Sustainable development, This study examines the complex effects of climate change on the traditions, means
Livelihood patterns, Climate of subsistence, and way of life of communities in North East India. This study uses
Change mitigation, Possible a qualitative data analysisthrough ethnographic fieldwork and semi-structured
solutions. interviews. The distinctive cultural richness of the area is becoming more and
more fragile as a result of changing climate patterns, as seen by altered
agricultural practices, disrupted festivals, and altered traditional knowledge
systems. The livelihoods of indigenous groups have also been severely impacted by
climate-related problems, such as unpredictable rainfall and extreme weather,
which have reduced agricultural production and accelerated rural-to-urban
migration patterns. Adaptive strategies and policies that are socially inclusive,
culturally sensitive, and environmentally sustainable must be developed
immediately in order to protect the rich heritage and well-being of communities in
North East India in the face of ongoing climate change. These changes in culture,
livelihood, and lifestyle not only pose significant challenges but also highlight how
urgent it is to do so.
© 2024 Journal of Engineering, Management and Information Technology
The eight states that make up the North East of India— The cohabitation of numerous indigenous communities,
Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, each with its own distinct cultures, dialects, and
Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim, and Tripura—are known traditions, has a long history in India's North East. The
for their unmatched natural beauty, diverse cultures, and environment of the area, which includes dense forests,
distinctive customs. The worldwide phenomena of beautiful rivers, and high mountains, has been carefully
climate change, which is having profound and far- woven into this mosaic of civilizations. For ages, the
reaching repercussions on its culture, economy, and way indigenous populations have depended on these natural
of life, is not immune to this picturesque and culturally resources for their way of life, food supply, and cultural
varied region (Khan et al. 2009). This introduction seeks traditions (Godoy et al. 2005). The region's climate has
to give a thorough review of the historical context, the historically been marked by seasonal fluctuations, with
ongoing effects of climate change, and the present monsoon rains having a crucial role in influencing
issues confronting India's North East (Dai 2011). agricultural techniques and the management of water
resources (Das 2009, Cochrane et al. 2009). Over many
years, the people of North East India have adapted to
Corresponding author: Samikshya Madhukullya
Email: madhusami1000@gmail.com 35
Climate Change's Effects on North East India's Culture, Economy, and Lifestyle with
Special Reference to Bodo and Mishing Commuity
these weather changes, creating distinctive farming water resource management, and sustainable farming
methods and seasonal-themed cultural festivities. practices to promote resilience (Mahanta 2010).
The outcome from climate change: Additionally, while attempts at adaptation are essential,
However, due to the global phenomena of climate methods for mitigating climate change by lowering
change, the North East region has recently seen greenhouse gas emissions also need to be prioritized. If
substantial changes in its climatic patterns. Increasingly preserved and managed effectively, the area's woods can
frequent extreme weather events, fluctuating monsoon act as significant carbon sinks. In order to reduce the
patterns, fluctuating rainfall, and rising temperatures negative consequences of climate change, afforestation
have all become the norm. The region's way of life has promotion and sustainable forest management methods
been significantly impacted by these developments in must be put into place (Singh 2008).
many different ways. The Indian government has started taking some actions
1. Agriculture and Economy: The North East region's to mitigate the effects of climate change in the North
economy is based on agriculture, and the bulk of East region in light of these difficulties (Pandey, Gupta
the people are involved in farming (Aggarwal & Ravindranath 2010). The support for climate-resilient
2008). Due to the disruption caused by climate infrastructure, the development of renewable energy
change, crop yields have decreased, pest sources, and conservation efforts are all included in
infestations have grown, and cropping seasons have these projects. However, there is still an urgent need for
changed. Farmlands and infrastructure have been better coordination between government agencies and
damaged by frequent floods and landslides, leading more focused policies that address the particular
to considerable financial losses. Changes in weather problems the region is currently facing. Indigenous
patterns have also had a negative impact on the communities must actively participate in government
region's tea industry, one of the biggest in India initiatives as well. Their customs and behaviors can
(Amoako Johnson & Hutton 2014). provide important insights for creating measures that
2. Biodiversity: The North East is renowned for can effectively combat climate change. A viable
having a diverse range of plants and animals, strategy is to support neighborhood-based initiatives
including rare species (Saikia, Kumar & Khan that enable residents to combat climate change in a
2016). Ecosystems have been disturbed by climate significant way (Sharifi, Dawodu & Cheshmehzangi
change, which has resulted in habitat loss, altered 2021).
animal migration patterns, and increased threats to Furthermore, since climate change transcends national
endangered species (Chatterje et al. 2006). The boundaries, transnational factors worsen its effects in
cultural practices and traditions of indigenous India's North East. In order to increase resources and
populations that depend on the forest for their skills to successfully address these difficulties,
subsistence are directly impacted by this. international collaboration and partnerships can play a
3. Water Resources: The rivers and streams in the critical role.
area are crucial sources of water for home and
agricultural purposes (Islam & Sikka 2010). The Impact on Indigenous Communities: A Brief Critical
quantity and quality of water resources are being Account
impacted by changes in rainfall patterns and North East India is seeing a significant and diverse
Himalayan glacial melt, which is causing water impact from climate change that should cause grave
scarcity and disputes over water use (Link, concern for its culture, economy, and way of life. The
Scheffran & Ide 2016). area is particularly sensitive to the effects of a changing
4. Cultural Heritage: North East India's cultural climate because of its rich biodiversity, distinctive
heritage is being destroyed by climate change (Loo, indigenous cultures, and agrarian economies. The
Billa & Singh 2015, Dutta, 2020). A lot of cultural natural environment of North East India is deeply
customs and holidays are intimately related to ingrained in its culture. The region's seasons and
weather patterns and agricultural cycles. The ecosystems are closely correlated with the ancient
cultural traditions are in danger since these cycles practices, rituals, and celebrations. However, these
become unpredictable, which results in a loss of cycles are being disturbed by intense weather,
cultural identity. fluctuating rainfall, and rising temperatures. For
instance, the Mising tribe's Ali-Aye-Ligang festival,
Current Challenges which marks the start of the growing season, is now
The numerous difficulties brought on by climate change uncertain due to unpredictably bad weather, which has
in India's North East necessitate prompt response an effect on the community's cultural fabric. The
(Ravindranath et al. 2006). The effects of climate survival of indigenous knowledge and traditions is
change are particularly harmful to indigenous tribes in threatened by such changes.
this region (Ravindranath et al. 2011). It is essential to North East India's economy is mostly reliant on
create adaptation plans that help these communities deal agriculture (Rymbai & Sheikh 2018). The majority of
with the unpredictable weather patterns that endanger people practice subsistence farming, which is quite
their way of life. Any climate change response strategy vulnerable to climate change. Long-lasting droughts,
must include disaster preparedness strategies, effective unexpected rainstorms, and floods have increased in
Journal of Engineering, Management and Information Technology
Vol. 02, No. 01 (2024) 35-42, doi: 10.61552/JEMIT.2024.01.005
Climate Change's Effects on North East India's Culture, Economy, and Lifestyle with
Special Reference to Bodo and Mishing Commuity
frequent floods have disrupted his traditional farming patterns. He now cultivates drought-resistant crops and
practices. The monsoons now arrive late and end early, uses organic farming techniques to mitigate the effects
leading to water scarcity issues. This has forced Raju to of climate change. However, these changes have not
switch to more drought-resistant crop varieties, been without their economic struggles, as crop yields
impacting his income. are often unpredictable.
The younger generation in the Bodo community,
Overall Suggestions:
represented by Raju's son, Bipul Bodo, has had to adapt
Promoting Climate-Resilient Agriculture: Encourage the
to new challenges. Bipul, in his late 20s, has shifted
adoption of climate-resilient crop varieties and
from farming to seeking wage labor opportunities
sustainable farming practices among both Bodo and
outside the community, as farming alone cannot sustain
Mishing communities.
his family. This migration trend among the youth is
Youth Skill Development: Invest in skill development
gradually eroding the traditional agrarian lifestyle of the
programs and alternative livelihood options for the
Bodo people.
youth to reduce migration and preserve cultural
Raju's wife, Mina Bodo, a housewife, also faces
hardships due to climate change. With unpredictable
Elderly Care and Accessibility: Develop community-
weather patterns, food scarcity during lean seasons has
based initiatives to support the elderly during floods and
become common. This affects household nutrition and
improve accessibility to essential services.
places additional burdens on women to manage
Women's Empowerment: Empower women through
household resources effectively (Singh & Singh 2015).
training and resources to adapt to climate change and
Case Study 2: Bodo Community - Impact on Elderly manage household resources efficiently.
Persons Community Awareness: Conduct awareness campaigns
The impact of climate change is particularly harsh on on climate change and its impacts, fostering a sense of
elderly members of the Bodo community, like Mr. collective responsibility for mitigation and adaptation.
DhaneswarRamchiary, who is in his late 70s. He vividly Infrastructure Development: Invest in infrastructure
recalls the climate being more predictable when he was such as flood-resistant housing and improved water
younger. Now, frequent floods have made it difficult for supply systems to enhance community resilience
him to access essential services, such as healthcare and (Singha 2018).
markets. The elderly are often stranded during floods, These case studies underscore the need for a multi-
leading to increased vulnerability to health issues (Singh pronged approach to address the impact of climate
& Dhiman 2012). change on the culture, economy, and lifestyle of the
Bodo and Mishing communities in Sonitpur District,
Case Study 3: Mishing Community - Impact on
Assam. Sustainable solutions should be tailored to the
unique challenges faced by each demographic group
In the Mishing community of Sonitpur District, climate
within these commun
change has pushed the younger generation, represented
by Mr. JitenPayeng, into a precarious situation. Jiten, in Focus Group Discussions applied through
his early 30s, used to rely on traditional fishing in the Ethnographic Method of collecting data:
Brahmaputra and JiaBharaliRiver for his livelihood.
Focus Group Discussion 1: Bodo Community -
However, increasing river erosion, changing water
levels, and declining fish populations have made this
Impact of Climate Change on Bodo Farmers in Sonitpur
occupation increasingly unsustainable. To support his
District, Assam:
family, Jiten is now working as a daily wage laborer,
In this focus group discussion, we engaged with Bodo
leaving behind his cultural connection to the river.
farmers from Sonitpur District, Assam, to understand
Case Study 4: Mishing Community - Impact on the impact of climate change on their livelihoods,
Housewives culture, and way of life. The farmers shared their
The changing climate has placed additional burdens on experiences of changing weather patterns, shifting
housewives like Mrs. ManjuMiri. With unreliable agricultural practices, and the challenges they face in
weather patterns, the availability of water for daily adapting to these changes. They expressed concerns
household chores has become unpredictable. Manju has about declining crop yields, unpredictable rainfall, and
to walk longer distances to fetch water, impacting her increasing pest infestations affecting their agricultural
time and energy. Moreover, food scarcity during productivity. The discussion also highlighted how
irregular monsoons forces her to find alternative ways to climate change is influencing their traditional practices
provide for her family, leading to increased stress. and rituals, which are deeply rooted in nature. The Bodo
farmers called for better access to climate-resilient
Case Study 5: Mishing Community - Impact on
farming techniques, improved irrigation systems, and
government support to help them adapt to these
Farmers in the Mishing community, exemplified by Mr.
challenges while preserving their cultural heritage.
HemuDoley, have had to alter their agricultural
practices due to climate change. Hemu, in his 40s, faces
challenges such as erratic rainfall and changing crop
Journal of Engineering, Management and Information Technology
Vol. 02, No. 01 (2024) 35-42, doi: 10.61552/JEMIT.2024.01.005
Focus Group Discussion 2: Bodo Community - Focus Group Discussion 5: Mishing Community -
Young Generation Young Generation
Climate Change and Mishing Youth: Aspirations and
Climate Change's Impact on Bodo Youth:
Adaptation Strategies
Challenges and Aspirations:
The second focus group discussion involved young
The second focus group discussion involved young
members of the Mishing community in Sonitpur
members of the Bodo community in Sonitpur District.
District. They talked about their experiences of growing
They discussed how climate change has influenced their
up in a changing climate and how it has influenced their
daily lives, educational opportunities, and aspirations.
education, employment opportunities, and cultural
Many shared stories of disrupted school schedules due
practices. They expressed concerns about the dwindling
to flooding, which have become more frequent and
availability of natural resources, such as fish and
severe. They expressed their concerns about the limited
bamboo, which are central to their culture and economy.
job opportunities in agriculture, which has been the
Many young Mishings are exploring new avenues like
traditional livelihood for their families. The youth
ecotourism, handicrafts, and small-scale
emphasized the importance of education and skill
entrepreneurship. They stressed the importance of
development to seek alternative livelihoods, such as
preserving their cultural heritage while adapting to a
eco-tourism or sustainable forest management. They
changing environment.
also stressed the need for awareness campaigns on
climate change and its impact to mobilize the Focus Group Discussion 6: Mishing Community -
community and make informed choices. Housewives and Elderly
Focus Group Discussion 3: Bodo Community - Climate Change's Impact on Mishing Households:
Housewives and Elderly Insights from Housewives and Elders
The final focus group discussion engaged Mishing
Climate Change and Daily Life: Perspectives of
housewives and elderly community members to gain
Bodo Housewives and Elders:
insights into how climate change affects their daily lives
In this focus group discussion, Bodo housewives and
and cultural traditions. They shared stories of challenges
elderly members shared their experiences and
related to water scarcity, food preservation, and health
observations regarding the changing climate in Sonitpur
issues arising from extreme weather conditions. The
District. They highlighted how women, in particular,
elders reminisced about the rich cultural heritage of the
bear the brunt of climate change impacts as they are
Mishing community and how climate change has
responsible for household tasks, including managing
impacted their rituals and traditions. They emphasized
water, food, and energy resources. They discussed the
the need for community-based adaptation strategies,
challenges of accessing clean drinking water during
including rainwater harvesting and knowledge transfer
floods, preserving food during erratic weather patterns,
from older generations to the youth.
and coping with the increased health risks associated
Overall Suggestions from Focus Group Discussions:
with extreme temperatures. The elderly members also
1. Develop and implement climate-resilient farming
shared their memories of a more predictable climate and
techniques for both Bodo and Mishing
how it has evolved over time. The group called for
communities, including improved irrigation
community-based initiatives that involve women and
systems and pest management strategies.
the elderly in climate adaptation planning and disaster
2. Promote education and skill development
programs, especially for the youth, to enable them
Focus Group Discussion 4: Mishing Community - to explore alternative livelihood opportunities and
Farmers adapt to changing conditions.
3. Raise awareness about climate change and its
Climate Change Challenges Faced by Mishing impact on local culture and livelihoods through
Farmers in Sonitpur District: community-based initiatives and educational
The first focus group discussion with the Mishing
community centered on the experiences of farmers in
4. Support river conservation efforts to safeguard
Sonitpur District and the impact of climate change on
essential resources like fish for the Mishing
their agricultural practices. Participants discussed the
changing monsoon patterns, soil erosion, and declining
5. Encourage sustainable practices, such as eco-
fish populations in the rivers, which have traditionally tourism and handicrafts, to diversify income
been crucial for their livelihoods. They emphasized the
sources while preserving cultural heritage.
importance of river conservation and the need for
6. Foster intergenerational knowledge exchange and
modernized fishing techniques that are sustainable. The
collaboration in climate adaptation planning and
Mishing farmers also requested government support for
disaster preparedness.
alternative livelihood options and training in climate- 7. Advocate for government support and policies that
resilient farming practices to mitigate the adverse
address the specific needs and challenges faced by
effects of climate change.
these communities in Sonitpur District, Assam, in
the context of climate change.
Climate Change's Effects on North East India's Culture, Economy, and Lifestyle with
Special Reference to Bodo and Mishing Commuity
Outcome and Summary from the Case Studies and
Focus Group Discussions: 6. CONCLUSION AND
The Bodo and Mishing communities' experiences with RECOMMENDATION
the effects of climate change have been the focus of
ethnographic fieldwork in the Sonitpur District of Enhancing endeavors to address climate change in
Assam, which has provided important new insights into North East India necessitates a comprehensive approach
the intricate interactions between climatic changes, that encompasses various key aspects. Firstly,
culture, the economy, and way of life in Northeast India. comprehensive research focusing on the region's climate
We have developed a greater grasp of the many patterns, vulnerabilities, and adaptation strategies is
difficulties these communities confront and can make imperative. The insights garnered from this research
significant inferences about their vulnerabilities and should serve as a foundation for shaping policy
resilience tactics as a result of six focus group sessions decisions and guiding development projects tailored to
and six case studies. the region's unique needs.
The results of the study show how severely the Bodo Moreover, building the capacity of local governments,
and Mishing communities are impacted by the negative non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and
effects of climate change. Traditional farming community organizations is vital for the successful
techniques, which are essential to their economic implementation of climate resilience and mitigation
survival, have been affected by changing weather projects. This includes equipping them with the
patterns, increasing flooding, and changes in rainfall knowledge and skills required for sustainable
distribution. Economic difficulties are a result of agricultural practices, disaster preparedness, and
repeated crop failures, animal losses, and property efficient forest management.
damage. Raising awareness about the far-reaching impacts of
Furthermore, these tribes' cultural legacy is under threat climate change and the significance of sustainable
from climate change. The biodiversity is under danger practices is equally essential. This can be achieved
due to rising temperatures, unpredictable weather through educational programs targeted at the
patterns, and catastrophic events, which has an effect on community level, effectively disseminating knowledge
traditional knowledge systems related to the and inspiring proactive action.
environment. As these communities have enduring Integrating climate change considerations into all levels
relationships to their natural environs, this imperils their of policymaking, ranging from local to national, is a
sense of identity. fundamental step toward a cohesive strategy. Such
Communities have relocated in search of more stable integration would entail coordinated efforts between
living circumstances as a result of changes in migration different government departments and agencies,
patterns brought on by climate change, which has an ensuring that climate change is an integral part of the
impact on lifestyle. The social fabric of these decision-making process.
communities is disrupted by the migration, which also Lastly, seeking international support is paramount. The
creates new adaptation problems in urban settings that North East region of India should actively engage with
are frequently characterized by marginalization and a international climate funds and organizations to secure
lack of resources. the necessary resources for large-scale climate projects
In conclusion, climate change has a wide range of and initiatives.
effects on the Bodo and Mishing populations in In summary, climate change poses an existential threat
Sonitpur District, altering their culture, economics, and to the culture, economy, and way of life in North East
way of life. A comprehensive strategy that integrates India. Its adverse impacts are evident across various
socioeconomic advancement, cultural preservation, and sectors, from agriculture to cultural traditions. While
climate resilience is needed to tackle these problems. some initial efforts have been made to address these
The adoption of the suggested strategies will increase challenges, there exists a compelling need for a more
these communities' ability for adaptation while also comprehensive, coordinated, and inclusive approach.
strengthening Northeast India's overall resilience to
ongoing climate change.
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