Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Rural Internship at Craft Silicon Foun-
Communication Technology (DA-IICT)
CPI: 6.47
dation NGO India
December 2022 - January 2023
October 2021 – Present Gandhinagar, Gujarat
• Conducted training sessions on technical
Lokmanya Vidyalaya Class 12th (GHSEB)
skills: photo and video editing, MS Office.
Percentage: 82.30%
• Actively promoted the work and initiatives
2020 – 2021 Surat, Gujarat
of the NGO on various social media platforms,
L.P.Savani Vidyabhavan Class 10th (GSEB) increasing their online presence and outreach.
Percentage: 80% • Taught basic Math and Science children of
2018 – 2019 Surat, Gujarat rural community.
• Guide: Ms. Devyani Patel
Area(s) of Interest : DSA, Web Development.
Programming Languages : C, C++, JavaScript
Payment Transaction App (MERN)
Dec 2024
Tools: Git-Hub, VS Code, Premiere Pro.
• Built a payment app for users to search or browse
Technologies: HTML, CSS, MongoDB, Express receivers and make transactions. Developed the fron-
JS, React, and Node JS. tend with React ansd Tailwind CSS and the backend
with Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB. Implemented
Technical Electives : Data Structures and Al- authentication using JWT tokens and tested APIs with
gorithm (DSA), Object-Oriented Programming Postman.
(OOP), Database Management (DBMS), Operat- Athlete Talk - Software Project
ing System (OS), Computer Networks, Software
Aug 2023 - Dec 2023
• Experienced Frontend Developer skilled in crafting
intuitive interfaces and thorough documentation. Key
POSITIONS OF RESPONSIBIL- contributor to Athlete Talk, an innovative application
ITY enabling athletes to watch videos and enroll in plans
Photography and Video Shooting • Guide: Prof. Saurabh Tiwari
January 2023 – March 2023 Dice Game (React, CSS)
• Volunteered with the Photography and Movie-Making May 2023
Club (PMMC), capturing photos and videos at events
• Developed a dice game with React, using useState
such as the Halloween party and music club.
and useEffect for game logic and state management.
• Contributed as a PMMC volunteer at Synapse’23, cov- Implemented dice freezing and win detection with a
ering the event for four days. responsive UI.