Brochure 29th December 2024

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7.00 a.m. Kikuyu Service 13,180.00 WELCOME TO

8.00 a.m. Kiswahili Service 3,560.00 ANGLICAN DIOCESE OF MT. KENYA
9.00 a.m. English Service 41,240.00 SOUTH
10.30 a.m. Kikuyu Service 66,693.00
9.00 a.m. Deaf Service 600.00
Teens Service 11,015.00 P. O BOX 808 Kiambu
Youth service 4,830.00
Children’s church 11,030.00 Tel.: 020 2117761/0707 446102
Chapel 1,215.00 Email:
Bricks 7,000.00
Christmas gift 18,300.00 THE CATHEDRAL CHURCH
Booklets 11,500.00
Sales 1,000.00
Where Everyone is enabled to
Convention 109,825.00 experience Christ.
Lunch Hour Offering 3,970.00
‘Ebenezer’ Thus far the Lord has helped us.”
(1 Samuel 7:12)
Kikuyu service 07.00 am 2,000.00
English Service 09.00 am 1,300.00 “MSINGI UKO IMARA, NATULENGE
Kikuyu Service 10.30 am 29,500.00 JUU”
Teens 100.00
Sunday 29th December 2024
Kikuyu service 07.00 am 4,000.00
Kiswahili Service 08.00 am 250.00
English Service 09.00 am 31,580.00 FIRST SUNDAY OF CHRISTMAS(WHITE)
Kikuyu Service 10.30 am 88,100.00 Lord Jesus, as a young boy you fully expressed yourself
Youth Service 2,430.00 as you listened to the teachers of Jerusalem and asked
them questioneds to the astonishment of your parents
OFFICE ITEMS and all around you. Be with our children as they lern,
Thanksgiving 54,200.00 that in their listening and asking of questions, they may
Churching 7,300.00 grow up in wisdom and in stature and in favour with
Carol Service 5,000.00 God and society. Amen.
Sales 500.00
Window Bethsaida 3,000.00 Pastoral team of the cathedral
Bishop Rt. Rev’d Canon Charles M. Muturi-Dean/Chairman
PAYBILL ITEMS Cathedral chapter
Offerings 55,850.00 Cathedral Provost- Very Rev. Canon Geoffrey Mungai (0723422151)
Tithe 79,036.00 Ass. Provost -Rev Ann Mwaura(0711631176)
Thanksgiving 13,550.00 Attached Clergy -Rev. Grace Njoki(0717730440)
Bricks 500.00 Youth Minister -Rev David Tiges(0704271549)
Youth Offering 3,110.00
Rev Michael Magu(0719761569)
Christmas gift 2,200.00
Cathedral Deacons -Rev William Munyui(0715128137)
Churching 2,900.00
-Rev Teresia Irungu(0722232469)
Booklet 900.00
-Rev Hellen Njuguna(0721712915)
Chapel 1,620.00
Covenant 4,000.00 CTY(Teens Minister -Ev Peter Njoroge(0751981571)
Seed to Harvest 100.00 Hospital Chaplain -Ev James (0720928157)
Sales 4,500.00 Lay Readers- Naomi Mungai, Stephen Kiragu,
Dorcas 3,000.00 Dr. Thomas Njoroge, Peter Karani, Raphael Mwega
PCC Window 5,000.00

TOTAL KSHS 710,484.00 From Provost’s desk

Kikuyu Service 07.00 am 82 People As the year comes to a close, it is a time for
Kiswahili Service 08.00 am 68 People
English Service 09.00 am 364 People reflection – a time to release old thoughts and
Kikuyu Service 10.30 am 438 People beliefs and forgive old hurts. Whatever has
Teens Service 11.00 am 265 People
Youth Service 11.00 am 181 People happened in the past year, the New Year brings
Deaf Service - People fresh beginnings. Exciting new experi-
Sunday school combined 302 People
Total 1,691 People ences and relationships await. Let us be thank-
ful for the blessings of the past and the prom-
ise of the future.
Quote of the week
“2 days to the first blank page of a 365-
page book. Write a good one.”
Mutongoria-Rev Ann Mwaura
Muhunjia -Rev Dr Zablon Bundi 1. Welcome to the St. James Cathedral. Being a full member or
a visitor, feel honored as we worship together in the presence
Hymn (Those of 10.30 a.m. Service) of Almighty God.

IBAADA YA KISWAHILI 8.00 A.M 2. Our Pay Bill No. is 593225, Account Write the name of
what you are paying.e.g Tithe, Thanksgiving.
Kiongozi- Rev Hellen Njuguna
Mhubiri -Rev Dr Zablon Bundi 3. Today we are being ushered by Beersheba cell Group.Next
Wimbo - Njoni na furaha Sunday ushering will be done by Bethel Cell group.
Sala ya Leo- 1st Sunday of Christmas 4. Cathedral online prayers happening every morning at 4.30am -
Somo la Kwanza -1 Samuel 7:12 5.00am link is shared everyday in our social platforms.
Wimbo - Furaha kwa ulimwengu
Somo la Pili - Luke2:41-52 5. The confirmation classes will break for Christmas holiday
Wimbo - Mlimani pana mwanga until 11th January 2025.
Mhubiri-Rev Dr Zablon Bundi
-For Payment Of Confirmation Catechism Booklet ( 500/=)
Wimbo wa Sadaka-
- & Basic Anglicanism Booklet Written By Bishop Charles
- Amezaliwa Yesu M Muturi ( 400/=) Buy Goods And Services Till No. - 9897337
Wimbo - Wachunga walipolinda
6. Sign Language lessons continues.

7. Cathedral 24 hours Prayer Line 0703441900

8. End of Year Party for Bethel Cell Group will he held Today
Leader- Rev William Munyui
after Kikuyu Service.
Preacher - Rev Dr Zablon Bundi
Hymn- O come all ye faithful 9. Today is Senior Citizen Day to bring their window.
Prayer for the day- 1st Sunday of Christmas 10. On 1st of Jan we shall have all the services.
1st Reading-:1 Samuel 7:12
Hymn -Joy to the world 11. Rededication Service on 4th Jan at the Cathedral.

2nd Reading- Luke2:41-52

Hymn -There is sunlight on the hilltop
Preacher -Rev Dr Zablon Bundi
Offertory Hymn - While Shephered
-Hark the herald


Mutongoria- Rev Ann Mwaura
Muhunjia -Rev Dr Zablon Bundi
Rwimbo -Ukani tukene
Ihoya ria muthenya-1st Sunday of Christmas
1st Reading : 1 Samuel 7:12
Rwimbo - Niwokire tondu wa kunyenda
2nd Reading- Luke2:41-52
Rwimbo -Utheri wa karimaini
Muhunjia -Rev Dr Zablon Bundi
Nyimbo Cia muhothi:
- Onei muharatini
Maikarite thi utuku
-Rec Hymn - Gwi gikeno kinene ma

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