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Reporting Date:…………
Inspected Item OK Remarks
A. Outdoor
Transformer condition (cleanliness, oil
leakage, etc.)
Transformer oil level
Condition of Bushings with Neutral
Cooling fan operation and control
Temperature gauges- winding/oil
OLTC operation control (local)
33 kV Bus bar, CT PT, LA &
Auxiliary/station Transformer
33 kV OCB/VCB (insulator cracked/
broken, mechanism box dirty)?
OCB oil leakage problem?
Earthing/Grounding lead/strap of
structure & equipment missing/cut?
Switchyard lighting
General cleanliness (grass cutting)
Fire fighting equipment condition
Indoor/Control room
33 & 11KV breakers (GCB/VCB)
GCB gas pressure alarm/Hydraulic
pressure problem/vacuum status
33 & 11 kV Relay & Control panels
AC/DC distribution board
Batteries and Battery charger
33KV control panel and Relay function
OLTC remote controller and function
* Wireless system with charger
Note:- (*) These are hi-tech jobs; only the authorized personnel will inspect and work as per guideline of the manufacturer/

Additional Information/Summary of last six days inspection report.

N.B: This report is to be prepared by the respective substation In-charge of substation during 1st shift on a particular day of
a week.

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