Trustees of North Hampton Public Library

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Trustees of North Hampton Public Library

237 A Atlantic Avenue North Hampton, NH 03862

Minutes of February 9, 2012

I. Call to Order: Peter Parker, John Kollmorgen, Kelly Parrott, Loreen Keating and Susan Grant Library Director were present. The meeting was called to order at 5:35 pm. At 6:00pm Tom Parrott from Primex joined us to discuss updates from our insurance claim. Approval of Minutes: The meeting minutes from January 24, 2012 were reviewed and accepted. Treasurers Report The Treasurers Report was presented and approved. The balance in January was $25,016 with a net income of $-25,012.17. Two appropriation checks were deposited in December instead of one in December and one in January. Non-appropriate funds - The NHPL non-appropriated report was approved and the balance is $501,063.66. Old Business - Trustees discussed the annual budget and discussed if there were any anticipated changes to the operating budget. With our insurance there is a $1000.00 deductible and new items purchased are subject to depreciation. However, despite these expenses we do not anticipate any major increases at this time. It was discovered that the tile in the library contains asbestos but the mastic did not. Steve Fournier said the Town will pay any expenses not covered by insurance for removal. The library received a quote is $3000.00 from Accolade Environmental Contracting Corporation to remove the tiles. There will be additional costs for the prep work that are not factored in the estimate. We still need to determine the costs of the prep work and if the town will pay for the prep work. Other questions that need to be answered: Do we need to remove the tiles or can we place carpet/tiles over the bad ones? Should we obtain an additional quote? VI. Other New Business [carried forward from 1/24/12 mtg]: Application for 501(c)3 Peter to evaluate if we are eligible to pursue a 501(c)3 status to receive donations. CIP Meeting Peter learned that the CIP team is meeting Feb 10 with the main topic to be discussed was the timeline for the new library. Board members will make every effort to attend this meeting. This agenda for this meeting was not published in advance nor were Library Trustees contacted in advance to attend.


IV. V.

Recruiting candidate(s) for Board of Trustees. Peter Parker will not be running for re-election. It was asked that each trustee should make a list of possible candidates. VII. Meeting Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned at 7:04 pm and the next Trustees meeting is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, March 8, 2011 at 5:30pm.

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