History P2 Nov 2019 Memo Eng
History P2 Nov 2019 Memo Eng
History P2 Nov 2019 Memo Eng
MARKS: 150
1.1 The following cognitive levels were used to develop source-based questions:
Cognitive Weighting of
Historical skills
Levels questions
• Extract evidence from sources
• Selection and organisation of relevant information 30%
Level 1
from sources (15)
• Define historical concepts/terms
• Interpretation of evidence from sources
Level 2 • Explain information gathered from sources
• Analyse evidence from sources
• Interpret and evaluate evidence from sources
• Engage with sources to determine its usefulness,
reliability, bias and limitations 30%
Level 3
• Compare and contrast interpretations and (15)
perspectives presented in sources and draw
independent conclusions
Paragraph question
Paragraphs are to be assessed globally (holistically). Both the content and
structure of the paragraph must be taken into account when awarding a mark. The
following steps must be used when assessing a response to a paragraph question:
• Read the paragraph and place a bullet (•) at each point within the text where
the candidate has used relevant evidence to address the question.
• Re-read the paragraph to evaluate the extent to which the candidate has been
able to use relevant evidence to write a paragraph.
• At the end of the paragraph indicate the ticks (√) that the candidate has been
awarded for the paragraph; as well as the level (1,2, or 3) as indicated in the
holistic rubric and a brief comment e.g.
___________ •___________________________________________________
_________________ • ____________________________ • _________________
Level 2 √√√√
Used mostly relevant evidence to write a basic paragraph.
• Count all the ticks for the source-based question and then write the mark on the
right hand bottom margin e.g. 32
• Ensure that the total mark is transferred accurately to the front/back cover of the
answer script.
2.4.2 During the reading of the essay, ticks need to be awarded for a relevant
introduction (which is indicated by a bullet in the marking guideline), the
main aspects/body of the essay that sustains/defends the line of argument
(which is indicated by bullets in the marking guideline) and a relevant
conclusion (which is indicated by a bullet in the marking guideline).
For example in an essay where there are five (5) main points there could be
about seven (7) ticks.
• Wrong statement _________________
• Irrelevant statement |
• Repetition R
• Analysis A√
• Interpretation I√
• Line of Argument LOA
(a) The first reading of essays will be to determine to what extent the main
aspects have been covered and to allocate the content level (on the
(b) The second reading of essays will relate to the level (on the matrix) of
Some omissions in content coverage.
Attempts to sustain a line of argument.
Question has been
fully answered.
Content selection 47–50 43–46
fully relevant to line
of argument.
Question has been
Content selection 43–46 40–42 38–39
relevant to a line of
Question answered
to a great extent.
Content adequately 38–39 36–37 34–35 30–33 28–29
covered and
recognisable in
answer. 30–33 28–29 26–27
Some omissions or
irrelevant content
Content selection
does relate to the
question, but does
not answer it, or
does not always 26–27 24–25 20–23
relate to the
Omissions in
inadequately 20–23 18–19 14–17
addressed. Sparse
addressed or not at 14–17 0–13
all. Inadequate or
irrelevant content.
• Question not addressed at all/totally irrelevant content; no attempt to structure the essay =0
• Content selection includes basic and generally irrelevant information; no attempt to structure the essay = 1–6
• Question inadequately addressed and vague; little attempt to structure the essay = 7–13
1.1.1 [Extraction of evidence from Source 1A - L1]
• 'It was outspoken in its criticism of government actions'
• 'Several white leaders empathised (sympathised) with the black cause by
speaking out for them' (2 x 1) (2)
1.2.1 [Extraction of evidence from Source 1B – L1]
• 'SASO began to bring together other black organisations'
• 'created the Black People's Convention as a political organisation' (2 x 1) (2)
1.3.1 [Extraction of evidence from Source 1C – L1]
• 'By admitting that eight SASO leaders had been banned because court
proceedings would have given them a platform' (1 x 2) (2)
1.4.1 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 1D – L2]
• To inform members of SASO about the banning of the SASO 8
• To honour the leaders that were banned
• To expose how the apartheid regime treated leaders of SASO and the
• To appeal to black South Africans to unite against (raised clenched fist) the
banning of the SASO 8
• Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)
2.5.1 [Interpretation of evidence in Source 2D – L2]
• The TRC had failed the family of Ashley Kriel by granting Benzien
• Benzien who was responsible for the murder of Kriel was allowed to to
walk free
• The family and friends of Kriel did not find closure regarding the
circumstances of his death
• Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)
• The TRC was formed to determine how political activists were killed
(Source 2A)
• The TRC was established to build national unity and reconciliation in order
to determine the 'nature, causes and extent of gross violations of human
rights' committed between 1 March 1960 and 10 May 1994 by the
apartheid regime (Source 2A)
• The TRC held public hearings where both victims and perpetrators of
politically motivated crimes had a chance to tell their stories (Source 2A)
• The TRC held public hearings at the Bellville Community Centre in Cape
Town to listen to testimonies on how Kriel was murdered (Source 2C)
• Jeffrey Benzien appeared before the TRC in Cape Town to give evidence
regarding the killing of Ashley Kriel (Source 2C)
• The TRC granted Benzien amnesty for the murder of Kriel ((Source 2C)
• The TRC offered a platform for perpetrators and victims to meet so that
healing could occur (Source 2C)
• By allowing both victims and perpetrators to meet the TRC provided a
platform for healing and reconciliation to occur (own knowledge)
• The protesters were unhappy about the verdict reached by the TRC
regarding the killing of Kriel (Source 2D)
• Any other relevant response
3.1.1 [Extraction of evidence from Source 3A – L1]
• 'Brazil'
• 'Russia'
• 'India'
• 'China'
• 'South Africa' (any 3 x 1) (3)
3.1.2 [Extraction of evidence from Source 3A – L1]
• 'Sandton Convention Centre’
• ‘Johannesburg' (any 1 x 1) (1)
3.1.3 [Extraction of evidence from Source 3A – L1]
• 'developmental challenges'
• 'growing their economies'
• 'addressing poverty’
• ‘unemployment' (any 3 x 1) (3)
3.1.4 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 3A – L2]
• To bring about inclusive economic growth in developing countries
• To ensure trade among emerging economies in developing countries
• To increase investment amongst BRICS countries
• Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)
3.2.1 [Interpretation of evidence from Source 3B – L2]
• It shows the leaders of their respective countries attending the 10th BRICS
Summit in South Africa
• It indicates a close and friendly relationship amongst leaders of the BRICS
• It indicates a sense of unity/co-operation amongst various leaders of
• Any other relevant response (any 2 x 2) (4)
3.2.2 [Interpretation of information from Source 3B – L2]
• It displays unity amongst the leaders of BRICS
• It displays strength and solidarity among the various leaders
• It displays a sense of camaraderie among leaders of BRICS
• Any other relevant response (any 1 x 2) (2)
3.4.1 [Extraction of evidence from Source 3C – L1]
• 'Poor South Africans'
• 'Unemployed South Africans' (2 x 1) (2)
3.5.1 [Extraction of evidence from Source 3D– L1]
• 'The challenge for South Africa is that BRICS may erode South Africa's
domestic economy and directly affect employment of its citizens'
• 'Many products from BRICS countries compete with those of South Africa.'
• 'BRICS and western capitalist countries are all targeting Africa's resources,
which poses a direct threat to South Africa's economy' (any 2 x 1) (2)
[Plan and construct an original argument based on relevant evidence using analytical
and interpretative skills]
Candidates need to explain to what extent boycotts, disinvestments and sanctions by
the international anti–apartheid movements were responsible for the downfall of PW
Botha's regime in the 1980s.
Candidates should include the following aspects in their essays:
• Introduction: Candidates need to explain to what extent boycotts, disinvestments
and sanctions by the international anti–apartheid movements were responsible for
the downfall of PW Botha's regime in the 1980s.
• Reasons for the intense pressure from the Anti-apartheid Movement (AAM) in the
1970s and 1980s in response to PW Botha's reforms in South Africa (Brief
• In the 1980s the International Defence and Aid Fund (IDAF) funded state of
emergency detentions/smuggled R200 million into South Africa/created a network
of donors who funded the release of political prisoners/From January 1985 IDAF
funded 16 551 legal matters (e.g. detentions, common law prosecutions of street
• Sport Boycotts: In 1981 New Zealand protested against the 'racist' Springbok tour/
South African Council of Sport (SACOS) established political links with the UDF
and COSATU/slogan 'No normal sport in an abnormal society'/By the late 1980s SA
was banned from 90% of world sport
• Cultural Boycotts: International artists – non-segregated audiences only/Artists
against Apartheid formed in Britain by Dali Tambo and Jerry Dammers/The British
Actors' Union Equity forbid the use of television programmes in SA involving its
members/1985 USA 'Artists United against Apartheid'/refused to perform in South
Africa and raised money for liberation movements/1986 Freedom Festival in
London audience of 250 000 attended/musicians expressed their solidarity with
people in SA/speakers from ANC, SWAPO and British Anti–apartheid Movement
addressed the crowd
• Academic Boycotts: Scholars refused to travel to South Africa/Publishers refused
to publish SA manuscripts/No collaboration of scholars/Publishers abroad refused
to grant access to information/International conferences barred South African
participation/Institutions abroad denied SA academic access/overseas institutions
refused to recognise SA degrees/schools abroad refused to act as external
examiners for thesis presented at SA universities/Trinity College forbade its
faculties to collaborate with South African universities
• Consumer Boycotts: SA experienced a recession in the 1980s/Anti-apartheid
groups encouraged the public to boycott SA products/Irish workers refused to
handle fruits from SA/Imports of raw materials such as coal, iron, steel from South
Africa were banned
[Plan and construct an original argument based on relevant evidence using analytical
and interpretative skills]
Candidates need to critically discuss the roles that various political organisations
played in overcoming the challenges that South Africa faced between 1990 and 1994.
Candidates should include the following aspects in their essays:
• Introduction: Candidates need to critically discuss the roles that various political
organisations played in overcoming the challenges that South Africa faced between
1990 and 1994.
• National Party's decision to release leaders from the ANC in 1990
• Unbanning of the political and civic organisations, the ANC and SACP by the NP
• NP's decision to release Nelson Mandela
• Role of Nelson Mandela after he was released from prison in February 1990
• Groote Schuur Minute, 2 May 1990 – NP released political prisoners (Talks between
ANC and NP) ((Role of various political organisations)
• Violence in the Vaal Triangle (Role of various political organisations)
• Pretoria Minute in August 1990 – (Role of various political organisations)
• Meeting of political parties – CODESA 1 (20 December 1991) (Role of various
political organisations)
• The Declaration of Intent (Role of various political organisations)
• On–going violence on commuter trains on the Rand (Role of various political
• CODESA 2 (2 May 1992) – rolling mass action to speed up the negotiation process
(Role of various political organisations)
• Boipatong massacre and its consequences (17 June 1992) (Role of various political
• Role of the ANC calling for rolling mass action against the National Party
• Bhisho massacre (Gqozo) and the role of various political organisations to resolve
this (7 September 1992)
• Record of Understanding I September 1992 – Meyer and Ramaphosa (Role of
various political organisations)
• Multi–party negotiating Forum – the AWB’s attack of the World Trade Centre (Role
of various political organisations)
• Assassination of Chris Hani (10 April 1993) (Role of various political organisations)
• The roles that leaders of political organisations played to get the IFP, PAC and right
wing organisation to participate in South Africa’s first democratic elections
• Date for the first democratic elections set (27–29 April 1994) (Role of various
political organisations)
• Any other relevant response
• Conclusion: Candidates should tie up their argument with a relevant conclusion. [50]
[Plan and construct an original argument based on relevant evidence using analytical
and interpretative skills]
Candidates need to indicate whether they agree or disagree with the statement. If they
agree with the statement they need to explain how the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 led
to political enemies, the National Party and the African National Congress to begin
talks. If they disagree with the statement they need to substantiate their argument with
relevant historical evidence.
Candidates should include the following aspects in their response:
• Introduction: Candidates should discuss how the fall of the Berlin Wall led to political
enemies, the National Party and the African National Congress to begin talks and
how these talks led to political changes in South Africa.
• Impact of Glasnost and Perestroika
• The Soviet Union disintegrated by the end of 1989 and was no longer regarded as a
super power
• Communism was no longer seen as a 'global threat'
• The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989
• South Africa could no longer use the threat of communism to generate Western
• South Africa could no longer rely on Western backing for its 'anti–communist' stance
• World politics changed and this had an impact on South Africa's apartheid policies
• The apartheid regime could no longer use communism to justify its policy of racial
• The National Party's claim that it was protecting South Africa from a communist
onslaught became unrealistic
• The National Party's claim that it was protecting the Cape sea route against
communism became naïve
• The USA and its allies could no longer continue to support the apartheid regime
• The collapse of the USSR also influenced the ANC
• The USSR could no longer support the ANC financially as it was bankrupt
• The USSR would not support the ANC with weapons anymore as it favoured
peaceful negotiations
• The collapse of the Soviet Union put pressure on both the National Party and the
ANC to begin negotiations
• The Battle of Cuito Cuanavale spurred the National Party to start negotiations with
communists over the independence of Namibia
• It became evident that the National Party government could not maintain white
supremacy rule indefinitely
• Influential National Party members started to realise that apartheid was not the
answer for the development of 'white' economic interests
• There was no doubt that the continued repression of black South Africans would not
ensure political stability
• The government started to believe that reform needed to include the development of
a strong black middle class which would act as a 'bulwark against revolution'
• The security forces and consecutive state of emergencies had not stopped township
• By the late 1980s the South African economy was in a state of depression
• PW Botha suffered a stroke and was succeeded by FW de Klerk
• FW de Klerk started to accept that the black struggle against apartheid was not
a conspiracy directed from Moscow
• This enabled De Klerk to engage with the liberation organisations to find a lasting
solution for South Africa
• On 2 February 1990 De Klerk announced the unbanning of all anti-apartheid
organisations and this paved the way for multi–party talks
• These talks ultimately led to democratic elections that were held in 1994
• Any other relevant response
• Conclusion: Candidates should tie up their argument with a relevant conclusion [50]
TOTAL: 150
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