Contractor Management (Maintenance) Re.06_26122024
Contractor Management (Maintenance) Re.06_26122024
Contractor Management (Maintenance) Re.06_26122024
Power Plant found unforeseen work and request the contractor to perform corrective maintenance with
out OMA scope of expedite work for reduce loss and time maintenance. After implement process of
emergency work, PWP team found problem of high quantity of maintenance work which necessary to
be performed before document issue for maintain plant reliability which lead to missing list of
additional work and delay of PO issuance/payment.
Clarify process flow with refreshment workflow and document with contractor.
Contractor Qualification
Contractor Pre-qualification
Last 3 Years, Financial statement. Name list with ID card of staffs and Training record/ Certificated
** Remark : Contractor should always update contract and key personnel with procurement team and job owner when any changes occur to
5 keep any important information from HPC.
PWP Conceptual for Contractor Selection
PWP Conceptual for Contractor Selection
2.1 OEM/Special Work Only the OEM able to perform the work. • Pre-qualify contractor by
Only the contractor specify able to perform work. user.
2.2 Difficulty manage work at the job site Highest performance for the job type (able refer. performance • Pre-qualify contractor by
or duplication area or difficulty of plant. evaluation for reference project) user and recommend PRO
Good manage duplication area and difficulty at the job site to for qualified contractor.
reduce risk of maintenance or idle time. (commercial aspect).
3. Bidding Process (RFQ/TOR) Work able to plan before work start such backlog work, • Ref. Procurement Policy.
modification work, work which plan to perform during planned • The user able to
3.1 RFQ: Price less than 3.4 MTHB,
outage period or routine work which not effect to plan recommend procurement
Submit RFQ to PRO for request quotation.
shutdown or derate or environmental impact. team for the qualify
3.2 TOR: Price more than 3.4 MTHB, Project improvement and MOC as approval annual budget. contractor list, potential
7create TOR and present Procurement Not special work or no required high technical work. (more contractor list.
Committee. than one contractor able to perform work)
Work request’s form
Why we use “Additional Work Request” process?
1. Unable to recognize all the work that has occurred including work tracking and work quality control.
2. The contractor submitted the quotation but HPC not able to verify the correctly price in time. (High cost)
3. The requester is not able to evaluation work loads lead to many work is not completed in time committed.
4. Poor manage workload of contractor, lead to low quality and time.
5. Unable to predict accurate cost and cost outlooks.
6. To improve work system and work transparency.
7. To reduce workload for maintenance staff.
8. Delay of PO and payment.
9. Some contractor/job owner mis-understanding of additional work request process.
Work request’s form
1. The contractor proposed prepare the document with full fill information and sign by all relate persons identified in
2. HPC has reserved right to hold payment or reject work proposed the contractor is not follow the regulation and work
request form not completed.
3. HPC must review all information in request form and before signing in form.
4. HPC must be transparent for own work, job approval including maintaining the company's interests.
5. This document need to submit before start work exceptional for emergency case which related to plant shutdown or
6. This document only for work commencement confirmation not relate to price in quotation and HPC is reserved right
to negotiate final price whether work completed.
7. The contractor must provide details and price breakdown for support HPC consideration and approval.
8. The contractor who have signed fixed price agreement with HPC, shall follows the unit rate as agreement for
proposed price for emergency or additional work. (Exceptional for special work which propose as lumpsum price)
Work request’s form [How to fill?]
2) Work description (Fill by Contractor)
1) Contractor’s MANPOWER SERVICE
Work Details
No Descriptions Remark
Request Type :
Work request’s form [How to fill?]
Work Process of Additional work request (Normal)
Job owner shall request quotation
HPC disagreed and inform
with RFQ:
Start End (1)
EGAT that the OMA s scope o Request quotation by
procurement team.
o Including RFQ (Request for
Additional work
Review and revise document No (1)
o Contractor shall be selected by
- Site Preparation
- Signed Document
- Register Document
No (2) procurement team exceptional for
Emergency ? - Submit completed of
"Additional work request form
- Agreed Hiring Type
- Outlook/Forecasting
Agreed ? specific work which is requested
- Review Document
" and Quotation
&Price Nagotiation from PWP team.
Yes Document preparation
- Job/Project Name
- Start/Finish Date
- Work location
Emergency Maintenance - Signed Contract
work loop - Quotation Process HPC s internal
PR/PO process
Perform Work
Complete Work
Document preparation
Submit document within 1 week - Maintenance Report
after work completed - Acceptance Report
Signed of Invoicing
Review quality/quantitySign of Preparation Invoicing Package by 10 and
Package and GR End (2)
maintenance/acceptance report 25 of month according to payment due
13 Acceptance report
Work Process of Additional work request (Emergency)
Perform Work
Signed of Invoicing
Review quality/quantitySign of Preparation Invoicing Package by 10 and
Package and GR End (2)
maintenance/acceptance report 25 of month according to payment due
Acceptance report
Request for Quotation (RFQ)
1. Requisition date
2. Document No. : PWP-RFQ-YY-XXXX
3. Job Description
4. Job Owner + Email + Tel.
5. Location
6. Service type
7. Scope of Service (Including Key Deliverable, Project schedule,
Contractor Qualifications, Term of Payments, Penalty and Terminate)
8. Material specification (if any)
9. Delivery (Goods on-site)
10. Work duration
11. Planned start date
12. Sign-off
Contractor’s scope of provision
✓ Propose detail of scope of service clearly
✓ Propose material specification with delivery timeline (if any)
✓ Propose key minestrone date
Work record and clarify work request group meeting
1. Maintenance admin staff will record and summary any expenses work request’s form based on work list records
from all sub-contractor which will submit as monthly basis.
2. Monthly group meeting for clarify work request list.
I. In order to work request agreed together the cost shall be provided by HPC (Emergency, Out of OMA’s
scope, Support improvement project [not include improvement expense under OMA], Agreed by HPC’s
II. In order to work request list is under scope of OMA, HPC will claim or compensate cost with EGAT
Work reporting and Final report
1. Submit work procedure, acceptance criterion to HPC approved (Paper) before work commencement
2. Daily progression report with picture (Planned today/ Actual progress / Potential delay / Mitigation or Catch up plan if
status delayed)
3. Daily manpower loading
4. Final report (for acceptance certification and invoicing package)
4.1 Work procedure
4.2 Work schedule
4.3 Daily report
4.4 Manpower time sheet, Over time if any (Appendix)
4.5 Problems and recommendations
Example of Good practice
Contractor Performance Evaluations
(Job evaluation / Yearly Evaluation)
Service Type for Performance Evaluations
Type Description
A1 Manpower Service
Cleaning, Driver, Machine rental, Security, General consultant.
A2 Landscape
Performance evaluation criteria (SHE)
No. Evaluation Detailed Topic Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Key Target
3 Non-conformity report Numbers of closed NCR All NCRs are closed by due date, and zero
NCR level up.
4 Inspection/ CAR-SHE Internal Audit No. of closed Inspection/Internal Audit All corrective actions from inspection results/
CARs are closed by due date.
Performance evaluation criteria (Technical)
No. Evaluation Detailed Topic Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Key Target
6 Work in accordance with work plan/ % of corresponding to required work plan / 100% corresponding to required work plan/
required specification specifications specifications
8 Sufficiency of No. of manpower No. of manpower according to the plan 100 % availble on site according to plan
9 Quantity and quality of main equipments % of qualified and sufficient main equipment 100% qualified and sufficient main equipment
required for works
10 Satisfaction survey % of Satisfaction of End User 100% satisfaction from the End User
22 15 Site maintenance and clean up during work No. of complaints No complaint by HPC
and after work
Performance evaluation criteria (Document)
No. Evaluation Detailed Topic Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Key Target
Invoicing, Billing Cycle and Payment
Invoicing and Payment
Approval as DOA
Proceed invoicing
and payment
Submitted during 1st -15th of the month 30 Date 10th of following month
Submitted during 16th -31st of the month 30 Date 25th of following month
(a) If an invoice submitted the Employee (a) If an invoice submitted the Employee
during the date of 1-15 in any month, the during the date of 16-31 in any month, the
payment will be paid on the date of 10 of payment will be paid on the date of 25 of
the following month the following month
Billing Cycle and Payment
Note: 1. Need support for consistent and clear information of payment due date in accordance with Contract or PO
2. “Submit doc to Accounting” require correct and complete documents with all require approval to support payment.