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UpImportant of radical faith:. 1. It brings divine healing. 2. Bring progress. 3. Bring promotion. 4.

closed doors. 5. It conquer kingdoms. 6. Saves the oppressed free. 6. Shut off the mouth of lions. 7.
Quenches the destruction of the devil. 8. Escape the source of the enemy and premature death. 9.
Makes the hope, hopeful. 10. Brings about progression. 11. Bring divine


Theme: blessings by asking.

1st chronicle 4:10. Genesis 32, 24-36. Luke 2. Isaiah 45:3. Ist chronicle 2:3. 1 st chronicle 29:2. Ist king
4-5. John 12:24.

Luke 19:1. Theme: I want to see Jesus. Desires must be backed by an action. Means seeking him and
taking action. Our position in the crowd doesn’t matter but our desire. Jesus must be our focus.
Christianity is about your desire to see Jesus. When we find Jesus , he will transform us. luke 19:9.
Our life is a borrowed one.

Hebrews 12:22.

Sermon by,: Mr. Kwame Nsiah

Theme::. The role in playing as an agent in transformation.

1. Service to God and mankind. Hardworking in the church of God. John 13:12_15.
2. Living an exemplary life.1st Timothy 4:12. Set an example to believers in speech, in conduct
and in love, and in faith. Matthew 5:16.
3. To be an agent of change.
Sermon by : osofomaame Perdita Asiamah.
Theme: Doing the work of the Lord.
Exodus 18:14_24 , 1st Timothy 5:17 . Colossian’s 4:12 , Hebrews 6:10.
Theme: Put your house in order. 2nd Kings 20:3. Job 14:1_5.
1. Life is short
2. Life is in stages. Psalm 37:25.
3. Life is a war. Ephesians 6:12.
4. Life is a gift. Genesis 2:7, John 3:27. 1st cor 4:7.
Live a good legacy. Obadiah 1:7. The house represent generation.
Live a good inheritance. Proverbs 13:22. 2nd Kings 4:1.
Why we must put our house in order.
1. We can be called at anytime.
2. God is a God of order
3. Whatever we do affect our generation.
How we put our house in order.
1. Mending broken relationship. James 3:16.
2. Avoid secrets.

Theme: OffERING

Love offering. Genesis 22:12

Respectful offering

Valuable offering.

Psalm 50:5.

Sermon by: pastor Asiamah.

Theme: The world of faith.

Genesis 28:16. Hebrews 11:1_6, romans 10:17. 2nd Corinthians 4:13. Faith is a spirit. Faith is a talking
spirit. James 1:25 The word of God is a perfect law of liberty. Romans 10:17, Mathew 8:8. Philippines
4:8 . Faith is of the heart and not the mind. Faith without work is dead.

Theme: spiritual dimensions of names . ( Power of names)

Sermon by : pastor Samuel Asiamah.

Isaiah 9:6., Luke 1:30., Matthew 1:21, Jesus in Hebrew means savior.

Fact about names

1. Names give identity from one another and other things. Act 9:15. Identity is not spiritual but
also physical.
2. Character. Names affect the character and behavior of the person. Genesis 23:38.
3. Destiny. Names are our destiny. Exodus 2:10. Numbers 20:7, 1 st Samuel 1:11_ 20
4. Meaning. Every name has a meaning.
5. Potential. Everyone names carry potential. Isaiah 9:6
Theme: Advancement.
Sermon by: pastor Asiamah.
31st all night. (Luke 17:13_16)
Reason for Thanksgiving.
1. Preserves our lives. ( Malachi 2:1_2. Deteronomy 1:6_8) Advance means to rise.
What happens when we advance.
1. ( 2nd kings 7:2_6). Their prophetic word was triggered.
2. Time and season changes.

Theme: Family Altar’s

Sermon by,: pastor Asiamah
Verse: Genesis 26:25., Genesis 35:6_7. Altars are important. Exodus 17:15. The
altar was called, “The Lord is my banner.
An altar_ an exulted place where sacrifices are made. The cross, is the highest
Reasons why altars are important.
1. It can affect generation. 1st Samuel 15:1_8, 1st Samuel 9:1_2 , Esther 3:1
Types of Altars.
1. Evil altars ( 1st chronicles 4:9) , 1st chronicles 2:55, 1st kings 13:1_2
2. Godly altars.
Night prayer:: Exodus 32:1, Deuteronomy 5:6_8.
1. Every form of delay in 2022, be destroy in Jesus name. Delay is one of
the strategies of the devil, that makes one lose focus. Major cause of
delay are personal wrong decision, buh usually is satanic
2. My life will not be wasted this year 2022. Job 20:50, Genesis 27:30.
Friday Evening prayers::
Theme: family partners.
Things that brings about family partners;
1. Evil covenant.
2. Family Errors
3. Sin.
Night prayer;;
We should be consistent in prayer. Psalm 31:5.( Content with
those who content with you, and fight those who fights you.
Prayer points:;
1. wicked power fighting against me, may the Lord fight with
them in Jesus name./ Any power opposing ma life and
destiny be opposed too, in Jesus name. ( Numbers 22:1,
numbers 23:23
2. No curse / divination can touch me in 2022.

1st kings 18:45

Five secret about supernatural speed.
1. Vision (Habakkuk 2:2,
2. Connect to his grace ( 1st Corinthians 15:10
3. Walk in the light. (Isaiah 60:1, Galatians 2:2)
4. Connect his hand upon your life.( 1st kings 18:46,)
5. Weight (Hebrews 12:1)
Theme, key to advance in life.
1. The presence of God. (Genesis 39:2, Genesis
41:41, Exodus 33:15,14, Psalm 23:4, Psalm
89:20_22, one of the easiest way to destroy
the devil, is through the presence of God.
(Daniel 3:25_27.
Without the presence of God, there’s fear.
What is the presence of God?
1. Where God is.
2. Is the spirit of God. Wherever the holy
spirit is , God is there. (2nd Corinthians
3. Is the hand of the Lord.
What provoke the presence of God.
1. Fasting and prayers
2. Worship and praises (Act 16:26)
3. Sacrificing and offering.
4. Pleasing God. (John 8:29.
Sermon by :: Elder Brain.
Theme: walking with the Lord.
( Genesis 5:22-24. Genesis 6:9.
What actually meant to walk with
1. For a close fellowship(Luke
2. For a habitual fellowship
(Genesis 5:22). Habitual means
“ part of your life or consistent,
not casual, but part of our life.
Sermon by; pastor Asiamah
Theme: Enforcing prophetic
word. 1st thessalonians 5:20, 1st
Timothy 1:18.
Prophesies: refers to the
revelation of God’s will. Amos
3:7, Act 11:27., Mathew 2:1-2,
1st Timothy 4:14.
1. The gift of prophecy.
2. The spirit of prophecy.
Revelation 19:10.


(2nd Timothy 2:1-2
Philemon 1:2, Ephesians 6:10-11.
The six Amor.
1. Helmet of the salvation.
2. Shred of faith.
3. Belt of truth.
4. Breadsplate of righteousness.( To protect our
hearts). The word of the lord is defensive and
offensive. Psalm 45:6. Hebrews 1:6. Matthew
5:10:20., Romans 14:16.when you are in the
kingdom:; righteous, peace and joy .
Why the heart is important to God::: ( Genesis 6:5-
6, Jeremiah 17:9, Mathew 15:17-20, proverbs 4:23.
The course of our life is determined by our hearts.
1st Samuel 10:9-10, 1st kings 11:1-13.
Things we might guard our hearts from;:
1. Self righteousness.(Luke 18:10. Mark 10:17,
Mathew 3:15.
2. Rebellion (1st Samuel 15:23, Numbers 12:1-11,
numbers 12:6.
3. Things we must not rebel against;( call,
herdship and authority).

(Hebrews 13:1-

1. Who you are.

2. What you are.
3. What you can do. Romans 8:16-17, romans 8:14.

Radical Faith Convention. Day :2

Theme; Only Believe.

Sermon by: pastor Daniel Kissi Adjabeng.

Mark 5:36.

1. Power , 2. Faith. ( Act 1:7_8, mark 5:30, mark 16:18, Matthew 28:1 .
Day : 3
( Hebrews 11:6 ) Things that brings us closer to God is for us to believe. ( Luke 1:26).
Day: 4.
(Mark 9:23, Luke 1:5)
12th, June 2022.
Sermon by: pastor Daniel Kissi Adjabeng.
Topic: Sacrifice and act of Faith.
( Luke 7:1_7, Psalm 107:20, Luke 7:36_38_44_48), Hebrews 20:1. Psalm 116:12nd , kings 4:2
Sacrifice made
1. She wipe his feet with tears.
19th, June, 2022.
Topic: Equipping Men to possess the nation.
(Ephesians 6:10_18, Psalm 23:1_4, John 1:4 )

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