annual Report 2012-13

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Annual Report

(April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013) 1
To contribute to India and
World through excellence in
scientific and technical
education and research; to
serve as a valuable resource
for industry and society;
and remain a source of pride
for all Indians.

2. ABOUT US 10
• Performance Statistics 18
• Admissions 20
• Academic Performance 28
• Internship & Placement 34
• Staff Training Programmes 36
• Scholarships, Assistantships and Awards 37
• Infrastructure Development 42
• New Initiatives 52
• The Year in Perspective 55
• Academic & Sponsored Research 61
• Research Projects and Consultancy 62
• Foundation for Innovation and Technology Transfer (FITT) 68
7. EVENTS 70-76
• Convocation 71
• Conferences/ Workshops/ Seminars 73
• Interaction with Alumni 75
• Distinguished Visitors 76
8. FACULTY 77-84
• Faculty Awards/ Recognitions 78
• Faculty in Position 81
• New Appointments, Retirements etc. 84
• Students Affairs Council (SAC) and its five Boards 86
• National Service Scheme (NSS) 91
• National Cadet Corps (NCC) 91
• Student Counselling Service (SCS) 91
• Relaxations to SC/ST/OBC/PD Students and Staff 93
• Scholarships and Financial Assistance 93
• Prepatory Course 94
• Concessions Allowed to Staff 94
• Summer Research Fellowship Programme 94
• Commitments in Sustainability 94
• Environment 94
• Community 95
12. FINANCIALS 97-99
1. Senate 100
2. Administrative and Other Staff 102
3. Committees 104 3
Director’s Report
“IITD Delhi is committed to provide excellent
human resource to meet national needs and
global expectations. It is a unique institution
and a dream destination for those who wish
to be leaders in science, technology and
management. IITD Delhi is internationally
recognised for delivering excellent education
as the undergraduate and postgraduate
levels, while endeavouring to become a great
research institution.”

extended significant support to the institute. Our alumni

Prof. R.K. Shevgaonkar have given donations to help us take some of our important
projects forward, in addition to instituting Chairs and the
Director Young Faculty Incentive Fellowships, both of which help us to
reward our bright faculty for their outstanding performance.
On the occasion of releasing our Annual Report for the The Industry and the alumni of the Institute have extended
year 2012-13, I am pleased to share with you all the major significant support to the Institute in its academic and research
highlights of our activities, achievements and future plans. programmes by way of instituting chairs in various fields.
At the outset, it is a great pleasure and privilege for me to
The Institute has been allotted 50 acres of land in Sonepat by
share with everyone that IIT Delhi continues to enjoy top
the Haryana Government for establishment of its extension
rankings in the latest surveys conducted by various agencies
campus. Faculty Development Centre, Engineering related
such QS, India Today, Outlook etc. In the QS World University
Science and Technology Park and High Performance
rankings, IIT Delhi has been ranked at the thirty eighth
Computing Facility are proposed to be established at this
position amongst the engineering institutions in the World
extension center. Institute has also received an allotment
with Electrical and Mechanical Engineering departments
letter for additional 50 acres of land from the Haryana
being on the top. This achievement has been possible only
Government for establishment of extension campus at Jhajjar.
with the generous support and encouragement received from
It is proposed to establish a Science Park related to Biological
MHRD, outstanding and excellent academic and research
Research activities at this campus. Task Forces have already
contributions by faculty colleagues, efficient support from our
been constituted for initiating activities at both the extension
dedicated staff and impressive performance by our students.
IIT Delhi has built a strong research tradition, which can be
A Mini Science Park at the Institute Campus is also being
seen by the impressive statistics in terms of various research
planned to be setup. The Park is proposed to house inter alia,
indicators. Specially, we have continuously improved on our
Technology Business Incubator and Accelerator Facilities,
credentials in research as evidenced by way of publications
Design Innovation Centre, Fab Lab, Technology Transfer Office,
and citations and Ph.Ds per faculty.
Biotechnology Business Incubator, Specialist Development
IIT Delhi takes pride in its teaching traditions, and we take our Program Centres etc.
teaching function at all levels very seriously. We take special
The Growing visibility of the Institute has been steadily
pride in the traditions that we have built over the years for
leading to a larger role in partnerships. The Institute has
providing best all round education to our students which not
been actively involved in collaborative programmes with
only helps them become great scholars and specialists in their
national and international organizations/universities through
subjects of study, but also transforms them into creative and
MOUs Agreements to remain at the forefront in scientific
socially responsive human beings.
and technological development and to share the knowledge
With the support from the Government of India, industry for mutual benefits. The main objectives of collaboration
and the alumni, IIT Delhi has been able to create an excellent include exchange of students and faculty, joint research, and
infrastructure. While the Government has supported us with fellowships for training and research at doctoral and post-
generous funding for which we are grateful, our alumni have doctoral levels. Over the years, the Institute has expanded

its teaching and research interests in a wide range of areas IIT administration, in order to provide good governance
of national importance and current relevance including and also to ensure prompt service to its community, has
among others, Atmospheric Sciences, Embedded Systems, introduced a citizen charter for various sections, i.e. Stores,
Environmental Science & Engineering, Rural Industrialization, Audit, Accounts, Establishments and Public Information Office
Bioinformatics, Nanotechnology, Fibre Optics and Optical providing the time schedule within which a particular service
Communications, Biotechnology, Bio-catalysis, Smart and should be delivered. Suggestions have also been invited to
Industrial Textiles, Transportation, Photo-thermal energy incorporate further improvements in the same.
conversion, Material Science, Photo-acoustic Microscopy,
Our academic programmes cover a wide range of science and
Power Technology, Signal processing, Opto-electronics,
engineering disciplines. In the Bachelors’ programs, which are
Computer Science, Computer Aided Design & Manufacturing,
the most sought after even on global scales, and for which the
Smart Buildings and Infrastructure, Artificial Intelligence and
entry is through the Joint Entrance Examination, our intake
Robotics and others. Most recently, the Institute has set up
has steadily increased over the last few years and during the
the School of Biological Sciences, with a thrust on research in
year 2012-2013, 3590 UG students were on roll. The number of
communicable and non-communicable diseases.
postgraduate students on roll during the year 2012-2013 was
The quality of an academic institution largely depends on its 4258. These figures include 1436 women students. There were
faculty. Our faculty is one of the finest in the country and is 78 foreign students from 9 countries pursuing postgraduate
recognized internationally for their quality of research, teaching education at the Institute during the year. In order to make
and curriculum development. They also contribute greatly IIT Delhi more international in character and to make better
for the development of the nation by being associated with use of international intellectual resources, we are constantly
a large number of decision making bodies, providing crucial working towards increasing the strength of international
guidance and advice on policy matters and technical issues. students and faculty in the campus.
Many of our faculty members serve on the editorial Boards of
reputed journals, peer-review papers for publications, serve The Institute is proud of its graduate school, offering Master of
on committees for recruitment of professionals, and are on Technology programs in many specializations, besides MBA,
the Boards of many institutions and organizations. Many new M.Des, M.Sc. and Ph.D programs. These programs provide
faculty members have joined the Institute during the period an excellent platform to the students admitted into them,
thereby enhancing our competence in several emerging areas, to acquire advanced knowledge in their respective fields.
while bringing new energy into our academic endeavors. The graduate students are also offered the opportunity to
The people joining us as faculty members, are amongst the serve as teaching assistants, which enriches their academic
finest available globally, and sought after, by all the reputed experience and enhances their communication skills. The
graduate schools of the developed world. institute has a scheme for grant of partial financial assistance
During the period under report, international bibliographic to Ph.D./M.Tech./M.Des./M.S.(R)/ MBA students and post
databases have indexed around 2400 research articles doctoral persons (working in various projects) for attending
published by faculty members and researchers of the institute conferences outside the country.
in international journals including around 1700 articles The Institute also provides full travel assistance to every Ph.D.
indexed in Scopus, an international indexing service in Science student of the Institute, for attending at least one international
& Technology and Social Sciences. The faculty members have Conference (to present his/her research paper) during their
also presented a similar number of papers in national and education at IIT Delhi. We believe that such an international
international conferences. Besides, they have also published exposure will play an important role in improving the quality
many books and conducted several continuing education of our doctoral education and research. The Ministry of
programmes. The Institute supported participation of many Human Resource Development, Government of India, has
faculty members in international and national conferences. emphasized the need to increase the admission of Foreign
Faculty Members received financial support from sponsored Nationals under the self-financing scheme. The Institute has
projects, and other funding agencies to attend and participate taken necessary steps in this regard and we hope to increase
in the conferences. The Institute provides seed research the strength of the Foreign Nationals in the coming years. A
funding to the new faculty upon joining the Institute to the number of steps are underway to review and strengthen the
tune of Rs.10.00 lakhs (or more when necessary). Apartment PG programmes.
from Young Faculty Fellowships being awarded by the Institute,
to encourage the new faculty for developing research facilities The Senate of the Institute is constantly engaged in reviewing
in the area of their expertise, the Institute sanctioned the New and approving new courses to improve the curriculum.
Faculty Research Grant of a total of Rs. 268 lakhs to 23 faculty Several new minor area programs have been designed with
members during the financial year 2012-2013. a view to offer a second area of specialization of their choice.
Meeting with all the faculty members of the Institute were A revised curriculum structure has been approved by the
held on a regular basis to share the vision and initiatives taken Senate and implemented in the current year. In order to
and also to have an opportunity to receive feedback and recognize, nurture and encourage academic achievers among
suggestions from faculty members to increase and strengthen undergraduates, the Institute has established the following
their contributions. pre-graduation awards: (i) Institute Medal for Academic
The revised administrative structure, as approved by the Excellence for obtaining the highest CGPA amongst non-
Board of Governors, to facilitate effective administration and graduating students of each entry year, and (ii) Institute Medal
management has been implemented. The revised structure for Consistent Academic Achiever in a program for obtaining
facilitates efficient functioning as well as strategy for future consistently high SGPA amongst all students registered for
development. the program in the pre-graduation academic session. Under 5
a new Academic Welfare Scheme introduced by the Institute consortium initiatives so far taken in Asia. It provides access
for weak students, a special student advisor is identified in to electronic resources to its member institutions comprising
each department for students who need special help, at the of more than 257 members including 65 core member
beginning of each semester. Student advisors closely monitor institutions, 60 AICTE supported institutions and more than
the attendance and performance of these students and also 132 institutions that have joined the consortium under its
provides support to help improve their performance. self-supported category as on March 2013. IIT Delhi Central
Library continues to be the headquarters of INDEST activities
A Special Orientation Programme for Entry Level students was
on behalf of Ministry of Human Resources Development,
also conducted with the objective of enhancing their learning
Govt. of India. During 2012-2013, Prof. B. D. Gupta was the
skills, English language and communication skills, inter-
National Coordinator and Prof. R.K. Shevgaonkar, Director IIT
personal relationships and motivation. This programme was
Delhi was the Chairman of National Steering Committee of
conducted with the help of Centre for Research and Education
INDEST-AICTE Consortium.
for Social Transformation(CREST), Calicut, Kerala. All those
who participated in it appreciated the program. IIT Delhi is the coordinating institute for the Joint INDEST-
AICTE Consortium & INFLIBET Project (N-LIST) under centrally
To encourage and to provide financial incentives to meritorious
sponsored scheme of National Mission on Education through
students and assistance to the needy students of the institute,
Information and Communication Technology of MHRD.
individuals, trusts and organisations have been instituting
The project provides for cross-subscription to e-resources
scholarships, awards, etc. at the Institute at the Undergraduate
subscribed by the two Consortia, i.e. subscription to INDEST-
and Postgraduate levels. In addition, the Institute has a “Loan
AICTE resources for universities and UGC-INFONET resources
Scholarship Scheme” which makes it more affordable for the
for technical institutions. Under this programme, IITs, IISERs,
students who take loan from banks.
few NITs are getting access to Project Muse, Annual Review
Curriculum Implementation Committee for Undergraduate and Nature (27 titles) and 100 Universities are getting access
Curriculum was constituted in September 2012. A to Web of Science.
comprehensive review of the postgraduate programs is
The Central Library has implemented the Radio Frequency
underway and a workshop has been held to brainstorm on
Identification (RFID) system. It is the best automated library
the issue.
automation system used worldwide and is an effective way of
The implementation of the Web Based Academic managing collections of the library and providing enhanced
Management System (WBAMS) on the Campus platform of services to the users. RFID plays a vital role in redefining the
the PeopleSoft ERP system has been in progress since 2010. library processes to make everyone’s job easier right from the
This task is presently nearing completion and the first level users to library staff.
implementation and go live operation of all the modules is The Computer Services Centre provides Computing, IT and
expected to be completed soon, and the take over process is Networking facilities to the Institute community of more than
simultaneously in progress. Most of the salient modules such ten thousand users consisting of UG students , PG students,
as registration, grading, weak student handling, teaching Research Scholars, Faculty and Staff. In addition the CSC
evaluation and feedback, learning management system (Sakai) also participates in the Academic programmes of various
integration, etc. have been put through wide user testing departments.The new initiatives taken by the Computer Services
while other modules are in different stages of development, Centre include Design and commissioning of a new 10Gbps
testing or take over. The system when completely Campus-wide Network and High Performance Computing
implemented and tested, is expected to make the student (HPC) facility. The National Programme on Technology
academic lifecycle management robust and largely paperless. Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) funded by MHRD was undertaken
IIT Delhi has provided adequate funds from its Corpus to at ETSC. Under this program, IIT Delhi, together with other IITs
the Departments, Centres and Schools for upgradation and IISc contributed towards development of web and video
of laboratories and creation of new facilities. This has based educational material for undergraduate courses initially
significantly helped in the improvement of quality of teaching in five disciplines; viz., Civil Engineering, Computer Science
and research. and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and
Communication Engineering and Mechanical Engineering.
During the year 2012-2013, the Central Library successfully
provided increased access to digital collections and resources The Institute has made consistent efforts in upgrading its
to its users to support the teaching, research and extension infrastructure to cater to the needs of its expansion plans
programmes of the Institute. and for better amenities. Besides planning and building new
hostels and additional academic space, the Institute has
The faculty, students and researchers at IIT Delhi have access undertaken a massive exercise of renovation of old houses,
to more than 12,000 electronic journals and 6 bibliographic hostels and sports facilities. Some of the major infrastructure
databases through INDEST-AICTE Consortium. 120 journals developments and renovation activities undertaken during
subscribed in print and 615 journals are accessible online the period include renovation of hostels, Senate Room, Board
from the publisher’s web site. The initiative taken last year Room, replacement of Lifts, provision of PNG connection to
to add electronic books to the Library collection was further various units of residential and hostel areas, construction of
strengthened. 35 titles of E-books have been added under Professors Flats, Recarpeting of roads, construction of new
Text Book and Book Bank scheme to support undergraduate boy’s hostels, air-conditioners for faculty offices and high
studies which are highly used by the students/faculty. mast lighting system in volley ball courts, tennis courts and
The Library houses the headquarters of INDEST-AICTE athletic track/hockey field with national and international
Consortium which is one of the biggest and most successful sports standards.

Construction of the new academic complex is nearing for the students but was also successful in obtaining stipends
completion. The complex would have two lecture theatres of and other facilities for several students. Regarding placement,
capacity 500 each, three of 300, twelve of 150, 14 of 60 and the T&P Unit invited Senior Executives of major industries/
eight of capacity 30 students each, besides laboratory space organisations to give pre-placement talks, hold workshops
for institute core courses on physics, chemistry, biology, and participate in panel discussions for the students at the
computer science, electrical engineering, engineering campus which helped them acquire better knowledge about
graphics, material science and experimental techniques. various organisations prior to the commencement of the
campus interviews.
Major infrastructure initiatives/activities undertaken by the
Institute during the period, which are under different stages Apart from concentrating on academic activities, the Institute
of planning, construction and completion, are in the following also places an emphasis on an all round development of
areas: its students. The Institute has, therefore, created excellent
• Construction of IT School Building infrastructure for a variety of co-curricular and extra-
curricular activities such as sports, student publications,
• Lecture Theatre-cum-Lab Complex Robotics as well as cultural and welfare programmes The
• Construction of Clean Room on the GF and FF in Block VI Student Affairs Council (SAC) and its five constituent boards
for Nano Scale Research Facilities plan, organize and manage the various student activities
throughout the year.
• Construction of Institute Activity Centre
Over the years, the Institute has expanded its teaching
• Construction of Boys Hostel ‘E’ and research interests in a wide range of areas of national
• Construction of Golden Jubilee G.H. Keshwani Research importance and current relevance, including among others,
Centre Atmospheric Sciences, Embedded Systems, Environmental
Science & Engineering, Rural Industrialization, Bioinformatics,
• Lifts for physically challenged persons in Academic Area Nanotechnology, Fibre Optics and Optical Communications,
• Construction of Swimming Pool Biotechnology, Bio-catalysis, Smart and Industrial Textiles,
Transportation, Photo-thermal energy conversion, Material
• Construction of STP/ETP and network connecting sewer Science, Photo-acoustic Microscopy, Power Technology,
lines to STP/ETP Signal processing, Opto-electronics, Computer Science,
• Construction of Engineering Blocks Computer Aided Design & Manufacturing, Smart Buildings
and Infrastructure, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics and
IIT Delhi gives high priority to research and development others. Most recently, the Institute has set up the School of
projects sponsored by outside national and international Biosciences, with a thrust on research in communicable and
agencies and user organizations, along with teaching and non-communicable diseases.
academic research leading to doctoral degree. The research
funding received through competitive bidding from national Faculty members are encouraged to submit proposals
research agencies also goes a long way in supporting and for sponsored research and undertake research based
enhancing academic research. Industrial consultancy is consultancies. Continuing education programmes and
another significant area of activity of the Institute. custom designed programmes for industry are conducted to
upgrade knowledge and also generate resources.
During the year under report, 142 sponsored research projects
with a total funding Rs.88.63 crores and 348 consultancy For the year 2012-13, the actual recurring expenditure Non-Plan
projects with a total value of Rs.18.29 crores were undertaken & Plan were to the extent of Rs.24191.61 lakhs and Rs.3085.44
respectively. 29 collaborative projects/consultancies with lakhs respectively and Plan Non-Recurring expenditure was
international funding were also undertaken during the period. Rs.12681.00 lakhs. The Institute generated about 25.95% of
the actual recurring expenditure through internal revenue
During the last 52 years of its existence, the Institute has not
generation including fees, sponsored research, consultancies
only given due emphasis to investigation of problems of
and continuing education programmes.
direct relevance to the needs of the country through time-
bound sponsored and consultancy projects aimed at solving During the year 2012-13, the Institute received Rs. 18995.00
live industrial problems, but has also given special attention to lakhs as Non Plan Grant, Rs. 14260.00 lakhs as Plan Grant
emerging areas like atmospheric sciences, laser applications, (Normal Non-Recurring Expenditure) and Rs. 3340.00 lakhs as
industrial textiles, biotechnology, energy, transportation, Plan Grant (Normal Recurring Expenditure). The income from
microprocessor applications, computer science, optical internal accrual from the fees, interest and sponsored projects
communication, signal processing, computer aided design & was to the extent of Rs.6277.02 lakhs. Within the financial
manufacturing, and artificial intelligence and robotics. resources available to the Institute, a number of construction
and development activities have been taken up to augment
Training and Placement is an important activity of the Institute.
the Institute infrastructure.
The T & P Unit is mainly responsible for arranging practical
training of the undergraduate students to meet their degree IIT Delhi lays great emphasis on interaction between the
requirement and to provide world class job opportunities to alumni and the alma mater and supports the activities of
undergraduate and postgraduate students after graduation the IIT Delhi Alumni Association. We are proud of our alumni
for suitable jobs in the industry and various private and public and their achievements. The success of the alumni is one
sector organizations. During the year under report, the T & P of the most important yardsticks by which we measure our
Unit was not only able to arrange effective summer training achievements. 7
The Institute recognizes the outstanding contributions made • A 11 member delegation led by H.E. Federal CouncilorDr.
by the alumni in various areas by conferring the Distinguished Alain Berset, Head Federal Department of Home Affairs,
Alumni Award (DAA) each year. This award is the highest honour Switzerland, visited the Institute on 03 October, 2012.
conferred by the Institute on its alumni to recognize their
• A 5 member delegation led by H.E. Mr. Alejandro Cruz,
achievements and outstanding contributions to academics,
Minister of Science and Technology, Costa Rica, visited the
business, profession and/or public service. Fifty seven
Institute on 15 October, 2012.
alumni have received the award since its inception in 1992.
• A 3 member delegation led by Mr. Nigel Relph, Pro
The Distinguished Alumni Awards were conferred on the
Vice Chancellor, and Vice President, University of
following alumni at the 43rd Convocation of the Institute held
South Australia, Australia, visited the Institute on 20
on 28th October, 2012.
November, 2012.
1. Prof. Trilochan Sastry, B.Tech., EE, 1981 – Quantitative
• A 3 member delegation led by Prof. Albert Wu, Professor,
Methods & Informational Systems, IIM, Bangalore.
Chemical and Materials Engg., National Central University,
2. Prof. R.C. Budhani, Ph.D., Physics, 1982 – Director, National Taiwan, visited the Institute on 24 January, 2013.
Physical Laboratory.
• A 13 member delegation led by Dr. Mats Johnsson, Senior
3. Dr. Punita Kumar-Sinha, B.Tech., Chemical, 1985 – Founder Advisor, Ministry of Education and Research, under Indo-
and Managing Partner, Pacific Paradigm Advisors. Sweden Research Collaboration, Sweden, visited the
Institute on 29 January, 2013.
4. Prof. Pawan Sinha, B.Tech., CSE, 1988 – Computational and
Visual Neurosciences, Department of Brain and Cognitive • A 7 member delegation led by Prof. Peter Gregson, Vice
Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Chancellor, Queens University, UK, visited the Institute on
25 February, 2013.
The following major alumni events were held at the Institute
during the period: • A 12 member delegation led by Dr. Mary Eileen McMahon,
Regional Director, University of California Education
• Leadership Conclave 2012 was organized by the IIT Delhi
Abroad Program, California, USIEF, USA, visited the Institute
Alumni Association on 15th April, 2012. The theme of this
on 11 March’13.
Conclave was Vision IIT 2020.
• A 3 member delegation led by Prof. Donal Dingwell,
• AGM of IIT Delhi Alumni Association was held on 28th April,
Secretary General of the European Research Council,
2012. The AGM was followed by a musical performance.
Belgium, visited the Institute on 15 March, 2013.
• Silver Reunion of 1988 Batch was celebrated from
• A 3 member delegation led by Prof. Tan ChorhChuan,
December 21 to 23, 2012. About 90 alumni participated
President of National University of Singapore, Singapore,
along with their families.
visited the Institute on 25 March, 2013.
• Pearl Reunion of 1976 & 1977 Batches was celebrated on
A more detailed account of the various initiatives, activities
March 10, 2013. About 50 alumni participated along with
and achievements of the Institute made by the Institute
their spouses.
during the year 2012-13 has been provided under different
Many delegations from the Industry, Academia and the major chapters in this Annual Report.
Government form several countries visited the Institute to
We would like to acknowledge the support received in
explore the possibilities of mutual interaction. Some of these
abundant measure from the Ministry of Human Resource
are highlighted below:
Development, the various sponsoring agencies, the
• A 2 member delegation led by Dr. Ronan McGrath, Head collaborating industries, institutions and alumni.
of School of Physical Sciences, University of Liverpool, UK,
I personally acknowledge the support and encouragement I
visited the Institute on 01 October, 2012.
have received from the Chairman and Members of the Board
• A 5 member delegation led by Dr. Hannes Androsch, Chairman, of Governors, and from all my colleagues, and extend my
Austrian Council for Research and Tech. Development, appreciation to the students for their exemplary behaviour
Austria, visited the Institute on 03 October, 2012. and their contributions towards enriching the campus life.

Prof. R.K. Shevgaonkar

Director, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi

l To generate new knowledge by engaging in cutting-edge research and to promote academic growth by
offering state-of-the-art undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral programmes.
l To identify, based on an informed perception of Indian, regional and global needs, areas of specialization
upon which the institute can concentrate.
l To undertake collaborative projects which offer opportunities for long-term interaction with academia and
l To develop human potential to its fullest extent so that intellectually capable and imaginatively gifted leaders
can emerge in a range of professions. 9
About us

Dreaming big.....

In the formative stages : Prof. R.N. Dogra, the founding director, IIT Delhi detailing the model of the
Institute’s building

HISTORY Act, 1963”, re-named as “Indian Institute of Technology Delhi”,

and accorded the status of a deemed university.
The concept of the IITs was first introduced in a report in the
year 1945 by Shri. N. M. Sircar, then member of Education on Presently Indian Institute of Technology Delhi is one of the
Vicerory’s Executive Council. Following his recommendations, fifteen Institutes of excellence for higher education, research
the first Indian Institute of Technology was established in the and development in science, engineering and technology
year 1950 in Kharagpur. In his report, Shri Sircar had suggested and in management in India; the others are at Bhubaneswar,
that such Institutes should also be started in different parts Bombay, Gandhinagar, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Indore, Jodhpur,
of the country. The Government having accepted these Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras, Mandi, Patna, Roorkee and Ropar.
recommendations of the Sircar Committee decided to
establish more Institutes of Technology with the assistance of STATUS
friendly countries who were prepared to help. The first offer Indian Institute of Technology Delhi is an autonomous
of help came from USSR who agreed to collaborate in the statutory organisation of the Government of India
establishment of an Institute through UNESCO at Bombay. functioning within the “Institutes of Technology Act, 1961”
This was followed by the Institutes of Technology at Madras, as amended by the “Institutes of Technology (Amendment)
Kanpur and Delhi with collaborations with West Germany, USA Act, 1963”. It is accorded the status of a deemed university
and UK respectively. Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati with powers to frame its own academic policy, to conduct its
was established in 1995 and the University of Roorkee was own examinations, and to award its own degrees. The fifteen
converted into an IIT in 2001. Institutes of Technology are coordinated by an apex body
The Institute was later declared an Institute of National known as IIT Council with the Minister for Human Resource
Importance under the “Institutes of Technology (Amendment) Development of the Government of India as its Chairman.

The objectives of the Institute include :

• Offering instruction in applied sciences, engineering and technology, and

management at a level comparable to the very best anywhere in the world;
• Providing leadership in curriculum planning, laboratory development and
examination system;
• Developing programmes for faculty development both for its own staff and
for teachers of other engineering institutions;
• Developing close collaboration with industry through exchange of
personnel and undertaking consultancy projects;
• Developing strong collaboration links with other academic and research
institutions in the country and abroad;
• Developing a continuing education programme for employed engineers
and making it available both on campus and by distance learning techniques at off campus locations;
• Preparing manpower for the unorganised sector and for self-employment.

The Institute campus extends over an area
of 320 acres. Tastefully laid out with the
picturesque landscape and with numerous
buildings of various types and, with clean
and wide roads, the campus presents
a spectacle of harmony in architecture
and natural beauty. The campus area has
been divided into four functional zones:
• Residential zone for students;
• Residential zone for the faculty and
other supporting staff;
• Academic zone for academic
buildings and workshops; and
• Cultural-cum-social and recreational
zone for students. IIT Delhi Campus Map
The site being longitudinal in shape, the academic and social-cum- cultural zones have been located mid-way between the two
residential zones in order to reduce walking distance. The campus provides several essential amenities for community living
like hospital, shopping centre, banks, post office, community centre, staff club, students activities centre, stadium and playing
fields etc. 11
IIT Delhi is an autonomous organisation of the Government of India. Responsibility for the general superintendence, direction
and control of the affairs of the Institute is vested in the Board of Governors. The Board functions through its standing
committees — the Finance Committee, the Buildings & Works Committee and other committees which may be constituted
to consider specific issues. The composition of the Board of Governors and its standing committees as on March 31, 2013 is
as follows:

Vijay P. Bhatkar, Chairman Ashok Mishra Kushal Sen
R. K. Shevgaonkar, Director Deepak Pental S.N. Maiti
Rajendra Kumar Rajendra S. Pawar Rakesh Kumar, Secretary
T.V. Ramakrishnan

The Director is the principal academic and executive officer of the Institute and is responsible for the proper administration of the Institute and
for the imparting of instruction and maintenance of discipline therein. He is assisted in his day to day work by Deputy Director(s), Registrar,
Deans and senior faculty of the Institute. The senior members of the Administration as on March 31, 2013 are as follows:


R. K. Shevgaonkar S.N. Singh S.K. Koul Sushil Ashok Gupta

Director Deputy Director, Deputy Director, Dean, Dean,
Operations Strategy & Planning Faculty Infrastructure

S.K. Gupta Suneet Tuli Anurag Sharma Ambuj D. Sagar Rakesh Kumar
Dean, Dean Dean, Dean, Registrar
Students Research & Development Academic Alumani Affairs &
International Programmes


Board of Educational and Research Planning is the chief planning and policy making body of the institute for its teaching and
research activities. Head of the Planning unit is the Member - Secretary of BERP. The planning unit prepared ground work for
all the matters to be considered by BERP. The recommendations of BERP are forwarded to the Senate for approval. BERP is also
responsible for the short and long term educational and research planning of the institute. The composition of the Board of
Educational and Research Planning as on March 31, 2013 is as follows:


R.K. Shevgaonkar, Chairman Suneet Tuli, Dean (R&D) R.B. Nair (Ms.), Nominee of Senate
S.K. Koul, Dy. Director (S&P) S.K. Gupta, Dean (Student Affairs) S.C. Kaushik, Nominee of Senate
S.N. Singh, Dy. Director (Operations) Ambuj D. Sagar, Dean (AA&IP) Sudipto Mukherjee, Prof.-in-charge (Plng)
Anurag Sharma, Dean (Academics) Ashok Gupta, Dean (Infrastructure)
Sushil, Dean (Faculty) Sanjeev Sanghi, Nominee of Senate

Academic Units at IIT Delhi
(April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013)

The major academic units of the Institute are the departments, centres and schools. Interdisciplinary research is organized
in programmes. The various academic units are listed below. The activities of departments include teaching at all levels and
research. The centres focus on interdisciplinary research and some teaching, mostly at the postgraduate level.

Departments Inter-disciplinary Centres Schools

1. Applied Mechanics 1. Applied Research in Electronics 1. Bharti School of Telecommunication

Technology and Management
2. Biochemical Engineering & Biotechnology 2. Atmospheric Sciences
2. Amar Nath and Shashi Khosla School of
3. Chemical Engineering 3. Biomedical Engineering Information Technology

4. Chemistry 4. Energy Studies 3. Kusuma School of Biological Sciences

5. Civil Engineering 5. Industrial Tribology Machine Dynamics &

6. Computer Science & Engineering
6. Computer Services
7. Electrical Engineering
7. Instrument Design & Development Centre
8. Humanities & Social Sciences
8. Polymer Science & Engineering
9. Management Studies
9. Rural Development & Technology
10. Mathematics
10. National Resource Centre for Value Education
11. Mechanical Engineering in Engineering

12. Physics

13. Textile Technology

IIT Delhi has 13 departments. Each department has its own administration structure with the Head of the Department (HoD) at
the top of it. The HoD heads the department for a period of three years after which a new head is appointed. Each department
offers a program (at the undergraduate or post-graduate level), some departments such as Mechanical Engineering Department,
offer two or more undergraduate level programs and some departments collaborate with each other to offer a joint program.
An example of the latter is the M.Tech in Optical Communications program which is offered by the Department of Physics and
Department of Electrical Engineering. The DMS (Department of Management Studies), IIT Delhi came into existence in 1993
by an amendment to IIT(D) statutes. The department offers a two year full time MBA programme with focus on Management
Systems, a two year full time MBA with focus on Telecommunication Systems Management and a three year part time MBA
programme with focus on Technology Management.
An inter-disciplinary center differs from a department in the fact that it deals with an overlap of two or more disciplines of
engineering or science. Similar to the departments the centers also offer programs though they offer these courses only at the
post-graduation level. 13
Current Degree Programmes
(April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013)

The Institute offers undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in a number of areas leading to the degrees of B.Tech./ M.Sc./
M.Tech./ M.S.(R)/ DIIT/ M.Des./ MBA and Ph.D. in Science, Engineering and Technology and Management. The primary objective
of these teaching programmes is to offer instruction in applied sciences, engineering and management at a level comparable
to the very best anywhere in the world. This is achieved through an undergraduate curriculum which places a strong emphasis
on the understanding of fundamental principles rather than specialised knowledge, a postgraduate programme, distinguished
by its interdisciplinary approach and emphasis on research.
Teaching at the Institute incorporates a cohesive, contextual and nurturing environment for learning. The emphasis is on self-
motivated learning by using information, experience and practice. The teaching methodology aims at using the inputs from core
functional areas to inter-disciplinary issues and problem solving. Students undertake classroom and workshop assignments,
conduct field observations, make presentations and participate in group discussions and seminars and are encouraged to
develop industry linkages.
The academic year consists of two semesters and a summer term. The education system is organised around a credit system
which ensures continuous evaluation of student’s performance and provides flexibility to choose courses of interest and to
progress at an optimum pace suited to student’s ability or convenience. Each course is assigned certain number of credits
depending upon the class contact hours. A minimum number of credits and CGPA are to be completed satisfactorily in order
to qualify for the award of a degree.
The medium of instruction is English.
Curriculum Development
The Senate of the Institute is constantly engaged in reviewing and approving new courses to improve the curriculum. This year
several new minor area programs have been designed with a view to offer a second area of specialization. A major Curriculum
Review is now underway and likely to come up for discussion in the Senate very soon.
Under a new Academic Welfare Scheme introduced by the Institute this year for weak students, a special student advisor is
identified in each department for students who need special help, at the beginning of each semester. Special extra classes
are being conducted for such students and the student advisor closely monitors the attendance and performance of these
students and also provides support to help improve their performance.
The undergraduate and postgraduate programmes are managed by their respective Boards, as follows.


Prof. Anurag Sharma Prof. Ananjan Basu Prof. Anurag Sharma Dr. Apurba Das
Prof. Rajesh Prasad Dr. V.M. Chariar Prof. Sanjeev Sanghi Prof. S.D. Joshi (EE)
Prof. Prashant Mishra Dr. Jacob Josemon Dr. Atul Narang Prof. Pankaj Srivastava
Dr. (Ms.) Shalini Gupta Prof. D.S. Mehta Dr. Gaurav Goel Prof. Bhim Singh
Prof. Ravi Shankar Prof. J. Bijwe Prof. D. Bandyopadhyay Prof. M.R. Ravi
Prof. B. Bhattacharjee Prof. Tapan Chaudhuri Prof. B.R. Chahar Prof. H.C. Gupta
Prof. Naveen Garg Dr. S. Dharmaraja Dr. Amit Kumar Prof. D. Ravi Kumar
Prof. (Ms.) G. Bhuvaneshwari Dr. Vinay Ribeiro
Prof. J.K. Dutt Mr. Amit Agarwal (Satpura)
Dr. (Ms.) Pritha Chandra Prof. N.K. Garg (CE)
Dr. Arjun Ghosh Mr. Sagar Joshi (Vindhyachal)
Dr. S.P. Singh Prof. M.R. Ravi
Dr. Mahim Sagar Mr. Spandan Madan (Vindhyachal)
Dr. (Ms.) Anima Nagar Prof. Bhim Singh
Prof. (Ms.) B. Chandra Shri Alan V. Sinate
Prof. P.V. Rao Prof. Mukesh Khare Asstt. Registrar (UGS)
Prof. D. Ravi Kumar
Prof. Joby Joseph Mr. Nithyagopal Goswami (Girnar)
Prof. Pankaj Srivastava
Prof. R.S. Rengasamy Mr. Himanshu Agarwal (Girnar)
Prof. P. Goyal Mr. Abhishek R. (Girnar) (as on 31.3.2013)
Prof. Sneh Anand Shri. Vivek Raman
Prof. M.G. Dastidar Dy. Registrar (PGS)
(as on 31.3.2013)

Current Degree Programmes

Below is the list of courses offered currently.


Bachelor of Technology Dual Degree Programme [B.Tech. Integrated Degree

[B.Tech.] & M.Tech.] Programme[M.Tech.]
Duration: 4 years Duration: 5 years Duration: 5 years
Chemical Engineering B.Tech. and M.Tech. in Biochemical Engineering Master of Technology in Mathematics and
& Biotechnology Computing
Civil Engineering B.Tech. and M.Tech in Chemical Engineering
Computer Science & Engineering B.Tech. and M.Tech. in Computer Science &
Electrical Engineering B.Tech. in Electrical Engineering and M.Tech in
Information & Communication Technology
Electrical Engineering (Power)
Engineering Physics
Mechanical Engineering
Production and Industrial Engineering
Textile Technology
* Admission to the first year of the four year B.Tech., the five- year integrated M.Tech. and 5-year dual degree programmes is made through a Joint Entrance Examination (JEE)
which is common for all the Indian Institutes of Technology.


M.Sc. M.Tech. M.S. (Research) M.Des.
2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years
1. Chemistry 1. Engineering Mechanics 1. Information Tech. 1. Industrial Design
2. Mathematics 2. Design Engineering 2. Bio-chemical Engg. & Bio-technology
3. Physics 3. Chemical Engineering 3. Chemical Engineering
4. Molecular Engineering: Chemical Synthesis and Analysis 4. Computer Science & Engineering
5. Construction Technology and Management 5. Electrical Engineering 6.Civil
6. Geotechnical & Geoenvironment Engineering Engineering
7. Structural Engineering 7. Mechanical Engineering
8. Water Resources Engineering 8. Telecommunication Technology
9. Construction Engineering and Management
10. Rock Engineering of Underground Structures
11. Environmental Engineering and Management
12. Transportation Engineering
13. Computer Science & Engineering
14. Control and Automation
15. Communications Engineering
16. Power Electronics, Electrical Machines & Drives
17. Computer Technology
18. Integrated Electronics & Circuits
19. Power Systems
20. Computer Applications
21. Thermal Engineering
22. Production Engineering
23. Industrial Engineering
24. Design of Mechanical Equipment
25. Tele-Communication Technology and Management
26. VLSI Tools and Design
27. Radio Frequency Design & Technology
28. Solid State Materials29.Applied Optics
30. Atmospheric Oceanic Science Technology
31. Fibre Science & Technology 32. Textile Engineering
33. Energy Studies
34. Energy Studies (Evening Programme)
35. Industrial Tribology & Maintenance Engineering
36. Polymer Science & Technology
37. Opto-Electronics & Optical Communication
38. Instrument Technology 15
Current Degree Programmes

contd. ....


M.B.A. MBA D.I.I.T. PG Diploma
2 years Full Time 3 years Part Time 1½ years 1 year
1. Management Systems 1. Technology 1. Naval Construction 1. Metro Rail Transport: Technology and
2. Tele-Communication Systems Management Management Management

**The admission to full- time M. Tech. programmes is made on the basis of performance in the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) — an All India entrance test–and
interview at the Institute. A limited number of students are also admitted on part-time basis from amongst working professionals alongwith the regular full-time students,
subject to their satisfying certain academic and experience requirements. The Institute also offers a special M.Tech. programme (evening) in the field of Energy and Environmental
Management on a part-time basis catering to the needs of working professionals from R&D organisations, public sector undertakings, government departments and private

The Institute offers research opportunities for doctoral research in all its Departments/ Centres/ Schools. Creative and
productive enquiry is the basic concept underlying the research work. In order to overcome any deficiency in the breadth of
fundamental training or proper foundation for advanced work, special preliminary or pre-doctoral courses are suggested by
each department/centre. The award of Ph.D. is in recognition of high achievements, independent research and application of
scientific knowledge to the solution of technical and scientific problems. The Institute lays special emphasis on India-centric
research activities. A new Ph. D. programme was started in the School of Biological Sciences of the Institute in this period.

The following Departments/ Centres/ School of the Institute offer the Doctorate programme:

Departments/ Centres/ Schools

Applied Mechanics
Biochemical Engineering & Biotechnology
Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Computer Science & Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Humanities & Social Sciences
Management Studies
Mechnical Engineering
Textile Technology
Applied Research in Electronics
Atmospheric Sciences
Biomedical Engineering
Energy Studies
Industrial Tribology, Machine Dynamics & Maintenance Engineering
Instrument Design & Development
Polymer Science & Engineering
Rural Development & Technology
National Resource Centre for Value Education in Engineering
Amar Nath and Shashi Khosla School of Information Technology
Bharti School of Telecommunication Technology and Management
Kusuma School of Biological Sciences

5. Performance (April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013)

• Performance Statistics 18
• Admissions 20
• Academic Performance 28
• Internship & Placement 34
• Staff Training Programmes 36
• Scholarships, Assistantships and Awards 37
• Infrastructure Development 42
• New Initiatives 52
• The Year in Perspective 55 17
Performance Statistics
(April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013)

7848 Total students on roll

According to QS, India Today and

3590 UG students on roll
Outlook, IIT Delhi has been ranked
in the first position amongst all the
engineering colleges in India.
1653 Research Scholars on roll

2605 PG students on roll

PG Students UG Students
54.26% 45.74% 1436 Female students

Female Students

Foreign students from 9 countries

Male Students

Scholars received the Ph.D. degree
Awards/scholarships/medals given at
the Undergraduate and Postgraduate
level. In addition, the Institute has a
“Loan Scholarship Scheme” which makes
it more affordable for the students who
take loan from banks.

439 Research Scholar Admissions

30 New faculty members joined the
institute this year.

1178 PG Admissions 450 Faculty and Academic Staff

856 UG Admissions
850 Non-academic Staff

2473 Total Admissions

70 Faculty fellows under CEP

Performance Statistics

112 Operational MoUs/Agreements with

142 New Sponsored Research Projects
Foreign Institutions/Organisation with a total funding of Rs.88.63 crores.

60 MoUs/Agreements Indian
348 Consultancy Jobs with a total value
of Rs.18.29 crores.

2400 Research articles published by the

faculty members and researchers of
the institute in international journals
Miscellaneous Projects
worth Rs.6.11 crores.

1700 Articles indexed in Scopus, an

international indexing service in Science
& Technology and Social Sciences

21 Books Published by Faculty

29 Collaborative Projects/Consultancies
with international funding

35 Titles of E-books added under the

Text Book and Book Bank

New Courses developed by Faculty
40 Companies visited for Placement

QIP/CEP courses
43 Total Job Offers

Major New Equipments installed

Total Placements 481 UG Placements

47 271 PG Placements

Ph.D. Placements 19
(April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013)

Academic programmes at IITD cover a wide range of science Qualifying Examination. If any Board awards only letter
and engineering disciplines. IITD’s Bachelor’s programs, which grades without providing an equivalent percentage of marks
are the most sought after even on global scales, and for which on the grade sheet, the candidate should obtain a certificate
the entry is through the Joint Entrance Examination, intake has from the Board specifying equivalent marks, and submit it at
steadily increased for the last few years and during the year the time of counseling.
2012-2013, 3,518 UG students were on roll. The enrolment of
Those appearing in 10+2 final or its equivalent examination
postgraduate students during the year 2012-2013 was 4,258.
may also appear in JEE for consideration of Provisional
These figures include 1,436 women students. There were 78
admission. All provisional admissions stand cancelled if proof of
foreign students from 9 countries pursuing postgraduate
having passed the qualifying examination (10+2 or equivalent)
education at the Institute during the year 2012-13. In order
is not submitted before September 30th of the year in which
to make IIT Delhi more international in character and to make
admission is sought.
better use of international intellectual resources, administration
is constantly working towards increasing the strength of Postgraduate
international students and faculty in the campus. The admission to full-time M. Tech. programmes is made on
The Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government the basis of performance in the Graduate Aptitude Test in
of India, has emphasized the need to increase the admission of Engineering (GATE) — an All India entrance test and interview at
foreign nationals under the self-financing scheme. The Institute the Institute. A limited number of students are also admitted on
has taken necessary steps in this regard and we hope to increase part-time basis from amongst working professionals alongwith
the strength of the foreign nationals in the coming years. the regular full-time students, subject to their satisfying certain
academic and experience requirements. The Institute also offers
On the recommendation of the Board of Postgraduate Studies & a special M.Tech. programme (evening) in the field of Energy
Research, the Senate has approved starting of a Ph.D. program and Environmental Management on a part-time basis catering
under the National Resource Centre for Value Education in to the needs of working professionals from R & D organisations,
Engineering (NRCVEE) in the areas such as: Philosophy of Values, public sector undertakings, government departments and
Professional Ethics, and Interaction of Science, Technology and private industries.
Human Values.
Admission to the 2-year M.Des Programme in Industrial Design
ADMISSION PROCEDURE is made on the basis of CEED (70% weightage) and test/
interview (30% weightage).
All applications are processed by the concerned Department/
Admission to all Undergraduate Programmes listed before
Centre/School/Programme and shortlisted applicants are called
are made through the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE). The
for a written test and/or interview. The date for test/interview
eligibility for appearing for JEE is as follows:
is communicated by the Department/Centre/ Programme.
• The minimum academic qualification is the final examination Selected candidates are given offer letters by the Departments/
of 10+2 system or its equivalent. The candidates belonging Centres/Schools after approval of the selection by the Dean,
to the general category and OBC must secure a minimum PGS & R. They are required to pay the first installment of fees
of 60% marks in aggregate in their Qualifying Examination. by a given date, failing which their admission offer stands
Candidates belonging to SC, ST and PD categories must automatically cancelled. Seats so released are then offered to
secure a minimum of 55% marks in aggregate in the wait listed candidates.

Ph.D. 439

M.B.A. (Full me/Part me) 83

M.S. (Research) 37

Graph on the right gives the programme M.Des. 20
wise details of total number of admissions in
2012-2013. M.Tech. 857

M.Sc. 140
B.Tech. integrated M.Tech. and
dual degree programme 856

0 200 400 600 800 1000



Following tables (I, II, III) give the details regarding the admissions in the given period in different courses offered at IIT Delhi. Table IV and
V shows the total number of students enrolled in different departments and centres. Category wise distribution of students in different
programmes is given in Table VII.

Table I : Break-up of Admissions through Joint Entrance Examination during 2012-2013 according to the Various

Discipline Sanctioned Strength Actual Admissions

B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering 71 72
B.Tech. in Civil Engineering 109 110
B.Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering 63 65
B.Tech. in Electrical Engineering 63 63
B. Tech. in Electrical Engineering (Power) 32 32
B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering 103 104
B.Tech. in Production Engineering 48 48
B.Tech. in Engineering Physics 63 63
B.Tech. in Textile Technology 93 94
M.Tech. in Mathematics & Computer Applications (5-year 48 48
B.Tech. and M.Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering (5-year 32 32
Dual Degree)
B.Tech. and M.Tech. in Chemical Engineering (5-year Dual 52 51
B.Tech. and M.Tech. in Biochemical Engineering and 48 48
Biotechnology (5-year dual Degree)
B. Tech. in Electrical Engineering and M.Tech. in Information 26 26
and Communication Technology (5 year Dual Degree)

Table II : Students Admitted to First Year of the M.Tech./M.Des./MS(R)/D.I.I.T., M.B.A. & M.Sc. Programmes as on July 31,
2012 (the last date for late registration in Ist Semester 2012-2013)

Course Students with Institute Others (including Total

Assistantship part-timers)
Master of Technology (M.Tech.)
Department of Applied Mechanics
Design Engineering 27 1 28
Engineering Mechanics 30 3 33
Department of Chemical Engineering
Chemical Engineering 32 2 34
Department of Chemistry
Molecular Engineering: Chemical Synthesis and Analysis 13 — 13
Department of Civil Engineering
Geotechnical Geoenvironmental Engineering 17 3 20
Structural Engineering 19 12 31
Water Resources Engineering 17 9 26
Rock Engineering Under Ground Structures 19 3 22
Construction Technology & Management — 27 27 21
Table II, contd.

Construction Engineering and Management 28 14 42

Environmental Engineering and Management 19 1 20
Transportation Engineering 7 8 15
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
Computer Science & Engineering 49 9 58
Department of Electrical Engineering
Integrated Electronics & Circuits 12 1 13
Communications Engineering 14 5 19
Control & Automation 7 4 11
Power Electronics, Electrical Machines & Drives 17 5 22
Computer Technology 14 3 17
Power System 12 5 17
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Thermal Engineering 20 4 24
Design of Mechanical Equipment 17 5 22
Production Engineering 24 3 27
Industrial Engineering 17 3 20
Department of Physics
Applied Optics 8 4 12
Solid State Materials 13 2 15
Department of Textile Technology
Textile Engineering 13 — 13
Fibre Science & Technology 13 — 13
Centre for Applied Research in Electronics
Radio Frequency Design and Technology 15 20 35
Centre for Atmospheric Sciences
Atmospheric Oceanic Science Technology 13 3 16
Interdisciplinary Programmes
Computer Applications 13 1 14
Energy Studies 28 3 31
Energy & Environmental Management — 26 26
Industrial Tribology & Maintenance Engineering 15 1 16
Instrument Technology 15 — 15
Polymer Science & Technology 16 — 16
Opto-Electronics & Optical Communication 18 2 20
Tele-communication Technology and Management 18 1 19
VLSI Tools and Design — 21 21
Total 629 214 843
Master of Design (M.Des.)
Industrial Design 20 — 20
P.G. Diploma in Metro Rail Transport — 21 21
Naval Construction — 20 20
Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Chemistry — — 47
Mathematics — — 49
Physics — — 44

Table II, contd.
M.S. (Research)
Mechanical Engineering — 11 1
Civil Engineering — 2 2
Applied Mechanics — 1 1
Amar Nath Shashi Khosla School of Information Technology — 3 3
Bharti School of Telecommunication Technology — 1 1
Computer Science & Engineering 1 — 1
Electrical Engineering — 7 7
Chemical Engineering — 2 2
Biochemical Engineering & Biotech 4 — 4
Full Time — 48 48
Part Time — 35 35
Total 654 354 1148
Table III : Research Scholars Admitted in both the Semesters of the Session 2012-2013
Department/Centre I Semester II Semester Total
Institute Scholars Institute Scholars
Supported Supported from Supported Supported from
Scholars Other Sources Scholars Other Sources
Applied Mechanics 8 12 1 4 25
Biochemical Engineering & Biotechnology 4 2 2 5 13
Chemical Engineering 20 4 3 10 37
Chemistry 16 9 1 11 37
Civil Engineering 32 5 3 17 57
Computer Science & Engineering 11 11 — — 22
Electrical Engineering 27 7 2 9 45
Humanities & Social Sciences 5 2 1 7 15
Management Studies 13 3 1 6 23
Mathematics 5 2 1 4 12
Mechanical Engineering 19 8 2 13 42
Physics 26 15 3 7 51
Textile Technology 3 2 1 1 7
Centre for Applied Research in Electronics 3 — — 2 5
Centre for Atmospheric Sciences 3 3 1 4 11
Centre for Biomedical Engineering 8 4 — 3 15
Centre for Energy Studies 31 10 12 5 58
Industrial Tribology, Machine Dynamics & 2 1 — — 3
Maintenance Engineering Centre
Instrument Design & Development Centre 2 1 — 2 5
Centre for Rural Development & Technology 12 7 1 5 25
Centre for Polymer Science & Engineering 8 7 — 3 18
Amar Nath and Shashi Khosla School of 2 — 2 2 6
Information Technology
School of Biological Sciences 4 2 2 2 10
Bharti School of Telecommunication Technology 7 2 1 3 13
Transportation Research & Injury Prevention 1 1 — — 2
National Resource Centre for Value Education 1 — — — 1
Total 273 120 40 125 558 23
Table IV : Total number of M.Tech./MS (R)/M.Sc./D.I.I.T.Students on Rolls as on July 31, 2012 (the last date for late
registration in Ist Semester, 2012-2013)

Course Institute Students Total

Supported Supported from
Students Other Sources
Master of Technology (M.Tech.)
Department of Applied Mechanics
Engineering Mechanics 55 7 62
Design Engineering 52 3 55
Department of Chemical Engineering
Chemical Engineering 51 3 54
Department of Chemistry
Molecular Engineering Chemical Synthesis and Analysis 23 — 23
Department of Civil Engineering
Construction Technology & Management 2 54 56
Geotechnical & Geoenvironment Engineering 26 5 31
Rock Engineering Underground Structures 32 5 37
Structural Engineering 31 33 64
Water Resources Engineering 24 13 37
Environmental Engineering and Management 26 7 33
Construction Engineering and Management 49 26 75
Transportation Engineering 12 17 29
Department of Computer Sc. & Engineering
Computer Science & Engineering 81 18 99
Total 464 191 655
Department of Electrical Engineering
Integrated Electronics & Circuits 29 7 36
Communication Engineering 23 12 35
Control & Automation 16 8 24
Power Electronics, Electrical Machines & Drives 32 16 48
Computer Technology 30 10 40
Power System 27 9 36
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Thermal Engineering 41 8 49
Design of Mechanical Equipment 35 8 43
Production Engineering 46 8 54
Industrial Engineering 45 8 53
Department of Physics
Applied Optics 29 5 34
Solid State Materials 36 4 40
Department of Textile Technology
Textile Engineering 20 1 21
Fibre Science & Technology 29 — 29
Centre for Atmospheric Sciences
Atmospheric Oceanic Science & Technology 23 7 30
Centre for Applied Research in Electronics
Radio Frequency Design and Technology 29 38 67
Total 490 149 639


Table IV, contd.

Interdisciplinary Programmes
Computer Applications 30 7 37
Energy Studies 50 8 58
Energy and Environmental Management — 84 84
Instrument Technology 31 7 38
Industrial Tribology & Maint. Engineering 25 7 32
Polymer Science & Technology 43 — 43
Opto-Electronics & Optical Communication 41 7 48
Tele-Communication Technology and Management 37 2 39
VLSI Design Tools and Technology 9 26 35
Master of Design (M.Des.)
Industrial Design 57 — 57
Total 1277 488 1765
M.B.A. — 249 249
Applied Mechanics — 3 3
Amar Nath and Shashi Khosla School of Information Technology 5 9 14
Bio-Chemical Engg. & Bio-Technology 9 — 9
Chemical Engineering 3 3 6
Computer Science & Engineering 4 9 13
Civil Engineering 1 4 5
Electrical Engineering 9 49 58
Mechanical Engineering 1 2 3
Bharti School of Telecommunication Technology 4 3 7
Total 1313 819 2132
P.G. Diploma (D.I.I.T.)
Naval Construction(1½ year) — 42 42
Metro Rail Transport: Technology and Management (one year) — 23 23
Master of Science (M.Sc.) (two years)
Chemistry — 105 105
Mathematics — 123 123
Physics — 101 101
Grand Total 1313 1213 2526 25

Table V : Research Scholars on the Institute Rolls as on July 31, 2012 (the last date for late registration in the Ist
semester, 2012-2013)

Department/Centre/School Students with Others (including Total

Institute Assistantship part-timers)
Amar Nath and Shashi Khosla School of Information 12 10 22
Applied Mechanics 28 29 57
Biochemical Engineering & Biotechnology 15 26 41
Chemical Engineering 35 73 108
Chemistry 19 113 132
Civil Engineering 44 122 166
Computer Science & Engineering 25 17 42
Electrical Engineering 53 118 171
Humanities & Social Sciences 10 40 50
Management Studies 17 58 75
Mathematics 15 46 61
Mechanical Engineering 41 101 142
Physics 39 99 138
Textile Technology 21 17 38
Centre for Applied Research in Electronics 12 24 36
Centre for Atmospheric Sciences 14 23 37
Centre for Biomedical Engineering 10 25 35
Transportation Research and Injury Prevention 3 6 9
Centre for Energy Studies 26 74 100
Industrial Tribology, Machine Dynamics & Maintenance 5 11 16
Engineering Centre
Instrument Design & Development Centre 9 20 29
Centre for Polymer Science & Engineering 23 17 40
Centre for Rural Development & Technology 18 21 39
School of Biological Sciences 8 27 35
Bharti School of Telecommunication Technology & 18 15 33
Total 520 1133 1653


Table VI : Category and Genderwise distribution of enrolled students in UG and PG courses

Program General OBC SC ST PH Total Grand Total

DIIT 46 5 5 - 6 1 2 - - - 59 6 65
MBA 143 36 25 5 21 - 1 - 2 - 192 41 233
MDes 14 4 7 - 3 1 3 1 - - 27 6 33
MSc 106 71 57 22 25 8 7 6 - - 195 107 302
MSR 63 17 14 - 4 - 1 - - - 82 17 99
MTech 825 195 281 40 141 22 26 3 - - 1273 260 1533
Total PG 1197 328 389 67 200 32 40 10 2 1828 437 2265
PhD 1009 571 190 57 92 37 8 4 5 1 1304 670 1974
Total (a) 2206 899 579 124 292 69 48 14 7 1 3132 1107 4239
B.Tech. (b) 1752 211 879 78 458 74 237 47 56 9 3171 419 3590
Total (a+b) 3958 1110 1458 202 750 143 285 61 63 10 6303 1526 7829
(as on August 2013) 27
Academic Performance
(April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013)

All the IITs follow the credits system of performance evaluation, with proportional weighting of courses based on their
importance. The total marks (usually out of 100) form the basis of grades, with a grade value (out of 10) assigned to a range of
marks. Sometimes, relative grading is done considering the overall performance of the whole class.
1786 candidates qualified for the award of various degrees of the Institute at the 43rd Annual Convocation held in October
2012. Details of the same are given in the following graph and Tables I, II and III.

Ph.D. 199
MBA 144
M.Tech. 645
M.S.(Research) 24
M.Des. 17
M.Sc. 123
P.G. Diploma (Metro Rail) 19
D.I.I.T. 29
Dual Degree Programme (M.Tech. & B.Tech.) 99
Integrated M.Tech. in Maths & Compu g 32
B.Tech. 453
U.G. Diploma 01

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Table I : Number of Undergraduate Students Graduated/Degree Awarded in Convocation 2012

Discipline No. of Students Passed

5 Year Dual Degree/ Integrated
B.Tech. in Biochemical Engineering & Biotechnology and 30
M.Tech. in Biochemical Engineering & Biotechnology
B.Tech. and M. Tech in Chemical Engineering 14
B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering and M.Tech. in Process 14
Engineering and Design
B.Tech. in Computer Science & Engineering and M.Tech. 23
in Computer Science & Engineering
B.Tech in Electrical Engineering and M.Tech in 18
Information and communication
M.Tech. in Mathematics and Computing 32
B.Tech. Degree
Civil Engineering 78
Chemical Engineering 53
Computer Science & Engineering 46
Electrical Engineering 50
Electrical Engineering (Power) 22
Machanical Engineering 76
Production and Industrial Engineering 39
Engineering Physics 40
Textile Technology 50
Diploma in Mechanical Engineering 1
Total 586

Table II : Number of Students Qualified for the Award of Degrees/Diplomas in 2012

Programme No. of Degrees Awarded No. of Diplomas Awarded

(a) M.Tech.
Engineering Mechanics 15 —
Design Engineering 23 —
Molecular Engineering: Chemical Synthesis 7 —
Chemical Engineering 23 —
Construction Technology & Management 22 —
Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 8 —
Structural Engineering 22 1
Water Resources Engineering 1 —
Rock Engineering & Underground Structures 11 —
Construction Engineering and Management 21 —
Environmental Engineering and Management 13 —
Transportation Engineering 8 —
Computer Science & Engineering 42 1
Control and Automation 7 —
Communications Engineering 19 —
Power Electronics, Electrical Machines & Drives 12 —
Computer Technology 18 1
Integrated Electronics & Circuits 20 —
Power Systems 13 —
Computer Applications 20 —
Thermal Engineering 19 1
Production Engineering 14 —
Industrial Engineering 11 —
Energy and Environmental Management (Evening) 31 —
Ocean Sciences and Technology 10 —
Instrument Technology 17 1
Design of Mechanical Equipment 16 1
Applied Optics 20 —
Solid State Materials 13 —
Fibre Science & Technology 16 —
Textile Engineering 22 —
Radio Frequency Design and Technology 18 __
Energy Studies 26 —
Industrial Tribology & Maintenance Engineering 9 —
Polymer Science & Technology 26 —
Opto-Electronics & Optical Communication 22 —
VLS M.Tech. VLSI Design Tools and Technology 11 —
Telecommunication Technology and Mangement 19 —
(b) MBA
Management Systems 75 —
Technology Management 47 —
Telecommunication System Management 22 —
(c) D.I.I.T. (2-year)
Naval Construction __ 23
(d) P.G. Diploma in Metro Rail Transport : Technology & Management — 19
(e) M.Sc. 123 —
(f) M.Des. 17 —
(g) M.S. (Research) —
Amarnath & Shashi Khosla School of Information Technology 4 —
BioChemical Engineering 6 —
Mechanical Engineering 1 —
Applied Mechanics 1 —
Electrical Engineering 8 —
Telecommunication Technology and Mangement 3 —
Total 952 48 29
Academic Performance

Table III : Number of Ph.D. Degrees Awarded in 2012

Department/Centre No.of Degrees Awarded

Applied Mechanics 7
Bio-chemical Engineering & Bio-technology 5
Chemical Engineering 10
Chemistry 19
Civil Engineering 10
Computer Science & Engineering 3
Electrical Engineering 18
Humanities & Social Sciences 10
Management Studies 11
Mathematics 5
Mechanical Engineering 10
Physics 19
Textile Technology 6
Centre for Atmospheric Sciences 7
Centre for Bio-medical Engineering 7
Centre for Energy Studies 27
Industrial Tribology, Machine Dynamics & Maintenance Engineering Centre 4
Instrument Design & Development Centre 4
Centre for Polymer Science & Engineering 7
Centre for Rural Development & Technology 7
Applied Research in Electronics 2
Amarnath and Shashi Khosla School of IT 1
Total 199

Academic Performance

For each semester, the students are graded on a scale of 0 to 10 based on their performance, by taking a weighted average of the
grade points from all the courses, with their respective credit points. Each semester evaluation is done independently and then the
weighted average over all semesters is used to calculate the cumulative grade point average (known as CGPA or CPI—Cumulative
Performance Index). The following table gives the Discipline-wise break-up of CGPA for the two Academic Semesters:

Table IV: Discipline-wise break-up of CGPA for the two Academic Semesters (Undergraduate Courses)
(Academic Session 2011-2012 (2008 Entry Students)]

Discipline 10.00- 9.00 8.99-8.00 7.99-7.00 6.99-6.00 5.99-5.00 4.99-4.00 3.99-3.00 2.99-2.00 Less than 2.00 Total
First Semester
Dual-Degree in Biochemical Engineering 1 3 9 9 7 2 0 0 0 31
& Biotechnology (BB5)*
Civil Engineering (CE1) 4 20 23 12 19 4 0 0 0 82
Chemical Engineering (CH1) 3 12 16 12 7 0 0 0 0 50
Dual Degree in Chemical Engineering 0 5 11 8 11 0 0 0 0 35
Computer Science & Engineering (CS1) 13 12 15 1 4 1 0 0 0 46
Dual-Degree in Computer Science & 2 4 5 10 1 0 0 0 0 22
Engineering (CS5)
Electrical Engineering (EE1) 4 17 16 7 5 0 0 0 0 49
Electrical Engineering (Power) (EE2) 1 3 5 11 1 1 0 0 0 22
Electrical Engineering (EE5) 4 6 4 2 4 0 0 0 0 20
Mechanical Engineering (ME1) 8 17 24 20 8 3 0 0 0 80
Mechanical Engineering (ME2) 1 10 8 8 6 2 0 0 0 35
Mathematics and Computing (MT5) 0 5 11 12 5 0 0 0 0 33
Engineering Physics (PH1) 1 10 11 13 5 0 0 0 0 40
Textile Engineering (TT1) 1 11 19 11 9 1 0 0 0 52
Total 43 135 177 136 92 14 0 0 0 597
Second Semester
Dual-Degree in Biochemical Engineering 3 2 9 7 8 2 0 0 0 31
& Biotechnology (BE5)
Civil Engineering (CE1) 4 22 22 13 17 4 0 0 0 82
Chemical Engineering (CH1) 3 15 13 12 7 0 0 0 0 50
Dual-Degree in Chemical Engineering 0 6 12 7 10 0 0 0 0 35
Computer Science & Engineering (CS1) 13 12 14 2 5 0 0 0 0 46
Dual-Degree in Computer Science & 1 6 5 8 2 0 0 0 0 22
Engineering (CS5)
Electrical Engineering (EE1) 5 19 15 6 4 0 0 0 0 49
Electrical Engineering (EE2) 1 3 8 8 1 1 0 0 0 22
Electrical Engineering (EE5) 4 6 5 1 4 0 0 0 0 20
Mechanical Engineering (ME1) 7 21 24 16 9 2 0 0 0 79
Mechanical Engineering (ME2) 2 12 7 8 4 2 0 0 0 35
Mathematics and Computing (MT5) 0 7 11 11 4 0 0 0 0 33
Engineering Physics (PH1) 2 9 15 10 4 0 0 0 0 40
Textile Engineering (TT1) 1 12 18 11 9 1 0 0 0 52
Total 46 152 178 120 88 12 0 0 0 596 31
Academic Performance

Table V : Academic Performance of 1st year Students of Postgraduate Programmes

Programme No. of students No. of students

admitted (2012) qualifiedto continue*
(a) M.Tech.
Engineering Mechanics 33 33
Design Engineering 28 28
Chemical Engineering 34 34
Molecular Engineering: Chemical Synthesis and Analysis 13 13
Construction Technology and Management 27 27
Geotechnical & Geoenvironment Engineering 20 20
Structural Engineering 31 31
Water Resources Engineering 26 26
Construction Engineering and Management 42 42
Rock Engineering of Underground Structures 22 22
Environmental Engineering and Management 20 19
Transportation Engineering 15 15
Computer Science & Engineering 58 58
Control and Automation 11 10
Communications Engineering 19 19
Power Electronics, Electrical Machines & Drives 22 22
Computer Technology 17 16
Integrated Electronics & Circuits 13 13
Power Systems 17 17
Computer Applications 14 14
Thermal Engineering 24 21
Production Engineering 27 27
Industrial Engineering 20 19
Design of Mechanical Equipment 22 21
Telecommunication Technology and Management 19 19
VLSI Tools and Design 21 21
Radio Frequency Design & Technology 35 35
Solid State Materials 15 15
Applied Optics 12 12
Atmospheric Oceanic Science Technology 16 16
Fibre Science & Technology 13 16
Textile Engineering 13 7
Energy Studies 31 31
Energy Studies (Evening Programme) 26 26
Industrial Tribology & Maintenance Engineering 16 16
Polymer Science & Technology 16 16
Opto-Electronics & Optical Communication 20 20
Instrument Technology 15 15
(b) M.S. (Research)
Amar Nath & Shashi Khosla School of In formation Technology 3 1
Bio-chemical Engg. & Bio-technology 4 4
Chemical Engineering 2 1

Academic Performance

Mechanical Engineering 1 1
School of Information Technology 3 3
Computer Science & Engineering 1 1
Electrical Engineering 7 7
Bharti School of Telecommunication Technology 1 1
(c) M.Des.
Industrial Design 20 20
(d) D.I.I.T. (2 year)
Naval Construction 20 20
(e) One year P.G. Diploma in Metro Rail Transport: Technology and 21 21
(f) M.Sc.
Chemistry 47 47
Mathematics 49 49
Physics 44 44
Management Studies
M.B.A. Programme (Full-time) 48 48
M.B.A. Programme (Part-time) 35 35
Total 1149 1135
*The remaining students either left the Institute or failed to meet the minimum C.G.P.A. requirements to continue in the next semester. 33
Internship and Placement
(April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013)

Training & Placement activities are guided by an Institute Level T&P Unit in the effective planning of summer practical training for
Committee consisting of Faculty members and students. The student 3rd year B.Tech./Dual degree/Integrated M.Tech. students, besides
committees, i.e. Central Committee at the Institute level as well as obtaining a good number of stipends and other facilities such as
Nucleus Committees at departmental level, actively participated in transport, accommodation, etc.
the Training & Placement activities.
The T&P unit with the active cooperation of Nucleus Committees
As in the past the Training and Placement Unit continued to plan, of the departments was able to arrange more than the required
organise and consolidate the Training and Placement activities for number of seats for internships but also got 359 stipends and 159
students. It actively interacted with various industrial, technical, other perquisites. Detailed instructions to students were also issued
management and research organisations in the country. The dual prior to the commencement of the training programme. A gist of
aim of establishing this rapport is to ensure that students are given data regarding the pre-final year students training is given in Table-I.
adequate technical exposure/industrial training during their pre-
final year and subsequently get employment in organisations which Placement
match their aspirations and objectives. A letter of invitation for Campus Interviews was sent to a large
As in the previous years, this year too, web based placement services number of public or private sector organisations especially to those
were provided using the internal T&P server. The students got all which visited the Institute for campus interviews during the last
information on their desktops PCs/laptops, applied on-line and could three years. A large number of them gave electronic copies of their
see the progress of their application including the final results. The job profiles which were made available to the students through the
companies too were issued user name and password for accessing internal web server. This vigorous drive resulted in requisitions being
and short-listing CVs and uploading their presentations and files. This obtained from industries from 348 Companies for 426 profiles. Total
considerably reduced the conventional pre-placement talks on the 273 companies visited the campus as a result of which 728 students
campus. were placed making total jobs of 797 (some students got multiple
jobs). The sector-wise distribution of profiles opened for placement
The analysis of the past training and placement activities was are given in Table II.
presented to the students to help them decide their future course of
action. Constant liaison with industries was maintained throughout Table II- Sector -wise distribution of Profiles Opened for Placement
the year to ensure student placements across sectors.
Sector Profiles Opened Students Placed
This office also organised some pre-placement workshops, panel Analytics 16 58
discussions and career counselling talks by distinguished persons Consulting 48 84
from reputed technical, industrial, management and research Core (Technical) 126 258
organisations for the benefit of the graduating students. Some of the Finance 16 30
Institute alumni who are holding very senior positions in private and Information Technology 75 126
public sector organisations were also invited to share their personal Management 01 -
experience with the student community of the Institute. Other 95 135
An online interview preparation personality development & career Teaching & Research 25 42
Total 402 733
guidance system was also made available to all students of the
Ground rules for placement evolved in consultation with the students
Internship and faculty members led to a just and equitable distribution of job
A personal dialogue with top executives of a large number of opportunities amongst the student community.
industries resulted in better understanding of their functional The discipline wise beak-up of on campus placement position is
requirements and training activities. This effort also helped the shown in Table III and IV.

Table 1 - 3rd Year Students Summer Training - 2013

Discipline Seats- Obtained Seats- Required Stipend Other Facilities
(a) B. Tech/Dual Degree
Chemical Engg./Dual Degree 123 127 58 10
Comp. Sc.&Engg./ Dual Degree 96 96 85 40
Civil Engineering 118 111 34 3
Electrical Engg/Power/Dual Degree 133 129 78 50
Engineering Physics 55 57 12 6
Mechanical Engineering/ Industrial 158 153 34 22
&Production Engineering
Textile Technology 80 71 23 8
(b) 5-Year Integrated M.Tech. Programe
Bio -Chem. Engg.& Bio-Tech 42 42 6 10
Math & Computer Application 50 50 29 10
Total 855 836 359 159

Table III : Discipline-wise break-up of On-Campus Placement Position of B.Tech./Dual and 5-year integrated
M. Tech. Students during 2012-13

Discipline No. of Students No.of Effective No.of Students with more

Registered Placements* than one job**
(a) B.Tech
Chemical Engineering 54 46 02
Civil Engineering 78 57 02
Computer Sc. & Engineering 44 44 13
Electrical Engineering 51 47 04
Electrical Engg.(Power) 21 19 02
Mechanical Engineering 79 71 04
Industrial & Production Engg. 34 26
Textile Technology 50 35
Physics Engineering 38 33
(b) Dual / 5-Year Integrated M. Tech Programmes
Mathematics &Computer Appn. 35 31 05
Bio-chemical Engg. & Bio.Tech.. 17 13
Chemical Engg. Dual 30 23 01
Computer Sc. & Engg.Dual (CO) 21 20 07
Electrical Dual (EI) 18 16 02
Total 570 481 42

*Others would have obtained jobs via off-campus mode or opted for higher studies in India or Abroad.
**This is because more than one company declared the results on the same day.

Table IV : On-campus Placement Position of M.Tech. Students during 2012-13.

Department/ Interdiscip. Programme No. of Students No.of Effective No.of students with
Registered Placements* More than** one job
Applied Mechanics 44 22 01
Atmospheric Oceanic Sc. 09
Chemical Engineering 11 05
Civil Engineering 29 13 02
Computer Sc. & Engineering 29 27 04
Electrical Engineering 53 39 05
Computer Application (Maths) 14 12 01
Mechanical Engineering 54 28
Physics 20 05
Textile Technology 21 13
Energy Studies 17 05
ITMMEC 08 01
Opto-Electronics and Communication 13 03
Polymer Sc. & Technology 18 02
Instrument Technology 12 05
VLSI 10 10 02
CRF (Care) 14 11
Tele Communications 16 16
Total 392 217 15

In addition 14 M. Des., 10 M.Sc., 03 MS Research, and 08 Ph.D. students also were placed through our campus activities. MBA students did their placement separately.
*Others are have got placement via off-campus mode. Some would have gone for higher studies.
**This is because more than one company declared the results on the same day.
Total Jobs = B.Tech. & Dual + M.Tech. + M. Des. + M.Sc. + MS Res. + Ph.D. = 378 + 103 + 217 + 14 + 10 + 3 + 8 = 733 35
Staff Training Programmes
(April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013)

The Institute continues to take particular care of its staff so that they are properly equipped with the skill/knowledge that is
required to keep pace with the developments taking place in both administrative and technical spheres. It deputes its technical,
secretarial and ministerial staff to various training institutions in and outside Delhi. During the year under report 178 staff
members/officers belonging to administrative and technical cadres were deputed/sponsored for training outside the Institute.
Details are as follows.

Staff Training Programmes

Table I : Group A Officers Deputed for Various Staff Training Programmes in 2012-2013

Title of Training Period of Training Name / Group

Training Programme on ‘Administrative Vigilance-I 28/05/2012 to 01/06/2012 Sh. Kalyan
(Code AV-I)- Kr. Bhattacharjee
Workshop on “Autonomous Bodies: Accountability, 08/08/2012 Sh. M.K. Gulati
Governance and Evaluation” Sh. R.K. Gupta
Two days Workshop on “Right to Information Act, 2005 17/12/2012 to 18/12/2012 Sh. S.K. Verma
Ms. Krishna Pradeep
Management Development Programme on ‘Analysis of 21/11/2012 to 23/11/2012 Sh. Anup Kuksal
Financial Statements’ Md. Shamim
Technical Workshop on “Roster Writing and Reservation 19/12/2012 to 21/12/2012 Ms. Neeru Sharma
in Services Government Policy for SCs, STs and OBC and Sh. Suresh Kr. Gohar
Physically Handicapped” Sh. Vijay Pal Singh
Training Course on Purchase Management in Govt. 04/03/2013 to 06/03/2013 Sh. K.K. Bhattacharjee
(PMG-2) Dr. Vivek Raman
Technical Workshop on “Managing Office and 16/01/2013 to 18/01/2013 Sh. Ramesh
Development” Kr. Thareja

Workshop on “Noting & Drafting” 20/05/2013 to 21/05/2013 Sh. Ramesh Kumar

Training Programme on ‘Administrative Vigilance- 18/03/2013 to 29/03/2013 Sh. Anup Kuksal

(Code AV-I)

“Homeland Security India Conference-2013” 15/03/2013 Sh. B. Kanjilal

Sh. S.R. Gothwal

Scholarships, Assistantships and Awards
(April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013)

The Institute believes in the maxim that no deserving student, however weak in financial backing, should be denied
the opportunity of education at IIT Delhi. To encourage and to provide financial incentives to meritorious students and
assistance to the needy students of the institute, individuals, trusts and organisations have been instituting scholarships,
awards, etc. at the Institute. At present, there are 106 awards/scholarships/medals being given at the Undergraduate and
Postgraduate level. This is in addition to more than 1445 awards instituted by the Institute directly in the form of merit-cum-
means scholarships, cash prizes and freeships.

In addition, the Institute has a “Loan Scholarship Scheme” which makes it more affordable for the students who take
loan from banks. Additional Medals, Awards, Fellowships and Scholarships instituted during the previous year include
Sadashiv Shankar Gokhale Scholarship, Akshat Gupta Scholarship, Shri Beni Madho Singh Scholarship, Koul Basu Research
Award, Prof. P.K. Katti Award, NRCVEE Best Project and Essay Award, Punita and Jayant Sinha Awards and Shri O.P. Bansal
Cash Award, etc.

Below is a summary of cash prizes and merit-cum means scholarships offered to B.Tech students during the session

Scholarships/Assistantships/Freeships and Awards

Table I : Number of Cash Prizes Merit-cum-Means Scholarships/Freeships offered to B.Tech. Students during the
Session 2012-2013

Class Cash Prizes No. of Scholarships Free Mess Services Freeships for Gen &
Awarded (basic menu and pocket allowance of OBC (w.e.f 2010)
Rs 250/- p.m. to S.C./S.T. students)
I-Year 71 239 94 83

II-Year 106 180 83 66

III-Year 86 197 84 33

IV-Year 69 154 64 –

V-Year 35 1 10 –

Backlog 7 – 6 –

Total 374 771 251 182

Table II : Assistantships to Dual Degree Students during the Session 2012-2013

Course No. of Assistantships Renewed No. of Assistantships Awarded

Bio-chemical Engg. & Bio-Tech. 17 24

Computer Science & Engineering 17 20

Electrical Engineering 16 19

Chemical Engineering 15 26

Mathematics and Computing 21 27

Total 86 116 37
Assistantships and Awards

Students pursuing M.Tech./ M.Des/ MS (R) are eligible for institute assistantship at the time of admission. However, for
continuation of the assistantship they have to maintain a minimum SGPA (semester grade point average) at the end of every
semester. The table below shows the assistantship awarded to 2012 entry students and renewed to the existing students.
A total of 654 students were awarded assistantship in 2012-13

Table III: Assistantships Offered to the Students of M.Tech., M.Des., MS(R) and M.Sc. Programmes during the Session

(i) M.Tech./M.Des.
Course No. of Assistantships No. of Assistantships
Renewed Awarded
(a) M.Tech.
Engineering Mechanics 25 30
Design Engineering 25 27
Chemical Engineering 19 32
Molecular Engineering : Chemical Synthesis & Analysis 10 13
Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 9 17
Structural Engineering 12 19
Construction Engineering and Management 21 28
Environmental Engineering and Management 7 19
Rock Engg. and Underground Structures 13 19
Water Resources Engineering 7 17
Transportation Engineering 5 7
Computer Science & Engineering 32 49
Power Electronics, Electrical Machines & Drives 15 17
Communications Engineering 9 14
Control and Automation 9 7
Computer Technology 16 14
Power System 15 12
Integrated Electronics & Circuits 17 12
Computer Applications 17 13
Thermal Engineering 21 20
Production Engineering 22 24
Industrial Engineering 28 17
Design of Mechanical Equipment 18 17
Applied Optics 21 8
Solid State Materials 23 13
Textile Engineering 7 13
Fibre Science & Technology 16 13
Atmospheric-Oceanic Science & Technology 10 13
Radio Frequency Design and Technology 14 15

Assistantships and Awards

contd. .....

Energy Studies 22 28
Industrial Tribology & Maintenance Engineering 10 15
Polymer Science & Technology 27 16
Opto-electronics & Optical Communication 23 18
Instrument Technology 16 15
Telecommunication Technology and Management 19 18
(b) M.Des.
Industrial Design 37 20
(c) MS (Research)
Bio-chemical Engg. & Bio-Tech. 5 4
Bharti School of Telecommunication Technology & Management 4 —
Amar Nath & Shashi Khosla School of Information Technology 5 —
Computer Science & Engineering 3 1
Civil Engineering 1 —
Electrical Engineering 9 —
Chemical Engineering 3 —
Mechanical Engineering 1 —
Total 649 654

List of the merit-cum-means scholarships awarded for MSc is as follows:

Table IV : Merit-cum-means Scholarships Awarded to MSc. Students

2011 2012
Chemistry I year 12 19
II year 13 19
Mathematics I year 14 10
II year 14 10
Physics I year 14 22
II year — 22
Total 67 102

Other than these, fifteen M.Tech. students of the Institute had gone to Germany under the DAAD Scholarship Scheme to do
part of their thesis research under the Indo-German collaboration program. The Eleventh batch of 16 students for this year has
been selected and they departed on 1st September 2012.

Student’s Awards/ Achievements

Department of Biochemical Engineering & Biotechnology
• Geeta Gahlawat Afifa Anis and Ashok K. Srivastava (2013) “Development of medium recipe for biodegradable polymer poly-
β-hydroxy butyrate (PHB) production by Azohydromonas australica using statistical tools” poster presentation in “Advances
in bioprocesses for environmental safety and nutritional security” 2nd and 3rd March 2013 at HB Technological Institute,
Kanpur -208002 (Awarded 1st Prize). 39
Assistantships and Awards

Wireless Communications and Applications (ICWCA) 2012

held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia during October 2012.
Department of Physics
• Ajanta Barh, Research Scholar in the Physics has been
awarded the best student paper award cash prize and a
citation by an international Jury for her oral paper “Design of
a compact SOI Polarization Rotator for mid-IR application”,
co-athored with B. P. Pal, R. K. Varshney, and B. M. A Rahman
presented at the 5th triennial international conference on
Computers and Devices for Communication (CODEC-2012)
during Dec. 17-19, 2012 held in Kolkata; the conference was
sponsored by several societies of IEEE (USA).
• Winner Best Project Award, IITD Open House I2 Tech (2013)
at IIT-Delhi - “Exchange bias effect in Antiferromagnetic/
Ferromagnetic systems for Spintronics” Himanshu Fulara,
Department of Chemistry Sujeet Chaudhary, Subhash C. Kashyap
• Best Ph.D. Thesis Award by Indian Oil Corporation Limited, • Merit Prize, National Science Day (2013) : “Exchange bias
2012 (Shruti Trivedi). effect in Antiferromagnetic(AF)/Ferromagnetic(FM) systems
Department of Civil Engineering for Spintronics” (Best Speaker Award to Himanshu Fulara)
Himanshu Fulara, Sujeet Chaudhary, Subhash C. Kashyap,
• B. Tech. students demonstrated pre-engineered bamboo
National Science Day 2013 at IIT Delhi (28 February 2013).
structure and a multipurpose geodesic dome.
• Best paper award, 2012, to paper, “Early Detection of Department of Textile Technology
Corrosion in RC Structures Using EMI Tech.” by T. Visalakshi • Pratick Samanta, M.Tech. (Fiber Sc.) - 1st prize in 6th Young
& S. Bhalla, during CORCON 2012, 26-29 Sep. Goa. Research conference, ICT, Mumbai and 2nd prize in Student
Project Competition , Pearl Academy, New Delhi
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
• Sharda, PhD student, received Third prize for Poster
• Sandeep Bindal awarded Microsoft Research India travel
presentation at International Conference on Design of
grant of Rs. 80,000/- to present his paper on “Variable and
Biomaterials, held at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore,
Thread Bounding for Systematic Testing of Multithreaded
on 11th December 2012
Programs” at International Symposium on Software Testing
and Analysis (ISSTA) 2013. Centre for Applied Research in Electronics
• Amit Ruhela, PhD student of Dr Aaditeshwar Seth, has been • Lalithendra Kurra, 2nd prize poster presentation, National
awarded the best presentation in the COMSNETS 2012 PhD Science Day.
forum for his work on online social networks and Internet • OCEANS’12 MTS/IEEE Yeosu, Republic of Korea, May 21-24,
content distribution. 2012. Student Poster Award 3rd place: Sharbari Banerjee.
• The team of Rudradev Basak, Nikhil Garg and Pradeep George Centre for Atmospheric Sciences
Mathis, under the guidance of Prof. Naveen Garg, have secured
18th place in the Association of Computing Machinery’s • Sushant Das (3rd Prize in Student Presentation Category) -
International Collegiate Programming Contest 2012. IASTA 2012 (Mumbai).

• Best poster award for the poster “Roshni:Indoor Navigation

System for visually impaired” by Dhruv Jain, Prof. M.
Balakrishnan et. al. presented at the 4th IBM Collaborative
Academia Research Exchange (I-CARE 2012) held in
Bangalore, India during October 2012.
• Best paper award for the paper entitled “Design and user
study of an affordable cellphone based indoor navigation
system for visually impaired”, by Dhruv Jain, Prof. M.
Balakrishnan et. al. at the 13th International Conference on
“Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled People”
(TRANSED 2012 )held in New Delhi, September, 2012.
• Best paper award to Shivendra Tiwari, Saroj Kaushik, “Fusion
of Navigation Technology and E-Learning Systems for the
On-the-Spot Learning ” In IET International Conference on

Assistantships and Awards

The students pursuing Ph.D are also eligible for assistantships. This year 116 students were awarded assistantships. Assistantship
to existing students continues provided, they show satisfactory progress. The table below gives a discipline wise break-up of
assistantships awaited during the period.

Table V : Institute Assistantships Awarded to Research Scholars during the Session 2012-2013

Department/Centre No. of Assistantships No. of Assistantship

Renewed Awarded (2012 entry)

Amar Nath and Shashi Khosla School of Information 12 —

Bharti School of Telecommunication Technology & 16 2
Applied Mechanics 20 8
Biochemical Engineering & Biotechnology 13 2
Chemical Engineering 31 4
Chemistry 10 9
Civil Engineering 39 5
Computer Science & Engineering 14 11
Electrical Engineering 46 7
Humanities & Social Sciences 8 2
Management Studies 14 3
Mathematics 13 2
Mechanical Engineering 33 8
Physics 24 15
Textile Technology 19 2
Centre for Applied Research in Electronics 12 —
Centre for Atmospheric Sciences 11 3
Centre for Biomedical Engineering 6 4
Centre for Energy Studies 16 10
Industrial Tribology, Machine Dynamics & Maintenance 4 1
Engineering Centre
I.D.D. Centre 8 1
Centre for Polymer Science & Engineering 16 7
Centre for Rural Development & Technology 11 7
School of Biological Sciences 6 2
Transport and Energy Prevention 2 1
Total 404 116 41
Infrastructure Development
(April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013)

PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE 2. Construction of Boys Hostel ‘E’

All infrastructure related activity is managed by the Building Institute is planning for construction of another Boys’ Hostel
and Works Committee as given in Appendix III. (Hostel ‘E’). Architect has prepared conceptual design of Hostel
‘E’ which was approved by B&WC Committee. The modified
The revised Master Plan of the Institute was approved by MCD
drawing has been submitted to MCD/DUAC for approval. The
/ DUAC. The Master Plan is suitably prepared to provide for
Construction work has been assigned to CPWD. The hostel will
further expansion plans of the Institute. In the year 2012-13,
cater to 1000 students (approx.). The work shall be taken up
the Institute has taken up following major projects which are
for construction after obtaining statutory approvals.
under construction.
3. Construction of 414 single seated New Girls Hostel
1. Lecture Theater –cum- Lab Complex
The Institute has assigned the work to Panel Architect. This
L.T. Complex which is under construction shall provide
hostel will accommodate 414 students. The proposed hostel
lecture halls of 2 No. x 500 Seater, 3 No. X300 Seater and
shall be constructed along North Avenue adjacent to Himadri
12 No. x 150 Seater capacity and 9 class rooms of 60 Seater
Hostel, which also involves demolishing 2 Blocks in North
capacity each. The Lab block of the L.T. Complex shall cater
Avenue in the East campus. The concept design was approved
for facilities for Physics lab, Language lab, Graphic lab,
by B&WC. The Architect is arranging to submit building plans
Chemistry lab, Applied Mech. Lab, Bio Science lab, Electrical
to SDMC / DUAC for approval. The Construction work of the
Engineering and Computer lab. The RCC structure work in lab
hostel has been assigned to CPWD. The work shall be taken up
block is completed and finishing work is nearing completion.
for construction after obtaining statutory approvals.
The furniture of above labs has also been finalised by users
committee and CPWD has invited tender for the same. The 4. Construction of Golden Jubilee G.H. Keshwani Research
L.T. complex is expected to be completed by Dec - 2013. Centre
2. Construction of Clean room on the ground floor and first The IITD alumnus Sh. G.H. Keshwani has agreed to donate
floor in block VI for Nanoscale research facilities (NRF) fund for construction of Golden Jubilee G.H. Keshwani
Research Centre at IIT Delhi. Approx. 30,000 sq. ft of area shall
The renovation work for creating clean room on the ground
be constructed for research facilities at Ground + 6 floors.
floor and first floor in block VI for Nano scale research facilities
The Architect has prepared the submission drawings and
(NRF) is in progress and shall be ready for use by Dec. 2013.
submitted to SDMC for necessary approval. The work shall be
taken up for construction after obtaining statutory approvals.
Academic Infrastructure
5. Lifts for physically challenged persons in Academic Area
1. Construction of Institute (Students) Activities Centre
The Institute has planned for providing 8 Nos. Lifts for
the conceptual design of Institute activities centre has been
physically challenged persons in the academic area. The work
prepared. The B&WC considered and accepted the conceptual
has started at site and likely to be completed by 31.03.2014 .
design. The modified drawings are being submitted to MCD/
DUAC for approval. The construction work shall be taken up 6. Construction of Main swimming and a small swimming
after obtaining statutory approvals. pool for children in IITD
The Institute is planning to construct an Olympic size
swimming pool and a small pool for the children in the RCA.
The BOG has already accorded its approval to the proposal.
The work has been assigned to CPWD. The CPWD has invited
tenders and awarded the work to the contractor. The work is
likely to be completed by March 2014.

7. Construction of STP/ETP and network connecting Sewer

Lines to STP/ETP.
The Institute is planning to construct STP/ETP for compliance
of the requirements of Environment Clearance accorded by
the MoEF. Accordingly it was proposed to construct 3 STP’s
and 1 ETP in the campus. A consultant has already been

appointed by the Institute and the work on collection of Department of Computer Science & Engineering
data for design work is being carried out by the consultant.
• Two units Lyrtec SFF Software Defined Radio were installed
The Consultant has submitted the conceptual design and
in the Networks Lab.
preliminary estimate which has been approved by B&WC. EOI
is being invited to shortlist the contractors/firms for execution Department of Physics
of the work of STP in the campus.
• Time Resolved Photoluminescence.
8. Renovation works of the Taxila Apartments • Probe station for electrical characterization in different
In order to renovate and upgrade the specifications of Taxila ambience.
Apartments, the renovation work has been taken up. The • RF Sputtering System.
estimated cost of renovation shall be Rs. 4.00 Cr. The work has
already started and 10 houses have been handed over after • DC Sputtering System.
renovation.The work is likely to be completed by December 2013. Department of Textile Technology
9. Construction of Engineering Block 99B and 99C • Pore Size Analyzer.
The conceptual design for the proposed Engineering Block • Water Vapor Permeability tester.
99B and 99C was placed before the B&WC and the same was • Particle Size Analyzer.
accepted and approved. The two blocks shall be constructed
on both sides of ongoing project of L.T. cum Lab Complex. The Centre for Applied Research in Electronics
two blocks shall provide additional area for Labs, Workshops, • Mask aligner.
Faculty rooms etc. The available floor area for Engineering
Block 99B shall be 32,550 and for Engineering Block • Compressed Dry Air Unit.
99C shall be 26,250 Sq. mt. • Spin Coater.
10. Construction of additional Faculty Flats in West Cam- • Antenna testing setup.
pus near Vikramshila apartments
Centre for Atmospheric Sciences
The Institute has recently constructed 96 Faculty flats which
• Aethalometer.
have been allotted to eligible Faculty members. In order to
meet with the increased demand for houses for Faculty, the • Albedometer.
Institute is considering for construction of more faculty flats.
Centre for Energy Studies
M/s Kothari Associates Pvt. Ltd., Panel Architect was assigned
the work for design of faculty flats and the concept design was • Solar thermal-photovoltaic hybrid system installation for
accepted and approved by the B&WC. Architect is preparing solar energy utilization.
the submission drawing for obtaining necessary approvals. • Glove Box for preparing Organic Solar cells.
MAJOR NEW EQUIPMENTS INSTALLED • Metal nanoparticle synthesis techniques like sputtering &
Department of Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology Physical Vapor Deposition systems for Plamonic Solar Cells.
• Motorized upright Microscope with DIC and Optical • Solar simulator for solar cell efficiency characterization.
sectioning capability (Nikon) .
Centre for Rural Development and Technology
• 2-D electrophoresis set up. • Cell Counter
Department of Chemistry • UV-Visible Spectrophotometer
• Confocal Fluorescence Microscope. • Photo-bioreactors
• UV-VIS-NIR Absorption Spectrometer. • Five Gas Analyser for Analysis of Vehicle Exhaust Emissions;
• Time-resolved Fluorescence Spectrometer. • CNG Compressor: Capacity: 5 NM3/Hr
• Solar Simulator. • Multi component Gas Analyzer System
Department of Civil Engineering • Fully Automatic Microprocessor based Stack Monitoring
• Precision LCR meter. System Model PEM – SMS 4
• Dynamic Universal Testing Machine (UTM). • Particulate Matter Sampling System
• Fire furnace. • Moisture Analyzer, Model RSMAT-2
• Air compressor. • Hot air oven Configuration: 43
for non liner editing and recording. In addition to equipping the
classroom with these facilities, ETSC runs a loan service.
A media reference library with multiple viewing cabins has
been set up in the Central Library for the use of students and
faculty. The Educational Technology Services Centre has a
computer laboratory with modern multimedia capabilities
and internet connectivity. Computer Aided Instruction/
Computer Aided Learning courses/packages are developed
in the computer laboratory. Learning materials generated
by ETSC are disseminated at nominal price throughout the
country and abroad.

The Centre conducts short courses and modular programmes

on different aspects of educational technology for teachers
from the Institute and from other educational institutions and
• Digital Bomb Calorimeter with Printer Model RSBT-6 industry institutions. These courses are designed to sensitize
and guide the faculty to optimize their effort and time for
Kusuma School of Biological Sciences classroom and laboratory instruction as well as professional
• Next generation sequencer (order placed). development.

• Cryoelectron microscope (instrument acquired, site

preparation is ongoing).
• Flourescence Activated Cell Sorter (Procured, Installed and
In Operation).
• 4. MALDI-TOF TOF (Purchased).


The Educational Technology Services Centre (ETSC) is actively
engaged in promoting the use of Educational Technology at
the Institute and also at the national level. Some of its major
activities are:
• Design & Development of Instructional Resources - in the
form of videos and web based material.
• Provision and maintenance of Audio/Video equipment for
The Centre has the expertise and experience of undertaking
classroom teaching.
national and international level consultancy and sponsored
• Organize training programmes for faculty and professionals research projects. It has worked with agencies such as the
across the country. World Bank, AT&T, AICTE, UNESCO, UNDP Commonwealth
• Video conferencing for faculty selection interviews and of learning, the British Council and Adis Ababa University,
meetings. Ethiopia.
• E-learning and distance education.
NPTEL Project
• Undertake sponsored research and consultancy projects.
• Transmission of an independent 24 x 7 EKLAVYA technology The NPTEL project funded by MHRD has been successfully
channel to telecast video courses under NPTEL and other completed. Under this programme, all the seven IITs and
in-house programmes on EKLAVYA. Indian Institute of Science have worked together to develop
web and video based educational material for undergraduates
Services Offered courses initially in five disciplines, viz., Civil Engineering,
The Centre has a modern video studio with recording and Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering,
editing facilities. A studio-classroom with seating capacity of 60 Electronics and Communication Engineering and Mechanical
is available for on-line recording of courses. Non linear editing set Engineering. The web courses so developed are available
up and Apple Streaming server are available for post production through the various servers authorized by NPTEL. Phase II
and video streaming. ETSC takes care of the audio-visual needs of NPTEL Project has also started where its scope has been
of faculty and students. ETSC has procured and installed Sony further expanded to include more disciplines and advanced/
ANYCAST system in the Video Studio and in two lecture theatres post graduate courses.

Goals Achieved during the year
The following activities have been undertaken during the year
• E-tendering system for the Stores and Purchase Section has
been developed.
• Collection of basic information for the RFID card preparation.
• System for evaluation of the shops
• SLA for the Estate and Works section
• SLA for telephone complaints
• SLA for faculty Appraisal system revamped and
implemented using php.

Video Conferencing and Outreach • Catered to new reporting requirements in the faculty
recruitment site.
Video Conferencing facilities have been installed in two lecture
theatres and in the Conference Room of ETSC. The facility is • Developed a new system for the senate.
being used for faculty interviews, meetings and distance • ERP system for the academic system has been implemented.
education. For connectivity both ISDN and IP based network
connection are used. For classes to Adis Ababa University • The roundcube webmail interface has been upgraded and
(AAU), two lecture delivery rooms have been equipped with is fully integrated with IITD calander Server.
remote teaching facility. A dedicated two-way video link is • The disk space quota allocated to the academic users has
also provided for live delivery from IIT Delhi to AAU, Ethiopia. been enhanced.
The new lecture rooms as temporary structures have also been • CSC has released a new Wiki Forum, IITDWiki on the popular
equipped with audio/video, projection, distance education MediaWiki framework for use by faculty, students and staff.
and recording facilities. In addition, three Virtual Classroom • MRTG Traffic analysis health graphs for many facilities can
sare also being equipped under National Knowledge Network be viewed on the csc site.
(NKN). Live classes ae run for IIT-Ropar, IIT-Mandi and
Dayalbagh Educational Institute,Agra using the NKN. General Computing Facilities
Following are some of the major computing facilities that the
center has at present
The main objectives of the Computer Services Centre are to : • The Centre is equipped with 78 HP blade servers out of
• provide round the clock computing and networking which 48 Blade Servers are used for cloud computing with
facilities to serve a user population of more than 9000 50 TB of virtualized storage and 28 blade servers with 50
users consisting of undergraduate, postgraduate, research TB of storage for user homes and infrastructure use like
scholars, faculty and staff of institute provide advice on all email, proxy, web services etc. CSC also has 20 workstations
aspects of academic computing. for Simulation facility, 18+1 node dual CPU Sun Linux
cluster, 22TB SUN NAS, and about 220 desktops computers
• implement and maintain system and application software.
• impart introductory and advanced instructions to users.
• To work on cutting edge technology and provide the user
community with services based on new technology .
• implement and manage the Institute Network.
• provide support to Institute computerization efforts.
• do in-house development in IT related areas.
In addition, the center also participates in the Academic
programmes of various departments, undertakes Sponsored
Research and Consultancy Projects and Conducts CEP Courses
in several topical areas of Information Technology. 45
connected over a switched fast Ethernet. Uninterrupted
Power Supply is provided through 3x 80 KVA MGE UPS
system and DG set.
• Software like Abacus, Silvaco, Atlas, Fluent, MATLAB etc. are
being used and supported by CSC for scientific computing
along with other Bioinformatics utilities like HIMMER, NCBI
BLAST, PHYLIP, Linux Distribution, and GNU utilities etc.
• CSC supports web services provided through Virtual
Machines (VMs) hosted in Blade Servers having Linux
Operating System. These service are divided into five
sections: - global:, internal:,
faculty web pages:, for student activities: and for Computer Centre:
• CSC also supports variety of Engineering and technical
computing software network licenses like MATLAB, Neural
network tool box, Fuzzy logic tool box, Image processing Internet and Intranet access is provided to faculty/officer homes
tool box, Genetic Algorithm tool box, statistical tool box etc. using 56 dialup modems, and ADSL connectivity over internal
telephone lines. The academic area is also connected through
Other Infrastructure support services and Network secure Wi-Fi. An independent network has been provided for
Services provided by CSC : administrative functions. Many network services including
PC Services mail, web, domain name, anti-virus are being provided over
this network. IIT Delhi is connected to the National Knowledge
There are five PC Labs in the Centre having about 220 Desktop Network (NKN) with 1Gbps dual connectivity from PowerGrid
computers under Windows 7 / Linux environment. Multimedia and RailTel. This connectivity provides virtual routing service
projection facility and Plasma screens are provided in three PC for Garuda Network, Internet Connectivity, and connectivity
Labs for taking practical classes. Lectures can also be taken in with other Institutes connected on NKN backbone.
the committee room with the aid of plasma screen. Internet
access is provided through the use of LDAP and every user has IITD has upgraded the routers and switches for internet access,
been given a unique user-code and password. and the core and distribution network and has replaced the
existing multimode fiber with new single mode fiber. The
Simulation Lab Institute network is now migrating to a new 10Gb network
The Simulation lab is equipped with 20 Dell workstations backbone.
under Windows7 for CAD/CAE/CUDA and High Performance
Computing (HPC). Future Road Map :
The design /implementation activity on the following has
Orientation Courses
already been started:
A number of Matlab Programming Courses were held by the
• Setting up new Data center and Disaster recovery site
faculty of CSC for the benefit of the student community of IIT
during the year. • To set up High performance cluster computing facility

Summer Faculty Research Program • Enhance the cloud computing capability

Under the CEP program, many CSC faculty have mentored SRF • To implement ERP system for administration of IIT Delhi
fellows during the summer.
Network Services The IIT Delhi Library System comprises of a Central Library
The Institute LAN is a state of the art switched network with and 18 departmental libraries that collectively support
Fiber Optics and enhanced CAT5/CAT6 UTP backbone. It the teaching, research and extension programmes of the
consists of more than 7500 network access points spread Institute. All students, faculty and employees of the Institute
using about 175 Cisco switches and about 75 virtual LANs. The are entitled to make use of the Library facilities. The Alumni
network access is provided to every student, faculty, Doctor, of the Institute are also entitled to Library services provided
Laboratory and rooms in guest houses. Internet connection they are members of the Institute’s Alumni Association.
has been provided through a router, redundant firewall Similarly, industrial establishments can avail the Library
switching modules, 4x2Mbps leased circuits from VSNL, 1x2 services on taking corporate membership of the Library.
Mbps circuit from ERNET and 1 Gbps (1:4) internet leased Library consultation facilities are extended to faculty, students
circuit from M/S TULIP Telecom Ltd. of outside organizations and the wards of IIT faculty and staff

on their request. Retired teaching and non-teaching staff borrowing facility of one extra Hindi Book to all its members
members can also avail Library facilities. The Library has over apart from their entitlement.
9500 registered members.
Electronic Journals and Online Bibliographic Databases
Library Hours
The Library subscribes to 714 current journals (print with
The Library remains open throughout the year except on six online) with back volumes running into more than 1,04,681
days, namely; Republic Day, Independence Day, Dussehra, bound volumes (print) of journals. Of 714 journals subscribed;
Diwali, Holi, Mahatma Gandhi’s Birthday and any other holiday 614 journals are also accessible online from the publishers’
declared as a special holiday. It remains open from 8.45 A.M. web site. Links to these electronic journals are available
to 12.00 mid-night during semester exams; from 8.45 A.M. to through the Library web site as well through the Library Web
9.00 P.M. from Monday through Friday and from 10.00 A.M. to OPAC.
6.30 P.M. on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays.
Besides, the Institute has access to over 10,000 full-text
Library Resources electronic journals and 6 bibliographic databases from a
number of publishers and aggregators through the INDEST-
a. Collection AICTE Consortium. The INDEST-AICTE Web Site (http://
The Central Library, IIT Delhi has a strong collection hosts search and browse interface
pertaining to physical sciences, engineering and technology, to locate these journals and their URLs. Details of resources
biotechnology, computer and information technology, social made accessible to IIT Delhi through the Consortium along
sciences and management. with their URLs are given in “Library Guide and Information
Leaflets” and on the Library & INDEST websites. Tutorials on
As on 31st March 2013, the collection of the Library ia as follows : e-resources accessible through the INDEST-AICTE Consortium
are available on the INDEST-AICTE Web Site and are also
Books 1,94,471
published in “Compendium for the Members of the INDEST-
Journals (Bound Volume) 1,03,942 AICTE Consortium”.
Standards 26,923
Besides access to current e-journals; the Library has also
Microfilms 2,261 purchased backfiles of electronic journals from a number of
Theses 4,322 publishers / aggregators from their volume one onwards on
Technical Reports 13,430 “one-time payment and perpetual access basis”. The backfies
Video Cassettes 1,800 purchased by the Library includes: Elsevier’s Science Direct (24
subject collections, 1186 e-journals), Wiley InterScience, (66
CDs 5,550 Core title and 262 custom collection, 27 e-journals), Springer’s
Books in Text Book & Book Bank 22,128 Open Journal Archives (11 subject collections, 812 e-journals),
Online Electronic Journals 10,000 JSTOR (7 subject collections, 1548 journals) and Project Muse
Online Databases 6 (296 Journals).
CD-ROM Databases 2 a. E-Resources available through Central Library
b. Video Library • Journal Citation Reports (JCR Online)
The Library is equipped with video viewing facility and has • 18 Online Miscellaneous Journals
a collection of more than 2,000 video cassettes which have
also been converted to CD format and kept in the Computer • Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Mathematics and
Application Division of the Central Library for viewing. Physics (Vol.1/1969-Vol. 476/1996)

c. Reference Collection • Current Science & Technology Package (Taylor & Francis)
The Library maintains a separate reference collection • ACS Archives
consisting of encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks,
technical data, almanacs, atlases, bibliographies, etc. • American Economic Association Journals

• American Geophysical Union Journals

d. Hindi Collection
The Central Library has built up a good collection of books • American Mathematical Society Journals
in Hindi. Books in Hindi include books on various subjects
• American Meteorological Society Journals and Archives
being taught and researched at the Institute as well as books
on literature in Hindi. Books in Hindi are prominently kept • ASME Digital and Archives
near the reference area in the Library to promote its usage.
To increase the use of Rajbhasha Hindi, Central library offers • Availability of Hindi on the Internet 47
• Cambridge University Press HSS and S&T package • Nature
• E-Books from Textbooks Section • Optical Society of America (OSA)
• EBSCO Textile & Technology Complete • ProQuest Science
• I.C.E. and their Archives • SCOPUS Database
• Imech E Publications Current and Archives • Springer Link
• IoP Science and their Archival collection • JCCC
• ISI Emerging Markets [Tutorial] • SciFinder Scholar access
• JSTOR [Tutorial] • MathSciNet
• Nature Journals (1980 to 1996) • Web of Science
• Oxford Journals on Mathematics, Life Science, Humanities c. Electronic Books
and Social Science
The Institute has access to electronic books from the following
• Project MUSE Journals publishers / aggregators:
• RSC Journals Archive Titles (1841 - 2004) • Elsevier Book Series on Chemistry, Business, Management
• Sage HSS & Management Journals and their Archives & Economics, Life Sciences and Methods in Enzymology
through the Science Direct (
• SciFinder Scholar
• Springer’s Electronic Books (about 100 e-books) (http://
• SciFinder Scholar (2007 client version)
• Science (Current and Archives) • Wiley InterScience Electronic Books (about 100 e-books)
• SIAM Journals and their Archives • E-brary (29368 books)
• Taylor & Francis, Current Science & Technology Package+ • Myilibrary
Chemistry Backfiles
• E-Text Books (38 books)
• Wiley Journal Titles
Computer and Networking Facilities
• World Scientific Publication Mathematics
The Library has its own sub-LAN, which, in turn, is connected
• World Textiles
to the Campus LAN. It has over 100 PCs and eight servers
b. E-Resources available through INDEST-AICTE Consortium spread over three floors of the Library.
• ABI / Inform Complete The Library is a part of fibre optic-based campus-LAN. Of 100
PCs in the Library, 70 Internet-enabled PCs are exclusively
• ACM Digital Library devoted for the Library users. As a member of the DELNET, the
• AIP/APS Journals users can access databases offered by the DELNET. The Library
Home Page provides a link to the DELNET database.
• ASCE Journals
• ASME Journals ( + A M R )
• ASTM Standards & Digital Library
• Capitaline
• EBSCO Databases
• Elsevier’s Science Direct
• Emerald Full-text
• Euromonitor (GMID)
• IEC Standards
• IEEE / IEE Library Online (IEL)

a. Computerization of In-house Activities Services where the users of the Library can suggest measures
for improvements in its facilities and services.
All in-house activities in the Library including Acquisition,
Cataloguing, Circulation and Serials Control are fully b. Circulation of Books and Library Membership
computerized using Libsys Software Package. The Online
Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) of the Library is operational The Library members, according to their borrowing category
both on Intranet and Internet. It can be accessed online to can borrow stipulated number of books at a time against their
search more than 1,50,000 bibliographic records, available in bar-coded patron card. During the period under report, about
the Library database through a web-based search interface 60,000 volumes were borrowed by the members of the Library
or with a window client of the Libsys on Intranet as well as from general collection.
on Internet. The editing and updation activities are done on In addition, consultation facilities were extended to around
regular basis. Besides, the Central Library has two in-house 5,000 users including students, research scholars and faculty
databases for specialized collections. These databases include: members belonging to other academic institutions. More than
Database of Ph.D. theses submitted to the IIT Delhi and Rs. 1 lakh were earned from the corporate membership fee.
Database of research articles by the faculty and researchers
of the Institute. c. Inter Library Loan (ILL) and Resource Sharing Facility
The Library uses bar-code technology for computerized The Library arranges books and journals from other libraries
circulation system. Every document in the Library (except in Delhi on Inter Library Loan (ILL). Photocopies of research
reference sources and bound volumes of journals) bear articles are also arranged from other IITs under a resource
a bar-code tag that facilitates identification of document sharing agreement signed by all IITs. The Library also facilitates
and the borrower in the circulation process. Similarly, all Demand based procurement of research publications,
categories of users have a bar-coded patron cards. The Library photocopies of research articles, etc. from other IITs and
has developed in-house facility for bar coding of books and institutions in Delhi as well as from other parts of India on
patron cards. reciprocal basis as detailed below from last year data:
b. RFID Implementation in the Library Journal articles/other publications received from other
sources in Delhi and outside Delhi 125
The Library also has the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
based system. It is the best automated library automation Publications lent to other libraries on their request (including
system used world wide and is an effective way of managing Corporate Members) 170
collections of the library and providing enhanced services The JCCC interface, made available through the INDEST
to the users having benefits like: self check-out of books, Consortium that facilitates document delivery amongst IITs
self-check-in (book drop), to control theft, to find misplaced and IISc, was used extensively. The IIT Delhi, as headquarters
reading material, sorting, inventory accuracy, stock verification of the INDEST-AICTE Consortium supplied about 4000 articles
procedures, security control, video surveillance, people to the members of the Consortium through JCCC.
counter, Smart Card issuance, etc. It is an automatic data
capture technology that uses tiny microchips and miniature d. Photocopying Facility
antennas affixed to documents. RFID plays a vital role in
The Library provides photocopying facility within its premises
redefining the library processes to make everyone’s job easier
through an external vendor on payment basis.
right from the users to library staff.
e. Book Bank Facilities
c. Database of Research Articles by the Faculty and
Researchers of IIT Delhi The Book Bank holds multiple copies of selected textbooks for
making them available to the students for the entire period
The Library maintains a web-enabled database of research
of a semester against payment of 10% of total cost of book as
articles published by the faculty and researchers of IIT Delhi.
rental charges or Rs.20 per book, whichever is less. However,
The database consists over 18,000 research articles and
students belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
their abstracts that appeared in international peer-reviewed
are exempted from the payment of rental charges.
journals indexed by Science Citation Index/SCOPUS. The
database is being updated regularly for new records that are During the period under reprot, 850 students (including SC/ST
added to the Science Citation Index/SCOPUS. students) availed the benefit of the Book Bank Scheme.

Library Services and Facilities f. Text Books Facilities (Print and Online)

a. Reader’s Assistance The text book collection in the Library consists of books
prescribed in the courses of study or those recommended
The Library provides assistance to its users ranging from by the Institute faculty. The text books are either issued for
location of a book to finding specific information required by a overnight or are available only for reference. Students can
user. A suggestion book is maintained with Incharge, Reader’s borrow two books at a time from Text Book section between 2 49
to 6.30 P.M. The text books can also be reserved seven days in Institute. Faculty and researchers can register themselves
advance. The Central Library has purchased 38 E-Text books with the digital repository and submit their pre-prints (pre-
for Under graduate students. refereed version of an article), post-prints (post-refereed final
version) and publisher PDFs (if allowed by the publisher). The
Web-based Computerized Services from the Library repository has around 2,200 full-text research articles.
The Central Library offers the following services to the
The “Indian National Digital Library in Engineering Sciences
a. Network-based CD ROM Search Services and Technology (INDEST) Consortium” was set-up in 2003 by
The Library has complete collection of Indian Standards and the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) on
ASTM Standards on CD ROM that is available on the Campus the recommendation of an Expert Group appointed by the
network. The resources can be accessed on the Intranet at the Ministry. The IIT Delhi has been designated as the Consortium
URLs given below or through library website at http://library. Headquarters to coordinate its activities. The Consortium enrolls engineering and technological institutions as its
members and subscribes to electronic resources for them
• Indian Standards at discounted rates of subscription and favourable terms and conditions. The Ministry provides funds required for
• ASTM Standards subscription to electronic resources for 62 centrally-funded Government institutions including IITs, IISc Bangalore, NITs,
IIITs, IIMs and few other Institutions that are considered as
• IEC Standards core members of the Consortium. The benefit of consortia- based subscription to electronic resources is not confined
to its core members but is also extended to all educational
b. Home Page of the Central Library, IIT Delhi
institutions under its open-ended proposition. 60 Govt. /
The Central Library hosts a comprehensive Home Page as a Govt.-aided engineering colleges are provided access to
part of the Institute’s web site. The Library Home page serves selected electronic resources with financial support from the
as an integrated interface for all computer and web-based AICTE and over 100 engineering colleges and institutions
services available from the Central Library. The interface, have joined the Consortium under its self-supported category.
available at “, offers the following Consortium was re-named as INDEST-AICTE Consortium
computer and web-based services: in December 2005 with the AICTE playing a pivotal role in
enrolling its approved engineering colleges and institutions as
• Recent Additions to the IIT Library members of the Consortium for selected e-resources at much
• Electronic Resources on the Internet lower rates of subscription. IIT Delhi is also the headquarters
of the Joint Project of INDEST & INFLIBNET under NME-ICT for
• Electronic Reference Library (ERL) Services Cross-subscription of E-resources, entitled National Library
• CD ROM Databases and CD ROM Search Services and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content
(N-LIST). Presently, Prof. R.K. Shevgaonkar, Director, IIT Delhi
• Web-based Library OPAC is the Chairman of the National Steering Committee of the
• Access DELNET Databases INDEST-AICTE Consortium, which formulates guidelines for
the Consortium and Prof. B.D. Gupta is National Coordinator,
• Scanned Images of Old and Fragile Volumes of Journals
• Web Access to Journals subscribed in Print, etc.
c. Institutional Repository at IIT Delhi (http://eprint.iitd.
The Mechanical Fabrication Facility is a Central Facility
located at IDD Centre and caters to the entire post graduate
The Eprints @ IIT Delhi has been set-up to host full-text of mechanical fabrication needs of the Institute. At present it has
research publications of faculty and researchers of the IIT eleven mechanics from seven different workshop trades.
Delhi using Dspace, an open source Digital Library software
Central workshop
developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The
Dspace supports the Open Archives Initiative’s Protocol for Central Workshop is one of the pivoting units of the institute
Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH), an internationally recognized which teaches the “how” a product comes to its present form
protocol and interoperability standard. The Eprints@IIT Delhi by way of imparting core manufacturing education to all
provides a platform for faculty and researchers to deposit, the first year students of IIT Delhi. It also provides product
reuse and share their research publications. The repository manufacturing support to entire institute community in
also has the ability to capture, index, store, disseminate general and undergraduate students in particular. More
and preserve digital materials created in any part of the than 850 undergraduate students in their first year acquire

hands-on manufacturing skills in this Central Workshop. OTHER CENTRAL FACILITIES
The Central workshop not only introduce art and science
In addition, several other central facilities during the given
of manufacturing but also infuses confidence to take up
period located in various Departments and Centres are as
product design and manufacturing activities in future.
mentioned below :
Central Workshop is also a place where B.Tech. students of
Mechanical Engineering and B.Tech students of Production 1. Rapid Prototyping: Can automatically construct
& Industrial Engineering acquire training and knowledge in physical models of Computer- Aided Design (CAD)
specialized areas of manufacturing like Metal Casting, Metal data.
Forming, Metal Machining, Welding & Joining, Metal Forging
2. Super Computing Facility for Bio-informatics &
Woodworking etc. M.Tech. students of Production group also
Computational Biology.
use central workshop facilities for their practical classes in
various courses 3. MALDI/MS-MS:- MALDI/MS-MS houses QSTAR XL Pro
system. A quadrupole LINAC collision cell is available
The central workshop is fully equipped with power tools,
in the system which follows the first mass filter and is
equipments and facilities in all areas of manufacturing
used for efficient MS/MS fragmentation.
technologies. It also caters to the fabrication needs of
students doing product design & manufacturing courses, 4. SEM:- The SEM Central Facility is equipped with
minor projects, B.Tech. Project, Masters thesis and Doctoral following equipments: • ZEISS EVO Series Scanning
research. Large numbers of students use this facility to build Electron Microscope Model EVO 50 • B r u k e r - A X S
products and compete at national and international level Energy Dispersive X-ray System (model Quan Tax 200).
product building competitions like Formula student car, mini Ultra-microtome (Leica EM UC6).• Polaron Gold/Silver
Baja, Robocon etc. The facility can also be used by external Sputter Coating unit.
agencies for their manufacturing and training needs during 5. High Resolution NMR Spectrometer.
the vacation periods.
6. ESCA/UPS/AES facility:- ESCA/UPS/AES facility installed
Central workshop has undertaken efforts to reorganize, in 2007 is used for surface characterization.
modernized and prepare it for continuously changing
global manufacturing scenario. Efforts are also on to prepare 7. GC- MS System:- GC-MS System perform Qualitative
students for a broader view of manufacturing which involves and Quantitative measurement of organic molecules.
planning and deploying optimum ways to transformation 8. Glass Blowing Workshop.
of raw material into goods by integration of people, capital,
processes, systems and enterprises to deliver products of
value to the society. The Central Workshop is now looking
forward to create a living learning factory to impart world
class education & training.

The Institute has hospital centrally situated in the campus.
It provides facilities for OPD treatment and admissions. The
Hospital is well equipped to take care of primary emergencies.
Computerization of IIT Hospital in the areas of OPD
registration, stock keeping, intending medicines, managing
stores, prescribing and dispensing of medicines, office work
has been implemented.

Hospital Statistics 2012-2013

Patients Attended in OPD 87574
X-Ray 4139
Ultra Sound 279
Patients Admitted 387
Physiotherapy 4774
Sergical Dressing 4510
Dental Treatment 3079
Pathology Lab Test 32068
ECG 1522 51
New Initiatives
(April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013)

IIT HOSPITAL 3. Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University

1. New Dental X-ray has been purchased. 4. Toyohashi University of Technology, Japan
2. New X-ray Digital machine purchase process has been 5. Anil T. Kripalani Vera Kriplani, USA
initiated. 6. Centre of Excellence in Science for Sustainability in Africa
3. New Patient transfer vehicle has been ordered. 7. University of Dar es Salaam
8. Tajik Technical University, Tajikistan
9. University of South Australia
During the period, the following new courses have been
proposed/developed/initiated : B) Institutions of Chairs
• “Bioreactor modeling and simulation” (Virtual Lab)
The Industry and the alumni of the Institute have extended
(As Principal Investigator) (2010-2014) sponsored by Minis-
significant support to the Institute for its academic and
try of Human Resource Development, New Delhi.
research programmes by way of instituting chairs in various
• Virtual Lab Useful for the UG/PG course in Biochemical En- fields. As on date, 40 Chairs are functional at the Institute.
gineering and Biotechnology students of the country.
C) Scholarships/Medals/Awards/Fellowships
• SBL100: Introductory biology for engineers (L-T-P: 3-0-2) -
part of the proposed new UG curriculum. To encourage and to provide financial assistance to needy
students of the Institute, individuals, trusts and organizations
• Chemical and Molecular Foundations of Cell.
have been instituting scholarships etc. At present there are
• Course on ‘Biomimetics’. awards/scholarships/medal being given at Undergraduate
and Postgraduate levels. In addition, the Institute has a “Loan
• Course on ‘Plants and human Health’.
Scholarship Scheme” which makes it more affordable for the
• Virtualization and Cloud Computing, for PG students. students in comparison to taking loan from the banks.
• Fundamentals of Machine Learning, for UG students. Following scholarships have been approved during the period
under report:
• Class of 89 Innovation Award
In order to have close cooperation in the field of Teaching
• Shrimati Jawala Devi-Sita Ram Kaushiks Award
and Research, the Institute has signed MoUs/Agreements with
Institutions/organization in India and abroad. Currently there • Suyash Chandra Memorial Cash Award
are 112 MoUs with foreign Institutions/organizations and 60 D) New faculty research grant
MoUs with Indian Institutions/organizations. The objectives
of these MoUs include exchange of students and faculty, joint To encourage the new faculty for developing research facilities
research activities and fellowships for training at doctoral and in the area of their expertise, the Institute has so far allocated a
postdoctoral level etc. sum of Rs. 268 lakhs as New Faculty Research Grant.

A) The Institute has signed MoUs with the following BOOK PUBLISHED
institutions/ organizations : • Kumar Neeraj Jha (2012) “Formwork for Concrete Structures”,
• National Tata McGraw-Hill Education, ISBN: 9781259007330.

1. Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. • Kumar Neeraj Jha (2012) “Construction Project
2. Tripartite MoU among IIT Roorkee, IIT Bombay & IIT Delhi Management”, Pearson Education, ISBN: 9788131732496.
3. National Institute of Calicut • Bhalla, S. and Soh C. K. (2013) “Piezo-Impedance Transducers
4. NHPC, Faridabad for Evaluation of Seismic Induced Structural Damage”,
Earthquakes and Health Monitoring of Civil Structures,
5. India 4EUI under EMECW
Edited by Mihail Garevski, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 133-
• International 148, DOI: 10. 1007/978-94-007-5182-8.
1. Toyo University, Japan • Soh C. K., Yang, Y. W. and Bhalla, S. (2012), “Smart Materials in
2. University Network for Climate and Ecosystems Change Structural Health Monitoring, Control and Bio-Mechanics”,
Adaptaion Research Springer- Zhejiang University Press.

New Initiatives

• Chahar, B. R. (2012). Canals: Seepage Analysis and Optimal Change with Continuity, Springer, 2013.
Design. ISBN: 978-3-8484-2952-3, Lambert Academic
Publishing GmbH & Co., Saarbrücken, Germany. • Abhijit Majumdar, Apurba Das, R. Alagirusamy and V. K.
Kothari, Process control in textile manufacturing, published
• Sahoo, D. R., (2012), “Seismic Strengthening of Reinforced by Woodhead Publisher U.K., ISBN 0 85709 0275.
Concrete Framed Structures-Using Steel Caging and
Aluminum Shear Yielding Dampers”, Lambert Academic MAJOR RESEARCH INITIATIVES/RESEARCH PROJECTS
Publishing GmbH & Co. KG, Germany. UNDERTAKEN
• Sahoo, D. R., (2012),”Battened Double-Channel Beam- • Obama-Singh Knowledge Initiative IIT Delhi Project
Columns under Cyclic Load”, Lambert Academic Publishing “Resource building for ecosystem and human health
GmbH & Co. KG, Germany. risk assessment with special references to microbial
contamination” (PI: Dr. Arun Kumar; Co-PI: Prof. Mukesh
• Dr. Santanu Ghosh, Growth and Modification of
Khare, Prof. A. K. Mittal, Prof. A. K. Nema; Prof. J. Gomes, IIT
Nanostructured Thin Films: Fundamental and Application
Delhi); IIPH Hyderabad, NEERI Bombay and Nagpur; USA: Dr.
Aspects, (Book Chapter), Ch. 11 in Vol 1, Nanotechnology
Patrick Gurian (Co-PI; Drexel University, USA) and Prof. Charles
Fundamentals and Applications, Stadium Press, LLC, USA.
N. Haas (Co-PI; Drexel University)) (Funding Agency: UGC,
• Book Chapter for Atmospheric Aerosols: Regional India; Duration: 2012-2015; Total amount: Rs. 105. 40 Lakhs).
characteristics - Chemistry and Physics Intech Publishers.
• DST-funded project “Development of Nanoparticles-related
• A.K. Srivastava, Sagnik Dey and S. Tripathy, Aerosol Water Quality (“NP-WQ”) Framework for Protecting Source
characteristics over the Indian Gangetic Basin : Implication Drinking Water” (PI: Dr. Arun Kumar; CO-PI: Prof. Ashok K.
to Regional Climate. Ganguli and Prof. A. K. Mittal, IIT Delhi) (Funding Agency:
Department of Science and Technology, India; Duration:
• Hasnain SE, Rashmi, Jha B Sharan. “Biotechnology for
2012-2013; Total amount: Rs. 10. 00 Lakhs).
Sustainable Development McGraw” Hill Publishers, 2011
• B. Jayaram, Priyanka Dhingra, Goutam Mukherjee, • A new, Multi-Hazard Protective Structures (MHPS)
Vivekanandan Perumal, “Genomes to Hits: The Emerging Laboratory was inaugurated by the Deputy Director Prof. S.
Assembly Line In Silico”, Proceedings of The Ranbaxy N. Singh on 1st January 2013.
Science Foundation 17th Annual Symposium on “New • A multi country collaborative research work under Research
Frontiers In Drug Design, Discovery And Development” collaborative scheme (RCS) of International Atomic Energy
2012, Chapter 3, pages 13-35. Agency (IAEA) has been initiated. IIT Delhi has been
• Ram Karan, Sumit Kumar, Rajeshwari Sinha and S.K. Khare, recognized as one of the partner institute of RCS, IAEA.
Halophilic microorganisms as source of novel enzymes
• Ultra Fast Optics.
In: Microorganisms in Sustainable Agriculture and
Biotechnology. • Extensive research related to design of all-fiber based mid-
• Rajeshwari Sinha and S.K. Khare, Thermostable proteases IR wavelength (3-6.5 micrometer) sources has been carried
In: Thermophiles in Environmental and Industrial out through wavelength translation route that rely on four
Biotechnology. wave mixing process in a nonlinear fiber under a research
project sponsored by Office of Naval Research Global (USA).
• V.K Vijay, Biogas Production, Upgradation and Slurry
Management”, pages-126 (Edited Volume) ISBN 978-81- • DST Project (RP02509) under FAST TRACK scheme
8487-136-4, 2011, Publisher: Narosa Publishing House, New “Understanding evolution of aerosol properties over India
Delhi. in a 3D observational framework using multi sense remote
sensing data”.
• Dr V M Chariar & S Ramesh Sakthivel, Ecological Sanitation :
Practitioner’s Handbook, 2011, UNICEF-MoRD. • MoES Project (RP02479) under CTC7 Programme.
• V.P. Sharma and Manavanendra Tripathi, “Malaria • “Understanding microphysical evolution of clouds in the
Anusandhan se rog samadhan”. Indian CTC7: Variability & impact of aerosols”.
• M Y Khan & P. K. Jain, Basic Financial Management (3rd • DST Project (RP02516) on the “Collaboration study on the
Edition) by (TMH). potential linkage on the monsoon variability of Korea and
• Alok Dixit, Surendra S. Yadav and P. K. Jain Derivative India by the impacts of Eurasian snow, Pacific and Indian
Markets in Indian (TMH). Ocean”.

• Sushil, flowing stream strategy: Leveraging Strategic • Several extramural research grants. 53
New Initiatives

• A CRDT-DBEB collaborative project on “Integrated process • Field Evaluation of Community size Biomass Cookstoves in
development for biogas production from wastewater grown eight different States of the Country.
algal biomass (a second generation biofuel feedstock) and,
testing of algae mediated biogas conditioning” funded by • Food waste to Biogas.
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy with Dr. Anushree • R&D project on “Optimization of Perennial Grasses for
Malik as the PI (Rs. 60 Lakhs). Biomass Production”funded by European Commission (FP-7).
• A multi-institutional project on “Bioremediation of • Technology Standardization and Development of Testing-
agrochemicals and heavy metals present in Yamuna and cum-Training Facility for Ultra-micro Hydel Power Package
drainage water used for irrigation in urban and peri-urban for Rural Applications :
agricultural areas” funded by Indian Council of Agricultural
Research involving DU, IARI and Dr. Anushree Malik as PI at • Testing and Evaluation of Domestic size Biomass Cookstoves
IIT Delhi (Rs. 85 Lakhs) . in the laboratory.
• A multi-institutional project on “Evidence based • A new IMPECS (Indo-German Max Planck Center for
Assessment of Biophysical Determinants of Malaria in the Computer Science) group at IIT-Delhi on “Effective Querying
Northeastern States of India & Development of Framework of Large Knowledge-Bases” has started in collaboration
for Adaptation Measures for Malaria Control Under Climate with IIIT-Delhi, IIT-Bombay and the Max-Planck Institute
Change Scenario” funded by Indian Council of Medical for Informatics in Germany. Maya Ramanath will lead the
Research coordinated by National Institute of Malaria group at IIT-Delhi.
Research and Dr. Anushree Malik as PI at IIT Delhi.
• The Ford Foundation has funded a rural Internet
• A national network project on “Rural Housing Knowledge measurements project with the Appropriate Computing
Network” funded by the Ministry of Rural Development, Technologies for Development (ACT4D), to verify the quality
Govt of India has been launched in May 2011 at CRDT, IIT of service being provided by 2G/3G telecom providers.
Delhi with Dr V M Chariar as the PI. This research project is
initially sanctioned for a three year period and will network • DeitY has funded the project “SPARC: Spectrum Aware
government, academia, NGOs and practitioners associated Rural Connectivity” to develop cognitive radio technology
with rural housing countrywide. to provide rural broadband using TV white spaces. Total
funds allocated are Rs. 1.42 crore.
• Biogas enrichment and bottling mobile unit.
• Technology demonstration initiative entitled ‘Development
• Biogas production from alternate feed materials. of advanced personal protective system using shear
thickening fluid’. The project is being funded by DRDO.
• Biogas slurry management. Polymer, textile, mechanical, chemical departs of IITD, NCL
• Biopesticidal potential of Non Edible Oil Cakes against Pune and TBRL Chandigarh are involved in this project.
Termites, Nematodes and Wilt diseases and development Coordinators – Dr. Abhijit Majumdar, Dr. B. S. Butola.
of green pesticidal formulations. • Development of single polymer composite materials as light
• Development of Biogas Engine Conversion Kit: weight modular systems for temporary structures, Project
funded by GAIL, Coordinators – Dr. Samrat Mukhopadhyay,
• Evaluation and Standardization of Animal DrivenWater Pump: Prof. B. L. Deopura.

The Year in Perspective
(April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013)

Glimpses of various activities during 2012-13 55
The Year in Perspective

Glimpses of various activities during 2012-13

The Year in Perspective

Glimpses of various activities during 2012-13 57
The Year in Perspective

Glimpses of various activities during 2012-13

The Year in Perspective

Research at the core!

Lab activities at IIT Delhi 59
6. Research &
(April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013)

• Academic & Sonsored Research 61

• Research Projects and Consultancy 62
• Foundation for Innovation and
Technology Transfer (FIIT) 68

Research Thrust

Atmospheric Sciences, Embedded Systems, Environmental Science & Engineering, Rural Industrialization, Bioinformatics, Nanotech-
nology, Fibre Optics and Optical Communications, Biotechnology, Bio-catalysis, Smart and Industrial Textiles, Transportation, Photo-
thermal energy conversion, Material Science, Photo-acoustic Microscopy, Power Technology, Signal processing, Opto-electronics,
Computer Science, Computer Aided Design & Manufacturing, Smart Buildings and Infrastructure, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics

Academic & Sponsored Research
(April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013)

During April 1, 2012 to March 31, 2013, 142 new sponsored
The academic research carried out by the students for the
research projects with a funding of about Rs. 88.63 crores were
Ph.D. degree, the final semester major project included in the
undertaken. In addition, 348 consultancy jobs worth Rs. 18.29
four-year B.Tech. programme, the five-year integrated M.Tech.
crores and 45 miscellaneous projects worth Rs. 6.11 crores
programmes, and the four-semester M.Tech./M.S.(R)/M.Des.
were also undertaken.
programmes make a significant contribution to the research
output. Under the scheme called Summer Undergraduate Research
Award (SURA), the students are required to submit the
The principal source of academic research, however, continues
project proposals in association with identified Faculty of the
to be through Ph.D. research projects. With a total of 1653
Department/Centre to act as an Administrative Facilitator and
students enrolled for a research degree during the year
a Guide. During the year 2013, 36 SURA projects have been
under review, the emphasis on and commitment to academic
selected to be undertaken by the undergraduate students
research is evident. During the two semesters of 2012-2013,
during the summer vacations of 2013.
558 candidates were admitted out of which 313 were full-time
Institute scholars with the remaining 245 belonging to other IRD Unit plays an important role by providing a one-time grant
categories like sponsored, part-time etc. A total of 199 theses of upto Rupees One Lakh to new faculty member who joins
were approved for the award of Ph.D. degree. the Institute. This assistance is being given to the new faculty
IIT Delhi faculty remain engaged in publishing their research so that they can initiate new projects, which may subsequently
results in various journals, Conferences and Seminar be submitted to various funding agencies.
proceedings. The number of publication along with citation Assistantships/Fellowships are provided by IRD to the Ph.D.
and h-index for the last 5 years is stated below. students during 5th year. It has now been decided to extend
such support in the form of Gap period assistantship for both
Year No. of Publications No. of Citations h-index M.Tech./MS(R) and Ph.D. students who are drawing their
2013 1589 1611 12 fellowship/assistantship from the projects. These assistantships
2012 1350 611 08 will be provided to the students once the projects get over and
2011 1339 2098 12 there is no other project to pay them assistantship. M.Tech/
MS(R) students can be supported for a maximum gap period
2010 1153 4460 24
of six months and Ph.D. students would be supported for a
2009 1201 6097 29 maximum gap period of one year.
Source: Scopus as on 21st March 2013 All Research scholars can be awarded a travel grant under
“Research Scholar Travel Award” (RSTA) upto a maximum
SPONSORED RESEARCH of 80,000/- from Research Promotion Fund, subject to the
Along with teaching and academic research leading to
doctoral degree, IIT Delhi gives high priority to research and • The assured grant would be available to research scholars to
development projects sponsored by outside national and attend and present a paper in an international conference of
international agencies and user organizations. The Institute repute once during their stay at IIT Delhi; based on the proof
has as one of its cardinal guiding principles continuous, and that they have already applied to at least two other funding
meaningful interaction with the world of science & technology agencies for supporting their travel.
and industry.
• The assured grant implies that in case they do not get
INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT UNIT (IRD) grant from other agencies, they would still be able to claim
reimbursement for travel and other conference related
The Industrial Research & Development (IRD) Unit has been
expenses subject to a maximum of Rs. 80,000/- per awardee.
specifically set up in the Institute to provide specialised
administrative and managerial support for the operation of • The Institute would support 100 such conference travels in
Sponsored Research Projects, Consultancy Jobs and other one financial year through this scheme.
related R&D activities. Over the years, the institute has set
up many modern laboratories and supporting infrastructure • This would also imply support to 100 students under the
through these projects. RSTA scheme. 61
Research Projects & Consultancy
(April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013)

IRD Unit offers “IRD Fellow” positions to those superannuated Fig. I: Trends in Sponsored Research Projects
Professors/CSO/CDE(SG) of the Institute who have been actively
engaged in research, development & teaching programmes of (a) in Value
the Institute in the preceding years, to enable them to pursue
active R&D in their field of specialization and participate in 14000
R&D programmes and development of new programmes at 12000

the Institute within their field of competence. The modalities

and other terms and conditions of appointment of “IRD Fellow” 7878 8863
are similar to those applicable to the Institute Emeritus Fellows. 8000
Value in Lacs
5757 5712
HIGHLIGHTS (2012-13) 4000

Some important highlights about research are: 0
2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13
• 142 Sponsored Research Projects with a total funding of Rs.
88.63 crores and 45 Miscellaneous Projects worth Rs. 6.11
crores were undertaken. (b) in Numbers

• 348 Consultancy Assignments worth Rs. 18.29 crores were

undertaken by IRD Unit. Besides, 61 Technology Develop- 140 142
ment Projects/Contract Research Projects worth Rs. 8.98
120 130
crores and 48 HRD Programmes with a value of Rs. 1.99 116
crores were undertaken/organized by FITT. 123
80 Numbers
• 29 International Sponsored Research Projects and Consul- 60
tancy Jobs were undertaken. 40
• 36 UG Projects have been selected under the Summer Un-
dergraduate Research Award (SURA) scheme for the year 2008 -09 2009-10 2010 -11 2011 -12 2012 -12
• 22 faculty members who joined the Institute during the year
received a research grant of upto Rs. 1 lakh each under the Funding agency wise break-up of Sponsored Research Projects
Research Grant for New Faculty (RGNF) scheme of IRD. is given in Table II. A pie chart showing distribution of research
projects is given below:
• Scholarship is provided by IRD, in exceptional cases, to the
Ph.D. scholars after completion of 4 years and until the end
of 5th year. IRD spent Rs. 68.68 lakh (approx.) on these schol- Fig. II: Funding Agency-wise Break-up of Sponsored
arships during the year 2012-13. Research Projects undertaken during 2012-13
The trend in research funding and their number for last five
years is shown in Table I & Fig. I.

Table I: Statistics of Sponsored Research Project

Financial Year Sponsored Research Projects

Year Numbers Value in Rs. Lacs

2008-09 140 7878

2009-10 116 5757

2010-11 130 12107

2011-12 123 5712

Below is the list of members of Industrial Research and
2012-13 142 8863 Development Board.


Suneet Tuli, Chairman Bhim Singh N. Karmakar Gohil (Ms.) Avinash Gupta
S.N. Singh Purnima Singh (Ms.) T.S. Bhatti G.S. Kapur
S.K. Koul Mahim Sagar B.K. Satpathy D.N. Singh
S.V. Veeravalli Aparna Mehra (Ms.) A.K. Agarwala Ajay Pradhan
Saroj Mishra (Ms.) Anjan Ray Jayashree Bijwe (Ms.) Mukesh Mohania
Ratan Mohan Neeraj Khare Satyawati Sharma (Ms.) J.S. Saini
A.J. Elias B.K. Behera Pragya Jain (Ms.) Anil Wali
A.K. Jain Ananjan Basu Salil Singhal V.K. Vashistha, Secretary
Prem Kalra P. Goyal (Ms.) Anand Srivastava

Table II : Funding agency-wise Break Up of Sponsored Research Projects Undertaken During 2012-13

Funding Agency No. of Projects Amount (`Lacs)

Aeronautics Research & Development Board 1 45.56
All India Council for Technical Education 1 30.00
Arial Delivery Research & Development Establishment 1 10.00
Toyo University, Japan 1 120.60
Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (DAE) 5 117.14
British Council Division 1 2.66
Calypto Design System (I) Pvt. ltd. 1 5.00
Central Council for Research in Ayurveda & Siddha 1 33.60
Centre for Marine Living Resources and Ecology 1 85.75
Council of Scientific & Industrial Research 9 59.37
Cypress Semiconductors India Private Limited 1 2.06
Defence Materials & Stores R & D Establishment 2 19.39
Department of Biotechnology 6 503.67
Department of Information Technology 2 110.40
Department of Science & Technology (DST) 40 1706.05
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland 1 39.52
Energy Centre, ONGC 2 28.34
GAIL (India) Limited 2 198.52
Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, USA 1 38.01
Human Settlement Management Institute 2 40.81
Indian Council of Medical Research 2 31.04
Indian Council of Social Science Research 1 5.61
Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad 1 6.00
Instruments Research & Development Establishment 2 107.30
Intel Corp. 1 10.00
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna 1 2.80
International Division, Department of Science & Technology 12 374.50
Jindal Saw Ltd. 1 6.00
Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre, ISRO 1 24.46
Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Allied Sciences 1 15.37 63
Ministry of Defence 1 9.90
Ministry of Communications & Information Technology 2 206.33
Ministry of Environment & Forests 1 21.53
Ministry of Human Resource Development 1 4000.00
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy 1 81.79
NetApp India Pvt Ltd 2 25.50
NFBSRA, Indian Council of Agricultural Research 1 84.57
National Board for Higher Mathematics 1 1.87
National Technical Research Organization (NTRO) 1 122.41
Naval Physical & Oceanographic Laboratory 1 9.60
Planning Commission 1 24.89
Rajiv Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission 1 32.08
SCERT Haryana 1 59.88
Science and Engineering Research Board 6 85.92
Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute, University of Regina, Canada 1 1.48
Simulator Development Division, Indian Army 1 35.00
Space Application Centre (Dept. of Space) 1 22.48
Telecommunications Consultants India Ltd. 1 15.00
The Centre for Internet & Society 1 10.20
U.P. Sugar Mills Association 1 1.39
UK-India Education & Research Initiative (UKIERI) 7 99.28
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) 1 2.75
University Grants Commission 1 105.40
University of Connecticut 1 1.11
Total 142 8862.52

Some of the major projects undertaken during the period are listed below:

Table III: Financial Outlay of Some of the Major Projects during 2012-13

Name of the Project Sponsoring Agency Financial Outlay

in Rs. Lacs
Creation of Common Computing Infrastructure Ministry of Human Resource Development 4000.00
To Strengthen the Research Facilities in the Area of Ultra Fast Optics in Department of Science & Technology (DST) 650.00
the Department of Physics, IIT Delhi
Programme Support for Microbial Production of Designer Bio- Department of Biotechnology 274.52
Polymers from Renewable Resources (Main Project)
Development of an Indian Human Body Finite Element Human Body Ministry of Communications & Information 149.98
Model for use in Impact, Textile and Medical Applications Technology
Advanced Information System Security Laboratory (Phase - II) National Technical Research Organization 122.41
Design & Development of CNC Magnetorheological Finishing (MRF) Department of Science & Technology (DST) 122.39
Collaborative Research and Education under IIT Delhi- BNERC, Toyo Bio-Nano Electronics Research Centre, Toyo 120.60
University Joint Bio-Nano Mission Program University, Japan
Safeguarding Water Resources in India with Green and Sustainable DST (AIMEN Technological Centre, Spain) 115.24
Technologies (SWINGS)

Foundations for Trusted and Scalable 'Last Mile' Healthcare Department of Information Technology 110.40
Resource Building for Ecosystem and Human Health Risk Assessment University Grants Commission 105.40
with Special Reference to Microbial Contamination in the Community
Development Theme under Indo-US21st Century Knowledge
Initiative pro
Development of Single Polymer Composite Materials as Light-Weight GAIL (India) Limited 100.00
Modular Systems for Temporary Structures
Design and Fabrication of Photovoltaic/Fuel Cell (PV/FC) Hybrid GAIL (India) Limited 98.52
2D Photonic Crystals Template Fabrication by UV Interference Instruments Research & Development 98.00
Lithography Establishment
Mind the Gap - Jumping the Hurdles Limiting Polymer Fuel Cell DST-RCUK (Indo-UK Collaborative Research 92.90
Performance and Commercialisation Initiative in Fuel Cells)
Designer Biodegradable Copolymers from Renewable Resources : Department of Biotechnology 88.02
Evaluation of Properties and Applications
Sonic Characterization of Marine Species Centre for Marine Living Resources and 85.75
Bioremediation of Agrochemicals and Heavy Metals Present NFBSRA, Indian Council of Agricultural 84.57
in Drainage Water Used for Irrigation in Urban and Peri-Urban Research
Agricultural Areas
Analysis, Design and Control of Power Electronic Converters for Grid Department of Science & Technology (DST) 83.18
Interfaced Solar Power Generation
Development and Demonstration of Hydrogen Fuelled Multi-Cylinder Ministry of New and Renewable Energy 81.79
Spark Ignition Engine-Generator Set for Stationary Power Generation

Industrial consultancy is another significant area of activity of the Institute. The nature and extent of the industrial consultancy
projects undertaken by the Institute is an index of its credibility with the industry and is symbolic of the relevance of a centre
of excellence in the context of nation’s socio-economic development. The consultancy jobs undertaken during last five years is
shown in Table IV.

Table IV: Consultancy Jobs Undertaken During Last Five Years (2008-09 to 2012-13)

Financial Consultancy Jobs (IRD) Technology Development HRD Programmes (FITT) TOTAL
Year Projects/ Contract Research
No. Value in Rs. No. Value in Rs. No. Value in Rs. Value in Rs.
Lacs Lacs Lacs Lacs
2008-09 699 1934 65 799 38 152 2885
2009-10 557 1875 82 991 36 153 3019
2010-11 519 2250 71 872 46 145 3267
2011-12 420 2110 83 936 50 112 3158
2012-13 348 1829 61 898 48 199 2926


The Institute is actively involved in collaborative programmes with national and international organization/ universities to remain
at the forefront of scientific and technological developments and to share knowledge. A large number of collaborative Research
Projects are under operation with Institutes/Organizations of Austria, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Ethiopia, European
Commission, France, Germany, Holland, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Kuwait, Portugal, Russia, Slovenia, Sweden,
Switzerland, UK, USA, etc. Major research activities have also been undertaken in the areas of national importance. 65
During the year under report, the Institute has undertaken 29 Collaborative Projects/Consultancies, with International funding.
Ongoing International Sponsored Projects and Consultancies from the following countries during the year are:

Country Nos. Country Nos.

Austria 1 Germany 5
Australia 2 Holland 1
Brazil 3 Hungary 1
Canada 3 Ireland 3
Denmark 1 Israel 1
Ethiopia 1 Italy 4
European Commission 1 Japan 4
France 4 Korea 3
Kuwait 1 Sweden 2
Portugal 1 Switzerland 3
Russia 2 UK 32
Slovenia 2 USA 14
Spain 1 Total 96

Some of the major International Sponsored Research Projects undertaken during the year 2012-13 are:

1. “Mind the Gap” - jumping the hurdles limiting Polymer Fuel Cell Performance and Commercialisation – DST-RCUK
(Indo-UK Collaborative Research Initiative in Fuel Cells)
2. Design of Ventilated Helmets – British Council (UKIERI – Imperial College, UK)
3. Low-cost Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Electroluminescent Devices - British Council (UKIERI – University of Cambridge, UK)
4. Physical Simulation of Ambient Dispersion of Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter namely PM10 and PM2.5 in Urban
Environment - British Council (UKIERI – University of Surrey, UK)
5. Interactive Systems and Coatings for a Sustainable Built Environment - British Council (UKIERI – University of Bath, UK)
6. Models and Algorithms for Computing in Presence of Uncertainties – DST (Indo-German Joint Research Project - Max
Planck Institut Informatik and University of Göttingen)
7. Green Sensor Networks for Air Quality Support – Ministry of Communications & Information Technology (DIT-NSF Indo-
US PC3 Programme - Northeastern University and University of Rochester)
8. On-Line H Detection and In-situ Structural Investigation of Silicon Nitride Based Solar Cell with Pelletron Accelerator -
International Atomic Energy Agency, Austria
9. Split Site Ph.D. and Student Exchange Research Programme on Nano Self-Assembled Photonic Systems - British Council
(UKIERI – University of Cambridge, UK)
10. Preparation of Textile Filters for Selective Filtration of Waste Waters – DST (Indo-Slovenian Bilateral Scientific Cooperation
– University of Maribor, Slovenia)
11. Development of Body Armour Materials using Silica Nanoparticles – DST (Politecnico di Torino, Italy)
12. Photovoltaic/Thermal Solar Collectors with Inherent Thermal Management of Photovoltaic Output and Thermal
Storage – DST (Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland)
13. Natural Anisotropic Materials: From Micro-level Composition to Macro-level Response - British Council (UKIERI –
University of Edinburgh, UK)
14. Development, Characterization and Modeling of Flexible Fibre Based Nanogenerators – TET – DST (Bay Zoltan
Foundation for Applied Research, Institute for Materials Science & Technology, Hungary)
15. G1WP1 - eAgriculture - Crop Disease Mitigation and Management System - DST-RCUK (Indo-UK Advanced Technology

16. G1WP4 - Internet of Things - eHealth - DST-RCUK (Indo-UK Advanced Technology Centre)
17. India-UK Advanced Technology Centre (Phase-2) of Excellence in Next Generation Networks Systems and Service - DST-
RCUK (Indo-UK Advanced Technology Centre)
18. Transit, Tracking, Pipeline, Safety and Human Communication – Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute (University of Regina,
19. Safeguarding Water Resources in India with Green and Sustainable Technologies (SWINGS) – DST (AIMEN Technological
Centre, Spain)
20. Collaborative Research and Education under IIT Delhi- BNERC, Toyo University Joint Bio-Nano Mission Program – Toyo
University, Japan
21. Structural, Magnetic and Transport Properties of NiMnAl Alloys and Melt-Spun Ribbons – DST (National University of
Science & Technology “MISiS”, Russia)
22. Joint Research on Study of Retail Supply Chain: A Comparative Study of India & USA – University of Connecticut, USA
23. Next Generation Sustainable Freight - British Council (UKIERI – UK-US-India Trilateral Research in Partnership – University
of Sheffield, UK)
24. Novel Approach for Processing Hazardous Electronics Waste – DST (University of New South Wales, Australia)
25. Enhancing Capacity of Regional Testing and Knowledge Centers – Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, USA
26. UK-India Faculty Curriculum and Network Development Project for Climate and Carbon Management – British Council
(Knowledge Economy Partnerships programme - Queens University Belfast, UK)
27. Low Carbon Cement - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland


The Institute has been undertaking Consultancy Assignments with International Organisations like Bulk Testing International,
France; Japan Automobile Research Institute, Japan; U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), Asian Office of Aerospace R&D,
Japan; LG Electronics Inc, Korea; Panchkanya Plast (P) Ltd., Nepal; Common Fund for Commodities, Netherlands; Escom Research
and Innovation Department, South Africa; Uppasala University, Sweden; Marvel Chemicals Ltd, UK; Fushi Copperweld Inc., USA;
PPG Industries Inc., USA; United Technologies Corp./Pratt & Whitney, USA; McAfee Inc., USA; Safe Water Network, USA; Gulf
Coast Technical Service, USA; Corning Inc., USA; Biomorphic VLSI Inc., USA; Institute for the Future, USA; Yardi Systems, USA and
Universities/ Institutions abroad. 67
Foundation for Innovation and
Technology Transfer (FITT)
(April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013)

FITT is a technology transfer organization established by and at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IIT Delhi) as a
Registered Society on July 9, 1992. FITT is mandated to be an effective interface with the industry to foster, promote and
sustain commercialization of science and technology. For twenty years now, FITT has been in a mission mode towards devising
innovative ways to create partnerships and linkages with business and the community to enable knowledge transfer for
common good. The team at FITT and the Institute academics have been largely responsible for our successful outreach and
extensive S&T collaborations.

The roles of FITT include: working with business, fostering technology development, technical consultancy, collaborative
R&D, technology commercialization, professional HR development programs, event participation, corporate membership etc.
These roles are necessitated by the key agenda of the Foundation to showcase and transfer the Institute’s “intellectual ware” to
industry and also inject industrial relevance in teaching and research at IIT Delhi.

• Since early days, FITT has secured the status as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (SIRO) from the
Government by virtue of its charter to implement, inter-alia, industrial R&D projects. During FY 2012-13, 63 technology
development / transfer projects worth Rs.898.29 lakh have been contracted at FITT.
• FITT manages the Institute’s IP and IPRs. During the aforementioned FY, 64 invention disclosures were processed, out
of which 22 cases were approved for filing patents and 3 licensing deals were closed. To augment its outreach and
technology commercialization efforts, FITT has entered into MoUs / Agreements with specialist outside agencies.
Besides enabling regular industry academia meetings, FITT organized a number of visits by IIT Delhi faculty to
industrial units in order to assess their R&D needs so as to initiate industry-relevant R&D programs at the Institute.
FITT also instrumented the visits of several overseas companies / delegations which helped in fruitful exchanges
between the visiting delegates and the academic community of the Institute.
• FITT addresses capacity building needs in the industry. During this period, 49 Professional Development Programs
were organized, primarily for industry participants for a gross value of Rs. 204.30 lakh.
• The “Professional Candidate Registration” has been adopted towards outreaching the academic courses at the Institute
amongst the targeted segments of industry, research and academic establishments. Through this program, suitably
qualified professionals can undertake relevant semester-long course modules here at IIT Delhi and thus enhance their
knowledge and skill set. 85 candidates participated in this program during the two semesters of the academic year
• As an avenue towards techno-entrepreneurship, FITT has enabled the establishment and operation of a thriving
Technology Business Incubation Unit (TBIU) on the campus. It is a flagship institute program. The objective of the
TBIU is primarily to promote partnership with new technology entrepreneurs and start-up companies, and also
serve as a medium of technology transfer. 12 companies are presently resident at the TBIU. Out of 37 companies
admitted so far in the incubator since its inception in the year 2000, 14 companies have started their commercial
operation after completing their incubation at the Institute and are reported to be growing at a steady pace. The TBIU
companies are working in the technology domains of IT, Biotechnology, Engineering design, Cleantech etc. Of late,
FITT is collaborating with Wallonia Trade and investment Agency (AWEX) of Belgium towards internationalization of
innovation led technology start-ups in the country.
FITT has also been recognized as a TePP (Technopreneur Promotion Programme) Outreach Centre by DSIR (Government) towards
fostering technology entrepreneurship amongst individual innovators and start-ups. The Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises (MSME), Government of India has also extended grants to FITT for promoting innovation amongst micro and small
enterprises leveraging the knowledge resources at IIT Delhi. Seed support in the broad area of ICT is also forthcoming under
the Department of Information Technology (DIT) program – “Technology Incubation and Development of Entrepreneurs” (TIDE)
scheme in operation at FITT. FITT is also a beneficiary of the grant assistance of Rs.1.00 cr. from the Technology Development
Board (TDB) for the specific purpose of providing early stage financial support to start-up units incubated at TBIU. More recently,
FITT has secured the coveted status of a BIG Partner of BIRAC (DBT) towards implementing their Biotechnology Ignition Grant
(BIG) scheme in the country.

FITT has on its roll over 100 corporate members representing small/medium/large scale industrial and R&D units. These members
receive preferential treatment in matters of collaboration with the Institute in addition to information and technical services

Foundation for Innovation and Technology Transfer

that FITT provides through the Institute’s resources. FITT’s gamut of services and
activities include:

• Transfer of technology relating to proven R&D outputs

• Research partnership with industry for technology development and its
commercial applications
• Innovative problem solving consultancy with industry clients
• Information support service to industry and R&D organizations
• Access to any array of specialized equipment and central facilities
• HRD programmes Team Zumble from IIT Delhi during Samsung Innovation
• Corporate membership of FITT
• Facilitate funding for the development of innovative ideas of commercial
Examples of R&D Collaborators:
BHEL, Bangalore
Corning Inc., USA
PALL Corporation, France
GAIL (India) Ltd., New Delhi
ABB Global Industries & Services Ltd., Bangalore
Applied Membrane Technology Inc., USA
Nagarjuna Fertilizers and Chemicals Ltd., Hyderabad
Dr Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd., Ranga Reddy

Partners: Innovation / Entrepreneurship

Samsung Electronics
Department of Information Technology (DIT), Govt. of India
Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR), Govt.of India
Technology Development Board (TDB) Industry Academia Interaction Session organized by FITT-
Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME), Govt. of India
Indian Angle Network (IAN)
ICICI - Trinity program

Star-up Success 2012-2013

Innovative Mechatronix Systems Private Limited (IMSPL)
• A venture promoted by Dr. Sunil Jha, Assistant Professor, Department
of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Delhi to develop products in embedded
electronics based automation solutions, new manufacturing processes and
machines for micromachining, industrial process monitoring and controls,
instrumentation and Machine to Machine (M2M) communications. IMPSL
has successfully developed i3 CNC MRF Machine as their first product
during incubation and is ready for demonstration/sales.
Faros Technologies Private Limited (FTPL)
• The start-up company promoted by Mr. Ravi Kapoor, IIT Delhi Alumnus and
Professor S. Mukherjee, from the Department of Mechanical Engineering,
aims at pooling research and resources in developing simulator sub
components. Faros Technologies has developed and successfully
commercialized driver training simulators for various Indian automobiles,
including Maruti, Tata Motors and Ashok Leyland vehicles. Recently, it has
developed a simulator for a two wheeler on Hero motorcycle and this is Workshop on Developments in Renewable Energy
ready for commercialization. Sources-2013 69
7. Events (April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013)

• Convocation 71
• Conferences/Workshops/Seminars 73
• Interaction with Alumni 75
• Distinguished Visitors 76

(April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013)

Distinguished Alumni Award

IIT Delhi lays great emphasis on interaction between the alumni and the alma mater and supports the activities of the IIT
Delhi Alumni Association. We are proud of our alumni and their achievements. The success of the alumni is one of the most
important yardsticks by which we measure our achievements.

The Institute recognizes the outstanding contributions made by the alumni in various areas by conferring the Distinguished
Alumni Award each year. This award is the highest honour conferred by the Institute on its alumni to recognize their
achievements and outstanding contributions to academics, business, profession and / or public service. For the year under
report, this prestigious Award has been conferred upon the following at the 43rd Convocation.

Prof. Trilochan Sastry

Distinguished Alumni Award

(B.Tech., Elect. Engg., 1981) Professor, Quantitative Methods & Information Systems at IIM Bangalore.

Prof. Trilochan Sastry

Prof. R.C. Budhani

Distinguished Alumni Award

(Ph.D., Condensed Matter Physics, 1982) Director of National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi.

Prof. R.C. Budhani

Dr. Punita Kumar-Sinha

Distinguished Alumni Award

(B.Tech., Chemical Engg., 1985) Founder and Managing Partner, Pacific Paradigm Advisors.

Dr. Punita Kumar-Sinha

Prof. Pawan Sinha

Distinguished Alumni Award

(B.Tech., Comp. Sc. & Engg., 1988) Computational and Visual Neuroscience in the Department of Brain
and Cognitive Sciences at MIT.

Prof. Pawan Sinha 71

Medals and Awards winners at the 43rd Convocation

Following is the list of award winning students at the convocation.

President’s Gold Medal Director’s Gold Medal

Ankur Gupta Shruti

Vivek Kumar Dwivedi Rohit Goyal Puneet Yadav Aashish Mittal M Uma Parthavi

Arsh Sood Anurag Garg Shretima Tandon Aditya Joshi Paarth Gupta

Gaurav Rakheja Jalaj Bhandari Nishant Dogra Saranshu Singla

Dr. Amrik Singh Medal & Prize Gaurav Singh Padmashri Manmohan Suri Project Award Inayat Goyal & Nistha Jain (Jointly)
Kamble Ankush Anandrao Chand Rani-Banarasi Dass Duggal Memorial Award Jatin Bansal, Narendra Kumar Chinia & Pankaj Rao Mr. & Mrs. Prem Sheel Bhatnagar Award
Lt. Arpan Banerjee Award Amit Suresh Chimanpure (Jointly) Saakshi Mahajan
Abhishek Kumar Tewari K. S. Prakasa Rao Memorial Award ICIM Stay Ahead Award Suman - Upma Gupta Memorial Gold Medal
Dogra Medal Papiya Dattaray Jatin Batra & Nishita Agarwal (Jointly) Shretima Tandon
S. Mridul Naidu IEEE-PEDES 96’ Award Jayant Sinha Award Nayyar Perwez Shahabuddin Medal
Dogra Educational Endowment Medal Soumik Kumar Mandal Satvik Dudeja Shashank Chaudhry
Kanchan Bala FITT Award for Best Industry Relevant Project Punita Kumar - Sinha Award Abhinav Dhupar Memorial Award
Prof. O.P. Gupta Medal Krishnendu Chatterjee and M.V.R.K. Sharma Shruti Nikita Rathi
Sombuddha Hazra Chaudhury (Jointly) Dogra Medal Mrs. Chander Kanta Nanda Excellence Award
Prof. Pushpa Bajaj Gold Medal Ramesh Krishnan R Nikita Rathi Mohit Khatri & Pallavi Khare (Jointly)
Radhika Vaid Shrimati and Shri H.R. Mittal Cash Award Bimla Jain Medal S.L. Duggal Excellence Cash Award
Parampujya Baba Sant Nagpalji Gold Medal Vijay Kumar Bilare Sumedha Roy & Abhilasha Sinha (Jointly) Azeez Gupta
Ankur Vijay Excellence Award for Best Project in HVAC&R Rahul Giri Memorial Medal Amit Garg Memorial Research Award
Prof. M.M. Chawla Gold Medal Amit Kakkar Karan Kohli Piyush Anant
Mohan Rao Mynam Rajiv Bambawale Cash Prize Dr. Kewal Krishan Baveja Gold Medal Shri Jaidutt Shrimati Saraswati Sodha Research
Prof. M.C. Puri Gold Medal K. Vishwanath Rao & P. Narasimha Sripad (Jointly) Mohit Khatri Award
Sweety Thomas Harsha Vardhan Dwarkadas Motiwala Laxmi Bai-Lal Chand Khurana Memorial Award Animesh Kuley
Dr. Neeraj Srivastava Prize Memorial Prize Arsh Sood Ujjal Jeewan Charitable Trust Award
Mehar Bhatnagar Saranshu Singla Mudit Sharma Memorial Gold Medal Sumedha Roy
Mrs. Santokh Gill Award Buti Foundation Bodh Raj Gold Medal (for best Nishant Dogra Rajiv Bambawale Cash Award
women student) Prof. M.M. Chawla Gold Medal Ankur Gupta
Sweety Thomas
Mona Arsh Sood Alumni Association IIT Delhi Prize
Prof. A.K. Sinha Cash Prize
K. Vasudevan Award BOSS Award Annie Lalnunfeli Sailo
Papiya Dattaray
Saranshu Singla Mehta Ravikumar Ramesh Rajindra Kumari Malhotra Memorial Prize
NBCC Prize of Excellence
Alok Saxena Memorial Award Anurag Garg Animesh Agarwal
Amit Agarwal
Mohit Khatri Karan Kohli Class of 89 Innovation Award
Jagat Ram Chopra Award
Suresh Chandra Memorial Trust Award Abhishek Minz & Jatin Dev (Jointly) Anshul Singhal & Pranay Jain (Jointly)
Madhurima Nath, Adhip Agarwala and Mona
for best software project Keshav Rathi & Nipun Agarwal (Jointly)
Aseem Garg & Ujjaval Kumar Singh (Jointly) Paras Ajay, Puneet Singhal & Achin Jain (Jointly)
Padmashri Manmohan Suri Memorial Award for
Anurag Goyal & Shashank Chaudhry (Jointly) Pooja Sharma & Nitin K Lohar (Jointly)
the Best Hardware Project in Mech. Engg.

Conferences/ Workshops/ Seminar
(April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013)

The departments and centres of the Institute organized many conferences, seminars and workshops and some major of them
are highlighted here under:
Departments/Cetres/Schools Title of the Conference/Seminar/ Workshop
Biochemical Engineering and A short term course on Bioinformatics was organized during October 22-23, 2012. This workshop was supported by the Department of
Biotechnology Biotechnology (DBT), Govt. of India. Dr. D. Sundar was the Coordinator for this workshop.
Biocatalysis-state of the Art and Challenges during February 8-9, 2013. This workshop was supported by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT),
Govt. of India. Profs. Saroj Mishra, Subhash Chand, E. Ravikrishnan and Praveen Kaul were the Coordinators for this workshop.
Chemistry New Directions in Chemical Sciences (NDCS-2012), December 7 – 9, 2012.
Civil Engineering Training program on “Modern Formwork and Scaffolding”, 4-6 October 2012, Dr. K. N. Jha.
Workshop on Experimental Dynamics, Structural Health Monitoring and Non-Destructive Evaluation, 9th March 2013 conducted by Dr. Suresh
2012 International SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) Conference and Workshops was held during July 16th - 20th, 2012 at India Habitat
Centre, New Delhi, India organized by Prof. A. K. Gosain.
Symposium: Identification of Issues for Sustainable Urban Built-Environment through Symposium of Indo-German Experts (“SustainUBE”), 29-31
October, 2012, Coordinators: Arun Kumar, Vasant Matsagar sponsored by (a) Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF - Bundesministerium
for Bildung und Forschung), Government of Germany; (b) Indian National Science Academy (INSA); and (c) Wipro Limited, India.
The Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC2012) on Advances in Geotechnical Engineering was held during 13th to 15th December, 2012 at IIT
Seminar on “Future Aspects of Power Generation in India” by the Chairman and Managing Director of the National Thermal Power Corporation
(NTPC) Dr. Arup Roy Choudhury, CMD of National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC), India.
3rd IGS Ferroco Terzaghi Oration 2012 on “Design and Construction of Barrier System to Minimize Environmental Impacts Due to MSW Leachate
and Gas” by Prof. Kerry Rowe, Queens University, Canada on 5th October 2012, at Seminar Hall, IIT Delhi.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Stamm, Professur für Wasserbau at Technische Universitat (TU) Dresden in Germany delivered seminar on “Research Activities
of the Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Technical Hydromechanics at Technische Universitat Dresden in Germany” on Thursday, 29th
November 2012.
Energy Harvesting from Civil Infrastructure using Piezo Transducers by A. P. R. Vittal, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore on 20th
December 2012.
Lime Based Binders for Construction Industry by Prof. Richard Ball, Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, University of Bath, UK on
8th January 2013.
A seminar titled “Inspiring the Next Generation, Innovation in Design and Construction and Informing Society” was delivered by the President of
the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), UK, Mr. Barry Clarke on Thursday, 17th January 2013.
“Design of Cities in the 21st Century: from Mobility to Wellbeing” delivered by Prof. Nick Tyler, Head of Department for Civil, Environmental and
Geomatic Engineering and Pro-Provost for South Asia region for University College of London on Tuesday, 26th February, 2013.
Dr. Marian V.I. Muste on University of Iowa’s Winterim Program 2013 under ‘International Perspectives in Water Resources Science and Management’
by IIHR-Hydroscience & Engineering (IIHR), College of Engineering at the University of Iowa (UI).
Computer Science and National Conference on Communications (NCC) 2013, Feb. 15-17, 2013, I.I.T. Delhi. Dr. Vinay J. Ribeiro was publications chair for this conference.
Engineering ACM DEV 2013, Jan 13-14, Bangalore. Aaditeshwar Seth, PC co-chair.
Exhibition of Assistive Devices for the Visually Impaired developed in the department on 18th March, 2013.
Physics Schlumberger – IIT-Delhi Meeting, September 2012
Bio-Imaging and Signal Processing (Sponsored by General Electric) - 12/10/2012
Textile Technology Young Researcher’s Symposium on emerging trends in Polymers/Fibers/Textiles, 7-9th March 2013, Dr. Bhanu Nandan, Dr. Rajiv Srivastava .
Seminar series on Selected topics in Textiles and Fibers by distinguished professors from Technical university of Liberec- Czech Republic and
University of Minho- Portugal, 15-17th April 2013, Prof. B. K. Behera.
Applied Research in Electronics IEEE MTTS Colloquium on Microwaves and Millimeter Waves Integrated Circuits, 5th October 2012.
Atmospheric Sciences Future Directions for Weather and Climate Research in the Tropics, 3-5 December, 2012, Prof. S.K. Dash.
Brain Storming meeting for Establishing Network Program on "Climate Modelling & Human Health in the context of Climate Change, 24-25 May,
June 1, 2012, Prof. S.K. Dash and Dr. Sagnik Dey.
Biomedical Engineering Seminar on Hindi (Hindi Week) Jointly organized by Hindi Cell & CBME, 28.09.2012.
Invited Lecture in “Nano-Pico Pharmaceuticals & Invivgensome Seminar” held at Amity University, NOIDA on 27th December, 2012.
Brain Storming Session on “Setting up of Diagnostic Domes/Bio-Booths”, IIT Bombay on 28th February, 2013.
Invited lecture in National Seminar on “Role of Neurosciences in Instrumentation” at Galgoatias College of Engineering & Technology, Greater
NOIDA on 11th April, 2012.
Lecture on “Biomedical Instrumentations”, Pre-Seminar Workshop on Biosensors and Materials at Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, 11th March,
Energy Studies A Workshop was organised by Prof. D.K. Sharma on “ Developments in Renewable Energy Sources (Biomass, Solar etc.)” from February 27-28, 2013
at CES IIT Delhi.
A Workshop was organised by Prof. D.K. Sharma on “ Developments in Biomass Derived Fuels – Bioenergy based Bioeconomy (including third
generation biofuel-algal biofuels)” from Aug. 1 to 2, 2012 at CES IIT Delhi.
A HRD Programme was organised by Prof. T.C. Kandpal on “Economics of Renewable Energy Based Power Generation” from May 29 to June 1, 2012. 73
Instrument Design & “Measurement of Temperature of an Axi-symmetric Flame of Butane Torch Burner using Digital Holographic Interferometry”, oral presentation
Development Centre in Renewable Energy and the Environment © OSA 2012, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 11th– 15th November 2012, Shobhna Sharma, Gyanendra
Sheoran, A.L.Vyas and Chandra Shakher.
“Efficient PV Micro-inverter With Isolated Output”, (IICPE), IEEE 5th India International Conference on Power Electronics, 6-8 Dec. 2012, Pandya,V,
Agarwala A.K.
“Diagonal PV Micro-inverter With Isolated Output”, (IICPE), IEEE 5th India International Conference on Power Electronics, 6-8 Dec. 2012, Pandya,V,
Agarwala A.K.
Rural Development and Capacity Building for Adoption of Biogas Technology, 29 March,2011 at IIT Delhi.
Technology Two days Workshop and Training Programme on Biomass Cookstoves, 16-17 April 2011 .
Two days Workshop and Training Programme on Biomass Cookstoves, 24-25 January 2012 .
National Convention on “Current and Emerging Trends in Indian Biogas & Biofertilizer Development (CETIBBD) 2012, 15-17 September, 2012.
National Training on “Biogas Production, Purification and Bottling Technology, 7-9 September, 2011.
National Training on “Biogas Production, Purification and Power Generation, 1-3 March, 2012.
Trainers training programme on “Value addition of Mahua flowers, March, 2012.
Training workshop on “Bamboo Treatment and Bamboo-Ferrocement Products, 23-27 April, 2012.
Biodiversity workshop at JNV, Mothuka Vill., Faridabad, September, 2011.
Management Development Programme for Rural Enterprises. A nine days Management Development Program for Rural Enterprises.
Regional Workshop Rajasthan held on December 26-27, 2011 at College of Technology and Engineering, Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture
& Technology, Udaipur.
Regional Workshop Uttar Pradesh held on September 14-15, 2011 at State Institute of Rural Development, Lucknow.
Southern Regional Workshop on Rural Housing was organized between 1-2 March 2012 at Thiruvananthapuram with IIT Delhi as the main
organizer and HUDCO/HSMI and Laurie Baker Centre for Habitat Studies as partner organizations. Workshop Coordinator Dr V M Chariar.
Workshop at waste management sanitation and rapid composting at Vill. Mubarikpur, Block Farrukhnagar, Haryana, December, 2011.
Kusum School of Biological Bioworld 2012.

Web Designing Workshop

Interaction with Alumni
(April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013)

Leadership Conclave 2012 was organized by the IIT Delhi Alumni Association on 15th April, 2012. The theme of this Conclave
was Vision IIT 2020.
Annual General Body Meeting of IIT Delhi Alumni Association was held on 28th April, 2012. The AGM was followed by a musical
A Table Tennis & Badminton Tournament was organized on 2nd September, 2012 at the Student Activity Centre.

Silver Reunion of 1988 Batch was celebrated from 21-23, 2012. About 90 alumni participated along with their families.
Pearl Reunion of 1976 & 1977 Batches was celebrated on March 10, 2013. About 50 alumni participated along with their spouses.

The Dean, AAIP office also organized talks by several distinguished international speakers including:
• Institute lecture on “S&T and Diplomacy in the 21st Century” by Dr. William E. Colglazier, science and Technology Adviser to
the U.S. Secretary of State on 21 Jan, 2013.
• Institute lecture on “The search of a deeper understanding of our universe at the Large Hadron Collider: the World’s Largest
Particle Accelerator” by Professor Rolf-Dieter Heuer on 14 Feb, 2013. 75
Distinguished Visitors
(April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013)

• Many delegations from the Industry, Academia and the Government

form several countries visited the Institute to explore the possibilities
of mutual interaction. Some of these are highlighted below:
• A 6 member delegation led by Dr. Shams Kassim Lakha, Former
Minister of Education, Science & Technology, Indo-Pak Sub-Committee H.E. Mr. Alejandro Cruz,
Minister of Science and
on Education and Skill Development, Pakistan, visited the Institute on Technology, Costa Rica
12 April 2012. receiving a souvenir from
Director, IIT Delhi. HE Mr.
• A 7 member delegation led by Prof. Hu Haiyan, President, Beijing Alejandro Cruz visited the
Institute of Tech., & Member of the China Academy of Science, Beijing Institute on 15 Oct, 2012.
Institute of Technology, Beijing, visited the Institute on 20 April 2012.
• A 5 member delegation led by Prof. John Hepburn, Vice President,
Research and International, University of British Columbia, Canada,
visited the Institute on 30 May, 2012.
• A 3 member delegation led by Prof. Luda Kopeikina, Visiting Professor,
Division of Eng. & Technology Management, National University of
Singapore, Singapore, visited in the Institute on 6 July 2012.
• A 5 member delegation led by Prof. Dr. Bhangy Cassy, Vice Chancellor,
University of Zambeze, Republic of Mozambique, visited the Institute
on 16 July 2012.
• A 5 member delegation led by Prof. Robert Duncan, Vice Chancellor for
Research, University of Missouri, US, visited the Institute on 26 July 2012.
• A 6 member delegation led by Prof.Kalle Tammemae, Vice-Rector of
Academic Affairs, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia, visited the
Institute on 27 Sep, 2012.
• A 2 member delegation led by Dr. Ronan McGrath, Head of School of
Physical Sciences, University of Liverpool, UK, visited the Institute on
Prof. Hu Haiyan, President, Beijing Institute of Tech., & Member of the China
01 Oct, 2012. Academy of Science, Beijing, signing MoU with IIT Delhi. Prof. Hu Haiyan visited the
• A 5 member delegation led by Dr. Hannes Androsch, Chairman, Institute on 20 Apr, 2012.
Austrian Council for Research and Tech. Development, Austrian Council
for Research and Tech. Development, Austria, visited the Institute on 03
Oct, 2012.
• A 11 member delegation led by H.E. Federal Councilor Dr. Alain Berset,
Head Federal Department of Home Affairs, Switzerland, visited the Prof. Tan Chorh Chuan,
Institute on 03 Oct, 2012. President of National
University of Singapore,
• A 5 member delegation led by H.E. Mr. Alejandro Cruz, Minister of
presenting a souvenir to
Science and Technology, Costa Rica, visited the Institute on 15 Oct, 2012. Director, IIT Delhi. Prof.
• A 3 member delegation led by Mr. Nigel Relph, Pro Vice Chancellor, Tan Chorh Chuan visited
the Institute on 25 Mar,
and Vice President, University of South Australia, Australia, visited the 2013.
Institute on 20 Nov, 2012.
• A 3 member delegation led by Prof. Albert Wu, Professor, Chemical
and Materials Engg., National Central University, Taiwan, visited the
Institute on 24 Jan, 2013.
• A 13 member delegation led by Dr. Mats Johnsson, Senior Advisor,
Ministry of Education and Research, under Indo-Sweden Research
Collaboration, Sweden, visited the Institute on 29 Jan, 2013.
• A 7 member delegation led by Prof. Peter Gregson, Vice Chancellor,
Queens University, UK, visited the Institute on 25 Feb, 2013.
• A 12 member delegation led by Dr. Mary Eileen McMahon, Regional
Director, University of California Education Abroad Program, California,
USIEF, USA, visited the Institute on 11 Mar, 2013.
• A 3 member delegation led by Prof. Donal Dingwell, Secretary General
of the European Research Council, Belgium, visited the Institute on 15
Mar, 2013.
Prof. Donal Dingwell, Secretary General of the European Research Council, Belgium
• A 3 member delegation led by Prof.Tan Chorh Chuan, President of National in a meeting. Prof. Donal Dingwell visited the Institute on 15 Mar, 2013.
University of Singapore, Singapore, visited the Institute on 25 Mar, 2013.

8. Faculty
(April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013)
• Faculty Awards/ Recognitions 78
• Faculty in Position 81
• New Appointments, Retirements etc. 84 77
Faculty Awards/ Recognitions
(April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013)

It is a cliché to say that the quality of an academic institution largely depends on its faculty. Our faculty is one of the finest in
the country and is recognized internationally for their quality of research, teaching and curriculum development. They also
contribute greatly for the development of the nation by being associated with a large number of decision making bodies,
providing crucial guidance and advice on policy matters and technical issues. Many of our faculty members serve on the
editorial Boards of reputed journals, peer-review papers for publications, serve on committees for recruitment of professionals,
and are on the Boards of many institutions and organizations. 30 new faculty members have joined the Institute this year, which
has enhanced our competence in several emerging areas, while bringing new energy into our academic endeavors. The people
joining us as faculty members, are amongst the finest available globally, and sought after, by all the reputed graduate schools
of the developed world. Offers of appointment have been issued to 20 selected candidates who are expected to join soon.
Searching and recruitment of bright faculty is one of our most important missions, since therein lies the future of the Institute.
Our Board of Governors is seized of this issue, and has played a very positive and constructive role in approving policies, which
empower the faculty to deliver their best in both teaching and research. On our part, we are trying to reach out to the potential
faculty members through a variety of means, including round-the-year search and recruitment and on-line submission and
processing of applications.
During the period under report, international bibliographic databases have indexed 2484 research articles published by faculty
members and researchers of the institute in international journals including 1696 articles indexed in Scopus, an international
indexing service in Science & Technology and Social Sciences. The faculty members have also presented a similar number
of papers in national and international conferences. Besides, they have also published many books and conducted several
continuing education programmes. The Institute supported participation of 185 faculty members to international conferences
and 106 faculty members for national conferences this year. Many more participated with financial support from sponsored
projects, and other funding agencies. The Institute provides seed research funding to the new faculty upon joining the Institute
to the tune of Rs. 10.00 lakhs (or more when necessary). During the year, 29 Young Faculty Fellowships have been awarded.
To encourage the new faculty for developing research facilities in the area of their expertise, the Institute sanctioned the New
Faculty Research Grant of a total of Rs. 268 lakhs to 23 faculty members during the financial year 2012-2013.
On the initiative of the Director, a meeting with all the faculty members of the Institute is held on a regular basis once in every
semester to share the vision and initiatives taken and also to have an opportunity to receive feedback and expectation from
faculty members. With the approval of Board, the various faculty designations, status, eligibility, limit, duration etc. in respect of
faculty other than regular cadre has been implemented.

Faculty Awards/Recognitions
Our distinguished faculty colleagues continue to make a difference to the world of Science, Engineering, Humanities and
Management, and continue to earn recognition and awards, which bring glory to the Institute. Many of them have been
bestowed with honours/awards and elected as Fellows of several professional national/international bodies during the year
2012-2013. Some of these recognitions are highlighted below:
• Dr. Ajeet Kumar;
1. Young Faculty Incentive Fellowship, IIT Delhi (Nov 2012 – present).
2. Invited to chair a session “Buckling and instability in rods and sheets” at ASME Congress, Houston, USA (Nov 2012)
• Dr. Balaji Srinivasan, Excellence in Teaching Award (Jan 2013).
• Dr. Vikrant Tiwari, aIndo-Danish Workshop 2012, Future Composite Technologies for Wind Turbine Blades.
• Prof. Suhail Ahmad, National Chair, ACMFMS-2012 held at IIT Delhi (Dec. 5-8, 2012). Third Asian Conference on Mechanics of
Functional Materials and Structures, New Delhi (ACMFMS 2012). 2010-2012.
• Dr. Amit Kumar, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, has been awarded INSA Young Scientist Medal (2011).
• Prof. S. Kapuria;
1. General Chair, ACMFMS-2012 held at IIT Delhi (Dec. 5-8, 2012). Third Asian Conference on Mechanics of Functional
Materials and Structures, New Delhi (ACMFMS 2012). 2010-2012.
2. Member, National Advisory Committee, ICSMS-2012, Dec 9-12, 2012 .4th Int. Congress on Computational Mechanics and
Simulation (ICSMS-2012), Hyderabad.

Faculty Awards/ Recognitions

3. Member, International Scientific Committee. Tenth International Congress on Thermal Stresses to be held in Nanjing,
China. 2013.
4. Editor of Proceedings on Mechanics of Functional Materials and Structures. ACMFMS-2012, Narosa Publisher. 2012
5. Developed following new Laboratory Facilities used for teaching and research: Set up for Excitation and Sensing of Lamb
Waves in thin walled structures using piezoelectric sensing and actuation. It is a 64 channel set-up with a maximum actuation
potential of 130 V (peak to peak) and 1MHz frequency was tailor-made by Acellent Technology, USA for IITD.
• Sushant Das, (3rd Prize in Student Presentation Category) - IASTA 2012 (Mumbai).
• Prof. A.K. Srivastava, “Centre of excellence (Program support) for microbial production of designer polymers from renewable
resources” (As PI & Coordinator) (2012 -2017) Rs 420.46 Lakhs sponsored by Department of Biotechnology, New Delhi.
• Prof. Saroj Mishra, Inducted as a Task Force member on DBT Task Force on `Environmental Biotechnology and Biodiversity
• Dr. D. Sundar;
1. Dr. D. Sundar has been selected for the National Bioscience Award for Career Development of the Department of
Biotechnology (DBT), Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India for the year 2012. This award is instituted by the
DBT for scientists below the age of 45 years, who have made outstanding contributions in frontier areas of biological
sciences. The award carries a Cash Prize of Rs. 1 Lakh, a trophy along with a citation and financial support for a research
grant for three years.
2. Dr. D. Sundar has been selected for the Prof. Umakant Sinha Memorial Award of the Indian Science Congress Association
(ISCA) for the year 2012-2013. This annual award is instituted by the ISCA to recognize and reward one young Indian
scientist (below 40 years of age), who has carried out significant original research as evidenced by independent published
work in New Biology (including Biochemistry, Biophysics, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology). The recipient delivered
the Award Lecture during the 100th session of the Indian Science Congress [Centenary year 2012-2013] held in Kolkata
during January 3-7, 2013).
• Citation of paper in Neuropharmacology 2011, 60:910. by Dr. James Watson (Nobel Laureate) in his lecture on the occasion
of “60 years of discovery of DNA structure” at University of California Los Angeles, during March, 2013.
• Paper published in Molecular Biology of Cell (2012), 23(19):3882-98: Most-Read Articles during Dec 2012.
• Molecular Biology of Cell (2012), 23(19):3882-98: the paper has received recommendation of FACULTY of 1000 with 6 points.
• S. E. Hasnain;
1. Chairman of the Peer Review Committee,Government of India, Defence Research and Development Organization, Delhi.
2. Organizing Committee Member, Biometrics-2013,OMICS Group Conferences, USA.
3. External Expert, Institutional Biosafety Committee, LEPRA India-Blue Peter Public Health & Research Center (BPHRC),
4. Member, Scientific Advisory Committee CBMR (Centre of Biomedical Magnetic Resonance), Lucknow.
5. External Expert, Defence Research & Development Orgn., Directorate of Personnel (Pers-5), New Delhi.
6. Member of Selection Committee Council Section (Unit – IA) Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
7. Member,40th Scientific Advisory Committee of National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis, Chennai.
• Prof. S. K. Koul, elected member of IEEE MTTS Administrative Committee.
• A.K. Ganguli, Fellow, National Academy of Sciences, Allahabad, 2012.
• S.K. Khare, Fellow, Biotech Research Society of India, 2012.
• A.J. Elias, INSA Teachers Award, 2012.
• A.K. Ganguli, CNR Rao National Prize for 2012-13 given by the Chemical Research Society of India (CRSI).
• Sudip Pattanayek, Excellence in Teaching Award by IIT Delhi, 2012.

• Dr. Anushree Malik;

1. Inducted as Editorial Board Member of “Frontiers in Food Microbiology” (Switzerland).
2. Chaired a session “New approaches to Industrial Biotechnology” at Third World Congress on Biotechnology at Hyderabad,
September 2012. 79
Faculty Awards/ Recognitions

3. Chaired a session at Second International Conference on Recycling and Reuse of Materials (ICRM 2011) in August 2011,

• Dr. V M Chariar ;
1. Chosen as a Member of the Sectoral Innovation Council set up by the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation,
Government of India.
2. Awarded the Fulbright-Nehru Visiting Lecturership 2012-2013 and would be teaching the course “Design for the
Developing World” at College of Technology and Innovation, Arizona State University during the Fall Semester 2012.

• Prof. V.P. Sharma;

1. ICMR Chair for Public Health Research.
2. Chairman, Vector Science Forum.
3. Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Parasitic Diseases (Springer).
• Amitabha Bagchi and Maya Ramanath, received an Unrestricted Gift from the Faculty Research and Engagement Program
of Yahoo.
• S. Arun-Kumar, Sorav Bansal and Amitabha Bagchi , received an IIT Delhi’s excellence in teaching award for the year 2012.
• Sorav Bansal, received a Faculty Award of USD 10,000/- from IBM.
• Prof. P. K. Jain, Best Professor Award in July 2012 by World Education Congress and CMO Asia at Singapore.
• Prof. P. K. Jain, Amar Ujala B-School Excellence Award, Best Teacher in Financial Management (23/11/2012).
• Prof. Surendra S Yadav, Amar Ujala Best Teacher in Management (23/11/2012).
• Prof. Kanika T Bhal, National Education Award (Best Professor in Management) by Headlines Tody on 14th December 2012.
• Prof. M. P. Gupta, Best Professor Award in July 2012 by World Education Congress and CMO Asia at Singapore.
• Dr. Seema Shama, Best Professor Award in November 2012 in the area of Economics by Dewang Mehta Business School
Awards at Bombay.
• Dr Sourabh Ghosh, has received MAHE award during Conference of Society of Biomaterials and Artificial Organs, at Indian
Institute of Science, Bangalore, 11th December 2012.
• Dr. Abhijit Majumdar, is selected as Associate Editor of Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), Series E, Chemical and
Textile Engineering, Published by Springer.
• Dr. Kedar B. Khare. Young Faculty Teaching Excellence Award.
• Prof. Neeraj Khare, Chief-Editor of Global science Technology Forum (Singapore), Journal of Physics and Application
• Prof. Neeraj Khare, Awarded British Council UKIERI Project on ‘Nano Oxide composite for novel applications’ with Cambridge
• Prof. S.C. Mullick & Prof. T.C. Kandpal were received Teaching Excellence Awards from IIT Delhi during Foundation Day
Celebrations 2013.
• Dr. Bappaditya Manna, received the SGSIT National Award for Best Research Work done by Young Teachers of Engineering
College 2012-2013, sponsored by Indian Society for technical Education (ISTE).
• Dr. Dipti Ranjan Sahoo, has been conferred with the INAE Young Engineers Award, Indian National Academy of Engineering
(INAE), India.
• Dr. Bappaditya Manna and Dr. Dipti Ranjan Sahoo, have been conferred with the IEI Young Engineers Award, The Institution
of Engineers (IEI), India.
• Dr. Dipti Ranjan Sahoo and Dr. Bappaditya Manna, has been conferred with the DAE Young Scientist Research Award,
Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), India.
• Dr. Tanusree Chakraborty, Dr. Bappaditya Manna and Dr. Vasant Matsagar, DAAD Fellowships for conducting research in
Germany awarded by the Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst, the German Academic Exchange Programme in the
year 2012.

Faculty in Position
(April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013)

Department of Applied Mechanics Assistant Professors Ravi Shankar, Ph.D. Arun Kumar, Ph.D.
Professor and Head Ravi Krishnan Elangovan, Ph.D. Jai Deo Singh, Ph.D. Tanusree Chokrabarty, Ph.D.
S. Ahmed, Ph.D. Praveen Kaul, Ph.D. Associate Professors Dipti Ranjan Sahoo, Ph.D.
Professors Ritu Kulshreshtha, Ph.D. Pramit K. Chowdhury, Ph.D. Abhijit Ganguli, Ph.D.
Anupam Dewan, Ph.D. Preeti Srivastava, Ph.D. Shashank Deep, Ph.D. Dhanya C.T., Ph.D.
Puneet Mahajan, Ph.D. D. Sundar, Ph.D. V. Haridas, Ph.D. Arvind K. Swamy, Ph.D.
Rajesh Prasad, Ph.D. Shilpi Sharma, Ph.D. S. Nagendran, Ph.D. Emeritus Fellow
Sanjeev Sanghi, Ph.D. Department of Chemical Engineering Sameer Sapra, Ph.D. T.K Datta
D.K. Sehgal, Ph.D. Professor and Head Assistant Professors A.K. Nagpal, Ph.D.
S.N. Singh, Ph.D. Ashok N. Bhaskarwar Ph.D. Nidhi Jain, Ph.D Senior Programmer
S.V. Veeravalli, Ph.D. Professors Department of Civil Engineering M. Malikharjuna Rao, M.E.
Santosh Kapuria, Ph.D. S. Basu, Ph.D. Professor and Head Department of Computer Science &
Associate Professors S.K.Gupta, Ph.D. A.K. Gosain, Ph.D.
Professor and Head
Badri Prasad Patel, Ph. D. Rajesh Khanna, Ph.D. Professors
Huzur Saran, Ph.D.
Maloy K. Singha, Ph.D. Ratan Mohan, Ph.D. B.J. Alappat, Ph.D.
Assistant Professors K.K. Pant, Ph.D. B. Bhattacharjee, Ph.D.
Amit Kumar, Ph.D.
Ajeet Kumar, Ph. D. Anurag Singh Rathore, Ph.D. Bhagu Ram Chahar, Ph.D.
Anshul Kumar, Ph.D.
M.R. Cholemari, Ph.D. Shantanu Roy, Ph.D. Manoj Datta, Ph.D.
S. Arun Kumar Ph.D.
Jayant Jain, Ph.D. Anil K. Saroha, Ph.D. N.K. Garg, Ph.D.
M. Balakrishnan, Ph.D.
S. Pradyumna, Ph.D. Associate Professors Ashok Gupta, Ph.D.
S. Banerjee, Ph.D.
Anamika Prasad, Ph.D. Vivek V. Buwa, Ph.D. V.R. Guntari, Ph.D.
Naveen Garg, Ph.D.
Balaji Srinivasan, Ph.D. Shaik Abdul Munawar, Ph.D. K.C. Iyer, Ph.D.
S.K. Gupta, Ph.D.
Sawan Suman, Ph.D. Sudip K. Pattanayek, Ph.D. A.K. Jain, Ph.D.
B.N. Jain, Ph.D.
Vikrant Tiwari, Ph.D. Anupam Shukla, Ph.D. A.K. Keshari, Ph.D.
Prem Kumar Kalra, Ph.D.
Sitikantha Roy, Ph.D. Sreedevi U., Ph.D. Mukesh Khare, Ph.D.
Saroj Kaushik, Ph.D.
Adjunct Faculty (Naval Construction Sanat Mohanty, Ph.D. Shashi Mathur, Ph.D.
Wing) S.N. Maheshwari, Ph.D.
Assistant Professors Alok Madan, Ph.D.
Cdr. R. Vijaya Kumar Preeti Ranjan Panda, Ph.D.
Jayati Sarkar, Ph.D. A.K. Mittal, Ph.D.
LT. Cdr. Amit Ray Sanjiva Prasad, Ph.D.
Shalini Gupta, Ph.D. A.K. Nema, Ph.D.
Capt. V.K. Satyam (Officer-in-charge) Sandeep Sen, Ph.D.
Gaurav Goel, Ph.D. K.S. Rao, Ph.D.
Dharam Singh Pankaj Jalote, Ph.D.
Paresh P. Chokshi, Ph.D. K.G. Sharma, Ph.D.
LT. Cdr. S.K. Rao Associate Professors
Emritus Fellow Geetam Tewari, Ph.D. Amitabh Bagchi, Ph.D.
Emeritus Fellow
A.K. Gupta Anil Sawhney, Ph.D. Subodh Kumar, Ph.D.
R.K Mittal, Ph.D.
Department of Chemistry Associate Professors Kolin Paul, Ph.D.
R.K. Pandey, Ph.D.
Professor and Head R. Ayothiraman, Ph.D. Assistant Professors
P.K. Sen, Ph.D.
A.K. Singh, Ph.D. Suresh Bhalla, Ph.D. Rajesh Jaiswal, Ph.D.
V. Seshadri, Ph.D.
Professors G.S. Benipal, Ph.D. Sorav Bansal, Ph.D.
Department of Biochemical
Engineering & Biotechnology D.K. Bandyopadhyay, Ph.D. R.R. Kalaga Das, Ph.D. Smruti R Sarangi, Ph.D.
Professor and Head C. Chakravarty (Ms), Ph.D. S.K. Deb, Ph.D. V.J. Ribeiro, Ph.D.
T.R. Srikrishnan, Ph.D. H.M. Chawla, Ph.D. Kumar Neeraj Jha, Ph.D. Maya Ramanath, Ph.D.
Professors Anil Jacob Elias, Ph.D. Rakesh Khosa, Ph.D. Aaditeshwar Seth, Ph.D.
G.P. Agarwal, Ph.D. N.D. Kurur, Ph.D. Deo Raj Kaushal, Ph.D. Parag Singla, Ph.D.
V.S. Bisaria, Ph.D. S.K. Khare Vasant Matsagar, Ph.D. Emritus Fellow
P.K. Roychoudhury, Ph.D. M.N. Gupta, Ph.D. J.T. Shahu, Ph.D. K.K. Biswas, Ph.D.
Prashant Mishra, Ph.D. B. Jayaram, Ph.D. Assistant Professors Department of Electrical Engineering
Sunil Nath, Ph.D. P.S. Pandey, Ph.D. Supratic Gupta, Ph.D. Professor and Head
Saroj Mishra (Ms), Ph.D. Siddharth Pandey, Ph.D. GazalaHabib, Ph.D. B. Bhowmik (Ms.), Ph.D.
Subhash Chand, Ph.D. Nalin Pant, Ph.D. J. Uma Maheshwari, Ph.D. Professors
A.K. Srivastava, Ph.D. R.N. Ram, Ph.D. B. Munwar Besha Ph.D. R.K.P. Bhatt, Ph.D.
Associate Professor A. Ramanan, Ph.D. Bappaditya Manna, Ph.D. R.K. Patney, Ph.D.
Atul Narang, Ph.D. N.G. Ramesh, Ph.D. Shashank Bishnoi, Ph.D. P.R. Bijwe, Ph.D. 81
Faculty in Position

Ranjan Bose, Ph.D. V. Upadhyay, Ph.D. Department of Mathematics M.S. Kulkarni, Ph.D.
G. Bhuvaneshwari (Ms.), Ph.D. Associate Professors Professor and Head S.V. Modak, Ph.D.
Devi Chadha (Ms.), Ph.D. Vibha Arora, Ph.D. B.S. Panda, Ph.D. Pulak Mohan Pandey, Ph.D.
Vinod Chandra, Ph.D. Angelie Multani, Ph.D. Professor Prabal Talukdar, Ph.D.
S. Chaudhary, Ph.D. Bharati Puri, Ph.D. B. Chandra, Ph.D. R.K Pandey, Ph.D.
M. Hanmandlu, Ph.D. Kamlesh Singh, Ph.D. R.K. Sharma, Ph.D. Assistant Professors
V.K. Jain, Ph.D. Assistant Professors Associate Professors Nomesh Bolia, Ph.D.
Jayadeva, Ph.D. Ankush Agarwal, Ph.D. N. Chatterjee, Ph.D. Subhra Datta, Ph.D.
S.D. Joshi, Ph.D. Arudra Venkata Burra, Ph.D. S. Dharmaraja, Ph.D. Amit Gupta, Ph.D.
I.N. Kar, Ph.D. Subiman Kundu, Ph.D. Vipul Jain, Ph.D.
Pritha Chandra, Ph.D.
Subrat Kar, Ph.D. Aparna Mehra, Ph.D. B. Premachandran, Ph.D.
Divya Dwivedi, Ph.D.
M.J. Kumar, Ph.D. Anima Nagar, Ph.D. Emeritus Fellow
Arjun Ghosh, Ph.D.
R.K. Malik, Ph.D. S. C. Sekhara Rao, Ph.D. T.K. Kundra, Ph.D.
Farhana Ibrahim, Ph.D.
Sukumar Mishra, Ph.D. K. Sreenadh,Ph.D. Department of Physics
Naveen Thayyil Kamaluddin, Ph.D.
Shankar Prakriya, Ph.D. A. Tripathi, Ph.D. Professor and Head
Stuti Khanna, Ph.D.
Surendra Prasad, Ph.D. Assistant Professors H.C. Gupta, Ph.D.
Reetika Khera
Hirish Kumar, Ph.D. Professors
K.R. Rajagopal, Ph.D. Richa Kumar, Ph.D.
N. Shravan Kumar, Ph.D. Ajit Kumar, Ph.D.
Bhim Singh, Ph.D. Debasis Mondal, Ph.D.
Mani Mehra, Ph.D. Arun Kumar, Ph.D.
M. Veerachary, Ph.D. Saurabh Bikas Paul, Ph.D.
Amit Priyadarshi, Ph.D. R. Chatterjee (Ms.), Ph.D.
G.S. Visveswaran, Ph.D. Rajakrishnan Rajkumar, Ph.D.
Sivnathan Sampath, Ph.D. Sujeet Chaudhary, Ph.D.
Associate Professors Sarbeswar Sahoo, Ph.D.
Ritumoni Sarma, Ph.D.
Manav Bhatnagar, Ph.D. B.D. Gupta, Ph.D.
Paroma Sanyal, Ph.D.
Anuradha Sharma, Ph.D.
Shouribrata Chatterjee, Ph.D. Joby Joseph, Ph.D.
Upasana Sharma, Ph.D.
V.V.K. Srinivas Kumar, Ph.D
Swades K. De, Ph.D. Neeraj Khare Ph.D.
Jayan Jose Thomas, Ph.D.
Emeritus Fellow
Brijesh Lal, Ph.D. Bodh Raj Mehta, Ph.D.
English Language Instructor Suresh Chandra
Mashuq-un-Nabi, Ph.D. Dalip Singh Mehta, Ph.D.
M.S. Bharti Shokeen, Ph.D. Department of Mechanical
B.K. Panigrahi, Ph.D. D.K. Pandya, Ph.D.
Rajiv Ranjan Mahto, Ph.D. Engineering
Sumantara Dutta Roy, Ph.D. V. Ravishankar, Ph.D.
Visiting Faculty Professor and Head
Nilanjan Senroy, Ph.D B.P. Pal, Ph.D.
Girish Agarwal S.R. Kale, Ph.D.
Assistant Professors G.B. Reddy, Ph.D.
Snehlata Jaswal Professors
Abhijit R. Abhyankar, Ph.D. Naresh Bhatnagar, Ph.D. Anurag Sharma, Ph.D.
Department of Management Studies
Sumeet Agarwal, Ph.D. Anoop Chawla, Ph.D. M.R. Shenoy, Ph.D.
Professor and Head
Shubhendu Bhasin, Ph.D. S.G. Deshmukh, Ph.D. R.K. Soni, Ph.D.
Sudhir K. Jain, Ph.D.
Anuj Dhawan, Ph.D. J.K. Dutt, Ph.D. Pankaj Srivastava, Ph.D.
Amit Kumar Jain, Ph.D. Kshitij Gupta, Ph.D. K. Thyagarajan, Ph.D.
Kanika T. Bhal (Ms.), Ph.D.
S. Janardhanan, Ph.D. Sanjeev Jain, Ph.D. V.D. Vankar, Ph.D.
M.P. Gupta, Ph.D.
Umesh Kumar, Ph.D. Sangeeta Kohli, Ph.D P. Senthil Kumaran, Ph.D.
P.K. Jain, Ph.D.
Saif Khan Mohammed, Ph.D. D. Ravi Kumar, Ph.D. Associate Professors
Ravishankar, Ph.D.
Mukul Sarkar, Ph.D. Sudipto Mukherjee, Ph.D. Versha Banerjee (Ms.), Ph.D.
Sushil, Ph.D.
Saunak Sen, Ph.D. Sunil Pandey, Ph.D. Mukesh Chander, Ph.D.
S.S. Yadav, Ph.D.
Kushal Kumar Shah, Ph.D. P.V. Rao, Ph.D. Sankalpa Ghosh, Ph.D
Associate Professors
Emeritus Fellow P.V. Madhusudhan Rao, Ph.D. Shantanu Ghosh, Ph.D.
Mahim Sagar, Ph.D.
H.M. Gupta, Ph.D. M.R. Ravi, Ph.D. Hitendra Kumar Malik, Ph.D.
Seema Sharma (Ms.), Ph.D.
Department of Humanities & Social Anjan Ray, Ph.D. Amrita Mishra (Ms.), Ph.D.
Sciences P. Vigneswara Ilavarasan, Ph.D.
S.K. Saha, Ph.D. G.V. Prakash, Ph.D.
Professor and Head Assistant Professors J.P. Singh, Ph.D.
Kiran Seth, Ph.D.
V. Sanil, Ph.D. Harish Choudhary, Ph.D. Rajendra Singh, Ph.D.
S.P. Singh, Ph.D.
Professors Jitendra Madan, Ph.D. Aloka Sinha(Ms.), Ph.D.
P.M.V. Subbarao, Ph.D.
Bijoy H. Boruah, Ph.D. Ruchi Sharma (Ms.), Ph.D. Associate Professors A.K. Shukla, Ph.D.
Ravinder Kaur (Ms), Ph.D. Surya Prakash Singh, Ph.D. S. Aravindan, Ph.D. R.D. Tarey, Ph.D.
R.B. Nair (Ms.), Ph.D. Shuchi Sinha (Ms.), Ph.D. Ashish K. Darpe, Ph.D. R.K. Varshney, Ph.D.
Ambuj D. Sagar, Ph.D. Shveta Singh (Ms.), Ph.D. Sudarsan Ghosh, Ph.D. Assistant Professors
Purnima Singh, Ph.D. Emritus Fellow A.D. Gupta, M.Tech. Kedar Khare, Ph.D.
A. Srinivasan (Ms.), Ph.D. D.K. Banwet, Ph.D. Harish Hirani, Ph.D. Pranaba Kishor, Ph.D.
C.A. Tomy, Ph.D. Vinayshil Gautam, Ph.D. Sunil Jha, Ph.D. Amartya Sengupta, Ph.D.

Faculty in Position

Emeritus Fellow U.C. Mohanty, Ph.D. R.P. Dahiya, Ph.D. Associate Professor
Vikram Kumar, Ph.D. Manju Mohan (Ms.), Ph.D. L.M. Das, M.Tech. Josemon Jacob, Ph.D.
S.C. Kashyap, Ph.D. A.D. Rao, Ph.D. M.G. Dastidar (Ms.), Ph.D. BhabaniSatapathy, Ph.D.
Department of Textile Technology Associate Professors Viresh Dutta, Ph.D. Emeritus Fellow
Professor and Head Krishna Achuta Rao, Ph.D. A. Ganguly, Ph.D. A.K. Gupta, Ph.D.
Kushal Sen, Ph.D. H.C. Upadhyay, Ph.D. T.C. Kandpal, Ph.D. Centre for Rural Development &
Professors Assistant Professor S.C. Kaushik, Ph.D. Technology

Ashwini K. Agarwal, Ph.D. Sagnik Dey, Ph.D. D.K. Sharma, Ph.D. Professor & Head

R. Alagirusamy, Ph.D. Vimlesh Pant, Ph.D. G.N. Tiwari, Ph.D. S.N. Naik, Ph.D.

B.K. Behera, Ph.D. Saroj Kanta Mishra, Ph.D. Associate Professors Professors

R. Chattopadhyay, Ph.D. Dilip Ganguly, Ph.D. K.A. Subramanyan, Ph.D. Rajendra Prasad, Ph.D.

Apurba Das, Ph.D. Senior Scientific Officers-I Assistant Professors Santosh Satya, Ph.D.

Bhuvanesh Gupta, Ph.D. P. Agarwal (Ms.), Ph.D. K. Vanshi Krishna Satyawati Sharma (Ms.) Ph.D.

Deepti Gupta (Ms.), Ph.D. Centre for Biomedical Engineering Ramesh Narayan, Ph.D. V.K. Vijay, Ph.D.

S.M. Ishtiaque, Ph.D. Professor and Head R. Uma, Ph.D. Associate Professors

Manjeet Jassal (Ms.), Ph.D. A.R. Ray, Ph.D.. Ashu Verma, Ph.D. V.M. Chariar, Ph.D.

Mangla Joshi (Ms.), Ph.D. Professors Senior Scientific Officers-I Anushree Malik (Ms.),Ph.D.

V.K. Kothari, Ph.D. Sneh Anand (Ms), Ph.D. Sat Narain, Ph.D. National Resource Centre for Value
Education in Engineering
R.S. Rangasamy, Ph.D. Veena Koul (Ms.), Ph.D. Subodh Kumar, Ph.D.
Professor & Coordinator
Associate Professors Harpal Singh, Ph.D. Emeritus Fellow
Sangeeta Kohli, Ph.D.
Dipayan Das, Ph.D. Associate Professor S.C. Mullick, Ph.D.
Bharti School of Telecommunication
Sourabh Ghosh, Ph.D. Nivedita K. Gohil (Ms.), Ph.D. Industrial Tribology, Machine Dynamics
Technology and Management
& Maintenance Engineering Centre
Abhijit Majumdar, Ph.D. Senior Design Engineer
Professor & Coordinator
Professor and Head
Assistant Professors S.M.K. Rahman, M.Tech.
Ranjan Bose, Ph.D.
Naresh Tondon, Ph.D.
B.S. Butola, Ph.D. Emeritus Fellow
Amar Nath and ShashiKhosla School
S. Mukhopadhyay, Ph.D. Dinesh Mohan, Ph.D. of Information Technology
Jayashree Bijwe, Ph.D.
Bhanu Nandan, Ph.D. Computer Services Centre Professor & Coordinator
O.P. Gandhi, Ph.D.
AmitRawal, Ph.D. Professor and Head Sanjiva Prasad, Ph.D.
Chief Design Engineer (SE)
Rajiv K.Srivastava, Ph.D. Subhashish Banerjee, Ph.D. School of Biological Sciences
V.K. Agarwal, Ph.D.
Emeritus Fellow Sr. System Programmers Professor & Co-ordinator
Design Engineer
B.L. Deopura, Ph.D. Pravanjan Kumar Baboo B. Jayaram, Ph.D.
R.K. Rai, M.Tech.
M.L. Gulrajani, Ph.D. Savita Goel (Ms.), D.I.I.T. (IITD) Professors
Instrument Design & Development
Centre for Applied Research in Pradeep Kumar Gupta Tapan Kr. Choudhary, Ph.D.
Electronics Sriram Hegde C.S. Dey, Ph.D.
Chief Design Engineer (SG) and Head
Professor and Head Pragya Jain (Ms.) Ph.D. James Gomes, Ph.D.
N.K. Jain, Ph.D.
Arun Kumar, Ph.D. Rajeshwari Raghvan (Ms.) Seyed E. Hasnain, Ph.D.
Professors K. Narayanan Aditya Mittal, Ph.D.
D.T. Shahani, Ph.D.
R. Bahl, Ph.D. Senior Programmers Associate Professors
Chandra Shakher, Ph.D.
Ananjan Basu, Ph.D. Rajesh Bhat, Ph.D. Bishwajit Kundu, Ph.D.
A.L. Vyas, Ph.D.
Sudhir Chandra, Ph.D. R.K. Chauhan, M.C.A. Assistant Professors
Associate Professors
S.K. Koul, Ph.D. Jaya, M.Tech. Manidipa Banerjee, Ph.D.
I.P. Singh, Ph.D.
B.S. Panwar, Ph.D. Sunil Kak, M.Tech. Archna Chug, Ph.D.
Assistant Professors
Suneet Tuli, M.Tech. Ram Lal, M.Sc.
Jyoti Kumar, Ph.D. Vivekanandan Perumal, Ph.D.
Associate Professors Gopal Krishan, M.Sc.
Gurfan Sayeed, Ph.D. Interdisciplinary / Transportation
Monika Aggarwal (Ms), Ph.D. Jayashree Santosh (Ms.), M.Tech. Research and Injury Prevention
Sumer Singh, Ph.D. Programme (TRIPP)
Manish Sharma, Ph.D. Senior Manager Chief Design Engineers (SG) Professor and Co-ordinator
Assistant Professors N.C. Kalra, M.Tech. A.K. Agarwala, M.S.
S.R. Kale, Ph.D.
Mahesh P. Abegaonkar, Ph.D. Educational Technology Services Centre S.K. Atreya, D.I.I.T.
Central Workshop
Centre for Atmospheric Sciences Professor & Head Centre for Polymer Science &
Professor & Head
Professor and Head Prem K. Kalra, Ph.D. Engineering
Naresh Bhatnagar, Ph.D.
S.K. Dash, Ph.D. Centre for Energy Studies Professor and Head
Interdisciplinary Opto-Electronics
Professors Professor and Head S.N. Maiti, Ph.D.
& Optical Communication Research
Pramila Goyal (Ms.), Ph.D. R.P. Sharma, Ph.D. Professors Programme
Maithilisharan, Ph.D. Professors Veena Choudhary, Ph.D. Professor and Co-ordinator
O.P. Sharma, Ph.D. T.S. Bhatti, Ph.D. A.K. Ghosh, Ph.D. M.R. Shenoy, Ph.D. 83
New Appointments Retirements etc.
(April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013)

14 new faculty members have joined the Institute this year. The list of faculty who resigned or retired or expired in the
These new additions to our faculty have enhanced our given period is given below (Table: III):
competence in several emerging areas, while bringing new
energy into our academic endeavours. Table III : Retirements/ Resignations/ Bereavements

Table II : New Appointments Retirements

J.P. Subramanyam, Mechanical Engineering
Assistant Professors:
Madan Gopal, Electrical Engineering
Anamika Prasad, Applied Mechanics
G. Jayaraman, Atmospheric Science
Jayant Jain, Applied Mechanics
Jagdish Arora, Librarian
Ajeet Kumar, Applied Mechanics
D.K. Sehgal, Applied Mechanics
Saroj Kanta Mishra, Atmospheric Science
S.N. Maheshwari, Computer Science & Engineering
Vimlesh Pant, Atmospheric Science
V.D. Vankar, Physics
Dilip Ganguly, Atmospheric Science
S.K. Dube, Atmospheric Science
Ashu Verma, Energy Studies
I.P. Singh, IDDC
Amit Kumar Jain, Electrical Engineering
L.M. Das, Energy Studies
Saif Khan Mohammed, Electrical Engineering
R.K.P. Bhatt, Electrical Engineering
Kushal Kumar Shah, Electrical Engineering
R.K. Patney, Electrical Engineering
Shaunak Sen, Electrical Engineering
V.K. Tripathi, Physics
Sumeet Agarwal, Electrical Engineering
R.C. Raghava, Atmospheric Science
Upasna Sharma, Humanities & Social Sciences
Arudra Venkata Burra, Humanities & Social Sciences
Dwaipayan Chakrabarti, Chemistry
Naveen Thayyil Kamaluddin, Humanities & Social Sciences
Sourabh Bikas Paul, Humanities & Social Sciences
Divya Dwivedi, Humanities & Social Sciences
Rajakrishnan Rajkumar, Humanities & Social Sciences
Paroma Sanyal, Humanities & Social Sciences
Ankush Agrawal, Humanities & Social Sciences
Jitendra Madaan, Management Studies
Ruchi Sharma, Management Studies
Shuchi Sinha, Management Studies
Harish Kumar, Mathematics
Amit Priyadarshi, Mathematics
N. Shravan Kumar, Mathematics
Sivananthan Sampath, Mathematics
Amartya Sengupta, Physics
Pranaba Kishor Muduli, Physics

9. Student (April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013)

Student Affairs Council (SAC) and
its five Boards 86
• National Service Scheme (NSS) 91
• National Cadet Corps (NCC) 91
• Student Counselling Service (SCS) 91 85
Student Activities
(April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013)

Considerable efforts are made to see that students lead a

balanced campus life in harmony with their teachers and
fellow students. To ensure that freshers settle down in their
new surroundings comfortably, a Freshers’ Orientation
Programme was organized at the beginning of the academic

Counselling Service provides counselling to students on

adjustment problems or for the problems arising from
financial hardship, and emotional/psychological problems
affecting academic pursuits.

Outside the classrooms, facilities for a variety of cocurricular

activities, sports, games, student publication etc. are
provided for the overall growth and development of students’
potentialities and initiative with an emphasis on responsible
student leadership. teacher interaction. A student Mentorship Programme to
provide consulling of first year students was enhanced. The
The pace and mode of student life on the campus is planned
process of restructring of Boards and constitution review of
and implemented by the following student bodies:
the student bodies was also sarted by SAC in 2012. The two
1. Students Affairs Council (SAC) and its five Boards, i.e., standing committees of the SAC, namely the Coordination
Committee and the Executive Committee contributed as
(a) Board for Hostel Management (BHM)
usual in tackling of various issues referred to them.
(b) Board for Recreational & Creative Activities (BRCA)
(c) Board for Sports Activities (BSA) a. Board for Hostel Management (BHM)
(d) Board for Student Publications (BSP)
The Board for Hostel Management is an important Board in
(e) Board for Student Welfare (BSW)
the SAC to decide the students issues directly.
2. National Service Scheme (NSS)
There are eleven hostels for boys, six with a capacity in the
3. National Cadet Corps (NCC) range of 400-450, two with a capacity of 1000 and the others
4. National Sports Organization (NSO) in the range 300-350 each; two hostels for girls students with
a capacity of about 500 each. In addition, there is also very
5. Student Counselling Service (SCS) limited accomodation for married students. Each hostel has
6. Student-Teacher Interaction Committee (STIC) a House Working Committee which decides the pace and
7. Departmental Professional Societies.

The Students Affairs Council has been quite active. Regular

meetings took place between the various representatives
of SAC, to ensure that all facts of student issues were
discussed. SAC representatives also interacted with student
member of senate and other SAC committees to ensure
wider participation of students in the affairs of the institute.
Many student related issues were discussed. Maintenance
problems of hostels and the institute, the no dues process
for students, library and computer related issues, as well
as safety and security issues were also resolved . Openness
in the decision making process of various boards and
improvements in the student election process were other
matters that were discussed. Another important issue
that was raised at SAC was the need for improved student

Student Activities

The Wardens/House Masters during 2012-13

Hostel Warden House Master
Aravali Dr. B.K. Panigrahi Prof. K.Gupta
Jwalamukhi Dr. Shashank Deep Prof. S.M. Ishtiaque
Kailash Dr.(Ms)Seema Sharma Prof. (Ms.) Manju Mohan
Karakoram Dr. M.S. Kulkarni Prof. Anurag Sharma
Kumaon Dr. P.M. Pandey Prof. Ashok Gupta
Nilgiri Dr. Abhijit Majumdar Prof. Shashi Mathur
Shivalik Dr. Dipayan Das Prof. Bhim Singh
Vindhyachal Dr. Diptiranjan Sahoo Prof. Viresh Dutta
Himadari Dr. (Ms.) S. Upadhayaulu Prof. (Ms) Sneh Anand
Satpura Dr. S.K. Pattanayek Prof. S.N. Singh
Zanskar Dr. Prabal Talukdar Prof. Kushal Sen
Girnar Prof. T.R. Srikrishnan Prof. R. Chattopadhyaya
pattern of its life. The Board for Hostel Management, with Udai Giri Dr. Harish Hirani Prof. B.R. Mehta
the Dean of Students as the ex-officio president, coordinates Nalanda Prof. P.M.V. Subbarao
the working of all hostels. The Dean of Students is the head
This year was devoted to improve the food quality in hostel
of hostel organization. He is assisted in his administrative
mess. Regular meetings with Dean of Student, Hostel
responsibilities by the Hostel Management, Students Welfare,
Representatives and Mess Supervisors have been held for the
Associate Dean, Events and the Assistant Registrar (Student
same purpose . Modifications assured for Scheme (MAO) is
Affairs). The BHM has representation from all the hostel
being implemented for BHM staff.
and takes decisions on all problems of common interest.
The warden is the administrative head of each hostel. He/ A BHM dinner was organized during the Student’s Week. Each
She is a faculty member of the Institute. The House Working hostel immaculately arranged its counters at a central place.
Committee of each hostel is chaired by the House Master who Faculty and students attended with enthusiasm. The cultural
is a professor of the Institute. The committee consists of the programme was a big attraction for the evening. The Kailash
Warden, the House Secretary, the Mess Secretary, the Sports and Kumaon Hostel was given BHM trophy and BHC trophy to
Secretary, the Cultural Secretary, the Maintenance Secretary, Kumaon Hostel for their excellent outstanding work.
and the representatives from all classes.
BHM also arranged the stay and messing for all the delegates
Right from the beginning of this academic year, hostel of Rendezvous’ 2012 and TRYST’ 2013 events very successfully.
maintenance problems were undertaken. A number of
meetings with the Dean of Students, wardens, hostel To simplify the recovery of dues from students, a regular
functionaries, Institute Engineer and engineering staff monitoring system has been introduced involving simplified
were held. For proper implementation of maintenance system of payment, by which the students sign a declaration
schedules, long-term and short-term problems were form and the amount is automatically deducted from their
identified and engineering staff visits to each hostel for bank account, avoiding any personal bank transaction on this
monitoring work. Special efforts were made towards the account. Use of computers for maintenance of hostel accounts
cleaning of common areas. has been in existence from past six years and the staff working
in the hostels was encouraged to undergo training in the use
Security problems in each hostel were reviewed and detail of PCs.
discussion with the wardens, students and security personnel’s
was held.

Considerable efforts were made for providing accommodation

to all students.

Continuing dialogue between the mess staff, student

representatives and authorities has resulted in better work
environment. Five BHM employees were rewarded by special
awards for the hard work and excellent services rendered to
the Organization. This Award was given on Independence
Day during the flag hoisting function. This has been a morale
booster for the workers. Regular meetings with the staff
improved their punctuality. 87
Student Activities

types of quizzes. The FSC club also organizes various movie

screenings for the students in Dogra Hall. EDLC Club is also
involved in organizing the inter-college debating competition
called the DPL (Debating Premiere League). This year BRCA
events saw the participation from a newly constructed hostel

The hostels are awarded points according to the yearlong

events and the BRCA trophy is awarded to the hostel with
maximum points on the BHM night. For this year, the BRCA
trophy was shared between Kumaon and Shivalik Hostel, with
Vindhyachal and Karakoram being the runners-up. Individual
club winners are also awarded on BRCA night.

Apart from the above-mentioned events, BRCA also

organized the annual cultural festival of IIT Delhi titled
Each Hostel was in the forefront in initiating and hosting the Rendezvousfrom22nd to 25th of October 2011. The largest
celebration on the independence Day and the Republic Day cultural festival of North India, Rendezvous, featured a wide
functions at the Institute level. variety of events including Inter College competitions such
Hostel Mess Secretaries put in considerable efforts in as choreography, Indian and Western music, group dance
controlling food wastage and thus were able to keep a check competitions, quizzes and debates (English, hindi) and several
and balance of galloping mess bills. By proper coordination professional cultural events including HasyaKaviSammelan,
between the students and the wardens, the supply system a classical Music Concert and Professional Play. Professional
was improved and new supplies were identified and added. Bollywood artists like Javed Ali and Rabbi Shergil performed
on Dhoom, the closing night of Rendezvous.
There were surprise checks by canteen cells for institute
canteens. Manopoly of supplies has been reduced by c. Board for Sports Activities (BSA)
attaching 2-3 suppliers to each hostel.
Sports and games are essential components of human
b. Board for Recreational and Cultural Activities (BRCA) resource development, helping to promote good health
and spirit of healthy competition, which, in turn, has positive
The Board for Recreational and Cultural Activities was founded and deep impact on the holistic development of personality
with the aim to provide students with an opportunity to of the Youth- a potential source of energy, enthusiasm and
develop their skills and discover their talent in the field of inspiration. Sports being practical way of education, facilitate
music, dramatics, debating, quizzing and other creative recreation, foster social harmony, inculcate discipline and
activities. dedication in general life. Board for Sports Activities (BSA)
Clubs had been looking after this important component for the
development of sports environment in the campus.
BRCA consists of 10 clubs, which promote a wide range of
cultural activities among the students all round the year. Introduction
These are- The Board for Sports Activities is a constituent body of the
• English Debating and Literary Club Student Affairs Council. It is responsible for the coordination
• Hindi Samiti of the various sports activities in the institute. It ensures that
• Dance and Dramatics Club
• Film Series Committee
• Photography and Hobbies Society
• Fine Arts Club
• Music club
• Quizzing Club
• Indoor Sports Club
• Spic Macay

The above clubs organize various competitive inter-hostel and

non-competitive events throughout the year. Team of students
compete in events like Group Dance, Stage Play, Street Play,
Debates, Extempore, Ad making, Movie making, Photography,
Carrom, Western Song, Eastern Song, Rock Nite and various

Student Activities

adequate facilities are given to sportspersons and provides

a forum for the students and staff to discuss and formulate
policy towards the betterment of sports activities in the
campus. The BSA consists of the following members
• President, BSA
• Vice-President, BSA
• Game/Club Presidents.
• All Institute Team Captains and Vice-Captains.
• All Club Secretaries.
• Sports Officer
• Sports Secretaries of Student Hostels.
• General Secretary, BSA.
• Deputy General Secretary, BSA.
• Immediate past General Secretary, BSA. with regards to the scale at which it is organized and the
kind of varied participation it enjoys was organized from 2nd
Facilities March to 5th March 2012. All the major games and sports
were organized in this four days event. About eighty teams of
Well laid out fields are available on the campus. A cricket field, various colleges took part this year.
four cricket practice pitches, floodlighted hockey and football
ground, three floodlighted volleyball and two basketball 49th Inter IIT Sports Meet was held at IIT Roorkee in the
courts one of which is ultra cushioned, eight floodlighted months of October and December 2012. IIT Delhi contingent
tennis courts having four synthetic and four clay courts, consisting of 115 boys and 33 girls participated in the sport
tennis practice wall, three squash courts, one badminton hall, meet. Miss Bharti singhla, member of IIT Delhi athletics team
table tennis hall with synthetic flooring, one weight lifting broke the Inter IIT sports Meet record in 800 meters. Inter IIT
hall, a swimming pool, multi-gym, a floodlighted stadium Staff Sports Meet was also organized in IIT Roorkee. IIT Delhi
with 400 meters athletics track, jogging track and ancillary contingent consisting of 50 men and 6 women participated
arrangements for all the games are available to the students. and won the overall general championship.
Construction of new swimming pool with kid’s pool and
floodlighting of four cricket practice pitches is in progress and Those who excel in any sports activities like inter IIT sports
will be available in one year. A team of sports officer, physical meet are given various certificates, prizes and awards
training instructors, ground staff and part-time coaches help including IIT Delhi Blazers & Blues, etc. This year as recognition
the students in their pursuit to greater sporting performances. of the student’s talent in sports and their persistent effort for
the development of sports environment, thirteen students
Activities were awarded Blazers, twenty three students were awarded
Colours in different games and other awards were also
The Institute lays considerable emphasis on student’s
given. Ms. Rupjyoti Basumatary was awarded Outstanding
participation in various outdoor and indoor games. The
Sportsperson of the year award. Cricket team was awarded
Institute is in constant contact with the local associations
with best team of the year award.
in almost all the games to give outlet to the students for
participation in different games outside the campus. With Sports is included in the curriculum at IITD. National Sports
participation in these activities, students are able to use Organization (NSO) activities are organized by the sports
their leisure time in a desirable manner. In these activities, unit as an alternative to NCC and NSS. Around Five hundred
emphasis is laid on mass participation by the students. The undergraduate students are register in this every year and get
students take part in the Fresher’s event for incoming first year specialized training in games and sports as well as physical
students, friendly matches with the local colleges, inter-hostel fitness. Regular classes are conducted for these students by
events, the annual IIT Delhi inter-collegiate event ‘Sportech’ the physical education staff of the Institute for four days a week
and the annual inter-IIT sports meet. in each semester. Regular participation in these activities not
only improve the general physical fitness level of the students
Inter Hostel matches were organized in Football, Volleyball,
but also helps in developing psychological attributes like
Swimming, Water Polo, Wt. Lifting, Hockey, Squash,
leadership qualities, stress management and group dynamics.
Badminton, Table Tennis, Tennis, Athletics, Basketball, Tug of
War and Cricket. Kumaon hostel was declared the winner and d. Board for Student Publications (BSP)
Vindhyachal hostel was declared runners up in the men’s section.
Kailash hostel was declared winner in the women’s section. The basic goals and objectives of the B.S.P. as recognized by
the Student Affairs Council (SAC) are:
Sportech, which over the years has carved a niche for itself 89
Student Activities

• To identify and support literary talent through literary

activities into the campus; To add the plethora of enriching events is the ‘Literati’ –
• To create community awareness about issues which the signature literary festival of the IITD. Organized annually
concern students in any way in the perspective of their by the BSP, it witnessed participation form thousands of
campus life; students fulfilling its aim to inculcate, preserve and develop a
culture of reading and writing. Its 2-3 days of complete magic
• To create Public opinion on issues of importance to the for the literary enthusiasts with various innovative writing
students community through constructive journalism and skills competitions, word games, etymology workshops
reporting; and and enriching sessions conducted by eminent personalities
• To play supportive role to the other boards. like Prabhu Chawla, Ajay Upadhay, Vijay Simha to celebrate
BSP is involved in bringing out various publications and
organizing events for nurturing the literary and journalistic Campus Diaries Story Hack: an online writing event held as a
talent of the student community. All BSP publications part of Literati 2012 explored creative potential of the students
are attractively designed and formatted by the students providing them a platform to show their writing skills and tell
themselves using the latest publishing and designing tools. their stories to the world.
During the year under report, the board (BSP) published the
e. Board for Student Welfare (BSW)
following issues:
• Campus Rumpus: regular campus magazine which The Board for Student Welfare (BSW), IIT Delhi carries out
provides an excellent forum for expression of student socially and academically relevant activities required for
opinion about a wide spectrum of issues, reflections on the building an egalitarian society. This board is truly of the
campus life and literary creations. Interviews and surveys students, for the students and by the students. The students
are regular features of this publications. It has both Hindi of this board works through the year to create well rounded
and English sections and is now being made available individuals who are well equipped to face societal challenges.
electronically on the web page of BSP. Various programmes, events, and workshops are conducted
by BSW. Some of these are mentioned below:
• Cornucopia: an anthological compendium on interesting
topics. It also highlights the research and development tak- Initially to start with BSW organized self enrichment program
ing place in the institute. which was conducted by CREST (Centre for Research and
• Contact: an annual bilingual magazine distinguished by Education for Social Transformation) for helping the fresher to
the richness of its contents and imaginative representation. improve their speaking skills, remove inhibitions and develop
• Orientation newsletter for freshers called IITD ke Fundae, overall confident personality. A combination of events such
published by BSP helps to kick start their campus life. as theatre, writing and speaking were conducted for the
purpose. About 100 fresher’s attended and got benefited by
Workshops as well as competitive events were organized by
BSP from time to time to explore the creative potential of this program. An initiative to make sure that the transition
students and also to extend a worthy platform to nurture of fresher into IIT life is smooth and they can make informed
their literary calibre. decision in their life at IIT Delhi, every fresher was assigned
a mentor who would be a friend and guide for the fresher’s
BSP online journalism portal (www. Infintyiitd.og) continues stay at IIT Delhi and will help him analyze various options
to boast its popularity online with more than 10,000 hits at different stages of IIT life. The BSW helped the freshers in
per month which speaks volumes about the enthusiasm their registration work, providing them with their time table,
with which people follow the e-magazine. The website has a prospectus, students diary etc. and organized campus for
plethora of cartoon strips, pictures, blogs, articles and access mattress, cycles, books etc. These campus provided things at
to e-version of IITD magazines. With selected internship subsidized prices making them available inside the campus.
experiences shared on the site, it has become a god source It also included interactive sessions of the freshers with the
of internship guidance. The website and facebook page of Deans and the Director. Numerous workshops were organized
Infinity IITD is regularly updated to bring out all the news form by the BSW such as personality building workshops, SCS
IIT and for IIT. workshops, NRCVEE workshops etc. These workshops helped
the freshers in a great deal during their period in IIT Delhi by
The news letter Instinct serve as a medium to inform, educate,
providing them loads of knowledge and wisdom. The board
and entertain the entire campus community by maintaining a
also organized trips to Akshardham, Auto Expo, Book Fair,
timely, comprehensive, and diverse flow of information, ideas
Rashtrapati Bhawan etc.
and analysis to quench the reading needs of all and keep
them clued up about the latest activates and happenings BSW also organized annual socio-welfare youth fest of Indian
across the campus. Institute of Technology Delhi called Speranza from 21st to

Student Activities

23rd Sept. 2012. In the course of a three day period, it achieved • Parade on the Republic Day, where the Director of IIT Delhi
its mission of holistic development of individuals through undertook the inspection of the NCC cadets.
various workshops, talk shows, interactive sessions, a mélange
• Award for the Best Cadet and the Most Disciplined Cadet
of cultural activities. New initiatives were taken to improve
were conferred to two of the cadets.
student teacher interaction. Student Counseling Service
organized various useful workshops for freshers. It provides • A winter camp was organized on the IIT Delhi premises in
a confidential environment where a student can explore and December that involved weapons training, map readingac-
express aspects of himself/herself that may be painful or tivities, physical fitness and hygiene, firefighting lectures.
uncomfortable. BSW also runs a student cooperative society Cadets were sent to attend annual training camps that
that arranges for stationary items, notebooks, greetings cards, were organized by 7 Delhi NCC Battalion, outside the IIT
T-shirts and souvenir of IITD. campus, and the cadets participated with full enthusiasm
and zeal. Some cadets were given preparation guidelines
Student Counseling Service: Counseling Service provides for the B- and C- certification examinations which they plan
a confidential environment where a student can explore to undertake in the current year.
and express aspects of himself that may be painful or
uncomfortable. Dr. RupaMurgai helps the students in gaining
their own insights, and making and acting on their own
choices, thereby enabling them to resolve their issues. The Student counseling service (SCS) under the aegis of Board
for Student Welfare aims at assisting students in sorting out
Scoops: BSW runs a student cooperative society that arranges
their difficulties and dilemmas in a confidential environment.
for stationary items, notebooks, greeting cards, T-shirts and
Students seek counseling for a variety of reasons, such as
souvenir of IITD.
difficulties in adjusting to campus life, personality problems,
National Service Scheme (NSS), National Cadet Crops relationships and academic pressures.
(NCC) and National Sports Organization (NSO)
Counseling services entails use of cognitive Behavioral,
IIT Delhi is one of the very few technology institutions in the Rational Emotive, Supportive and Interpersonal therapies
country where NSS, NCC and NSO are a part of academic to assist students and staff with problems. It offers psycho-
curriculum (B. Tech.). It is offered as a course, and the students education for students, staff and parents. The Service also
are required to complete certain requirements in 2 semesters. offers workshops and lectures for specific areas for personal
An “S” grade is awarded after this requirement is fulfilled growth and self actualization to the students. The centre
satisfactorily. maintains a small library for students with books of their
interest in areas of personality development, self-esteem and
2. NATIONAL SERVICE SCHEME (NSS) confidence. Relaxation techniques are provided for immediate
A wide variety of activities were organized by NSS IIT Delhi in relief to a highly disturbed student.
the academic year 2011-12. Orientation of NSS students was
SCS also conducts workshops and lecturers for students by
carried out in August 2012 and Gandhi Jayanti was celebrated
inviting professionals from outside and Orientation for parents
on 2nd October 2012. NSS IIT Delhi implemented projects in
and students. Hostel visits, Mentor training, Confidence Building,
which a team of volunteers worked towards a specific target.
Alcohol and Drug abuse, Cognitive behavior and relationships,
Noteworthy NSS Projects which have been completed this
Stress Management are major activities done by SCS.
year include Slum Teaching for Underprivileged Children,
Paper Conservation and Recycling. An ongoing project is
Renovation of Biogas plant at Jwalamukhi Hostel.

Survey and Campaign to create awareness about ill-effects of

smoking was carried out and a campaign to motivate Blood
Donation was organized.


The NCC unit at IIT Delhi is affiliated to 7 Delhi Battalion NCC.
The NCC unit IIT Delhi organized the following activities
during the preceding year:
• Regular training in foot, arms and ceremonial activities.
• Regular parade drills. 91
10. Social (April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013)

• Relaxations to SC/ST/OBC/PD Students and Staff 93
• Scholarships and Financial Assistance 93
• Prepatory Course 94
• Concessions Allowed to Staff 94
• Summer Research Fellowship Programme 94
• Commitments in Sustanability 94
• Environment 94
• Community 95

Social Responsibility
(April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013)


IIT Delhi is sensitive to the need of the students belonging to the

SC/ST community and to those who are having disabilities. Special
care and attention are paid to them.

Relaxation in Admissions

Admission to the first year of the four-year B.Tech., dual degree

and the 5-year integrated M.Tech. programmes is made through
the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) which is held in April and
is common for all the IITs and the Institute of Technology, BHU,

• The minimum qualifying marks for SC/ST candidates are

specially prescribed at a lower level than those for the gen-
eral category of students.

• The age limit is also relaxable in their case by five years. Urban exposure Trip
“We expect to see the same enthusiastic participation from
• Candidates declared successful in this category are paid our volunteers in future.”
second class railway fare to and fro from the place of their
normal residence to the counsellingcentre.
Reservation of Seats All SC/ST students are given scholarships and financial assistance
as detailed below:
At IIT Delhi, the percentage of seats reserved for SC/ST/OBC/PD
candidates is as follows : • All SC/ST Students are exempted from payment of tuition fee.
B.Tech. M.Sc. M.Tech. M.Des. M.B.A. • Free messing (basic menu) and a pocket allowance of Rs. 250
Dual Deg.& per month in lieu of the merit-cum-means scholarship for the
Int. M.Tech. students having annual family income upto 4.5 lacs. In addition,
Scheduled Castes 15 15 15 15 15 they are exempted from payment of Hostel seat rent.
Scheduled Tribes 71/2 71/2 71/2 71/2 71/2
• All eligible SC/ST students, while on training or doing courses
OBC 27 27 27 27 27
during semester breaks or required to stay in the Institute
PD 3 3 3 3 3
during semester breaks or exempted from taking meals from
Seats reserved for SC/ST/PD candidates that remain unfilled hostels due to medical reasons etc. are given payment of 70
cannot be filled by applicants belonging to other categories and per month and a per diem allowance in lieu of free messing
thus remain vacant. on the basis of prevalent average rate of messing charges as
applicable from time to time.
Persons with Disabilities (PD) • SC/ST students who fail in the examination for the first time
continue to receive the free messing subject to a maximum
For any category of disability (viz., locomotor, visual, speech and
limit of five years.
hearing), benefit is given to those candidates who have at least
40% permanent physical impairment in relation to a body part/
system/ extremity/extremities/ whole body etc. The candidates in
this category are required to be certified by a Medical Board. The
Medical Board decides the following:
• Whether the Candidate qualifies for the benefits under this cat-
egory, and
• if the disability is likely to interfere in his/her studies.
The Medical Board duly constituted for this purpose meets at the
time of counselling. The decision of the Medical Board is held final. 93
Social Responsibility

• SC/ST students are loaned books upto a value of 500 from the age (SGPA).
book bank without payment of any loan fee. The books are, • Tutorial type remedial courses with half the normal credits.
however, required to be returned at the end of each semester. • Special courses during the summer vacations to make up for
the credit requirements due to reduced load during the regular
Master of Science
Merit-cum-means scholarship of 1,000 per month and free • Counselling service to help such students to better adjust to
tuition are permissible to M.Sc. students to the extent of 25% of campus life and environment.
the sanctioned strength subject to a maximum of five in each CONCESSIONS ALLOWED TO STAFF
department. Only those students are eligible whose parents’
gross income is less than 4.5 lacs per annum for all categories of I.I.T. Delhi follows the Government of India rules governing
students, including SC/ ST students. The terms and conditions of reservation for Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes, OBC and
the award of scholarship including conditions for continuation are Physically Handicap persons. Appointments made in respect of
laid down in the Rules and Regulations and are subject to change these categories during the year under report are given below:
from time to time.
No. of Candidates Appointed*
Groups Scheduled Scheduled OBC PD Total
Castes Tribes
A - - 01 - 01
B - 01 - - 01
C 02 - 01 - 03
D - - - - -
*Note : These include contract appointments.


The main objectives of this programme are - to help inculcate

research culture among the faculty members of educational
institutions outside the IIT system, to provide orientation towards
research through interaction with the mentors and other
“Enthusiastic Volunteers went to Munirka to distribute the research students and exposure to the facilities and labs, with a
gifts among the girls from our Teaching Project” view to eventually motivate them to undertake higher studies
and research activities within or outside IIT Delhi. The feedback
received from both the fellows and the mentors so far has been
quite positive and encouraging. Under the Summer Faculty
A one-year preparatory course is also run for SC/ST/PD candidates. Research Fellowship Programme of the Institute organized under
Candidates admitted to this programme are amongst those who the CEP, 87 faculty fellows joined this year and they come from 68
appeared for the JEE but were unsuccessful in qualifying for different colleges/institutes representing 15 states of the country.
admission. The number admitted to this programme varies from They have been associated with a total of 40 faculty mentors. They
year to year depending upon the number of SC/ST/PD candidates spent about six weeks during the summer and worked with IIT
who were successful in gaining regular admission with the total faculty mentors.
number of candidates admitted to the regular B.Tech.
Dual Degree Integrated M.Tech. programmes as well as the
The solar energy park was established in the year 1996 with
preparatory course being limited to the above indicated
research funding received from various Government Ministries.
percentage. Preparatory course students undergo zero level
In solar energy park, there are low cost mud house, 5 kWpstand
courses in Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and English.
alone PV system , underground water pumping, various design
Candidates who successfully complete the preparatory course of solar still, evacuated solar water heater, integrated PV hybrid
are eligible to seek admission during the following academic year active solar still, water heater, air heater, conventional and green
against the vacant SC/ST/PD seats of the current year. Alternately, house crop dryer, greenhouse cultivation system. Energy and
in case they desire a discipline of their choice, they must ExergyAnalysis of Solar Thermal devices and systems, PV-T hybrid
reappear for the JEE in the subsequent year. SC/ST Preparatory systems, HVACR Systems and thermal power plants (including
course students are also eligible to receive free messing and combined cycle and Co-generation Power Plants) is being
pocket allowance on the basis of the same norms as for regular undertaken by CES and some pioneering work has been carried
undergraduate students belonging to SC/ST category. out by CES which is well cited at international level.


• Reduction in the academic load in subsequent semester in case A new “Biogas Development and Training Centre” (BDTC)
they do not maintain the required semester grade point aver- started in IIT Delhi in the year 2008 and engaged in research

and development of biogas related technologies. BDTCs are with the help of Centre for Research and Education for Social
supported by Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) Transformation (CREST), Calicut, Kerala. All those who participated
under National Biogas and Manure Management Programme in it appreciated the program. The SC Commission had a special
(NBMMP) for providing technical training and publicity support word of praise for the Institute’s initiative to help students from
for quality implementation of biogas programme. weaker sections of society through this self-enrichment program.
The Institute has also conducted special orientation programmes
BDTC, IIT Delhi is engaged in research and development of biogas for the entire class of 2012.
related technologies and its applications. In broader terms,
BDTC, IIT Delhi is to provide technical support for National Biogas A group named ASSISTECH was formed at IIT Delhi to design and
Manure Management Program (NBMMP) on decided areas with develop assistive devices for the visually impaired. ASSISTECH
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy and coordinate R&D and was formed more than two years back with the clear objective
consultancy work on biogas technology with expertise available of “Making a difference in the lives of million plus visually
in IIT Delhi. impaired people by the year 2015”. At any one time it is an active
association of 12 to 15 students who contribute both through
Services of BDTC IIT Delhi:
academic projects as well as other activities. Specifically the group
• R&D related to bio-methanation
is working on the following four projects for the visually impaired:
• Training and Human Resource Development
• Consultancy services related to biogas technology • Smart Cane: An aid for assisting safe mobility
• Technical guidance • Bus Identification Device: An aid for assisting use of public
COMMUNITY • Braille Tutor: A Braille and language learning device
For the second time this year, a 10-day Special Orientation • Disha – Indoor Navigation Device: An aid for independent mo-
Programme for Entry Level students was conducted for about bility within the public buildings
120 participants with the objective of enhancing their learning • IIT Delhi also encourages students to take part in service of
skills, English language and communication skills, inter-personal humanity, working for the education of the under-privileged.
relationships and motivation. This programme was conducted Voluntary blood donation and tree planting are undertaken.

IIT Volunteers at work for flood affected people. 95
11. Alumni Contribution
(April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013)

The Alumni are a very valuable resource for the Institute, and increasingly, they have started to make a difference to the way
things are done at IIT Delhi. The Alumni have directly contributed for instituting Chair Professorships, Young Faculty Incentive
Fellowships and Student Awards and even for Infrastructure Development.

Some of the contributions from the Alumni in the previous year are listed below and are gratefully acknowledged:

Contributor Contribution in Rs. Contribution For

Pearl Award (Batches 1965 to 1969) 25,000/- V.C. Bedi

Amit Ji Memorial Trust 50,000/- Amit Garg Memorial Award

Vera Kripalani & Anil Kripalani 80,00,000/- "Tolaram and Sunita Kripalani
Applied Technology Laboratory”
in Amar Nath & Shashi Khosla
School of IT and naming of Seminar
Hall as “Sirish Chandra & Vidya
Mathur Seminar Hall” (Dedication
ceremony for these facilities was
held on 22 Feb, 2013 )

12. Financials
(April 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013)

The Institute is financed by the Department of Higher Education,

Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of
India. During 2011-2012, the Institute received a grant of FINANCE COMMITTEE
Rs. 31,900.00 lakhs from the Ministry of Human Resource (As on 31.3.2013)
Development to meet its yearly expenses. The Institute receives
funds for sponsored research projects and for consultancy Vijay P. Bhatkar, Chairman
assignments being undertaken by the Institute from several
funding agencies and Industries. The financial year of the R. K. Shevgaonkar
Institute corresponds with that of Govt. of India i.e. Ist April to
31st March. The accounts of the Institute are annually audited
Rajendra Kumar
by the Director General of Audit & Central Revenue of India. The
105th Finance Committee of the Institute (shown in the box on
the side) in its meeting held on 15-02-2013 recommended Plan Kushal Sen
(Normal) Revised Estimates for Rs. 17,400.00 Lakh for the year
2012-2013 and Budget Estimates for Rs. 23,900.00 lakhs for the Amita Sharma (Ms.)
year 2013-2014 respectively and Non- Plan Revised Estimates
for Rs. 24,205.97 lakhs for the year 2012-13 and Budget Navin Soi
Estimates for Rs. 27,900.00 for the year 2013-14.
Rakesh Kumar, Secretary
The following are the details for the financial year 2011-2012
and 2012-2013:

Detailed Statement showing the Actual Receipt and Expenditure for 2011-2012 along with Revised Estimates
2012-2013 and Budget Estimates 2013-14

Particulars Previous Year Actual Revised Estimate Budget Estimates

2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014
(in Rs Lakhs) (in Rs Lakhs) (in Rs Lakhs)
A. Receipt
Normal Plan Grant from MHRD carryforward 648.18
Normal Grant from MHRD (Normal) 15,400.00 17,400.00 23,900.00
OSC Non-Recurring Grant from MHRD Carryforward 368.27 -- --
Grant Due from MHRD 673.54 -- --
Total A 17,089.99 17,400.00 23,900.00
B. Expenditure
Normal Development Activities & Increase of
Students Intake (including new hostel)New Courses
Modernisation & Thrust Areas
(i) Non-Recurring 15,278.44 15,400.00 21,400.00
(ii) Recurring 1,811.55 2,000.00 2,500.00
Commitments against L.C.’s for the year 2011-2012
Plan (Normal) -- -- --
Total B 17,089.99 17,400.00 23,900.00 97

Budget Estimates 2013-2014

Head of Expenditure Actual Revised Estimate Budget Estimates

2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014
(in Rs Lakhs) (in Rs Lakhs) (in Rs Lakhs)
A. Developmental Activities &
Increased Intake of Students (Normal)
Major Works (including On going, Fresh Schemes) 8,835.48 9,200.00 14,200.00
Repair & Maintenance on Buildings 157.26 600.00 1,500.00
Teaching Equipment/Computerisation 4,979.03 4,000.00 4,000.00
Office General & Hospital Equipment/Furniture 252.56 300.00 300.00
Research Funds, Central Facilities & Thrust Areas 180.04 300.00 400.00
Library Books & Journals 874.07 800.00 800.00
Web Based Academic Systems - 200.00 200.00
Institute Scholarships 1,811.55 2,000.00 2,500.00
Total 17,089.99 17,400.00 23,900.00

Detailed Statement showing the Actual Expenditure for 2011-2012 alongwith Revised Estimates 2012-2013
and Budget Estimates 2013-2014

Head of Expenditure Actual Revised Estimate Budget Estimates

2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014
(in Rs Lakhs) (in Rs Lakhs) (in Rs Lakhs)
Institute Income 6,615.28 4,850.00 5,000.00
Grant from M.H.R.D. 16500.00 19355.97 22900.00
Total 23115.28 24205.97 27900.00

Detailed Statement showing the Actual Expenditure for 2011-2012 alongwith Revised Estimates 2012-2013
and Budget Estimates 2013-2014

Head of Expenditure Previous Year Actual Revised Estimate Budget Estimates

2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014
(in Rs Lakhs) (in Rs Lakhs) (in Rs Lakhs)
A. Pay & Allowances 14,931.40 17,300.00 20,135.00
B. Academic Expenses 979.56 1,100.00 1,300.00
C. Educational Expenses 1,058.35 1,300.00 1,400.00
D. Estate Maintenance 2,796.52 3,280.97 3,725.00
E. Office Contingencies, Misc. & Commitments/ 1,102.27 1,225.00 1,340.00
Total 20,868.10 24,205.97 27,900.00

Detail Statement showing the Actual Income for 2011-2012 alongwith Revised Estimate 2012-2013 and
Budget Estimates 2013-2014

Sources of Income Previous Year Actual Revised Estimates Budget Estimates

2011-20112 2012-2013 2013-2014
(in Rs Lakhs) (in Rs Lakhs) (in Rs Lakhs)
Academic Receipts 2,062.04 2,000.00 2,100.00
Receipt-Central Administration
Interest on Investments 661.38 500.00 500.00
Charges for use of Staff Cars and Buses 6.04 5.00 5.00
Application Fee (Academic Receipt) 97.44 70.00 70.00
Sponsored Project/Consultancy 281.45 350.00 350.00
Cenvat Credits -- 100.00 100.00
Works & Building
Licence Fee 182.99 125.00 150.00
Seat Rent 68.96 70.00 70.00
Water & Electricity 234.86 180.00 200.00

Hospital & Medical 0.33 1.00 1.00

Guest House 299.58 250.00 250.00
Joint Entrance Exam 1,032.08 430.00 450.00
GATE 1,561.94 650.00 650.00
Joint Admission Test for M.Sc. 27.52 50.00 30.00
Misc./ Other Receipts 98.67 69.00 74.00
(including sale of obsolete equipments)
Total 6,615.28 4,850.00 5,000.00

Internal Auditing is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an
organization’s operation. Internal Audit Section is functioning independently as per Revised Audit System (w.e.f.1/12/2011)
directly under the control of the Director, supported by Assistant Registrar (Audit). The section conducts the Internal Audit of
the Departments/Centres/Sections etc. within the Institute Internal Control System. The Internal Audit Section also renders
advise on various financial as well as administrative/service matters as per needs of the Institute. Out of 53 auditable units 34
units were internally audited during the financial year 2012-13. 99
Appendix I
(As on 31.3.2013)

R.K. Shevgaonkar, Chairman Tapan Kumar Chaudhuri M. Hanmandlu N.D. Kurur

A.K. Agarwala Santanu Chaudhury S.E.Hasnain Alok Madan
Ashwini Kumar Agarwal P. V. Rao S.M. Ishtiaque J.P. Subrahmanyam
G.P. Agarwal Sujeet Chaudhary K.C. Iyer Puneet Mahajan
V.K. Agarwal Veena Chaudhary (Ms.) A.K. Jain Ranjan Kumar Mallik
R. Alagirusamy Anoop Chawla B.N. Jain Manju Mohan (Ms.)
Sneh Anand (Ms.) H.M. Chawla N.K. Jain Ratan Mohan
Anshul Kumar Apurba Das P.K. Jain S.N. Maheshwari
Amit Kumar L.M. Das S.K. Jain B.R. Mehta
S.K. Atreya R.P. Dahiya Sanjeev Jain D.S. Mehta
Babu J. Alappat S.K. Dash V.K. Jain S.N. Maiti
R. Bahl M.G. Dastidar (Ms.) Manjeet Jassal (Ms.) Shashi Mathur
M. Balakrishnan Manoj Datta Mangla Joshi (Ms.) Maithili Sharan
R. Balasubramanian J.K. Dutt Jayadeva Prashant Mishra
D.K. Bandhopadhyay Viresh Dutta B. Jayaram Saroj Mishra (Ms)
S. Banerjee S.G. Deshmukh Girija Jayaraman (Ms) Sukumar Mishra
Kanika T. Bhal (Ms.) B.L. Deopura M. Jagadesh Kumar A.K. Mittal
Ananjan Basu Anupam Dewan Joby Joseph Aditya Mittal
S. Basu Chinmoy Sankar Dey S.D. Joshi U.C. Mohanty
B.K. Behera S.K. Dube S.R. Kale Sudipto Mukherjee
A.N. Bhaskarwar Anil Jacob Elias N.C. Kalra S.S. Murthy
B. Bhattacharjee O.P. Gandhi Prem Kumar Kalra S.N. Naik
R.K.P. Bhatt A. Ganguli Santosh Kapuria R.B. Nair (Ms)
Bhim Singh A.K. Ganguly T.C. Kandpal Sunil Nath
Naresh Bhatnagar N.K. Garg Ravinder Kaur (Ms.) A.K. Nema
T.S. Bhatti Naveen Garg I.N. Kar B.P. Pal
B. Bhowmik (Ms.) Anup K. Ghosh Subrat Kar B.S. Panda
Bhuvneshwari G. (Ms.) James Gomes S.C. Kaushik Preeti Ranjan Panda
Jayshree Bijwe (Ms.) Pramila Goyal (Ms.) Saroj Kaushik (Ms.) P.S. Pandey
P.R. Bijwe A.K. Gosain A.K. Keshari Sunil Pandey (on lien)
V.S. Bisaria Ashok Gupta Rajesh Khanna D.K. Pandya
Ranjan Bose B.D. Gupta Mukesh Khare K.K. Pant
Bijoy H. Boruah Bhuvanesh Gupta Neeraj Khare Nalin Pant
Devi Chadha (Ms.) Deepti Gupta (Ms.) S.K. Khare B.S. Panwar
Charusita Chakravarty (Ms.) H.C. Gupta Sangeeta Kohli (Ms.) R.K. Patney
Chandra B. (Ms.) K. Gupta V.K. Kothari Shankar Prakriya
Chandra Shekhar M.N. Gupta Veena Koul (Ms.) Rajendra Prasad
B.R. Chahar M.P. Gupta S.K. Koul Rajesh Prasad
Sudhir Chandra S.K. Gupta (AM) Ajit Kumar Sanjiva Prasad
V. Chandra S.K. Gupta (Ch.E.) Arun Kumar (Phy.) Surendra Prasad
Ratnamala Chatterjee (Ms.) S.K. Gupta (CSE) Arun Kumar (CARE) K.R. Rajagopal

contd. ...

R. Chattopadhyay V.R. Gunturi S. Arun Kumar R.N. Ram

A. Ramanan Anil Kumar Saroha Satyawati Sharma (Ms.) G.N. Tiwari

N.G. Ramesh Santosh Satya (Ms) M.R. Shenoy Geetam Tiwari (Ms.)
A.D. Rao Anil Sawhney A.K. Singh K. Thyagarajan
K.S. Rao D.K. Sehgal Harpal Singh C.A. Tomy
Alok Ray Kushal Sen Jai Deo Singh V.K. Tripathi
Anurag Singh Rathore Sandeep Sen Purnima Singh (Ms.) Suneet Tuli
M.R. Ravi P. Senthikumaran S.N. Singh V. Upadhyay
Ravi Kumar D. Kiran Seth S.P. Singh V.D. Vankar
Anjan Ray D.T. Shahani T.R. Sreekrishnan M. Veerachary
Rengasamy R.S. Jagdish T. Shahu A.K. Srivastava S.V. Veeravalli
G.B. Reddy Ravi Shankar (Chy.) Pankaj Srivastava V.K. Vijay
Shantanu Roy Ravi Shankar (DMS) Amrit Srinivasan (Ms.) G.S. Visweswaran
P.K. Roychoudhury Anurag Sharma P.M.V. Subba Rao A.L. Vyas
Subir Kumar Saha D.K. Sharma P.V. Madhusudhan Rao S.S. Yadav
Sanil V. K.G. Sharma R.K. Soni Rakesh Kumar (Secretary).
Ambuj D. Sagar O.P. Sharma Suhail Ahmad
Sanjeev Sanghi R.K. Sharma Sushil
Huzur Saran R.P. Sharma N. Tandon


(As on 31.3.2013)
R.K. Shevgaonkar, Chairman S.R. Kale
M.Balakrishnan K. Thyagarajan
S.K. Koul A.K. Jain
S.M. Ishtiaque Huzur Saran
S.N. Singh Basabi Bhaumik
Sushil Sanil V.
Shashi Mathur R. Chattopadhyay
S.K. Gupta Arun Kumar
K .Gupta ( Ms.) Sneh Anand
Anurag Sharma Sanjeev Sanghi
Santanu Chaudhury S. Arun Kumar
Ashok Gupta R. P. Sharma
Ambuj D. Sagar O.P. Gandhi
SuneetTuli S.K. Dash
Suhail Ahmad D.T. Shahani
T.R. Sreekrishnan (Ms.) Veena Choudhury
S. Basu (Ms.) Satyawati Sharma
A. Ramanan (Ms.) Sangeeta Kohli
Kanika T. Bhal Naresh Bhatnagar
B.S. Panda B.D. Gupta
Registrar, Member Secretary 101
Appendix II
(As on 31.3.2013)

Rakesh Kumar Registrar (on deputation)
M.K. Gulati Deputy Registrar (Accounts)
P. G. Basak Deputy Registrar (E-I)
Nanak Chand Chauhan Deputy Registrar (RTI Cell, Estate office & Legal Cell)
K.K. Bhattacharjee Deputy Registrar (SP Section & R&I)
Vivek Raman Deputy Registrar (PGS)
Atul Vyas Deputy Registrar (AA&IP and Director’s Office)
N. Bhaskar Assistant Registrar (CDN, Plng, Pub and Transport)
R.K. Gupta Assistant Registrar (Audit)
V.K. Vashistha Assistant Registrar (IRD)
Anup Kuksal Assistant Registrar (IRD A/c)
Ram Parsad Assistant Registrar (SAS)
Alan V. Siante Assistant Registrar (UGS)
Mohd. Shamim Assistant Registrar (Accounts)
Ramesh Kumar Thareja Assistant Registrar (E-II & Manpower Training)
V.U. Jayendran Assistant Registrar (Hostel & Main A/c)
G.K. Taneja Executive Engineer & Offtg. Institute Engineer
K.M. Vijay Kumar Executive Engineer
Anuj Gaur Executive Engineer
Sanjeev Kumar Executive Engineer (on deputation)
Rafat Jamal Assistant Executive Engineer
V. K. Bharaj Assistant Executive Engineer
Hitendra Govil Assistant Executive Engineer
K.P. Mishra Assistant Executive Engineer
S. Mohan Assistant Executive Engineer
Prem Kumar Assistant Executive Engineer
Brahm Prakash Assistant Executive Engineer
Ashok Kumar Assistant Executive Engineer
Raju Ram Parihar Assistant Executive Engineer
Administrative Computerisation Support Service
S. Arun Kumar Head
R. Raghavan (Ms.) Senior System Programmer
K. Narayanan Senior System Programmer
P.K. Baboo Senior System Programmer
Pardeep Kumar Gupta Senior System Programmer

Student Counselling Service
Saroj Kaushik Head
Rupa Murghai Counsellor
Professors-in-Charge of Different Sections
Sudipto Mukherjee Professor-in-Charge (Planning & Publication)
Naresh Bhatnagar Professor-in-Charge (Transport)
O.P. Sharma Professor-in-Charge (Guest Houses)
Kushal Sen Professor-in-Charge (Training & Placement)
Hindi Cell
Santosh Satya Head
B.D. Gupta Chairman
J. P. Srivastava Dy. Librarian
Nabi Hasan Dy. Librarian
IIT Hospital
Lily Khosa (Ms.) Head Hospital Services
S.K. Aggarwal Chief Medical Officer (SS)
Renu Misuriya (Ms.) Medical Officer (SS)
Ajay Kumar Jain Medical Officer (SS)
Mahesh Kumar Sagar Medical Officer (SS)
Anila Khosla (Ms.) Medical Officer (SS)
P. K. Rajesh Medical Officer (Homeo)
Md. Ashafaque Hussain Medical Officer 103
Appendix III
(As on 31.3.2013)


R.K. Shevgaonkar, Chairman K.N. Rai
Ashok Gupta M.N. Joglekar
S. Ramanujam K.J. Singh
Jose Kurian S.N. Singh
Sanjay Gupta Rakesh Kumar, Secretary.


B.D. Gupta, Chairman Anupam Dewan
Prashant Mishra K.K. Pant
S.K. Khare G.V. Raman
Huzur Saran Jayadeva
Debasis Mondal S.K. Jain
Aparna Mehra (Ms.) S.P. Singh
Mangala Joshi (Ms.) Arun Kumar
R.C. Raghava Nivedita K. Gohil
A.K. Ganguli R.K. Rai
Mahesh P. Abegaonkar Jaya Srivastava (Ms.)
V.M. Chariar B.K. Satapathy
S.K. Atreya Rajesh Prasad
Subrat Kar Mangala Joshi (Ms.)
Abdul Qyyum Mohit Taak
Nikhil Goyal Aditya Khandelwal
Santosh Satya (Ms.) B.D. Gupta, Member Secretary


S. Arun Kumar, Chairman B.P. Patel
A.K. Srivastava Ratan Mohan
Nalin Pant N.K. Garg
Maya Ramanath Subrat Kar
Debasis Mondal S.P. Singh
Mani Mehra P.M.V. SubhaRao
Sujeet Chaudhary R. Chattopadhyay
K.M. Achuta Rao S.M.K. Rahman
R.P. Sharma R.K. Rai
R. Bahl Jyoti Kumar
Anushree Malik (Ms.) Savita Goel (Ms.)
Gopal krishanan K. Narayanan
S. Seetharaman Rishab Kumar
Nikitha Pathak (Ms Gaurav Yadav
Saroj Kaushik (Ms.) Pragya Jain (Ms.) , Member-Secretary


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