Q1- Some Muslims are exempt from Q2- Why in your opinion is it performing the annual pilgrimage desirable that the pilgrims should (hajj). Why do you think this is so? [4] visit Madina after the performance of hajj or umrah? [4] Answer: Answer: • examples of people exempted from • Madina is one of the two sacred places performing hajj are in islam, Madina plays an important • Some people cannot afford to make the trip role in the spreading of Islam. • people that are permanently ill • The Prophet SAW has stated,” whoever • people that are too old and weak visits My grave after pilgrimage is like • those who have the resources but are those who visited me in my lifetime’’ physically unable to perform hajj there is • The Baqi graveyard allows the the option of hajj-e-bad. pilgrims to reflect upon the true • personal circumstances (Muslims who are meaning of life and death. facing unavoidable circumstances like • They understand their main purpose taking care of someone from their family or in the world. a major event) • Muslims can understand the battles • people that are not sane and history fo Islam and the sacrifices • The hajj is an Islamic pillar that all Muslims behind it must do once in their lives. It is a physical • Visiting Madinah is not obligated. travel that Muslims believe provides an However, it helps the Muslims to opportunity to remove there past sins and reconnect with Allah and a sense of start over with there religion.First of all, longing develops about the place of only adult Muslims male or female are Prophet (SAW). obliged to complete the Hajj. Muslims who • “Whoever purifies himself in his are extremely weak, ill, old, or otherwise house, then comes to the Quba’ physically incompetent and do not have mosque and offers a prayer therein, enough energy or are suffering by an illness will have a reward like that for ‘Umrah are not required to make the pilgrimage. If (lesser pilgrimage).” a muslim doesnt have the ability to pay for the Hajj is a requirement for Muslims as they can break a bank day by day.
Room 1 - Group Members:(Active/inactive) Room 2 - Group Members:(Active/inactive)