It offers an account of the existing order by examining what works and what does not work, as well as
other various issues and problems that the state and the broader society are confronted with.
It provides a model of a desired social order, a vision of the Good Society.
It outlines how political change, or the desired social order can be achieved.
ANTOINE DESTUTT DE TRACY - A French philosopher who coined the word Ideology during the French
PERVASIVENESS - The set of ideas has not only been known for a long time but has shaped the political
beliefs and actions of the people.
EXTENSIVENESS - The set of ideas held by a large member of people and plays a vital role in nations and
state of political affairs.
INTENSIVENESS - The set of ideas commands a strong commitment from many of its adherents and
significantly influences political beliefs and actions.
● Ideology provide explanation for the problems that confronts modern societies by providing futuristic
● It offers and account of existing order usually in the form of “world view”.
● It explains how political change can and should be brought about-how to get from two other features.
● Values
● Political Tactics.
Ideology answers the eternal questions and cut off beliefs and values.
● Ideologies explains how the universe works and why it works that way.
POLITICAL IDEOLOGY - It could be seen as commitment to change political system. (Roskins, etc., 2012)
1) LIBERALISM - It is derived from the Latin Word ‘’liber” which means “free men” in short, men who
were neither serfs nor slaves. A view that sees more need for change and improvement in societal relations
requiring governmental involvement ( Scherms, 2011) and that society must be free from government
interventions (Mote and Islam 2011).
Types of Liberalism
Classical Liberalism - It subscribed to egotistical liberalism; have a belief in negative freedom; the
state is regarded as best necessary evil; have a broadly positive view of civil society.
Neoliberalism - Proposed that states are constantly interacting with each other and that they value
cooperation as part of their own interest.
2) CONSERVATISM - It is derived from the term “conservation”. It is a political philosophy that tends to
support the status quo and advocates change only in moderation upholding the value o tradition and seeks to
preserve all that is good about the past.
EDMUND BRUKE - He is the founder of Modern Conservatism – authored Reflections on the French
Revolution (1970) in which he said that “society is a complex web of relationships among the past, present
and future. (CHANGE IS NOT GOOD) (Tradition is important; no human reason can undo it.) (The world
changes so does the conservatives.) (Conservatives believe that human reason can devise a solution to
human problems.)
3) SOCIALISM - It is derived from the word “socialist” in Latin “social” meaning to combine or to share. It
is an economic and political doctrine governmental ownership and direction of production and services, but
which would retain the existing institutions as the means of regulating them.
1. Cooperation is preferred over competition.
2. Social equality is the main way to attain social stability and cohesion
4) SOCIAL DEMOCRACY - It is a moderate or reformist brand of socialism that favor a balance between
the market and the state rather than abolition of capitalism. It is an ideological stance that support a full
balance between market capitalism and state intervention.
It lacks a systematic underkying theories and is inherently vague. -
Heywood, 2011 It is the mildest form of socialism stressing welfare measure but not sate ownership
of industry. - RoskinS, 2012
5) COMMUNISM - It is an economic , social and political system seeking government ownership of the
means of production and services directed by a process of scientific administration and universal assent.
- It is an extremely left-wing ideology , based on the revolutionary socialist teachings of Karl Marx,
characterized by a collective ownership and a planned economy.
Each should work to their capability and will receive according to their needs.
6) FASCISM - It is derived from an Italian word “fasces” which means a bundle of rod with an axe-blade
protruding that signified the authority of magistrates in Imperial Rome.
- An Italian word used which refers to or band not until Benito Mussolini employed the term Fascism to
describe the armed parliamentary squad he formed during and after World War I.
7) RELIGIOUS FUNDAMENTALISM - It is an unusual political ideology. The word fundamentalism is
taken from the Latin word Fundamental, meaning “base”. Themes of Religious Fundamentalism -
Religion as politics, The fundamentalist impulse, Anti-modernism, Militancy
8) FEMINISM - It is derived from Latin Word “Femina” meaning “women or female” concerned with the
attainment of gender equality in political, economic and social spheres of life.
9) ENVIRONMENTALISM - It is an ideology focusing on the idea that environment is endangered and
must be preserved through regulation and lifestyle changes. (Roskins, 2012) - Its concern is about natural
environment and particular about reducing the environmental degradation that is more of a policy
orientation rather than ideological stance.
- Force (intimidation)