Serpent’s Grasp!

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The Serpent’s Grasp

Adventure Overview
The Serpent Crown, or at least parts of it, an
Chapter 1. The Crash!
ancient artifact of immense power has resurfaced. • The players either witness live as they enjoy
Linked to the Elder God Set, the Crown grants its lunch at a local eatery, or out running
wearer incredible abilities but also corrupts their mind. errands, perhaps they have SHIELD
The heroes must prevent the Crown from being connections and were immediately alerted
reassembled and falling into the wrong hands and stop
to the Jet in distress and/or saw local news
a plot that could plunge the world into chaos. Attuma
sets out on his own to gain the power of the Serpent
coverage from traf c copters that captured
Crown. Little does Attuma know that he’s a pawn and video live as it was plummeting to the
his compulsion to acquire the Crown is Set’s mental streets and were in route to the location and
coercion from his current dimension of entrapment. Set trajectory of the jet.
is subtly guiding Attuma to re-craft the crown so that the • Location: Downtown Manhattan
Elder God may again return to his home dimension and
become its unconditional ruler.
Attuma sent Lemurian warriors to retrieve a
piece of the Serpent Crown from its last known location
in oceanic ruins near Atlantis. The vessel they were in
was attacked by Atlantean warriors that sought to drive
off the Lemurian intruders. After destroying their ship,
the Atlantean warriors left and unbeknownst to them
part of the crown lie within the wreckage. Stingray
came upon the wreckage while doing routine mapping • Read the following:
of Atlantean territory for SHIELD intel. He discovered
the fractured half of the crown and having dealt with the
it before in his past, Stingray noti ed SHIELD so that
they can appropriately deal with the artifact. Nick Fury
arranged for transport of it to him aboard a Helicarrier
for study and eventual safe storage.
The sky above the bustling city is suddenly torn apart
Attuma quickly learned of the attack and by the deafening roar of a SHIELD jet spiraling out of
con scation of the Crown piece. Due to SHIELD’s control. Flames lick the sides of the aircraft as it
involvement he contacts and recruits someone more plummets towards the ground, trailing thick black
capable of in ltrating SHIELD, especially if they’ve smoke. The once orderly streets below erupt into
gone airborne with the Crown. Sidewinder and his chaos as pedestrians scatter, their faces masks of
Serpent Society are offered sunken treasure worth terror. With a thunderous crash, the jet slams into the
millions if they return Attuma’s “property” to him. asphalt, skidding across the road and sending a
Sidewinder and a couple of his team teleport aboard shower of sparks and debris in all directions. Cars are
the VTOL craft sent to retrieve the piece and steal it tossed aside like toys, their alarms blaring in a
while sabotaging the craft and leaving the occupants to
discordant symphony. The jet nally comes to a halt,
deal with the crashing jet. Meanwhile, Attuma has
dispatched some of his warriors to retrieve the other
its nose buried in the side of a building, which groans
half of the Crown that ended up deep in an undersea under the impact. A moment of eerie silence follows,
temple infested by a great evil. This temple is close to broken only by the crackling of ames and the distant
the furthest southern outskirts of the Lemurian wail of sirens. Then, the jet’s hatch bursts open, and a
kingdom. All of these machinations will culminate in a gure clad in SHIELD uniform stumbles out, coughing
ritual performed in a remote hidden temple on a jungle and covered in soot. He looks around, eyes wide with
island in the Paci c Ocean to fuse the Crown back urgency, as he shouts into a communicator, “Mayday,
together. Attuma assumes this will grant him the power mayday! This is Agent Smith. We’ve gone down in
to rule all of the world above and below the waves. Not Sector 7. Requesting immediate backup!” The scene is
if Set has his way once the process is completed! This a tableau of destruction: shattered glass, overturned
adventure is suggested for 4-5 players using
vehicles, and the acrid smell of burning fuel. Amidst
characters of Ranks 3-4 (can accommodate one
Rank 5 PC on the team). There are suggestions
the chaos, a group of civilians huddles together, their
throughout the adventure to accommodate various eyes xed on the wreckage with a mix of fear and awe.
team Rank compositions.
• PC’s arrive where the SHIELD jet has left a trail of Example ways PC’s can use ability checks:
destruction. Buildings are damaged, vehicles are
overturned, and res are spreading. The players - Melee: Lifting objects or ripping off/open objects.
must save civilians trapped in vehicles and - Agility: Catching people/objects or getting around
buildings. The crash has caused secondary hazards, and through obstacles.
such as gas leaks, electrical res, and unstable - Resilience: Hold breath against smoke or resist
structures. Note: Any hazards require a successful
TN Check vs 14 for the appropriate ability used to
intense heat.
resolve them.
- Vigilance: Spot equipment, terrain/landscape, or
escape routes that will assist in rescues
- Ego: Convince civilians to follow directions to safety
Hazards: or talk through dif cult task
A. Pavement cracked and collapsing into the sewers - Logic: Think of what equipment would be useful and
below. A car is overturned and slipping into the
crevice with a family of 5 trapped inside and needs to
where to look for it or how to use terrain/landscape to
be rescued before it falls. assist in rescue

B. People hang precariously from the 5th story of the

building the SHIELD jet crashed into. They could
plummet into the mangled metal wreckage of the jet
or the re raging from it below. AFTERMATH:
C. Agent Smith rushes back towards the damaged jet • In the aftermath PC’s can tend to injured civilians,
and attempts to get back in through the ames and assist in debris cleanup, and attempt to talk with
wreckage. Two other agents were with him and are the SHIELD agent to access the situation and
injured and unconscious. They’re in need of reason for the crash landing in the middle of the
immediate medical attention and must be removed busy street.
from the jet before it explodes.
Agent Smith knows and will reveal willingly the
D. A trail of jet fuel and ames leads from the SHIELD following information:
jet through the city streets where it originally
impacted. The smell of gas permeates the air and - Three members of the Serpent Society teleported
you spot broken pipes from the mangled pavement aboard mid ight and attacked them
- It appeared to be known members Sidewinder,
Failure: Any unsuccessful Check means the situation Anaconda and Puff Adder
slips closer to danger. PC’s have one more round to
- They must have been after the cargo (If PC’s ask
succeed at a check. Another Failure means that for
about the cargo he says “That’s G14 classi ed!”)
the corresponding hazard above that one of the
following happens: Agent Smith also knows, but will not willingly reveal
A. Mx2 falling damage from debris the following information (unless a PC has a
and impact into the sewer below. Connections: Military/SHIELD tag, appropriate ties
B. Mx3 falling damage from the 5th to the organization or uses Traits/Powers):
story building into debris below.
- “We were transporting a fractured piece of the
C. Mx2 explosion(electricity) damage
Serpent Crown, for immediate security and
from damaged electrical panel.
processing. It had been procured from the wreckage
D. Mx2 explosion( re) damage from of a Lemurian vessel on the ocean oor near Atlantis.
jet fuel and debris. A team is still there processing the rest of the
[PC’s are allowed a Reaction to interpose/. vessel’s remains and tech.”
shield/catch a civilian up to their movement in - “Another salvage operation in search of another
spaces away].
piece of the Crown is happening in the Paci c Ocean
not far from the underwater city of Lemuria.” He also
knows the exact coordinates of the operation.
• Shortly after the PC’s nish saving any civilians and
preventing further damage, another larger SHIELD
VTOL jet lands in the streets and several agents
rush out to aid Agent Smith, the other two agents,
secure the area and deal with any remaining
damage that needs cleanup. Agent Smith says
SHIELD is grateful for their assistance in helping to
avert further disaster. The PC’s will then have to
decide where to go from here. Travel within the city
is easy enough if they pursue the Serpent Society
lead because it’s fairly local. However, travel to the
two different Ocean locations is more dif cult.

Travel options to Ocean encounters include:

1. Super powers (Teleportation or Flight) • Location: An abandoned warehouse (of course!).

Players must determine the whereabouts of and/or
2. Connections: Super Heroes, Military or SHIELD activities of the Serpent Society. Some options for
(Access to Vehicles) discovering this information to include:

3. Teams own personal vehicles if they have them 1. A player may have some contacts in the criminal
and are capable of reaching the destination. underworld that may know about the Serpent Society’s
most recent activities and location. Any interactions with
If the PC’s want to follow up on: criminal contacts require a TN Check vs 14 to succeed
(unless the Narrator deems otherwise). They can
- The Serpent Society, proceed to the Serpent utilize the following Traits to nd information on their
Society Chapter 2 possible location:
- The Lemurian vessel on the ocean oor site, - Black Market Access: A PC may know of Silas
proceed to Chapter 3 (NOTE: PC’s should be Thorn who runs an underground auction in an
prepared for and gather equipment or vessels for abandoned section of the subway tunnels
deep sea exploration if they are incapable without underground.
it. SHIELD or Avengers connections can help in
this case) Successful Check = “Yeah, some of the Society
members, Anaconda and the Rattler speci cally, have
- The Salvage Operation in the Paci c Ocean, brought me stuff recently to pawn for my auction…
proceed to Chapter 4 (NOTE: same as above, some SHIELD I.C.E.R. pistols. Word is they hang out
however in this case the SHIELD recovery vessel near the Staten Island boat graveyard.”
at the sight will have equipment available on
board) Failed Check = “I’m really busy today as you can
see. I don’t have time to help you.”
Narrator Note: Be aware of rest and healing
during travel/down time as it can become very - Connections (Criminals): A PC may know Martino
important during later parts of this adventure. Benedatto, a local pizza shop owner (Martino’s
A character regains Health and Focus equal to Pizzeria) that moonlights as an illegal weapons
their Rank for every hour they rest. dealer with occasional dealings with Silas Thorn and
his underground auction.
Successful Check = “You didn’t hear this from me, but full 6 hours, then the truck returns with its bed full to
some Society creepos came asking me how to get rid over owing with various size crates. The garage
of some merch. I told them to look up Silas because I door opens up and the truck begins backing into the
don’t buy….I only sell…if you know what I mean. I don’t warehouse (see Garage Door Entry).…. if they get
know nothin’ else about them.” antsy or bored and decide to in ltrate or attack
Failed Check = “I don’t know nuthin’ and I ain’t sayin’ proceed to the Sneak Inside or Direct Assault.
nuthin’. Those “snakes” are not ones to mess with!”
B. Sneak Inside: If the PC’s decide to be stealthy and
- Streetwise: With some legwork and questioning attempt to sneak in, they must decide how to go about
around the streets a PC may be able to discern the it. If they don’t take precautions to not be seen, security
following information: cameras surrounding the warehouse may alert the
Society to the intruders. Sneaky PC’s can avoid the
Successful Check = “I’ve seen some suspicious snake cameras with a successful Agility Check versus TN
guys down by the old Staten Island boat 12.
graveyard. Man they are freaky! Man wouldn’t be just
like some snaky criminals to be hanging out in that old 1. ROOF ENTRY - On the roof appears to be
warehouse?” 2 large saucer shaped objects (see Serpent Saucer
Failed Check = Hours of combing the streets and Vehicle at the end of this Chapter) with humongous
nobody knows anything of value tarps draped over them and strapped down. There is a
heavy steel door connected to what seems to be an
2. SHIELD has some intel and has been keen on the upper level to the warehouse that covers 1/3 of the
Serpent Society’s recent movements. Possibly a PC space of the actual warehouse. It’s locked and requires
that is a SHIELD agent or Connections to SHIELD has a Non-combat Melee check to rip open or 100 points of
access to this knowledge. Perhaps Agent Smith gave damage to knock down or plow through. Enhanced
them this information during the aftermath discussion of Physique is an Absurd TN Check, Mighty 1 drops it
Chapter 1 “The Crash!”. down to a Dif cult TN Check, while any Mighty above
“We are aware of activity near the Staten 1 is no check necessary. An alarm sounds immediately
Island boat graveyard. More speci cally a if opened in any way.
warehouse on the docks with quick access to the water.
Fury hasn’t given the order to move in on them as 2. GARAGE DOOR ENTRY - If the PC’s
they’ve kept a low pro le just coming and going until waited until the truck returns they can attempt to sneak
recently. SHIELD generally won’t engage targets unless in while it’s backing in. This is an extremely dif cult task
it’s a matter of National security, typically leaving more as other Society members are directing the truck as it
localized trouble to the “neighborhood” heroes.” backs in as well as others are milling about in the
warehouse. This would require a TN Check vs 18 and
The PC’s should get enough clues to discover where a good explanation of how they were able to escape
the Serpent Society’s suspected headquarters is. At detection unless some powers are involved (ex:
this point they should decide on a strategy on how to invisibility).
approach, surveil, and/or deal with the Society.
OPTIONS: that were along the perimeter of the warehouse have
been bricked over. There are 4 sets of doors. Two sets
A. Surveillance: If the PC’s decide to watch the boat of steel double doors on the East side of the building
graveyard area and/or lone abandoned warehouse just around the corner from the large garage door. One
from a distance or somehow hidden up close they steel door further down the East side of the building
may note the following: around the corner near the dock. A set of double sided
concrete stairs lead up to this door. One steel door at
- Two (pick any two except for Sidewinder) of the the South backside of the building. All doors are locked
Society members leave the warehouse garage from the inside with no visible mechanism on the
door within 30 minutes of you starting your watch. outside for entrance and requires a Non-combat Melee
They don’t appear worried about being seen or check to rip open or 100 points of damage to knock
bothered to notice if they’re being watched. They get down or plow through. Enhanced Physique is an
into a truck right outside of the garage doors and Absurd TN Check, Mighty 1 drops it down to a
drive off towards the city. Dif cult TN Check, while any Mighty above 1 is no
check necessary. An alarm sounds immediately if
- It’s pretty quiet and uneventful for the rest of the day opened in any way.
evening and nothing of import happens during a 6
hour span. If the PC’s sit back and observe for the
C. Direct Assault: If the PC’s decide to throw caution
to the wind and go in guns/powers blazing then the
same three entry possibilities are available as in the
above section Sneak Inside. The garage doors are
steel metal doors though less resistant than the other
doors and can withstand 40 points of damage before
they’re knocked in/through/down. As mentioned above,
all other access doors are locked from the inside with
no visible mechanism on the outside for entrance and
requires a Non-combat Melee check to rip open or 100
points of damage to knock down or plow through.
Enhanced Physique is an Absurd TN Check, Mighty 1
drops it down to a Dif cult TN Check, while any
Mighty above 1 is no check necessary. An alarm
sounds immediately if opened in any way. If it isn’t
knocked down in one hit then the Society members are
on alert if they were not already and plan their defense/
attack strategy. If the PC’s manage to avoid detection
and get through a door on an initial attempt then they
catch the Serpent’s in the immediate vicinity by surprise 5. There are plenty of things to utilize in the
and can act in a surprise round. After that surprise warehouse for combat avor. Characters may stumble
round roll initiative as normal and any Fantastic and fall over pallets, pallet jacks, dollies, crates,
success gets an Edge on attacks taken this round. canisters and barrels. While upstairs there’s plenty of
furniture. They may also use the same things as
Encounter Notes: improvised weapons. Utilize the map and visuals it
• There are pro les for 20 Serpent Society provides to spice up the combat with any Edges or
members. For encounter balance you can have two Troubles it may provide.
Serpent members for every one Rank 3 PC and four
for every Rank 4 PC. Sidewinder, whose in the large
conference room upstairs with the two tables, once
Warehouse Upstairs Narrator’s Map
alerted will use his teleport abilities to pop around the
warehouse to assess the situation and use 1. Steel door leading to roof
Inspiration with his Standard Action and Help 2. Bedrooms shared in shifts
teammate with his Reaction to help his team. He’ll 3. Sidewinder’s Bedroom
save his second Reaction on any turn to use Blink. 4. Meeting/Dining room
• At least half of the members will be downstairs Narrator’s Main Warehouse Map
on the main oor while the other half are upstairs
relaxing, or in Sidewinders case plotting their next
assignment. Mix-n-match as you see t and what
seems like a good matchup depending on the heroes
team makeup. However, Anaconda and Death Adder
will both be downstairs when possible.
• Society members will occasionally team up
and maneuver together to take advantage, but they
quickly change to individual tactics if they meet too
much resistance or can be distracted. They tend to
be sel sh and all want to prove their value/worth/
mettle in combat. This may help PC’s out of sticky
• Anaconda and Death Adder are both
amphibious and will take the opportunity to lure PC’s
towards the pits in the warehouse oor that lead to
the water below. They’ll grapple and take their
opponents into the water with them where they have
even more advantage.
See Special Rules at end of the module for
underwater combat rules.
1. Large Garage Door Using a Power just requires whatever stipulations
2. Shipping Containers and or checks need to be made.
3. Pits/holes in oor to water below *Telepathic Link, Mind Reading, Mind
4. Pantry Interrogation….PC’s can be pretty creative and
may use other powers to coerce the information out
5. Steel Door
such as Illusions or Mirages as well.
6. Break room
7. Heavy Reinforced Steel Door What they (Asp, Black Mamba, King Cobra, or Eel)
Map available on Patreon made by Chthulu Architect know:
1. They were paid to procure a piece of the
Serpent Crown that was found in the wreckage of a
Lemurian vessel near a trench in the Atlantic Ocean.
They received intel that it had been found and was
being transported to a SHIELD helicarrier for transport
to a secure lab and vault for analysis and storage.
2. Sidewinder teleported somewhere to deliver
the piece they’d stolen and he returned with a chest of
ancient gold, medallions, and gems that looked like it
had been lost at sea for hundreds of years.
3. They have another task coming up to
procure another piece and deliver it as well. They have
not been given details on this assignment yet.
Sidewinder was prepping for this in his strategy room
- Papers are laying across one of the tables upstairs as
if someone was studying them. They appear to be
schematics for a large boat and have a SHIELD
insignia at the top. An operative of SHIELD or someone
with Connections: SHIELD will recognize them as
schematics for a Tactical Naval Recovery Vessel. If the
PC’s discovered the information from Agent Smith or
have prior SHIELD connections or clearance
information, then a successful Logic Check vs TN 13
deduces that this vessel may be similar to one they
would be using in the salvage operation in the Paci c.
There also appears to be a pad and pen with numbers
AFTERMATH: and letters written on them. A Logic Check vs TN 12
deduces they’re map coordinates. The coordinates are
• If the PC’s succeed in defeating and/or driving off the found to be a very remote location in the middle of the
Serpent Society, they may attempt to question any
Paci c Ocean.
members that did not get away. They may also want
to search the warehouse for clues that will lead them • At this point the PC’s should be able to gure out
to what’s up next. how to get to the coordinates in the Paci c Ocean
and that a potentially powerful piece of the Serpent
What they may nd: Crown may be in this location. They must decide how
- Other than Asp, Black Mamba, King Cobra and Eel, to get there in order to prevent this item from falling
none of the other members captured know anything into whoever’s hands are coordinating the
other than they follow Sidewinder’s orders and wait for procurement of these pieces of the Crown for
the pay day. potentially dire and catastrophic purposes.
- The ones that do know will not talk unless persuaded
somehow: Travel Methods available
1. Serpent Saucers located on the warehouse roof.
Using a Trait requires a successful check versus Logic check TN 12 (Piloting Trait adds Edge to
TN 14 to pry the information out. check) to gure out how to operate and y.
* Beguiling, Glibness, Interrogation, or Presence 2. SHIELD provided aircraft assuming they have
(also Intimidation is not a Trait, but a tactic that can be offered help to the PC’s or they have some
used with an Ego check) connections or clearance for such equipment.
3. Powers such as Flight or Teleportation
Chapter 3. Sunken Lemurian vessel Namor’s tone becomes more harsh, with little patience
This scenario offers high-tension negotiation for deception or weakness.
combined with the threat of combat, as well as “You dare tread in Atlantean waters, aiding those
opportunities for creative Lemurian lth? Do you think me blind to your
diplomacy. treachery? I will not tolerate any allegiance with my
enemies. Speak now, and speak truthfully, or I will
The PCs arrive and there is no sign unleash the full might of Atlantis upon you. Convince
of SHIELD at the wreck site. They me why I shouldn’t sink you where you stand.”
start investigating the wrecked 3. Serpent Crown Piece: If the PCs hint at the Serpent
Lemurian vessel deep in the ocean, Crown itself or it’s missing fragment, Namor will view it
hoping to gather more information as a potential threat and something that belongs in
and clues about the Serpent Crown Atlantis under his watchful eyes. Negotiations will likely
fragment/piece and its current involve this fact, with Namor demanding its forfeiture
whereabouts. However, their presence when found. With successful negotiation/diplomacy, he
in the underwater territories has not may offer troops and safe passage in exchange for
gone unnoticed. While combing their word that it will be returned to Atlantis once found.
through the wreckage, they are Namor (narrowing his eyes, but intrigued):
surrounded by Namor, the Sub- “Serpent Crown, you say? And what would you do with
Mariner, and a battalion of Atlantean it, should you nd it? Deliver it to your governments for
warriors. Namor, ruler of Atlantis, is study? I have seen its power rst hand and I refuse to
known for his temper and his deep let it fall into the hands of those who think themselves
mistrust of surface dwellers, especially superior—only to threaten my people further.”
those meddling in underwater affairs. The PCs now
face a high-stakes negotiation for safe passage and Negotiation Challenges:
continued access to the wreck. 1. Namor’s Pride and Temper: Namor is notoriously
• Persuasion/Diplomacy (Ego Check vs Namor’s dif cult to negotiate with due to his immense pride and
Ego Defense): PCs must convince him they had no ill quick temper. The PCs must approach the conversation
intentions. Careful diplomacy will be crucial, as Namor delicately, attering his status and recognizing
responds best to those who respect his authority while Atlantean sovereignty.
showing strength. PCs must succeed at 3 Ego checks 2. Atlantean Troops: The Atlantean soldiers
before 3 failures. Two failures in a row immediately lead accompanying Namor are ready for combat at a
to combat due to Namor’s impulsive nature. moment’s notice. Any signs of hostility from the PCs
• History (Logic check vs TN 14): If the PCs could trigger an immediate battle.
have knowledge of Atlantean or Lemurian history, they 3. Surface World Relations: Namor often perceives
could use this to appeal to Namor’s pride or shared the surface world as a threat. The PCs could leverage
rivalry with Lemuria. A successful check here gives an diplomatic or personal ties to notable surface-dwellers
Edge on any following Ego persuasion/diplomacy rolls. like the Avengers, Fantastic Four, or Wakanda
(depending on current relations with any of those
Key Points of Con ict: factions), to assure Namor that they are not enemies of
1. Trespassing: Namor considers the PCs’ presence Atlantis.
near the Lemurian wreckage as a violation of Atlantean Potential Outcomes:
territorial waters. His priority is to maintain the
sovereignty of Atlantis and its surrounding regions. 1. Diplomatic Success: If the PCs successfully
Namor: “Surface-dwellers… you dare trespass in my negotiate with Namor, they may be granted limited
domain, ri ing through the remnants of Lemurian lth access to the wreckage or safe passage out of
without my permission? Have you no respect for the Atlantean waters.
sovereignty of Atlantis? Speak quickly before I deliver Namor (softens slightly, but keeps his guard up):
swift judgment.” “Hmph. You speak with more sense than most of your
kind. Should you fail to heed your promises, Atlantis
2. Lemurian Hostility: Lemuria is a long-time rival of will know—I will know. Should you betray me, there will
Atlantis. If Namor suspects that the PCs might be be no safe haven for you under the sea or on land.”
aiding Lemurians it makes him even more suspicious of
their actions. NOTE: if the PC’s are allowed to continue searching
Namor (skeptical, crossing his arms): the wreckage a successful Logic check vs TN 14 or
“The rivalry between Atlantis and Lemuria is ancient Machine Telepathy discovers coordinates set for a
and egregious. You expect me to believe you came destination in the Paci c Ocean. Proceed to Chapter
here out of goodwill?” 5 Final Battle/Scale Island!
2. Partial Success: Namor agrees to let them leave but She continues to lead them through a series of hidden
demands that they never return to the area. passageways. At the end of a long tunnel, separating
Namor (after a tense pause, gestures to his the ocean from the tunnel shimmers a thin, translucent
guards): “Very well. You will have your chance. But membrane stretching across the tunnel’s mouth. It
remember, surface-dwellers, you tread dangerous casts shifting blue and green hues along the edges of
waters. Should you stray from your path or deceive me, the portal. This barrier is semi-permeable to air,
there will be no second chances.” Turns to his guards: keeping the ocean at bay while allowing those who step
“Let them pass. Watch them closely. One misstep, and
through to pass unharmed. As characters approach,
the mercy I’ve shown them will be their last memory.”
they can see small bubbles trapped in its surface,
3. Failure: Combat and/or Capture: If the PCs insult drifting slowly upward. A soft hum emanates from the
Namor or fail to convince him of their intentions, combat portal, and the water outside seems to ripple gently, as
will likely break out. Namor will order their capture, if the ocean itself is kept in check by an invisible,
intending to interrogate them further. pulsating force. Andromeda holds her arm bracer up
Namor: “You dare defy the king of the seas? Face my and a glyph on it starts to glow in unison with a glyph
wrath! Seize them! Let none escape the might of on the wall.
Andromeda: “This activates the Abyssal Current which
If the PC’s are defeated and captured by Namor: an will give you swift passage to the island we’ve
ally within the underwater kingdom recognizes the dire discovered Attuma is launching his plans—but make no
danger the Serpent Crown poses, not only to Atlantis mistake, if Namor learns of this, he’ll hunt you down
but to the world, and decides to help them escape. himself. Don’t waste this chance. Prove you’re worthy
Deep within the Atlantean dungeons, you nd of the trust I’m placing in you.” See “Escape Route” at
yourselves con ned in a cell, bound by enchanted the end of Chapter 4 for how the Abyssal Current
chains that negate your powers. The walls are thick and functions.
cold, lichen that glow an eerie purple line the wall of the
chamber, the sound of distant ocean currents muf ed
Chapter 4. Salvage Operation
by layers of ancient stone. The heavy, rhythmic • As you’re approaching the vicinity of the coordinates,
footsteps of Atlantean guards echo down the corridor. It you see a large ship with what appears to be very
feels hopeless—until a gure in Atlantean garb large tentacles wrapped around it. The vessel
appears, moving with purpose yet caution. appears damaged/crushed in places where the
tentacles tightly grasp its hull. You hear the screech
She approaches the PC’s cell, her face stern but her
and crackling of heavy metal as they cinch tighter
eyes determined. She quietly dispels the chains binding onto the vessel. A large head and more tentacles
them, speaking in a low, urgent tone. emerge from the water beside the ship.
Andromeda: “I don’t trust you. But I trust the Serpent
Crown and my father, Attuma, even less. Namor
doesn’t believe he is a threat and that we can secure
and control the crown when necessary, but he has
underestimated its power before—and how it poisons
those who seek it. We’ve discovered that he’s
established an enclave on an isolated island in the
Paci c Ocean. If that crown falls into the wrong hands,
it’ll bring ruin not just to Atlantis but to the surface world
too. And… I believe you may be the only ones capable
of stopping it.”
She glances over her shoulder, wary of being
discovered, then hands the PC’s a vial of seawater
imbued with Atlantean magic. • As you get closer to the scene, several men
burst out from what appears to be a hatch
Andromeda: “This will allow you to breath and survive in the creature’s head and rush onto the
the pressure of the depths without aid. It will last the deck of the vessel. Another individual
day and no more.” dressed differently, more amboyant than
the previous men steps out and starts barking
Narrator Note: If necessary at this point the vial of
orders. “Find that piece and bring it to me!”
seawater can also provide healing as if Healing
One of the other men belts out “Aye Aye
Hands power was used for 30 Focus for each PC. Commander Kraken!”
Time to Roll for Initiative! sub over three hours ago and contact was lost just
an hour before Commander Kraken and his men
Commander Kraken and crew Tactics: showed up.
1. Two henchmen accompany Commander
Kraken’s side at all times (be aware of Skulk and • As the players descend after the Kraken sub they
Interpose options for Kraken and his crewmen). come upon the ruins of an ancient city lost to the
Commander Kraken himself will not engage unless sea. As their dive lights penetrate the murkiness of
attacked rst. He will walk across the deck the depths they see a large, tentacled creature that
interrogating helpless or disabled SHIELD agents appears to be the Kraken sub in the distance oating
or crewmen to nd what he’s looking for. stationary just outside the entrance steps (X marks
Commander Kraken’s Character pro le is in the the spot) to a temple with a domed top. A Vigilance
character section at the end of this adventure Check vs TN 15 notices two large dive armor/suited
module. bodies making their way into the temple. There is
also a dive sub (X marks the spot) on the sea oor
2. Two henchmen remain onboard the Kraken ship
with its hull crushed in and ripped open.
controlling its actions. It will hold the ship in place
and use its other tentacles to smash and crush
3. Eight other henchmen attack the boarded
vessels crew (15 total crew, 8 SHIELD agents and 7
other civilian crew) with blaster ri es and swords.
• Two - Four rounds into the combat Commander
Kraken has a SHIELD agent in his clutches…
Vigilance Check TN 12 overhears the following:
Commander Kraken: “Hand it over or I’ll crush you’re
SHIELD agent: “We haven’t brought it up yet…
complications below….dive crew hasn’t returned yet…”
• At this point he drops the agent and orders his crew,
“We’re leaving…prepare to dive!” He boards his
Kraken ship with as many henchmen as he has left.
They’ll cover for him to board rst. The Kraken ship
Narrator Note: Commander Kraken
will release the SHIELD
knows the piece may be here
vessel and dive below
somewhere as he’s heard through
devious underworld and oceanic
• In order to follow the connections and is looking for a pay
Kraken ship, the PC’s day upon its procurement and the
will need some aquatic subsequent auction he plans. He will
diving equipment if not risk permanent damage to his
they’re not capable of sub or his own life….his crewmen
breathing or surviving however he’ll gladly toss away to help
underwater. The PC’s his escape if he’s compromised. He
can be directed to some remains on the Kraken sub with his
SHIELD tech diving gear. crewmen while he sends two others
For game purposes, out in deep sea armor to nd and
putting on the dive suits fetch his prize.
and equipment puts
them about 10 minutes
• The PC’s can choose to engage the Kraken sub or
attempt to avoid the situation and move into the
behind the Kraken sub
ruins. It requires a successful Agility check vs its
descending below. The
pilots Vigilance defense of 10 to escape notice. If
remaining crew will let
they’re unsuccessful then the Kraken sub engages
them know that what
the PC’s and attacks with its extreme reach.
they’re looking for is
almost directly below
allegedly amongst some sunken ruins. Allegedly
somewhere within a temple sanctuary. A dive team
of two agents and three techs went down in a mini-
• Once the PC’s have dealt with the Kraken sub or 3. Bloodtide and Man O War both add range and
have managed to sneak past it into the temple they extreme reach if that becomes necessary for
nd the two men in the armored suits laying at the combat against range focused PC’s. Bloodtide
feet of some imposing gures. maintains her distance and utilizes her water
control powers to her advantage. Bloodtide may
also summon recently deceased zombie sharks
within this vicinity for additional combat support.
Man O War engages to shock and subdue with its
tentacles and Electricity based attacks.
• If the PC’s are victorious, and Orka has escaped, it
should be obvious based on Orka’s earlier statement
that they must decide how to get to Scale Island
where his other teammates have taken the Serpent
Crown piece to.
• If the PC’s are defeated, then Orka boasts of his
prowess “None can stand against the might of
Orka, Tiger Shark and King Crab stand triumphant and
Orka! Come and let us join Attuma on Scale
glare at any PC’s that enter the temple (Bloodtide is
eerily lurking in the corner of the temple…Vigilance Island to complete the ritual.”and then leaves
them to drown and die on the ocean oor. Any PC
check vs TN 14 to notice her). Orka kicks one of the
can make a Vigilance check vs TN 14 to overhear
armored pirates aside stirring up some ocean silt from
his boast just before they lose consciousness. A
the temple oor. He takes a step towards the PC’s
Fantastic success notices several gures swimming
pointing a large anchor in their direction and states the
quickly towards your location as Orka and his team
swiftly departs and your consciousness fades
“You too have come to claim the sacred piece of the completely. Go to Chapter 3, However, this is now a
Crown! We’ve already beat you to it and as we speak negotiation to be freed from the Atlanteans who have
the others will ensure it is delivered to our Lord Attuma now captured the PC’s as their scouts had swam
on Scale Island. You’ll only nd a crushing defeat in upon the aftermath of this con ict.
these depths at our hands!”
“Escape Route”:
Time to Roll for Initiative!
(Depending on the Rank and amount of PC’s adjust • The Abyssal Current is a legendary deep-sea
the following and all accumulatively): super current. This current runs through some of the
ocean’s most treacherous depths. It’s almost invisible
1. 5 Rank 3 PC’s add Man O’War to the combatants to the naked eye, a rushing, pulsing current of water
2. 4 Rank 4 PC’s add 5 points to the rst ve
infused with energy that only those attuned to the
Ability scores (MARVE) of each villain. Adjust
ocean’s rhythms can sense and activate. It ows with
Health and Focus scores accordingly. Don’t add
such velocity that it can carry anyone who enters it
any powers, just utilize the few speci c ones
faster than nearly any known form of underwater
they’ll always use.
3. 5 Rank 4 PC’s add Echidna to the combatants propulsion. Those who know how to tap into its
power can travel across entire oceans in minutes.
Enemy Combat Tactics: Orka activates the Abyssal Current with a piece of
1. Orka, Tiger Shark and King Crab are all brute Atlantean technology, an ancient glyph on a wrist
force combatants. They look to close distance and bracer that vibrates to reveal the current’s exact path.
engage in physical combat. They’re not very bright If this happens while the PC’s are sill engaged in
and will not develop any thought out strategy for battle a Vigilance check vs TN 16 is needed to
battle. notice the activation happening. As he enters the
current, Orka is instantly swept away. The PC’s have
2. Orka will use his Animal Communication to call
a maximum of 5 rounds to defeat any remaining
in whale (use Zombie Shark stats) reinforcements if
villains before the Abyssal Current energy dissipates
necessary. They can either attack or be used as a
and no longer allows them to follow Orka into it. If
distraction to allow Orka to escape. Orka wouldn’t
normally run from a ght but he’s Attuma’s right they fail to defeat them in time they can make a
hand man for this adventure and he knows how Vigilance check vs TN 14 to notice similar bracers
important he is to his plans. If reduced to 1/3 Health on the remaining enemies with glowing glyphs that
or lower he attempts to escape. PC’s may use the fade as the energy from the current fades away.
opportunity to follow him. See “Escape Route” Logic check vs TN 15 to gure out and utilize them
Chapter 5. Finale Battle/Scale Island! At its base, an army of Snake-Men has gathered, their
As the PCs break the ocean’s surface after emerging ranks stretching across the clearing like a living tide of
from the Abyssal Current or arrive via another method scales and fangs. Hundreds of Snake-Men stand
of travel, they nd themselves at the edge of Scale mesmerized, gazing up at Attuma in reverence. Their
Island, shrouded in an unnatural mist that clings to the hisses and chants form a sinister harmony, growing
rocky shores like a living thing. The air is heavy with louder as the PCs approach. The PCs presence causes
humidity, carrying the faint scent of decay and brine. an immediate ripple of unease through the gathered
The beach is jagged and desolate, strewn with the Snake-Men. Hisses grow louder as the closest
remnants of ancient shipwrecks—rotting timbers and creatures turn toward the
rusted metal half-buried in blackened sand. intruders.
Beyond the beach, the silhouettes of massive serpent
statues loom at the jungle island’s edge, their heads
angled toward the ziggurat rising in the distance. An
oppressive energy seems to press down on the PCs,
making every step inward toward the center of the
island feel like a descent into an alien world.

The Path Through the Horde

The PCs must decide how to navigate the massive
crowd of Snake-Men between them and the ziggurat:
1. Wading Through the Masses:
If the PCs charge directly, they nd themselves
surrounded by countless Snake-Men (see “ENTER
THE FRAY!”). The creatures don’t ght as an
organized force; instead, they lash out instinctively,
clawing and biting. The PCs must cut a swath through
the horde, facing waves of attackers while fending off
attempts to pull them down.
Before them lies a large Ziggurat, an ancient, towering 2. Stealth and Distraction:
structure carved with serpentine motifs The PCs might attempt to use powers to create a
and etched with glowing, otherworldly diversion, sneak past or draw away the bulk of the
runes. At its apex stands Attuma, an Snake-Men. For example, Illusions, Invisibility, or area
imposing gure transformed by the affect powers (ex: Ground-Shaking Stomp, Elemental
Serpent Crown. His once-Atlantean Barrage, etc…) to scatter some of the horde
form is now a horri c hybrid of temporarily, giving the PCs a narrow window to push
warrior and serpent. His skin is forward.
now a scaly bluish green and his 3. Flight or Teleportation:
eyes glow a hypnotic gold. The PCs that attempt to y directly to the top are
Serpent Crown seems fused to immediately met by a swarm of winged Snake-men
his head, tendrils of energy snaking who take ight also and attempt to stop them (see
down his shoulders like glowing “ENTER THE FRAY!”). PCs that teleport anywhere
veins. He holds his massive trident- near the top of the ziggurat are attacked by Attuma
sword crackling with venomous immediately or by any henchmen that are left from
energy, and his booming voice previous encounters that stand in his defense.
carries over the crowd.
“Bow before the true master of the Serpent
Crown! Witness the rebirth of a new world, where
mortals shall kneel before the serpent’s power!
From here we will release Lord Set upon this
dimension, back where he belongs and is destined
to rule!”
“ENTER THE FRAY!”: 2. Orka and Echidna will engage troublesome PC’s
with brute force ferocity. They attempt to take
• In order to navigate through the horde of Snake- out the toughest looking opponents rst, but
men, each PC must make it through 3 successful they’ll switch to any PC causing too much
Dif cult TN checks. Once they do so they have trouble when necessitated.
fully advanced their way to the top of the 3. Bloodtide tends to hang back and utilize ranged
Ziggurat and can engage Attuma and his attacks to keep PCs at bay from a distance.
henchmen. 4. If even more foes are needed you could add in
Man O War and King Crab or even Snake-men
1. Melee Check ghts their way through the Shaman with magical or telepathic powers to
horde. add a different battle dynamic.
2. Agility Check leaps and dodges their way
through the horde. If the PCs Succeed in Defeating Attuma:
3. Any Successful use of a power (attack
made versus the Dif cult TN) or failed The battle reaches its crescendo as the nal blow lands
check by the horde against a power (for on Attuma, his trident sword clattering to the ground.
instance failed check vs. an Illusion) counts The mighty warlord collapses, a de ant snarl frozen on
as one success to move past the horde. his face as his body crumples beneath his arrogance.
4. Any failed check results in the PC With Attuma defeated, the portal begins to destabilize—
automatically suffering M x 4 damage from its once-glowing surface ickering as the connection to
a Melee Sharp attack. This represents the Set’s realm wavers.
slashing claws and teeth of the snake-men.
The portal implodes with a deafening roar, the sickly
As the PCs ascend to the top tier, they nd themselves
green light replaced by calm darkness. A palpable
face-to-face with Attuma, the crown’s full power
silence falls over the battle eld as the threat of Set’s
coursing through him. Behind him, a massive swirling
arrival dissipates. Though exhausted and battered, the
portal begins to form, seemingly summoning the
heroes stand victorious, having averted an apocalyptic
colossal serpent avatar Set from another plane.
disaster. They stand victorious, but they know the
Time to Roll for Initiative! shadow of Set lingers, and his followers will not give up
(Depending on the Rank and amount of PC’s adjust so easily.
the following and all accumulatively):
If the PCs Fail:
1. 4 Rank 3 PC’s Attuma is solo but every round a
random PC has to deal with another horde of The battle falters as Attuma strikes the decisive blow or
Snake-men swarming up the ziggurat at them or outlasts the heroes’ efforts. With a triumphant roar, he
ying around them. This requires only one turns to the portal, now fully opened. The ground
successful Dif cult TN check to defeat and shudders as a massive, serpentine form begins to
they’re occupied with the horde until they slither through. Set’s many heads emerge, each hissing
succeed. with malice and divine fury. His presence alone corrupts
2. 5 Rank 3 PC’s then Orka is present to defend the air, turning it heavy and oppressive.
Attuma as well as the above scenario.
3. 4 Rank 4 PC’s add Echidna in addition to Orka The PCs, if they survive, are left to witness their failure
to the battle. Add 1 Rank of ability scores and —a broken land overrun by Set’s in uence. The world
damage modi ers to them both up to Rank 4. will soon be plunged into the darkness of Set’s
4. 5 Rank 4 PC’s add Bloodtide in addition to Orka destructive nature and in uence, and the weight of their
and Echidna to the battle. Add 1 Rank of ability failure becomes the burden they must bear moving
scores and damage modi ers to all of them up forward.
to Rank 4.
This could lead to a follow up adventure where the
Enemy Combat Tactics:
heroes level up, search for more powerful help/
1. Attuma will use his actions each turn to blast
teammates and or a magguf n to battle Set and return
foes at a distance with Bolts of Balthakk (either
him to his prison dimension.
focused through his Trident sword for thematics
or the crown itself!). He will engage PC’s that
get within closer range with physical attacks or
Telekinetically Grab and Crush multiple
opponents (see Serpent Crown). He will save a
Reaction for Energy Absorption (if he needs
more Focus) or Telekinetic Protection 3.
Use Zombie Shark pro le for Orka’s summoned killer whales as
well as war sharks Namor could have accompanying his
Improvised Weapons or Objects for Combat :
1. Leaning/fallen Temple Columns or stone slabs
2. Metal/Wooden pieces/planks/masts/cannons from
sunken boats
3. Rocky Sea oor/Debris: Stone slabs, Coral or
Volcanic Rock
4. Chains or Anchors
5. Kelp/Seaweed/Fishing Nets

Underwater Hazards* for Combat:

1. Strong Currents [Elemental Push/Force]

2. Thermal Vents: Superheated water or toxic gases
erupting from hydrothermal vents can cause burns
or poison characters [Elemental Burst/Toxin]
3. Disturbed sediment during battle [Dazzle]
4. Kelp/Seaweed [Webcasting]
5. Exploding Ordinance: Unexploded mines or *Underwater Hazards are optional and can be used
torpedoes from old naval battles can detonate during for additional environmental avor and descriptive
story support.
combat [SuperNova (affects all within 10 spaces)]
6. Underwater Volcanoes: Sudden eruptions can create
deadly shockwaves, scalding heat, and falling
debris. [Elemental Burst/Fire or Ground-Shaking

Treat these hazards as random attacks of the

appropriate type at a Rank 3 (Use Danger Room rules
from X-men Expansion)
Additional NPC options for random encounters or
additional combat and role-play opportunities use
as necessary:

Unmarked Warehouse and upstairs

of ces battlemap and additional maps for
underwater temple and Scale Island
Ziggurat provided on the following page.
You can nd these even more options for
maps at Chthulu Architect and Tom
Cartos on Patreon with varying options
for subscriptions.

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