F.sch Class 2 Student Outline Eng

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1 Important Fundamentals of the Holy Spirit

a. The ministry of the Holy Spirit is not optional. It is not possible to live a successful Christian life without
the Holy Spirit: Luke 24:49
b. The Baptism of the Holy spirit occurs when a person is born again. It’s the Holy Spirit that baptizes you
into the body of Christ: 1Corinthians 12:13
c. A Christian is then required to receive the Holy Spirit to live in him, which is a separate experience from
the above
d. When He takes up His abode in you, you have access to the full advantage of His personality and

2 Who is the Holy Spirit?

a. He is God himself: John 15:26, Acts 5:3-4
b. He is the doer of the Father’s intention: Genesis 1:2
c. He is the one who communicates the presence of God: Isaiah 63:9-10
d. The Father dwells in us through the Holy Spirit: Ephesians 2:22
e. He is as real as the person next to us; He has personality and emotions: John 14:17, Eph 4:30, Acts 13:2
f. He is the comforter (Allos Parakletos) that our Lord Jesus introduced in John 14:16
g. He is the one who reproves the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of Judgement: John 16:8
h. He is the one that makes salvation possible for any man: Joel 2:28, 1Corinthians 12:13

3 The Primary ministry of the Holy Spirit in the life of a Christian: Acts 1:8;
When a man receives the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit gives him the dynamic ability to live the Christian life
successfully and become a witness for Jesus.

4 Seven synonyms of the Holy Spirit as related to the Christians i.e. who He is to the Christians?
a. He is the Comforter
b. He is the Counselor
c. He is the Helper
d. He is the Intercessor
e. He is the Advocate
f. He is the Strengthener
g. He is the Standby

5 How to receive the Holy Spirit: Acts 2:17, Acts 5:32, Galatians 3:14

6 Speaking in tongues and its purposes: Mark 16:17

a. To help us operate at our highest level of Faith: Jude 1:20(AMPC)
b. To speak mysteries to God: 1 Corinthians 14:2a
c. To glorify God: Acts 10:46
d. To speak unto God: 1Corinthians 14:2
7 The Seven Spirits of God: Isaiah 11:2
a. The Spirit of the Lord
b. The Spirit of Wisdom
c. The Spirit of Understanding
d. The Spirit of Counsel
e. The Spirit of Might
f. The Sprit of Knowledge
g. The Spirit of the Fear of the Lord

8 The Gifts of the Holy spirit and the ministry gifts

a. The gift of the Holy Spirit: 1Corinthians 12:8-10.
b. The fruit of the spirit: Galatian 5:22-23
c. Ministry gift. It is a calling into an office, Eph 4:11-16.

I’m full of the Holy Ghost, in Him I live, move and have my being and I declare that in whatever I do I do by the
Power of The Holy Spirit that causes me to triumph daily.
I can never be defeated discouraged or helpless because the Holy Ghost lives in me and I manifest his character.

1. Read the book “The Seven Spirits of God”
2. Speak in tongues for at 10 minutes each day until the next class. (Note observations or changes you notice
about yourself, or specific thoughts or direction that you received as you prayed)


- The Power Of Tongues

- The Holy Spirit And You
- 7 Things The Holy Spirit Will Do In You


- Being Led By The Spirit

- Energize Your Spirit For Victory

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