January 9, 2025
Daily Current Affairs 1
Context: The Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) Dhruv Advanced Light Helicopter
(ALH) fleet has been temporarily grounded for the second time in two years following a series
of crashes. This decision follows the January 5 incident in which an Indian Coast Guard ALH
Dhruv Mk III crashed at Gujarat’s Porbandar Airport, claiming the lives of three crew members.
Learning Points:
• Development Objective: Initiated in 1984, the ALH Dhruv was designed as a multi-
role, multi-mission helicopter to replace the aging Chetak and Cheetah fleets.
• Indigenous Manufacturing: Most components, including the airframe, are
manufactured in India, though critical systems like Shakti engines were initially
developed in collaboration with foreign partners. Over time, indigenisation has
January 9, 2025
Daily Current Affairs 2
Context: The Supreme Court criticized the Union government for not fully implementing the
Dam Safety Act, 2021, nearly five years after its passage. The court emphasized that despite
the Act being enacted, the National Committee on Dam Safety had not been formed.
Learning Points:
• The Dam Safety Act (DSA), 2021, provides for an institutional framework for
prevention of dam failure related disaster through proper surveillance, inspection,
operation and maintenance of the specified dams in India.
• The Act provides for the surveillance, inspection, operation, and maintenance of all
specified dams across the country. These are dams with height more than 15
metres, or height between 10 m -15 m with certain design and structural
• It also provides for the institutional mechanism to ensure the safety of such dams.
Institutional Mechanism:
January 9, 2025
Daily Current Affairs 3
▪ The National Committee on Dam Safety (NCDS) which improvises policies and
recommends regulations regarding dam safety standards.
▪ The National Dam Safety Authority (NDSA) which implements policies of the
NCDA and provides technical assistance to State Dam Safety Organisations
(SDSOs) and resolves disputes involving an SDSO.
• Two State Level Bodies:
▪ The SDSOs will keep perpetual surveillance, inspect and monitor the dams.
▪ The State Committee on Dam Safety supervises state dam rehabilitation programs,
reviews the work of the SDSO, and the progress on measures recommended in
relation to dam safety, among others.
• Dam owners will be responsible for the safe construction, operation, maintenance
and supervision of a dam.
• They must provide a dam safety unit in each dam which will inspect the dams
before and after monsoon season, and during and after every earthquake, flood,
calamity, or any sign of distress.
• Functions of dam owners include:
▪ Preparing an emergency action plan
▪ Carrying out risk assessment studies at specified regular intervals
▪ Preparing a comprehensive dam safety evaluation through a panel of experts.
• Anyone obstructing a person in the discharge of his functions under the Act or refusing
to comply with directions may be imprisoned for a year.
• In case of loss of life, the person may be imprisoned for two years.
Context: The Flamingo Festival 2025 is set to take place in the Sullurpeta constituency of
Tirupati district, Andhra Pradesh, from January 18 to 20.
Learning Points:
January 9, 2025
Daily Current Affairs 4
• Flamingos are large shore birds with S-like long necks, sticklike legs.
• Flamingos are social birds, known for living in large colonies, sometimes numbering
in the thousands.
• Flamingos are known for their distinctive pink or reddish coloration, flamingos acquire
this from the carotenoid pigments in their diet, mainly from algae and small
• They Found in tropical and subtropical regions, including parts of Africa, Asia, and
the Americas, often in shallow saline or alkaline lakes and mudflats.
• Flamingos migrate to India during the winter season, primarily to coastal
wetlands and estuaries for feeding and breeding.
• Flamingos help in maintaining ecosystem balance by controlling algae and small
invertebrate populations.
January 9, 2025
Daily Current Affairs 5
• Greater flamingo is the most widespread and the largest flamingo species.
• It is the state bird of Gujarat.
• Distribution: It is found in Africa, the Indian subcontinent, the Middle East, and
southern Europe. It is found almost all over India (except the high-altitude Himalayas,
East and NE India).
• Habitat: They are found in both brackish and fresh water wetlands.
• Conservation Status:
▪ IUCN: Least Concern
▪ CITES: Appendix II.
January 9, 2025