Example 2(1) (12)

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Example 2

Determine the embedment depth and the anchor force of the wall shown.
Determine the suitable sheet pile Z-section (AZ17 700).


Step 1: Select design approach i.e. DA1 Combination 1

DA1 C1 = A1 + M1 + R1

Step 2: Establish partial factors

ɤG = 1.35, ɤQ = 1.5, ɤcʹ = 1, ɤϕʹ = 1, ɤɤ = 1, ɤR = 1, ɤS = 1

Step 3: Determine design material properties

Material properties will remain the same as partial factors for material
properties are 1.0 for DA1 C1.

Step 4: Calculate active pressure coefficient

For ϕʹ = 30o, δa = 2/3ϕʹ, and β = 10o, Ka = 0.32

For ϕʹ = 30o, δp = 1/2ϕʹ, and β = 10o, Kp = 4

Step 5: Determine the lateral forces and moments.
Use a table to facilitate ease of computation and checking. Below the
groundwater level, take ɤ’ = 20-9.81 = 10.19 kN/m3

Step 6: Determine embedment depth (do) by satisfying moment


ΣM = 12do3 + 93.76do2 - 469do-1192 = 0

do = 4.76 m

Step 7: Determine the anchor force by satisfying the horizontal


Active force = 2.2do2 + 67do + 287.2 = 2.2x(4.762) + 67x4.76 + 287.2 = 656

Passive force = 20.38do2 = 20.38 x (4.762) = 462 kN

Anchor force = 656 – 462 = 194 kN, since there are 2 anchors per m of wall
so anchor force for the single anchor will be = 194/2 = 87 kN

Step 8: Safety against Shear force

Shear resistance of sheet pile > Maximum shear force

Active shear Active

Passive Net
force due to shear force Anchor
H (m) do (m) shear force
surcharge due to soil force (kN)
force (kN) (kN)
(kN) (kN)
0 0.0 0.0 0
1 -4.8 -3.9 -9
1 -4.8 -3.9 194 185
2 -9.6 -15.6 194 169
3 -14.4 -35.0 194 145
4 -19.2 -62.2 194 113
5 -24.0 -97.2 194 73
6 -28.8 -140.0 194 25
7 -33.6 -190.5 194 -30
8 0 -38.4 -248.8 0 194 -93
9 1 -43.2 -313.2 20 194 -142
10 2 -48.0 -382.0 82 194 -155
11 3 -52.8 -455.2 183 194 -131
12 4 -57.6 -532.8 326 194 -70
12.76 4.76 -61.2 -594.8 462 194 0
Shear force (kN)
-200 -100 0 100 200 300

Depth (m) 6






Maximum shear force on active side = 155 kN per m

Projected shear area= Av = tw(h-tf) = 8.5(420-8.5) = 3497 mm2

A v . f yk 3497 .355
Shear resistance = = = 1024 kN per m > 155 (OK)
b √3 700 √ 3
ODF = 1024/155 = 6.60

DoU = 1/6.6 x 100 = 15%

Step 9: Safety against bending moment

Mres. = fyk . Sel

Mres. = 355×1735/1000 = 616 kN-m

Here is fyk is the yield stress of steel = 355 MPa and Sel = Section modulus

The maximum moment acting on the sheet pile is at a point with zero shear
force and i.e. 6.5 m

So, the moment at 6.5 m can be calculated as follows.

Mmax = +194 x 5.5 - 1.5 x 0.32 x 10 x 6.5 x (6.5 – 3.25) – 1.35 x 0.5 x 0.32 x
18 x 6.52 x (6.5 -2/3x6.5)

Mmax = 613 kN-m per m of wall < Mres (OK)

ODF = 616 / 613 = 1.005

DoU = 1/1.005 x 100 = 99%


Now, carry out the design according to DA1 C2 and choose the most critical
out of C1 and C2 as the final design.

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