Budiongan, linwill
Budiongan, linwill
Budiongan, linwill
Chapter 1
squash is a traditional widely grown vegetable and its production is essential for
food security and agricultural sustainability. However, over the period 2019 to
noticeable that some farmers still follow conventional methods to increase their
yield without considering the adverse effects of synthetic chemicals used on their
fertilizers can also lead to leaf burn and plant damage. To address this issue, the
application of foliar fertilizers directly onto the plants can efficiently provide
essential nutrients that are readily absorbed by the plant, promoting growth and
of squash when applied with different foliar fertilizers. It aims to assist farmers in
making informed decisions regarding the selection and use of foliar fertilizers.
Literature Background
The following related reading served as the legal bases of the study:
Section 2 of the Organic Agriculture Act of 2010 states the policy of the
Organic agriculture in the Philippines that will cumulatively condition and enrich
the fertility of the soil, increase the farm productivity, reduce pollution and
further protect the health of the farmers, consumers, and general public, and
save on imported farm inputs. Towards this end, a comprehensive program for
pesticides, and other farm inputs, together with a nationwide educational and
promotional campaign for their use and processing as well as adoption of organic
In accordance to R.A. No. 7900, Section 2, “hereby the policy of the State
productivity and income of farmers and the rural population, improve investment,
crops that will significantly augment the foreign exchange earnings of the
and is commonly grown in the Philippines throughout the year. It is usually grown
in home gardens and in commercial scale for its immature fruits, young shoots,
flowers, and seeds. Furthermore, Smith, B.D (2006) stated that squash generally
refer to four species of the genus, Curcurbita, also called marrows depending on
(hubbard squash, buttercup squash and some verities of prize pumpkins, such as
pepo most pumpkins’, orn squash, summer squash, and zuchinní (Gizelle Tagle,
family, is a genus of gourd plants grown for their fruit. It is related to the family of
long, lacy leaves reaching about 0.3m (1ft) in height (Grolier Encyclopedia of
iron. It has very low calories (Nutritional Value of Squash | Healthy Living
Tips, 2009). It is also rich in fiber, which lowers rates heart diseases, and
protects from colon cancer by working to get rid the body of harmful substances.
Due to its healthy benefits, the future researchers are determined to produce
During the last decade, there was a steady trend to reduce the use of
phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) (Haytova 2013). This fact creates a
meet plant nutrient demand during the growing season. The interest on foliar
needs, regardless of soil conditions (Kerin and Berova 2003). Additional foliar
application during the growth and development of crops can improve their
nutrient balance, which lead to an increase in yield and quality (Kolota and
Osinska, 2001).
crops in the form of sprays. Foliar fertilization cannot substitute soil fertilization in
all cases, but it can supplement soil application and can be used in sustainable
human, and animal health. Use of nutrients in adequate amounts and its
the growing season, which enables to spray with small quantity and composition
the rapid absorption of mineral elements and avoiding the occurrence of soil
unavailable for root uptake. Capability of root system for better absorption of
nutrients from the soil solution is stimulated (Kerin and Berova, 2003).
made from fish that is known to be an effective organic liquid fertilizer. It is cheap
that can be also made easily. FAA is of great value to the growth of both plants
various types of amino acids and constitute a source of nitrogen (N) for plants.
Blue and back colored fishes give a good amount of FAA. It is absorbed directly
fertilizer since it enhances the growth of crops during their vegetative growth
(Murray and Anderson 2004), fruiting (Aung and Flick 1980), and microbe
action in the soil (El-Tarabily et al. 2003). One such emulsion, fish amino acid
(FAA), is produced by fermenting fresh fish by-products (bones, head, skin, and
other tankage parts) with brown sugar. FAA is used in conjunction with other
Natural Farming inputs and applied as either a light foliar mist or a soil drench to
the plant for optimum uptake and the production of chlorophyll to maintain
plant health.
the plant growth which provides plants with very comprehensive nutrients and the
endogenous plant growth regulators. It has significant effect on the plant growth
to stimulate plants to generate specific biological factors and amino acids which
can be absorbed easily by the roots and leaves of plants as nutrients directly and
enhance the plants resistance to drought, cold pest and diseases. It can be used
in any stage of plant from seedling to harvest and its specific stability of biological
Ltd., 2001).
elements including N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Mo, B, etc. as well as 18
kinds of protein amino acids, plant growth regulators such as auxins, cytokinin,
gibberellins, vitamins, nucleotides, alginic acids, humic acids, and counter stress
genes. These macro and micro elements can be easily absorbed by plants and it
will stimulate plants to generate specific biological factors, which may promote
Lastly, Fermented fruit juice, also known as FFJ, acts as organic fertilizer
for plants and gardens. This liquid increases nutrients in the soil; therefore, in the
plants growing on it, especially potassium levels. This concoction can be made at
home from any common fruits and costs far less than purchasing organic liquid
fertilizer. The fermenting process takes at least a week to complete, but may take
a month or longer. Overripe sweet fruits are ideal for creating fermented fruit
and as a food supplement for humans. In general, FFJ is generally used more
during the flowering and fruiting stage. Fermented Fruit Juice (FFJ) is made from
sweet ripe fruits, fruit vegetables and root crops. Thoroughly blended with crude
sugar or molasses and stored for a short period of time, the fermented extract is
fruiting plants while also building healthier soil, similar to how fermented plant
juice is used to improve the soil and increase the production of leafy plants in
gardens. Scientific studies on FFJ have yielded a variety of results, despite the
fact that they have only been conducted in tropical and sub-tropical zones thus
far. Because the studies raise more questions than they answer, it’s difficult to
number of organic, natural, and permaculture farmers around the world may hold
about FFJ and its application in our own gardens (Joanalyn Lata, 2021).
The following related studies are taken from previous research on this
topic which gives proof and evidence as to the existence of this type of research:
that could gave favorable response on the growth and yield of pechay planted
in a home garden at Arakan, Cotabato. Result of the study revealed that FFJ
plant leaves and yield in grams per plant. In the case of the levels of
parameters tested (plant height, number of plant leaves and yield). This
Another study titled "The Growth and Yield Response of Bell Pepper To
Fermented Fruit Juice and Fish Fertilizer" was conducted to compare the
four treatments, namely, fish gills emulsion fertilizer, fermented fruit juice
found out that the fish gills emulsion fertilizer produced the best plants in terms of
height, number of leaves, number of yield against and weight of yield against the
other experimental treatment, fermented fruit juice fertilizer. It was also found out
that the fish gills emulsion fertilizer produced almost the same crops than that of
researchers therefore conclude that the fish gills emulsion fertilizer is comparable
to commercial fertilizer and may be one of the best fertilizers to be utilized for
outcomes showed the potentiality of applying TAM with and without mixes of
ordinary NPK application. TAM could increase cucumber yield due to improving
considering also that the organic agricultural and welfare sectors could shortly
depend on such biotechnological tools and use them to fulfill global food
of squash?
Null Hypothesis
performance of squash.
The results of the study will help and benefit the following:
Farmers. The study’s findings provide valuable insights into how different
foliar fertilizers impact crop growth in squash, leading to improved yield outcomes
promoting the best foliar fertilizers in squash cultivation to ensure food security to
Experimental Site
Design (RCBD) with 3 replications. Each replication is divided into 4 plots with
dimension of 3×4 meters and a 1-meter alleyway between blocks and a distance
of 0.5 meter between plots. Moreover, each plot consisting of 12 hills will be
planted at a distance of 0.75 by 0.75 meter and applied with different foliar
Fish Amino Acid( 5 tbsp/ liter of water), and Treatment 4- Fermented Seaweeds (
R1 R2 R3
3m T0 T1 T2
T1 T2 T3
14.5m 4m m
T2 T3 T0
T3 T0 T1
Area: 217.50 m2
Plot size: 3m x 4m or 12 m2
Alleyway: 1 m
Border: 0.5 m
Treatment 1- Control (1 liter of water)
Treatment 2- Fermented Fruit Juice ( 5 tbsp/ liter of water)
Treatment 3- Fish Amino Acid ( 5 tbsp/ liter of water)
Treatment 4- Fermented Seaweeds ( 5 tbsp/ liter of water)
The materials and equipment that are used in the conduct of this study
includes: mechanical plow and harrow, squash seeds, seedling tray, bolo,
shovel, pick mattock, digging bar, meter stick, weighing scale, foliar fertilizers
(Fish Amino Acid, Kuhol Amino Acid, and Fermented Seaweeds), labels,
thoroughly by cultivating and pulverizing the soil to set the soil for planting. Then,
lay-outing of the experimental design in the area followed. Afterwards, labels will
Agrivet supply in Talibon, Bohol. In this study, the researchers used 1 variety of
carbonized rice hull and garden soil with the ratio of 1:1:1. The medium is
moistened after filling them into the trays. Thirty six grams of squash seeds are
sown singly into each cell of the trays and covered lightly with soil. The growing
medium is sterilized by pouring it with boiling water in order to kill the pathogens
lightly with the hand. The seed trays are kept moist but not too wet to hasten
Watering is done to prevent the seeds from penetrating deeply under the
soil and to produce healthy seedlings during germination. The seedling trays are
provided with shade to protect them from intense heat and heavy rains while the
eggplant seedlings is done 3 weeks from emergence. The seedlings are exposed
gradually under the heat of the sun and water requirements will be withheld until
every plot as they reach 3 weeks old from heading. Planting distance is 0.75
meter between hills and 0.75 meter between rows. Transplanting is done in the
water), Treatment 3- Fish Amino Acid( 5 tbsp/ liter of water), and Treatment 4-
knapsack sprayer in every plot. The application is repeatedly done once a week
provided especially during the critical stage of the crop, early vegetative and
flowering stage. The area is fenced to prevent the entry of stray animals.
start to appear in the field. The frequency of weeding and cultivation depend
upon the presence of weeds in the area and the moisture condition of the soil.
Cultivation is done using hilling-up method to strengthen the base of the plants to
o Number of leaves per plant, counting the leaves one month after
o Final plant height (cm) at the last harvest, measured from the base
different treatments
o Fruit yield (g), weighing fruits from plants within of the different
Harvesting. Harvesting of squash is done when the fruits are mature but
before they become over ripe. Squash should be harvested before the skin
hardens too much, as this can affect the taste and quality of the fruit. Proper
harvesting techniques help ensure a good yield and flavorful squash for
consumption. Harvested fruits are collected separately using plastic bags labeled
according to varieties.
and non-marketable fruits are weighted separately in every variety. All gathered
computed and statistically analyzed using the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). For
further test of significance, the Tukey’s Honest Significant Difference (HSD) Test
is employed.
The researchers defined the following terms as they are used in the
Fermented Fruit Juice (FFJ). It refers to a liquid made from fruits which
Fish Amino Acid (FAA). It refers to a liquid made from fish which
Harvested plants. This refers to the squash plants that are ready to be
Harvesting. It refers to the time that the crops are ready to be gathered.
Yield. It refers to the total havested fruits produced by the squash plant.
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Fruit Juice and Fish Fertilizer from
Zubiri, J.M. (2010). Republic Act No. 10068, Retrieved from
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Personal Data
Nationality : Filipino
Siblings :2
Motto : “Do the best you can until you know better. Then
when you know better, do better”.