Emerging Trends in Civil Engineering_20241221_120700_0000
Emerging Trends in Civil Engineering_20241221_120700_0000
Emerging Trends in Civil Engineering_20241221_120700_0000
civil engineering
Recent construction materials
Decrease density
Increase porosity
Decrease compressive strength
Increase tensile strength
5. 3D printed bricks 6. Translucent wood
Not only environment friendly, but also
a great alternative to plastic and glass.
Translucent wood is produced by
treating and compressing wood strips.
In the production process, lignin (gives
wood its color) is replaced by polymers
to make the wood translucent.
These are modern, The technique to produce - Chemical
sustainable pulping by using boiled water and
architectures people sodium hydroxide
have built homes by
shaping mud into
Breezes blowing
through the holes bring
cool, humid air into the
7. Laminated timber 8. 3D tiles
3D tiles
Regular timber is an anisotropic are an
material, meaning that the physical open
properties change depending on the specific
direction at which the force is applied. ation for
By gluing layers of wood at right ng
angles, the panel is able to massive
achieve better structural rigidity heterogeneous spatial 3D datasets
in both directions.
It is similar to plywood but with 3D tiles are used to stream 3D
distinctively thicker laminations. content such as buildings, trees,
point clouds and vector data on
Road materials
1. Geo synthetics 2. Noise reducing asphalt
Geo-synthetics are synthetic products used to stabilize terrain. A dense graded hot-mix asphalt (HMA) pavement
Geo-synthetics used to function as a separator, filter, planar drain, is as quiet at 100 ft away from the road as
reinforcement, protector, and/or as a liquid/gas barrier. Portland cement concrete (PCC) is at 200ft away.
Most common are polyolefins, polyester, rubber, fiberglass and natural One asphalt mix, called open-graded friction
materials. courses (OGFC), is especially helpful in reducing
8 main product categories : Geotextiles, Geogrids, Geonets, noise because it is porous
Geomembranes, Geofoam, Geocells, Geocomposites. It has a higher air voids ratio, which helps water
Advantages- Space and cost savings, quality control of materials and run offs but also helps absorb road noise.
construction, technical superiority. Noise tests on rubberized asphalt ( mixing of
Applications- roads, airfields, railroads, embankments, retaining recycled tires ) shown a 50% to 90% reduction in
structures, reservoirs, canals, dams, erosion control, landfill liners, landfill noise.
covers, mining, aqua culture and agriculture etc.
3. Porous pavements 4. Plastic roads
1.Artificial pozzolana are fly ash, silica fume, rice husk, blast furnace slag.
2. Natural pozzolana- Burnt clay, pumicite, diatomaceous earth.
Manufacturing process-
1. The primary raw materials are limestone and clay. rocks are transported to the crushers for crush into fine particles.
2. then it all are fed into the air-swept ball mills in desired proportions and mix well enoug before it sent to silos for storing.
3. then mixture pre-heated upto 800-1000 degree celcius where calcinations of CACO3 to CaO takes place.
4. then this pre-heated mixture sent toards rotary kiln for to heat at 145 degree celcius.
5. This clinker is now mixed with gypsum and pozzolana materials in required proportion.
Properties of PPC -
IST= 30 MIN( min)
FST=600 MIN(max)
At 3 days @ 13 MPa
At 7 days @ 22 MPa
At 28 days @ 33 MPa (min)
Dry shrinkage should not be more than 0.15%
Fineness should not be less than 300 m2/kg
Initial strength of PPC is less but final strength is equal t the 28 days strength of OPC.
USES- hydraulic structures, marine structures, prestressed and post tensioned members, in masonry mortars and plastering, in
decorative and artistic structures.
2. New admixtures
High strength concrete is typically used High performance means that the concrete has one or
more of the following properties: Low shrinkage, low
in the erection of high-rise structures.
permeability, a high modulus of elasticity, or high
It has been used in columns. and strength.
occasionally used in bridges, shear walls, The composition of HPC are almost same as those of
foundations too. conventional cement concrete. although, because of
It makes a significant compressive lower water cement ratio, presence of pozzolanas and
chemical admixtures etc. are the reasons behind to
strength on higher side than to the
distinguish them from CCC.
normal concrete. Composition of HPC-
High strength concrete and high 1. Silica fume
performance concrete are not same thing 2. Fly ash
at all because strength and performance 3. GGBFS
Key features-
of concrete are distinct properties of
Compressive strength > 80MPa, even upto 800MPa
concrete. Water binder ratio= 0.25-0.35
HSC is typically recognised as concrete Densified cement paste
with a 28-day cylinder compressive No bleeding-homogeneous mix.
Less capillary porosity
strength greater than 42MPa.
Low free lime content
7. Nano concrete 8. Light transmitting concrete
Good workability which helps in better placing and compaction. Due to less heat of hydration, used in
Due to the less heat of hydration, less risk of thermal cracking in massive concrete structures viz. dams etc.
large volume of concrete.
High resistance to chloride attack which reduces the risk of corrosion
in concrete.
High resistance to sulphide attack and also other chemicals.
Good sustainability.
3. Cooling bricks
2. Aero-gel insulation
Aerogel is basically a synthetic porous ultra-light material Comprised of 3D printed porous
derived from a gel, in which the liquid component of the ceramic bricks set in mortar, each brick
gel has been replaced with a gas; for example, graphene
absorbs water like a sponge and is
aerogels are so light that they can rest on top of a grass
designed as a three dimensional lattice
The combination of high porosity and extremely small that allows air to pass through the wall.
pores provides aerogels with their extreme properties. As air moves through the 3D printed
solid with extremely low density and low thermal brick, the water that is held in the
conductivity. micro-pores of the ceramic evaporates,
Aerogels are sometimes also known by different names bringing cool air into an interior
such as frozen smoke, solid smoke, solid air,
environment, lowering the temperature
or blue smoke owing to translucent nature and the way
using the principle of evaporative
light scatters in the material.
High performance thermal insulation material for building
NASA used aerogel to trap space dust particles and for
thermal insulation of space suits.
Aerogels can also be used in air purification by removal of
airborne contaminants and protect our environment by
4. Green concrete 5. Timbercrete 6. Ferrock
Concrete which is made from concrete Timbercrete is an award-winning,
The name Ferrock is a reflection
wastes that are eco-friendly is called as environmentally sensitive
of its composition largely iron-
“Green concrete”. building material that has many
rich ferrous rock. It’s actually
Concrete wastes like slag, power plant advantages over clay and
created from waste steel dust
wastes, recycled concrete, mining and concrete bricks. Whether used as
which is normally discarded from
quarrying wastes, waste glass, incinerator bricks, blocks, panels or pavers,
industrial processes and silica
residue, red mud, burnt clay,sawdust, its comprehensive performance
from ground up glass. The iron
combustor ash and foundry sand are used. and benefits to the environment
within the steel dust reacts with
Greater resistance to corrosion. are impressive.
CO2 and rusts to form iron
Better longevity of a building due to above Timbercrete is made of a unique
carbonate. It’s this that is fused
characteristics. blend of cellulose (timber waste),
into the matrix of Ferrock and,
Uses industrial wastes. cement, sand, binders and other
like concrete, after it’s dried; it
materials. It is made primarily
Reduces Energy Consumption of cannot be melted back into a
from timber waste such as
manufacturing. liquid form but retains its hard,
sawdust or recycled timber from
Reduces CO2 Emissions. rock-like qualities
discarded pallets and the like.
Applications of Green Concrete:
It is used in the construction of bridges.
It is widely used in the building
Used in the construction of columns.
Can be used in road construction.
Survey equipments
Modern surveying instruments provides faster and more precise surveying than conventional instruments
Hence, these instruments are becoming more popular and they are gradually replacing old instruments
such as compass, dumpy level.
We showcase some important instrument into our next pages.
Components of scrappers
b) Advance plastering machine
The cement mix which is poured in a funnel is pumped using centrifugal pump to a hopper.
Inside the hopper, there will be a gear pump which pumps the cement mix as an output to wall
through the cylinder slit.
The cement mix which came out will be captured by the metal plate and it forcibly sticks to the wall.
The cement mix will be punched by metal plate using rollers.
The stuck cement mix will also be smudged using metal plate and rollers.
To make this as automation, we interface the sensors to detect cement flow, the stepper motor for
the movement of the header unit in rail guides and the AC motor to control the flow with
Here we can give the vertical and horizontal distance as the input for the movement of header unit.
c) Bridge launcher
Low technological costs are the reason for the success of the
incremental launching method for PC bridges. Compared to the
use of ground falsework, launching diminishes the cost of labor
with similar investments. Compared to the use of Movable
Scaffolding System (MSS), launching diminishes the investments
with similar labor costs. Most beam launchers comprise two
triangular trusses made of long welded modules. The diagonals
may be bolted to the chords for easier shipping although site
assembly is more expensive. Pins or longitudinal bolts are used
for the field splices in the chords. Newgeneration single-girder
machines allow robotized welding and have less support saddles
and smaller winch-trolleys. 50m spans are rarely exceeded in
precast beam bridges. A launching gantry for span-by-span
erection of precast segmental bridges also operates on 30-50m
spans but the payload is much higher as the gantry supports the
entire span during assembly.
Material handling equipments
The tower crane is a modern form of a Cranes mounted on a rubber tire truck
balance crane. When fixed to the will provide great mobility. Outriggers
ground, tower cranes will often give that extend vertically or horizontally
the best combination of height and are used to level and stabilize the
lifting capacity and are also used when crane during hoisting.
constructing tall buildings.