04 Prelims Precise April 2024
04 Prelims Precise April 2024
04 Prelims Precise April 2024
Economy__________________________________________ 8 Miscellaneous_____________________________________ 24
25. Shrinkflation_______________________________________8 73. USSD based Call Forwarding__________________________24
26. AEO Programme____________________________________8 74. Operation Meghdoot_______________________________24
27. Well Known Trademark_______________________________8 75. NOTTO__________________________________________24
28. India Employment Report 2024________________________8 76. Indian Space Situational Assessment Report_____________24
29. CDP-SURAKSHA_____________________________________9 77. Project ISHAN_____________________________________25
30. Special Rupee Vostro Account_________________________9
31. Sovereign Green Bonds (SGrBs)________________________9
Places in News____________________________________ 25
International Relations_____________________________ 10 78. Nimmu-Padam-Darcha Road_________________________25
79. Erez Crossing______________________________________25
32. Eurasian Economic Union (EaEU)______________________10 80. Lake Kariba_______________________________________26
33. Nuclear Energy Summit 2024_________________________10 81. Sittwe Port_______________________________________26
34. Financing for Sustainable Development Report 2024______11 82. Paradip Port______________________________________26
35. IADC____________________________________________11 83. Mount Erebus_____________________________________27
36. International Narcotics Control Board (INCB)_____________11 84. Kalesar Wildlife Sanctuary___________________________27
37. Special 301 Report_________________________________11 85. Afar Triangle______________________________________28
♦ Global Recognition
♦ Government Advocacy
♦ Local Innovation
♦ Knowledge Exchange
♦ Collaborative Opportunities
• The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI)
• Currently, Mamallapuram, Jaipur and Mysore celebrated World Heritage Day on Thursday
are included in the list of World Craft Cities at Panhala Fort.
from India.
• ASI had earlier submitted nominations of 12
forts including Panhala fort for inclusion in the
Shompen Tribe UNESCO World Heritage List.
Kesariya Stupa
• Recently, a few members of the shompen tribe
casted their votes for the first time in the
parliamentary elections of 2024. • Kesariya stupa in the East Champaran district of
Bihar is considered as the tallest and largest
• The Shompen are one of the least studied ever Buddhist stupa in the world.
Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups
(PVTGs) in India.
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• The stupa was probably constructed by Asoka • As a sign of affection and respect, gamocha,
in 3rd century BCE. the traditional Assamese towel, also known
as Bihuwaan, is exchanged.
• The site’s exploration began from its discovery
by Colin Mackenzie in 1814 to Alexander Bihu
Cunningham’s proper excavation in 1861–62.
» Bihu is a secular festival that is celebrated by
• ASI has declared the stupa a protected people from all parts of Assam celebrating
monument of national importance. the changing seasons.
• The Kesariya stupa shares many architectural » The first Bihu is known as the Rongali
similarities with the Buddhist temple Bihu or Bohag Bihu, which is celebrated in
located in Indonesia, Borobodur. the month of April.
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• Padta Bet is around 1.5 km away near Juna • The purpose of World Heritage Day is to raise
Khatiya, an Early Harappan necropolis, in Kutch awareness among local communities about
district. protecting cultural heritage.
• Archaeologists discovered the presence of • The theme of World Heritage Day 2024 is
the skeleton, along with pottery artefacts, ‘Discover and Experience Diversity’.
animal bones, semi-precious stone beads
made of carnelian & agate, terracotta spindle
whorls, copper, lithic tools, cores & grinding
stones and hammer stones. Phanigiri
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• Recently, it initiated a pilot project to conduct
Polity & Governance hearings through a hybrid mode (physical/
video conferencing).
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Allotment of election symbols to
Right to Privacy of Candidates political parties
• The Supreme Court recently emphasised that • The Election Commission of India (ECI) recently
while voters have the right to know about declined to allocate the ‘Top’ symbol to
election candidates, candidates also have a the MDMK party for the ongoing Lok Sabha
right to privacy. elections.
• This observation came while overturning a July • The ECI is responsible for assigning symbols
2023 judgement by the Gauhati High Court, and adjudicating disputed claims according
which nullified the election of Independent to the Election Symbols (Reservation and
candidate Karikho Kri from the Tezu (ST) Allotment) Order, 1968.
assembly constituency in Arunachal Pradesh.
• These symbols aid illiterate voters who may
• The High Court had set aside Kri’s election have difficulty reading party names.
for not declaring ownership of three vehicles,
deeming it a corrupt practice. • Each national and state party receives a unique
symbol reserved for its exclusive use
• However, the Supreme Court ruled that a nationwide or within the states.
candidate’s decision to maintain privacy
on matters irrelevant to their candidacy
doesn’t constitute corruption under the cVIGIL Citizen App
Representation of People Act, 1951.
• The candidates aren’t required to declare every
minor movable property unless it constitutes a
sizable asset.
Star Campaigners
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➡ It will be active only in States where VVPAT
elections have been announced. The
moment a citizen exits an election-bound
State, the app will become inactive.
• It is applied when the offender is made liable • The Supreme Court recently rejected petitions
for all injuries that might be intensified due seeking complete cross-verification of votes
to the pre existing conditions of the injured cast using Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs)
person that the offender might be not aware with Voter Verifiable Paper Audit Trail
of. (VVPAT).
• Simply put, the defendant would be held • It was first introduced in India in the 2014 Lok
responsible for injuries caused to a person Sabha elections.
when he hit him on the head, even if the victim
had a particularly delicate skull or an ‘eggshell’ • It is an independent system that consists of
for a skull. two parts, namely, a VVPAT Printer and VVPAT
Status Display Unit (VSDU) attached to the
Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs), that
Diplomatic Passport allow the voters to verify that their votes
are cast as intended.
• Recently, embroiled in a sex abuse case, one of • These machines are developed by the
the Indian political Party’s Member of Parliament Electronics Corporation of India Limited
(MP) fled to Germany on a diplomatic passport. (ECIL) and Bharat Electronics Ltd (BEL).
• Diplomatic passports are issued to diplomats, • Working: The ballot unit is connected to a
designated government officials and their VVPAT unit which produces a paper slip that is
immediate family members. visible to the voter via a transparent screen
• These passports are a form of identification for about 7 seconds before it gets stored in a
and carry certain legal privileges and sealed drop box.
immunities under international law, such as • Under the present system, the poll body
immunity from arrest, detention, and certain counts and matches the VVPAT paper slips at
legal proceedings in the host country. five randomly selected polling stations in
• The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) each state legislative assembly constituency,
Consular, Passport & Visa Division issues several of which are combined to form one
diplomatic passports (‘Type D’ passports) to parliamentary seat.
people falling into several categories like:
Indelible Ink
• Government-appointed individuals and officers
working under branches A and B of the Indian
Foreign Service (IFS) travelling abroad for
official business • Electoral ink, indelible ink, electoral stain or
phosphoric ink is a semi-permanent ink or
• Select individuals on official travel, including dye that is applied to the forefinger (usually) of
Union ministers and Members of Parliament voters during elections in order to prevent
(MPs). electoral frauds such as double voting.
• However, the government can revoke a • Mysore Paints & Varnish Ltd., a Karnataka
diplomatic passport only after a court order to Government Undertaking which is the sole
that effect. manufacturer of the ink in India since 1962.
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• Indelible ink contains silver nitrate. It is a
colourless compound which becomes visible
when exposed to ultraviolet light, including
sunlight. This water-based ink also contains a
solvent like alcohol to allow its faster drying.
Misleading Advertisements
• The Consumer Protection Act, 2019 prohibits • NDRF funds are held in the Government of
unfair trade practices, including misleading India’s “Public Account” under “reserve funds
advertisements, and provides mechanisms not bearing interest”.
for consumers to seek redressal for grievances • When a disaster surpasses state resources, the
related to misleading advertising. affected state requests NDRF assistance.
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• The Trade Marks Act, 1999, provides
Economy protection to well-known trademarks to
prevent misuse and obligates the Registrar to
safeguard them against similar trademarks.
• AEO-certified businesses enjoy benefits such as • Youth unemployment increased from 5.7%
expedited cargo clearance, reduced inspections, in 2000 to 17.5% in 2019.
and potential deferment of duty payments.
• Employment growth remained stagnant
• In India, the AEO Programme is overseen by the until 2019, then started to rise.
Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs.
• Labour productivity increased consistently
alongside technological progress.
Well Known Trademark
• Female labour market participation rates
increased, especially in rural areas.
• Recently, the Delhi High Court declared that • There’s a gradual shift from agriculture to
the “Haldiram” mark is a well-known trademark non-farm sectors in the workforce.
with respect to food items.
• Employment is dominated by the informal
sector (about 82%).
8 enquiries@fortuneias.com | www.fortuneias.com | +91 94950 15888 | +91 81389 40888 @fortuneias @fortune_ias_academy
• India is expected to have a migration rate of Special Rupee Vostro Account
around 40% by 2030.
• Major portion of the youth lacks essential • India recently simplified the payment
skills, with 75% unable to send emails with mechanism for traders importing pulses from
attachments, 60% unable to copy and paste Myanmar, mandating the use of the Rupee/
files, and 90% unable to use spreadsheets for Kyat direct payment system through the
mathematical formulas. Special Rupee Vostro Account (SRVA) via
Punjab National Bank.
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• The Ministry of Finance, in 2022, constituted
a Green Finance Working Committee (GFWC) International Relations
for selection and evaluation of projects and
other works related to the SGB framework.
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• This Summit is an initiative in collaboration Inter-Agency Space Debris
with the IAEA’s ‘Atoms4Netzero’ programme. Coordination Committee (IADC)
‘Atoms4Netzero’ programme • Recently, the 42nd Inter-Agency Space Debris
🔵 Atoms4NetZero is an IAEA initiative that
Coordination Committee (IADC) annual meet
was held in Bengaluru.
supports efforts by Member States to
harness the power of nuclear energy in the • During the meet, India has made a declaration
transition to net zero. to achieve debris-free space missions by
🔵 It was launched during COP27, this initiative
provides decision makers with data-driven • This initiative seeks the participation of all
energy scenario modelling. Indian space actors, governmental and
non-governmental, to ensure long-term
sustainability in outer space.
Financing for Sustainable
Development Report 2024 • The IADC was founded in 1993, to coordinate
efforts to deal with man-made and natural
debris in space orbiting around the Earth.
• Recently, the United Nations Department
of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA)
released the “Financing for Sustainable
Development Report 2024”.
• The report highlights the need for all time high • India has been placed on the Priority Watch
spending to achieve the goals of sustainable List on the 2024 Special 301 Report since it
development goals by 2030. remains one of the world’s most challenging
major economies with respect to the
Some Key Findings of the Report: protection and enforcement of intellectual
➡ Financing Gap: The report points to a
property (IP).
widening financing gap amounting to USD • The Special 301 Report is the result of an annual
4.2 trillion dollars as compared to USD review of the state of intellectual property
2.5 trillion annually. The drastic change in protection in U.S. trading partners around
gap is attributed to COVID-19 pandemic. the world.
➡ Financing Divide: Developing countries are • The review is conducted by the Office of the
bearing the brunt of soaring borrowing United States Trade Representative (USTR).
cost and debt burden, reducing their
ability to undertake a multipronged • India along with Argentina, Chile, China,
approach. Indonesia, Russia and Venezuela have been
➡ Closing Window: With only 6 years
placed on the Priority Watch List of the 2024
remaining to achieve the SDG goals, the
UN estimates that close to 600 million International Narcotics Control
people will continue to live in extreme
poverty in 2030 and beyond, more than Board (INCB)
half of them being women.
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• It was established in 1968 in accordance with the
Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961 Environment & Ecology
by merging the Permanent Central Narcotics
Board and the Drug Supervisory Body.
It deals with;
• The Paira cropping system, a traditional
✔ Illicit manufacture, trade and use of drugs agricultural practice in Eastern India,
particularly in states like Bihar, Uttar
to ensure that adequate supplies of drugs
are available for medical and scientific uses. Pradesh, West Bengal, Chhattisgarh, and
Odisha, has diminished in importance due to
✔ Monitoring government’s control over climate change.
chemicals used in the illicit manufacture
of drugs to prevent the diversion of those • Also known as Utera cropping, it involves
chemicals. sowing a second crop into a standing rice
crop about two weeks before harvesting the
✔ Identifying weaknesses in national rice.
and international control systems and
contributes to correcting such situations. • Typically, pulses like lentils, urdbean,
mungbean, field pea, mustard, or sesame
are sown as the second crop.
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• Coral bleaching has a devastating effect, Nitroplast
impacting not just the coral itself but the
entire reef ecosystem and even human
• Recently, scientists discovered nitroplast, a new
• The first global mass coral bleaching event organelle that converts nitrogen gas into a
took place in 1998 in which 20% of the world’s useful form could pave the way for engineered
reef areas suffered bleaching-level heat plants that require less fertiliser.
• It is found in an algae named Braarudosphaera
• The next two global bleaching events bigelowii and it is considered to be the first
occurred in 2010 (35% of reefs affected) nitrogen-fixing organelle in eukaryotes.
and between 2014 and 2017 (56% of reefs
affected). • It evolved from a symbiotic relationship
between the algae and a bacterium around
• With global temperatures soaring, such events 100 million years ago.
are expected to become more frequent and
longer. • An organelle is a subcellular structure that
has one or more specific jobs to perform in the
• The world may lose the vast majority of its cell.
coral reefs at 1.5 degree Celsius of warming,
and virtually all at 2 degree, according to a Global Alliance for Incinerator
2018 report by the Intergovernmental Panel Alternatives Asia Pacific
on Climate Change (IPCC).
• The Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives
Sustainable Finance for Tiger (GAIA) Asia Pacific has called on ASEAN to take
Landscapes Conference decisive action in response to plastic pollution.
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Clean Energy Transition
Programme Geography
• Recently, the International Energy Agency
(IEA) launched the Clean Energy Transitions
Programme annual report 2023.
• Clean Energy Transition Programme is the
IEA’s flagship initiative launched in 2017 for
accelerating progress toward a global net zero • Scientists have discovered a large ocean
energy system. of water trapped 400–700 kilometres
beneath the Earth’s surface, encased within
• The CETP’s work is structured across three ringwoodite, a vibrant blue mineral in the
pillars of activity: mantle
• Supporting emerging and developing • Ringwoodite is a mineral that forms in the
countries to establish clean energy Earth’s mantle at high temperatures and
transition goals, in line with the objectives of pressures.
the 2015 Paris Agreement and UN-SDG.
• It’s a water-rich mineral that can contain iron
• Facilitating coordination among multilateral and hydrogen.
• Its unique properties allows it to trap water like
• To enable and accelerate clean energy a sponge.
transitions at global level.
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Swell Waves • Such solar activity is likely an indication of the
Sun reaching the peak of its 11-year solar
cycle known as solar maximum. The peak is
marked by increased solar events like flares
• Recently, coastal areas in southern and central
and Coronal Mass Ejections.
Kerala experienced inundation from swell
waves. • The term “sympathetic” reflects a cause-and-
effect relationship, where one flare seems to
• Swell waves are rolling waves that travel long
“sympathise” with the other by erupting in
distances after being generated by distant
storms or strong winds.
• Most sympathetic flares reported so far
• They are distinct from wind waves, which are
include two linked flares, ranging from small
created by local winds and are choppy and
outbursts to X-class flares, the most powerful
chaotic. Swell waves, on the other hand, are
class of solar flares the sun can produce.
smoother and more uniform, with longer
wavelengths and periods. • The emission of four flares in unison makes this
event “super-sympathetic”.
• Once formed, they are not significantly
affected by local winds. • If directed towards the Earth, they have
the potential to disrupt power grids,
• Locally known as ‘Kallakkadal’ in Kerala, Swell
telecommunication networks and orbiting
waves result in inundation as the sea surges
satellites and expose astronauts to
into the land.
dangerous doses of radiation.
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This programme aims to: • When the sun is at the zenith (the highest point
in the sky) its rays will be hitting a particular
➡ Better understand the present-day effects point exactly perpendicular to the surface.
of pollution aerosols on clouds.
This will make the shadow of a person exactly
➡ Investigate whether aerosol particles
under him, making it look like there are no
made from sea salt could be used to shadows.
intentionally reduce near-term climate
warming. • There are two zero shadow days every year
in May and July/August, observed in places
➡ Understand the benefits, risks and that lie between the Tropic of Cancer and the
efficacy of the intentional use of aerosols Tropic of Capricorn.
to reduce warming.
• One falls during the Uttarayan (when the
Sun moves northwards), and the other is
Polar Vortex during Dakshinayan (when the Sun moves
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Honeycomb Clouds
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Product Description State
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• Hydrogels are water-based gels composed of
Science & Technology water and a small amount of polymer molecules.
• Shallow Fakes are manipulated images, • Recently, biohacking has been gaining
videos, and voice clips created without the popularity in India.
help of AI technology as opposed to the deep
fakes. • It refers to the practice of experimenting with
biology outside traditional laboratory settings.
• It relies on traditional editing tools to deceive
viewers. • It involves using scientific knowledge and
experimentation to optimise one’s body and
• It encompasses various practices aimed at
improving physical and mental performance,
longevity, and overall well-being.
Genetic Profiling
• Recently, Israel for the first time, deployed • Genetic Profiling (also called DNA
its ship-mounted defence system, called the fingerprinting and DNA profiling) is the
C-Dome. process of determining an individual’s DNA
• C-DOme is a naval version of Israel’s Iron
Dome air defence system How does it work?
• It is used to defend against rocket and missile • Sample is collected and cells are broken
attacks. down to isolate the DNA. Sometimes
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) might be
• Unlike the Iron Dome, which has its dedicated needed to amplify the amount for analysis
radar, the C-Dome is integrated into the ship’s (such as in crime scene evidence).
radar to detect incoming targets.
• Scientists target specific areas of DNA known
to be highly variable between individuals. These
Synthetic Platelets to Stop Bleeding variations, called VNTRs (Variable Number
Tandem Repeats), are like short, stuttering
sequences of DNA that differ in length from
• Researchers from North Carolina State person to person.
University have developed synthetic platelets
capable of stopping bleeding and enhancing • A specific type of VNTR, called Short Tandem
healing at injury sites in animals. Repeats (STRs), is commonly used in profiling
and scientists analyse the lengths of these
• These synthetic platelets consist of hydrogel VNTRs at multiple locations across the
nanoparticles mimicking human platelets in genome.
size, shape, and mechanical properties.
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• The combination of these lengths forms • LTC, the time standard for the Moon, will
an individual’s unique DNA profile and the help different international bodies and private
resulting profile can then be compared to companies to coordinate their activities on
others. the lunar surface.
• NexCAR19 is approved for the treatment of B-cell • SBTi is a program that helps businesses
lymphomas and B-Acute Lymphoblastic set science-based targets to reduce their
Leukaemia (B-ALL) in patients who have greenhouse gas emissions.
not responded to standard treatments like
chemotherapy. • The SBTi was founded in 2015 by the CDP,
the United Nations Global Compact, World
CAR-T cell therapy is a form of immunotherapy Resources Institute, and the World Wide
that involves taking a patient’s T cells (a type Fund for Nature.
of immune cell), modifying them in a lab to
target and destroy cancer cells, and then • It develops standards, tools and guidance
reintroducing them into the patient’s body. which allow companies to set GHG emissions
reduction targets in line with what is needed
to limit global warming and reach net-zero by
2050 at the latest.
Coordinated Lunar Time (LTC)
Chagas Disease
• The head of the White House Office of Science
and Technology Policy (OSTP) told NASA to
finalise the strategy by the end of 2026 for • World Chagas Disease Day, observed on April
establishing a Coordinated Lunar Time (LTC). 14, raises awareness about Chagas disease,
also known as American trypanosomiasis.
20 enquiries@fortuneias.com | www.fortuneias.com | +91 94950 15888 | +91 81389 40888 @fortuneias @fortune_ias_academy
• This potentially life-threatening illness is caused Mg CuO Fuel Cell
by the protozoan parasite Trypanosoma
cruzi, primarily transmitted through the
faeces of the triatomine bug, also known as
the “kissing bug.” • Researchers at the University of Kerala have
developed an eco-friendly fuel cell that
• While initially confined to endemic areas in primarily utilises air and seawater to generate
21 Latin American countries, population power.
movements have expanded its geographic
distribution globally. • The technology is anticipated to outperform
lithium-ion batteries in power output.
• Symptoms vary throughout the infection. The
acute phase, lasting weeks or months, may • Unlike traditional fuel cells that use hydrogen,
present mild symptoms like fever and fatigue. this cell relies on magnesium and sodium
The chronic phase, lasting decades, can be chloride from seawater.
asymptomatic or lead to serious complications • By employing cupric oxide over copper
such as heart failure and megaesophagus. substrate, the cell becomes cost-effective
• Treatment focuses on parasite eradication and compared to platinum-based alternatives.
symptom management. • The cell produces only electricity and heat
during its operation and emits water.
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• The introduction of the vaccine also coincides • This new vaccine is the third product of the
with the WHO’s aim to eradicate meningitis by same family of vaccines which are there for
2030. cholera in WHO prequalification list.
• The vaccine and emergency vaccination • It is a simplified formulation of the oral cholera
activities are funded by Gavi, the Vaccine vaccine (OCV) Euvichol-Plus.
Alliance, which funds the global meningitis
vaccine stockpile, and supports lower-income • Other inactivated oral cholera vaccines are
countries with routine vaccination against Euvichol and Euvichol-Plus.
Meningitis is a serious infection that leads to the
inflammation of the membranes (meninges)
▪ Cholera is an acute diarrhoeal disease
that is caused by the bacterium Vibrio
that surround and protect the brain and spinal cholerae.
There are multiple causes of meningitis, including
▪ It remains a global threat to public health
and an indicator of inequity and lack of
viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic pathogens. social development.
Bacterial meningitis is the most serious, can also
result in septicaemia (blood poisoning), and can
seriously disable or kill within 24 hours those
▪ It is an extremely virulent disease that can
cause severe acute watery diarrhoea.
that contract it.
Man Portable Anti-Tank Guided
Missile (MPATGM) Weapon System
Infectious Respiratory Particles
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Rampage Missiles Gaia BH3
• Also known as High Speed Low Drag Mark 2 • It has a mass that is nearly 33 times that of
missiles in the Indian Air Force, these missiles our sun, and it’s located 1,926 light-years
are developed by Israel Aerospace Industries away in the Aquila constellation, making it
and Israeli Military Industries Systems. the second-closest known black hole to Earth.
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National Organ and Tissue
Miscellaneous Transplant Organisation (NOTTO)
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• The report revealed that more space objects
were placed in orbit in 2023 compared to Places in News
the previous year, indicating a growing trend
in space object population.
Project ISHAN
Erez Crossing
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Sittwe Port
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Mount Erebus Kalesar Wildlife Sanctuary
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Afar Triangle
Species in News
Golden Trevally
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• With only an estimated 50 individuals • Unlike other jellyfish, they possess stingers
remaining, predominantly in western India, not only on their tentacles but also on their
the caracal is on the verge of extinction in the bell.
• Additionally, they exhibit bioluminescence,
• Caracals are small wild cats known for their producing light in dark conditions.
long ears with tufts and a reddish-tan or
sandy-brown fur. It is called Siya Gosh in A jellyfish bloom is when the population of
India. the species increases dramatically within a
short period of time, usually due to a higher
• It is nocturnal animal typically preys upon reproduction rate. As per marine biologists,
small mammals, birds, and rodents. jellyfish blooms are reported frequently as a
result of rising ocean temperatures, one of the
• It has traditionally been valued for its flexibility main causes of substantial population growth.
and its extraordinary ability to catch birds
in flight.
Conservation Status
WPA- Schedule-1
• A recent study suggests that bumblebees
show resilience to common pesticides.
Purple Striped JellyFish
• Bumblebees, belonging to the genus Bombini,
are primarily found in temperate climates and
measure around 1.5 to 2.5 cm in length.
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Vasuki indicus • Neptis philyra, also known as the long-streak
sailor, has a white cell streak forming a
“hockey stick” pattern on the forewing.
• Recently, researchers in India have discovered
• It is known to prefer habitats such as evergreen
the fossilised remains of a colossal snake
forests, riverine vegetation, and rocky
that existed around 47 million years ago.
• The fossils were found in Kutch, Gujarat.
Malabar trogon
• Ashwagandha
• The Malabar trogon is a species of bird in the also known
trogon family. as winter
• It is mainly found in the Western Ghats,
is gaining
hill forests of central India and in parts of the
Eastern Ghats.
in India and
• They are insectivorous and although not abroad.
migratory, may move seasonally in response
to rain in hill forest regions.
Conservation status shrub
belongs to
IUCN: Least concern the Solanaceae or nightshade family and is
native to India, the Middle East, and parts of
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Butterfly Cicada • It is found only in the Eaglenest Wildlife
Sanctuary landscape and nowhere else in the
Bugun Liocichla
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