Editorial Board Jcjq
Editorial Board Jcjq
Editorial Board Jcjq
Catherine Chopp Hinckley, MA, PhD David W. Baker, MD, MPH, FACP Dojna Shearer
Associate Editors
Jonathan Benn, PhD, MEd Michelle Mourad, MD Patricia W. Stone, PhD, RN, FAAN
University of Leeds University of California Columbia University Medical Center
Leeds, United Kingdom San Francisco New York City
Published monthly, The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety is a peer- November 2018. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety (ISSN 1553-
reviewed publication dedicated to providing health professionals with the information they 7250) is published monthly by Elsevier, 230 Park Avenue, Suite 800, New York, NY 10169,
need to promote the quality and safety of health care. The Journal invites original manuscripts USA. Copyright © 2018 The Joint Commission.
on the development, adaptation, and/or implementation of innovative thinking, strategies, and
practices in improving quality and safety in health care. Case studies, program or project re- POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Elsevier, Journal Returns, 1799 Highway 50 East,
ports, reports of new methodologies or new applications of methodologies, research studies Linn, MO 65051.
on the effectiveness of improvement interventions, and commentaries on issues and practices
are all considered. Please find Information for Authors at https://www.elsevier.com/journals/ Subscription Rates: Yearly subscription rates: United States: individual, $329; student/resident,
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The overall mission of The Joint Commission is: To continuously improve health care for the Orders, claims, and journal inquiries: St. Louis: Elsevier Customer Service Department, 3251
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The Journal supports this mission by publishing rigorous evaluations of practical interventions nalsCustomerServiceusa@elsevier.com
to improve quality and patient safety that inspire its readers to excel and encourages them to
implement strategies published in the Journal, create their own quality and safety improvement Permissions: For information on how to seek permission visit www.elsevier.com/permissions.
initiatives, and publish their experiences in the Journal. The mission of the Journal is: To im-
prove health care quality, safety, and value by providing professionals and researchers a learning Advertising information: Advertising orders and inquiries can be sent to: Rachel Handelman;
community to share innovative thinking, strategies, and practices. e-mail: r.handelman@elsevier.com; phone: (+1) (212) 462-1973.