9 Chapter 2-3 Somebodys Mother(1)
9 Chapter 2-3 Somebodys Mother(1)
9 Chapter 2-3 Somebodys Mother(1)
Somebody’s Mother
Warming up :
Question 1.
‘Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.’ Find at least five other proverbs/
axioms/quotations that convey the same message.
Question 1.
Arrange the following groups of words in the ascending order : (The answer is given
Question 2.
Prepare similar word chains using the
following ideas : (The answer is given
directly and underlined.)
English Workshop:
1. Pick out lines from the poem that help create images of the following in our mind and
write them in the table.
Question 1.
Pick out lines from the poem that help create images of the following in our mind and
write them in the table.
1. The woman was old and ragged The streets were white Down the street with
and grey And bent with the chill of a with a recent snow laughter and shout
winter’s day
3. Her aged hand on his strong Came happy boys, like Past the woman so
young arm She placed, and so a flock of sheep, old and grey,
without hurt or harm He guided the Hailing the snow piled Hastened the
tremblIng feet along high and deep children on their way
2. Write at least 5 rhymes from the poem.
Question 1.
Write at least five rhymes from the extract.
1. Rhymes: troop – group, low – go, arm – harm, along – strong, went – content.
2. Rhymes: gray – day, snow – slow, long – throng, by – eye, shout – out.
3. Give, in your own words, TWO reasons for each of the following :
Question a.
The woman was reluctant to cross the street by herself.
The woman was reluctant to cross the street by herself because …
Question b.
The school boys were in a happy mood.
The school boys were in a happy mood because …
Question c.
One of the schoolboys helped the old woman cross the street.
One of the schoolboys helped the old woman cross the street because …
Question d.
We must help those who are in need.
We must help those who are in need because …
4. Think and write In 5-6 lines, why most of the people on a road/street Ignore those In
need of help. What about you? Write about your feelings after you have helped! not
helped, when needed.
Question 1.
Think and write in 5-6 lines, why most of the people on a road/street ignore those in need
of help. What about you? Write about your feelings after you have helped/not helped
when needed.
People, especially in the larger cities and towns, are always in a hurry to reach their place
of work or their home. Hence they don’t have time to spare to help strangers. Some
people may be purely selfish and don’t have compassion for others.
I always try to help people who genuinely need help. Once I lent a hand to an old man to
get onto a bus. He was very grateful and thanked me. I felt very good about it.
I did not help a woman who had slipped and fallen down on the footpath during the
monsoon. I just walked past her, ignoring her. I felt very guilty about it later. I wondered
how I would feel if I had been in her place and had not got any help.
5. Read the poem: ‘Home they brought her warrior dead’ by Alfred Lord Tennyson
Question 1.
Read the poem: ‘Home they brought her warrior dead’ by Alfred Lord Tennyson