Drowned Mariners - The Homebrewery
Drowned Mariners - The Homebrewery
Drowned Mariners - The Homebrewery
he black tides of death leave some evils Oceanic Apparitions
unclaimed, the curse-bound and bloody- # Apparition Description
minded too wretched to accept even that grim 1 Crimson Shadows glow a dull crimson in the
reprieve. Upon the cruelest of seas these Shadows moonlight.
sickened souls sail their derelict hulks,
hounded by slimy fog and murderous wave, by 2 Dead A mouldering barrel full of madness-
witchfire and rimefrost, their starving lungs Letters addled letters addressed to the long-dead
and parched hearts sustained only by the spite that shackles bobs up from beneath the waves.
them. 3 Fata Illusory islands, ships and beacons appear
Morgana on the horizon, or real ones are cloaked
Drowned Mariner Lore from view.
Arcana 15: Crews of drowned mariners are often 4 Fog Wall A solid wall of inscrutable fog rises from
the sea. Wind and currents flatly refuse to
encountered sailing beyond the bounds of the materia; carry ships into or through it.
through the Deep Ethereal, the Astral Sea, the Elemental
Plane of Water, the Shadowsea, and beyond. 5 Haunting Grinding, groaning, keening, or scratching
Though these spectral crews echo the purposes they knew Melody noises reverberate across the sea,
sometimes forming intelligible words.
in life, their deathless suffering inevitably turns them cruel
and hateful as the tides and centuries wear at their souls. 6 Lying Skies The stars appear warped and displaced;
History DC 5: The sudden violence of the sea spawns compasses and other wayfinding devices
haunting spirits aplenty, and their evil mischief spawns many become aimless and erratic.
more. Ships leaving port must always weigh whether the 7 Rogue A lone, titanic wave crashes through
protection offered by a cleric passenger is worth the ire that Waves otherwise calm seas.
may be drawn. 8 Slimy Seas The ocean's surface becomes choked
History DC 10: Strange phenomena at sea are often a sign with rot, thickening to the point where a
that spirits are near, perhaps stalking a ship's passage from Small creature can stand upon it.
deep beneath the waves. Though casting offerings of strong 9 Uneasy Ships lurch and buck against wind and
drink and bawdy books may appease these haunts, Motion current, moving as though towed from
Religion DC 15: Seagoing folk of all kinds must maintain a deep below.
working knowledge of curses, as any shift in the tides of fate
at sea is likely to be fatal. Those who die shackled by such 10 Witchfires Multicolored, heatless flames flicker
across the waves, clinging to vessels and
curses are bound to the sea by deeper ties than those of most slithering up their sides.
land-bound spirits, and return eternally unless granted
respite by a creature who
bears a curse on their behalf.
Drogskol Captain
Peter Mohrbacher
Drowned Conscript Tactics Associated Monsters
While able to pass through and emerge from the earth with Corpse-Candle Wisp
no fear of damage due to the interaction between the Minion Ghost Ship
trait and Incorporeal Movement, drowned conscripts typically Griptide
avoid doing so, rarely ever leaving sight of the sea. They do, Harpy Siren
however, often initiate attacks by passing through the lower Huecuva
reaches of a ship's hull, or by swooping in through a ceiling. Hungry Fog
If they have a Frightened target available, they virtually Lacedon Ghoul
always prefer to use their Ghastly Pangs over attacking, Moon Wraith
particularly if they can affect two or more creatures. Necromancer Wraithcaller
Nereid Fisher-of-Man
Drowned Crewmate Tactics Seamaw Vortex
Drowned crewmates typically stalk ships for several hours or Ship Mimic
days before attacking, waking sleeping creatures to afflict Shipwreck Golem
Wastrilith Krasis
them with a Mariners' Curse, then quickly fleeing into the
sea. Mariner's Curses
They initiate raids upon ships typically when land is out of # Curse Description
sight; either in the dead of night or at the peak of foul
weather. 1 Curse of the Creatures with a swim speed become
Black Spot irrationally hostile toward the cursed
They rarely try for surprise, instead they lurk at the edges creature, and can sense its presence
of vision cloaked by fog or darkness and use their Ghastly from up to a mile away.
Glare, targeting whichever creature is nearest the most
Drowned Conscripts or their Drowned Captain; they close to 2 Curse of the Roiling, heavy mists rise from open
Boiling waters within 100 feet of the creature,
melee and fight directly once one of their number is slain, or Doom heavily obscuring all vision beyond a 15
if raiding on land (in which case they fight much as Drowned foot radius for creatures in the area.
Conscripts do).
3 Curse of the The creature requires concentration to
Breathless hold its breath, and wind fails to propel
Drowned Captain Tactics Sails any ship the creature is onboard.
Drowned captains tend to stay out of sight and bide their 4 Curse of the Creatures the cursed creature can see
time until combat is well underway, waiting for a moment Deadman's subtract 1 from Death saving throws
when all salient threats are bound in melee and they have an Eye they make.
available target for their Blood-Thick Chill. 5 Curse of the The creature must drink twice as much
While they use their Blood-Thick Chill on the nearest Dust-Dry water to stave off exhaustion, and
Frightened creature whenever available, they generally direct Heart becomes indifferent to the suffering of
their melee attacks at Curse-afflicted characters, particularly its allies.
those illuminated by moonlight, trying to kill them and trigger 6 Curse of the While at sea, the creature is unaffected
the captain's Press Gang reaction. Godless Seas by any divine magic that would end a
They use their Wicked Whispers against allied Drowned condition affecting it, and regains the
Crewmates early in a fight, either to get those who are minimum amount of hit points from any
unlikely to survive another turn to safety or to allow those in healing magic.
melee to make an attack. As allies begin to fall, they prefer to 7 Curse of the While swimming, the creature sinks 20
use their Deny Rest on any fallen Drowned Crewmates to Shackled feet at the beginning of each of its turns.
ensure they have allies available for their Damned Anchor
Resistance. As their allies become more injured, they switch 8 Curse of the The creature's face fades from the
to using it against enemies, particularly Cursed ones they Stranger's memory of those who know it; it has
intend to recruit. Face disadvantage on checks made to
When reduced below 30 hit points, they flee, blocking convince others of its identity.
pursuit with their Incorporeal Movement and using their 9 Curse of the While awake at night, the creature must
Wicked Whispers on themself for further protection against Watch-Weary succeed on a DC 10 Constitution check
reprisal. If killed and revived, they seek revenge whenever at the end of each hour or fall asleep.
their killer (or their killer's descendants) set out to sea, but do While asleep, the creature sleepwalks,
not pursue them beyond sight of the shore. suffers terrible nightmares, and may
attack its allies.
10 Curse of the Foul weather follows the creature for as
Wave-Chased long as it remains at sea.
Drowned Conscript Drowned Crewmate
Medium undead, chaotic evil Medium undead, chaotic evil
1 (-5) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 1 (-5) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1)
Minion. If the conscript takes damage from an Damned Crew. If the crewmate's captain is
attack or as the result of a failed saving throw, its destroyed, it gains one point of Exhaustion at the
hit points are reduced to 0. If the conscript takes beginning of each of its turns.
damage from another effect, it dies if the damage
equals or exceeds its hit point maximum, otherwise Incorporeal Movement. The crewmate can move
it takes no damage. through other creatures and objects as if they were
difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it
Damned Conscript. If the crewmate's captain is ends its turn inside an object.
destroyed, the conscript is reduced to 0 hit points Spectral Weapons. The crewmate's attacks treat all
at the end of its next turn. creatures as unarmored (an unarmored creature's
Incorporeal Movement. The crewmate can move AC is usually 10 plus its Dexterity modifier.)
through other creatures and objects as if they were
difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it Actions
ends its turn inside an object. Ghostlit Pike. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
Spectral Weapons. The crewmate's attacks treat all reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d10 + 3) slashing
creatures as unarmored (an unarmored creature's damage plus 7 (2d6) necrotic damage.
AC is usually 10 plus its Dexterity modifier.)
Ghastly Glare (Recharge 4-6). One creature the
Actions crewmate can see within 60 feet must succeed on
a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or be Frightened
Cadaverous Blades (Group Attack). Melee Weapon until the end of the crewmate's next turn.
Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4
slashing damage. An already Frightened creature that fails this saving
throw additionally takes 22 (4d10) psychic
Ghastly Pangs. The conscript moves up to its speed damage.
in a straight line without provoking opportunity
attacks, dealing 3 necrotic damage to each Reactions
Frightened creature whose space it moves through Drifting Apparition. When the crewmate is hit with a
in this way. melee attack, it can move up to half its speed
without provoking opportunity attacks.
Mariners' Curse (1/Day). When an Unconscious
creature the crewmate can see within 30 feet
awakens, the crewmate can force it to succeed on a
DC 12 Charisma saving throw or be Cursed with a
random effect from the Mariners' Curses table until
it steps upon dry land.
Drowned Captain Moonglare Cutlass. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) slashing
Medium undead, chaotic evil
damage plus 7 (2d6) necrotic damage.
Armor Class 14 This attack has advantage if its target is at least Dimly
Hit Points 178 (21d8 + 84) Lit by moonlight.
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover)
Blood-Thick Chill. One creature the captain can see
within 60 feet must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA saving throw or be Frightened until the end of the
captain's next turn.
1 (-5) 19 (+4) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 18 (+4)
An already Frightened creature that fails this saving
Damage Immunities Poison throw additionally takes 27 (6d8) cold damage and is
Damage Resistances Necrotic; Bludgeoning, Piercing, Dazed for the same duration.
and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks
Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Reactions
Grappled, Paralyzed, Petrified, Poisoned, Prone, Drifting Apparition. When the captain is hit with a melee
Restrained, Turned attack, it can move up to half its speed without
Senses Darkvision 60 ft. (penetrates obscuring fog), provoking opportunity attacks.
Passive Perception 10
Languages the languages it knew in life Press-Gang. When a Cursed living creature the captain
Challenge 10 (5,800 XP) can see within 30 feet dies, it can immediately raise
the creature as a Drowned Crewmate.
Damned Resistance. If the captain is reduced to 0 hit At the beginning of each of the raised creature's turns,
points, it can reduce one friendly Drowned Crewmate it it must succeed on a DC 10 Charisma saving throw or
can see within 30 feet to 0 hit points. be Dominated by the captain until the beginning of its
next turn.
If it does, the captain is instead reduced to 1 hit point
and can end all Conditions affecting it. After three failed saving throws, this Domination lasts
until dispelled.
Incorporeal Movement. The crewmate can move
through other creatures and objects as if they were Legendary Actions
difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it
ends its turn inside an object. The captain can take 2 legendary actions, choosing
from the options below.
Spectral Weapons. The captain's attacks treat all
creatures as unarmored (an unarmored creature's AC is Deny Rest. The captain restores one Drowned Conscript
usually 10 plus its Dexterity modifier.) or Drowned Crewmate within 60 feet that died in the
Cursed Return. When the captain is killed, each living last minute to undeath with 11 hit points.
creature within 60 feet is Cursed with a random effect Wicked Whispers. The captain echoes forth a profane
from the Mariners' Curses table until it steps upon dry and tyrannous command, dealing 7 (2d6) psychic
land. damage to a creature within 30 feet that can hear it.
If each of those creatures dies or has its curse If the target is undead, it can use its reaction either to
removed, the captain and its crew are restored to make a melee attack or turn to mist and disappear,
undeath at the next full moon in the ocean where they reappearing at the beginning of its next turn in an
first died. unoccupied space within 30 feet of where it departed.
Goblin by
Rae Elderidge