DOI: 10.2478/orga-2021-0020
Faculty of Organisation Studies, Novo mesto, vasja.roblek@gmx.com
University of Maribor, Faculty of Organizational Sciences, Kranj, Slovenia, maja.mesko@um.si,
Background and purpose: The study aims to answer a research question: With which essential cornerstones
technological innovations the transformation from Society 4.0 and Industry 4.0 to Society 5.0 and Industry 5.0 is
enabled? The study is important for practitioners and researchers to understand the meaning of Society 5.0 and
to familiarise themselves with the drivers that will help shape Society 5.0 policies and play an important role in its
further development. Therefore, the authors conducted a quantitative bibliometric study that provides insights into
the importance of the topic and incorporates current characteristics and future research trends.
Methodology: The study used algorithmic co-occurrence of keywords to gain a different insight into the evolution
of Society 5.0. Thirty-six selected articles from the Web of Science database were analysed with the bibliometric
analysis and overlay visualisation.
Results: The co-occurrence analysis shows that terms artificial intelligence, cyber-physical systems, big data, In-
dustry 4.0, Industry 5.0, open innovation, Society 5.0, super-smart society have been widely used in researches in
the last three years.
Conclusion: The study presents a bibliometric analysis to analyse the current and future development drivers of a
Society 5.0. According to the results, the transition from Society 4.0 to Society 5.0 can be achieved by implementing
knowledge and technologies in the IoT, robotics, and Big Data to transform society into a smart society (Society 5.0). In
particular, the concept would enable the adaptation of services and industrial activities to individuals’ real needs. Further-
more, these technologies allow advanced digital service platforms that will eventually be integrated into all areas of life.
Keywords: Society 5.0, Industry 5.0, Information society, Smart society, Data-driven innovations
Organizacija, Volume 54 Research Papers Issue 4, November 2021
life and ensure sustainable development in all areas (ed- vative technological solutions for knowledge creation and
ucation, health, democracy, economy) (Ferreira & Serpa, data processing. The information society has focused on
2018). However, on the other hand, the issue opens to the collecting and processing data at several stages (Abubakar
question of the negative impact of AI on human society et al., 2019).
(e.g., errors in algorithms that can cause the death of peo- We can conclude that we understand society as a spe-
ple because of wrong decisions of the computer system, cial form of social organisation in which information, its
loss of jobs, ethical and economic issues regarding the collection, processing and transmission become the prima-
transfer of responsibility from humans to machines, social ry source of power and productivity.
control) (Makridakis, 2017).
Based on social changes because of the technology 2.2 Industry 4.0 and emergence of
development and known theoretical background about the
Society 5.0, the following research question has been set:
Society 5.0
With which essential cornerstones technological innova-
tions the transformation from Society 4.0 and Industry 4.0 Industry 4.0 represents a completely new way of in-
to Society 5.0 and Industry 5.0 is enabled? tegrating technology into society. New technologies are
The paper includes a scientometric analysis of the being researched and developed that connect the physical,
co-occurrence keywords and a systematic literature re- digital and biological worlds, which affect all disciplines,
view of existing theoretical explanations of Society 5.0, economies and industries (Caruso, 2018). Industry 4.0 ap-
research on and its development mechanisms that can im- pears as a continuation of the third industrial revolution. It
pact the further transition from Industry and Society 4.0 to enables the digital interconnection of products, machines,
Industry and Society 5.0. tools and more. It brings 3D printers, self-driving vehicles,
AI, and nanotechnology, but unlike the second and third
industrial revolutions based on raw materials and energy,
2 Theoretical background Industry 4.0 emphasises knowledge as an essential re-
source (Roblek et al., 2016).
2.1 Historical evolution of information One of the most important innovations in Industry 4.0
society is robotics. Robots have been around for several decades,
but the question arises as to why today’s robots are differ-
ent from those of the past? The difference is that robots
The emergence of the third industrial revolution
and humans are now equal partners, meaning robots today
(which began around 1960) was based on the invention
have a higher level of artificial intelligence. Furthermore,
of the transistor and the microprocessor. These innova-
they can communicate with machines and humans through
tions enabled the accelerated development of telecommu-
smart devices. Therefore, it is important to compare and list
nications and computer technology. Automation of pro-
the special human abilities concerning robots’ unique abil-
cesses began, followed by the penetration of computing
ities. It becomes clear where robots can help us and what
with computers such as the IBM 370. Thus, society be-
human characteristics they can replace with their unique
gan to move from producing goods and making profits to
abilities. With the emergence of robots in everyday human
a post-industrial society based on knowledge production
life, the question of taxing not only internet companies but
and the growth of service activities (Hughes, 2004). In the
also robots increased, as some scholars suggest that “who-
1980s, a shift occurred with digitalisation, which contrib-
ever owns the robots rules the world” (Freeman, 2015).
uted to the post-industrial or information society, which
Holder et al. (2016) discuss the identification of the main
focuses on the organisation of knowledge and serves as
legal and regulatory implications of robotics. According to
social control, guiding innovation and change (Peters,
the authors, it is time to start a dialogue in society about
2020). Table 1 shows the crucial technological factors for
“how our existing legal framework may need to be adapted
a successful transformation process, and Table 2 shows the
and changed to meet the demands of the robotics era.”
key economic factors. The emergence of the Internet led
The negative connotations of Industry 4.0 are seen in
to an exposure of a global information society that aims
reducing the number of employees, and the entire industri-
to provide access to the Internet, better education, busi-
al revolution is accompanied by the abolition and creation
ness support, and networking. All this leads to Castells’
of new jobs. There are also three crucial areas of concern:
opinion that post-industrial society needs to be replaced
inequality, cybersecurity and identity (Schwab & Davis,
by information society (Castells, 1996). Since the existing
2018). In addition to creating inequalities between people,
information societies are based on a capitalist system, it is
it can also lead to an even more significant gap between the
also necessary to emphasise information systems institu-
countries’ economies. Less developed economies that are
tional and cultural diversity (e.g. the differences between
just beginning to industrialise would lag even further be-
individual nations and countries) (Salehan, Kim, & Lee,
hind developed ones (Hughes & Southern, 2019). When it
2018). The modern information society is based on inno-
Organizacija, Volume 54 Research Papers Issue 4, November 2021
Organizacija, Volume 54 Research Papers Issue 4, November 2021
is going for the security in Industry 4.0, the digital world’s revolution also affects us as individuals and community
combination with new technologies creates new battle- members, i.e., our identity. Digital media are already be-
fields, especially in the cyber world, increases access to coming the main driver of our individual and collective
lethal technologies, and makes administration and nego- shaping of society and community. They connect people to
tiations between countries to secure peace more difficult individuals and groups in new ways, fostering friendships
(Horowitz, 2019). The Industry 4.0 technologies also offer and creating new interest groups. Moreover, such connec-
expanded possibilities for warfare, which are increasingly tions transcend many traditional boundaries of interaction
available to state and non-state actors, such as autonomous (Davis, 2016).
weapons, nanomaterials, biological and biochemical weap- Industry 4.0 has led to a digital transformation of the
ons, portable devices and distributed energy sources (Yoo, information society (in business and private life) and the
2017). New AI-based autonomous weapons also pose a future of Society 5.0. The future society members who will
potential threat to humanity. Without legal restrictions on benefit from living and working in smart urban areas will
these technologies’ operation and development, there may enjoy their advantages enhanced by technological, social
be unauthorised use for terrorist purposes and likely AI and cultural aspects that enable the concept of smart living.
dominance over humans in the fifth industrial revolution The Japanese government introduced Society 5.0 in 2016
(Russel et al., 2015). In addition to concerns about grow- as the 5th Science and Technology Master Plan (Cabinet
ing inequality and security threats, this fourth industrial Office, 2016). The concept was described as a vision of a
Table 3: Journals used for the scientometric analysis and systemic literature review
Annals of the American Association of Geographers
Applied Science
IEEE Communications Magazine
International Journal of Production Economics
Inzinerine ekonomika-engineering economics
Journal of Asian Public Policy
Journal of Clinical Medicine
Journal of Industrial Integration and Management-Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Journal of the Knowledge Economy
Journal of the Manufacturing Systems
Libri-International Journal of Libraries and Information Studies
Omics-A Journal of Integrative Biology
Pakistan journal of medical sciences
Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management
Wireless Personal Communications
Zeitschrift fur Wirtschaftsgeographie
Organizacija, Volume 54 Research Papers Issue 4, November 2021
Organizacija, Volume 54 Research Papers Issue 4, November 2021
with the software Vosviewer version 1.6.16 and includes the third phase (core analyses), the information from 36
scientometric research used to construct density visualis- papers was exported from the WOS, all selected papers’
ation and identify the topic clusters based on the keywords data were chosen and then exported in text format. The
co-occurrence (van Eck & Waltman, 2020). In selecting data were then imported into Vosviewer version 1.6.16.
the literature, was followed the three-step protocol ap- The search was performed on April 14 2021.
proach used in previous studies such as Chandra and Walk- The WOS database was used as a literature source be-
er (2020), Dabić et al. (2020), and Palumbo et al. (2021). cause it is the most reliable and comprehensive source of
A three-step protocol (Figure 1) includes i) data collection: data and is frequently used in bibliometric research on the
selecting articles published in scientific journals indexed progress and evaluation of various scientific fields (Berna-
in the Web of Science database; ii) data cleaning: a manual tović et al. 2021).
review of article titles and abstracts. Based on their con-
tent, we excluded articles that were inappropriate in terms
of content; and 3) basic analysis: in-depth review of the
4 Results and discussion
articles covered. The search itself is divided into two parts.
The first part includes the articles’ classification according 4.1 The visualisation of the topic
to scientometric research, and the second part is followed clusters
by an interpretation of the articles’ content. Table 3 pre-
sents papers from the journals used in analyses. Figure 2 is a visual representation of the cluster anal-
The first phase includes the data collection process. ysis results based on the co-occurrence of keywords. In
The search for articles was done in the Web of Science table 4 are presented the clusters with their most impor-
and Scopus databases. The Boolean keyword combination tant keywords. First, in the analysing process, a minimum
was used to search for the relevant papers (TS = (Society number of occurrences of keyword one was determined.
5.0) AND LANGUAGE: (English) AND DOCUMENT Of the 136 keywords, 102 keywords meet the threshold.
TYPES: (Article, Review) Indexes = SCI-EXPANDED, Next, the authors manually removed seven keywords relat-
SSCI, A&HCI and ESCI). It was no temporal restrictions. ed to the choice of research methods in the articles and are
The search results were limited to the research and review not associated with the topic’s content (e.g., content analy-
articles published in the refereed journals only. The peer sis, methodology, case study). Then, for the remaining 95
review was limited to scientific journals written in Eng- keywords, the overall strength of the co-correlation links
lish and was not intended to provide a comprehensive as- with other keywords was calculated.
sessment of the state’s totality. In the second phase (data A total of nine clusters were found. Some of the clus-
cleaning), only the important papers whose content fits the ters were interwoven with each other. However, as shown
research area were included along with their topics. The in Figure 2, the clusters are mostly relatively far apart from
papers’ content (titles, abstracts, keywords and conclu- each other. Therefore, it can be concluded that most of the
sion) was manually reviewed, and those whose content did topics covered in this literature review do not overlap.
not match the research phenomenon were eliminated. In
Figure 2: Co-occurrences of keyword network (min. 1). Data source: WOS. Visualisation: VOSviewer
Organizacija, Volume 54 Research Papers Issue 4, November 2021
Each cluster offers a different topic. Thus, all nine clus- artificial intelligence, cyber-physical systems, big data,
ters provide a comprehensive overview of what is already Industry 4.0, Industry 5.0, open innovation, Society 5.0,
known about Society 5.0. We did not need to reduce the super-smart society have been widely used in researches
number of clusters because we wanted to discover the in the last three years.
broadest knowledge from homogeneous pieces to present
a new social phenomenon. This approach allowed us to 4.2 Systematic literature review
give a comprehensive view of research and theory in the
field of Society 5.0.
On average, the clusters contained nine articles, rang- As part of the systematic analysis of the articles, ac-
ing from a minimum of 4 to a maximum of 12. According cording to the content of each cluster, authors have de-
to the topics, the clusters can be divided into a part relat- cided to group clusters 2- Industry 4.0 and transformation
ed to the consideration of Society 5.0 itself and a second processes for Society 5.0, 3- Technological development
part associated with Industry 5.0. The naming of clusters and 9- Industry 4.0 as well as 5- Society 5.0 and the en-
is based on the authors’ personal views and experiences of vironment, 7- Society 5.0 and innovations and 8- Society
the research topic. According to the co-occurrence analy- 5.0 and medicine, into subchapters that are rounded off in
sis, up to the present day, it can be concluded that terms terms of content due to their semantic similarity.
Table 4: Topic clusters of Society 5.0 research from 2017- March, 31 2021 (n = 36)
Clusters Cluster colour in Figure 2 Topic community cluster Top items Total numbers
of terms
1 red New approaches in HRM generation, work values, 14
personal innovativeness,
2 green Industry 4.0 and trans- Industry 4.0, cities, culture, 13
formation processes for smart society, human-cen-
Society 5.0 tred management systems
3 blue Technological develop- Artificial intelligence, 13
ment cyber-physical systems,
big data, open innovation,
4 yellow Industry 5.0 Industry 5.0, blockchain, 13
decentralised web, innova-
tion ecosystems, knowledge
5 purple Society 5.0 and the envi- Super-smart society, innova- 10
ronment tion policy, climate change,
disaster management, Japan
6 light blue Corporate social respon- CSR, financial performance, 9
sibility ISO 26000, organisational
innovations, sociotechnical
systems, social responsible
7 orange Society 5.0 and innova- data-driven innovation, 9
tions technology and innovation,
system resilience, productiv-
ity and growth, science
8 brown Society 5.0 and medicine Covid-19, AI, emerging tech- 8
nology, medicine 4.0, the
industrial revolution
9 light purple Industry 4.0 Industry 4.0, digitalised soci- 6
ety, open data performance,
SDGs, super-smart society
Organizacija, Volume 54 Research Papers Issue 4, November 2021
4.2.1 Society 5.0 and social changes aimed to boost the economy in Germany and all of Europe.
The Japanese responded with the concept of Society 5.0.
In the modern world, the process of digitalisation is If European countries rely on the gradual integration of
strongly embedded in social processes. It thus influences artificial intelligence and other cutting-edge technologies
changes in the contexts of reference for human action and to further develop an innovatively designed economy, the
increasingly shapes human-machine relations. The impor- Japanese have decided to go beyond this concept and take
tance of the technological approach for the future trans- the next step in data-driven social development to establish
formation of societal processes is already evident in the Society 5.0 (Onday, 2019).
Japanese concept of Society 5.0, which has emerged as a The main goal of Society 5.0 is to enable the wellbeing
strategic national policy initiative. The concept goal is to of citizens provided by available system services that also
transform the science, technology and innovation system enable value creation for society (e.g., economic develop-
toward Society 5.0 (Fukuda, 2020). The actual purpose ment, social transformation, and economic growth). There-
of this strategy is defined by Hayashi et al. (2017, 264) as fore, the program implementation introduced next-gener-
follows: ation technologies, governance reform, and value-creating
»… create new values by collaborating and cooper- strategies developed for urban centres (Fukuda, 2020).
ating with several different systems, and plans standard- The aim of Society 5.0 is to further combine inno-
isation of data formats, models, system architecture, etc. vative knowledge with the use of AI, which is only in
and development of necessary human resources. Besides, the concept or development phase, and to offer new hu-
it is expected that enhancements of intellectual properties man-centred technological solutions in all areas of human
development, international standardisation, IoT system activity. It should be noted that Society 4.0 focuses more
construction technologies, big data analysis technologies, on technological solutions in the field of digitalisation of
artificial intelligence technologies, and it is encouraging businesses and local government processes, intending to
Japans competitiveness in a»super-smart society. « improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the operational
According to the authors, it is a serious concept of so- and financial processes of private and public organisations
cial development that will affect all levels of society. The and public administration (Pereira, Lima, & Charrua-San-
concept elements are based on the role of individual tech- tos, 2020). On the other side, Society 5.0 is expected to
nology relationship by promoting the quality of life in a be more involved in all population groups’ general social
sustainable world and the emergence of a superintelligent development. Thus, there would be a commercial focus on
society. Yousfikhahb (2017) has highlighted that if society using new technologies and what is called social robotics.
5.0 is to be a successful concept, it must integrate inno- Therefore, AI, IoT, virtual reality, algorithms, cyber-phys-
vation policies (from the government), entrepreneurship ical systems (CPS) would lead to positive social effects
(from the society) and entrepreneurial skills (from the civil that can be incorporated under this technology (Serpanos,
society and institutions). The author also warns that “the 2018; Song, Song, Timakum, Ryu, & Lee, 2018):
social aspects of technology are usually underestimated in • Home automation for independent living (home
the policy-making process which may impact limiting the security and safety systems, motion sensors, remote mon-
policy intentions underlying the implementation of Soci- itoring, indoor air quality control, smart lighting, safe bed,
ety 5.0”. smart sofa, domestic/service robots),
It can be concluded that self-organisation in smart tech- • health and wellbeing for functional ability (safe-
nologies has an important influence on the future societal ty bracelets, activity wristbands, personal health monitor,
impact of smart technologies. Human self-organisation smart medicine disappearances, exercise and memory
will depend on the availability of smart technologies in the games, smart rollator, daily medical testing) and active
future, especially in education, business and personal life. participation and social inclusion (entertainment and news,
The use of smart technologies also opens ethical dilemmas smart governance, online work, video chat, remote medi-
about communication in CPS connexion with personal pri- cal consultation).
vacy. These implications can be found in a more dynamic CPS presents the urban governance system and ena-
social system in terms of socialisation, but it can also lead bles the emergence of the so-called smart community that
to negative consequences, such as losing personal contact thrives in the data economy (Kuru & Ansell, 2020). Com-
with friends and family (Roblek, Meško, Dimovski, and munities also began with the research about the modes of
Peterlin, 2019; Shiroishi et al., 2018). preparation for transforming the local community into a
smart community, including fintech solutions. The city’s
urbanisation has to enable urban solutions to become suit-
4.2.2 Society 4.0 and transformation to able for implementing and integrating the information
Society 5.0 technologies (Alawadhi et al., 2012). The Canadian Gov-
ernance Center at The Ottawa University was criticised for
Society 4.0 was created based on a German econom- its research approach, which they felt was too technically
ic program called Industry 4.0. To this program, Germany oriented. They suggested that research concepts should be
Organizacija, Volume 54 Research Papers Issue 4, November 2021
more governance-oriented, emphasising the importance of As part of the implementation of the concept of Soci-
social relations and social capital in urban development ety 5.0 in Japan, Keidanren (Japan Business Federation)
(Albino, Berardi, & Dangelico, 2015). The lack of gener- amended the Charter of Corporate Behavior, also added the
ally accepted definitions that would clearly explain these section on “Achieving a Sustainable Society” as part of the
terms is partly due to the different scientific fields from amendments, with the primary goal of proactively achiev-
which they originate and partly due to changing trends. ing the Sustainable Development Goals. SDGs) by creat-
ing a Society 5.0 (Fukuyama, 2018). According to these
4.2.3 Emergence of the Industry 5.0 changes, Society 5.0 enabled a responsible human-centred
society and offered a promising integral framework for the
potential development of CSR in organisations (Potočan
If Industry 4.0 has been introduced, the concepts such
et al., 2020).
as CPS, IoT, blockchain, smart factory, big data, cloud
storage and cybersecurity, which all have an important
function for manufacturing efficiency and lower costs of 4.2.5 Society 5.0 and social innovations
production (Nahavandi, 2019; Jerman et al., 2020), Indus-
try 5.0 is going beyond Industry 4.0. The focus of Industry Within the societal innovations associated with Society
5.0 is on the interaction between machines and semi-fin- 5.0, we focus on the impact of innovative technologies in
ished products, individual machine parts, robots and peo- healthcare, climate change, and disaster management. It is
ple. For this process to succeed, the use of big data is es- expected that new technologies in the medical field will
sential. Therefore, it is going for a technology that enables also become one of the capillaries of Society 5.0. Thus,
the collection and processing of large amounts of data in smart tools adapted to medical needs include material in-
real-time (Büchi, Cugno, & Castagnoli, 2020). Further- novations, nano-devices, and smart technology (sensors,
more, for the transition to Industry 5.0 itself, it is important controls) (Lewis, Gandomkar, & Brennar, 2019), making
to make rapid progress in the areas of AI, machine learning their way into medicine. Artificial intelligence is also play-
(ML), robotics, Internet of Things (IoT), autonomous ve- ing an increasingly important role in medicine. For exam-
hicles and cars, 3D and 4D printing, virtual and augmented ple, AI-based medical image analysis has already been
reality, wearable materials, additive manufacturing, nano- established in some Covid ten centres. In addition, AI is
technology, biotechnology, energy storage and quantum becoming increasingly customer-centric and impacting the
computing (European Commission, 2021). quality of medical services (Vaishya et al., 2020).
According to the European Commission, in January In climate change and disaster management, a trans-
2021, it adopted the document Industry 5.0: Towards a formation of disaster and climate change management is
more sustainable, resilient and human-centric industry. expected in the context of innovative solutions brought by
It follows that Industry 5.0 complements and expands Society 5.0. Environmental and climate change requires
Industry 4.0. Thus, Industry 5.0 focuses on aspects that the development of technologies that enable the early de-
will shape economic and technological development and tection and adaptation of hazards. The goal is to provide
determine the direction of industrial policies in the future faster and more effective information. Increased use of
European society. These factors also have environmental, technology in Society 5.0 is also expected to improve en-
social and fundamental rights dimensions. The document vironmental and public health protection (Mavrodieva &
emphasises that Industry 5.0 should not be compared as a Show, 2020).
chronological continuation of the Industry 4.0 paradigm,
nor should it be understood as an alternative. The docu-
ment is thus defined as (European Commission, 2021).
5 Discussion and conclusion
“The result of a forward-looking exercise to help
frame how European industry and emerging societal trends According to the co-occurrence analyse of the papers
and needs can co-exist”. key words were the most discussed topics careers, Society
5.0 in connection with Covid-19, data-driven innovation,
cities, analytics, enterprise systems, big data, knowledge,
4.2.4 Corporate social responsibilities
Society 5.0 in relationship with digitised society, open
data, performance expectations, Industry 5.0, blockchain,
According to Keidanren (2016, 3), Society 5.0 presents critical juncture.
a new vision of society: The paper discusses a series of activities necessary to
»that incorporates several new technologies in all in- transfer modern knowledge and new technologies, typical
dustries and social activities and achieves both economic of the fourth industrial revolution or Industry 4.0, from re-
development–primarily based on Sustainable Develop- search institutes and economic entities to the broader so-
ment Goals established by the United Nations, and solu- ciety, Society 5.0. The process can be achieved by imple-
tions to key social problems in the present society«. menting knowledge and technologies in the IoT, robotics
Organizacija, Volume 54 Research Papers Issue 4, November 2021
and Big Data to transform the existing society into a smart tifying a set of good practices of Society 5.0. in Japan
society (Society 5.0). In particular, the concept would en- (Pereira et al., 2020) to assess the possibility of their im-
able the adaptation of services and industrial activities to plementation in other countries (especially in developing
individuals’ real needs, as these technologies allow ad- countries). We also propose future research to consider the
vanced digital service platforms that will eventually be risks that may arise in a digital society, e.g., cybersecuri-
integrated into all areas of life. ty, including possible cyber terrorism, relations between
Our study indicates that the more intensive the tran- humans and robotics and ethical questions related to AI
sition to Society 5.0 will be, the more services and daily implementation and enabling of decision-making instead
tasks can be provided via the cloud, e.g., on the Internet. of a human.
Therefore, this data processing would send information or
enable services related to applications on the telephone,
the computer and robots, among others. This will allow in-
dividuals to have more free time and the free allocation of
other activities because artificial intelligence will replace Albino, V., Berardi, U., & Dangelico, R. M. (2015). Smart
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content and methodological limitations. Among the con- third edition (pp. 152-164). New York, NY: New York
tent limitations, the presentation of only some aspects of University Press.
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research papers from the WOS database. As methodolog- article in public administration diffuse and influence
ical limitations, we refer to the boundary associated with the field? Bibliometric methods and the case of Hood’s
the research paradigm. This paper’s limitation is that it is “A Public Management for All Seasons?”. Interna-
based on scientific paper reviews and not on primary re- tional Public Management Journal, 22(5), 712-742.
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future capabilities of artificial intelligence depends on a Chen, C. K. (2008). Causal modeling of knowledge‐based
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ently biased from an analytical perspective, but at the same Dabić, M., Vlačić, B., Paul, J., Dana, L. P., Sahasranamam,
time, it enriches us with data that quantitative methods S., & Glinka, B. (2020). Immigrant entrepreneurship:
cannot produce. A review and research agenda. Journal of Business
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Davis, N. (2016). What is the fourth industrial revolu- tomation. Proceedings of the 56th Annual Conference
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Organizacija, Volume 54 Research Papers Issue 4, November 2021
Organizacija, Volume 54 Research Papers Issue 4, November 2021
various international organisations. His work includes occupational health and management. She has also
about 110 bibliographic records. He is also associated participated in various projects. She authored or
editor of the World Complexity Science Academy co-authored various scientific papers published in
Science Journal. ORCID: 0000-0003-1182-3400 professional and academic journals. ORCID: 0000-