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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Davao City

2nd Quarter Summative Test ( TLE 6 )

Agri-Fishery Arts

Name: ______________________________________________ Score: _______

School: _____________________________________________ Date: _________

A. Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer to complete each

1. Waste of animals, carabao manure, chicken dung, dead lever and twigs
mix with soil to decompose and become compost or _______.
A. Acid B. Fertilizer C. Nitrogen D. Pesticides

2. Tress takes in _______.

A. Carbon dioxide B. Nitrogen C. Oxygen D. Photosynthesis

3. Man gives off _______.

A. Carbon dioxide B. Nitrogen C. Oxygen D. Photosynthesis

4. Trees gives off _______.

A. Carbon dioxide B. Nitrogen C. Oxygen D. Photosynthesis

5. Fertilizer sustains the plants and trees with _______ which they need to
grow, to bear fruits and to provide food for man.
A. Acid B. Nitrogen C. Nutrients D. Oxygen

6. A form of grafting that uses a single bud as the “scion” is called _______.
A. Budding B. Cutting C. Grafting D. Marcotting

7. It is a procedure that refers to a part of a plant that is cut and propagated.

A. Budding B. Cutting C. Grafting D. Marcotting

8. This pattern is the most basic and common arrangement of orchard trees. The
distances between rows and between trees are the same.
A. Contour Pattern C. Rectangular Pattern
B. Hexagonal Pattern D. Square Pattern

9. A _________________ method is done through rooting a piece a wood that is

still connected to its parent and continues to receive nutrients from it.

A. Budding B. Cutting C. Layering D. Marcotting

10. A government agency that serves as a source for any agricultural activities
in terms of vegetables and fruits is _______.

A. Department of Agriculture C. Department of Health

B. Department of Education D. Department of Tourism

11. It helps to protect the plants from harmful animals.

A. Cultivating B. Fencing C. Pruning D. Watering

12. It helps to remove the weeds and grasses. Through this, water and air
could easily enter through the roots.
A. Cultivating B. Fencing C. Pruning D. Watering

13. It is the basic needs of the plants and it should be done in the morning
and afternoon.
A. Control of Pests B. Fencing C. Pruning D. Watering

14. It is cutting down some branches that will make the tree younger because
young leaves will sprout.

A. Control of Pests B. Fencing C. Pruning D. Watering

15. It should be sprayed by Chlordane to get rid of the insects.
A. Control of Pests B. Fencing C. Pruning D. Watering

16. It is applied on the soil around the plants.

A. Band or Localized C. Foliar Application
B. Broadcasting D. Side Dressing

17. The fertilizer is dissolved in water and applied it using sprayer.

A. Band or Localized C. Foliar Application
B. Broadcasting D. Side Dressing

18. Fertilizers are simply scattered on the soil.

A. Band or Localized C. Foliar Application
B. Broadcasting D. Side Dressing

19. The fertilizer is placed directly to the soil where the seeds and seedlings
are planted.
A. Band or Localized B. Broadcasting C. Foliar Application D. Side Dressing

20. It is composed of animal manures, food washings, and plant residues.

A. Compost Pit B. Inorganic Fertilizer C. Nitrogen D. Oxygen
21. To maintain their ______ and to avoid cuts, bruises and blemishes, pack
the fruits properly in good container.
A. color B. freshness C. size D. taste

22. Buyers pick fruits and other products of good quality usually based on
______, shape and appearance.
A. color B. freshness C. size D. taste

23. Prices of your product must be based on the current pricelist in the ______.
A. city B. hardware C. market D. supermarket

24. The stem must be ______ and healthy.

A. small B. tall C. thick D. thin

25. Plant seedlings must have ______ or more leaves.

A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5

26. It is advisable to know the present market price of the products to be sold to be
sure not to lose money in the process. How to compute the income earned from
marketed products?
A. Gross Sale – Expenses = Net Income
B. Gross Sale + Expenses = Net Income
C. Gross Sale X Expenses = Net Income
D. Gross Sale = Expense + Net Income

27. These animals are the easiest to raise because they simply live on grass and
leaves of plants like ipil-ipil, kangkong, camote, and tamarind. They are managed for
the production of milk, meat and wool.

A. goat raising B. fish raising C. hog raising D. swine raising

28. It is important to keep records to assess whether your farm business yields
income or not. What procedure is this in putting up a farm?

A. establishing B. execution C. monitoring D. planning

29. Selling the product directly to the consumers. If we will use this strategy, we can
get more profit although it is more time and energy-consuming than selling by
A. Direct marketing C. Word of mouth
B. Internet marketing D. Supplying directly to companies
30. Farming families or entrepreneurs also have meat shop or fish stall in the nearby
wet market to sell their own animal products. What do you call them?

A. Direct farm sales C. Farm to market

B. Selling through the internet D. Selling through middlemen

31. It is one of the most in-demand fish in the market today. Fish growers both locally
and abroad are focusing aquaculture efforts on this because of the demand for it as
well as its rapid growth and productivity at harvest time. What kind of fish it is?

A. Catfish B. Milkfish C. Dilis D. Tilapia

32. One of the hazards that can expose the animal raisers and farmers to loud noise
from both animals and equipment in the farm might induce hearing damage to farm

A. Air pollution B. Noise pollution C. Physical injury D. Infectious diseases

33. A material derived from a production process manufacturing process or chemical

reaction like soap, can goods, crayons, omega fish oil, string instruments and many

A. Production B. By-Production C. Demands D. Consumers

34. This is a way to prevent hazard to ensure that both animals and workers are free
from diseases and accidents that will ensure productive and financial profitability.

A. Proper Handling of Animals

B. Avoid or Refrain from Inhaling Animal Fur
C. Observe Proper Distancing from Animals
D. Maintain Orderliness and Cleanliness in the Workplace

35. These may exist because of carelessness, disarrayed workplace, wet floor,
damaged or not well maintained electrical and other equipment.
A. Infectious Diseases C. Insect and pest Infestation
B. Danger of Slipping the Needle D. Possible Workplace Accidents

36. A person who typically don’t manufacture their own items and he purchase
goods from a manufacturer or a wholesaler and sell these goods to consumers in
small quantities.
A. Product B. By-product C. Consumer D. Retailer
37. This is an enclosure made of nets and stakes placed in large bodies of water like
the sea, lakes, and rivers to contain and protect fish until they can be harvested.

A. Fish swamp B. Fish net C. Fish pen D Fish pond

38. Which of the following is the best way of taking care of the seedlings?

A. Let it grow by itself.

B. Water the seedlings every morning and afternoon.
C. Let the seedlings stay under the heat of the sun the whole day.
D. It is natural for seedlings to have pests so do not apply pest control.

39. How do you know if your seedlings are ready for market?

A. The roots are not established and it has 3 leaves.

B. It has 2 small leaves and the stems are still weak or young.
C. The leaves are yellowish and the stems are long and weak.
D. It has established healthy roots and stems are thick and healthy.

40. What element is very much needed in the formation of carbohydrates, proteins,
fats, minerals and other nutrients and in transporting these from leaves to the
different parts of the tree?

A. Climate B. Soil C. Thunderstorm D. Water

B. True or False. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is wrong.
Write your answer in the blank provided.

_______ 1. Pollution of animal wastes which are not properly disposed can
produce good smell.
_______ 2. Flies and insects are not harmful to the community especially to
those animal raisers and fish farmers.
_______ 3. The use of internet is a big help for selling the animal product easily.
_______ 4. Consultation to a veterinarian must be done seldom.
_______ 5. When the population is increasing, the corresponding demand
of product is also increasing.
_______ 6. Animal/Fish raising did not provide nutritious meat for the family.
_______ 7. It can’t give happiness which children and adult can play, work, and
learn about animals.
_______ 8. Farm raising means livelihood or source of income.
_______ 9. It can be a kind of ways for employment.
_______ 10. It can help to contribute to the economic growth of the community.









[Type a quote from the document or the summary of an interesting point. You can position the text box anywhere in the do

 use technology in the conduct of the
survey to find out the following:
 elements to be observed in planting
AG- 5 1-5 5
trees and fruit-bearing trees; market
demands for fruits; and famous
orchard farms in the country.
 Conduct a survey to identify the
 Orchard Farms (types, climate,
location, market demand)
 Proper way of planting/propagating
trees and fruit-bearing trees
(budding, marcoatting, grafting, TLE6
layering) Sources of fruit-bearing AG- 5 6-10 5
trees 0c-3
 How to take care seedlings; and
Prepares lay out design of an
orchard garden using information
 Prepares lay out design of an
orchard garden using information
gathered TLE6
 Propagate trees and fruit-bearing
trees using scientific processes
 Identify the appropriate tools and 0c-4
equipment in plant propagation and
their uses
 Demonstrate the scientific ways of AG- 15 11-20 10
propagating fruit-bearing trees 0f-7
 Observe healthy and safety
measures in propagating fruit
bearing trees with codeMarkets TLE6
fruits and seedlings. AG-
 Develops plan for expansion of 0g-8
planting trees and seedling
 Conduct a survey to find out:
 -Persons in the community whose AG-
occupation is animal (four-legged) 0h-9
/fish raising
 Kinds of four-legged animals/fish
being raised as means of livelihood
 Possible hazards that animal raising
can cause to the people and AG-
community 0i-10
 Ways to prevent hazards brought
about by raising animals
 Market demands for animals/fish
products and by products 10 1-10 10
 Direct consumers or retailers
 Plans for the family’s animal raising
project. TLE6
 Implements plan on animal/fish AG-
raising. 0i-11
 Monitors on growth and progress
 Keeps an updated record of
 Expands/Enhances one’s
knowledge of animal/fish raising
 using the internet
 Propagate trees and fruit-bearing
trees using scientific processes
 Identify the appropriate tools and
equipment in plant propagation and TLE6
their uses AG- 15 C-1-15 15
 Demonstrate the scientific ways of 0d-5.
propagating fruit-bearing trees
 Observe healthy and safety
measures in propagating
fruitbearing trees with code

Prepared by : Evaluated by :



Noted by:


Education Program Supervisor

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