FGL Christian Identity
FGL Christian Identity
FGL Christian Identity
I’ve included some excerpts from the following sites but access can be had
through the wayback machine:
But those mine enemies, which would not that I should reign over
them, bring hither, and slay them before me.
Jesus Christ - Luke 19:27 (The words of a king as told through Jesus’
illustration of a parable)
Today the Western Civilizations of the nations of America and our European
kinsman the world over suffer from a political climate that is at a stage of
extreme digression. A digression so severe, that if not remedied some or all of
these nations will not survive. What is happening to Western lands and Western
peoples is it's subjugation by foreign people, foreign cultures and foreign
religions. This is a real danger to Western civilizations everywhere.
The whole of the Western European Nations everywhere are founded upon
Christian law and Christian ideals. The American Loyalists are comprised solely
of Christian men and women of European stock. We are American Loyalists and
we are American Patriots.
We are here to support the United States President as long as he is of European
racial ancestry. Anything else we believe is a violation of Christian law. We
support our nations military and our nations law enforcement agencies all
across the country for the good of the nation. If we cannot stem this tidal wave of
Islamic refugees and illegal aliens invading our shores and the crime they bring
to our streets then we will be forced to defend ourselves in the most vicious
barbaric and brutal way. That or lose our country and the lives of our citizens.
Utter destruction and slavery is our destiny should we fail in our duty to God and
If the time of battle comes upon our nation’s soil, we will answer the call to battle
with a resolute vigor and determination in the exact image of the many great
armies and battles fought by our people over the course of history.
It is impossible to reconcile all peoples, cultures and ways of life while all
residing within the same framework and territory of one nation with its own
people, culture and way of life unless there is a massive lowering of standards.
This always leads to the decay of the nation and its eventual fall. History reveals
this to be so. We refuse to allow that to happen to our beloved homeland the
United States of America without a fight.
Therefore; if reason and diplomacy fail to convince our enemies, then a swift
brutal and violent reaction is our only choice. Surrender is not an option.
Christian Identity CI/Reconstruction Identity are violent, yet underestimated
streams of Christian theology that have evolved from within a growing trend
of religious terrorist organizations.
The CI movement is neither a denomination nor a sect but a movement
composed of autonomous churches, Bible study groups, political organizations
and community settlements that are joined together by a set of religious
beliefs that are very dissimilar from conventional Protestantism views.
Chain Organization - linked separate groups with like-minded philosophies.
These groups are very decentralized and often function independently of one
The exact numbers of CI followers is difficult to determine because there is no
overarching authority that supervises the movement nor is there a
coordinating authority between individuals groups or churches.
Also, CI beliefs have filtered through into other groups that were not
previously related to the movement., ie. Klu Klux Klan and the Posse
Comitatus. Michael Barkun has estimated a number of up to 100 000 in the
20th century.
Individually: these organizations vary in size, ambition, and violent
Collectively: they represent an actively violent ideological web of
organizations whose members migrate from one organization to the next.
This “intermixing of organizations” makes it difficult to assess the level of
threat coming from each group SO when assessing the threat of radical
Christian organizations it is important to see them as part of a single
ideological threat.
CI and Reconstructionist followers share an ideological framework that is
rooted in the belief that Aryans are superior descendants of one of the “ten
lost tribes of Israel”.
CI groups have always remained ideologically powerful but have been
inconsistently effective in executing violent actions on society. According to
“What is significant about recent forms of Christian violence is not so much
violence as the ideology that lies behind it: the perception that the secular, social
and political order of America is caught up in satanic conspiracies of spiritual
and personal control”
As per Hoffman, CI followers have revised the King James Bible to the same
extent that Islamic terrorist organizations have revised the Koran. Religious
ideology provides a sense of “divine duty executed in response to some
theological demand or imperative”.
CI asserts that its followers are called upon to carry out a “cleansing process
that is needed before Christ’s kingdom can be established on earth.
Barkun in his book, Religion and the Racist Right, categorizes CI identity into
three main convictions:
1) White Aryans are descendants of the Biblical tribes of Israel. The US is the
new “Jerusalem”.
-white Christian men as “true sovereign citizens”.
-people of colour are referred to as “beasts of the field” or “mud people”.
Unclean and impure.
2) Not only are the present day Jews not the descendants of the Biblical
Israelites, they are considered the literal biological descendants of Satan.
-the world is hurtling towards an ultimate battle between the Chosen people of
God (white Aryans) and the enemies of God (namely Jews).
3) The Last Days are fast approaching.
to provide and offer military training to their members in anticipation of the
Rapture. i.e “mud peoples” must be eliminated before the second coming of
Christ can commence and it is their duty to cleanse the earth.
The most famous CI incidents have been the murder of Alan Berg by The
Order in 1984 and the Ruby Ridge confrontation in 1992.