1 - Steel Beam Shear and Bending (D&A)
1 - Steel Beam Shear and Bending (D&A)
1 - Steel Beam Shear and Bending (D&A)
A wide flange section has the following properties: Situation – A simple beam has a span of 10 m and supports a
total uniformly distributed load of 12 kN/m.
bf = 150 mm Ix = 108x106 mm4 Properties of W 480 x 86:
tw = 9 mm Q @ N.A = 380x103 mm3 A = 10800 mm2 Ix = 383.13 x 106 mm4
tf = 12 mm Fv = 0.40Fy bf = 180 mm tw = 12 mm
d = 300 mm - tf = 15 mm d = 480 mm
1. Determine the shear capacity of the section. 267.84kN 15. Calculate the maximum shear in the beam in kN.
2. Determine the safe uniform load that the section could 16. Calculate the average shear stress in the beam in MPa.
carry if length of the beam is 8 m. 66.96kN/m 17. Calculate the maximum shear stress in the beam in MPa.
3. Determine the shear flow of the portion of the flange 30
mm from the edge. 128.56N/mm Situation – A wide flange section has the following
4. Determine the shear flow at the neutral axis. 942.4N/mm properties:
5. Determine the shear flow 88 mm from the NA (problem Ix = 108 x 106 mm4 d = 300 mm
for practice) 768.924N/mm bf = 150 mm tw = 9 mm
6. Determine the shear flow of the portion of the flange 20 tf = 12 mm d = 300 mm
mm from the edge. (problem for practice) 85.7088N/mm Fv = 0.4Fy Fy = 250MPa
Q @ N.A = 380x103 mm3
Situation 2. 18. Determine the allowable shear stress in MPa.
19. Determine the shear capacity in kN.
A simple beam has a span of 12 m and supports a 20. Determine the safe uniform load in kN/m that the section
superimposed uniformly distributed load of 20 kN/m. could carry if length of the beam is 10 m.
Properties of W 450 x 70: 21. Determine the shear flow at the neutral axis in N/mm.
22. Determine the shear flow of the portion of the flange 40
bf = 150 mm A = 8700 mm 7. 27.583MPa mm from the edge in N/mm.
tw = 10 mm Ix = 274.7 x 106 mm4 8. 32.075MPa
tf = 15 mm wb = 70 kg/m Situation –A wide flange beam has a maximum shear of 300
d = 450 mm kN. The beam has the following properties:
7. What is the average shearing stress in the beam? d = 350 mm bf = 250 mm
8. Determine the maximum shearing stress in the beam. tw = 12 mm tf = 15 mm
9. Determine the shearing stress at a point 100 mm
from NA. (problem for practice)
10. Calculate the maximum bending stress in the beam.
Situation 3.
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Review Innovations CE Review for November 2024 – Steel Design 1
Basic Formula: Note: If not given
Fy = 248 MPa for A36 steel
1. Average shear stress (fv) Fu = 400 MPa for A36 steel
Es = 200000 MPa
fv = V_
Common Loadings and supports:
fv = VQ
fb = Mc = M
I Sx
r = √𝐴
Vmax = P Mmax = PL ymax = _23PL3_
3 648EI
8. Moment of inertia/transfer formula (I)
S = I/c
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