We measure the maximal Lyapunov exponent λL of physical states in a SU(2) gauge theory both in and out-of-thermal equilibrium
conditions using ab-initio lattice techniques. A non-equilibrium state is realized starting from an over-occupied initial condition for
low momentum, soft gluons whereas the thermal state comprises of strongly interacting soft gluons at temperatures where these
are well separated from the hard momentum modes. A spectra of positive Lyapunov exponents is observed in both these states,
similar to a chaotic dynamical system. From the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy rate measured in terms of this spectrum, we estimate
arXiv:2501.04397v1 [hep-lat] 8 Jan 2025
the typical time-scale of ∼ 0.50(3) fm/c to achieve thermalization at T ∼ 600 MeV starting from the non-thermal state. We also
measure, for the first time, the λL for long wavelength critical modes of SU(2) using the out-of-time-ordered correlation functions
of a classical Z2 scalar field theory, which shares the same universal behavior near the deconfinement phase transition. The λL is
observed to maximize at the transition temperature.
Keywords: Non-equilibrium quantum field theory, QCD, non-Abelian gauge theory, chaos, out-of-time-ordered correlation
25 =0.96
6.8(7) =1
(T/Tc) ln(C(x=0,t))
0.005 5
-5 t.Tc
0 2500 5000
We further evolve the initial momentum field fluctuations δπx (t) fly velocity through the relation D = v2B /λL [29]. As evident
through ∂t δϕx (t) = δπx (t). We thus have all ingredients to calcu- from the figure, the diffusion coefficient is constant below T c
late the OTOC function in semiclassical limit using Eq. 2, from but decreases with increasing temperatures as (T/T c )−3.7(2) for
which we extract a positive Lyapunov exponent, discussed in T > Tc.
the next section. At higher temperatures, T ≫ T c , the gauge invariant dis-
tance measure d(t) = 2N1 p P |trU P (t) − trU P′ (t)| were measured
4.5 30
3.5 (T/Tc) 0
-20 -10 0 10 20
2.5 -5 D.Tc α (T/Tc) x.T
1.5 -15 T/Tc=4
0.5 40 Qs.t 80
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 2 4 6 8 10
T/Tc T/Tc
Figure 3: The Lyapunov exponent as a function of T/T c for a SU(2) gauge Figure 4: The temperature dependence of the diffusion coefficient D in SU(2)
theory at high temperatures in thermal equilibrium shown as triangles. These gauge theory at high temperatures T ≫ T c . The inset shows the ballistic spread
are compared with the Lyapunov exponents in a non-thermal state of SU(2) of the Lyapunov exponents in a typical thermal state of SU(2) at T = 1.2 GeV.
with comparable energy densities (circles). The inset shows the growth of the The color gradient from green to red denotes increasing values of OTOC in the
gauge invariant distance measure with time t.T c for the thermal SU(2) state for x-t plane.
3 different temperatures.
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