08 Prelims Precise August 2024
08 Prelims Precise August 2024
08 Prelims Precise August 2024
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History & Culture________________________________________ 1 52. Plastic-Eating Fungi________________________________ 17
53. JUICE Mission____________________________________ 17
1. World’s Oldest Calendar_____________________________ 1
54. mPOX__________________________________________ 17
2. Ratnagiri Geoglyphs and Petroglyphs___________________ 1
55. Cyanide Sensor for Enhanced Safety__________________ 17
3. Pingali Venkayya___________________________________ 1
56. First National Space Day____________________________ 18
4. Aurobindo Ghosh__________________________________ 2
57. Solar Paraboloid Technology_________________________ 18
5. Srimanta Sankaradeva______________________________ 2
58. Mission Rhumi 1__________________________________ 18
6. Guru Padmasambhava______________________________ 2
59. Dark Patterns____________________________________ 18
7. Juanga Tribe______________________________________ 3
60. Tantalum________________________________________ 19
Polity & Governance_____________________________________ 3
Defence_______________________________________________ 19
8. Article 311 of Indian Constitution______________________ 3
61. Astra Mark 1 Missiles______________________________ 19
9. A1 and A2 Labels__________________________________ 3
62. TENG Technology_________________________________ 19
10. Himachal Pradesh Raises Marriage Age for Women_______ 4
63. Gaurav_________________________________________ 20
11. Section 27 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872_____________ 4
64. INS Arighaat_____________________________________ 20
12. Jiyo Parsi Scheme__________________________________ 4
65. Suicide Drones___________________________________ 20
13. Sub Categorisation of SC/ST__________________________ 4
66. Military Exercises_________________________________ 21
14. Pradhan Mantri JI-VAN Yojana________________________ 5
15. Unified Pension Scheme (UPS)________________________ 5
Miscellaneous__________________________________________ 22
16. Lakpathi Didis_____________________________________ 5
17. Schedule M of Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1945.___________ 6 67. Grain ATM_______________________________________ 22
18. New India Literacy Program (NILP)_____________________ 6 68. Voluntary Vehicle Modernization Programme (V-VMP)____ 22
19. Centralised Public Grievance Redress and Monitoring System 69. Oropouche Virus__________________________________ 22
(CPGRAMS)_______________________________________ 6 70. Koleroga________________________________________ 22
20. Plea Bargaining____________________________________ 6 71. Leptospirosis_____________________________________ 23
72. Scrub Typhus Disease______________________________ 23
Economy_______________________________________________ 7 73. Oral Cholera vaccine (OCV)__________________________ 23
74. She-Box Portal___________________________________ 23
21. B-Ready Index_____________________________________ 7
75. RESET Programme________________________________ 23
22. Yen Carry Trade____________________________________ 7
76. Multidimensional Vulnerability Index (MVI)____________ 24
23. Dynamic Reference Rate_____________________________ 8
24. Global Fintech Fest 2024____________________________ 8
Places in News_________________________________________ 24
25. India, top Importer of Russian Oil______________________ 8
77. The Underwater Structures in Indian Ocean named______ 24
26. BioE3____________________________________________ 8
78. Guru Ghasidas-Tamor Pingla Tiger Reserve_____________ 24
27. World Development Report 2024 - Middle Income Trap____ 9
79. Madeira________________________________________ 25
28. Surety Bonds______________________________________ 9
80. Hoollongapar Gibbon Wildlife Sanctuary_______________ 25
29. Unified Lending Interface (ULI) - RBI____________________ 9
81. Vadhvan Port Project______________________________ 25
30. Joint Bank Account for Queers________________________ 9
82. Kursk Region_____________________________________ 26
31. Hurun Rich List 2024_______________________________ 10
83. Nacala Port in Mozambique_________________________ 26
84. St Martin’s Island_________________________________ 26
International Relations__________________________________ 10
85. Uhuru Summit___________________________________ 27
32. Indo-Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF)_______________ 10 86. Gumti River______________________________________ 27
33. International Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE)_ 10 87. Marshyangdi River________________________________ 27
34. Voice of Global South Summit 2024___________________ 11 88. Nankai Trough____________________________________ 28
35. India-Japan 2+2 Dialogue___________________________ 11 89. 3 Sites added to Ramsar List_________________________ 28
36. Security of Supplies Agreement (SOSA)________________ 11
37. Axis of Resistance Coalition_________________________ 12 Species in News________________________________________ 29
38. Orangutan Diplomacy______________________________ 12
90. Neelakurinji______________________________________ 29
39. India-Malaysia ties elevated_________________________ 12
91. Sturgeon________________________________________ 29
92. Dhaincha________________________________________ 29
Geography____________________________________________ 13
93. Northern bald ibis_________________________________ 30
40. Atmospheric Rivers (ARs)___________________________ 13 94. Gentoo Penguin__________________________________ 30
41. Typhoon Shanshan________________________________ 13 95. Purandar Figs____________________________________ 30
42. Super Blue Moon_________________________________ 13 96. Owlflies_________________________________________ 30
43. Water Spout_____________________________________ 14
44. Mass Wasting____________________________________ 14 Keywords_____________________________________________ 31
97. Food Traceability__________________________________ 31
Environment & Ecology__________________________________ 15
98. Whitetopping Technology___________________________ 31
45. Great Barrier Reef_________________________________ 15 99. Vampire Stars____________________________________ 31
46. Tagging of Horseshoe Crabs_________________________ 15 100. Surrogate Advertising______________________________ 31
47. Gross Environmental Product Index (GEPI)______________ 15 101. Dark Tourism_____________________________________ 31
48. Samudra Pratap__________________________________ 15 102. De-influencers___________________________________ 31
49. Mercury Bomb___________________________________ 16 103. Technology Doping________________________________ 31
50. Clean Plant Programme (CPP)_______________________ 16 104. Orange Economy_________________________________ 31
105. Macrophages____________________________________ 31
Science & Technology____________________________________ 17 106. Storm-2035_____________________________________ 31
• In 1921, at a Vijayawada
meeting, his design
with two bands—
red and green with
a charkha—was
Ratnagiri Geoglyphs and
Petroglyphs • Later, Gandhi
requested a white
band, and the red was
• The Maharashtra government has declared changed to saffron,
the geoglyphs and petroglyphs in Ratnagiri with the Ashok Chakra
as ‘protected monuments’ under the replacing the charkha.
Maharashtra Ancient Monuments and
Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, 1960. • Venkayya passed away in poverty on July 4,
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Aurobindo Ghosh • As a non-Brahmin, he initiated followers from
all castes and religions, including Muslims,
and led a significant social revolution against
Guru Padmasambhava
A1 and A2 Labels
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• A1 is found • The basic idea embedded in Section 27 of the
in Holstein, Evidence Act is the doctrine of confirmation
Fresian by subsequent events.
whereas A2 ▶ This doctrine is founded on the principle
is found in that every part of the statement made
Jersey and at the instance of the accused, in police
indigenous custody should necessarily be confirmed
Indian cows. by the subsequent events of discovery,
to make it admissible in court.
• Some studies
suggest that A1 is difficult to digest, however, • The confession cannot be used to prove the
it is debatable. guilt of the accused unless it is corroborated
by other evidence.
• Thus, the bill will now need presidential assent. Sub Categorisation of SC/ST
• PM JI-VAN stands for Jaiv Indhan- Vatavaran • The Prime Minister attended Lakhpati Didi
Anukool fasal awashesh Nivaran and aims to Sammelan in Maharashtra.
provide financial assistance to 2G Bioethanol
projects made from surplus biomass and • Lakhpati Didi is not a scheme but an output
agricultural waste. of the Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National
Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM).
• It is aimed at promoting the production and
use of advanced biofuels, specifically ethanol. • The DAY-NRLM scheme falls under the
Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD).
• The scheme supports “bolt-on” plants and
“brownfield” projects.
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• A Lakhpati Didi is a Self-Help Group member Definition of Literacy:
who earns an annual household income of
Rupees One Lakh (Rs. 1,00,000) or more. • Literacy - encompasses the ability to
read, write, and perform arithmetic with
• Since the inception of the Lakhpati Didi comprehension.
Initiative, more than one crore SHG women
have already been made Lakhpati Didis. 🔳 It also includes identifying, understanding,
interpreting, and creating content, along
with acquiring critical life skills like digital
Schedule M of Drugs and Cosmetics and financial literacy.
Act, 1945.
• Full Literacy: A State or Union Territory (UT)
is considered fully literate when it achieves a
• Pharmaceutical Companies sought more time 95% literacy rate.
to implement revised manufacturing practices
rules under Schedule M of the Drugs and
Cosmetics Act, 1945. Centralised Public Grievance
Redress and Monitoring System
• Schedule M under the Act, outlines the (CPGRAMS)
Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) that
must be followed for the manufacture of
pharmaceutical products. • The Department of Administrative Reforms
and Public Grievances (DARPG) recently
• It doesn’t list specific drugs but sets standards reduced the redressal time for public
for facilities, equipment, and procedures to grievances under CPGRAMS portal.
ensure drug quality and safety.
• CPGRAMS is an online platform available to
• These regulations apply to all pharmaceutical the citizens 24x7 to lodge their grievances to
products, including tablets, capsules, the public authorities on any subject related
injectables, and other dosage forms, ensuring to service delivery.
that drugs are consistently produced to meet
quality standards. • The redressal time has now been reduced to
21 days from 30 days.
• GMP was first incorporated in Schedule M in
1988. • The portal connects all the Ministries/
Departments of Government of India and
New India Literacy Program (NILP)
• The portal also provides for tracking of
applications and appeals if not satisfied with
• The Ministry of Education (MoE) has defined the service delivered.
‘literacy,’ and what it means to achieve ‘full
• Issues which are not taken up for redress:
literacy,’ under the New India Literacy
RTI Matters, Court related matters, Religious
matters, Suggestions and Grievances of
• The NILP is a Centrally Sponsored Scheme Government employees concerning their
implemented during five years from the FYs service matters including disciplinary
2022-23 to 2026-27. proceedings etc. unless the aggrieved
employee has already exhausted the
• It is also known as ULLAS (Understanding of prescribed channels.
Lifelong Learning for All in Society).
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• It applies to offences punishable by up to seven
years in prison but excludes crimes against Economy
women, children, or socio-economic offences.
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Dynamic Reference Rate India, top Importer of Russian Oil
• India and Russia are considering a Dynamic • India overtook China as the world’s biggest
Reference Rate for direct rupee-rouble importer of Russian oil.
• This is also because the Chinese refiners
• Currently, the process of converting Rupee bought less because of lower profit margins
(INR) to Ruble (RUB) is complex and from producing fuels.
• Russian crude made up a record 44% of
• First, converting INR to USD, and then USD to India’s overall imports in July 2024, which is
RUB. 12% more than a year ago.
• Additionally, India’s trade imbalance with • The Indian refiners have been gorging on
Russia has led Russian banks to accumulate Russian oil sold at discounts after Western
a large amount of rupees in Vostro accounts nations imposed sanctions in response to
held with Indian banks. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
• A reference exchange rate or a direct exchange • Iraq continued to be the second-largest oil
rate between INR and RUB called the Dynamic supplier to India in July, followed by Saudi
Reference Rate has been identified as a Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
better option.
• It would be flexible and updated by the Reserve
Bank of India and the Bank of Russia to reflect
current market conditions. • Cabinet approves BioE3 (Biotechnology for
Economy, Environment and Employment)
Policy for Fostering High Performance
Global Fintech Fest 2024 Biomanufacturing.
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World Development Report 2024 -
Surety Bonds
Middle Income Trap
• The World Development Report 2024 was • The Insurance Regulatory and Development
recently released by the World Bank. Authority of India (IRDAI) has formed a task
force to address challenges and drive the
• The 2024 report focuses on the issue of the growth of surety bond insurance.
‘middle-income trap’.
• A surety bond is a risk transfer mechanism
• The middle-income trap occurs when a whereby an insurance company provides
country grows from low to middle-income but a guarantee to the beneficiary that the
struggles to reach high-income status. principal or contractor will meet their
contractual obligations.
• Growth slows due to rising wages, loss of
competitiveness in low-cost industries, weak • The party that guarantees the debt is referred
institutions, and lack of innovation to as the surety or the guarantor.
• The World Bank identified 108 countries, which • Sureties can be made by issuing surety bonds,
were labelled as middle income countries which are legal contracts obligating one
with annual GDP per capita between $1,136 party to pay if the other fails to live up to the
and $13,845. agreement.
▪ The low income countries should Joint Bank Account for Queers
first focus on investments,
▪ The lower-middle income countries • The Finance Ministry clarified that there are no
should focus on investments and restrictions for LGBTQ individuals to open
the infusion of technology. joint bank accounts or nominate partners in
▪ The upper middle-income countries
a queer relationship as nominees.
should focus on all these three ‘i’s, • The notification came in connection with the
and investments and infusion of Supreme Court’s 2023 judgement, in the case
technology should go hand in hand of Supriya Chakraborty and another Vs.
with innovation. Union of India.
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▪ The SC recommended that queer partners
be allowed to open joint bank accounts International Relations
and name their partner as a nominee to
receive the balance if they die.
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Voice of Global South Summit 2024 • The third Japan-India 2+2 Foreign and
Defence Ministerial Meeting was held in New
• India hosted the 3rd Voice of Global South • The Ministers highlighted their common
Summit in virtual format. strategic vision towards a free and open
• The Theme for 2024 - “An Empowered Global
South for a Sustainable Future”. M One that is inclusive, peaceful,
prosperous and resilient, as part of the
• The Summit is an extension to the international
rules-based international order.
arena of India’s philosophy of Vasudhaiva
Kutumbakam, or “One Earth, One Family, One • The 2+2 Ministerial Dialogue is a diplomatic
Future”. summit that has been held every year since
2018 initially.
• PM Modi proposed the ‘Global Development
Compact’. M It started with the US and in 2019 with
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Axis of Resistance Coalition Orangutan Diplomacy
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Super Blue Moon
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• If it hovers over the Northwest Pacific Ocean Mass Wasting
(usually East Asia), we call it a typhoon.
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• India’s first tagging of horseshoe crabs, led
Environment & Ecology by the Zoological Survey of India and Odisha
Forest Dept, aims to study population patterns
and threats.
Samudra Pratap
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• First indigenously developed Pollution Clean Plant Programme (CPP)
Control Vessel of Indian Coast Guard,
‘Samudra Pratap’ was launched.
• The Ship has been built by Goa Shipyard • Cabinet approved Rs 1,765 cr clean plant
Limited (GSL). programme to boost horticulture.
• The vessel will help to check the oil spillage in • The programme, proposed by the Ministry
the country’s sea coast. of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, aims to
enhance the quality and productivity of fruit
• This is the first instance where these types crops across the nation.
of vessels are being designed and built
indigenously in India. • The programme will be implemented by the
National Horticulture Board in association
• It is equipped with specialised equipment for with the Indian Council of Agricultural
the containment, recovery, separation, and Research (ICAR)
dispersal of oil and other pollutants.
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• The European Space Agency’s Jupiter Icy
Science & Technology Moons Explorer - JUICE mission is set to
attempt the first-ever Lunar-Earth flyby.
• It is a serious form of pneumonia caused by • NASA is partnering with ESA for the JUICE
the Legionella bacteria. mission, and will provide instruments and
components for the spacecraft.
• The bacteria grows in stagnant water,
biofilms, and water systems like shower
heads, hot tubs, and air-cooling systems. mPOX
• Infection occurs by inhaling mist or accidentally
swallowing contaminated water. • WHO declared mpox (formerly known as
• Legionella can also cause Pontiac fever, a monkeypox) a public health emergency of
milder flu-like illness. international concern (PHEIC).
• Discovered in the 1970s during a convention • Caused by the monkeypox virus, first
in Philadelphia, the disease is treated with identified in monkeys in 1958, mpox causes
antibiotics. symptoms like a painful rash, swollen lymph
nodes, fever, and fatigue.
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First National Space Day • An initiative of Space Zone India (an aero-
technology company based in Chennai),
Rhumi-1 carried three cube satellites designed
to monitor and collect data on atmospheric
• August 23 is celebrated as the National Space
• The Rocket is equipped with a generic-fuel-
• This is to mark the historic milestone when
based hybrid motor and electrically triggered
the Chandrayaan-3 mission completed a soft
parachute deployer and is 100% pyrotechnic-
landing on the Moon in 2023.
free and has 0% TNT.
• The theme: “Touching lives while touching
• The mission mentor was Mylswamy Annadurai,
the Moon: India’s space saga”.
former ISRO scientist and affectionately called
• The landing made India the fourth country to the ‘moon man of India’.
accomplish the feat and the first to land on
• The mobile launch system allows scientists to
the lunar South Pole.
adapt to various launch scenarios with ease
from any location.
Solar Paraboloid Technology
Dark Patterns
• Solar paraboloid technology is emerging as a
key solution in the shift to renewable energy.
• The study by the Advertising Standards
• Using Parabolic Trough Collector (PTC) Council of India (ASCI) found that 52 of the top
systems, it focuses sunlight onto a receiver 53 apps have deceptive UI (user interface))/
tube through parabolic mirrors, heating a fluid UX (user experience).
to generate electricity or provide industrial
heat. • Dark patterns are deceptive design practices
that mislead or trick users into actions they
• Unlike traditional Photovoltaic panels, which didn’t intend, undermining their autonomy
convert sunlight directly into electricity, and decision-making.
solar paraboloids can operate at higher
temperatures, up to 300°C, increasing thermal • These tactics can amount to misleading
efficiency significantly. advertising, unfair trade practices, or
violations of consumer rights.
Mission Rhumi 1 • Health-tech led the list of sectors where
deceptive patterns are the highest, followed
• Mission Rhumi was launched in Chennai on by travel booking and e-commerce.
August 24. • For instance, four of the five health-tech apps
relied on creating time-based pressure or
• It is India’s first reusable hybrid rocket on a
a false urgency to rush users into making
mobile launchpad.
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Some examples of Dark Patterns-
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• It is a self-powered, feasible solution to • Named “destroyer of the enemy,” it follows
convert mechanical energy into electricity. INS Arihant (commissioned in 2016) and
was built at the Ship Building Centre in
• The electricity will get stored in a device fixed Visakhapatnam.
in the soles and can be used to operate small
appliances. • Construction began in 2017.
• It is equipped with a global positioning system • A third, more advanced nuclear submarine,
(GPS) and radio frequency identification (RFID) INS Aridhaman, is under construction and will
technologies. weigh around 7,000 tonnes.
INS Arighaat
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• Suicide drones, or loitering munitions, are one-way unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that carry
• They crash into targets, providing a precision strike capability in modern warfare.
• Unlike traditional drones that return after surveillance or strike missions, suicide drones sacrifice
themselves in the process of destroying the target.
• Other countries with suicide drones - India’s Nagastra-1, Israel’s HAROP Drone, USA’s Switchblade,
Russia’s Lancet 3, Iran’s Shahed-136, and China’s CH-901.
Military Exercises
Armed Force(s)
Exercise Name Countries Participated Objective Held at
Develop interoperability,
bonhomie, and camaraderie
Mitra Shakti India, Sri Lanka Army between armies, conduct Sri Lanka
operations in semi-urban
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Oropouche Virus
• Leptospirosis, or “rat fever,” has been detected • The Ministry of Women and Child
in Kerala, caused by bacteria in the urine of Development has launched the new SHe-Box
animal carriers, particularly rats. portal.
• The bacteria can enter the body through • It deals with registering and monitoring
skin breaks when exposed to contaminated complaints of sexual harassment of women
soil or water, making people in flooded areas at the workplace.
especially vulnerable.
• It serves as a centralised repository of
• The disease has a high mortality rate, with information related to Internal Committees
rising cases attributed to excessive rainfall and (ICs) and Local Committees (LCs) formed
waterlogging during the southwest monsoon. across the country, encompassing both the
government and private sectors.
• Doxycycline, a broad-spectrum antibiotic is
used as preventive medicine. • It offers a common platform to file complaints,
track their status and ensure a time-bound
processing of complaints by ICs.
Scrub Typhus Disease
RESET Programme
• Meghalaya Chief Minister was hospitalised
after testing positive for scrub typhus.
• The RESET (Retired Sportsperson Empowerment
• Also known as bush typhus, it is a disease Training) programme was launched by the Sports
caused by bacteria called Orientia Ministry on National Sports Day (August 29)
• It aims to keep retired athletes engaged in India’s
• It is spread to people through bites of sports ecosystem.
infected chiggers (larval mites) and its most
common symptoms include fever, headache, • It facilitates the transfer of their skills and
body aches, and rash. experience to young talents.
• No vaccine is available to prevent scrub typhus. • Open to athletes aged 20-50 who have won
international medals or have recognized national or
• People who are treated early with doxycycline state-level distinctions, the programme combines
usually recover quickly. online self-paced learning with on-ground training
and internships.
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Multidimensional Vulnerability
Index (MVI) Places in News
• The UN General Assembly launched the
Multidimensional Vulnerability Index (MVI).
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• It was created after integrating the regions Vadhvan Port Project
of Guru Ghasidas National Park and Tamor
Pingla Sanctuary.
St Martin’s Island
• This is the first ground invasion of the • It is nine kilometres away from the southern
country or the erstwhile Soviet Union since tip of Bangladesh’s Cox’s Bazar-Teknaf
World War II. peninsula.
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• It is Bangladesh’s only coral island — there are • From its source it flows about 150 km, turns
reefs from 10-15 km to the west-northwest. west and enters Bangladesh near Katak
Bazar (Comilla Sadar).
• It is also a breeding ground for sea turtles.
• Flash floods are common phenomena of this
river and it occurs at regular intervals.
Uhuru Summit
• Previously it was known as the ‘sorrow of
Comilla town’.
Marshyangdi River
Gumti River
• An Indian tourist bus skidded off into the
Marsyangdi River in Nepal.
• The Ministry of External Affairs has • The Marshyangdi river valley is within the
pubbished reports in Bangladesh media that Annapurna Conservation Area.
the Dumbur dam in Tripura is causing floods
in Bangladesh. • The river is one of the major tributaries of
the Gandaki that in turn joins the Ganga.
• Gumti River originates in the northeastern
hilly region of Tripura.
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• The major sources are the glaciers of 🔷 The Nanjarayan Bird Sanctuary:
Annapurna Himalayan range, Manaslu
Himalaya range and Larkya Himalayan sub 🔹 It is located on the banks of river Noyyal.
🔹 Originally a water reservoir for irrigation
• It is one of the world class rivers for water use, it has since become a significant
adventure sports like rafting and kayaking. ecosystem, supporting a varied range of
Nankai Trough
🔷 The Kazhuveli Sanctuary
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• Found in Antarctic Peninsula and numerous
Northern bald ibis islands around the frozen continent, they are
the penguin world’s third largest members,
reaching a height of 30 inches and a weight
of 12 pounds.
Purandar Figs
• With black and iridescent green plumage, a • The Agricultural and Processed Food
bald red head, and a curved beak, the species Products Export Development Authority
has moved from “critically endangered” to (APEDA) recently facilitated the export of
“endangered.” India’s first ready-to-drink fig juice.
• Wild populations are mainly in Morocco, with • This ready-to-drink fig juice is made from GI-
smaller reintroductions in Turkey, Syria, and tagged Purandar Figs, known for their sweet
Austria. taste, size, and nutritional benefits.
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🧿 They become active during dusk and take flight.
🧿 They come under Order Neuroptera, while the dragonflies come under Order Odonata.
• Food Traceability: It is defined by the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) as: “The ability to follow
the movement of a food through specified stages of production, processing and distribution”. It
is based on fundamentally four pillars: product identification, data to trace, product routing and
traceability tools.
• Whitetopping Technology: Central government plans to use whitetopping, that is the application
of a Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) overlay on bituminous roads to prevent potholes on National
Highways. Though initially more expensive than flexible overlays of asphalt, it is cost-effective and
extends pavement lifespan by 20-25 years.
• Vampire Stars: Also called blue straggler stars (BSS), they are stars that rejuvenate their youth
by sucking up material from a companion. Recently found in the star cluster M67 located in the
constellation Cancer.
• Dark Tourism: It refers to the practice of visiting locations associated with death, suffering,
tragedy, or something unusual. It has gained increasing attention in recent years, especially through
TV shows like Chernobyl.
• De-influencers: They are influencers who promote critical thinking, fact-checking, and ethical
consumerism while debunking misinformation. They empower their audience to engage with social
media content more responsibly.
• Technology Doping: It refers to the use of technology that enhances an athlete’s performance
beyond natural capabilities, potentially giving them an unfair advantage. There is ongoing debate
about whether superspikes, such as the Nike Vaporfly 4%, are unfair, as they have been shown to
increase running efficiency.
• Orange Economy: Also called Creative Economy, is a production model where goods and services
derive value from the ideas and expertise of their creators. It includes businesses rooted in
creativity, such as art, culture, research, science, and technology. The term “orange” represents
• Macrophages: They are a type of specialised white blood cells involved in the detection and
destruction of bacteria and other harmful organisms.They develop in the bone marrow from cells
known as monocytes.
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