04 Prelims Precise April 2024

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History & Culture___________________________________ 1 47. Marine Cloud Brightening Programme__________________15

48. Polar Vortex______________________________________16
1. World Craft Cities Program____________________________1 49. Zero Shadow Day__________________________________16
2. Shompen Tribe_____________________________________1 50. Volcanic Vortex Rings_______________________________16
3. Panhala Fort_______________________________________1 51. Honeycomb Clouds_________________________________17
4. Kesariya Stupa_____________________________________1 52. Recent Addition to list of GI Tags Products_______________17
5. Bohag Bihu________________________________________2
6. Indian Historical Records Commission___________________2
Science & Technology_______________________________ 19
7. Padta bet_________________________________________2
8. Gudi Padwa________________________________________3 53. Shallow Fakes_____________________________________19
9. World Heritage Day_________________________________3 54. C-Dome__________________________________________19
10. Phanigiri__________________________________________3 55. Synthetic Platelets to Stop Bleeding____________________19
56. Biohacking_______________________________________19
Polity & Governance________________________________ 4 57. Genetic Profiling___________________________________19
58. NexCAR19________________________________________20
11. Vote-From-Home Facility_____________________________4 59. Coordinated Lunar Time (LTC)________________________20
12. Maximum Residue Limit (MRLs)________________________4 60. Science Based Targets Initiative_______________________20
13. National Consumer Redressal Comm. (NCDRC)____________4 61. Chagas Disease____________________________________20
14. Doctrine of Harmonious Construction___________________4 62. Sodium Ion Battery_________________________________21
15. Right to Privacy of Candidates_________________________5 63. Mg CuO Fuel Cell__________________________________21
16. Star Campaigners___________________________________5 64. S.A.R.A.H_________________________________________21
17. Allotment of election symbols to political parties__________5 65. Men5cv Vaccine___________________________________21
18. cVIGIL Citizen App___________________________________5 66. Infectious Respiratory Particles_______________________22
19. Eggshell skull rule___________________________________6 67. Euvichol-S________________________________________22
20. Diplomatic Passport_________________________________6 68. MPATGM Weapon System___________________________22
21. VVPAT____________________________________________6 69. Rampage Missiles__________________________________23
22. Indelible Ink_______________________________________6 70. Mercenary spyware________________________________23
23. Misleading Advertisements___________________________7 71. Gaia BH3_________________________________________23
24. National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF)_________________7 72. Kodaikanal Solar Observatory_________________________23

Economy__________________________________________ 8 Miscellaneous_____________________________________ 24
25. Shrinkflation_______________________________________8 73. USSD based Call Forwarding__________________________24
26. AEO Programme____________________________________8 74. Operation Meghdoot_______________________________24
27. Well Known Trademark_______________________________8 75. NOTTO__________________________________________24
28. India Employment Report 2024________________________8 76. Indian Space Situational Assessment Report_____________24
29. CDP-SURAKSHA_____________________________________9 77. Project ISHAN_____________________________________25
30. Special Rupee Vostro Account_________________________9
31. Sovereign Green Bonds (SGrBs)________________________9
Places in News____________________________________ 25
International Relations_____________________________ 10 78. Nimmu-Padam-Darcha Road_________________________25
79. Erez Crossing______________________________________25
32. Eurasian Economic Union (EaEU)______________________10 80. Lake Kariba_______________________________________26
33. Nuclear Energy Summit 2024_________________________10 81. Sittwe Port_______________________________________26
34. Financing for Sustainable Development Report 2024______11 82. Paradip Port______________________________________26
35. IADC____________________________________________11 83. Mount Erebus_____________________________________27
36. International Narcotics Control Board (INCB)_____________11 84. Kalesar Wildlife Sanctuary___________________________27
37. Special 301 Report_________________________________11 85. Afar Triangle______________________________________28

Environment & Ecology_____________________________ 12 Species in News___________________________________ 28

38. Paira Cropping System______________________________12 86. Golden Trevally____________________________________28
39. Fourth Global Mass Coral Bleaching Event_______________12 87. Caracals__________________________________________28
40. Sustainable Finance for Tiger Landscapes Conference______13 88. Purple Striped JellyFish______________________________29
41. Nitroplast________________________________________13 89. Bumblebees______________________________________29
42. Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives Asia Pacific_____13 90. Vasuki indicus_____________________________________30
43. Clean Energy Transition Programme____________________14 91. Malabar trogon____________________________________30
92. Neptis philyra_____________________________________30
Geography_______________________________________ 14 93. Ashwagandha_____________________________________30
44. Ringwoodite______________________________________14 94. Butterfly Cicada___________________________________31
45. Swell Waves______________________________________15 95. Bugun Liocichla____________________________________31
46. Sympathetic Solar Flares_____________________________15
Toppers in Top 100
• This very little known tribal community resides
History & Culture in the dense tropical Rain forest of Great
Nicobar Island of Andaman and Nicobar
group of Islands.

• The Shompen habitat is an important

biological hotspot and there are two national
parks and one biosphere reserve namely
World Craft Cities Program
Campbell Bay National Park, Galathea
National Park and Great Nicobar Biosphere
• Srinagar has been nominated for the World
Craft City (WCC) from India this year. • Though according to the 2011 census, the
estimated population of this tribe is 229, the
• The World Craft Cities Program is a global exact population is unknown till today.
initiative run by the World Crafts Council
International (WCCI). • They are semi-nomadic hunter gatherer and
their main source of livelihood are hunting,
• WCCI is a Kuwait-based organisation working gathering, fishing and horticulture activities
on recognition and preservation of traditional in a rudimentary form.
crafts and is affiliated with UNESCO.

• It recognizes cities that have a thriving craft Panhala Fort

scene and are committed to supporting its
cultural, economic, and social contributions.

Objectives of the Program

♦ Global Recognition

♦ Government Advocacy

♦ Local Innovation

♦ Knowledge Exchange

♦ Collaborative Opportunities
• The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI)
• Currently, Mamallapuram, Jaipur and Mysore celebrated World Heritage Day on Thursday
are included in the list of World Craft Cities at Panhala Fort.
from India.
• ASI had earlier submitted nominations of 12
forts including Panhala fort for inclusion in the
Shompen Tribe UNESCO World Heritage List.

• The Panhala fort in Maharashtra was built by

the Shilahara ruler Bhoja II between 1178
and 1209 CE and passed into the hands of
Yadavas of Devagiri, Bahamani, Adilshahi
and subsequently the Marathas.

• It is one of the largest forts in the Deccan with

most of the architecture is of the Bijapuri
style with the peacock motif of the Bahmani
sultanate prominently visible.

Kesariya Stupa
• Recently, a few members of the shompen tribe
casted their votes for the first time in the
parliamentary elections of 2024. • Kesariya stupa in the East Champaran district of
Bihar is considered as the tallest and largest
• The Shompen are one of the least studied ever Buddhist stupa in the world.
Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups
(PVTGs) in India.

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• The stupa was probably constructed by Asoka • As a sign of affection and respect, gamocha,
in 3rd century BCE. the traditional Assamese towel, also known
as Bihuwaan, is exchanged.
• The site’s exploration began from its discovery
by Colin Mackenzie in 1814 to Alexander Bihu
Cunningham’s proper excavation in 1861–62.
» Bihu is a secular festival that is celebrated by
• ASI has declared the stupa a protected people from all parts of Assam celebrating
monument of national importance. the changing seasons.

• The Kesariya stupa shares many architectural » The first Bihu is known as the Rongali
similarities with the Buddhist temple Bihu or Bohag Bihu, which is celebrated in
located in Indonesia, Borobodur. the month of April.

» The second Bihu is known as Kati Bihu or

Kongali Bihu, which is celebrated during the
month of October.

» Finally there is Magh Bihu, which is

observed during the month of January.

Indian Historical Records


• Indian Historical Records Commission (IHRC)

recently adopted a new logo and motto.

• Indian Historical Records Commission is

Bohag Bihu an apex advisory body on archival matters
established in 1919, headed by the Union
Minister of Culture.

• It acts as an all-India forum of creators,

custodians and users of records to advise
the Government of India on the management
of records and their use for historical research.

• It’s members include nominees of the

Government of India, representatives from
Central/State Governments, Universities
and Learned institutions.

• In the logo, the pages in the shape of

• On the eve of the Rongali Bihu the Assam lotus petals represent IHRC as the nodal
government organised a spectacle around institution for maintaining historical records.
the folk dance and 11,140 artists from all
districts of the state performed together at • The Sarnath pillar in the middle represents
Guwahati. India’s glorious past. Brown as the colour
theme reinforces the organization’s mission
• Bohag Bihu is one of the major festivals of of preserving, studying and honouring India’s
Assam which is commonly known as Rongali historical records.
• The motto translates as “Where history is
• It is the most popular Bihu that celebrates the preserved for the future”.
onset of the Assamese New Year and the
coming of spring.
Padta bet
• The word ‘Rongali’ is derived from ‘Rong’
which means Happiness and celebrations.
• Archaeologists from Kerala University have
• During the celebration, traditional pat or recently discovered a 5,200-year-old Harappan
muga silk or cotton mekhela chadors are settlement at Padta Bet in Gujarat.
worn by ladies (the two-piece attire).

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• Padta Bet is around 1.5 km away near Juna • The purpose of World Heritage Day is to raise
Khatiya, an Early Harappan necropolis, in Kutch awareness among local communities about
district. protecting cultural heritage.

• Archaeologists discovered the presence of • The theme of World Heritage Day 2024 is
the skeleton, along with pottery artefacts, ‘Discover and Experience Diversity’.
animal bones, semi-precious stone beads
made of carnelian & agate, terracotta spindle
whorls, copper, lithic tools, cores & grinding
stones and hammer stones. Phanigiri

• Within the four-hectare area of Padta Bet,

the researchers identified two localities:

⚜ Locality 1: Artefacts dating back to the

Mature Harappan era (2600 BC to 1900
BC) and Late Harappan era (1900 BC to
1700 BC).

⚜ Locality 2: Artefacts from the Early

Harappan era (3,200 BC to 2,600 BC),
Mature Harappan era and Late Harappan

Gudi Padwa • Recently, the Department of Archaeology and

Museums have unearthed a coin hoard at the
Phanigiri in Suryapet district, Telangana.
• Recently, the President conveyed her greetings • Phanigiri is a famous Buddhist site located
on the occasion of Gudi Padwa, the Marathi 110 km away from Hyderabad.
Hindu New Year.
• This site derived its name from the shape of
• Gudi Padwa is celebrated on the first day of the hillock, which appears to be like a snake
the month of Chaitra, which synchronises hood. The word Phani in Sanskrit means snake
with the first day of the new moon. and Giri means hillock.
• Mythologically, It’s also the day when it’s • It is believed to be one of the important
believed Brahma created the universe and the Buddhist monasteries strategically located
sense of time. on the ancient trade route (Dakshinapatha)
connecting the west and the east coast of
• Padwa refers to the first day of the lunar
the Deccan.
fortnight, while Gudi refers to a flag made
of bamboo that is decorated with garlands of • According to the archaeologists, the coins
flowers, mango and neem leaves, sugar crystals, belong to the Ikshvaku period dated between
and an overturned silver or copper vessel. the 3rd century and 4th century Common
• The festival is celebrated by cleaning and
decorating homes with rangolis. People
start the day by having neem and jaggery,
believed to purify the body and signifying the
acceptance of bittersweet experiences in

World Heritage Day

• World Heritage Day, also known as the

International Day for Monuments and Sites
(IDMS), is observed on April 18.

• The International Council for Monuments

and Sites (ICOMOS) created the World
Heritage Day durings its 22nd general meeting
in 1983.

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• Recently, it initiated a pilot project to conduct
Polity & Governance hearings through a hybrid mode (physical/
video conferencing).

• NCDRC adjudicates cases involving complaint

values exceeding two crores and hears
Vote-From-Home Facility appeals from lower consumer dispute
redressal forums - State Consumer Disputes
Redressal Commissions (SCDRCs) and the
District Consumer Disputes Redressal
• The Election Commission of India has introduced
Forums (DCDRCs).
home-voting options for the elderly and other
disadvantaged groups in current elections. • The commission is led by a President, typically
a retired or sitting Supreme Court judge.
• Citizens above 85 years and those with
disabilities (with a benchmark disability of
at least 40%) can now avail themselves of the
postal ballot-home voting facility. Doctrine of Harmonious
• Two polling officials, accompanied by
a videographer, will visit eligible voters’
residences to record the voting process. • The Supreme Court used the doctrine of
harmonious construction in interpreting the
• Prior notification of the visit will be sent via seemingly conflicting Sections 3 and 5 of the
SMS. Limitation Act, 1963.
• Voters can use Form 12D to inform the • The doctrine of harmonious construction is a
Assistant Returning Officer (ARO) if they’re rule for interpreting laws that states that
unable to go to the polling station to vote. conflicting provisions should be interpreted
in a way that harmonises them.
Maximum Residue Limit (MRLs) • Harmonious construction aims to reconcile
conflicting provisions within laws to prevent
one part from undermining the intent of
• The Food Safety and Standards Authority of another.
India (FSSAI) has raised the Maximum Residue
Limits (MRL) for pesticide residues in spices. • This doctrine traces its origins to the first
amendment to the Constitution of India,
• MRLs indicate the maximum amount of notably highlighted in the Shankari Prasad
pesticide residue expected to remain on Singh Deo Vs Union of India (1951) case, which
food products, deemed safe for human addressed the conflict between Fundamental
consumption when pesticides are applied Rights and Directive Principles of State
correctly. Policy.
• Factors determining MRLs include pesticide • The Court employed harmonious construction
toxicity, absorption by plants or animals, to establish that Fundamental Rights could
and safe human exposure levels. be modified by Parliament under specific
circumstances to align with constitutional
• While many countries follow MRL standards provisions.
set by the Codex Alimentarius Commission,
a joint program of the Food and Agriculture • In essence, the Limitation Act, 1963, governs
Organization (FAO) and the World Health legal deadlines, with Section 3 stipulating
Organization (WHO), in India, FSSAI is that missing the deadline forfeits the right
responsible for establishing these limits. to sue, while Section 5 allows for exceptions
under certain circumstances, granting the
National Consumer Disputes court discretion to accept late cases with valid
justifications for the delay.
Redressal Commission (NCDRC)

• The National Consumer Disputes Redressal

Commission (NCDRC), established in 1988
under the Consumer Protection Act of 1986,
resolves consumer disputes in a cost-effective,
expeditious, and impartial manner.

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Allotment of election symbols to
Right to Privacy of Candidates political parties

• The Supreme Court recently emphasised that • The Election Commission of India (ECI) recently
while voters have the right to know about declined to allocate the ‘Top’ symbol to
election candidates, candidates also have a the MDMK party for the ongoing Lok Sabha
right to privacy. elections.

• This observation came while overturning a July • The ECI is responsible for assigning symbols
2023 judgement by the Gauhati High Court, and adjudicating disputed claims according
which nullified the election of Independent to the Election Symbols (Reservation and
candidate Karikho Kri from the Tezu (ST) Allotment) Order, 1968.
assembly constituency in Arunachal Pradesh.
• These symbols aid illiterate voters who may
• The High Court had set aside Kri’s election have difficulty reading party names.
for not declaring ownership of three vehicles,
deeming it a corrupt practice. • Each national and state party receives a unique
symbol reserved for its exclusive use
• However, the Supreme Court ruled that a nationwide or within the states.
candidate’s decision to maintain privacy
on matters irrelevant to their candidacy
doesn’t constitute corruption under the cVIGIL Citizen App
Representation of People Act, 1951.
• The candidates aren’t required to declare every
minor movable property unless it constitutes a
sizable asset.

Star Campaigners

• Sunita Kejriwal, wife of Delhi Chief Minister

Arvind Kejriwal, was recently appointed as a
‘star campaigner’ by the Aam Aadmi Party • cVIGIL is a mobile application developed by the
(AAP) for its Gujarat campaign. Election Commission of India (ECI) to enable
citizens to report violations of the Model
• A star campaigner is a high-profile figure, such Code of Conduct (MCC) during elections.
as a politician, actor, or sports personality,
enlisted by a party to seek votes. • Once the complaint is lodged by a citizen, the
information beeps in the District Control
• Political parties, whether recognized nationally Room from where it is assigned to a Field Unit.
or at the state level, can nominate up to Each Field Unit will have a GIS-based mobile
40 star campaigners, while unrecognised application called ‘cVIGIL Dispatcher’, which
parties can nominate up to 20. allows the unit to directly reach the location.
• The expenses incurred for the star campaigner • If the incident is found correct, the information
are not included in a candidate’s poll is sent to the National Grievance Portal of
expenditure. the Election Commission of India for further
action and the citizen is informed about the
As per the Model Code of Conduct, when a action taken within a hundred minutes.
prime minister or a former prime minister is
star campaigner, the expenditure incurred on The app has inbuilt features to prevent its misuse;
security including on the bullet-proof vehicles
will be borne by the government and will not be ➡ It will receive complaints only about
added to the election expenses of the party or Model Code of Conduct violations.
the individual candidate.
➡ The app will not allow uploading of the
pre-recorded or old images and videos.

➡ The app will not facilitate saving of the

photos or videos recorded using the
‘cVIGIL’ app into the phone gallery.

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➡ It will be active only in States where VVPAT
elections have been announced. The
moment a citizen exits an election-bound
State, the app will become inactive.

Eggshell skull rule

• Recently, the Supreme Court rejected the

application of the ‘eggshell skull’ rule in a
medical negligence case.

• Also known as “thin skull rule”, it is a common

law principle applied in civil litigation.

• It is applied when the offender is made liable • The Supreme Court recently rejected petitions
for all injuries that might be intensified due seeking complete cross-verification of votes
to the pre existing conditions of the injured cast using Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs)
person that the offender might be not aware with Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail
of. (VVPAT).

• Simply put, the defendant would be held • It was first introduced in India in the 2014 Lok
responsible for injuries caused to a person Sabha elections.
when he hit him on the head, even if the victim
had a particularly delicate skull or an ‘eggshell’ • It is an independent system that consists of
for a skull. two parts, namely, a VVPAT Printer and VVPAT
Status Display Unit (VSDU) attached to the
Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs), that
Diplomatic Passport allow the voters to verify that their votes
are cast as intended.
• Recently, embroiled in a sex abuse case, one of • These machines are developed by the
the Indian political Party’s Member of Parliament Electronics Corporation of India Limited
(MP) fled to Germany on a diplomatic passport. (ECIL) and Bharat Electronics Ltd (BEL).
• Diplomatic passports are issued to diplomats, • Working: The ballot unit is connected to a
designated government officials and their VVPAT unit which produces a paper slip that is
immediate family members. visible to the voter via a transparent screen
• These passports are a form of identification for about 7 seconds before it gets stored in a
and carry certain legal privileges and sealed drop box.
immunities under international law, such as • Under the present system, the poll body
immunity from arrest, detention, and certain counts and matches the VVPAT paper slips at
legal proceedings in the host country. five randomly selected polling stations in
• The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) each state legislative assembly constituency,
Consular, Passport & Visa Division issues several of which are combined to form one
diplomatic passports (‘Type D’ passports) to parliamentary seat.
people falling into several categories like:
Indelible Ink
• Government-appointed individuals and officers
working under branches A and B of the Indian
Foreign Service (IFS) travelling abroad for
official business • Electoral ink, indelible ink, electoral stain or
phosphoric ink is a semi-permanent ink or
• Select individuals on official travel, including dye that is applied to the forefinger (usually) of
Union ministers and Members of Parliament voters during elections in order to prevent
(MPs). electoral frauds such as double voting.

• The authority to revoke a diplomatic passport • Section 61 of the Representation of the

lies with the passport authority. People Act (RoPA) of 1951 mentions the ink.

• However, the government can revoke a • Mysore Paints & Varnish Ltd., a Karnataka
diplomatic passport only after a court order to Government Undertaking which is the sole
that effect. manufacturer of the ink in India since 1962.

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• Indelible ink contains silver nitrate. It is a
colourless compound which becomes visible
when exposed to ultraviolet light, including
sunlight. This water-based ink also contains a
solvent like alcohol to allow its faster drying.

• According to a report from the United Nations

Development Programme, the higher silver
nitrate’s concentration, the higher will be the
ink’s quality.

• It is exported to more than 25 countries that

include Canada, Ghana, Nigeria, Mongolia,
Malaysia, Nepal, South Africa and Maldives.

Misleading Advertisements

• Recently, the Supreme Court had criticised the

Patanjali Ayurved, for making misleading National Disaster Response Fund
claims in advertisements about its products (NDRF)
curing diseases.
• Section 3 of the Drugs and Magic Remedies • The central government assured the Supreme
Act, 1954 prohibits any advertisement Court of prompt resolution regarding
promoting drugs for the diagnosis, cure, Karnataka’s plea for financial aid for drought
mitigation, treatment or prevention of any relief.
disease, disorder or condition like diabetes,
cataract, cancer, fevers (in general), obesity, • The National Disaster Response Fund
rheumatism, impotence, high or low blood (NDRF), established under the Disaster
pressure, female diseases, epilepsy, stature of Management Act, 2005, supplements funds
persons, venereal diseases, glaucoma, sterility from the State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF)
in women, dropsy, etc. which are not in to provide immediate relief during severe
accordance with any scientific evidence. calamities.

• The Consumer Protection Act, 2019 prohibits • NDRF funds are held in the Government of
unfair trade practices, including misleading India’s “Public Account” under “reserve funds
advertisements, and provides mechanisms not bearing interest”.
for consumers to seek redressal for grievances • When a disaster surpasses state resources, the
related to misleading advertising. affected state requests NDRF assistance.

• The Ministry of Home Affairs dispatches an

Inter-Ministerial Central Team (IMCT) to
assess the situation and submit a report.

• Subsequently, a High-Level Committee (HLC),

chaired by the Home Minister, reviews the
request and IMCT report.

• Upon HLC approval, the Department of

Expenditure releases sanctioned NDRF funds to
the state.

• The Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG)

audits NDRF accounts.

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• The Trade Marks Act, 1999, provides
Economy protection to well-known trademarks to
prevent misuse and obligates the Registrar to
safeguard them against similar trademarks.

• A trademark is a distinctive sign or indicator

used by a business organisation to distinguish
Shrinkflation its products or services from those of other

• Once a mark is declared well-known, the

• The shrinkflation phenomena is resurfacing
owner can prevent others from registering
in the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG)
or using identical or similar marks for different
industry due to rising input costs.
goods and services.
• Shrinkflation refers to the practice employed
Factors that can be considered when determining
by manufacturers wherein the size or
whether a trademark is well-known are:
quantity of a product is reduced while
keeping its price the same. C The degree of knowledge or recognition
of the mark
• This strategy will help companies to increase
profit even during the rising production costs. C The duration, extent and geographical
area of any use of the mark.
• It is a form of hidden inflation.
C The degree of inherent or acquired
Authorised Economic Operator distinctiveness of the mark
(AEO) Programme
C The extent to which the mark has been
registered in India or in other countries.
• The Union government recently extended the
Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) status to
the gem and jewellery sector. India Employment Report 2024
• The AEO program, operating within the
World Customs Organization’s (WCO) SAFE • The report was jointly published by the
Framework of Standards, aims to secure and International Labour Organisation (ILO) and
streamline global trade. the Institute of Human Development (IHD).
• Businesses granted AEO status by a country’s • The report examines the challenge of youth
customs administration demonstrate employment in the context of the emerging
compliance with security and regulatory economic, labour market, educational and
standards. skills scenario in India and changes over the
past two decades.
• This voluntary program enhances supply
chain security and expedites the movement of
legitimate goods. Key Highlights of the Report:

• AEO-certified businesses enjoy benefits such as • Youth unemployment increased from 5.7%
expedited cargo clearance, reduced inspections, in 2000 to 17.5% in 2019.
and potential deferment of duty payments.
• Employment growth remained stagnant
• In India, the AEO Programme is overseen by the until 2019, then started to rise.
Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs.
• Labour productivity increased consistently
alongside technological progress.
Well Known Trademark
• Female labour market participation rates
increased, especially in rural areas.
• Recently, the Delhi High Court declared that • There’s a gradual shift from agriculture to
the “Haldiram” mark is a well-known trademark non-farm sectors in the workforce.
with respect to food items.
• Employment is dominated by the informal
sector (about 82%).

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• India is expected to have a migration rate of Special Rupee Vostro Account
around 40% by 2030.

• Major portion of the youth lacks essential • India recently simplified the payment
skills, with 75% unable to send emails with mechanism for traders importing pulses from
attachments, 60% unable to copy and paste Myanmar, mandating the use of the Rupee/
files, and 90% unable to use spreadsheets for Kyat direct payment system through the
mathematical formulas. Special Rupee Vostro Account (SRVA) via
Punjab National Bank.

• This move aims to address domestic shortages

CDP-SURAKSHA of tur and urad dals by streamlining imports
from Myanmar.

• In a bid to promote horticulture, Cluster • The SRVA facilitates trade settlement in

Development Programme (CDP) - System for Indian Rupees (INR), reducing reliance on hard
Unified Resource Allocation, Knowledge, and currencies like the US Dollar.
Secure Horticulture Assistance (SURAKSHA)
• Key components of the framework include INR
was launched recently by the Central
invoicing, market-determined exchange
rates, and final settlement in INR.
• CDP-SURAKSHA, the digital platform will
• Prior approval from the Reserve Bank of
allow an instant disbursal of subsidies to
India (RBI) is necessary to open SRVA accounts,
farmers in their bank account by utilising the
and authorised domestic dealer banks
e-RUPI voucher from the National Payments
handle SRVA transactions.
Corporation of India (NPCI).
• Domestic importers pay INR into the SRVA
• The platform has features such as database
account of the correspondent bank, while
integration with PM-KISAN, cloud-based
exporters receive export proceeds in INR
server space from NIC, UIDAI validation,
from designated correspondent bank accounts.
eRUPI integration, local government
directory (LGD), content management system, • A normal Vostro account is only a transit
geotagging, and geo-fencing. account, while an SRVA allows INR balances
to be held.
Benefits for Farmers

🔶 In the old system, a farmer had to buy

Sovereign Green Bonds (SGrBs)
planting materials on their own, this has
been a major impediment in the production
Recently, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has
🔶 The CDP-SURAKSHA platform, however, will

allowed investments in the country’s Sovereign
provide subsidies to farmers upfront, Green Bonds (SGrBs) by Foreign Institutional
at the time of purchasing the planting Investors (FIIS).
Sovereign green bonds are debt securities
🔶 Vendors, who will supply planting materials

issued by governments to raise money for
to farmers, will receive their payment projects that benefit the environment or
only after farmers verify the delivery of climate.
their orders.
India’s SGrBs framework closely follows
🔶 The system ensures transparency and

its Panchamrit pledges at the COP 26 in
accountability by requiring farmers to Glasgow in November 2021. Through this,
verify the delivery of planting material India’s dedication to its Nationally Determined
through geo-tagged photos and videos. Contribution targets would be further
The CDP is a component of the central sector
scheme of NHB, aimed at leveraging “the • The Union Budget 2022-23 had made an
geographical specialisation of horticulture announcement to issue Sovereign Green
clusters and promoting integrated and market- Bonds (SGB) by Government of India.
led development from pre-production stage till
marketing stage.”

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• The Ministry of Finance, in 2022, constituted
a Green Finance Working Committee (GFWC) International Relations
for selection and evaluation of projects and
other works related to the SGB framework.

• GFWC will meet at least twice a year to support

the Ministry of Finance, with members from Eurasian Economic Union (EaEU)
relevant ministries and is chaired by the
Chief Economic Advisor.

• In February 2023, the Securities and Exchange

Board of India (SEBI) issued the operation
guidelines for the issuers of green bonds to
avoid greenwashing.

Greenwashing refers to making false, misleading,

unsubstantiated or otherwise incomplete claims
about the sustainability of a project, service or
business operation.

• Recently, the Foreign Minister of Belarus

declared that India is considering starting talks
for a free trade agreement with the Eurasian
Economic Union.

• EEU is an economic union of nations located in

Northern Eurasia.

• It consists of five member states : Russia,

Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and

• EEU aims to promote the flow of goods

and services among its member nations by
coordinating policies and regulations and to
create a single market space.

• It came into existence on 1st January 2015.

Nuclear Energy Summit 2024

• Recently, the first-ever Nuclear Energy Summit

2024 was held in Brussels (Belgium).

• The Nuclear Energy Summit 2024 was co-

chaired by the Prime Minister of Belgium and
the Director General of the International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

• The Summit comes in the wake of the

inclusion of nuclear energy in the Global
Stocktake agreed at the UN Climate Change
Conference (COP28) in Dubai in December 2023.

• This landmark event aimed to foster

international dialogue on the role of nuclear
power in achieving net-zero emissions and
advancing sustainable development.

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• This Summit is an initiative in collaboration Inter-Agency Space Debris
with the IAEA’s ‘Atoms4Netzero’ programme. Coordination Committee (IADC)
‘Atoms4Netzero’ programme • Recently, the 42nd Inter-Agency Space Debris
🔵 Atoms4NetZero is an IAEA initiative that
Coordination Committee (IADC) annual meet
was held in Bengaluru.
supports efforts by Member States to
harness the power of nuclear energy in the • During the meet, India has made a declaration
transition to net zero. to achieve debris-free space missions by
🔵 It was launched during COP27, this initiative
provides decision makers with data-driven • This initiative seeks the participation of all
energy scenario modelling. Indian space actors, governmental and
non-governmental, to ensure long-term
sustainability in outer space.
Financing for Sustainable
Development Report 2024 • The IADC was founded in 1993, to coordinate
efforts to deal with man-made and natural
debris in space orbiting around the Earth.
• Recently, the United Nations Department
of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA)
released the “Financing for Sustainable
Development Report 2024”.

• This is the 9th edition of the report which is

released annually and on the theme “Financing Special 301 Report
for Development at Crossroads”.

• The report highlights the need for all time high • India has been placed on the Priority Watch
spending to achieve the goals of sustainable List on the 2024 Special 301 Report since it
development goals by 2030. remains one of the world’s most challenging
major economies with respect to the
Some Key Findings of the Report: protection and enforcement of intellectual
➡ Financing Gap: The report points to a
property (IP).
widening financing gap amounting to USD • The Special 301 Report is the result of an annual
4.2 trillion dollars as compared to USD review of the state of intellectual property
2.5 trillion annually. The drastic change in protection in U.S. trading partners around
gap is attributed to COVID-19 pandemic. the world.
➡ Financing Divide: Developing countries are • The review is conducted by the Office of the
bearing the brunt of soaring borrowing United States Trade Representative (USTR).
cost and debt burden, reducing their
ability to undertake a multipronged • India along with Argentina, Chile, China,
approach. Indonesia, Russia and Venezuela have been
➡ Closing Window: With only 6 years
placed on the Priority Watch List of the 2024
remaining to achieve the SDG goals, the
UN estimates that close to 600 million International Narcotics Control
people will continue to live in extreme
poverty in 2030 and beyond, more than Board (INCB)
half of them being women.

➡ Weak Enabling Environment: Existing

• India’s Jagjit Pavadia was re-elected to the
International Narcotics Control Board for the
policy and regulatory framework are not
third term for 5 years from 2025-2030.
conducive to sustainable development
leading to misaligned budget and public • The International Narcotics Control Board
spending. (INCB) is the independent and quasi-judicial
monitoring body for the implementation
of the United Nations international drug
control conventions.

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• It was established in 1968 in accordance with the
Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961 Environment & Ecology
by merging the Permanent Central Narcotics
Board and the Drug Supervisory Body.

• INCB has 13 members, each elected by the

Economic and Social Council (UNECOSOC) for Paira Cropping System
a period of five years.

It deals with;
• The Paira cropping system, a traditional
✔ Illicit manufacture, trade and use of drugs agricultural practice in Eastern India,
particularly in states like Bihar, Uttar
to ensure that adequate supplies of drugs
are available for medical and scientific uses. Pradesh, West Bengal, Chhattisgarh, and
Odisha, has diminished in importance due to
✔ Monitoring government’s control over climate change.
chemicals used in the illicit manufacture
of drugs to prevent the diversion of those • Also known as Utera cropping, it involves
chemicals. sowing a second crop into a standing rice
crop about two weeks before harvesting the
✔ Identifying weaknesses in national rice.
and international control systems and
contributes to correcting such situations. • Typically, pulses like lentils, urdbean,
mungbean, field pea, mustard, or sesame
are sown as the second crop.

• This method is cost-effective as it eliminates

the need for additional activities like tilling,
weeding, irrigation, or fertiliser application
after sowing the second crop.

Fourth Global Mass Coral Bleaching


• The National Oceanic and Atmospheric

Administration’s (NOAA) Coral Reef Watch
(CRW) and the International Coral Reef
Initiative (ICRI) have confirmed the fourth
global mass coral bleaching event in 2023-

• Since mid-2023, sea surface temperatures

have been abnormally warm, with record
highs in March 2023. This warming is attributed
to overall climate change and exacerbated by
El Niño.

What is coral bleaching?

🔶 Corals and zooxanthellae have a symbiotic


🔶 Corals provide zooxanthellae a safe place to

live, zooxanthellae provide oxygen and organic
products of photosynthesis that help corals to
grow and thrive and are responsible for the unique
and beautiful colours of corals.

🔶 Corals are very sensitive to light and temperature

and even a small change in their living conditions
can stress them. When stressed, they expel
zooxanthellae and turn entirely white. This is
called coral bleaching.

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• Coral bleaching has a devastating effect, Nitroplast
impacting not just the coral itself but the
entire reef ecosystem and even human
• Recently, scientists discovered nitroplast, a new
• The first global mass coral bleaching event organelle that converts nitrogen gas into a
took place in 1998 in which 20% of the world’s useful form could pave the way for engineered
reef areas suffered bleaching-level heat plants that require less fertiliser.
• It is found in an algae named Braarudosphaera
• The next two global bleaching events bigelowii and it is considered to be the first
occurred in 2010 (35% of reefs affected) nitrogen-fixing organelle in eukaryotes.
and between 2014 and 2017 (56% of reefs
affected). • It evolved from a symbiotic relationship
between the algae and a bacterium around
• With global temperatures soaring, such events 100 million years ago.
are expected to become more frequent and
longer. • An organelle is a subcellular structure that
has one or more specific jobs to perform in the
• The world may lose the vast majority of its cell.
coral reefs at 1.5 degree Celsius of warming,
and virtually all at 2 degree, according to a Global Alliance for Incinerator
2018 report by the Intergovernmental Panel Alternatives Asia Pacific
on Climate Change (IPCC).
• The Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives
Sustainable Finance for Tiger (GAIA) Asia Pacific has called on ASEAN to take
Landscapes Conference decisive action in response to plastic pollution.

• Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives

• Paro in Bhutan recently hosted the is a worldwide alliance of more than 1,000
Sustainable Finance for Tiger Landscapes grassroots groups, non-governmental
Conference in collaboration with the Tiger organisations and individuals.
Conservation Coalition on 22 April (Earth
Day). • It aims to power a transition away from
our current linear and extractive economy
• Representatives from ten tiger range and towards a circular system that supports
countries attended, including Bangladesh, people’s right to a safe and healthy environment.
Cambodia, China, India, Kazakhstan,
Malaysia, Nepal, Thailand, and Vietnam. • They work on four primary points of
intervention: incineration, zero waste, plastic,
• During the conference, plans were made to and climate.
source USD 1 billion over the next decade
for the preservation of tiger landscapes (also Incineration
known as the Paro Statement for Tigers).
M Incineration is the process of burning
Tiger Conservation Coalition hazardous materials at temperatures
high enough to destroy contaminants.
▶ It’s a coalition of 10 NGOs that include IUCN,
M Incineration is conducted in an
the Environmental Investigation Agency,
Fauna & Flora, Panthera, TRAFFIC, “incinerator,” which is a type of furnace
the United Nations Development designed for burning hazardous
Programme, the Wildlife Conservation materials in a combustion chamber.
Society, and the World Wildlife Fund.
M Many different types of hazardous
▶ Tiger Conservation Coalition members materials can be treated by incineration,
including soil, sludge, liquids and gases.
co-developed Tiger Conservation
Landscapes 3.0, an integrated habitat
modelling system to measure and M Modern incinerators include air
monitor changes in tiger habitat at range- pollution control equipment (e.g., fabric
wide, national, biome, and landscape scales filters, scrubbers and electrostatic
in near real-time. precipitators) to remove fly ash and
gaseous contaminants.

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Clean Energy Transition
Programme Geography
• Recently, the International Energy Agency
(IEA) launched the Clean Energy Transitions
Programme annual report 2023.
• Clean Energy Transition Programme is the
IEA’s flagship initiative launched in 2017 for
accelerating progress toward a global net zero • Scientists have discovered a large ocean
energy system. of water trapped 400–700 kilometres
beneath the Earth’s surface, encased within
• The CETP’s work is structured across three ringwoodite, a vibrant blue mineral in the
pillars of activity: mantle
• Supporting emerging and developing • Ringwoodite is a mineral that forms in the
countries to establish clean energy Earth’s mantle at high temperatures and
transition goals, in line with the objectives of pressures.
the 2015 Paris Agreement and UN-SDG.
• It’s a water-rich mineral that can contain iron
• Facilitating coordination among multilateral and hydrogen.
• Its unique properties allows it to trap water like
• To enable and accelerate clean energy a sponge.
transitions at global level.

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Swell Waves • Such solar activity is likely an indication of the
Sun reaching the peak of its 11-year solar
cycle known as solar maximum. The peak is
marked by increased solar events like flares
• Recently, coastal areas in southern and central
and Coronal Mass Ejections.
Kerala experienced inundation from swell
waves. • The term “sympathetic” reflects a cause-and-
effect relationship, where one flare seems to
• Swell waves are rolling waves that travel long
“sympathise” with the other by erupting in
distances after being generated by distant
storms or strong winds.
• Most sympathetic flares reported so far
• They are distinct from wind waves, which are
include two linked flares, ranging from small
created by local winds and are choppy and
outbursts to X-class flares, the most powerful
chaotic. Swell waves, on the other hand, are
class of solar flares the sun can produce.
smoother and more uniform, with longer
wavelengths and periods. • The emission of four flares in unison makes this
event “super-sympathetic”.
• Once formed, they are not significantly
affected by local winds. • If directed towards the Earth, they have
the potential to disrupt power grids,
• Locally known as ‘Kallakkadal’ in Kerala, Swell
telecommunication networks and orbiting
waves result in inundation as the sea surges
satellites and expose astronauts to
into the land.
dangerous doses of radiation.

Marine Cloud Brightening


Sympathetic Solar Flares • Recently, scientists are testing a

geoengineering technique called Marine
Cloud Brightening (MCB).
• A rare super- • The Marine Cloud Brightening Program is
sympathetic an open collaboration of atmospheric
solar flare scientists and other experts to study how
event clouds respond to particles (or aerosols) in
featuring four the atmosphere.
eruptions • Scientific studies indicate that aerosols of
was recently the right size and concentration could
observed by significantly increase the reflectivity of
astronomers. specific types of clouds. MCB is a scientific
initiative which explores this.
• Sympathetic
flares are caused by multiple eruptions • By releasing tiny aerosol particles into the
across the Sun’s magnetic field, linked by atmosphere, researchers aim to enhance
massive magnetic field loops that lie above cloud brightness, leading to increased
the solar surface. sunlight reflection.

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This programme aims to: • When the sun is at the zenith (the highest point
in the sky) its rays will be hitting a particular
➡ Better understand the present-day effects point exactly perpendicular to the surface.
of pollution aerosols on clouds.
This will make the shadow of a person exactly
➡ Investigate whether aerosol particles

under him, making it look like there are no
made from sea salt could be used to shadows.
intentionally reduce near-term climate
warming. • There are two zero shadow days every year
in May and July/August, observed in places
➡ Understand the benefits, risks and that lie between the Tropic of Cancer and the
efficacy of the intentional use of aerosols Tropic of Capricorn.
to reduce warming.
• One falls during the Uttarayan (when the
Sun moves northwards), and the other is
Polar Vortex during Dakshinayan (when the Sun moves

Volcanic Vortex Rings

• Recently, the Polar Vortex in the Arctic had

partially reversed course and was spinning
‘backwards’ for 21 days. • Mount Etna, Italy recently emitted volcanic
vortex rings from a new vent on its crater’s
• The polar vortex is a massive spinning wheel northeastern edge.
of freezing cold air that forms high in the
atmosphere near the North Pole, held together • Volcanic vortex rings, also known as volcanic
by a strong west-to-east wind current. smoke rings, are natural phenomena
associated with volcanic eruptions.
• The polar vortex weakens in summer and
strengthens in winter. • It appears as dense, circular bands of gas and
ash that maintain their distinct shape as they
• This wind current, often referred to as the rise into the atmosphere.
polar night jet, can reach speeds comparable
to a Category 5 hurricane. • They are formed when pressurised gases
and ash are rapidly ejected from a volcanic
• The reversal in the vortex’s direction was vent during an explosive eruption.
attributed to “Sudden Stratospheric
Warming events,” which caused an influx • As the pressurised mixture of gases, ash, and
of ozone from lower latitudes around the volcanic particles is ejected from the vent, it
Arctic. interacts with the surrounding air.

• The rapid expansion of the gases and the

Zero Shadow Day entrainment of air around the eruptive
column lead to the formation of a spinning
vortex ring.
• Recently Bengaluru witnessed the Zero Shadow

• Zero Shadow Day is a sub-solar point where

the sun is directly overhead at a particular

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Honeycomb Clouds

• Scientists have observed that honeycomb-

shaped clouds are the reason for having the
cleanest air on Earth.

• Honeycomb Clouds (or Altocumulus Clouds) are

a type of cloud formation characterised by a
distinctive pattern of small, regularly spaced,
and interconnected cloud cells resembling the
hexagonal shape of a honeycomb.

• These clouds typically occur at middle

altitudes, ranging from 2,000 to 6,000
metres above sea level, and are composed of
water droplets or ice crystals.

• It plays a major role in regulating Earth’s


Recent Addition to list of GI Tags Products

Product Description State

Asharikandi Terracotta Craft refers to

a traditional craft form practised in
Asharikandi the village of Asharikandi in Assam. It
Terracotta involves the creation of pottery and other Assam
Craft decorative items using locally sourced
terracotta clay. The artform is closely
related to Assamese culture and heritage.

Assam Jaapi is a traditional bamboo hat.

It is made from tokou paat, a sizable palm
leaf, and densely woven bamboo or cane.
The word jaapi comes from the word jaap,
(Bamboo Assam
which means a bunch of tokou leaves. It
Head Gear)
was historically used for protection from
sun and rain, elaborately designed jaapis
were a symbol of status for the nobility.

The dakmanda is a handwoven fabric

Garo Textile
with a unique design that showcases the
rich knowledge and artistry of the Garo Meghalaya
tribe, incorporating traditional motifs and

enquiries@fortuneias.com | www.fortuneias.com | +91 94950 15888 | +91 81389 40888 @fortuneias @fortune_ias_academy 17
Product Description State

Chubitchi is a popular traditional alcoholic

beverage prepared by the Garo tribe of
Meghalaya. It is consumed during festive
occasions such as Wangala (harvest
Chubitchi Meghalaya
festival), Do.si Do.doka (wedding
festivities) and religious rituals, and also
served as refreshments for weary field
labourers and guests.

Rignai pachara is a traditional hand-woven

attire meticulously crafted by skilled
artisans using indigenous materials and
techniques, worn by women in Tripura
Pachra Rignai Tripura
on special occasions. This garment holds
symbolic value within Tripura’s cultural
tapestry and reflects the rich legacy of
the region’s textile heritage.

Gamsa is the male traditional dress of

Bodo Gamsa Bodo and is used to cover the portion from Assam
waist to knee by tying it in the waist.

Traditional pottery from the Lyrnai area,

known for its distinctive style and utility
(also called Black Pottery of Meghalaya).
It is locally known as Khiew-Ranei. It is
a mixture of black clay and serpentine
Lyrnai Pottery stone. These are made with local Meghalaya
techniques passed down from generation
to generation. This form of pottery is
unique not only because of what is used
to make it but also the way in which it is

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• Hydrogels are water-based gels composed of
Science & Technology water and a small amount of polymer molecules.

• The researchers engineered the synthetic

platelets’ surface to include antibody fragments
binding to fibrin, a protein synthesised at
wound sites to promote clotting by forming a
Shallow Fakes mesh-like substance.

• The prevalence and impact of shallow fakes Biohacking

during elections have been a concern.

• Shallow Fakes are manipulated images, • Recently, biohacking has been gaining
videos, and voice clips created without the popularity in India.
help of AI technology as opposed to the deep
fakes. • It refers to the practice of experimenting with
biology outside traditional laboratory settings.
• It relies on traditional editing tools to deceive
viewers. • It involves using scientific knowledge and
experimentation to optimise one’s body and
• It encompasses various practices aimed at
improving physical and mental performance,
longevity, and overall well-being.

• Examples: Dietary Modifications, Sleep

Optimization, Biometric Monitoring,
Biofeedback Devices etc.

Genetic Profiling

• The genetic profiling of the 400-odd captive

elephants of Kerala will begin shortly.

• Recently, Israel for the first time, deployed • Genetic Profiling (also called DNA
its ship-mounted defence system, called the fingerprinting and DNA profiling) is the
C-Dome. process of determining an individual’s DNA
• C-DOme is a naval version of Israel’s Iron
Dome air defence system How does it work?

• It is used to defend against rocket and missile • Sample is collected and cells are broken
attacks. down to isolate the DNA. Sometimes
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) might be
• Unlike the Iron Dome, which has its dedicated needed to amplify the amount for analysis
radar, the C-Dome is integrated into the ship’s (such as in crime scene evidence).
radar to detect incoming targets.
• Scientists target specific areas of DNA known
to be highly variable between individuals. These
Synthetic Platelets to Stop Bleeding variations, called VNTRs (Variable Number
Tandem Repeats), are like short, stuttering
sequences of DNA that differ in length from
• Researchers from North Carolina State person to person.
University have developed synthetic platelets
capable of stopping bleeding and enhancing • A specific type of VNTR, called Short Tandem
healing at injury sites in animals. Repeats (STRs), is commonly used in profiling
and scientists analyse the lengths of these
• These synthetic platelets consist of hydrogel VNTRs at multiple locations across the
nanoparticles mimicking human platelets in genome.
size, shape, and mechanical properties.

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• The combination of these lengths forms • LTC, the time standard for the Moon, will
an individual’s unique DNA profile and the help different international bodies and private
resulting profile can then be compared to companies to coordinate their activities on
others. the lunar surface.

Applications • Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), the

standard used to set all time zones around the
• DNA profiling is a forensic technique in world, cannot be used to determine time on
criminal investigations, comparing criminal the Moon;
suspects’ profiles to DNA evidence so as to
assess the likelihood of their involvement in the 🔸 According to Albert Einstein’s Theory of
crime. General Relativity, gravity bends space
and time. As there is less gravity on the
• It is also used in paternity testing, and in Moon, time ticks slightly faster (58.7
genealogical and medical research. microseconds every day) there relative to
the time on the Earth.
• DNA profiling has also been used in the study
of animal and plant populations in the fields • The discrepancy can create problems for
of zoology, botany, and agriculture. situations such as a spacecraft seeking to dock
on the Moon, data transferring at a specific
time, communication, and navigation.
• Like on Earth, atomic clocks can be deployed
on the lunar surface to set a time standard.
• The President of India Smt. Droupadi Murmu
• The specifics for creating a time standard for
launched India’s first home-grown anti-
the Moon are not clear yet.
Cancer CAR-T cell therapy, NexCAR19.

• The NexCAR19 is a type of CAR-T cell therapy

designed to target cancer cells that carry the Science Based Targets Initiative
CD19 protein, a protein that acts like a flag on
cancer cells.
• The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)
• It was developed by a collaboration involving approved Tata Power’s short-term objectives,
ImmunoACT, an incubated company at making it the only Indian Integrated Power
the IIT Bombay, Prof. Rahul Purwar and his entity with SBTi targets.
team from the Department of Biosciences
and Bioengineering at IIT Bombay and Tata • The targets align with the goal of keeping
Memorial Centre. global temperature rise below 2°C.

• NexCAR19 is approved for the treatment of B-cell • SBTi is a program that helps businesses
lymphomas and B-Acute Lymphoblastic set science-based targets to reduce their
Leukaemia (B-ALL) in patients who have greenhouse gas emissions.
not responded to standard treatments like
chemotherapy. • The SBTi was founded in 2015 by the CDP,
the United Nations Global Compact, World
CAR-T cell therapy is a form of immunotherapy Resources Institute, and the World Wide
that involves taking a patient’s T cells (a type Fund for Nature.
of immune cell), modifying them in a lab to
target and destroy cancer cells, and then • It develops standards, tools and guidance
reintroducing them into the patient’s body. which allow companies to set GHG emissions
reduction targets in line with what is needed
to limit global warming and reach net-zero by
2050 at the latest.
Coordinated Lunar Time (LTC)
Chagas Disease
• The head of the White House Office of Science
and Technology Policy (OSTP) told NASA to
finalise the strategy by the end of 2026 for • World Chagas Disease Day, observed on April
establishing a Coordinated Lunar Time (LTC). 14, raises awareness about Chagas disease,
also known as American trypanosomiasis.

20 enquiries@fortuneias.com | www.fortuneias.com | +91 94950 15888 | +91 81389 40888 @fortuneias @fortune_ias_academy
• This potentially life-threatening illness is caused Mg CuO Fuel Cell
by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma
cruzi, primarily transmitted through the
faeces of the triatomine bug, also known as
the “kissing bug.” • Researchers at the University of Kerala have
developed an eco-friendly fuel cell that
• While initially confined to endemic areas in primarily utilises air and seawater to generate
21 Latin American countries, population power.
movements have expanded its geographic
distribution globally. • The technology is anticipated to outperform
lithium-ion batteries in power output.
• Symptoms vary throughout the infection. The
acute phase, lasting weeks or months, may • Unlike traditional fuel cells that use hydrogen,
present mild symptoms like fever and fatigue. this cell relies on magnesium and sodium
The chronic phase, lasting decades, can be chloride from seawater.
asymptomatic or lead to serious complications • By employing cupric oxide over copper
such as heart failure and megaesophagus. substrate, the cell becomes cost-effective
• Treatment focuses on parasite eradication and compared to platinum-based alternatives.
symptom management. • The cell produces only electricity and heat
during its operation and emits water.

Sodium Ion Battery


• Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO)

announced the launch of S.A.R.A.H., a digital
health promoter prototype.

• Smart AI Resource Assistant for Health

(S.A.R.A.H.) is a digital health promoter
prototype with enhanced empathetic
• South Korean researchers have developed a response powered by generative artificial
high-power hybrid sodium-ion battery. intelligence (AI).
• The batteries are capable of charging in • It aims to provide an additional tool for people
seconds, marking a potential breakthrough in to realise their rights to health, wherever
energy storage technology. they are.
Significance: • It can help people access up-to-date
🔹 Sodium is abundant when compared to
information on quitting tobacco, being active,
eating a healthy diet and de-stressing among
other things.
🔹 Sodium ion batteries are safer as they
• It can engage users 24 hours a day in 8
are less prone to fire when compared to
languages on multiple health topics, on any
lithium batteries.
device. As it is powered by generative AI rather
🔹 High temperature tolerances help to be than a pre-set algorithm or script helping her
to provide more accurate responses in real-
used in more extreme temperatures.

🔹 The batteries are heavier when compared Men5cv Vaccine

to lithium ion ones.
🔹 Shorter life span when compared to • Recently, Nigeria became the first country in
lithium batteries. the world to introduce the Men5cv vaccine.

• The Men5cv vaccine was recommended

by WHO as it protects against 5 strains of
Meningococcus bacteria in a single vaccine.

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• The introduction of the vaccine also coincides • This new vaccine is the third product of the
with the WHO’s aim to eradicate meningitis by same family of vaccines which are there for
2030. cholera in WHO prequalification list.

• The vaccine and emergency vaccination • It is a simplified formulation of the oral cholera
activities are funded by Gavi, the Vaccine vaccine (OCV) Euvichol-Plus.
Alliance, which funds the global meningitis
vaccine stockpile, and supports lower-income • Other inactivated oral cholera vaccines are
countries with routine vaccination against Euvichol and Euvichol-Plus.
Meningitis is a serious infection that leads to the
inflammation of the membranes (meninges)
▪ Cholera is an acute diarrhoeal disease
that is caused by the bacterium Vibrio
that surround and protect the brain and spinal cholerae.
There are multiple causes of meningitis, including
▪ It remains a global threat to public health
and an indicator of inequity and lack of
viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic pathogens. social development.
Bacterial meningitis is the most serious, can also
result in septicaemia (blood poisoning), and can
seriously disable or kill within 24 hours those
▪ It is an extremely virulent disease that can
cause severe acute watery diarrhoea.
that contract it.
Man Portable Anti-Tank Guided
Missile (MPATGM) Weapon System
Infectious Respiratory Particles

• Recently, WHO introduced a new standardised

terminology called Infectious Respiratory
Particles (IRP).

• The term IRP is used to describe pathogens

transmitted via air.

• The WHO’s clarification distinguishes IRPs

from previously used terms like ‘aerosols’
and ‘droplets,’ emphasising a continuum of
particle sizes.
• DRDO & Indian Army conducted successful
• IRPs exist on a continuous spectrum of sizes, trials of indigenous Man Portable Anti-tank
and no single cut-off points should be applied Guided Missile Weapon System.
to distinguish smaller from larger particles.
• The MPATGM Weapon System is a
• The pathogens include those that cause comprehensive solution that includes
respiratory infections, for example, COVID-19, the MPATGM missile, Launcher, Target
influenza, measles, Middle East Respiratory Acquisition System, and the Fire Control
Syndrome (MERS), Severe Acute Respiratory Unit.
Syndrome (SARS), and tuberculosis (TB),
• It is equipped with a dual-mode seeker,
among others.
providing both day and night targeting
• Additionally, the system has a top-attack
capability, which is a valuable asset in tank
• Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO)
has prequalified a new oral vaccine for Cholera
called Euvichol-S.

• Euvichol-S is the inactivated oral vaccine to

treat Cholera.

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Rampage Missiles Gaia BH3

• Astronomers recently spotted the most massive

known stellar black hole in the Milky Way galaxy
named Gaia-BH3.

• Gaia-BH3 is the most massive stellar black

hole yet discovered in the Milky Way galaxy.

Stellar-mass black holes are formed from the

gravitational collapse of a single star or from
the merger of two neutron stars.

• Therefore, stellar-mass black holes have masses

• Recently, the Indian Air Force and Navy similar to the masses of stars.
inducted Rampage missiles into their arsenal
effectively boosting their firepower. • This black hole was spotted in data from the
European Space Agency’s Gaia mission
• Rampage Missiles were effectively used (Space astrometry mission building the
against Iranian targets by Israeli Air Forces largest, most precise three-dimensional map
recently. of our Galaxy).

• Also known as High Speed Low Drag Mark 2 • It has a mass that is nearly 33 times that of
missiles in the Indian Air Force, these missiles our sun, and it’s located 1,926 light-years
are developed by Israel Aerospace Industries away in the Aquila constellation, making it
and Israeli Military Industries Systems. the second-closest known black hole to Earth.

• These long range, supersonic, seekerless,

surface to air missiles are designed for Kodaikanal Solar Observatory
precision strikes; they are used to target
high-quality, well-protected sites such as
communication centres and air force bases.

• The supersonic speed makes it challenging

to be intercepted and has a range of
approximately 250 kms.

• The missile is equipped with GPS/INS

navigation with anti-jamming capabilities
and can change direction mid-path for
precision strikes.
• The 125th anniversary of the iconic Kodaikanal
Solar Observatory was celebrated on 1 April
Mercenary spyware 2024.
• The Kodaikanal Solar Observatory of the Indian
• Apple recently informed users saying that Institute of Astrophysics is located in the
their iPhones might be under attack by a type Palani range of hills.
of spyware called mercenary spyware.
• It was established in 1899 as a Solar Physics
• Mercenary spyware attacks are highly Observatory and all activities of the Madras
complex, targeting specific individuals Observatory (established in 1792) were
with exceptional resources, surpassing regular shifted to Kodaikanal.
cybercriminal activity and consumer malware.
• Today, it houses a spectrum of advanced
• They are difficult to detect and prevent due instruments like the H-alpha telescope to
to their substantial investment and short perform full disc imaging, a White light
lifespan. Active Region Monitor (WARM) with
calcium and sodium filters to make full
• It is designed to remotely infiltrate and disc simultaneous observations of the
compromise smartphones and other devices photosphere and chromosphere layers of
without the knowledge or consent of the the Sun, a solar tunnel telescope and more.

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National Organ and Tissue
Miscellaneous Transplant Organisation (NOTTO)

• The Union Health Ministry recently announced

that all organ donors and recipients will
USSD based Call Forwarding be assigned a unique National Organ and
Tissue Transplant Organisation (NOTTO)-ID.

• NOTTO is a national-level organisation

• In a bid to curb online fraud, Department of established under the Directorate General
Telecommunications (DoT) has ordered the of Health Services, Ministry of Health and
deactivation of USSD-based call forwarding Family Welfare, based on the Transplantation
services from April 15, 2024 of Human Organs (Amendment) Act, 2011.
• The DoT noted that USSD-based call • It comprises two divisions: the National
forwarding, particularly the *401# service for Human Organ and Tissue Removal and
unconditional call forwarding, is being misused Storage Network, which coordinates organ
for inappropriate activities. and tissue retrieval, storage, and allocation
in Delhi initially, with plans for expansion
• USSD is a protocol used in GSM networks for nationwide, and the National Biomaterial
sending short text messages. It facilitates Centre, addressing the gap between demand
instant messaging without storing messages and supply of various tissues while ensuring
on the operator or subscriber’s device. quality assurance.
• USSD is a feature that allows users to access
various phone services by dialling specific
codes on their keypads. A common use of Transplantation of Human Organs & Tissues
USSD is checking your prepaid balance or Act (THOTA), 1994
retrieving your phone’s IMEI number.
The THOTA, 1994 provides for regulation
• The said scams typically involve tricking users of removal, storage and transplantation
into activating call forwarding to a different of human organs & tissues for
number, allowing the scammer to intercept therapeutic purposes and for prevention
incoming calls and potentially steal confidential of commercial dealings in human organs
information like one-time passwords (OTPs) & tissues.
used for financial transactions.
Brain Stem Death was recognised as a legal
death in India for the first time under the
Operation Meghdoot act, which has revolutionised the concept
of organ donation after death.

The act was amended in 2011 and the

• Operation Meghdoot has completed its 40th Transplantation of Human Organs and
anniversary. Tissues Rules were notified in 2014 to
• Operation Meghdoot was the code-name govern the donation and transplantation of
for the Indian Armed Forces operation to human organs and tissues.
capture the Siachen Glacier.

• It launched on 13 April 1984, when the Indian

Indian Space Situational
Army and Indian Air Force (IAF) advanced
to the Siachen glacier to secure the heights Assessment Report
dominating the Northern Ladakh region.
• Recently the ISRO released the Indian Space
• The operation resulted in India gaining 70
Situational Assessment Report (ISSAR) for
kilometres long Siachen Glacier and all of its
tributary glaciers, as well as three main passes
of the Saltoro Ridge namely Sia La, Bilafond • The Indian Space Situational Assessment Report
La, and Gyong La. (ISSAR) for 2023 is compiled by ISRO System
for Safe and Sustainable Space Operations
Management (IS4OM).

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• The report revealed that more space objects
were placed in orbit in 2023 compared to Places in News
the previous year, indicating a growing trend
in space object population.

• A total of 127 Indian satellites launched till

December 31, 2023
Nimmu-Padam-Darcha Road
• There are 22 operational satellites in LEO and
29 in GEO owned by the Govt. of India as of
December 31, 2023.

Project ISHAN

• India has kickstarted the process of unifying

its four airspace regions into one spanning the
entire nation under Project ISHAN.

• The Indian Single Sky Harmonized Air

Traffic Management (ISHAN) initiative
aims to streamline and enhance air traffic

• The project involves consolidating the 4

existing Flight Information Regions (FIRs) in
Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, and Chennai into a • The Border Roads Organisation (BRO)
single, continuous airspace headquartered in recently connected the strategically important
Nagpur. all-weather 298-km long road from Manali
to Leh through Darcha and Nimmu on the
• The Airports Authority of India (AAI) is Kargil–Leh Highway.
responsible for managing the project and has
invited expressions of interest (EoIs) for the • Nimmu-Padam-Darcha road is now the third
preparation of a detailed project report. axis apart from Manali-Leh and Srinagar-Leh
which connects Ladakh to the hinterland.
• This will benefit airlines and passengers by
reducing flight delays and improving overall • The Nimmu-Padam-Darcha road derives its
travel experience. strategic importance from two critical factors:
it is shorter compared to the other two axes
and crosses only one pass; Shinkun La on
which tunnel work is about to commence by
the BRO.

• The all weather connectivity will give a quantum

boost to the defence preparedness along
the Northern Borders. It will also give a boost
to economic development in the Zanskar

Erez Crossing

• Israel has approved the reopening of the Erez

crossing between Israel and northern Gaza
for the first time since the October 7 Hamas

• The Erez Crossing is a border crossing between

the Gaza Strip and Israel.

• It’s located at the northern end of the Gaza

Strip, between the Israeli kibbutz of Erez and
the Palestinian town of Beit Hanoun.

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Sittwe Port

• India has secured the rights to operate the

Sittwe port in Myanmar.

• It marks India’s second overseas port

endeavour after Chabahar.

• It is a deepwater port situated at the Kaladan

River’s estuary in Myanmar’s Rakhine State.
Lake Kariba
Paradip Port

• Paradip Port in Odisha has achieved the

highest cargo handling among major
ports in India for the financial year 2023-24,
surpassing Deendayal Port in Kandla, Gujarat,
which held the record for the past 16 years.

• Situated in Paradip, Odisha, Paradip Port is a

natural deep-water port on the East coast of

• It is the only major port in Odisha and the

first major port developed on the east coast
• Strategically located at the confluence of the
Mahanadi River and the Bay of Bengal, the
port is 210 nautical miles south of Kolkata and
260 nautical miles north of Visakhapatnam.

• Water levels at Lake Kariba in Zimbabwe have

dropped dramatically because of the latest El
Nino drought.

• It is the world’s largest man-made lake and

reservoir by volume.

• It lies along the border between Zambia and


• The Kariba Dam consists of a double-arch wall.

• The lake was filled following the completion of

the Kariba Dam wall at its northeastern end,
flooding the Kariba Gorge on the Zambezi River.

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Mount Erebus Kalesar Wildlife Sanctuary

• The Supreme Court recently stayed the

construction of 4 dams in Haryana’s Kalesar
Wildlife Sanctuary.

• Located in the foothills of Shivalik ranges

of Himalayas, the topography varies from
plains to hills up to an elevation of 700 m,
interspersed with narrow valleys locally called
‘khols’ between the hills.

• River Yamuna runs to the East and the

sanctuary derives its name from the Kalesar
• It is home to many species of animals, including
leopards, sambar deer, barking deer, hyenas,
jackals, Indian porcupines, Indian pangolins,
• Mount Erebus, an active volcano located on and langurs.
Ross Island, Antarctica, has recently gained
attention for emitting gold dust valued at • The sanctuary is also home to several species
approximately $6000 per day. of birds, such as the red junglefowl, grey
partridge, Indian peafowl, and white-
• As the southernmost active volcano on Earth, throated kingfisher.
Mount Erebus is a stratovolcano, featuring
a conical shape and layers of solidified lava, • Mainly, the forest has trees like sal, khair,
tephra, and volcanic ash. shisam, tun, sain, and amla.
• It is renowned for hosting a persistent lava
lake, active since at least 1972, making it one
of the few long-lasting lava lakes globally.

• Mount Erebus exhibits Strombolian Eruptions,

characterised by moderate-intensity bursts of
gas and ash, a distinctive eruptive style for the

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Afar Triangle
Species in News

Golden Trevally

• Researchers of the ICAR-Central Marine

Fisheries Research Institute (CMFRI) have
succeeded in captive breeding of golden
• Recent geological discoveries indicate that • Golden trevally is also known as golden
the Afar Triangle in Africa may become the kingfish is a high value marine fish.
origin of a new ocean within the next 5 to 10
million years. • It has a yellowish belly, scattered black
patches, yellow fins, and black tail.
• The Afar Triangle, located in the Horn of Africa
is a geological depression where three tectonic • These fishes are found in the reef areas. The
plates: the Nubian, Somali, and Arabian golden trevally is primarily found in reef area
plates meet. fishing grounds in Tamil Nadu, Puducherry,
Kerala, Karnataka, and Gujarat.
• It has a rich palaeontological history, revealing
fossils of some of the earliest hominins. • It is an ideal candidate species for mariculture
due to its faster growth rates, good meat
• It is part of the Great Rift Valley in East Africa, quality and huge market demand for both
spanning across Eritrea, Djibouti, and the consumption and ornamental purposes.
Afar Region of Ethiopia.
IUCN STATUS - Least Concern
• It contains Lake Assal, which is Africa’s
lowest point.

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• With only an estimated 50 individuals • Unlike other jellyfish, they possess stingers
remaining, predominantly in western India, not only on their tentacles but also on their
the caracal is on the verge of extinction in the bell.
• Additionally, they exhibit bioluminescence,
• Caracals are small wild cats known for their producing light in dark conditions.
long ears with tufts and a reddish-tan or
sandy-brown fur. It is called Siya Gosh in A jellyfish bloom is when the population of
India. the species increases dramatically within a
short period of time, usually due to a higher
• It is nocturnal animal typically preys upon reproduction rate. As per marine biologists,
small mammals, birds, and rodents. jellyfish blooms are reported frequently as a
result of rising ocean temperatures, one of the
• It has traditionally been valued for its flexibility main causes of substantial population growth.
and its extraordinary ability to catch birds
in flight.

• They live naturally in India, especially in Bumblebees

Northwestern India. They are also found in
Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia.

• They are found in Aravalli hill range, semi-

deserts, savannahs, scrublands, and dry

• Caracals used to live all over Central India

and the Indo-Gangetic plains, but they haven’t
been spotted in those areas for 40 years.

Conservation Status

IUCN- Least Concern

WPA- Schedule-1
• A recent study suggests that bumblebees
show resilience to common pesticides.
Purple Striped JellyFish
• Bumblebees, belonging to the genus Bombini,
are primarily found in temperate climates and
measure around 1.5 to 2.5 cm in length.

• They typically have a black body with a broad

yellow or orange band.

• Living in colonies, bumblebees include a queen

bee, drones, and worker bees, each with
specific roles supporting the colony.

• Unlike honeybees, bumblebees do not

produce honey, as they don’t need to store
food for winter.
• Marine researchers have reported an unusual
bloom of venomous jellyfish, specifically the • Their colonies are annual, with a single queen
mauve stinger or purple-striped jellyfish, along establishing a nest each year, unlike the
the Visakhapatnam coast. perennial colonies of honeybees.

• This jellyfish species can cause various degrees

of illness, including diarrhoea, extreme
pain, vomiting, and anaphylactic shock.

• Found globally in tropical and warm-

temperature seas, their habitat is mainly in the
open ocean, although they can also survive in
coastal and benthic environments.

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Vasuki indicus • Neptis philyra, also known as the long-streak
sailor, has a white cell streak forming a
“hockey stick” pattern on the forewing.
• Recently, researchers in India have discovered
• It is known to prefer habitats such as evergreen
the fossilised remains of a colossal snake
forests, riverine vegetation, and rocky
that existed around 47 million years ago.
• The fossils were found in Kutch, Gujarat.

• Vasuki refers to the mythical snake often

depicted around the neck of the Hindu god

• It belonged to the Madtsoiidae snake family


Malabar trogon


• Ashwagandha
• The Malabar trogon is a species of bird in the also known
trogon family. as winter
• It is mainly found in the Western Ghats,
is gaining
hill forests of central India and in parts of the
Eastern Ghats.
in India and
• They are insectivorous and although not abroad.
migratory, may move seasonally in response
to rain in hill forest regions.
Conservation status shrub
belongs to
IUCN: Least concern the Solanaceae or nightshade family and is
native to India, the Middle East, and parts of

Neptis philyra • With a rich history in traditional Indian

Ayurvedic medicine, it’s often called “Indian
ginseng” for its reputed health benefits.
• A rare butterfly species named Neptis philyra
has been recently discovered for the first time • In Ayurveda, ashwagandha is classified as a
in India in Tale Valley Wildlife Sanctuary. Rasayana, promoting youthfulness mentally
and physically, and as an adaptogen, aiding the
• Till date, the butterfly species was known to body’s stress adaptation.
be found across various regions of east Asia,
including eastern Siberia, Korea, Japan,
central and southwest China.

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Butterfly Cicada • It is found only in the Eaglenest Wildlife
Sanctuary landscape and nowhere else in the

• The avian species is critically endangered

with only 14 individual birds spotted so far
in the Braiduah village under the Singchung

• A new species of cicada, informally named

the “Butterfly Cicada,” has been discovered
in Meghalaya, marking the first-ever record of
the genus Becquartina in India.
• Genus Becquartina is represented by six
species found distributed in China, Thailand,
and Vietnam, often referred to as “Butterfly
cicadas” due to their colourful wings.

• They are stout, green or brown in colour with

black markings, and have four clear wings
that resemble a fly.

Bugun Liocichla

• Buguns, one of the major tribes, mainly living

adjacent to Eaglenest Wildlife Sanctuary
in Arunachal Pradesh’s have set an example
by donating 1,470 hectares of forest land to
the state forest department, giving a push to
efforts for protection of Bugun Liocichla

• Bugun Liocichla is a small babbler with olive-

grey plumage and black cap.

• It has become an attraction of birdwatchers

since it was discovered as a new bird species in

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