Fast Character | Aasimar Bard 11 (College of Lore) | PHB 2024

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Bard 11 (College of Lore) 89,250

Aasimar Entertainer


CLASS Alignment: Lawful Good. I do what's right
(AC) INITIATIVE as expected by society to promote order
8 and compassion for all.
13 +4 30 ft.
Entertainer Background [PHB 2024,
Armor Worn: leather armor p. 180]
-1 Strength Saves
• Traits: Always composing new works non-
DEX +6 Dexterity Saves *
stop. Distrustful about strangers.
+2 +1 Constitution Saves
+1 Intelligence Saves
• Ideal: Seeks to increase fame.

15 +0 Wisdom Saves 69 11d8 • Bond: Seeks perfect co-star.

• Flaw: Hated by artistic critics.
+9 Charisma Saves *
* Prof. bonus added DEATH SAVES: Success O O O Fail O O O
Aasimar Traits [PHB 2024, p. 186]
• Age: 44 years old
CON SKILLS WEAPON & UNARMED ATTACKS • Medium Size (5' 8", 180 lbs.)

+1 +6 Acrobatics (Dex) * Basic Attack. One target per Attack action.

• Celestial Resistance (vs. necrotic, radiant)
• Darkvision (60 feet)
+2 Animal Handling (Wis) • Healing Hands (4d4s by touch betw. long
13 +3 Arcana (Int) rests)
Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
+1 Athletics (Str) reach 5 ft. Hit: 1d8+2 piercing damage. • Celestial Legacy (Charisma-based; Light
+7 Deception (Cha) • Celestial Revelation (as bonus action once
INT +5 History (Int) * Dagger (offhand, two-weapon fighting as
betw. long rests: Heavenly Wings to fly
+1 +4 Insight (Wis) *
+7 Intimidation (Cha)
bonus action). Melee or Ranged Weapon
Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft. 1d4 piercing
damage. (If thrown, normal range to 20 ft.;
and +4 radiant attack/spell damage; Inner
Radiance to glow, 4 radiant damage
13 +3 Investigation (Int) disadvantage long range 21 to 60 ft.) within 10 ft. and +4 radiant attack/spell
+2 Medicine (Wis) damage; or Necrotic Shroud to cause fear
FEATS & SPECIAL ABILITIES (DC CHA save) and +4 necrotic
+3 Nature (Int) attack/spell damage)
WIS +4 Perception (Wis) * Musician [PHB 2024, p. 201]: Proficiencies
+9 Performance (Cha) * (pan flute, horn, viol). In short or long rest,
+0 +9 Persuasion (Cha) * your song grants Heroic Inspiration to 4
Bard Class Features [PHB 2024, p. 59]
• Bardic Inspiration (d10) (5/day)
• Jack of All Trades (non-prof. bonus)
10 +5 Religion (Int) *
• Bonus Proficiencies (added)
+4 Sleight of Hand (Dex) Vicious Mockery Cantrip. Ranged Spell Attack:
Target within 60 feet that can hear you must • Cutting Words (reaction to use Bardic Die
+6 Stealth (Dex) * to change damage, ability check, or attack
make a DC 17 WIS saving throw or take 3d4
+2 Survival (Wis) psychic damage and have disadvantage on roll)
CHA * Prof. bonus added • Font of Inspiration (short rest resets)
next attack made before the end of its next
+5 ** Expertise turn. (No damage if made save.) • Magical Discoveries (Banishment,
Disintegrate spells)
20 • Countercharm (allies in 30 ft. reroll failed
saves vs. Charmed, Frightened)
(PERCEPTION) • Magical Secrets (access to Cleric, Druid,
Wizard spells)


Armor: light armor
Weapons: simple weapons
Tools: musical instrument (flute), musical
instrument (horn), musical instrument
(lute), musical instrument (lyre), musical
instrument (pan flute), musical instrument
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma
Skills: Acrobatics, History, Insight,
Perception, Performance, Persuasion,
Religion, Stealth
Languages: Common, Dwarvish, Elvish 13/01/25, 14 50
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Spellcasting [PHB 2024, p. 235]

Spell Attack Modifier +9

Spell Save DC 17

Cantrips Known: Dancing Lights, Mage Hand, Minor Illusion, Vicious Mockery

Prepared Spells
1st Level (4 slots): Charm Person, Color Spray, Dissonant Whispers, Faerie Fire, Tasha's Hideous Laughter
2nd Level (3 slots): Aid, Enlarge/Reduce
3rd Level (3 slots): Dispel Magic, Leomund's Tiny Hut, Major Image
4th Level (3 slots): Banishment, Charm Monster, Fount of Moonlight, Summon Construct
5th Level (2 slots): Animate Objects, Yolande's Regal Presence
6th Level (1 slot): Chain Lightning, Charm Monster, Disintegrate


Carried Gear [PHB 2024, p. 213]: leather armor (AC 11), rapier, dagger, entertainer's pack (backpack, a bedroll, 2 costumes, 5 candles, 5 days' rations, a
waterskin, disguise kit), flute (musical instrument), lute (musical instrument), lyre (musical instrument), belt pouch, set of common clothes, set of
costume clothes, two costumes, perfume, mirror. (This load is about 73 lbs.; add 1 lb. per 50 coins carried.)

Coins & Gems: 6,763 gold pieces (g.p.); 5 silver pieces (s.p.); 30 copper pieces (c.p.); 3 gems (worth 100 g.p. each)

Lifting & Carrying: 120 lbs. max. carrying capacity; 240 lbs. pushing or dragging (speed -5 ft.); 240 lbs. max. lift.


• The Dungeon Master (DM) describes a scene and players take turns describing their characters' responses, often using one of six abilities:
• Strength (STR) (physical prowess),
• Dexterity (DEX) (agility, reflexes),
• Constitution (CON) (health, fortitude),
• Intelligence (INT) (memory, reason),
• Wisdom (WIS) (awareness, willpower),
• Charisma (CHA) (appeal, leadership).
• For ability checks, saving throws, and attack rolls, roll 1d20 + one ability modifier + proficiency bonus (if proficient in task). Other modifiers may come
from class features or spells. The higher the total, the better the effort. The DM tracks minimum totals needed for successful results.
• For initiative rolls, roll 1d20 + Initiative (DEX) modifier. Higher totals act before lower totals in the same 6-second round.
• During a turn, a character or creature may do 1 movement, 1 action and up to 1 bonus action. Between turns, do up to 1 reaction.
• Advantage: Roll two d20s and use the higher result. Disadvantage: Roll two d20s and use the lower result.
• On attack rolls only, a "natural 20" is always a critical hit, while a "natural 1" is always a miss.
• Saving throws do not count as actions and are rolled as needed at any time due to attacks, spells, or hazzards.
• A character may die if failing three death saves while at 0 hit points, gaining 6 levels of Exhaustion, or suffering certain deadly spells and hazzards.
• Specific traits, features, spells, and magic items may create exceptions to any rules.

ACTIONS (1 per turn)

• Attack: Roll to hit, melee or ranged. Some classes and creatures make extra attacks at higher levels with this action. Mastery with a weapon includes
additional possible combat effects.
• Dash: Double Speed this turn.
• Disengage: Avoiding all opportunity attacks while moving; "defensive retreat."
• Dodge: Give attackers disadvantage and gain advantage on Dexterity saves for yourself.
• Escape: Try to break free from grapple via Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics).
• Grapple: Special melee attack to give target the Grappled condition.
• Help (Stabilze): DC 10 Medicine check to aid 0 h.p. dying creature; automatic success if using healer's kit.
• Help: Give an ally advantage on one ability check or attack roll.
• Hide: Stealth allowed only if unobserved.
• Influence: Make a Charisma check to alter a creature's attitude.
• Magic: Cast a spell with a casting time 1 action, or use a magical item or feature.
• Ready: Plan to take action as a reaction when a trigger occurs.
• Search: Make a Wisdom (Insight, Medicine, Perception, or Survival) check.
• Shove: Special melee attack.
• Study: Make an Intelligence (Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature, or Religion) check. 13/01/25, 14 50
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• Study: Make an Intelligence (Arcana, History, Investigation, Nature, or Religion) check.
• Utilize: Use a nonmagical item (pick a lock, cover a hooded lantern, equip or drop a shield, etc.

BONUS ACTIONS (up to 1 per turn)

• Consume Potion: Drink for yourself or administer to another within 5 feet.
• Offhand Attack: If doing Attack as action, may make one attack this turn if light weapon in other hand.
• Magic (Cast Spell): If casting time 1 bonus action.

MOVEMENTS (limited by Speed)

• Move: Distance equal to Speed.
• Crawl, Climb, Swim, Squeeze, Move Across Difficult Terrain or Move While Grappling: "Half speed," uses up 10 ft. of Speed per 5 ft. distance.
• Drop Prone: No cost to Speed.
• Stand Up: From Prone position/condition, costs half Speed that turn.
• Take Cover: At end of move, half cover gives +2 to Armor Class and Dexterity saving throws; three-quarter cover gives +5 AC and DEX saves.

REACTIONS (1 between turns)

• Cast Spell: If casting time 1 reaction.
• Opportunity Attack: May make one attack if enemy moves out of reach.
• Readied Action: After trigger occurs, else action wasted.

• Concentration (Maintain A Spell): Ends if caster starts another concentration spell, or the caster is incapacitated, stunned, unconscious, or killed. If
caster takes damage, a Constitution saving throw is needed to avoid immediately ending spell. DC equals 10 or half damage, whichever greater. Each hit
needs a separate saving throw check.

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Page number references...

[PHB 2024] = Dungeons & Dragons Player's Handbook (2024 version, aka "One D&D" or "5.1") by Jeremy Crawford, published Sept. 2024, by
Wizards of the Coast (ISBN-13: 978-0-7869-6951-7).

[DMG 2024] = Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon Master's Guide (2024 version, aka "One D&D" or "5.1") by Wizards of the Coast.

[MM 2024] = Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual (2024 version, aka "One D&D" or "5.1") by Wizards of the Coast.

[PHB 2014] = Dungeons & Dragons Player's Handbook (5th edition) (2014 version) by Mike Mearls and Jeremy Crawford, published Aug. 19,
2014, by Wizards of the Coast (ISBN-10: 0786965606; ISBN-13: 978-0786965601).

[DMG] = Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon Master's Guide (5th edition) by Mike Mearls and Jeremy Crawford, published Dec. 9, 2014, by Wizards
of the Coast (ISBN-10: 9780786965625; ISBN-13: 978-0786965625).

[MM] = Dungeons & Dragons Monster Manual (5th edition) by Mike Mearls and Jeremy Crawford, published Sept. 30 2014, by Wizards of the
Coast (ISBN-10: 0786965614; ISBN-13: 978-0786965618).
[ERftLW] = Eberron: Rising from the Last War by Jeremy Crawford, James Wyatt and Keith Baker, published Nov. 19, 2019, by Wizards of the
Coast (ISBN-10: 0786966890; ISBN-13: 978-0786966899).

[GGtR] = Guildmasters' Guide To Ravnica by James Wyatt, Jeremy Crawford, published Nov. 20, 2018, by Wizards of the Coast (ISBN-10:
0786966599; ISBN-13: 978-0786966592).

[MOoT] = Mythic Odysseys of Theros by F. Wesley Schneider, James Wyatt, published July 21, 2020, by Wizards of the Coast (ISBN-10:
0786967013; ISBN-13: 978-0786967018).

[MToF] = Mordenkainen's Tome Of Foes by Mike Mearls and Jeremy Crawford, published May 29, 2018, by Wizards of the Coast (ISBN-10:
0786966246; ISBN-13: 978-0786966240).

[MotM] = Monsters of the Multiverse by Jeremy Crawford and team, published May 17, 2022, by Wizards of the Coast (ISBN-13: 978-
[SJAiS] = Spelljammer: Adventures in Space by Jeremy Crawford and team, published Aug. 16, 2022, by Wizards of the Coast (ISBN-10:
0786968168; ISBN-13: 978-0786968169). 13/01/25, 14 50
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[TCoE] = Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, published Nov. 17, 2020, by Wizards of the Coast (ISBN-10: 0786967021; ISBN-13: 978-
[VRGtR] = Van Richten's Guide To Ravenloft by F. Wesley Schneider and others, published May 18, 2021, by Wizards of the Coast (ISBN-10:
0786967250; ISBN-13: 978-0786967254).

[VGtM] = Volo's Guide To Monsters by Mike Mearls, published Nov. 15, 2016, by Wizards of the Coast (ISBN-10: 0786966017; ISBN-13: 978-

[WBtW] = The Wild Beyond The Witchlight by Chris Perkins and team, published Nov. 15, 2016, by Wizards of the Coast (ISBN-13: 978-

[XGtE] = Xanathar's Guide to Everything by Mike Mearls and Jeremy Crawford, published Nov. 21, 2017, by Wizards of the Coast (ISBN-10:
0786966114; ISBN-13: 978-0786966110).

Books are available from a gaming store near you.

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