ToR for BPR_20150903

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Terms of Reference

Business process re-engineering (BPR) & possible supply
of recommended integrated IT business solution
(ICT Strategy, Business Process Re-engineering,
recommendation for ICT Solution & possible future
supply of the recommended ICT Solution)

Business process re-engineering (BPR) & possible supply
of recommended integrated IT business solution

1 Introduction

The SAARC Development Fund (SDF) Secretariat was inaugurated by the Heads of
States/Governments of SAARC Member States in April 2010 during the 16th SAARC Summit in

The primary objectives of SDF are:

• to promote the welfare of the people of SAARC Region,

• to improve the quality of life, and
• to accelerate economic growth, social progress and poverty alleviation in the SAARC Region.

SDF has three funding Windows i.e. Social, Economic and Infrastructure.

2 Objectives:

• The firm is required to carry out a thorough study of SDF processes for each department,
business and work flows based on which the best integrated ICT solution, (ERP, Hardware,
Network, Security and related equipment) incorporating industry wide best practices, is to be
recommended for SDF.

• The analysis and design/redesign of workflows within and between enterprises/departments

of the organization is part of the mandate.

• The recommended ICT Solution (ERP) may preferably be in usage in UN agencies,

multilateral/regional funds, and other non regional financial institutions.

3 Background

A recent review of the IT systems in SDF has suggested the implementation of a total integrated ICT
solution in order to optimize end-to-end processes, implementation of a robust integrated ERP/ERM
solution with hardware upgrades.

The data, information and relevant documents can be shared for the BPR and IT solution
recommendation upon selection of the firm.

SDF currently is headquartered in Thimphu, Bhutan with a possibility of branch offices in member
states at a later date.

4 Scope of Work

The firm will undertake a BPR and specific ICT Solution recommendation exercise for SAARC
Development Fund including an analysis of the existing workflows and process within and between
organizations (or units).

The firm will make a proposal for design/redesign of existing process to achieve breakthrough
improvements in performance measures to recommend a world class ICT Solution (ERP, Hardware,
Robust Network, Web and related organizational ICT requirement). Specifically, the BPR should
focus on:

∗ Organization business processes (current and future), departmental business processes, work
flows and integration in system for the best optimization.

∗ Identify processes as part of BPR including beginning and end points, interfaces, as well as
organizational units and stakeholders involved, particularly with the units reporting in projects
and having financial implications.

∗ Recommend ICT Solution (ERP/ERM, Hardware (Servers, storages etc), Network (LAN/WAN),
IT Security, Databases, Backup (BCP), Disaster Recovery (DR), Website and Intranet etc in line
with other industry best practices being followed in similar international organizations.

∗ A detailed system requirement /software requirement study (SRS) and comprehensive ToRs for
the recommended ICT Solution should be submitted to SDF.

∗ Identify training and capacity building for better performance through human development and
ICT management.

∗ Identify how IT capabilities can influence and improve process design for future requirements;

∗ ERP/ERM recommendation inclusive of integrated e-Governance, e-Project management (social,

economic and infrastructure projects), Monitoring & Evaluation, Audit, Accounts, HR, Document
& record management system, Office automation, Loan Management, Credit & Risk
Management, Treasury & Fund Management, Business Intelligence based generic reporting
system, Website and other related modules.

∗ Hardware recommendations should include complete network schema, servers, storage, DR,
Backup planning, routing, switching, distribution, NMS, end-points and related peripherals with
their detailed configuration, OS, RAID, BIOS and other details.

∗ The inclusion of external hardware peripherals connectivity integration for resource pooling and

∗ The firm may also be required to help procure or be eligible for supplying and implementing the
solution, software and hardware recommendations in the BPR for the recommended ICT Solution.

∗ Integration of ICT processes business requirements of SDF and its employees.

∗ This exercise would recommend and help implement ICT solution for SDF for long term.

∗ Suggest a roadmap on progressive ICT solution implementation strategies with the estimated cost.

∗ The firm needs to examine SDF charter, bye-laws, financial rules and regulations and other
related documents.

∗ Handholding for 3 months after implementation of the recommended IT Solution implementation

∗ Requirement of AMC may be evaluated and negotiated post completion of the assignment.

The firm will ensure that the BPR report is prepared in a participatory manner that supports and
strengthens the commitment of SDF management and staff; acknowledges the challenges inherent in
the process such as resistance to change. Close collaboration with the IT Head will be required to
ensure consistency in methodology as well as participatory approach.

This bidding requirement does not include the actual procurement of hardware and software
solutions for SDF. It will be finalized at a later stage on completion of BPR and ICT
recommendation. The firms with capacity to supply the recommended IT solution will be preferred.

5 Eligibility Criteria

The assignment will require the services of a firm/consultant/company with technical competence in
ICT management and management consulting concepts such as business process reengineering,
restructuring, and total quality IT Solution provider. In addition, the following qualifications will be

∗ A minimum of 10 years of experience as a firm in the implementation of ICT solutions, BPR and
change management.

∗ Experience in implementation and support for such exercises in international organizations.

6 Deliverables and reports

• The key deliverables for the exercise include the actual BPR study, specific recommendations
of an ERP, supporting hardware and all other IT requirements/functionalities of SDF.

• Submission of a detailed system requirement /software requirement study (SRS) and

comprehensive ToRs for the recommended ICT Solution should be submitted to SDF.

• Make a presentation to SDF management.

• Specific IT Management training.

• Submission of detailed system architecture, work-flow processes, diagrams, configuration and

implementation plans.

• Roadmap for implementation.

• Any other deliverable as mandated in the scope of work

Submission of the documents and media(3 sets) to CEO, SDF.

7 Timeframe

This is a time bound assignment with tight and closely monitored timelines. The selected firm will be
expected to complete the assignment in a time bound manner.

8 Other terms and conditions

The SDF reserves a right to modify the terms of reference at any point of time.

9 Submission of proposal

• If the proposals are sent by email the financial proposal shall be password
protected and the password shall be separately called for by SDF in due
• If the proposals are sent by DHL courier the Technical and Financial proposals
should be sent separately in sealed envelopes.
• Last date of submission of proposals is 15th September, 2015, 5:00 PM (BST) at
the following address:

Chief Executive Officer

SAARC Development Fund
3rd Floor, BDBL Building
Norzin Lam
Thimphu (Bhutan)
Mobile No: +975-17140975
Email: and

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