TDE2 - Pile Friction Design

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Micro Pile Design Based on Mayerhoff Formula

Job No. :
Borehole :
Remark :

Pile Diameter = 250 mm

Pile Structural Capacity = 1000 kN
Factor of Safety for Skin fiction = 2.5
Factor of Safety for End Bearing = 4
Allowable Friction Capacity on Rock = 0.25 N/mm²
Without With
Rock Rock
Depth SPT fs Skin Fiction qb End Bearing Total Total Socket
From To From To Ave. Ks = Ks N Ult. Service Ult. Service Pile Load Pile Load Length
Layer (m) (kN/m²) (kN) (kN) (kN/m²) (kN) (kN) (kN) (kN) (m)
1 0 3 5 5 5 3 15 35 14 250 12 3 17 999 5.00
2 3 7 6 6 6 3 18 92 37 300 15 4 40 1003 4.90
3 7 8.5 7 7 7 3 21 117 47 350 17 4 51 993 4.80
4 8.5 11.5 21 21 21 3 63 265 106 1050 52 13 119 1002 4.50
5 11.5 18.3 50 50 50 3 150 1066 426 2500 123 31 457 1007 2.80
6 18.3 24 50 50 50 3 150 1738 695 2500 123 31 726 1001 1.40
Limiting Maximum End Bearing to Minimum of 50 Nb or 6000 kPa if 50 Nb/4 >1500 Kpa

Pile Length = 25 m
Skin Fiction (kN) = 695 kN 95.8%
End Bearing (kN) = 31 kN 4.2%

Total Pile Working Load = 726 kN

Pile Working Load Vs Pile Length


Pile Working Load (kN)







0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Pile Length (m)

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