7 Lesson 2 - Worksheet

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Lesson 2 - Worksheet

Activity 1: Complete the definitions of the following terms:





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Activity 2:

Work together as a group to present a summary of your group’s discussion. Your teacher will tell your group
which of these below points your group will need to give feedback on to the class. Choose a group leader to
present and take notes during the discussion.

Discuss the following statement in each category and provide examples from real life.

1) How the media impacts choices around alcohol abuse, self concept, friendship and even careers.

2) How the peers and friends impacts choices around alcohol abuse, self concept, relationships with
parents and subject choices.

3) How religion impacts choices around substance abuse, morals and relationships.

4) How family and community influences choices around alcohol abuse, nutrition, friendships and even


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Activity 3: Look at the adverts below and answer the questions that follow.

3.1. How does looking at these images make you feel?

3.2 What physical dangers are these adverts trying to communicate about alcohol?

3.3 How do these images influence your choices about drinking alcohol?

3.4 The media is a form of mass communication that has both positive and negative influences on
the use of alcohol.

Discuss TWO ways how the media can influence your choices around underage drinking.


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Let’s see how well you understood today’s lesson!

Complete the quiz about some of the concepts you have learnt during this lesson. Use the block below to
record your score and reflect on concepts you need to revisit.

4.1 Choose the correct term for the following definition by circling the correct answer: a
system of beliefs that is taught for deciding what is good or bad.

A Values
B Beliefs
C Morals
D Attitudes

4.2 Motivate why the following statement can be considered true.

Every individual determines their own future. No outside influences can change your
attitude about drinking alcohol. (1)

4.3 Briefly define the concept 'peer pressure'. (1)


4.4 Assuming that there is alcohol in the glasses in the picture below, discuss how a picture
like this in the media could influence children. (2)


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Activity 4: Reflection Activity

You are hanging out at a friend’s house, and he suggests you drink some of his dad’s alcohol. Write down your
reaction to his suggestion in each of the following scenarios.

One of his parents is at You have a younger

It is just you and him at Your religious leader
home but can’t see what family member to take
his house. shows up at his house.
you are doing. care of with you.

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