Swarmalators are phase oscillators capable of simultaneous swarming and synchronization, making them potential
candidates for replicating complex dynamical states. In this work, we explore the effects of a frustration parameter
in the phase interaction functions of a two-dimensional swarmalator model inspired by the solvable Sakaguchi-
arXiv:2501.05135v1 [nlin.AO] 9 Jan 2025
swarmalators that move in a one-dimensional ring. The impact of the frustration parameter in these models has
been a topic of great interest. Real-world coupled systems with frustration exhibit remarkable collective dynamical
states, underscoring the relevance of this study. The frustration parameter induces various states exhibiting non-
stationarity, chimeric clustering, and global translational motion, where swarmalators move spontaneously in
two-dimensional space. We investigate the characteristics of these states and their responses to changes in the
frustration parameter. Notably, the emergence of chimeric states suggests the crucial role of non-stationarity in
phase interactions for spontaneous population clustering. Additionally, we examine how phase non-stationarity
influences the spatial positions of swarmalators and provide a classification of these states based on different order
Keywords: Swarmalator model, phase-lag, frustration parameter, phase frustration
Figure 9: (a) Time series of the magnitude of the Kuramoto order SGTM
parameter obtained from the velocity vectors. (b) Time evolution −3.50
of the angle Θ1 of the Kuramoto order parameter. Θ2 is the time
evolution of the velocity vector obtained from the centroid of the
entire population of swarmalators. −4.75
1 1 X iθ j (t)
hrit = e dt (7)
T 0 N j=1
Table 1: Summary of the order parameters hrit , δ, and H(δ) for various states.
However, for GTM and APW, δ serves as the distin- symmetry is preserved, resulting in the observed sym-
guishing factor due to the translational nature of GTM metry in the J − K parameter space. This also explains
and the non-translational nature of APW. Since all the emergence of phase synchronization behaviors in
these states are active, H shows unitary value. the K < 0 regime.
In Figure 13(c), for J = 0.1 and 0 < K < 1, both
H and hrit yield zero value for SAS, while for AC, 5. conclusion
these parameters are non-zero, with hrit ≈ 0.5, re-
flecting its chimeric nature. δ fluctuates around zero We investigated the effect of the frustration parame-
as both states are non-translational. In Figure 13(d), ters in a two-dimensional swarmalator model. Includ-
for a smoothly varying spatial interaction strength J ing the frustration parameter induces non-stationarity
from −1 to 1 with fixed K = 0.5, H = 0 indicates the in the phases, leading to several intriguing dynami-
presence of SC around J = 0, whereas H = 1 appears cal states, such as chimera and global translational
elsewhere. The higher δ values for J < 0 suggest the motion (GTM) states. In chimeric states, we iden-
existence of SGTM, with hrit ≈ 1 for AS in J < 0, tified both static and active chimeras. In the static
and 0 < hrit < 1 for AC in J > 0. The Ranges of chimera, the swarmalators form clusters in phases
order parameter values that correspond to each state with synchronized and desynchronized properties,
is illustrated in Table 1. where the synchronized population occupies the cen-
Figure 14 presents a two-parameter plot that tral region, and the desynchronized population forms
sketches the existence of all the collective dynamical a ring around the central region. The active chimera
states mentioned above for different pairs of J and K. exhibits a breathing-type property, with the swarmala-
These regions are obtained from the order parameters tors switching back and forth between synchronized
defined above, utilizing the characteristic variations and desynchronized states while oscillating radially in
depicted in Figure 13. States such as global trans- spatial coordinates.
lational motion, active phase wave, and static asyn- Based on the coupling between phase and spatial
chronous state appear in the (+J, +K) and (−J, −K) movement in swarmalators, non-stationarity in phase
quadrants. In contrast, synchronized global transla- dynamics gives rise to complex states such as global
tional motion and active synchronized states are found translational motion (GTM) and synchronized global
in the (+J, −K) and (−J, +K) quadrants. The active translational motion (SGTM). In the GTM state, the
chimera state is observed in all quadrants. From Fig- entire population of swarmalators moves cohesively
ure 14, it is evident that introducing frustration pa- in the xy space while simultaneously exhibiting active
rameters α1 and α2 alters the landscape of swarmala- within-population movements. Compared to SGTM,
tor dynamics to a greater extent. Notably, we found GTM demonstrates more pronounced motion with
that the state distribution exhibits inverted symmetry higher translational velocity. Additionally, the system
about J = 0, which is a direct consequence of the exhibits states such as active phase wave (APW) and
system’s inherent symmetry under the transformation static asynchronous state (SAS), highlighting the rich
(θi , K, J) → (−θi , −K, −J). For α1 = α2 = π/2, this dynamical behaviors of swarmalators under the influ-
symmetry ensures that any dynamical state observed ence of frustration parameters. Our findings will be
at a point (J, K) in the parameter space will have a cor- helpful for significant implications for understanding
responding state at (−J, −K). In our study, with α1 and decentralized control mechanisms in artificial swarm
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