Manuscript Chi+Duong Nghi+7.9.2024
Manuscript Chi+Duong Nghi+7.9.2024
Manuscript Chi+Duong Nghi+7.9.2024
The objective of this study is to examine the capacity of urban agriculture to transform urban structures
in the Mekong Delta and suggest certain models and strategies to guarantee sustainable development in
this area. It is imperative that we acknowledge urban agriculture not only as a component of urban
planning strategy, but also as a crucial factor in safeguarding the future of one of Vietnam's strategic delta
2. Content
2.1. Definition and function of urban agriculture
In urban settings, urban agriculture refers to the practice of cultivating crops and raising livestock
directly within the residential areas of city residents. Urban agriculture include practices such as
cultivating plants on rooftops, establishing community gardens, and utilizing innovative technology like
hydroponics and aeroponics.
The function of urban agriculture goes beyond the provision of food to encompass other areas, including
the enhancement of air quality, the reduction of the urban heat island effect, the promotion of community
cohesiveness, and the facilitation of environmental science education.
2.2. Urban agriculture and integrated urban development
Sustainable urban planning necessitates the maintenance of equilibrium between economic progress,
preservation of the environment, and enhancement of the citizens' quality of life. Urban agriculture is
essential for achieving this equilibrium by optimizing resource utilization, decreasing greenhouse gas
emissions, and strengthening urban resilience to climate change.
Contemporary urban agriculture approaches, such as rooftop gardens, community farms, and greenhouse
cultivation technologies, have demonstrated their efficacy in incorporating agriculture into metropolitan
environments. Furthermore, these approaches not only enhance the urban environment but also generate
fresh economic prospects while fostering community development.
2.3. Assessment of urbanization status and its influence on traditional agriculture in the Mekong
Delta region.
Vietnam's crucial agricultural region, the Mekong Delta, is seeing swift urbanization. In recent times,
several cities and towns in the Mekong Delta, including Can Tho, My Tho, Long Xuyen, and Rach Gia, have
undergone substantial growth, resulting in notable advancements in urban infrastructure, services, and
industry. In addition to population increase, the rate of urbanization in the Mekong Delta is driven by the
necessity for economic development and infrastructure to achieve the country's socio-economic
development objectives.
The progress of urbanization has resulted in the transformation of land use from agriculture to
construction, leading to a substantial decrease in the extent of open agricultural land in the region. Based
on statistical data, a significant amount of highly productive agricultural land has been transformed into
industrial parks, residential zones, and various other forms of infrastructure. The decrease in agricultural
land area not only impacts food production but also precipitates significant repercussions for food
security and the livelihoods of those in the region.
The reduction in agricultural land area results in significant alterations in the agricultural production
profile of the Mekong Delta. In order to adjust to new circumstances, numerous farmers have been
compelled to either abandon or modify their conventional farming practices. Conventional agricultural
practices, like the growing of rice, raising fruit trees, and aquaculture, are experiencing a decrease in
productivity and economic effectiveness. In addition, urbanization has generated higher production costs
as a result of escalating land prices and input expenses (such as fertilizers and pesticides), therefore
diminishing farmers' earnings.
Urbanisation not only impacts the availability of land and agricultural output, but also disturbs the
traditional rural communities. Numerous rural villages have experienced fragmentation or total
extinction due to the acquisition of their land for urban development. Individuals who experience the loss
of agricultural land must transition to non-agricultural occupations, which are frequently characterized
by inherent volatility and low pay, therefore resulting in economic and social instability within the
community. Simultaneously, the traditional rural culture and way of life are also diminishing, since the
preservation of rural cultural values is no longer possible considering the process of urbanization.
The process of urbanization in the Mekong Delta is exerting significant strain on the environment and
natural resources. The growth of metropolitan regions and industrial zones frequently entails
contamination of water, air, and soil. Inadequate drainage infrastructure and inefficient waste
management result in recurrent flooding, which poses challenges for agricultural crop yield. Moreover,
the development of urban infrastructure has heightened the vulnerability to ground subsidence and
saline intrusion, therefore exerting adverse impacts on natural ecosystems and agricultural sectors.
The decrease in agricultural acreage and the sharp decline in agricultural output have posed a direct
danger to food security, not only in the Mekong Delta but also across the entire country. The Mekong
Delta is a crucial geographical region in Vietnam for food production, particularly for rice, making a
substantial contribution to both exports and internal supply. Given the reduction in agricultural land area
and the decline in production efficiency, the capacity to fulfill the nation's food requirements is also
jeopardized, therefore heightening the likelihood of future food insecurity.
2.4. Ecological issues and urban development in the Mekong Delta region
2.4.1. The Mekong Delta: analysis of climate change challenges and implications
Globally, the Mekong Delta is among the most susceptible areas to climate change, particularly the
problem of rising sea levels. Empirical research indicates that sea levels have been and continue to rise
rapidly, posing a direct threat to agricultural land and coastal forests. The combination of saline intrusion
and heightened freshwater consumption for industrial and urban purposes has resulted in the
deterioration of soil quality, decreased agricultural productivity, and forced several farming households
into harsh economic conditions. This scenario has a dual impact on agricultural output and poses a
significant risk to the food security of the whole region.
The Mekong Delta is experiencing prompt land subsidence as a result of excessive extraction of
groundwater to meet the demands of urban and industrial sectors. When coupled with rising sea levels,
this scenario has heightened the vulnerability to floods in certain regions, particularly during the seasonal
period of heavy rainfall. Several metropolitan regions in the Mekong Delta are currently experiencing
recurrent floods, which is causing disruptions to people's lives, adversely affecting economic activity, and
intensifying infrastructural expenses.
Freshwater resources in the Mekong Delta are progressively diminishing as a result of the confluence of
climate change, saline intrusion, and water contamination. The proliferation of industrial parks and urban
neighbourhoods has led to a significant rise in the volume of untreated wastewater released into
waterways, resulting in severe pollution. This has a dual impact on community health and agricultural
output, particularly in the aquaculture and rice agriculture industries, which are the primary economic
sectors of the Mekong Delta.
The natural ecosystems in the Mekong Delta, such as wetlands, mangrove forests, and rivers, have been
greatly modified by climate change and urban settlement. The degradation of these ecosystems not only
leads to the extinction of several uncommon animal and plant species but also diminishes the adaptive
capacity of the whole region to environmental fluctuations. The decline in biodiversity is exerting severe
repercussions on agriculture and fishing, two sectors heavily reliant on natural ecosystems.
2.4.2. Obstacles in achieving sustainable urban planning
The existing state of urban planning in the Mekong Delta is characterized by significant complications
arising from a deficiency in comprehensiveness and sustainability. Numerous metropolitan regions in the
Mekong Delta are undergoing development that prioritizes transportation infrastructure and industrial
parks, while neglecting environmental and community aspects. Consequently, there is a rise in
environmental pollution, deterioration of land, and urban areas become inherently less sustainable when
confronted with severe weather phenomena. Furthermore, this unsustainable planning exacerbates rural
migration and unemployment by widening economic and social inequalities between urban and rural
The rapid expansion of metropolitan areas frequently results in a dearth of green spaces and ecological
frameworks. Insufficient presence of parks, green trees, and environmental conservation areas in newly
constructed metropolitan regions of the Mekong Delta is negatively impacting the quality of life for
inhabitants and exacerbating air pollution levels. Green spaces fulfil a crucial function in enhancing the
living environment, as well as in mitigating urban temperatures, enhancing air quality, and fostering
communal spaces, thereby contributing to the development of a sustainable and environmentally-friendly
living environment.
An inherent obstacle in urban design in the Mekong Delta is the lack of uniformity and efficiency in the
drainage and waste treatment network. Recurrent inundation during the period of increased
precipitation, coupled with inadequate drainage infrastructure, has intensified the issues of
environmental contamination. The absence of adequate waste treatment facilities in several urban
regions of the Mekong Delta results in the direct release of waste into rivers, therefore contaminating
water supplies and negatively impacting the health of the local population.
The Mekong Delta is currently grappling with a significant paradox between the objectives of swift
economic growth and stringent environmental conservation standards. Urban growth initiatives such as
industrial parks and transportation infrastructure are exerting more strain on natural resources and the
environment. In numerous instances, economic considerations have taken precedence over sustainability
aspects, resulting in the depletion of agricultural land, deterioration of the ecosystem, and heightened
vulnerability to natural disasters. This inconsistency poses a significant obstacle in guaranteeing
sustainable growth for the whole region.
An inherent constraint of urban design in the Mekong Delta is the absence of effective measures to
address the impacts of climate change. Despite being significantly affected by climate change, the urban
plans in the Mekong Delta region still lack comprehensive integration of adaptation elements, including
the construction of early warning systems, improvement of flood prevention infrastructure, and
development of urban agriculture models. Insufficient implementation of adaptive planning has
heightened vulnerabilities and diminished the ability of metropolitan regions to withstand severe
weather phenomena.
2.5. Enhancing urban agriculture growth in the Mekong Delta: Potential solutions
2.5.1. Enhancing assistance programs and spatial planning for urban agriculture
To ensure that urban agriculture becomes a significant component of sustainable urban planning, it is
necessary to establish a tailored policy framework that is suitable for the unique conditions and features
of each location. In order to promote investment in urban agriculture, it is imperative for the government
and management agencies to implement policies such as capital support, tax reduction, or the provision
of public land for agricultural projects. Simultaneously, it is imperative to adopt environmental and food
safety regulations to guarantee the sustainable development of urban agriculture models without causing
contamination to the environment.
Robust integration of urban agriculture is necessary in the comprehensive urban planning of the Mekong
Delta region. This planning should encompass not only the organization of spaces specifically designated
for urban agriculture but also guarantee integration with other regions such as residential zones,
industrial parks, and infrastructure. This integration would facilitate the establishment of a sustainable
urban ecosystem, in which urban agriculture serves the dual purpose of supplying food and contributing
significantly to the preservation of the green environment, enhancement of air quality, and reduction of
the effects of climate change.
An essential determinant for the effective growth of urban agriculture is the active involvement of the
community. Local authorities should provide frameworks that facilitate the involvement of individuals,
particularly households and small enterprises, in urban agricultural initiatives. The implementation of
educational initiatives and community awareness campaigns regarding the advantages of urban
agriculture, together with the provision of technical and financial assistance for these initiatives, can
effectively stimulate public engagement. The active participation of the community not only guarantees
the long-term viability of urban agriculture initiatives but also assists in fostering social solidarity within
urban regions.
2.5.2. Implementing cutting-edge technologies in urban agriculture
Enhancing productivity and production efficiency in urban agriculture requires the implementation of
cutting-edge technologies. Implementing smart agricultural technology such as automated irrigation
systems, soil moisture sensors, and software-based crop management would enhance production
efficiency and reduce resource consumption. The integration of agriculture with intelligent technology
not only enhances productivity but also mitigates environmental consequences, such as minimizing water
and fertilizer requirements, so promoting urban sustainability.
Within urban environments characterised by restricted land area, small-scale cultivation methods such as
rooftop gardening, hanging gardens, and vertical gardens might serve as efficient remedies. These designs
not only optimize the use of available space but also contribute to the cooling of living areas,
enhancement of air quality, and promotion of urban vegetation. Hydroponics and aeroponics technologies
are considered highly compatible with urban agriculture models due to their soilless nature and ability to
be used in spatially constrained regions.
In order to guarantee prompt and secure delivery of products to consumers, urban agriculture requires a
highly effective food management and distribution infrastructure. The utilization of information and
telecommunications technology, including supply chain management software and remote monitoring
and surveillance systems, can enhance the efficiency of distribution operations and reduce inefficiencies.
The construction of short supply chains, which directly link producers with customers, will
simultaneously lower costs and enhance the value of urban agricultural products.
2.5.3. Evolution of sustainable urban agricultural paradigms
Constructing contemporary urban organic agricultural models:
Organic agriculture is a sustainable approach to urban agriculture that avoids the use of chemicals and
maintains a natural equilibrium. It is imperative to establish urban organic agriculture models with the
backing of local governments and non-governmental groups. Incorporating indigenous plant species,
implementing ecological farming methods, and managing biodiversity will facilitate the sustainable
development of these models and yield agricultural products of superior quality. Concurrently, these
models have the potential to serve as eco-tourism destinations, therefore generating additional value for
metropolitan regions.
Table 1. Positive economic outcomes of urban agricultural models
Urban Farm combined with Eco- 10-20% increase in Combines production and tourism,
tourism tourism revenue creating diverse income sources
Urban agricultural concept integrated with eco-tourism: Urban farms have the potential to serve as both
food production facilities and eco-tourism destinations, therefore drawing tourists and promoting
sustainable agriculture within surrounding communities. These farms may be specifically planned to
cater to both agricultural and tourism objectives, with designated areas for growing, education, and
experiential activities. By engaging in activities like as harvesting, crop care, or viewing flower beds and
vegetable gardens, visitors can strengthen the link between urban and agricultural regions.
Table 2. Advantages of integrate the Urban Farm Model with Eco-tourism
Creates additional jobs for local people Creates jobs for workers in both
in tourism and agriculture rural and urban areas
Table 3. Ecological advantages of urban agricultural models
Figure 1. Landscape serves as the fundamental foundation for incorporating all changes and
advancements across agriculture.
Planning and establishing community gardens: Community gardens provide a viable means to make used
of vacant lands in metropolitan regions and establish verdant spaces for the local population. The
management of these gardens might be undertaken by resident groups or non-profit organizations, with
the backing of municipal authorities. In addition to providing fresh, clean vegetables and fruits,
community gardens also enhance social cohesiveness, promote mental health among inhabitants, and
assist preserve the urban environment. Furthermore, these gardens have the potential to serve as
instructional venues for younger generations, focusing on sustainable agriculture and environmental
Integrated spatial approach: The core procedure in the integrated landscape method involves doing a
thorough evaluation of both the natural environment and human aspects of the site. Following a thorough
appropriateness investigation, urban planners have determined that the Mekong Delta is a distinctive
location for the conversion of urban areas into urban agriculture.
First, the climate of the Mekong Delta is characterised by extended, moderate, and humid summers and
dry, sunny winters. Moreover, the Mekong Delta has abundant natural resources very conducive to
agricultural cultivation. Furthermore, this area is abundant in water resources, to the extent that more
than 80 percent of the town's farmed land is supplied with water by primary streams and smaller rivers.
Highly fertile and extensive land, together with excellent genetic resources, provide the high quality and
plentiful production of crops.
Second, the inhabitants of the Mekong Delta express a profound reliance and emotional connection to the
land as a result of the extensive historical background in agricultural culture and traditions. Over an
extended period, the cooperative farming model has consistently offered reliable labor assistance and
upkeep for the advancement of peri-urban agriculture.
Through the examination of site conditions, the planning places significant importance on achieving a
harmonious spatial integration of agricultural production, landscape, and urban systems, with a prime
focus on ecological considerations. The recommended approach to accomplish this objective is a spatial
urban-rural development framework known as "Two Belts and Two Districts" (refer to Figure 1). The
"Two Belts" denote a cultural and recreational international exchange zone, as well as a rural landscape
zone spanning two canals. The "Two Districts" refer to an arts district and a core district that depend on
agricultural production to sustain industrial activities and offer integrated services. The intensive
development concept adheres to the ecological boundaries of farmland preservation, guaranteeing the
preservation of a robust ecosystem (refer to Figure 2), therefore enabling more efficient synchronization
between agricultural operations and human endeavors (Scherr và McNeely, 2008). This intricate
interconnected blue-green ecological network serves as the basis for fostering thriving regions.
Figure 2. Integrated approach connecting agricultural output with human activities.
The system of ecological landscapes: This strategy aims to complete the enhancement of water and green
areas by addressing the correlation between natural ecology and urban development. A prominent
characteristic of the region is the rigorous safeguarding of ecological elements and agricultural land. First
and foremost, agricultural landscapes are acknowledged as an essential element of the ecological
landscape system. The objective is to improve the quality of agricultural land, maximize the effectiveness
of agricultural land layout, and integrate agricultural land into a cohesive block. Then, a participatory land
use-based artistic landscape is created by incorporating agricultural land, woods, and distinctive artistic
features (see Figure 3). Furthermore, the emphasis is placed on the thorough utilisation of both urban
and rural green spaces. The primary strategy involves significantly expanding the overall green area by
utilizing the ecological spatial framework of "One Belt, Five Corridors, and Multiple Nodes" and
developing designated green pathways along rivers and major green corridors. The plan stipulates that
by 2035, the region will attain complete coverage of park and green route services within a 500-meter
radius, with a total of 110 kilometers of green routes to be constructed. Moreover, it is vital to optimize
the utilization of the water resources in the region to construct water-friendly environments (refer to
Figure 3).
Figure 3. Buitenschot Land Art Park is an amusement park equipped with noise-reducing
elements that effectively mitigate airplane noise while simultaneously offering a venue for various
events and entertainment.
3. Conclude
Urban agriculture is an essential and viable approach to tackle the issues associated with sustainable
urban design, particularly in the Mekong Delta, considering the impact of climate change. The
incorporation of urban agriculture into urban planning procedures yields substantial economic and
environmental advantages, therefore enhancing the overall well-being of urban inhabitants. The
establishment of supportive policies, promotion of community involvement, and ongoing study and
adaptation of successful models from other regions are crucial for ensuring sustainable development in
the Mekong Delta.
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