Research Proposal

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Research Proposal

Title: The Impact of Free4Talk Platform on Enhancing Speaking Skills: A Case Study of B1 Alpha

1. Introduction

In the field of language education, the use of technology has become increasingly prevalent. One
such platform, Free4Talk, offers students the opportunity to practice and improve their speaking
skills in a digital environment. This research proposal seeks to investigate the impact of Free4Talk on
enhancing the speaking skills of B1 level students.

2. Research Objectives

The main objectives of this research are as follows:

To assess the effectiveness of Free4Talk in improving students' speaking skills.

To identify the strengths and weaknesses of Free4Talk as a platform for language learning.

To explore the experiences and perceptions of B1 students who use Free4Talk for practicing

3. Literature Review

This section will review existing literature related to language learning platforms and their impact on
speaking skills. It will also cover studies on the use of technology in language education and the
effectiveness of such platforms.

4. Research Methodology

4.1 Participants

The study will involve B1 level students who actively use the Free4Talk platform for language
learning. A sample size of [determine your sample size] will be chosen for the research.

4.2 Data Collection

Data will be collected through the following methods:

Pre- and post-assessment tests to measure improvements in speaking skills.

Surveys and questionnaires to gather student perceptions and experiences.

Interviews with a subset of participants to gain in-depth insights.

4.3 Data Analysis

Data collected will be analyzed using statistical methods to measure improvements in speaking skills.
Qualitative data from surveys and interviews will be analyzed thematically.

5. Expected Outcomes

Based on the research, we expect to determine the impact of the Free4Talk platform on the speaking
skills of B1 students. The study will also provide insights into the platform's strengths and
weaknesses, as well as student perceptions and experiences.

6. Conclusion

This research aims to contribute to the understanding of the role of technology in language
education, specifically in improving speaking skills for B1 level students. The results will be valuable
for educators, language learners, and the developers of platforms like Free4Talk.

7. References

Include a list of academic sources and references relevant to your research proposal.

To what extent does the use of free4talk platform improve the speaking skills of B1 level EFL
learners ?

How does the use of free4talk platform effect the students ?

What are the chellenges and benefits of using free4talk platform in EFL teaching and learning ?

Assessing the Influence of the Free4Talk Platform on Enhancing Speaking Skills: A Case Study of B1-
Level Students"

Title: The Impact of Free4Talk Platform on Enhancing EFL leaernres Speaking Skills: The Case of
Intermediate Learners at Alpha Students ( private school ) at Ghardaia
Abstract :

( I need to add the intro of linda )

This research aims to study the impact of free4talk platform on improving EFL speaking skills . to
reach the point, the data were collected through an quasi experiment which the B1 student were
using the platform for one/ 2 months . there was Pre- and post Ielts -assessment tests to measure
improvements in speaking skills. Surveys and questionnaires to gather student perceptions and

Interviews with a subset of participants to gain in-depth insights.

Problematic :

How can EFL student improve their speaking skills by using online platfroms ( free4talk) ?

Research Questions :

How does technology effect speaking skills / learning ( hada choice )

How do the f4t platform influence EFL speaking skills

Is f4t platform effective for enhancing language learners speaking skills ?

To what extent does the use of free4talk platform improve the speaking skills of EFL learners ?

How does the use of free4talk platform effect the EFL speaking skills ?

Abstract :

( I need to add the intro of linda )

This research aims to study the impact of free4talk platform on improving EFL speaking skills . to
reach the point, the data were collected through an quasi experiment which the B1 student were
using the platform for one/ 2 months . there was Pre- and post Ielts -assessment tests to measure
improvements in speaking skills. Surveys and questionnaires to gather student perceptions and

Interviews with a subset of participants to gain in-depth insights.


The students who use free4talk platform for practicing can improve their speaking skills .

Literature review

I have to write the introduction

According to Hornby (1995, p.20), speaking is about something to talk, say something about
something, to mention something, to have a conversation with somebody, to address somebody in
words, to say something, or express oneself in a particular language.
 Hornby, A.S. 1995. Oxford Advanced Learner Dictionary. New York:
Oxford University Press

Thornbury (2005, p.121) states that speaking is an activity in real life carried out by a speaker to carry
out his/ her ideas to interact with listeners. The activities are unplanned, and their continuity is based
on situations. Speaking is a collaboration between two or more persons in the shared time and
context to communicate opinions, information, or emotions.

 Thornbury, S. (2005). How to Teach Speaking. London: Longman

Methodology :

This research devided into two main chapters : the first chapter represents the theorrotical part
meanwhile ,the second chapter included the practical part . in the theoretical part contains the main
focus on defining and admitting the use of free4talk platfom anf the effectiveness of this platfrom

( lindas chapter one then my part )

Research objective

The right use of online platforms for EFL learners

To figure out the impact of f4t

Abstract :

( I need to add the intro of linda )

This research aims to study the impact of free4talk platform on improving EFL speaking skills . to
reach the point, the data were collected through an quasi experiment which the B1 student were
using the platform for one/ 2 months . there was Pre- and post Ielts -assessment tests to measure
improvements in speaking skills. Surveys and questionnaires to gather student perceptions and

Interviews with a subset of participants to gain in-depth insights.

To evaluate the impact of f4t on efl spking skills

To compare the speaking skills develpomnt of efl leaerns who use f4t with those who do not

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