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Review Innovations CE Review for Nov 2022 – Steel Design 4

Situation 1.
A compression member of a steel truss 4.5 m long consist 11. Determine the minimum moment of inertia.
of two angles 150x100x10 mm with long legs back to back 12. Determine the maximum moment of inertia.
spaced at 10 mm apart. 13. Determine the critical slenderness ratio
14. Determine the allowable axial stress.
Properties of one angle: 15. Determine the factor of safety.
Ix = 5.58 x 106 mm4 Iy = 2.20 x 106 mm4
x = 23.75 mm y = 48.75 mm Situation 4.
A = 2400 mm2 Fy = 345 MPa
E = 200000 MPa A simple beam 4.5 m in span carries a concentrated load of
300 kN at its midspan and is subjected to an axial tensile
Assuming that the ends are hinged and using NSCP force of 250 kN Fy = 248 MPa. Three sections are being
specification determine the following: considered as follows with their corresponding properties
relevant to this problem. Determine the following:
1. Effective slenderness ratio about x-axis
2. Effective slenderness ratio about y-axis Section Area Depth Moment of Inertia
3. Allowable axial stress. W24x55 0.010 m2 598 mm 0.000558 m4
4. Safe axial load that the member could carry. W21x62 0.012 m2 533 mm 0.000554 m4
5. Long legs back to back spacing to be equally strong at W21x68 0.013 m2 537 mm 0.000616 m4
both axes
11. Lowest axial tensile stress
Situation 2. 12. Lowest maximum bending stress
13. Safe and economical section if Ft = 0.6Fy and Fb =
Given the figure shown, find: 0.66Fy.

Situation 5.

A steel column carries an axial load of 800 kN, a moment

of 70 kN-m at the top and moment 49 kN-m at the bottom.
The two moments are in opposite direction and applied
about the x-axis. The steel section has the following

A = 13000 mm2 rx = 109 mm

Sx = 1200 x 103 mm3 ry = 94 mm
L = 3.6 m k = 1.0
Fy = 248 MPa E = 200000 MPa
6. Moment of inertia about the x-axis
7. Moment of inertia about the y-axis Use NSCP specification for compressive stress and Fbx =Fby
8. Minimum moment of inertia. = 148 MPa. Determine the following:
9. Maximum moment of inertia.
10. Maximum product of inertia. 14. Compressive stress if axial load only existed.
15. Bending stress if bending moment alone existed.
Situation 3. 16. Allowable compressive stress using NSCP.
17. From the interaction formula compute the interaction
A structural column Z section having a length of 10 m has value. Assume the column is braced against joint
an area of 600 mm2 , Ix = 120x106 mm4 , Iy = 50x106 mm4 and translation (sidesway prevented)
Ixy = -75x106 mm4, Fy = 250 MPa.

Manila FB: @ReviewInnovationsOfficial Cebu FB: Davao FB: Review Innovations Davao Branch
 (02) 8735-9161 0919-227-9194  (082) 221-1121 0930-256-0998
Review Innovations CE Review for Nov 2022 – Steel Design 4
Problem for practice:
Situation: A structural Z section is used as a column with
unsupported length of 4m. Fy = 250 MPa

A = 600 mm2
Ix = 120 x 106 mm4
Iy = 50 x 106 mm4
Ixy = -75 x 106 mm4

18. Compute the minimum radius of gyration

19. Determine the allowable axial stress using NSCP.
20. Find the allowable axial load that the column could

Situation: A simply supported steel beam 6m long carries

a uniform load 30kN/m and an axial tensile force of 100kN.
The properties of steel section are as follows:
A = 7800 mm2 Ix = 140x106 mm4
d = 324 mm Iy = 16x106 mm4

21. What is the axial tensile stress of the beam, in MPa.

22. What is the bending stress in the beam due to uniform
load alone, in MPa.
23. What is the interaction value if Fb = 210 MPa and Ft =
100 MPa?

Situation: A steel column carries an axial load of 200 kN, a

moment of 50 kN-m at the top and a moment of 25 kN-m
at the bottom. The two moments are in opposite direction
and applied about the x-axis. The steel section has the
following properties:

A = 13000 mm2 rx = 109 mm

Sx = 1200 x 103 mm3 ry = 94 mm
L = 3.6 m k = 1.0
Fy = 248 MPa E = 200000 MPa

Use NSCP specification for compressive stress and Fbx =Fby

= 148 MPa. Determine the following:

24. Compressive stress if axial load only existed.

25. Bending stress if bending moment alone existed.
26. Allowable compressive stress using NSCP.
27. From the interaction formula compute the interaction

Manila FB: @ReviewInnovationsOfficial Cebu FB: Davao FB: Review Innovations Davao Branch
 (02) 8735-9161 0919-227-9194  (082) 221-1121 0930-256-0998
Review Innovations CE Review for Nov 2022 – Steel Design 4


fa Cm = 0.85
A. When
 0.15

fa fbx fby I. For member subject to transverse loading between their

+ +  1.0
Fa Fbx Fby supports.

Cm = 0.85 for member whose ends are

fa restrained against rotation in the plane of
B. When
 0.15 bending.
Cm = 1.0 for member whose end/s are
fa C mx fb x C my fb y unrestrained against rotation in the plane
+ +  1.0 of bending
Fa  fa   f 
 1−  Fbx  1− a  Fby
 F'e x   F'e y 
II. For member not subject to transverse loading between
their supports.

Cm = 0.6 – 0.4 [M1/M2]

fa fbx fby
+ +  1.0

where ft fbx fb
+ + y  1.0
Ft Fbx Fby
12π 2E
F'e =
23( kL b /rb )2 ft – tensile stress = P/A
Ft – allowable tensile stress

fa – Compressive stress /axial stress = P/A

fb – bending stress
Lb – unsupported length about the axis of bending
rb - radius of gyration about the axis of bending

Manila FB: @ReviewInnovationsOfficial Cebu FB: Davao FB: Review Innovations Davao Branch
 (02) 8735-9161 0919-227-9194  (082) 221-1121 0930-256-0998

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