 mmØ)
12 GI Elbow (25 mmØ)
13 GI Elbow (32 mmØ)
14 GI Elbow (40 mmØ)
15 GI Elbow (50 mmØ)
16 GI Elbow (65 mmØ)
17 GI Elbow (80 mmØ)
18 GI Equal Tee (100 mmØ)
19 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ)
20 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ)
21 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ)
22 GI Equal Tee (65 mmØ)
23 GI Equal Tee (80 mmØ)
24 GI Nipple (100 mmØ)
25 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 3 3 3 3 3 5
26 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 6
27 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) 8 6 2
28 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) 8 8 2 6
29 GI Nipple (50 mmØ)
30 GI Nipple (65 mmØ)
31 GI Nipple (80 mmØ)
32 GI Plug (20 mmØ)
33 GI Plug (40 mmØ)
34 GI Plug (50 mmØ)
35 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m
36 GI Reducer Socket (125x100
37 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mm 1
38 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm
39 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm 1 1
40 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm
41 GI Reducer Socket (65x25 mm
42 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm
43 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm
44 GI Socket 20 mmØ
45 GI Socket 40 mmØ
46 GI Socket 50 mmØ
47 GI Strainer (100 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-10 VAC-11 VAC-12 VAC-13 VAC-14 VAC-15
48 GI Strainer (125 mmØ)
49 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
50 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
51 GI Strainer (40 mmØ)
52 GI Strainer (50 mmØ)
53 GI Strainer (65 mmØ)
54 GI Strainer (80 mmØ)
55 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ
56 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ)
57 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ)
58 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ) 1
59 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ)
60 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ) 1 1
61 GI Unequal Tee (32x25 mmØ)
62 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ)
63 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ) 1 1 1
64 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ)
65 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ)
66 GI Unequal Tee (50x20 mmØ)
67 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ)
68 GI Unequal Tee (65x20 mmØ)
69 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ)
70 GI Unequal Tee (80x25 mmØ)
71 GI Unequal Tee (80x50 mmØ)
72 GI Unequal Tee (80x65 mmØ)
73 GI Union (15 mmØ)
74 GI Union (20 mmØ) 2 2 2 2 2 4
75 GI Union (25 mmØ) 3
76 GI Union (32 mmØ) 5 3 2
77 GI Union (40 mmØ) 5 5 2 3
78 GI Union (50 mmØ)
79 GI Union (65 mmØ)
80 GI Union (80 mmØ)
81 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ)
82 GI-GI flange set (80 mmØ)
83 GI-HDP flange set (100x125
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-18 VAC-19 VAC-20 VAC-21 VAC-22 VAC-23
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 1 1
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 1 1 1
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 2 2 2 1 1 1
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) 1
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ)
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ)
7 GI Blind flange set (65 mmØ)
8 GI Blind flange set (80 mmØ)
9 GI Elbow (100 mmØ)
10 GI Elbow (15 mmØ)
11 GI Elbow (20 mmØ)
12 GI Elbow (25 mmØ)
13 GI Elbow (32 mmØ)
14 GI Elbow (40 mmØ)
15 GI Elbow (50 mmØ)
16 GI Elbow (65 mmØ)
17 GI Elbow (80 mmØ)
18 GI Equal Tee (100 mmØ)
19 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ)
20 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ)
21 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ)
22 GI Equal Tee (65 mmØ)
23 GI Equal Tee (80 mmØ)
24 GI Nipple (100 mmØ) 6
25 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 3 3
26 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 3 3 3
27 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) 8 8 8 3 3 6
28 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) 2
29 GI Nipple (50 mmØ)
30 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) 2
31 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) 2 6
32 GI Plug (20 mmØ)
33 GI Plug (40 mmØ)
34 GI Plug (50 mmØ)
35 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m 1
36 GI Reducer Socket (125x100
37 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mm
38 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm
39 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm 1
40 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm
41 GI Reducer Socket (65x25 mm
42 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm
43 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm 1
44 GI Socket 20 mmØ
45 GI Socket 40 mmØ
46 GI Socket 50 mmØ
47 GI Strainer (100 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-18 VAC-19 VAC-20 VAC-21 VAC-22 VAC-23
48 GI Strainer (125 mmØ)
49 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
50 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
51 GI Strainer (40 mmØ)
52 GI Strainer (50 mmØ)
53 GI Strainer (65 mmØ)
54 GI Strainer (80 mmØ)
55 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ
56 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ)
57 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ)
58 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ)
59 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ)
60 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ) 1 1
61 GI Unequal Tee (32x25 mmØ) 1 1
62 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ)
63 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ)
64 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ)
65 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ)
66 GI Unequal Tee (50x20 mmØ)
67 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ)
68 GI Unequal Tee (65x20 mmØ)
69 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ)
70 GI Unequal Tee (80x25 mmØ) 1
71 GI Unequal Tee (80x50 mmØ)
72 GI Unequal Tee (80x65 mmØ)
73 GI Union (15 mmØ)
74 GI Union (20 mmØ) 2 2
75 GI Union (25 mmØ) 2 2 2
76 GI Union (32 mmØ) 5 5 5 2 2 3
77 GI Union (40 mmØ) 2
78 GI Union (50 mmØ)
79 GI Union (65 mmØ) 2
80 GI Union (80 mmØ) 2 3
81 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ) 3
82 GI-GI flange set (80 mmØ)
83 GI-HDP flange set (100x125 1
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-24 VAC-25 VAC-26 VAC-27 VAC-28 VAC-29
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 1 1 1 1
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ)
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 1 1
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) 1 1
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ)
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ)
7 GI Blind flange set (65 mmØ)
8 GI Blind flange set (80 mmØ)
9 GI Elbow (100 mmØ)
10 GI Elbow (15 mmØ)
11 GI Elbow (20 mmØ)
12 GI Elbow (25 mmØ)
13 GI Elbow (32 mmØ)
14 GI Elbow (40 mmØ)
15 GI Elbow (50 mmØ)
16 GI Elbow (65 mmØ)
17 GI Elbow (80 mmØ)
18 GI Equal Tee (100 mmØ)
19 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ)
20 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ)
21 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ)
22 GI Equal Tee (65 mmØ)
23 GI Equal Tee (80 mmØ)
24 GI Nipple (100 mmØ)
25 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 3 3 3 3
26 GI Nipple (25 mmØ)
27 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) 6 3
28 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) 2 6
29 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) 3 2 2 2
30 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) 6 2 6 6
31 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) 2 6
32 GI Plug (20 mmØ)
33 GI Plug (40 mmØ)
34 GI Plug (50 mmØ)
35 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m
36 GI Reducer Socket (125x100
37 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mm
38 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm
39 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm 1
40 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm 1
41 GI Reducer Socket (65x25 mm
42 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm 1 1
43 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm 1 1
44 GI Socket 20 mmØ
45 GI Socket 40 mmØ
46 GI Socket 50 mmØ
47 GI Strainer (100 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-24 VAC-25 VAC-26 VAC-27 VAC-28 VAC-29
48 GI Strainer (125 mmØ)
49 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
50 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
51 GI Strainer (40 mmØ)
52 GI Strainer (50 mmØ)
53 GI Strainer (65 mmØ)
54 GI Strainer (80 mmØ)
55 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ
56 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ)
57 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ)
58 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ)
59 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ)
60 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ) 1
61 GI Unequal Tee (32x25 mmØ)
62 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ)
63 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ) 1
64 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ)
65 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ)
66 GI Unequal Tee (50x20 mmØ)
67 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ)
68 GI Unequal Tee (65x20 mmØ) 1 1
69 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ)
70 GI Unequal Tee (80x25 mmØ)
71 GI Unequal Tee (80x50 mmØ) 1
72 GI Unequal Tee (80x65 mmØ)
73 GI Union (15 mmØ)
74 GI Union (20 mmØ) 2 2 2 2
75 GI Union (25 mmØ)
76 GI Union (32 mmØ) 3 2
77 GI Union (40 mmØ) 2 3
78 GI Union (50 mmØ) 2 2 2 2
79 GI Union (65 mmØ) 3 2 3 3
80 GI Union (80 mmØ) 2 3
81 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ)
82 GI-GI flange set (80 mmØ)
83 GI-HDP flange set (100x125
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-30 VAC-31 VAC-32 VAC-33 VAC-34 VAC-35
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 1 1 1 3
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 1 1
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 1
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) 1 1 1 2 1
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ)
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ)
7 GI Blind flange set (65 mmØ)
8 GI Blind flange set (80 mmØ)
9 GI Elbow (100 mmØ)
10 GI Elbow (15 mmØ)
11 GI Elbow (20 mmØ)
12 GI Elbow (25 mmØ)
13 GI Elbow (32 mmØ)
14 GI Elbow (40 mmØ)
15 GI Elbow (50 mmØ)
16 GI Elbow (65 mmØ)
17 GI Elbow (80 mmØ)
18 GI Equal Tee (100 mmØ)
19 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ) 1
20 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ)
21 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ)
22 GI Equal Tee (65 mmØ)
23 GI Equal Tee (80 mmØ)
24 GI Nipple (100 mmØ)
25 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 3 3 3 11
26 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 3 3
27 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) 2
28 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) 6 2 6 8 6
29 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) 2 6 2
30 GI Nipple (65 mmØ)
31 GI Nipple (80 mmØ)
32 GI Plug (20 mmØ)
33 GI Plug (40 mmØ)
34 GI Plug (50 mmØ)
35 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m
36 GI Reducer Socket (125x100
37 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mm
38 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm
39 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm 1
40 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm 1 1 1
41 GI Reducer Socket (65x25 mm
42 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm
43 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm
44 GI Socket 20 mmØ
45 GI Socket 40 mmØ
46 GI Socket 50 mmØ
47 GI Strainer (100 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-30 VAC-31 VAC-32 VAC-33 VAC-34 VAC-35
48 GI Strainer (125 mmØ)
49 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
50 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
51 GI Strainer (40 mmØ)
52 GI Strainer (50 mmØ)
53 GI Strainer (65 mmØ)
54 GI Strainer (80 mmØ)
55 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ
56 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ)
57 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ)
58 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ)
59 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ)
60 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ)
61 GI Unequal Tee (32x25 mmØ)
62 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ)
63 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ) 1 1
64 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ) 1 1
65 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ)
66 GI Unequal Tee (50x20 mmØ) 1
67 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ)
68 GI Unequal Tee (65x20 mmØ)
69 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ)
70 GI Unequal Tee (80x25 mmØ)
71 GI Unequal Tee (80x50 mmØ)
72 GI Unequal Tee (80x65 mmØ)
73 GI Union (15 mmØ)
74 GI Union (20 mmØ) 2 2 2 7
75 GI Union (25 mmØ) 2 2
76 GI Union (32 mmØ) 2
77 GI Union (40 mmØ) 3 2 3 5 3
78 GI Union (50 mmØ) 2 3 2
79 GI Union (65 mmØ)
80 GI Union (80 mmØ)
81 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ)
82 GI-GI flange set (80 mmØ)
83 GI-HDP flange set (100x125
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-36 VAC-37 WSV-01 WSV-02 WSV-03 WSV-04
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 1 1
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 2 1
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 1
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ)
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ)
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ)
7 GI Blind flange set (65 mmØ)
8 GI Blind flange set (80 mmØ)
9 GI Elbow (100 mmØ)
10 GI Elbow (15 mmØ)
11 GI Elbow (20 mmØ)
12 GI Elbow (25 mmØ)
13 GI Elbow (32 mmØ)
14 GI Elbow (40 mmØ)
15 GI Elbow (50 mmØ)
16 GI Elbow (65 mmØ)
17 GI Elbow (80 mmØ)
18 GI Equal Tee (100 mmØ) 1 1
19 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ)
20 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ)
21 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ)
22 GI Equal Tee (65 mmØ)
23 GI Equal Tee (80 mmØ) 1 1
24 GI Nipple (100 mmØ) 4 4
25 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 3 3
26 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 8 6
27 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) 2
28 GI Nipple (40 mmØ)
29 GI Nipple (50 mmØ)
30 GI Nipple (65 mmØ)
31 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) 4 4
32 GI Plug (20 mmØ)
33 GI Plug (40 mmØ)
34 GI Plug (50 mmØ)
35 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m
36 GI Reducer Socket (125x100
37 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mm
38 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm 1
39 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm
40 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm
41 GI Reducer Socket (65x25 mm
42 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm
43 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm
44 GI Socket 20 mmØ
45 GI Socket 40 mmØ
46 GI Socket 50 mmØ
47 GI Strainer (100 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-36 VAC-37 WSV-01 WSV-02 WSV-03 WSV-04
48 GI Strainer (125 mmØ)
49 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
50 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
51 GI Strainer (40 mmØ)
52 GI Strainer (50 mmØ)
53 GI Strainer (65 mmØ)
54 GI Strainer (80 mmØ)
55 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ
56 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ)
57 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ)
58 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ) 1 1
59 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ)
60 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ)
61 GI Unequal Tee (32x25 mmØ)
62 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ)
63 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ)
64 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ)
65 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ)
66 GI Unequal Tee (50x20 mmØ)
67 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ)
68 GI Unequal Tee (65x20 mmØ)
69 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ)
70 GI Unequal Tee (80x25 mmØ)
71 GI Unequal Tee (80x50 mmØ)
72 GI Unequal Tee (80x65 mmØ)
73 GI Union (15 mmØ)
74 GI Union (20 mmØ) 2 2
75 GI Union (25 mmØ) 5 3
76 GI Union (32 mmØ) 2
77 GI Union (40 mmØ)
78 GI Union (50 mmØ)
79 GI Union (65 mmØ)
80 GI Union (80 mmØ) 3 3
81 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ) 3 3
82 GI-GI flange set (80 mmØ)
83 GI-HDP flange set (100x125 3 3
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description WSV-05 WSV-06 WSV-07 WSV-08 WSV-09 WSV-10
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 3
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 3
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ)
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ)
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ)
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ)
7 GI Blind flange set (65 mmØ)
8 GI Blind flange set (80 mmØ)
9 GI Elbow (100 mmØ)
10 GI Elbow (15 mmØ)
11 GI Elbow (20 mmØ)
12 GI Elbow (25 mmØ)
13 GI Elbow (32 mmØ)
14 GI Elbow (40 mmØ)
15 GI Elbow (50 mmØ)
16 GI Elbow (65 mmØ)
17 GI Elbow (80 mmØ)
18 GI Equal Tee (100 mmØ) 1
19 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ) 1
20 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ) 1
21 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ) 1
22 GI Equal Tee (65 mmØ) 1
23 GI Equal Tee (80 mmØ) 1
24 GI Nipple (100 mmØ) 4
25 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 4
26 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 4
27 GI Nipple (32 mmØ)
28 GI Nipple (40 mmØ)
29 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) 4
30 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) 4
31 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) 4
32 GI Plug (20 mmØ)
33 GI Plug (40 mmØ)
34 GI Plug (50 mmØ)
35 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m
36 GI Reducer Socket (125x100
37 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mm
38 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm
39 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm
40 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm
41 GI Reducer Socket (65x25 mm
42 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm
43 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm
44 GI Socket 20 mmØ
45 GI Socket 40 mmØ
46 GI Socket 50 mmØ
47 GI Strainer (100 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description WSV-05 WSV-06 WSV-07 WSV-08 WSV-09 WSV-10
48 GI Strainer (125 mmØ)
49 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
50 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
51 GI Strainer (40 mmØ)
52 GI Strainer (50 mmØ)
53 GI Strainer (65 mmØ)
54 GI Strainer (80 mmØ)
55 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ
56 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ)
57 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ)
58 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ)
59 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ)
60 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ)
61 GI Unequal Tee (32x25 mmØ)
62 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ)
63 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ)
64 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ)
65 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ)
66 GI Unequal Tee (50x20 mmØ)
67 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ)
68 GI Unequal Tee (65x20 mmØ)
69 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ)
70 GI Unequal Tee (80x25 mmØ)
71 GI Unequal Tee (80x50 mmØ)
72 GI Unequal Tee (80x65 mmØ)
73 GI Union (15 mmØ)
74 GI Union (20 mmØ) 3
75 GI Union (25 mmØ) 3
76 GI Union (32 mmØ)
77 GI Union (40 mmØ)
78 GI Union (50 mmØ) 3
79 GI Union (65 mmØ) 3
80 GI Union (80 mmØ) 3
81 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ) 3
82 GI-GI flange set (80 mmØ)
83 GI-HDP flange set (100x125 3
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description WSV-11 WSV-12 TransmissionlDistribution l PPR line Extra
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 3 6
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 3 2
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 1
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) 2
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ)
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ)
7 GI Blind flange set (65 mmØ)
8 GI Blind flange set (80 mmØ)
9 GI Elbow (100 mmØ)
10 GI Elbow (15 mmØ)
11 GI Elbow (20 mmØ)
12 GI Elbow (25 mmØ)
13 GI Elbow (32 mmØ)
14 GI Elbow (40 mmØ)
15 GI Elbow (50 mmØ)
16 GI Elbow (65 mmØ)
17 GI Elbow (80 mmØ)
18 GI Equal Tee (100 mmØ)
19 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ) 1
20 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ) 1
21 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ)
22 GI Equal Tee (65 mmØ)
23 GI Equal Tee (80 mmØ)
24 GI Nipple (100 mmØ)
25 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 4 22
26 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 4 2
27 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) 1
28 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) 2
29 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) 1
30 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) 1
31 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) 3
32 GI Plug (20 mmØ) 16
33 GI Plug (40 mmØ)
34 GI Plug (50 mmØ)
35 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m
36 GI Reducer Socket (125x100
37 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mm
38 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm
39 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm
40 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm
41 GI Reducer Socket (65x25 mm
42 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm
43 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm
44 GI Socket 20 mmØ 16
45 GI Socket 40 mmØ
46 GI Socket 50 mmØ
47 GI Strainer (100 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description WSV-11 WSV-12 TransmissionlDistribution l PPR line Extra
48 GI Strainer (125 mmØ)
49 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
50 GI Strainer (32 mmØ)
51 GI Strainer (40 mmØ)
52 GI Strainer (50 mmØ)
53 GI Strainer (65 mmØ)
54 GI Strainer (80 mmØ)
55 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ
56 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ)
57 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ)
58 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ)
59 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ)
60 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ)
61 GI Unequal Tee (32x25 mmØ)
62 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ)
63 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ)
64 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ)
65 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ)
66 GI Unequal Tee (50x20 mmØ)
67 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ)
68 GI Unequal Tee (65x20 mmØ)
69 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ)
70 GI Unequal Tee (80x25 mmØ)
71 GI Unequal Tee (80x50 mmØ)
72 GI Unequal Tee (80x65 mmØ)
73 GI Union (15 mmØ)
74 GI Union (20 mmØ) 3
75 GI Union (25 mmØ) 3
76 GI Union (32 mmØ)
77 GI Union (40 mmØ)
78 GI Union (50 mmØ)
79 GI Union (65 mmØ)
80 GI Union (80 mmØ)
81 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ)
82 GI-GI flange set (80 mmØ) 30
83 GI-HDP flange set (100x125
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description TotalQty Rate(Rs) Amount
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 49 Err:504 Err:504
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 32 Err:504 Err:504
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 32 Err:504 Err:504
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) 34 Err:504 Err:504
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ) 17 Err:504 Err:504
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ) 4 Err:504 Err:504
7 GI Blind flange set (65 mmØ) 3 Err:504 Err:504
8 GI Blind flange set (80 mmØ) 2 Err:504 Err:504
9 GI Elbow (100 mmØ) 4 Err:504 Err:504
10 GI Elbow (15 mmØ) 16 Err:504 Err:504
11 GI Elbow (20 mmØ) 9 Err:504 Err:504
12 GI Elbow (25 mmØ) 9 Err:504 Err:504
13 GI Elbow (32 mmØ) 6 Err:504 Err:504
14 GI Elbow (40 mmØ) 11 Err:504 Err:504
15 GI Elbow (50 mmØ) 17 Err:504 Err:504
16 GI Elbow (65 mmØ) 10 Err:504 Err:504
17 GI Elbow (80 mmØ) 8 Err:504 Err:504
18 GI Equal Tee (100 mmØ) 3 Err:504 Err:504
19 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ) 4 Err:504 Err:504
20 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ) 2 Err:504 Err:504
21 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ) 2 Err:504 Err:504
22 GI Equal Tee (65 mmØ) 2 Err:504 Err:504
23 GI Equal Tee (80 mmØ) 3 Err:504 Err:504
24 GI Nipple (100 mmØ) 24 Err:504 Err:504
25 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 126 Err:504 Err:504
26 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 61 Err:504 Err:504
27 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) 88 Err:504 Err:504
28 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) 88 Err:504 Err:504
29 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) 46 Err:504 Err:504
30 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) 43 Err:504 Err:504
31 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) 44 Err:504 Err:504
32 GI Plug (20 mmØ) 16 Err:504 Err:504
33 GI Plug (40 mmØ) 5 Err:504 Err:504
34 GI Plug (50 mmØ) 4 Err:504 Err:504
35 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m 3 Err:504 Err:504
36 GI Reducer Socket (125x100 2 Err:504 Err:504
37 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mm 4 Err:504 Err:504
38 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm 2 Err:504 Err:504
39 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm 9 Err:504 Err:504
40 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm 9 Err:504 Err:504
41 GI Reducer Socket (65x25 mm 1 Err:504 Err:504
42 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm 6 Err:504 Err:504
43 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm 5 Err:504 Err:504
44 GI Socket 20 mmØ 16 Err:504 Err:504
45 GI Socket 40 mmØ 5 Err:504 Err:504
46 GI Socket 50 mmØ 4 Err:504 Err:504
47 GI Strainer (100 mmØ) 2 Err:504 Err:504
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description TotalQty Rate(Rs) Amount
48 GI Strainer (125 mmØ) 2 Err:504 Err:504
49 GI Strainer (32 mmØ) 3 Err:504 Err:504
50 GI Strainer (32 mmØ) 1 Err:504 Err:504
51 GI Strainer (40 mmØ) 2 Err:504 Err:504
52 GI Strainer (50 mmØ) 4 Err:504 Err:504
53 GI Strainer (65 mmØ) 4 Err:504 Err:504
54 GI Strainer (80 mmØ) 1 Err:504 Err:504
55 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ 4 Err:504 Err:504
56 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ) 5 Err:504 Err:504
57 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ) 5 Err:504 Err:504
58 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ) 4 Err:504 Err:504
59 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ) 5 Err:504 Err:504
60 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ) 6 Err:504 Err:504
61 GI Unequal Tee (32x25 mmØ) 2 Err:504 Err:504
62 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ) 8 Err:504 Err:504
63 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ) 6 Err:504 Err:504
64 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ) 2 Err:504 Err:504
65 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ) 4 Err:504 Err:504
66 GI Unequal Tee (50x20 mmØ) 1 Err:504 Err:504
67 GI Unequal Tee (65x15 mmØ) 1 Err:504 Err:504
68 GI Unequal Tee (65x20 mmØ) 3 Err:504 Err:504
69 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ) 3 Err:504 Err:504
70 GI Unequal Tee (80x25 mmØ) 1 Err:504 Err:504
71 GI Unequal Tee (80x50 mmØ) 1 Err:504 Err:504
72 GI Unequal Tee (80x65 mmØ) 1 Err:504 Err:504
73 GI Union (15 mmØ) 17 Err:504 Err:504
74 GI Union (20 mmØ) 68 Err:504 Err:504
75 GI Union (25 mmØ) 36 Err:504 Err:504
76 GI Union (32 mmØ) 54 Err:504 Err:504
77 GI Union (40 mmØ) 53 Err:504 Err:504
78 GI Union (50 mmØ) 29 Err:504 Err:504
79 GI Union (65 mmØ) 25 Err:504 Err:504
80 GI Union (80 mmØ) 26 Err:504 Err:504
81 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ) 16 Err:504 Err:504
82 GI-GI flange set (80 mmØ) 30 Err:504 Err:504
83 GI-HDP flange set (100x125 14 Err:504 Err:504
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description Units AVC-01 AVC-02 AVC-03 AVC-04 AVC-05
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) no 2
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) no 2
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) no 2 2
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) no
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ) no 1 1 1 1 1
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ) set
7 GI Elbow (100 mmØ) no
8 GI Elbow (15 mmØ) no
9 GI Elbow (32 mmØ) no
10 GI Elbow (40 mmØ) no
11 GI Elbow (50 mmØ) no
12 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ) no
13 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ) no
14 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ) no
15 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) no
16 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) no
17 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) no
18 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) no
19 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) no
20 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) no
21 GI Plug (20 mmØ) no
22 GI Plug (50 mmØ) no
23 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m no
24 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mmno
25 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mmno
26 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mmno
27 GI Reducer Socket (80x50 mmno
28 GI Socket 20 mmØ no
29 GI Socket 50 mmØ no
30 GI Strainer (100 mmØ) no
31 GI Strainer (50 mmØ) no
32 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ) no 1
33 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ) no 1
34 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ) no 1 1
35 GI Unequal Tee (32x25 mmØ) no
36 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ) no
37 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ) no
38 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ) no 1
39 GI Unequal Tee (50x20 mmØ) no
40 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ) no
41 GI Unequal Tee (80x40 mmØ) no
42 GI Union (15 mmØ) no 1 1 1 1 1
43 GI Union (20 mmØ) no
44 GI Union (25 mmØ) no
45 GI Union (32 mmØ) no
46 GI Union (40 mmØ) no
47 GI Union (50 mmØ) no
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description Units AVC-01 AVC-02 AVC-03 AVC-04 AVC-05
48 GI Union (80 mmØ) no
49 GI-GI flange set (40 mmØ) set
50 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm set 2
51 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm set
52 PPR female socket (50x63 mmno
53 PPR female union (20x25 mm no
54 PPR female union (32x40 mm no
55 PPR Reducer socket (50x40 no
56 PPR Reducer socket (63x50 no
57 PPR socket (25 mmØ) no
58 PPR socket (40 mmØ) no
59 PPR socket (50 mmØ) no
60 PPR socket (63 mmØ) no
61 GM Gate Valve (20 mmØ) no
62 GM Gate Valve (25 mmØ) no
63 GM Gate Valve (32 mmØ) no
64 GM Gate Valve (40 mmØ) no
65 GM Gate Valve (80 mmØ) no
66 GM Globe Valve (20 mmØ) no
67 GM Globe Valve (25 mmØ) no
68 GM Globe Valve (32 mmØ) no
69 GM Globe Valve (40 mmØ) no
70 GM Globe Valve (50 mmØ) no
71 Total:
72 GI Pipe (100mm)-MC m
73 GI Pipe (15mm)-MC m 1 1 1 1 1
74 GI Pipe (20mm)-MC m 2
75 GI Pipe (25mm)-MC m 2
76 GI Pipe (32mm)-MC m 2 2
77 GI Pipe (40mm)-MC m
78 GI Pipe (50mm)-MC m 2
79 GI Pipe (80mm)-MC m
80 HDPE Pipe(110mm)-4Kg/cm2m
81 HDPE Pipe(63mm)-4Kg/cm2 m
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description AVC-06 BPT-01 INT-01 RCT-01 RCT-02 VAC-01
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ)
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 2
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 1
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) 1 1 2 1 1
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ) 1
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ) 1
7 GI Elbow (100 mmØ) 1
8 GI Elbow (15 mmØ) 1 1 1
9 GI Elbow (32 mmØ) 3
10 GI Elbow (40 mmØ) 3 3
11 GI Elbow (50 mmØ) 1 1
12 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ)
13 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ)
14 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ)
15 GI Nipple (20 mmØ)
16 GI Nipple (25 mmØ)
17 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) 1
18 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) 3 2 4 1 3
19 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) 2
20 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) 3 6
21 GI Plug (20 mmØ)
22 GI Plug (50 mmØ) 1 1
23 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m 1
24 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm
25 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm
26 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm 1 1 1
27 GI Reducer Socket (80x50 mm 1
28 GI Socket 20 mmØ
29 GI Socket 50 mmØ 1 1
30 GI Strainer (100 mmØ) 1
31 GI Strainer (50 mmØ) 1 1 1
32 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ)
33 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ) 1
34 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ)
35 GI Unequal Tee (32x25 mmØ)
36 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ) 1 1
37 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ)
38 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ)
39 GI Unequal Tee (50x20 mmØ)
40 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ) 1
41 GI Unequal Tee (80x40 mmØ) 1
42 GI Union (15 mmØ) 1
43 GI Union (20 mmØ)
44 GI Union (25 mmØ)
45 GI Union (32 mmØ)
46 GI Union (40 mmØ) 2 2 2 2
47 GI Union (50 mmØ) 2
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description AVC-06 BPT-01 INT-01 RCT-01 RCT-02 VAC-01
48 GI Union (80 mmØ) 2 3
49 GI-GI flange set (40 mmØ)
50 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm 1
51 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm 1
52 PPR female socket (50x63 mm
53 PPR female union (20x25 mm
54 PPR female union (32x40 mm
55 PPR Reducer socket (50x40
56 PPR Reducer socket (63x50
57 PPR socket (25 mmØ)
58 PPR socket (40 mmØ)
59 PPR socket (50 mmØ)
60 PPR socket (63 mmØ)
61 GM Gate Valve (20 mmØ)
62 GM Gate Valve (25 mmØ)
63 GM Gate Valve (32 mmØ) 1
64 GM Gate Valve (40 mmØ) 1 1 2 1
65 GM Gate Valve (80 mmØ) 1
66 GM Globe Valve (20 mmØ)
67 GM Globe Valve (25 mmØ)
68 GM Globe Valve (32 mmØ)
69 GM Globe Valve (40 mmØ) 1
70 GM Globe Valve (50 mmØ) 1
71 Total:
72 GI Pipe (100mm)-MC 2.75
73 GI Pipe (15mm)-MC 1 1.5 3 3
74 GI Pipe (20mm)-MC
75 GI Pipe (25mm)-MC 2
76 GI Pipe (32mm)-MC 2.3
77 GI Pipe (40mm)-MC 1.5 1.5 6.2 4.5 0.75
78 GI Pipe (50mm)-MC 1.75 2.75 0.75
79 GI Pipe (80mm)-MC 1.7 0.75
80 HDPE Pipe(110mm)-4Kg/cm2 5
81 HDPE Pipe(63mm)-4Kg/cm2 5 5
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-02 VAC-03 VAC-04 VAC-05 VAC-06 VAC-07
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 3 1 3
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 2 1 1
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 1 1
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) 1 1
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ)
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ)
7 GI Elbow (100 mmØ)
8 GI Elbow (15 mmØ)
9 GI Elbow (32 mmØ)
10 GI Elbow (40 mmØ)
11 GI Elbow (50 mmØ)
12 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ) 1 1
13 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ)
14 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ)
15 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 11 3 11
16 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 5 3 3
17 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) 6 2
18 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) 6 6
19 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) 2 8
20 GI Nipple (80 mmØ)
21 GI Plug (20 mmØ)
22 GI Plug (50 mmØ)
23 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m
24 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm 1
25 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm 1
26 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm 1
27 GI Reducer Socket (80x50 mm
28 GI Socket 20 mmØ
29 GI Socket 50 mmØ
30 GI Strainer (100 mmØ)
31 GI Strainer (50 mmØ)
32 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ)
33 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ)
34 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ)
35 GI Unequal Tee (32x25 mmØ) 1
36 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ)
37 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ) 1 1
38 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ)
39 GI Unequal Tee (50x20 mmØ) 1
40 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ)
41 GI Unequal Tee (80x40 mmØ)
42 GI Union (15 mmØ)
43 GI Union (20 mmØ) 7 2 7
44 GI Union (25 mmØ) 4 2 2
45 GI Union (32 mmØ) 3 2
46 GI Union (40 mmØ) 3 3
47 GI Union (50 mmØ) 2 5
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-02 VAC-03 VAC-04 VAC-05 VAC-06 VAC-07
48 GI Union (80 mmØ)
49 GI-GI flange set (40 mmØ)
50 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm 1 2
51 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm
52 PPR female socket (50x63 mm
53 PPR female union (20x25 mm
54 PPR female union (32x40 mm
55 PPR Reducer socket (50x40
56 PPR Reducer socket (63x50
57 PPR socket (25 mmØ)
58 PPR socket (40 mmØ)
59 PPR socket (50 mmØ)
60 PPR socket (63 mmØ)
61 GM Gate Valve (20 mmØ)
62 GM Gate Valve (25 mmØ)
63 GM Gate Valve (32 mmØ)
64 GM Gate Valve (40 mmØ)
65 GM Gate Valve (80 mmØ)
66 GM Globe Valve (20 mmØ) 2 1 2
67 GM Globe Valve (25 mmØ) 2 1 1
68 GM Globe Valve (32 mmØ) 1
69 GM Globe Valve (40 mmØ)
70 GM Globe Valve (50 mmØ) 1 1
71 Total:
72 GI Pipe (100mm)-MC
73 GI Pipe (15mm)-MC
74 GI Pipe (20mm)-MC 2.25 0.75 2.25
75 GI Pipe (25mm)-MC 1.5 0.75 0.75
76 GI Pipe (32mm)-MC 0.75 0.75
77 GI Pipe (40mm)-MC 0.75 0.75
78 GI Pipe (50mm)-MC 0.75 1.5
79 GI Pipe (80mm)-MC
80 HDPE Pipe(110mm)-4Kg/cm2
81 HDPE Pipe(63mm)-4Kg/cm2
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description WSV-01 WSV-02 WSV-03 WSV-04 WSV-05 WSV-06
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 3 3
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 3
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 3 3 3
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ)
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ)
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ)
7 GI Elbow (100 mmØ)
8 GI Elbow (15 mmØ)
9 GI Elbow (32 mmØ)
10 GI Elbow (40 mmØ)
11 GI Elbow (50 mmØ)
12 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ) 1 1
13 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ) 1
14 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ) 1 1 1
15 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 4 4
16 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 4
17 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) 4 4 4
18 GI Nipple (40 mmØ)
19 GI Nipple (50 mmØ)
20 GI Nipple (80 mmØ)
21 GI Plug (20 mmØ)
22 GI Plug (50 mmØ)
23 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m
24 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm
25 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm
26 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm
27 GI Reducer Socket (80x50 mm
28 GI Socket 20 mmØ
29 GI Socket 50 mmØ
30 GI Strainer (100 mmØ)
31 GI Strainer (50 mmØ)
32 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ)
33 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ)
34 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ)
35 GI Unequal Tee (32x25 mmØ)
36 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ)
37 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ)
38 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ)
39 GI Unequal Tee (50x20 mmØ)
40 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ)
41 GI Unequal Tee (80x40 mmØ)
42 GI Union (15 mmØ)
43 GI Union (20 mmØ) 3 3
44 GI Union (25 mmØ) 3
45 GI Union (32 mmØ) 3 3 3
46 GI Union (40 mmØ)
47 GI Union (50 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description WSV-01 WSV-02 WSV-03 WSV-04 WSV-05 WSV-06
48 GI Union (80 mmØ)
49 GI-GI flange set (40 mmØ)
50 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm
51 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm
52 PPR female socket (50x63 mm
53 PPR female union (20x25 mm
54 PPR female union (32x40 mm
55 PPR Reducer socket (50x40
56 PPR Reducer socket (63x50
57 PPR socket (25 mmØ)
58 PPR socket (40 mmØ)
59 PPR socket (50 mmØ)
60 PPR socket (63 mmØ)
61 GM Gate Valve (20 mmØ) 1 1
62 GM Gate Valve (25 mmØ) 1
63 GM Gate Valve (32 mmØ) 1 1 1
64 GM Gate Valve (40 mmØ)
65 GM Gate Valve (80 mmØ)
66 GM Globe Valve (20 mmØ)
67 GM Globe Valve (25 mmØ)
68 GM Globe Valve (32 mmØ)
69 GM Globe Valve (40 mmØ)
70 GM Globe Valve (50 mmØ)
71 Total:
72 GI Pipe (100mm)-MC
73 GI Pipe (15mm)-MC
74 GI Pipe (20mm)-MC 2.25 2.25
75 GI Pipe (25mm)-MC 2.25
76 GI Pipe (32mm)-MC 2.25 2.25 2.25
77 GI Pipe (40mm)-MC
78 GI Pipe (50mm)-MC
79 GI Pipe (80mm)-MC
80 HDPE Pipe(110mm)-4Kg/cm2
81 HDPE Pipe(63mm)-4Kg/cm2
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description WSV-07 TransmissionlDistribution l PPR line Extra TotalQty
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 1 16
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 3 14
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 16
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) 8
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ) 6
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ) 1
7 GI Elbow (100 mmØ) 1
8 GI Elbow (15 mmØ) 3
9 GI Elbow (32 mmØ) 3
10 GI Elbow (40 mmØ) 6
11 GI Elbow (50 mmØ) 2
12 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ) 4
13 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ) 1 2
14 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ) 3
15 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 4 37
16 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 4 19
17 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) 21
18 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) 25
19 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) 1 13
20 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) 9
21 GI Plug (20 mmØ) 3 3
22 GI Plug (50 mmØ) 2
23 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m 1
24 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm 1
25 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm 1
26 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm 4
27 GI Reducer Socket (80x50 mm 1
28 GI Socket 20 mmØ 3 3
29 GI Socket 50 mmØ 2
30 GI Strainer (100 mmØ) 1
31 GI Strainer (50 mmØ) 3
32 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ) 1
33 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ) 2
34 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ) 2
35 GI Unequal Tee (32x25 mmØ) 1
36 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ) 2
37 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ) 2
38 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ) 1
39 GI Unequal Tee (50x20 mmØ) 1
40 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ) 1
41 GI Unequal Tee (80x40 mmØ) 1
42 GI Union (15 mmØ) 6
43 GI Union (20 mmØ) 22
44 GI Union (25 mmØ) 3 14
45 GI Union (32 mmØ) 14
46 GI Union (40 mmØ) 14
47 GI Union (50 mmØ) 9
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description WSV-07 TransmissionlDistribution l PPR line Extra TotalQty
48 GI Union (80 mmØ) 5
49 GI-GI flange set (40 mmØ) 20 20
50 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm 1 7
51 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm 1
52 PPR female socket (50x63 mm 1 1
53 PPR female union (20x25 mm 5 5
54 PPR female union (32x40 mm 1 1
55 PPR Reducer socket (50x40 1 1
56 PPR Reducer socket (63x50 1 1
57 PPR socket (25 mmØ) 75 75
58 PPR socket (40 mmØ) 123 123
59 PPR socket (50 mmØ) 65 65
60 PPR socket (63 mmØ) 7 7
61 GM Gate Valve (20 mmØ) 2
62 GM Gate Valve (25 mmØ) 1 2
63 GM Gate Valve (32 mmØ) 4
64 GM Gate Valve (40 mmØ) 5
65 GM Gate Valve (80 mmØ) 1
66 GM Globe Valve (20 mmØ) 5
67 GM Globe Valve (25 mmØ) 4
68 GM Globe Valve (32 mmØ) 1
69 GM Globe Valve (40 mmØ) 1
70 GM Globe Valve (50 mmØ) 3
71 Total:
72 GI Pipe (100mm)-MC 3.25 6
73 GI Pipe (15mm)-MC 10.5 24
74 GI Pipe (20mm)-MC 6.25 18
75 GI Pipe (25mm)-MC 2.25 6.5 18
76 GI Pipe (32mm)-MC 9.45 24
77 GI Pipe (40mm)-MC 8.05 24
78 GI Pipe (50mm)-MC 8.5 18
79 GI Pipe (80mm)-MC 3.55 6
80 HDPE Pipe(110mm)-4Kg/cm2 10 15
81 HDPE Pipe(63mm)-4Kg/cm2 15 25
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description Rate(Rs) Amount
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
7 GI Elbow (100 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
8 GI Elbow (15 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
9 GI Elbow (32 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
10 GI Elbow (40 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
11 GI Elbow (50 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
12 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
13 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
14 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
15 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
16 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
17 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
18 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
19 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
20 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
21 GI Plug (20 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
22 GI Plug (50 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
23 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 m Err:504 Err:504
24 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm Err:504 Err:504
25 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm Err:504 Err:504
26 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm Err:504 Err:504
27 GI Reducer Socket (80x50 mm Err:504 Err:504
28 GI Socket 20 mmØ Err:504 Err:504
29 GI Socket 50 mmØ Err:504 Err:504
30 GI Strainer (100 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
31 GI Strainer (50 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
32 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
33 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
34 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
35 GI Unequal Tee (32x25 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
36 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
37 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
38 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
39 GI Unequal Tee (50x20 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
40 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
41 GI Unequal Tee (80x40 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
42 GI Union (15 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
43 GI Union (20 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
44 GI Union (25 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
45 GI Union (32 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
46 GI Union (40 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
47 GI Union (50 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description Rate(Rs) Amount
48 GI Union (80 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
49 GI-GI flange set (40 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
50 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm Err:504 Err:504
51 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm Err:504 Err:504
52 PPR female socket (50x63 mm Err:504 Err:504
53 PPR female union (20x25 mm Err:504 Err:504
54 PPR female union (32x40 mm Err:504 Err:504
55 PPR Reducer socket (50x40 Err:504 Err:504
56 PPR Reducer socket (63x50 Err:504 Err:504
57 PPR socket (25 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
58 PPR socket (40 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
59 PPR socket (50 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
60 PPR socket (63 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
61 GM Gate Valve (20 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
62 GM Gate Valve (25 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
63 GM Gate Valve (32 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
64 GM Gate Valve (40 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
65 GM Gate Valve (80 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
66 GM Globe Valve (20 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
67 GM Globe Valve (25 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
68 GM Globe Valve (32 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
69 GM Globe Valve (40 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
70 GM Globe Valve (50 mmØ) Err:504 Err:504
71 Total: Err:504
72 GI Pipe (100mm)-MC 0
73 GI Pipe (15mm)-MC 0
74 GI Pipe (20mm)-MC 0
75 GI Pipe (25mm)-MC 0
76 GI Pipe (32mm)-MC 0
77 GI Pipe (40mm)-MC 0
78 GI Pipe (50mm)-MC 0
79 GI Pipe (80mm)-MC 0
80 HDPE Pipe(110mm)-4Kg/cm2 0
81 HDPE Pipe(63mm)-4Kg/cm2 0
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description Units AVC-01 AVC-02 INT-01 RCT-01 RCT-02
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) no
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) no
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) no 2
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) no
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ) no 1 2
6 CI Sluice Valve (125 mmØ) no 1
7 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ) set 1
8 GI Blind flange set (125 mmØ) set 1
9 GI Elbow (100 mmØ) no 4 3
10 GI Elbow (125 mmØ) no 1
11 GI Elbow (15 mmØ) no 1 2
12 GI Elbow (40 mmØ) no
13 GI Equal Tee (125 mmØ) no
14 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ) no
15 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ) no
16 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ) no
17 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ) no
18 GI Nipple (100 mmØ) no 2 4 1
19 GI Nipple (125 mmØ) no 3
20 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) no
21 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) no
22 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) no
23 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) no
24 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) no 3
25 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) no
26 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) no
27 GI plug (20 mmØ) no
28 GI plug (25 mmØ) no
29 GI socket 20 mmØ no
30 GI socket 25 mmØ no
31 GI Reducer Socket (100x25 m no
32 GI Reducer Socket (100x40 m no
33 GI Reducer Socket (125x100 no 1 1
34 GI Reducer Socket (150x125 no 1
35 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mmno
36 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mmno
37 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mmno
38 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mmno
39 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mmno 1
40 GI Reducer Socket (80x20 mmno
41 GI Reducer Socket (80x40 mmno
42 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mmno
43 GI Strainer (125 mmØ) no 1 1
44 GI Strainer (150 mmØ) no 1
45 GI Strainer (65 mmØ) no 1
46 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØno 1
47 GI Unequal Tee (100x20 mmØno
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description Units AVC-01 AVC-02 INT-01 RCT-01 RCT-02
48 GI Unequal Tee (100x40 mmØno
49 GI Unequal Tee (100x50 mmØno
50 GI Unequal Tee (100x80 mmØno
51 GI Unequal Tee (125x100 mm no
52 GI Unequal Tee (125x15 mmØno 1
53 GI Unequal Tee (125x20 mmØno
54 GI Unequal Tee (125x25 mmØno
55 GI Unequal Tee (125x50 mmØno
56 GI Unequal Tee (125x80 mmØno
57 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ) no
58 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ) no 1
59 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ) no
60 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ) no
61 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ) no
62 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ) no 2 1
63 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ) no
64 GI Unequal Tee (50x40 mmØ) no
65 GI Unequal Tee (80x20 mmØ) no
66 GI Unequal Tee (80x25 mmØ) no
67 GI Unequal Tee (80x65 mmØ) no
68 GI Union (15 mmØ) no 1 2
69 GI Union (20 mmØ) no
70 GI Union (25 mmØ) no
71 GI Union (32 mmØ) no
72 GI Union (40 mmØ) no
73 GI Union (50 mmØ) no 2
74 GI Union (65 mmØ) no
75 GI Union (80 mmØ) no
76 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ) set 2 2
77 GI-GI flange set (125 mmØ) set 2
78 GI-HDP flange set (100x125 set 1 1 1
79 GI-HDP flange set (125x140 set 1
80 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm set 4 1
81 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm set
82 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm set
83 PPR female socket (100x110 no
84 PPR female socket (50x63 mmno
85 PPR female socket (65x75 mmno
86 PPR female socket (80x90 mmno
87 PPR female union (20x25 mm no
88 PPR female union (25x32 mm no
89 PPR female union (32x40 mm no
90 PPR female union (40x50 mm no
91 PPR Reducer socket (110x90 no
92 PPR Reducer socket (32x25 no
93 PPR Reducer socket (40x25 no
94 PPR Reducer socket (40x32 no
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description Units AVC-01 AVC-02 INT-01 RCT-01 RCT-02
95 PPR Reducer socket (50x25 no
96 PPR Reducer socket (50x32 no
97 PPR Reducer socket (50x40 no
98 PPR Reducer socket (63x40 no
99 PPR Reducer socket (63x50 no
100 PPR Reducer socket (75x40 no
101 PPR Reducer socket (75x63 no
102 PPR Reducer socket (90x50 no
103 PPR Reducer socket (90x75 no
104 PPR socket (25 mmØ) no
105 PPR socket (32 mmØ) no
106 PPR socket (40 mmØ) no
107 PPR socket (50 mmØ) no
108 PPR socket (63 mmØ) no
109 PPR socket (75 mmØ) no
110 PPR socket (90 mmØ) no
111 PPR socket (110 mmØ) no
112 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ) no 1 2 1
113 GM Gate Valve (25 mmØ) no
114 GM Gate Valve (32 mmØ) no
115 GM Gate Valve (40 mmØ) no
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description RCT-03 VAC-01 VAC-02 VAC-03 VAC-04 VAC-05
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 1 1 1
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 1
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 1
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) 1 2 1
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ)
6 CI Sluice Valve (125 mmØ) 1 1
7 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ)
8 GI Blind flange set (125 mmØ) 1
9 GI Elbow (100 mmØ)
10 GI Elbow (125 mmØ) 1
11 GI Elbow (15 mmØ) 1
12 GI Elbow (40 mmØ) 3
13 GI Equal Tee (125 mmØ)
14 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ)
15 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ)
16 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ)
17 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ)
18 GI Nipple (100 mmØ) 5 6
19 GI Nipple (125 mmØ) 3 8 6
20 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 3 3 3
21 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 2
22 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) 2
23 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) 1 8 6
24 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) 3
25 GI Nipple (65 mmØ)
26 GI Nipple (80 mmØ)
27 GI plug (20 mmØ)
28 GI plug (25 mmØ)
29 GI socket 20 mmØ
30 GI socket 25 mmØ
31 GI Reducer Socket (100x25 m 1
32 GI Reducer Socket (100x40 m
33 GI Reducer Socket (125x100 1
34 GI Reducer Socket (150x125 1
35 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mm
36 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm
37 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm 1
38 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm
39 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm
40 GI Reducer Socket (80x20 mm
41 GI Reducer Socket (80x40 mm
42 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm
43 GI Strainer (125 mmØ)
44 GI Strainer (150 mmØ) 1
45 GI Strainer (65 mmØ)
46 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ
47 GI Unequal Tee (100x20 mmØ 1
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description RCT-03 VAC-01 VAC-02 VAC-03 VAC-04 VAC-05
48 GI Unequal Tee (100x40 mmØ
49 GI Unequal Tee (100x50 mmØ
50 GI Unequal Tee (100x80 mmØ
51 GI Unequal Tee (125x100 mm 1
52 GI Unequal Tee (125x15 mmØ 1
53 GI Unequal Tee (125x20 mmØ
54 GI Unequal Tee (125x25 mmØ
55 GI Unequal Tee (125x50 mmØ 1
56 GI Unequal Tee (125x80 mmØ
57 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ)
58 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ)
59 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ)
60 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ) 1 1
61 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ)
62 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ)
63 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ)
64 GI Unequal Tee (50x40 mmØ)
65 GI Unequal Tee (80x20 mmØ)
66 GI Unequal Tee (80x25 mmØ)
67 GI Unequal Tee (80x65 mmØ)
68 GI Union (15 mmØ)
69 GI Union (20 mmØ) 2 2 2
70 GI Union (25 mmØ) 2
71 GI Union (32 mmØ) 2
72 GI Union (40 mmØ) 5 3
73 GI Union (50 mmØ) 2
74 GI Union (65 mmØ)
75 GI Union (80 mmØ)
76 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ) 4 3
77 GI-GI flange set (125 mmØ) 2 5 3
78 GI-HDP flange set (100x125 2 1
79 GI-HDP flange set (125x140 1 2 1
80 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm 1
81 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm
82 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm
83 PPR female socket (100x110
84 PPR female socket (50x63 mm
85 PPR female socket (65x75 mm
86 PPR female socket (80x90 mm
87 PPR female union (20x25 mm
88 PPR female union (25x32 mm
89 PPR female union (32x40 mm
90 PPR female union (40x50 mm
91 PPR Reducer socket (110x90
92 PPR Reducer socket (32x25
93 PPR Reducer socket (40x25
94 PPR Reducer socket (40x32
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description RCT-03 VAC-01 VAC-02 VAC-03 VAC-04 VAC-05
95 PPR Reducer socket (50x25
96 PPR Reducer socket (50x32
97 PPR Reducer socket (50x40
98 PPR Reducer socket (63x40
99 PPR Reducer socket (63x50
100 PPR Reducer socket (75x40
101 PPR Reducer socket (75x63
102 PPR Reducer socket (90x50
103 PPR Reducer socket (90x75
104 PPR socket (25 mmØ)
105 PPR socket (32 mmØ)
106 PPR socket (40 mmØ)
107 PPR socket (50 mmØ)
108 PPR socket (63 mmØ)
109 PPR socket (75 mmØ)
110 PPR socket (90 mmØ)
111 PPR socket (110 mmØ)
112 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ)
113 GM Gate Valve (25 mmØ)
114 GM Gate Valve (32 mmØ)
115 GM Gate Valve (40 mmØ) 1
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-06 VAC-07 VAC-08 VAC-09 VAC-10 VAC-11
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 2 1 1
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 1
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ)
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) 5
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ)
6 CI Sluice Valve (125 mmØ)
7 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ)
8 GI Blind flange set (125 mmØ)
9 GI Elbow (100 mmØ)
10 GI Elbow (125 mmØ)
11 GI Elbow (15 mmØ)
12 GI Elbow (40 mmØ)
13 GI Equal Tee (125 mmØ)
14 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ)
15 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ)
16 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ)
17 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ) 3
18 GI Nipple (100 mmØ) 6 2 8 8
19 GI Nipple (125 mmØ) 2 6
20 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 5 3 3
21 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 6
22 GI Nipple (32 mmØ)
23 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) 17
24 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) 3
25 GI Nipple (65 mmØ)
26 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) 3
27 GI plug (20 mmØ)
28 GI plug (25 mmØ)
29 GI socket 20 mmØ
30 GI socket 25 mmØ
31 GI Reducer Socket (100x25 m
32 GI Reducer Socket (100x40 m
33 GI Reducer Socket (125x100 1 1
34 GI Reducer Socket (150x125
35 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mm 1
36 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm
37 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm
38 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm
39 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm
40 GI Reducer Socket (80x20 mm
41 GI Reducer Socket (80x40 mm
42 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm
43 GI Strainer (125 mmØ)
44 GI Strainer (150 mmØ)
45 GI Strainer (65 mmØ)
46 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ
47 GI Unequal Tee (100x20 mmØ 1
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-06 VAC-07 VAC-08 VAC-09 VAC-10 VAC-11
48 GI Unequal Tee (100x40 mmØ
49 GI Unequal Tee (100x50 mmØ 1
50 GI Unequal Tee (100x80 mmØ 1
51 GI Unequal Tee (125x100 mm
52 GI Unequal Tee (125x15 mmØ
53 GI Unequal Tee (125x20 mmØ 1
54 GI Unequal Tee (125x25 mmØ
55 GI Unequal Tee (125x50 mmØ
56 GI Unequal Tee (125x80 mmØ
57 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ) 1
58 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ)
59 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ)
60 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ)
61 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ)
62 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ)
63 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ)
64 GI Unequal Tee (50x40 mmØ)
65 GI Unequal Tee (80x20 mmØ)
66 GI Unequal Tee (80x25 mmØ)
67 GI Unequal Tee (80x65 mmØ)
68 GI Union (15 mmØ)
69 GI Union (20 mmØ) 4 2 2
70 GI Union (25 mmØ) 3
71 GI Union (32 mmØ)
72 GI Union (40 mmØ) 11
73 GI Union (50 mmØ) 2
74 GI Union (65 mmØ)
75 GI Union (80 mmØ) 2
76 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ) 3 2 5 5
77 GI-GI flange set (125 mmØ) 2 3
78 GI-HDP flange set (100x125 1 1 2 2
79 GI-HDP flange set (125x140 1 1
80 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm 1
81 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm
82 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm 1
83 PPR female socket (100x110
84 PPR female socket (50x63 mm
85 PPR female socket (65x75 mm
86 PPR female socket (80x90 mm
87 PPR female union (20x25 mm
88 PPR female union (25x32 mm
89 PPR female union (32x40 mm
90 PPR female union (40x50 mm
91 PPR Reducer socket (110x90
92 PPR Reducer socket (32x25
93 PPR Reducer socket (40x25
94 PPR Reducer socket (40x32
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-06 VAC-07 VAC-08 VAC-09 VAC-10 VAC-11
95 PPR Reducer socket (50x25
96 PPR Reducer socket (50x32
97 PPR Reducer socket (50x40
98 PPR Reducer socket (63x40
99 PPR Reducer socket (63x50
100 PPR Reducer socket (75x40
101 PPR Reducer socket (75x63
102 PPR Reducer socket (90x50
103 PPR Reducer socket (90x75
104 PPR socket (25 mmØ)
105 PPR socket (32 mmØ)
106 PPR socket (40 mmØ)
107 PPR socket (50 mmØ)
108 PPR socket (63 mmØ)
109 PPR socket (75 mmØ)
110 PPR socket (90 mmØ)
111 PPR socket (110 mmØ)
112 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ)
113 GM Gate Valve (25 mmØ)
114 GM Gate Valve (32 mmØ)
115 GM Gate Valve (40 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-12 VAC-13 VAC-14 VAC-15 VAC-16 VAC-17
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 1 1
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 1
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ)
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) 1 1 1 1
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ)
6 CI Sluice Valve (125 mmØ)
7 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ)
8 GI Blind flange set (125 mmØ)
9 GI Elbow (100 mmØ)
10 GI Elbow (125 mmØ)
11 GI Elbow (15 mmØ)
12 GI Elbow (40 mmØ)
13 GI Equal Tee (125 mmØ)
14 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ)
15 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ)
16 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ)
17 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ)
18 GI Nipple (100 mmØ) 8 8 8
19 GI Nipple (125 mmØ)
20 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 3 3
21 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 3
22 GI Nipple (32 mmØ)
23 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) 6 3 3 6
24 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) 2 2
25 GI Nipple (65 mmØ)
26 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) 3 8
27 GI plug (20 mmØ)
28 GI plug (25 mmØ)
29 GI socket 20 mmØ
30 GI socket 25 mmØ
31 GI Reducer Socket (100x25 m
32 GI Reducer Socket (100x40 m
33 GI Reducer Socket (125x100
34 GI Reducer Socket (150x125
35 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mm
36 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm
37 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm
38 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm 1 1
39 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm
40 GI Reducer Socket (80x20 mm
41 GI Reducer Socket (80x40 mm
42 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm
43 GI Strainer (125 mmØ)
44 GI Strainer (150 mmØ)
45 GI Strainer (65 mmØ)
46 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ
47 GI Unequal Tee (100x20 mmØ
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-12 VAC-13 VAC-14 VAC-15 VAC-16 VAC-17
48 GI Unequal Tee (100x40 mmØ 1 1
49 GI Unequal Tee (100x50 mmØ
50 GI Unequal Tee (100x80 mmØ 1
51 GI Unequal Tee (125x100 mm
52 GI Unequal Tee (125x15 mmØ
53 GI Unequal Tee (125x20 mmØ
54 GI Unequal Tee (125x25 mmØ
55 GI Unequal Tee (125x50 mmØ
56 GI Unequal Tee (125x80 mmØ
57 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ)
58 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ)
59 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ)
60 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ) 1
61 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ) 1
62 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ)
63 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ)
64 GI Unequal Tee (50x40 mmØ)
65 GI Unequal Tee (80x20 mmØ) 1
66 GI Unequal Tee (80x25 mmØ)
67 GI Unequal Tee (80x65 mmØ)
68 GI Union (15 mmØ)
69 GI Union (20 mmØ) 2 2
70 GI Union (25 mmØ) 2
71 GI Union (32 mmØ)
72 GI Union (40 mmØ) 3 2 2 3
73 GI Union (50 mmØ) 2 2
74 GI Union (65 mmØ)
75 GI Union (80 mmØ) 2 5
76 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ) 5 5 5
77 GI-GI flange set (125 mmØ)
78 GI-HDP flange set (100x125 2 2 2
79 GI-HDP flange set (125x140
80 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm 1 1
81 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm
82 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm 1 2
83 PPR female socket (100x110
84 PPR female socket (50x63 mm
85 PPR female socket (65x75 mm
86 PPR female socket (80x90 mm
87 PPR female union (20x25 mm
88 PPR female union (25x32 mm
89 PPR female union (32x40 mm
90 PPR female union (40x50 mm
91 PPR Reducer socket (110x90
92 PPR Reducer socket (32x25
93 PPR Reducer socket (40x25
94 PPR Reducer socket (40x32
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-12 VAC-13 VAC-14 VAC-15 VAC-16 VAC-17
95 PPR Reducer socket (50x25
96 PPR Reducer socket (50x32
97 PPR Reducer socket (50x40
98 PPR Reducer socket (63x40
99 PPR Reducer socket (63x50
100 PPR Reducer socket (75x40
101 PPR Reducer socket (75x63
102 PPR Reducer socket (90x50
103 PPR Reducer socket (90x75
104 PPR socket (25 mmØ)
105 PPR socket (32 mmØ)
106 PPR socket (40 mmØ)
107 PPR socket (50 mmØ)
108 PPR socket (63 mmØ)
109 PPR socket (75 mmØ)
110 PPR socket (90 mmØ)
111 PPR socket (110 mmØ)
112 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ)
113 GM Gate Valve (25 mmØ)
114 GM Gate Valve (32 mmØ)
115 GM Gate Valve (40 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-18 VAC-19 VAC-20 VAC-21 VAC-22 VAC-23
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 2 1
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 1
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 1 1
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ)
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ)
6 CI Sluice Valve (125 mmØ)
7 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ)
8 GI Blind flange set (125 mmØ)
9 GI Elbow (100 mmØ)
10 GI Elbow (125 mmØ)
11 GI Elbow (15 mmØ)
12 GI Elbow (40 mmØ)
13 GI Equal Tee (125 mmØ)
14 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ)
15 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ)
16 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ)
17 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ)
18 GI Nipple (100 mmØ)
19 GI Nipple (125 mmØ)
20 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 5 3
21 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 6
22 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) 3 3
23 GI Nipple (40 mmØ)
24 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) 2 8
25 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) 6 3 3
26 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) 8 8 8
27 GI plug (20 mmØ)
28 GI plug (25 mmØ)
29 GI socket 20 mmØ
30 GI socket 25 mmØ
31 GI Reducer Socket (100x25 m
32 GI Reducer Socket (100x40 m
33 GI Reducer Socket (125x100
34 GI Reducer Socket (150x125
35 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mm 1
36 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm
37 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm
38 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm
39 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm 1
40 GI Reducer Socket (80x20 mm
41 GI Reducer Socket (80x40 mm
42 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm
43 GI Strainer (125 mmØ)
44 GI Strainer (150 mmØ)
45 GI Strainer (65 mmØ)
46 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ
47 GI Unequal Tee (100x20 mmØ
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-18 VAC-19 VAC-20 VAC-21 VAC-22 VAC-23
48 GI Unequal Tee (100x40 mmØ
49 GI Unequal Tee (100x50 mmØ
50 GI Unequal Tee (100x80 mmØ
51 GI Unequal Tee (125x100 mm
52 GI Unequal Tee (125x15 mmØ
53 GI Unequal Tee (125x20 mmØ
54 GI Unequal Tee (125x25 mmØ
55 GI Unequal Tee (125x50 mmØ
56 GI Unequal Tee (125x80 mmØ
57 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ) 1
58 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ)
59 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ)
60 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ)
61 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ)
62 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ)
63 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ)
64 GI Unequal Tee (50x40 mmØ)
65 GI Unequal Tee (80x20 mmØ) 1
66 GI Unequal Tee (80x25 mmØ)
67 GI Unequal Tee (80x65 mmØ) 1 1
68 GI Union (15 mmØ)
69 GI Union (20 mmØ) 4 2
70 GI Union (25 mmØ) 3
71 GI Union (32 mmØ) 2 2
72 GI Union (40 mmØ)
73 GI Union (50 mmØ) 2 5
74 GI Union (65 mmØ) 3 2 2
75 GI Union (80 mmØ) 5 5 5
76 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ)
77 GI-GI flange set (125 mmØ)
78 GI-HDP flange set (100x125
79 GI-HDP flange set (125x140
80 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm 1 2
81 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm 1 1 1
82 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm 2 2 2
83 PPR female socket (100x110
84 PPR female socket (50x63 mm
85 PPR female socket (65x75 mm
86 PPR female socket (80x90 mm
87 PPR female union (20x25 mm
88 PPR female union (25x32 mm
89 PPR female union (32x40 mm
90 PPR female union (40x50 mm
91 PPR Reducer socket (110x90
92 PPR Reducer socket (32x25
93 PPR Reducer socket (40x25
94 PPR Reducer socket (40x32
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-18 VAC-19 VAC-20 VAC-21 VAC-22 VAC-23
95 PPR Reducer socket (50x25
96 PPR Reducer socket (50x32
97 PPR Reducer socket (50x40
98 PPR Reducer socket (63x40
99 PPR Reducer socket (63x50
100 PPR Reducer socket (75x40
101 PPR Reducer socket (75x63
102 PPR Reducer socket (90x50
103 PPR Reducer socket (90x75
104 PPR socket (25 mmØ)
105 PPR socket (32 mmØ)
106 PPR socket (40 mmØ)
107 PPR socket (50 mmØ)
108 PPR socket (63 mmØ)
109 PPR socket (75 mmØ)
110 PPR socket (90 mmØ)
111 PPR socket (110 mmØ)
112 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ)
113 GM Gate Valve (25 mmØ)
114 GM Gate Valve (32 mmØ)
115 GM Gate Valve (40 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-24 VAC-25 VAC-26 VAC-27 VAC-28 VAC-29
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 1 1 1 1
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 1 2 2
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 1 1
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) 1 1 1 1
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ)
6 CI Sluice Valve (125 mmØ)
7 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ)
8 GI Blind flange set (125 mmØ)
9 GI Elbow (100 mmØ)
10 GI Elbow (125 mmØ)
11 GI Elbow (15 mmØ)
12 GI Elbow (40 mmØ)
13 GI Equal Tee (125 mmØ)
14 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ)
15 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ)
16 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ)
17 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ)
18 GI Nipple (100 mmØ)
19 GI Nipple (125 mmØ)
20 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 3 3 3 3
21 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 3 8 8
22 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) 6 2
23 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) 2 3 6 2
24 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) 8 6
25 GI Nipple (65 mmØ)
26 GI Nipple (80 mmØ)
27 GI plug (20 mmØ)
28 GI plug (25 mmØ)
29 GI socket 20 mmØ
30 GI socket 25 mmØ
31 GI Reducer Socket (100x25 m
32 GI Reducer Socket (100x40 m
33 GI Reducer Socket (125x100
34 GI Reducer Socket (150x125
35 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mm
36 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm
37 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm 1 1
38 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm 1
39 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm
40 GI Reducer Socket (80x20 mm
41 GI Reducer Socket (80x40 mm
42 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm
43 GI Strainer (125 mmØ)
44 GI Strainer (150 mmØ)
45 GI Strainer (65 mmØ)
46 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ
47 GI Unequal Tee (100x20 mmØ
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-24 VAC-25 VAC-26 VAC-27 VAC-28 VAC-29
48 GI Unequal Tee (100x40 mmØ
49 GI Unequal Tee (100x50 mmØ
50 GI Unequal Tee (100x80 mmØ
51 GI Unequal Tee (125x100 mm
52 GI Unequal Tee (125x15 mmØ
53 GI Unequal Tee (125x20 mmØ
54 GI Unequal Tee (125x25 mmØ
55 GI Unequal Tee (125x50 mmØ
56 GI Unequal Tee (125x80 mmØ
57 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ) 1 1
58 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ)
59 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ) 1
60 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ) 1
61 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ)
62 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ)
63 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ) 1
64 GI Unequal Tee (50x40 mmØ) 1
65 GI Unequal Tee (80x20 mmØ)
66 GI Unequal Tee (80x25 mmØ)
67 GI Unequal Tee (80x65 mmØ)
68 GI Union (15 mmØ)
69 GI Union (20 mmØ) 2 2 2 2
70 GI Union (25 mmØ) 2 5 5
71 GI Union (32 mmØ) 3 2
72 GI Union (40 mmØ) 2 2 3 2
73 GI Union (50 mmØ) 5 3
74 GI Union (65 mmØ)
75 GI Union (80 mmØ)
76 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ)
77 GI-GI flange set (125 mmØ)
78 GI-HDP flange set (100x125
79 GI-HDP flange set (125x140
80 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm 2 1
81 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm
82 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm
83 PPR female socket (100x110
84 PPR female socket (50x63 mm
85 PPR female socket (65x75 mm
86 PPR female socket (80x90 mm
87 PPR female union (20x25 mm
88 PPR female union (25x32 mm
89 PPR female union (32x40 mm
90 PPR female union (40x50 mm
91 PPR Reducer socket (110x90
92 PPR Reducer socket (32x25
93 PPR Reducer socket (40x25
94 PPR Reducer socket (40x32
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-24 VAC-25 VAC-26 VAC-27 VAC-28 VAC-29
95 PPR Reducer socket (50x25
96 PPR Reducer socket (50x32
97 PPR Reducer socket (50x40
98 PPR Reducer socket (63x40
99 PPR Reducer socket (63x50
100 PPR Reducer socket (75x40
101 PPR Reducer socket (75x63
102 PPR Reducer socket (90x50
103 PPR Reducer socket (90x75
104 PPR socket (25 mmØ)
105 PPR socket (32 mmØ)
106 PPR socket (40 mmØ)
107 PPR socket (50 mmØ)
108 PPR socket (63 mmØ)
109 PPR socket (75 mmØ)
110 PPR socket (90 mmØ)
111 PPR socket (110 mmØ)
112 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ)
113 GM Gate Valve (25 mmØ)
114 GM Gate Valve (32 mmØ)
115 GM Gate Valve (40 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-30 VAC-31 VAC-32 VAC-33 VAC-35 VAC-36
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 1 1 1 1
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ)
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 1 2 2 1
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) 2
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ)
6 CI Sluice Valve (125 mmØ) 1 1
7 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ)
8 GI Blind flange set (125 mmØ)
9 GI Elbow (100 mmØ)
10 GI Elbow (125 mmØ)
11 GI Elbow (15 mmØ)
12 GI Elbow (40 mmØ)
13 GI Equal Tee (125 mmØ)
14 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ)
15 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ)
16 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ)
17 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ)
18 GI Nipple (100 mmØ) 8 6
19 GI Nipple (125 mmØ) 8 8
20 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 3 3 3 3
21 GI Nipple (25 mmØ)
22 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) 3 8 8 3
23 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) 5
24 GI Nipple (50 mmØ)
25 GI Nipple (65 mmØ)
26 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) 3 3
27 GI plug (20 mmØ)
28 GI plug (25 mmØ)
29 GI socket 20 mmØ
30 GI socket 25 mmØ
31 GI Reducer Socket (100x25 m
32 GI Reducer Socket (100x40 m 1
33 GI Reducer Socket (125x100
34 GI Reducer Socket (150x125
35 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mm
36 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm
37 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm
38 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm
39 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm
40 GI Reducer Socket (80x20 mm
41 GI Reducer Socket (80x40 mm
42 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm
43 GI Strainer (125 mmØ)
44 GI Strainer (150 mmØ)
45 GI Strainer (65 mmØ)
46 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ
47 GI Unequal Tee (100x20 mmØ 1 1
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-30 VAC-31 VAC-32 VAC-33 VAC-35 VAC-36
48 GI Unequal Tee (100x40 mmØ 1
49 GI Unequal Tee (100x50 mmØ
50 GI Unequal Tee (100x80 mmØ
51 GI Unequal Tee (125x100 mm
52 GI Unequal Tee (125x15 mmØ
53 GI Unequal Tee (125x20 mmØ
54 GI Unequal Tee (125x25 mmØ
55 GI Unequal Tee (125x50 mmØ
56 GI Unequal Tee (125x80 mmØ 1 1
57 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ)
58 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ)
59 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ) 1 1
60 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ)
61 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ)
62 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ)
63 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ)
64 GI Unequal Tee (50x40 mmØ)
65 GI Unequal Tee (80x20 mmØ)
66 GI Unequal Tee (80x25 mmØ)
67 GI Unequal Tee (80x65 mmØ)
68 GI Union (15 mmØ)
69 GI Union (20 mmØ) 2 2 2 2
70 GI Union (25 mmØ)
71 GI Union (32 mmØ) 2 5 5 2
72 GI Union (40 mmØ) 4
73 GI Union (50 mmØ)
74 GI Union (65 mmØ)
75 GI Union (80 mmØ) 2 2
76 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ) 5 3
77 GI-GI flange set (125 mmØ) 5 5
78 GI-HDP flange set (100x125 2 1
79 GI-HDP flange set (125x140 2 2
80 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm
81 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm
82 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm 1 1
83 PPR female socket (100x110
84 PPR female socket (50x63 mm
85 PPR female socket (65x75 mm
86 PPR female socket (80x90 mm
87 PPR female union (20x25 mm
88 PPR female union (25x32 mm
89 PPR female union (32x40 mm
90 PPR female union (40x50 mm
91 PPR Reducer socket (110x90
92 PPR Reducer socket (32x25
93 PPR Reducer socket (40x25
94 PPR Reducer socket (40x32
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-30 VAC-31 VAC-32 VAC-33 VAC-35 VAC-36
95 PPR Reducer socket (50x25
96 PPR Reducer socket (50x32
97 PPR Reducer socket (50x40
98 PPR Reducer socket (63x40
99 PPR Reducer socket (63x50
100 PPR Reducer socket (75x40
101 PPR Reducer socket (75x63
102 PPR Reducer socket (90x50
103 PPR Reducer socket (90x75
104 PPR socket (25 mmØ)
105 PPR socket (32 mmØ)
106 PPR socket (40 mmØ)
107 PPR socket (50 mmØ)
108 PPR socket (63 mmØ)
109 PPR socket (75 mmØ)
110 PPR socket (90 mmØ)
111 PPR socket (110 mmØ)
112 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ)
113 GM Gate Valve (25 mmØ)
114 GM Gate Valve (32 mmØ)
115 GM Gate Valve (40 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-37 VAC-38 VAC-39 VAC-40 VAC-41 VAC-42
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 2 1 1 2
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 1 1 1
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 1 1
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) 1
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ)
6 CI Sluice Valve (125 mmØ)
7 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ)
8 GI Blind flange set (125 mmØ)
9 GI Elbow (100 mmØ)
10 GI Elbow (125 mmØ)
11 GI Elbow (15 mmØ)
12 GI Elbow (40 mmØ)
13 GI Equal Tee (125 mmØ)
14 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ)
15 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ)
16 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ)
17 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ)
18 GI Nipple (100 mmØ)
19 GI Nipple (125 mmØ) 6
20 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 5 3 3 6
21 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 3 3 6
22 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) 3 2
23 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) 2
24 GI Nipple (50 mmØ)
25 GI Nipple (65 mmØ)
26 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) 2 6 8 8 6
27 GI plug (20 mmØ)
28 GI plug (25 mmØ)
29 GI socket 20 mmØ
30 GI socket 25 mmØ
31 GI Reducer Socket (100x25 m
32 GI Reducer Socket (100x40 m
33 GI Reducer Socket (125x100
34 GI Reducer Socket (150x125
35 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mm
36 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm 1
37 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm
38 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm
39 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm
40 GI Reducer Socket (80x20 mm 1
41 GI Reducer Socket (80x40 mm 1
42 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm
43 GI Strainer (125 mmØ)
44 GI Strainer (150 mmØ)
45 GI Strainer (65 mmØ)
46 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ
47 GI Unequal Tee (100x20 mmØ
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-37 VAC-38 VAC-39 VAC-40 VAC-41 VAC-42
48 GI Unequal Tee (100x40 mmØ
49 GI Unequal Tee (100x50 mmØ
50 GI Unequal Tee (100x80 mmØ
51 GI Unequal Tee (125x100 mm
52 GI Unequal Tee (125x15 mmØ
53 GI Unequal Tee (125x20 mmØ
54 GI Unequal Tee (125x25 mmØ 1
55 GI Unequal Tee (125x50 mmØ
56 GI Unequal Tee (125x80 mmØ
57 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ) 2
58 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ)
59 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ)
60 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ)
61 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ)
62 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ)
63 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ)
64 GI Unequal Tee (50x40 mmØ)
65 GI Unequal Tee (80x20 mmØ) 1 1 1
66 GI Unequal Tee (80x25 mmØ) 1
67 GI Unequal Tee (80x65 mmØ)
68 GI Union (15 mmØ)
69 GI Union (20 mmØ) 4 2 2 4
70 GI Union (25 mmØ) 2 2 3
71 GI Union (32 mmØ) 2 2
72 GI Union (40 mmØ) 2
73 GI Union (50 mmØ)
74 GI Union (65 mmØ)
75 GI Union (80 mmØ) 2 3 5 5 3
76 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ)
77 GI-GI flange set (125 mmØ) 3
78 GI-HDP flange set (100x125
79 GI-HDP flange set (125x140 1
80 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm
81 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm
82 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm 1 1 2 2 1
83 PPR female socket (100x110
84 PPR female socket (50x63 mm
85 PPR female socket (65x75 mm
86 PPR female socket (80x90 mm
87 PPR female union (20x25 mm
88 PPR female union (25x32 mm
89 PPR female union (32x40 mm
90 PPR female union (40x50 mm
91 PPR Reducer socket (110x90
92 PPR Reducer socket (32x25
93 PPR Reducer socket (40x25
94 PPR Reducer socket (40x32
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-37 VAC-38 VAC-39 VAC-40 VAC-41 VAC-42
95 PPR Reducer socket (50x25
96 PPR Reducer socket (50x32
97 PPR Reducer socket (50x40
98 PPR Reducer socket (63x40
99 PPR Reducer socket (63x50
100 PPR Reducer socket (75x40
101 PPR Reducer socket (75x63
102 PPR Reducer socket (90x50
103 PPR Reducer socket (90x75
104 PPR socket (25 mmØ)
105 PPR socket (32 mmØ)
106 PPR socket (40 mmØ)
107 PPR socket (50 mmØ)
108 PPR socket (63 mmØ)
109 PPR socket (75 mmØ)
110 PPR socket (90 mmØ)
111 PPR socket (110 mmØ)
112 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ)
113 GM Gate Valve (25 mmØ)
114 GM Gate Valve (32 mmØ)
115 GM Gate Valve (40 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-43 VAC-44 VAC-45 VAC-46 VAC-47 WSV-01
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 1 1
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 1 1 2
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 1 1 3
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ)
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ)
6 CI Sluice Valve (125 mmØ)
7 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ)
8 GI Blind flange set (125 mmØ)
9 GI Elbow (100 mmØ)
10 GI Elbow (125 mmØ)
11 GI Elbow (15 mmØ)
12 GI Elbow (40 mmØ)
13 GI Equal Tee (125 mmØ)
14 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ)
15 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ) 1
16 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ)
17 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ)
18 GI Nipple (100 mmØ)
19 GI Nipple (125 mmØ)
20 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 3 3
21 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 6 3 6
22 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) 2 3 4
23 GI Nipple (40 mmØ)
24 GI Nipple (50 mmØ)
25 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) 2
26 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) 8 8 8 6
27 GI plug (20 mmØ)
28 GI plug (25 mmØ)
29 GI socket 20 mmØ
30 GI socket 25 mmØ
31 GI Reducer Socket (100x25 m
32 GI Reducer Socket (100x40 m
33 GI Reducer Socket (125x100
34 GI Reducer Socket (150x125
35 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mm
36 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm 1
37 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm
38 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm
39 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm
40 GI Reducer Socket (80x20 mm
41 GI Reducer Socket (80x40 mm
42 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm 1
43 GI Strainer (125 mmØ)
44 GI Strainer (150 mmØ)
45 GI Strainer (65 mmØ)
46 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ
47 GI Unequal Tee (100x20 mmØ
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-43 VAC-44 VAC-45 VAC-46 VAC-47 WSV-01
48 GI Unequal Tee (100x40 mmØ
49 GI Unequal Tee (100x50 mmØ
50 GI Unequal Tee (100x80 mmØ
51 GI Unequal Tee (125x100 mm
52 GI Unequal Tee (125x15 mmØ
53 GI Unequal Tee (125x20 mmØ
54 GI Unequal Tee (125x25 mmØ
55 GI Unequal Tee (125x50 mmØ
56 GI Unequal Tee (125x80 mmØ
57 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ) 1
58 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ)
59 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ)
60 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ)
61 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ)
62 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ)
63 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ)
64 GI Unequal Tee (50x40 mmØ)
65 GI Unequal Tee (80x20 mmØ) 1
66 GI Unequal Tee (80x25 mmØ) 1 2
67 GI Unequal Tee (80x65 mmØ)
68 GI Union (15 mmØ)
69 GI Union (20 mmØ) 2 2
70 GI Union (25 mmØ) 3 2 4
71 GI Union (32 mmØ) 2 2 3
72 GI Union (40 mmØ)
73 GI Union (50 mmØ)
74 GI Union (65 mmØ) 2
75 GI Union (80 mmØ) 5 5 5 3
76 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ)
77 GI-GI flange set (125 mmØ)
78 GI-HDP flange set (100x125
79 GI-HDP flange set (125x140
80 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm
81 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm 1
82 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm 2 2 2 1
83 PPR female socket (100x110
84 PPR female socket (50x63 mm
85 PPR female socket (65x75 mm
86 PPR female socket (80x90 mm
87 PPR female union (20x25 mm
88 PPR female union (25x32 mm
89 PPR female union (32x40 mm
90 PPR female union (40x50 mm
91 PPR Reducer socket (110x90
92 PPR Reducer socket (32x25
93 PPR Reducer socket (40x25
94 PPR Reducer socket (40x32
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description VAC-43 VAC-44 VAC-45 VAC-46 VAC-47 WSV-01
95 PPR Reducer socket (50x25
96 PPR Reducer socket (50x32
97 PPR Reducer socket (50x40
98 PPR Reducer socket (63x40
99 PPR Reducer socket (63x50
100 PPR Reducer socket (75x40
101 PPR Reducer socket (75x63
102 PPR Reducer socket (90x50
103 PPR Reducer socket (90x75
104 PPR socket (25 mmØ)
105 PPR socket (32 mmØ)
106 PPR socket (40 mmØ)
107 PPR socket (50 mmØ)
108 PPR socket (63 mmØ)
109 PPR socket (75 mmØ)
110 PPR socket (90 mmØ)
111 PPR socket (110 mmØ)
112 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ)
113 GM Gate Valve (25 mmØ)
114 GM Gate Valve (32 mmØ) 1
115 GM Gate Valve (40 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description WSV-02 WSV-03 WSV-04 WSV-05 WSV-06 WSV-07
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ)
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 3
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 3
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) 3 3
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ)
6 CI Sluice Valve (125 mmØ) 1
7 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ)
8 GI Blind flange set (125 mmØ)
9 GI Elbow (100 mmØ)
10 GI Elbow (125 mmØ)
11 GI Elbow (15 mmØ)
12 GI Elbow (40 mmØ)
13 GI Equal Tee (125 mmØ) 1
14 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ) 1
15 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ) 1
16 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ) 1
17 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ) 1 1
18 GI Nipple (100 mmØ)
19 GI Nipple (125 mmØ) 4
20 GI Nipple (20 mmØ)
21 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 4
22 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) 4
23 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) 4 4
24 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) 4
25 GI Nipple (65 mmØ)
26 GI Nipple (80 mmØ)
27 GI plug (20 mmØ)
28 GI plug (25 mmØ)
29 GI socket 20 mmØ
30 GI socket 25 mmØ
31 GI Reducer Socket (100x25 m
32 GI Reducer Socket (100x40 m
33 GI Reducer Socket (125x100
34 GI Reducer Socket (150x125
35 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mm
36 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm
37 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm
38 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm
39 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm
40 GI Reducer Socket (80x20 mm
41 GI Reducer Socket (80x40 mm
42 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm
43 GI Strainer (125 mmØ)
44 GI Strainer (150 mmØ)
45 GI Strainer (65 mmØ)
46 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ
47 GI Unequal Tee (100x20 mmØ
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description WSV-02 WSV-03 WSV-04 WSV-05 WSV-06 WSV-07
48 GI Unequal Tee (100x40 mmØ
49 GI Unequal Tee (100x50 mmØ
50 GI Unequal Tee (100x80 mmØ
51 GI Unequal Tee (125x100 mm
52 GI Unequal Tee (125x15 mmØ
53 GI Unequal Tee (125x20 mmØ
54 GI Unequal Tee (125x25 mmØ
55 GI Unequal Tee (125x50 mmØ
56 GI Unequal Tee (125x80 mmØ
57 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ)
58 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ)
59 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ)
60 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ)
61 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ)
62 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ)
63 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ)
64 GI Unequal Tee (50x40 mmØ)
65 GI Unequal Tee (80x20 mmØ)
66 GI Unequal Tee (80x25 mmØ)
67 GI Unequal Tee (80x65 mmØ)
68 GI Union (15 mmØ)
69 GI Union (20 mmØ)
70 GI Union (25 mmØ) 3
71 GI Union (32 mmØ) 3
72 GI Union (40 mmØ) 3 3
73 GI Union (50 mmØ) 3
74 GI Union (65 mmØ)
75 GI Union (80 mmØ)
76 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ)
77 GI-GI flange set (125 mmØ) 3
78 GI-HDP flange set (100x125
79 GI-HDP flange set (125x140 3
80 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm 3
81 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm
82 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm
83 PPR female socket (100x110
84 PPR female socket (50x63 mm
85 PPR female socket (65x75 mm
86 PPR female socket (80x90 mm
87 PPR female union (20x25 mm
88 PPR female union (25x32 mm
89 PPR female union (32x40 mm
90 PPR female union (40x50 mm
91 PPR Reducer socket (110x90
92 PPR Reducer socket (32x25
93 PPR Reducer socket (40x25
94 PPR Reducer socket (40x32
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description WSV-02 WSV-03 WSV-04 WSV-05 WSV-06 WSV-07
95 PPR Reducer socket (50x25
96 PPR Reducer socket (50x32
97 PPR Reducer socket (50x40
98 PPR Reducer socket (63x40
99 PPR Reducer socket (63x50
100 PPR Reducer socket (75x40
101 PPR Reducer socket (75x63
102 PPR Reducer socket (90x50
103 PPR Reducer socket (90x75
104 PPR socket (25 mmØ)
105 PPR socket (32 mmØ)
106 PPR socket (40 mmØ)
107 PPR socket (50 mmØ)
108 PPR socket (63 mmØ)
109 PPR socket (75 mmØ)
110 PPR socket (90 mmØ)
111 PPR socket (110 mmØ)
112 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ)
113 GM Gate Valve (25 mmØ) 1
114 GM Gate Valve (32 mmØ) 1
115 GM Gate Valve (40 mmØ) 1 1
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description WSV-08 WSV-09 WSV-10 TransmissionlDistribution l PPR line
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 2
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 3 2
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 1
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) 2
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ)
6 CI Sluice Valve (125 mmØ) 1 1
7 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ)
8 GI Blind flange set (125 mmØ)
9 GI Elbow (100 mmØ)
10 GI Elbow (125 mmØ)
11 GI Elbow (15 mmØ)
12 GI Elbow (40 mmØ)
13 GI Equal Tee (125 mmØ) 1 1
14 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ) 1
15 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ)
16 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ)
17 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ)
18 GI Nipple (100 mmØ) 1
19 GI Nipple (125 mmØ) 4 4
20 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 35
21 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 4 4
22 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) 1
23 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) 2
24 GI Nipple (50 mmØ)
25 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) 1
26 GI Nipple (80 mmØ)
27 GI plug (20 mmØ) 33
28 GI plug (25 mmØ) 2
29 GI socket 20 mmØ 33
30 GI socket 25 mmØ 2
31 GI Reducer Socket (100x25 m
32 GI Reducer Socket (100x40 m
33 GI Reducer Socket (125x100
34 GI Reducer Socket (150x125
35 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mm
36 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm
37 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm
38 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm
39 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm
40 GI Reducer Socket (80x20 mm
41 GI Reducer Socket (80x40 mm
42 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm
43 GI Strainer (125 mmØ)
44 GI Strainer (150 mmØ)
45 GI Strainer (65 mmØ)
46 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ
47 GI Unequal Tee (100x20 mmØ
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description WSV-08 WSV-09 WSV-10 TransmissionlDistribution l PPR line
48 GI Unequal Tee (100x40 mmØ
49 GI Unequal Tee (100x50 mmØ
50 GI Unequal Tee (100x80 mmØ
51 GI Unequal Tee (125x100 mm
52 GI Unequal Tee (125x15 mmØ
53 GI Unequal Tee (125x20 mmØ
54 GI Unequal Tee (125x25 mmØ
55 GI Unequal Tee (125x50 mmØ
56 GI Unequal Tee (125x80 mmØ
57 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ)
58 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ)
59 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ)
60 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ)
61 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ)
62 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ)
63 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ)
64 GI Unequal Tee (50x40 mmØ)
65 GI Unequal Tee (80x20 mmØ)
66 GI Unequal Tee (80x25 mmØ)
67 GI Unequal Tee (80x65 mmØ)
68 GI Union (15 mmØ)
69 GI Union (20 mmØ)
70 GI Union (25 mmØ) 3
71 GI Union (32 mmØ)
72 GI Union (40 mmØ)
73 GI Union (50 mmØ)
74 GI Union (65 mmØ)
75 GI Union (80 mmØ)
76 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ) 25 12
77 GI-GI flange set (125 mmØ) 3 3 10
78 GI-HDP flange set (100x125 1
79 GI-HDP flange set (125x140 3 3
80 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm
81 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm 1
82 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm
83 PPR female socket (100x110 10
84 PPR female socket (50x63 mm 7
85 PPR female socket (65x75 mm 3
86 PPR female socket (80x90 mm 9
87 PPR female union (20x25 mm 51
88 PPR female union (25x32 mm 11
89 PPR female union (32x40 mm 8
90 PPR female union (40x50 mm 12
91 PPR Reducer socket (110x90 1
92 PPR Reducer socket (32x25 7
93 PPR Reducer socket (40x25 3
94 PPR Reducer socket (40x32 6
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description WSV-08 WSV-09 WSV-10 TransmissionlDistribution l PPR line
95 PPR Reducer socket (50x25 5
96 PPR Reducer socket (50x32 1
97 PPR Reducer socket (50x40 4
98 PPR Reducer socket (63x40 1
99 PPR Reducer socket (63x50 5
100 PPR Reducer socket (75x40 1
101 PPR Reducer socket (75x63 2
102 PPR Reducer socket (90x50 1
103 PPR Reducer socket (90x75 2
104 PPR socket (25 mmØ) 513
105 PPR socket (32 mmØ) 252
106 PPR socket (40 mmØ) 224
107 PPR socket (50 mmØ) 395
108 PPR socket (63 mmØ) 223
109 PPR socket (75 mmØ) 195
110 PPR socket (90 mmØ) 141
111 PPR socket (110 mmØ) 294
112 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ)
113 GM Gate Valve (25 mmØ) 1
114 GM Gate Valve (32 mmØ)
115 GM Gate Valve (40 mmØ)
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description Extra TotalQty Rate(Rs) Amount
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) 30 Err:504 Err:504
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) 24 Err:504 Err:504
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) 24 Err:504 Err:504
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) 28 Err:504 Err:504
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ) 3 Err:504 Err:504
6 CI Sluice Valve (125 mmØ) 8 Err:504 Err:504
7 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ) 1 Err:504 Err:504
8 GI Blind flange set (125 mmØ) 2 Err:504 Err:504
9 GI Elbow (100 mmØ) 7 Err:504 Err:504
10 GI Elbow (125 mmØ) 2 Err:504 Err:504
11 GI Elbow (15 mmØ) 4 Err:504 Err:504
12 GI Elbow (40 mmØ) 3 Err:504 Err:504
13 GI Equal Tee (125 mmØ) 3 Err:504 Err:504
14 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ) 2 Err:504 Err:504
15 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ) 2 Err:504 Err:504
16 GI Equal Tee (50 mmØ) 1 Err:504 Err:504
17 GI Equal Tee(40 mmØ) 5 Err:504 Err:504
18 GI Nipple (100 mmØ) 81 Err:504 Err:504
19 GI Nipple (125 mmØ) 62 Err:504 Err:504
20 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) 116 Err:504 Err:504
21 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) 75 Err:504 Err:504
22 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) 57 Err:504 Err:504
23 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) 80 Err:504 Err:504
24 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) 41 Err:504 Err:504
25 GI Nipple (65 mmØ) 15 Err:504 Err:504
26 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) 104 Err:504 Err:504
27 GI plug (20 mmØ) 33 Err:504 Err:504
28 GI plug (25 mmØ) 2 Err:504 Err:504
29 GI socket 20 mmØ 33 Err:504 Err:504
30 GI socket 25 mmØ 2 Err:504 Err:504
31 GI Reducer Socket (100x25 m 1 Err:504 Err:504
32 GI Reducer Socket (100x40 m 1 Err:504 Err:504
33 GI Reducer Socket (125x100 5 Err:504 Err:504
34 GI Reducer Socket (150x125 2 Err:504 Err:504
35 GI Reducer Socket (25x20 mm 2 Err:504 Err:504
36 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mm 2 Err:504 Err:504
37 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mm 3 Err:504 Err:504
38 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mm 3 Err:504 Err:504
39 GI Reducer Socket (65x50 mm 2 Err:504 Err:504
40 GI Reducer Socket (80x20 mm 1 Err:504 Err:504
41 GI Reducer Socket (80x40 mm 1 Err:504 Err:504
42 GI Reducer Socket (80x65 mm 1 Err:504 Err:504
43 GI Strainer (125 mmØ) 2 Err:504 Err:504
44 GI Strainer (150 mmØ) 2 Err:504 Err:504
45 GI Strainer (65 mmØ) 1 Err:504 Err:504
46 GI Unequal Tee (100x15 mmØ 1 Err:504 Err:504
47 GI Unequal Tee (100x20 mmØ 4 Err:504 Err:504
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description Extra TotalQty Rate(Rs) Amount
48 GI Unequal Tee (100x40 mmØ 3 Err:504 Err:504
49 GI Unequal Tee (100x50 mmØ 1 Err:504 Err:504
50 GI Unequal Tee (100x80 mmØ 2 Err:504 Err:504
51 GI Unequal Tee (125x100 mm 1 Err:504 Err:504
52 GI Unequal Tee (125x15 mmØ 2 Err:504 Err:504
53 GI Unequal Tee (125x20 mmØ 1 Err:504 Err:504
54 GI Unequal Tee (125x25 mmØ 1 Err:504 Err:504
55 GI Unequal Tee (125x50 mmØ 1 Err:504 Err:504
56 GI Unequal Tee (125x80 mmØ 2 Err:504 Err:504
57 GI Unequal Tee (25x20 mmØ) 7 Err:504 Err:504
58 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ) 1 Err:504 Err:504
59 GI Unequal Tee (32x20 mmØ) 3 Err:504 Err:504
60 GI Unequal Tee (40x20 mmØ) 4 Err:504 Err:504
61 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ) 1 Err:504 Err:504
62 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ) 3 Err:504 Err:504
63 GI Unequal Tee (50x25 mmØ) 1 Err:504 Err:504
64 GI Unequal Tee (50x40 mmØ) 1 Err:504 Err:504
65 GI Unequal Tee (80x20 mmØ) 6 Err:504 Err:504
66 GI Unequal Tee (80x25 mmØ) 4 Err:504 Err:504
67 GI Unequal Tee (80x65 mmØ) 2 Err:504 Err:504
68 GI Union (15 mmØ) 3 Err:504 Err:504
69 GI Union (20 mmØ) 56 Err:504 Err:504
70 GI Union (25 mmØ) 44 Err:504 Err:504
71 GI Union (32 mmØ) 39 Err:504 Err:504
72 GI Union (40 mmØ) 50 Err:504 Err:504
73 GI Union (50 mmØ) 28 Err:504 Err:504
74 GI Union (65 mmØ) 9 Err:504 Err:504
75 GI Union (80 mmØ) 64 Err:504 Err:504
76 GI-GI flange set (100 mmØ) 86 Err:504 Err:504
77 GI-GI flange set (125 mmØ) 49 Err:504 Err:504
78 GI-HDP flange set (100x125 22 Err:504 Err:504
79 GI-HDP flange set (125x140 21 Err:504 Err:504
80 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mm 18 Err:504 Err:504
81 GI-HDP flange set (65x75 mm 5 Err:504 Err:504
82 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mm 26 Err:504 Err:504
83 PPR female socket (100x110 10 Err:504 Err:504
84 PPR female socket (50x63 mm 7 Err:504 Err:504
85 PPR female socket (65x75 mm 3 Err:504 Err:504
86 PPR female socket (80x90 mm 9 Err:504 Err:504
87 PPR female union (20x25 mm 51 Err:504 Err:504
88 PPR female union (25x32 mm 11 Err:504 Err:504
89 PPR female union (32x40 mm 8 Err:504 Err:504
90 PPR female union (40x50 mm 12 Err:504 Err:504
91 PPR Reducer socket (110x90 1 Err:504 Err:504
92 PPR Reducer socket (32x25 7 Err:504 Err:504
93 PPR Reducer socket (40x25 3 Err:504 Err:504
94 PPR Reducer socket (40x32 6 Err:504 Err:504
Summary of structurewise fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
SN Description Extra TotalQty Rate(Rs) Amount
95 PPR Reducer socket (50x25 5 Err:504 Err:504
96 PPR Reducer socket (50x32 1 Err:504 Err:504
97 PPR Reducer socket (50x40 4 Err:504 Err:504
98 PPR Reducer socket (63x40 1 Err:504 Err:504
99 PPR Reducer socket (63x50 5 Err:504 Err:504
100 PPR Reducer socket (75x40 1 Err:504 Err:504
101 PPR Reducer socket (75x63 2 Err:504 Err:504
102 PPR Reducer socket (90x50 1 Err:504 Err:504
103 PPR Reducer socket (90x75 2 Err:504 Err:504
104 PPR socket (25 mmØ) 513 Err:504 Err:504
105 PPR socket (32 mmØ) 252 Err:504 Err:504
106 PPR socket (40 mmØ) 224 Err:504 Err:504
107 PPR socket (50 mmØ) 395 Err:504 Err:504
108 PPR socket (63 mmØ) 223 Err:504 Err:504
109 PPR socket (75 mmØ) 195 Err:504 Err:504
110 PPR socket (90 mmØ) 141 Err:504 Err:504
111 PPR socket (110 mmØ) 294 Err:504 Err:504
112 GM Gate Valve (100 mmØ) 4 Err:504 Err:504
113 GM Gate Valve (25 mmØ) 2 Err:504 Err:504
114 GM Gate Valve (32 mmØ) 2 Err:504 Err:504
115 GM Gate Valve (40 mmØ) 3 Err:504 Err:504
Procurement of Fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

S.No. Description of Fittings Unit Quantity Amount

Infiltration Gallery
1 Forged steel gate valve 100 mmØ no 2 75200.00 1 50 400.00
2 Forged steel nonreturn valve 100 mmØ vertical mounting,set 1 84200.00 84 200.00
3 Pressure gauge( upto 400 m head)- 3" size no 1 3200.00 3 200.00
4 Carbon steel equal Tee(100 mmØ) no 1 2145.00 2 145.00
5 Carbon steel flange set (100 mmØ), heavy duty, more tha set 7 3090.00 21 630.00
6 Carbon steelI bend 100 mmØ - 120° internal angle set 1 10330.00 10 330.00
7 Carbon steel Nipple (100 mmØ) - 6" long no 8 1200.00 9 600.00
8 Carbon steel Reducer Socket (100 × 65 mmØ) no 1 1502.00 1 502.00

For RVTC-2 pumping main

1 Forged steel nonreturn valve 65 mmØ vertical mounting, set 1 51400.00 51 400.00
2 Pressure gauge( upto 400 m head)- 3" size no 1 3200.00 3 200.00
3 GI Blind flange set (200 mmØ) with 8 nut bolts set 2 6000.00 12 000.00
4 MS pipe 200 mmØ heavy duty (8 mm+ thick) m 6 5000.00 30 000.00
5 Carbon steel equal Tee (65 mmØ) no 1 1380.00 1 380.00
6 Carbon steel flange set (65 mmØ), heavy duty, more than set 7 2235.00 15 645.00
7 Carbon steel bend 65 mmØ - 120° internal angle set 1 4700.00 4 700.00
8 Carbon steel Nipple (65 mmØ) - 6" long no 8 700.00 5 600.00
9 Carbon steel Reducer Socket (65x50 mmØ) no 1 828.00 828.00
For RVTC-3 pumping main

1 Forged steel nonreturn valve 65 mmØ vertical mounting, set 1 51400.00 51 400.00
2 Pressure gauge( upto 400 m head)- 3" size no 1 3200.00 3 200.00
3 GI Blind flange set (200 mmØ) with 8 nut bolts set 2 6000.00 12 000.00
4 MS pipe 200 mmØ heavy duty (8 mm+ thick) m 6 5000.00 30 000.00
5 Carbon steel equal Tee (65 mmØ) no 1 1380.00 1 380.00
6 Carbon steel flange set (65 mmØ), heavy duty, more than set 7 2235.00 15 645.00
7 Carbon steel bend 65 mmØ - 120° internal angle set 1 4700.00 4 700.00
8 Carbon steel Nipple (65 mmØ) - 6" long no 8 700.00 5 600.00
9 Carbon steel Reducer Socket (65x50 mmØ) no 1 828.00 828.00
For RVTC-4 pumping main

1 Forged steel nonreturn valve 65 mmØ vertical mounting, set 1 51400.00 51 400.00
2 Pressure gauge( upto 400 m head)- 3" size no 1 3200.00 3 200.00
3 GI Blind flange set (200 mmØ) with 8 nut bolts set 2 6000.00 12 000.00
4 MS pipe 200 mmØ heavy duty (8 mm+ thick) m 6 5000.00 30 000.00
5 Carbon steel equal Tee (65 mmØ) no 1 1380.00 1 380.00
Procurement of Fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

S.No. Description of Fittings Unit Quantity Amount
6 Carbon steel flange set (65 mmØ), heavy duty, more than set 7 2235.00 15 645.00
7 Carbon steel bend 65 mmØ - 120° internal angle set 1 4700.00 4 700.00
8 Carbon steel Nipple (65 mmØ) - 6" long no 8 700.00 5 600.00
9 Carbon steel Reducer Socket (65x50 mmØ) no 1 828.00 828.00
For RVTC-2 pumping main

1 Forged steel nonreturn valve 65 mmØ vertical mounting, set 1 51400.00 51 400.00
2 Pressure gauge( upto 400 m head)- 3" size no 1 3200.00 3 200.00
3 GI Blind flange set (200 mmØ) with 8 nut bolts set 2 6000.00 12 000.00
4 MS pipe 200 mmØ heavy duty (8 mm+ thick) m 6 5000.00 30 000.00
5 Carbon steel equal Tee (65 mmØ) no 1 1380.00 1 380.00
6 Carbon steel flange set (65 mmØ), heavy duty, more than set 7 2235.00 15 645.00
7 Carbon steel bend 65 mmØ - 120° internal angle set 1 4700.00 4 700.00
8 Carbon steel Nipple (65 mmØ) - 6" long no 8 700.00 5 600.00
9 Carbon steel Reducer Socket (65x50 mmØ) no 1 828.00 828.00

Subtotal Rs. 7 82 019.00

Add contractor's Overhead @ 15.00 % 1 17 302.85
Total with OH 8 99 321.85
Add Value Added Tax @ 13.00 % 1 16 911.84
Total Amount with VAT 10 16 233.69

Fittings for structures

S.No. Description of Fittings Unit Quantity Amount
1 Brass Union (20x25 mmØ) no 16 Err:504 Err:504
2 Brass Union (25x32 mmØ) no 14 Err:504 Err:504
3 Brass Union (32x40 mmØ) no 16 Err:504 Err:504
4 Brass Union (40x50 mmØ) no 8 Err:504 Err:504
5 CI Air Valve (15 mmØ) no 6 Err:504 Err:504
6 GI Blind flange set (100 mmØ) set 1 Err:504 Err:504
7 GI Elbow (100 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
8 GI Elbow (15 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
9 GI Elbow (32 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
10 GI Elbow (40 mmØ) no 6 Err:504 Err:504
11 GI Elbow (50 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
12 GI Equal Tee (20 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
13 GI Equal Tee (25 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
Procurement of Fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

S.No. Description of Fittings Unit Quantity Amount
14 GI Equal Tee (32 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
15 GI Nipple (20 mmØ) no 37 Err:504 Err:504
16 GI Nipple (25 mmØ) no 19 Err:504 Err:504
17 GI Nipple (32 mmØ) no 21 Err:504 Err:504
Procurement of Fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

S.No. Description of Fittings Unit Quantity Amount
18 GI Nipple (40 mmØ) no 25 Err:504 Err:504
19 GI Nipple (50 mmØ) no 13 Err:504 Err:504
20 GI Nipple (80 mmØ) no 9 Err:504 Err:504
21 GI Plug (20 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
22 GI Plug (50 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
23 GI Reducer Socket (100x80 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
24 GI Reducer Socket (32x25 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
25 GI Reducer Socket (40x32 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
26 GI Reducer Socket (50x40 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
27 GI Reducer Socket (80x50 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
28 GI Socket 20 mmØ no 3 Err:504 Err:504
29 GI Socket 50 mmØ no 2 Err:504 Err:504
30 GI Strainer (100 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
31 GI Strainer (50 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504
32 GI Unequal Tee (20x15 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
33 GI Unequal Tee (25x15 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
34 GI Unequal Tee (32x15 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
35 GI Unequal Tee (32x25 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
36 GI Unequal Tee (40x15 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
37 GI Unequal Tee (40x25 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
38 GI Unequal Tee (50x15 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
39 GI Unequal Tee (50x20 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
40 GI Unequal Tee (80x15 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
41 GI Unequal Tee (80x40 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
42 GI Union (15 mmØ) no 6 Err:504 Err:504
43 GI Union (20 mmØ) no 22 Err:504 Err:504
44 GI Union (25 mmØ) no 14 Err:504 Err:504
45 GI Union (32 mmØ) no 14 Err:504 Err:504
46 GI Union (40 mmØ) no 14 Err:504 Err:504
47 GI Union (50 mmØ) no 9 Err:504 Err:504
48 GI Union (80 mmØ) no 5 Err:504 Err:504
49 GI-GI flange set (40 mmØ) set 20 Err:504 Err:504
50 GI-HDP flange set (50x63 mmØ) set 7 Err:504 Err:504
51 GI-HDP flange set (80x90 mmØ) set 1 Err:504 Err:504
52 PPR female socket (50x63 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
53 PPR female union (20x25 mmØ) no 5 Err:504 Err:504
54 PPR female union (32x40 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
55 PPR Reducer socket (50x40 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
56 PPR Reducer socket (63x50 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
Procurement of Fittings
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

S.No. Description of Fittings Unit Quantity Amount
57 PPR socket (25 mmØ) no 75 Err:504 Err:504
58 PPR socket (40 mmØ) no 123 Err:504 Err:504
59 PPR socket (50 mmØ) no 65 Err:504 Err:504
60 PPR socket (63 mmØ) no 7 Err:504 Err:504
61 GM Gate Valve (20 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
62 GM Gate Valve (25 mmØ) no 2 Err:504 Err:504
63 GM Gate Valve (32 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
64 GM Gate Valve (40 mmØ) no 5 Err:504 Err:504
65 GM Gate Valve (80 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
66 GM Globe Valve (20 mmØ) no 5 Err:504 Err:504
67 GM Globe Valve (25 mmØ) no 4 Err:504 Err:504
68 GM Globe Valve (32 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
69 GM Globe Valve (40 mmØ) no 1 Err:504 Err:504
70 GM Globe Valve (50 mmØ) no 3 Err:504 Err:504

Subtotal 664.00 Rs. Err:504

Add contractor's Overhead @ 15.00 % Err:504
Total with OH Err:504
Add Value Added Tax @ 13.00 % Err:504
Total Amount with VAT Err:504

Total cost of fittings for pump and structures Err:504

Reinforcement Cement Concrete Square Tank
10 m3 capacity

S.N. Description of items Qty. Unit Rate Amount

1 Removing top soil for site preparation 29.16 m² 106.72 3111.96

2 Earthwork in excavation for foundation work in hard 51.70 m³ 858.76 44395.32
3 Earth work in backfilling with hard soil 31.74 m³ 432.81 13737.39
4 Dry stone soling work in foundation 2.86 m³ 7240.03 20720.97
5 RR Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar 3.28 m³ 15855.45 51942.45
6 Plain cement concrete (1:3:6) for foundation work 1.09 m³ 15514.93 16895.76
7 Plain cement concrete (1:1½:3) for RCC work 5.43 m³ 20414.80 110844.61
8 Plain cement concrete (1:2:4) for RCC work 1.17 m³ 18887.36 22030.22
9 Centering and shuttering for walls, vertical surfaces 58.14 m² 735.61 42765.42
10 Steel reinforcement for RCC work 1101.51 kg 113.68 125219.91
11 12.5 mm thick 1:3 c-s plaster 28.86 m² 408.99 11804.09
12 3 mm thick 1:1 c-s punning 28.86 m² 240.72 6947.56
13 12.5 mm thick 1:4 c-s plaster 43.05 m² 401.36 17276.94
14 Two (first & second) coats of bitumen painting 14.04 m² 112.41 1578.24
15 Two (first & second) coats of snowcem painting 18.09 m² 148.26 2682.02
16 25 mmØ GI pipe ladder 45 cm width, 2.8 m long 1.00 no 4319.84 4319.84
17 Supply and installation of standard manhole cover 2.000 set 2967.42 5934.84
18 Installation of pipes & fittings for RCC tank (<=30 1.000 job 3000.00 3000.00
19 Site levelling work 1.000 job 5000.00 5000.00
20 Barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 18.000 m #REF! #REF!
21 Entrance gate in barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 1.000 No #REF! #REF!
22 Cost of water for construction and curing 8.00 m³ 1000.00 8 000.00
Subtotal: #REF!
Reinforcement Cement Concrete Square Tank
10 m3 capacity

Inner side of tank = 2.40 m × = 2.40 m

Thickness of wall = 0.15 m
Total tank height = 2.30 m
Thickness of cover slab = 0.120 m

S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Qty. Unit

1 Removing top soil for site preparation (L= d+4 m,B=d+4 m) 1 5.40 5.40 29.16 m²
Earthwork in excavation for foundation in
levelling 0.5 5.40 5.40 1.50 21.87
Storage tank(L.L.H, L = L+2.t+1.00) 1 3.70 3.70 1.30 17.80
Valve Chamber 1 1.90 1.80 1.50 5.13
Washout pipe trench 1 10.00 0.60 1.15 6.90
Total earth work 51.70 m³
3 Earthwork in back filling with
for working space of storage tank 1 21.60 1.00 1.30 28.08
Washout pipe trench 1 10.00 0.60 1.15 6.90
Deduct soling and PCC/RCC portion 1 24.00 0.30 0.45 -3.24
Net backfilling work 31.74 m³
4 Stone soling work
Storage tank 1 3.30 3.30 0.20 2.18
Valve Chamber 1 1.90 1.80 0.20 0.68
Total soling work 2.86 m³
5 Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar
Valve Chamber 1 5.60 0.45 1.30 3.28 m³
6 PCC (1:3:6) in foundation
- tank foundation 1 3.30 3.30 0.10 1.09 m³

7 PCC (1:1½:3) for RCC work

for tank base slab 1 3.30 3.30 0.15 1.63
- for wall portion 1 10.2 0.15 2.30 3.52
- for inner haunch portion 0.5 10.4 0.20 0.20 0.21
-for maintaining floor slope( slope 1:100) 0.5 2.40 2.4 0.02 0.07
Total PCC for RCC works 5.430 m³
8 PCC (1:2:4) for RCC work
cover slab 1 2.7 2.7 0.12 0.87
cover slab of VC 1 1.9 1.8 0.10 0.34
- deduct for manhole 2 0.6 0.6 0.07 -0.05
Total PCC works 1.166 m³
9 Shuttering works for RCC for vertical walls
- inner portion 1 9.60 2.30 22.08
- outer portion 1 10.8 2.30 24.84
cover slab 1 2.4 2.4 5.76
Outer edge of slab 1 10.8 0.12 1.30
bottom of cover slab of VC 1 1.9 1.8 3.42
edge of cover slab 1 7.4 0.10 0.74
Total shuttering works 58.14 m²

10 Steel reinforcement
-Base slab
Bottom main bars 12 @ 150 mm C/C -2 directions 2 3.3 23 no 0.888 kg/m 134.77
S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Qty. Unit
top main bars 12 @ 180 mm C/C -2 directions 2 3.30 19 no 0.888 kg/m 113.29
total reinforcement in base slab 248.06
Vertical walls
vertical bars- inner :10 mmØ @ 150 c/c 69 3.28 @ 0.617 kg/m 140.00
vertical bars- outer :10 mmØ @ 150 c/c 75 3.28 @ 0.617 kg/m 150.76
Inner hor. bars of 12 mmØ bars 170 mm c/c upto 1 m height 7 18.10 @ 0.888 kg/m 110.60
Inner hr. bars of 12 mmØ bars 210 mm c/c for next 1.3 m heigh 7 18.10 @ 0.888 kg/m 115.55
Outer hor. bars of 12 mmØ bars 170 mm c/c upto 1 m height 7 10.60 @ 0.888 kg/m 64.77
Outer hor.bars of 12 mmØ bars 210 mm c/c for next 1.3 m heigh 7 10.60 @ 0.888 kg/m 67.67
Haunch bars 10 Ø at 200 mm c/c 53 1.48 @ 0.617 kg/m 48.43
total reinforcement in wall 697.77
Roof slab of tank
main bars - X: 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 19 2.80 @ 0.395 kg/m 16.79
main bars - Y: 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 19 2.80 @ 0.395 kg/m 16.79
top main bars at edges X: 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 19 2.80 @ 0.395 kg/m 16.79
top main bars at edges Y: 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 19 2.80 @ 0.395 kg/m 16.79
Reinforcement in cover slab of VC
bottom and top main bars -X dir: 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 2× 14 1.8 @ 0.395 kg/m 19.41
bottom and top main bars -Y dir: 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 2× 13 1.9 @ 0.395 kg/m 19.49
total reinforcement in cover slab 106.08
Deduct for manhole 1 nos: 12 0.600 @ 0.395 kg/m -2.84
total reinforcement 1049.06
add 5% for splice length etc. 52.45
Total reinforcement work 1101.51 kg
11 12.5 mm thick 1:3 cement-sand plaster
-floor of tank 1 2.40 2.40 5.76
- fillet portion 1 10.40 0.28 2.94
- inner wall portion 1 9.60 2.10 20.16
Total plaster work 28.86 m²
12 3 mm thick 1:1 cement sand punning as per plaster work in item no 13 28.86 m²

13 12.5 mm thick 1:4 cement-sand plaster

-outer wall portion 1 10.80 2.42 26.14
Top of slab 1 2.70 2.70 7.29
inner side of VC 1 7.40 1.30 9.62
Total 43.05 m²
14 Two coats of bitumen paint on the buried surface of storage tank
-outer wall portion(buried portion) 1 10.80 1.30 14.04 m²
15 Two coats of snowcem paint on exposed surface of storage tank
- Wall portion(exposed portion) 1 10.80 1.00 10.80
Top of slab 1 2.70 2.70 7.29
Total 18.09 m²
16 25 mmØ GI pipe ladder 45 cm width 2.8 m long 1.00 no
17 Standard Manhole cover set 60×60 cm size 2.00 set
18 Installation of pipes & fittings for RCC tank 1.00 job
19 Site levelling work 1.00 job
20 Barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 4 4.50 18.00 m
21 Entrance gate in barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 1 1.00 No
Total cost of Reservoir tank with fencing and gate
Reinforcement Cement Concrete Square Tank
12 m3 capacity

S.N. Description of items Qty. Unit Rate Amount

1 Removing top soil for site preparation 31.36 m² 106.72 3346.74

2 Earthwork in excavation for foundation work in hard 55.32 m³ 858.76 47509.18
3 Earth work in backfilling with hard soil 33.60 m³ 432.81 14544.15
4 Dry stone soling work in foundation 3.13 m³ 7240.03 22690.25
5 RR Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar 3.28 m³ 15855.45 51942.45
6 Plain cement concrete (1:3:6) for foundation work 1.23 m³ 15514.93 19005.79
7 Plain cement concrete (1:1½:3) for RCC work 5.94 m³ 20414.80 121353.33
8 Plain cement concrete (1:2:4) for RCC work 1.30 m³ 18887.36 24568.68
9 Centering and shuttering for walls, vertical surfaces 62.91 m² 735.61 46278.70
10 Steel reinforcement for RCC work 1189.71 kg 113.68 135245.81
11 12.5 mm thick 1:3 c-s plaster 31.77 m² 408.99 12992.73
12 3 mm thick 1:1 c-s punning 31.77 m² 240.72 7647.15
13 12.5 mm thick 1:4 c-s plaster 46.10 m² 401.36 18503.50
14 Two (first & second) coats of bitumen painting 15.08 m² 112.41 1695.14
15 Two (first & second) coats of snowcem painting 20.01 m² 148.26 2966.68
16 25 mmØ GI pipe ladder 45 cm width, 2.8 m long 1.00 no 4319.84 4319.84
Supply and installation of standard manhole cover
17 (60×60 cm²) 2.000 set 2967.42 5934.84
18 Installation of pipes & fittings for RCC tank (<=30 1.000 job 3000.00 3000.00
19 Site levelling work 1.000 job 5000.00 5000.00
20 Barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 18.000 m #REF! #REF!
21 Entrance gate in barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 1.000 No #REF! #REF!
22 Cost of water for construction and curing 8.00 m³ 1000.00 8 000.00
Subtotal: #REF!
Reinforcement Cement Concrete Square Tank
12 m3 capacity

Inner side of tank = 2.60 m × = 2.60 m

Thickness of wall = 0.15 m
Total tank height = 2.30 m
Thickness of cover slab = 0.120 m

S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Qty. Unit

1 Removing top soil for site preparation (L= d+4 m,B=d+4 m) 1 5.60 5.60 31.36 m²
2 Earthwork in excavation for foundation in
levelling 0.5 5.60 5.60 1.50 23.52
Storage tank(L.L.H, L = L+2.t+1.00) 1 3.90 3.90 1.30 19.77
Valve Chamber 1 1.90 1.80 1.50 5.13
Washout pipe trench 1 10.00 0.60 1.15 6.90
Total earth work 55.32 m³
3 Earthwork in back filling with
for working space of storage tank 1 23.20 1.00 1.30 30.16
Washout pipe trench 1 10.00 0.60 1.15 6.90
Deduct soling and PCC/RCC portion 1 25.60 0.30 0.45 -3.46
Net backfilling work 33.60 m³
4 Stone soling work
Storage tank 1 3.50 3.50 0.20 2.45
Valve Chamber 1 1.90 1.80 0.20 0.68
Total soling work 3.13 m³
5 Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar
Valve Chamber 1 5.60 0.45 1.30 3.28 m³
6 PCC (1:3:6) in foundation
- tank foundation 1 3.50 3.50 0.10 1.23 m³

7 PCC (1:1½:3) for RCC work

for tank base slab 1 3.50 3.50 0.15 1.84
- for wall portion 1 11 0.15 2.30 3.80
- for inner haunch portion 0.5 11.2 0.20 0.20 0.22
-for maintaining floor slope( slope 1:100) 0.5 2.60 2.6 0.03 0.09
Total PCC for RCC works 5.944 m³
8 PCC (1:2:4) for RCC work
cover slab 1 2.9 2.9 0.12 1.01
cover slab of VC 1 1.9 1.8 0.10 0.34
- deduct for manhole 2 0.6 0.6 0.07 -0.05
Total PCC works 1.301 m³
9 Shuttering works for RCC for vertical walls
- inner portion 1 10.40 2.30 23.92
- outer portion 1 11.6 2.30 26.68
cover slab 1 2.6 2.6 6.76
Outer edge of slab 1 11.6 0.12 1.39
bottom of cover slab of VC 1 1.9 1.8 3.42
edge of cover slab 1 7.4 0.10 0.74
Total shuttering works 62.91 m²

10 Steel reinforcement
-Base slab
Bottom main bars 12 @ 150 mm C/C -2 directions 2 3.5 24 no 0.888 kg/m 151.22
S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Qty. Unit
top main bars 12 @ 180 mm C/C -2 directions 2 3.50 20 no 0.888 kg/m 127.06
total reinforcement in base slab 278.28
Vertical walls
vertical bars- inner :10 mmØ @ 150 c/c 75 3.28 @ 0.617 kg/m 150.76
vertical bars- outer :10 mmØ @ 150 c/c 80 3.28 @ 0.617 kg/m 161.53
Inner hor. bars of 12 mmØ bars 170 mm c/c upto 1 m height 7 18.90 @ 0.888 kg/m 115.48
Inner hr. bars of 12 mmØ bars 210 mm c/c for next 1.3 m heigh 7 18.90 @ 0.888 kg/m 120.65
Outer hor. bars of 12 mmØ bars 170 mm c/c upto 1 m height 7 11.40 @ 0.888 kg/m 69.66
Outer hor.bars of 12 mmØ bars 210 mm c/c for next 1.3 m heigh 7 11.40 @ 0.888 kg/m 72.78
Haunch bars 10 Ø at 200 mm c/c 57 1.48 @ 0.617 kg/m 52.08
total reinforcement in wall 742.95
Roof slab of tank
main bars - X: 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 20 3.00 @ 0.395 kg/m 18.94
main bars - Y: 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 20 3.00 @ 0.395 kg/m 18.94
top main bars at edges X: 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 20 3.00 @ 0.395 kg/m 18.94
top main bars at edges Y: 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 20 3.00 @ 0.395 kg/m 18.94
Reinforcement in cover slab of VC
bottom and top main bars -X dir: 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 2× 14 1.8 @ 0.395 kg/m 19.41
bottom and top main bars -Y dir: 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 2× 13 1.9 @ 0.395 kg/m 19.49
total reinforcement in cover slab 114.67
Deduct for manhole 1 nos: 12 0.600 @ 0.395 kg/m -2.84
total reinforcement 1133.05
add 5% for splice length etc. 56.65
Total reinforcement work 1189.71 kg
11 12.5 mm thick 1:3 cement-sand plaster
-floor of tank 1 2.60 2.60 6.76
- fillet portion 1 11.20 0.28 3.17
- inner wall portion 1 10.40 2.10 21.84
Total plaster work 31.77 m²
12 3 mm thick 1:1 cement sand punning as per plaster work in item no 13 31.77 m²

13 12.5 mm thick 1:4 cement-sand plaster

-outer wall portion 1 11.60 2.42 28.07
Top of slab 1 2.90 2.90 8.41
inner side of VC 1 7.40 1.30 9.62
Total 46.10 m²
14 Two coats of bitumen paint on the buried surface of storage tank
-outer wall portion(buried portion) 1 11.60 1.30 15.08 m²
15 Two coats of snowcem paint on exposed surface of storage tank
- Wall portion(exposed portion) 1 11.60 1.00 11.60
Top of slab 1 2.90 2.90 8.41
Total 20.01 m²
16 25 mmØ GI pipe ladder 45 cm width 2.8 m long 1.00 no
17 Supply and installation of standard man hole cover (60×60 cm²) 2.00 set
18 Installation of pipes & fittings for RCC tank 1.00 job
19 Site levelling work 1.00 job
20 Barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 4 4.00 18.00 m
21 Entrance gate in barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 1 1.00 No
Total cost of Reservoir tank with fencing and gate
Reinforcement Cement Concrete Square Tank
16 m3 capacity

S.N. Description of items Qty. Unit Rate Amount

1 Removing top soil for site preparation 36.00 m² 106.72 3841.92

2 Earthwork in excavation for foundation work in hard 64.20 m³ 858.76 55130.67
3 Earth work in backfilling with hard soil 37.82 m³ 432.81 16368.87
4 Dry stone soling work in foundation 3.88 m³ 7240.03 28120.28
5 RR Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar 3.28 m³ 15855.45 51942.45
6 Plain cement concrete (1:3:6) for foundation work 1.60 m³ 15514.93 24823.89
7 Plain cement concrete (1:1½:3) for RCC work 9.48 m³ 20414.80 193511.89
8 Plain cement concrete (1:2:4) for RCC work 1.73 m³ 18887.36 32731.79
9 Centering and shuttering for walls, vertical surfaces 73.74 m² 735.61 54243.88
10 Steel reinforcement for RCC work 1507.61 kg 113.68 171384.95
11 12.5 mm thick 1:3 c-s plaster 37.82 m² 408.99 15468.16
12 3 mm thick 1:1 c-s punning 37.82 m² 240.72 9104.12
13 12.5 mm thick 1:4 c-s plaster 54.16 m² 401.36 21737.66
14 Two (first & second) coats of bitumen painting 17.68 m² 112.41 1987.41
15 Two (first & second) coats of snowcem painting 25.16 m² 148.26 3730.22
16 GI water stopper 150 mm wide, 20 SWG 30.72 m 261.63 8037.27
17 25 mmØ GI pipe ladder 45 cm width, 2.8 m long 1.00 no 4319.84 4319.84
Supply and installation of standard manhole cover
18 (60×60 cm²) 2.000 set 2967.42 5934.84
19 Installation of pipes & fittings for RCC tank (<=30 1.000 job 3000.00 3000.00
20 Site levelling work 1.000 job 5000.00 5000.00
21 Barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 27.000 m #REF! #REF!
22 Entrance gate in barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 1.000 No #REF! #REF!
23 Cost of water for construction and curing 13.00 m³ 1000.00 13 000.00
Subtotal: #REF!
Reinforcement Cement Concrete Square Tank
16 m3 capacity

Inner side of tank = 3.00 m × = 3.00 m

Thickness of wall = 0.20 m
Total tank height = 2.30 m
Thickness of cover slab = 0.125 m

S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Qty. Unit

1 Removing top soil for site preparation (L= d+4 m,B=d+4 m) 1 6.00 6.00 36.00 m²
2 Earthwork in excavation for foundation in
levelling 0.5 6.00 6.00 1.50 27.00
Storage tank(L.L.H, L = L+2.t+1.00) 1 4.40 4.40 1.30 25.17
Valve Chamber 1 1.90 1.80 1.50 5.13
Washout pipe trench 1 10.00 0.60 1.15 6.90
Total earth work 64.20 m³
3 Earthwork in back filling with
for working space of storage tank 1 27.20 1.00 1.30 35.36
Washout pipe trench 1 10.00 0.60 1.15 6.90
Deduct soling and PCC/RCC portion 1 29.60 0.30 0.50 -4.44
Net backfilling work 37.82 m³
4 Stone soling work
Storage tank 1 4.00 4.00 0.20 3.20
Valve Chamber 1 1.90 1.80 0.20 0.68
Total soling work 3.88 m³
5 Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar
Valve Chamber 1 5.60 0.45 1.30 3.28 m³
6 PCC (1:3:6) in foundation
- tank foundation 1 4.00 4.00 0.10 1.60 m³

7 PCC (1:1½:3) for RCC work

for tank base slab 1 4.00 4.00 0.20 3.20
- for wall portion 1 12.8 0.20 2.30 5.89
- for inner haunch portion 0.5 12.8 0.20 0.20 0.26
-for maintaining floor slope( slope 1:100) 0.5 3.00 3 0.03 0.14
Total PCC for RCC works 9.479 m³
8 PCC (1:2:4) for RCC work
cover slab 1 3.4 3.4 0.13 1.45
cover slab of VC 1 1.9 1.8 0.10 0.34
- deduct for manhole 2 0.6 0.6 0.08 -0.05
Total PCC works 1.733 m³
9 Shuttering works for RCC for vertical walls
- inner portion 1 12.00 2.30 27.60
- outer portion 1 13.6 2.30 31.28
cover slab 1 3 3 9.00
Outer edge of slab 1 13.6 0.13 1.70
bottom of cover slab of VC 1 1.9 1.8 3.42
edge of cover slab 1 7.4 0.10 0.74
Total shuttering works 73.74 m²

10 Steel reinforcement
-Base slab
Bottom main bars 12 @ 150 mm C/C -2 directions 2 4 28 no 0.888 kg/m 196.50
S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Qty. Unit
top main bars 12 @ 150 mm C/C -2 directions 2 4.00 28 no 0.888 kg/m 196.50
total reinforcement in base slab 393.01
Vertical walls
vertical bars- inner :10 mmØ @ 150 c/c 85 3.38 @ 0.617 kg/m 177.56
vertical bars- outer :10 mmØ @ 150 c/c 93 3.38 @ 0.617 kg/m 194.21
Inner hor. bars of 12 mmØ bars 150 mm c/c upto 1 m height 8 20.70 @ 0.888 kg/m 140.90
Inner hr. bars of 12 mmØ bars 190 mm c/c for next 1.3 m heigh 8 20.70 @ 0.888 kg/m 144.12
Outer hor. bars of 12 mmØ bars 150 mm c/c upto 1 m height 8 13.40 @ 0.888 kg/m 91.21
Outer hor.bars of 12 mmØ bars 190 mm c/c for next 1.3 m heigh 8 13.40 @ 0.888 kg/m 93.30
Haunch bars 10 Ø at 200 mm c/c 65 1.48 @ 0.617 kg/m 59.39
total reinforcement in wall 900.68
Roof slab of tank
main bars - X: 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 24 3.50 @ 0.395 kg/m 26.52
main bars - Y: 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 24 3.50 @ 0.395 kg/m 26.52
top main bars at edges X: 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 24 3.50 @ 0.395 kg/m 26.52
top main bars at edges Y: 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 24 3.50 @ 0.395 kg/m 26.52
Reinforcement in cover slab of VC
bottom and top main bars -X dir: 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 2× 14 1.8 @ 0.395 kg/m 19.41
bottom and top main bars -Y dir: 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 2× 13 1.9 @ 0.395 kg/m 19.49
total reinforcement in cover slab 144.97
Deduct for manhole 1 nos: 12 0.600 @ 0.395 kg/m -2.84
total reinforcement 1435.82
add 5% for splice length etc. 71.79
Total reinforcement work 1507.61 kg
11 12.5 mm thick 1:3 cement-sand plaster
-floor of tank 1 3.00 3.00 9.00
- fillet portion 1 12.80 0.28 3.62
- inner wall portion 1 12.00 2.10 25.20
Total plaster work 37.82 m²
12 3 mm thick 1:1 cement sand punning as per plaster work in item no 13 37.82 m²

13 12.5 mm thick 1:4 cement-sand plaster

-outer wall portion 1 13.60 2.43 32.98
Top of slab 1 3.40 3.40 11.56
inner side of VC 1 7.40 1.30 9.62
Total 54.16 m²
14 Two coats of bitumen paint on the buried surface of storage tank
-outer wall portion(buried portion) 1 13.60 1.30 17.68 m²
15 Two coats of snowcem paint on exposed surface of storage tank
- Wall portion(exposed portion) 1 13.60 1.00 13.60
Top of slab 1 3.40 3.40 11.56
Total 25.16 m²
16 GI water stopper 150 mm wide, 20 SWG
at 2 sections of concrete joint(20% overlap) 2 15.36 30.72 m
17 25 mmØ GI pipe ladder 45 cm width 2.8 m long 1.00 no
18 Supply and installation of standard man hole cover (60×60 cm²) 2.00 set
19 Installation of pipes & fittings for RCC tank 1.00 job
20 Site levelling work 1.00 job
21 Barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 4 7.00 27.00 m
22 Entrance gate in barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 1 1.00 No
Total cost of Reservoir tank with fencing and gate
Reinforcement Cement Concrete Square Tank
20 m3 capacity

S.N. Description of items Qty. Unit Rate Amount

1 Removing top soil for site preparation 39.69 m² 106.72 4235.72

Earthwork in excavation for foundation work in
2 hard soil 70.51 m³ 858.76 60555.03
3 Earth work in backfilling with hard soil 40.58 m³ 432.81 17563.43
4 Dry stone soling work in foundation 4.38 m³ 7240.03 31725.81
5 RR Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar 3.28 m³ 15855.45 51942.45
Plain cement concrete (1:3:6) for foundation
6 work 1.85 m³ 15514.93 28687.11
7 Plain cement concrete (1:1½:3) for RCC wor 10.60 m³ 20414.80 216349.62
8 Plain cement concrete (1:2:4) for RCC work 2.00 m³ 18887.36 37760.55
Centering and shuttering for walls, vertical
9 surfaces and simple slabs 81.30 m² 735.61 59805.09
10 Steel reinforcement for RCC work 1665.66 kg 113.68 189352.15
11 12.5 mm thick 1:3 c-s plaster 42.57 m² 408.99 17410.62
12 3 mm thick 1:1 c-s punning 42.57 m² 240.72 10247.40
13 12.5 mm thick 1:4 c-s plaster 59.20 m² 401.36 23760.51

14 Two (first & second) coats of bitumen painting 19.24 m² 112.41 2162.77

15 Two (first & second) coats of snowcem painting 28.49 m² 148.26 4223.93
16 GI water stopper 150 mm wide, 20 SWG 33.60 m 261.63 8790.77

17 25 mmØ GI pipe ladder 45 cm width, 2.8 m long 1.00 no 4319.84 4319.84

Supply and installation of standard manhole
18 cover (60×60 cm²) 2.000 set 2967.42 5934.84
19 Installation of pipes & fittings for RCC tank (<= 1.000 job 3000.00 3000.00
20 Site levelling work 1.000 job 5000.00 5000.00
21 Barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 30.000 m #REF! #REF!

22 Entrancce gate in barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 1.000 No #REF! #REF!

23 Cost of water for construction and curing 14.00 m³ 1000.00 14 000.00
Subtotal: #REF!
Reinforcement Cement Concrete Square Tank
20 m3 capacity

Inner side of tank = 3.30 m × = 3.30 m

Thickness of wall = 0.20 m
Total tank height = 2.30 m
Thickness of cover slab = 0.125 m

S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Qty. Unit

1 Removing top soil for site preparation (L= d+4 m,B=d+4 m) 1 6.30 6.30 39.69 m²
2 Earthwork in excavation for foundation in
levelling 0.5 6.30 6.30 1.50 29.77
Storage tank(L.L.H, L = L+2.t+1.00) 1 4.70 4.70 1.30 28.72
Valve Chamber 1 1.90 1.80 1.50 5.13
Washout pipe trench 1 10.00 0.60 1.15 6.90
Total earth work 70.51 m³
3 Earthwork in back filling with
for working space of storage tank 1 29.60 1.00 1.30 38.48
Washout pipe trench 1 10.00 0.60 1.15 6.90
Deduct soling and PCC/RCC portion 1 32.00 0.30 0.50 -4.80
Net backfilling work 40.58 m³
4 Stone soling work
Storage tank 1 4.30 4.30 0.20 3.70
Valve Chamber 1 1.90 1.80 0.20 0.68
Total soling work 4.38 m³
5 Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar
Valve Chamber 1 5.60 0.45 1.30 3.28 m³
6 PCC (1:3:6) in foundation
- tank foundation 1 4.30 4.30 0.10 1.85 m³

7 PCC (1:1½:3) for RCC work

for tank base slab 1 4.30 4.30 0.20 3.70
- for wall portion 1 14 0.20 2.30 6.44
- for inner haunch portion 0.5 14 0.20 0.20 0.28
-for maintaining floor slope( slope 1:100) 0.5 3.30 3.3 0.03 0.18
Total PCC for RCC works 10.598 m³
8 PCC (1:2:4) for RCC work
cover slab 1 3.7 3.7 0.13 1.71
cover slab of VC 1 1.9 1.8 0.10 0.34
- deduct for manhole 2 0.6 0.6 0.08 -0.05
Total PCC works 1.999 m³
9 Centering and shuttering for walls, vertical surface and simple slabs
- inner portion 1 13.20 2.30 30.36
- outer portion 1 14.8 2.30 34.04
cover slab 1 3.3 3.3 10.89
Outer edge of slab 1 14.8 0.13 1.85
bottom of cover slab of VC 1 1.9 1.8 3.42
edge of cover slab 1 7.4 0.10 0.74
Total shuttering works 81.30 m²

10 Steel reinforcement
-Base slab
Bottom main bars 12 @ 150 mm C/C -2 directions 2 4.3 30 no 0.888 kg/m 226.51
S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Qty. Unit
top main bars 12 @ 150 mm C/C -2 directions 2 4.30 30 no 0.888 kg/m 226.51
total reinforcement in base slab 453.02
Vertical walls
vertical bars- inner :10 mmØ @ 150 c/c 93 3.38 @ 0.617 kg/m 194.21
vertical bars- outer :10 mmØ @ 150 c/c 101 3.38 @ 0.617 kg/m 210.86
Inner hor. bars of 12 mmØ bars 150 mm c/c upto 1 m height 8 21.90 @ 0.888 kg/m 149.06
Inner hr. bars of 12 mmØ bars 190 mm c/c for next 1.3 m hei 8 21.90 @ 0.888 kg/m 152.48
Outer hor. bars of 12 mmØ bars 150 mm c/c upto 1 m height 8 14.60 @ 0.888 kg/m 99.38
Outer hor.bars of 12 mmØ bars 190 mm c/c for next 1.3 m he 8 14.60 @ 0.888 kg/m 101.65
Haunch bars 10 Ø at 200 mm c/c 71 1.48 @ 0.617 kg/m 64.87
total reinforcement in wall 972.50
Roof slab of tank
main bars - X: 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 26 3.80 @ 0.395 kg/m 31.19
main bars - Y: 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 26 3.80 @ 0.395 kg/m 31.19
top main bars at edges X: 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 26 3.80 @ 0.395 kg/m 31.19
top main bars at edges Y: 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 26 3.80 @ 0.395 kg/m 31.19
Reinforcement in cover slab of VC
bottom and top main bars -X dir: 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 2× 14 1.8 @ 0.395 kg/m 19.41
bottom and top main bars -Y dir: 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 2× 13 1.9 @ 0.395 kg/m 19.49
total reinforcement in cover slab 163.66
Deduct for manhole 1 nos: 12 0.600 @ 0.395 kg/m -2.84
total reinforcement 1586.34
add 5% for splice length etc. 79.32
Total reinforcement work 1665.66 kg
11 12.5 mm thick 1:3 cement-sand plaster
-floor of tank 1 3.30 3.30 10.89
- fillet portion 1 14.00 0.28 3.96
- inner wall portion 1 13.20 2.10 27.72
Total plaster work 42.57 m²
12 3 mm thick 1:1 cement sand punning as per plaster work in item no 13 42.57 m²

13 12.5 mm thick 1:4 cement-sand plaster

-outer wall portion 1 14.80 2.43 35.89
Top of slab 1 3.70 3.70 13.69
inner side of VC 1 7.40 1.30 9.62
Total 59.20 m²
14 Two coats of bitumen paint on the buried surface of storage tank
-outer wall portion(buried portion) 1 14.80 1.30 19.24 m²
15 Tow coats of snowcem paint on exposed surface of storage tank
- Wall portion(exposed portion) 1 14.80 1.00 14.80
Top of slab 1 3.70 3.70 13.69
Total 28.49 m²
16 GI water stopper 150 mm wide, 20 SWG
at 2 sections of concrete joint(20% overlap) 2 16.80 33.60 m
17 25 mmØ GI pipe ladder 45 cm width 2.8 m long 1.00 no
18 Standard Manhole cover set 60×60 cm size 2.00 set
19 Installation of Pipes & fittings 1.00 job
20 Site levelling work 1.00 job
21 Barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 4 7.30 30.00 m
22 Entrancce gate in barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 1 1.00 No
Total cost of Reservoir tank with fencing and gate
Reinforcement Cement Concrete Square Tank
25 m3 capacity

S.N. Description of items Qty. Unit Rate Amount

1 Removing top soil for site preparation 44.89 m² 106.72 4790.66

Earthwork in excavation for foundation work in
2 hard soil 79.51 m³ 858.76 68280.44
3 Earth work in backfilling with hard soil 44.26 m³ 432.81 19156.17
4 Dry stone soling work in foundation 5.10 m³ 7240.03 36938.63
5 RR Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar 3.28 m³ 15855.45 51942.45

6 Plain cement concrete (1:3:6) for foundation work 2.21 m³ 15514.93 34272.48
7 Plain cement concrete (1:1½:3) for RCC work 12.16 m³ 20414.80 248228.96
8 Plain cement concrete (1:2:4) for RCC work 2.39 m³ 18887.36 45126.62
9 Centering and shuttering for walls, vertical surfaces 91.66 m² 735.61 67426.01
10 Steel reinforcement for RCC work 2039.27 kg 113.68 231824.40
11 12.5 mm thick 1:3 c-s plaster 49.18 m² 408.99 20115.09
12 3 mm thick 1:1 c-s punning 49.18 m² 240.72 11839.17
13 12.5 mm thick 1:4 c-s plaster 66.20 m² 401.36 26570.03
14 Two (first & second) coats of bitumen painting 21.32 m² 112.41 2396.58
15 Two (first & second) coats of snowcem painting 33.21 m² 148.26 4923.71
16 GI water stopper 150 mm wide, 20 SWG 37.44 m 261.63 9795.43

17 25 mmØ GI pipe ladder 45 cm width, 2.8 m long 1.00 no 4319.84 4319.84

Supply and installation of standard manhole cover
18 (60×60 cm²) 2.000 set 2967.42 5934.84
19 Installation of pipes & fittings for RCC tank (<=30 1.000 job 3000.00 3000.00
20 Site levelling work 1.000 job 5000.00 5000.00
21 Barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 30.000 m #REF! #REF!
22 Entrance gate in barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 1.000 No #REF! #REF!
23 Cost of water for construction and curing 17.00 m³ 1000.00 17 000.00
Subtotal: #REF!
Reinforcement Cement Concrete Square Tank
25 m3 capacity

Inner side of tank = 3.70 m × = 3.70 m

Thickness of wall = 0.20 m
Total tank height = 2.30 m
Thickness of cover slab = 0.125 m

S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Qty. Unit

1 Removing top soil for site preparation (L= d+4 m,B=d+4 m) 1 6.70 6.70 44.89 m²
2 Earthwork in excavation for foundation in
levelling 0.5 6.70 6.70 1.50 33.67
Storage tank(L.L.H, L = L+2.t+1.00) 1 5.10 5.10 1.30 33.81
Valve Chamber 1 1.90 1.80 1.50 5.13
Washout pipe trench 1 10.00 0.60 1.15 6.90
Total earth work 79.51 m³
3 Earthwork in back filling with
for working space of storage tank 1 32.80 1.00 1.30 42.64
Washout pipe trench 1 10.00 0.60 1.15 6.90
Deduct soling and PCC/RCC portion 1 35.20 0.30 0.50 -5.28
Net backfilling work 44.26 m³
4 Stone soling work
Storage tank 1 4.70 4.70 0.20 4.42
Valve Chamber 1 1.90 1.80 0.20 0.68
Total soling work 5.10 m³
5 Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar
Valve Chamber 1 5.60 0.45 1.30 3.28 m³
6 PCC (1:3:6) in foundation
- tank foundation 1 4.70 4.70 0.10 2.21 m³

7 PCC (1:1½:3) for RCC work

for tank base slab 1 4.70 4.70 0.20 4.42
- for wall portion 1 15.6 0.20 2.30 7.18
- for inner haunch portion 0.5 15.6 0.20 0.20 0.31
-for maintaining floor slope( slope 1:100) 0.5 3.70 3.7 0.04 0.25
Total PCC for RCC works 12.159 m³
8 PCC (1:2:4) for RCC work
cover slab 1 4.1 4.1 0.13 2.10
cover slab of VC 1 1.9 1.8 0.10 0.34
- deduct for manhole 2 0.6 0.6 0.08 -0.05
Total PCC works 2.389 m³
9 Shuttering works for RCC for vertical walls
- inner portion 1 14.80 2.30 34.04
- outer portion 1 16.4 2.30 37.72
cover slab 1 3.7 3.7 13.69
Outer edge of slab 1 16.4 0.13 2.05
bottom of cover slab of VC 1 1.9 1.8 3.42
edge of cover slab 1 7.4 0.10 0.74
Total shuttering works 91.66 m²

10 Steel reinforcement
-Base slab
Bottom main bars 12 @ 150 mm C/C -2 directions 2 4.7 32 no 0.888 kg/m 269.84
S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Qty. Unit
top main bars 12 @ 110 mm C/C -2 directions 2 4.70 44 no 0.888 kg/m 364.92
total reinforcement in base slab 634.76
Vertical walls
vertical bars- inner :10 mmØ @ 150 c/c 104 3.38 @ 0.617 kg/m 216.40
vertical bars- outer :10 mmØ @ 150 c/c 112 3.38 @ 0.617 kg/m 233.05
Inner hor. bars of 12 mmØ bars 125 mm c/c upto 1 m height 9 23.50 @ 0.888 kg/m 187.77
Inner hr. bars of 12 mmØ bars 160 mm c/c for next 1.3 m heigh 9 23.50 @ 0.888 kg/m 190.38
Outer hor. bars of 12 mmØ bars 150 mm c/c upto 1 m height 8 16.20 @ 0.888 kg/m 110.27
Outer hor.bars of 12 mmØ bars 190 mm c/c for next 1.3 m heigh 8 16.20 @ 0.888 kg/m 112.79
Haunch bars 10 Ø at 200 mm c/c 79 1.48 @ 0.617 kg/m 72.18
total reinforcement in wall 1122.85
Roof slab of tank
main bars - X: 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 28 4.20 @ 0.395 kg/m 37.12
main bars - Y: 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 28 4.20 @ 0.395 kg/m 37.12
top main bars at edges X: 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 28 4.20 @ 0.395 kg/m 37.12
top main bars at edges Y: 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 28 4.20 @ 0.395 kg/m 37.12
Reinforcement in cover slab of VC
bottom and top main bars -X dir: 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 2× 14 1.8 @ 0.395 kg/m 19.41
bottom and top main bars -Y dir: 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 2× 13 1.9 @ 0.395 kg/m 19.49
total reinforcement in cover slab 187.40
Deduct for manhole 1 nos: 12 0.600 @ 0.395 kg/m -2.84
total reinforcement 1942.16
add 5% for splice length etc. 97.11
Total reinforcement work 2039.27 kg
11 12.5 mm thick 1:3 cement-sand plaster
-floor of tank 1 3.70 3.70 13.69
- fillet portion 1 15.60 0.28 4.41
- inner wall portion 1 14.80 2.10 31.08
Total plaster work 49.18 m²
12 3 mm thick 1:1 cement sand punning as per plaster work in item no 13 49.18 m²

13 12.5 mm thick 1:4 cement-sand plaster

-outer wall portion 1 16.40 2.43 39.77
Top of slab 1 4.10 4.10 16.81
inner side of VC 1 7.40 1.30 9.62
Total 66.20 m²
14 Two coats of bitumen paint on the buried surface of storage tank
-outer wall portion(buried portion) 1 16.40 1.30 21.32 m²
15 Removing top soil for site preparation snowcem paint on exposed surface of storage tank
- Wall portion(exposed portion) 1 16.40 1.00 16.40
Top of slab 1 4.10 4.10 16.81
Total 33.21 m²
16 GI water stopper 150 mm wide, 20 SWG
at 2 sections of concrete joint(20% overlap) 2 18.72 37.44 m
17 25 mmØ GI pipe ladder 45 cm width 2.8 m long 1.00 no
18 Supply and installation of standard man hole cover (60×60 cm²) 2.00 set
19 Installation of pipes & fittings for RCC tank 1.00 job
20 Site levelling work 1.00 job
21 Barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 4 7.70 30.00 m
22 Entrance gate in barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 1 1.00 No
Total cost of Reservoir tank with fencing and gate
Abstract of Cost
Reinforced Cement Concrete Underground Square Tank
Capacity of reservoir : 30 m³
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

S.N. Description of items Qty. Unit Rate Amount

1 Removing top soil for site preparation 50.41 m² 106.72 5379.76

2 Earthwork in excavation for foundation work in ha 76.85 m³ 858.76 65991.41
3 Earth work in backfilling with hard soil 47.94 m³ 432.81 20748.91
4 Dry stone soling work in foundation 5.92 m³ 7240.03 42889.94
5 RR Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar 3.39 m³ 15855.45 53797.54
6 Plain cement concrete (1:3:6) for foundation wor 2.60 m³ 15514.93 40354.33
7 Plain cement concrete (1:1½:3) for RCC work 13.80 m³ 20414.80 281777.42
8 Plain cement concrete (1:2:4) for RCC work 2.95 m³ 18887.36 55683.01
9 Centering and shuttering for walls, vertical surfa 104.31 m² 735.61 76727.80
10 Steel reinforcement for RCC work 2323.29 kg 113.68 264111.10
11 12.5 mm thick 1:3 c-s plaster 56.11 m² 408.99 22950.43
12 3 mm thick 1:1 c-s punning 56.11 m² 240.72 13507.98
13 12.5 mm thick 1:4 c-s plaster 73.69 m² 401.36 29576.22
14 Two (first & second) coats of bitumen painting 23.40 m² 112.41 2630.39
15 Two (first & second) coats of snowcem painting 38.25 m² 148.26 5670.95
16 GI water stopper 150 mm wide, 20 SWG 41.28 m 261.63 10800.09
17 25 mmØ GI pipe ladder 45 cm width, 2.8 m long 1.00 no 4319.84 4319.84
Supply and installation of standard manhole
18 cover (60×60 cm²) 2.000 set 2967.42 5934.84
19 Installation of pipes & fittings for RCC tank (<= 1.000 job 3000.00 3000.00
20 Site levelling work 1.000 job 5000.00 5000.00
21 Barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 33.000 m #REF! #REF!
22 Entrancce gate in barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 1.000 No #REF! #REF!
Reinforcement Cement Concrete Square Tank
30 m3 capacity

Inner side of tank = 4.10 m ×

Thickness of wall = 0.20 m
Total tank height = 2.30 m
Thickness of cover slab = 0.120 m

S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Qty. Unit

1 Removing top soil for site preparation (L= d+4 m,B=d+4 m) 1 7.10 7.10 50.41 m²
2 Earthwork in excavation for foundation in
levelling 0.5 7.10 7.10 1.00 25.21
Storage tank(L.L.H, L = L+2.t+1.00) 1 5.50 5.50 1.30 39.33
Valve Chamber 1 1.90 1.90 1.50 5.42
Washout pipe trench 1 10.00 0.60 1.15 6.90
Total earth work 76.85 m³
3 Earthwork in back filling with
for working space of storage tank 1 36.00 1.00 1.30 46.80
Washout pipe trench 1 10.00 0.60 1.15 6.90
Deduct soling and PCC/RCC portion 1 38.40 0.30 0.50 -5.76
Net backfilling work 47.94 m³
4 Stone soling work
Storage tank 1 5.10 5.10 0.20 5.20
Valve Chamber 1 1.90 1.90 0.20 0.72
Total soling work 5.92 m³
5 Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar
Valve Chamber 1 5.80 0.45 1.30 3.39 m³
6 PCC (1:3:6) in foundation
- tank foundation 1 5.10 5.10 0.10 2.60 m³

7 PCC (1:1½:3) for RCC work

for tank base slab 1 5.10 5.10 0.20 5.202
- for wall portion 1 17.2 0.20 2.30 7.912
- for inner haunch portion 0.5 17.2 0.20 0.20 0.344
-for maintaining floor slope( slope 1:100) 0.5 4.10 4.1 0.04 0.345
Total PCC for RCC works 13.803 m³
8 PCC (1:2:4) for RCC work
- T-beam 1 4.100 0.23 0.23 0.208
cover slab 1 4.5 4.5 0.12 2.430
cover slab of VC 1 1.9 1.9 0.10 0.361
- deduct for manhole 2 0.6 0.6 0.07 -0.050
Total PCC works 2.948 m³
9 Shuttering works for RCC for vertical walls
- inner portion 1 16.40 2.30 37.72
- outer portion 1 18 2.30 41.40
cover slab 1 4.1 4.1 16.81
-T-beam sides 2 4.1 0.23 1.85
Outer edge of slab 1 18 0.12 2.16
bottom of cover slab of VC 1 1.9 1.9 3.61
edge of cover slab 1 7.6 0.10 0.76
Total shuttering works 104.31 m²

10 Steel reinforcement
-Base slab
S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Qty. Unit
Bottom main bars 10 @ 125 mm C/C -2 directions 2 5.1 42 no 0.617 kg/m 262.87
top main bars 12 @ 100 mm C/C -2 directions 2 5.10 52 no 0.888 kg/m 470.90
total reinforcement in base slab 733.76
Vertical walls
vertical bars- inner :10 mmØ @ 150 c/c 115 3.30 @ 0.617 kg/m 232.94
vertical bars- outer :10 mmØ @ 150 c/c 123 3.30 @ 0.617 kg/m 249.20
Inner hor. bars of 12 mmØ bars 110 mm c/c upto 1 m height 10 25.20 @ 0.888 kg/m 225.76
Inner hr. bars of 12 mmØ bars 140 mm c/c for next 1.3 m he 10 25.200 @ 0.888 kg/m 230.12
Outer hor. bars of 12 mmØ bars 150 mm c/c upto 1 m height 8 17.800 @ 0.888 kg/m 121.16
Outer hor.bars of 12 mmØ bars 180 mm c/c for next 1.3 m h 8 17.800 @ 0.888 kg/m 129.94
Haunch bars 10 Ø at 200 mm c/c 87 1.48 @ 0.617 kg/m 79.49
total reinforcement in wall 1268.61
Cover slab
T-beam- main bar 12 mmØ 10 4.7 @ 0.888 kg/m 41.73
2 legged strirrups 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 31 1.04 @ 0.395 kg/m 12.72
main bars 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 26 4.70 @ 0.395 kg/m 38.57
main bars at flange 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 26 1.86 @ 0.395 kg/m 15.27
top main bars at edges 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 26 0.74 @ 0.395 kg/m 6.07
26 0.74 @ 0.395 kg/m 6.07
distribution bars 8 mmØ @ 180 mm c/c 24 4.30 @ 0.395 kg/m 40.34
for T-beam flange 10 4.3 @ 0.395 kg/m 17.34
for edge reinforcement 5 4.3 @ 0.395 kg/m 8.67
5 4.3 @ 0.395 kg/m 8.67
for cover slab of VC - 8 mmØ bars @ 150 mm c/c 14 1.9 @ 0.395 kg/m 10.25
14 1.9 @ 0.395 kg/m 10.25
total reinforcement in cover slab 215.960
Deduct for manhole 2 nos: 24 0.600 @ 0.395 kg/m -5.68
total reinforcement 2212.65
add 5% for splice length etc. 110.63
Total reinforcement work 2323.29 kg
11 12.5 mm thick 1:3 cement-sand plaster
-floor of tank 1 4.10 4.10 16.81
- fillet portion 1 17.20 0.28 4.86
- inner wall portion 1 16.40 2.10 34.44
Total plaster work 56.11 m²
12 3 mm thick 1:1 cement sand punning as per plaster work in item no 13 56.11 m²

13 12.5 mm thick 1:4 cement-sand plaster

-outer wall portion 1 18.00 2.42 43.56
Top of slab 1 4.50 4.50 20.25
inner side of VC 1 7.60 1.30 9.88
Total 73.69 m²
14 Bitumen paint on the buried surface of storage tank
-outer wall portion(buried portion) 1 18.00 1.30 23.40 m²
15 Snowcem paint on exposed surface of storage tank
- Wall portion(exposed portion) 1 18.00 1.00 18.00
Top of slab 1 4.50 4.50 20.25
Total 38.25 m²
16 GI water stopper 150 mm wide, 20 SWG
at 2 sections of concrete joint(20% overlap) 2 20.64 41.28 m
17 25 mmØ GI pipe ladder 45 cm width 2.8 m long 1.00 no
18 Standard Manhole cover set 60×60 cm size 2.00 set
19 Installation of Pipes & fittings 1.00 job
20 Site levelling work 1.00 job
21 Barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 4 8.10 33.00 m
22 Entrancce gate in barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 1 1.00 No
Total cost of Reservoir tank with fencing and gate

= 4.10 m

Rate Amount








Rate Amount






Abstract of Cost
Reinforced Cement Concrete Underground Square Tank
Capacity of reservoir : 40 m³
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

S.N. Description of items Qty. Unit Rate Amount

1 Removing top soil for site preparation 59.29 m² 106.72 6327.43

2 Earthwork in excavation for foundation work in ha 90.33 m³ 858.76 77574.37
3 Earth work in backfilling with hard soil 53.46 m³ 432.81 23138.02
4 Dry stone soling work in foundation 7.22 m³ 7240.03 52273.02
5 RR Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar 3.39 m³ 15855.45 53797.54
6 Plain cement concrete (1:3:6) for foundation wor 3.25 m³ 15514.93 50408.01
7 Plain cement concrete (1:1½:3) for RCC work 16.43 m³ 20414.80 335315.44
8 Plain cement concrete (1:2:4) for RCC work 3.67 m³ 18887.36 69311.65
9 Centering and shuttering for walls, vertical surfa 121.18 m² 735.61 89143.43
10 Steel reinforcement for RCC work 3650.53 kg 113.68 414992.54
11 12.5 mm thick 1:3 c-s plaster 67.11 m² 408.99 27448.84
12 3 mm thick 1:1 c-s punning 67.11 m² 240.72 16155.61
13 12.5 mm thick 1:4 c-s plaster 85.26 m² 401.36 34219.15
14 Two (first & second) coats of bitumen painting 26.52 m² 112.41 2981.11
15 Two (first & second) coats of snowcem painting 46.41 m² 148.26 6880.75
16 GI water stopper 150 mm wide, 20 SWG 47.04 m 261.63 12307.08
17 25 mmØ GI pipe ladder 45 cm width, 2.8 m long 1.00 no 5724.12 5724.12
Supply and installation of standard manhole
18 cover (60×60 cm²) 2.000 set 2967.42 5934.84
19 Installation of pipes & fittings for RCC tank (>3 1.000 job 5500.00 5500.00
20 Site levelling work 1.000 job 5000.00 5000.00
21 Barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 36.000 m #REF! #REF!
22 Entrancce gate in barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 1.000 No #REF! #REF!
23 Cost of water for construction and curing 23.00 m³ 1000.00 23 000.00
Subtotal: #REF!
Reinforcement Cement Concrete Square Tank
40 m3 capacity

Inner side of tank = 4.70 m ×

Thickness of wall = 0.20 m
Total tank height = 2.30 m
Thickness of cover slab = 0.120 m

S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Qty. Unit

1 Removing top soil for site preparation (L= d+4 m,B=d+4 m) 1 7.70 7.70 59.29 m²
2 Earthwork in excavation for foundation in
levelling 0.5 7.70 7.70 1.00 29.65
Storage tank(L.L.H, L = L+2.t+1.00) 1 6.10 6.10 1.30 48.37
Valve Chamber 1 1.90 1.90 1.50 5.42
Washout pipe trench 1 10.00 0.60 1.15 6.90
Total earth work 90.33 m³
3 Earthwork in back filling with
for working space of storage tank 1 40.80 1.00 1.30 53.04
Washout pipe trench 1 10.00 0.60 1.15 6.90
Deduct soling and PCC/RCC portion 1 43.20 0.30 0.50 -6.48
Net backfilling work 53.46 m³
4 Stone soling work
Storage tank 1 5.70 5.70 0.20 6.50
Valve Chamber 1 1.90 1.90 0.20 0.72
Total soling work 7.22 m³
5 Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar
Valve Chamber 1 5.80 0.45 1.30 3.39 m³
6 PCC (1:3:6) in foundation
- tank foundation 1 5.70 5.70 0.10 3.25 m³

7 PCC (1:1½:3) for RCC work

for tank base slab 1 5.70 5.70 0.20 6.50
- for wall portion 1 19.6 0.20 2.30 9.02
- for inner haunch portion 0.5 19.6 0.20 0.20 0.39
-for maintaining floor slope( slope 1:100) 0.5 4.70 4.7 0.05 0.52
Total PCC for RCC works 16.425 m³
8 PCC (1:2:4) for RCC work
- T-beam 1 4.700 0.23 0.23 0.24
cover slab 1 5.1 5.1 0.12 3.12
cover slab of VC 1 1.9 1.9 0.10 0.36
- deduct for manhole 2 0.6 0.6 0.07 -0.05
Total PCC works 3.670 m³
9 Shuttering works for RCC for vertical walls
- inner portion 1 18.80 2.30 43.24
- outer portion 1 20.4 2.30 46.92
cover slab 1 4.7 4.7 22.09
-T-beam sides 2 4.7 0.23 2.12
Outer edge of slab 1 20.4 0.12 2.45
bottom of cover slab of VC 1 1.9 1.9 3.61
edge of cover slab 1 7.6 0.10 0.76
Total shuttering works 121.18 m²

12 Steel reinforcement
-Base slab
S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Qty. Unit
Bottom main bars 12 @ 160 mm C/C -2 directions 2 6.3 40no 0.888 kg/m 451.65
top main bars 16 @ 150 mm C/C -2 directions 2 6.30 43no 1.578 kg/m 855.14
total reinforcement in base slab 1306.80
Vertical walls
vertical bars- inner :12 mmØ @ 180 c/c 110 3.53 @ 0.888 kg/m 342.86
vertical bars- outer :12 mmØ @ 180 c/c 116 3.53 @ 0.888 kg/m 363.72
Inner hor. bars of 16 mmØ bars 150 mm c/c upto 1 m height 8 22.10 @ 1.578 kg/m 267.42
Inner hr. bars of 16 mmØ bars 180 mm c/c for next 1.3 m he 8 22.100 @ 1.578 kg/m 286.80
Outer hor. bars of 16 mmØ bars 160 mm c/c upto 1 m height 7 20.200 @ 1.578 kg/m 231.15
Outer hor.bars of 16 mmØ bars 180 mm c/c for next 1.3 m h 8 20.200 @ 1.578 kg/m 262.14
Haunch bars 10 Ø at 200 mm c/c 99 1.48 @ 0.617 kg/m 90.46
total reinforcement in wall 1844.55
Cover slab
T-beam- main bar 12 mmØ 8 5.3 @ 0.888 kg/m 37.64
2 legged strirrups 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 35 1.04 @ 0.395 kg/m 14.36
main bars 10 mmØ @ 170 mm c/c 27 5.30 @ 0.617 kg/m 69.27
main bars at flange 10 mmØ @ 170 mm c/c 27 1.96 @ 0.617 kg/m 25.62
top main bars at edges 10 mmØ @ 170 mm c/c 27 0.81 @ 0.617 kg/m 10.59
27 0.81 @ 0.617 kg/m 10.59
distribution bars 10 mmØ @ 200 mm c/c 25 4.90 @ 0.617 kg/m 74.02
for T-beam flange 10 4.9 @ 0.617 kg/m 29.61
for edge reinforcement 5 4.9 @ 0.617 kg/m 15.26
5 4.9 @ 0.617 kg/m 15.26
for cover slab of VC - 10 mmØ bars @ 150 mm c/c 14 1.9 @ 0.617 kg/m 16.01
14 1.9 @ 0.617 kg/m 16.01
total reinforcement in cover slab 334.226
Deduct for manhole 2 nos: 24 0.600 @ 0.617 kg/m -8.88
total reinforcement 3476.70
add 5% for splice length etc. 173.83
Total reinforcement work 3650.53 kg
13 12.5 mm thick 1:3 cement-sand plaster
-floor of tank 1 4.70 4.70 22.09
- fillet portion 1 19.60 0.28 5.54
- inner wall portion 1 18.80 2.10 39.48
Total plaster work 67.11 m²
14 3 mm thick 1:1 cement sand punning as per plaster work in item no 13 67.11 m²

15 12.5 mm thick 1:4 cement-sand plaster

-outer wall portion 1 20.40 2.42 49.37
Top of slab 1 5.10 5.10 26.01
inner side of VC 1 7.60 1.30 9.88
Total 85.26 m²
16 Bitumen paint on the buried surface of storage tank
-outer wall portion(buried portion) 1 20.40 1.30 26.52 m²
17 Snowcem paint on exposed surface of storage tank
- Wall portion(exposed portion) 1 20.40 1.00 20.40
Top of slab 1 5.10 5.10 26.01
Total 46.41 m²
18 GI water stopper 150 mm wide, 20 SWG
at 2 sections of concrete joint(20% overlap) 2 23.52 47.04 m
19 25 mmØ GI pipe ladder 45 cm width 2.8 m long 1.00 no
22 Standard Manhole cover set 60×60 cm size 2.00 set
23 Installation of Pipes & fittings 1.00 job
24 Site levelling work 1.00 job
25 Barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 4 8.70 36.00 m
26 Entrancce gate in barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 1 1.00 No
Total cost of Reservoir tank with fencing and gate

= 4.70 m

Rate Amount








Rate Amount






1. Manhole Cover Sets:
MS angle manhole cover 75×75 cm, set
MS angle manhole cover 60×60 cm, set
MS angle manhole cover 60 cm Ø, set
MS angle manhole cover 45×45 cm, set

A. MS angle manhole cover 75×75 cm, set

Size of manhole cover set:- 75 × 75 cm
Size of angle(mm):- 40 × 40 × 5
Weight of MS angle, kg/m = 2.94
mass of outer frame = 8.82 kg
Size of inner frame :- 73.5 × 73.5 cm
mass of outer frame = 8.64 kg
Steel bars for inner frame:- 2×3 nos of 10 mmØ
Steel bars for handling of inner frame:- 2 nos of 12 mmØ - (30+15*2 cm)
Mass of steel bars = 3.79 kg
Total mass of MS angle and MS bars = 21.25 kg
Add 15% for wastes and matching the size, etc. size = 3.19 kg
Total mass of 1 MS angle manhole cover 75×75 cm, set = 24.44 kg

B. MS angle manhole cover 60×60 cm, set

Size of manhole cover set:- 60 × 60 cm
Size of angle(mm):- 40 × 40 × 5
Weight of MS angle, kg/m = 2.94
mass of outer frame = 7.056 kg
Size of inner frame :- 58.5 × 58.5 cm
mass of outer frame = 6.88 kg
Steel bars for inner frame:- 2×3 nos of 10 mmØ
Steel bars for handling of inner frame:- 2 nos of 12 mmØ - (30+15*2 cm)
Mass of steel bars = 3.23 kg
Total mass of MS angle and MS bars = 17.17 kg
Add 15% for wastes and matching the size, etc. size = 2.58 kg
Total mass of 1 MS angle manhole cover 60×60 cm, set = 19.74 kg

C. MS angle manhole cover 45×45 cm, set

Size of manhole cover set:- 45 × 45 cm
Size of angle(mm):- 40 × 40 × 5
Weight of MS angle, kg/m = 2.94
mass of outer frame = 5.292 kg
Size of inner frame :- 43.5 × 43.5 cm
mass of outer frame = 5.12 kg
Steel bars for inner frame:- 2×3 nos of 10 mmØ
Steel bars for handling of inner frame:- 2 nos of 12 mmØ - (30+15*2 cm)
Mass of steel bars = 2.68 kg
Total mass of MS angle and MS bars = 13.08 kg
Add 15% for wastes and matching the size, etc. size = 1.96 kg
Total mass of 1 MS angle manhole cover 45×45 cm, set = 15.05 kg

D. MS angle manhole cover 60Ø cm, set

Size of manhole cover set:- 60 Ø cm
Size of angle(mm):- 40 × 40 × 4
Weight of MS angle, kg/m = 2.39
mass of outer frame = 4.51 kg
Size of inner frame :- 58.5 Ø
mass of outer frame = 4.39 kg
Steel bars for inner frame:- 2×3 nos of 10 mmØ
Steel bars for handling of inner frame:- 2 nos of 12 mmØ - (30+15*2 cm)
Mass of steel bars = 3.01 kg
Total mass of MS angle and MS bars = 11.92 kg
Add 15% for wastes and matching the size, etc. size = 1.79 kg
Total mass of 1 MS angle manhole cover 45×45 cm, set = 13.70 kg

E. GI pipe ladder for the inspection of the reservoir

Size of pipe for vertical supports 25 mmØ (Medium)
Size of pipe for rungs 15 mmØ (Medium)
Vertical height for ladder 3m
Length of ladder (3 V to 1 H, angle of inclination comes - 71.57°),
3.2 m
Width of ladder 0.45 m
Spacing of rungs along length of ladder 0.3 m c/c
Length of rungs 0.4 m
Assuming offset 0.10 m, at top and 0.3 m at bottom along the ladder,
No of rungs, 10
Total length of rungs of 15 mmØ GI pipe (M) = 4m
Total length of vertical supports of 25 mmØ GI pipe (M) = 6.4 m
Total no of welding joints (15 mmØ) = 20 no
Total weight of ladder = 21.33 kg 4300

F. GI pipe ladder for the inspection of the reservoir

Size of pipe for vertical supports 32 mmØ (Medium)
Size of pipe for rungs 15 mmØ (Medium)
Vertical height for ladder 3m
Length of ladder (3 V to 1 H, angle of inclination comes - 71.57°),
3.2 m
Width of ladder 0.45 m
Spacing of rungs along length of ladder 0.3 m c/c
Length of rungs 0.386 m
Assuming offset 0.10 m, at top and 0.3 m at bottom along the ladder,
No of rungs, 10
Total length of rungs of 15 mmØ GI pipe (M) = 3.86 m
Total length of vertical supports of 32 mmØ GI pipe (M) = 6.4 m
Total no of welding joints (15 mmØ) = 20 no
Total weight of ladder = 25.94 kg 5700

G. GI pipe ladder for the inspection of the reservoir

Size of pipe for vertical supports 32 mmØ (Medium)
Size of pipe for rungs 15 mmØ (Medium)
Vertical height for ladder 4m
Length of ladder (3 V to 1 H, angle of inclination comes - 71.57°),
4.3 m
Width of ladder 0.45 m
Spacing of rungs along length of ladder 0.3 m c/c
Length of rungs 0.386 m
Assuming offset 0.10 m, at top and 0.3 m at bottom along the ladder,
No of rungs, 14
Total length of rungs of 15 mmØ GI pipe (M) = 5.404 m
Total length of vertical supports of 32 mmØ GI pipe (M) = 8.6 m
Total no of welding joints (15 mmØ) = 28 no
Total weight of ladder = 35.14 kg 7700
Rate Analysis
Item Rates for Estimating
Rate Per Unit Referenc
Sn. Norms no Items Unit
( without VAT ) e No.
Earth Works
1 N1-8 Removing top soil for site preparation m² 106.72 F4
Earthwork in excavation in ordinary soil for
2 N2-9 pipeline/foundation trench m³ 687.01 F5
Earthwork in excavation in hard soil for
3 N2-12 pipeline/foundation trench m³ 858.76 F6
Earthwork in excavation in boulder mixed soil for
4 N2-14 pipeline/foundation trench m³ 1,092.35 F7
Earthwork in excavation in soft rock for
5 N2-15a pipeline/foundation trench m³ 2,061.03 F8
Earthwork in excavation in medium rock for
6 N2-15b pipeline/foundation trench m³ 3,091.55 F9
Earthwork in excavation in hard rock with chiselling
7 N2-16b for pipeline/foundation trench m³ 17,312.65 F10
Earthwork in backfilling with ordinary soil for
8 N2-25a pipeline/foundation trench m³ 343.51 F11
Earthwork in backfilling with hard soil for
9 N2-39c pipeline/foundation trench m³ 432.81 F12
Earthwork in backfilling with boulder mixed soil for
10 N2-39d pipeline/foundation trench m³ 412.21 F13
Earthwork in backfilling with soft rock for
11 N2-39e pipeline/foundation trench m³ 755.71 F14
Earthwork in excavation in boulder mixed soil for well
construction with 10 m lead and 4 m lift depth of
12 N2-24a excavation 1 m for well construction m³ 2,411.40 F15
Earthwork in excavation in boulder mixed soil for well
construction with 10 m lead and 4 m lift depth of
13 N2-24b excavation 2 m for well construction m³ 2,473.24 F16
Earthwork in excavation in boulder mixed soil for well
construction with 10 m lead and 4 m lift depth of
14 N2-24c excavation 3 m for well construction m³ F17
Earthwork in excavation in boulder mixed soil for well
construction with 10 m lead and 4 m lift depth of
15 N2-24d excavation 4 m for well construction m³ F18
Earthwork in excavation in boulder mixed soil for well
construction with 10 m lead and 7.5 m lift depth of
16 N2-24e excavation 5 m for well construction m³ F19
Earthwork in excavation in boulder mixed soil for well
construction with 10 m lead and 7.5 m lift depth of
17 N2-24f excavation 6 m for well construction m³ F20
Earthwork in excavation in boulder mixed soil for well
construction with 10 m lead and 4 m lift depth of
18 excavation 6 m for well construction m³ F21
Earthwork in excavation in boulder mixed soil for well
construction with 10 m lead and 4 m lift depth of
19 excavation 2 m for well construction m³ F22
Earthwork in excavation in boulder mixed soil for well
construction with 10 m lead and 4 m lift depth of
20 excavation 2 m for well construction m³ F23
Earthwork in excavation in boulder mixed soil for well
construction with 10 m lead and 4 m lift depth of
21 excavation 2 m for well construction m³ F24
Stone Works
11 N6-5 Dry stone soling in foundation m³ 7,240.03 F26
N6-5_1 Boulder packing m³ 7,240.03 F27
12 N11-16 Stone pitching with sand m³ 12,621.88 F28
13 N6-2.1 Dry stone masonry m³ 8,031.07 F29
14 N6-2.2 Stone masonry in mud mortar m³ 8,618.03 F30
15 N6-3.1 R.R. masonry in 1:3 cement-sand mortar m³ 16,377.13 F31
16 N6-3.2 R.R. masonry in 1:4 cement-sand mortar m³ 15,855.45 F32
17 N6-3.3 R.R. masonry in 1:6 cement-sand mortar m³ 14,936.89 F33
18 N6-5_2 Boulder (100-150 mm size) packing ( N6-5) for stream intake m³ 2,121.06
19 DWSS--- Gravel (10-20 mm size) packing for stream intake m³ 4,652.33
20 DWSS--- Gravel (20-40 mm size) packing for stream intake m³ 4,652.33
21 Falt Brick Soling m² 1,037.50
Laying of One Layer Tarfelt Over lean concrete
22 m² 632.34

Concrete Works
18 N7-2c Plain cement concrete (1:3:6) in sub-structure m³ 15,514.93 F35
19 N7-2d Plain cement concrete (1:2:4) sub-structure m³ 17,081.86 F36
20 N7-4 b Plain cement concrete (1:1:5:3) sub-structure m³ 18,609.30 F37
21 N7-2 d Plain cement concrete (1:2:4) for RCC work m³ 18,887.36 F38
22 N7-4 b Plain cement concrete (1:1½:3) for RCC work m³ 20,414.80 F39
23 N7-2d Plain cement concrete (1:2:4) sub-structure with 2% WPC m³ 17,822.86 F40
24 N7-4 b Plain cement concrete (1:1:5:3) sub-structure with 2% WPC m³ 19,535.56 F41
Miscelleneous Works
23 N7-5 Steel reinforcement kg 113.68 F43
N7-5_1 Steel reinforcement-8 mmØ bars kg 113.68 F44
N7-5_2 Steel reinforcement-10 mmØ bars kg 113.68 F45
N7-5_3 Steel reinforcement-12 mmØ bars kg 113.68 F46
N7-5_4 Steel reinforcement-16 mmØ bars kg 113.68 F47
24 N8-2a Form work for concreting in simple slab and structure m² 735.61 F48
Form work for concreting in arch, dome, etc m² 1,658.55 F49
25 NDW-01 HDPE pipe form work for ferro-cement works m² 438.98 F50
Bar binding works including chicken wire, steel bars, GI plain wires,
26 NDW-02 etc. m² 1,025.33 F51
27 N24-6 Barbed wire fencing m 72.55 F52
Barbed wire fencing on wooden posts (2 diagonals & 5 horizontals)
28 N24-7 @ 3m c\c m 543.78 F53
35 N10-17 Sal wood work for beams, rafters,etc. m³ 143,141.91 F54
N10-17 Local wood work for beams, rafters,etc. m³ 68,519.02 F55
29 N10-1 Sal wood work for door/window frame m³ 167,038.08 F56
N10-1_1 Local wood work for door/window frame m³ 88,861.71 F57

30 N10-9 38 mm thick wooden shutter with 26 G plain sheet on one side m² 6,784.84 F58
N10-2 38 mm thick panelled sal wooden shutter m² 10,010.46 F59
N10-4 38 mm thick sal wooden glazed shutter m² 7,812.56 F60
35 N10-19 25 mm thick eavesboard m² 3,413.87 F61
31 N9-1 CGI sheet(26 G) roofing m² 1,009.10 F62
32 NON-01 Laying of one layer of 500 G of polythene sheet m² 60.00 F63
N16-5b_16-05bSupply and fixing of standard gabion box (size 3×1×1 m) no 5,763.87 F64
33N16-2a_14-5aSupply and fixing of standard gabion box (size 2×1×1 m) no 4,021.57 F65
Supply and fixing of standard gabion box (size 2×1×0.5 m, hex.
N16-5c_16-6cmesh-10×12 cm) no 2,752.56
N16-5d_16-6cSupply and fixing of standard gabion box (size 3×1×0.5 m) no 3,999.93
34 N16-11 Filling of gabion box with stone m³ 6,053.07 F66
35 NON-02 Gravel packing 20,25 mm dia m³ F67
N15-31a Staging work for culvert, bridge, dome, etc. 822.25 F68
Plastering, Punning and Pointing works F69
36 N12-1a 12.5 mm thick 1:2 cement-sand plaster m² 458.87 F70
37 N12-1b 12.5 mm thick 1:3 cement-sand plaster m² 408.99 F71
38 N12-1c 12.5 mm thick 1:4 cement-sand plaster m² 401.36 F72
39 N12-4a 20 mm thick 1:3 cement-sand plaster m² 546.89 F73
40 N12-4b 20 mm thick 1:4 cement-sand plaster m² 530.67 F74
41 N12-4c 20 mm thick 1:6cement-sand plaster m² 240.72 F75
N12-1a 12.5 mm thick 1:2cement-sand plaster with 2% WPC m² 479.71 F76
N12-1b 12.5 mm thick 1:3 cement-sand plaster with 2% WPC m² 424.04 F77
N12-4a 20 mm thick 1:3 cement-sand plaster with 2% WPC m² 568.89 F78
42 N13-10 3 mm thick 1:1 cement-sand punning m² 240.72 F79
43 N14-2c Flush ruled pointing work(1:3) m² 281.85 F80
Painting Works
44 N13-5 Two coats of enamel painting m² 283.06 F82
45 N13-12b Two coats snowcem painting m² 148.26 F83
46 N13-10 Two coats of bitumen painting m² 112.41 F84
Pipe Jointing Works
HDPE Pipes
47 N17-2 Laying and joining of 16, 20, 25 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld joint m 3.08 F87
48 N17-2 Laying and joining of 32 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld joints m 3.76 F88
49 N17-2 Laying and joining of 40, 50 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld joints m 4.51 F89
49 N17-2 Laying and joining of 63, 75, 90 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld joint m 62.15 F90
49 N17-2 Laying and joining of 110, 125 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld joints m 90.86 F91
49 N17-2 Laying and joining of 140, 160, 180 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld j m 124.31 F92
49 NDW03 Laying and joining of 200, 225, 250 mmØ HDPE pipe with butt-weld j m 183.01 F93
49 NON-03 Laying and joining of 16, 20, 25 mmØ PPR pipe with socket fusion joi m 15.40 F94
49 NON-04 Laying and joining of 32 mmØ PPR pipe with socket fusion joints m 18.80 F95
49 NON-05 Laying and joining of 40, 50 PPR pipe with socket fusion joints m 22.55 F96
49 NON-06 Laying and joining of 63, 75, 90 mmØ PPR pipe with socket fusion joi m 62.15 F97
49 NON-07 Laying and joining of 110 mmØ PPR pipe with socket fusion joints m 90.86 F98
GI Pipes
52 N17-4a_1 Laying and joining of 15, 20 mmØ GI pipe with socket joints m 71.91 F100
53 N17-4a_2 Laying and joining of 25, 32 mmØ GI pipe with socket joints m 100.37 F101
54 N17-4a_3 Laying and joining of 40, 50 mmØ GI pipe with socket joints m 136.33 F102
55 N17-4a_4 Laying and joining of 65, 80 mmØ GI pipe with socket joints m 176.33 F103
N17-4a_5 Laying and joining of 100 mmØ GI pipe with socket joints m 216.33 F104
56 N17-4a_6 Laying and joining of 125 mmØ GI pipe with socket joints m 247.54 F105
Laying and joining of 40, 50 mmØ GI pipe with arc weld joints m 195.19 F106
Laying and joining of 65, 80 mmØ GI pipe with arc weld joints m 313.28 F107
Laying and joining of 100 mmØ GI pipe with arc weld joints m 434.24 F108
Laying and joining of 125mmØ GI pipe with arc weld joints m 542.23 F109
Laying and joining of 150 mmØ GI pipe with arc weld joints m 654.67 F110
Laying and joining of 200 mmØ GI pipe with arc weld joints m 821.01 F111
Transportation work
57 Convenient load from store to site with CO kg 1.07 F113
58 Transportation of pipes and fittings from store(Tansen) to project site with CO kg 1.24 F114
NON-08 MS angle (ISA 40×40×6) post for fencing kg 171.50 F115
NON-09 MS angle standard grill gate, of 15 kg no 2038.95 F116
NON-10 MS angle standard manhole cover 75×75 cm set 3748.32 F117
NON-11 MS angle standard manhole cover 60×60 cm set 2967.42 F118
NON-12 MS angle standard manhole cover 60 cmØ set 2205.84 F119
NON-13 MS angle standard manhole cover 45×45 cm set 2545.20 F120
NON-14 25 mmØ GI pipe ladder (upto 3 m length) no 4319.84 F121
NON-15 32 mmØ GI pipe ladder (upto 3 m length) no 5724.12 F122
NON-16 33 mmØ GI pipe ladder (upto 4 m length) no 7732.68 F123
NON-17 GI water stopper 150 mm wide ( 20 SWG), m m 261.63 F123
Connection pipe to WC and septic tank & vent pipe( 110 mm ø 2.5 kg/cm² HDP 505.29 F124
Installation of pipes and fittings in structures:-
NON-17 Installation of pipes and fitings for spring intake job 500.00 F125
NON-18 Installation of pipes and fitings for stream intake job 500.00 F126
NON-19 Installation of pipes and fitings for ferrocement RVT job 1,500.00 F127
NON-20 ation of pipes and fitings for RCC RVT (upto size 30 m³) job 3,000.00 F128
NON-21 tion of pipes and fitings for RCC RVT (size above 30 m³) job 5,500.00 F129
NON-22 Installation of pipes and fitings for collection chamber job 1,000.00 F130
NON-23 Installation of pipes and fitings for distribution chamber job 1,000.00 F131
NON-24 stallation of pipes and fitings for break pressure chamber job 600.00 F132
NON-25 Installation of pipes and fitings for air valve chamber job 400.00 F133
NON-26 Installation of pipes and fitings for valve chamber job 500.00 F134
NON-27 Installation of pipes and fitings for public tap stand post job 500.00 F135
NON-28 Installation of pipes and fitings for stream crossing job 600.00 F136
NON-29 Installation of pipes and fitings for cable crossing job 1,000.00 F137
NON-30 Water diversion works in bed crossing job 2,000.00 F138
NON-31 Dewatering work in intake works job 400.00 F139
NON-32 Supply and installation of water seal pan job 1,900.71 F140
NON-33 Supply and installation of wash basin job 1,500.00 F141
For Analysis of Rates
Fiscal Year: 2076-77
Based on Approved District Rate of Kaski
Name of Project : Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

1 For distance for transportation of non local materials

Name of market Pokhara
Name of roadhead:
Distance of projectsite from market on :
-Earthen road = 0.50 km
- Gravel road = km
-Metalled road = 2.00 km
- Foot = 0.30 kosh
2 For sand And Stone collection
Sand is available in Seti Gandaki
Mode of transportation of sand
2.1 If head load is there specify haul distance = 2.00 km 0.96
2.2 If there is tractor/ truck road specify distance
-Earthen road = 0.50 km
- Gravel road = km
-Metalled road = 0.00 km
iii If sand is to be purchased, specify cost/m3 2200.00 Rs/m3 district rate
3 Collection of stone
Distance of quarry from site km
If stone is to be purchased, specify cost/m3 1950.00 Rs/m3
4 For Aggregate Collection
Aggregate is available in kotre
Mode of transportation of Aggregate
4.1 If head load is there specify haul distance = 2.00 km
4.2 If there is tractor/ truck road specify distance
-Earthen road = 0.50 km
- Gravel road = km
-Metalled road = 33.00 km
4 Aggregates -10 mm size, if it is to be purchased 1900.00 Rs/m3 district rate
Aggregates -20 mm size 1900.00 Rs/m3 district rate
Aggregates -30 mm size 1850.00 Rs/m3 district rate

5 Local wood
5.1 If it is obtained from sawing,
specify distance of its availability kosh
5.2 If it is to be purchased, specify cost/m3 40611.10 Rs/m3 ok
6 Salwood
6.1 If it is obtained from sawing,
specify distance of its availability 0.00 kosh
6.2 If it is to be purchased, specify cost/m 3
102410.60 Rs/m3 ok
6 Approved District Rates for transportatiopn and labours:
6.1 District rate of transportation by head load for :
-convenient load 2.15 Rs./kg.kosh
-inconvenient load as bars, ms angle, etc. 2.65 Rs./kg.kosh
- GI & HDPE pipes 2.65 Rs./kg.kosh
- distribution transformer 10.75 Rs./kg.kosh
- electrical poles 5.38 Rs./kg.kosh
6.3 District rate of transportation by truck for convenient load on : or by truck analysis
-Earthen road = 5.90 Rs./km.quintal
- Gravel road = 1.90 Rs./km.quintal
-Metalled road = 1.20 Rs./km.quintal
6.4 District rate of transportation by truck for inconvenient load on :
-Earthen road = 5.90 Rs./km.quintal
- Gravel road = 1.90 Rs./km.quintal
-Metalled road = 1.20 Rs./km.quintal
6.5 District rate of transportation by truck for HDPE pipe load on :
-Earthen road = 5.90 Rs./km.quintal
- Gravel road = 1.90 Rs./km.quintal
-Metalled road = 1.20 Rs./km.quintal

6.5 Rate of load/unload = 11.58 Rs./quintal

6.6 District rates of labours
Rate of skilled labour 1050.00 Rs./day ok
Rate of unskilled labour 740.00 Rs./day ok
Rate of plumber 1050.00 Rs./day ok
Helper 740.00 Rs./day ok
Driver 800.00 Rs./day ok
Asistant to driver 740.00 Rs./day ok
Supervisor 800.00 Rs./day ok
Lineman(for electrical transmission line) 740.00 Rs./day ok
Engineer 1173.08 Rs./day ok
7 Approved rate of nonlocal materials
Rate/ unit
7.1 Cement, bag 790.00 Rs. ok
7.2 Tor steel bars(10-25Ø), kg 76.00 Rs. ok
Tor steel bars(8Ø), kg 74.00 Rs. ok
7.3 Binding wire, kg 90.00 Rs. ok
7.4 Commercial GI plain wire, kg 97.00 Rs. ok
7.5 Nails, kg 95.00 Rs. ok
7.6 Chicken wire, m2 120.00 Rs. ok
7.7 Fly proof net, m² 375.00 Rs. ok
7.8 M.S. Angle(ISA 40x40x5), kg 148.00 Rs. ok
7.9 Barbed wire ( 10 SWG ), kg 110.00 Rs. ok
8.0 GI Plain Sheet ( 26 SWG ), m2 532.93 Rs. ok
7.10 CGI Sheet (26 SWG ), m2 529.31 Rs. ok
7.11 GI Plain Sheet for ridge cover, m 476.38 Rs. ok
7.12 Primer, L 315.00 Rs. ok
7.13 Enamel paint, L 450.00 Rs. ok
7.14 Bitumen paint, kg 243.00 Rs. ok
7.15 Snowcem paint, kg 71.00 Rs. ok
7.16 Polythene sheet, m2 50.00 Rs. ok
7.17 Water proofing compound, kg 99.75 Rs. ok
7.18 Fuel (Petrol), L 112.00 Rs. ok
7.19 Holdfast, no 16.00 Rs. ok
7.20 Screw, no 0.90 Rs. ok
7.21 Hinge 150 mm , no 42.00 Rs. ok
7.22 Tower bolt 150mm , no 70.00 Rs. ok
7.23 Tower bolt 300mm, no 120.00 Rs. ok
7.24 Aldrop set 250 mm, no 210.00 Rs. ok
7.25 Handle, no 52.50 Rs. ok
7.26 Nut & Bolts, no 15.00 Rs. ok
7.27 J-Hook, no 10.00 Rs. ok
7.28 U-Hook, no 10.00 Rs. ok
7.29 Bitumen Washer, no 1.00 Rs. ok
7.30 Water seal pan, set 800.00 Rs. ok
7.31 MS angle grill gate, of 15 kg 2025.00 Rs. calculated
7.32 MS angle manhole cover 75×75 cm, set(24 kg) 3726.00 Rs. calculated
7.33 MS angle manhole cover 60×60 cm, set(19 kg) 2949.75 Rs. calculated
7.34 MS angle manhole cover 60 cm Ø, set(13 kg) 2193.75 Rs. calculated
7.35 MS angle manhole cover 45×45 cm, set(15 kg) 2531.25 Rs. calculated
7.36 Suspender cable, 10 mmØ, kg Rs.
7.37 Suspender cable, 14 mmØ, kg Rs.
7.38 Bamboo, no 500.00 Rs. ok
MS grill, kg 135.00 Rs. ok
Weilding rod, no 25.00 Rs. ok
Iron plate, no 200.00 Rs. ok
Hire of generator(5 kW), day 2000.00 Rs. ok
Glass(4 mm thick), m² 920.00 Rs. ok
HDPE pipe, kg 260.00 Rs. ok
7.39 25 mmØ GI pipe ladder (upto 3 m), no 4300.00 Rs. calculated
7.40 32 mmØ GI pipe ladder (upto 3 m), no 5700.00 Rs. calculated
GI water stopper 150 mm wide ( 20 SWG), m 260.53 Rs. ok
32 mmØ GI pipe ladder (upto 4 m), no 7700.00 Rs. calculated
7.41 Mud per m³ 310.00 Rs.
7.42 Tools and plant for pipe jointing, day 1000.00 Rs.

If transportation cost is to be analysed, enter data here

8.10 Salary of driver 800.00 Rs. calculated
8.11 Salary of asistant 740.00 Rs. calculated
8.12 Mobil ,L 900.00 Rs.
8.13 Gear oil ,L 1000.00 Rs.
8.14 Grease,L Rs.
8 Current Rate of Value Added Tax = 13.00%
9 Contracror's Overhead = 15.00%
9.00 Installation of pipes and fitings for spring intake, job 500.00
9.1 Installation of pipes and fitings for stream intake, job 500.00
9.2 Installation of pipes and fitings for ferrocement RVT, job 1500.00
9.3 Installation of pipes and fitings for collection chamber, job 1000.00
9.4 Installation of pipes and fitings for distribution chamber, job 1000.00
9.5 Installation of pipes and fitings for break pressure chamber, job 600.00
9.6 Installation of pipes and fitings for air valve chamber, job 400.00
9.7 Installation of pipes and fitings for valve chamber, job 500.00
9.8 Installation of pipes and fitings for public tap stand post, job 500.00
9.9 Installation of pipes and fitings for stream crossingt, job 600.00
9.10 Installation of pipes and fitings for cable crossingt, job 1000.00
9.11 Water diversion works in bed crossing, job 2000.00
10 Dewatering work in intake works, job 400.00
Analysis of Rates
Rates are based on approved district rate of Kaski for 2076-77

Name of Project : Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

Density of sand = 1600.00 kg/m³
Density of rubble stone = 2400.00 kg/m³
Density of aggregate = 2200.00 kg/m³
Name of market : Pokhara
Name of roadhead :
Distance of project site from market on :
- Foot = 0.30 kosh
-Earthen road = 0.50 km
- Gravel road = 0.00 km
-Metalled road = 2.00 km
Sand and Stone are available in Seti Gandaki
It is far from district headquarters, so district rate is used to calculate the cost of sand and Stone at site.
for head load (road head to Project site) = 0.63 kosh
If there is tractor/ truck road distance of haulage for sand/aggregate transportation on :
-Earthen road = 0.50 km
- Gravel road = 0.00 km
-Metalled road = 0.00 km
Aggregates are available in kotre
It is far from district headquarters, so district rate is used to calculate the cost of sand and aggregate at site.
for head load (road head to Project site) = 2.00 kosh
If there is tractor/ truck road distance of haulage for sand/aggregate transportation on :
-Earthen road = 0.50 km
- Gravel road = 0.00 km
-Metalled road = 33.00 km

District Rates :
District rate of transportation by head load for :
-convenient load = 2.15 Rs/kg.kosh
-inconvenient load as bars, ms angle, etc. = 2.65 Rs/kg.kosh
- GI & HDPE pipes = 2.65 Rs/kg.kosh
- distribution transformer = 10.75 Rs/kg.kosh
- electrical poles = 5.38 Rs/kg.kosh
District rate of transportation by truck for convenient load on :
-Earthen road = 5.90 Rs/km.quintal
- Gravel road = 1.90 Rs/km.quintal
-Metalled road = 1.20 Rs/km.quintal
District rate of transportation by truck for inconvenient/GI pipe load on :
-Earthen road = 5.90 Rs/km.quintal
- Gravel road = 1.90 Rs/km.quintal
-Metalled road = 1.20 Rs/km.quintal
District rate of transportation by truck for HDP pipe load on :
-Earthen road = 5.90 Rs/km.quintal
- Gravel road = 1.90 Rs/km.quintal
-Metalled road = 1.20 Rs/km.quintal
Rate of load / unload = 11.58 Rs/quintal
Cost of sand per m³ for purchase/district rate 2200.00 Rs.
District rate of Skilled labour = 850.00 Rs/d
District rate of unskilled labour = 580.00 Rs/d
District rate of plumber = 695.00 Rs/d
Rate of some local materials
1 Sand for 1 m³
Cost of 1 m³ of sand at pokhara (as per district rate) 2200.00 Rs.
Cost of transportation:
By tractor: metalled road: 1600 kg/ m³ @ 1.2 Rs/km.quintal for 0 km haulage 0.00 Rs.
By tactor: gravel road: 1600 kg/ m³ @ 1.9 Rs/km.quintal for 0 km haulage = 0.00 Rs.
By tactor: earthen road: 1600 kg/ m³ @ 5.9 Rs/km.quintal for 0.5 km haulage = 47.20 Rs.
By manual transportation: 1600 kg/m³ @ 2.15 Rs/kg.kosh for 0.625 kosh haulage = 2150.00 Rs.
By Load /Unload: 185.20 Rs.
Rate 1 m³ of sand at site ( transporation cost +collection or purchase cost) = 4397.20 Rs.

2 Stone by Approve District Rate

Cost of stone at road head = 1950 Rs.
Cost of transportation:
By tractor: metalled road: 2400 kg/ m³ @ 1.2 Rs/km.quintal for 0 km haulage 0 Rs.
By tactor: gravel road: 2400 kg/ m³ @ 1.9 Rs/km.quintal for 0 km haulage =0 Rs.
By tactor: earthern road: 2400 kg/ m³ @ 5.9 Rs/km.quintal for 0.5 km haulage =70.8 Rs.
By manual transportation: 2400 kg/m³ @ 2.15 Rs/kg.kosh for 2 kosh haulage = 3225 Rs.
By Load /Unload: 277.8 Rs.
Rate of 1 m³ of Stone at site = 8198.1 Rs.
Stone for 1 m³ by Departmental Norms
Average Distance 0.05 Km
Number of Labour required for Collection & hammer dressing 5.88 man/day
Labour required for Transportation for 13 Km 60 man/day
So, Labour Required for 0.05 km 0.23 man/day
Total Labour Required 6.11 man/day
Rate of 1 m³ of Stone at site @ 740 = 4521.4 Rs.
Rate of 1 m³ of Stone at site = 4521.40 Rs.
Since the Rate from Collection by Departmental norms. is less, the amount from collection is used in rate analysis

3 Aggregates 10 mm size for 1m³

Cost of 1 m³ of aggregate at pokhara = 1900.00 Rs.
Cost of transportation:
By tractor metalled road: 2200 kg/m³ @ 1.2 Rs/km.quintal for 33 km haulage 0.00 Rs.
By tractor gravel road: 2200 kg/m³ @ 1.9 Rs/km.quintal for 0 km haulage 0.00 Rs.
By tractor earthen road: 2200 kg/m³ @ 5.9 Rs/km.quintal for 0.5 km haulage 64.90 Rs.
By manual transportation: 2200 kg/ m³ @ 2.15 Rs/kg.kosh for 2 kosh haulage = 2956.25 Rs.
Rate of load/Unload: 254.65 Rs.
Rate of 1 m³ aggregate = 5175.80 Rs.
4 Aggregates 20 mm size for 1m³
Cost of 1 m³ of aggregate at Pokhara = 1900.00 Rs.
Cost of transportation as above for 10 mm size aggregates 3275.80 Rs.
Rate of 1 m³ aggregate = 5175.80 Rs.

5 Aggregates 40 mm size for 1m³

Cost of 1 m³ of aggregate at Pokhara = 1850.00 Rs.
Cost of transportation as above for 10 mm size aggregates 3275.80 Rs.
Rate of 1 m³ aggregate = 5125.80 Rs.
Aggregate Based on Material Collection at Site (Departmental Norms)

Aggregate (20 - 40 mm) per m3

Average Distance 0.05 Km
Number of Labour required for Collection and breaking 9 man/day
Labour required for Transportation for 13 Km 80 man/day
So, Labour Required for 0.05 km 0.31 man/day
Total Labour Required 9.31 man/day 740 6889.4

Total Cost of Bond stone / c Rate for 1 cu. m. = Rs. 6889.4

Aggregate (10 - 20 mm) per m3

Average Distance 0.05 Km
Number of Labour required for Collection and breaking 15 man/day
Labour required for Transportation for 13 Km 80 man/day
So, Labour Required for 0.05 km 0.31 man/day
Total Labour Required 15.31 man/day 740 11329.4
Total Cost of Bond stone / c Rate for 1 cu. m. = Rs. 11329.4

Aggregate (5 - 10 mm) per m3

Average Distance 0.05 Km
Number of Labour required for Collection and breaking 21.5 man/day
Labour required for Transportation for 13 Km 80 man/day
So, Labour Required for 0.05 km 0.31 man/day
Total Labour Required 21.81 man/day 740 16139.4
Total Cost of Bond stone / c Rate for 1 cu. m. = Rs. 16139.4

Since the Rate from Collection By Approved District Rate is less, the amount from collection
is used in rate analysis
6 Rate of Transportation of Non local materials(from Pokhara to Site):
Road type Distance Convenient Inconvenient/GI pipe HDPE pipe
-Earthen road 0.50 0.03 0.03 0.03 Rs/kg
- Gravel road 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Rs/kg
-Metalled road 2.00 0.02 0.02 0.02 Rs/kg
-For head load 0.30 0.65 0.80 0.80 Rs/kg
Loading - unloading 0.23 0.23 0.23 Rs/kg
Rate of transportation per kg : 0.93 1.08 1.08 Rs/kg
Rate of transportation per kg with CO : 1.07 1.24 1.24 Rs/kg
Transportation Factor with pipe Sizing(For HDPE Pipe)
Size of Pipe coefficie
nt Actual
S.No. Muntipli coefficent
From To With CO
For HDPE pipe 16 50 1.80 2.88 3.31 Rs/kg
63 300 3.00 4.08 4.69 Rs/kg
>300 4.00 4.00 4.6 Rs/kg
7 Local Wood per 1 m³
Rate of local wood per 1 m³, as per approved district rates = 40611.10 Rs/m³
8 Salwood per 1 m³ s
Rate of sal-wood per 1 m³, as per approved district rates 1 02 410.60 Rs/m³
8 Mud [per m³]
District rate of mud = 310.00 Rs/m³
[ If ther is no specific district rate of mud, it will be obtained as "1.5×labour cost]

11 Rate of Transportation of electrical pole and transformer (from Bazaar to Site):

Road type Distance Electrical pole Transformer
-Earthen road 0.50 0.03 0.03
- Gravel road 0.00 0.00 0.00
-Metalled road 2.00 0.02 0.02
-For head load 0.30 1.61 3.23
Loading - unloading 0.35 0.69
Rate of transportation per kg : 2.01 3.97 Rs/kg
Rate of transportation with CO 2.31 Rs/kg 4.57 Rs/kg

a) Connection pipe to WC and septic tank & vent pipe( 110 mm ø 2.5 kg/cm² HDP)
Cost of 110 mmØ 2.5 kg/cm² HDPE pipe per metre
@ 1.185 kg/m 260.00 Rs/kg 308.1 Rs.
Cost of transportation up to site @ 1.080 Rs/kg 1.28 Rs.
Installation and joining cost 130 Rs.
Subtotal: 439.38 Rs.
Add overhead for contractor @ 15% 65.91 Rs.

Cost of pipe and installation per m at site 505.29 Rs.

Unit Rate of Non-local Materials at Site
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Rate of VAT
Sn Item Unit Maket rate of material Unit Transportation cost Rate of
Without VAT weight Rate Amount material at site
Rs./unit kg Rs. Rs. Without VAT(Rs)
1 2 3 4 6 7 8=(6 × 7) 9=4+8
1 Cement Bag 790.00 50 0.93 46.50 836.50
Rate per kg 16.73
2 M.S. bar kg 76.00 1 0.93 0.93 76.93
3 Binding wire kg 90.00 1 0.93 0.93 90.93
4 GI plain wire kg 97.00 1 0.93 0.93 97.93
5 Nails kg 95.00 1 0.93 0.93 95.93
6 Chicken wire mesh m 120.00 0.40 0.93 0.37 120.37
7 Fly proof net m² 375.00 0.50 0.93 0.47 375.47
8 M.S. angle, kg kg 170.20 1.40 0.93 1.30 171.50
9 Barbed wire 12 SWG kg 110.00 1.00 0.93 0.93 110.93
Rate per metre ( Assuming weight per metre as 0.17 kg ) 18.86
10 GI plain sheet ( 26 SWG ) m 2
532.93 4.5 0.93 4.19 537.12
11 CGI sheet ( 26 SWG ) m2 529.31 5.1 0.93 4.74 534.05
12 Primer L 315.00 1 0.93 0.93 315.93
13 Enamel paint L 450.00 1 0.93 0.93 450.93
14 Bitumen paint L 243.00 1 0.93 0.93 243.93
15 Snowcem paint kg 71.00 1 0.93 0.93 71.93
16 Polythene sheet m 2
50.00 0.93 - 50.00
17 Water proofing compound kg 99.75 1 0.93 0.93 100.68
18 Fuel (Petrol) L 112.00 1 0.93 0.93 112.93
19 Holdfast No 16.00 1 0.93 0.93 16.93
20 Screw No 0.90 0.02 0.93 0.02 0.92
21 Hinge 150 mm No 42.00 0.15 0.93 0.14 42.14
22 Tower bolt 150mm No 70.00 0.15 0.93 0.14 70.14
23 Tower bolt 300mm No 120.00 0.2 0.93 0.19 120.19
24 Lockset 250 mm No 210.00 0.3 0.93 0.28 210.28
25 Handle No 52.50 0.2 0.93 0.19 52.69
26 Nut & bolts no 15.00 0.1 0.93 0.09 15.09
27 J-Hook No 10.00 0.15 0.93 0.14 10.14
28 U-Hook No 10.00 0.1 0.93 0.09 10.09
29 Bitumen washer No. 1.00 0.01 0.93 0.01 1.01
30 Water seal pan set 800.00 3.00 0.93 2.79 802.79
31 MS angle grill gate, of 15 kg No 2 025.00 15 0.93 13.95 2,038.95
32 MS angle manhole cover 75×75 cm set 3 726.00 24 0.93 22.32 3,748.32
33 MS angle manhole cover 60×60 cm set 2 949.75 19 0.93 17.67 2,967.42
34 MS angle manhole cover 60 cmØ set 2 193.75 13 0.93 12.09 2,205.84
35 MS angle manhole cover 45×45 cm set 2 531.25 15 0.93 13.95 2,545.20
38 MS grill kg 135.00 1.00 0.93 0.93 135.93
39 Weilding rod no 25.00 0.05 0.93 0.05 25.05
40 Iron plate no 200.00 0.50 0.93 0.47 200.47
41 Hire of generator(5 kW) day 2,000.00 0.93 - 2,000.00
42 Glass(4 mm thick) m² 920.00 9.00 0.93 8.37 928.37
43 25 mmØ GI pipe ladder (upto 3 m) no 4,300.00 21.33 0.93 19.84 4,319.84
44 32 mmØ GI pipe ladder (upto 3 m) no 5,700.00 25.94 0.93 24.12 5,724.12
45 33 mmØ GI pipe ladder (upto 4 m) no 7,700.00 35.14 0.93 32.68 7,732.68
46 GI water stopper 150 mm wide ( 20 SWG), m m 260.53 1.18 0.93 1.10 261.63
47 Mobil L 900.00 0.9 0.93 0.84 900.84
48 HDPE Pipe kg 260.00 260.00
Unit Rate of Local Materials
and Labours
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
Sn Item Unit Rate

Local materials
1 Block stone m3 4,521.40
2 Bond stone m 3
3 Aggregate-10 mm size m3 5,175.80
4 Aggregate-20 mm size m 3
5 Aggregate-40 mm size m 3
6 Sand m3 4,397.20
7 Mud ( 1.5 md of coolie) m 3
8 Sal wood m 3
9 Local wood m3 40,611.10
10 Bamboo no 500.00


11 Skilled labour ( for all works ) md 850.00

12 Unskilled labour ( for all works ) md 580.00
13 Plumber md 850.00
14 Helper md 740.00
15 Driver md 800.00
16 Asistant to driver md 740.00
17 Supervisor md 800.00
18 Lineman(for electrical transmission line) md 740.00
19 Engineer md 1,173.08

Transportation rates
District rate of transportation by head load for :
-convenient load = 2.15 Rs./kg.kosh
-inconvenient load as bars, ms angle, etc. = 2.65 Rs./kg.kosh
- GI & HDPE pipes = 2.65 Rs./kg.kosh
District rate of transportation by truck for convenient load on :
-Earthen road = 5.90 Rs./km.quintal
- Gravel road = 1.90 Rs./km.quintal
-Metalled road = 1.20 Rs./km.quintal
District rate of transportation by truck for inconvenient load on :
-Earthen road = 5.90 Rs./km.quintal
- Gravel road = 1.90 Rs./km.quintal
-Metalled road = 1.20 Rs./km.quintal
Rate of load / unload = 11.58 Rs./quintal
Current Rate of Value Added Tax 0.00 %
Contracror's Overhead 15.00 %
9 Filter Media (Sand) - 1m3

S. N. Description
Seiving of the sand through the wire mesh of Quantity Unit Rate Amount Remarks
required size to get the specified filter sand and then
packing in jute bags
Collection, separation and lead up to 10 m for quarry
i. capacity 1 m3 ( 31 -50 % ) 3.45 md 580.0 2001.00 3-1 kha
Seiving of sand through two sized screens passing
ii. through D10 size and retaining on D60 10 md 580.0 5800.00 3-12 kha

iii. Washing of sand 2 md 580.0 1160.00 3-12 kha

iv. Packing of sieved sand in jute bags 0.5 md 580.0 290.00

v. Cost of Jute Bags 45 pcs. 18 810.00

vi. Loading Unloading cost 1600 kg. 0.11575 185.20

vii. Transportation cost for 1 kg 1 kg. 7.310

viii. Transportation cost for 1 m3 1600 kg 7.310 11696.00

ix. Laying of the Filter Media 0.65 md 890.0 578.50

Sub Total for 1 cu. m. = 22520.70 Rs.

Contractor's overhead and profit @ 15 % = 3378.11 Rs.

Total Rate per 1 m3 = 25898.81 Rs.

10 Filter Media (Gravel) ( 2 mm to 5 mm ) - 1 m3

Collection, seiving of the gravel through the wire
S. N. mesh of required Description
size to get the specified filter Quantity Unit Rate Amount Remarks
gravel and stocking with lead up to 10 m and then
packing in jute bags
Collection, separation and lead up to 10 m for quarry
i. capacity 1 m3 ( 4-10 mm size ) 10.00 md 740.0 7400.00 3-2 ga

ii. Washing of gravel 1.75 md 740.0 1295.00 3-2 kha

iii. Packing of sieved gravel in jute bags 0.5 md 740.0 370.00

iv. Cost of Jute Bags 45 pcs. 18 810.00

v. Loading Unloading cost 1600 kg. 0.116 185.20

vi. Transportation cost for 1 kg 1 kg. 0.758

vii. Transportation cost for 1 m3 1600 kg. 0.758 1212.80

viii. Laying of the filter Gravel Media 0.65 md 1050.0 682.5 11-19 ka

Sub Total for 1 cu. m. = 11955.50 Rs.

Contractor's overhead and profit @ 15 % = 1793.33 Rs.

Total Rate per 1 m3 = 13748.83 Rs.
11 Filter Media (Gravel) ( 5 mm to 10mm ) - 1 m3
Collection, seiving of the gravel through the wire
S. N. mesh of required Description
size to get the specified filter Quantity Unit Rate Amount Remarks
gravel and stocking with lead up to 10 m and then
packing in jute bags
Collection, separation and lead up to 10 m for quarry
i. capacity cum 5-20 mm size 5.88 md 740.0 4351.20 3-2 ga

ii. Washing of gravel cum 1.75 md 740.0 1295.00 3-2 kha

iii. Packing of sieved gravel in jute bags 0.5 md 740.0 370.00

iv. Cost of Jute Bags 45 pcs. 18 810.00

v. Loading Unloading cost 1600 kg. 0.116 185.20

vi. Transportation cost for 1 kg 1 kg. 0.758

vii. Transportation cost for 1 m3 1600 kg 0.758 1212.80

viii. Laying of the filter Gravel Media 0.65 md 1050.0 682.50 11-19 ka

Sub Total for 1 cu. m. = 8906.70 Rs.

Contractor's overhead and profit @ 15 % = 1336.01 Rs.

Total Rate per 1 m3 = 10242.71 Rs.

12 Filter Media (Gravel) ( 10 mm to 20 mm ) - 1 m3

Collection, seiving of the gravel through the wire
S. N. mesh of required Description
size to get the specified filter Quantity Unit Rate Amount Remarks
gravel and stocking with lead up to 10 m and then
packing in jute bags
Collection, separation and lead up to 10 m for quarry
i. capacity cum 5-40 mm size 4.00 md 740.0 2960.00 3-2 ga

ii. Washing of gravel cum 1.75 md 740.0 1295.00 3-2 kha

iii. Packing of sieved gravel in jute bags 0.5 md 740.0 370.00

iv. Cost of Jute Bags 45 pcs 18 810.00

v. Loading Unloading cost 1600 kg. 0.11575 185.20

vi. Transportation cost for 1 kg 1 kg. 0.758

vii. Transportation cost for 1 m3 1600 kg 0.758 1212.80

viii. Laying of the filter Gravel Media 0.65 md 1050.0 682.5 11-19 ka

Sub Total for 1 cu. m. = 7515.50 Rs.

Contractor's overhead and profit @ 15 % = 1127.33 Rs.

Total Rate per 1 m3 = 8642.83 Rs.
Analysis of Item Rates
This rate analysis is based on the HMG/N approved Norms 2041 ( Including second revision )
Name of Project : Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

A. Earthworks ( for 1 m³ ) and Site clearance ( for 1 m² )

Earthwork in excavation with 10m lead and 1.5 m lift in pipeline trench in :
Hard soil Boulder/Gravel mixedsoil Ordinary Soil Soft rock (Norms Medium rock (Norms
(Norms No 2-12) (Norms No 2-14) (Norms No 2-9) No 2-15a) No 2-15b)
Materials and labours Unit Rate Rs/unit

Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Coolie Rs/day 580.00 1.25 725.00 1.59 922.20 1.00 580.00 3.00 1740.00 4.50 2610.00
Tools and plants % 3.00% 21.75 3.00% 27.67 3.00% 17.40 3.00% 52.20 3.00% 78.30
Subtotal 746.75 949.87 597.40 1792.20 2688.30
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00 112.01 142.48 89.61 268.83 403.25
Rate/m³ ( Without VAT ) 858.76 1092.35 687.01 2061.03 3091.55

Earthwork in excavation for well with 10m lead and 4 m lift depth of
Earthwork in excavation with 10m lead and 1.5 m lift in pipeline trench in :
excavation 2 m for well construction
Boulder and gravel
Hard rock Materials and
Materials and labours Unit Rate Rs/unit (Norms No. 2-16b) labours
Unit Rate Rs/unit mixed soil (Norms
No. 2-24b)
Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Coolie Rs/day 580.00 25.20 14 616.00 Coolie Rs/day 580.00 3.60 2 088.00
Tools and plants % 3.00% 438.48 Tools and plants % 3.00% 62.64
Subtotal 15 054.48 Subtotal 2 150.64
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00 2 258.17 Contracror's Overhe % 15.00 322.60
Rate/m³ ( Without VAT ) 17 312.65 Rate/m³ ( Without VAT ) 2 473.24

Earthwork in back filling for pipe line trench with compaction in layers of 20cm with water sprinkling and site clearance
Boulder/Gravel mixed soil
Hard soil Ordinary Soil Soft rock (Norms No Removing top soil per m²
(Norms No 2-
Materials and labours Unit Rate Rs/unit (Norms No 2-39c) (Norms No 2-39a ) 2-39e) N(1-8)
Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Coolie Rs/day 580.00 0.63 365.40 0.6 348.00 0.5 290.00 1.1 638.00 0.16 92.80
Tools and plants % 3.00% 10.96 3.00% 10.44 3.00% 8.70 3.00% 19.14 0.00
Subtotal 376.36 358.44 298.70 657.14 92.80
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00 56.45 53.77 44.81 98.57 13.92
Rate/m³ ( Without VAT ) 432.81 412.21 343.51 755.71 106.72
Analysis of Item Rates
This rate analysis is based on the HMG/N approved Norms 2041 ( Including second revision )
Name of Project : Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

B. Stone Works ( for 1m³ ) : With a lead of 30 m and upto height 5 m.

Dry stone soling in
Stone masonary in RR Stone masonary RR stone masonary in 1:6
foundation /boulder Dry stone masonary
mud mortar in 1:4 cs mortar (N6- cs mortar (N6-
Materials and labours Unit Rate Rs/unit packing (N6-2a)
(N6- 2b) 1b) 1c)
(N 6-5)
Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Cement kg 16.73 - - - 159 2660.07 106 1773.38
Sand m³ 4397.20 - - 0.45 1978.74 0.47 2066.68
Block Stone m³ 4521.40 1.20 5425.68 1.10 4973.54 1.10 4973.54 1.10 4973.54 1.10 4973.54
Mud m³ 870.00 - - 0.42 365.40 - -
Mason no 850.00 - 1.00 850.00 1.00 850.00 1.50 1275.00 1.50 1275.00
Coolie no 580.00 1.50 870.00 2.00 1160.00 2.25 1305.00 5.00 2900.00 5.00 2900.00
Subtotal 6 295.68 6 983.54 7 493.94 13 787.35 12 988.60
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00 944.35 1 047.53 1 124.09 2 068.10 1 948.29
Rate/m³ ( Without VAT ) 7 240.03 8 031.07 8 618.03 15 855.45 14 936.89

B.1 Stone Works ( for 1m3 ) : With a lead of 30 m and upto height 5 m.
RR stone masonary in 1:3
Stone pitching with sand
cs mortar
Materials and labours Unit Rate Rs/unit (N 11-16)
Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Cement kg 16.73 0.00 194 3245.62
Sand m³ 4397.20 0.71 3122.01 0.42 1846.82
Block Stone m³ 4521.40 1.10 4973.54 1.10 4973.54
Mud m³ 0.00 0.00 0.00
Mason No 850.00 1.00 850.00 1.50 1275.00
Coolie No 580.00 3.50 2030.00 5.00 2900.00
Subtotal 10975.55 14240.98
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00 1646.33 2136.15
Rate/m ³ ( Without VAT ) 12621.88 16377.13
Analysis of Item Rates
This rate analysis is based on the HMG/N approved Norms 2041 ( Including second revision )
Name of Project : Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

C. Concrete work in substructure and super structure (for 1m³ )

(With a lead of 30 m and all materials supplied )
P.C.C (1:3:6) work in sub P.C.C(1:1.5:3) work in sub P.C.C(1:2:4) work for P.C.C(1:1.5:3)
P.C.C (1:2:4) work in sub structure
structure structure reinforcement work reinforcement work
Materials and labours Unit Rate Rs/unit (N 7-2d)
(N 7-2c) ( N7-2d +N7-4b) (N 7-4a) (N 7-4b)
Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Cement kg 16.73 220 3680.60 320 5353.6 400 6692.00 320 5353.60 400 6692
Sand m³ 4397.20 0.47 2066.68 0.445 1956.75 0.425 1868.81 0.445 1956.75 0.425 1868.81
Aggregate-10 mm size m³ 5175.80 0.00 0.11 569.34 0.29 1500.98 0.11 569.34 0.29 1500.98
Aggregate-20 mm size m³ 5175.80 0.24 1242.19 0.22 1138.68 0.57 2950.21 0.22 1138.68 0.57 2950.21
Aggregate-40 mm size m³ 5125.80 0.65 3331.77 0.52 2665.42 0.00 0.52 2665.42 0.00
Skiled Labour no 850.00 1 850.00 1.00 850.00 1.00 850.00 0.80 680.00 0.80 680.00
Coolie no 580.00 4.00 2320.00 4.00 2320.00 4.00 2320.00 7.00 4060.00 7.00 4060.00
Subtotal 13 491.24 14 853.79 16 182.00 16 423.79 17 752.00
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00 2 023.69 2 228.07 2 427.30 2 463.57 2 662.80
Rate/m ³ ( Without VAT ) 15 514.93 17 081.86 18 609.30 18 887.36 20 414.80

C.1 Concrete work in substructure with 2% WPC(for 1m3 )

(With a lead of 30 m and all materials supplied )
P.C.C (1:2:4) work in
sub structure with 2% P.C.C(1:1.5:3) work in sub
Materials and labours Unit Rate Rs/unit W.P.C(N 7-2d) structure with 2% W.P.C ( N7-2d
Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Cement kg 16.73 320.00 5353.60 400.00 6692.00
Sand m³ 4397.20 0.445 1956.75 0.425 1868.81
Aggregate-10 mm size m³ 5175.80 0.11 569.34 0.29 1500.98
Aggregate-20 mm size m³ 5175.80 0.22 1138.68 0.57 2950.21
Aggregate-40 mm size m³ 5125.80 0.52 2665.42 0.00
W.P.C @2% kg 100.68 6.40 644.35 8.00 805.44
Skiled Labour no 850.00 1.00 850.00 1.00 850.00
Coolie no 580.00 4.00 2320.00 4.00 2320.00
Subtotal 15498.14 16987.44
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00 2324.72 2548.12
Rate/m ³ ( Without VAT ) 17822.86 19535.56
Analysis of Item Rates
This rate analysis is based on the HMG/N approved Norms 2041 ( Including second revision )
Name of Project : Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
D. Steel reinforcement (kg), form work (m²) ,Ferrocement work(per m²),
Barbinding work for
Steel rein for cement ferrocement
Shuttering work for slabs, etc(per Shuttering work for arch,dome, HDPE Formwork for
cutting,bending &placing work,including chicken
m²) etc(per m2) ferrocement works per m²
Materials and labours Unit Rate Rs/unit in place,etc, per kg wire,plain GI
N8-2a N8-2a+ (DWSS-Standard)
(N7-5) wire,M.S.bars etc. per m²
Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Steel bar kg 76.93 1.05 80.78 2.593 199.48
Binding wire kg 90.93 0.01 0.91 0.083 7.55 0.111 10.09
GI Plain wire kg 97.93 2.083 203.99
Chicken wire m 120.37 1.806 217.39
Nail kg 95.93 0.25 23.98 0.25 23.98 0.014 1.34
local wood for normal form work m³ 40611.10 0.0526/5x0.75 320.42 0.0526/4x0.75 400.53

local wood for struts, ballies, etc. m³ 40611.10 .075/4×0.75 571.09

Bamboo no 500.00 0.333 166.5
32mmf HDP pipe m 40.00
Skiled labour no 850.00 0.012 10.2 0.172 146.2 0.26 221.00 0.167 141.95 0.25 212.5
coolie no 580.00 0.012 6.96 0.257 149.06 0.389 225.62 0.111 64.38 0.083 48.14
Subtotal 98.85 639.66 1442.22 381.72 891.59
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00 14.83 95.95 216.33 57.26 133.74
Rate / Unit ( Without VAT ) 113.68 735.61 1658.55 438.98 1025.33
Analysis of Item Rates
This rate analysis is based on the HMG/N approved Norms 2041 ( Including second revision )
Name of Project : Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
E. Wood work(per m³) for beams/rafters and door-window frame etc.
Sal wood work for beams, Local wood work for beams, Salwood work for door/ Local wood work for door/ Staging work for culvert,
rafters,etc., per m³ rafters,etc. per m³ window frame per m³ window frame per m³ bridge, dome, etc.(per m³)
Materials and labours Unit Rate Rs/unit N10-17 N10-17 N10-1 N10-1 N15-31a

Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Nail kg 95.93 10 959.30 10 959.30 0.00
Salwood m³ 102410.60 1.05 107531.13 1.1 112651.66 0.00
Local wood m3 40611.10 1.05 42641.66 1.1 44672.21
Hold fast no 16.93 92 1557.56 92 1557.56
Screw no 0.92 184 169.28 184 169.28
Skiled labour no 850.00 17.60 14960.00 17.60 14960.00 34 28900.00 34 28900.00 0.5 425.00
coolie no 580.00 1.76 1020.80 1.76 1020.80 3.4 1972.00 3.4 1972.00 0.5 290.00
Subtotal 124471.23 59581.76 145250.50 77271.05 715.00
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00 18670.68 8937.26 21787.58 11590.66 107.25
Rate/m² ( Without VAT ) 143141.91 68519.02 167038.08 88861.71 822.25

F. Door/window shutter and wood works

38 mm thick wooden 38 mm thick panelled wooden 38 mm thick wooden glazed
shutter with GI plain shutter for 1 m2 [ Norms no shutter for 1 m2 [ Norms no 25 mm thick eavesboard. per
Materials and labours Unit Rate Rs/unit sheet for 1 m2 [ Norms 10-2] 10-4) m²(N10-I9 )
no 10-9]
Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Sal wood m3 102,410.60 0.017 1715.21 0.040 4069.30 0.022 2253.03 0.0275 2816.29
Nails kg 95.93 LS 5.00 LS 5.00 0.1 5.00 LS 25.00
Hinges no 42.14 1.34 56.31 2.84 119.60 3.587 151.16 0.00
Locking set no 210.28 0.45 93.67 0.47 99.47 0.448 94.21 0.00
Tower bolt 150mm no 70.14 0.89 62.49 0.95 66.36 1.794 125.83 0.00
Handle no 52.69 0.45 23.47 0.95 49.85 0.897 47.26 0.00
GI plain sheet no 537.12 2.07 1112.53 0.00 0.00 0.00
Glass(4 mm thick) m² 928.37 0.487 452.12
Skilled labour no 850.00 3.12 2650.33 4.73 4020.81 4.036 3430.60 0.14 119.00
Collies no 580.00 0.31 180.85 0.47 274.36 0.404 234.32 0.0143 8.29
Total 5899.86 8704.75 6793.53 2968.58
C.P&VAT 15.00 884.98 1305.71 1019.03 445.29
Rate /Unit 6784.84 10010.46 7812.56 3413.87
Analysis of Item Rates
This rate analysis is based on the HMG/N approved Norms 2041 ( Including second revision )
Name of Project : Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
G .Barbed wire fencing, C.G.I. sheet roofing

G.I barbed wire fencing on wooden

G.I barbed wire fencing posts(75×100×2100 mm) :5 horz.,2 26 G C.G.Isheet roofing (for
Materials and labours Unit Rate Rs/unit (for 1m) : N24 -6 diagonals, poles @3mc/c(for 1m) 1m²) : N -9 -1

Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.

GI Barbed wire m 18.86 1.1 20.74 8.333 157.14
Local wood m3 40611.10 0.006 243.67
CGI sheet-26G m2 534.05 1.20 640.86
Nuts & bolts( 8 mm) no 15.09 3.00 45.27
J - hook no 10.14 2.50 25.35
U - hook no 2.00 1 2.00 2.567 5.13
Skilled labours no 850.00 0.01076 9.15 0.033 28.05 0.11 93.50
Collies no 580.00 0.0538 31.20 0.067 38.86 0.125 72.50
Subtotal 63.09 472.85 877.48
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00 9.46 70.93 131.62
Rate / Unit ( Without VAT ) 72.55 543.78 1 009.10

H. Plastering Work (for 1m²)

20 mm 1:4 c-s plaster
12.5 mm thick 1:2 c-s 12.5 mm thick 1:3 c-s plaster (N12- 12.5 mm thick 1:4 c-s plaster 20 mm 1:3 c-s plaster
Materials and labours Unit Rate Rs/unit plaster( N12-1a) 1b) (N12-1c) (N12-4a)

Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Cement kg 16.73 9.00 150.57 6.25 104.56 5.38 90.01 9.60 160.61 8.10 135.51
Sand m3 4397.20 0.0122 53.65 0.0128 56.28 0.0146 64.20 0.0195 85.75 0.022 96.74
Skilled labour no 850.00 0.12 102.00 0.12 102.00 0.12 102.00 0.14 119.00 0.14 119.00
Coolie no 580.00 0.16 92.80 0.16 92.80 0.16 92.80 0.19 110.20 0.19 110.20
Subtotal 399.02 355.64 349.01 475.56 461.45
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00 59.85 53.35 52.35 71.33 69.22
Rate/m² ( Without VAT ) 458.87 408.99 401.36 546.89 530.67
Analysis of Item Rates
This rate analysis is based on the HMG/N approved Norms 2041 ( Including second revision )
Name of Project : Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

H.1 Plastering Work with 2% WPC and without it (for 1m 2), punning and pointing works

12.5 mm thick 1:2 c-s

12.5 mm thick 1:3 c-s plaster with 20 mm thick 1:3 c-s plaster 3 mm thick 1:1 c-s punning 1:3 c-s flush ruled
plaster with 2% W.P.C
Materials and labours Unit Rate Rs/unit 2% W.P.C(N12-1b) with 2% W.P.C (N12-4a) (for 1m²): N14 -6 pointing (m²) (N14 -26)
( N12-1a)

Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Cement kg 16.73 9.00 150.57 6.25 104.56 9.60 160.61 3.36 56.21 3.06 51.19
Sand m3 4397.20 0.0122 53.65 0.0128 56.28 0.0195 85.75 0.0023 10.11 0.0063 27.70
W.P.C. kg 100.68 0.18 18.12 0.13 13.09 0.19 19.13 0.00 0.00
Skilled labour no 850.00 0.12 102.00 0.12 102.00 0.14 119.00 0.1 85.00 0.1 85.00
Coolie no 580.00 0.16 92.80 0.16 92.80 0.19 110.20 0.1 58.00 0.14 81.20
Subtotal 417.14 368.73 494.69 209.32 245.09
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00 62.57 55.31 74.20 31.40 36.76
Rate/m² ( Without VAT ) 479.71 424.04 568.89 240.72 281.85

I. Enamel & Bitumen Paints and white washing (For 1m²)

Two coats of ready made Two coats of bitumen paint for 1 m² Two coats of snowcem for 1
enamel paint for 1 m² (N13-10a+b) m² paint (N-13-12a+b)
Materials and labours Unit Rate Rs/unit (N13-5a+b+c)

Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.

Primer L 315.93 0.081 25.59
Enamel paint L 450.93 0.16 72.15
Bitumen paint L 243.93 - 0.19 46.35
Snowcem L 71.93 - 0.5 35.97
Skilled labours no 850.00 0.12 102.00 0.04 34.00 0.065 55.25
Collies no 580.00 0.08 46.40 0.03 17.40 0.065 37.70
Subtotal 246.14 97.75 128.92
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00 36.92 14.66 19.34
Rate/m² ( Without VAT ) 283.06 112.41 148.26
Analysis of Item Rates
This rate analysis is based on the HMG/N approved Norms 2041 ( Including second revision )
Name of Project : Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

J. Gabion box supply and placing (For 1 no)

Making gabion boxes Making gabion boxes including Making gabion boxes Making gabion boxes including
including cutting, wire, cutting, wire, netting etc. and including cutting, wire, netting cutting, wire, netting etc. and
netting etc. and placing in placing in site and tying all etc. and placing in site and placing in site and tying all
site and tying all complete : Mesh size: hex. tying all complete : Mesh size: complete : Mesh size: hex.
complete : Mesh size: hex. 100×120mm, Mesh wire-10SWG, hex. 100×120mm, Mesh wire- 100×120mm, Mesh wire-
100×120mm, Mesh wire- selvedge wire-7 SWG) : size 3×1×1 10SWG, selvedge wire-7 10SWG, selvedge wire-7 Filling of Gabion crate
SWG) : size 3×1×0.5 m(N 16- with block stone for 1 m
Materials and labours Unit Rate Rs/unit 10SWG, selvedge wire-7 m(N 16-05b+16-05b) SWG) : size 2×1×0.5 m(N 16-
SWG) : size 2×1×1 m(N 05c+16-06c) 05d+16-06c)

Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
GI Plain wire (10 SWG) kg 97.93 24.15 2365.01 35.1 3437.34 16.45 1610.95 24.15 2365.01
Selvage wire (7 SWG) kg 97.93 3.15 308.48 4.1 401.51 2.5 244.83 3.3 323.17
Tying wire (12 SWG) kg 97.93 0.95 93.03 1.3 127.31 0.7 68.55 1.2 117.52
Block Stone m³ 4521.40 1.1 4973.54
Skilled labours no 850.00 0.45 382.50 0.63 535.50 0.32 272.00 0.45 382.50
Collies no 580.00 0.6 348.00 0.88 510.40 0.34 197.20 0.5 290.00 0.5 290.00
Subtotal 3497.02 5012.06 2393.53 3478.20 5263.54
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00 524.55 751.81 359.03 521.73 789.53
Rate/no ( Without VAT ) 4021.57 5763.87 2752.56 3999.93 6053.07

B.1 Boulder and gravel packing in stream intake ( for 1m³ ) : With a lead of 30 m and upto height 5 m (assumimg all materials are available in intake site).
Boulder (100-150 mm Gravel (10-20 mm size) Packing Gravel (10-20 mm size)
Materials and labours Unit Rate Rs/unit size) Packing ( N6-5) (DWSS practice) Packing ( DWSS practice)
Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Gravel (10-20 mm size) m³ 3335.00 - 1.1 3668.50 -
Gravel (20-40 mm size) m³ 3335.00 - 0.00 1.1 3668.5
Boulder (100-150 mm size m³ 812.00 1.20 974.40 0.00 0.00
Coolie no 580.00 1.50 870.00 0.65 377.00 0.65 377.00
Subtotal 1 844.40 4045.5 4 045.50
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00 276.66 606.83 606.83
Rate/m³ ( Without VAT ) 2 121.06 4652.33 4 652.33
Analysis of Item Rates
This rate analysis is based on the HMG/N approved Norms 2041 ( Including second revision )
Name of Project : Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

K. HDPE Pipe Jointing (For 1m) Norms No 17 - 2

20, 25mm dia HDPE for 32 mm dia HDPE for 1000 m , 40,50 mm dia HDPE for 1000 63, 75, 90 mm dia HDPE for 110, 125 mm dia HDPE
1000 m, N17-2 N17-2 m, N17-2 50 m, N17-2 for 50 m, N17-2
Materials and labours Unit Rate Rs/unit
Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Plumber no. 695.00 1.00 695.00 1.00 695.00 1.50 1042.50 1.00 695.00 1.50 1042.50
Helper no. 580.00 1.00 580.00 1.00 580.00 1.50 870.00 1.00 580.00 1.50 870.00
Coolis no. 580.00 2.00 1160.00 3.00 1740.00 3.00 1740.00 2.00 1160.00 3.00 1740.00
Sub total - 2435.00 3015.00 3652.50 2435.00 3652.50
Contingencies 2.50% 60.88 75.38 91.31 60.88 91.31
Tools & plants day 150.00 1 150.00 1 150.00 1 150.00 1 150.00 1 150.00
Petrol L 112.93 0.25 28.23 0.25 28.23 0.25 28.23 0.5 56.47 0.5 56.47
Subtotal 2674.11 3268.61 3922.04 2702.35 3950.28
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00 401.12 490.29 588.31 405.35 592.54
Grand Total 3075.23 3758.9 4510.35 3107.7 4542.82
Rate /m 3.08 3.76 4.51 62.15 90.86
Rate of joining of PPR pipe /m 15.4 18.8 22.55 62.15 90.86

K.1 HDPE Pipe Jointing (For 1m)

140-180 mm dia HDPE 200-250 mm dia HDPE For 300 mm dia HDPE For
for (50m) Norms No 17 - (50m): DWSS standard (50m): DWSS standard
Material and labour Unit Rate Rs/unit 2
Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Plumber no. 695.00 2.00 1390.00 3.00 2085.00 5.50 3822.50
Helper no. 580.00 2.00 1160.00 3.00 1740.00 5.50 3190.00
Coolis no. 580.00 4.00 2320.00 6.00 3480.00 11.00 6380.00
Sub total 4870.00 7305.00 13392.50
Contingencies 2.50% 121.75 182.63 334.81
Tools & plants day 150.00 2.00 300.00 2.00 300.00 3.50 525.00
Petrol L 112.93 1.00 112.93 1.50 169.40 2.80 316.20
Total 5404.68 7957.03 14568.51
C.P&VAT 15.00 810.70 1193.55 2185.28
Grand Total 6215.38 9150.58 16753.79
Rate /m 124.31 183.01 335.08
Analysis of Item Rates
This rate analysis is based on the HMG/N approved Norms 2041 ( Including second revision )
Name of Project : Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

L. GI Pipe jointing work (For 1m) N - 17- 4 a

15, 20 mm dia GI 25, 32 mm dia GI for 30 40, 50 mm dia GI 65, 80 mm dia GI for 100 mm dia GI
Materials and labours Unit Rate Rs/unit for 30 m m for 30 m 30 m for 30 m
Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Plumber no. 695.00 0.50 347.50 0.50 347.50 0.75 521.25 1.25 868.75 1.75 1216.25
Helper no. 740.00 1 740.00 1.5 1110.00 2 1480.00 2 1480.00 2 1480.00
Coolis no. 580.00 1 580.00 1.5 870.00 2 1160.00 3 1740.00 4 2320.00
Sub total 1667.50 2327.50 3161.25 4088.75 5016.25

Red lead , Hemp etc. 10% 166.75 232.75 316.13 408.88 501.63
Contingencies 2.50% 41.69 58.19 79.03 102.22 125.41
Subtotal 1875.94 2618.44 3556.41 4599.85 5643.29
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00 281.39 392.77 533.46 689.98 846.49
Grand Total 2157.33 3011.21 4089.87 5289.83 6489.78
Rate /m 71.91 100.37 136.33 176.33 216.33

L.1 GI Pipe jointing work (For 1m) N - 17- 4 a

Material and labour Unit Rate Rs/unit 125 mm dia GI
For (30m)
Quantity Cost Rs.
Plumber no. 695.00 2 1390.00
Helper no. 580.00 2.5 1450.00
Coolis no. 580.00 5 2900.00
Subtotal 5740.00
Red lead , Hemp etc. 10% 574.00
Contingencies 2.50% 143.50
Total 6457.50
C.P 15.00 968.63
Grand Total 7426.13
Rate /m 247.54
Analysis of Item Rates
This rate analysis is based on the HMG/N approved Norms 2041 ( Including second revision )
Name of Project : Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
M. GI Pipe joining work with arc welded joints (For 1m)
40, 50 mm dia GI 65, 80 mm dia GI For (30 100 mm dia GI For 125 mm dia GI For 150 mm dia GI
Materials and labours Unit Rate Rs/unit For (30 m) m) (30 m) (30 m) For (30 m)
Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Welder no. 850.00 0.80 680.00 1.27 1079.50 1.75 1487.50 2.2 1870.00 2.63 2235.50
Helper no. 580.00 2.5 1450.00 4 2320.00 5.63 3265.40 7 4060.00 8.5 4930.00
Coolie no. 580.00 1.8 1044.00 2.9 1682.00 4 2320.00 5 2900.00 6 3480.00
Weilding rod no. 25.05 22 551.10 35 876.75 48 1202.40 60 1503.00 72 1803.60
Petrol L 112.93 2.7 304.91 4.35 491.25 6 677.58 7.5 846.98 9 1016.37
Mobil L 900.84 0.11 99.09 0.2 180.17 0.25 225.21 0.31 279.26 0.4 360.34
Hire of Generator day 2000.00 0.25 500.00 0.40 800.00 0.56 1120.00 0.7 1400.00 0.85 1700.00
Sub total 4629.10 7429.67 10298.09 12859.24 15525.81
Contingencies 10.00% 462.91 742.97 1029.81 1285.92 1552.58
Subtotal 5092.01 8172.64 11327.90 14145.16 17078.39
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00 763.80 1225.90 1699.19 2121.77 2561.76
Grand Total 5855.81 9398.54 13027.09 16266.93 19640.15
Rate /m 195.19 313.28 434.24 542.23 654.67

M-1. GI Pipe joining work with welded joints (For 1m)

200 mm dia GI
Materials and labours Unit Rate Rs/unit For (30 m)
Quantity Cost Rs.
Welder no. 850.00 3.50 2975.00
Helper no. 580.00 11.50 6670.00
Coolie no. 580.00 8.00 4640.00
Weilding rod no. 25.05 96.00 2404.80
Petrol L 112.93 12.00 1355.16
Mobil L 900.84 0.50 450.42
Hire of Generator day 2000.00 1.20 2400.00
Sub total 20895.38
Contingencies 2.50% 522.38
Subtotal 21417.76
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00 3212.66
Grand Total 24630.42
Rate /m 821.01
Analysis of Item Rates
This rate analysis is based on the HMG/N approved Norms 2041 ( Including second revision )
Name of Project : Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

N. Work of electrical transmisson line-1

Erection of steel tubular 0.05 sq.inches ACSR conductor 0.03 sq.inches ACSR Transformer pole mounting
folding poles, excavation stringing work with appropriate conductor stringing work work (from 25Kva to 200 kva)
of footing, making pole tension ,alumunium bindind and with appropriate tension including D.O.Fuse set
vertical and placing in transportation from site store to ,alumunium bindind and fittings,Lightning Arrestor
footing ramming back, working site for 1km distance and transportation from site store to fittings , Earthing work(2 sets)
filling of soil for one wire for transmission working site for 1km distance and MCCB fittings ,testing and
Materials and labours Unit Rate Rs/unit strengthening fitting line( Norms 20-6b) and one wire for transmission comissioning all complete
accessories all complete line( Norms 20-6c) work per 1 set( Norms 20-8)
per no( Norms 20-

Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Engineer no 1173.08 0.00 0.333 390.64 0.333 390.64 0.00
Supervisor no 800.00 0.00 0.667 533.60 0.667 533.60 10 8000.00
Lineman no 740.00 0.00 5 3700.00 5 3700.00 2 1480.00
Helper no 740.00 2 1480.00 2 1480.00 2 1480.00
Skilled labours no 850.00 2 1700.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Collies no 580.00 12.5 7250.00 18.667 10826.86 17 9860.00 10 5800.00
Subtotal 8950.00 16931.1 15964.24 16760.00
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00 1342.50 2539.67 2394.64 2514.00
Rate/m² ( Without VAT ) 10292.50 19470.77 18358.88 19274.00

O. Work of electrical transmisson line-2

Stay set instalation work , Plate Earthing or strip earthing Pipe earthing work
Materials and labours Unit Rate Rs/unit transportation from site work
Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Engineer no 1173.08 0.00 0.00 0.00
Supervisor no 800.00 0.25 200.00 1 800.00 1 800.00
Lineman no 740.00 0.5 370.00 2 1480.00 2 1480.00
Helper no 740.00 2 1480.00 2 1480.00
Skilled labours no 850.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Collies no 580.00 2 1160.00 6 3480.00 4 2320.00
Subtotal 1730.00 7240 6080.00
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00 259.50 1086.00 912.00
Rate/m² ( Without VAT ) 1989.50 8326 6992.00
Analysis of Item Rates
This rate analysis is based on the HMG/N approved Norms 2041 ( Including second revision )
Name of Project : Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

P. Earthwork in excavation for well in boulder and gravel mixed soil

with 10 m lead and with 10 m lead and 4 m with 10 m lead and 4 m with 10 m lead and
with 10 m lead and 4 m lift
4 m lift depth of lift depth of lift depth of 7.5 m lift depth of
depth of excavation: depth
Materials and labours Unit Rate Rs/unit excavation: depth of excavation: depth of excavation: depth of excavation: depth of
of excavation 2 m (Norms
excavation 1 m No. 2-24b) excavation 3 m (Norms excavation 4 m (Norms excavation 5 m
(Norms No. 2-24a) No. 2-24c) No. 2-24d) (Norms No. 2-24e)

Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Coolie Rs/day 580.00 3.51 2 035.80 3.60 2 088.00 3.70 2 146.00 3.80 2 204.00 4.20 2 436.00
Tools and plants % 3.00% 61.07 3.00% 62.64 3.00% 64.38 3.00% 66.12 3.00% 73.08
Subtotal 2 096.87 2 150.64 2 210.38 2 270.12 2 509.08
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00 314.53 322.60 331.56 340.52 376.36
Rate/m³ ( Without VAT ) 2 411.40 2 473.24 2 541.94 2 610.64 2 885.44

with 10 m lead and with 10 m lead and 9 m with 10 m lead and 9 m with 10 m lead and
with 10 m lead and 7.5 m
7.5 m lift depth of lift depth of lift depth of 10 m lift depth of
lift depth of excavation:
Materials and labours Unit Rate Rs/unit excavation: depth of excavation: depth of excavation: depth of excavation: depth of
depth of excavation 7 m
excavation 6 m (Norms No. 2-24f+) excavation 8 m (Norms excavation 9 m (Norms excavation 10 m
(Norms No. 2-24f) No. 2-24f+) No. 2-24f+) (Norms No. 2-24f+)

Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Coolie Rs/day 580.00 4.30 2 494.00 4.50 2 610.00 4.70 2 726.00 4.90 2 842.00 5.10 2 958.00
Tools and plants % 3.00% 74.82 3.00% 78.30 3.00% 81.78 3.00% 85.26 3.00% 88.74
Subtotal 2 568.82 2 688.30 2 807.78 2 927.26 3 046.74
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00 385.32 403.25 421.17 439.09 457.01
Rate/m³ ( Without VAT ) 2 954.14 3 091.55 3 228.95 3 366.35 3 503.75
Analysis of Item Rates
This rate analysis is based on the HMG/N approved Norms 2041 ( Including second revision )
Name of Project : Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

Q. Joining of GI fittings (For 1 no) N - 17- 4 b

15 mmØ size metal valve, 20 mmØ size metal valve, water 25 mmØ size metal valve, 32 mmØ size metal valve, 40 mmØ size metal valve,
water meter, ferrule meter, ferrule water meter, ferrule water meter, ferrule water meter, ferrule
Materials and labours Unit Rate Rs/unit
Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Plumber no. 695.00 0.006 3.86 0.006 3.86 0.006 3.86 0.006 3.86 0.008 5.79
Helper no. 580.00 0.011 6.44 0.011 6.44 0.017 9.67 0.017 9.67 0.022 12.89
Coolis no. 580.00 0.011 6.44 0.011 6.44 0.017 9.67 0.017 9.67 0.022 12.89
Red lead , Hemp etc.( % of 10 m
cost of pipe) 1% 1700.00 17.00 1785.00 17.85 2719.50 27.20 4200.00 42.00 4063.50 40.64
Subtotal 33.74 34.59 50.40 65.20 72.21
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00 5.06 5.19 7.56 9.78 10.83
Grand Total 38.80 39.78 57.96 74.98 83.04

50 mmØ size metal valve, 65 mmØ size metal valve, water 80 mmØ size metal valve, 100 mmØ size metal valve, 125 mmØ size metal
water meter, ferrule meter, ferrule water meter, ferrule water meter, ferrule valve, water meter, ferrule
Materials and labours Unit Rate Rs/unit

Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Plumber no. 695.00 0.008 5.79 0.014 9.65 0.014 9.65 0.019 13.51 0.022 15.44
Helper no. 580.00 0.022 12.89 0.022 12.89 0.022 12.89 0.022 12.89 0.028 16.11
Coolis no. 580.00 0.022 12.89 0.033 19.33 0.033 19.33 0.044 25.78 0.056 32.22
Red lead , Hemp etc.( % of 10 m
cost of pipe) 1% 5586.00 55.86 7129.50 71.30 8872.50 88.73 13282.50 132.83 17367.00 173.67
Subtotal 87.43 113.17 130.60 185.01 237.44
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00 13.11 16.97 19.59 27.75 35.62
Grand Total 100.54 130.14 150.19 212.76 273.06
Analysis of Item Rates
This rate analysis is based on the HMG/N approved Norms 2041 ( Including second revision )
Name of Project : Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
R. Joining of GI fittings (For 1 no) N - 17- 4 b-2

15 mmØ size GI bend, 20 mmØ size GI bend, elbow, 25 mmØ size GI bend, elbow, 32 mmØ size GI bend, elbow, 40 mmØ size GI bend,
elbow, union, hoe, reducer, union, hoe, reducer, tap, socket, etc. union, hoe, reducer, tap, union, hoe, reducer, tap, elbow, union, hoe, reducer,
Materials and labours Unit Rate Rs/unit tap, socket, etc. socket, etc. socket, etc. tap, socket, etc.

Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Plumber no. 695.00 0.003 2.09 0.003 2.09 0.003 2.09 0.003 2.09 0.004 2.78
Helper no. 580.00 0.006 3.48 0.006 3.48 0.008 4.64 0.008 4.64 0.011 6.38
Coolis no. 580.00 0.006 3.48 0.006 3.48 0.008 4.64 0.008 4.64 0.011 6.38
Red lead , Hemp etc.( % of 10 m
cost of pipe) 0.5% 1700.00 8.50 1785.00 8.93 2719.50 13.60 4200.00 21.00 4063.50 20.32
Subtotal 17.55 17.98 24.97 32.37 35.86
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00 2.63 2.70 3.75 4.86 5.38
Grand Total 20.18 20.68 28.72 37.23 41.24

50 mmØ size GI bend, 65 mmØ size GI bend, elbow, 80 mmØ size GI bend, elbow, 100 mmØ size GI bend, elbow, 125 mmØ size GI bend,
elbow, union, flange, hoe, union, flange, hoe, reducer, tap, union, flange, hoe, reducer, union, flange, hoe, reducer, elbow, union, flange, hoe,
Materials and labours Unit Rate Rs/unit reducer, tap, socket, etc. socket, etc. tap, socket, etc. tap, socket, etc. reducer, tap, socket, etc.

Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs. Quantity Cost Rs.
Plumber no. 695.00 0.004 2.78 0.007 4.87 0.007 4.87 0.010 6.95 0.011 7.65
Helper no. 580.00 0.011 6.38 0.011 6.38 0.011 6.38 0.011 6.38 0.014 8.12
Coolis no. 580.00 0.011 6.38 0.017 9.86 0.017 9.86 0.022 12.76 0.028 16.24
Red lead , Hemp etc.( % of 10 m
cost of pipe) 0.5% 5586.00 27.93 7129.50 35.65 8872.50 44.36 13282.50 66.41 17367.00 86.84
Subtotal 43.47 56.76 65.47 92.50 118.85
Contracror's Overhead % 15.00 6.52 8.51 9.82 13.88 17.83
Grand Total 49.99 65.27 75.29 106.38 136.68

#VALUE! ;'Vvf O{6f 7f8f] 5fKg] sfd .

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s_ l;kfn' 1.00 hjfg 1050.00 1050.00
Analysis of Item Rates
This rate analysis is based on the HMG/N approved Norms 2041 ( Including second revision )
Name of Project : Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
v_ HofdL 3.25 hjfg 740.00 2405.00 3455.00
O{6f 750 uf]6f Err:509 Err:509
lgdf{0f ;fdu|L
jfn'jf vf]nfsf] 0.71 3=dL= Err:509 Err:509 Err:509

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Protection work
At collection site and intermediate RT sites
Gabion work 15 no
Retaining wall 5 m
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount
1 Earthwork in excavation in b.m. soil
for retaining wall 1.0 5 1.5 0.9 6.75
For gabion work 1.0 15 2 0.9 27.00
Total earth work 33.75 m³ 1092.35 36 866.81

2 Dry stone soling in foundation

for retaining wall 1 5.00 1.50 0.20 1.50

Total soling work 1.50 m³ 7240.03 10 860.05

4 PCC in (1:2:4) work
for foundation of retaining wall 1.0 5 1.5 0.15 1.125
for top of retaining wall 1.0 5 0.6 0.15 0.450
Total 1.575 m³ 17081.86 26 903.93

3 Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar

for retaining wall: rectangular section 1.0 5.00 0.60 3.00 9.000
triangular section 0.5 5.00 0.90 3.00 6.750
Total masonry work 15.75 m³ 15855.45 2 49 723.34

5 Form work for concreting in simple slab and structure

top of wall 2.0 5.00 0.15 1.50 m² 735.61 1 103.42

6 Standard gabion box(size:2×1×1 m)

at different RT sites 15.0 15.00
15.00 no 4021.57 60 323.55

7 Filling of gabion box with stones 30.00 m³ 6053.07 1 81 592.10

Subtotal 5 67 373.19
Add Value Added Tax @ 13.00% 73 758.51
Total Amount with VAT Rs. 6 41 131.70

Total cost of protection work Rs. 641131.70

Pipe Protection work
L B H No
Size of pillars- Type I 0.45 0.45 1 0 Upto 1 m height
Type II 0.7 0.7 1.5 0 Upto 1.5 m height
Type III 0.9 0.9 2 0 Upto 2 m height
Size of anchor blocks 0.3 0.3 0.3 50
Size of pipe 50 mmØ
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Scheme 3
S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount
1 Earthwork in excavation in b.m. soil
for type I pillars 0.0 0.45 0.45 0.5 0.00
for type II pillars 0.0 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.00
for type III pillars 0.0 0.9 0.9 0.5 0.00
for anchor blocks 50.0 0.3 0.3 0.5 2.25
Total earth work 2.25 m³ 1092.35 2 457.79

2 Dry stone soling in foundation

for type I pillars 0 0.45 0.45 0.15 0.00
for type II pillars 0 0.70 0.70 0.15 0.00
for type III pillars 0 0.90 0.90 0.15 0.00
for anchor blocks 50 0.30 0.30 0.15 0.68
Total soling work 0.68 m³ 7240.03 4 887.02

3 Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar

for type I pillars 0.0 0.45 0.45 1.35 0.000
for type II pillars 0.0 0.83 0.42 1.85 0.000
for type III pillars 0.0 1.01 0.50 2.35 0.000
Total masonry work 0.00 m³ 15855.45 0.00

4 PCC in (1:2:4) work

top of masonry pillars 0.0 0.45 0.45 0.2 0.000
For anchor blocks 50.0 0.3 0.3 0.35 1.575
Total 1.575 m³ 17081.86 26 903.93
5 Form work for concreting in simple slab and structure
for concrete 0.0 1.80 0.20 0.00 m² 735.61 0.00

6 Steel reinforcement
10 mm dia bars for ancharage of pipe 0.0 0.61 @ 0.617 kg/m 0.00
10 mm dia distribution bars 0.0 0.45 @ 0.617 kg/m 0.00
Total 0.00 kg 113.68 0.00

Subtotal 34 248.74
Add Value Added Tax @ 13.00% 4 452.34
Total Amount with VAT Rs. 38 701.07
Protection work
At collection site and intermediate RT sites
Gabion work 20 no
Retaining wall 10 m
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount
1 Earthwork in excavation in b.m. soil
for retaining wall 1.0 10 1.5 0.9 13.50
For gabion work 1.0 20 2 0.9 36.00
Total earth work 49.50 m³ 1092.35 54 071.33

2 Dry stone soling in foundation

for retaining wall 1 10.00 1.50 0.20 3.00

Total soling work 3.00 m³ 7240.03 21 720.09

4 PCC in (1:2:4) work
for foundation of retaining wall 1.0 10 1.5 0.15 2.250
for top of retaining wall 1.0 10 0.6 0.15 0.900
Total 3.150 m³ 17081.86 53 807.86

3 Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar

for retaining wall: rectangular section 1.0 10.00 0.60 3.00 18.000
triangular section 0.5 10.00 0.90 3.00 13.500
Total masonry work 31.50 m³ 15855.45 4 99 446.68

5 Form work for concreting in simple slab and structure

top of wall 2.0 10.00 0.15 3.00 m² 735.61 2 206.83

6 Standard gabion box(size:2×1×1 m)

at different RT sites 20.0 20.00
20.00 no 4021.57 80 431.40

7 Filling of gabion box with stones 40.00 m³ 6053.07 2 42 122.80

Subtotal 9 53 806.98
Add Value Added Tax @ 13.00% 1 23 994.91
Total Amount with VAT Rs. 10 77 801.89

Total cost of protection work Rs. 1116502.96

Pipe Protection work
L B H No
Size of pillars- Type I 0.45 0.45 1 10 Upto 1 m height
Type II 0.7 0.7 1.5 10 Upto 1.5 m height
Type III 0.9 0.9 2 0 Upto 2 m height
Size of anchor blocks 0.45 0.45 0.45 40
Size of pipe 80 mmØ
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Scheme 5
S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount
1 Earthwork in excavation in b.m. soil
for type I pillars 10.0 0.45 0.45 0.5 1.01
for type II pillars 10.0 0.7 0.7 0.5 2.45
for type III pillars 0.0 0.9 0.9 0.5 0.00
for anchor blocks 40.0 0.45 0.45 0.5 4.05
Total earth work 7.51 m³ 1092.35 8 206.28

2 Dry stone soling in foundation

for type I pillars 10 0.45 0.45 0.15 0.30
for type II pillars 10 0.70 0.70 0.15 0.74
for type III pillars 0 0.90 0.90 0.15 0.00
for anchor blocks 40 0.45 0.45 0.15 1.22
Total soling work 2.25 m³ 7240.03 16 317.22

3 Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar

for type I pillars 10.0 0.45 0.45 1.35 2.734
for type II pillars 10.0 0.83 0.42 1.85 6.406
for type III pillars 0.0 1.01 0.50 2.35 0.000
Total masonry work 9.14 m³ 15855.45 1 44 908.90

4 PCC in (1:2:4) work

top of masonry pillars 20.0 0.45 0.45 0.2 0.810
For anchor blocks 40.0 0.45 0.45 0.35 2.835
Total 3.645 m³ 17081.86 62 263.38
5 Form work for concreting in simple slab and structure
for concrete 20.0 1.80 0.20 7.20 m² 735.61 5 296.39

6 Steel reinforcement
10 mm dia bars for ancharage of pipe 40.0 0.70 @ 0.617 kg/m 17.31
10 mm dia distribution bars 80.0 0.45 @ 0.617 kg/m 22.21
Total 39.52 kg 113.68 4 492.63

Subtotal 2 41 484.81
Add Value Added Tax @ 13.00% 31 393.02
Total Amount with VAT Rs. 2 72 877.83
Protection work
At collection site and intermediate RT sites
Gabion work 20 no
Retaining wall 15 m
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount
1 Earthwork in excavation in b.m. soil
for retaining wall 1.0 15 1.5 0.9 20.25
For gabion work 1.0 20 2 0.9 36.00
Total earth work 56.25 m³ 1092.35 61 444.69

2 Dry stone soling in foundation

for retaining wall 1 15.00 1.50 0.20 4.50

Total soling work 4.50 m³ 7240.03 32 580.14

4 PCC in (1:2:4) work
for foundation of retaining wall 1.0 15 1.5 0.15 3.375
for top of retaining wall 1.0 15 0.6 0.15 1.350
Total 4.725 m³ 17081.86 80 711.79

3 Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar

for retaining wall: rectangular section 1.0 15.00 0.60 3.00 27.000
triangular section 0.5 15.00 0.90 3.00 20.250
Total masonry work 47.25 m³ 15855.45 7 49 170.01

5 Form work for concreting in simple slab and structure

top of wall 2.0 15.00 0.15 4.50 m² 735.61 3 310.25

6 Standard gabion box(size:2×1×1 m)

at different RT sites 20.0 20.00
20.00 no 4021.57 80 431.40

7 Filling of gabion box with stones 40.00 m³ 6053.07 2 42 122.80

Subtotal 12 49 771.07
Add Value Added Tax @ 13.00% 1 62 470.24
Total Amount with VAT Rs. 14 12 241.31

Total cost of protection work Rs. 1685119.14

Pipe Protection work
L B H No
Size of pillars- Type I 0.45 0.45 1 10 Upto 1 m height
Type II 0.7 0.7 1.5 10 Upto 1.5 m height
Type III 0.9 0.9 2 0 Upto 2 m height
Size of anchor blocks 0.45 0.45 0.45 40
Size of pipe 80 mmØ
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Scheme 6
S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount
1 Earthwork in excavation in b.m. soil
for type I pillars 10.0 0.45 0.45 0.5 1.01
for type II pillars 10.0 0.7 0.7 0.5 2.45
for type III pillars 0.0 0.9 0.9 0.5 0.00
for anchor blocks 40.0 0.45 0.45 0.5 4.05
Total earth work 7.51 m³ 1092.35 8 206.28

2 Dry stone soling in foundation

for type I pillars 10 0.45 0.45 0.15 0.30
for type II pillars 10 0.70 0.70 0.15 0.74
for type III pillars 0 0.90 0.90 0.15 0.00
for anchor blocks 40 0.45 0.45 0.15 1.22
Total soling work 2.25 m³ 7240.03 16 317.22

3 Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar

for type I pillars 10.0 0.45 0.45 1.35 2.734
for type II pillars 10.0 0.83 0.42 1.85 6.406
for type III pillars 0.0 1.01 0.50 2.35 0.000
Total masonry work 9.14 m³ 15855.45 1 44 908.90

4 PCC in (1:2:4) work

top of masonry pillars 20.0 0.45 0.45 0.2 0.810
For anchor blocks 40.0 0.45 0.45 0.35 2.835
Total 3.645 m³ 17081.86 62 263.38
5 Form work for concreting in simple slab and structure
for concrete 20.0 1.80 0.20 7.20 m² 735.61 5 296.39

6 Steel reinforcement
10 mm dia bars for ancharage of pipe 40.0 0.70 @ 0.617 kg/m 17.31
10 mm dia distribution bars 80.0 0.45 @ 0.617 kg/m 22.21
Total 39.52 kg 113.68 4 492.63

Subtotal 2 41 484.81
Add Value Added Tax @ 13.00% 31 393.02
Total Amount with VAT Rs. 2 72 877.83
Protection work
At collection site and intermediate RT sites
Gabion work 15 no
Retaining wall 15 m
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount
1 Earthwork in excavation in b.m. soil
for retaining wall 1.0 15 1.5 0.9 20.25
For gabion work 1.0 15 2 0.9 27.00
Total earth work 47.25 m³ 1092.35 51 613.54

2 Dry stone soling in foundation

for retaining wall 1 15.00 1.50 0.20 4.50

Total soling work 4.50 m³ 7240.03 32 580.14

4 PCC in (1:2:4) work
for foundation of retaining wall 1.0 15 1.5 0.15 3.375
for top of retaining wall 1.0 15 0.6 0.15 1.350
Total 4.725 m³ 17081.86 80 711.79

3 Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar

for retaining wall: rectangular section 1.0 15.00 0.60 3.00 27.000
triangular section 0.5 15.00 0.90 3.00 20.250
Total masonry work 47.25 m³ 15855.45 7 49 170.01

5 Form work for concreting in simple slab and structure

top of wall 2.0 15.00 0.15 4.50 m² 735.61 3 310.25

6 Standard gabion box(size:2×1×1 m)

at different RT sites 15.0 15.00
15.00 no 4021.57 60 323.55

7 Filling of gabion box with stones 30.00 m³ 6053.07 1 81 592.10

Subtotal 11 59 301.37
Add Value Added Tax @ 13.00% 1 50 709.18
Total Amount with VAT Rs. 13 10 010.55

Total cost of protection work Rs. 1582888.38

Pipe Protection work
L B H No
Size of pillars- Type I 0.45 0.45 1 4 Upto 1 m height
Type II 0.7 0.7 1.5 0 Upto 1.5 m height
Type III 0.9 0.9 2 0 Upto 2 m height
Size of anchor blocks 0.45 0.45 0.45 40
Size of pipe 50 mmØ
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Scheme 7
S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount
1 Earthwork in excavation in b.m. soil
for type I pillars 4.0 0.45 0.45 0.5 0.41
for type II pillars 0.0 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.00
for type III pillars 0.0 0.9 0.9 0.5 0.00
for anchor blocks 40.0 0.45 0.45 0.5 4.05
Total earth work 4.46 m³ 1092.35 4 866.42

2 Dry stone soling in foundation

for type I pillars 4 0.45 0.45 0.15 0.12
for type II pillars 0 0.70 0.70 0.15 0.00
for type III pillars 0 0.90 0.90 0.15 0.00
for anchor blocks 40 0.45 0.45 0.15 1.22
Total soling work 1.34 m³ 7240.03 9 676.30

3 Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar

for type I pillars 4.0 0.45 0.45 1.35 1.094
for type II pillars 0.0 0.83 0.42 1.85 0.000
for type III pillars 0.0 1.01 0.50 2.35 0.000
Total masonry work 1.09 m³ 15855.45 17 337.93

4 PCC in (1:2:4) work

top of masonry pillars 4.0 0.45 0.45 0.2 0.162
For anchor blocks 40.0 0.45 0.45 0.35 2.835
Total 2.997 m³ 17081.86 51 194.33
5 Form work for concreting in simple slab and structure
for concrete 4.0 1.80 0.20 1.44 m² 735.61 1 059.28

6 Steel reinforcement
10 mm dia bars for ancharage of pipe 8.0 0.61 @ 0.617 kg/m 3.00
10 mm dia distribution bars 16.0 0.45 @ 0.617 kg/m 4.44
Total 7.44 kg 113.68 845.78

Subtotal 84 980.05
Add Value Added Tax @ 13.00% 11 047.41
Total Amount with VAT Rs. 96 027.45
Protection work
At collection site and intermediate RT sites
Gabion work 20 no
Retaining wall 15 m
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount
1 Earthwork in excavation in b.m. soil
for retaining wall 1.0 15 1.5 0.9 20.25
For gabion work 1.0 20 2 0.9 36.00
Total earth work 56.25 m³ 1092.35 61 444.69

2 Dry stone soling in foundation

for retaining wall 1 15.00 1.50 0.20 4.50

Total soling work 4.50 m³ 7240.03 32 580.14

4 PCC in (1:2:4) work
for foundation of retaining wall 1.0 15 1.5 0.15 3.375
for top of retaining wall 1.0 15 0.6 0.15 1.350
Total 4.725 m³ 17081.86 80 711.79

3 Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar

for retaining wall: rectangular section 1.0 15.00 0.60 3.00 27.000
triangular section 0.5 15.00 0.90 3.00 20.250
Total masonry work 47.25 m³ 15855.45 7 49 170.01

5 Form work for concreting in simple slab and structure

top of wall 2.0 15.00 0.15 4.50 m² 735.61 3 310.25

6 Standard gabion box(size:2×1×1 m)

at different RT sites 20.0 20.00
20.00 no 4021.57 80 431.40

7 Filling of gabion box with stones 40.00 m³ 6053.07 2 42 122.80

Subtotal 12 49 771.07
Add Value Added Tax @ 13.00% 1 62 470.24
Total Amount with VAT Rs. 14 12 241.31

Total cost of protection work Rs. 1508268.76

Pipe Protection work
L B H No
Size of pillars- Type I 0.45 0.45 1 15 Upto 1 m height
Type II 0.7 0.7 1.5 15 Upto 1.5 m height
Type III 0.9 0.9 2 10 Upto 2 m height
Size of anchor blocks 0.45 0.45 0.45 65
Size of pipe 125 mmØ
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Scheme 8
S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount
1 Earthwork in excavation in b.m. soil
for type I pillars 15.0 0.45 0.45 0.5 1.52
for type II pillars 15.0 0.7 0.7 0.5 3.68
for type III pillars 10.0 0.9 0.9 0.5 4.05
for anchor blocks 65.0 0.45 0.45 0.5 6.58
Total earth work 15.83 m³ 1092.35 17 286.44

2 Dry stone soling in foundation

for type I pillars 15 0.45 0.45 0.15 0.46
for type II pillars 15 0.70 0.70 0.15 1.10
for type III pillars 10 0.90 0.90 0.15 1.22
for anchor blocks 65 0.45 0.45 0.15 1.97
Total soling work 4.75 m³ 7240.03 34 372.04

3 Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar

for type I pillars 15.0 0.45 0.45 1.35 4.101
for type II pillars 15.0 0.83 0.42 1.85 9.608
for type III pillars 10.0 1.01 0.50 2.35 11.897
Total masonry work 25.61 m³ 15855.45 4 05 993.66

4 PCC in (1:2:4) work

top of masonry pillars 40.0 0.45 0.45 0.2 1.620
For anchor blocks 65.0 0.45 0.45 0.35 4.607
Total 6.227 m³ 17081.86 1 06 366.61
5 Form work for concreting in simple slab and structure
for concrete 40.0 1.80 0.20 14.40 m² 735.61 10 592.78

6 Steel reinforcement
10 mm dia bars for ancharage of pipe 80.0 0.84 @ 0.617 kg/m 41.60
10 mm dia distribution bars 160.0 0.45 @ 0.617 kg/m 44.42
Total 86.02 kg 113.68 9 778.75

Subtotal 5 84 390.29
Add Value Added Tax @ 13.00% 75 970.74
Total Amount with VAT Rs. 6 60 361.02
Protection work
At collection site and intermediate RT sites
Gabion work 30 no
Retaining wall 20 m
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount
1 Earthwork in excavation in b.m. soil
for retaining wall 1.0 20 1.5 0.9 27.00
For gabion work 1.0 30 2 0.9 54.00
Total earth work 81.00 m³ 1092.35 88 480.35

2 Dry stone soling in foundation

for retaining wall 1 20.00 1.50 0.20 6.00

Total soling work 6.00 m³ 7240.03 43 440.18

4 PCC in (1:2:4) work
for foundation of retaining wall 1.0 20 1.5 0.15 4.500
for top of retaining wall 1.0 20 0.6 0.15 1.800
Total 6.300 m³ 17081.86 1 07 615.72

3 Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar

for retaining wall: rectangular section 1.0 20.00 0.60 3.00 36.000
triangular section 0.5 20.00 0.90 3.00 27.000
Total masonry work 63.00 m³ 15855.45 9 98 893.35

5 Form work for concreting in simple slab and structure

top of wall 2.0 20.00 0.15 6.00 m² 735.61 4 413.66

6 Standard gabion box(size:2×1×1 m)

at different RT sites 30.0 30.00
30.00 no 4021.57 1 20 647.10

7 Filling of gabion box with stones 60.00 m³ 6053.07 3 63 184.20

Subtotal 17 26 674.56
Add Value Added Tax @ 13.00% 2 24 467.69
Total Amount with VAT Rs. 19 51 142.25

Total cost of protection work Rs. 2611503.28

Abstract of Cost
Distribution Chamber
(2 Chambered without valve)

S.N. Description of items Qty. Unit Rate

1 Removing top soil for site preparation 6.00 m² 106.72
Earthwork in excavation for foundation work in
2 hard soil 6.18 m³ 858.76
3 Dry stone soling work in foundation 0.93 m³ 7240.03
4 RR Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar 4.067 m³ 15855.45

5 Plain cement concrete (1:2:4) for substructure 1.106 m³ 17081.86

Centering and shuttering for walls, vertical
6 surfaces and simple slabs 2.82 m² 735.61
7 Steel reinforcement for RCC work 29.19 kg 113.68
8 3 mm thick 1:1 c-s punning 10.00 m² 240.72
9 12.5 mm thick 1:4 c-s plaster 13.09 m² 401.36
Supply and installation of standard manhole
10 cover (60×60 cm²) 2.000 set 2967.42
11 Installation of pipes & fittings for DC 1.000 job 1000.00
12 Cost of water for construction and curing 1.000 m³ 1000.00
Value Added Tax @ 13%
Total Amount Rs.




1 17 021.42
15 212.78
1 32 234.20
Pipe Protection work
L B H No
Size of pillars- Type I 0.45 0.45 1 20 Upto 1 m height
Type II 0.7 0.7 1.5 20 Upto 1.5 m height
Type III 0.9 0.9 2 10 Upto 2 m height
Size of anchor blocks 0.3 0.3 3 110
Size of pipe 65 mmØ
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP Scheme 1
S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate
1 Earthwork in excavation in b.m. soil
for type I pillars 20.0 0.45 0.45 0.5 2.03
for type II pillars 20.0 0.7 0.7 0.5 4.90
for type III pillars 10.0 0.9 0.9 0.5 4.05
for anchor blocks 110.0 0.3 0.3 0.5 4.95
Total earth work 15.93 m³ 1092.35

2 Dry stone soling in foundation

for type I pillars 20 0.45 0.45 0.15 0.61
for type II pillars 20 0.70 0.70 0.15 1.47
for type III pillars 10 0.90 0.90 0.15 1.22
for anchor blocks 110 0.30 0.30 0.15 1.49
Total soling work 4.78 m³ 7240.03

3 Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar

for type I pillars 20.0 0.45 0.45 1.35 5.468
for type II pillars 20.0 0.83 0.42 1.85 12.811
for type III pillars 10.0 1.01 0.50 2.35 11.897
Total masonry work 30.18 m³ 15855.45

4 PCC in (1:2:4) work

top of masonry pillars 50.0 0.45 0.45 0.2 2.025
For anchor blocks 110.0 0.3 0.3 0.35 3.465
Total 5.490 m³ 17081.86
5 Form work for concreting in simple slab and structure
for concrete 50.0 1.80 0.20 18.00 m² 735.61

6 Steel reinforcement
10 mm dia bars for ancharage of pipe 100.0 0.65 @ 0.617 kg/m 40.36
10 mm dia distribution bars 200.0 0.45 @ 0.617 kg/m 55.53
Total 95.89 kg 113.68

Add Value Added Tax @ 13.00%
Total Amount with VAT Rs.
Protection work
At collection site and intermediate RT sites
Gabion work 30 no
Retaining wall 15 m
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP
S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate
1 Earthwork in excavation in b.m. soil
for retaining wall 1.0 15 1.5 0.9 20.25
For gabion work 1.0 30 2 0.9 54.00
Total earth work 74.25 m³ 1092.35

2 Dry stone soling in foundation

for retaining wall 1 15.00 1.50 0.20 4.50

Total soling work 4.50 m³ 7240.03

4 PCC in (1:2:4) work
for foundation of retaining wall 1.0 15 1.5 0.15 3.375
for top of retaining wall 1.0 15 0.6 0.15 1.350
Total 4.725 m³ 17081.86

3 Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar

for retaining wall: rectangular section 1.0 15.00 0.60 3.00 27.000
triangular section 0.5 15.00 0.90 3.00 20.250
Total masonry work 47.25 m³ 15855.45

5 Form work for concreting in simple slab and structure

top of wall 2.0 15.00 0.15 4.50 m² 735.61

6 Standard gabion box(size:2×1×1 m)

at different RT sites 30.0 30.00
30.00 no 4021.57

7 Filling of gabion box with stones 60.00 m³ 6053.07

Add Value Added Tax @ 13.00%
Total Amount with VAT Rs.

Total cost of protection work Rs.

Upto 1 m height
Upto 1.5 m height
Upto 2 m height


17 395.67

34 589.24

4 78 448.11

93 779.41

13 240.98

10 900.78

6 48 354.20
84 286.05
7 32 640.24

81 106.99

32 580.14

80 711.79

7 49 170.01

3 310.25

1 20 647.10

3 63 184.20

14 30 710.47
1 85 992.36
16 16 702.83

Ferrocement Storage Tank
5 m³ Capacity
Diameter, d = 2.5 m Tank wall height, h = 1.3 m
Dome height, = 0.4 m #REF!

S.N. Description No. Radius Breadth Height Qty. Unit Rate Amount

1 Site Clearance(L= d+2*2.0m,B=d+1m) 7.00 5.00 35.00 m² 106.72 3 735.20

2 Earthwork in excavation for foundation in
Valve Chamber 1.70 1.50 1.30 3.32
Storage tank π 2.05 2.05 - 1.20 15.84
(Q = p x R² x h, R = d/2+0.05+0.75
Total 19.16 m³ 858.76 16 452.17
3 Earthwork in back filling with
in storage tank : total trench (p*R2*h') π 2.05 2.05 - 0.70 9.24 m³
Deduct tank portion (p*r2*h'): r=d/2+.05 π 1.30 1.30 - 0.70 -3.72 m³
Net backfilling work 5.53 m³ 432.81 2 391.39
4 Stone soling work
Valve Chamber 1.70 1.50 0.15 0.38
Storage tank π 1.55 1.55 - 0.20 1.51
(Q = p x r² x h, r = d/2+0.05+0.25
deduction for overlapping with VC portion 1.70 0.40 0.20 -0.14
Total 1.76 m³ 7240.03 12 713.75
5 Stone masonry in 1:6 c-s mortar
Valve Chamber 5.00 0.35 1.15 2.01 m³ 0.00
6 Plain cement concrete (1:2:4)
Cover slab of valve chamber 1.70 1.50 0.10 0.255
Deduction for manhole opening π 0.30 0.30 - 0.05 -0.014
(Q = p x r² x h, r = 0.30)
Manhole Cover of tank π 0.30 0.30 - 0.05 0.014
Pipe embeddment block 2 1.00 0.35 0.20 0.140
Total 0.395 m³ 17081.86 6 747.33
7 Plain Cement Concrete (1:1.5:3)
for tank base(Q = p x r² x h, r = d/2+0.05+0.10 π 1.40 1.40 - 0.125 0.770 m³ 18609.30 14 323.40

8 Steel reinforcement
for VC slab cover 8 mmf bars @ 15 cm c/c both ways
Longer span 11 1.70 @ 0.395 kg/m 7.39
Shorter span 12 1.50 @ 0.395 kg/m 7.11
Deduction for manhole opening 8 0.60 @ 0.395 kg/m -1.90
Total 12.60 kg 113.68 1 432.37
9 Shuttering works for RCC
- Cover slab bottom 1.00 0.80 0.80
Side 6.40 - 0.10 0.64
Deduction for manhole opening π 0.30 0.30 -0.283
Total 1.16 m² 735.61 851.29
10 HDPE formwork for ferrocement
- Wall portion (Q = 2 x p x r x h, r = d/2+.025) 2π 1.28 - 1.30 10.41
- Roof portion 2π 2.23 0.40 5.61
Q = 2 x p x R x h, R = ((d+.05)² +4h²)/8h,h=dome height
- Deduction for manhole opening Q=pxr², r=0.30 π 0.30 0.30 -0.28
Total form work 15.74 m² 438.98 6 910.13

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

RT size: 5.00 m³
S.N. Description No. Radius Length Breadth Height Quantity Unit Rate Amount

11 Bar binding work including chicken wire mesh,

MS bar, GI wire, etc. as per HDPE form work 15.74 m² 1025.33 16 140.07

12 12.5 mm thick 1:2 cement-sand plaster

4 layers for ferrocement
- Wall portion (Q = 4x2 p x r x h, r = d/2+.025) 4×2π 1.28 1.30 41.66
- Roof portion 4×2π 2.23 0.400 22.44
Q = 2 x p x R x h, R = ((d+.05)² +4h²)/8h,h=dome height
- Deduction for manhole opening 4×2π 0.30 0.30 -1.13
(Q = 4 x p x r², r = 0.60/2 = 0.30)
Total plaster 62.97 m² 458.87 28 892.92
13 12.5 mm thick 1:3 cement-sand plaster
sand mortar for
- Floor portion of storage tank π 1.25 1.25 4.91 m² 408.99 2 007.62
(Q = p x r², r = d/2)

14 12.5 mm thick 1:4 cement-sand plaster

- Floor portion of valve chamber 1.00 0.80 0.80
- inner wall of valve chamber 3.60 1.15 4.14
Total plaster 4.94 m² 401.36 1 982.72

15 3 mm thick 1:1 cement sand punning

- Floor portion of storage tank(Q = p x r², r = d/2) π 1.25 1.25 4.91
- Wall portion of storage tank (Q = 2 x p x r x h) 2π 1.25 1.30 10.21
Total punning 15.12 m² 240.72 3 639.43
16 Bitumen paint on the buried surface of storage tank
(Q = 2 x p x r x h, r = d/2+0.05) 2π 1.30 0.90 7.35 m² 112.41 826.36

17 Snowcem paint on exposed surface of storage tank

- Wall portion 2π 1.30 0.40 3.27
(Q = 2 x p x r x h, r = d/2+0.05)
- Roof portion 2π 2.31 0.40 5.81
(Q = 2xpxRxh, R = (D²+4h²)/8h, D = d+0.10, h= dome height)
Total 9.08 m² 148.26 1 346.08

18 600 mmf circular metal manhole cover for ferrocement 2 set 2205.84 4 411.68

19 Installation of Pipes & fittings 1.00 job 1500.00 1 500.00

20 Barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 1 21.00 21.00 m #REF! #REF!

21 Entrance gate in barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 1 1.00 No #REF! #REF!

Total Amount without VAT #REF!

Add Value Added Tax @ 13.00% #REF!
Total cost of reservoir tank with fencing and gate Rs. #REF!

Estimated by Checked by Approved by

Abstract of Cost
Reinforced Cement Concrete Underground Square Tank
Capacity of reservoir : 55 m³
Belghari Chorepatan Birauta WSP

S.N. Description of items Qty. Unit Rate Amount

1 Site clearance 72.25 m² 106.72 7710.52

2 Earthwork in excavation for foundation in hard so 110.33 m³ 858.76 94749.57
3 Earthwork in back filling with 60.82 m³ 432.81 26323.50
4 Stone soling work 9.17 m³ 7240.03 66405.56
5 Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar 3.39 m³ 15855.45 53797.54
6 PCC (1:3:6) in foundation 4.23 m³ 15514.93 65550.58
7 PCC (1:1½:3) for RCC work with 2% WPC 20.23 m³ 20414.80 412907.19
8 PCC (1:2:4) for RCC work 4.79 m³ 18887.36 90497.60
9 Shuttering works for RCC for vertical walls 144.81 m² 735.61 106521.48
10 Steel reinforcement 4346.94 kg 113.68 494159.80
11 12.5 mm thick 1:3 cement-sand plaster 82.90 m² 408.99 33904.79
12 3 mm thick 1:1 cement sand punning 82.90 m² 240.72 19955.40
13 12.5 mm thick 1:4 cement-sand plaster 91.92 m² 401.36 36893.81
14 Bitumen paint on the buried surface of storage ta 30.68 m² 112.41 3448.74
15 Snowcem paint on exposed surface of storage tan 58.41 m² 148.26 8659.87
16 GI water stopper 150 mm wide, 20 SWG 54.72 m 150.00 8208.00
17 32 mmØ GI pipe ladder 45 cm width -for tank in 1.00 no 6000.00 6000.00
18 Standard Manhole cover set 60×60 cm size 2.00 set 3748.32 7496.64
19 Installation of Pipes & fittings 1.00 job 2500.00 2500.00
20 Site levelling work 1.00 job 5000.00 5000.00
21 Barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 33.00 m #REF! #REF!
22 Entrancce gate in barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 1.00 No #REF! #REF!
Subtotal #REF!
Reinforcement Cement Concrete Square Tank
55 m3 capacity

Inner side of tank = 5.50 m ×

Thickness of wall = 0.20 m
Total tank height = 2.30 m
Thickness of cover slab = 0.120 m

S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Qty. Unit

1 Site clearance(L= d+4 m,B=d+4 m) 1 8.50 8.50 72.25 m²
2 Earthwork in excavation for foundation in
levelling 0.5 8.50 8.50 1.00 36.13
Storage tank(L.L.H, L = L+2.t+1.00) 1 6.90 6.90 1.30 61.89
Valve Chamber 1 1.90 1.90 1.50 5.42
Washout pipe trench 1 10.00 0.60 1.15 6.90
Total earth work 110.33 m³
3 Earthwork in back filling with
for working space of storage tank 1 47.20 1.00 1.30 61.36
Washout pipe trench 1 10.00 0.60 1.15 6.90
Deduct soling and PCC/RCC portion 1 49.60 0.30 0.50 -7.44
Net backfilling work 60.82 m³
4 Stone soling work
Storage tank 1 6.50 6.50 0.20 8.45
Valve Chamber 1 1.90 1.90 0.20 0.72
Total soling work 9.17 m³
5 Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar
Valve Chamber 1 5.80 0.45 1.30 3.39 m³
6 PCC (1:3:6) in foundation
- tank foundation 1 6.50 6.50 0.10 4.23 m³

7 PCC (1:1½:3) for RCC work with 2% WPC

for tank base slab 1 6.50 6.50 0.20 8.45
- for wall portion 1 22.8 0.20 2.30 10.49
- for inner haunch portion 0.5 22.8 0.20 0.20 0.46
-for maintaining floor slope( slope 1:100) 0.5 5.50 5.5 0.06 0.83
Total PCC for RCC works 20.226 m³
8 PCC (1:2:4) for RCC work
- T-beam 1 5.500 0.23 0.23 0.28
cover slab 1 5.9 5.9 0.12 4.18
cover slab of VC 1 1.9 1.9 0.10 0.36
- deduct for manhole 1 0.6 0.6 0.07 -0.03
Total PCC works 4.791 m³
9 Shuttering works for RCC for vertical walls
- inner portion 1 22.00 2.30 50.60
- outer portion 1 23.6 2.30 54.28
cover slab 1 5.5 5.5 30.25
-T-beam sides 2 5.5 0.23 2.48
Outer edge of slab 1 23.6 0.12 2.83
bottom of cover slab of VC 1 1.9 1.9 3.61
edge of cover slab 1 7.6 0.10 0.76
Total shuttering works 144.81 m²

12 Steel reinforcement
-Base slab
S.N. Description No. Length Breadth Height Qty. Unit
Bottom main bars 12 @ 150 mm C/C -2 directions 2.00 5.5 38no 0.888 kg/m 367.85
top main bars 16 @ 120 mm C/C -2 directions 2.00 5.50 47no 1.578 kg/m 813.11
total reinforcement in base slab 1180.96
Vertical walls
vertical bars- inner :12 mmØ @ 150 c/c 152 3.22 @ 0.888 kg/m 434.53
vertical bars- outer :12 mmØ @ 150 c/c 160 3.22 @ 0.888 kg/m 457.40
Inner hor. bars of 16 mmØ bars 120 mm c/c upto 1 m height 9 33.30 @ 1.578 kg/m 490.55
Inner hr. bars of 16 mmØ bars 160 mm c/c for next 1.3 m he 9 33.300 @ 1.578 kg/m 479.60
Outer hor. bars of 16 mmØ bars 150 mm c/c upto 1 m height 8 23.400 @ 1.578 kg/m 283.15
Outer hor.bars of 16 mmØ bars 180 mm c/c for next 1.3 m h 8 23.400 @ 1.578 kg/m 303.67
Haunch bars 10 Ø at 200 mm c/c 115 1.48 @ 0.617 kg/m 105.08
total reinforcement in wall 2553.98
Cover slab
T-beam- main bar 16 mmØ 7 6.1 @ 1.578 kg/m 67.39
2 legged strirrups 8 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 40 1.04 @ 0.395 kg/m 16.55
main bars 10 mmØ @ 160 mm c/c 31 6.10 @ 0.617 kg/m 91.77
main bars at flange 10 mmØ @ 160 mm c/c 31 2.10 @ 0.617 kg/m 31.59
top main bars at edges 10 mmØ @ 160 mm c/c 31 0.89 @ 0.617 kg/m 13.39
31 0.89 @ 0.617 kg/m 13.39
distribution bars 10 mmØ @ 200 mm c/c 29 5.70 @ 0.617 kg/m 100.16
for T-beam flange 11 5.7 @ 0.617 kg/m 36.90
for edge reinforcement 5 5.7 @ 0.617 kg/m 19.15
5.45 5.7 @ 0.617 kg/m 19.15
for cover slab of VC - 10 mmØ bars @ 150 mm c/c 14 1.9 @ 0.617 kg/m 16.01
14 1.9 @ 0.617 kg/m 16.01
Deduct for manhole: 12 0.600 @ 0.617 kg/m -4.44
total reinforcement 4139.94
add 5% for splice length etc. 207.00
Total reinforcement work 4346.94 kg
13 12.5 mm thick 1:3 cement-sand plaster
-floor of tank 1 5.50 5.50 30.25
- fillet portion 1 22.80 0.28 6.45
- inner wall portion 1 22.00 2.10 46.20
Total plaster work 82.90 m²
14 3 mm thick 1:1 cement sand punning as per plaster work in item no 13 82.90 m²

15 12.5 mm thick 1:4 cement-sand plaster

-outer wall portion 1 23.60 2.42 57.11
Top of slab 1 5.90 5.90 34.81
inner side of VC 1 7.60 1.30 9.88
91.92 m²
16 Bitumen paint on the buried surface of storage tank
-outer wall portion(buried portion) 1 23.60 1.30 30.68 m²
17 Snowcem paint on exposed surface of storage tank
- Wall portion(exposed portion) 1 23.60 1.00 23.60
Top of slab 1 5.90 5.90 34.81
Total 58.41 m²
18 GI water stopper 150 mm wide, 20 SWG
at 2 sections of concrete joint(20% overlap) 2 27.36 54.72 m
19 32 mmØ GI pipe ladder 45 cm width -for tank inside 1.00 no
22 Standard Manhole cover set 60×60 cm size 2.00 set
23 Installation of Pipes & fittings 1.00 job
24 Site levelling work 1.00 job
25 Barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 4 33.00 m
26 Entrancce gate in barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 1 1.00 No
Total cost of Reservoir tank with fencing and gate

= 5.50 m

Rate Amount








Rate Amount






Abstract of Cost
Collection Chamber

S.N. Description of items Qty. Unit Rate Amount

1 Removing top soil for site preparation 6.000 m² 106.720 640.32

2 Earthwork in excavation for foundation work in hard soil 7.410 m³ 858.760 6363.41
3 Dry stone soling work in foundation 1.112 m³ 7240.030 8047.29
4 RR Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar 4.530 m³ 15855.45 71825.19
5 Plain cement concrete (1:2:4) for substructure 1.571 m³ 17081.86 26835.60
6 Centering and shuttering for walls, vertical surfaces and 3.810 m² 735.610 2802.67
7 Steel reinforcement for RCC work 29.191 kg 113.680 3318.38
8 12.5 mm thick 1:4 c-s plaster 15.180 m² 401.360 6092.64
9 3 mm thick 1:1 c-s punning 11.700 m² 240.720 2816.42
10 Supply and installation of standard manhole cover (60×60 cm²) 2.000 set 2967.420 5934.84
11 Installation of pipes & fittings for CC 1.000 job 1000.000 1000.00

Subtotal: 135676.76
Reinforcement Cement Concrete
500 m3 capacity
Height of stagnant water = 0.15 m

Adopt inner diameter, d = 14.00 m Total tank height = 3.40 m

Thickness of wall = 0.25 m Effective Volume = 500.30 m³
Dome rise, h = 2.00 m Lantern Opening(dia) = 0.75 m
S.N. Description No. Radius Radius Breadth Height Qty. Unit
1 Site clearance(L= d+4 m,B=d+4 m) 18.00 18.00 324.00 m²
2 Earthwork in excavation for foundation in
Storage tank(π r²h, r = d/2+t+1.00) π 8.25 8.25 - 1.00 213.82
π 7.75 7.75 - 0.60 113.22
Valve Chamber 1.90 1.90 1.15 4.15
Washout pipe trench 10.00 0.60 1.00 6.00
Total earth work 337.19 m³
3 Earthwork in back filling with
in storage tank : total trench (πr²h) π 8.25 8.25 - 1.00 213.82
Washout pipe trench 10.00 0.60 1.00 6.00
Deduct tank portion (πr²h'): r=d/2+t π 7.25 7.25 - 1.00 -165.13
Net backfilling work 54.69 m³
4 Stone soling work
Storage tank(π r²h, r = d/2+t+0.30) π 7.75 7.75 - 0.15 28.30
Valve Chamber 1.90 1.90 0.15 0.54
Total soling work 28.85 m³
5 Stone masonry in 1:4 c-s mortar
Valve Chamber 5.80 0.45 1.00 2.61 m³
6 PCC (1:3:6) in foundation
- tank foundation(π r²h, r = d/2+t+0.30) π 7.75 7.75 0.10 18.869 m³

7 PCC (1:1½:3) for RCC work with 2% WPC

for tank base slab(π r²h, r = d/2+t+0.30) π 7.75 7.75 - 0.30 56.608
- for wall portion(2π r't, r'=d/2+t/2) 2π 7.125 0.25 3.40 38.053
- for inner haunch portion 2π/2 6.90 0.20 0.20 0.867
- for outer fillet portion 2π/2 7.35 0.20 0.20 0.924
-for maintaining floor slope( slope 1:100) π/2 7.00 7.00 0.14 10.776
Total PCC works 107.226 m³
8 PCC (1:2:4) for RCC work
- ring beam 2π 7.225 0.45 0.45 9.193
- spherical dome
V=2pRht : R=(4h2+L2)/8h: L=d+0.12 2π 13.461 2 0.10 16.915
- ring beam for lantern support 2π 0.450 0.15 0.15 0.064
- Lantern portion - pillars 4 0.15 0.15 1.00 0.090
- top slab π 0.88 0.88 0.10 0.241
-gajoor π (0.32+0.152)/2 0.40 0.071
- cover slab of VC 1.9 1.9 0.13 0.469
- Deduction for
-Lantern opening π 0.75 0.75 0.10 -0.177
-Manhole cover for tank and VC 0.6 0.6 0.05 -0.018
Total PCC works 26.848 m³
9 Shuttering works for RCC for vertical walls
- inner portion 2π 7.000 3.40 149.54
- outer portion 2π 7.250 3.40 154.88
-Ringbeam -inner and outer 2×2π 7.225 0.45 40.86
-soffit 2π 7.350 0.2 9.24
S.N. Description No. Radius Radius Breadth Height Qty. Unit
Total shuttering works 354.51 m²

10 Shuttering works for RCC for dome portion

A=2pRh : R=(4h2+L2)/8h: L=d 2π 13.54 1.95 165.88
- Lantern portion - pillars 4 0.15 1.00 0.60
- top slab π 0.88 0.875 2.41
-edge of top slab 2π 0.88 0.10 0.55
-gajoor π(.15+.075)x((.3-.15)2+.42)1/2 0.30
Total shuttering works 169.74 m²
11 Steel reinforcement
-Base slab
Bottom main bars 16 @ 150 mm C/C -2 directions 2.00 104.00 15.50 ×0.8 @ 1.578 kg/m 4070.84
top main bars 12 @ 150 mm C/C -2 directions 2.00 104.00 15.50 ×0.8 @ 0.888 kg/m 2289.85
Circumferential reinforcement for 2.5 m outer width
Bottom main bars 10 @ 150 mm C/C -2 layers π 18.00 14.25 ×1.1 @ 0.617 kg/m 546.50
Distribution bars 10 @ 170 mm C/C -2 layers 2.00 92.00 2.5 '@ 0.617 kg/m 283.61
total reinforcement in foundation 7190.80
Vertical walls
vertical bars- inner :12 mmØ @ 150 c/c 95 4.45 @ 0.888 kg/m 375.32
vertical bars- outer :12 mmØ @ 150 c/c 97 4.45 @ 0.888 kg/m 383.22
Inner rings of 16 mmØ bars 120 mm c/c upto 1.5 m height 2π 14 nos 7.025 ×1.1 @ 1.578 kg/m 603.61
Inner rings of 16 mmØ bars 170 mm c/c upto 1.9 m height 2π 12 nos 7.025 ×1.1 @ 1.578 kg/m 517.38
Outer rings of 16 mmØ bars 130 mm c/c upto 1.5 m height 2π 13.00 7.225 ×1.1 @ 1.578 kg/m 576.46
Outer rings of 16 mmØ bars 170 mm c/c upto 1.9 m height 2π 12.00 7.225 ×1.1 @ 1.578 kg/m 532.11

total reinforcement in wall 2988.12

Spherical Dome
ring beam- main bar 16 mmØ 8 ### × 1.1 @ 0 1.578 kg/m 630.52
stirrups - 2 legged 8 mmØ 303 1.70 @ 0.395 kg/m 203.01
meridional bars 10 mmØ @ 180 mm c/c 247 7.88 × 0.8 @ 0.617 kg/m 962.12
distribution bars 10 mmØ @ 180 mm c/c 43 3.85 ×2π ×1.1 @ 0.617 kg/m 705.25
top meridional bars for 1.5 m: 10 mmØ @ 180 mm c/c 247 2.08 @ 0.617 kg/m 317.38
distribution bars 10 mmØ @ 180 mm c/c 8 6.36 ×2π ×1.1 @ 0.617 kg/m 216.81
-upper ring beam main 10 mmØ bars 4 0.38 ×2π×1.1 @ .617 kg/m 6.40
-upper ring beam stirrups 6 mmØ @ 150 mm c/c 17 0.4 @ 0.222 kg/m 1.51
-coverslab of lantern 10 mmØ bars @ 180c/c both ways 11 1.85 ×2× 0.8 @0.617 kg/m 20.09

total reinforcement in dome 3063.092

Total reinforcement work 13242.01 kg
12 12.5 mm thick 1:3 cement-sand plaster
-floor of tank π 6.80 6.80 145.27
- fillet portion 2π 6.90 0.28 12.26
- inner wall portion 2π 7.00 3.65 160.54
Total plaster work 318.06 m²
13 3 mm thick 1:1 cement sand punning as per plaster work in item no 12 318.06 m²

14 12.5 mm thick 1:4 cement-sand plaster

-outer wall portion 2π 7.25 3.20 145.77
-outer fillet portion 2π 7.35 0.28 13.06
-beam soffit 2π 7.35 0.20 9.24
-beam outer face 2π 7.45 0.45 21.06
-beam upper face 2π 7.275 0.35 16.00
-inner surface of dome
A=2pRh : R=(4h2+L2)/8h: L=d 2π 13.54 1.95 165.88
-outer surface of dome
A=2pRh : R=(4h2+L2)/8h: L=d+.2 2π 13.32 2.05 171.57
- Lantern portion - pillars 4 0.15 1.00 0.60
- top slab π 0.75 0.75 1.77
-edge of top slab 2π 0.75 0.10 0.24
-gajoor π(.15+.075)x((.3-.15)2+.42)1/2 0.30
S.N. Description No. Radius Radius Breadth Height Qty. Unit
-Deduction for lantern openning 2π 0.38 0.375 -0.88
-Deduction for manhole openning 2 0.75 0.75 -2.25
542.36 m²
15 Bitumen paint on the buried surface of storage tank
-outer wall portion(buried portion) 2π 7.25 1.00 45.55 m²
16 Snowcem paint on exposed surface of storage tank
- Wall portion(exposed portion) 2π 7.25 2.40 109.33
-beam soffit 2π 7.35 0.20 9.24
-beam outer face 2π 7.45 0.45 21.06
-beam upper face 2π 7.275 0.35 16.00
-outer surface of dome
A=2pRh : R=(4h2+L2)/8h: L=d+.2 2π 13.32 2.05 171.57
- Lantern portion - pillars 4 0.15 1.00 0.60
- top slab π 0.88 0.875 2.41
-edge of top slab 2π 0.88 0.10 0.55
-gajoor π(.15+.075)x((.3-.15)2+.42)1/2 0.30
-Deduction for lantern openning π 0.38 0.375 -0.44
-Deduction for manhole openning 2 0.75 0.75 -1.13
329.49 m²
17 GI water stopper 150mm wide, 20 SWG
at three sections of concrete joint(20% overlap) 3×2π×1.2 7.13 161.16 m
18 32 mmØ GI pipe ladder 45cm width -for tank inside 4.6 m long 1.00 no

19 6 mmØ bar mesh on MS angle(25×25×3) frame to cover

lantern opening 4 0.53 1.00 2.12 m²
20 Water Level indicator 1.00 no
21 Standard Manhole cover set 75×75 cm size 2.00 set
22 Installation of Pipes & fittings 1.00 job
23 Site levelling work 1.00 job
24 Barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 4 18.00 72.00 m
25 Entrancce gate in barbed wire fencing (Type-A) 1 1.00 No
Total cost of Reservoir tank with fencing and gate
PCC(1:1.5:3) in base slab

Rate Amount







Rate Amount



Rate Amount






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