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Town of Milton
Board of Selectmen Special Meeting
Friday, January 10, 2014, 5:00pm
Milton Town Hall
Meeting Minutes

In Attendance: Chairman Tom F. Gray, Selectman James Michael Beaulieu, Town Administrator
Elizabeth Dionne. Selectman Robert L. Bridges in attendance via speaker phone.

Chairman Gray called the meeting to order at 5:00pm.

Budget Committees 2014 proposed budget: Town Administrator Dionne advised that the Budget
Committees proposed budget of cutting the bottom line cant be done in Muni-Smart because the lines
must add up to the bottom line. After conferring with the DRA (Department of Revenue Administration)
for guidance, DRA advised legally its the Budget Committees responsibility to determine which lines
must be cut, not the Selectmens, per RSA 32:16 and 32:5,IX. If the Budget Committee does not, the
Selectmens budget is presented on the MS7 form and the posting for First Session Town Meeting and
the Budget Committees budget is disqualified. This method is called the Alternative Budget. T.A. Dionne
advised there are a few options. A)Cut the lines for the Budget Committee even though state law
prevents that. B)Use the Alternative Budget method. C)Notify the Budget Committee of this information
for them to act on it. After discussion the Board of Selectmen advised they legally could not cut the
individual lines on behalf of the Budget Committee therefore notification should be made to the Budget
Committee Chairman immediately to allow them an opportunity to make that decision.

Warrant Article Recommendation on Town Budget: T.A. Dionne asked if the Selectmen would like to
change their recommendation on the Town Budget due to the Budget Committees cut in the bottom line
of the proposed budget. The Boards consensus was to wait until after the Public Hearing scheduled for
January 17, 2014.

Default Budget Re-review: T.A. Dionne asked the Board if she should proceed with the four further cuts
on the 2014 default budget, and if the Board had any additional cuts to be made. The consensus of the
Board was to make the four cuts.

2013 Encumbrances: The 2013 proposed encumbrances were reviewed. All were ordered in 2013 but
havent been delivered yet so no invoice has been received, or have been delivered but no invoice has
been received yet.
Assessing Dept. Norway Plains Engineering. $598.50 for 2013 map research conducted on Map
37 Lot 3, Silver Street.
Assessing Dept. Contracted Assessor. $18,000.00 for 2013 appraisal finishing work.
Selectman Bridges moved to encumber the two Assessing Department encumbrances. Motion seconded
by Selectman Beaulieu. Motion carried.

Sewer Dept. AAA Pump Service. $561.50 for pump repair at the Sewer Plant.
Selectman Bridges moved to encumber the Sewer Dept encumbrance. Motion seconded by Selectman
Beaulieu. Motion carried.

Town Clerk/Tax Collector Dept. Seacoast Lock & Safe. $360.00 for a replacement safe.
Selectman Bridges moved to encumber the Town Clerk/Tax Collector Dept encumbrance. Motion
seconded by Selectman Beaulieu. Motion carried.

Fire Dept. Milton Water Precinct. $4,200.00 for hydrant fees for 2013.
Fire Dept. Aire-Deb. $3,306.00 for filters for Station 1 building ventilation system.
Fire Dept. Harrison Shrader Enterprises. $2,378.25 for 800 feet of 2.5 fire hose.
Fire Dept. Brian Wolfinger Company. $2,517.30 for painting Car 2.
Fire Dept. Eastern Fire Apparatus. $11,498.00 for a light tower and installation for Engine 6.
01.10.14 BOS MTG
Selectman Bridges moved to encumber the Fire Department encumbrances. Motion seconded by
Selectman Beaulieu. Motion carried.

Police Dept. Motorola Solutions. $3,005.25 for a new cruiser radio, microphone, control head,
Police Dept. Renasonce. $2,620.00 for 1 Remington 870 Blackhawk Stock and 4 Remington
870 Express Tactical with Blackhawk Stock.
Police Dept. G. Willies Uniforms, Inc. $114.95 for five hack racks for the cruiser interior.
Police Dept. Ridgewood. $58.00 for business cards for Cpl. Magargee.
Police Dept. Taser. $611.96 for an ETM unit.
Police Dept. Wise Safety Environmental. $695.00 for 2 Pro CO Detectors.
Police Dept. State of NH. $96.00 for three State of NH Books on Board & Criminal Codes.
Police Dept. Ossipee Mountain Electronics. $95.00 for programming a radio.
Police Dept. Milton Pump and Filter. $100.00 for 12 bags of water filter salt and one bag of
Rust-Out salt.
Selectman Bridges moved to approve the Police Department encumbrances. Motion seconded by
Selectman Beaulieu. Motion carried.

Warrant Article - Public Works Garage: T.A. Dionne addressed the new wording on the Warrant Article
for the addition to the Public Works Garage, Article 20 which is for an addition and future renovations,
repairs, additions, due to the condition of the building. The consensus was in agreement with it.

2014 Budget to use until Town Meeting: T.A. Dionne asked the Board which budget the Departments
use until Town Meeting. The 2014 proposed budget or the 2014 default budget. The Chairman advised
the default budget until second session Town Meeting.

Solid Waste Department Grant: T.A. Dionne asked the Board to approve the annual grant for the City
of Rochesters household hazardous waste day drop off for Milton residents in 2015. The deadline to
have this returned to Rochester is before the next regular Board of Selectmens meeting, hence being
addressed now. The Town will pay $575.00 which is a pro-rated share of anticipated drop-offs.
Selectman Bridges approved the grant. Motion seconded by Selectman Beaulieu. Motion carried.

Computer upgrades: T.A. Dionne advised the Board had mentioned previously to wait until the end of
the year to determine if there is enough money to upgrade the computers regarding the Microsoft Word
XP software which will end 4/1/14. All Departments are tight on money for the end of the year, but Public
Works would have some. The Board asked for the following: that a quote be received from our
Computer Company; Create a Purchase Order; Transfer the money from Public Works into the
Administration budget. Selectman Bridges moved to conditionally approve this until further information is
received. Motion seconded by Selectman Beaulieu. Motion carried.

Warrant Article - Conservation Commission: T.A. Dionne brought up the Conservation Commission
Warrant Article for reconsideration. After a lengthy discussion with David Levin, the intent is that even
though the warrant article doesnt indicate it, the purpose is for property only within the Town boundaries
of Milton. Explaining further that the law currently mandates the Conservation be financial responsible as
a secondary interested party if they were to give money to an organization to be the primary interested
party on a piece of land. This warrant article would remove those financial requirements from the
Conservation Commission and place that on the primary interested party to which money is given to by
the Conservation Commission. The Conservation Commission would still have a secondary interest, but
there would be no financial mandates. Selectman Bridges moved to place the warrant article back onto
the 2014 Warrant. Motion seconded by T. Gray. Motion carried. Brief discussion ensued that if it failed,
it most likely would not be put onto the 2015 warrant as the people would have spoken.

Selectman Bridges moved at 5:23pm to adjourn. Motion seconded by Selectman Beaulieu. Motion

01.10.14 BOS MTG
Respectfully submitted,
Elizabeth Dionne
Town Administrator

________________________ _________________________ _________________________
Chairman Tom F. Gray Robert L. Bridges James Michael Beaulieu

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