En - Pamphlet Daily Immersion - m1 Boston.pdf
En - Pamphlet Daily Immersion - m1 Boston.pdf
En - Pamphlet Daily Immersion - m1 Boston.pdf
1. We know that the word must 1. The first Beatitude is: “Blessed are 1. The Lord is making Himself at 1. God has called a people to
come from God’s mouth to carry the poor in spirit, for theirs is the home in His house and beginning hear His voice. He is the Only
out His own work, and not from the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 5:3). The to do what He wants to do. It is not Living God who speaks. That is
preacher to take credit for himself. kingdom of heaven is where God rules human ability, but the Spirit who why the Bible is not a dead text.
We are merely channels to transmit and does His will, that is, where He does it. And God does His work
feels at ease (Matt. 4:17; 6:9-10; Luke God uses the Bible to speak to
what God says. In everything that through His own word (2 Cor. 3:4-
God wants to say, He is very 12:32). us in a living way (Ex 19:5-6; Heb
5; Eph. 2:19-22).
practical in carrying out His work 3:7-14).
(Job 22:22; Matt. 4:4; John 6:38; 2 2. When it comes to God’s work, we are
not even capable of thinking anything. 2. God’s goal is to first obtain a
Tim. 2:1-2). dwelling place in the church and 2. All the earth is the Lord's. If all
Anything that originates from man is
to return to possess the heavens the earth belongs to God,
not part of God’s work. Our sufficiency
2. The Word of God does the work, everyone should do His will. But
does not come from our biblical and earth He created. He wants to
and through it the church is built. the people of the earth are not
knowledge or experience in doing use the church as His dwelling
The goal is to give God a dwelling
God’s work. Our sufficiency comes place, where He does His will, and God's property; on the contrary,
place in the spirit. God does not
from God (2 Cor 3:4-5). then use this base as a platform to they worship idols. God's
want to build a physical house, but
rule the heavens and the earth purpose in making Israel His
rather, first, to win the hearts of
3. Our culture is one of service, not of (Isaiah 66:1; Acts 7:49; Ephesians
men (Eph 2:20-22; Isa 66:1; Heb 4:1- own was to regain all the earth
position seeking. This simplicity and 2:19-22).
3, 12). humbleness gives God room to feel at
through them (Psa 24:1; Ex 19:5; 1
home. Today we are the Pet 2:9-10).
3. Man always prefers his own 3. It was so simple for man to
brokenhearted and contrite in spirit,
ability to discern between right and choose to eat from the tree of life
those who fear and love the Word of
in order to receive God as life. But
3. Everything was made to do
wrong. That is why God’s attention God (Isaiah 66:2; Matthew 20:20-28;
man did not choose the tree of God's will, but that is not a
is on the man who is afflicted and John 12:1-3).
crushed in spirit; who has no ability life, opening the way for sin to reality today. We need to be
to do His work, but depends on God 4. Making the word dwell richly within enter the world. The devil entered humble and have a heart that
to carry it out (Isaiah 66:2; 2 us means not contacting it the world and systematized it, so loves the word of God. The word
Corinthians 3:4-5). superficially; let us learn to extract all our struggle is not against flesh we receive from Christ makes
the richness contained in it, and blood, but against the God feel at home in the church.
4. To be simple is to believe in the instructing and admonishing one principalities and evil powers This word makes Christ dwell in
word of God. Nothing that God another. By doing so, the word of life (Gen. 2:16; 3:1-6; Eph. 6:12). our hearts. (Eph 3:17; Jer15:16).
gives us is complicated. If we trust will circulate among us, we will gain its
in the biblical knowledge acquired nutrients, the love of God will fill our 4. We have been introduced by
throughout our Christian life, it will hearts, and we will be spiritually 4. By believing in Jesus, we have
Christ into a kingdom governed by
be of no use to us. The Lord does healthy (Col 3:16) (Daily Food, Book 3, received eternal life and have
the life of God, which is the
not want an elitist group of people Week 3, Tuesday, p. 43).
church. In it we have the word of
been brought into the
with a high level of spiritual life, the fellowship of life, and the fellowship of life. From then on,
knowledge. On the contrary, God DO YOU WANT circulation of life, which fill us we can live by God’s life and
wants all His children to grow with strength, power, and love thus do His will (1 John 1:1-2;
spiritually (1 John 5:1-2; 1 Cor 2:4-5) TO BE A
(John 3:36; Col 1:13-14). (Daily 5:11). (Daily Food, Book 3, Week
(Daily Food, Book 3, Week 3, MISSIONARY? Food, Book 3, Week 3, Wednesday, 3, Thursday, p. 48).
Monday, p. 41).
p. 45).
1. The word of life sown in our 1. God needs the man-child who 1. We can be converted and
hearts causes the seed of life to represents the strong part of the become a Christian, but we need
sprout in us, grow and bear fruit for church, the part that fights for to allow Christ to dwell in our
God. Let us not be a Christian who the kingdom. They are a minority, hearts. Through the circulation of
has just received a new birth and
stopped at this stage. We may have
but they are the ones who fight life, through the inculcation of DAILY IMMERSION
for the kingdom. The strength of the word, we will obtain the
the divine life in our spirit, but it’s IN THE PROPHETIC WORD
the church is not its capacity, nor reality of Christ and this will fill us
by the growth of life that our soul is
its economic or political power. It with divine reality. God will be at
governed by God (Eph 4:13; Matt
has little strength, but it keeps ease when all the elements are
13:23; Isa 55:10-11; Heb6:9-12; 2 Pet
the word, that is, it inculcates it in subject to Christ (Col 3:16; 2 Pet
its heart (Rev 12:5; 3:8; Lk 12:32). 1:3-4; Eph 1:9-10, 22-23). The word of life,
the fellowship of life
2. Through the word, more of Christ
2. The word needs to be kept, AND LIVING STONES FOR THE EDIFICATION
is added to our hearts and the 2. Christ will head up not only the
elements of our fallen human engraved in our hearts through church, but all things. God
nature are removed. Our soul is repetition. This word, wrought in
created the heavens and the
governed and transformed by the our soul, brings the reality of
word of life as we inculcate it in our Christ's headship (Eph 1:9-10; 5:18-
earth and wants to reclaim all M1 BOSTON
things for Himself. He wants to be
hearts by practicing immersion 19; Col 3:16).
at home in the church and rule
(Eph 5:25-27; Deut 6:6-7; Acts 5:29; 2 WHERE IS THE HOUSE
over all things (Ex 19:5; Eph 1:19- THAT YOU WILL
Pet 1:3-4; Col 3:16). 3. God’s will is greater than the
22; Psa 2:6-9; Rev 11:15). BUILD ME?
issues of our human lives. God’s
3. The truth and love of God, which purpose is to unite all things in
3. We are not worthy or qualified Isaiah 66:1-2
come with the word, are being Christ, both in heaven and on
deposited in us and building us up, by this world’s earthly standards,
earth. Time exists for Christ to
and the gospel is preached in the Head up all things. When this is but we love the Lord and we love
streets. God has a church in which accomplished, the ticking of time His return. We have the revelation
He feels at home and does His work, will end and we will be in eternity of the Lord’s word and we want to
and so Christ can finally return (Eph. 1:9-10, 22-23). be faithful to it. Because when the
(Phil. 2:2; Matt. 24:35; Col. 3:16; John Spirit feels at ease, He speeds up @institutovidaparatodos
14:23, 26; Eph. 2:19-22; 1 John 3:18; His work (Heb. 4:12; Matt. 24:36; 2
4. Those who remain in the
4:16). Cor. 3:4-5; 2 Tim. 4:6-8; Acts 13:1-
fellowship of life are governed by
the Head, who is Christ. They will 4).
4. We have received the word of life
always be confident, because
and have been brought into the
they know that the work they do 4. The church is the Lord’s
fellowship of life with the other
members of the Body of Christ. is from God. In the fellowship of instrument for carrying out His
Living in this fellowship, we abide in life, we feel secure, because we will. It is made up of those born of
God and God abides in us; thus, we exercise the will of God (1 John 1:1- God who are governed in life by
have confidence (1 John 5:13-14). 3; 5:15). (DailyFood, Book 3, Week Christ (Matt. 16:18; John 1:12-13;
(Daily Food, Book 3, Week 3, Friday, 3, Saturday, p. 51). Book 1, Week 4, Eph. 1:22-23; 1 John 5:18-19). (Daily
p. 49). Saturday, pp. 68-69). Food, Book 3, Week 3, Sunday, p.